#fic: vala
ohlawsons · 2 years
08.13 fairy realm | vala/octavia/regongar set during the house at the edge of time
The First Realm is hardly Vala’s favorite place. There’s times when the very essence of her magic feels like it could leap from beneath her skin, and times when she isn’t sure she can muster the effort it takes to summon her druidic powers.
Here, though, in Nyrissa’s twisted house outside of time, all alone, with only the twisted tricks and magics of the fae to keep her company, Vala really rather thinks that the First Realm is designed to be her own personal hell. And really, knowing Nyrissa, this damned house just might be.
She watches Linzi fall, and once she’s shed as much blood as she’s able she picks up the journal and grips it, white-knuckled, as if she could tear some answers out of it by force. She watches Jaethal cut down Tristian in front of her, and as much as she’s glad to have her back and as much as she waves off his death by insisting she really should have done the same, back in the tombs beneath Varnhold, she almost can’t tear her eyes from his too-still body.
Slowly, the rest of their party joins them once more — with the exception of Octavia and Regongar, and with every step further into the nightmarish manor, Vala feels her pulse quicken and rage slip white-hot into her blood.
She loves them fiercely, as she knows they love her, and she thinks some of their group is just now realizing just how deeply and entirely she cares for the pair.
They talk. Everyone does. Vala knows this, knows that there’s gossip throughout the capital and amongst her friends that there’s something shallow about the love the three of them have for each other — that Vala only cares for having a pair of attractive arm-pieces, and desires a powerful, beautiful entourage more than she does lovers to dote upon; that Octavia wants multiple partners only to test and push them, to dip her toes across the boundaries of what’s good and proper; that Regongar’s only interest is in what happens between them in the bedroom, rather than any interest in a real, stable relationship.
And perhaps there’s truth in all that, Vala thinks, feeling rather bare without them at her side. But there’s truth, too, in the moments they’d stolen for themselves, meant only for the three of them and not for all the others who seem to have such a self-important view of their queen’s private affairs.
There’s truth in the quiet mornings she’d spent with Regongar, holding him and slowly quieting his doubts, assuring him that he’s loved, so entirely and so deeply and so passionately, and that no matter which of his flaws he’s fixated on she won’t ever let him, even for a moment, think they’re the cause of any regrets or reservations she has towards him. There’s truth in the loud, lighthearted evenings shared with Octavia, talking and laughing and kissing and baring themselves in ways unfamiliar to them both, as they learn each others’ boundaries and earn each others’ trust, each too lost in the other for the moment to be anything but whole and real. There’s truth, too, in the warm afternoons spent with all three of them lounging together, talking about whatever futures they could have — will have, one day — and Vala decides that as soon as she finds them and they’re all back together, she’s going to marry them both in the most delightfully lavish ceremony the Shrike Hills have ever seen.
It’s enough to keep her going, trudging slow but sure footed through the house of mist and magic and mischief, the trek long enough that Vala knows exactly how she’s going to kill Nyrissa when she finds her. 
But first, she has to find Octavia and Regongar. And then she’s going to tear this entire house down, brick by fucking brick.
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Truly don't know if it's clear, but I am fully lost in the sauce of my Stargate fixation, I can not see the surface. No one save me, I'm having a great time
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Not quite formed an opinion on this, so Silmarillion fandom thoughts please? 😁
Atsushi Sakurai as Namo's aesthetic or as Namo himself?
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anderstrevelyan · 2 months
I'm so overwhelmed by gortash week in the best way—like, I don't typically post fic this frequently so that's certainly a factor, but it's just so lovely to be read and have people engage and I have so many comments I've yet to reply to and ahhhhhh (!!!)
Not even to mention all the incredible art of all kinds everyone's been making! I've been spending time with the ao3 collection and I still have so many more fics I want to read
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
John and Vala Rec List
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I love John, I love Vala, and I think they'd be incredible friends, but there aren't a ton of fics about them. So here are some fic recs, posted with the author's summaries unless otherwise noted. Friendship fics are listed first, then slash fics.
Fics where John & Vala are the main focus:
Glad You're Here by Catalina_Leigh (1k, T, gen)
The SGC may not be Atlantis, but at least John has Vala, who loves movies and popcorn as much as he does. And she's happy to have him around.
The SGC Guide To Intergalactic Hookups: An Etiquette Manual by bomberqueen17 (12k, T, John/Rodney, Vala/Daniel)
Not the author's summary: this is part of a larger series, and is set during The Return. Additionally in this series, John and Vala meet in New Friends, he sends her a gift in Rotary Cutter, and she joins him and many others for Christmas in A House A Home.
Fics where John & Vala aren't the main focus:
G******, Pirates and Thieves* (series) by auburn (372k total, M/T, many ships, mostly John/Rodney
Author's summary from the first fic: Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis.
