#fighting for my LIFE with layer management. good lord
lovaboy · 1 year
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this tweet was literally made for these lunatics <3
top left and bottom right belong to courtney @bisexualkendoll!
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delicatebarness · 3 months
winters widow | chapter i
Summary: As the sun sets over Winter's Reach, Lord James 'Bucky' Barnes expresses his feelings toward his arranged marriage to the youngest of The Black Widow sisters. Meanwhile, the bride arrives at the Reach.
Warning: Arranged Marriage. Emotional Distress.
Word Count: 926
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A/N: I'm out here writing chapter after chapter when I should be having a writing break. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Winter’s Widow: @lanabuckybarnes | @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love |Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick
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The sun dipped below the horizon of Winter’s Reach, casting long shadows across the ancient stone walls. In a secluded corner of the estate, near the training ground stood James ‘Bucky’ Barnes and Prince Steven Rogers, side by side. The evening breeze rustled their cloaks as the two friends spoke in hushed tones, their words carried by the wind.
“I never wanted a bride,” Bucky’s face was set in a frown, his eyes dark and brooding as he confessed. “This union, this marriage… it’s a chain, not a blessing.” His voice was low and edged with bitterness. 
The future king looked at his friend with a mixture of sympathy and firmness. “I understand, Buck. However, alliances are crucial, especially now. House Romanoff’s support is vital for the stability of the kingdom.” 
Scoffing, Bucky’s expression turned cold. “I know. I know it’s about duty and the greater good. I’ve spent my life fighting, not having to deal with courtly niceties and forced smiles.” 
Steve’s gaze softened with understanding. “She has a gentle heart, unknown to the Black Widows of Belova. She wants to make this work, to support you and your house.” 
Anger flashed over Bucky’s eyes. “Support me? She’s a stranger, Steve. A little pawn in this game we’re playing. I didn’t ask for this, and I sure as hell don’t need her support.” 
Choosing his next words carefully, Steve took a silent moment. “I get it, Bucky. But sometimes, we don’t get to choose our paths. You might even find that she’s more than just a pawn.” he nudged his friend's shoulder. 
Bucky turned away, his jaw tightening as he stared out at the darkening sky. “Time is one thing I have little patience for.” He felt a flicker of doubt amidst his bitterness. 
The journey had been long and arduous, cold biting through your layers as you rode through the frost-covered landscape. The reach loomed ahead, a fortress of stone and vibranium, standing resolute against the approaching winter. 
Dismounting your horse, your legs ached from the ride. You looked up at the imposing structure. A sense of trepidation settled in your stomach the moment the gates opened. His expression as cold as the frost beneath you, greeted you in the courtyard. You could only assume this was James.
“Welcome to Winter’s Reach,” he said, his voice devoid of warmth. His gaze was sharp and assessing as he looked you up and down. “I trust your journey was uneventful.” 
You nodded, trying to hide your unease. “It was long, but the scenery made it manageable.” 
His eyes flickered away, disinterest evident. “My father has arranged for your quarters to be prepared. You’ll find everything you need there.” 
“Thank you, Lord James.” 
His eyes narrowed slightly, annoyance crossing his features. “Let’s not pretend this is anything but a political maneuver. Your gratitude is unnecessary.” 
“I understand,” you swallowed hard, his harsh words feeling a sting. “Still, I appreciate the gesture.” 
Turning on his heel, Bucky did not say a word as he led you into the Reach. The silence grew heavy and uncomfortable. A chill seeped into your bones as you looked over the interior, with sparse decorations and dark lighting casting shadows on the stone walls. Depicting past battles and family crests, tapestries hung forlornly.
Stopping abruptly once inside your quarters, he spun around to face you. His eyes pierced through you like ice, holding a brewing storm within them. “This is not what I wanted,” he hissed, leaning down until he was inches from your face. “I never asked for a bride, least of all one forced upon me.” 
You flinched with every word spat, you tried to steady yourself between him and the door. Your heart raced at the proximity, but you fought to remain composed. “I, um, I’m sorry. I didn’t choose this either, my lord.” 
His lips curled into a sneer. “Sorry? Save your apologies. They mean nothing here.” He towered over you as he straightened up. The tension between you was thick and suffocating.
Taking a deep breath, you met his gaze. “I understand your frustration. But we are in this together–”
Scoffing he cut you off, turning away with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Together? Don’t fool yourself. We are bound by duty, nothing more. Do not expect anything beyond that from me.” 
His coldness ached your heart, but you nodded, you could not let his bitterness break your spirit. “Of course, my lord. I’ll do my best to respect your wishes.” 
Without another word, he brushed by you as he walked out of the quarters. His footsteps echoed through the cold, empty hall. You were left standing alone in the vast, unwelcoming space as his presence seemed to pull all warmth from the room. 
Watching his retreating figure, you realized that earning the man’s trust and affection would be a long and arduous journey. You remained determined, despite his resentment, to break through his defenses. Believing that beneath his hardened exterior, lay a heart and soul worth understanding and loving. 
Making your way further into your quarters, the cold stone was a stark contrast to the warmth you hope to bring into this union. A simple bed, a wooden chest, and a small fireplace were the only comforts. You silently vowed to be patient as you tried to settle into your new surroundings. You longed to show Bucky that this forced marriage could become something more. 
For now, you had to navigate the cold terrain of Winter’s Reach, both outside and within the walls of the Reach. 
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cloudenthusiast2 · 3 years
To be a human - Scaramouche x reader - Part 4
You knew committing to a relationship with Scaramouche would be no easy task but you loved him dearly and unlike others, you believed he wasn't evil. But as a mortal and the devoted protector of your village you were too much of a good person, too much of a human compared to him and your differences slowly start to show.
Previous: Part 3 Next: Part 5
Length: ~1000 words
Trigger warnings: yelling
A.n.: Sorry I was a little late with this. But as a compensation it's really long! Here ya go, have some angst
You have been walking around in circles for almost twenty minutes in the kitchen when you finally decided you needed some fresh air.
You grabbed your spear - which was an essential to have even in times like this - and ran out of your home.
The house you lived in was built on a cliff so you could see everyone and everything well. Qingce with all of its beauty and treasures laid in front of you.
The first thing you noticed when you stepped out was the lack of agents.
The fatui has left the village.
Sudden pain stabbed into your heart. Before this all you felt was anger and confusion, but now... it's become official and somehow clearer too.
'What have I done?'
You covered your lips after these words tumbled out of your mouth. You desperately looked around, trying to find someone, trying to find a little shilouette with a ridiculous, huge hat...
But he was gone.
The only people standing around were the people of Qingce village. They tried to pretend they were just working or talking with each other but you could see them taking quick glances of you.
Finally one of them, an elderly, sick man you helped out multiple times looked directly up then started approaching your house.
You took a step back and realised you didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment. It didn't matter whether he wanted to thank you or ask what happened. You wanted and needed to be alone.
As rude as it may have been, you turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. Towards the huge mountains.
You escaped into the forest. Your steps became faster and faster - and suddenly you were running.
Loud gasping echoed in your head. Your hands were shaking, not being able to grab anything properly. A wet, itchy layer blurred your vision as you stumbled through bushes and rocks.
It was a miracle that you got up on the mountain in one piece. You didn't even know how you did it - in one moment you were still climbing and in the next you were standing on the cliff, looking down and being dazed by the height.
You came to this spot on days when you had nothing to do. You liked to write letters, sharpen your spear and most importantly, think everything through here.
For a minute, you were just standing there still, breathing in and out the chilly, fresh mountain air. The rough wind blew through your hair, lifting then letting it go. It fell down and covered your face. You slowly rose your hand and fixed it, staring into the distance.
The sun has reached the top of the sky. But it was still cold around you.
You had hoped the cool weather would be able to clear your mind but it helped nothing. Instead, it made you feel like you were breathing in nothing - like there was no oxygen in your chest at all.
You were suffocating.
Your lips opened to gasp for air but it felt like you were still drowning. Your legs started shaking and you immediately fell on your knees. This broke an invisible gate. Tears started streaming down your face.
He left...
Oh, how much you suddenly regretted your harsh, angry words. You could've just talked it out, you could've just explained it to him calmly...
But would he have really understood?
Loud screech as you clenched your teeth. You did everything to hold back the tears, but it was too late now, you had lost. You sobbed desperately, painfully, alone, in an abandoned top of mountain.
Scaramouche loudly slammed his hands on the table and there was no mercy in his ice-like eyes as he stared at the agents in front of him.
'How many times do I have to say this?! Don't start fights the Millelith! We already have diplomatic issues with Liuye Harbour because of that damn incompetent Tartaglia!'
'Apologies, my lord' a pyro agent bowed in front of him while the mirror maiden followed his example. 'We thought...'
'I couldn't care less about what you think' Scaramouche cut in enraged. 'Just follow your orders or I'll make sure you won't ever see the sun coming up again!'
Deep silence followed his words in the tent.
Scaramouche tossed his hat back to glare up at the agents. But they didn't dare look at him. They were always wary of the harbinger who was probably the most powerful and surely the most unpredictable among the Tsaritsa's followers. It wasn't hard to notice how angry he was that day as well.
The cicin mages in the camp were sure it was because of that Liuye girl but most of the agents refused to believe that. It seemed impossible that he would be so upset about splitting up with a mere mortal like you.
Scaramouche let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a moment to rest and think a little. He stood there silently with crossed arms and wrinkled brows.
The Millelith. A pain in the neck. How could they possibly avoid them while taking advantage of the small villages around Liuye? Villages who don't have protectors should be an easy prey...
He didn't even realise what a dangerous direction his thoughts were going. He just found himself thinking about you all of a sudden.
This was the hundredth time this day.
It's been almost a day since he turned his back on Qingce. He left the village without looking back, thinking he was free again and that he would be able to finally focus on his work.
But why were you still turning up in his thoughts over and over again? Why did he feel a constant knot in his throat? It didn't loosen, even when he yelled or coughed. He tried both multiple times.
He felt impatient. His body ached to move on, his mind tried to make big plans for the future...
But something in him still didn't want to think about anything or anyone other than you.
This was so stupid.
So unnecessary.
When did stupid humans become so important to him? He killed them off with handing out delusions not so long ago without any hesitation. It was the right thing to do. He never doubted that. Not even for a second.
You were so stupid to say otherwise! Why did you say otherwise?
For a weak moment, he tried to think from your perspective but even then, he understood nothing. All he could think of was that you were just crazy.
Humans deserve nothing. They born, they live so their superiors can make use of them.
You were no exception, he decided. It was ridiculous of him to even think you could be more than just a tool to him.
Why did he even start seeing you?
Memories started to emerge and they invaded his mind in a blink of an eye. And suddenly that weird feeling around his stomach started to strengthen again.
He remembered your smile, the playful and incredibly disrespectful way you greeted him when you two first met. He was out on a quest, alone but still recognisable. You knew he was a harbinger yet you acted like he was a regular mortal.
He hated Liuye. He got lost on his first day in the mountains and who knows what might have happened if you didn't run into him on your way back home.
After making fun of the fatui and its "clumsy" harbingers you offered to be his guide and that had to accepted even though he couldn't stand you at all. You were teasing him all the time, never taking him seriously. And most unforgivable of all, you messed around with his hat.
On the first day, he absolutely despised you.
On the second day, after you have dealt with multiple treasure hoarders without any of his help, he had to admit you were a pretty good fighter.
He was in denial on the third day. You picked violetgrass for him and put them in his pockets, claiming that they suited the boy. He threw them away in a second, getting ready to face your anger. Instead, he was shocked to see you laugh it off. You had... a not so horrible laugh.
Fourth day. Your smile was not that terrible either, he realised.
Day five was the day he saved your life. You were cllimging a mountain together when you saw a Qingxin and reached out to grab it.
He caught you by the arm in the last second. Called you stupid but couldn't hide his blush when you rewarded him with the beautiful, pale white flower.
Then the quest came to an end and he went back home.
Only a month or two have passed when the harbinger came back. He went directly to your door to tell you he will be seeing you. It was not a regular ask - he literally ordered you to go out with him.
No one could tell who was more surprised when you still said agreed to it.
You two were an odd, hard to manage couple but a powerful one.
You could've been happy.
Why does it... hurt so much?
'She's just a stupid human' Scaramouche told himself. The thousandth time that day. 'Completely... replacable.'
These were the words you were the most hurt about. But he tried not to care any more and repeated it to himself.
'My lord!'
Scaramouche flinched and looked up as if he had been dreaming all along.
He realised he had been standing there the whole time thinking about you while the agents did not leave yet.
'What is it?' He grunted loudly and all of his weird, almost sad feelings got replaced by anger again. 'What do you want?'
'Your order to stay away from the Millelith' the mirror maiden dared to speak. 'Does it apply to the Abbys as well?'
'The Abbys?' Scaramouche frowned. 'What business do we have with them?'
'It's just that we've recently stumbled upon them multiple times on our quests' she started to explain but the harbinger wasn't patient enough to listen to the whole story.
'Hurry up.'
'Yes, my lord.' The mirror maiden hesitated for a moment but when the pyro agent nodded to her she continued. 'We just think that they might about to target villages next.'
'What are you talking about?' Scaramouche growled at her. He couldn't stand still any more so he started walking around in the small tent.
'The Abbys gathered a lot of hilichurls and monsters together lately. We suspect they might attack a bigger village or town.'
Scaramouche stopped as if he got frozen in his place. The maiden continued to explain what kind of disadvantage that might be for them but he heard nothing of that.
He turned around slowly, barely being able to move his own body.
'What... places will they attack?' He asked in a hoarse voice.
'We can't be sure' the pyro agent answered. 'But Mingyun village is a possibility. And... Qingce probably as well.'
Scaramouche stared at the ground.
So many emotions. Most of them he couldn't even name since he has never felt them. The only familiar ones were anger, confusion... and fear.
Deep, overwhelming, terrible fear. It started in his stomach and slowly reached out to grab his throat with its icy fingers.
He opened his mouth but at first no understandable words left his lips.
'My lord...?'
'Get ready' he finally found his voice.
Scaramouche turned his back to them so he could hide the fact he was shaking. Something terrible froze everything inside him but the fire lighting up his eyes was burning hot when he said:
'We're going back to Qingce.'
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baoshan-sanren · 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking what is your top 5 fav danmei novels (until now)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
jfhdkhgfdjhdjks I JUST finished Peerless so that’s going first on my list bc I am weak and I WANT MORE
Peerless (无双) by Meng Xi Shi - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-187) (extras 1-4) (not explicit) I am fckn IN LOVE with this novel. Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu are the most brilliant fucking morons I’ve ever met in my life. This is a slow build of all the slow builds, murder, intrigue, so much stupidity, court dramas, martial arts fights, levels of arrogance that would make even Yan Wushi shake his head (who does show up in a tiny little cameo in one of the chapters). The book is split up in five arcs that allow for a pause in between, if you find 190+ chapters to be too much for a continuous read through, but I would have flown through them in a space of a few days, if life hadn’t turned upside down on me. Now that I’m finally done, I miss these morons more than I’ve ever missed two fictional characters. This novel will def end up in my top five for a long time.
The Wife is First (妻为上) by Lu Ye Qian He - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-5) (chapters 6-85 ongoing) (explicit) This is still, by far, the most feel-good danmei I’ve ever read. Jing Shao dies, then gets to relive his life all over again from the night of his wedding to Jun Qing. The beginning may be rough for some readers bc Jing Shao, despite getting another chance at life, has nonetheless arrived too late to prevent his first offense against the man he married (can you hear me screaming about hurt/comfort!). But from that point on, he is determined to do things differently, so the story that had been one of misery in his previous life, turns into one of love and devotion (and some very satisfying court scheming) in this one. It is an extremely satisfying read, and the relationship between the two mains, despite its rough start, is so goddamn lovely, I can’t recommend it enough. 
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (人渣反派自救系统) by Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù - (physical novel purchase link) (chapters 1-80) (extras 80-98) (chapters 1-53 ongoing) (explicit) Yeah, this is my baby. I’ll admit off the bat I’ve read svsss at least ten times, which is five times more than either tgcf or mdzs. It’s hilarious, frustrating, insightful, feral, infuriating, and pretty fucking amazing, all at once, and all of it overlapping. I’ve written essays upon essays about mxtx’s creative choices in this novel, most of which will never see the light of day. This damn thing is so ridiculously rough on the surface, but svsss, for me, is like a damn onion, and every time I read it, I peel more layers off and find something else new underneath. I fucking love this damn novel, and you will only pry it from my cold dead hands. 
Lord Seventh (七爷) by Priest - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-5) (chapters 6-7) (chapters 8-32) (chapters 33-76) (extras 1-3) (semi-explicit?) It’s kind of a crime that this is the only Priest novel on this list, but if I can only list five, I’m gonna try and not double up on authors. Highly, highly, recommend this, especially to people who plan to read Faraway Wanderers. Zhou ZiShu’s background doesn’t take up a large part of the story, but the environment in which he thrived at court tells you much more about him as a person than the first fifty chapters of tyk do (and in much more stark terms). Jing Beiyuan is an absolute fucking delight, a man who had reincarnated multiple times, but managed to keep all of his memories of his previous (pretty terrible) lives. His sense of humor is therefore honed to the nth degree, and he is simultaneously a giant gremlin who takes nothing and no one seriously, but is also utterly done with everyone’s shit. Basically a story about being destined to forever be entangled with another person, and then deliberately choosing not to be. I love this goddamn novel to pieces. 
