#fight club meta
angerofangels · 2 years
'Tyler was wrong' actually starts much earlier in fight club than the end.
Not that what Tyler and the Narrator had going on wasn't some Gay shit, it was, but part of Tyler is the Narrator's desire for male attention originating from his father's abandonment. His father raised him to the age of 6 and then left and started another family. The biggest spark in the Narrator and Tyler's relationship was that Tyler actually paid attention to him, was interested in him. Nihilism was fun when it was 'us against the world'. Then as the story goes on and Tyler gets more into project mayhem, he starts seeing Tyler less and less as Tyler spends an increasing amount of time with his other 'family'. This is when Narrator reaches the height of his anger, his destructiveness, beats Angelface to a pulp, wanting to "breathe smoke". Before Tyler was Terrorist, Dangerous, he was Abandoner and that was the start of Tyler being the villain. Because what Tyler offered in the begining was a way out of the cycle of dysfunctional society, a way forward. This was wrong. Tyler's way ultimately leads to men who are just as emotionally cut off and hurtful as before.
This is why Marla and his love for her IS a way out. Not because men getting with women is what society expects but because men actually loving and caring about anyone is the opposite of what society expects. And Marla is NOT the way Tyler says women are. This is also important. Narrator agrees with Tyler's rants on women despite the fact that the only woman he really knows isn't like that, she's more like him. A big part of Narrator's journey is realizing he has more in common with Marla than Tyler. Marla is weird! And edgy! But she has standards and isn't out to hurt people. You don't have to be normal but you can't be an asshole.
Connection, recognizing your need to not be alone even in the midst of the weirdest and worst time of your life that is the way out.
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starlight-bread-blog · 10 months
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Source: https://pin.it/MpPpTJl
Today I failed to explain why Fight Club had to end with Marla and the Narrator standing on the roof together. In my eyes it's literally so fucking simple. I can explain it now.
Fight Club presents a problem in today's society – we're too comfortable. We're not meant to have everything handed to us. We're meant to try to survive.
We begin to try to define ourselves, possibly with IKEA furnitures. We contemplate our existence. And it's making us sadder in the long run.
We might even begin to crave this danger we're programed to.
Companies like IKEA are capitalizing on this emptiness. Tyler (and by extension the movie) is telling us we're not free. We're trapped in our depressing norm.
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This begs the question: If our reality is so bad, what should we do? According to Tyler, we should revolt. We should destroy the system. Hence the creation of Project Mayhem.
But what is Project Mayhem? It's another system. It's a cult. It makes you obey pointless rules and erases individuality. Project Mayhem is no more than a different answer to the human need for belonging – only this time, it manifests itself in terrorism and toxic masculinity.
When you notice Tyler's actions throughout the movie, it paints a perfect picture of toxic masculinity. He's using Marla and started a fight club. In his own words:
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Project Mayhem reflects that. These vulnerable men are empowered by Tyler's rhetoric. It resonates with them. They feel like they're invincible. But really, it's the connection and validation they feel from having their ideas about being a man spoken back to them. They're a part of a group that sees what they're going through and plans to change it.
But there is no plan. They're just terrorists. There's no alternative being offered, they're just destroying the current system because life sucks and that's it.
So what should we do? What's the way out of the misery? What will give us meaning?
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Love. Not rage bringing us together, but real connection.
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fumifooms · 5 months
I don’t like minimizing the importance and gravity of Laios and Toshiro’s fight into just being a childish squabble, even if to a degree it is framed that way, because to both of them it has a lot of personal significance and emotional weight and runs very deep to their characters… The fight isn’t nothing it’s a LOT, they made up but it’s not something easy to express and to get over for either of them which makes it all the more meaningful! I’m on both sides but there very much are sides, there’s no "they’re both having a ball, Toshiro and Laios hand in hand yay" side to the fight, that comes after
The fight with Toshiro WAS very scary to Laios, almost existentially so, but it’s moreso the "I thought I’d made a friend!!" bit and my god. My god actually
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Like it’s not "just" about oh his friend liking him less than he thought, THAT IS SO MUCH. It’s a bond he thought he had being a lie it’s all the time and moments spent together either being a lie from his perspective or marred now looking back. It’s not only being upset at Toshiro for lying but upset at himself that he’s so easy to fool, it’s being upset that there’s something so wrong with you that you can’t even tell if your "close buddy" even actually likes you or not, it’s like. Holding my head. He can’t trust his own vision of events that happened do you see. There’s always this film of distrust that it could be a lie that should be there when he interacts with people there’s always this sense of cloak and dagger to expect backstabs out of nowhere because you CAN’T see it coming you CAN’T you CAN’T there’s something about you which makes it impossible so you CAN’T-
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He’s so scared of not being able to read people. He knows it’s a weak spot he has, he’s always known. All of these bits are centered around social expectations and betrayals, the assumption that he doesn’t belong either in society or with other humans.
