#fiend lore
theaudiofiend · 1 year
The Veils
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I want to give a little overview of the world all my WIPS take place.
A place where monsters walk among men, where magic meets the mundane, and mystery shrouds everything in the veils of night.
“The Veil keeps your eyes closed to the truth. But be careful for once they are open they can never be closed.” - Dreizehn
The Veils
The Veils, also known as “The Abyssal Gates” or “The Shade of the Sleeping” (also sometimes simply known as “The Walls”).
To further explain: you can think of reality as a whole as concentric circles, with veils being the line between the expanding circles.
The Veil is thought to be The Abyss seeping in between the gaps of the worlds, consequently creating other levels and hiding them from the slumbering humans. Those who have opened their eyes to the truth can see past the veil… Or at least the first one. The majority of Fiends also live past the first level of the veil but below the second.
The first veil is the thinnest, it separates the physical from the metaphysical, and it works on the vast majority of humans. It obscures the next level of the world from them, but to an extent, also protects them as it obscures them from the inhabitants of the next level.
The second veil separates the metaphysical from the purely spiritual. As an example, a Metaphysical being like a vampire might not necessarily be able to see purely spiritual beings like ghosts or demons.
Past that lies the third veil, which separates the spiritual world from the abstract world. Most fiends are not even aware of the abstract realms' existence. Deep within the Abstract Realm exist beings and concepts that are incomprehensible, Gods or Eldritch Horrors, call them what you like as there are no words of any language that can truly describe them.
And beyond The Abstract lies The Abyss, which acts as the final and unsurpassable veil.
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hinamie · 2 days
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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peridyke · 8 months
my standard for future lesbian media is kinda set by the chainsaw man dyke with four demon girlfriends who she has on screen sex with
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grease-weasel · 7 months
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Telling his brothers how tough he was today
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
Actually, re: the soul getting stripped of memories and much of its personhood thing, could someone get turned into a lemure without undergoing that process, in that you would have a devil that still has all of their prior memories and personality?
I presume it's potentially possible, given, say... Zariel, who remembers her time as a Celestial (although she didn't become a devil the same way at all, from the little I understand)
(whether or not anyone WOULD is a completely different question)
Zariel isn't the same as a damned mortal, no. She's an archdevil, which is a different being to the rank and file. Several archdevils are fallen celestials, or rumoured to be. Were she not an archdevil, according to some sources, she would be classified as an erinyes, which are unique amongst the baatezu due to having a celestial rather than mortal origin and tend to look down their noses at the rest of devilkind because of it. And then back in 2e we had Planescape just having them as a regular rung on the promotion ladder: DnD! (There is the question of mortals turned celestials turned fallen, I suppose. I recall Planescape once saying that only the lower planes reproduce via mortal souls, but then there are definitely celestials like Selûne's Shards who are former mortals, so eh. Deities.)
Descent to Avernus has it that Lawful Evil mortals who die on the plane simply spawn as lemures direct from the styx, but that doesn't give them memories (and the styx destroys memories on contact anway). Lemures have sometimes been noted to retain some semblance of their former selves, like their face and a vague sense of loss, but it mostly just drives them mad with pain and grief knowing they've lost so much but not being able to comprehend it. (You can also use polymorph and take the shape of a lemure, but that's not quite the same thing)
If you sell your soul to a devil on the Fugue to avoid judgement then the devil is obligated to give you a better deal than usual, which can include skipping a few promotions higher than the lemure stage (I think that's just 'turn into a lemure and then get insta-promoted though). You could in theory bargain to keep your memories, I suppose. It might just make being a fiend worse though.
Likewise, some deities have deals with the Lords of the Nine may have their followers undergo the process to turn them into devils. These devils belong to the god rather than an archdevil, and deities may chose to have their regular petitioners keep their identities, so I guess a Banite or Loviatan could enjoy a brief stint in lemurehood, a promotion to some higher, more useful rank, and their deity will slap the personality back on if they want their follower that way. Maybe.
I'm sure somewhere in the history of DnD there's been at least one devil that retained some semblance of self. Even if not, it's DnD, there will always be unique one-in-a-million cases.
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groudonenjoyer · 9 months
something I think is cool is the oceanic motifs of all the void creatures and areas in ror2…
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the void fields are covered in a seaweed like plant and have the appearance of underwater trenches.
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the enemies originating from the void have clear oceanic themes as well, mostly being crustaceans.
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there’s even some void items are are obviously sea creature themed as well (zoeas being a type of crustacean, shrimp being shellfish, the tentacles clearly resembling octopi)
this is likely because of the idea that both deep space and deep sea environments are dark, expansive, and isolated.
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so… what the fuck is void fiend?? we know it’s a mutated human, but what is it like underneath the helmet? did it get turned into some deep sea abomination too??? what kind of corruption did it get from the void??
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it’s sweet that everyone treats the oath like Eru can fix it
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get-rammed · 1 year
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Over a year and a half later and I finally bring yous the base Handlers
None of their relations to the bots are romantic. Some are very familial or aggressive, and some are just friend or work level.
Friend/work - Maya-Chica, Dawn-Daycare Attendant, Rodney+Rhonda-DJMM
Familial - Cynthia-Foxy, Julie-Bonnie, Matt-Roxy
Aggressive - Jacob-Monty, Tyler-Freddy
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kivaember · 1 month
Title: while loop Rating: M Pairing: Susano-o/Tsukuyomi Tags/CW: Pre-Canon, Established Relationship, Complicated Relationship, Worldbuilding, Dysfunctional Family, Playing around with Proto-Fiend Lore, SMTVV Spoilers Summary: Collection of Pre-SMTVV oneshots pertaining to the Proto-Fiends of Susano-o, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, before the apocalypse. Not in any chronological order. #1: Upgrade - shifting their Proto-Fiend bodies to something more technical and less magical does come with some drawbacks... (Susano, Tsukuyomi & Okuninunshi)
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feralfiendsvn · 1 year
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As you do yard work, you hear Trevor's cat, Squishy, digging in his garden. Upon closer inspection, you see she's dug up some old deer bones Trevor had buried. You find it a bit odd he would bury them in his flower garden, but who are you to judge?
