#fic: the bard’s songs will remain
murmel-malt · 8 months
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decided to revamp Erin. her being more bard-esque fits much better with what I had in mind for her story.
might keep her previous design as a disguise or simply more battle ready attire.
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girlwtdragontattoo · 19 days
Hiding Place
Halsin x Reader (FemTav) Fanfiction
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Couple notes: I love the idea of music in fanfiction, so I kept the Reader/FemTav as a skilled bard. There are a couple mentions of my Tav's class and race (paladin, half-elf), but I think these are easy to skip over.
The songs within this fic are from Paris Paloma, please check them out!!!!
Word Count: 3.3k
After the initial realization that their paths would diverge, Halsin and Y/N gathered their things in the room and prepared their separate journeys. His mission to create a safe haven in Thaniel’s realm was at the very forefront of his mind, excited at the happiness and safety it will instill in the children and people following him. But he couldn’t ignore the sting in his throat. Y/N had always been so accepting of his goals and lifestyle and he knew it wasn’t a final goodbye. Still, the idea of being apart from her after so many months of the growing closeness between them: it was an ache he didn’t recognize.
So many lovers speckled his timeline. Some shone more than others, as they usually do. But this one. Y/N. She was a completely new experience for the archdruid. The kindness in her eyes, nothing compared to it. And now he would be without them for a long time, an absence he hadn’t prepared for.
Y/N committed to rebuilding her home, Baldur’s Gate. Accepting the role of “the hero” was uncomfortable for the paladin, and all she wanted to do was accompany her lover to the former Shadow-cursed lands. To live in peace, with the one she had grown so close to, was a dream come true. A dream that had to wait. For she knew that the city needed all the help it could get and she felt compelled to do so, just as Halsin was called to his new mission. There was a deep chasm growing in her, an emptiness she recognized too well. She never wanted to be the reason Halsin felt trapped. She knew how free his spirit needed to be and she would never beg him to stay, no matter how much she wanted to. Nevertheless, the overwhelming feeling of loss claimed her as she watched him gather the last supplies from their shared room.
All preparations had been made. The wagons of children were stuffed with supplies for the journey, toys were even given a separate section. There were helpers lugging the last few satchels and baskets onto the carts and the time for departure was getting closer. The druid checked with the horses and comrades, finally deciding that it was time. He wouldn’t leave, however, without saying goodbye to his heart one last time.
Leaving the travelers with a “I’ll be back shortly”, the druid walked slowly towards the inn he had stayed in with Y/N, knowing she was still using their abode for her continued stay. His stride was quiet and delayed, knowing that the moment he saw her his whole being would quake with the dire need to remain with her. To resist that urge would be a colossal challenge, knowing that when their hands finally parted, it would be a long while until they were intertwined again.
Crossing the street, he passed a large archway that led to the riverbank. It was right outside the inn and was a familiar spot for Halsin and his lover. A soft guitar echoed from that direction and stopped the druid in his path. He recognized the gentle strumming, something he eagerly listened to every night. A drop in his stomach. This would also be the last time he would hear her poetry for a long while.
Accompanying the tune was a tender voice, humming wistfully to their own melody. Halsin felt a burning sensation snake its way through his abdomen up towards his chest. He couldn’t bring himself to interrupt Y/N. Selfishly, he needed to hear her silvery voice one last time. The tall elf positioned himself behind a wall, where he could listen to her play without being seen.
Y/N plucked a melancholy tune, still humming to it softly as she began to trickle out her thoughts into song.
This morning I emerged onto wet earth, it had been raining
And while it had been raining, you and I, we had been lying
And while we had been lying in the warmth, we had been falling
Into slumber with the thunder overhead
In the cave, we laid down to the rain sounds on your window
Intermingled with the bloodrush of our love flush in our sinew
Sleep joined us in the lamplight as a fire in a campsite
But we set no one to watch with our guard down
There was a brief pause before she continued. She thrummed the instrument a bit shakily, her throat coated with swallowed tears.
What a lovely hiding place that you have made to delay our parting
What a world outside to keep each other safe from
That's all that I want, darling
Halsin let out a raspy sigh, listening to the words. She had written songs about them before, mostly cataloguing the many adventures and creatures they had encountered along the way. His favorite was one she had written about the owlbird cub that joined their camp. The songs were always epodic and full of wonder, now and again containing dark emotions that she was processing. 
Now, he was listening to her spill out her sorrow – and it was about him. Knowing that he was the cause of her sadness was staggering. Her words glid through the air and wrapped itself around him, encompassing suppressed sentiments neither of them dared say aloud to one another.
The druid couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in his seafoam eyes, but he contained his sobs to let his lover finish undisturbed, placing a hand on his mouth.
That’s all that I want, darling.
You hold me in thе burrow, your brow furrowed in your dreaming
And at the timе, the flood comes and our blood runs cold and bleeding
You'd lie womb-like and in your arms, I'd cease my breathing
With broken ribs and one last kiss, I would die here warm
What a lovely hiding place that you have made to delay our parting
What a world outside to keep each other safe from
That's all that I want, darling
That's all that I want, darling
Y/N plucked the last few tunes on repeat and let out an audible sniffle. Halsin’s body was trembling slightly, the stains of his tears marking his face. He heard her pick a few strings absentmindedly.
It took him a few more breaths, but eventually he stepped into the dusk light and approached the riverbank where she was seated. She didn’t turn to him, but recognized his stride. It seemed both didn’t want to look upon each other just yet.
The druid spoke first, his sadness etched in his voice: “I will miss you endlessly, my heart.”
She turned her head slowly. Her eyes were wet.
“I would come with you, if I could”, she breathed huskily. Halsin nodded disdainfully, he felt the water return to his eyes.
Y/N stood up steadily, leaving her white guitar to rest on the bank. They stood looking at each other for a bit, as if trying to imprint their faces to memory. She walked towards him with a loving smile that flickered trying to contain her tears further. The druid stepped forward quickly and pulled her into a firm embrace, as he buried his face into her neck while Y/N wrapped her arms around his. Their breaths pulsated with each other, neither one wanting to leave the familiar comfort of each other. Halsin lifted his head, placed his hand on her cheek and scanned her beautiful eyes wanting to soak up every facet of them. They glittered as silent tears escaped her.
“This isn’t goodbye, my heart,” the bear choked out, between a few quiet sniffs. He couldn’t contain his tears either. “I will long for you every single day, watching the horizon for your arrival.”
 Her smile widened, the creasing of her eyes allowing a few more tears to escape: “I won’t keep you waiting too long.”
They pressed their lips together and breathed in each other’s scents. Halsin’s large hands pressed her body deeper into his as her fingers gently dug into his hair. The caress sunk intensified, as their tongues hooked into each other. The druid sighed into her intensely, not wanting to separate from her. If he could, he would stay here with her and enjoy her soul and body until the end of time. But the helpless were depending on him. And this city was depending on her lead.
An age passed and their lips finally separated. Their foreheads touched, keeping their eyes closed and allowed the moment to wash over them. Halsin’s jaw clenched as he held her hand against his heart, knowing that every second a call from one of his comrades would ring through the streets. They stood near each other, breathing in sync, in silence.
“Halsin?!”, the predicted call was far in the distance and ripped both of them out of the moment.
Y/N swallowed hard, opening her eyes and smiled up at her love: “They’re waiting for you.”
Halsin nodded, but pressed her into his body more, not wanting to let go.
“I know,” he murmured defeatedly, as he placed his hand on the back of her head. “I know…” he exhaled.
The moment had come. Reluctantly, they separated from each other but still held hands. She let out a shaky breath and whispered barely audibly: “Be safe.”
He smiled dejectedly, but responded gently: “Come back to me soon.”
“That’s all I want, darling”
With those words, a last glance was shared as their fingers finally drifted apart. Her last words echoed within his mind and the druid walked away from her.
It had been many months, since Y/N watched her heart walk away into his new obligation. The rebuilding of Baldur’s Gate had kept her extremely preoccupied and it helped being close to people like Jaheira and Minsc, who understood her on a deep level. They would meet occasionally for a pint together or she would accompany Astarion on an evening stroll, where he complained about being stuck inside during the day.
The city was starting to return to its former glory. With collective effort, Y/N led a team to clear out debris and took time to bury the lost with a proper memorial service. Working with Duke Ravengard, she had gathered volunteers to assure new housing was built and that refugees would have decent places to live in.
It had taken a long time, but things were looking brighter. And it seemed that her services were no longer that direly needed.
She decided it was time to be selfish.
Twisting through the old Shadow-cursed roads, Y/N approached a bustling little hamlet and was met with a chorus of laughing children and people calling to one another to bring a specific tool. The half-elf had her purple hood up, because her distinct hair and facial tattoos made travelers stop her and interview her as “the hero of Baldur’s Gate”.
The houses had been quickly constructed, but the area was blooming with vast, healthy fauna that invited small bumblebees to swirl around happily. There were still some workers hammering away at some odd project, while some groups were washing sheets, carrying planks or hoeing the ground. The tiny village was bustling with life and, most evidently, sanctuary.
As she stepped further into the township, a group of giggling children ran across her way. They stopped and bumped into one another, clearly curious at the stranger standing before them.
Under her hood, Y/N smiled gently down at them all. The kids started whispering frantically, but were full of excitement. One small tiefling boy walked up to her and tilted his head exaggeratedly to get a better look under her cape.
“Are you a wizard?” he asked confused at her long, purple cape.
She chuckled slightly and went down into a squat to be on his eye level.
“No, no. I’m not a wizard,” the boy was staring at her face and his eyes drifted along the noticeable markings on her face, “is this Thaniel’s Haven?” she asked the group. Some of the kids nodded, but the whispering continued.
A few more children stepped closer to her and tilted their heads in various directions, clearly less hesitant at the sound of her kind voice.
One girl’s eyes widened as she seemed to remember something: “You’re…!!! You’re the lady from the stories!!! Aren’t you?” She pointed excitedly at Y/N’ forehead, where a beautiful red tree was tattooed.
The other kids all gasped in understanding.
“The hero lady!”
“Daddy Halsin said she would come one day!”
“Her face! He said it had those markings!”
“Her tattoos are so cool!”
“I thought you’d be bigger…”
“He said you’d come!”
Y/N started to laugh to herself as their exclamations grew in volume. She held her hands up to gesture them to calm down a bit. Some of the other people in the surrounding area were watching the commotion.
Slowly, their voices quieted as they waited for her to confirm.
“I guess I am…”
A choir of elated tiny gasps followed her statement.
The children were surrounding her, not giving her room to go anywhere else. They asked about a million questions, all about her adventures with the Absolute and how she came to know Halsin. They asked everything they could think of, the moment she stopped answering one, another babbled out of a young one’s mouth. A group of older villagers had joined the fray, who also excitedly greeted her and welcomed her to the area.
One robust woman had her arms on her hips and smiled brightly: “We’ve heard so much about you from Halsin, Miss Y/N, please excuse their excitement.”
A young elf girl had stars in her eyes while talking to Y/N: “He said you have an owlbear as a pet!!!”
The tiefling boy tugged gently at her robe by her side. She looked down to him.
 “Daddy Halsin said you sing songs. Can you sing for us?”
Halsin was lugging some lumbar he had gathered with a group of people at the far end of the village, completely unaware of the commotion at the entrance.
“Erani, put these small pieces into the shed. And Quel, make sure the animals have enough water in their troughs,” He gave the instructions kindly, while he wrapped the larger individual pieces of wood together with rope. An assured “Yes, sir” came out of the mouths of his companions, as he wiped the sweat off his brow.
The day had been long and he couldn’t wait to go see the children to tuck them into their beds. That was his favorite part of the day. The way they were all so eager to learn. It was truly remarkable to see how much they’ve opened up.
His brows furrowed briefly, realizing something. Where are the children?
Normally they stormed up to him after he had been gone for the day, yelling questions about his activity or telling him about what happened at playtime. It was very unusual for his return to go unnoticed.
In that moment, he thought his ears were playing tricks on him.
He could hear a faint guitar playing and a voice he had only heard in his dreams the past few months. Halsin whirled around, taken aback and looked towards the hill that led to the entrance of the village.
What was it that stayed my hand then?
With dagger held unsheathed, blade pointing at its side
Was that-
I’d been set upon by a predator
It was just looking for a meal, I saw ribs and fearful eyes
Had she truly come?
The druid dropped the collection of wood and bolted up the hill, leaving a slight cloud of dust where the logs had hit the ground. His two comrades looked at each other, confused.
What is it that stays my hand now?
The familiar thrum of the chords. The beautiful tone of voice. The words of his favorite song. It had to be her. His pace quickened.
With so much misery that I could mercifully put end to
For that animal I let slink off into the undergrowth, unscathed
Do I not fear death, but just pretend to?
Why was this hill so gods damn long?
For it was starving
It was hungry
But had eyes too close to let me
The slope was getting flatter, he could almost see above it. Panting heavily, he reached the top and was met with a large group of villagers surrounding a single person, sitting atop a barrel and playing a very recognizable white guitar.
If you were easy to kill, I would have done it already
Halsin and Y/N’s eyes met and she smiled serenely as she continued to strum the melody, the kids all huddled around her and clapping arrhythmically.
You are at my feet
We’re by the fire
You’re a gentle beast
And I’m alive
Halsin let out a sighing laugh, his heart engulfed with pure ecstasy. Seeing her there, surrounding by the sweetest beings he had ever had the fortune of meeting, it gave him so much joy.
Y/N finished her song and the children all stood up and cheered. The other onlookers clapped contently, all looking at the druid who couldn’t seem to contain his excitement, either.
“SO OWLBEARS ARE REALLY SWEET THEN?!” one child called out.
“YES SHE SAID IT’S GENTLE!” another replied.
“WE CAN PET THEM! WE CAN PET THEM!” some said in unison.
The half elf held up her hands again to calm them.
“No no no! Don’t go petting an owlbear! The one I met was very sweet, but it was a baby! Please don’t be careless-” she babbled helplessly.
A deep familiar voice ruptured through the chatter.
“Now now, what are you teaching the little ones?”, Halsin called, grinning from ear to ear.
The kids’s heads all turned swiftly to him and ran up with a colossal speed to the druid, all jabbering over another to tell him that Y/N had arrived.
Y/N smiled.
After getting through the small crowd, Halsin stood before the half-elf with a face full of glee, very similar to the small faces scurrying after him.
“You came!” he exclaimed. Without thinking, he pulled her into an intense hug, burying his face into her hair. She swung her arms around him as much as she could and they stayed like this for a while, taking in each other’s scent. The sensation of belonging encompassed Y/N’s body, finally back in the arms of the one she loved most.
They faced each other, gazing longingly into each other’s eyes and almost gave into the highly awaited kiss. Both realized, however, that there were many pairs of glittering, tiny eyes staring up at them.
They separated from each other, grinning, and Halsin turned towards the kids.
“This is Y/N, little ones. She’s the hero of Baldur’s Gate, the one I’ve been telling you about.” He was met with many “We know”’s and “Yes yes!”’s.
The tiefling boy from before stepped up again, his voice booming: “Are you staying here forever??? Can you sing us a bedtime song???” His questions were met with shrill screeches of agreement.
Y/N snickered serenely, leaning down to the boy: “If Daddy Halsin is alright with that.” She and the rest of the kids turned to the druid.
He blushed at her using the word “daddy”.
“Nothing would make me happier,” he grinned, his eyes shining in the sunset.
The children all cheered and Y/N beamed down at them. Some grabbed her arms and others grabbed Halsin’s to pull them towards their cottage. Halsin leaned towards Y/N and whispered: “I’m sorry, my heart. We won’t have any privacy until they’ve gone to sleep.”
She nodded and winked at him: “We have all night.”
Their fingers met and laced within each other, as they were guided by the laughing children towards a new chapter, together.
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tragedybunny · 5 days
Fangs and Fairytales - Chapter 4
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The Netherbrain has fallen and Baldur's Gate has been saved. Excited about their new life together, Astarion and Serafina, a warlock who’s past remains hidden, journey to find a way for him to walk in the sun again. But there is no easy path to happiness and even Sera's own patron blocks their way. Together, they can face it all and find their own happily ever after.
Chapter 3: Astarion has an amorous plan to fix Sera's melancholy, it gets a little delayed by an encounter with a peculiar bard.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings༻ Light bondage, anal play, vaginal sex
༺Word Count༻ 4114
Hello Lovelies! This is the smutty chapter. Takes a bit to get there, but I promise the second half is steamy. Many and eternal thanks to @icybluepenguin for betaing and always encouraging me! Also, if you recognize a certain bard and his ballad in this chapter - he's on loan from my dear friend @snowfolly If you don't recognize him, please check out Endlessly, one of my fave fics.
Read on AO3 All chapters here on Tumblr
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The camp was in high spirits tonight and buzzing with activity. They'd turned the courtyard and upper floor into some sort of communal festival, all because some ostensibly famous bard had come to play there in an act of “charity” that Astarion found gratingly self-aggrandizing. 
The cheery mood and sense of community had even led the denizens to give the camp a proper name, erasing its last ties to Shar.
“Selûne’s Embrace.” He couldn't think of it without disdain. He wanted to be done with gods, and couldn't fathom why everyone else still would cling to them, Dame Aylin excepted.
The bard’s distraction served his purpose though, so he couldn't complain too much. The event kept Sera distracted while he made preparations for a very special night. He'd left a note before trancing telling her to go enjoy herself and he'd be along later, there were some things he wanted to do.
He shut the door to their private cave hideaway with a satisfied smile. Everything was perfectly set, including the items he’d snuck off to the night market in the Wide to procure. Now to fetch his beloved. 
Sera had seemed back in high spirits the last couple of days. They'd started making preparations to travel and Astarion had to admit, he felt more hopeful as well. He still wasn't happy about losing the sun, but seeing Sera smile after that terrible night made even the light of day seem less important. They'd leave in a couple more days after dinner with Duke Ravengard.
The night crowds were thicker tonight, swarming to the surface, bringing along a tide of food and drink for the revelry. Astarion weaved through them with dexterity, avoiding any brushes against his skin that would reveal it as too cold, and any lingering looks that would expose anyone to his too red eyes. 
He glanced down at his fingertips– his nails had become much more claw-like without the tadpole and, though not as animalistic as they once had been, they still required much more attention. Thankfully, the glowing eyes and maw full of jagged teeth had not also returned, those would be much harder to hide. He had a theory that being well-fed had something to do with it. An idea he could possibly discuss with Dal at some point, but for now he’d simply be thankful.
Thus far, they’d managed to keep his nature to whispered rumor, and no one really wanted to force the issue and confirm they were sharing quarters with a vampire. Especially since this particular vampire was the partner of the hero of Baldur’s Gate. It would seem Sera was still his great protector.
And that thought didn't have the sting it used to. They were rather good at protecting each other. 
Astarion’s thoughts were interrupted as he exited the stairs onto the ground floor and the notes of a song reached his ears. His jaw tightened and his teeth ground together. “That fucking song…” The Golden Lyre. 
“Dark haired maiden, play it true,” a rather pleasant voice crooned from outside.
Despite the pleasantness of the voice, the lyrics were still like listening to Lae’zel sharpen her weapon for hours on end. Astarion charged outside, determined to find Sera as quickly as possible. 
“The golden lyre, I beg of you, hold my heartstrings, in your hands.” 
It wasn’t a bad song, it simply was the song; every bard knew it and would play it in every godforsaken shithole in the city. The sort of place he used to haunt. He’d heard it so often, he would find himself singing it involuntarily and recoil, cursing himself. 
“Dark haired maiden, my love, my muse.”
Down the stairs, into the courtyard, Astarion spotted the ridiculous creature, furiously plucking away at a violin, dancing about like an ungainly bird, a mane of gray hair flowing wildly around him. And of course, at the end of a table nearest this display, sat Sera, sipping from a wine glass, with a smile on her face. A smile that was a little too fond for his liking, 
“Oh my love, my muse…”
Astarion shouldered his way over to Serafina, coming up behind her to rest his hands on her shoulders in what was definitely not a possessive manner, fingers on the light blue fabric of her dress. “Hello darling.” 
If her smile for the bard seemed fond, for him it was radiant adoration. “There you are. Done with your business for the evening?”
Astarion suppressed a smile, thinking of what awaited her in their cave sanctuary. “Indeed. In fact, part of it was a surprise for you. Shall we away?” he purred at her. 
“You’re such a tease. I’m dying of curiosity now.” 
He gave Sera his hand and helped her from her seat, ready to whisk her away from the scene and the hells-damned song when the music abruptly ended. The crowd started to applause raucously and Astarion attempted to make their exit before another song that would remind him of his lowest days started. Who knew what else was in the bard’s repertoire; The Wilting Rose, Summer’s Sweetest Wine? They all made him shudder. 
He’d gotten maybe two steps when the bard’s melodious voice called out behind him. “Corellon fucking wept… Serafina?”
At his side, Sera froze, eyes going wide with a look of terror he hadn’t seen since Cazador had bound him into the ritual. Astarion felt himself tense as well; from what he understood of the warlock pact, no one in Baldur’s Gate should recognize Sera. They gave one another a look and Astarion released her hand to wrap his fingers around the dagger always at his side. 
“It is you! Don’t you recognize me, it’s Tali?” The tiny elf – moon, if Astarion was any judge – flailed his arms about, jeweled rings catching the fire light and a fine scarlet coat swaying with the effort. 
“H-how? You shouldn’t be able to…” Sera stared at him in wonder. 
“Exactly.” Astarion gripped his dagger tighter. Had her family somehow found her? Was this their agent? 
Through the vaguest of conversations and some deduction on his part, he'd been able to put together that Sera had accepted a warlock pact with Titania, Fey Queen of the Summer Court to escape an awful family. Said family were almost certainly Patriars here in Baldur’s Gate. Sera had tried to disguise that noble bearing she’d been taught since birth, but he'd seen his share of nobles and rabble. There was no way she was anything but the former. And that was all he was allowed to know, lest the magic that hid her shatter. 
Tali’s eyes went wide as he caught sight of Astarion’s hand at his weapon. “Hells, call off your attack vampire!” 
The last word was so loud that the crowd started to look their way. Though there had been talk, they had worked hard to keep Astarion’s nature as secret as possible. That effort looked to be going up in flames. All because of… whoever the hell this Tali was. 
“Why you–” Astarion began to draw the dagger from its sheath, causing Tali to  back away. 
The sound of Sera’s laughter caused them both to freeze. 
“The two of you are ridiculous, you know that.” Sera turned and gave Astarion a quick hug and peck on the cheek. “He’s an old friend.” 
“One that is now extremely worried about you, I might add!” The bard fell into a sulk. 
“Could you give us a minute?” Sera asked, barely waiting for Astarion’s nod before dragging Tali off by his hand. 
Astarion sighed and tried to bury the frustration of the delay to his romantic plans. Slinking off, he disappeared into the shadows, the attention of the crowd having diminished without their entertainment present. 
Crossing his arms, he leaned against the wall, definitely not annoyed with the delay. Agonizing minutes passed as he waited, his fingers tapping against his arm and a fang worrying his bottom lip. Finally, Sera returned without the unwanted company in tow. 
He was already preening for the crowd, readying for another performance. Astarion doubted he could know what had passed between them but at least she didn’t look troubled by it. He held out his arm until she hooked hers through it, giving him a reassuring look, and they started back inside.
“He’s a friend, a friend that seems to have some immunity to Titania’s glamour. It’s fine though,” she answered the question he hadn’t asked.
“Oh so this random bard–”
“Taliesin. Honestly I’m surprised you don’t recognize him, he’s quite famous. He wrote the Golden Lyre.” 
Astarion pretended that did not make his blood boil further. Of course the foppish creature wrote that damned song. “Whatever. He’s allowed around Her Majesty’s spell, but I, the love of your life, am not.” 
Sere halted their progress, turning to shoot him a look. “Astarion, you know that’s not how it works. She can’t just make exceptions.” 
“I know she despises me. And she clearly can make exceptions.” 
Sera sighed and started walking again. “You’re being impossible.” 
Astarion followed, now being pulled along by Sera, despite being a head shorter than him, and slightly built. “Don’t act like it’s not true,” he groused. 
“So you're telling me that all a Fey Queen wanted from you for all this power was a child. How very… cliché.” Astarion was setting up a simple trip wire around their camp. They’d just dealt with a pack of gnolls and didn’t need any more surprises for the night. 
“It's not that simple,” Sera answered from where she stood watch behind him, scanning the horizon for any more danger. “She wants a lineage to serve her, my family line.” 
“And you agreed to that? Was life at home really that bad?” Nothing to compare to his, he was sure. 
The night sky over the Risen Road was turning the brilliant colors of twilight as the first stars appeared.  Astarion had agreed to help with security measures and immediately asked Sera to be his look-out. A chance to spend a little more time with her and “strengthen” their bond. They were on their way to the Githyanki crèche, and perhaps a way to be rid of these worms. He needed to ensure his hold on their warlock leader was as tight as possible. Without the tadpole he might well be entirely dependent on her. 
Oddly, the last couple of nights they hadn’t done much more than chat pleasantly by the fire and share a few kisses. Not for lack of trying on his part. Leading to his desperately attempting to ignore the creeping dread that his protector was losing interest in him, and his mouth was running without much thought. 