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (二哈和他的白猫师尊) by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-4) (chapters 5-149 ongoing) (heavily explicit) This fucking novel haunts me. It’s been over a year since I’ve read it, and I still sometimes lie awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering about the nature of life, love, forgiveness, and redemption (and then I curse Meatbun to high heaven). I once described reading 2ha as being stuffed feet-first into a wood-chipper for 200 out of 300+ chapters, and I still hold to that description. But this is, hands down, one of the most hauntingly beautiful novels I’ve ever read. To anyone who intends to read it, I highly recommend checking out a detailed list of content warnings first, buying three boxes of tissues, and being ready to have your life ruined for good. 
Once again, I ask those who are willing and able, to buy the original novels and support the authors. (jjwxc buying guide for english-speakers here)
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kuronekonerochan · 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking what are your top 5 favorite danmei novels (until now)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Hi, sorry for being slow at answering!
In no particular order:
Ok, so I liked the 3 from MXTX:
 - Grandmaster of Diabolic Cultivation/ Mo Dao Zu Shi 
This one I loved but it has a particular style that ppl might not like in that it feels jumpy, confusing and with information gaps while reading, even though eventually everything that matters does end up being explained...in other works this would probably be just lazy writing, but here it is clearly an intentional choice bc 1) she doesn’t do this in her other novels 2) this is in WWX’s pov and dude has heavy ptsd and adhd, plus he tends to pretend to take everything lightly as a coping mechanisms...all this put together and it’s easy to understand why the story has such an unreliable narrator that even the other characters constantly point it out. I ended up loving this extra layer of storytelling.
 - Heaven Official’s Blessings/ Tian Guan Ci Fu
If you’re in the mood for a saga type long ass novel with a ton of interesting side stories and side characters with a main character who is a true cinnamon bun in sweet romance with a side dish of sweet sweet aaaangst.
- Scum Villains Self Saving System
The most entertaining out of all of them. It manages to be a parody of two genres, both danmeis and wuia/jianghu harem het novels (fighter of destiny style) with OP leads, while also being its own cute and funny story with a heart to it.
From other authors:
 - Meatbun’s 2ha/ Dumb Husky and his White Cat Shizun 
What if someone took a look at the parody that is SVSSS and said...”no, you know what? This really deserves to be an epic, long ass, and I mean, topping old classics’ length novel packed with angst, filled with pain and topped with despair...and then we’re sprinkling some funfetti on top to fool y’all”...and you know what? that’s some good cake. (If you’re into cdramas SVSSS is to 2ha what The Romance of Tiger and Rose is to Goodbye My Princess).
- Priest’s Sha Po Lang:
Steampunk China plus creepy voodoo tribal ritual magic, involved in internal and external wars over petrol (with a different name) and with our leads in Iron Man suits, fighting, among other enemies hot young(er) hands on, on the field, western troop General, the Pope, that I can only visualize in my head as Jude Law. I tell you all of this nonsense just to say that instead of the ridiculous fun this should be, it ends up being a very compelling romance with lots of scheming and heavy plot and some heartbreaking scenes.
- The Golden Stage:
This is a court drama type novel with friends-to-rivals-to-lovers that is just the right length and compelling with not too many plot twists but two main characters who are really great both individually and together and this is the one out of all in the list I feel like re reading the most. It really is a solid read and I feel like I’m selling it short, bc it really is good. It is similar to Sha Po Lang and To Rule in a Turbulent World, a simpler version of those but not worse for it.
(Since you said top 5 and I’ve said 6, I regretfully cut down Heaven Official’s Blessing bc even though I love it, unlike MDZS or SVSSS, it didn’t feel like a standalone novel because some of the several storylines of the side characters that I loved were left open ended (although the main characters had a complete story arc), as if this book was supposed to be the first of a series and those characters would have their own spinoff books where I’d know where their story took them...except this really is a standalone, and so the lack of resolution bothers me).
>> Honorable Mentions:
- To Rule in a Turbulent World
This one doesn’t go in the top 5 list yet bc it’s not fully translated, last time I checked (tho it’s very near the end). As an ongoing novel, I adore it. If the ending isn’t terrible it might be in my top 3. It’s similar to the two above in plotlines but it has a quality to it that it takes care to make every character in it multidimensional. There are no good and bad characters, even the ones on the opposite side are given something that makes them relatable and human. Plus, the characters all change throughout the novel, most of all the protagonists and the novel gives itself breathing time between events where you just chill with the characters and learn about random things like agricultural practices. 
- The Wife Is First
This one is just that light fluff feel good one that is great to pick up from time to time since it’s on going. Dumb Jock husband did everything wrong in his first life, gets a re-do and from then on it’s adorable respect the spouse juice and awe of said spouse smarts. Cute. Also, there’s a baby pet tiger.
>> Others I did like, just not in the top 5:
 -Faraway Wanderers and Lord Seventh/Qi Ye by Priest:
Qi Ye is similar to To Rule in A Turbulent World/The Golden Stage/Sha Po Lang. I really liked it still, just a tiny bit less than these. Since it’s the same author as SPL and I think it was written earlier, I have to say, the writing only got better.
Faraway Wanderers is a short read, but you’re only gonna like it if you’re ok with amoral main characters (I guess that is true for many on this list but it’s more obvious in this one bc the novel and the characters are unapologetic about it).
- YuWu by Meatbun - Still reading it, but is isn’t grabbing me like 2ha did.
>> I assumed you only wanted danmeis as in period fantasy bl novels, but if we go modern, fantasy or not:
 - Silent Readings by Priest:
I love crime fiction novels (love Ding Mo’s novels) and this is that type of conspiracy, murder novel with smart criminals and smart investigators. Little romance, but still there.
 - Guardian by Priest: 
Priest is hilarious and except the last part that gets a bit heavy on the lore this is just a joy to read. Also pretty short.
- Advance Bravely:
I read it a long time ago and it’s okayish, with some cute and some weird, problematic characters. 
- Addicted/ Heroin:
Also read it (this is 2 books) ages ago...and this one is NOT cute. It starts out as a pretty normal, but kind of toxic very typical oldschool drama/manga romance right down to the step brothers’ trope....and then it keeps escalating to new levels of WTF am I reading?!! All I have to say for this one is, that while I cannot recommend it per se, nor say it’s good, the title really is fitting, bc it is addictive as f.
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babyspiderling · 3 years
Darth Vader x Healer!reader
Requested: Yes, @layla2-49
"Darth Vader request the emperor finds someone that has force healing abilities hes tired of replacing medics and some of them has disappointed him. She also know about how to help with robotics.Darth Vader They grow close and form a relationship"
AN: Y’all Vader stans are eating tonight.
I had been summoned by the Emperor and his apprentice, Darth Vader, themselves. I was the only force healer on my little planet of Takodana and my skills had been rumored around the galaxy without my knowing. It was strange to see Empire ships landing on our little planet. What was even stranger was when troops passed everyone in their path to get to me. My arms were held and I was escorted surprisingly gently to their ship, a general waiting. No word was spoken as we jumped into hyperspace and got pulled into the intimidating moon sized base by the tractor beam.
I nervously clutch my things as I am escorted onto the Death Star to the masked sith. I take deep breaths as I double check myself and my things. Pressing my open hand onto the scanner, the door slides up to allow me to enter. I take notice of the Lord sitting in the corner doing force knows what, it’s not my business to stare. I gently set my bag and papers down on the stark white table and swallow nerves down my dry throat. “Lord Vader, you have summoned me?” His head subtly turns to look at me out of the corner of what I assume are eyes. He rises with grace that shouldn’t be possible for a man mostly machine if the rumors are true. His respirator hisses and pops with every breath he draws in. “Yes, the Emperor has heard of your… ability. Tell me, how did you manage to stay so scarce these years? I assumed all the force users were killed after the Clone Wars.” He circles me, observing me, sizing me up. I fight every instinct in my body that yells to cower, to submit, instead standing straight and confident. I feel him draw back before my eyes do, he moves to sit in a spotless chair. “You are a healer correct? Get to healing.”
I don’t know where to start, assessing where damage may be. I move to remove his helmet with shaking fingers until they no longer shake, my upper body paralyzed with the force. I squeeze out a choked “I’m assessing the damage done. I didn’t know where else to start.” He slowly releases his hold on me, a sign of permission. I gently lift the dark intimidating piece, seeing the damage done to him. His head is scarred and pale, showing that the damage was inflicted long ago. I hover my hand over the crown of his head, eyes closed and breathing slow. I feel the life force flow from my body into his. I slowly open my eyes and retract my hand, the scars at the corner of his head and on his face have healed, leaving the skin smooth. I take a good look at my employer and notice how beautiful he truly is. I glide my sight over his face one last time and accidentally lock eyes. Hazel stares back at me, a strange glint in his eye. I smooth out my clothes and look to the floor. “Is there anywhere else you need me to heal?” He glances at himself in the mirror on the wall. “No, I think that will be all for today.” I am dismissed and I leave for my room to recharge and rest.
I am not called in for another week, keeping myself busy with little jobs here and there. Mending clothes and working on blankets occupies the time not spent with summons and healings. When I am summoned once again by the sith lord I take care of, I feel less nervous than last time. This time he has me attempt to regrow his left arm, and heal his lungs. When he removes his helmet to expose his torso, I see a slight fuzz of hair on the top of his head. He removes the tunic he has worn, leaving him in black pants and boots. Every area of skin exposed is more pale and scarred than the last. I set on his lungs first. Hovering my hand in front of his chest, and I see the silver wisps of life force move from me to him. As I heal the inside, I heal the outer layer as well, scars disappearing before our eyes. Once done with his torso, I ask to remove the artificial hand on his left side, and I use my mechanical skills to remove the metal from flesh. I pour out more of my life force to heal him, wanting his approval and attention more than I should. His arm grows back, feeling its warmth before my outstretched hand. I open my eyes to see if I have finished, and my vision swims. His hand is healed and I drop my hand. I move to grab my things to leave and my knees buckle and the room goes black.
I regain consciousness in my room, another healer monitoring me. “You had a bad drain. Healing Lord Vader took too much from you. He has ordered me to prescribe you bed rest, just until you’ve rested and recharged. He will speak with you when he gets back from his mission.” I sigh and lay back down with a huff, closing my eyes once again.
It had been about a month since our last meeting between my healing and his mission. His hair had grown a bit, now a shaggy buzz, and his eyebrows had begun to grow dark on his face. He doesn’t make me regrow any limbs this time. Only repairing and healing cuts and scratches inflicted by the Rebel Alliance during their confrontation. After I finish, and fairly quickly at that, he asks me if I am ok, shocking me a bit. “Oh. Yes Sir. I am perfectly fine. If you’d like, I can try to heal more of you. I am well rested and re-charged.” His eyebrows raised at me. “Sir, I can regrow your other arm if you’d like. I’m sure I have enough energy to do it.” He looks back and forth between his arms. “L/N, I’m sure this doesn’t make sense, but I’d actually prefer to keep this one the way it is.” I nod, taking a look at his mechanical arm. “You’ve taken good care of it. Perhaps you were a mechanic in another life.” He chuckles a bit under his breath. “Another life indeed.” Staring at my shoes I feel almost shy in front of him. “Sir, if it pleases you, I could heal a leg tonight. I’d like to do more than just a few scrapes and scratches. I know I can do it sir.” I can see the hesitation in his face, but I act slightly selfishly and let my life force ebb and flow from me to him without his permission. I watch as the silvery white wisps swirl around his leg, regrowing it before our eyes. I drop my hand back down and look at my work in appreciation. Vader’s voice is commanding and deep as he looks down at me with a strange look in his eyes. “Thank you L/N.” I stand on my feet, my vision remaining normal, but I pause before leaving. “Lord Vader, if you don’t mind me asking, what was it like for you before the empire?” Vader’s eyebrows furrow in thought as he tilts his head slightly. “The Empire has done much to bring peace to the galaxy. But before the Jedi attacked the Emperor, I was married with a little one on the way until my wife died. A jedi whom I thought I could trust fought me on Mustafar and made me the way I am now. More machine than man.” I laid a sympathetic hand on his knee in an attempt to show a bit of compassion to the “Monster of a man”.
“I’d better be off Lord Vader. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.” He nodded and stood himself, donning the intimidating helmet once more as I went back to my quarters.
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officialinuyasha · 3 years
InuYasha Wide Edition #13 Translation - Band of Seven: Part 1
Original Japanese Scans Provided by Me
Spanish Scans Provided by muffin_0626
Translated by @marusamaa-tradus​
Proofread and localized by me
Rules: No screenshots or using my photographs, copy/paste, not using without permission, reblogs/linking only
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Bankotsu: the leader of the assassins revived with fragments of the Shikon jewel 
He’s the head of the band of the seven (Shichinintai), a group of mercenaries that appeared a decade ago approximately in the East Lands as it went through battle after battle. He’s a thought guy who held together this violent group of 7 men who worked as if they were actually 100. Along with his fellows, he was subjected and beheaded by the army of the feudal lords, who were frightened by their great strength and cruelty. However, he was revived thanks to Naraku, who placed a fragment of the jewel on him. Afterwards, he regrouped his old partners and together they returned to the stage to break out again. 
Body: a great power inside a small body 
At first sight he has a normal appearance, moreover, he’s even slightly small, but he has great physical strength. He can easily swing his giant weapon with a single hand, which is said to be something so heavy that 3 men are needed to hold it. He can even match Inuyasha’s physical strength. This is how, with an unequalled strength, he engulfed several enemies of the Feudal Era. 
Abilities: he swings his giant weapon with all his strength 
His combat strength is that which has a size and weight that surpass his. He doesn’t use delicate abilities, but uses his physical strength to swing his weapon and literally destroy his enemies. 
(page 2)
Jakotsu: the “striker” of the band of the seven 
Jakotsu claims to be the “striker” of the group because he’s agile and has enough strength to defeat the enemies around him with a single blow. He appears in the battlefield and leaves blood pools behind in a single second. A good example of this is when he defeated the army that was out to subject the revived band of the seven all by his own. He’s so confident in his abilities that he’s not afraid of hordes of enemies coming at him. His appearance is outstanding as he uses lipstick and picks up his hair with a kanzashi (1). 
Body: slim and agile 
Despite having a more robust body than before since he was revived with a fragment of the jewel, he’s still a human. He doesn’t appear to be strong, instead he looks delicate, and he doesn’t seem to be someone powerful either. However, he’s able to fight demons thanks to his speed. His reflexes are superhuman and confuse his foe. He barely avoided Koga’s attack and managed to get away from Sesshomaru’s thrust. This ability is his best weapon. 
Abilities: the sword that cuts in a single strike and changes its form freely 
Jakotsu’s sword, Jakotsuto, is made of several blades shaped like a half moon and folded in several layers. It’s a long-range weapon because even if it looks like the enemy is far from the blade’s range, it can annihilate them in a second. In the same way that Jakotsu’s agility, the movement of his sword is swift and it’s almost impossible to avoid for normal humans. That’s why it seems like some kind of enchantment in the eyes of those who see it for the first time. Also, even if they see it, it’s impossible to avoid it because it’s very complex, like a snake. Jakotsu’s strength lies within his capacity to use a weapon that moves irregularly as if it was one of his extremities.  
(page 3) 
Bankotsu: a violent soul that only believes in strength 
In the past, the band of the seven was hired for wars quite frequently and fought without a clear master. Bankotsu, their leader, hates to stay in a single place and is always looking for new battlefields. He’s not interested in his status or social power, that’s why he ignores the feudal lords who invite him to be their vassal. He kills everyone who tries to take away his freedom from him. This is his way of life. 
The excitement he feels in every battle 
Bankotsu isn’t interested in the weak and is always looking for someone stronger to fight. Humans can’t be his foes because even if it’s a dozen of them, he can annihilate them with a single swing of his weapon. For that reason, the several fights he had with Inuyasha were something extremely exciting for him. Even if Naraku had ordered him to fight, he felt very exalted every time he faced him. 
The conviction as the leader 
For Bankotsu, even Renkotsu and Suikotsu, who are older than him, are his “younger brothers”. He’s always watching over them and if one of them dies, he seeks revenge. On the other hand, he values their alliance a lot and he doesn’t forgive treason under any circumstance. 
He kept the union between these seven villains. He’s not constantly mentioning it, but he sticks to an unbreakable rule that he created: treason is paid with death. This rule is respected by every member of the band. 
(page 4)
-Jakotsu: a bloody but innocent soul- 
A honest heart like no other 
Basically, Jakotsu is frank, lacks hidden intentions and if we only consider that point, he’s got a good heart. He’s very expressive: when he feels happy, he laughs, and when he dislikes something, he gets very angry. Either for good or for bad, he doesn’t hide anything he’s feeling inside. He conveys everything he feels and obbeys Bankotsu without hesitation. As opposed to the other members of the band, who may seem to have other goals in mind, Jakotsu is innocent and is the one Bankotsu trusts the most. 
Even if he has the looks of a young man, regarding his frankness and innocence, he looks like a little kid. 
His sexual inclination to the same sex
Jakotsu isn’t interested in women, what’s more, he seems to hate them. He was especially interested in meeting Inuyasha and imagined how he looked. When he saw him for the first time, he shouted “how cute!” with sparkling eyes and commented something about his ears. For Jakotsu, men who are his type are ideal foes, that’s why he starts fighting with much enthusiasm. He’s homosexual, but that doesn’t mean he likes every kind of men. Koga wasn’t his type and even if he thought Sesshomaru was handsome, there was something in him that he didn’t like. 
His egoism and brutality 
Jakotsu is innocent and frank, but at the same time he has no compassion towards other lives and is a sadic when it comes to going after those he likes. He kills humans with no value for him and kills the boys he likes slowly. His soul, that shakes his sword in an egoist way to satisfy his desires, is stained with a dirty black… 
(page 5 - interview with Rumiko Takahashi) 
I had fun creating the members of the band of the seven 
The band of the seven was created for… episodes where Inuyasha and co traveled with a goal? That is to say, they were conceived to have more characters that made the story where they travelled to mount Hakurei more interesting. As they’re seven, I made them appear little by little. And this was the result. It’s not common to see them as a “team”, but I had a lot of fun while thinking of their members. I didn’t draw a previous sketch of each of them, you know, but in regards to character design, Ginkotsu was very interesting to me. 
