#fic: sparks series
random-writerings · 4 months
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OC Birthdays → Jayla Clark
Name: Jayla Clark
Alias: Flare
Birthday: 20 February 1938
Place of birth: New York
Star Sign: Pisces - compassionate, empathetic, trusting, wise, generous, adaptable
Birthstone: Amethyst - wisdom, sincerity, peace, intuition, stability, dreams
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cryingabtab · 2 months
Save Me A Spark - Part 15
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Warnings: A little bit of angst, drinking
Pairing: Austin Butler x Cassie Hale (OFC)
Word Count: 1.1k
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this took so long. I think I’m back. <3
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“Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art.” ~ Kurt Cobain
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A few hours after her phone call with Austin, Cassie emerged out of the guest bedroom. Her hair was a mess, sticking out every which way and knotted. A true rat's nest. Her face was puffy, her eyes rubbed raw from wiping tears away. Dark circles surrounded her eyes and the whites of her eyes were red as could be. She looked exhausted. Defeated. Her friends sat in the living room, music playing from the TV’s speakers as they talked amongst themselves. They all turned to look at her as she walked into the room and sat down with them. She said nothing as she took the soft, chunky knit throw blanket off of the back of the couch and wrapped it around herself.
“Hey, Cass,” Rory greeted softly. Her voice was gentle despite the boiling rage she felt because some incompetent man made her best friend feel this way.
“Hi,” Cassie whispered, leaning back into the couch as she looked at her friends.
“How ya feelin’?”
Cassie responded with a simple shrug, her gaze falling into her lap.
Ash spoke up next. “We were just about to order some pizza. Any specific toppings you want?”
Cassie shrugged again. “Just not pineapple.”
Ash nodded, “Pepperoni?” Cassie gave a quick, single nod of approval.
Cassie pulled her phone from her pocket and opened the notes app before passing it to Rory. “I wrote this if you guys wanna read it. It’s a new song,” she murmured. “Also, can we get drunk? I wanna get drunk.”
“We can,” Hazel said with a hesitant sigh. “I think you’d be better off drinking some water, though.” She knew that Cassie would still drink if she really wanted to, and knew that her suggestion would fall upon deaf ears. The best she could hope for was that Cassie would at least rehydrate a little bit before picking up a bottle.
Cassie groaned as she pushed herself off the couch, slipping out of the comfortable warmth that the chunky throw had provided. “Fine. I’ll have some water,” she grumbled. “But after that, I’m getting hammered.”
“Thank you,” Hazel called as Cassie shuffled into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
Rory was still holding Cassie’s phone. She didn’t want to read the song, not while she was already so wound up from the day’s events. It would only make her angrier. And if she got angrier, she knew that it would be all she would be able to talk about. If that happened, she wouldn’t be able to be there for Cassie like she wanted to be. Rory pressed the side button and watched as the screen turned black, then set it down on the blanket.
Cassie plopped down on the couch a moment later, taking a huge swig out of her water bottle. She looked over at Rory, “Did you read it?”
“I’ll read it later. Promise,” Rory held up her pinky finger. The two linked pinkies and Cassie went back to guzzling down her water.
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An hour and several slices of pizza later, Cassie sipped on a wine glass filled to the brim with her favorite red. Well, she wasn’t exactly sipping. The glass was empty in less than five minutes. She grabbed the bottle to pour another, then decided against it. Instead, she brought the bottle to her lips and took a large swig.
“Jesus, Cass,” breathed Ash. “Pace yourself. Remember that time you had to get your stomach pumped?”
Cassie sighed through her nose and set the bottle on the counter. “Yeah, but that was Four Loko. This is wine.”
“I mean, yeah.” She had a point. “But it’s still alcohol and you aren’t in your right mind. Pace yourself.” Ash sighed as she opened a white claw.
Cassie grabbed the bottle again and walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch. She was beginning to feel the warm buzz from the alcohol, and it was a welcome distraction from the overwhelming hurt she’d felt all day. She reached forward where the remote sat on the coffee table and turned off the music that was playing. Groans of protest were heard from her friends, but soon stopped as she turned on Criminal Minds.