Audibly, she inhaled. “If only I could tell you.” 
Astarion felt an awful weight in his stomach, the feeling of knowing he'd screwed up. Only it was disturbingly not like when he'd misstepped in front of Cazador. That was fear of reprisal, of one of his master's many punishments. 
This was… he didn't know exactly. He just didn't like being the cause of any distress to her. “I– no, I should trust you on it. Although I have to say, she'll probably be disappointed if you keep carrying on with a vampire,” he finished with an awkward laugh and was glad she couldn’t see him cringing at himself. 
At least the trip wire was done. No explosions, only noise if something tried to cross into their camp. He stood up, shaking off the clumsy exchange. “There, no gnolls in camp this night.” 
“My hero,” Sera gave him a playful smile and headed back toward the cluster of tents. 
The smile soothed his nerves and he made to follow her when a voice whispered in his ear. 
“Watch how you go, Spawn, I won’t tolerate disappointment in my bargains.” 
That had been the only time he’d heard the voice of Titania, but the threat had remained with him, her distaste for him extremely clear. 
“It doesn't matter. And stop being jealous,” she scolded, and Astarion almost groaned in frustration. 
This night was rapidly spiraling out of his control. 
Letting go of her arm, he pulled her closer to him by her waist. Leaning down to purr into her ear,  “Of course my love, let's not spoil the evening. Not when I have such delicious plans for it.”
He was rewarded with a little shiver and smirked to himself. Oh, how he’d come to know her and what made her body respond. And the love they shared made using his considerable experience something he no longer reviled. For the most part– sometimes the skeletons of the past decided to venture outside the shadowy corner of his mind where he kept them. 
The crowd and the noise faded as he led Sera back toward their quarters. The steady increase of her pulse echoed in his ears, and the scent of her arousal filled the air, more alluring than any perfume. Tonight was safely on its way back to being a success. 
When they reached their room, Astarion swiftly shut the door behind him and locked it. No well-meaning visitors to interrupt them tonight. 
Sera turned to face him, eyes heavy-lidded and pupils wide with desire. “What did you want to show me?” 
“It’s in the cave. But first, take off your clothes.” The words were firm, an order, and he watched her swallow hard. 
For his part, Astarion could give or take control with equal pleasure, but Sera, with the rare exception, desired to relinquish it to another. Which made taking it all the more pleasurable for him. 
“I–” Sera started. 
“Shh, just be a good girl and do as you're told.” 
Her skin flushed a deep pink but she wordlessly moved to obey, already sliding into that space in her mind where thought gave way to feeling and reason to desire; the world ceasing to exist outside the two of them. 
When she was freed from her dress, Astarion– still clothed himself– took her hand, careful to not touch any other part of her, and lead her toward the door to their private refuge. “Go on,” he prompted, letting her enter first. 
He didn’t need to see her expression, the ragged, gasping breath she took told him everything he needed to know. The old Sharran rug had been discarded, and a newer plush one was laid down in its place. Currently, a bedroll had been laid over the top of it for extra comfort. And at each corner of the bedroll, attached to a stake driven into the ground, a leather restraint. Nearby was a small box, open to display an assortment of other toys should the night call for them. 
Astarion wrapped his hands possessively around Sera’s waist and leaned to down to speak in a low, throaty voice. “You see, my love, I think I finally understand your problem from the other night. You simply have too many thoughts inside that pretty little head of yours. So I’m going to fuck every last one of them out of it.” 
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the blindfold that had been waiting there and slipped it over her eyes. As he did, each breath came more rapidly despite her stillness, like a rabbit frozen in the path of a predator. “And you are going to lay there, and not say a word while I do it. Just make all those lovely little sounds of yours for me.” 
Guiding her toward the bedroll, he laid her down on it, the soft light of the moon from the opening above them bathing her in an ethereal glow. Even without her sight, she obeyed him with perfect trust, following his commands without falter. She gave over each of her limbs to be secured into the restraints until her body was spread gloriously open for him. 
Leaving her to ponder what was next, Astarion wordlessly moved away to strip himself; spending longer than necessary as he watched her chest heave with nervous breath and the minute movements she made out of anxious anticipation. He could feel himself already hardening without even touching her yet. 
Kneeling next to her, he began to skim his nails over her skin, the faintest of marks appearing in their wake. “Now, what am I to do with you, my poor overthinking, anxious love.” His touch idly circled her breasts, avoiding her stiffened, rosy nipples 
“Ast–” she gasped as his fingers closed around one of those nipples and pinched.
“Ah, I said no words, only noises. Behave or we'll have to find a way to keep you from talking.” 
Sera didn't say anything more, only panted and whined as he rolled the nipple between his fingers. 
It was actually the perfect place to start. Shifting so that he kneeled between her thighs, he rubbed the head of his cock over her slick folds and felt her try to buck into him. He gave a soft chuckle at her efforts. 
“You're not getting it quite so easily, pet.”
Not that he didn't want her desperately by now, but that would ruin the fun. And more importantly the effort he was making to give her this: a night about her pleasure only. 
He leaned forward, the scent of her - wildflowers and forests - filling his nostrils, intoxicating him. Hands resting on her shoulders, her flesh like satin under his fingers, he stilled her. 
His mouth began to water as he leaned down towards one firm nipple. Instead of latching on to suckle at it, bared fangs pieced the skin above it, withdrawing quickly to create two small streams of blood. 
Sera let out a sharp cry and he was thankful he'd thought ahead to set up here, away from their door.
With her delectable blood flowing enticingly, he wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked. Intoxicating. 
Eyes fluttering closed, he let the taste and scent possess him.  Lazily his hips rolled, cock sliding over her clit, no relief for either of them as he drank the blood flowing from her breast like mother's milk. All the while she gasped and sighed beneath him. 
He could stay like this for hours, teasing the drips from her, not enough to drain her but enough to make his mind and stomach sing. But there was more to be tasted.
With a final lick over the wounds, he withdrew to a noise of disappointment.
“Oh don't you worry, I'm not done with you yet.” 
He’d let himself relive every wicked idea and lustful fantasy he’d had about her while planning tonight. Only some were fit for tonight's purpose, the rest he would get to in time. They had so much of it now. The fantasy enticing him would definitely serve his goal though. 
Getting up, he retrieved a toy and vial of oil from the box, placing them between her legs on the rug, making as much noise as possible. Sera adorably tried to hide her curiosity in silence but the sound of her blood did not lie. 
Coming to stand next to her head, he dropped to his knees, smirking at the intake of breath as he caught her off-guard. “Mouth open, darling, and trust me.” 
Obediently she opened wide for him, a welcoming, waiting hole. 
Very carefully, he placed his knees at her shoulders, and lowered himself over her, sliding his cock into her warm mouth. Wantonly, she moaned around him and he couldn’t stop his own answering groan. Elbows on either side of her hips he gave an experimental thrust, felt her tongue lapping at him. She was good - so, so good, sucking  from underneath him, pliant and submissive.
His hips moved again and he felt his cock twitch inside her. Not yet, he scolded himself. 
Arms wrapping around her thighs, nails digging into her soft skin just enough, he buried his face in her cunt, sodden in expectation of him. Nothing was as intoxicating as her blood, but the taste of her juices, flowing for him, was as close as one could get. Not even bothering to tease, he lavished his tongue over clit, relishing in the much-muted noises. 
It wasn’t enough though. Two of his fingers slipped into her sex, working her as his tongue continued its ministrations. His own hips picked up a rhythm, carefully fucking her mouth. 
Sera’s breath was coming in desperate gasps, the poor thing was nearing her limit. 
“You can wait a little longer, my pet, can’t you? For me?” 
The sound that answered he took for a yes. 
Sucking on two fingers from his unoccupied hand, he coated them with his saliva, and began to tease the last of her holes gently. She was tight and untried, sowith a delicate touch, he worked his way inside. 
Frantically, she lapped at the cock in her mouth, as though to plead with him for release as he fucked all her holes at once. A noise like a scream erupted from her as she shook against him. He could be merciful, he supposed. 
“Go on then, love, come for me.” To punctuate his words, he took her clit between his teeth and sucked. 
It was only moments later he felt her clench around his fingers, and a soft whimper followed. How he wanted to let go too, to spill his seed down her throat and let her taste him. Instead, he pulled his mouth from her and eyed the toy he’d left waiting. 
“Shall I ravage you properly, pet,” he teased, knowing she still couldn’t answer with words, but the thunderous melody of her heart spoke for her. His favorite sound in the whole world, that organ, beating out the song of her vitality, a real and living love. 
“But I’ve got one more treat for you. Now be patie– hgn!” Sera sucked deeply, tongue flicking over his sensitive head. “Naughty little thing,” he scolded. “I should stop right now.” 
They both knew he wouldn’t make good on that threat but still she ceased the attempt to goad him. 
Taking the vial of oil, he carefully coated the small, metal bulb in it. It was delicate work, he knew from horrible experience, but she’d been curious for some time, and was so eager for his fingers just now. The tip of the toy pressed against her and she tried to roll her hips into it. Once, he never would have bet sweet little Sera could be so wanton and needy. And it was all for him. 
Gently, he pushed it inside her, until she had taken it all. A couple of teasing pumps to keep her desperate, and he rose back to his knees, cock slipping from her mouth. 
He took a moment to admire his handiwork; drool running from her mouth, tears escaping her blindfold, her cunt swollen and dripping. 
Gods, she was beautiful.
Kneeling between her thighs, at long last, he gripped her hips, and drove into her, letting out a sigh of relief. Her warm slick squeezed him tight, eager to take all he could give. The feel of the toy inside her pressing against him added another dimension of pleasure, almost too much. 
He thrust with a desperate cadence, his mind fading into only feeling and wanting, almost the same as when he drank from her. The sounds of her pleasure were muted as though miles away. Hips slapped against skin, fingers dug bruises into her skin. 
Again he felt her, climaxing, thrashing, moaning uninhibited now. His cock twitched, gods, it was too much, and he felt himself let go. 
There was stillness and gradually the sounds of the cave penetrated the haze. Sera lay still, her breathing evening out after the exertion. Leaning down, he kissed her with all softness, his undead heart almost quickening with the raw, unbridled, affection he felt for her. 
“You did so well,” he whispered into her ear, “now let’s get you out of all this and into our bed.”
Under a mound of covers, Astarion held Sera close, as she lay with her head resting upon his chest. Idly, her fingers traced lines across his chest. Finally she made a thoughtful hum that drew him from his thoughts. “Yes, love?”
“I was thinking– if this is your treatment for melancholy– do you believe in preventive medicine?” Sera tittered giddily. 
“Oh my darling,” Astarion purred exaggeratedly, “I can most assuredly give you whatever dosage you require.” 
He tightened his arms around her and pulled her up to kiss her properly. They were so lost in the laughter that followed, Astarion barely noted the ease with which he lifted her, strength he hadn’t had before. 
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moonselune · 2 months
Aye yo I have another request if you're up to the challenge 😎
I made a post a while ago with a request/prompt to use Angel of Small Death by Hozier in a Minthara x Tav fic but it got next to no notes sooo
The song reminds me of her a lot and it's kind of hot 😅🥵 so I was thinking maybe Bard!Tav could perform it and things get spicy afterwards (this is just a suggestion tho, do w/ it what you will)
Thank you for all of your writing and I hope your summer is going well 😊
Okay this is a bit short but I hope you like it !
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Minthara x Bard!reader | Sing for me
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You sat by the fire, your fingers deftly plucking the strings of your lute. The camp was quiet, save for the soft murmur of the night and the crackling of the fire. Minthara was seated across from you, her intense gaze never leaving your form. The night air was cool, but there was an undeniable heat in the way she looked at you, a smoldering intensity that made your pulse quicken.
Taking a deep breath, you began to play a tune that had been running through your mind all evening. The melody was haunting, a mix of longing and dark allure. You started to sing, your voice low and rich, carrying the lyrics of a song you had crafted, when admiring her.
Your eyes locked with Minthara's as you sang.
"Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, I Lay my heart down with the rest at her feet Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile It's bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet"
Minthara's lips curled into a knowing smirk, her eyes darkening with interest. The firelight danced across her features, highlighting the sharp lines and the fierce beauty that had captivated you from the start. Your voice grew huskier, the words carrying an unmistakable heat. Minthara's gaze grew more intense, her body leaning slightly forward as if drawn to you by an invisible force.
"With her sweetened breath, and her tongue so mean She's the angel of small death and the codeine scene With her straw-blonde hair, her arms hard and lean She's the angel of small death and the codeine scene"
You saw the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, the subtle tightening of her grip on her dagger's hilt. You could feel the energy between you both, electric and charged. The song had woven a spell around the two of you, each word a thread that pulled you closer together.
When you finished the last note, the camp was silent except for the crackle of the fire. You held Minthara's gaze, your breathing shallow, your heart pounding in your chest. She stood, her movements fluid and predatory, closing the distance between you in a few quick strides.
"You sing of dangerous things, bard," she said, her voice a low purr, her breath warm against your skin as she leaned in close. "Do you know what happens to those who play with fire?"
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you met her gaze, the heat between you almost unbearable. "I think I'm about to find out," you replied, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Minthara's eyes flashed with dark amusement before she closed the remaining distance, her lips crashing against yours with a fierce hunger. The kiss was intense, filled with the same dark passion you had sung about. Her hands roamed over your body, claiming you with an urgency that left you breathless.
You surrendered to her completely, your lute forgotten as you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer. Her lips moved from your mouth to your jaw, then to your neck, leaving a trail of burning kisses that made you gasp.
She pushed you down onto the bedroll, her body pressing against yours. The night around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a world of heat and desire. Her touch was demanding, her kisses insistent, each one pulling you deeper into the dark, intoxicating spell she had woven over you.
"How I cannot wait to hear you sing for me again," she whispered against your skin, her voice sending shivers through your body.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I love our sexy drow lady so much - have I already told you guys that? I don't think so.. Hope you enjoyed it ! - Seluney xox
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it-happened-one-fic · 5 months
Dancing With Visions - Not Like Running With Lupical - The Shag - Razor
Author Notes: I have now learned that it is incredibly difficult to write for Razor. I listened to "Running with the Wolves" by AURORA while writing this which did help some, though. Just like the rest of this series, reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female reader/ dance/ fluff/ platonic
Word Count: 1075
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I walked alongside Lisa, listening to the woman carefully as she explained her situation, “...Yes, Cutie. I thought learning how to dance might be good for Razor, but it seems like everyone is too busy to be his partner.”
She looked towards me with a knowing expression, shaking her head slightly as I smiled and nodded, finishing her sentiment, “So you came and got me. I understand and I don’t mind at all. But what dance did you pick for him to learn?”
Her green eyes met mine, and she made a slight face before sighing, “The shag. It’s such an easy-going dance that I thought it might be a good fit, but he seems to be getting confused by the motions.”
I frowned slightly as we drew closer to the room Razor  was waiting for us in, “So he hasn’t finished learning or…?” “I think he just needs practice with someone that he’ll be comfortable with,” She smiled at me gratefully as I bobbed my head understandingly. Touched that she’d thought of me as someone he would be comfortable with, but also wondering exactly how this was going to go over.
Because, while she was right, the shag was an easygoing dance, it also wasn’t what one would call an easy dance.
Its motions were simple enough, and when described, it sounded like it would be no big deal. But when everything was put into practice, it was very easy to get tangled up as you slid along the floor to the rhythm of whatever song you were dancing to.
I wasn’t surprised that Razor was getting confused by the motions; most everyone did when they were first learning the dancing, myself included.
I could still hear Venti laughing at me as he’d been teaching me. He’d gained boundless amusement from my frustration.
A part of me wanted to ask if Lisa had considered Venti as a good instructor, but it was quite likely that she couldn’t find him. That bard was, after all, a free being who seemed to come and go with Mondstadt’s ever-changing breeze.
So I remained silent as I entered the library and saw Razor sitting on the floor in a cleared-out section of the room. 
Lisa smiled, patting me on the back as Razor looked up at me with an almost hesitant expression as his teacher left once more. Leaving the two of us alone so that I could help Razor practice dancing.
In many ways, I could understand why Lisa thought teaching Razor a dance might be a good idea, but I also felt like it was unnecessary. 
While it was true that Lisa was helping him integrate back into human life, dancing felt like a little bit of a leap for him. Especially when plenty of people made it along just fine without ever actually knowing the steps to any dance.
Nonetheless, I smiled at the young man and walked over, holding out my hands to help him up from his seated position on the polished floor, “Hi Razor.” 
He nodded, blinking up at me in quiet surprise, “Hello. Looking… for me?”
I smiled and nodded, “Yes, Lisa asked me to help you practice dancing.” I almost laughed aloud as the young man wrinkled up his face in distaste.
“You don’t like dancing?” I tilted my head as I questioned him softly, and he glanced at me almost hesitantly before nodding in agreement.
“Dancing is… hard. But I need to do it. Like talking.” His speech was, as always, stilted and faltering, but I could tell he was improving. And I was proud of him. Razor had come far from when I’d first met him, and he was becoming more and more comfortable around people as he got steadily better at talking.
It made sense why Lisa wanted to take the next step, but I still felt hesitant. Because, in truth, I didn’t want Razor to feel like dancing was a chore.
Dancing was something that, to me, always seemed like it ought to be joyful, not hard or unpleasant, even if it might not come naturally at first.
I swung our conjoined hands between us, and Razor tilted his head almost questioningly at me as I smiled, “Do you know why people dance, Razor?”
Razor frowned almost immediately at my words, like he was thinking hard before he answered, “Teacher said… people dance at parties.”
I nodded, agreeing with Lisa’s words, “We do, yes. But dancing happens on other occasions too. People dance when they’re happy.”
Razor blinked at me, his warm red eyes bright as he gazed at me, “Like how you… You hum?”
I laughed slightly, nodding my head, “Yes, like how I hum when I’m happy. When people are happy or excited, when we’re celebrating something, we’ll sometimes dance.”
I sighed slightly, tilting my head at the young man, “Lisa told me you know all the steps, but dancing is something to be enjoyed just as much as it is something to be learned.”
Razor was silent, glancing down at our hands before he nodded, meeting my gaze with a resolute stare, “Razor understands. Dancing is like running.”
I grinned outright at him, nodding my head once more, “Yes, so are you ready?”
He bobbed his head in a quick, short motion before a smile appeared on his face, “Yes. Razor is ready. Razor is happy.”
His motions were awkward, those of a brand new student, but it hardly mattered as he smiled. Relaxing as he held my hand and we slid along the floor in the slippery-looking steps of the shag.
In no way was any of our dancing perfect in the technical sense, but it was perfect in the sense that as we danced, Razor enjoyed himself.
He looked just as happy as he did when he would be running freely through the woods, as I’d seen him in the past.
After a while, we stopped dancing. Both of us sitting down on the shiny floor to rest, and though I was slightly out of breath, Razor seemed perfectly fine.
“Dancing is… It is fun. Not like running with Lupical… but fun. With you.” I nodded at his words, smiling brightly at him. 
“We’ll have to show Lisa when she comes back in. She’ll be proud of you,” I nudged him lightly with my shoulder, and he nodded. Brightening slightly at my praise.
“Yes. We should dance…. more. I like it.”
If you would like to read more:
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Rewritten version of this oneshot
Summary: Astarion reflects on his feelings towards Syanna, from when they first met, up to when he finally decides to confess everything about his nice, simple plan to her.
Pairing: Astarion x f!durge
Other notes: Like with the previous, original version of this fic, this is my own spin on Astarion's thoughts and feelings about the relationship between him and Syanna throughout the first two acts of the game, up to his confession scene, which I've taken the liberty of expanding upon once again. Follows the order of events from my first Dark Urge playthrough.
Divider from here
Read below. Comments are appreciated!
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Astarion found himself thinking about her. 
About Syanna.
What a walking contradiction she was.
On the one hand, she was so prone to being a bleeding heart that he found her infuriating in the beginning.
Barely off a crashed Nautiloid and she was picking up other survivors, himself included. 
This was in spite of the fact that he had thrown her to the ground and threatened her with a dagger. All things considered, she had taken it surprisingly well, telling him she most likely would have done the same exact thing in his position.
Then she was agreeing to help the tieflings from the druid grove. And rescuing a child from being killed by the druid leader, Kagha. She even helped that bard, Alfira, with her song. 
On the other hand, there was something else about her - she was also prone to violence, so much murderous violence, which she could not always control or resist. 
She did always feel guilty afterwards though. Everything, from the squirrel she had kicked, to brutally killing Alfira once she joined their camp, had affected her greatly. 
She liked animals, so it was easy to see why the squirrel incident had left her feeling horrible.
She was also genuinely excited to have Alfira join them, something that was snuffed out the moment she had murdered her, the bard laying in a pool of her own blood and insides as Syanna came back to her senses. 
Whatever dark urges were compelling her clearly did not want her feeling anything even resembling happiness. 
She had always been completely honest with all of them about how broken her mind was though, hoping someone might have some kind of advice or answer for her. However, instead of help, she was met with one version or another of ‘we all have those thoughts sometimes’ and how she should ‘focus them on their enemies’. 
Naturally, she felt as if nobody took her seriously, not realising how severe things were for her.
She had been genuinely grateful when Astarion seemed to be the only one to notice how she was not well. How she was spasming and twitching sometimes, seeming almost rabid and sick. How, more often than not, she was tired, a fact made all the more obvious by the dark circles under her eyes. Or how she had bouts of swooning and swaying. But most importantly, she had been grateful that he simply did not judge her. Even after killing Alfira, he did not judge her. True, he had also told her that the look of guilt on her face was truly priceless, and that she should have been more subtle about it, which she certainly did not appreciate, but that was a different story.
The point remained; once everyone else had seen what happened to Alfira, she was immediately judged and blamed. The rest of their party were scared of her,  telling her to keep her distance. Some even made a point of saying that they would defend themselves if she tried to hurt them next.
Still, she did not blame them for it.
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Naturally, she began to distance herself from everyone. Astarion noticed how it started with smaller things at first. 
During the day, when they traveled, she would either wander further ahead, or stay further back, away from everyone. 
She would no longer get involved in conversations, unless she absolutely needed to. Whenever they stopped to rest, she would find her own spot further away from the rest of their party.
And during the evening, or at night? He noticed that she would take her bedroll to the small ruined building that was next to their camp, choosing to rest there instead, her reasoning being that it was fine, truly - the roof was at least partially intact, so she would be safe from the elements, and If anything, it would be an improvement over resting and meditating in the dirt, next to the campfire. And she could always use a spell to start a fire to keep herself warm.
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In time, everyone else seemed to slowly warm up to her again. Probably due to her continuing to be a bleeding heart and her insistence to help everyone and every animal they came across, almost as if she wanted to redeem herself for what she had done before. Interestingly though, she did seem to favour his company the most.
One day, while searching for the goblin camp and possible ways in, they had found a dog named Scratch, near its dead owner. The dog was hostile at first, but soon calmed once Syanna had talked to him - she always made sure to have a potion that let her speak with animals on hand - even sniffing her hand and remembering her scent after she had told him that he can come to their camp later. 
On a different day, they had found the so-called devil that Wyll was hunting. Except Karlach was not a devil, but merely a tiefling, who, as it turned out, had also been infected with a tadpole. Syanna had immediately taken her side when Wyll wanted to kill her, pointing out everything that had been shared between them through the tadpole - that Karlach was indeed telling the truth and would not harm anyone.
Astarion found himself approving of that. Hells, in time, there were plenty of other things she did that he approved of. Some were chaotically fun and hilarious to him - like when she had let him open the barn doors where the bugbear and ogre were enjoying themselves (and the fight that broke out afterwards). Or when, while at the goblin camp, she had twisted a goblin’s words around and made him kiss her foot instead.
Other things were on the practical side. 
Others yet, were oddly heartwarming, even to him. Such as when she had taken in the owlbear cub they had found in the same goblin camp. Most people probably would not have done that, seeing it as nothing more than another beast to be afraid of, especially once it would be fully grown. 
Syanna didn’t see things that way. Instead, what she saw was a young cub, scared of his surroundings, wounded and alone, his mother having been killed by the goblins who captured him for their own entertainment.
But perhaps the most important thing during that time was how she had not shunned or staked him when he had tried to feed from while she was resting. If anything, she had been surprisingly reasonable about the whole thing, even offering to let him feed on her anyway, telling him he could have just asked her. 
She had also sided with him when the others weren’t particularly pleased with him being a vampire. 
Then she had agreed with his idea of feeding off their enemies, seeing as he could fight with all his weapons, fangs included. But she had also extended an open invitation to him to feed on her, if and when he needed it. 
It most certainly was a gift. One he would not forget. 
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More time passed and Syanna seemed to be doing better, although she was still reserved around the others, preferring his and Karlach’s company, along with the owlbear cub and Scratch. 
Karlach had appreciated her help and trust when they met, as well as her bleeding heart, so in her eyes, Syanna was someone good overall, although tortured by her own demons. She had also been honest with the tiefling about her urges and what had happened with the bard, but Karlach had simply told her that if she had the guts to say it outloud, to feel regret, then she would be able to change. And if she was willing to resist those urges, as Syanna said she was, then surely she was on the right track. 