Bankotsu: the individual with paternal character who can stand up to Inuyasha
If I were to comment about each member of the band, I’d talk about Bankotsu first: he’s the last one to show up, so I thought it was better to make him young and handsome. Besides, he’s the head of the band. I made sure that readers wouldn’t be disappointed when seeing him for the first time, saying “he’s this guy…?”. At the same time, since he faces Inuyasha, he had to be strong. At the very least he had to be able to swing a simple weapon to make him stand out from the other members of the band, since they had sophisticated, strange weapons. Inuyasha’s style is the same, you know. It’s like a matter of strength. I wanted someone who could take on Inuyasha, being at the same level as him. That’s why Bankotsu uses brute force and also has a paternal character. 
Jakotsu: he was originally a woman 
Regarding Jakotsu, I have to say I planned to include at least one woman in the group, but I couldn’t imagine her fighting Inuyasha and his companions, so that’s why he ended up being characterised this way. He turned out to be a character I had never drawn before, so he was very interesting to me. I made the “Jakotsuto” with some sheets of paper. I tried this to understand how the sword moved. I made a lot of half moons and joined them together. After that, I used them, really. With “Jakotsuto” I wanted to draw an uncommon weapon. 
Inuyasha is Jakotsu’s type, but Sesshomaru isn’t, and he’s almost killed by Sesshomaru. Maybe he was right with his “intuition about people”. Bankotsu and Jakotsu can speak to each other at ease. Besides, the two of them are popular characters; I think they’re a good pair. 
1-Ornament for hair used in traditional Japanese hairstyles.
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
@iceeckos12 opened my eyes to pre-canon martingerry so. Take this. If Martin gets as protective as he does over Jon in canon, then it reasons he’d act the same even for a different boyfriend, right? 
Jon doesn’t even look up as he’s speaking to him, still flicking through the file in his hands. “Martin I’m going to need some follow ups on the Swaine case, number 0132806. Tim is looking into the associated Leitner, but I’m going to need some research into,” he squints at the page, trying to parse his own handwriting, “Gerard and Mary Keay.” 
Martin drops his cup, sending scattered shards across the floor. 
“Oh good lord!” Jon takes two steps back to avoid the liquid spilling across the hardwood “Martin, be more careful.” 
Martin doesn’t hear him. It takes him seconds, feels like minutes, hours, days, but he finally manages to choke out a response. It is quiet, and severe, more severe than Jon has ever heard him. “He’s in here?” 
“What? Who is here,” Jon responds, twist round to check behind him, as if Martin were referring to a physical presence. 
“Gerry,” and the graveness breaks, Martin’s voice cracking on the single syllable. He takes three steps forward, cheap porcelain cracking under heel. He grabs a fistful of Jon’s cardigan in one hand, gripping him by the shoulder, and Jon is suddenly reminded that Martin is by no means a small man. “When was this statement made?” he asks, taking the file from Jon in his other hand, and cursing under his breath when he reads the date. 
He lets go of the handful of fabric, and takes the statement. Jon is too taken aback, and lets it be lift easily from his grip. When he finally shakes himself to his senses, he opens his mouth in protest. “Martin, what the hell was that?” his hands flit about, but he doesn’t attempt to take the statement back, knowing he’d lose that fight. Besides, whatever was wrong with Martin, it had clearly unsettled him deeply. 
“Has he been in any others?” Martin says, declining to answer. He keeps flipping through the sheaf, despite there only being a handful of pages, getting to the end and starting back at the beginning, like he’ll find something different if he tries again. 
“What? No, not that I know of, not as far as I’ve seen yet, at least. Martin what is going on? Do you know that man? Because if so, I have some concerns, that statement does not paint him in a very flattering light-” 
“Oh you don’t get to talk about him like that,” and it is slowly dawning on Jon that this might be Martin, furious. It’s buried under layers, like it’s something he’s trying to hide, but the look in his eye and the set of his jaw tells Jon that this is a man who he should not try and cross. But Martin was... Martin was Martin. He wore soft jumpers and brought him tea and hummed while he worked. Who the hell was this Gerard guy, and what about him made Martin turn into this?
“I- I’m sorry, Martin, but please, explain for me? I have no idea who this man is, he shows up in the statement, any information you have on him would be incredibly beneficial.” 
“Beneficial?” Martin spits the word like it’s an insult. “Jon, has it ever occurred to you just once in your life that some things are bigger than your project of the week?” 
That one stings. It feels remarkably similar, too similar, to something Georgie had once said. It creates a lump in his throat.
“That sometimes other people are people, Jon. They’re not just statements to be seen to, details to be researched and verified and catalogued and stored away on a bloody archive shelf. You put up this veneer of academia and suddenly people aren’t people anymore. Yes, I bloody well know Gerard Keay.” He seemed to be running out of steam, chest rising and falling quickly with tense, laboured breathing. “I knew him- I knew him really well-” 
Anger seemed to be winding down to sadness, and Jon could feel his face fall from a look of shock at the outburst to a concerned frown. “Martin I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-” 
“He was my boyfriend, Jon.” The words come out as a sigh, whatever temper was driving Martin’s impassioned speech well and truly faded, slipping out like a sigh.
“Oh,” is all Jon can compose in response. 
Jon may not be the best at consoling emotions. He may not even be mediocre at it. But it was clear that, considering Martin’s reaction and the context of the statement, he had taken a step too far, and would now have to go about fixing it. 
“I see. Martin would you like to... Would you like to get tea with me?” 
“It’s just... This clearly is... Means a lot, to you. So I am offering to make you some tea and we can... Talk, about it, if you wish. Nothing on the record. Not for a statement. Just you, and I, and whatever it is you wish to say to me. Because it seems like that might be a lot. We don’t even have to talk about Gerard, if you don’t want. But if you do... Either way, I am willing to listen.” 
Martin pauses, jaw slack, and Jon wouldn’t want to assume, but he seems slightly stunned. 
He rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, before responding. “... No tape recorders.” 
“I- Yes, Martin. No tape recorders.” 
Martin let out a breath. “Right. Okay. That’s- That would be nice. Thank you, Jon.” 
‘Your welcome’ seemed a little inappropriate, Jon thought, so he settled on, “Good.” He looked down, and flicked some liquid off his shoe. “Shall we get this cleaned up first?” 
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catzula · 3 years
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Request: Hiii!!! Congratulations on 600 🥳🥳🥳. You deserve it all and more bby. I'm so proud of you. I hope that you're staying healthy and hydrated and taking enough breaks.
Ummm one thing I like about myself is that I'm a very open minded person and dont judge. And could I please request Oikawa please?? Thank you so so much, and remember to drink water!!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 xxx
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a/n: oikawa brr
honorable mentions: fluff, mentions of insecurities, royal au, prince Oikawa, fem!princess reader, 1k
Also, the event is now closed, but you can check out the masterlist from here!
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Oikawa feels terrified.
People are dancing, jumping, shouting with glee, everyone at least a bit tipsy, the beer glasses in their hands seem like they never go out.
Each time the dance comes to a jump, the golden fluid in cups jumps with them as well, glinting under the candlelight.
His eyes fall on you, you whose dancing in the middle of the ballroom, laughing with everyone else, dancing carelessly at the day that's supposed to be the happiest of your life.
You seem to be enjoying it, and it only makes Oikawa that more anxious.
He doesn't know you well; you've only met a few times before, each time chaperoned and with masks fit to blue-bloods such as yourselves.
All your meetings consisted of empty words and kind- but fake smiles, chatting mindlessly on what's seen appropriate of a prince and a princess that are soon to wed.
You seem lovely, and Oikawa isn't that much sad he's marrying you- he feels like you can get along well if you get to know each other better. No, Oikawa isn't feeling like this because he's marrying you, but because you're marrying him.
He, the charming prince- smart, funny, and kind, any girl would kill to be in your place, he's aware.
Everyone wants to be with him, get to know and be acknowledged by him- but there is a catch. Whenever someone does manage to get to know him, the magic gets broken, the facade, sparkling fog over the rotten thing he calls his personality comes on the surface of the water, and people leave.
Oikawa went through this one too many times, so he embodied the fake persona he puts on, never letting anyone get close to him enough to see what's underneath.
He knew this day was to come, though. Oikawa knew he was going to marry someone so he could unite his kingdom and theirs, but he always hoped it wouldn't be you.
Not because he didn't like you, though, on the contrary, because he liked you maybe a little more than the other princesses. Oikawa just hoped- he hoped you wouldn't regret marrying him, or even worse, be disappointed with who he really was.
Once again, his eyes spot you in the room, fighting a smile when he finds you looking at him, as well. There's a sheen layer of sweat on your face, making you glow under the candlelight, face bright with a smile, hair messed up with all the dancing and jumping.
His gaze never once leaves you as you find your way to him, breathless as your hand reaches for his.
"You look so grim, my lord." You chuckle, lightly tugging him to dance. "Is there something bothering you?"
You were always so kind, easy to talk to, it made him feel like he could tell you anything, and you would... you would smile in answer. He shakes his head no, letting you pull him towards the inner room.
The air is warmer and heavier, it smells of beer, but looking at your smiling face, it seems none of them matters.
His movements are fit to a prince, dancing fluidly and putting every other to shame. You make a small comment on it, as well, earning a chuckle from the prince. "It would be odd if I didn't know how to dance, though, wouldn't it?"
You nod, but you seem troubled.
"Is there anything you can't do, my lord?" He hears your soft voice as Oikawa twirls you in his arms. Despite his hopes, you catch the small frown his lips press into, brows pulling together, even only a millimeter. "I don't mean disrespect," you quickly retort. "I was just asking so I could get to know you a little better."
When he stays silent, you once again fill the silence with your voice. "I, for example, can't sing."
You snicker as you watch his eyes widen. "You can't?"
"Nope, I promise you, you haven't seen anyone sing worse than me."
"But I've been told you have an angelic voice!" He confronts you, but his shoulders are shaking just a little bit. "Yeah, well-" you smile sheepishly, "I can't."
For whatever reason, this makes Oikawa feel just a bit better. To hear you aren't what the rumors of you show you to be, makes Oikawa feel like maybe, you're a little similar.
"I can't use a bow."
You hear him whisper minutes after your confession, and it takes you by shock. What takes Oikawa by bigger shock is, however, when you start to laugh.
"Is it really that funny?" He scoffs with embarrassment as you're still laughing. You shake your head no, trying to stop your giggles, but it takes you a minute. "It's just- you said it as if it's the worst thing ever!"
"It is a bad thing!" The prince protests, cheeks flushed with either glee or a product of dancing. "I even have a reputation about how good I am with a bow- but I can't hit a standing target if it killed me."
"Well, I can't do a knot."
"I don't like writing."
"Very bad with numbers."
"Afraid of horses."
The confessions slip out of your mouths uncontrollably, each one making both of you break out with laughter until-
"I'm not... very honest." Oikawa mumbles to your ear; he's gotten closer to you these last few dances, you realize, your chests almost pressing together. He holds his breath, afraid of your reaction, his tense shoulders dropping when he feels you chuckle once again. "I see." You murmur. "That's a little relieving to hear if I'm being honest."
You shrug. "It's just- you know, my lord, you have quite the reputation." You go on talking when he stands quiet. "You're portrayed as this man, free of taint and capable of anything- and it was worrying me you were that flawless."
"You wouldn't... want me to be?"
You chuckle at his confused stare. "I wouldn't be opposed to it! But it would make me really nervous, as well. I think it's nice to know you're human, too, just as we are. Like marrying a unicorn or something." you joke.
Were you really worried he was flawless? It's so absurd that Oikawa feels he's about to burst out laughing.
"Well, don't you worry, my princess," a soft chuckle emerges from the man. "I have many flaws to show you."
"And I have many myself." You beam at him.
Both of you will discover these flaws and insecurities over time, but you have a life ahead of you to do so.
And despite still holding his former thoughts, Oikawa's heart feels just a little lighter knowing you're here to get to know him with his flaws.
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reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3
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starlessskies94 · 3 years
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
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Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?Pairing: Joel Miller x OC                                                                                      Note: An update? Could It be? After all this time?...Yes. It is I! I come with a thousand apologies for taking so long to update. I didn't plan for it be so long but with Covid and going back to work during Covid and family stuff, I just haven't had the time but I'm back my lovelies and I really hope this chapter doesn't disappoint :)
Chapter Seven 
Tommy woke up late for the first time in weeks; he didn’t often sleep in but given his late night chasing lost cattle through the town after they’d somehow managed to escape the paddocks; he figured he more than deserved it. Maria had woken him when she made to leave and insisted he stay put while she made a start on the morning checks. She kissed him goodbye and they promised to meet later for lunch together.
The morning air was crisp and fresh as he stepped down onto the path, his jacket zipped tight to fight off the dwindling cold. The snow had long since melted and there were clear telltale signs of Spring fast approaching in Jackson.
And while the cold wasn’t as biting as it had been, there was still the odd chill that needed to be shielded from with a layer or two.
It wouldn’t be long before they were preparing for a new harvest to grow throughout the year. The sacks of seeds and planting equipment appearing all over town as families began to prep the soil and start their planting as the wildflowers poked their heads through the ground to bask in the warming sunlight.
Tommy made his way through the streets heading straight for his brother’s house. It was still hard to believe that it had been a whole two months since Joel’s attack.
Two whole months since his sister in law had lost her husband; his niece, her father. And unfortunately for all of them; it didn’t seem like Joel was making any progress to getting his memories back. He tried to help of course but his brother, being the stubborn grump that he was, had only pushed his younger brother away, insisting he was capable of handling the trauma alone.
He hated seeing his brother struggling, especially when it seemed that some details were coming through. It was little things but it was better than nothing. The only problem was, it was things Joel seemed to dismiss without a second thought.
Tommy honestly believed if Joel focused on them, they’d help process bigger things. Though it certainly hadn’t helped matters that the older Miller had stopped going to his weekly check ups to help his mind improve. The head of the infirmary had voiced her concerns to Tommy a few days earlier. His constant dismissal and disregard for their importance to his slow recovery; not just frustrating the Doctor but also Tommy himself.
He just hoped he could talk some sense into his big brother.
He knocked but no answer greeted him as he stepped inside the house. It was quiet but clean. Each room meticulously organised and tidied to within an itch of its life. He figured this was what Joel must have been filling his days with over the past few weeks. The sound of muffled hammering caught his attention, leading him up the stairs to Joel’s workshop room. The door slightly ajar. Tommy had barely entered the room before Joel acknowledged him.  
“What do you want, Tommy?” Joel grunted without even bothering to turn around. Tommy just shrugged silently, his hands awkwardly stuffing into the front pockets of his jeans.
“Well good morning to you too, just stopped by to see how you’re doing.”
“As good as I can be I guess.” He muttered as he continued to work, never taking his eyes off the wood in his hands. It felt nice seeing his brother once again taking an interest in an old hobby that he had enjoyed before his injury. It felt like maybe they were finally heading in the right direction. But Tommy had to hold off, he didn’t want to push anymore than was necessary. He knew Joel well enough to know that if you pushed too far; Joel would only push back twice as hard. “Right, sorry... whatcha making?”   Joel hobbled back a little from the table, giving Tommy a better view of the work in question. The long neck and the four legs beginning to take shape made his heart skip. The older man had always had a talent; that was for certain. The horses he made were always magnificent. The wolves and the deer along with any other animal the people of Jackson had asked for; were always made with utmost care. And it seemed this work of art was no different.
“I think I meant for it to be a giraffe before... everything. Figured I might as well finish it. Hell if I know who it was supposed to be for.”
“Ellie.” Tommy whispered.  
Tommy took a second for his brain to catch up with his words as he quickly cleared his throat and tried not to fidget too much. “It’s just...uh.. that it’s her birthday in a couple of months and she always liked giraffes, maybe it was meant for her?” He offered nervously. Joel just hummed casually. With a quick dismissive shake of his head and a sigh; he moved the half carved giraffe onto a nearby shelf along with his other unfinished projects. Turning to face his brother, his arm reaching out to grab his cane to steady his balance.
“Yeah, maybe...maybe Ada asked me to make it for her to give to Ellie as a gift.” He wondered out loud, stopping Tommy in his tracks.
“You talked to her?” He asked almost a little too quickly. Causing Joel to frown slightly in response at his brother’s unexplained eagerness.  
“Who Ada? Briefly, why? Am I supposed to know her or something?”
“You guys were...friends I guess…” Tommy replied weakly. He knew he had to be cautious here, baby steps. They were moving into uncharted territory when it came to Ada and Ellie. Joel had only just started to accept the life they had lived in Boston as smugglers and that was before he had even had the courage to bring up the Fireflies. He needed to steer clear of things deeper than that for now  and ease into the conversation he wanted to have. But his patience was starting to run thin. “Look, the reason I came by is because I was talking to Elizabeth and she said you’ve stopped going to your check ups.”  
“Oh not this again Tommy!” Joel snapped, his brother rolling his eyes in frustration as Joel hobbled away from his work space and further towards the door. But Tommy was quick to stop him, stepping in the threshold and blocking Joel’s exit.
“Look I know I don’t understand what you’re going through but-”
“You’re damn right you don’t!” He yelled. "You have no idea what it’s like Tommy; to lose years of your life in an instant. Forget everything you’ve done and the people you used to care about. I don’t see how bitching about how shitty this is to the damn Doctor is going to help!”
“But you’re starting to remember things Joel! That’s a big fucking deal!”