And Laios’ level of awareness is actually sort of complex to analyze, but it’s there, there’s how out of him and Falin he was the one sensitive to the ~aura of hatred~ he felt from the townspeople, there’s of course his nightmares whispering to him about the mocking looks, and how yeah actually he realizes that his gold stripper coworker was taking advantage of him. There’s of course the Winged Lion speech about his trauma and how he fundamentally mistrusts/dislikes humans to some deep seated degree, this distrust that he still keeps under control always. There’s how pre-canon he often wanted to suggest eating monsters but never worked up the courage to bring it up with the others. There’s how he gets across as stoic when he isn’t being enthusiastic…… We don’t know how aware and wary he is exactly in the moment but we do know he has some anxiety around social stuff, and looking back he does notice and aughh augh, the sense you have to hide yourself to not get hurt and be on your guard and shit and.
When you don’t know what to look out for and when to look out for it, the general ‘common sense’ of not always trusting people or noticing when someone’s messing with you becomes hypervigilance in social settings
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"Man they really know what you hate huh". Being socially unaware literally plagues him, he knows, he knows it so well.
It’s so quick that it’s almost hard to digest how literal and blatant Laios summoning his monster to crush all the people who’ve hurt him is. His literal go-to coping mechanism for comfort in his literal monster-induced emotionally intense nightmares, saving him by taking away the upsetting element (the humans)
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"Monsters are his coping fantasy, where they can whisk him away from humanity, all the hurt it’s caused him and its arbitrary rules" with the subtlety of a brick. Monsters are his comfort safe zone "because they kill humans" yes but no it’s because he pits them as the guardians against humans who to him are in the role of the agressors. To him they represent freedom from the shackles of what it means to be part of humanity, a fundamentally social species
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 days
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This quote is so heartbreaking
Newly estranged relationship😭😭😭 is bad enough but then to follow that with there’s no one in Eddie’s life really is soul destroying.
Buck supporting Eddie through this is a given - the very literal visual metaphor of Buck being at Eddie’s back - of having his back as well as being the supporting hand on his shoulder we saw at the end of the season as Chris left. This is the next phase of that and how it looks remains to be seen. The way this is worded suggests that Chris is going to refuse contact with Eddie - at least initially and that is going to really hurt Eddie.
To me it feels like we might see Buck being in contact with Chris and therefore being able to feed back to Eddie to be the one connection to Chris he has. But also then become some sort of mediator for them as things settle and time and distance allows perspective to be gained and anger to settle. This channel of communication between buck and Chris and Eddie is something we’ve seen develop through the seasons - Buck being a safe space for Chris - someone not his father he can talk to and open up to or go to for help, and also someone Eddie can do the same things with.
It feels like it’s very much going to be a continuation of that established dynamic and a way of tightening the bonds between the three of them further in the long run. It truly is very coparent loaded and really a compelling narrative to explore.
The no one in Eddie’s life really quote also is loaded. It gives rise to the concept that his reltionship with his parents is going to deteriorate as well - that they may refuse to give him information on Chris or not take his calls, not involve him in decisions about Chris that really should have his input.
I found Ryan saying Eddie’s going to lean on buck very interesting as well - especially as he also said
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Bucks going to lean on Eddie as well. (Also second mentions of the relationship flourishing and being stronger than ever!)
The fact this is in direct opposition to what Tim said - that Eddie is going to end up feeling a bit out in the cold because Buck will be spending more time with Tommy is interesting. Because which one is it?
Obviously Tim likes to spin his words so they never mean what he actually says. So I take all his interviews with a pinch of salt but I do think we will see that distance he spoke about because it’s good for Eddie to have that space for himself.