Once the druid, Halsin had also joined their camp, he too became someone that she got along with. There was a certain wisdom and kindness about him that she also appreciated. And of course, she had been grateful when he offered to help her with her broken mind, once the tadpole was dealt with. 
Still, it was obvious to everyone that Astarion’s company was the one she preferred, a fact which he knew would do nicely for his plan. All she had to do was fall for it.
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Naturally, he had started to flirt with her, doing everything he could to charm her enough so that she would always be on his side, always willing to help him with what he needed. And if he had to resort to his usual tactics, so be it. 
Seducing her had been easy - she already preferred his company and reciprocated his attention whenever he would give it, flirting and teasing, culminating with accepting his advances when he finally propositioned her one night. 
What he hadn’t expected was for her to actually care what he wanted that evening, not willing to simply be a passive participant. Instead, she wanted to reciprocate. 
To touch him. 
To show him how he made her feel.
To bring him the same kind of pleasure.
It was surprising to him. Unexpected even.
Even more surprisingly, he found that he enjoyed himself during their little escapade. Not as much as he would have liked, as at one point his mind had gone somewhere far away (which she had noticed and pointed out the morning after), but at the same time, he couldn’t deny those moments before that. 
All in all, his plan was moving along splendidly.
So he carried on: he continued to flirt with her, honeyed words dripping from him each time.  He invited her back to his bed frequently, making sure each night would be unforgettable for her.
And she more than reciprocated each time. It still baffled him.
He’d even stolen her away during the party the tieflings had organised for their group once the goblin camp was defeated and their leaders killed.
Even though others seemed to have the same idea that night, she still went to him.
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Eventually, she had started spending her nights in his tent. At first, it was something that happened after sex, when she would simply stay there, wrapped around him and comfortable. But then, she would simply seek out his company, wanting nothing else but to spend time with him. 
Or reading.
He never had been one to cuddle, but having her so close and holding on to him, not expecting anything more?
It was nice.
Most shocking of all was the fact that those nights actually seemed to mean something to him, a strange sense of comfort starting to emerge whenever it was just the two of them.
And on the rare occasion she didn't spend the night in his tent? He actually found himself wanting her there.
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She had done him kindness after kindness on multiple occasions, not expecting anything in return.
Some things were smaller, such as when she had given him various things for his tent whenever they cropped up during their travels - a new bedroll, alongside a pillow and blanket for instance. Or when she would point out books she thought he would find interesting. 
Especially the ones about Drizzt Do’Urden’s adventures. He enjoyed those in particular, and was always glad whenever Syanna found one lying about.
But he found that the things that truly mattered to him didn’t have anything to do with the material objects that she gave him. 
No, what actually mattered was how she listened to him whenever he confided in her about something. 
How she had pointed out his scars and the fact that they were written in Infernal. 
How she had drawn them out for him to see, first on the ground and then twice in a notebook she had, giving him one of the drawings, so they could both research them more easily, promising to keep an eye out for any books, occult or otherwise, that could help in the matter. 
How it wasn't her problem, but she still wanted to help him.
Or how she had acted as his mirror when she found him trying to look into one, telling him how she saw him (even if some of the things she told him sounded very…grandmotherly). Soon after that, she had the idea to cast a Mirror Image spell on him so he could actually see himself for the first time in centuries. And once that spell worked? She brought him spell scrolls for it so he could cast it himself whenever he needed to, and was always on the lookout for more, wanting him to have a steady supply of them. 
He found himself being incredibly grateful for that. Seeing himself for the first time in centuries was something unexpected to him. 
Just as unexpected was her willingness to help him with everything he needed, without asking for anything in return. Part of him was always waiting for her to do that, despite it never happening.
She had already started looking for anything that could shed some light on what his scars meant. And once Raphael had proposed his deal to Astarion? She did not hesitate to help him once more. And that she did, with Yurgir dead at their feet after convincing him to kill his merregons, his displacer beast and then himself. It was almost frightening how easily she managed to convince the orthon to do so. Frightening, but impressive. Regardless of the method, his end of the deal was done, and the mystery of his scars became clearer, but turned into something even more muddled at the same time. Still, Syanna immediately swore she would do everything she could to help him with dealing with Cazador and the ritual of profane ascension that he was meant to be a part of.
Then there was the way she had put that vile drow in Moonrise Towers back in her place when she treated him as nothing more than a thing to be traded or passed around.
Anyone would agree his nice, simple plan was a resounding success.
So why did he feel so awful?
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Of course, he knew why. 
He had started to genuinely enjoy her company the more time passed throughout their travels.
Astarion couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment that happened or when he started to have feelings for her. 
What he did know was that he would find himself thinking about her more often. And looking out for her in combat, his arrows always aimed at those who were too close to her, something which he initially brushed off as him being practical, seeing as she couldn’t offer him the protection and help he needed if she was injured or killed. He would also apply the same thought process whenever he was distraught about her being downed in battle, with him immediately on his way to help her, a revivify scroll and healing potion at the ready.
There was also the fact that he genuinely had fun with her, enjoying their little jokes, their banter and the teasing. 
He especially enjoyed teasing her whenever she would be entangled by twisting vines, tsk-ing and saying that he was starting to think that she liked being restrained. She would always tease back, telling him to find out for himself later. 
At the same time, he was genuinely concerned for her. She was almost always exhausted, often choosing to not rest out of fear of her nightmares returning and of the urges coming back. He could also see how those urges were eating away at her, how she struggled with them.
Sometimes, when she was finally too exhausted, she would actually fall asleep next to him, her face nuzzling his chest, an arm wrapped around his waist. Whenever that happened, he found that he would have much rather stayed there and let her sleep until late morning, not having the heart to move and risk waking her.
He felt like such a fool.
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Most concerning however, was the night when she woke him up, not quite herself, but scared she would hurt or kill him, unsure of what to do to stop it from happening. Somehow she had managed to tell him what had happened, how that little shit of a butler came to her, telling her she had to kill the person she cared about most. The last thing she managed to tell him was to get to safety before collapsing in front of him. Quickly, Astarion moved, grabbing a length of rope and tied her up. He certainly was not about to leave her alone, not when things had gotten so murderously bad for her.
She should have talked to him about it before. After all, they were technically in it together, and whatever it was that was controlling her, they would both fight it.
It didn’t take long for her to wake up, and it was immediately obvious that she was no longer herself, all control gone. Immediately, she had started fighting against her bindings, all while threatening him. Screaming. Growling. 
At the same time, she looked to be in pain and sick, almost as if she was trying to break through and regain control of herself. But it seemed so, so difficult for her. 
It truly worried him, seeing her like that. He had been worried about himself at first, yes, but he was even more worried about her. 
He was determined. He wouldn't let that thing have her. He wouldn't let it win. 
So he spent the night with her, trying to comfort and encourage her where he could. Keeping her safe. Shooing away the rest of their companions whenever they came to see what was happening.
It had been a long, long night, but it eventually passed, bloodlessly. Syanna was laying on her side, still tied up, teary eyed, with a look of remorse on her face.
Astarion approached her and began to untie her, helping her sit up once he finished. He noticed how her wrists were raw and bloody from how much she had struggled, trying to get herself free. She was clearly exhausted, a sheen of sweat on her face, still looking pained and sick.
He hated seeing her like that. 
He handed her a healing potion and listened to her as she recounted what had happened before she came to him, how it had only happened because she refused to kill Isobel and how she had been fiercely fighting against her dark urges.
Astarion felt for her, truly. Not being in full control of herself, not having a say in what was happening to her or what she did? It certainly was something he could relate to. After all, if anyone understood an internal voice forcing one’s hand, it was him. 
So he reassured her that she was not alone in whatever that was, that she would get through it. And that he would be there to make sure she did, no matter how much she protested that it could happen again, and what if she hurt him then? Or that it would probably be easier if he simply hated her for what had happened that night and be done with her.
He could never hate her. Not when that wasn’t who she was. She actually gave him something to care for and that was worth the peril. 
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He also found himself wanting her approval, wanting her to think of him as something more.
He no longer wanted to keep up the lie or to manipulate her.
He cared. 
He wanted to tell her the truth, as frightening as it was to him.
Still, what if she broke things off between them afterwards? What if she hated him for it?
Of course, he could just not tell her, letting things continue between them, knowing that his plan had gone out the proverbial window long ago.
It was real for him. Why risk ruining it?
She deserved the truth. She deserved something real, something more. She didn't deserve his lies. She deserved to choose if she wanted to continue whatever was between them or not.
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Having made up his mind, he walked over to where Syanna was sitting near the campfire. Noticing him, she set aside the book she was reading, greeting him with a smile.
“Do you have a moment? I think we need to talk.” 
Gods, he sounded so concerned. Scared almost.
Noticing this, her smile fell, replaced by genuine concern. 
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“Oh yes, I’m fine. I just…feel awful.”
She frowned, standing up.
“You and I have a very different definition of ‘fine’, Astarion. Please, talk to me?”
Gods, why was she being so nice to him? She was always so nice to him. 
“Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan - seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me.” He laughed nervously.
Syanna didn’t say anything, too taken aback by the sudden confession.
Astarion continued. He had to continue.
“It was easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it.” 
He hated the way his voice started to crack as he continued talking. What he hated even more was how tears were forming in her eyes because of him.
This is it. Surely she would leave him. He would lose her.
Still, he carried on.
“And all I had to do was not fall for you…which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart.” Astarion paused for a moment, gesturing towards her. “You…you're incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
He looked at her, with sad, scared, but hopeful eyes.
“So…the time we spent together meant nothing to you then? All those nights, all those moments, were they just lies?” 
“Of course they meant something - that's the problem! Or part of it.” He sighed. “Being close to someone - any kind of intimacy - was something I performed to lure people back for him.” He made no effort to disguise the disgust he felt towards Cazador as he told her that. 
“And even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels…tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing.”
Disgust and loathing towards himself. Towards Cazador. Towards most of those he had to lure back to the palace. Towards those he was lent out to.
“I…don’t know how else to be with someone. No matter how much I’d like to.” 
He had said what he wanted to say. He looked at her, vulnerability obvious in his expression, waiting for a reply. 
It terrified him.
“Astarion…” she swallowed, trying to rid herself of the lump in her throat. “I’m not naïve enough to think that things were something…more between us when they started, but…” she took a breath to calm herself, to keep her voice from breaking any more than it already was. “But they actually became real for me. I thought…I hoped it was mutual. I wanted it more than anything.” She let out a bitter laugh. “Hells, I still do. I do care about you. Deeply. But I won’t lie, this…this hurts.” 
Tears had begun to fall, rolling down her cheeks, but she still tried to keep herself as composed as she could.
Astarion truly hated himself in that moment for making her feel that way. 
Worse yet, he didn’t know what to say to her. Could he even say anything to her? Something that would comfort her, in any way? He didn’t know. 
“I’m…I’m sorry. I’d understand if you wanted to end things between us.” 
It hurt him to say it, it was the last thing he wanted to happen. But he would not hold it against her if that was what she wanted to do. Which is why what she did next took him by surprise like nothing else had. 
She hugged him. 
Astarion was so taken aback by it that he didn't know how to react or what to do at first. He couldn't even remember a time when he had been hugged.
Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and found himself not wanting to let go of her once he returned the hug, her face nuzzled against him. 
“That would hurt me even more.” 
Her voice was a broken whisper, but he heard her nonetheless. 
Syanna moved to look up at him, a weak smile on her face. 
“And I literally just told you I still want us to be something more, in case you haven’t noticed.”
She cleared her throat. 
“What I’m trying to say is I meant what I said. You do mean a great deal to me, and I want…us. Just us.”
He felt a gentle tug at his mind as Syanna’s tadpole tried to reach out to his own. Letting her in, he felt a sudden wave of genuine affection from her. Of warmth. He saw how she began to care for him more and more as time passed. How she enjoyed being with him, just being with him. Then, just as gently, the connection vanished. 
Relief washed over Astarion at her confirmation. But he was still so, so nervous. 
“I…just don’t know what ‘real’ looks like. Not after two hundred years playing the rake. Honestly, I have no idea what we’re doing.”
He looked at her, as if waiting for a hint for what to do, how to proceed.
A small, nervous laugh left Syanna, as she placed a hand on his cheek. 
“What makes you think I do?”
Gods, they were both such fools, weren’t they?
“We could just start over then?” She proposed. 
“Really? Just like that?”
“Mhm.” Syanna nodded. “We could just get to know each other, actually know each other, and see where this takes us.” She paused for a moment. “And we don’t have to have sex, for as long as you need.”
“Hah, why, that almost sounds like a challenge.” He was nervous again. He didn’t know how to react. What else would he even be good for, what else could he even offer her? 
 “I mean it. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Syanna looked into his eyes. “And, Astarion? I’m sorry.”
“Whatever for, darling?” 
“That you felt as if you needed to force yourself to go through with this…plan. That maybe I had a hand in making you feel like that. That I didn’t realise it before. That–”
Astarion interrupted her. 
“Darling, you had no way of knowing about it.” 
“Still, I should have–” Realisation suddenly hit her. “Oh Gods, oh Hells, I did notice it, but I didn’t know what it was back then.” She stepped back from him, pacing anxiously. “That first night, in that clearing you took me to…that’s why…that’s why you seemed so far away, isn’t it?”
Oh. That.
He nodded, and Syanna looked mortified. 
“Shit. I’m so sor-”
He interrupted her once more. “You don’t have to apologise.”
“We’re starting over, remember? So let’s start over. Even if I have no idea what comes next.” 
He didn’t want her blaming herself for what had happened before. It wasn’t her fault. If anything, she was following along with his plan and doing exactly what he wanted her to do. 
Besides, her blaming herself would make him feel even worse about everything. And Astarion wanted nothing more than to start over and to make up for the lies and manipulation.
Syanna looked at him, her eyes still wide, still concerned for him. 
Astarion took her hand into his own, a small smile on his face. He hadn’t expected the way things turned out, or Syanna’s reaction, but he was glad he decided to confess everything to her. What’s more, he was glad that, despite everything, he didn’t lose her. 
He placed his other hand on top of hers. 
What they had together was something entirely too precious to him. And this, knowing that there was still a chance for them? A chance for something real, built on honesty instead? 
It was nice.
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lucigoo · 4 months
Weekly Roundup: 5th May - 12th May
Some on forgot to mention it had gone Sunday. Having both broken and dislocated my wrist on Saturday its all a little higgldy piggldy on my brain right now, whoops. I have a weekly goal of 10,000 words but I think im gonna lower it to 5000 atm nd try and give myself some grace. So, I managed 10,492 words last week with 3 uplodaded fics But first, as always, recs <3 Got A Secret Need To Keep It - BindiTheSkunk - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, Bilbo is just plain feral in the best way) Summary: Bilbo tries to do what Thorin told him to with his supposedly dying breaths and return home to his books and armchair...but a sudden revelation makes him go to return to the place his heart was left at, but he is set upon by Mirkwood's elves who wish to use him... From Hobbiton With Love - Dimity Blue (Arnie) - The Hobbit (this is just adorable, Bilbo/Thorin) Summary: The Battle of the Five Armies is over with everyone surviving. Back in the Shire, a lonely Bilbo turns to writing novels about "Noti the Spymaster". They're surprisingly popular, especially in Erebor. Your Own Faithful Land - 61Below - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thori, little Frodo is the most precious thing around) Summary: Uncle Bilbo lived Very Far Away, so he never stopped by for tea, and he missed the fireworks Gandalf lit off at the Lithe. It was too unfair. Instead, Frodo had to content himself with the letters and the wonderful stories that Uncle Bilbo would write to him. All Manner of Things - Drel_Murn, nimblermortal - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - (Geralt/Jaskier, I have discovered I am a glutton for Accidental Warlord/Arranged marriage Au's and this one is golden) Summary: Julian is pretty sure he's not the Count of Lettenhove's daughter, but after he's thrown away his other marriage prospects, his father sends him to forge a political marriage with the Warlord of the North. Julian's just trying to survive, but in the face of true kingship and the Kaer Morhen Fanon Hot Springs, he might just learn to thrive.
Accidental Warlord AU in which Jaskier is trans. With, perhaps, a few other changes along the way. A Wolf and a Bard Walk into a Bar... (I Forget the Rest) - SuperFrikinAngsty - The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, Aiden/Lambert, I adore after the Mountain fix it fics) Summary:
The bard’s first drink was nearly gone when the door to the tavern was thrown open. All conversations stopped as every patron turned to look at the newcomer. The air tensed around him, and Jaskier sighed.
Witcher. Mutant, the people around him whispered. Hatred and fear colored their voices as they cursed the man walking inside with uneven steps.
Jaskier sniffed the air tentatively and sighed in relief when the scent didn’t match the one he’d spent the past months avoiding. Instead of horse and onion, this witcher smelled of sulfur and blood.
Well. That wasn’t good. Of Swords and Songs - ThedemonCat - Multifandom (Geralt/Jaskier, The Withcher/Sweeny Todd Au i never knew I needed,) Summary: Years ago, Geralt Rivia enjoyed a peaceful life with his husband, Jaskier, and their daughter, Ciri. However, an affluent Judge became infatuated with Jaskier, leading him to orchestrate a scheme that wrongfully accused Geralt of a crime. This resulted in Geralt's imprisonment on a remote island.
Now, Geralt has returned, driven by a thirst for vengeance. He discovers that Ciri is now under the judge's care, and the fate of Jaskier remains a mystery to everyone. Hope someone likes at least one of them <3
And now, like always, my fics. Sharing Spaces (Because you want me to) _ An animal bday gift fic for the wonderful @hobbityalse, Cat Bilbo/Lynx Thorin Summary:
Thorin has been relcated to a new zoo, he needs a friend. Well, th ehumans think he needs a friend, Thorin disagrees.
Bilbo just doesnt want to be alone anymore. A dwarf alone: Not all alone, I'm here cousin (Gen fic, exploring the familial relationship that should have existed betwee Gimli and Frodo) Summary: The fellowship is grieving Gandalf, but there is a dwarf who is mouring more the just their fallen Wizard, he is mourning his family and their legacy.
Dwarves are not supposed too mourn alone, but Gimli is a lone dwarf, until he isn't alone in his grief any longer. Whoops, I spilt the tea (Sirius/Remus ay Hogwarts. For @flashfictionfridayofficial, prompt #262, Spill the tea) Summary: McGonagall has ordered Sirius to spill the tea, so that's exactly what he does. So thats it for another week, have a good one, take care, and try not to fall over and break your wrist, it sucks ......
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profoundlyfaded · 4 months
The Nightingale and Harper
Rating: Teen
OC Tav: Ayressa Aedihle (Female High Elf Bardlock)
Pairing: Gale x Ayressa
Word Count: 4967
TW: Discussion about Death/Facing Loss
Series: Songs, Swords and Sorcery
Deep in the Shadowlands, Ayressa Aedihle comes face to face with an old ally as she attempts to get closer to the Heart of the Absolute.
Author Notes: This fic, and overall the series, comes out of developing Ayressa’s backstory into BG3 and infilling that where the game can’t due to the natural limitations of the source material when your OC is a Tav. Ayressa’s status as a famous Bard can’t be explored in game, her connections to the wider world around her can’t be added. It also has my HC that the first kiss between Gale and his romanced partner should happen a little sooner - I’m all for the slow burn but the first kiss to sex leap in the Last Night scene always feels rushed for me. For this pairing, they begin sharing acts of chaste intimacy when they’re in the Underdark - after she’s learnt of the Orb and reconciled that within herself. Anyway, enough infodumping!
The High Harper's name rang over the courtyard, and Ayressa Aedihle squared her shoulders, slipping her hands into her coat pockets, as she followed the solider's gaze. A cluster of Harpers by a fountain parted to reveal their leader; The High Harper of Baldur's Gate. Jaheira's brown eyes narrowed as they fell on Ayressa, lips thinning into a frown as she began moving towards the newcomers.
'The White Nightingale,' Jaheira declared as she drew closer. 'Whatever could have brought the Baldurian Songbird to these darkened wilds?'
She recognised the way Jaheira prowled towards her; Ayressa had spent enough time with the Harper to know when she was on the hunt. Behind her, Ayressa's companions whispered amongst themselves at the revelation of her famous moniker but the Bard remained focused on Jehaira; they were her prey and significantly outnumbered should it come to a fight.
'I could ask the same of you,' Ayressa said, bowing her head in greeting. They had been allied before, when their paths crossed in the city. 'Nine-Fingers told everyone from the sewers to the High Hall that you were dead. Glad the rumours were an exaggeration.'
'Is that so?' Jaheira replied, coming to a halt with her iron composure in place with her arms crossed over her chest. 'But you've not answered my question, Nightingale.'
'Only passable route to the Gate at present,' replied Ayressa, 'wouldn't have been my first choice. Or my second.' She glanced around the courtyard, up to the inn before them before back to Jaheira. 'You appear to have settled in nicely. It's been what five, maybe six months?'
'A strange evil lingers here,' Jaheira replied, her eyes and hand glowing as she moved it in a twisting movement bringing forth vines that snaked around Ayressa's feet and ankles.
Ayressa attempted to lift her foot as her mind flooded with the bristling of her companions readying themselves to strike. She held up her hand in a halting gesture while conveying through their connect to remain ready.
'What are you doing?' Ayressa asked.
'The Ayressa Aedihle I know would be too well versed in the lay of this land to enter it to reach The Gate,' Jaheira replied, closing her hand into a fist to tighten the vines around Ayressa's ankles. 'So, why are you here? I'm here because of this.'
From her belt, Jaheira unclipped a jar and held it up so it glinted in the magical light of the dome surrounding the small island. Ayressa learnt forward, her head tilting to look at the suspended tadpole.
'It's a curious creature,' Jaheira continued, turning the glass so that everyone looking at her could see it. 'Hides all manner of secrets, but if there is one thing we do know - it knows it own kind, True Soul.' Jaheira's expression darkened to a death sentence. 'You should never have come here.'
Ayressa steadied her breath, silently instructing her companions to hold while her Eldritch Blast began to tingling in her fingertips. 'I'm not a True Soul,' she said. 'But I am infected.'
'I'm not interested in the newest set of manipulations from the Absolute,' Jaheira declared. 'Harpers -'
A single childish voice rose over the sound of the Harpers and Ayressa's companions readying themselves for battle. Jaheira turned while Ayressa's gazed moved in the direction of the voice; Mol darted through the soldiers until she stood before the two women. As the child launched into an explanation of the events at the Grove, Ayressa turned to Shadowheart with her hand out.
'The relic,' she demanded in a hiss.
Shadowheart blinked, confused for a moment then pulled the relic from one of the pouches and tossed it to Ayressa. The Bard snatched it out the air the leant forward, stretching out as far as she could towards Jaheira, angling the relic as close to the tadpole specimen as she could. The parasite squealed, writhing as the influence of the relic touched it, then exploded drawing Jaheira attention away from Mol.
'We're not True Souls,' Ayressa gritted out as the two women's eyes met. 'This relic protects us from the parasite's influence.'
'How? What is it?'
Ayressa shrugged as she learnt back. 'We think it's Githyanki in origin, but other than that, we don't know.'
Jaheira closed the space between them in two strides, grabbing Ayressa's jaw and forcing them eye to eye, ignoring the sounds of protest from her companions. 'If you are lying to me, Nightingale...'
Ayresa twisted herself free and leant back as far as the restraints would allow. 'I'm not, so stand down, and we can figure out properly.'
Their gazes held for a moment longer, Jaheira's expression one of someone trying to bore into someone else's soul. The vines slipped away.
'Consider yourself to have received the benefit of the doubt,' Jaheira announced loudly. 'Come inside, we'll drink wine and discuss what we can do to help each other out.'
'You couldn't have just opened with that?' Ayressa asked as she shook herself free.
With a shrug, Jaheira turned back to the inn. Ayressa looked down at Mol, mouthing 'thank you' at the child. Shadowheart came to stand beside her, her gaze inquisitive as if seeing her for the first time.
'Well?' The cleric demanded holding out her hand.
Ayressa pressed the relic into her hand. 'What?'
'You're the most famous bard in Faerûn,' Shadowheart exclaimed. 'Well, in Baldur's Gate, at least,' amending her assessment when Ayressa raised her eyebrows.
'Yeah,' she admitted, rubbing her jaw. 'It's hardly life and death information.'
She straightened, meeting Shadowhearts gaze; amidst the confessions of vampirism, Sharran Worship, Netherese Orbs, demonic patrons and infernal engines the secret she failed to disclose felt small. Her fame was a mere consequences of the life she had led for the last hundred and fifty years.
Glancing over her shoulder, she knew she owed them some explanation. Her gaze met Gale's, his brown eyes remained warm but with a hint of query. Ayressa turned away to led them inside.
By the time they reached inside, the High Harper was already pouring wine into a goblet. Her gaze remained steely, her declaration in the courtyard being a show; the benefit of doubt had not really been extended.
'An Arabellan,' Jaheira purred, holding out the goblet.
Ayressa crossed her arms. 'I'm not falling for that, Harper. I'm infected; it hasn't turned me stupid.'
A stillness took over Jaheira. 'There are good people here, I would know if you're a danger.'