She set the remote back down and kicked her feet up, with a small smile on her face as she took another swig from the bottle of red she was holding.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Hazel hummed out from beside her. “But why?”
“Just refreshing myself on what not to do,” Cassie said stoically, not moving her eyes from the screen. “That, and this show has some serious eye candy.”
Rory scooted closer to Cassie and rested her legs on her lap. “You’re telling me. I need Prentiss more than I need air.”
Cassie leaned into Rory, “But Hotch, though? Oh my lord.”
“You two are terrible,” Hazel scoffed jokingly, shaking her head.
“Says the girl who watches Reid edits on TikTok…daily,” Ash chimed in from the kitchen.
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Austin sat exhausted on a flight back to Cincinnati. During his time back in LA, he had finished all the press events and interviews that he had needed to attend. However, he was going back earlier than scheduled. After realizing that the remainder of his time in LA would have been meetings that could easily be accomplished via Zoom, he was packed and ready to go. Of course, his team wasn’t too happy with his decision, but in the end, they worked for him. And he had important things to take care of. After what had happened, some of them wouldn’t even be working for him anymore.
He stared out the plane’s window and watched as the clouds passed by. His puffy eyes squinted against the bright, setting sun. Once he was seeing a concerning amount of sunspots in his vision, he slid the window covering shut and leaned his head against it. His early flight back was completely impulsive. He had a few days before he had to be back on set, which meant he had a few full days to attempt to win Cassie back. And he didn’t even have a plan.
The best he could think of was to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness. But he was almost positive that it wouldn’t work. Rory’s words repeated in his mind like a mantra.
“She is broken. When that passes, she’s gonna be furious. So count your fucking days.”
Then he remembered his last conversation with Cassie, and how she ended the call angrily telling him to stay away from her. He winced at the memory, hunching over to hold his face in his hands. He pinched the bridge of his nose to keep from crying for the nth time that day. She already seemed furious. He just hoped that it wasn’t too late to try. He hoped that he wasn’t too late to help pick up her broken pieces. He hoped that he could do something, anything, to get her to change her mind.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #58
You know that trope where a rogue sorcerer knocks Peter's astral form out of his body during a fight, and Tony finds him and thinks Peter's dead? Fic where the roles are reversed: Tony's astral form is knocked from his body, and Peter is the one to find him there. Tony has to watch from the astral plane, completely helpless, as Peter breaks down worse than he has ever seen. The kid is holding onto him and sobbing. (Bonus if he's saying something like: "Not you too, not you too," and Tony realizes he's also thinking about Ben.)
Somehow the other Avengers get Peter away. In some of the Peter fics, Tony carries Peter's body from the battlefield back onto the jet. Peter is definitely strong enough that he could do that too, if he still couldn't bear to let go. Tony follows them all onto the jet, still invisible in his astral form. He sees the shock and grief in his team, and it's more than he was expecting, but nothing is as bad as watching Peter stare down at his motionless body, believing that he's just lost another father.
Back at base, Dr. Strange shows up for some reason and realizes what's going on. He does the big reveal / sudden fix and gets Tony back into his body again. The first thing Tony does is reach out for his kid, who is immediately hugging him so tight and breaking down.
Extra points if the dad thing is explicitly stated, either with Peter calling him Dad or with the Avengers understanding the whole time that this is Tony's son.
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campbyler · 9 months
So anyway I just now realized that acswy is part of a series because I’m dumb and I don’t understand how to work ao3. Also one of the fics in the series is part of another series but I can’t find the rest of said other series?
Would you be willing to explain?
(Lol this fix may or may not have gotten me back into fanfiction again so thanks)
ok well first of all we are so touched that our silly little fic has gotten you back into fic reading! there have definitely been fics like that for me over the years when i was a less active reader so that is such high praise, thank you! as for your question, i’m assuming you mean andi’s fic “you know that i caught it” which is part of both the acswy series and also a series i think she did for byler week back in the spring? if i’m understanding your question right her other series is entirely unrelated to acswy and is just a collection of works for that event but it should be linked at the top of the fic right alongside where the link to our series is!