Well it can actually be that both are true and that is really interesting from a story telling perspective - and not exactly as a point of conflict, but as a way of juxtaposing Eddie and Tommy - it’s the pulling of the triangle that Buck Eddie and Tommy form.
This idea that Buck is going to be dealing with Gerrard and pushing back against a very different authority figure to bobby has a lot of potential for Buck and his journey of self discovery and self love and acceptance that his arc seems to be set up for this season. I don’t want to talk about Buck and BT in a meta about Eddie though!
I’m really interested to see how Eddie let’s buck lean on him and what that support looks like. Because it will be exactly what Buck needs - Eddie understands Buck and how to nudge him in the right direction - it’s a key part of their dynamic and, I’m of the opinion that we’re going to see s8 as a sort of s3 redux so I think this next iteration of buck and Eddie’s relationship - with Eddie also leaning on Buck is going to be the fight club/ lawsuit arc but in juxtaposition. Whereas in s3 they didn’t lean on each other and support one another, this time they will - it will show how much they’ve changed and grown and trust one another since s3 and how much depth there is to them as a unit. (Which will also be a perfect juxtaposition of how little buck and Tommy know and trust one another!)
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and basically Danny is Beelzebub from Hellva boss with his own casino performs and the entrance defies reality and all his ghost rouges come in and go as they please and some humans and or mortals stumble in and think it’s just some place where metas party their fucking asses off which wouldn’t be that bad if this wasn’t FUCKING GOTHAM. Danny doesn’t know how they got in Gotham but they just want to party but unfortunately for him the bats hear a rumor some meta trafficking ring has been planning a big raid on a certain casino that’s new ish and they have to stop it so they go in disguise and they get to witness Danny and his rouges beat the every loving snot out of some traffickers
maybe Danny is a clone, maybes he’s reincarnated, maybe he lost a bet, maybe he moved to Gotham for fun, maybe he got tossed across the universe into Gotham
who knows certainly not Danny
but to add even more maybe he travels around the casino on trapezes and circus rings that he just flips around it and has a pole it the middle that reaches the ceiling and at the top there’s this disco ball thing that he can activate to make a small nebula or stars surround the casino and make it pretty
oh oh and maybe with him having the title of beelzebub is like gotten after he beat them as in right of conquest, or maybe beelzebub is kinda like a shared name so Danny fuels them and they go around getting mortal action without having to do work, or maybe it was given to him as a present with a bow on top idk
I have no words for this and just had to draw because the idea of a casino or whatever with like, everywhere looking like galaxies and auroras that shift to the music was such an amazing visualization lol
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The thing they dont tell you about transitioning as a young adult is that you may be at risk of becoming the Fight Club guy but not because of a violent testosterone-fueled rage just like now Im a dude and I spend money on ikea furniture and lust over a new lamp going “soon it will all be complete!”
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ygodmyy20 · 1 year
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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tomwambsgans · 7 months
reading fight club and thinking about the motivation to do all that shit being a deep, deep insecurity with masculinity and particularly one's desires to be touched by another man (and when he punches you, you get to feel something really intense, and it's acceptable to feel intense being touched by another man then)... and how my own relationship with masculinity and desire for other men has NEVER included a desire for mutual violence, like i've been a physical bully but never open to actual fights because that means getting hit back, and pain is just too different from pleasure for me. i've always hated physical pain to the point that i go out of my way to avoid even risking it, i find it innately traumatic and fear anything discomforting being done to my body, and this fact in and of itself has actually always been a sort of insecurity of mine wrt masculinity.
and of course (why else would i be posting this here) i'm thinking of tom's (pansy) attempts at expression of masculinity through violence, and thinly-veiled expression of homosexual desire through inciting a (wimpy) mutual fight, and how in spite of his deep DEEP insecurity he is, like me, so clearly NOT remotely capable nor even inclined to a fight club situation. and it's no question that this is because gender overlaps very much with class. it's tom's middle class origins and high upper class aspirations that interact so much with his security in his gender (ironically to be willing to fight is actually more vulnerable than he's capable of, like he hates vulnerability so much it loops back around to becoming effeminate, but like in the way that wealth and advancement of society changes certain rules of effeminacy) and his innate sexuality. fight club portrays a world of not just toxic masculinity but blue-collar toxic masculinity, where men at the bottom of society's barrel are brainwashed in a way to not believe that they deserve anything, and where that brand of masculinity is envied by the lower middle class who feel like cogs in a machine that doesn't reward them. they figure it's all worth throwing away.
meanwhile, tom (and greg) (and i) have always believed that we deserved more than we had. above tom's insecurities ARE a total rejection of physical pain (enough to even convince oneself that discomfort isn't there!) and a drive for pleasure and decadence, and this is why his relationship with violence is what it is.