'As much as I ever was,' replied Ayressa, 'to the wrong people.' She glanced up, eyebrows raised. 'You're not in that category - I assume you want to stay there?'
The stand-off between Ayressa and Jaheira ended, as Ayressa always knew it would, with another of their alliances. They both had reason to reach Moonrise and put an end to Thorm’s machinations. It would be easier to work together than at cross purposes. Jaheira had a shrewd mind, cunning and swift once the opportunity was open to her, but they needed Ayressa to get the information. It was an old routine that she was familiar with; integrate herself into a world, watch, learn, report back, plan then attack.
The first step was to receive a blessing from the Selûnite Cleric maintaining the moon dome over the inn. However, Ayressa was too tired for another encounter. It had been a long day and yet she had no idea far into the day they actually were. It could barely be noon for all she knew but she felt sapped of her energy.
Instead she and her companions set about making camp on the edge of the dome beside the lapping waters of the river. While the others set up their tents she sat out of view, and pulled off her boots and leggings to rub the aloe gel into the rash left by Jaheira’s vines. After that, explanations would be due.
She felt their curiosity through the shared link created by the tadpole.
The usual camp activities were in full swing by the time Ayressa joined them, including her own tent having been erected. She could feel the magic around it, Gale having seen to it with a same wave of his hand he used on his own. It was rare that she would allow him to do this, preferring him to preserve his power in case of emergency but on this occasion Ayressa was grateful. She glanced in his direction, but he was already absorbed in cooking as he chatted with Wyll. Time would likely come later to thank him.
After changing into her evening clothes, she grabbed her lute and took up her usual position by the fire. The tune she played was her current working progress about the fall of the Goblin Warlord. As she played, Karlach and Lae’zel ended their sparring and the tiefling walked over with a mug of beer in her hand.
‘So, I’ve been thinking,’ Karlach announced as Ayressa reached the final note. ‘Didn’t I once chase you out of the Upper City Barracks after you broke into Gortash’s place? I ended up in the river after you downed a Potion of Fly midair.’
‘What can I say? The unprepared always get caught,’ smirked Ayressa, leaning back to look at the Teifling. ‘I seem to recalling hearing you seethed about it for weeks.’
Karlach rolled her shoulders. ‘Well, no one likes being outwitted like that. Was a pretty smooth move, though. Should have known better - The White Nightingale has always been known for her escape plans.’
‘As I recall you were pretty well prepared. You had those guards who could detect invisibility, hence the flying instead,’ reasoned Ayressa. ‘But I rarely go into a situation without both options available.’
‘What were you doing there?’ Wyll asked, drawn into the conversation.
Ayressa frowned, resting the lute in her lap. ‘Remembering the exact nature of Gortash’s transgressions over the last two years is hard enough let alone trying to recall what happened ten or eleven years ago. But I do remember rifling through his belongings and the door banging open to reveal Karlach.’
‘So you’re a world famous Bard and what? Protector of the innocent?’ Wyll asked.
‘More Bard, investigator and occasional spy for my patron,’ Ayressa clarified. ‘I investigate any manner of crime that the Fist can’t or won’t solve; disappearances, murder, recovering lost artefacts, trailing unfaithful spouses around the city and nearly everyone lets me through their door because I’m Ayressa Aedihle, The White Nightingale. It’s not all misadventure, sometimes I really am just a Bard.’
‘I saw you perform in the Yawning Portal, seven, maybe eight years ago,’ said Gale. ‘The place was packed out for it.’
‘I was on a one night stopover bound for Neverwinter. Good night. Good crowd. Always meant to go back but sometimes the years just pass by.’ She sighed. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all but, I wasn’t really sure I was still that person anymore. The parasite has taken much from all of us but perhaps I am finding my way back.’ She chuckled darkly. ‘Being confronted by Jaheira like that certainly forced me to remember my wits.’
‘I can’t believe you know her,’ enthused Karlach. ‘Well, I can, but knowing you know her is so cool. I bet you know all the stories about her!’
Ayressa nodded her head. ‘I do but perhaps they are best told when we are not camped on her door step.’
The rest of the evening passed quietly, and with their camp being within the safety of the Harper compound, they did not have to keep watch. While tired, Ayressa’s mind was stubbornly telling her that it was not ready for its trance so she wandered away from the camp to explore the outer edge of the dome, coming to a halt at a pier around the back of the inn. The water was dark, looking more dangerous than the lake in the Underdark; did shadows lurk in the depths like they did on the land? She sank down into a crossed legged sitting position and pondered the darkness.
More than just Moonrise loomed in her thoughts; Elminster’s visit and Gale’s new task lingered within her, a swirling mass of pain lodging in her heart and mind at the thought of him going through with Mystra’s directive.
‘You’re not usually one for brooding.’
Gale’s voice forced her out her thoughts of him and she turned to look up at the wizard. The silver light of moon dome highlighted the greys in his hair but since previous night’s intervention, he looked healthier, a colour back to his cheeks now he no longer fought the hunger of the Orb.
‘There is a lot to consider,’ she said, returning her gaze to the water. ‘How we approach it, what we may find- I certainly wasn’t expecting to hear we have someone who is apparently immortal to deal with before we get answers. These lands are dark, far more dangerous than anywhere else in Faerûn, you saw what they did to that Harper.’
‘This Selûnite blessing sounds as if it will help us,’ pointed out Gale. ‘Although I am interested in its formation. It’s divine magic, but this dome still pulls at the Weave, what little of it is here, intertwined together.’
She chuckled.
‘What?’ He asked.
Ayressa shrugged. ‘I like it when you get excited about magic.’ Gale gazed at her with a doubtfully raised eyebrow. ‘I do,’ she insisted.
‘Well, it’s fascinating,’ he said, smiling at her enthusiasm. ‘Rather like your own magic, not drawing from the Weave like I do but you seem to bring it forth through song. Before I met you, I’d somewhat formed the opinion that the Bardic arts were a lesser form of magic. You’ve proven me wrong.’
‘A wizard admitting he is wrong?’ She teased. ‘I should note that for the annals. I thought it was impossible.’
‘Very good,’ replied Gale, moving to sit beside her. ‘You don’t have to do this alone, carry the burden of our travels.’
She tilted her head to look at him, the concern in his voice drawing her attention. They were dancing around their attraction to one another and now he was instructed to die. She wanted to reach out and touch his jaw, draw his mouth to hers, pull his body close and confess the her love for him. With the Orb stabilised, she wondered if he would continue resisting.
‘I don’t want you to die.’ She returned her gaze to the dark waters. ‘I don’t care what your Goddess implies, it can’t be the only way.’
‘And if it is?’
There was a quietness to his voice that rose the hairs on the back of Ayressa’s neck; he didn’t want to die like this regardless of what he had said in the initial wake of the revelation.
‘It won’t be,’ she replied. ‘We don’t even know what this Heart of the Absolute is. You have the power to level a city with that thing and for all we know it will be akin to crushing an ant with an anvil. And what of all the potentially innocent bystanders? Anyone who is infected is possibly going to be people like you and I who would want nothing to do with this but for the tadpole controlling them. Can you justify that, even if Mystra can?’
She spat out the words, and the anger she held flooded into her veins, coursing through her in a flush of emotion she wasn’t used to. It wasn’t all directed at Mystra, and was disconcerted to find an element angled at Gale for not seeing the truth of it from the offset. His silence in the wake of her words was enough for Ayressa to know that he could not justify the loss of innocent lives.
The silence continued, although it was not uncomfortable despite its reason. She had learnt that for all his loquaciousness in his travels, when Gale had multiple directions of thought to consider he would lapse into silence as he considered them. Ayressa was beginning to think she was the only one who had noticed these periods of quiet vulnerability. Her anger slowly began to cool, like water trickling over her.
‘I should get some rest,’ she eventually announced, feeling the pull to enter a trance. She got to her feet in a graceful movement. ‘So should you, we’ve still a ways to go.’
Even after weeks in the Underdark prior to entering the cursed lands, Ayressa could not get used to waking in darkness. She gazed up at the moon dome, stretching as she contemplated it, wondering if Gale had distracted his thoughts on Mystra’s directive with further contemplation of its creation. Behind her, movement caught her attention as Astarion crept back towards his tent. He looked wane and it occurred to her that food for him would be scarce here. She doubted he’d get away with drinking from the single hairless cat she had seen prowling the inn. But equally she was not going to shift her stance on allowing him to drink from her. Their eyes met for a moment before he turned away from her; their alliance was already an uneasy one. He had been the only one who knew who she was back in the city. He’d been her prey before with her coming close enough to have once staked him, missing his heart before he’d managed to escape. While they aligned on the desire to end Cazador, and understood he was nothing more than a puppet, he had an unapologetic air to the deeds that left her feeling cold.
He vanished into his tent and Ayressa settled before the glowing embers of the fire. Occasionally glancing up at the balcony to the source of the moon dome, letting everyone rest around her. The relative safety of the inn meant she was inclined to give them a bit of additional recharge before heading back out into cursed lands to explore its nature, find a way to Moonrise and hopefully discover the secrets behind their tadpoles.
She lost herself to the thoughts, pondering the possibilities before them but also trying to recall the history of this place. She had a dim recollection of an area between the Gate and Elturel being swallowed by a curse but the details were foggy.
Another set of footsteps caught her attention, but this time she didn’t turn, knowing the soft footfall and waiting until Gale settled beside her.
‘You’re up early,’ she said, ‘well, it could be late, I guess. With all this shadow it could be high noon and we wouldn’t know.’
‘My rest was uneasy,’ he replied, gazing around before settling on a spot that appeared to beyond the moon dome. ‘This shadow curse, I feel it pulling at me, dimming my connection to the Weave.’
His fingers twitched, and then with an elegant twist of his wrist, a shower of sparks appeared the fell to the floor. She frowned at his concerned expression, reaching over to place her hand over the one that rested on his knee. She recalled with vivid detail his words about why Magic and the Weave were so important to him. Like music to her, it was something embedded deep within him and as intrinsic to his survival as a heartbeat and breath. Gale flexed his fingers, spreading them so hers fell between them and they tangled together on his knee. Ayressa shuffled closer, their shoulders touching as they both contemplated the embers.
‘Perhaps defeating Ketheric Thorm once and for all is the key to lifting the curse,’ she mused. ‘Perhaps Halsin will have some further ideas around that in the coming days. How badly is it effecting your casting?’
‘It more like cloying tendrils pulling at the connections, but with additional focus, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be able to manage. What about you?’
‘Like I’m being sapped,’ Ayressa said. ‘I had been feeling more myself, reconnected, but this place makes it feel distant. I don’t even have the energy to work on my little experiment. I’ve just been sat here staring up at that balcony.’
‘What experiment?’ Gale asked, shifting slightly to look at her.
‘I had an idea after we encountered those harpies,’ she said, ‘and I’ve been trying to craft a song that would entrance our enemies but not ourselves, but figuring out how to protect us is tricky. It isn’t working how I’d hope.’
‘Are you sure you aren’t secretly a wizard?’ Gale asked, his interest piqued, as it always was by magic. ‘To achieve that you’d need some intensive study into the evocation. The art of sculpting spells around your allies is one of the hardest won skills in magic.’
‘That’s assuming that I cast my spells in the same way you do, which I do not,’ Ayressa countered. ‘Yes, I reach into the Weave, but I connect it with the harmonic resonances of those around me and with the right notes, it hits! You have to -‘ she let go of his hand to mimic the somatic elements of a spell.
Gale rubbed his beard, shaking his head at her erratic hand movements, but smiling with an indulgent look in her eyes. ‘That’s not entirely true, I’ve seen you cast your Ray of Ice, and you always do it the same way a wizard would, verbal and somatic. Besides, if it were a song, like that of the Harpies, why couldn’t you integrate a somatic element to sculpt it as you wouldn’t need an instrument to play it? I doubt you’d be able to achieve what you want without it.’
‘Those Harpies didn’t need to,’ she countered.
‘True,’ Gale acknowledged, ‘but they likely have some genetic-based filtering to overcome that, which the species developed over time so they could use the ability to the effect they do. I really should look into that, but in the meanwhile, you will need to find another way around it. Sculpting the spell is likely the easiest way to do that; use the vocal element of the song to connect to the harmonic resonances around you and the somatic element to disconnect those you don’t want affected. I’m sure you’d get the hang of it in time.’
‘How do I know this isn’t some ploy to get me to read some tomes on magical theory?’ Ayressa asked, ‘and it transpires that it’s almost as easy as channelling the Weave.’
She smirked at the needling comment, watching Gale get to his feet and brush some invisible dust from his robes.
‘A practical demonstration then,’ he announced, looking down at her with an expression she could only describe as mischievous. Gale held out his hand to her. ‘I will show you, my previously adapt student, how to sculpt a spell, and if it is so easy, then you’ll be able to replicate it.’
She took his hand, and he tugged her to her feet with ease. Once on her feet they were impossibly close, enough that she could push up onto her tiptoes, press her lips to his. His eyes tracked over her face, brown eyes drinking her in as if he might be having the same thought she was.
‘Do you trust me?’
His voice was deep, husky and all she could was nod, swallowing against the desire in her body. He manoeuvred her so she was stood facing the camp, dome behind her and the expanse of the lake behind her. Gale gazed down at her for a moment longer than needed before he retreated.
‘What are you going to do?’ She asked. ‘Well, I know what you’re going to do but how do I know you won’t hurt me?’
‘Please,’ he scoffed. ‘While my abilities remain somewhat diminished by my recent misadventures, I do retain more than enough control to decide how powerful a spell will be. Now stand there, watch my hands and don’t move.’
Ayressa sighed, resting her hands on her hips; she trusted him, but she’d also seen the power he was capable of channelling into a spell. If that was his definition of diminished then he must have been an intoxicating combination beautiful and terrifying at the height of his power. She focused on what he’d asked her to do, looking at his hand, long fingers moving in an intricate pattern as he summoned a fire bolt and threw it in her direction. As it sailed past her, she felt a warm pulse of air rather than the searing heat she knew the spell contained. His hands moved again, voice commanding the spell and threw it again, this time searing heat shot passed her.
‘The gesture must be more complex than what I can see from here,’ she said, walking towards him. ‘Show me again, but without the actual fire throwing.’ Gale’s expression lit up at the request as she walked over. ‘And go a bit slower, you cast so quickly it’s a miracle anyone can keep up.’
‘We’ll make a Wizard of you yet,’ he declared as she reached his side.
The movement she had missed turned out to be a dome shaped gesture over the usual movement. Even without the verbal element, she noted that Gale was still capable of pulling enough magic together to warm them. She mimicked the gesture but there was no pull from the Weave as it wasn’t a spell from her usual repertoire.
‘But how do you tell the spell who is friend or foe?’ She asked, pausing in the movement at the point the protection is added.
‘Not entirely dissimilar to you, although it’s sensing that essence through the Weave and threaded that knowledge into make up of the spell; you, for instance, are like rosewater, a warm glow of soft pink and an almost uncatchable rush of wind,’ Gale explained. ‘I channel that knowledge into the spell.’
‘Are the others so well defined?’ she asked, hands dropping as she turned to look at him.
‘No,’ he replied, his gaze steady. ‘Res, you know that, well, being at your side, even somewhere like this -‘ he brought his hand up to cup her jaw, thumb stroking her cheek ‘-you’re beautiful, radiant even.’
‘Not in this light,’ she quipped.
She leant into his touch, hand still warm from the magic he’d been wielding, eyes drifting closed to saviour the sensation.
‘Moreso,’ Gale countered, his voice deep, soft, warm and indulgent. ‘There is nowhere on this plane or any other that would make me think otherwise.’
Ayressa opened her eyes, to look at him looking down at her. She stepped closer, pushing up onto her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. There was no hesitation, Gale’s lips soft and willing to her exploration. She reached up and snaked her arms around his neck as his free hand wrapped around her waist, drawing her closer as he deepened the kiss. It remained tender as they explored each other, tasting the desire they had been holding back on; she wanted more, all of him, both this and to entwine her mind with his in the Weave again. Ayressa knew, letting herself tumble into the warmth, that she wasn’t falling in love with Gale, but she was his, the fall already complete.
The kiss drew to a natural conclusion, foreheads resting against each other, breathing each other in; contentment and love shone in Gale’s eyes and Ayressa felt a surge of hope that all was not lost. Her fingers traced the magical scar, its tempestuous magic calmed and the gaping void she had felt before Elminster’s intervention had lessened. Gale’s breath hitched at her gentle ministration and he moved to capture her lips for a second time.
‘You’re here!’
Alfira’s voice cut through the moment just as their lips touched, breaking the pair apart. A soft moan escaped Ayressa’s lips; disappointment as cold air hit her. Gale’s hand remained on her hip, with one of her hands pressed to his shoulder as if they were unable to fully part from each other.
‘Gods, I thought they’d get you too, like they go the others.’
Anxiety and despair rolled off the bard, and the irritation Ayressa felt at having her kiss interrupted fell away to concern. She stepped away from the remains of her embrace with Gale, their eyes meeting for a moment, desire burning in the depths of his brown eyes before she focused on Alfira again.
‘What do you mean, ‘got the others?’’ Ayressa asked as she reached Alfira.
The Teifling broke into tears, hand going to her mouth. ‘We were attacked,’ she hiccuped. ‘Not far from here. Zevlor just froze and then they attacked, cultists. I managed to get away with the children because Rolan,’ she hiccuped again, and the hint of a small smile. ‘Rolan was amazing actually, shielded us, fought them off while we got away,’ he expression darkened. ‘Only a few of us made it here.’
Alfira swayed dangerously. Ayressa grabbed her, pulling her close as her knees gave out and sobs racked her body. Ayressa sank down with her, almost rocking her in a soothing gesture as she cried, her gentle heart broken all over again after fleeing the hells.
‘Most of them died,’ she said in a quiet voice when the sobs subsided, pulling back to look at Ayressa. ‘But some were taken to Moonrise.’
Ayressa turned to look at Gale, watching them with concern, a hint of anger roiling off him. ‘We should try to find any survivors,’ he said quietly, ‘help anyone we can. You remember what Halsin said about that place?’
Prisoners go in, True Souls come out.
‘We’ll do what we can,’ Ayressa said, getting to her feet then offering a hand to Alfira. ‘Come on, let’s get you inside.’
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thatonetimetraveller · 4 months
ooooh I would love to know about 'Barduil Month 2023' for the wip game! mooooore bi widower dads yay! <33333
thank you for the ask 💜
i have all the fics for last year's prompt list in there idk why I did it that way
I haven't really worked on it in ages but as a treat and an apology I have the last section i typed up here (last year, help where has time gone) idk if you remember this fic but it was supposed to be the 2nd chapter
As summer waned and autumn slowly took over the air cooled and rain became more common. It was a slow transition with the wind becoming chillier and the days slightly shorter, but the temperature remained warm for the most part. The leaves lost their vibrancy before turning yellow and orange. Animals began collecting food for their hibernation and the melody of the birdsong changed as the summer birds fled and winter ones came to replace them. The small hidden fields of golden crops mature and harvested, which was always a cause for celebration.
 The first harvest feast marked the first day of the season, it was always a rowdy affair. Work for the preparations of the feast swamped Thranduil and he did nor have time to really think about his summer encounters with Bard. The Forest always took to this transitionary period with trepidation since as the air cooled, its defences weakened and so did the strength of the blight increase. Thranduil went out to enjoy the company of the Forest and make sure it was ready for the colder months.
The feast was a merry occasion for his folk with singing and dancing around campfires as soon as the sun set. The last rays of the setting sun filtered through the yellowing leaves casting the clearing in golden light. The faint murmur of Sindarin put Thranduil’s mind at ease and even the Forest was calm today. Leaves swayed and rustled with the cool breeze and the birds began their customary evening song. Fireflies came out for the last time bathing the glade in green light as the sky greyed. Exclamations of wander followed as the fireflies settled on the grass and in their hair. Thranduil smiled to himself as he was the one who asks the Forest to wake the fireflies one last time.
The trees split with groans revealing a path from which a figure a figure stumbled through. His arrival was loud; leaves and branches crunching with every step he took as he waded through the thick underbrush. Soft gasps echoed through the clearing followed by anxious murmurings in Sindarin. It took a moment for Thranduil to remember and when he did, with an exasperated nudge from the Forest, his heart soared. He did not think Bard would come. The elves shifted behind, few brought bows for the Forest hid them in times like these. When Bard finally came into the clearing Thranduil took an unconscious step towards him only to stop when the distinct sound of someone drawing their bow reached his ears.
“My lord!” Someone exclaimed in Sindarin and Bard’s face instantly filled with mild confusion and fear as he glanced about the nervous elves. He held up a hand with a grimace.
“It seems I am interrupting something?” he asked glancing at Thranduil. A few sharp murmurs tore through the elves before Thranduil held up a hand to silence them.
“Welcome!” he said to Bard who gave a relived smile in return. Galion came up to him and gave a confused look.
“Are you sure? Letting an outsider in?” he asked in Sindarin his eyes searching Thranduil’s face worryingly. Thranduil huffed in response.
“Calm yourself, I have met Bard before.” He said loud enough for the rest of the gathering to hear. After a moment of hesitation, they returned to setting the bonfire up with great haste for the sky had darkened rapidly. Galion stayed by his side shooting suspicious looks at Bard.
“Do you really trust him?” he asked softly and Thranduil bristled as he rounded on his advisor.
“The Forest trusts this man,” he said sharply, and Galion grimaced but held his tongue. Thranduil sighed and walked up to Bard who was glancing at the elves.
“Do not worry, I did invite you after all.” Thranduil murmured with a faint smile. Bard glanced at him and the bonfire blaze to life its warm glow reflecting in his brown eyes. The light of the bonfire bathed the clearing in a soft glow chasing off the shadows to depths of the Forest. It lit Thranduil from behind, casting an orange shine to his pale hair giving it the faint impression of it glowing. His blue eyes danced with mischief in the flicker of fire and Bard’s breath hitched as he gazed at Thranduil.
“Come, we have a whole night of merrymaking ahead of us,” Thranduil said guiding Bard towards the fire. Bard’s eyes widened at the words and a soft blush darkened his cheeks.
“Right…” he squeaked out.
Soon the dancing and singing began with loud and cheerful music played by several types of instruments from flutes to drums. The leaves swayed in tune and the birds joined in after a while. Thranduil munched on some Lembas hanging back near the edge of the Forest happy to bask in the cheer of his people and the warmth of the fire. Those who spoke Westron eventually warmed up to Bard laughing at his tales and Bard listened to Eston talk about his life in the Forest with just as much attention as he did with Thranduil.
As midnight neared and the half moon peaked into the clearing the energy of the party doubled and Thranduil re-joined the proceedings by leading the dance. They formed two sets of circles of loosely connected arms around the fire and began weaving around it changing spaces in a complicated but seamless pattern in beat with the lively music. The light reflected on each elf and their shadows cast the pattern of their dance onto the ground. Energy surged through Thranduil as he moved and for a while, he forgot his pains. Those few on the side lines clapped along to the beat and cheered the dancers on. Thranduil spotted Bard glancing at the dancers unsurely as he talked with Eston, whose face was flushed with wine as he thumped Bard’s shoulders in a friendly manner. Thranduil’s footsteps faltered just for a second before he tore his eyes away. As the dance slowed its pace, he grabbed Bard’s hand and dragged him into the fray. Bard let out an undignified noise as Eston cheered in the background.
“I don’t know how to dance,” Bard exclaimed with a flush as Thranduil guided him through the first steps.
“It is not hard,” Thranduil murmured, lying just a bit, “Just follow me.” Bard nodded and held onto Thranduil’s hand as they moved through the circle. It took some time before Bard got hold of the complicated pattern of movements, sometimes coming close to being flush their chests heaving and the firelight reflecting beautifully in his dark eyes before the rhythm of the dance tore them apart. Bard’s eyes became more intense and his blush darker as the dance went on. Still, a grin sat on his face as they were pulled apart again and Thranduil knew he was enjoying himself. Slowly the energy of the music increased, followed by clapping and cheering as the speed of the dance intensified before it ceased with a crescendo. Bard and Thranduil finished the dance chest to chest, staring at each other in the low firelight. Their heaving breaths mingled as a magnetic force pulled them closer, Bard’s eyes shimmered and Thranduil couldn’t tear his own away. A pointed cough broke through the thick tension between them, and they drew away from each other. For a moment he thought he spotted a flicker of disappointment before he turned away to face Galion. They exchanged a few words in Sindarin but when he glanced back at Bard he was gone. He sighed in dismay and hoped at least Bard enjoyed himself.
The weather deteriorated soon after the harvest festivals. Rain soaked through the ground and the bite of the wind chilled his skin. Leaves slowly turned from golden yellow to deep shades of orange, red and brown before they fell and littered the Forest floor in a miasma of colours. Spider attacks became more common once again though their severity decreased so at least Thranduil could still function. But the attacks did take their toll, he could already feel his meagre energy supplies depleting, it started out as simply going to bed earlier or needing more energy than usual to complete everyday tasks. And as the weeks passed, he grew more fatigued by the day, even sleep did not replenish him, and the exhaustion just lingered behind his eyes. Soon he knew even the simplest tasks would require him to evaluate his energy levels so he did as much as he could for the Forest before he reached that point.
