#final girl kell
finalgirlkell · 1 year
Final girl (Noun): An Introduction.
According to some, I guess I owe them an explanation. But let's start at the beginning - at least.
What is a Final Girl?
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Coined by film theorist Carol J. Clover in her 1992 book Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film.
The Final Girl is a character (classically female presenting) who is the last person alive to confront the killer/monster, and often the sole survivor. The final girl is a trope in horror films (particularly slasher films ).
A common plot in many horror films in which several victims are killed one-by-one by a killer amid increasing terror, culminating in a climax in which the last surviving member of the group, the final girl, vanquishes the killer (at least until the sequel).
Why would I want the moniker or call this blog Final Girl Kell?
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The final girl trope has evolved throughout the years, from early final girls most often being DIDs (Damsels in Distress), saved by a strong men to more modern final girls who are more likely to survive due to their own abilities.
For many, the final girl is the living embodiment of stereotypical conservative attitudes of what women "should be"—virginal, subservient, untouched by the menace of the outside world. But as the trope evolved, the trope was used to force the audience to identify with a woman in the climax of the movie.  The person you root for to win. That became a very powerful sword to wield.  It allowed new points of view in horror storytelling.
When women won, they were able to force men to watch them step into their own power. 
The name Final Girl Kell is a large part wish fulfillment.
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I'm not here to trauma dump, nor give some sob story - at least not all at once and not for the public to twist and use against me as some things have been in my past. It's what the public does to victims of abuse when they speak out and that fall out I know all to well to try again.
The quick notes version is I've been the innocent who was forcefully defiled by the monster of men. I've had my life completely derailed by others selfish needs and desires - others fears and needing to single out someone to hurt to deal with their own insecurities - and I've had to bear the brunt of that fallout, living in a life feeling confined to a box others made to try to kill me.
I'll give them it was a trap my own naivety caused me to fall into - trusting the wolves in sheep's clothing - but the Final Girl always makes it out of these traps. They always fight and claw their way back out to come back and take those monsters down. They make it out to see another day. To live another day. To be free of the monster hunting them down.
As a survivor, especially one a lot of people see as "not perfect" I identity with that.
I've been to the edge and back and I've gotten free. I've won to see another day. As someone still dealing with picking up the pieces of my trauma and more recent battles - I hold on to the trope like a mantra. I will survive, and I will thrive. I will be free to see the light of another day.
As a child who grew up on whatever I thought sounded cool at Blockbuster and loved all things spooky - Final Girls like Nancy, Sidney and Laurie always stuck with me. My inner child and adolescence begs me to tap into the power those Final Girls had - and I have to honor that.
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What is the goal for this blog?
Benny: But I still want to know what happens! Buffy: Everyone gets horribly killed except the blonde girl in the nightie who finally kills the monster with a machete but it's not really dead. Jennifer: Oh my God. Is that true? Buffy: Probably. What movie is this?
— Cut dialogue from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I can't say what I plan for this blog to be totally.
Part health journeys - with my mental and physical health in some serious need of TLC.
Part writing out ideas for horror screenplays based on the insanity I'm dealing with and the terrifying situations living in Atlanta brought me into.
Part just spooky stuff I like, and showing off the positive progress I've made. Be it showing off a cool skill I've taught myself (like with ghost hunting) or musings about Halloween Horror Nights and showing gratitude for the things and people who make me want to never give up.
I can't say I have everything figured out, but I'm down to start this blog journey and I hope others are excited to read, listen, watch and hopefully relate.
We're all final girls here.
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ybcpatrick · 9 months
he is fuckign actually crazy for that. like he is insane for that behaviour. i feel like i'm being tazed. what the fuck was even that
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
I have a Rooster idea!!
Bradley x Redbull!Engineer gf
Rooster comes to an F1 race for the first time and is like in aw of similar machinery and seeing his girl work. But maybe she’s Max’s engineer so the two dudes have a stand off (little brother x boyfriend) while Kelly and Reader laugh at their stupidity.
I feel like Rooster would be with an the Newey apprentice
Hope you find this interesting ❤️❤️
Moustache man? Hawaiian shirt? I'm obsessed
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"Come. To. The. Grand Prix. Bradley."
She stood behind where he sat on the couch, wrapping her arms around him. She kissed his cheek as she waited for her husband to reply.
"Baby," he began, his hands on his thighs as she slipped her hand beneath his shirt, feeling his chest.
"Please," she tried. "Please, we can drive up there together and get a hotel and..." she trailed off and licked a stripe up his cheek.
That seemed to do it. His hand settled over her own and he nodded his head. "Fine," he said. "I'll come to the Vegas Grand Prix."
"Great!" She called, kissed his cheek and stood up. "Max is so excited to meet you."
That was in summer break. That was several months ago. Bradley had forgotten about it while she travelled the world's, going from Grand Prix to Grand Prix, and he worked, flying the Super Hornet.
She was home between the Brazilian Grand Prix and the Las Vegas Grand Prix. Bradley had missed her terribly. The minute she came home he had her in his arms.