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if that’s not what you’re asking then it’s def on me for misinterpreting so feel free to clarify later but i hope this helps? maybe?
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I was reminded recently of how much I loved the Moon Knight SG Poster series and so I thought I’d take a crack at the style and make some posters for my own MK fanfic series, Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind. Consider these the official posters of my very official fic series ;). 
[Image ID:  First Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'The Absence Of Fear', the first fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre nearing the top there is a circle which has been made to represent a simple shield; the shield is cracked in the top right corner, and at its centre are two silhouettes, one of Steven who is facing us and is dark grey, and one of Marc, who is facing away but looking back over his shoulder, and is a lighter grey. Steven has a black line over his eyes, and there are more black lines across the shield, imitating black out poetry. Above the shield are stars and constellations (Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Ursa Minor, Pisces and Cygnus). Under the shield is a white pigeon to the left and a pile of books to the right. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Second Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In the Absent Place' , the second fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series . The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre there is a white house that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the house sits the black silhouette Steven at his computer, the light of which beams out behind him and lights up the edges of Jake's white silhouette which merges into the house. He is reaching out to Steven, and behind him Khonshu—who is a black silhouette and merges with the black background—has a hand on Jake's shoulder, with the tendrils of his costumes also reaching out to Steven. Above all of them is the dial and display of a old time radio. Above the house is a grey circle that has rain cometing through it. The roof of the house is shaped like a pyramid, and there is a sword going into it, which has a handle that is in the shape of Khonshu's ushabti. Around the circle is a scattering of Scrabble letter which spell out 'DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT STEVEN'. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Third image:  A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In Your Absence', the third fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre of the poster there is a white round fishbowl that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the fishbowl is a layer of sand, upon which is a black sarcophagus; a poppy grows out from its stomach. Standing to the right of the sarcophagus is Steven, who is looking over to the distant silhouette of the house, which is the same shape as the one shown in the Absent Place poster. Inside the house are four doors at different heights, one of which is open. Above the fishbowl are two white goldfish swimming through a scattering of forget-me-not flowers. Below the poster is a black goldfish swimming in the opposite direction of the other fish and who is followed by a trail of black shards. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written. Note: The white at the bottom of all these images flow together to create a seamless flow between the posters. /. End ID]
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drakulana · 4 months
i may or may not be writing something about a special one piece boy that aligns w this song 🤭🫣
might be very angsty...and toxic tehe
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fawndlyvenus · 7 months
Ok, because I need the kick in the ass to get this ball rolling, my idea thus far for the BigTay Vampire fic I have in mind.
This is a prequel of sorts to the other KimChay fic I was working on. (That was gonna be for Halloween before shit hit.) But basically it goes like so:
Tay and Time break up. It’s nasty. Like they’ve been together for a long time, and Tay only stayed because he felt like he had to. We’ll Time didn’t take the idea of Tay walking away too kindly. (Something something “Time did it mainly because of his family” something something.) And so as protection, Kinn gives Tay a bodyguard.
Enter Big. Now our boy has been hiding his feelings for Kinn for AGES, but Kinn is a vampire and his boss. Big is just a bodyguard and a human. Kinn is in his ‘Post-Tawan phase’ and isn’t looking at anymore humans anymore as potential love interests. (Tawan was just wanting Kinn for immortality, and Kinn figured shit out.)
So Big is now heartbroken and Tay is now heartbroken. And the two of them are at the moment of “I am just a job/doing my job, so let’s just coexist as best we can.” And trying to lick their wounds while healing. (It’s messy and not fun.) And something something finding healing with each other, but not them healing each other. Like they start to make each other smile and laugh for the first time in a while. Or feel seen and important for the first time in a while.