The sickness had already begun to spread again poising the smaller rivers that run through the Forest, the air grew thicker and hotter in an attempt to fight off the infection, and any unwelcome travellers would be disoriented and confused in order to keep them causing further damage.
Thranduil met Bard again in the middle of the season, the air was crisp but not cold and the sun miraculously punched through the clouds though it did not leave enough energy to warm the ground. Bard was carrying his bow and arrow this time when he stumbled across Thranduil.
“Hello again.” Thranduil greeted with an amused smile. Bard startled and almost drew his bow before he spotted Thranduil.
“Gods! I could have shot you!” he exclaimed with a sigh of relief, Thranduil huffed.
“What are you doing?” he asked gesturing to the bow.
“Hunting,” Bard shrugged, “not very successfully” he added with a wry smile. Then he paled as if realizing something.
“Oh! Is this okay with you?” he asked and Thranduil blinked in confusion despite the heart filling with warmth, he cleared his throat.
“Hunting in moderation is fine” he said, Bard let out a sigh of relief. Thranduil glanced around and asked the Forest if there was any wildlife around, the leaves shook in negative.
“Though this may not be the best area for it,” Thranduil added and Bard sagged in defeat.
“Oh, the Master will fire me” he murmured his face twisting with anxiety. A path began to open up as an idea began forming in Thranduil’s mind.
“Come, I’ll show you a better area” he said and Bard’s head perked up and his eyes sparkled with gratitude. The Forest knew exactly what Thranduil had in mind opening the before them and the followed with an easy conversation between them. Thranduil hasn’t experienced this kind of ease with someone in an Age at least.
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harwinsgirl · 2 years
The ABC’s of Loving Harwin
E is for Egg
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(Hello! This is a series of drabbles that I’m starting to help keep me writing while allowing me to not get burnt out working on some of my longer fics. The tradition in this story is based off of cascaróns, which is a sweet Mexican tradition that I’ve found interesting ever since I was a little girl!)
For the past three nights, you and the other servant girls had stayed up until the early hours of the morning working on various tasks related to the Princess’s upcoming wedding to Laenor Velaryon. Whether that was creating flower arrangements, trimming candle wicks, or bustling about the kitchens, it was an all hands on deck type of event. You were tasked with one of the more tedious chores, which was hollowing out and cleaning chicken eggs.
Despite the laborious handiwork, it wasn’t a job you minded being asked to do. It had become a much loved tradition at weddings in Westeros; young maidens would crack a decorated egg over the head of their beloved or an eligible lord that they fancied. You had dyed the eggs red in berry soaked water and were currently focused on etching intricate designs on their shiny exteriors. Carefully, each egg was filled with tiny shreds of colorful ribbons and paper. You had lost count, but dozens and dozens of eggs had been carefully placed in woven baskets, plenty for Princess Rhaenyra’s guests to choose from.
The princess and her betrothed had requested a small ceremony, although their celebration was anything but. Everyone had crammed into the dining hall of the Red Keep for a delicious meal and young couples sprang up between the tables, dancing and filling the air with laughter. You preoccupied yourself with fiddling with the sleeves on your dress, attempting to cover up some of the dye that still marred your skin. As if any of the partygoers were focused on a servant such as yourself, but still, you prided yourself on your ability to look presentable at any sort of royal event. You were one of Rhaenyra’s favorites, earning you a few tokens of appreciation now and again, such as the scarlet ribbon in your hair and the ruby necklace that matched your satin gown. For such an event as this, it mattered that everyone looked their best.
The night never seemed to wane; after one event, another quickly supplanted it. There had been poetry readings, fencing, festive dancing, and lords bringing forth large, extravagant gifts for the newly wedded couple. Finally, the moment you had been waiting for had arrived. Your heart leapt as soon as you were given the order to bring out the baskets of eggs.
It was quite fun to watch the young ladies squeal and clamber over each other as they reached for the eggs. Despite it being such an innocuous activity, there was deeper meaning beneath it. You often learned of a lady’s true feelings this way. A young married woman would most certainly crack the egg over her husband’s head, but unmarried ladies had free reign of any other who was not yet attached. And since more often than not their marriage would be arranged by their lords and fathers, allowing them this silly little practice was much welcomed. They could declare their truth, even if it was only for a night. Disorderly, child-like, and wildly chaotic, it was certainly your favorite part of the reception.
After most guests turned in for the night, returning to their rooms, the servants lingered in the hall, picking at leftovers from the feast and drinking the last of the wine. A few members of the kingsguard were still at a few dining tables, finishing the remnants of their meal and gobbling down the rest of their ale. Servers leaned against the wall and handmaidens danced to the last song the bard was playing. You found yourself amongst no particular group, resting against a windowsill, content with casually observing.
You noticed a giggly handmaiden reach for one of the remaining eggs. She shushed her friends, who would’ve undoubtedly alerted her prey if they had continued with their noise. Ever so quietly, she made her way over to one of the chefs, who currently had an entire chicken leg in his mouth.
He swung around to see her retreating towards her group, a smile washing over his face when he heard her cackle with delight. The young boy immediately abandoned his plate and rushed from the table, making his way to her, picking her up in his arms and spinning her around.
The young couple caused quite the commotion, and a chain reaction as well. The other servant girls rushed for the basket of eggs, unleashing a torrent of attacks on the remaining men. Not wanting to be left out, you dashed over to the basket and grabbed the last egg that was hidden amongst the straw.
Frantically you searched the hall, surveying your dwindling options. You saw a large figure, hunched over a silver platter, seemingly oblivious to the chaos around him.
That’s the one!
Quick on your feet, you made your way over to his table and smashed the egg over his head, bright colored ribbons getting lost in his dark, curly hair.
Your chest heaving with excitement, you stood rooted to the spot, waiting for the stranger you had chosen to turn around. The wooden chair creaked as the man stood up. From this proximity you were able to see to that he was a member of the kingsguard, something you had failed to notice before, his white cloak falling over his broad shoulders and down his back.
You were met with the most beautiful blue eyes that you had ever seen (and they belonged to a man!). Defined, rugged features, perfectly tousled hair, and smooth, tanned skin, you regretted your choice almost instantly. He was absolutely gorgeous and it had caught you off guard, your mind offering you no solutions to the problem you created. If it was someone you knew better, like another servant, you’d be able to laugh it off and chalk it up to being carried away by the frenzy of the night. Leave it to you to bother a knight, and a criminally attractive one at that.
“What’s your name, ser?” You blurted out. Your cheeks were crimson red when he simply barked out a laugh in response.
“Ser Harwin Strong.” He finally answered, taking your hand in his, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. You breathed heavily, unable to break his gaze. He flashed you a a dazzling smile that lit a fire somewhere deep in your belly.
“Oh, and you had better run, my lady,” he continued, his voice light with amusement, but with a hint of something more in its tone.
“Because when I catch you, there’s no telling what I’ll do.”
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murmel-malt · 2 months
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some old outfit tests for Erin I finally finished
the right one specifically is based on this ukranian national/folk costume
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Hello! I noticed that you're a skarlow fan, too, and I just wanted to ask how you'd feel about sharing ideas on how Skara would act as a stepmother to Willow's kid!
I have a fanfic involving Boscha and Willow being divorced and having a kid with Will dating Skara and Boscha dating Bria
I've seen your work around the Skarlow tag a time or two. It's cute stuff. I admit I haven't read the fic, but I might if I get the time and know what it's called.
I'd be happy to give a few potential headcannons for Skara being a stepmom. Even after all this time I haven't actually explored that possibility. I always like to have Skara and Willow date from Hexside onward and get married sometime shortly after University. But it would be interesting to explore them not only dating when they're older, but also after Willow already had a divorce. With a kid, no less. Plus, divorced Boscha trying to be a cool mom is too funny a concept not to think about.
Also, I'll use the name and what I know of your fankid, Sage, but I admit I'm not sure about all the lore for them, so if I get something completely wrong, just ignore it, or consider it an AU or completely unrelated universe.
Before Boscha and Willow's divorce, Sage considered everyone of her parents friends her aunt or uncle of some kind. Amity the 'Nice Aunt,' Luz the 'Funny Aunt,' Gus the 'Smart Uncle,' ect. Skara, though, was her 'Cool Aunt.' She was the one of Sage's favorite adults because she always had a fun new song she wrote just for her, or a new story about her days in Flyer Derby with her mom, or even her time during New Hexside, beating up Emperor Coven guards or defending the school from the Collector. When she was young, she was excited to be a student at Hexside just so she could take classes taught by her cool aunt.
When Willow and Boscha separated, it was Skara Sage would go to the most to talk about her frustrations, whether it be feeling neglected by Boscha, or worrying about Willow, or feeling like all this was her fault. Skara would always make time to listen, whether she was in the middle of grading papers or if it was the middle of the night. It was always important to her that Sage felt cared about during this rough, formative period of her life, that she knew she could trust people like Skara to always be there for her.
Skara and Willow started dating a year after Willow and Boscha separated. Skara had always liked Willow, always wanted to ask her out, but never felt like it was the right time to confess her feelings, especially given her and Boscha. But finally, she confessed her feelings in song to Willow when she'd come over to Skara's for a friendly dinner one evening while Luz and Amity looked after Sage. Skara knew that Willow would almost certainly say no, that she didn't feel the same way as her or that she didn't think Sage would approve. But to her surprise, Willow eagerly reciprocated, kissing her with delight as she hugged the Bard close. When Skara asked about Sage, Willow believed Sage would be ok with it easily. She already liked Skara a lot, why wouldn't she approve?
The truth was, Sage didn't really know how to feel when she heard the news. She was just getting used to Boscha being gone, but now her other mom was dating someone else? Someone Sage had always seen in a completely different light then as a mom? It made her feel... weird. She reacted nice enough to the news when she first heard it, but over time it became clear to Skara that Sage wasn't entirely happy about this. When she admitted her worries to Willow, they sat Sage down and explain her real feelings. She admitted she didn't want so much to change, that she wanted Skara to remain her 'Cool Aunt,' and that she was tired of feeling like things were happening that she had no say or control over. Willow wasn't sure what to say, but Skara, having worked with kids at Hexside, got on Sage's level and agreed that it wasn't fair to her that so much change was happening without her having any say. So she promised Sage that she would stop dating Willow if it would make Sage happy, because she knew that if Sage wouldn't be happy with her now, things getting more serious with Willow would only exacerbate the problem. Sage didn't know what to say, so she just asked if Skara did love her mom, which she said yes to. Then, she asked if she could at least consider Skara as her 'Cool Mom,' which got a laugh and a 'yes' out of Skara. Sage admitted she was still a bit uneasy, but was grateful Skara listened to her and still cared what she felt like, so she was happy with them dating, as long as Skara was still cool and nice and treated her mom right.
Two years later, Skara and Willow got married, with Sage as the flower girl.
Skara would often cook for the family, and she always attempted to keep Sage's personal feelings in mind when making her food, while also using her culinary skills to make things she didn't like appetizing.
Skara would still sing for Sage, even if sometimes she didn't have the time to make a completely new song and just remixed an old hit. Sage still loved the songs a lot, and always found herself humming them later.
At Hexside, Skara loves to remind Sage she loves her, especially if Sage walks by her classes: waving to her, cheering her on when she knows she has a test in her next class, all that jazz. In truth, Sage appreciates the attention, and is grateful to Skara for caring about her at school and not pretending to be professional.
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mareenavee · 1 year
Ah, a list of fuuun psych terms. Let's go with Authenticity for a fun one! :D
THANK YOU!!! This is a great one albeit a little hard to avoid spoilers with so I've adjusted the question just a bit so nothing is too on the nose lol It's taken me a bit to return to these asks so thanks for your patience here :D
Positive Psychology asks for my fic The World on Our Shoulders!
Ask game is here.
Answering for Nyenna this time :D
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for?
Nyenna is still kind of on a precipice. She's been told who she's supposed to be at all stages of her life so far. On the run with Eris, that sort of fear shifted something in her. You would think she'd be less trusting because of it, but something in her desperately clings to some kind of hope that people are good, that they have to be good, because the implications that the world is filled with only evil without hope at all are too much for her to handle.
There was really no room to figure out these kinds of things on her own before. She had a glimmer of it, a little bit, when she tried to settle down in Whiterun. She decided then she was going to be the kind of person who didn't need to rely on others anymore. She wanted to be strong on her own, having never been given the chance before. Of course we know later on that she does lean on others and it doesn't make her weak; it takes her a long while to realize this. But especially now as the Dragonborn, this concept of doing things on her own is skewed by fear of hurting others. This generally translates to her being a kind and trusting person generally, but anxious and mistrustful only of herself.
She is an aspect of herself (insofar as is possible without truly understanding herself at the beginning of her journey) with most people, though she will keep a lot of personal information to herself. She might wear a mask around people whose intentions she's unsure of, though her anger tends to sneak up on her in certain situations and she can't help but let it through. She tries to pretend she's not the Dragonborn, and doesn't intentionally correct the rumor mill or the bard song. A few people get to see all sides of her -- her pain and anger as well as how deeply she loves. You've seen the tags in the fic, so you know Athis and Teldryn are on that list and both of them will remain there, differently of course, depending on where in the story she is. But once someone is considered a true, trustworthy friend of hers, then they're on that list as well.
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That Butler, Silver Scales
Ciel Phantomhive was just like any other 19-year-old trying to make a living out on the sea. But something has been bothering him lately. There's something in the water, and it keeps plaguing him. Just what is this sea creature? And what does it want? SebastianxCiel/AU Story/Rated M *Revised*
Disclaimer: Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso.
Songs Listened To When Writing: Virginia Company from Pocahontas, The Steamboat Willie Medley, Gypsies Tramps and Thieves by Cher, *Foxhunter by Celtic Woman(Ciel's song)*
P.S. I do not support whaling.
Fun Fact: This ENTIRE fic was inspired by “Virgina Company” from Pocahontas.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: The Catch
Chapter Text
The wind was crisp and cool as it hit the teenager's face, whipping his slate grey hair around and causing the ends to tickle his face and ears. Ciel placed his foot up onto the deck's side, resting his arm upon his raised knee and stared down at the dark blue waters below. He could vaguely hear Finny humming a happy tune as the carefree teen swabbed the deck, the clamor of the eating hall below providing a strident crescendo in the background.
The 19-year-old chose not to take part in the drunken mess downstairs. Instead, Ciel sighed and looked off into the distance to see nothing but constant clear waters, their waves lapping at the tired wood of their ship like persistent, hungry predators. In the quiet still he allowed his mind to drift off into, the teen vaguely wondered how his mother and father were doing without him. Continuous letters had passed between the three of them in the two years that he had been off at sea, a reminder that he always had something to return to should he feel the need.
His family led modest lives back home. Food and a comforted shelter had never been an issue for them, and Ciel never once thought it as a horrid lifestyle. But he always wanted, for as long as he could remember, to explore all this world had to offer. So when the chance to travel the seas came, he immediately took it, even though the job only called for a deck-hand. This fact didn't matter much to him though, because the offer came with one thing: opportunity. Any dock they entered could be his escape. Ciel could make a life for himself wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The freedom was addicting, like the rich texture of dark chocolate, just begging for him to sink his teeth into. The bar of candy, however, remained untouched for now, as he had yet to find his ideal escape bridge just yet.
The ship that would eventually take him there was called the Biàntài Hǎidào, one of the best whaling ships in the world. The ship was medium-sized, allowing for good speed and versatility, with a specific crew to handle every aspect of the whaling process. First of all, there was the navigator, Claude. He steered the ship and could spot a whale from remarkable distances that no one else could see. Next, there were the people who went out onto the water and harpooned the whales: Mey-Rin, Agni, Ash, Undertaker and Grell. Usually on whaling ships there was a bigger crew to harpoon the whales, seeing as it could get dangerous, but these five always got the job done without getting hurt. Their skill was that impeccable.
Then, there were the people who cooked the everyone's meals and also processed, stored and preserved the whale: Bard, Hannah and Tanaka. Their job was messy and Ciel didn't envy them, although he did wonder why Tanaka barely helped out and just sipped his tea most of the time. Next, there was William. He sold their goods at the port and he was damn good at making money. His way of talking to people was strictly professional and polite, but all the while still managed to trick them into foolish deals.
Lastly, there were those who cleaned up the mess around the ship: Ciel and Finny. Their hub wasn't so big as to require two people to swab it all the time, so he and Finny traded off. Finny, who was forever addicted to sunshine, cleaned up during the day while Ciel took the night shift when everyone was asleep. It was a simple system, but it worked out perfectly for the both of them.
The captain was a person that Ciel really didn't care for. Captain Lau was nice enough, but was certainly one weird individual. He would pop in on the crew at the most random of times and would only give out orders when absolutely necessary. Mostly he spent all this time just talking with William and the firstmate in the captain's quarters. He was ever an odd individual, but was harmless enough, it seemed.
Right now, the ship was sailing out to sea again after having just sold a catch. The money weighed heavy in Ciel's pocket against his leg as he reminded himself, once again, that he had to stash that away soon, lest he forget. He opted to do this later though, as he inhaled the clean salted air slowly, a contented sigh leaving his lips. It was so nice to have unhindered breathing. He had almost forgotten what it was like during the entire time that horrid smelling carcass was aboard their ship. God, did those things smell after a while...
All of a sudden Ciel was ripped from his thoughts when he heard something hit the water. His blue eyes hardened as he realized that splash had a very familiar sound to it. The teen looked over the edge, not the least bit surprised to catch a glimpse of a silver shimmering tail disappearing below the water.
'There you are again.' He thought to himself, watching the creature vanish beneath the waves. That same splash had plagued him for nearly a month now, teasing him relentlessly only to leave him unsatisfied as he could only catch a brief glance of that tail whenever he tried to investigate. After all this time, he still couldn't figure out what that creature was, and it bothered him endlessly.
When he couldn't find anything else, the teen frowned and took off his eye-patch, using both of his cerulean eyes to scan the water's surface. There was nothing wrong the eye he hid underneath the patch, truth be told. The black patch had been a gag gift from his father when the teen had taken the sea-bound job offer. In spite, he had worn it only to mess with his father, but it had somehow just stuck with him ever since.
''...What are you? A dolphin?'' The teen asked out loud, looking down at the murky depths below as if he could find the answer only if he stared long enough.
''Dolphin?'' Ciel blinked as Finny came to stand next to him and stare down at the water as well. ''Was that what that splash was?''
''I don't know, I couldn't see.'' Ciel frowned and the two of them searched the water's surface for a few moments before someone shouted at them.
''Hey, you two! Stop leanin' over the railin' like that. You're gonna go overboard and I'm not goin' in after ya.'' Bard scolded as he made walked up the steps from the dining hall below deck.
''Oh, oops! Sorry, Bard!'' Finny said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly as he turned to get to work again. Ciel moved back as well after stealing a final glance at the water. The blue-eyed boy silently tied his eye-patch back on while tuning out Bard's scolding. Honestly, the cook was good guy and all, but his constant brotherly over-protectiveness was irritating at best. Ciel found he couldn't even listen to the whole lecture before he just waved the cook off and walked away, ignoring the offended shouting that he left behind.
By now, people were starting to come back up from the dining hall and Ciel sighed as he heard Grell's flirtatious comments toward William. He managed to skirt past the doorway to the eating hall before the two of them walked on deck, not at all willing to see the shameless attempts at trying to steal a kiss from the businessman. Ciel nearly shuddered at the thought.
''Hey, where are you going so fast, little boy?'' Ciel frowned as the large unmistakable black figure of Undertaker stood in his path suddenly.
''Do you honestly have to ask?'' Ciel questioned, sighing and bringing a hand to his head as he heard a smooching sound and then the loud smack of Grell getting punched in the face.
''Hee hee hee I suppose not.'' The Undertaker cackled and peeked around the corner to watch the quarreling couple, giggling all the while. Ciel looked at him silently, his sapphire eyes calculating. He could never figure the old man out. All he seemed to want to do was just laugh all the time. Besides that, no one knew a thing about him, not even his real name, only his nickname. But the white-haired male was harmless, so no one questioned his odd quirks.
While the Undertaker was distracted, Ciel turned around and headed to the back of the ship, nodding to Claude and Ash as they walked past him. The pair barely acknowledged him, too caught up in their conversation about which part of the sea they should go next.
At the back of the ship, Ciel wasn't surprised when he found Hannah, Meyrin and Tanaka all sitting together. The girls usually stayed to themselves here, preferring the slight privacy it offered. The other crew members rarely came to the stern as there was nothing of interest here. There were only barrels of cargo and other miscellaneous items including a large fish tank. Tanaka usually could be found on different parts of the ship, so he came back here occasionally. Though oddly enough, nobody ever saw him get up and switch spots.
''Oh, Ciel!'' Meyrin greeted and waved him over as soon as she saw him. Hannah silently turned around and stared at him, causing Ciel's flesh to acquire goosebumps as he came to sit down with them. Hannah rarely ever spoke to him, just stared, but she never failed to keep him on edge in her presence.
''You barely touched your food at dinner.'' Meyrin said, frowning as Ciel sat down on one of the high barrels next to her.. ''Is everything alright? You've been acting weird lately, yes you have.'' She asked, concerned, as Tanaka concurred with his usual santa impression.
''Yes. I just wasn't hungry, that's all.'' Ciel said and leaned back against the barrels, looking out over the railing to see the waves rolling behind them. Meyrin silently decided to let the topic go for now and the girls picked up their conversation again as the teen drifted off, thinking about that mysterious silver colored tail.
Eventually, Ciel retired for the rest of the day, waking up around ten in the evening. The blue-eyed teen stretched his arms above his head as he made his way on deck. He didn't bother to grab a coat on his way, however, as the night air here was very warm. Claude must have decided to steer them towards the tropical oceans in search of sperm whales this time.
Speaking of Claude, he, William and Ash were all sitting at a table near the right side of the bow, playing cards and smoking. Well, Ash and Claude were smoking. William was apparently too fancy for such things.
The teen silently walked past them to reach his work tools but stopped when he heard William call out to him, ''Phantomhive. Come here a moment.''
The teen couldn't help but sigh as he turned around and made his way over. He'd rather not deal with these three. Talking to them was always an endevour, as if talking to a brick wall, only worse. At least brick walls never stared at him like he was nothing but a small piece of filth on one of their shoes.
''Yes?'' He asked, coming to stand in front of the table the three were seated at.
''It has come to my attention that you did not do a thorough job last night and that Finnian actually had to pick up your slack.'' William got straight to the point, putting down cards simultaneously with Claude and Ash on middle of the table. His gaze never bothered to look at the teen.
''Oh?'' Ciel asked, lifting an eyebrow and unable to keep the smug lilt of cheeky defiance from his tone, unimpressed with the elder man's rude behavior.
''Yes, and if it happens again, I will dock your pay.'' The slight irritated twitch of William's eye for Ciel's tone didn't go unnoticed.
''See now, you don't have to be so cruel.'' Ash said as he gathered the cards on the table into his deck. ''He's just a boy and people make mistakes.'' Ciel frowned at the insult to his pride for the age dismissing comment but otherwise was surprised that Ash was defending him at all.
''Mistakes must be reprimanded.'' William countered, flipping a card again. ''You know this very well, Ash.''
''You just won't let that go will you?'' Ash chuckled and shrugged. ''You let one whale go by accident and you're branded for life.''
''Yes. That whale cost us a fortune.'' William pushed up his glasses and glared at the white-haired male.
''War.'' Claude said suddenly as the same number card appeared on the table and everyone started laying down three cards to duel.
''Anyway, Phantomhive.'' William said as Claude won the duel, taking everyone's cards. ''I expect you to do your job tonight, thoroughly.''
''Of course.'' Ciel said and returned to his duties, feeling ashamed that he had let his mind slip so much last night by accident. Even more so about the fact that he didn't even realize it until just now. It was all that stupid sea creature's fault. If it would just come up out of the water and show itself, then Ciel surely wouldn't be so obsessed with it.
With a little more force than necessary, Ciel closed the door to the broom closet and decided to start with the back of the ship. He didn't want to be near those three right now, not after that embarrassing lecture.
''Ciel!'' The teenager frowned and stopped when he heard a door close and footsteps approach him from behind. ''There you are. I have been meaning to speak with you.''
The blue-eyed boy turned around when he realized that it was only Agni. He had expected it to be William coming to scold him again. ''Speak with me?''
The teenager set down his bucket, deciding to start swabbing here so that he could still talk to Agni while working. ''Yes.'' The Indian nodded. ''Meyrin told me that you didn't eat dinner.''
''Now that is an exaggeration.'' Ciel said, swabbing the area with practiced ease. ''I did eat, just not very much.''
''Precisely.'' Agni implored, standing in front of Ciel's mop, causing the boy to frown. ''You were distracted by something today, just like all the other days for a long while now.''
''So I want to know what it is and so does everyone else. It is not like you to be so distracted.'' Ciel could see that Agni was only concerned and wanted to help, but Ciel didn't need his help, nor anyone elses for that matter. He was perfectly fine.