On the Wednesday before the Grand Prix, she was packing their things into the Bronco. "Baby," Bradley called as he watched her take their bags (his she had packed) out of the front door. "What're you doing?"
"We're going Vegas, Bradley," she reminded him with a grin.
It all came back to him. They were heading out to Nevada for the Grand Prix. "I can't wait for you to meet Max," she said as Bradley took the keys to the Bronco from her.
Before she could climb into the car, he grabbed her and pulled her close. "I can't wait to see you in action," he said before he kissed her, his moustache tickling her lip. She loved it (and he wasn't allowed to shave).
The five, nearly six, hour drive to the Las Vegas Grand Prix was filled with music. It was Bradley's music, music she had grown to love since the beginning of their relationship.
They stopped for food halfway through the journey. It was getting darker as they finally arrived at the Las Vegas Grand Prix. The two settled in their hotel room.
They splurged, ordering room service so that they could spend their time in their room, enjoying each other.
The next day, they headed to the track for the first practice. Bradley insisted on his usual attire (trying to look tough in front of the drivers, no doubt), but she put a jumper in her bag anyway.
"C'mon," she said, kissing his moustache and leading him out of the hotel room.
The track was incredibly lively when they arrived. She held his hand through the paddock, leading him to the Red Bull garage. "Max and Checo have both been asking to meet you for so long," she said.
But they didn't find Max or Checo first. The first person they found was actually Kelly. "Kells!" She called, familiarity in her voice.
Kelly smiled and waved when she saw her. But then she saw Bradley walking behind her. (He had already put his jumper on over his hawaiian shirt). "Is this..." she began, gesturing to him.
She nodded her head. "Only took me three years to get him to a Grand Prix," she said through a grin.
Bradley was polite as he said hello to Kelly. The three of them conversed for a little while (with Kelly promising to look after Bradley while she and Max worked).
There was no time for Max to meet Bradley before he had to jump into the car and she was on the pit wall. All Bradley knew about the sport was what his wife had told him and Kelly was happy to answer whatever question he had.
He loved watching her on the pit wall, so concentrated as she gave Max the information he needed.
After FP1, Max climbed out of the car. He took a hot minute in his drivers room while she did what she needed to do.
When Max came out of his drivers room, he saw his girlfriend talking to this huge, muscular, moustached man. He had never seen him before, didn't realise it was his engineers husband. "Hey," he said, kissing Kelly and looking up at Bradley. "Can I help you?" He asked.
The expression Max was wearing, he didn't look happy. He looked pissed. As soon as his engineer saw it, she ran over, linking her arm through Bradley's as she looked at her driver. "Max, I'd like you to meet my husband," she said.
The expression dropped from Max's face. "This is your husband?" He gestured up to Bradley, surprise written on his face.
Max didn't care how much bigger Bradley was, he'd go feral little brother modd if he had to. "How long have you been together?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest ad he stared up at Bradley, challenging him.
She went to answer, but Max shook his head at her.
Bradley could see what he was doing, could see it from a mile away. "Four wonderful years," he said and leaned down to kiss her.
But Max had another question. "What's her favourite colour?" He asked.
She couldn't help but laugh. "Max, its sweet you care, but cmon." She said
"Answer the question, Bradley, was it?"
She rolled her eyes. Max knew his name, she'd spoken about him enough. He was sinking lower. She looked behind him at Kelly, who rolled her eyes.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, actually," Bradley responded with a sly grin. He answered Max's question about her favourite colour and kissed her. Bradley Bradshaw loved his wife, and he'd answer any questions any F1 driver sent his way to prove it.
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wyy-1257 · 1 year
You know what I really wanted in the final empire? A good Kelsier and Elend confrontation scene. Dad and Daughter's First Boyfriend. I want Elend to sweat when he meets the Dad™ the girl he's courting but he's the leader of a revolution and is infamous for killing nobility. I want Kell to fume when he meets the guy courting his Daughter™ but he's the heir of the most powerful noble house. Branderson, you missed out on. Pure. Comedy.
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silentglassbreak · 2 months
This is about to be SO self indulgent but 🤫
Name: Kelly. Nickname: Kells. Pet names: sweetheart, baby. Female. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Always rosy cheeks.
Scenario: You’re best friends with Ruffilo, you call him to pick you up. It’s your birthday, and you’re at a bar with your girlfriends. Noah, who you’re also close with via Nick, answers Nick’s phone instead, comes to pick you up. You’re not drunk, at most you’re a little tipsy, but somehow you start rambling about how you’ve always wanted to try the birthday tradition of an orgasm for every year you’ve been alive. (You’re lucky if you go more than 10.) “Is that what you want? Because I didn’t get you a present.” Cue filthy sex and yes, Noah being a munch. More of a friends with benefits type vibe, no confessed feelings. Still affectionate though, he obviously cares about you and wants to make you feel good. Aftercare and cuddles!!!! Lots of praise!!!! But also he has such a filthy mouth akdkksjd
This is filthy I KNOW forgive me 😭 hank you!!!!!!
Let's switch it up, shall we? This one's from Noah's perspective.
After Writing Notes: No plot. No development. Just...orgasms. I hope you enjoy!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Oral (fem rec), dirty talk, PnV, a word that makes me cringe to say, let alone write....