No Good Deed by forestgreen (65k, M, John/Cam, Daniel/Jack)
John opened the closed record that Stargate Command had on him and skipped over its content: "Dr John Sheppard, Civilian Consultant to the U.S. Air Force, member of SG-1, PhD in Applied Mathematics and PhD in Computer Science, gifted mathematician with a penchant for stealing, trustworthy." A small, satisfied smirk crooked John's lips. He struck the last part out and added a correction in red: "Gifted thief with a penchant for mathematics, not to trust." He saved the document and erased all traces of his presence in the system. It'd take a while for McKay to figure out that John had found yet another weakness in the SGC network. He ordered pizza and waited for the rest of the SG-1 to arrive. It was Mitchell's turn to pick the movie.
Gray Skies (series) by bluflamingo (27k total, T/E/G, John/Cam)
Not the author's summary: Post-Vegas, John ends up on SG-5 with Cam, Cadman, and Vala.
Good Vibrations by nimuetheseawitch (3k, E, John/Vala)
Vala has discovered the sex toy stores of San Francisco while visiting Atlantis in the Bay and needs to try out all her new gear. John is willing to help. (shameless self-plug)
When There's Nothing Left to Burn by auburn (8k, M, John /Vala, Rodney/Vala)
Neither of them tend to think about the consequences.
Home is Where? by Lyl (2k, T, John/Vala)
The day he was finally assigned his own team, John read their service records and promptly decided to find the nearest bar and get drunk.
So Good to You by busaikko (6k, T, Vala/John, past John/Cam)
Rodney had extorted a promise from John to not get recruited into SG-1 while he was on temporary re-assignment to the SGC. As John finished reciting his marriage vows from the crib-sheet Mitchell had handed him, he suspected Rodney would never let him live this down.
A Wanted Distraction by esteefee (1k, M, John/Vala)
"I thought you were supposed to have magical powers or something," Vala said. "Can't you just think the door open like a good boy?" If she didn't stop squirming like that, John was going to—well, there wasn't a hell of a lot he could do, considering he couldn't move an inch or two in either direction.
Pretty Pickle by esteefee (6k, M, John/Vala)
Vala and John get up to some mischief in the Milky Way.
Blame the Apocalypse by estefee (5k, E, John/Sam/Vala)
They stuck to the coastline, because the zombies—infected humans—instinctively avoided the ocean, what with the way saltwater made them dissolve.
Three Days in the Valley by Anagrrl (5k, T, John/Vala/Cam)
Cam never thought he'd be here, out on the sand and scrub. His family had wanted a farm, to grow fields of dark green and golden yellow, the soft brush of leaves audible in the early morning, underneath the drone of insects. They'd tried for it, they really had, but here he is, on horseback, no fields in sight.
(AKA - Vala and Cam herd cattle western AU)
Play Time by bluflamingo (2k, E, John/Vala/Cam)
"This galaxy has John, and a machine that just transformed all three of us into sea otters," Cam corrected
Business or Pleasure? by NeoVenus22 (6k, E, John/Vala/Sam/Cam)
What happens in DC stays in DC.
Fill me like a song do by anonymous (2k, E, John/Vala/Cam/Daniel)
Before standing, she’d kicked her legs off of their perch and nudged John out of the way with the toe of her boot. Tonight, he had asked to be pushed around and manipulated like a piece of furniture and a sex toy, and Vala had started with him as her footstool while she had called Daniel and Cam. The sight of a shirtless and collared John on all fours was making Daniel’s mouth water.
*This title is censored due to the use of a common racial slur.
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anretc · 4 months
Fic: A Moment of Warmth
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A Moment of Warmth (717 words) by anr Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Characters: Daniel Jackson, Vala Mal Doran Additional Tags: Episode: s09e03 Origin, Missing Scene, Kissing Summary: When Vala makes a break for freedom as soon as everyone's backs are turned, Daniel doesn't hesitate to follow along.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
I made a cover to Three Days in the Valley (Vala/Cam/John; Western AU; T+ rating) because I was in the mood, so here it is.
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riverageleis · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: Jennifer Keller, Cameron Mitchell (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Teal'c (Stargate), Vala Mal Doran Additional Tags: Alien sex pollen with a twist, Mutual Pining, background mcshep, But It's a Terribly Kept Secret, Mentions of Previous Sam/Jack, Mentions of previous Jack/Daniel, Stargate Atlantis Season 4 AU, There will be episode tags eventually, They are incredibly competent people except with each other, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Set somewhere in a Stargate Atlantis Season 4 alternate universe, Daniel ends up on Atlantis under Sam's leadership. We get some pretty typical Daniel stuff, but there are also some surprises. We get to see a depth of Sam's character not previously seen. Jack's influence on them both becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. With the help of Pegasus flora and, maybe even a nudge from Atlantis herself, Sam and Daniel find that maybe being more than friends isn't a terrible thing at all.
  Note: There is absolutely no non-con/dub-con in this piece. That's the sex pollen twist.
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strangefable · 2 years
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Artist: @polarolds Summary: At Barren Light after Regalla's assault, Varl is recovering from his injuries with Erend for company, as Aloy has left them both behind again. They've hunkered down to rest and commiserate. At Erend's urging, Varl drinks a bellyful of ale. It loosens his lips, and he recalls past memories to Erend's sympathetic ear. He details the pressure he lived under with a formidable War Chief as mother, a highly competitive sister, and the high expectations he felt to prove himself worthy among the Nora. He recounts several important events in his life, from his childhood, his Proving, his sister's funeral, and finally finishing his tale with the day he first met Aloy.