''It is nothing, Agni.'' Ciel said and walked off to continue working. The slight burn he felt from Agni's concerned gaze watching him was easily brushed off. They all wanted him to open, but he never understood why. It wasn't like any of them were his friends. He didn't need to be close them. He didn't need to open up to them. It would be better for everyone this way, since he had never planned to stay long in the first place.
It was around eleven when Ciel was finally left alone and everyone was sleeping below deck. But it unfortunately took another hour of his alone time for him to actually finish his job. Now, with nothing left, the teen went to his room and brought a case up to the bow of the ship. One would think that since Ciel was done mopping that he would go back to bed, but no. His other duty was to stay up til at least three a.m. and then wake up a crew member so that someone was watching over and steering the ship at all times. Ciel himself could steer the ship in case of an emergency, but that usually never happened. Claude, for the most part, kept the ship in a path that was void of any danger.
The blue-eyed boy set the case on the table and opened it, revealing the violin within. He usually didn't play at night, because he might wake someone up, but he did play it now and again when he felt that he might fall asleep if he didn't do something to keep himself awake, like tonight, when the small sounds of calm waters slapping against the ship was not enough to keep him up.
Placing the instrument at his neck, Ciel sighed at the familiar weight on his shoulder. He strung his bow across the strings, playing a tune from memory, one that his mother had taught him. It started out slow, but progressively grew in speed, working his fingers rhythmically to the lilts and jigs of the Irish tune. As he played, Ciel could faintly hear splashing from the water, but chose to sternly ignore it.
Partway through the melody, the teen frowned and stopped when he hit a wrong note, looking at the strings to try and remember how a certain part went. Everything was quiet as he thought, the splashing having stopped. A few moments later he picked it up again and so did the splashing. Ciel's eyebrow rose at this and he experimentally stopped playing. In response the noise stopped. Now he was really intrigued.
He tried one more time and the same response was found, causing a cheeky smirk to come over Ciel's lips as a smirk found it's way to his lips. As quietly as possible, he went over to the side of the ship where he heard the noise and looked down. The water moved in a strange way before settling, signaling that whatever was there retreated down below. The teenager slithered back to the stairs that led to the steering wheel of the ship quietly, carrying his violin with him. There was a crank up there that controlled a large net used to catch fish in the meantime when the ship was looking for whales.
Ciel grunted quietly as he turned the crank to position the net where he wanted quickly before taking up his violin again. His legs shook as he kept his foot lightly on the latch that dropped the net, keeping his eyes on that one spot where the rustling water had been.
Normally this net was used to just drop in the water and open like a butterfly net to catch stray fish as they sailed, but Ciel figured that it might work in this situation and perhaps the sea creature would get tangled up in it somehow. He severely hoped that it would. He had tried countless times to catch this thing, and had failed every time. Perhaps now, with his violin, he could get it to stay in one spot long enough to catch it.
As he expected, he saw the water rustle in that same spot, but he waited just a little bit longer, until his sapphire gaze caught silver scales. The moment Ciel saw it, he hit the latch with his foot, releasing the net on the water below.
Once Ciel saw the net wiggle, the teen wasted no time in putting his violin down and cranking the net back up again. He didn't look to see if he had actually caught anything yet, focused on moving the net onto the deck so that if he really did catch something, than it would just fall onto the deck if it managed to break free.
All the while, his mind was racing as he moved the net, adrenaline and excitement coursing through his veins. 'I bet it's just a dumb dolphin.' Ciel thought as he slowly stopped the crank. 'Or it could be a shark, for that matter.' Well, whatever he was expecting to find, Ciel sure wasn't anticipating to encounter widened wine-red eyes staring back at him in shock.
Ciel couldn't believe what he was seeing. His jaw dropped in shock before he could stop it as he stared at the creature before him, time at a stand still as sapphire and ruby gazes clashed.
He’d heard stories of such creatures from the drunken sailors that returned from god awful long journeys from the sea. But of course no one ever believed them: It was just a silly tale. But now, here he was, staring one straight in the face. A real…life…”Merman…” The word left his lips in an amazed whisper, time at a stand still as sapphire and ruby gazes clashed in stunned silence.
~Random Short~
Ciel sighed, bored, as he stared out at the vast ocean in front of him, leaning against the ship's railing. With each rock of the ship he could feel his body shifting to get closer and closer to the edge, but he couldn't fathom to care whether it dumped him into the ocean right now. At least it would be more exciting than listening to Grell's endless cooing at William.
“Ciel~!” The teen frowned as a voice whispered in his ear all of a sudden in a jamaican accent. “What are you doing?” The teen scrambled back as a live crab suddenly appeared in front of his face. The crustacean wiggled, it's pincers held together with rubber bands and Bard held it up in front of the teen. “Up on this ship is your home~!”
“What are you doing?” The teenager asked, voice irritated as he held a hand to his startled heart.
“Ciel, listen to me. The ocean world, it's a mess~!” Bard continued to sing to him, not at all bothered by the deckhand's murderous expression as he made the crab dance a bit in his grasp.
“Stop it right now.” The Phantomhive hissed as he backed up some, only to find himself backed up against the Undertaker.
“Life up on this ship is better than anything they got down there!” Ciel actually let out a manly squeak as the Undertaker suddenly picked him up into his arms from behind. The weird man then decided to spin the teen around as he and Bard started to sing. “The seaweed is always greener~!”
They unfortunately didn't have get to finish their song as the teen managed to escape from the Undertaker and push the two of them overboard, causing Bard to squeal in a girlish manner and the Undertaker to laugh hysterically.
Chapter 2: The Gaze
Disclaimer: Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso.
Songs Listened To When Writing: Lights by Ellie Goulding, Omen III by Magic Affair
Fun Fact: This ENTIRE fic was inspired by the song 'Virginia Company' from the movie, Pocahontas.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Ciel could only stare in silence, mouth dry and agape. His hands shook with unbridled shock as the merman just continued to stare at him with an unreadable expression. The teen felt his legs move without his consent down the stairs and ever closer to the mystical being in the net. It was like there was some unknown force drawing him forward as the two of them continued their staring exchange.
Ciel had managed to get only a few feet from the net before the spell was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps making their way upstairs. ''Ciel? Why are you making so much noise, bud?'' Bard asked as he came up on deck, yawning rubbing his eye irritably.
A stunned silence suddenly fell over the chef like a cloud of cool water as he laid his gaze upon the merman. The group was enveloped in the awkward quiet then as Ciel looked lost as to explain what had happened. All of a sudden, Bard let out a high-pitched girly squeal when the merman turned his judging wine-red gaze on the chef. The burly man had scampered over to Ciel before the teenager could blink.
Ciel wheezed when Bard forced all the air out of his lungs as the chef enveloped him in a bone crushing, overprotective hug. ''Bard, let go!'' He glared at the man and pushed at Bard's forearms, trying to break free.
''Wh...What is that thing?! When did it get here!? Don't ya' know the stories? It'll cast a spell on us and kill us all!'' Bard said hastily, moving shaking the teen in hysteria. He had heard the myths and legends about things on the sea. Mermaids/men were a hot topic to talk about among sailors, after all. And while he fully knew that half that spewed garbage was probably made up, he couldn't help believing it anyway because he had always been a very superstitious man...and a gullible one too. ''It'll lure our ship inta' the rocks and then feast on our innards!'' Bard cried, shaking and sobbing as he abruptly crushed Ciel against his chest, the latter having a bored look upon his face.
''He has a gender.'' Ciel said in a monotone voice.
''You don't know that!'' The chef answered then started sputtering and took a step back with Ciel as the merman twisted, grabbed onto the ropes with his hands and gingerly lowered himself onto the deck. The creature in question had his eyes fixated on Ciel with an amused smirk on his face, making the teenager shiver slightly.
''What what WHAT is going on up here?'' Another voice yelled from the entrance to the deck as Grell stormed his way upstairs, wearing a sexy red silk nightgown and curlers containing his deep red tresses. ''Oh!'' The whaler threw his hands together and swooned when he saw what lay on the deck, hearts a flutter in his gaze. ''And who is this unexpected beefcake?''
Both Bard and Ciel had matching looks of disgust on their faces as they watched Grell let down his now curled tresses and practically run at the merman to glomp him. ''Ooo! Hold me, my scrumptious man-candy!~'' The red head didn't even get close to the sea creature as the merman abruptly rolled out of the way of the oncoming whaler, causing Grell to slip on the watered wood underneath him and crash against some barrels on the other side of the deck. Surprisingly enough though, Grell seemed to like it. “Ooo~! Playing hard to get aren't we?”
It was then that William decided to show his face, coming up onto the deck in his blue and white striped pajamas and angrily pushing his glasses up higher onto his nose.
''What in the blazes is going on up-?'' The brunette stopped mid-sentence at the scene before him. Bard was hugging Ciel to him and sobbing uncontrollably, shouting out lines like, 'He's making it mad! It's gonna kill us now!' as the teenager in his arms remained expressionless. Meanwhile, Grell was trying to glomp some fish-man and kept getting smacked in the face with its silver tail.
This was...not what William expected to find when he came up here.
The business man's eyes met with the merman for a moment and William felt himself begin to shake. His eyes widened as he stared, just thinking about...all the money to be had off of this creature. At that moment, William didn't care why or how he got on deck, just that this merman was going to make everybody on this ship stinking rich! He could just see the possibilities now. William's hand shook as he held onto the side of his glasses, causing them to shake as well as dollar bills flashed in his eyes.
Meanwhile, Ciel was growing increasingly embarrassed by the fact that he knew these people and sighed as he patted Bard's arm, wanting desperately to be let go right about now...
After William came on board, everything seemed to blur together in a jumble. Eventually, the entire crew was on deck to make a disorderly a circle around the mer-creature. Grell lay comatose from too many hits to the face while Hannah, Meyrin, and Agni had held down and completely immobilized the merman. Throughout all this, the sea creature said nothing, only stared at them all with a poorly guarded curiosity.
Once the merman was restrained, William had been the only one of them to take the initiative to the captain's quarters. Ciel could hear his frantic knocking against the captain's door from where he still lay ensnared in Bard's overprotective embrace, squished uncomfortably close to Finny, who had somehow also got snagged as well. The cook was sobbing comically now and saying over and over again, ''It's alright guys! I'll protect ya!'', even though the danger was handled.
''We are fine.'' Ciel finally said, a clearly annoyed jilt to his voice. ''Let go, would you?''
''Don't you panic Ciel! I said I would protect ya!''
Ciel groaned and harshly rubbed at the skin around his temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on. Everyone suddenly became quiet and the teenager looked up at the Captain's door when William abruptly called for silence.
The sound of shuffling could be heard from inside as William impatiently knocked again. ''Captain! Your presence is required on deck.'' The business man pushed up his glasses and waited as he heard a voice coming from the room. It's tone was teasing, a serpentine type of mischief threading it's core.
''The ultimate symbol of misfortune and greed. For anyone trying to capture the mystical creature would surely end up in Davy Jones' locker. But then again, what sailor wouldn't want to pursue such an alluring prize, even knowing all that awaits him is total destruction? Tis truly a devil's game we are playing.''
William could barely contain his shock as he heard this and took a step back as the door handle turned and started to slowly open. ''So you already know what we found?''
''Oh? So you found something have you?'' A chinese man with brown hair and squinting eyes opened the door, a curious look on his face. He placed his right index finger up to his lip in thought as his other hand rested on his bare hip. The only article the man was covered him was a black thong with which he apparently held no shame in revealing. ''Oh my. Well what is it then?''
''Captain Lau!'' William shouted, immediately covering his eyes at the captain's indecent state of dress. ''Please put on some clothes at once!''
''But why? I was only reading Ran-Mao the tale of The Little Mermaid.'' The chinese captain held up a copy of said book. ''Isn't that right, Ran-Mao?'' His firstmate walked up behind him then, wearing Lau's captain's hat and coat, which sagged down on her petite form and barely covered her breasts.
William sighed and held up his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was quite curious to figure out exactly what they had been doing, but then again, he'd rather not know. ''Just...put some pants on and come down on deck, if you will.''
''Of course. I'll report on deck in a moment.'' Lau laughed and thrust his hips forward when he said the word 'deck' and William immediately felt that he didn't need to see that...
It took only a few minutes before Lau and Ran-Mao were both on deck, staring at the merman with quiet, puzzled features. ''So...what is it?'' Lau finally ventured to ask after the silence engulfed them all for far too long.
''It's a bloody merman!'' Bard shrieked, squeezing Ciel and Finny to him painfully, still keeping a safe distance from the sea creature. Finny seemed unaffected by the man's strong grip but Ciel felt like there was a ton of bricks on his chest. The eye-patch wearing boy coughed and slapped the man's arm in response, but Bard refused to budge.
''And it's quite squishy too!~'' Undertaker cooed as he poked the sea creature's cheek and then retreated his fingers when it snapped angered red eyes at him.
''And not to mention beautiful! Oh just let me at him!~'' The newly awoken Grell preened from off to the side, where he was held back because of Claude's tight hold on his long red tresses. ''I'd be his little cuddlefish any day!''
''Oh...'' Lau finally piped up, looking over the catch on deck. ''So.... what do you want me to do about it?''
''Captain Lau.'' A large red vein popped on William's head and he stepped forward towards the chinese man. ''This...creature could potentially make us more money than any of us has ever seen in our lives.'' A look overcome with greed overcame his eyes as he gazed at the creature. “Do you not see the possibilities to be had?”
''Ah...'' Was all the captain said in response, starting to see why William was in such a fuss about this.
''Yes. Now I suggest we...''
Ciel drowned out the business-talk that William proclaimed to the boss, not caring about the outrageous numbers thrown around and calculations to be made. He looked up at Bard when the cook's arms grew lax, his mouth practically watering over the amount of money that William was describing. The blue-eyed boy removed himself from his grip and looked around the deck at his crew mates.
Undertaker had stopped pestering the merman and was now just standing off in the corner with Tanaka, cackling to himself as the two of them sipped tea. Grell was screaming at Claude to let go of his hair while the other male just remained emotionless. Finny kept dozing off in Bards arms as the chef had dollar bill signs in his eyes. While Ash had now joined the discussion and both he and William were bombarding the poor captain with numbers and math.
As Ciel saw this he sighed and brought a hand to his head. He never knew that this lot could be so obsessed with money. But then again, it wasn't entirely a surprise seeing as they all came from middle-class families and were not used to hearing such big amounts when discussing economics.
The boy felt eyes on him then and he looked up, connecting gazes with the merman. A shiver snaked itself down Ciel's spine as that red gaze felt as if it were staring into his soul. He could barely stand it and looked away abruptly, trying to shake off that feeling. He never noticed the smirk that appeared on the merman's lips at his reaction.
Eventually it was decided that everything would be handled in the morning. The mer-creature was placed in the tank on the back end of the ship that was used to house fish that were caught using the ship's nets. Wire mess was placed over the top of the tank and it was then pushed into the center of the back deck, making escape impossible for the creature.
After the merman was settled in his new prison, sleep was desperately calling out to all of them. William and Claude were to stay awake together, though, and keep watch over the merman, seeing as it was Claude's turn to watch the ship at night and William had decided to accompany him to calculate some figures.
Claude himself had never taken his focus off of the sea creature, which Ciel found to be very disturbing, but he left him alone, having another issue in mind.
''Hey. We're not just going to leave him here like this are we?'' Ciel spoke up, shoving his hands into his pocket, unimpressed, when everyone had turned to head below deck.
''What do you mean?'' Ash asked, looking very annoyed by now. He detested working late, after all.
''Well, aren't you going to... put some fish in there or something?'' Ciel asked, probably being one of the few people on board that actually saw this merman as an autonomous being and not just some bag of money. Annoyance or not, he still felt responsible for the thing, even if he had wanted to dive underneath the harsh waters and strangle it for it's elusive actions more than once.
''Yea, what if he gets hungry?'' Finny piped in, looking upset. He cared about the merman's feelings too apparently.
''Come to think of it, what does he eat anyway?'' Agni pondered out loud.
''Who cares?'' Claude asked no one in particular. For some reason he didn't seem to care one way or the other about the merman's wellbeing...
''It appears that you should.'' Undertaker cackled, poking Claude's nose with his long finger. ''What if he dies from starvation? Then we'll be out that large sum of money dear William was talking about.''
Lau clapped his hands together, gaining everyone's attention. ''You do have a point. I suggest we throw some fish in for him before we head off for a long night's rest. There still should be some live ones from the other day's catch, yes?'' While at sea, sometimes they caught and ate their own fish, to conserve money whenever possible.
''But what if he's a vegetarian?'' Finny suddenly gasped, holding his hands together and looking from Lau to the merman's tank and back.
''Then some kelp should suffice for now. We have more than enough of that stuck on our nets.'' William offered, pointing to the net from which the merman was caught. There were long strands of kelp streaming off of it, deep shades of green tangled with the harsh brown of the ropes.
''Yes. That sounds good enough for now.'' Lau agreed and the items were thrown into the merman's tank before everyone headed off to bed. Ciel was the last to leave the scene and shivered slightly as he could feel those red eyes on him as he walked back to the bunks. He dared one look back and wasn't at all surprised to see the man-fish smirking at him in what the boy could only describe as a mischievous way.
In response, Ciel turned up his chin and stalked off. Even though he was initially shocked that what had been plaguing him this whole time was a merman, that didn't mean that Ciel still wasn't angry with the creature for not showing himself sooner. A little hint would have been nice, thank you very much.
The teenager nearly jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder unexpectedly as he rounded a corner. Lau only smiled at the boy as Ciel inwardly ordered his racing heart to calm, having not expected that in the least. ''Ciel. A little birdie told me that you were the one who actually caught the.. the...''
''Merman.'' Ciel could not help looking at the man as if he were an idiot. Seriously, how on EARTH could Lau not know about this? Had he not heard all the stories? ''And by 'little birdie', do you mean William?''
''Ah, little Phantomhive you never cease to amaze me with that brain of yours.'' Ciel stiffened when the captain threw an arm over his shoulders. He had never been one for physical contact, after all. ''Yes it was William, and he and I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your excellent fishing skills.''
''Good.'' Ciel twitched when Ran-Mao said this and patted his head like a child.
''Thank me?''
''Yes. When we bring the fish to port, you will get a significant cut of the money and I'll also promote you when all this is over.''
Ciel's eyes widened at this. That sounded too good to be true, but apparently it wasn't as Lau looked the most serious that Ciel ever saw him. ''That sounds...great, sir. Thank you.''
''No problem.'' Lau laughed and messed up Ciel's hair, causing the teenager to frown. ''You caught the thing after all, ha ha.'' The captain removed his hand and gestured towards the stairway to the bunks. ''Now, you should probably get some rest. You've been up all night.''
Ciel felt kind of insulted to be talked to like he was just a little kid, but he didn't have the strength to argue. The man was right, it had been an extremely long night for him. His legs felt like led as he dragged himself off to his own bunk, thinking about those mysterious red eyes all the while.
Up on deck, Lau and Ran-Mao came to stand beside William and Claude. The two were calculating numbers at the table they had moved in front of the merman's tank. The smell of ripped eraser permeating the sea salt filled air as they constantly wrote and then erased estimates. The merman himself had laid down by the bottom of his prison, watching them with a laced intent.
Lau looked at the man-fish, the expression on his face dark. ''So...do you think we can get more money if he's alive...or dead?''
The merman's ears perked at this, but he otherwise remained motionless. ''I don't know.'' William said, not looking up. ''I would have to make a few phone calls to be sure. More research could be done on him if he were dead, but still, a live merman is not something that people find everyday.''
''Hm...until later then.''
The next day, Ciel yawned as he helped Bard, Tanaka and Hannah peel potatoes for lunch, even though Tanaka wasn't assisting at all. He just sat in the corner, as per usual. The teenager sniffed, his eyes drooping. He had tossed and turned all night long, but sleep had not taken him for some reason. He blamed that stupid merman, he couldn't get the fish off his mind at all. Even now, he was still plaguing the teen's thoughts.
He didn't even know why either. That creature wasn't anything special. It was just half fish. So what?
Then again, those red eyes of his did have something mysterious to them. Ciel couldn't even begin to think what they lay hidden about the creature's true thoughts.
''Huh?'' Was said teen's intelligent response when Bard threw a potato at him.
''Geez. Would ya' listen? I told ya' three times to go upstairs and get a barrel from the stern. We're out ta potatoes.'' Bard crossed his arms, glaring down at Ciel.
''Oh...'' The blue-eyed boy said and got up from his seat, putting down his half peeled vegetable on the table and turning to leave.
''Are you alright Ciel?'' A hand was placed on the boy's forehead and everyone, except for Hannah, gawked when the real Tanaka was standing there, checking Ciel's temperature. ''You seem pale. Did you get any sleep last night?''
Ciel's initial shock wore off and he gently removed Tanaka's hand from his forehead. ''Yes.'' He said and made his way up onto the deck, ignoring the two concerned looks that were thrown his way.
The afternoon sun blinded Ciel as he ascended out of the ship’s stomach. He grumbled and shielded his eye while it adjusted, feet ascending the steps to the cargo area solely from memory. He kept his eyes from going anywhere near the fish tank, determined not to feel the chill that went up his spine when those bright red eyes connected with his. Instead, he kept his gaze fixed to the creaking floor boards as he made his way to the barrels. ''If I don’t look at him, then he can’t disturb me.'' He reasoned to himself.
'Oh, I think you’d be wrong about that.' A foreign voice resounded within his skull. The voice was smooth and resonated with a deep timber full of mischief.
Ciel spun around on his heel with a gasp, looking to face the direction he’d heard this internal voice come from. The teenager’s single cerulean eye widened and he heard his own breath go still.
The merman had sunk to the bottom of the tank and was leering at Ciel with those piercing red eyes and a bemused smirk. 'We meet again, it would seem.'
~Random Short~(Written by my best friend, A Midnight's Dream)
“Thank you for your continued patronage, Lord Ciel.” The stand tender dipped his head in sincere gratitude while said earl pocketed his wares.
“No need to thank me.” The boy said politely. “You’re by far the best of your trade. To go anywhere else would be foolish.”
The man was about to open his mouth to thank him again when screaming from a few stands over interrupted him.
“Help! Help!” A woman at the fruit stand was pointing to a man who was running away from the stand with a burlap sack thrown over his shoulder. “Thief! Someone stop him!”
Ciel nearly forgot to mutter an excuse me as he started to race after the thief. He reached behind him in his pack until he felt his fingers close around a familiar, spherical object. “I know how to stop him.” Ciel brandished a two-toned red and white ball from his pack and pressed a metal button in its center to make it expand in size. “Go, Sebastian! I choose you!”Ciel whipped the ball through the air and with a burst of light the ball opened to release the crude shape of a creature. A small crowd from the bazaar gathered around the spectacle, waiting to see what pocket monster the lad had chosen.
“Meeeeeeeoooooow!” A Grell wearing a Cheshire Cat cosplay mewed, licking his paw and running it over his ear.
Ciel made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat and returned the pokemon to its pokeball. “Blast it, all these pokeballs look the same.” He cursed while brandishing another two toned ball. “Damn it, the thief is getting away.” Without hesitation Ciel whipped the second ball through the air. This time when the ball burst open a black suited butler clad with white bunny ears crouched on the ground with a bored expression on its face.
The thief noticed that Ciel wanted to fight, and turned to face the opposing pokemon with a growl. Good. Ciel thought. Now I’ll have a chance to catch it. “Sebastain, use your furry attack now!” Ciel yelled, thrusting his finger threw the air at the thief.
The pokemon only yawned and laid down on its side.
“What? Hello! I’m talking to you!”
A small caption appeared out of the edge of his vision reading: Trainer Ciel does not have enough gym badges. Sebastian ignored orders. Sebastian is loafing around.
“What?!” Ciel cried in outrage. His pale cheeks tinted a light scarlet when he started to hear spectators from the crowd chuckle at his inexperience. Damn it all, this was supposed to be my time to shine, not embarrass myself! “Fine, I don’t need you.” Ciel growled the last word at his black clad pokemon. “I’ll catch this one myself.” Reaching into his pack Ciel brandished the most expensive and most powerful pokeball money could buy: an ultraball.
“Go! Ultraball!” He cried and hurled the thing through the air far enough to collide with the thief’s chest. The ball opened, and turned the thief’s form into a polygon of light before it sucked him inside the ball. The ball fell to the ground and began rocking to and fro as the thief within struggled to get out. Ciel clenched his fist and diligently watched the pokeball. Eventually the ball stopped rocking and made a soft ping noise, signaling the pokemon’s capture. Excited cries erupted from the crowd and Ciel let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. A caption appeared at the bottom of the screen, Booyah! Wild Thief has been caught!
“Of course. It was nothing for the head of the Phantomhive family.”
Give a nickname to the captured thief?
Ciel placed a finger to his lip for a moment in pondering before a wicked grin spread across his face. She would be so mad when she found out but he didn't care.
“Yes…Lizzy.” He thought the name perfectly suited the burly, 40-year-old man.
Hey guys! Thank you for all the support I've gotten so far as I repost this fic. I'm so glad that it's getting attention, because I honestly didn't think that it would seeing as I had just planned to upload it for content on this new account of mine.
As always, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and any continued support, questions of comments is forever appreciated. Thank you! Ja ne!