Anything More Than Human
If these motherfuckers didn't shut up soon, I was going to lose my entire fucking mind. All I wanted, our first day back from tour, was to sit in my room, relax, and play fucking Overwatch. That was unbearably difficult to do when all of my dickhead brothers decided today was the best day to throw a God damn party, celebrating the end of the tour. You would think that, given I was the owner of the house, that they’d respect my want for space.
It didn’t help at all that I hadn’t told them they couldn’t, but that was just my overwhelming need to please – which Jolly gave me shit for constantly. So what the fuck?!
I had tried to focus, keeping music blasting through my headset, and focusing on my computer screen. However, the music they played downstairs was shaking the walls of the house, making it nearly impossible to ignore. After the sixth game that I had fucked off from lack of concentration, I finally got so agitated that I threw my headset at my keyboard, cursing out of frustration. It was maddening, and truly, giving me a migraine.
Giving up hope of any type of relief, I stood up, pulling a shirt over my head, and took a deep breath before exiting my room. I didn’t want to take my irritation out on the guys, or any of the many guests they had invited over. It wasn’t their faults. They just needed to blow off some steam. We just all had different ways of doing that.
Heading downstairs, eyes scanning the living room, I took note of the thick cloud of smoke hanging in the air. I could smell the pot before I saw it, but it still made my jaw tick. I just had that couch cleaned.
Straying directly into the kitchen, I huffed while pulling the fridge open, ignoring the lingering bodies around the countertop with drinks in their hands. I was certain they had noticed me, but I couldn’t even begin to care less. Pulling a water from the shelf, I heard the back door sliding open.
“Hey! I didn’t expect you to come down all night!” Folio’s voice was thick with alcohol, words slurring together slightly.
I turned around to face him. “Yeah, well, I couldn’t focus on my game.”
He nodded, bumping my shoulder with his own. “Sorry man. You should come outside. Jolly got the fire pit going, and there’s at least six girls hanging around asking about you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Nah man, I’m going to watch a movie or something.”
“Ah c’mon, Noah. We just got home! We should be having fun!”
I swallowed a large gulp of water, wiping my lips off with the back of my hand. “That is fun to me, man.”
He shook his head. “How long has it been?”
I knew what he was asking, but playing dumb was too easy. “Since…?”
The shrill sound of a phone ringing pulled my attention from him momentarily, and I noticed an iPhone on the other side of the counter lit up.
“Since you got laid?”
I snorted. “Not that long. Like, three months?”
It was Folio’s turn to let his eyes roll back. “You talking about that thing with Moriah? Dude, that doesn’t fucking count.”
Before the ringing could have stopped for a full thirty seconds, it started again. “Sure it did!”
“Oh please, you didn’t even fuck her!”
Chuckling, I shoved him. “Head counts, dude.”
“Not unless you’re the one getting it, it doesn’t.” Folio pointed at me as if he had made the most valid point.
I scoffed. “Says you, fetus.”
He cracked up at this. Before he could say more, both of us were distracted by the phone ringing again.
“Whose fucking phone is ringing?” I scanned around the room, searching for the owner of the cell that was nearly exploding.
“Uh, I think that’s Nick’s?”
I snatched it off the counter, seeing the name flashing.
It was Kelly. That was odd. She should be here, I would think?
Making my way out the back door where Nick was, I took note of the girl in his lap, currently pressing her breasts so far in his face, he was practically inside of her bra. I walked up behind him, bumping his shoulder with my hand.
“Hey, bro. Kelly’s blowing you up.”
Nick just cocked his head up to look at me. “I’m kind of in the middle of something here?”
I just smacked him harder. “Dude, she’s calling back to back, it’s probably important.” I looked at the screen as it darkened, and looked back to Nick. “Why isn’t she here?”
He was back to his business between the unnamed girls’ tits when he answered. “She went out with Savannah and Erica for her birthday.”
His phone lit up again, her name flashing on the screen. “Are you going to answer it?”
He dismissed me. “I’ll call her back.”
Sighing hard, I stepped away, further into the backyard where the music wasn’t blaring so loudly. I swiped the call open, and put it up to my left ear, plugging my right with a finger.
“Nick?!” Her voice was borderline frantic.
“It’s Noah. Nick’s, uh,” I chanced a glance back at him, seeing he was lip-locked with the blonde. “he’s busy. What’s up, dude?”
“I need a ride. Bad.” She sounded wrecked.
“What’s wrong, Kells? Where are you?”
“I’m at Shaughnessy’s on 22nd. I need to go home.”
My legs began carrying me toward the house. “Okay, stay there. I’ll be there in ten minutes, alright?”
“Thank you, Noah. I’ll be outside.”
The bar was overflowing with patrons. Men and clearly drunk girls were littering the sidewalk around the building. My eyes scanned for Kelly, but couldn’t see her. It wasn’t until I rounded the corner that I could see her deep brown hair from behind a bulky guy, towering over her. Kelly wasn’t the shortest girl around, but this guy was easily as tall as I was. The look on her face told me she was not happy to be there.