“How?! All I’m remembering is crap no one cares about! How are horse’s names gonna help me? Or how I take my coffee in the morning? I couldn’t even remember holding my little girl in my arms after she was shot! Oh but thank the lord I could remember what colour shirt I was wearing when it happened!!”
With every word Joel got closer, his nostrils flaring in anger as blood continued to boil. But Tommy never backed down, squaring up to his big brother wasn’t unusual and certainly wasn’t the first time they’d been at odds on how to handle something. Joel’s eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.
“It’s been two months Tommy...two months of this and it ain’t getting better any time soon. This ain’t your problem so just back off!” He hissed between gritted teeth.
“You can’t just push me away Joel, I want to help. I’m trying but you’re just being so damn stubborn.”
“Then leave, I didn’t ask you to babysit me. And I sure as hell don’t need you sticking around outta guilt.” The words stopped Tommy dead.
“I might not remember what happened but I know enough from what you told me about Boston...You survived because of me. All those years I took care of us. Just like when we were kids. So what? You feel like you owe me? You gotta take your turn to take care of me now? You can keep it baby brother because I don’t want it. And I didn’t ask for it.” The words spit venom with every ounce of bitterness Joel had in him. And Tommy felt his lip snarl in response. The ungrateful bastard; he thought coldly, after everything he’d done to keep his brother alive on the way back to Jackson after the Fireflies had almost beaten him to death and this was what he had to say in response.
“How do I know the people who did this weren’t after you. I mean they did a pretty good number on you too right? Big brother to the rescue to save your sorry ass; yet again! You think I want to live like this?! Huh?! Trapped in a life of a man I don’t even know. A house full of memories I can’t even goddamn remember!”
That was it, Tommy was done. Joel was frustrated and angry, he knew that. He understood that. Of course he did. But to blame him for this?! How the hell was that fair? His hands shook in pure anger, chest heaving as he held back his punches as much as he could. He stumbled away from the door. His trembling hand reaching up and running through his beard in a poor attempt to calm himself.  
“You know what screw you! Screw you Joel! You wanna give up, you wanna feel sorry for yourself? Fine! I’m done. You give up on your family-”
“Family?! What damn family? There’s no one left Tommy! Sarah is gone!”
“She ain’t the only one you got!” Tommy cut off without thinking. Joel’s face dropping at his brother's outburst. The younger man’s eyes widened in shock as he realised what he’d said. But it was too late to take it back now. And Tommy knew that. They both did. Perhaps now was the time to tell the truth.
“You want to know who your family is Joel? Take a look in your damn attic.”
Tommy uttered the words into the thick silence left between the two men. Before turning on his heel to leave, never giving Joel a chance to answer. Leaving the man to stew in his confession. He just hoped that somehow...Ada could forgive him for this.  
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dangermousie · 3 years
Hello, I hope you're cured of your boredom ASAP 😊
So you've managed to win me over to the dark side (cuz I'm a shameless sucker for angst) by your Wu Chang Jie obsession and now I wanna read it too !
Now I humbly ask you to plz share your esteemed overview on it and tell me what I'll be getting myself into plot/story/pairing wise, also I'm quite confused as to which translation to read so could you also tell which tl would be best for readers that are delving into the novel for the first time and would face difficulties with new terms .etc
Thanks Mousie, I absolutely adore your ramblings they are truly the highlight of my day STAY BLESSED 🥰❤
Awww, thank you!
And Wu Chang Jie!!! You are in for a treat - it's a very different narrative with different emotional points and strengths than 2ha but it shares the same interest in second chances, forgiving the unforgivable, moving on, personal honor in a bleak world etc.
The story is basically a dark fantasy i.e., my favorite thing. There is a decently sized cast of characters between the two lifetimes but the story centers on two human assistants in the underworld - Xie Bian and Fan Wushe who in their past life were two royal half-brothers - Zong Ziheng and Zong Zixiao (before you freak out about incest, no, they are actually not at all biologically related.)
Basically, our protagonist is Xie Bian, a human orphan who has been assisting fighting bad ghosts etc in the Underworld. Bian is human sunshine (but not cloying at all) and as the story opens, he's excited his master brought back a junior martial brother for him - the surly and intense Fan Wushe. Gentle, caring Bian is overjoyed but what he doesn't realize is Fan Wushe is his younger brother/nemesis/demon lord who almost destroyed hell from past life. And unlike Bian, who does not remember his past life, Wushe does. And past life, present life or all the tortures hell could throw at him in-between, Wushe's number one obsession is his older brother.
The novel is wonderful - it's so dark and layered (this world is horrific), the characters are complex (Bian aka Ziheng is just lovely but he never feels weak - he is just so GOOD but also utterly unbendable, Wushe aka Zixiao was by turns a high spirited royal, a brutal monster, a tortured mess, a man looking for a second chance and someone deeply repentant, but always fixated on Bian/Ziheng, and we are not even getting into secondaries - the Ghost King and Lan Chuihan will break your heart, guaranteed!) and it does an insane thing - it never sugar coats the horrors Zixiao inflicts on Ziheng and yet eventually convinces me that the latter can forgive and they can have a chance and Zixiao is deserving of it. It's such an exploration of trauma and healing and second chances and morality.
If you love: heroics, bleak worlds, feral one leashed by the good one, plot twists, emotional wringer, this one is for you.
The usual noncon blah blah warning (also the sex, con and noncon, is hella explicit.)
As to translation, it's a matter of preference and I prefer Corgi's - also it has a lot of translator notes and explanations that would be very helpful for people needing assistance with terms.
Fwiw, now that I have finished it, WCJ is in my Top 5 web novels of all time, behind 2ha, Yuwu and Qiang Jin Jiu.
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mintseesaw · 4 years
Aurora | 4
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Pairing: general!jungkook x reader!princess x prince!jimin Genre: angst, fluff, historical au, forbidden love affair au Word count: 8.3k Warnings: themes of abduction and insurgence, imposing abortion as a punishment, story setting is heavily patriarchal // rating: 18+
translations of unfamiliar words will be provided below ^^
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“Did you miss me, Princess ________?” You heard him greet from behind. The sultry yet sweet tone of his voice, compelling you to face him as if your unwillingness to meet him so suddenly wasn’t there, anymore.
With a graceful turn, your solicitous expression caused by your unintended tryst last night gone in a flash tipping your chin forward to display a false confidence in front of the prince.
The amusement on his face widens, taking notice of the exceptional glow radiating from the princess. Have you been dolling yourself up just for him? The certain strangeness in the dark of your orbs igniting fire in him before he blinks and it vanishes, gone without a trace of acknowledgement from the weight of your stare.
He crosses the offending distance, smiling sweetly before he took hold of your hand and kisses your knuckles with an ardent gaze clashing against yours that harbor the coldness he had grown accustomed with.
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“My lord,” an old man hurriedly attended to Jungkook just as he took an empty table without a word. Must be the owner of the stall. Uttering his request, the owner bobbed his head low before vanishing from his line of vision.
He was supposedly going to have breakfast with you after having tediously cooked the dishes, himself. The lack of light in your eyes and your dead enthusiasm had spoiled his appetite, and severely wounded his soul. Nothing could probably ease the ache sitting beneath his ribcage. Not when the intimacy he shared with you the night before and your cold treatment of him earlier painfully reverberated in his head like a roaring thunder in the sky.
You, giving him mixed signals, confused the hell out of his weak, young heart. 
What am I supposed to do with you, Jagiya?
Perhaps, it was the uncertainty that was instigated by your emotions. That must have been the only reason.
Shortly after, the old man came back with an empty cup, pouring it full with rice wine from the bronze pitcher he brought with him. Jungkook mumbled an audible thanks before chugging down the alcohol like an angry man on his bad day.
“This isn’t something we both have a choice of.”
Your voice echoes in his head. A sweet, delicate voice that could easily slice his heart into two with your mere heartless words. A smirk made its way on his face, despite the amusement never reaching up his eyes.
There is nothing left to decide on because you’ll be with him in the end. He wouldn’t leave you, again. He wouldn’t lose his only chance he has to claim you as rightfully his. When he almost lost you back in the days you were young, right in his arms, before his eyes— it was the day he promised to show you what his heart truly desires. Whatever the cost may be.
He had never been that frantic in his life. Not even when he saw with his own eyes the deep cut in his arm gushing too much blood when he was young. Not when two poisonous arrows almost killed him in the battlefield.
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When he stripped the covering off of the suspicious cart in search of any sign of you, the last thing he was expecting to see was your unconscious body, with your restrained arms and a piece of cloth stuffed in your mouth. With your aristocratic braids gone, he couldn’t see much of your face as your hair hung loose covering half of your face as your body lied down in a foetal position, as if you tried to make up with the little space the average sized cart provided which was filled dominantly by materials of what looked like rolls of linens of various colors.
He knew it was you.
Despite the filth covering your attire down to the skin of your bare hands, and your seemingly thinner frame, the mere sight of the body screams everything about you.
At the time, his younger self was almost sure he was going to explode at any moment from the excruciating constriction in his chest.
His eyes were livid while they scanned over the blood bathed bodies scattered around the cart that were slain by the sharp edges of his sword, looking for another sign of danger. When he was certain that none of the rebels on the ground were moving, he dropped his weapon.
“Princess!” He calls out, his bloody hands leaving imprints of the dirt-covered article of your hanbok as he shook your shoulders none too gently, desperate to wake you.
To no avail, you remain unconscious. The sight of you in a devastating state dreaded him. His younger self thought his world right there and then was collapsing, his surroundings slowing down and his gaze shrinking and focusing into you alone. Not even a pittance of fear shook him despite killing a group of rebels, none of the fact that he stood there alone fighting for his life did. None. Not until he pulled the bamboo mat off of the cart.
Where the fuck is that old man?
It’s been hours since Lord Min suddenly came up to his residence, forcing him out of his slumber at dawn without telling him the purpose of his abrupt disturbance.
When the scholar said he found another lead, Jungkook only took it lightly—not knowing it would turn out to be the key to finally locate you.
Lord Min led him to a trail behind a group of merchants who were supposed to exchange goods on the capital’s port with Mongolian merchants. When the suspicious group split into two directions— it left him and the scholar no option but to part ways as well. However, Jungkook insisted on following the merchants who particularly brought their supposed cart of goods.
As soon as he took his outer layer of robe to cover it on your shivering body, the morning breeze hits him mercilessly. Discreetly, he gathers you in his arms. As he sets you on his lap on the ground, he removes the cloth in your mouth, while pressing a trembling hand on your chest to feel your heartbeat.
“Your Highness,” he tried once more when he sensed a faint beating against your chest. His hands shuffle to remove the tie around your wrists.
“Come on… open your eyes for me, Princess.” He whispered desperately, tears freely rolling down on his cheeks without him ever noticing.
He gasped when he caught the slightest bit of movement from you. He thought he might have been hallucinating out of his desperation to see you alive. But then, you proved him wrong as your heavy eyelids slowly peeled open, before they closed shut, again.
“Your Highness! Please… do you hear me? Can you open your eyes again?”
You did, and with your slightly parted mouth, you drew a breath in heavily.
“W-Who are you?” you managed to rasp, almost inaudibly. However, he was too close not to miss what you said. Too close to be deemed righteous around the lady he desires. He didn’t care, because your cold body needed as much as heat from him. Nothing else mattered more to him than to save your life.
“It’s me, Jungkook. I am Prince Taehyung’s friend—“
“I-I… must… be dreaming,” you croaked in between dry, painful coughs.
“You’re not dreaming. Please, don’t talk. It's hurting you.” He chokes back a sob.
“Is this real? You finally noticed me,” you pause, only to breathe through your mouth once more. “I’m… tired, I want to rest,” you say without opening your eyes. But the moisture pooling out of your eyes meant one thing to him. You’ve been suffering from immense pain.
“No, no, no. Please, stay with me. Lord Min is coming to get us. He’ll be here soon,” he coos, not caring how he sounded a little more desperate, taking your cold hands up in his mouth to warm them up.
Jungkook continuously rocked your shivering body back and forth on his lap, never removing his eyes on you. He wanted to embrace you tight, cover you with his body to protect you from the horrible cold of the morning weather but he was afraid he would crush you.
He waited, waited and helplessly waited. Lord Min would come find him. That was what he reminded Jungkook as before they parted ways in the woods.
It was him and Lord Min who found you, even when the King had ordered a mass search for his missing daughter.
Although your disappearance was largely perceived as abduction, neither evidence nor eye witness was found to support the claim, hence stirring the urge to find you, himself. Roughly 10 days after you were last seen, not even a single trace of your whereabouts had been identified. Something was definitely off with the way the case was being handled. The lack of progress on the investigation drove the King in extreme desperation as well as the court in anguish due to the King’s adverse political decisions.
In spite of the rumors of insurgence spreading like a common gossip story in the villages surrounding the capital, the rumors fall on deaf ears in the court on the possibility that your disappearance was plotted by the rebel forces. As if the missing person was not a princess whom the rebels could use as a pawn to bend the King on his knees.
Jungkook spent most of his days in the capital, inside the gambling houses, pretending to play with men of all sorts of class. On some days, he visited the courtesan’s house capital marketplace under the disguise of an interested guest due to the rumors that some gisaengs, at the time, were avid followers of the insurgence. At nights, he pieced together the collective stories he tediously gathered during the day.
One day, he decided to make progress on his investigation, spying on a group of merchants trading with Jurchen merchants who were pretending under the guise of Mongolian heritage. It was Mina, a gisaeng whom he somehow befriended when his visits at the courtesan’s house had frequented, who shared her discovery of a Mongolian merchant accidentally revealing his identity when he fluently spoke a dialect she distinguished as her mother tongue since she was a Jurchen-born immigrant.
He didn’t find any suspicious or illegal goods being traded on the port nor could he confirm the real heritage of the merchants. However, on his way back to the capital, he was cornered by a man he recognized as one of the merchants in the port.
To his surprise, the merchant was strangely skilled enough to defeat him in a fight— scoring a severe cut on Jungkook’s side. He didn’t think the merchant would be merciful enough to let him live when Jungkook fell to the ground after what seemed like several minutes of intense sword-to-sword combat. Strangely enough, the merchant was forgiving and instead of ending the life out of him, the merchant took his time to scrutinize every item inside the satchel Jungkook brought with him. By then, he had already sensed that the man was anything but a mere trader.
Breathing heavily, he pressed his hand hard to his bloody waist as he watches the merchant curiously unfold a piece of hanji. It was the trade map he had drawn a few days ago, alongside the location where the camp can be found.
Jungkook knew it was over for him as he saw a glint of recognition in the eyes of the merchant.
After what seemed to be a long moment of silence, the merchant looks at him. “What is this map for?”
Jungkook laughed dryly and as his shoulders shook a little, a surge of pain shot in his core. He winces as the sensation doubled over his effort to make fun of the act the merchant was pulling in front of him.
“Are you one of them?”
If the merchant understood what he meant, he simply chose to ignore it. “I’m asking you a question, kid.”
“You’re one of them, are you not? I’m most certain you know what that map is.” Jungkook gritted through his teeth as the pain on his side intensified, spreading like a magma on his midriff.
By now, the merchant’s focus zeroed in on him. “You know about the camp? Who do you work for, kid?” The merchant interrogates, further. Though the man remained passive, Jungkook found it odd to notice the slightest bit of awe in the eyes of the strange man. 
“You tell me, you act like you know my every activity.”
The merchant only raised an eyebrow. “Well, here’s the truth. I’m not a rebel. I’m not a merchant, either. I will help you if you tell me what you have gotten about the camp so far.”
Jungkook darted a glare at him. “As you can see, I’m heavily wounded, literally. You think I still care?”
“You’ll live,” the merchant dismisses nonchalantly, which made Jungkook scoff in disbelief.
“Look kid, I’m not going to kill you. But in exchange for your life, you’ll help me follow the movement.”
“It’s not like you gave me an option to decline.” Jungkook weakly contended.
The merchant effortlessly helped him up from the ground, “Come on, my grandfather is a physician. He’ll tend to your wound.”
Jungkook learned that the merchant who introduced himself as Lord Min turned out to be a scholar. He was writing a case relative to the alleged insurgence centering mostly in poor villages in the capital. Although he didn’t fully trust the scholar, sparing Jungkook his life was enough reason for him to disclose the true nature of his investigation to the scholar who was, at the time, penning colloquial stories about the insurgence.
Lord Min paused his scribbling, throwing a look of surprise at his new-found friend. “Did I hear you right? You believed the princess was abducted by the rebels?”
Jungkook only shrugged, already concluding what the scholar would say next. “It’s not the first time someone thought I was going crazy for telling them that.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I have been following the movement for months now,” Lord Min asserted, which prompted Jungkook to look back at him. “And since I heard about the sudden disappearance of the princess, it was the only theory I could come up with. Unless…” Lord Min trailed, taking notice of the interest glinting in Jungkook’s eyes.
“Unless?” Jungkook echoed expectantly.
Lord Min pretended to be in deep thought before adding up, “There is a lover involved.”
In disbelief, Jungkook threw a scornful look at him. “There’s no man in her life, I’m sure of that.” He remarked with conviction, folding his arms in his chest.
To his surprise, Lord Min hollered into fits of laughter, only severing the look of disdain on Jungkook’s expression. “For a young soldier like you, you seemed to be a little more concerned about the princess.” The older man remarked, meaningfully.
“Isn’t it too early to be drinking on your own, kid?” Taunts a voice, forcing him out of his reverie. With a lift of his head, his eyes landed on a commoner seemingly older than him adorned in a daffodil shade of a simple robe. Half of the man’s face was covered in conical shaped hat and just as the man tipped it high with his fingers, Jungkook immediately recognized the person standing across his table.
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Your breath hitches on your throat as the warmth of his mouth sends tingles straight through your veins. With a subtle tug of your hand from his hold, the prince almost didn’t take your silent plea, not without his companion guard clearing their throat that snapped him out of daze.