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lorelune · 11 months
We r talking about knots… 😔 hybrid blade knot… ik it’s huge
we r talking abt knots anon do not get me started on hybrid blade's knot it would be uncomfortably big
i've had this idea brewing for the first time you take his knot... how meticulously you have to prepare despite Blade very much wanting to fully claim you.
(tw dubcon and knot talk below the cut)
you have to convince him that, yes, lube is necessary. you haven't even fully seen his cock but you've felt it through his pants and you know you'll need it. blade is immediately huffy because lube 'ruins your scent' but eventually concedes.
blade hands are clawed so he can't prepare you himself initially. you have to use your own fingers and try your best by the angle is wrong, and they simply aren't big enough to be thorough enough.
(this leads to blade subsequently, in the middle of foreplay, leaving the room to cut and file his claws down so he can finger fuck you properly. very kind of him.)
when he does actually knot you? the stretch is painful. you have to gasp and claw at the bed and whine because it does hurt, blade knows it hurts, and all he can do is lap at the freshened claiming bite on your neck to try and soothe you. he's not great at soothing but perhaps you do calm down once you've adjusted to the ache and fullness and heat of him inside you.
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theaudiofiend · 1 year
Two Truths and a Lie
Thanks to @ceph-the-ghost-writer for tagging me. I guessed Dorian being afraid of bugs was the lie. Just cause I think it’s funny.
Tagging @noircosmicawrites @uraniumwriting @kaiusvnoir to do this for one of their characters. And whoever else wants to.
For this one, I decided to talk about Killian, an old pureblooded vampire from my series Written in Blood.
1 - Despite being a powerful pureblooded vampire and having fought thousands of horrific creatures of every shape and size, Killian has a phobia of horses. 
2 - Killian loved writing poetry and has written hundreds of flowery sonnets for his love, but has not done so for a long time after they passed away.
3 - Killian has never turned someone into a vampire or a ghoul. 
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k-king-hellhole · 1 year
What if I told you I have a Void Fiend voice too?
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Actually folling on from that, any headcanons about who Osiris/Saint/Timur/Gheleon etc. were in their first lives pre-resurrection?
Head’s pretty empty for most of these guys but you’ll be shocked I’m sure to learn I am one that believes Timur was definitely a Braytech engineer. What that entailed exactly I can’t say but his fixation on Clovis Bray (TM) and his fascination with Felwinter as an Exo, and the Golden Age and its tech, all really points to me as something kind of hard-wired in there. And I do say engineer specifically thanks to that wild little lorebook entry The Iron Lord’s Tale with him from last season’s Dragonslayers book and the WILDLY specific use of /cavitation bubbles/ to slay a gotdamn Ahamkara. That’s something you don’t really see outside of the realm of mechanical engineering and usually is even more specific to nautical engineering so I feel like that was less a description of what happened and more a specific explanation of what he intended there (even if he did almost fucking wreck himself in the process, the dumbass 💜). Meaning he was in the know of that kind of stuff and I doubt he learned it in the Dark Age. Meaning he was raised that way.
ANYWAY I actually think about this a fair bit (because Timur and I am constantly rotating the blessed man in my head like a potato in the microwave but also,) because I Lowkey want to take some of the sort of bio-mechanical anatomy illustrations we see around the Exoscience centers and formulate a big back tattoo design for Timur. Like, heart-lungs-spine or such that would definitely scream CB aesthetic if you knew it but maybe he wouldn’t having never landed himself on Europa etc. but! I digress.
Generally, I’d like to think Risen don’t change as much as some, like Osiris, worry between lives. Idk what it’s attached to, but I guess I have some belief that there’s some integral personhood that sticks around through rezzes or resets or timelines or whatever.
Don’t ask me what the fuck that means or how it works with Banshee tho.
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fluff-e-boy · 5 months
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My family is about to go on our yearly beach vacation so I’ve been devising my optimal beach outfit
I think I’ve got it. Just enough cunt to pass as a decent outfit, just enough horrible choices to ward off flirting
On a scale of 1-10 how bad is it. And how can I make it worse
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
"It was a daring comment, and something red flickered deep in the count’s black eyes."
"Strahd dropped the pretence of courtesy altogether, and the hint of red deep in his eyes blazed. “I would destroy you.” "
So I'm not actually sure when the belief that vampires have red eyes in D&D started, because they originally didn't. Like way back in 1e Realmslore, there are vampires who don't have red eyes (likely all of them). It might've started in 3.5e, when the descriptions in the monster manual started mentioning it?
That description of Strahd there introduces an interesting middle ground where their eyes are the same colour as they had in life, and the glowing red kind of shows up while vamps are annoyed (aka. repressing the sudden urge to rip people's faces off for mildly upsetting them, at minimum. They're sensitive sadistic megalomaniacs creatures.)
Also, I'm pretty sure if you become a vampire spawn in BG3 your eyes don't change (unless that was a bug), so accidentally or not, that lore seems present.
Astarion is either in a perpetually homicidal mood (fair), or inherited/developed a quirk when he was turned that keeps his eyes permanently red.
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