Finding a space on the street, I pulled in, ignoring the meter, and stepped out of my car.
“I’m telling you, honey, my place is like a five-minute walk. We can go there, have something to eat. I’ll take you home later.”
Her eyes held something strongly resembling fear, and her body language was closed off and uncomfortable.
That is, until she saw me. Her hazel stare met mine, and she knew she was finally getting out of this.
“Hey!” The guy turned around, red-rimmed eyes staring directly at me. “Time to go.” I addressed Kelly directly, and she slipped quickly from behind the dickhead, who looked bewildered. I held a hand out, which she took graciously.
“What the fuck?” He stared at us as I began pulling her back toward the street. “You never said you had a boyfriend!”
“Yeah, well, live and learn, asshole!” I hollered back, not giving him a second look. My fingers interlaced with hers, leading her to the passenger door of my Mazda 3, and tucked her into the car safely. Before I closed the door, I bent down, looking right at her.
“You good, sweetheart?”
She only nodded in response.
I rounded the vehicle and took my seat quickly, wasting no time pulling away from the curb. Kelly lived a good thirty minutes away, and by the look on her face, I could tell I needed to cut that back in any way I could.
Shifting into first gear, I pulled forward and we were gone, leaving the bar and it's problems behind us.
"What happened to your friends, Kells?" It occurred to me that I may have just left two more girls stranded at a crowded bar in downtown Los Angeles...
"They fucking left me!" Her words exploded out of her, which took me back. Kelly was typically calm, cool, and controlled. She rarely had outbursts of any kind.
She had definitely been drinking, however.
"Those fucking bitches! They met up with some of their guys friends that I didn't even know would be there! Ended up ditching me because I didn't want to go with them to a club." Her arms folded over her chest, a visible pout on her lips.
Kelly was adorable when she was angry, and I couldn't help but feel my chest swell.
We had known each other for six - no, seven years now, and had what one might call a semi-close relationship? Nick introduced me to her after our first headlining tour, when we passed through West Virginia, as his best friend. Their Moms were best friends growing up, so, naturally, they grew up together from near birth.
Kelly's a warm human being, and brings a serious sense of perspective and calm to the group of absolute imbeciles the guys and I tend to be. Nick and Kelly's relationship was reminiscent of siblings, and we had all grown to view her as a member of our little family. She joined us on most of our tours these days, and we moved her to Los Angeles two years ago. It was easier for her to help out with managing schedules, merch drops, and the other random things she handled for us when we were overly stressed out.
Due to her integral part of our family, she was off-limits at all times. Folio took that one the hardest, given they were the same age, and something about her drew him in. We all had the hard rules - no dating Kelly. No fucking Kelly. No making passes at Kelly. Mild flirting was as far as it ever got between her and I, and even then, it was usually in our rare moments of privacy, like now.
Did I find her attractive? Sure. Everyone did. How could you not? She was fit, and happy to show it - nearly always wearing shorts or crop tops that made it clear she worked out for a good time. Her brown hair was always hung loose, wisping around her face and messy; natural. She wore very little makeup, so her eyes were always free to shine, as they should.
My favorite thing about her, though? She had this constant natural blush over her. Her cheeks always had a tinge of pink to them, making her just look like a glow in a darkened room. A bright, fae-like creature.
It was hard to describe, but it was so fucking cute.
Typically, that's all I usually thought of Kelly; cute. Sweet. Adorable. Funny. Laid-back. Easy to talk to.
But today, on her birthday?
She was clearly aiming to turn some heads, as she was wearing short black jean shorts, a black tank top that was ripped in the center, showing just enough cleavage to make a man stare. Her hair was tightly curled, giving it volume that it normally didn't possess. Her eyes were made-up more than normal, sharp black eyeliner giving her eyes a cat-like effect. Her lipstick was black as well, making her teeth shine brightly behind it.
She looked...fucking hot.
Thinking of her outfit brought me back to the current conversation.
"How much have you had to drink?"
She shrugged then, her eyes taking on a guilty look. "Only like...two long island iced teas?"
This made me crack a smile. "That's usually the limit on those, you know."
She sheepishly grinned, her blush spreading. "Yeah, that's what the bartender told me when I tried to order another."
"Are you drunk?"
She shook her head. "I was, but fucking Josh...or Jared? I don't remember his name. He fucking killed my buzz mostly, so now I just feel kind of tired."
We were turning through the hills of the valley, the streets pitch black around us. "I'm sorry to hear that." I pursed my lips. "I'm also sorry that I forgot today was your birthday."
She waved a hand at me, dismissing my apology. "You're the worst with dates, Noah. I don't mind."
I scoffed, feigning offense. "I am not!"
This made her all-out laugh. "Noah, if your birthday wasn't on Halloween, you'd forget it every year."
Opening my mouth to speak, I stopped. Because...where was the lie?
"Well, still." I cleared my throat. "I feel bad, because I didn't get you a gift."
Her face was turned to the window. "No worries, hon. It's really no biggie."
Kelly's voice was sad and small, then. "I'll still get you something!" This made her turn her face, smiling somberly at me. "What do you want? Anything you want."