And then cut to them eventually catching feelings, and the chaos that ensues from that. I also have a hidden little thing of Tay being compared to a snake by Time/People, and him turning that into a strength and twisting that to make it his own power. And let’s just say Big sees Tay dressed up one day, and he is not doing well. Tay has no right, ok? Big is fighting for his life.
And that’s all I really have atm. It’s not super thought out, and will need so much work to get everything smoothed out, but yeah. There it be. @mortimerlatrice I hope this was a bit of your cup of tea.
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musiclover2732 · 5 months
The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey did so much for us as a society but also me specifically. every word of it is stellar, an absolute banger from start to finish. i actually first heard it back in 2017 in a Hamilton animatic and then a Votron one before finding the original music video which was equally awesome. we need more zombie songs. i need more zombie songs. someone please point me in the direction of more songs like this.
(this goes without saying but content warning for gore in the video)
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llettucestuff · 8 months
This was supposed to be a short thing about a hc I have where Chase’s frame is a bit colder than normal, and Heatwave’s a bit warmer. Instead, this kind of derailed and became… whatever this is. It’s very self-indulgent and probably a little OOC lol. This particular fic has Chase and Heatwave as Amica Endura’s btw, but I won’t always write them like that.
ALSO I haven’t written for Transformers in like, a REALLY long time so please excuse any missed terminology :]
ALSO ALSO Chase is kinda inspired by @/delkios HCs here on tumblr from like 2016, and this series on AO3, which is also inspired by delkios. More on that in the tags. Enjoy!
Chase muses about the general nuances between him and his Amica, and their overall relationship in relation to Griffon Rock.
Or, Chase runs cold. Heatwave runs hot. They make it work.
Despite his core temperature being at an optimal point for functioning, Chase still ran decidedly cold, through no fault of his own. He’d been that way ever since he was a sparkling, sitting in front of heaters trying to warm up his endlessly cool servos and pedes, never really feeling truly warm, servos always either burning hot or in their natural state of permanent cold.
His Amica, the mech after Chase’s own spark, on the other hand, ran hot like an earth furnace. Chase recalls being told various stories of Heatwave trying to cool himself down, sneaking into freezers and other places mechlings like him shouldn’t be. It was almost funny, the way they were trying to achieve the opposite of what the other was. Maybe that’s why they work so well together.
Chase’s servos were always a touch too cold to be pleasant or fully “normal,” digits sometimes stiff with inclement weather coupled with a chilled frame, Heatwave’s palms always warm and grounding, frame hot like his temper.
They were equilibrium for each other, opposites in the regard of outward frame temperature, always ready to cool one down or warm the other up. It worked, and that’s why they were Amicas.
(Not just for that sole fact, Chase would input, musing that Heatwave’s companionship meant much more to him than his admitted handiness as a personal heater).
That fact, that is, their cool and heat swapping tendencies, hasn’t changed in the many, many vorns that they had known each other, even pre-Amica Endura status. So, given that, it isn’t expected by either of them for it to change once they meet the rest of the Sigma-17 rescue team, where they meet Blades and Boulder, or when they hit Griffon Rock and discover their new mission— and it doesn’t, as they predicted so.
(It’s a touch curious and a bit of a wonder how neither Boulder nor Blades discovered their Amica status before Griffon Rock. It’s not like either we’re being particularly subtle, but they supposed that their combined general professionalism probably skewed the other two bots’ perception of them, and any private time between themselves was usually during recharge time, or so subtly done that it was overlooked. Chase would find it funny if he wasn’t so concerned about his friends perceptiveness.)
Apparently, after scanning their new vehicle modes, Chase and Heatwave’s frame temperature translated, to a degree, to the inside of their cabins. This doesn’t necessarily cause a bad problem, but, minor complications do arise.
Sometimes, Kade would gripe about the heat during the summer months, complaining that the heat made him sticky. Sometimes, Chief Burns would be a touch chilled when first entering Chase’s cab, though he never really commented on such.