~Migoto Nami
Chapter 3: The Voice
Disclaimer: Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso.
Songs Listened To When Writing: Under The Sea from the Little Mermaid
P.S. This ENTIRE fic was inspired by the song 'Virginia Company' from the movie, Pocahontas.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
''You.'' Ciel said, abandoning his task and walking closer to the merman's tank. ''Was that you just now?''
The only response he got was a slight tilt of the head from the sea creature as the being's smirk grew wide. Ciel grit his teeth, feeling irritated. He knew that he heard someone talking to him. ''Do not play dumb with me, creature. Respond!'' The merman remained silent, placing his elbows on the bottom of the tank and resting his chin on top of laced elegant fingers. He looked away innocently, mischievous grin still in place, when Ciel moved closer to his prison.
One single blue eye glared down at the annoying sea creature. ''I said answer me!'' Ciel slammed his hand against the glass but the merman appeared unaffected; those alluring red eyes looking off to the side teasingly. ''I know you can speak. I am not crazy.''
''Are you sure about that, little Phantomhive?'' Said boy didn't even have to turn around to see who was addressing him as he felt a long black fingernail poke at his cheek.
Ciel slapped the Undertaker's hand away from his face and turned around to face the black silk clad man. ''Yes, I am.''
The white haired male cackled at the teen's response. ''I wouldn't know about that. Sane people normally don't talk to fishies.''
Ciel deadpanned. ''You're one to talk. You're probably the most insane person out of all of us.''
''Oh I wouldn't say that. I can think of another who is just as crazy as I am'' The Undertaker laughed when a blur of red abruptly ran past both of them. Grell pressed up against the tank, batting his pretty eyelashes and running his hands over the glass as if he were stroking the sea creature himself.
''Sweetheart, did you miss me? I missed you~! I thought I was going to die during those three minutes that we were apart~!'' The man-fish visibly shivered and turned away in response.
Ciel looked away from the scene immediately, holding no desire to see Grell's botched attempt at flirting for the twelfth time that day. ''...I see.'' He turned to go, but the Undertaker placed a hand upon the teen's shoulder.
''Next time you want to annoy the fishy, try something else. Cuz if that glass breaks we're gonna have to put him in a glass cup instead.'' The old man cackled to himself, swaying at the idea. ''On second thought, that would be hilarious! Hee hee continue what you were doin' then.''
''No never mind. I get it.'' Ciel said and went to retrieve the barrel of potatoes that Bard requested. He could feel the merman's eyes staring at him again but the teen blatantly refused to meet the fish's gaze as he made his way back towards the kitchen.
He skirted past Meyrin and Agni, who waved hello to him before continuing their walk together, continuing their conversation as they went. As he descended past the doorway that led to the kitchen, laughter could be heard from above. An instant scowl formed on the teen's face as he could hear Ash's obnoxious guffaw reached his ears. He was probably up in the helm talking and joking around with Claude, like usual.
The teen rolled his eyes before the aroma of food wafted into his nose upon entering the kitchen. Ciel looked betrayed as he saw that breakfast had already been completed. ''Hey, I thought you needed these?'' The boy put down the barrel next to the others, glaring at Bard as the chef sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
''Well...I do. But not until later.'' The chef said. ''I figured that I'd ask you to get em' while you're still up cuz there's no way in hell that I'm goin near that man-fish.'' Bard just shivered at the thought. ''Besides, you haven't been outside all day. I thought that maybe you could use some fresh air.''
Ciel sighed and shook his head, having no strength to argue. ''Whatever.'' was all the teen bothered said as he went upstairs to get some rest for his shift. He usually woke up when everyone else did in the mornings and helped prepare lunch for the day(seeing as there was surely nothing better to do). Then he would eat and sleep until supper so that he wouldn't be tired while he worked all night.
Today, though, Ciel's appetite had vanished unexpectedly and as such decided to just go to sleep early. That sultry voice inside his head has startled him as well, but he knew that he hadn't imagined it, so it must have been that merman's doing. It had to be.
Unfortunately for Ciel, his shift came around far too soon for his liking. Also,to top it all off, everyone had decided to go to bed early because they didn't get much sleep last night because of the rambunctious night they had all had beforehand. This left Ciel with much more alone time with the sea creature than he could deal with.
A sigh left the teen as he stood there pondering how things could get any worse, as he felt those wine-red eyes staring at him again. Ciel had actually been avoiding coming back here altogether for the better part of an hour because of this particular reason.
Fortunately, Ciel didn't hear that voice inside his head again, which he was extremely thankful for, but the silence was getting to him as he went about his nightly routine. After about a half an hour of silence though, he could take the staring no longer.
''You know, why don't you just take a picture?'' He finally snapped, eyes finally locking upon expectant red. ''It'll last longer.''
There was a silence as the two of them just stared at each other for a few moments. Ciel scoffed and went to get back to work but froze when he heard a voice, the same one from before.
''What's a picture?''
''I knew it was you!'' Ciel shouted, turning around to face the man-fish and pointing an accusing finger at the merman, who cocked his head, that stupid smug smirk in place. ''I knew you could talk.''
''If you already knew that, then why are you acting so surprised?'' The merman's voice was laced with amusement as he watched the teen's flustered face get.
''Shut up! Why didn't you say anything earlier? You made me look like an idiot.''
''Oh, I assure you, you didn't need my help with that at all.'' The sea creature chuckled and Ciel's eyes narrowed in anger.
''Just answer my question.''
''My goodness I never knew humans were so needy.'' The man-fish cackled.
''You are so annoying.'' Ciel grumbled, closing his eyes and massaging his temples.
The merman chuckled, floating up near the top of the tank and looking down at the teen. ''To answer your question, not just anyone can hear me speak.''
''...What do you mean by that?'' Ciel crossed his arms, giving the merman a skeptical look.
''I mean precisely what I said. The only people who can hear me are those I choose to have listen.''
''And you chose me?'' Ciel frowned, feeling goosebumps appear on his arms as red eyes met his.
''Yes. You are very interesting, and I find you quite entertaining.''
''Is that the reason why you kept plaguing me for the past month?'' Ciel let his arms drop to his sides, genuinely curious to hear the merman's answer.
''Basically.'' The man-fish shrugged and sunk down to the bottom of his prison. ''I do not really have a reason as to why I kept following you... But your reaction to only seeing my tail was definitely a bonus.'' Ciel's face flushed in embarrassment and grit his teeth.
''Whatever. This conversation is over.'' The blue-eyed teen snapped and grabbed his mop, which had fallen to the ground at some point. ''I have work to do, so just sit there and be quiet like the stupid fish that you are.''
Ciel rolled his eyes as he heard the merman chuckle at him once more. Any other person on this planet probably would have been excited to be conversing with such a mystical being but Ciel just found him to be annoying and cocky so far.
Thankfully, the merman was silent as Ciel went to work. When finished, the blue-eyed boy put away his cleaning instruments and made his way back to the stern. He looked at the tank to find the sea creature lying down, his back towards Ciel. The teen bit his lip, feeling as if the guilt could swallow him right there.
Ciel had never meant for this to happen. He had just wanted to see what had been plaguing him for the past month and had planned to throw it back into the ocean once he figured it out. But last night, everything transpired so fast and it just wasn't Ciel's place to argue with Lau or William. Especially not over something like this that could potentially make all of them rich. The prospect of getting that much money and a promotion, like Lau had said last night, should have made Ciel feel extremely content, but all he felt was growing shame.
He watched the merman for a few moments before sighing and walking over to him. ''So...what's your name?'' The teen asked, crossing his arms and leaning his back against the tank.
''Why do you wish to know?'' Red eyes peered at him. Ciel stared into them for a few moments before looking away.
''I'm just curious.'' The teen shrugged. Ciel, like anyone else in his position would be, was curious to know a few things about the merman.
''I don't have one.''
Ciel heard shuffling in the tank and turned around to face the man-fish who was now laying on his stomach, facing the boy. ''How can you not have a name?'' Ciel asked, raising an eyebrow.
''I had one once. Though it has been so long since it was used by another sea creature. I can not recall what it was.'' The merman shrugged, tail swaying back and forth slowly in the water as he watched Ciel. ''If you think about it, a name isn't all that important in the ocean.''
''Well on land it is.'' Ciel explained. ''It's how we address each other. For example, my name is Ciel. People call me as such when speaking to me.''
''I know. I heard a few people address you with that name.''The merman chuckled. ''And if me having no name bothers you so greatly, then why don't you just give me one?''
''I...well...'' Ciel didn't know what to say, suddenly feeling awkward from the suggestion. ''Are you sure?''
''Are you not able to come up with anything? Odd. I pegged you as being an intelligent human. I suppose I was wrong.'' The sea creature teased, taking great delight in seeing Ciel flush and glare at him. ''I do not care either way, I assure you.''
''Fine then.'' Ciel looked around the stern, trying to find something to inspire a name for the sea creature before he got teased again. His eyes caught a red picture of a particular crustacean on a barrel. A sly smirk found it's way to his lips as he walked over to it, placing his hand atop it and turning to face the merman, who was looking at him curiously. ''Then...Sebastian. From now on, at least to me, your name will be Sebastian.''
The merman was silent for a moment before he smiled at Ciel, causing the boy to blink. ''Certainly, well then please, call me Sebastian.'' He said, trying out his new name for himself. ''But may I ask why you chose that name?''
''It's the name of a red crab in a story that I know.'' Ciel explained and tapped his index finger on the picture of the crab.
''I see.'' Sebastian said, bringing an hand up to his mouth to hide his laughter. ''How...clever.''
''I didn't hear you coming up with anything.'' Ciel said, an angry vein pulsing on his forehead. ''Anyway, I am going to retire now.'' The teen saw the clock out of the corner of his eye and saw that it was time to wake up Claude. He stretched his hands over his head, lacing his fingers together as he did so. ''So I will see you later.''
''You don't have to, you know.'' Sebastian said suddenly, causing Ciel to stop and stare at him. The merman stared at the teen with hooded, impish eyes causing him to shiver slightly from their intensity. ''I can sense the guilt that you harbor for imprisoning me.'' Ciel flinched and a smirk made it's way onto Sebastian's lips. ''You know you can always release me... and let go of your regret.''
Ciel didn't say anything, staring straight ahead and away from the deceitful sea creature. He looked at Sebastian after a moment and gave a smirk of his own. ''You know... I would, but I don't have the keys. So, I'll have to bid you good night, Sebastian.'' The deckhand said before the sea creature could protest and headed on his way downstairs. Ciel would be lying if he said that he didn't feel any guilt towards the merman's current situation, but letting him go was definitely not an option right now.
Sebastian watched him go, a frown piercing his lips. ''Good night...Ciel.''
“In sixteen hundred seven~! We sail the open sea~! For glory, God, and gold AND THE VIRGINIA COMPANY~!'' Ciel covered his ears with his hands and glared at Bard as the cook merrily sang. He looked over to Hannah, who was calmly making breakfast and appearing totally unaffected by the loud singing. How the hell did she manage that?
Ciel growled when he felt Bard throw an arm over his shoulders and sway them both together as he continued, ''Or so we have been told by the VIRGINIA COMPANY~!''
''Bard! Shut up! You sing that same song EVERY morning!'' Ciel protested loudly but the cook didn't care and just continued with his early morning routine as he cut up some fruit. The deckhand grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose. ''Ugh. I am going to kill you one of these days.''
''Ciel.'' Hannah said, getting the boy's attention. Which was a miracle in itself because of Bard's obnoxiously loud singing. ''Go tell everyone that breakfast will be ready shortly.''
''Oh thank the Lord.'' Ciel mumbled to himself and headed up on deck, thankful to be away from that mess. His task didn't take very long as most of the crew could be found still asleep among their bunks or in their normal morning locations. The only ones who were oddly misplaced were Agni, Meyrin, and Grell, and the teen had a sneaking suspicion as to where he might be...
''Oh my scrumptious noodlekins! You're so cute when you look at me that way!~'' Ciel couldn't help the cheeky grin that came over his face as he found Grell torturing Sebastian once again. A chuckle left the deckhand as he lent against the side of the ship, watching the chaos unfold.
Red eyes could barely hold their glare as the the merman caught his gaze and Ciel wasn't at all surprised when he heard Sebastian's sultry voice echo in his mind again, 'Please get this...individual away from me. I am gathering a headache.'
Ciel couldn't stop his amused smirk. 'Why should I make him leave? You look you're having so much fun.'
'I most certainly am not. Now I implore you to get rid of...him.'
'Alright alright.' Ciel shook his head and walked over to Grell, getting the red head's attention.''What do you want, brat? Can't you see I am oggling my hunky fish-sicle?''
Ciel raised an eyebrow at the whaler's choice of words but otherwise didn't comment on it. ''Breakfast is ready and also, William's looking for you.” He gestured for Grell to come closer, as if to tell him a secret. “I think he's getting jealous that you're spending all your time out here with the merman instead of with him.''
''What?'' Grell exclaimed, taking a hold of Ciel's shoulders and shaking the teen, much to the boy's irritation and Sebastian's pleasure. ''My poor William! I was just flirting! He has to know that he's the only one for me, right? Oh my dear William, I'm coming~!'' The redhead zoomed off to find his love then, leaving the deckhand quite disoriented and dizzy.
''...Thank you.'' Sebastian said after a moment, getting as close to Ciel as the glass would allow. ''I can not describe in words how...disturbing that person is.''
''Trust me, I know.'' Ciel agreed, dusting off his clothes. ''I've had to put up with him for years.''
''...He has come onto you like this?'' Ciel looked up at Sebastian, gulping when he saw the a shaded look in the merman's eyes.
''No I didn't mean it like that.'' The blue eyed boy put up his hands, trying to keep the peace. ''I meant that I've just had to be around him for a long time, that's all. We both live on the same ship.''
''...I see.'' Sebastian said, looking off to the side quietly. It was then that Ciel decided upon a change of subject.
''Have you seen a tall guy with white hair and a girl with red hair and glasses recently? I need to tell them that breakfast's ready.''
Sebastian gazed back at Ciel and nodded, gesturing behind the teen to two figures talking over by the very end of the ship. ''They have been over there talking for an awful long time.''
Ciel looked behind him and saw Agni and Meyrin looking awfully close to each other as they talked. The Indian was scratching the back of his head sheepishly as Meyrin laughed. ''Oh, I see what's going on here...'' He had thought that the two of them had been spending a lot more time together than usual, and now he knew why.
''...Is she his mate?'' Ciel nearly jumped in surprise when Sebastian bluntly asked his question right next to his ear through the glass.
''I don't know.'' Ciel answered incredulously, crossing his arms and looking off to the side. ''Don't ask me.''
''To me it appears that she is.'' Sebastian said, lying down. His signature smirk came onto his face as he looked up at the teen curiously. ''Tell me Ciel, do you have a mate?''
''What?'' Ciel asked a little more loudly than was probably necessary. ''No.''
''Oh? Why? Is it because of your disagreeable personality?''
''No!'' Ciel snapped. ''And you are one to talk.''
''Or maybe perhaps it is that your species finds you unattractive?'' Sebastian teased, smiling mischievously when the teen glared angrily at him.
''Would you be quiet?!'' Ciel practically yelled, not caring that he was probably heard by half of the whole ship.
''Or could it be that you have no mate because of your-''
''Ugh, just shut up Sebastian!''
''So...have you found out anything yet?'' Lau asked, stroking Ran-Mao's back as she sat in his lap. William was currently in front of him, hair messed up with a pencil shoved behind his ear as he typed away on an old fashioned calculator.
''It appears that either way we will get thousands of dollars no matter where we sell him.'' William said. He had already contacted numerous ports, trying to find someone who would pay the most money for their catch, but none of the numbers were high enough for his liking just yet. ''But it will take me some time to figure out which port we should sell to in order to make the most profit.''
''I see.'' Lau said, smiling. ''Well take as much time as you like. We still have to catch a whale before we go back to land anyway.''
William nodded and went back to his work and Lau sighed. The business man wasn't really much for conversation, was he? The captain's attention switched to his first mate in his lap instead. ''So it appears that the merman will be staying with us for some time. Isn't that exciting, Ran-Mao?''
~Random Short~
Sebastian politely knocked on his master's door. When he acquired permission to enter the room, he pushed the serving cart into his master's office, shutting the door behind him. He placed his master's lunch down in front of him, reciting with much practice what was on the menu for the day.
''Today, young master, we are having roast duck with..'' As Sebastian was talking he noticed his master's widened eyes. Ciel looked at his butler with a serious on his face, slowly reaching for a news paper that was on his desk and rolling it up.
''Is there something the matter, young master?'' The demon finally asked, not liking the look that the boy was giving him.
''Sebastian. Don't move.'' Ciel commanded, getting up from his chair and walking towards his butler. ''There's a spider on your face.''
''What?'' Sebastian raised an eyebrow and looked at his face the best he could and noticed a black and yellow blob on his left cheek.
''Well howdy doo~!'' The spider said and tipped his small hat to Sebastian, who remained as stiff as a board for a second, and then...
Sebastian screamed and and started running around his master's desk, clawing at his face. ''GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF!!!!!''
''Well I would if you would just stay still!'' Ciel roared and chased the demon. ''Quit acting like a baby and get over here!''
''I'm trying!!'' The Earl growled and then finally tackled Sebastian to the ground.
''What in the blazes is going on in here?'' Bardroy yelled, barging into the room with the other servants behind him. They had all heard the screaming and had rushed to help, but froze at what they saw...
Only the very top of the young master's head was visible over the desk and Sebastian's feet stuck out from the sides. The butler's feet were moving erratically as Ciel groaned and fought with the demon, irritated that Sebastian was still trying to get away from him and freak out about the stupid spider.
Bard's cigarette dropped to the floor in shock and he covered Finny's eyes as Meryin blushed, a trail of blood flowing from her nose. To them, the scene before them looked very...questionable indeed.
''Young master, just do it already!''
''I'm trying!''
''You're not getting it!''
''That's because you won't stay still! Be still so I can do it right!'' Ciel groaned as he tried to simultaneously hold down Sebastian and whack the spider at the same time. Apparently that groan was mistaken for a moan because Bard covered quickly covered Finny's ears as well. The cook blushed as more noises were heard and tried to usher everyone out of the room, but not before they all heard Sebastian scream,
''Ew! It's all sticky on my face!''
Bard quickly threw everyone out and grabbed onto the door handle,fishing into his pocket and pulling out a few packages from his trousers. ''Stay protected!'' He yelled and threw the condoms into the room before practically running away from the scene.
''You big baby. You didn't need to scream.'' Ciel huffed and got up off his butler, who now had spider guts all over his cheek.
''That was a very traumatizing experience, master.'' Sebastian sniffled and got up from the floor, wiping at his face with a stray napkin.
''Whatever...Sebastian what are those?'' The Earl asked when he finally noticed the condoms on the floor.
''Oh my!'' The demon chuckled when he too noticed the small packages. ''It appears that someone has left us an invitation. Should we indulge in their wishes?''
''Whatever it is, no. Bring me my tea.''
''But master~''
Hey again guys! Once again I'm glad that you're enjoying this story so much! As always, I hope you enjoyed, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again! Ja ne!
~Migoto Nami
Chapter 4: The Dream
Disclaimer: Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso.
Songs Listened To When Writing: Jellyfish Jam from Spongebob, Sound the Bugle from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Kingdom Dance from Tangled(((Ciel's Song)))
P.S. This ENTIRE fic was inspired by the song 'Virginia Company' from the movie, Pocahontas.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
''No thank you.''
''Sebastian, just eat already.''
''I decline.''
Ciel rubbed his temples with two of his fingers irritably as he tried to calm himself down. Before lunch, William had ordered him to give the merman more food and the deckhand had thought that this would be a simple task at the time.
Sebastian hadn't eaten anything so far and now they were fighting...again. And just when Ciel had been beginning to think that they were starting to tolerate each too...
''You ate the other fish. This is the same exact thing, just eat it.'' Ciel grumbled, trying to remain calm. He knew if Sebastian didn't eat then William would have a fit.
''I only consumed that horrid excuse for a meal because I had no other choice at the time.'' Sebastian seemed bored as he floated amongst the calm water of his tank, more interested in examining his nails than the fish that were swimming around his living space.
''Well you have no other choice now either. So just eat the damn food already.'' Ciel glared right back at the sea creature, not backing down from his request.
''That is not true. Back then, I was unable to speak with you, but currently I can.'' Sebastian let his tail stretch out as he shifted into a more comfortable position, still keeping his arms crossed. ''Now, I have made my request for what I wish to consume. Acquire it for me, and you shall have no further problems with my eating habits.''
Ciel just glared harder at the merman when Sebastian threw him that cheeky close-eyed smile of his. The teen put a hand up to the bridge of his nose and pinched it. ''Sebastian. I am not diving... into the ocean...to find you your stupid tuna.'' He spoke slowly, as if speaking to a child. ''So just eat your fucking snappers and be done with it.''
''Then it seems we have reached an impass.''
''Sebastian.'' Ciel glowered. ''I am going to kill you. Just eat!'' The teen slammed his hand on the glass separating them, having had enough of this.
''No. And do not do that.'' Sebastian's right eye twitched with irritation, red and blue eyes glaring at one another.
''I'll stop when you eat something.'' Ciel hissed and slammed the glass again. He didn't use enough force to harm the tank, only enough to make Sebastian irrate.
''I already told you-'' Sebastian was cut off as Ciel slammed the glass again and the merman covered his own ears, glaring death at the teen. ''Stop that.''
''Eat.'' Slam.
Another slam. ''No. Eat.''
Sebastian hardened his gaze and suddenly flicked his tail upwards with some effort, causing a wave of water to splash out of the tank and crash over Ciel. The deckhand instinctively shielded himself with his arms as he got soaking wet.
Ciel was stunned into silence for a few moments as he shivered and coughed from being soaked to the bone with cold water. He looked up at Sebastian, who could barely contain a self-satisfied smirk. ''You little wretch!'' Ciel coughed, extremely pissed.
''What ever is going on back here, Phantomhive?'' Someone asked, stopping Ciel from all but climbing into the tank and strangling the merman.
Ciel coughed for a few more moments before addressing the three that had approached him. ''What does it look like?'' He growled, not at all caring that he was being rude to his superiors.
''Well it looks like you got your ass handed to you by a fish.'' Ash brought a hand to his mouth to hide his smirk as Claude frowned at the boy's lack of respect.
William, on the other hand, let the disrespectful tone go for now as he surveyed the scene before turning back to Ciel. ''Phantomhive. Clean this up.'' He adjusted his glasses higher up onto his nose as he walked over to the tank and gestured to Sebastian. ''I have told everyone on board that this creature is property and should be treated as such.''
Ciel bit into his lip and looked away, remaining silent.
''I can not have you damaging the ship's property, so I will ask you to keep your distance once again.'' William fixed his glasses and looked at Sebastian out of the corner of his eye. ''Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would want to purchase him alive. If you ask me, this creature is better off dead. It would be easier on all of us.'' He mumbled to himself, irritated from all the trouble already caused by the sea creature.
In an instant, William ended up soaked from a splash, having suffered the same fate as Ciel just a few moments ago. His glasses slipped off of his nose due to the crash and the business man coughed. ''My glasses!'' He exclaimed when he noticed that they were gone and scrambled to find the missing piece of eye-wear.
Meanwhile, Ash started laughing loudly and Ciel chuckled to himself when William blindly searched for his spectacles on the soaking we floor. Claude on the other hand, remained silent like usual, but he gripped onto the side of his own glasses, silently pitying the poor man in front of him.
''Stop laughing this instant! I will not tolerate such disrespect!'' William hissed and pointed at the laughing duo as his other hand continued to look for his glasses.
This only caused Ash and Ciel's laughter to increase because he pointed in the wrong direction from where they were standing. Eventually, Claude decided to step in and handed William his glasses. The business man gave Sebastian a look that could kill before turning his attention to Ash and Ciel. The former was still laughing as Ciel wisely stopped.
''If you find this to be so funny, Ash, then you can clean up this mess.'' William said and shoved a mop into the white-haired male's chest before angrily stalking off, Claude in tow. Ash seemed to snap out of it after that and ran after the two, complaints spewing from his mouth.
Ciel let out another chuckle as he watched them go before turning back to Sebastian. His amused expression instantly vanished, however, when he saw the barely contained hurt in those red eyes. The teen bit his lip and moved to talk to him but was stopped at William's shout of, ''Phantomhive! Go dry off this instant! You are tracking water everywhere!''
The deckhand sighed at this, and gave one final look at Sebastian before leaving to go change.
A while later, Ciel was all dried off and buried beneath the covers of his bunk. He had gotten off easy with cleaning up the deck as William had very angrily ordered Ash to do it in revenge. Ciel in the meanwhile, had tried to talk to Sebastian, but the merman refused to even acknowledge his presence.
Ciel sighed to himself as he turned over in his bed and brought the blankets up around himself more comfortably. His sapphire eyes slipped closed as he listened to the waves hitting the outside of the ship, the familiar noise lulling him to sleep. The teen had almost slipped into dreamland when he heard two pairs of feet make their way downstairs.