Her face scrunched up, then. The corner of her lip was turned up in a small smirk, and she shook her head.
"Nothin'. Don't worry about getting me anything."
I caught this out of the corner of my eye. "Nope, I saw that. What is it? What do you want?"
I wasn't letting this go.
"Noah, you can't get me what I want, so I will just count this ride home as my gift. Trust me, it means a lot."
Shaking my head fervently, I turned my car onto the freeway. "Nuh-uh, not happening. I'm sure I can get it somewhere, whatever it is."
This made her cackle. "It's not a thing."
Pursing my lips, I looked at her from under a raised brow. "Is it a puppy?"
Still bursting with laughter, she waved a hand at me. "No. I don't need a puppy."
"Then what is it?" I was getting frustrated. What could she possibly want? An island?!
She dropped her face in her hands. "Ugh, maybe I am still buzzed."
"Spit it out, Kells!"
"I want to get laid, okay?!" Her voice was shrill, clearly laced with embarrassment. Some kind of flood gate had unleashed, and I was too stunned to do anything about it.
"I wanted to meet someone, someone decent, and have stupid, gross, un-fucking-believable sex! I wanted to try that thing where you have an orgasm for every year? Twenty-seven is crazy, but fuck, I never ask for fucking anything! I just wanted to be fucked so hard I slept like a rock afterward and could get some of this pent-up stress out!"
The car was silent for a solid minute and a half after she finished speaking. The longer the air lingered without sound, I could see her slowly sinking further down into her seat - obviously mortified at her omission.
I finally decided to take a deep breath, letting out a small cough to disrupt the tension.
"Well," I exited the highway, now only minutes from her apartment. "then I guess it's going to be a long night, eh?"
I watched the shock strike over her features. "What?!"
Finally building the confidence I needed, I chanced a glance over at her while we sat at a red light. "I mean, I said anything you wanted, didn't I?"
She began waving her hands between us. "Oh no. No, no, no. We are not doing that."
"No? I thought you said a decent guy? Am I not?"
Her face was absolutely flabbergasted, and I felt my pants getting tighter just thinking about it.
"Of course you are, Noah. Probably the most decent guy I know. But, there's rules in place for a reason..."
"How do you know about the rules?"
She smirked then, rolling her eyes. "Folio told me."
Sucking my teeth, my vehicle started moving again, my hand gripping the shifter. "Well, rules are meant to be broken, right?"
"Noah..." Her eyes were bulging. "You can't just sleep with me because I'm desperate. That's just sad."
"Excuse me?" We were pulled into her complex now, my car idling in the parking space facing her building. "What did you say?"
Her head hung, then. She was still embarrassed, but now she looked depressed as well.
"I know you and I aren't like that. I don't want you suffering through something like that with me, just because I'm hard up."
Scoffing loudly, I turned my body to look at her, a finger lifting to pull her chin up so she could look at me. "Baby," Her eyes finally met mine. "make no mistake at all, I would've fucked you years ago, had I been allowed."
There's that blush again. I let my finger fall, tracing down her chest as it did, catching the rips in her shirt.
"Maybe you are hard up." I let my lids fall half-closed, admiring that her breasts bounced slowly when her breathing was erratic like this. "Maybe I am too." I looked back up at her, letting my teeth pull at the skin of my bottom lip. "Maybe it was for the best that I picked up the phone, and not Nick?"
Her lips were parted, and I could tell she was entranced.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
Not to sound self-absorbed, but I can be very persuasive. One of my best, and most redeeming qualities is definitely the art of charm. In all fairness, it didn't take very long to convince Kelly that her needs were due to be met, but I had melted her like butter in seconds after we entered her apartment. Clothes flew quickly, hands grabbing everywhere, and nervous giggles escaping the both of us when the harsh reality would sink in of exactly what we were doing.
I, of course, checked to ensure she was sober enough to enjoy our fun responsibly, and asked her to drink some water before we got started. I wanted her to remember this birthday. I also planned to dehydrate the hell out of her.
That is how I found myself buried between her bare thighs, her ass perched comfortably on her dining room table, tits jumping as her hips bucked against my face. My tongue was drawing some of the most lovely sounds out of her. Her head had fallen back, curls cascading down her back, eyes closed in absolute pleasure.
My index and middle finger worked inside of her, walls clenching around me as her first orgasm hit her, making her curse my name multiple times.
After her legs had calmed their shaking, I stood in front of her, my shirt discarded on the floor, and assessed her state. She looked absolutely blissed out, her eyes half-masked, and a lazy grin painting her face.
"Wow." Was all she managed. Her black lipstick had smeared slightly, and tears were pulling her eyeliner down her cheeks.
"One down." I breathed out, wiping my chin with the back of my hand.
Her back fell back on the table, legs dangling off of the edge. "Noah," She chuckled. "we don't have to do what I had said. That was me being insane."
She wasn't looking at me anymore, so she completely missed me slipping my wallet from my pocket, pulling out the condom, and sheathing it over my erection, stroking it over.
"No?" My hands grabbed her hips, snatching her forward so she was halfway off of the table. Her head snapped up to look at me, startled. "Cause I was planning to see how far we'd get."