Both were easily fixed and placated with the flick of a dial that had the Chief murmuring gratefully, sinking in to the warmth with a subtle but firm pat to the dashboard. On the other hand, it had Kade and Heatwave grouching at each other loudly until Heatwave finally cranked the AC as high as it would go, and, in a most petulant manner, they would spat for a few minutes longer, then acquiesce; although both Chase and Cody were proud to announce the fact that these spats and arguments had become fewer in frequency over the course of time, a fact that they took immense satisfaction in: it meant they were getting along, working together, tolerating each other’s presence. They still fought, surely, because that’s just who they were as people (and cybertronian).
(Chase would not divulge Heatwave’s late-night ramblings about his parter, ranging from words not meant for the likes of little audials, to worries about his human friend. Heatwave was shudder-to-think that Kade would actually realize that Heatwave listens to him, much less cares about him, in the covertly roundabout way that Heatwave does when he meets new people that seem to grow on him. Yes, Chase was sure Heatwave’s quiet affections were born out of nothing but pure concern about the fragileness of his squishy human partner and the rest of the Burns family.)
At the end of the day, when they had the time to spare and a near-certain guarantee of no impending emergencies to disrupt them, Heatwave would sit on the bot-sized couch, Chase’s helm cradled delicately in his lap, and they could bask in each others’ presence and talk in their native vernacular, occasionally watching human TV or reading datapads and books alike. Of course, they would swap positions interchangeably— it all depended on how the two felt on that particular night.
Heatwave’s heat would leach into Chase’s cool, and the two mechs would sit there, basking in the steady, familiar equilibrium of their soothed sparks and evenly-temperatured frames.
Sometimes, one of them would instead lay down on the couch like it was a squishy berth, and the other could lay on top, trading coolness for warmth (and vise versa), and let the steadiness wash over them, EM fields melding lazily, and systems shutting down to fall into an easy, quiet recharge.
It was peaceful. Routine, when they could afford it. Nice, even, though they would argue on separate fronts that any one-on-one time with their Amica was beyond just “nice”.
It was the perfect way to recharge, Heatwave thought, never one to shy away from physical affection (in the many gruff forms he typically dished it out in) with someone he loved. If Chase could have it his way, they would do this every night, holding servos and muttering halting words and conversations half-thought out to each other into the gentle quiet of the bunker.
Chase’s normally rigid, borderline inexpressive field going almost wiggly and boneless, blanketing over them as he grumbled tiredly over his Amica, shifting as he knocked their helms together gently in a spur of the moment bout of (what sometimes felt like an overwhelming amount of) affection.
Heatwave gave his servo a gentle squeeze, making soothing little sounds to calm the policebot back into recharge and settling his own field over the two of them, engine purring quietly in contentment. Heatwave was quick to glare and snap at any of the other bots that might come near them that were in the “living room” part of the bunker with them, mostly for fear that they might make a nasty comment on their admittedly compromising condition, though that happening in and of itself was a rare occurrence due to the timing of their little quiet moments, and the sheer respect the other two held for them.
It was actually Boulder who found them the first time it happened on Earth, Heatwave recharging so deeply his engine was stuttering, with his helm cradled in Chase’s lap with one of Chase’s servos supporting his neck plating.
Boulder had stopped and looked, eyeridge quirking up in a decidedly learned human gesture, to which Chase merely brushed him off with a wave of his free servo and a flick of his field dismissively, returning to his datapad. Boulder, ever the calm, non-confrontational mech, had never mentioned it after the fact, drawing his own conclusions in the privacy of his mind (with maybe a few snapped photos for his memory files, just in case).
The second time, it was Blades who found them, Chase soundly recharging while leaning against Heatwave, their servos clasped between one another even in his recharge. Heatwave glanced up from the TV and glared at Blades with a viciousness that would earn him a scolding later, who skittered off without a word of question, a touch too skittish to try and ask the angry firemech until much, much later.
Heatwave was protective and touchy when it came to his Amica and their status, sue him.
Over the months, Boulder finally gathered some courage to ask Chase about their potential relationship, with all the grace of a thudding ballerina.