Written for @horizonbigbang, here’s my love letter to Varl and Vala (and a little bit Sona, too) with truly incredible art by @polarolds that you don’t want to miss. <3
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proserpinewrites · 1 year
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Valas T'Sorran, former slave and gloomstalker ranger, the protagonist of 'the ghost in the back of your head'.
Some love too little, some too long, Some sell, and others buy; Some do the deed with many tears, And some without a sigh: For each man kills the thing he loves, Yet each man does not die.
template from arcandora.
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myempireofsalt · 1 year
Catalyst WIP
A short clip of something coming about a chapter or two from the current that I'm happy with.
"If I might trouble you a little longer, would you grant me a favor?" the former Count watches as Vala's shoulders stiffen. Her expression remains that too-familiar mix of wishing to flee out the nearest window and guilty obligation.
I ask one last favor of you.
At least the eyes in the man before her's face are filled with life. Lined with grief and the stress of age weighing their corners as cleaves within mountain stone even as they are. 
A slow nod, heavy as the sword lying at rest within the job stone nestled at the hollow of her throat. "Ask it and it is yours."
"Careful," Edmont cautions her, eyes half-consumed by the smile her grave answer conjures forth. "I might take advantage and ask you to pack your Scions and sequester them here in Ishgard in selfishness."
He leans forward, hands gripping the smooth dome of his cane topper with intent. "Would you indulge me with a private performance? Particularly the one you would serenade young Alphinaud with during your time here."
A beat. "If I am not mistaken, it is also the very same I have heard over my son's grave as well."
Her heart sinks into her stomach and freezes colder than the night outside. Cheeks aflame with shame and embarrassment, it takes Vala a precious double fistful of seconds to manage a response."You-"
"Were not asleep, no." His smile fades. "You held my son's word and offering of his honor, but not my trust. I was not going to sleep undisturbed with strangers in my home."
Vala's mouth thins, jaw clenched briefly as she grapples with the emotions his words invoke. Embarrassment, as those were private moments between herself and Alphinaud, the boy she considered her adopted kit, and Haurchefant, her former lover and friend besides. Humiliation at the thought that she had been trusted– and how she was so foolish to believe that one's generosity equals trust. 
Yet another reason to doubt herself, her own judgment; there are too few people who say what they mean and mean it genuinely in this outside world. 
I want to go home.
The thought springs unwelcome, unbidden, to the front of her thoughts. The desire and sheer force of want has her eye casting in Golmore's direction. East. Ever, ever east. Far, far away to the east and south where a life she knew and loved and understood lie eternal and unchanging. Predictable in its unpredictability and dangers known and unknown alike.  
But she can't. Like the world of the Ancients. Like the former shards of the worlds destroyed in their attempt to make this one whole again.
Home does not exist for her; there is no going back.
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anderstrevelyan · 4 months
Petition to let myself change narrative direction and let Skie Silvershield stab Gortash for this internal narrative—
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(actually I think Valas would be into that, it wouldn't change the ultimate direction of the fic) (I'm so sorry, Skie, no one deserves to be stuck in the middle of the psychosexual mind games going on here)
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hoshigray · 1 year
I'm addicted to pussy and not just any pussy but good pussy I fr understand why toji hit that so much so how about we get married and I eat ur pussy or I be ur sugar mommy u pick🙈
Alright, Vala, it's time for you to go. Log the fuck off.
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judgeverse · 1 year
After Ba'al's symbiote extraction ceremony, something's clearly still amiss with his human host, Aziru. Vala notices, and can't let it go, but everybody else seems to be blind. SG1, gen, set after Continuum. - - - Now is her time to offer the kindness that wasn’t given to her. Time to extend a favor to the poor innocent individual that’d once been puppeted around by a hostile Goa’uld. Vala politely approaches Ba’al’s host, and asks his name, as she helps unfasten the bindings from his muscular arms (nice, she thinks to herself, and then extinguishes that line of thought). He smiles at her in an unsettlingly familiar way, and fails to answer her question. “It’s been a long time, you know. I’ll remember eventually,” he says, and the look in his eye gives Vala serious pause. She dismisses it as misplaced paranoia, remembering how the villagers had eyed her with lingering hatred even after Qetesh had been publicly sucked out of her skull. But the feeling doesn’t go away. It grows, and grows, and pops up again, like a weed in the garden of her thoughts. 
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peridotbelle · 1 year
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Illustration from this fic. My Stargate kid OCs taking part in an entirely non-competitive Easter egg hunt.
L to R: Rachel McKay, Emily Sheppard, Finn and Sharon Jackson, Connor Sheppard
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
I want Vala and John to do SGC orientation. I want them to slip into the roles of Daniel Jackson and Rodney McKay until newbies figure it out or until Daniel and Rodney show up, and then they'd laugh and laugh and laugh.
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