Nudging her entrance, I saw her eyes blow wide, mouth hanging open.
"Unless you don't want to?" I stilled, checking her face for protest.
She said nothing, teeth catching her bottom lip. I dared to press in, and her eyes fluttered closed again, head falling back with a thud on the table.
"Holy fuck." It came out as a prayer off of her lips, and I smiled, satisfied at the tight squeeze of her around me. I pressed all the way in to the hilt, my own body spasming from the sensation.
"Jesus Christ, baby. I had no idea you could take cock this fucking good."
I watched her chest rise and fall, nipples perk and begging for attention. I reached a hand up, rolling one between my fingers.
"So fucking beautiful, sweetheart."
Her pussy clenched down around me as I spoke to her, and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" She glanced at me, looking sheepish again. "You like that, baby? Like hearing how much of a good little slut you are?"
Kelly let out the softest moan I had ever heard, her body flooding at the same time. My hips started snapping rhythmically, keeping an even pace.
I leaned down, letting my mouth close around her nipple, tongue circling it and teeth nipping it.
"You pictured this before, haven't you?" I let my lips trail up to her neck, breathing into her skin. "Me pounding into you? Fucking you until there's nothing left?"
She was almost catatonic at the pleasure she was experiencing, and I couldn't deny how close I was getting, sliding in and out of her wet lips. I felt myself beginning to tighten, and the coil in my belly threatening to snap. She had to come again, that was the entire goal.
Standing straight, my hand reached for her clit, thumb circling it expertly. That's when the real screaming began.
"That's it, baby. Show me how much you love it. Let everyone hear it."
Her hips shook, trying desperately to meet my thrusts while I touched her.
She tightened again, and I knew she had finished. Fortunately, my own orgasm came rolling over me at the same time.
I fucked her through the waves of euphoria, sliding her back on the table so she wouldn't fall.
It took me a moment to gather my breathing before I was able to slide the condom off and dispose of it in the garbage. I noticed she had lifted herself off of the table, standing in front of it and gathering her melted thoughts, working on her breathing.
Coming up behind her, I circled her waist, moving hair off of her neck, and leaned into her. "Hey," My voice was a whisper. She hummed at me in return. "you okay?"
She nodded, leaning her had back on my chest. "More than okay."
Grinning, I nuzzled my nose into her neck behind her ear. "Let's get you in a shower."
I led her to the bathroom, starting the water and waiting for it to warm up. She stood, scrutinizing her face in the mirror.
"I look like hell, dude." Was all she managed to say. This made me snicker.
"You look like you just got fucking railed."
This made her burst in laughter, holding onto the counter for support. "I mean...you're not wrong." She pointed a finger at me.
Opening the curtain, I motioned for her to get into the water, and I followed suit. She let her head sit under the spray, saturating her dark hair. I leaned against the tile wall, giving her space. Kelly went to work washing her face, scrubbing the makeup off, leaving only a trace of a shadow underneath from her mascara.
She then washed her hair, conditioning, and ran her loofah over her body. I took note of how she tenderly cleaned herself between her legs, likely due to sensitivity. Was I proud? One-hundred percent.
I waited until she was all rinsed and relaxed, before I stepped behind her, running my palm down her back, tracing the scattered tattoos she had. Her body leaned into my touch, and I used the opportunity to pull her into me, leaning her against me. I found this to be most comfortable for her, given the height difference between us.
I brought myself close to her ear, my voice low. "So, I've gotten two out of you, right?"
I caught her smile from the corner of my eye. "Three."
"Ah," I licked the side of her neck softly. "well, I've still got a lot of ground to cover."
She didn't respond, so I let my hand trail down her stomach, reaching her swollen lips, spreading them with my fingers.
"Also," I didn't stop my work, slipping a finger in as gently as possible to not overstimulate her. "I didn't know you had a praise kink."
Letting out a breathless laugh, she pressed her weight into me, allowing me full access. "There's a lot I don't tell you."
"That's so sexy, baby." My finger massaged her sweet spot, pulling pants out of her with each stroke. "Knowing you like to hear how good you are. How beautiful," I quickened the pace. "how amazing," I pressed in further, making her groan. "and fucking tight."
"Ugh, Noah. That feels so amazing." She had a hand gripping the back of my neck, fingernails digging into the skin.
"You going to come for me, just like this, sweetheart? Make it this easy for me?" My hand sped up, her voice high-pitched and desperate for more.
"Noah, don't stop. Please. That's so fucking good."
"Going to come all over me, baby? Come on, girl. You can do it. I've got you." My arm pulled her waist closer to me, taking on her body weight so she could focus.
"Fuck, I'm coming, fuck..."
I felt the spray of her release on my hand, and I slipped my fingers out, pressing on her clit, forcing a scream from somewhere deep in her chest.
"God damn, baby. Did you just squirt for me? Didn't know you could do that." Amazed, I palmed her pussy, massaging it through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
"Ha, me neither." She seemed just as surprised as me.
"Mm," I left a soft slap over her clit, making her jump. "well, let's see if we can do it again."