''Oh, Ciel's already sleeping.'' The teen could instantly make out the voice of Meyrin.
''Yes, it appears that he is alright then.'' He could make out the voice of Agni next and Ciel furrowed his eyebrows from under the covers, wondering why they would come down here.
''His asthma must not have bothered him from that splash.'' Meyrin commented quietly to herself and Ciel heard her sit down on a bunk near his. They must have heard what happened.
''I am glad.'' Agni whispered in the quiet room and Ciel felt his eyes droop slightly when he heard Agni sit down next to her. ''For a while there, I had been concerned about him.''
''I know. When he suddenly stopped eating, I felt so worried about him too, yes I did.'' Meyrin said quietly. ''I'm glad to see he's doing alright, yes I am.'' The room became silent after that for a long while. Ciel closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep, when Agni picked up the conversation again.
''Miss Meyrin...about our conversation yesterday...'' He seemed unsure about how to proceed and Ciel raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn't move.
''I know...I've thought about it, yes I have...'' Meyrin whispered back so quietly that it was a miracle that Ciel even heard her. ''And I think...that we could do that...'' shortly after that Ciel heard the bed next to him creak and Meyrin give a faint surprised gasp. Ciel's breathing evened out as he finally fell asleep, but not before hearing the unmistakable noise of soft, feverent, kisses.
His ears heard the noise, but instead of imagining Agni and Meyrin, his sleep-filled mind conjured up the image of himself and Sebastian kissing. Ciel shifted in his sleep as he felt dream-Sebastian wrap his silver tail around one of his legs as the teen tangled his fingers in the merman's raven colored locks, tongues twisting and searching inside eachother's mouths.
His dream self pulled Sebastian closer as the merman ran his fingers down Ciel's chest, causing the teen to shiver. He could feel Sebastian's smirk through their kiss and Ciel bit down on the raven's bottom lip irritably as he cradled the back of Sebastian's neck in his right hand while his left slid down his bare back slowly. He could feel Sebastian grip his hips, tracing his merman tail up and down the teen's thigh. Ciel's dream eyes opened at this and red eyes met one blue before the deckhand felt tugging on the back of his head as Sebastian untied his eye-patch and let it drop into the darkened haze below them. Ciel slowly let his other eye open and he could feel Sebastian smile against his lips when both ocean-colored eyes gazed upon him for the first time. Ciel returned the smile before he could stop himself as he kissed Sebastian again, gazing clearly into those two beautiful wine red-colored eyes.
Had the real Ciel actually been awake, this scene might not have been as inviting, but to his sleep-deprived mind, it was a pleasant image indeed and the teen smiled slightly in his sleep before slipping further into unconsciousness.
When he awoke a few hours later, Ciel ate dinner and got ready for work, all the while still pondering what had just transpired. The fact that he had heard Agni and Meyrin together didn't bother him nearly as much as his dream did. Even now, as he started to work, the image wouldn't leave his mind.
Ciel mopped down the bow of the ship with a little bit more force than necessary. Why was he suddenly having these thoughts about Sebastian now? Ciel should be mad at him, but no. His stupid mind had to come up with crazy ideas. The teen could find no ill feelings within himself towards Sebastian about what happened. At least not anymore, not after that weird-ass dream.
Once everywhere but the stern had been cleaned, Ciel couldn't stay away any longer. As he was making his way to the back, he thought about his dream again and closed his eyes, a frown coming onto his face as well as a light blush. Ciel could just imagine the merman's cocky smirk if he ever found out.
As he rounded the corner to the back, Ciel had expected Sebastian to have calmed down from earlier and to be waiting for him with a smug look on his face, but that isn't at all what he found. The raven was lying down on the floor of his tank on his stomach, his quiet gaze towards the sea. The deep longing he found within those wine red eyes tore at something inside the teen.
He pulled back and rested the back of his head against the wall, looking up at the stars. Now he felt like a complete and utter ass hole for capturing the merman. Sebastian didn't deserve this. Nobody did. Ciel bit his lip, feeling the desperate urge from nowhere to comfort the merman, his mind racing past images for a way to do so. An idea formed into his head after a few moments and headed back to the bow of the ship.
Sebastian silently watched a few happy dolphins jumping in and out of the ocean, meticulous eyes taking in their every move. While the raven severely hoped that he wouldn't be put to death by these humans, if staying in a cage the rest of his life was the other option, then maybe that wouldn't be so bad.
The merman sighed as those thoughts entered his head before he onto his side and closed his eyes, willing the thoughts away with the scattered sea breeze. Wine red colored eyes slowly opened when he heard a wonderous sound reach his ears. He slowly sat up and looked off in the direction of the sound to find Ciel with an instrument he had never seen before. Sebastian remembered the sound as being similar to the noise that he heard two nights ago, but different, more exciting. He swam closer so that he could hear more clearly.
Their eyes met in that instant as Ciel played, red and blue colliding in a silent haze. Sebastian slowly sat down as he heard the teen play, feeling a sense of indescribable calm wash over him as he intensely listened. All too soon, though, Ciel lowered his bow, stopping the beautiful sound.
There was silence between them for a moment before Ciel spoke. ''...Hey.'' He said quietly, at a loss of what to say.
''...Hello.'' Sebastian said softly and watched as Ciel set down his instrument carefully.
''Sebastian.'' The deckhand sighed. ''I'm sorry about before-''
''Don't fret about it.'' Sebastian said, looking reserved about the entire endevour as he interrupted Ciel by holding up one of his hands. “It's in the past.”
''No, I overreacted. I'm sorry.'' Ciel said hastily, guilt pushing him on. Sebastian was the victim here. He was the one being held against his will in a tank. He had every right to be as selfish as he wanted to be.
''No, I lost my temper.'' Sebastian corrected him calmly.
''Well I was the one who freaked out over stupid tuna.'' Ciel recalled, hoping to bait Sebastian's reaction some. The merman was slipping further into his shell, a mask that allowed no emotions to seep through. It was a defense mechanism, and Ciel hated seeing it.
''Tuna are not stupid.'' The merman said, frowning as Ciel smirked a little.
''They are pretty stupid.''
''They are quite delicious.''
''I'd rather have a snapper.''
''Then you certainly have no taste.''
A heated glare was passed between them before Sebastian shook his head and looked away with a small smirk, causing Ciel to raise an eyebrow in question. ''What's so funny?''
''We can never just agree on anything can we?'' Sebastian asked, failing to hide his amused expression.
''No.'' Ciel said, starting to chuckle as well as he sat down with his back against the tank. ''I guess we can't.'' A comfortable silence settled over them for a few moments before Sebastian broke it.
''Ciel, I really am sorry for hitting you.''
The deckhand looked over his shoulder to find that Sebastian was sitting similarly to him, only the glass separating them from sitting back to back. ''No, it's alright. I'm just sorry that I made you feel like...'' He thought for a moment on how to phrase his words. ''You couldn't count on the one person you confided in on this entire ship.'' Ciel looked over his shoulder again to find Sebastian staring at him silently.
''I humbly accept your apology, then.'' Sebastian said, closing his eyes and smiling at the deckhand. ''You seem to realize your own mistake anyway that this was entirely your fault.'' Ciel felt a vein throb on the top of his head irritably but decided to let that comment go in order to keep the peace. ''Anyway, Ciel.'' Sebastian lied down on his side, facing the teen. 'He can never just stay still can he?' The blue-eyed boy thought to himself as the merman made himself comfortable.
''What ever was that instrument that you were playing?''
Ciel looked over to the instrument in question, which was lying peacefully on top of a barrel a few feet away. ''It's called a violin.''
''A violin? I see.'' Sebastian stared at it as well. ''It's music is quite enchanting.'' The sea creature closed his eyes, remembering the sound that he had heard only moments ago.
''Do all mer-creatures enjoy music this much?'' Ciel asked, amused at the other male's antics and genuinely curious how Sebastian could be so obsessed with just hearing a violin.
''I can not say. I have not met many other creatures such as myself.''
Ciel raised an eyebrow and looked at Sebastian, his curiosity piqued. ''What do you mean?''
''I have never met any other mer-creatures besides the ones in my pod.'' Sebastian explained.
''Your pod?''
''Yes.'' The merman placed a finger to his chin, trying to figure out a way to explain. ''I suppose you could say that your 'pod' is your 'family', in human terms.''
''...I see.'' Ciel said, for some reason, the thought of Sebastian having actual family out there never crossed his mind until now. The very idea of them looking for him and missing him made the teen feel even more like a jerk for taking him away.
''Yes. There is only two of us now. Just my great great grandfather and I.'' Sebastian's ruby red eyes gazed up at the stars.
Ciel was silent for a while, his tongue burning with a subtle tang to ask further. He ultimately decided against it though and asked something else. ''Are there any other pods out there?''
''Not that I have encountered.'' Sebastian's brows furrowed as he tried to remember. ''I believe that there are some, but they are probably only populated by males. In all honesty, I think that mermaids went extinct a long time ago.''
A single blue eye widened at this. So there were no actual mermaids left? But then... ''How do you reproduce?''
''We don't.'' Sebastian locked his eyes with Ciel's and the teen stiffened at the serious look in those red eyes. The merman held the gaze for a moment before looking away. ''We are a dying race.''
Instant regret filled Ciel then as he watched Sebastian retreat into himself. The more he spent talking with the merman, the more he wanted to help him, but that only ended up making himself feel torn between Sebastian and the crew. The feeling gnawed at him whenever he interacted with the merman, a painful, silent reminder.
''Ciel.'' Said teen turned to Sebastian when he heard him quietly call to him. ''Could you perhaps play me another song? I can not stop thinking about your music.'' The merman said, a smile that help none of it's usual mischief upon his lips.
''You truly are obsessed.'' Ciel commented lightly, but still got up to retrieve his violin anyway.
''I can not help it. The sound is so enchanting.'' Sebastian commented as he lay down to watch Ciel.
The blue eyed boy shook his head before starting to play, all the while feeling extremely pleased with himself that he could at least give Sebastian this one small joy.
The next morning, Ciel's fingers had a few callouses from his continuous playing and the stern of the ship had been swabbed last minute, but it had been done nonetheless. The deckhand rested his chin on top of his fist as he watched Sebastian consume the tuna that he had to fight with Bard tooth and nail for. But the teen didn't really care so much as long as the merman was content.
Ciel didn't even know why he wanted to please Sebastian so much. His mind tickled his thoughts with his dream but he swatted it away. It was probably due to guilt or something along those lines. Yea, that was probably it...
''Hey Ciel, are you okay?'' Said teen blinked when he saw Finny's hand wave in front of his face. When did he get there?
''Yes, I'm fine.''
''Oh, good. I thought you had flown off to the moon or something.'' Finny laughed. ''You looked so out of it.''
''Yea...'' Ciel mumbled to himself, looking past Finny. The other deckhand raised an eyebrow and followed Ciel's line of sight, laughing when he saw that the blue-eyed boy had been looking at Sebastian this whole time.
''You know Ciel, if you want fish, I'm sure Bard would give you some.'' The blonde said, making assumptions.
Ciel raised an eyebrow at the happy blonde before getting up, deciding to use that excuse rather than admit that he had been creeping on the merman. ''Uh, yea. I guess I'll go ask.''
''Okay. And Ciel, make sure you get some sleep tonight. The bags under your eyes are huge!'' Ciel twitched at Finny's blunt honesty but otherwise didn't comment as he walked away. His eyes cast one last look at Sebastian to see the merman giving a genuine little smile to him and couldn't help giving a small one of his own back.
''So then I said, THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!'' Bard laughed at his own crude joke as everyone was eating lunch down below deck. Lau laughed with him as everyone else pretty much remained silent. Undertaker, on the other hand, was laughing so hysterically that Ciel thought that he was going to pass out from lack of air any second.
''Please refrain from such comments.'' William said, adjusting his glasses. ''I am trying to eat.''
''Oh don't be such a stiff, William.'' Lau said, clapping his hands before opening his mouth to allow Ran-Mao to spoon feed him some of his meal. ''It's all in good fun. Right, Undertaker?'' The captain chuckled, earning loud cackles from the white haired male.
''Anyway.'' William said, ignoring the captain. ''I have some news about our latest catch.''
''You mean my hunky fish-sicle?'' Grell swooned from his spot next to William and Ciel froze, hand holding food halfway towards his mouth. William glared at the red-head before he nodded.
''Yes. I am able to give you a brief estimate of the amount of money that we are going to be able to acquire.''
''So how much dough are we talking about here?'' Ash piped in, eager to know.
''I do not have an exact number but all of my calculations range somewhere within the two thousands.'' William said, earning a few shocked gasps from around the table.
''That's awesome!'' Bard said, dollar signs practically dancing around in his eyes.
''Oooh! I can buy so many new red dresses!'' Grell said, fantasizing about all the beautiful accessories he could purchase. Likewise, everyone at the table was thinking similar thoughts, all except one.
Ciel gulped, feeling a lump lodge itself within his throat at the impending news.
~Random Short~(Inspired by Coach Hines from Mad TV)
Ciel placed his pen under his nose and balanced it there by pursing his lips upwards. He had been doing paperwork for hours and was now goofing off because he didn't want to do it anymore. He was also trying to see how much he could mess with Sebastian by not doing what he was supposed to do. That was always fun.
The Earl nearly jumped out of his skin when said demon burst open the door to his office, looking extremely P.O.ed for some reason. Ciel frowned when his pen fell from his lips. Now he would have to try to beat his own record all over again.
''My lord.'' Sebastian said, walking up towards the boy's desk. He didn't care right now that he was being disrespectful and slammed his hands on the boy's desk. ''I am going to kill Finny and Bard.''
''Sebastian, how long can you balance a pen under your nose?'' Ciel completely ignored the demon's death threat, biting said writing instrument.
''My lord, I am serious this time.''
''So am I. Lizzy once went three days without dropping her pen. Three days, Sebastian!''
''My lord, please. I implore you to let me have my revenge upon them.''
''I mean how did she even eat?!''
''Tell me how Sebastian! I command you!''
Sebastian was silent for a moment, taking angry breaths, before he swiftly exited the room. He came back in two seconds flat, holding Bard and Finny's ears as he dragged them.
''Ow! God dammit that hurts!'' Bard cursed as Finny basically started crying.
''Get over there.'' Sebastian pushed the two blondes towards Ciel, who was about to lick a blue glue stick for some reason. The demon ignored it and shoved the chef and cook again. ''Get over there and tell the young master, RIGHT NOW, what you did to me this morning!''
''I don't want to!'' Finny exclaimed, wiping his eyes as he started bawling.
''Sebastian, whatever it is, I can assure you that I don't care.'' Ciel said as he rolled up the stick even higher before licking it again. The raven took the stick away and held it where the Earl couldn't reach it, making the boy whine.
''You better care or I'm not making you any more chocolate cakes!''
Ciel gasped comically before backing down and grumbling to himself. ''Fine. What happened?''
''Okay um, this morning we put crazy glue in Mister Sebastian's gloves.'' Finny confessed, still silently crying tears.
''Tell him what you did, after that!'' Sebastian hissed, pulling at Bard's ear.
''After that we called Grell and told him that Sebastian wanted a...few things.'' Bard hissed, his ear hurting like mad.
''That...individual is currently locked in the down stairs bathroom with nothing on but lingerie!'' Sebastian glowered. ''Unbelievable. Now tell him what you did after that!''
''After that we shaved his favorite cat that lives outside in the gardens.''
''Yes. Now tell him what you did after- woah wait WHAT?!'' Sebastian's eyes widened as he stared at Bard in disbelief. ''You did WHAT?!'' In an instant the demon was out of the room and the cook, gardener and Earl could hear his shouts of, 'MY POOR BABY!!!!' from out in the garden.
''Eep! I'm outta here!'' Bard wailed and wisely fled the scene as Finny did the same, each running in opposite directions to make finding a hiding spot easier.
A few minutes later, Ciel could hear Finny and Bard's cries as Sebastian basically beat the crap out of them, but the Earl didn't care one bit about what was happening with them right now. No, he had other things to think about.
''Ah, alone at last.'' Ciel said as he licked his precious blue glue stick.
Hey guys! As always, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you can! Ja Ne!
~Migoto Nami
Chapter 5: The Kiss
Disclaimer: Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso.
Songs Listened To When Writing: You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart from Phineas and Ferb
P.S. This ENTIRE fic was inspired by the song 'Virginia Company' from the movie, Pocahontas.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Humans are strange This is what Sebastian has come to realize after spending a little more than three weeks observing them.
They are able to spontaneously combust themselves at random. Nearly a week ago, a sudden crash was heard from below deck before a man with blonde colored hair dressed in white ran around the deck, screaming like a distressed whale. Others soon joined him and they all proceeded to run around, a strange red aura surrounding them. Sebastian was indeed sure that he had never been as incredibly confused then he had been at that moment...
Old humans in particular, are in a whole different league of weird when compared to their younger counterparts. The merman had, on more than one occasion, found anold man sitting by some barrels when he could have SWORN he hadn't been there a second ago. Also, there was an individual with long grey colored hair that kept giving him kelp and swishing around whilst saying, ''Fishy Fishy enjoy your dishy!~'', much to the merman’s annoyance.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, Sebastian had learned never to trust men in with clear circles over their eyes(glasses, as Ciel called them). Women with glasses were alright, but men...No. Just no.
As usual, Sebastian had just been minding his own business when he had been bothered again by that red-headed...male? At first, Sebastian ignored him, like always, but then that other man in glasses approached, looking horribly angry. The merman wasn’t paying particular attention to them, so he was quite startled when the brunette forcefully pushed the perverted red-head against his prison, whispering words like, ''You are mine.'', ''How dare you look at anyone else.'' and such, as the other practically screamed, ''Oh Will!''. After that, if Sebastian could have left, he would have, to say the least.
So yes. Humans are very weird creatures indeed...
Ciel yawned as he stretched both hands above his head in an attempt to wake himself up for work. Things had been considerably awkward for him over the past few weeks. The crew kept whispering of riches to come, but Ciel refused to join in on the conversation. He could understand their enthusiasm, but at the same time, he couldn't comprehend how they could be so heartless.
Sebastian was just as autonomous as anyone else. He had thoughts, feelings and, as Ciel quickly found out, more intelligence than most of the people on board. Sebastian had conveyed that he was nearly 300 years old, and that he hadn’t seen his only family, his great great grandfather in over 50 years, due to the raven’s tendency to swim between oceans frequently. Likewise, Ciel had also shared information concerning his family, his own age(To which Sebastian had laughed at, saying that he was ''But a guppy.'') and other pointless things like his favorite color, food and various others that Sebastian asked about. As a result, a time woven tight bond had actually formed between them now that they ceased their useless fighting.
Ciel had found that he rather liked having someone to converse openly with, and had actually been caught talking with the merman on more than two occasions by various people on the ship. Nobody particularly cared about this, however, as most could agree that Ciel talking to a fish wasn't the weirdest thing that has happened on this ship. No, that honor would forever belong to the time when Undertaker had gotten drunk and started doing the macarena and shamelessly flirted with Finny and Hannah in some lingerie that he stole from Grell...
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shewolfofvilnius · 2 months
Hiiii! 19-21 for the Tav Ask Game!
19 was noted in a previous Q but for the record: 19. What is your Tav’s greatest desire?
She will never, EVER admit it to Rolan and it's likely to cause them a massive problem down the line, but she misses the simple life of the farm. It's why she was able to relate to the druids at the grove so well (and fight back against the urge to steal that idol) , Jaheira's even said she has some potential that could probably be nurtured, especially if she turned away from 'such unnecessary larcenies' and eschewed the role of a rogue or of a bard. (She even has a brief fling with Halsin before realizing she truly wants Rolan). The only reason she had actually left her adoptive parents farm was the grief over her dead love interest Linus (her guy at 18-19, she would have said yes when he proposed), and that everything there reminded her of him as he'd been the lead farmhand there. But that was one farm and a part of her would give anything to go back to that simple, stable country life. (no pun intended). Just in a different space and place.
I think if there were a way for Tav to be master farmer of her own land and Rolan remain a respected wizard and/or archmage, she'd jump on it in a SECOND. ------- 20. What is your Tav’s greatest regret? (current) Her adoptive parents sold part of their farm to pay restitution to get her out of jail, then they were killed with the Illithid nautiloid picked all three up on the way out of the city. No thieving, no jail, parents still alive. / (Former) For a LONG time she thought her tendency to wear bright colours and flashy jewellery was what attracted the gnolls that killed her likely future husband, cost her adoptive mum a pregnancy, and left her adoptive dad with a permanent limp. She was eventually convinced that the attack would have been regardless, but it was a yearslong process that contributed to the other one. ------- 21. How does your Tav feel about love?
Currently (fic, 2m post epilogue): Loves love. Loves Rolan even when he's being Captain Grumpy or a tremendous jerk. Gets SO excited in my fic when she realizes Lia and Gale are serious. Even digs the crazy vibes of Cal/Lae'zel and wants to try to help Shadowheart with Nocturne. Loves loves, loves songs of love and love stories. Fae'run's #1 A+ romantic sap. (Loves Rolan enough that she's willing to tolerate still being in the city even though she'd love to get back to nature (see 19)) Went through a bitter and cynical period in her early 20s (see #20) after death of very serious love interest.
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spumonibones · 4 months
Chasing Wings: Ch. 06 Lore/Story
Chapter 06 (Ao3) | Chapter 06 (Tumblr)
Chapter One (Ao3) | Chapter One (Tumblr)
Lore+Notes under cut!
LORE/STORY: • Xiao being defensive of Morax/Rex Lapis/Zhongli
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→ The first meeting of the Seven Archons would have, very likely, been a little under 2,000 years ago (as the Archon War ended 2,000 years ago). If in-game canon still has Xiao standing firmly with the, "talk bad about Morax and I'll hate you forever," then I would imagine this was worse when he didn't have literally two millenia to calm down about it. Given Barbatos, every chance he gets, enjoys teasing Morax... I would imagine their first meeting to not leave Xiao with a good impression. At least not until he better understood the type of friendship Morax and Barbatos had, and the type of person Barbatos is. Was?
→ In Xiao's character story, it mentions that before the unnamed god forced him into servitude, Alatus is described as, "younger and more naive." After Morax frees him it states, "the evil god had rid him of his innocence and gentleness." It really does come across that Xiao as we know him now, is... Much softer, even with that hardened exterior he maintains for everyone's safety. Which is why I tried to convey that Xiao in present of the fic looks back at that first meeting and cringes, but makes sense as to *why* he acted as such back then.
→ We don't actually know when Xiao and Barbatos first technically met. Aside from the video showcasing it was Venti that saved Xiao from his karmic debt, it's left pretty open for fans to guess.
→ And even that video is pretty unclear as to the when. Leaving this spot open, as I know I read something mentioning that Venti woke up after the Cataclysm but before game-start to try and find Dvalin, but I can't find it anymore??? So until I can confirm, this is ~SPECULATION~
STORY: • " That Xiao’s own had been ripped from him, his life still more years with wings than without during that meeting of the Seven. " - taken from Chasing Wings: Memoria chapter 06, page 02
→ I legitimately thought this was an in-game canon, however my digging has proven fruitless. If this is in-game, I can't find it. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ This seems to be fan-canon, and it is fan-canon I am using. I should note, me not being able to find something doesn't mean it isn't there. Again, I get lost in Teyvat all the time. Finding things is not a skill of mine.
LORE: • The Three Sisters is lore that thus far every region has added to, and yet we still only have mostly speculation for. In this chapter, Venti is specifically reading Moonlit Bamboo Forest.
LORE/GAME SPECULATION: • "  That there were two sides to the bard, the transition from one to the other seamless. " -taken from Chasing Wings: Memoria chapter 06, page 04
→ This is a characteristic of Venti we've seen mostly in the early part of the game, with the original writing crew. Around Inazuma there was a change in writers (this doesn't provide a source, but seems to be generally accepted as to the reason), and many speculate this had a lot to do with the... Interesting choices made in that storyline. Venti in the Prologue and his Character Quest especially seem to focus in on the difference between when he's speaking as Venti the Bard and as Anemo Archon Barbatos.
→ In addition, it really does feel like there's a shift happening with what is being done with the story. Between extending the game's story (I'm sure there's better articles, but I just needed something quick to show the game's original 5-year plan has been extended. This says rumor, but there's enough to show Genshin will be longer than 5 years), and the writer's change I am not sure if the way Venti was initially being portrayed will stay as long-term canon or will remain as just early game content. But I feel strongly it adds a unique depth to him, and try to incorporate it in the fic. (Not that you see much of it after this point, since it's mostly him and Xiao interacting)
Chapter 06 Song/Lyrics: "Learn to Fall Before You Fly" Song: Learning to Fly (cover) by Christina Aguilera
Another chapter I was struggling trying to find something that works. I was tempted to use Xiao's theme, Path of Yaksha, but its beat didn't really work for how... Casual this chapter felt?
This song seemed to fit best it could. There's the brief reference to Venti once more attempting to take flight (and doing that falling thing again), along with the memory of Xiao receiving a feather from Barbatos to experience flight in the form of guiding. It's also in general a song about understanding that mistakes are part of the learning process, and Xiao dealing with what he believes are the repercussions of his youthful ignorance.
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