If there’s particularly one thing that stood out to him aside from his aristocratic, --almost polished physical features, it was his forthright admission of his feelings on you. The was the he had made a move in regards to feelings. You appreciate the way he had not once tried to break into your boundaries for his satisfaction.
After what had happened, the least person you expected to see is him. The only man who had the guts to be with you despite the rumors that tainted your reputation. Guilt thrums heavily through your veins more than the throbbing of your muscles in your body.
Jimin deserves someone far better than what you can offer. Not with your heart, and most definitely not with your broken chastity.
“Your Excellency,” you greeted, tilting your head low in a subtle bow. Your eyes stayed firm on the ground, refusing to return his stare as you murmur, “I trust your journey has not been too much for you?”
You missed the way your concern roused a smile up on his flawless face or you would have flushed right away. “It was as expected. I am an impatient man, but it was worth the trouble now that my reward is standing in front of me.”
Taken aback at this teasing remark, your mouth unconsciously parted. You didn’t have the time to retract from the proximity he initiated just as he extended his arm, his palm meeting one of your cheeks as he tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. The pad of his thumb feather lightly caresses the softness of your skin there.
The abruptness of his move left you immobile for a moment, the heat coming from his hand involuntarily eliciting goosebumps to come out on your covered arms.
“Have you been well, little flower? I couldn’t be at peace knowing your health is not in the best condition. I was a thread of breath away from forcing my way into your quarters just to check on you myself, but you may never forgive me for if I ever disrespect your privacy.”
“There’s nothing to worry of. Mayhaps... my body has not been reacting too kindly to the cold weather. I had since taken herbal teas to help me recover.” The lie glided smoothly out of your tongue, piercing your lower lip with your teeth to prevent yourself from throwing up out of disgust.
The way his head bobs up lightly made you believe he bought your excuse. “Very well. Will you allow me to accompany you?” He whispers, as if it’s possible to turn down a powerful man like him. 
“Of course, Your Excellency.” The smile you plastered on your face was enough to conceal your fears for now.
At your answer, the court ladies immediately hurried towards the recreational area, pulling the wooden chairs for you and the prince to sit on.
You take the opportunity to pull back from his touch as an excuse to occupy one of the chairs. 
Mimicking your move, he settled on a seat, one that was the closest to yours. He then motions a dismissive wave on the watchful eyes of his guards, giving him and the rest of the court ladies a silent order to leave you two alone. With a bow, everyone retreated back down onto the ground, obediently.
As he turns his attention back at you, he asks, “Do you like to tease me, Princess?”
“W-What do you mean?” Your stutter evoked a subtle grin to reappear on the corners of his mouth. While your insides are a mess, the delight shining in his eyes lets you know he couldn’t see right through your miserable heart.
The subtle smile on the corners of his mouth stretches wider, “You know I like it when you call me by my name.”
His teasing once again scores a twin stain on your cheeks. Although you remain placid with his remark, he didn’t miss the immediate rush of blood coloring your face that, in return, earned a smirk from him.
Blinking, you straightened your back. “Why are you not appropriately dressed for the season, Your Excellency?”
Prince Jimin beamed in your attempt of changing the subject, eyes glimmering in glee. “My attire is fine. Mayhaps, if you are concerned, I can put on another layer of thick robe.”
Quickly, you shake your head. “There’s no need for such if you don’t feel like the weather is too much for you. Winter has just begun and only a few weeks more before the weather becomes unbearable, especially for envoys like yourself.”
“I can only imagine how our departure would be like.”
“You chose to come to the kingdom during the winter. Is there something that’s urgent on your purpose not to delay it until the weather has calmed down?”
”The only urgent thing I found was to see you. Have I not made it clear from the beginning?”
You purse your lips, afraid to voice out your thoughts. On the other hand, Jimin was way too deep in the subject to notice the slightest bit of trouble reflecting in your eyes.
“I didn’t think any woman would stir my interest after having my heart broken when I was young. You know, my brother—the Emperor gifted me a marriage in exchange for my service in the military. I was supposed to leave the palace for a while to visit my bride. The Emperor halted my plan only to have me represent him on his behalf during the coronation of Queen Soheon. If I didn’t come here, I would have been married by now.”
Burying your trembling hands on your lap, you distracted yourself with the beauty of the winter blooms on the pond, swallowing the gasp that threatened to spill as an involuntary reaction. His revelation left a lasting impact on you. In your head, you could hear yourself screaming the truth in front of him. He shouldn’t be this infatuated over you.
“Perhaps, you are well enough to company out of the palace? You still owe me a tour to the capital.” The prince posits all too suddenly.
Swiftly, he stood up and offered a helping hand in front of you. The sun is barely out, concealed with the thick layers of clouds to which is a great opportunity to wander around in the marketplace. Your false confidence slowly faltering as seconds turn to minutes with his gaze sweeping on your whole length. You accepted his hand, granting his wish. It was the least you could do to make up for him travelling a thousand miles to see you.
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The following day, an event is set to be held in Changdeok to pay tribute for army’s victory in defeating the rebel forces in one of the borders in Joseon. Hours earlier than the customary outset in the palace, the finishing touches on the day’s festivities have already been wrapped up by the court ladies even before the sun rises on the east.
Historically, the day held no significance to the royal court nor to any prominent military figure in the nation. However, some weeks prior to the present day, the king received a letter from the young general relative to the army’s arrival to the capital, hence, the sudden establishment of a dogam to organize a jinchan for the returning heroes from the northern border.
With the anticipated attendance of the royal family in the morning banquet, you were forced to rise at dawn to prepare for your participation for the festivity.
Shortly after the attendants have finished braiding your hair, your morning tea was served just before you are set to leave your quarters.
“There will be two more banquets after the event in the morning, Your Highness.” Hyowon, one of the court ladies attending to your daily nourishment answers when you absentmindedly voiced out your thought as she pours a tea on your cup.
Fortunately, you were not foolish enough to utter the name of the man who’s been haunting your dreams since time immemorial. She may only be a distant relative of Jungkook, but the same blood runs thick in their veins and you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of anyone, much less to anyone related to him.
You nodded, taking your cup and hold it up to your lips.
Traditionally, the nighttime festivity is said to be the most anticipated from all sorts of celebrations as the audience who are commonly from noble descent look forward on the performances of high-class entertainers. Jungkook is obligated to attend all the events for the day as one of the honorary guests of the jinchan.  
The supposed banquet is going to be your first attendance in a political gathering ever since you were given the title of a gongju on your seventh birthday. The thought was making you uneasy in some way in case something unforeseen transpires during the celebration, that it would be denunciated by the curse you were forced to live with in your lifetime. However, the thought of him present in the same room with you brings more in disarray. 
A court lady from the dogam came to escort you to the reception afterwards. And not long after the arrival of Queen, the massive doors of the dining hall flew opened, revealing the King as he enter the premises.
Perhaps, you would still have had a clear view on whole expanse of the dining hall if not for the ivory article covering the totality of the platform where you and the rest of the royal palace women.
Meals have been simultaneously served just as the King had announced the ceremonial toast indicating the beginning of the celebration. An instrumental piece played by the musicians proceeded after, keeping the atmosphere pleasantly solemn despite the audible chatters in the hall.
From your seat, you could only see the king’s back as he led the banquet—sitting at the head of the table while the rest of the state and military officials sat in two long sets of vertically-arranged sobans. Despite the barrier, it was not difficult for you to locate where the man of your thoughts was settled at just by the mere sight of his silhouette. There he was beside Prince Taehyung, seemingly fascinated with the performances on the center if not occupied with something Prince Taehyung was telling him.
You could never change the way you treated him so poorly, yesterday. Your hostility was uncalled for, but perhaps, it was enough to displease him enough to lose his interest in you.
“You are not eating your meal, Gongju. Are the dishes not to your liking?” Princess Consort Sooyoung asks. Unlike you, your sister-in-law seems to enjoy the sumptuous serving on the soban, as opposed to your lack of enthusiasm on the food.
“It’s not that. Perhaps, it was too early for me to consume anything solid after I had my morning the tea.”
You drag your hand up on the table, picking up the pair of chopsticks to nestle them in between your fingers. To ease her worry, you attempted to touch the sweet flavored delicacy among the servings.
The banquet progressed rather slowly. As hours passed by, your legs grew numb from the lack of physical movement. It didn’t help that the remnants of muscle aches from your intimacy with Jungkook still lingers. Your sister-in-law caught the discomfort in your expression.
“Gongju,” Princess Consort Sooyoung calls for your attention, once more.
Tearing your gaze away from Jungkook, you tilt your head on the side to meet her solicitous eyes.
“Is your breathing alright? I noticed your heaving has frequented.”
“Uhh...I’m alright, Bubuin.” You falter. Instinctively, your eyes flew back to where he was situated. Your sister-in-law followed the trail of your gaze, and it was only then that she had pieced together the reason.
She chuckles softly, “I thought you were having difficulty with your breathing.”
Your face incredibly flushed with her words.
She didn’t attempt to speak to you after that, seemingly distracted in one of the ceremonial performances of the banquet.
Three hours later, the first phase of the jinchan had finally come to conclude to your relief.
When it was your turn to be escorted out of the hall, you couldn’t help but skim your eyes across the expansive lot. Of course, the chances of running into him are very slim to none. Not only that he was in a rush to leave the reception, but he would also take the path on the west out of the palace while you would take the opposite direction to go back to your quarters.
You thought wrong. Because the moment you arrive at the entrance of the Gyeongbok, you catch on the back of his frame on the small stretch between the library and the tall concrete wall.
Your heart instantly jumped at the mere sight of him adorned on the same uniform he wore the day before. But something didn’t make sense. What is he doing in the main palace—hiding there right after the banquet has ended?
The court lady remained still behind you as you tried to build up the courage to approach him. Perhaps, apologize for your behavior yesterday. But then as he shifted on his feet, you caught a glimpse of a hanbok across him— appearing nothing like the clothing of any man. A lady.
“You have the freedom to choose any woman in your life.”
Your own words hurriedly came rushing back on you, nearly losing your footing when the weight on your chest grew heavier. You couldn’t breathe.
“Princess—” you jumped at the sound of a low baritone voice from behind, the same voice you’ve known by heart since you were little. 
Sheepishly, you turned to face your brother, his forehead crumpled causing his eyebrows to meet into a line.
“You looked like you’ve seen an apparition,” Prince Taehyung jests, with his face remaining passive without a trace of playfulness despite his obvious teasing.
That’s because you did! You seethed, internally. With an ugly emotion slowly seeping through your veins, you find it difficult to display indifference as if something—someone was not putting you in an emotional distress.
“Your Excellency,” you greeted half-heartedly.
“You are aware about the luncheon tomorrow, right? I am expecting you in my courtyard, little flower.”
“Of course,” You briefly answered. His face finally stretched into a grin, ruffling your neatly braided hair before bidding a farewell.
When you spun back to peer at the spot where Jungkook and his female companion were standing— nothing. No one was there anymore. Jungkook is gone, and so is the lady he was with.
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The scene remained etched in your brain the rest of your day. Being unable to stay still in the confines of your quarters, you decided to do readings in in the library.
You were alone, just like what you have asked to your attendants, with the exception of a guard outside. Shortly after going through the shelves in the House of Yi section, you once again stumbled upon a book of biographical sketches after secretly reading the book several years ago. The sight of it alone refreshes your memory of the things you have discovered written in the pages of the books—specifically about Princess Moyoung, your grandfather’s eldest sister who slowly died in the hands of her husband who was born from a fourth class family.
It was said to be the matter that pressured the next royal generations to marry off any king’s daughter to a yangban which was prohibited prior to the princess’ unfortunate case to avoid any arising political conflicts.
It was the same thought that bothered you even when you had gone back in your quarters, bathed, and dressed in your night robe. If your father were still living, would he insist on keeping you in the palace? Or would he allow your supposed matrimonial union with Jimin over one with Jungkook?
However, you understand that either selection is a sacrifice. Life is about losing something to gain something else. You know what will be taken from you if you were to possibly end up with Jungkook. But what could you have possibly gained if you were to lose the man who owns your soul? An extravagant life with the prince?
The ache in your heart has sat idly in your chest since this morning. Your time in the library seemed to have worsened your distress as pain starts to sear in your head.
You stood up. Your attendant mimicking your movement to smoothen the sleeves of your silk robe. “I do not wish to be followed,” you simply say. They crouched their upper body low, conveying a silent message of obedience.
As you pass through the L-shaped corridor leading to the outdoor of your quarters, the rectangular hallway making up the main pathway of the courtyard is eerily quiet and empty. With subtle luminance provided by the light torches on each post you passed by, it was just as exactly the way you expected Gyeongbok during this time around. The reason why you chose to be alone since no one else will run into your way this time of night.
However, at your third turn, just as you enter the borderline of the queen’s courtyard, you hear a distinct sound of door opening from afar followed by the heavy, collective footsteps ringing in the air. As the footsteps grew louder, you hurriedly ran to the side of the greenhouse to hide, afraid of being seen without a companion to look after your care.
“Your Majesty!”
You bite your lip as your heartbeat picks up at the sound of a male voice—assumingly the queen’s eunuch, as if in desperation to stop Her Majesty to wherever she intends to go at this hour.
You didn’t know how long you were hiding there at the side of the greenhouse but it wasn’t long enough for you to be able to hold your breath until the traces of the footsteps were fading.
When any sign of human sound was out of earshot, you finally heave a sigh out of relief, taking a solid peek through the corner of the wooden wall to confirm your guess. Considering the pathway clear and safe from any presence, you cautiously proceed back to your footpath.
Merely focused on either side of your vision, you failed to sense that someone was making their way onto your direction. Their presence became known only when your arm was snatched from behind and a calloused palm right away covered your mouth, losing your chance to call for help. Panic immediately surges through your veins, your shock causing you to freeze momentarily.
Even without having a single look at your perpetrator, the feel of his thick arm around your waist lets you know you don’t stand a chance against their immense built and incredible strength. Just as you recovered from your shock, you frantically squirmed about against their hold but the more you struggle, the tighter their arm gets around your waist, pulling you flushed against their body.
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“Why is Lady Yi- being punished?” Demanded Queen Soheon the moment she stepped foot inside the King’s quarters.
King Namjoon sprang up to his feet to meet her half-way, concern stirring immediate in him at the sight of his wife, noting the way her voice unusually croaked and holding such heavy emotion. He silently curses, taking notice how upset she had seemed to be over the scandal the concubine had caused all to herself.
“Sit down, my love. You shouldn’t allow your emotions to run high, it’s not good for your condition.”
Queen Soheon is always calm and graceful no matter how grave the situation is. He had not once witnessed her lose her innate grace ever since he married her, with the exception of the times he was intimate with her.
“Why?” She repeated, her eyes burning with fire.
“My love—”
“Jeonha, please… stop with your sweet filters and answer me why you didn’t stop them from forcing her to drink the medicine?”
He sighs just as he attempted to place her in his embrace. To his dismay, she pulled a good amount of distance between them, clearly setting the line of her anger on the matter, right straight to him.
How can he possibly be sure you would never find this matter out when only a slip of a tongue can give her the idea of what transpired some hours ago.
“You know I cannot disrespect Halma-mama’s power when it comes to the women in the inner court.”
As the Grand Royal Dowager Queen holds the highest rank in the inner court, it would only be necessary to say his grandmother ordered the punishment, when in fact it was never her idea to impose a harsh discipline on the concubine. However, the appeal of the elders in the inner court to decide on the fate of her unlawful conceiving resulted in a consensus decision to abort the unborn child. Unless the queen is proven to be sterile, the inner court strictly prohibits the harem to carry a King’s child. 
“She is carrying your child!”
He knows that, very well. But he wished his wife would refrain from carrying the weight of her emotions as it might put a toll on her health and consequently affect their unborn child. “Calm down,” King Namjoon prompted cautiously.
He could never forgive himself for failing to protect his unborn child from being stripped off the chance to live in a world where his/her father rules out a kingdom. Never in this lifetime and in the next would he ever learn to spare himself the forgiveness.
“You know, Lady Li and I are both with child. If I were not your queen, you’d simply allow them to get rid of my child, would you not?”
He reaches out, once more. “No, no. Of course, not. Not under my watch.”
But the queen was quick enough to retract from the close proximity.
Perhaps, he was right. He cannot have the power to overrule the inner court, but why does his words feel insincere? It made her suddenly fear for her own child’s life despite the position she holds. When her mother warned her about the sickening life in the palace and the doctrines in the inner court, she never thought it would come to this extent.
How can she look at his family and pretend everything is alright. One wrong move and might lose her child as well.
All too suddenly, she could feel herself slowly being overwhelmed with disgust, needing the urge to throw up.  
She couldn’t stand being here, to see anyone just yet. She fixes a glare at her attendants, warning them not to follow her. Her eyes lingered on him for a second before she took a swift turn, exiting her way out of the vicinity.
With quick strides, he followed her trail, only to spin back around, skimming through each one of servants in his quarters.
“No one must follow me or the queen,” his eyes particularly burned at his eunuch. “Do you understand?” He glowered, not waiting for them to answer as he too disappeared into the halls of his royal residence.
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When you felt their grasp loosening, you began thrashing out as fear dominated your senses. Even with their hand pressed firmly on your mouth, you could hear your own sobs croaking out of your throat. And as if your pellucid fear had triggered them to stiffen, their hold around your waist loosened. But the adrenaline running in your senses all vanished the moment they finally spoke.
Your eyes went round, recognizing the owner of the voice. He lets his hand fall from your mouth. 
”J-Jungkook?” you hesitated. While you remained flushed against his body, you couldn’t be sure of their identity.