“We’re Amica Endura,” Chase had simply said after Boulder’s shy, stuttered question, almost smiling and most definitely pleased with himself, if the way tender emotion seeping onto his faceplate was any indication, “and have been for many vorns.”
“I see,” Boulder had replied, grinning and nodding, grateful that admittedly tactless way he asked the question hadn’t upset the policebot. “You two were partners back in the Academy.” It’s more of a statement than a question, prodding at the prospective double-meaning of the word.
“Heatwave was the only mech who wanted to be around me back in the Academy, given my… unique circumstances.”
“Unique—? Oh. Right. Sorry, Chase, I didn’t—“ realize, didn’t remember, didn’t know it affected your life like that— a frown, field tugging in, then Chase’s reassurance:
“It’s quite alright, Boulder. No bodily damage or any vulgar obscenities said, as the Chief says.”
“You mean ‘no harm, no foul’, Chase?” Heatwave entered the room with thudding pedesteps, looking between the two with half-formed suspicion lingering in his optics, arms crossed right against his chest. “What’s this about?” His field tugged at Chase’s with question and apprehension lingering between them, a silent what’s going on both said and not.
“Boulder was just inquiring about our Amica Endura status,” Chase informs, tone bordering on bright, his audial twitching in a different direction— most likely he heard something from upstairs, “And I find that we are the most probable source of reliable information about the subject, Heatwave, and our friend was merely curious.”
“Right.” Heatwave grunted, field tugging Chase’s briefly in something like relief and acceptance before patting his shoulder armor firmly and moving on, the brief contact exchanging both pleasant warmth and much-needed coolness.
“I think he’s a little…” Boulder trailed off, searching for a word that was less-rude than “prickly” or “overly worried”.
“Protective?” Chase hummed in question, helm tilting to the side, “I feel the same, but it is entirely warranted, given our past, and he is my Amica.” Chase says, like it explains everything, and, well, maybe it did, “I will stick by him, rites-willing.”
Boulder smiled in that soft, knowing way of his, optics warm. “Must be nice, having a sparkner all this time. I’m glad you have each other.”
“As am I. I’m grateful to have Heatwave for so long, and I’m want for nothing more in a partner.”
“That’s awfully sweet,” Bounder’s field went all soft, his affection tugging at Chase’s stiff field. “You balance each other out, now that I think about it.” Remembering all of the times Chase was able to calm Heatwave when he was on an irate, angry warpath with a servo to the shoulder plate and some hushed words exchanged in soft Cybertronian; all of the times Chase was stuck in a cyclical, logical thought-process and couldn’t see things from a different light had Heatwave telling him the facts point-blank, trying to drill his way through and urging Chase to attack the issue from a different, still somewhat logical connection.
Now that he thinks about it, Boulder recalls how Heatwave was always the mech that ran the warmest when they were on the Sigma, practically radiating heat in the endless, desolate cold of space that even they could feel. Chase was always the coldest, seemingly emanating a unique sort of cool that seemed permeated the space around him in some circumstances.
Opposites, indeed. But, Boulder thought, it was kind of fitting. Chase’s mouth tugged into that half-grin of his, “That we do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Boulder, I have some studying to do.” And with that, Chase sauntered off, likely in search of his police manual.
“Huh. Wonder how we didn’t see it before.” Boulder mumbled to himself, shaking his helm fondly and turning around to go back to the bunker through the garage.
“See what?” Blades asked, turning the corner, “If there’s any gossip, I want to know!” Primus, he was sounding more and more like Dani every day.
“I, uh. Well, you see,” Boulder attempted, still unsure if the two Amicas wanted their relationship aired out.
Blades shot him a look, both teasing and intrigued. “Well?”