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angerofangels · 2 years
The Narrator was not an asshole at the start like he was kinda sweet. He hated his job, he hated the apathy which everyone else at the company had with regards to letting people die for capitalism. He practiced things in his head before speaking to people like his little comment about "single use friend". Narrator came up with that because he was bored and lonely so he had to keep himself occupied. Or when Marla noticed his words to her seemed practiced. He just spent a lot of time alone ok!
And then Tyler comes in and makes fun of him for it and he laughs it off like haha yeah that was stupid but already from the first (second in the book) meeting Tyler is being a shitty friend. The Narrator accepts it because he has poor self esteem and craves to be made into the likeness of something else by the first person to just listen to him.
The course of the story was supposed to be Narrator discovering the support groups, learning to express his pain healthily by crying and then meeting Marla and no longer being alone, eventually healing. Tyler ruined all of that by taking him down the path of catharsis via inflicting pain on others and isolating yourself. It wasn't Marla it was Tyler who ruined everything.
Something that kills me about fight club is that all my fave things from a period of time reflect me at that time and my mindstate. I remember being the Narrator I remember feeling disconnected and depressed and looking for catharsis. I remember the weird awkward person I became from spending so much time alone and I remember wishing for some charasmatic person to come along and change all that. God. He was desparate guys. Tyler took advantage of him because he was desparate.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Alright. I’m all caught up on The Eighth Sense. WHOA. Whoa. WHOA. Good. Lord. 
First off, before all the theories: this is obviously a really fantastic show, by way of the soundtrack; the use of silence; the cinematography and very varied filming styles; the use of LIGHT and lighting; the film editing and smart, sharp editing cuts (more on this in a sec), and the utterly, UTTERLY amazing acting. CHOPS, we are seeing CHOPS in a show that’s just reducing the usual K-drama tropes to DUST. WOW, KOREA. KOREA SHOWED THE HELLLLLLL UP for this one. This is like zeitgeist-level stuff.
And, oh my god. The kissing scene in the waves. The scene in bed. My heart was taken away. The last scenes, the storm coming in, the waves getting higher and higher, Jae Won yelling Ji Hyun’s name. WHOA.
I know from what I’ve reblogged so far that these points are all being discussed, and I have yet to really dig into the tag because I need to process all of this out in writing first, so I’ll do tag and conversation-digging over the rest of today and tomorrow and re-group with the fam. But working in part from my last post after episode 5, I’ll offer a couple thoughts and theories now, because I just need to get them down, whoa. 
I want to set some macro context for myself first, to kind of do a journey map on my understanding of Jae Won. From the start, his friends talk about how Jae Won’s dad is a big shot. Jae Won’s life is supposedly set: if you know about chaebol, you’ll know how controversial it is in Korea (many, MANY K-dramas feature chaebol, including Crash Landing On You and the much more recent Why Her?). It’s controversial because, of course, you always wonder if the "right” people are taking over a business, not by way of merit or talent, but only by way of inheritance (peep the “nutgate” incident with Korean Air as an example) (it’s INSANE) (chaebol is INSANE).
So Jae Won’s friends are, in my view, seething with jealousy that Jae Won has his life set. His dad is prepping Jae Won to take over. Jae Won is rich, good-looking, smart, and the ladies love him. 
That’s a lot of pressure for Jae Won. Putting together that his younger brother died, and he’s seeing a therapist, and that it was his parents that had originally sent him to therapy, and it’s indicated that he’s drug-dependent: I do believe, as many of the fam does, that what we’re watching in many of these scenes are dissociations and/or hallucinations. I do believe that, particularly by way of how the show is edited, with REALLY sharp cuts, scenes ending awkwardly and jumpily, scenes filmed in really fuzzy and weirdly lit ways, and threading pieces of scenes together in inconsistently-told ways. The hand-holding scene on the outdoor steps earlier in the series, and how it’s changed by a quick edit when the guys are shown NOT holding hands while walking on the sidewalk right after. I feel like the editing of the show serves as a correction for the jumps happening in Jae Won’s mind and memory.