Swiftly, he spun you around to confirm your assumption for yourself. The light torches were a little far where you two stood but there was no denying it was him, judging by the little features of his face you could make out through the help of the vibrant moon lighting up in the sky behind him.
Yet, his action had already shaken you up, feeling the loud beating of your heart. All of your emotional baggage rushing all at once, you couldn’t help but lash out to him, seeing his chest as a target to release all your frustrations.
“Why did you do that?! I thought I was being kidnapped,” you anguished, horror remained etched on your face.
He took all your hits without a fight as guilt all too sudden consumed him after realizing the effect of what he had done. “I’m sorry, Jagiya. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmurs, drying the moisture on the corners of your eyes with his thumbs. The moon was like a spotlight focused solely on yours, giving him the clear view of your weary face.
It wasn’t long before you calmed down. Now, all you feel is shame as your anger washes out of your system with every hit of your fist against his chest. Your head bobbed lower, “Just... don’t do that, again.”
Hearing him whisper a promise not to repeat the same mistake, you all but give him a curt nod, allowing the silence to fill in the moment.
Jungkook, once again, made you upset, the second time he had gotten himself close to you after his return to the capital. Must he keep making you in anguish just whenever he’s around you? It was wrong of him to catch your attention the way he had just done when he could’ve simply called you out to do it. But after seeing the queen and her maids passing by the same path you’re about to take, he didn’t want to make an unnecessary sound in case anyone’s lurking around without him seeing through the vicinity covered in almost pitch black.
He wondered why you seemed determined to go on your way despite going on around without a company. 
“Where are you going—”
“What are you doing here—”
You stilled just as he was surprised to hear you spoke the same time he decided to break the silence.
“I saw you going out of your quarters.” He simply answered. It was true. He left the festive banquet at the east to randomly visit your residence. He knew it would be unnecessary to invite himself into the premises so he just stood there, particularly waiting for nothing to kill time before he leaves the palace.
But then he saw the outermost doors of your residence opening, revealing none other than the subject of his thoughts. Then the rest was history.
“W-What? Are you spying on me?”
“Spying?” He chuckles at your choice of your words. He would’ve honestly accepted stalking better. “The banquet’s getting too loud to my liking. I’d rather spend my time with you. Mayhaps, luck is finally on my side when I saw you just in time— going out.”
Hearing his words earned a scoff from you. Wasn't he just with a woman this morning? Not to mention, it was one of the reasons why you randomly sought the need to breathe in some fresh air on a cold, winter night.
“I guess if you’re not distracted with your prince, you would have immediately caught the sound of my footing. Where are you going, anyway? Will you go see him?”
Your mouth parted in disbelief, “You didn’t hear anything from me when you were the one hiding with a woman just this morning.”
Hiding with a woman? For a second, his forehead crumpled in thought, recalling his activities prior to this moment. He couldn’t seem to remember when he actually hid with a woman. He didn’t even talk to any woman earlier in the morning, except for a friend—
“Ahh,” He hums in understanding, “Jagi, I’m not hiding with Mina—”
He recalls speaking with Mina after the latter who belonged to the group of gisaengs during the banquet who recognized him inside the reception and was only able to catch up after him at the entrance main palace. Mina enthusiastically dragged him behind the closest infrastructure to briefly speak to him in peace without potentially attracting an audience.
“I met her a long time ago. Jagiya—“
“Forget it,” you immediately dismissed, but with him not missing the way color bloomed on your cheeks. “It’s not my business to hold it against you. You’re free to do as you wish.”
Are you being serious? How can you think he can be possibly interested to another woman? 
He tilts your chin up so he can see your pretty eyes, clearly. “What are you saying, Jagiya? I thought we’ve already established that I’m yours. Have I not?”
He heard no answer from you, but didn’t miss the subtle shake of your head.
“No?” He echoes, the frown on his face deepens. Still, you refused to speak nor return the heavy weight of his peer.
“Our lovemaking wasn’t enough, was it?” His sudden brought up to the matter which should never be spoken of made you dart your eyes back up at him. There it was again, the same emotions reflecting in your eyes the morning when you put a cold shoulder at him. He couldn’t quite decipher the signals you were giving him.
“Jungkook, we’re not together anymore.”
“Then would you rather be with the prince over me?”
You look away, even though you really wanted to give an answer. 
“I haven’t seen your beautiful smile since I came back, Jagi. But you were smiling a lot around him. Gods, was I jealous when you showed him of such privilege I was deprived of.” He groans, slowly inching his face closer, as if testing your reaction to his advance.
He took your lack of withdrawal as a sign to keep going. Silently, you gave him the freedom to intrude your personal space.
“You saw us,” you murmur, confirming it to yourself more than throwing it as a question to him.
Your jaw went slack, shamelessly anticipating for his lips to touch yours. Closer. Until your noses bumping, his mouth a breath away from touching your plump lips. It almost happened. Almost. Because just as he shifts his head a centimeter forward, finally capturing your awaiting lips with his, a cry of protest loudly resonated through the air, echoing as the sound bounces back from the empty silence.
“Stop following me!” The voice was undoubtedly owned by a woman.
If Jungkook didn’t recognize  the voice, you certainly did. Her voice was too familiar for you not to identify her as the Queen, forcing you to draw back from the proximity immediately. Once again, panic courses through you, rapidly consuming your senses as fear worsened your capability to think rationally in a situation such as this.
Your wide eyes stared back Jungkook in a silent plea.
It wasn’t clear to you how far she was from both of you, but the nearing claps of footsteps tells you the queen and whoever was following her are passing by behind the greenhouse. If they decided to take a turn right across where you two stood, they will certainly not miss the sight of you seemingly in a rendezvous with Jungkook.
“I said—Jeonha!”
You gasp, slapping a hand to your mouth, utterly stunned at what you just heard. Jeonha? Does that mean she was addressing her order to your brother?
“The K-King is here...” you stammer.
He hushed you, silently telling you to keep still as he cages you against the outer wall of the greenhouse, as if shielding you from any potential eyesight. He was too close as he let his head hang low just beside the shell of your ear. You could hear his heavy breathing, the warmth oozing naturally from his body seemed to calm your nerves in some way, nearly forgetting about the predicament both of you are in, nearly missing the silence lingering in the air.
Are they gone?
Despite your pellucid reaction, Jungkook seems not one bit shaken by the fact you two are a thread away from being seen together in the dark.
Suddenly, he shifted onto your left, breaking his manmade territory around you to move further away from where you two were supposed to be hiding.
“Jungkook!” you desperately called for his attention in a panicked whisper.
Nervously, you watch his back as he extends his neck to peep behind the greenhouse. It didn’t take him long before he whirled back around, and in a flash, grapples your wrist and dragged you into the opposite direction.
“Where are we going?”
Though Jungkook could hear the agitation in your tone, he ignored your question, averting his focus to hide you and make no sound at all. The couple turned out to be closer than he had guessed them to be.
Just as he stopped in front of the doors of the greenhouse, he heard you argue about his choice of hiding spot, but ignored you for the second time.
In a calculated shuffling on the rusted bar keeping the twin panel of doors closed, he flicked it up, allowing him to push one of the doors open. The firm grip of his fingers on your waist was all you could focus on as he urged you to enter inside the greenhouse. Carefully, he pushed the door back closed, dragging you with it as he pressed your back against the cold surface. His hands on both sides of your head as he rests his forehead against the door, just above your shoulder. You couldn’t see much of the view behind him because of the lack of light inside. But the moonlight seeping through the transparent roofing of the greenhouse was enough to give you the faintest possible light to make out the features of his frame.
“It was too quiet, isn’t it? I thought the queen and king were gone.”
“We were intruding them,” he simply replied.
He shifted his head to the side and before you knew it, a pair of warm lips touched yours in fervor. Jungkook has never been this bold before to break your personal space nor touches without asking your permission.
Years without seeing him, you understand that he might have grown into a persona different from what you know of him. When you saw him that weary day after four years, you picked up a sense of strangeness in his aura. Perhaps, it is his confidence or the powerful aura he naturally emits that made you speechless.
Groaning as the feel of your mouth accelerated the temperature of his body, Jungkook deepens the kiss with his tongue pushing passed your parted lips.
The way he held you in place, with his hands on your face and his torso locking you firm against the door, you didn’t expect him to withdraw from the kiss so soon which resulted in a soft breathy whine to slip out of your throat.
“Perhaps that answered your question,” he says, picking up the teasing tone in his voice. Jungkook dipped his head lower, burying his head on the crook of your neck to press a warm, wet kiss on the same spot he bruised purple two nights ago.
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grand royal dowager queen - spouse of a former king; presently the king’s grandmother Halma-mama - how the royal grandchildren address their grandmother gongju - title of a princess bubuin - title of princess consort (wife of a prince) gisaeng - female entertainer yangban - any nobleman holding a government position dogam - a committee/body authorized to organize a royal event jinchan - other term for royal banquet soban - other term for a traditional table used in joseon era hanji - other term for traditional korean paper Changdeok - East Palace Gyeongbok - Main Palace/main residence of the royal family
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note: after posting 4 chapters of the series, im finally opening a tag list skskssksjsj hahaahaha if u lovelies want to be tagged in the future chapters, send me your url here.
mintseesaw © 2020
247 notes · View notes
prince-toffee · 3 years
Part One
Hordak’s heavy steps echoed across the hallways as he marched alongside four rows of his personal guards, his most skilled and deadliest warriors, two rows on his left and two on his right. In their hands they firmly gripped stun-batons and stun-staffs. Hordak himself had no weapon except for his own bare hands, enhanced by his exo-skeleton armour, plating coating his chest, cables coiled around his thin weak arms, like a secondary thick layer of muscles, and metal boots enhancing his speed. The symbol of the red wings of the vampire were painted onto every armour of every soldier of the Horde.
The reason why Hordak had gathered his guard and set off to the Black Garnet Chamber was because of an act of treachery, and betrayal. Shadow Weaver had taken up the sword against him, so to speak. The clone lord had employed the sorceress for her professional and prideful knowledge of magic arts and his own lack of such knowledge. He was far more of a man of science, he knew things about space and machinery no one else on Etheria did. Well maybe one person did, this Entrapta seemed to be more of Hordak’s speed. He did not know much about the Princess of Dryl, but she seemed bright, she was a rare blessing among the people of the planet he was trapped on. She was a scientist, a true scientist, very little of those on Etheria. Her language he could understand. She was the only person that could hold a proper conversation with him, that was something he quite enjoyed, even though they had only spoken once or twice.
She was one of the hostages Shadow Weaver was holding in the chamber room. The other hostages frozen in place by her dark magic included both Force-Captain Scorpia, recently assigned to that division for her professional expertise to help increase efficiency, and Force-Captain Catra to whom the ex-Scorpion-Princess was assigned to as Catra seemed easily distracted, unfocused, and strangely obsessed with her archenemy. Hordak remembered appointing the Magicat the new Force-Captain, it was in their first interaction. He remembered Shadow Weaver dragged her ward into his throne room hopeing to embarrass and berate and insult her, Hordak didn’t care about such pettiness. From what he understood they were one Force-Captain down, as one of Weaver’s wards had deserted the Horde. So he simply appointed the second best fitting candidate, the records and grades claimed that even though Catra was the most absent and late person on the team, when she decided to show up she showed she was skilled in combat, strategy-crafting, leading, and thinking outside the box. She seemed right for the pick.
Hordak always had a sneaking suspicion that there would come a day when Shadow Weaver would try to betray him, but he had hoped that their promise of mutual destruction would have prevented the either from crossing the line. Weaver needed to leech off of other sources to survive, she usually resorted to people in her earlier days before bowing in front of the Horde and Hordak, afterwards she only needed the Garnet. Hordak had given Entrapta the go-ahead to study and use the Garnet in any way she wished as her experiments seemed to increase the overall efficiency of the Horde. Shadow Weaver didn’t like that. She choose to fight back.
Hordak and his soldiers reached the door leading to the Garnet Chamber. The young general reached out with his claw hand, his greyish-blue talon pressed a green button, waiting for the button to instruct the metallic door to slide up. Before the door itself could open up the metal slab burst open and peeled back like a banana, a black and crimson shadow claw grabbed him. It’s own talons tightened around him forcing out a scream from him. And he was yanked inward into the chamber, he fell onto the cold floor, or at least it should have been cold, but it was getting hotter, no doubt due to the electrical magic expelled by the dark sorceress.
He growled. Before he could get up onto his own two feet the darkness latched onto him, flinging him up into the ceiling, forcing him to crash against various wiring and cables that dislodged and fell down with him. He began to breath heavily as pain shot throw his body.
The troops moved forward to engage, but were frozen by Weaver’s magic almost immediately, like the two Force-Captains and Princess on the side, all simply looked on in fear as the Mysticore witch overpowered the Lord of the Horde. Tendrils of magic wrapping around his frame, tightening and crushing both him and his suit. He got a few good hits off on the woman, one punch braking a shadow construct, the second punch making contact with the witch and the impact threw her across the room. He knocked the wind out of her, that slowed her down as she tried to catch her breath. Bent over, eyes down, hands on her knees, she didn’t see another fist flying in her direction. The hit shattered her mask, pieces of the mask, spit and a single red droplet flew into the opposite direction of the punch. Luckily all the teeth were intact. That got her real angry.
The dark woman drew back her arm, a small black sphere appeared a few centimetres above her palm, red veins of electricity crackled around her hand and the sphere grew to the size of a bowling ball in seconds. And from it shot out a beam of black that hit Hordak directly in his chest. The pain and sensation it inflicted apon Hordak was indescribable, cold like the vacuum of space, while simultaneously burning like being in a whirlwind of a wildfire. He was pushed up against a wall and the dark beam kept him in place, the black mass spread across his body like a thick dense clay. The cold and the burning spread with it. His deep screams and yells increased in volume. Pain like a thousand knives stabbing his nerves.
“We had a deal! You stay out of my way and I stay out of yours! Simple! The Garnet is mine! No one else will touch it!” The black and red mass coiled and spiked, Hordak screamed so much he ran out of breath. “Watch! All of you!” Shadow Weaver turned to the guard troopers and the trio. “Watch as your leader and ‘Lord’ is defenceless, the conqueror conquered!” The clone general attempted to struggle against her hold, but it was all for nothing. The witch noticed the movement and had enough of this, she clamped her fist closed, tightening around the sphere, stabbing her fingers into it, and then flicked them out from the sphere. Like manipulating a voodoo doll, the black mass tore Hordak’s armour apart like plastic. “You were told to fear the Hordak, made believe that he was powerful, terrifying, a demon among men! And yet, all a lie! Look at him, your frail, weak, and sick ‘Lord’! This is the liar and fraud under whom you kneeled! Reject, banish this pretender! And pledge your loyalty to me!... or else.” She turned to Hordak for the finale time, and she blasted him out of the room through the wall, outside.
The soldiers were freed, and they quickly kneeled to the Shadow Weaver, very obviously out of fear. Catra, Scorpia, and Entrapta did so as well. And Hordak, several metres outside and below the point from which he was launched. His last moments of consciousness were that of the hole he was pushed through, a crowd gathering around him and a faint chant, “All Hail The Shadow Weaver.” And then the darkness took over.
“And how’d you make it out of The Fright Zone? All the way here? To BrightMoon?”
“That, I entirely do not know. I remember passing in and out of consciousness I... they must’ve dragged me out of my fortress and threw me out into the desert, to let the elements claim me. There one of your scouting groups found me, correct?” The trapped clone looked past the She-Ra at the BrightMoon’s angel Queen. Angella confirmed the latter half of the story, past that she had no idea. The moment the lilac skinned, feather winged, immortal Queen was given the report that some of her woman somehow managed to capture her nemesis and the leader of the Evil Horde, that moment ranked as one of the strangest in her life. She practically leaped off her golden throne and sprinted through the halls to the front of the castle. And true enough, there he was, bleeding and chained.
Hordak was thrown into the castle prison, or so they called it, but where the clone expected cold metal bars, hard floor, greys and other dull colours, and small claustrophobic spaces. Instead he was greeted with bright pinks and purples, soft pillows and blankets and armchair. He was confused. The only aspect of the location that suggested its own true function and purpose was the thin transparent glass-like, curtain, veil-like force field, a pretty rainbow effect coated the structure.
He did not know what to think of the ‘cell’. It was... nice. Even though the Queen acted like it wasn’t. He was pretty sure that the room was some sort of guest room, it looked too nice for a basement, but that was BrightMoon, they probably have storage rooms larger and grander than most rooms in The Fright Zone. “It is a prison!” The angel Queen argued. After the Queen’s long elaborate speech about how Hordak was a monster and the Horde was an evil unparalleled by anything in BrightMoon’s history, and how he should have been ashamed of his actions and that if she was like him she would’ve killed him where he stood, after all that the She-Ra entered.
“It’s just Adora.”
“Very well, She-Ra Adora.”
She massaged her templates, her very brief irritation was cut even shorter by a sharp ‘HA’ that escaped from the snickering Glimmer. “The Mighty Evil Lord Hordak, King of Horrors, the Baron of Bedlam, and the Master of Mayhem? Really? I’m kinda disappointed. You were our greatest enemy? Hahaha, can you even do one push-up? Let me guess Weaver uses your arms to pick broccoli out of her teeth? HA!” Hordak’s face remained blank, unphased, and unamused.
None of them noticed his pupils shifted as they were covered by crimson red lens, and they shifted to Adora. Curiously the She-Ra didn’t engage or enjoy the roast, even the stoic Queen and the Head-Sorceress both held cheeky smiles, but not this Adora. Her eyes remained fixed on him.