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jasonsmirrorball · 11 months
hey so is anyone else also feeling rly disinterested in fandom atm or am i just succumbing to seasonal depression
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cloudyfan2023 · 30 days
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Having fun planning the seventh episode of my fan fic series!! ♥
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random-writerings · 2 years
Sparks Series Covers
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cryingabtab · 2 months
Save Me A Spark - Part 16
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Warnings: Angst, Crying
Pairing: Austin Butler x Cassie Hale (OFC)
Word Count: 1.4k
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“All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
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Cassie awoke on Rory’s couch with a pounding headache. Hangovers are a bitch. Especially when you’re already dehydrated from crying. She rubbed her eyes and glanced around. Rory was asleep on the other side of the couch. Hazel and Ash were nowhere to be seen. Cassie wondered if they’d gone home or crashed in the guest room. She supposed she’d find out later.
She reluctantly pushed herself up off the couch with a quiet groan, squinting her eyes in an attempt to relieve the pulsing pressure behind them. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and the bottle of ibuprofen that was set out the night before. As she swallowed the medicine, she glanced over at the clock on the oven. It was 7 in the morning. She groaned quietly, knowing that she probably wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, no matter how bad her head hurt. She made her way back over to the couch, grabbing her phone off the coffee table before laying down on the couch again.
Before she could get herself curled up and comfy in the throw blanket she had been using, her phone began to ring. She stared at the caller ID for a moment, her heart jumping into her throat. Her next door neighbor, a precious elderly woman, was the one calling. Did something happen to her? How fast would she be able to get to her if something did? She wasn’t home. Quickly, Cassie answered the phone. “Miss Opal? Is everything okay?” she questioned upon answering, her voice groggy, but urgent.
“Cassie, sweetheart,” Miss Opal responded. “Everything is fine. I’m assuming you aren’t home. But there’s a young man sitting in the hallway in front of your door. I think he fell asleep. I wanted to see if you knew him before I did anything about it.”
Cassie closed her eyes and let out a loud sigh through her nose. “Is he blonde?”
“He is,” she hummed. “You know him?”
“I think I’ve got an idea,” Cassie grumbled, rolling her eyes. How dare he show up at her door after all of this? “Just leave him there,” Cassie continued. “I’ll be there to get him off the floor soon.”
“Alright sweetheart,” she sighed. Then she hung up.
Cassie pressed the palms of her hands into her sore eyes, groaning louder than she intended to. Luckily Rory didn’t wake up. She ordered an Uber before closing her phone and standing up. She quickly, but quietly, found a notepad and pen, quickly scrawling out a quick explanation and setting it on top of Rory’s phone that sat on the coffee table. Then, she grabbed her purse, slipped on her shoes, and took a deep breath before stealthily leaving out the door to meet her Uber. She knew this was going to be the longest ten minute drive ever. And she was not looking forward to the destination.
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Austin woke up to quick footsteps rushing towards him. He lifted his head from where it rested on the door, wincing at the dull ache in his neck. His eyes softened and welled up with new tears when he saw the source of the footsteps.
Cassie stopped in front of him. “Get off the floor,” she whispered through gritted teeth. The look on her face was that of annoyance, but you couldn’t miss the sadness in her eyes.
“Cassie,” Austin whispered, not trusting his already trembling voice. “Please I-”
“Austin. Get off of the fucking floor.” She crossed her arms as she looked down at him. She took deep breaths as her thoughts raced. I just need to get him out of here, she thought, I can’t cry until then.
Austin choked back his tears as he slowly stood up and steadied himself. He pointed his focus back at Cassie, tears beginning to stream down his face like an endless river. “Please,” his voice trembled. “Can we talk?”
“You need to leave,” Cassie whispered, now looking up at him, arms still crossed tightly over her chest. “You can’t be here.” Her voice broke on the last word as the dam broke and thick, heavy streams of intense emotion ran down her cheeks. She was pissed at the entire situation. The absurdity of it all. The audacity of this man.
“No,” Austin took a deep breath. “We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Cassie couldn’t even bear to look at him anymore, her head cocked to the side and eyes angled at the floor. She was getting more and more overwhelmed by the second. She was trying her hardest to keep her voice down, which proved difficult trying to talk with the lump in her throat. “And even if there was, I still wouldn't want to talk to you.”