Without warning, I pulled her down, bringing us down into the tub, the spray of the shower still hitting us, turning colder as the seconds passed. She laid on my body, my re-hardened cock pressing up into her back. Her hands braced on my knees, and I used a hand to open her legs, running the tips of my fingers through her slick folds. Soft whimpering noises were falling out of her; her body completely turning over to me for whatever I had planned for her.
Mercilessly, I penetrated her with two fingers, my other hand gripping her hair at the base of her skull so I could wrench her neck to the side, biting down on the soft skin.
"You've got this, baby girl. Give me another, you can do it."
Kelly's fingertips were bruising my legs where she gripped, eyes rolling back violently while her back arched. She was hitting an edge, so I pulled my hand out suddenly, and circled the hood of her clit, eliciting a sickening, guttural sound out of her.
"N-Noah..." Fighting for breath, she writhed under me. "I...need to..."
"You don't need anything, baby. Nothing but me." I whispered directly in her ear.
Her hips bucked up, climax hitting her, and I could feel her pulse through my fingers, still pressing on her pussy.
"Noah, I can't take anymore. I really can't." She was begging for reprieve, and was lucky I was feeling generous.
Peppering her shoulder and arm with soft kisses, I ran my hands up her sides. "No problem, baby. Let's go get comfortable."
After we both redressed, me back into my original clothes, her into her pajamas, we found a comfortable spot on her couch. I sat, legs apart, pulled her down between them, tucking her comfortably against my chest. She curled into me, exhausted and buzzing from our evening together. The effects of the alcohol had long worn off.
"You doing okay, Kells?"
She mumbled into my chest, already sounding half-gone. "Mhm." She yawned, a small sound. "Sleepy."
"Why don't we get you in bed?" I smirked, rubbing circles into her back. "Unless you want more?"
I felt her shiver underneath me. "I can't. I might have a stroke if I have another orgasm."
This made me snicker, pulling her head back into me.
"This is a secret?"
She didn't audibly respond, just pulled back and looked at me, a pleading look on her face.
I wasn't bothered by that, per se. Would I like to brag to my boys a little about it? Sure. Did I get the slightest heaviness at the idea of her not wanting anyone to know what we did? Maybe.
But, at the end of the day, I respected her enough to know that keeping this friendship meant much more to her than five orgasms.
Turning my mouth upward, I ran a thumb over her cheek, meeting her lips that I managed to keep away from the entire night.
Kissing felt like...too much?
"My lips are sealed, sweetheart."
Satisfied with that, she cuddled back into me, and it took no time at all before I heard the soft snores of her slumber. Once I was sure she was down deep enough, I lifted her from the couch, careful to keep her head steady against me, and trekked into her bedroom.
Setting her gently down, I pulled the covers over her, and took one last look. Her face was so peaceful. So comfortable.
Some kind of something sparked inside me, but it didn't matter. It was time to go.
Locking her doorknob on the way out, I took the steps two at a time on the way down, yawning while I climbed into my car.
My phone buzzed in the console, and that was when I realized I had left it there in my haste. Nick's face flashed on the screen, and I swiped the call open.
"Hey dude, what's up?"
"Did you pick up Kelly?"
I couldn't stop the grin that spread, but he couldn't see that. "I did."
A hard sigh of relief came through the receiver. "Thank fuck, dude. I saw her texts just now. You good, man? It's been hours."
Starting my car, I let the call switch to my Bluetooth as I backed out of the space. "Yep, all good here."
Nick's voice was skeptical. "Where are you?"
"Headed home. Just wanted to make sure she got to bed okay. She had been drinking."
"Ah, okay. She's okay?"
My teeth shined, and my eyes stared back at me with a dark, beaming gaze in the rearview mirror.
"Oh, yeah. She's just fine."
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tsireyqs · 2 years
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⭑・゚゚⁀➷ main works!
dark content will be bolded.
moon song (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “m'sweet girl, you’re so good to me.” his tongue swipes over the spot he bit and kisses up to her jaw. “let me take care of you."
afterglow (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: “you have to relax, honey,” neytiri says against y/n's neck. her hand ghosts over her hips and she pushes them lower. “he can take it. isn’t that right, ma’jake?”
dancing with our hands tied (stepdad! jake sully x reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “stupid girl, what did i say about being quiet? you’re gonna get us caught,” he hisses. his head tilts when your small hands wrap around his wrist, and he tsks.
state of grace (stepmom! neytiri x reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “y/n,” her light sing-song voice calls out, “open those pretty eyes for me, sweet girl. want you to watch as you make me cum.”
lover (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “she looks at you like you hang the stars. and i think, a little part of me hoped, no. wishes that i take up as much space in your heart as you do mine.”
false god (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: “this is wrong, i know. yet my heart can’t help but yearn for you.”
gold rush (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: quick glances and brush of hands almost makes jake forget that you're promised to another.