The difference between Adora and everyone else in that room was the fact that she was from the Horde. Adora had been with the Alliance for almost a year, it was only a few months ago she was still living in The Fright Zone, studying war under the symbol of the Horde. For most of her life she perceived Hordak as their leader, as a strong, righteous hero, a saint who sought to quell chaos in the world and install control, order, and peace. Adora and all the other cadets all their lives looked up to Hordak. To look down on him now didn’t come to her naturally. All her life she wanted to impress him and now she was told to insult him.
“Could you leave us?” Adora’s genuine and semi-serious question shocked everyone in the room. Glimmer was the first to argue, and was the most vocal about it. The Princess of BrightMoon found the request outrageous. Even Angella attempted to oppose her choice, placed a hand on her shoulder, told her Hordak was a manipulator and a conqueror, he could try to trick her. When she realised there was no dissuading the young woman she let off. She ended with telling the young She-Ra to be careful. Angella motioned for Casta and Glimmer to move out of the room.
Glimmer was the last individual to leave, she turned around and she stuck her tongue out, “You better watch yourself toothpick-arms! If you touch a single hair on her hair-!”
“I got this Glim! Thanks!”  Adora interjected, giving her a thumbs up. Glimmer squinted and walked backwards out of the room. And so Adora and Hordak were the only ones left. A tense silence filled the room. Neither really knowing what to say. Hordak didn’t know why he suddenly felt so uncomfortable, perhaps it was the look the girl gave him. She looked... disapproving, or disappointed. “The war could be over soon. At least that’s what all the others think, but if what you say is true, when I think the end of the war is further away than ever... You know, I don’t know if you know, but I was her ward, I think I was her pet, her favourite. It was hard to tell with her twisted version of ‘love’ if you could call it that. She certainly put everyone else down around me.”
“She certainly felt, in her mind, that you were ‘special’ in some way. She said so when I returned to The Fright Zone with you, and you two met for the fist time. Therefore I can definitely see that sort of favouritism forming.”
“...Wait... when ‘you’ first brought me back to The Fright Zone? D- Do you know where I come from?!” That exclamation gave Hordak pause. He wasn’t sure how to approach the subject, he was trained in the art of war, to combat opponents on battlefields of any kind, he could withstand the void of space, and his mind altered to form battle strategies and tactics in milliseconds, of course all of those enhancements have been long lost because of his defect. But this, he was not prepared for. He adjusted his position on the soft fluffy armchair, no matter how he moved he felt his backside sink into it. He awkwardly cleared his voice, that unintentionally brought Adora’s focus back onto him.
“I... well... yes... I” Hordak was not a liar. In fact Hordak himself had no concept of lying, he didn’t know how to, the clone was loyalty personified. It was figuratively and literally beaten into him. So he had to be careful about what he revealed, he may have been truthful, but he wasn’t stupid, arguably. He didn’t want to show all his cards. So he choose to keep his portal secret, same with his origin. So as he replied he choose to leave some key information out, “I was the one who found you, my personal computer picked up an anomaly, a strange, powerful energy surge.” Hordak noticed Adora’s eyes widened, her mouth was gradually opening wider and wider, as she began to lean forward in captivation. “And, uhm, [clears throat] at the time I was not sure what I found, I did not know what you were. But in the middle of a field of quadrant PT5-5-03 in the west region of The Elder Forest, there I found a crying infant and that was you. And so I brought you back with me to The Fright Zone. I had no use for you, and the noises you were making were causing my anxiety levels to rise so I handed you to Shadow Weaver, my Minister of Magicks.”
Adora’s face betrayed the fact that she was disappointed, and the story was quite anti-climatic sooner than her raised volume did. “That’s it?! Not that I wanted you to, but I was expecting you to have stolen me from like a cradle or something. I kinda hoped you’d know where I came from.”
“I do not... I... am sorry?” That was true. He did not. Hordak’s confusion was apparent, he didn’t know how to react to the hero’s theory. And so they stood and sat there for a moment longer, neither saying anything. In that quiet moment Adora realised that the bat lord wasn’t... scary. I mean it was ‘Hordak’, so the name itself was scarier than the actual man, as all her life the name was taught to the cadets as a monstrous horror entity, ‘Hordak’ was a King who sat on top a throne of skulls and he ate hearts and everything died around his step, he had two heads, and he breathed fire. That was ‘Hordak’.
But the man that sat uncomfortably in front of her was no such thing, he wasn’t ‘Hordak’, not ‘The Hordak’ she was told to believe in, all those cadet scary stories they all told each other all kind of seemed non-sensical now, she had to admit. The man she was looking at was thin, slim, in a not healthy way. He looked like a skeleton, like a weak breeze could push him over. He himself looked weak and fragile, sickly even. Now she was getting worried just scanning over him, she thought maybe she should’ve offered him like some mint tea or warm towels or... or something.
“You’re nothing like what we expected.”
Hordak raised his brow ridge, “How do you mean?” He didn’t know why he asked, he shouldn’t have asked.
“I- no offense, but, uh, I thought you’d be a bit scarier, you know ‘a horror of biblical proportions’ something like that?”
“Sorry to disappoint.” He replied awkwardly.
“Yeah, no, no, it’s cool.” She scratched the back of her neck, “Soooo uh... oh did you say you didn’t know ‘what’ I was? I mean I haven’t ever seen your species around, in The Fright Zone or any kingdom I’ve been to while with the Alliance. Do your species n- eh, how do I not make this sound weird, not have babies? Do you guys grow out of cabbages or are delivered by storks, hehehe?” Her attempt at humour flopped as she noticed he didn’t seem to get it.
His eyes darted around the room as if he was thinking of how to articulate something, ”No we... people like me... we are not children, we are in this state all our lives, from gaining consciousness to death.”
“So where do you come from?”
“...That is enough. Leave me.” That was a shame, Adora thought they were getting somewhere, but the cold and the lack of emotion returned. He dropped the eye contact, he stared down at the floor, he turned into a statue, no slight motion betraying the fact he was a real person. Adora tried to start up the conversation again few times, to no avail. Hordak revealed too much already. So Adora left the room.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
first time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: The party, finally. Nerds be nerds. They're all dorks tbh. Booze and partying. Clint is a disaster. Natasha is a queen. I beg for comments from y'all cuz I'm short on serotonin 🥺🥺🥺💚✨
This is a Spotify playlist I made for the first half of the party. Sets the mood 😌
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The party was booming, the room was flooded with a large amount of people dressed in various extravagant outfits. It was enough to sweep my eyes over the crowd only once to take notice of the thought and money people had put into their outfits. I hardly noticed any cheesy "angel/devil" or "sexy cat" ensembles, my eyes caught on gemstones and feathers and floor-length gowns instead.
First Avenger to catch my eye was Thor - only because the people surrounding him barely held back from drooling. Hell, I did a spit-take: the usually graceless giant stood casually posted at one of the snack tables, wearing silver robes embroidered with tiny sparkling gemstones; a sleek, angular crown rested atop his head, his blonde hair was longer, lighter and straight. One look at his ears and the realisation struck me: Thor was Thranduil, the Elven king. It made sense since Peter had the thunderer hooked on the Lord of the Rings movies a couple of weeks ago...
Both Loki and Wanda cleaned up no less nicely. The Witch was wearing a midi dress, airy and soft, in pastel tones that brought out the natural rosiness of her cheeks and the scarlet undertones glimmering in the strands of her hair. Unlike me, she chose to wear a sparkling tiara, which Loki had created after a short debate - it was an intricate material illusion meant to last for at least ten hours.
Loki himself was a work of art: dark and macabre fantasy painting. I could barely tear my eyes away from the pale, tall man clad in dark green silks and brocade. The candlelight threw shadows on his angular face and his sharp cheekbones stood out more than ever: twenty minutes I spent on convincing him to let me put make-up on his face paid off spectacularly. Flickering lights toyed with the emeralds and forest greens of the shiny silk of his vest, giving Loki an ethereal glow. His eyes shone crimson red, making nearby people throw equally startled and appreciative looks.
As for myself, the stares I got were no more and no less than I expected. The dress I'd been aching to wear fit me perfectly, earthen tones, hand-embroidered blossoms and delicate golden threading. The layers of my skirt were just voluminous enough to give me the extra airy, floating walk, the medium-height platforms of my shoes lightening my step. The ropes securing them to my legs were decorated with flowers so delicate they looked real.
The peak of my outfit took an arm and a leg in bribery of the resident sorcerer-turned-vampire, but in the end, even Loki himself could hardly look away from his creation. An hour of research and some serious magic voodoo shit was what it took for the fluttering fairy wings to sit between my shoulder blades. I felt them as an extension of my own body, and whilst flying was definitely out of the question, I could flicker them and felt the delicate brush of Wanda's fingers as she admired the translucent, blue-green, marble-patterned sheen of pure, concentrated magic.
In hindsight, I should have simply bought a set of pre-made wings and asked Loki to enchant them to move on their own. Hindsight... I wasn't good at that. So, in this moment, with the wings syncing up with my jittery nerves, the shiny traitors shook with the force of stares directed at our little trio. There was an absurd amount of gorgeous people and breathtaking costumes, yet even then, we stood out like Mona Lisa in an indie art gallery. Muted 'woah's and 'oh-my-gods' traveled across the room, turning even more heads towards us.
"And you wanted to wear Walmart," I weakly chuckled in Wanda's direction, seeing her wide eyes and Loki's arm rapidly wrapping around her waist, catching her a brief moment before she stumbled. The trickster looked unimpressed and bored for all the world to see, but to me, the slight twitching of his eyebrow told me he wasn't feeling that much different from us girls either.
"Brother!" Thor gestured us over with a drink in each hand, parting the crowd of people easily.
Noah, et tu? I had no choice but to swallow my unease, hoping my concealer and highlighter did their job and my face hadn't lost the sublime glow I was aiming for. For a girl like me, the Fae aesthetic wasn't easily achieved: naturally, I wasn't innocent, I wasn't playful... However, I was mischievous. Plenty of that.
Spotting a semi-familiar face in the crowd of partygoers, I gave the man a lopsided grin and a wink without actually taking note of who he was. Tonight, I would be a fairy. I would play.
"King," Wanda mock-bowed with a laugh, carefully embracing Thor. Even Loki did a brief, composite left-handed tilt with a slight smirk.
"Where's the rest of the gang?" I giggled, immediately making grabby hands for the nearest brightly coloured, fruity concoction that fell into my eyesight. Being sober at a party was not something I had planned to be: first drink went down like water as Thor explained the whereabouts of our various friends.
"Steven and James are with Lady Natasha, there is a knife-throwing contest outside on the patio," As soon as those words left his mouth, Loki immediately perked up, not-so-subtly turning his torso towards the large open area.
"Go," I ushered him. "Win us something, good sir," With a chuckle of my own, I grabbed Wanda by the hand for both of us to give a chaste good luck kiss to each of Loki's cheeks. He smiled as I threw a tiny amount of sparkles at him, shouting "GOOD LUCK!" to his retreating back.
"Princess?" I heard a curious voice pipe up behind me, an arm carefully wrapping itself under my wings. Said arm jerked as the sensitive matter of my wings fluttered away from the touch, shivers running down my spine and making me shuffle in place awkwardly.
"Tickles," I breathed out, voice pitched.
Tony's utterly perplexed face came into view as he gave me an open-mouthed once-over. "Darling..." He cleared his throat. I had managed to rob Tony Stark of his words! "You look... Exquisite." His eyes critically surveyed the amount of make-up and glitter on my face before he lifted the inside of my wrist, touching his lips to the pulse point for two long seconds, stealing my breath away with the simple, intimate gesture. It was by far more powerful than having to get glitter out of his beard if he'd kissed me on the lips, or even on the cheek.
"Congratulations, you've caught a Fae," I grinned mischievously, my own eyes widening at the amount of tiny little details on Tony's costume. Delicate, moving clockwork gears and metals interwoven with dark brown, harsh leather; he wore a tophat decorated with a pair of glasses and both his arms and harnesses had moving details of polished, dull-grey chrome. It was unreal, like Tony had stepped out of a Steampunk graphic novel, like he'd just got done filming the Wild West movie. "Nerd," I affectionately brushed my fingers - glitter-free hand - along the handlebar mustache he'd grown out.
Tony spoke over Thor's laughter, pressing himself closer to me, this time careful around my wings. "Do I get to make a wish?"
"Don't be rude, Tony. The Fair Folk should be treated with politeness and respect," Bruce's amused voice signaled his arrival before I even saw him. His costume and Tony's complimented each other: whereas Tony the wngiy obviously was some sort of inventor, Bruce was a doctor, or perhaps, a chemist. Instead of moving gears, he had an array of brightly coloured vials attached to a gold-and-green embroidered belt, and a single monocle replaced his usual rectangular glasses. The scientist gallantly raised my palm to his lips, fighting a smile of his own. Utter nerds! "You're the most beautiful thing in this room, Princess. Everyone can't take their eyes off you," With that, a brief, bright flash of green blinked in his eyes and then I knew, Bruce and Hulk would be on my back, watching out for me wherever I would decide to go.
The knots in my back, in my stomach, slowly began to unwind, the feeling accelerated by the warmth of alcohol sitting low in my belly. I was happily sandwiched between my two men, chatting with Wanda and Thor, nibbling on the spooky treats that Tony's catering services had provided. They were delicious.
Sam appeared, dragging a flushed Clint in tow. The archer had evidently gotten well into his drinks, seeing as he was holding a horn in one hand whilst the other still barely held onto his head. Despite the costume fail, he seemed to be having the time of his life.
"We need glue," Sam announced, smiling in our direction. "Well, hello, ladies," Briefly, abandoning his bird bro, Sam kissed a giggling Wanda on the cheek and wrestled one of my hands from Tony to peck it, too. "My, my eyes have been so blessed!"
"What are you?" Wanda asked the man curiously, pointing at his... a sort of toga, brown leather shoes that looked more like hooves and a crown of... grapevine?
"Dionysus," Sam mock-bowed, "And this is my Pan. Who happens to be a lightweight and enjoys annoying witches that can throw knives with scary precision!" The man announced, annoyed, whilst Clint just drunkenly giggled as he was helped by Thor - the Asgardian-Elf was doing something to the archer's headdress and putting the wonky horn back in its place, hands steady despite Clint's swaying and squirming.
"Classy," I toasted Sam. "Who's the knife-throwing witch?"
"Natasha," He grabbed a drink of his own. "She went as Yennefer, both fossils are Witchers and Pietro is Jaskier. He looks like a proper court jester in that purple... Thing," The dark man was giggling, too, somewhat tipsy.
"The Ass of America could fit his sizeable rear end in leather pants? How much KY jelly did they use?" Tony snorted mockingly as all of us laughed. I remembered seeing an interview with Henry Cavill and his troubles regarding the leather pants - Tony's question was valid and you can fuckin' quote me on that.
"Man, don't ask me. I've already seen more than enough of him and Barnes in the supply closet," Sam winced, downing the remainder of his drink in one go.
"And what were you doing in the supply closet, Wilson?" Natasha was absolutely breathtaking in the black mesh dress. Pietro next to her looked like a masquerade attendee - in a good way. He had gone with the video game version of Jaskiers outfit and was a bright addition to or our mostly black and pastel coloured party.
Sam grumbled something unintelligible, striking a conversation with Pietro and Clint, pulling the rest of us into it one by one. People came by and went, saying their hellos and asking to take pictures - the party was attended by mostly SI and trusted SHIELD employees with the exception of a few B-level celebrities Tony knew personally, no press was allowed beyond their designated area so all of us could afford some degree of frivolity.
Steve and Bucky - oh my God their costumes were tight - shared kisses and heated glances over the tops of our heads. Bruce's hand snuck under the highest part of my skirt, caressing my legs and Tony's soft pecks on the top of my head filled me with the warmest sense of adoration. Loki, being the gentleman he was, had won both me and Wanda each a stuffed spider which we gracefully accepted, thanking the trickster with a dance.
Or three. Wanda went first, eyes sparkling and smile ten miles wide as she soaked up the admiration, the envious stares of the people in the room. The witch looked simply stunning, she was glowing, and Loki next to her shared the sentiment wholeheartedly - a small grin decorated his face, eyes kindest I'd ever seen them. In that moment, Wanda truly was a princess.
Three and a half drinks in, I swayed gently to the music, unbothered by the smile creeping on my face as I watched the two magical people dance and mingle. "You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey..." Singing along was a pesky habit of mine that manifested itself after a certain amount of liquor circulated through my system. It wasn't like I was a bad singer - my parents had made me take music classes until I was sixteen - but it was generally an embarrassing moment nonetheless. In that moment, I didn't give a damn. "You're as sweet as strawberry wine..." Trust Tony to pick the kind of music I actually knew and liked.
A flash of purple and my glass was snatched out of my hand and promptly downed. Shamelessly grinning, Pietro gave me a look with that cocky tilt of his lips, blonde hair in utter disarray. "That your work?" He nodded towards the dancing couple, giving the empty glass to Bruce who was now watching my swaying with a careful eye.
"My and Loki's," I replied dryly."Thank you," Pietro replied sincerely. "Wanda needed this," Briefly looking me over (fuckin' glitter! I was missing out on so many hugs!), the blonde settled on squeezing my hand between his own. "May I steal your lady for a dance?" He addressed Bruce, seeing as Tony was immersed in a conversation with some dude dressed as Marty from Back to The Future. IT department, maybe?
"You may, but no funny business," Bruce looked godly in his outfit with the stern expression: eyebrows drawn together, lips pursed and irises having just a tinge of green. Hulk watching me added an unexpected sort of spice to our interactions. It made me feel...
"Let's go, Printsesa," Pietro unceremoniously dragged me to the dancefloor, all but stomping over other people's feet, shoes, tails and various other accessories. Boys will be boys... And we danced, and we laughed - until Loki and Wanda floated over to us, promptly swapping partners with fluidity I didn't expect from either of the twins. I watched Pietro spin Wanda with a smile as the Witch shrieked and cursed at her overenthusiastic brother.