Austin pressed his lips into a thin line and squeezed his eyes shut. No sound but soft sniffling filled the quiet hallway. “Fine,” he finally whispered after what seemed like an eternity. “Just know, Cass, I am so, so sorry. And I am going to do everything I can to make this right.” With his head hung low, he began to make his way down the hallway, away from Cassie.
She slowly turned to watch him walk away. His shoulders were slumped, head down, and his hands constantly wiped at his face. He looked awful when they were face to face and he looked just as awful walking away. For some reason, this made her cry harder. She hurriedly unlocked her door and went inside before allowing herself to sob. She cried until she physically couldn’t. Then, instead of falling asleep like her body desperately begged her to, she grabbed her guitar and her notebook and began to write.
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After hours of strumming and scribbling, Cassie had zoned out staring at one of her lyric sheets. A loud pounding at the door caused her to jump back into reality. She rubbed her eyes and let out a shaky sigh as the knocking continued. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she called out weakly as she stood from the couch. She opened the door and there stood her bandmates. She moved to the side so that they could come in.
“Dude we’ve been trying to call you,” Hazel started.
“I’ve been busy. Didn’t hear it,” Cassie murmured, leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed.
“Well what happened?” Ash asked.
Cassie explained to them everything that had transpired that morning. She seemed eerily calm, but in reality she just felt numb.
“So he just left?” Asked Ash, eyebrows furrowed.
Cassie nodded and hummed in response, not meeting anyone’s eye.
No one knew what to say, exchanging looks of confusion amongst themselves. The silent communication was interrupted by another knock at the door. This time, two quick heavy raps. Cassie groaned as she trudged back over to the door and swung it open.
“Delivery for Cassie Hale,” said the chipper man at the door.
“That’s me…” she said, raising her eyebrows. “What is it?”
The man grabbed a large vase from the floor. It was filled with black and red roses, and some baby’s breath spread throughout. It was a beautiful arrangement; she couldn’t deny that. The man handed the vase to Cassie and was on his way. She walked back in and bumped the door shut with her foot before setting the vase down and checking the card.
The girls huddled around her as she read it. She let out a borderline growl before tossing it on the counter and stomping to her room, shutting the door behind her.
Rory scrambled to grab the card. Hazel and Ash gathered around her to read it.
‘ “You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
I miss you. I’m sorry.
Love, Austin’
They all three rushed to Cassie’s room. Thank God she hadn’t locked it. Upon entering, they saw Cassie laying flat on her back, staring at the ceiling. She didn’t even look at them when they came in.
“Talk to us,” Hazel sighed as she walked over and forced her to sit up.
“I don’t like that he has such a hold on me,” Cassie started. “I don’t want to be upset. I shouldn’t be upset. Not when we just got signed and are that much closer to making our dreams come true.” Her voice got louder as she spoke.
“Well,” Ash hummed. “How about we all go out tonight? We can celebrate our victories. And, it might help distract you from this shitty situation.”
There was a moment of silence as Cassie stared at Ash, considering her suggestion. She decided at that moment that she was not going to shed any more tears over this.
“Yeah,” she finally agreed. “That sounds like a great idea.”
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dreamcrow · 1 year
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daddy's favorite
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megaeratheefury · 2 years
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pairing: kinn/porsche rating: E word count: 3,640 prompt: @kinnporscheweek - day 7: “You’re so beautiful.” + your favorite trope (two endearing sluts in love; sex as a display of trust; happy kinnporsche)
Adoration radiates from Kinn and Porsche soaks it all up like a cat bathing in the sun, stretching with its belly exposed and purring with satisfaction. To choose and be chosen is the most exhilarating reward; despite everything that stood in their way and all the other paths they could’ve taken, they’re still together, hands clasped tight. read on ao3
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Wtf did I like to get so much davekat on my for you tab…is all this really just from those goofy karkat jr/rose jr shitposts I was looking at the other day???? Or is it just homestuck in general???
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