I offered a theory in my last post that Jae Won might not have gone to the military at all while he was out of school -- that he was instead institutionalized. I set that theory in part on his therapist referencing a previous hospital stint, and on something he said in episode 4: “I just came back from the army. My sense is not on point.” When I first heard him say that, it didn’t smell right to me, as I thought that acclimating back to society after the military was more common for Korean men as almost all Korean men have to get drafted. But I’ve changed my mind somewhat after convos with the wonderful @emotionallychargedtowel and @stl29tide in the comments of that post, with ECT mentioning in part that it’s very common for returning soldiers to experience difficulties while re-acclimating back to society.
So I’m now caught between two theories here, and I wonder if either can be applicable.
Theory 1) I do still think it’s plausible that Jae Won didn’t go to the military while he was away from school -- I think it’s plausible that he could have been institutionalized, but I’m less sure about that now, after the convos with ECT and S2T (thank you BOTH for your insights!). 
Theory 2) Jae Won DID indeed go to the military, but his difficulties re-acclimating -- VERY MUCH ALONG with his other present issues -- have contributed to a serious dissociation episode in episode 6. This is likely more plausible.
Both theories are linked by yet another opinion. I believe that when Jae Won woke up after his bender in episode 5, he dissociated after his dad began knocking on his door and yelling. I’m not sure if the camera breaking was in the dissociation or in reality, but I believe the entire beach trip in episode 6 was part of the dissociation triggered by Jae Won’s dad and the pressures that Jae Won’s dad represents. I believe the utterly gorgeous filming style, the lighting, the weird jump to sleeping inside on a bed from the beach, the inconsistent scenes from morning on the beach, to surfing, to sex, to surfing again, to possible drowning -- I believe all of that is meant to be representative of dissociation.
Whew. Okay. Another theory. I do believe that Jae Won’s dad/family sent Jae Won to therapy in high school, possibly after his little brother’s death. I also still believe, as I posited in my last post, that Jae Won’s therapy could be a form of conversion therapy. Why do I think this?
(I just want to say that I keep repeating “I believe” because, y’all -- I totally think this entire series could be one big dissociation. Fight Club-like. So I’m trying to grasp at what I think is real-ish by indicating those factors as such.)
I can’t find it.... damn it, I can’t find it, but someone posted about the bed scene, and how Ji Hyun seemed more comfortable than Jae Won in bed. How Ji Hyun actually seemed/seems more comfortable in his queerness than Jae Won. (If anyone can link me to that post, I would be forever grateful!)
That REALLY got me thinking. I thought that was SO SMART, and I rewatched the scene to confirm that I agree there, which I do. 
Another piece of evidence to this theory, as I mentioned in the comments of that last post, is when the therapist says in episode 5: as Jae Won talks about Ji Hyun (or....at least....we *think* he’s talking about Ji Hyun), the therapist says “I hope you can build a good relationship without crossing the line.”
Now. BEFORE episode 6, where Jae Won talked about his little brother, I wondered why Jae Won was in therapy. It was STATED that he was there because of high school pressures. But the ways in which that therapist has been presented have been so weird. Like in episode 1 -- in only the SECOND scene of the entire series -- we see the therapist joking around, saying “For God’s sake, just tell me what your worries are!” and then giggling. I mean -- um, maybe they have a good rapport, but that’s definitely not how *I* learned how a therapist should act in grad school, ha. (I’d LOVE @emotionallychargedtowel‘s thoughts on the therapist’s bedside manner if you’re up to it -- no pressure at all.)
After putting together the chaebol deal with Jae Won’s dad, and that his family sent him to therapy in high school, and that the therapist talked about him being in a hospital in episode 5, AND that line about “[not] crossing a line” -- all of this screams to me of Jae Won’s family trying to “set him straight,” if you will. I seriously wonder.... if Jae Won became drug dependent vis à vis his therapist because his family needs him to be “normal” to take over the family business. I wonder if Jae Won, with EVERYTHING he might be holding -- from his queerness, to potential guilt related to his little brother, to the PRESSURES of being the family heir -- was either PUSHED to be drug dependent to fall in line, or has fallen into addiction as a result of those pressures.