"How's it going, Lokes?" I addressed the resident vampire, placing an arm on his shoulders. Tall ass bastard.
"Better than I expected," He admitted. "Although I cannot say I appreciate intoxicated Midgardian males."
"Nobody likes drunk dudes," I rolled my eyes. "I've lost count how many faces I've punched and balls busted at parties. They just don't learn."
"Oh, indeed, you're a fighter, little one. How could have I forgotten?" Loki teased me, doing an elaborate twirl to narrowly avoid the slap I was aiming at his chest. Tall, cheeky bastard.
I definitely should have put salt in his tea sugar.
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Let him go, pt.6
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Summary: It took him months, but Nick finally finds her and this time he doesn’t plan on letting her leave.
Warnings: angst, fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five //
Loneliness and being alone are two entirely different things. Being alone is a choice, but the loneliness creeps up on you without permission. You could be surrounded by a thousand people and you’d still feel that sinking feeling of isolation.
I’m still hurting, my resolve is wavering but no matter how many times I reach for the magic pen, I remember how much worse it would be if I returned to Sabrinaland. It’s not her fault she’s won his heart over, but it’s her fatal flaw – I can’t be her friend; their friend and still yearn for Nick to kiss me like he kisses her. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us.
Perhaps in time, I’d learn to heal. Maybe I’ll find someone who evokes the same feelings Nicholas Scratch managed to do without even trying.
There was that one time I felt his lips. I guess some things are just hard to think about, let alone speak about and for me, it’s always been that kiss.
“Lupercalia is meant to be fun! It’s not like you have to do anything.” Nick reasons, layering his charm thickly. I’ve never liked Lupercalia, the chance of ending up with a random girl or guy where you’re expected to put out just isn’t my definition of fun. Nick’s a little more liberal in that field.
“I just don’t want to go just to end up paired with someone I don’t like.” Shrugging, I turn my back to hide the truth. The only way I’d agree to Lupercalia would be if Nick is chosen as my partner. But the chances are slim and I don’t even know if he feels the same.
Hand on my shoulder makes me stiffen. Swallowing thickly I hold my breath as his warm one tickles my neck. “Is there someone in particular you’d like to be paired with?” His voice is low, deep and rich with unreadable emotions. The first time I couldn’t understand what he feels.
“Maybe”, I manage, just enough to keep my voice from wavering. He can’t know of the butterflies in my stomach nor the flutter in my chest. Nicholas is my best friend, always was. It’s exactly what made me privy to his personal life and it’s enough to know he’d only break my heart. It might be an unconscious action, but he’ll bring me heartache.
“Silly me, then.” His lips brush my earlobe as goosebumps overtake my treacherous body. “I thought you would say it’s because you’re a virgin or something.” I can sense the smile in his words, rolling my eyes before putting some distance between us.
Scoffing, I turn to his self-satisfied smirk with a frown. “Seriously? So what if I am?” Crossing my arms, I watch his eyebrows raise in surprise, an amused look in his eyes.
“I’d offer to help you with that problem.”
Nick’s response stuns me. My eyes widen, my heart is slamming against my ribcage, my entire body is shaking as he steps closer with a raised eyebrow.
“I – uh”, and just as I stutter, my breath is knocked out of me. Nick’s arms are around me, his right hand tangled in my hair and his left firmly planted on the small of my back, holding me close to him. His lips are warm, softer than I imagined. His scent alone drives me crazy. And that’s when I realize his eyes…they’re closed.
Breaking the kiss with a smile, Nick’s eyes open and the endless night finds me again. “How does that feel?” He doesn’t wait for me to respond. With a laugh he lifts me right off my feet, carrying me toward the bed, letting me fall with a soft bounce on the mattress.
We lock eyes for just a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another. He’s power and control with a touch of silk. How can anyone resist him?
“That’s when you get naked and ya know…” Winking, Nick smiles. “Use protection.”
And that’s when I realized all of this was just a joke for him, a way to show me how it’s done. Little did he know he sparked a fire inside me that never went out.
Shaking my head, I chase the memory away. It’s been months since I last saw him. I used get his messages for a few weeks until he gave up. He didn’t even fight for long before he let me disappear from his life.
It’s alright. The pieces of him inside me that carry me along will wither eventually. They have to.
Closing my eyes, I lean back and enjoy the sunshine. Then I hear a whisper in the breeze and I know he’s near. Jolted from my afternoon break, I look around with wide eyes, my heart feeling as if it’s going to explode. It’s impossible to ignore him – it’s his aura, his magic, his soul I sense. Being part angel gave me abilities a witch would never have and while some souls are easily overlooked, his soul’s imprint is undeniable.
“He’s been looking for you tirelessly.”
It’s not his voice I hear, but hers. Turning around, I find her with a smile on her red lips, paired perfectly with her red dress.
“I’m sure he’ll realize you’re here soon enough, but I thought us girls could have a nice chat before that happens.” Sabrina sits on the bench beside me, her hands folded in her lap. “So, can you please tell me why you left him?”
Scoffing, I shake my head in disbelief. “Because I’m in love with him and he’s in love with you, so if you’ll excuse me, I need to leave before he comes here.” I go to stand but Sabrina outstretches her arm, making me roll my eyes.
“Nick’s not in love with me”, Sabrina giggles, her hand taking mine.
“You really think I’d believe that?”
Licking her lips, she nods. “The dark lord ordered him to get close to me and well…date me, but he never fell in love with me. He’s in love with you.” Sabrina clarifies, leaning in, “And he’s gotten quite desperate ever since you went to Hell. I mean, he went as far as summon your father.”
Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes. I want to believe her, I do. I’ve always hoped he loves me too, but I’ve been wrong before. Loving him was always a losing game for me and while he gave me so much to remember him by, I wanted to erase those memories completely. The spell was prepared and all I have to do is say the words and the pain will be gone. But Nick would too.
“Sunshine?” A shaky voice makes me open my eyes again and this time it really is him. His eyes are brimming with tears, his lips quivering and all I am and all I ever wanted to be came into focus when his lips stretch into a smile. “Is it too soon to beg for you to stay? Because I am begging.”
Sniffling, I swallow thickly. “And if I run again?”
Shaking his head with a meek smile, Nick’s eyes meet mine and despite the vast darkness giving them color, it brings so much sunshine to my life. He had it wrong, I was never his sunshine, he’s mine.
“If you run, I won’t give up. Not even if it takes my whole life.”
“Why”, I push. “Give me one good reason.”
“You’re gonna make me say it?” Nick chuckles, wiping a rogue tear running down his left cheek.
“I did.” I shrug, standing up. Closing the distance, I kneel with him and wait for the words I’ve always longed to her.
Wetting his lips, Nick places a hand on my left cheek, his thumb grazing my lips as he glances their way. His eyes find mine again and I know this will be my fondest memory.
“Because I love you more than life. More than magic, more than anything. So stay.” Leaning in, his forehead rests on mine and I hold my breath. Exhaling slowly, my lips brush his as I whisper.
“I love you too.” And finally, his lips capture mine.
A/N - So, I’m thinking this is a perfect place to leave the two and end the mini-series. Thank you for reading. :)
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 2420
Warnings: Slight bit of swearing
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Eyup My loves! Soo How’s your week been? Good I hope, so a bit of news for you all, there’s only  two/three more chapters left till this book is finished and then we’ll be moving onto (Drum roll) The First Avenger! Woooo! I hope you’re all as excited as I am. Anyways without anymore rambling, I give you chapter 12, enjoy!
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So I can safely say that the rest of the week passed pretty quickly, with only a few ‘minor’ incidents, one of em being a massive food fight caused by yours truly and Steve getting himself stuck in the basement for 2 hours after seeing, and I quote ‘a possessed girl dressed as undead batman’.
I still haven’t told him that was me….oops
Apart from that it was pretty normal, cut to today where I’ve been blessed with the task of lookin’ after my best girl for Buck’s parents anniversary whilst they go into the city to celebrate, I mean it’s the least I could do for em. Plus, the last time the lads were trusted with lookin’ after Becca, Buck’s parents came home to the entire house covered in flour with Becca laughin’ at em cause they managed to lock themselves in a cupboard. We had to call the fire department to get em outta there.
Anyways, we kicked the boys outta the house so Becca and I could have a girls day in, now don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore this girl and I would practically do anything for her.
“Y/n can we play princesses please?! Mama got some dresses from our cousin we can wear!”
I can literally feel my soul burning right now. I honestly tried to say no, there’s nothing more I hate more that being forced into them things but one look into her bright little eyes made all my resistance die away and so I uttered the words that sealed my doom. “Of course, Becs only if we can have a tea party in em”. So here we are, me in a navy style party dress, lace covered my arms and the hem of the sweetheart neckline resting just on my collarbone,  the knee length satin skirt covered my legs.
Honestly, I wasn’t as bad I thought it were gonna be, I even let my hair outta the classic ponytail it’s always in so Becca could style it a tiny bit, to her credit she did a decent job. My h/c locks fell in small waves across my back, with the longer strands near my face tucked behind my ears and Becs even convinced me to pop on some of her mama’s makeup. Now I ain’t a fool, I know makeup’s pretty expensive and only let her pop on a shimmery light gold eyeshadow and some tinted lip balm, much to her disappointment I confiscated the mascara, I refused to let that death stick near my eyeballs.
Becca looked absolutely adorable, we’d managed to find her dance dress from last year and it suited her down to the ground. Baby pink lace covered her arms up to her wrist, the middle part had little gems dotted here and there with a pink satin ribbon separating the skirt from the top, from the looks of it the skirt was made outta some layered netting that poofed outwards when she span around. Don’t ask me how but I managed to wrap some ribbons in her braids and added a lil tiara on the top of her head and if you’d asked me, she looked like a real-life princess to me.
“So, your highness, what would one prefer to do? Would one like to have tea in the parlour or waltz in the ballroom?” my attempt at the British accent was apparently appalling, judging by the level of giggles coming outs Becca’s mouth. Eventually she calmed down enough to give me an answer “I think a waltz would be most fun lady y/n” she said in an equally bad accent. Slowly a smile spread across my face as I moved over to the record payer, I didn’t even pay attention to which one I put on before I turned back to Becca and offered her my hand, lowering myself into a bow that looked like a squid tryin’ to tap dance. Very elegant I know.  
You’d think after the past few weeks I’d been with the Barnes family, I’da got used to being tackled by the siblings, but alas I am surprised every-time, hence why I’m on the floor with a hyperactive 4 year old sat on top of me. Becca’s giggles filled the entire room, she quickly got off me and started jumping around to the sound of the jumpin’ jive and leaving me to slowly die on the floor, for all of 5 seconds before she yanked my arm outta my socket to get me dancing with her. I swear this girl isn’t even human, one second she’s sweet and delicate the next she’s bulldozing people to the ground and pullin’ em to the next life, I mean she’s 4 she shouldn’t be that strong!
Thank the lord she’s adorable. Quickly the music took over my mind, my feet moving along to the music, Becca was doin’ some twirls around me with the biggest smile on her face, I don’t know what made me do it but I grabbed her gently by the waist and spun us around in time to the music, her little arms reached into the air as we both laughed our heads off. Of course, me being me, I lost my balance and my butt suddenly met the sofa, with Becca landing next to me with a small yelp, it was quiet for all of 2 seconds before we burst out laughin’. Think it took us about 3 minutes before we calmed down, a comfortable silence fell between us, the music slowly faded to a stop as the record reached its end, and we stayed like this for a while before Becca broke the silence.
“Y/n, can you sing like mama? She don’t do it often cause it reminds her of my nana….” My eyes drifted over to Becs, her lil eyes dulled a little when she said it and now they were filled with a small glimmer of hope, and I really didn’t wanna be the reason for that light goin’ out. If I were being completely honest singin’ wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again, during my time with the Црни лабуд, singing was the only thing that made me feel like….well me I guess. It was the only sliver of light in so many years of darkness and once I was free from them I made myself a silent vow that I’d never do it again, that I was a new person. But one look in her little eyes was enough to make me break it. “I ain’t too bad, only know a couple of songs on the piano but I can try if you wanna”
Apparently Becca didn’t need to be told twice, in a flash of pink she was off to the other room, bellowing for me to follow her, I mean it ain’t like I gotta choice in the matter is it ? the sound of something hitting the floor in the room opposite me made me move even quicker (if that were even possible). Becca was stood in front of a oldish looking piano, a small bench was tuned over in front of her, and a white sheet was discarded on the floor next to her as she bounced up and down excitedly, I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I turned the bench over on it’s feet. Not even 2 seconds later Becca clambered up on it and looked at me with a bright smile, I swear she gets cuter every second like how does this happen ? I try it and I end up put away in a mental asylum.
“You got any requests princess ?” my legs carried me across the room and towards the seat, cracking my knuckles together and stretching out my fingers before turning to look at the younger lass, a look of concentration covered her face in response and it took her a few seconds to answer. “Dream a little dream of me ? think that’s what mama calls it” I swear I tried to stop the soft smile, but I really couldn’t help it this time. “sure sweetheart” and with that I hit the opening notes, the feeling of the keys under my fingertips were so familiar it was like no time had passed since I last played, I kept my voice soft and quiet as I sang. I think I was halfway through my second verse when I felt Becca cuddle into my side, she ducked her head under my arm and put her head in my lap, a soft yawn left her mouth as her eyes started to close to the sound of the music. It was at the end of the song that I looked at her again, soft snores escaped her mouth and her hand was grasping gently at the top of my skirt, I felt my heart melt even more that I thought possible, completely unaware of the small audience I’d gathered until a small cough came from behind me.
Aw shit…..
Bucky’s POV
If you’d told me a year ago, that after spending a couple of hours at Coney island with my best mate I’d come home to what must be an angels voice singing my sister to sleep. I’da never of believed ya, think you coulda imagined our confusion when me and Steve heard piano coming from the dining room. Steve shot me a look of pure bewilderment, and I couldn’t blame the guy to be honest, “thought you’d said your mama gave up piano couple a years ago”. I’m guessing my face mirrored his, cause I ain’t the slightest clue either, mama stopped playin’ years ago so who the heck could it be? “yeah she did bud, swore she’d never set her hands on it again…..”. I’m completely and utterly baffled at this point, where’s Y/n when ya need her ? she’d figure this out.
We both took a step towards the closed door, eager to know what the hell was going on when something stopped me, the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life sang along with the melody, I coulda sworn it sounded like the lullaby mama sang to us when we were kids. I guess I spent too long listening cause Stevie boy pushed past me and walked in, the sounds were so much clearer and more vibrant it felt like I’d died and gone to heaven right then and there. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realised just who was creating this beautiful sound, there she was, sat in front of the piano as her fingers danced gracefully across the keys. Her voice, oh god her voice sounded like that of an angel, the weak afternoon sun shone over her hair and made her look even more angelic than humanly possible. I barely even noticed Becca asleep in her lap before Y/n finished her song and the ever-living pain in my ass decided to reveal that we were there. I mean he coulda chosen any other way of revealing our presence but no he had to let out the tiniest little cough, coulda got her back for the eyebrow incident….
Y/n literally went stiff as a board before she turned to look at us, her cheeks were red as a rose and a sheepish smile covered her face, it was only a couple of seconds after that both Steve and I noticed what she was wearing, he burst out laughin at her but me, I for once in my life couldn’t say a damn thing. She looked absolutely breath taking, her hair fell down in soft waves and framed her face, the shade of blue in her dress brought out the small flecks of green in her e/c eyes and brought out her hourglass figure. Her lips were drawn into a natural pout and it was that second it dawned on me she asked me somethin’….shit.  
“whaaaa…….” Nice one Bucky.
Steve, the lil punk, could barely stop himself laughin’, at some point he’d moved to take Becca off Y/n and stood behind y/n with his fist in his mouth to smother his laughter. My best friend ladies and gentlemen. If looks could kill he’d be 10 feet under right now.
“Buck ? I was askin’ if you were okay ?” Y/n’s face showed a tiny bit of confusion and much to my horror amusement, “YeAh I’m okay….” And just at the moment puberty strikes in the form of a voice crack, as if this weren’t embarrassing enough. At this point Steve was barely keeping it together, he had actual tears coming outta his eyes and went bright red in the face tryin’ to stop himsen laughing, in front of me y/n furrowed her eyebrows and did look genuinely concerned for my mental state. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just looked at me before she lifted her hand to my forehead and held it here for a minute, thank god Steve chose to leave the room before this or I’da never heard the end of it.
“You sure you’re okay, feelin’ a bit warm and ya actin weirder than usual Buck” okay quick say something before this gets even more embarrassing, first thing that pops into ya head in 3,2,1…
“Yeah I’m sure, think I ate somethin’ funky down at the pier, makin’ me real gassy”……why am I like this? Normally I can charm any girl of their feet but with y/n, I’ma bumbling mess.  She didn’t say a damn word, she just raised her eyebrows whilst a small smirk covered her face, before she turned and left me to have a very small breakdown underneath the dining table.
Meaning I let out a noise that sounded like a bear stubbing it’s toe in the middle of winter.
I thought my luck couldn’t get any worse, but nooo old lady luck decided today I needed a second helping, cause the second I did that Y/n walked back into the room. Brilliant. I was too busy stumbling over my words to processes what she was doin’, before I knew it she’d walked back to me and stood on her tip toes….then planted a small kiss on my cheek.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered Barnes”
And just like that, she left me with my jaw on the ground and heart beatin’ outta my chest, cause I’m starting to think that she was right. I’m sure as hell coming down with something, and I’m pretty sure it ain’t a regular ol’ bug…..
SOOO, if you got this far hope you enjoyed it, as always any feed back or constructive criticism is welcome, thank so much for reading and hope you have a great day/night/week.
lots of love
Rose xxx
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