I... would not put either of these theories past a domineering chaebol family.
Finally. After re-watching the very first scene of the series, and the very last scene of episode 6, and seeing how they’re the same, it all seriously makes me wonder if everything that we’ve seen so far is one big dream sequence. 
IN OTHER WORDS, Y’ALL. HOLY SHIT. Anything and everything is possible in this absolute MASTERPIECE of a show.
Other quick notes before I stop:
1) I stan Joon Pyo and Ae Ri -- MVPs. They care for our boy! (....if Ji Hyun even exists.)
2) Jung Seo In, who plays Ji Hyun’s boss, was also in Where Your Eyes Linger (I knew I recognized her!).
3) I’ve seen so many posts referencing the AMAZZZZINNNGGG music of this show, placed and edited SO WELL, and I just want to say that I am loving all the analyses.
Okay, phew, that’s all I got. I’m on the train with y’all for the rest of this ride. 
(@lurkingshan, tag tag!)
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crashfag · 8 months
fellow fight club freaks i need u to back me up on this i feel like there's some really interesting horror a la house of leaves to be drawn from the paper street house...... like, the place already feels almost liminal to me, down to a "paper street" literally being a street on a map that doesn't exist in real life, a ghost street. it would be so easy to fit it into a horror-esque story i can feel thoughts and ideas brewing in my mind .....
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
This picture of Eddie and Tommy makes me laugh every time I see it
The costumes are giving me stage 2 Eddie meets stage 5 Eddie 😂😂😂
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nenee-blog · 2 years
Garou and Metal Bat
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They are good friends. "If you need some fight club or a hot chat, call me. You can come Nagi's home and eat with us if you dare, hehehe. We also have video games." Garou.
Garou is Bad' senior. (Nagi is a oc from my Garou's doujin)
I have lot of fun with all of them XD Hope you like it♥
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ananke-xiii · 17 days
Form and Void... and Hands and Hearts.
I really like "Form od Void" from S11. It's one of my favorite episodes and it enrages me to no end that it was Andrew Dabb who wrote it. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a hater. But I don't have it in me :(.
Talking about H-A-T-E...
The episodes starts with this word:
H-a-t-e. It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low. L-o-v-e. You see these fingers? They're arched. These fingers has veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends -- the hand of love. Now watch, and I'll show you the story of life. These fingers, dear hearts, is always a-warrin' and a-tuggin', one against the other. Now watch 'em. Old brother left hand -- left hand hates a-fightin'. And it looks like love's a goner. But wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hot dog! Love's a-winnin'. Yes, siree. It's love that won. And old left-hand hate is down for the count.
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This little monologue here is taken from "The Night of the Hunter" by Charles Laughton, his first and only movie. Laughton was bisexual and I'm telling you this because it's relevant to the usual queer stuff happening in SPN and to the point I want to make in this post.
The title of the episode, "Form and Void" , refers to the Genesis but it contains a meaningful omission. The King James version reads:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Earth is without form, and void. This changes everything because the subject of the sentence is the earth but here we're talking about "form and void" as nouns, not attributes. It's a brilliant call-back to the Genesis (therefore to the beginning of time and the beginning of SPN) and to the dichotomy of God and Amara but it's a smokescreen. The episode abounds with biblical references but there's more, at least to me. There is a secret.
If we look a little beyond Christianity the terms "form and void" are used in one of the most important sutras from Mahayana Buddhism. The Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom", or simply called "The Heart Sutra".
I think you know where I'm going with this. The heart of the Heart Sutra is the following: "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form". Sūnyatā is such a vast concept that I cannot possibly even IMAGINE of summarizing it here. Just for the sake of my argument I'll say that it's often translated as emptiness, vacuity, void... without form. Very broadly (and I'll go to different kinds of Hell in different religions just talking about this stuff in relation to fucking CW Supernatural LOL) it means that ultimate reality is EMPTINESS because there is no FIXED reality, no STABLE self and EVERYTHING is connected and dependent on something else. Therefore form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
You undestand that in this light "Form and Void" is no dichotomy, thefore the episode is telling us to subvert how we view things. And it starts with that quote from "The Night of the Hunter".
Little useful background: the movie is about a fake preacher who preys on two children to get to their father's hidden treasure. He's the big wolf in disguise, a hunter wearing a preacher persona. So we need to take what he says with a grain of salt and he says a lot.
Right hand vs left hand: the preacher/hunter says that the right hand is the hand of love and the left hand is the hand of hate. This follow a well-know misconception regarding everything associated with the left as "sinister" and satanic. It's a Christian view of the world. He also says that Cain killed his brother using his left hand while the right hand has "veins that run straight to the soul of man". This man is conning people.
Notoriously, the hand that has veins that run to the heart is the left hand. This is the reason why people put their wedding rings on their left hand's...ring finger. It's an incredible old assumption that has been debunked by science but we don't care about science here. We care about symbols. And symbolically-speaking the left hand is the hand of the heart and love, not the right hand.
Now where in the hell does this idea of right and left hand? And am I crazy for seeing hints of Buddhism in a story about the Christian God? No.
The left-hand and right-hand paths are two approaches to magic and Western esotericism in general. They're called this way because people in the '800 got interested in Tantrism and translated the sanskrit terms "vāmācāra" and "dakṣiṇācāra" respectively "left-hand path" and "right-hand path". I'm not gonna go into details but I think you understood by now that the "left-hand path" was the "evil" one, the one with sex and other Very Bad Things, while the "right-hand path" was Good and Sexless and Serious and Real. In other words, the right hand represents White Magic and Controlled Sexuality while the left hand represents Black magic and Uncontrolled Sexuality. Practitioners of black magic were evil AND gay.
Let's go back to the serial killer preacher: he says that Love wins and that it's the right hand that triumphs over the left hand. All these fingers connected to the soul that are always tugging and warring and getting entwined and hot dog! it's hot in here! But, remember folks, he's conning people. So what he says it's the opposite of what we should understand.
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the preacher shouldn't be talking about this stuff in front of children. but then again, he's a predator.
Wait there's more: do you want to know if you're left-hemisphere dominant or right-hemishpere dominant? All you gotta do is to weave your fingers. If your right thumb goes over your left one then you're LEFT-dominant. If your left thumb goes over your right one you're RIGHT-dominant.
Confused much? As you know left emisphere controls controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing while right hemisphere controls creativity, spatial ability, artistic, and musical skills. It's the opposite of what we might think (because of the stupid assumption according to which left is Bad and Evil. Well, ACTUALLY left is rationality and control so the joke's on you, stupid assumption).
The dear preacher over here is right-hemisphere dominant. It may possibly mean that he's LEFT-handed and thus this image is a huge foreshadow of his "evilness" and his eventual demise. It also means that what he's saying is bullshit.
So to sum it up: in this episodes there are hunters and preachers that aren't really hunters and preachers, there are innocent children who might be seen not as innocent, left hand and right hand are subverted and they mean the opposite of what they should mean thus actually meaning what they mean, the title refers to something AND to something else and this something is very much related to hands and love and hearts...
In just one fucking scene we are told the whole episode and I H-A-T-E-that Dabb wrote it, have I mentioned it?
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lesbianutena · 1 year
seeing people go on about how naive and foolish and blind and stupid utena is and i’m just sitting here like. she’s 14! i disagree strongly with the idea that utena is willfully or maliciously ignorant. like yes, while i think she does often fail to fully comprehend whats happening (especially in the last arc) she’s also finding herself in increasingly horrifying and new situations with no point of reference for how abnormal it all is?? she is doing her very best to make sense of things as a 14 year old child who has no parental figures or guardians, no friends who aren’t also somehow in on the manipulation happening to her, nowhere to go outside of ohtori. and that is on top of trying to navigate her experiences and identity as a queer and gnc person!!!! i feel like folks are wildly overestimating the comprehension the average closeted teenage lesbian has of systematic heteropatriarchiarcal cycles of abuse! she’s literally 14!!! save the scorn for the willfully ignorant for akio
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Scully referenced her own experience in Elegy during her guessing game with Mulder in Fight Club, didn't she?
(For reference, the mention is at 52 sec in this vid.)
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