→ ivy
→ willow
⭑・゚゚⁀➷ drabbles/hcs!
a helping hand (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: neytiri teaching reader how to go down on jake
delicate (jake sully x human! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: size kink with jake
devil's in the details (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: choking kink while going down on reader
this love (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: praise kink with jake
destroya (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: mating press with jake
carry me out (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: pegging jake
two slow dancers (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: slow sex & biting with jake
so it goes... (stepdad! jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: gentle sex with daddy jake
high infidelity (stepmom! neytiri x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepmom! neytiri finally having her way with you
sweet nothing (stepmom! neytiri x reader) ft. kells ♡
ఌ➴⋆: stepmom! neytiri reeling you in
burning red (mean! stepdad! joel miller x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: face fucking with joel
i know places (stepdad! quaritch x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! quaritch slipping into bed with you
picture to burn (stepdad! jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! jake keeping stashes of polaroid pictures of you
but it's better if you do (stepmom! neytiri x f! reader x stepdad! jake sully)
ఌ➴⋆: stepdad! jake sully finding stepmom! neytiri between your thighs
a pearl (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: jake fingerfucking you in his lap
where your heart beats (next to mine), (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: jake's heart beat reminds you that he's here to stay; fluff!
don't blame me (joel miller x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: dbf! joel punishing you after teasing him
misery business (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: edging jake
only angel (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: letting subby! jake know he's yours
when the sun goes down (jake sully x f! reader x neytiri)
ఌ➴⋆: babysitter! reader caught inbetween jake and neytiri
what i want (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: stomach bulge kink with jake
baby you're out (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: overstimulating jake
untouchable (ellie williams x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: cockwarming ellie's strap
turn (jake sully x f! reader)
ఌ➴⋆: dbf! jakey bakey thots
more dbf! jakey bakey thots!
ఌ➴⋆: jake taking his stress out on you
brat taming with ronal and tonowari
ఌ➴⋆: body worship with jake
✩ updated 04/26/23
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anchoeritic · 2 years
kells I need mean step daddy Joel 🙏🙏
after teasing him all day, he finally puts you back in your place by fucking the shit outta you. that’s the best way to teach you your lesson.
“you’re fuckin’ gettin’ it.” having you face down, ass up, while your wrists are tied together by his leather belt. “always pissin’ me off.” his cock is drilling into you without hesitation, using your pussy like one of his fleshlights.
you’re whimpering, trying to break free from the bonds, only making him more angry with you. “don’t run from me, stupid girl.” he snarls, pinning your hands above your head. “listen to me close and listen to me good,” he leans down to your ear, letting out heavy breaths between his words, “pull that shit again and i’ll have you on all fours in front of mama.”
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estsmutxx · 6 months
I have a request
Could you do one where y/n meets kells at a club and they hook up at his and before they start hooking up he’s dirty talking y/n and she tells him she’s never had an orgasm before so when they hook up it’s like her first experience orgasming
Plot:you meet Colson at the club.
Pairings: colson x yn
Warnings/tags:Hook ups,dirty talk,y/ns first orgasm,nipple play,degrading,choking,praising,overstim,round two,unprotected sex,shower sex,anal
It was a friday night,and the club was pretty busy. You had came there alone,hoping to get your mind off the stressful day you had at work. You had also hoped to meet someone since you've been single for a while,but it wasn't your top priority. In did seem that almost everyone in this club was all over another person,though.
You sighed to yourself,looking straight forward to the dance floor. You got up,heading to the bar. "Hey." A blonde man stopped you. "Hi." You looked up,looking into his redshot eyes. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. You nodded,soaking up the image of him standing in front of you. "I would love that,thank you." You spoke.
He flashed a smile at you,walking you over to the stools. "What do you drink?" He asked. "Whiskey." You responded. His smile grew wider, "a girl after my own heart." He flagged down the bartender,getting you both a shot of whiskey. "Thank you." You said,smiling at him then taking the shot. "Of course. I'm Colson by the way." He said. "Y/n." You responded. He looked up into your eyes,his face relaxing. "You're beautiful." He said,admiring you under the club lights. "Thank you,love." You responded.You could tell he only wanted to fuck,and you were completely okay with that. The way his tattoos stood out on his body made you feel like you were melting.
"What are you doing here?" He asked,ordering another drink. "Just looking for fun,you?" You responded. "Same thing.You look so good in that dress,mind if I take it off?" He asked casually. "I think we should go. Your place or mine?" You asked,not ready to play anymore games,you wanted this man. He took your hand gently, "Mine."
(Time skip)
When you finally got to his house he immediately pushed you on his bed. "You're so fucking sexy." He mumbled,kissing up from your neck down to your collarbone. "Colson." You said between gasps. "Mhm?" He said,pulling your dress up and pushing your underwear to the side. "I've never had an orgasm before." You said,fully expecting him to kick you out. "That's okay. I'm glad to be your first." He said. He cupped your tits with one hand,toying with your nipples. "Oh fuck." You moaned,your eyes fluttering. "You like that"He asked. "Fuck yes." You replied.
He pulled away his hands,unbuckling his belt. "Tell me when you're close. You can do that for me,yeah?" He asked. "Yes." You choked out. He  pushed his whole length into you,your wetness making it easy. "God you feel so good already." He praised. "Fuck." You moaned,his body hovering over you. "Feels good,huh?" He asked,breathing heavily on your neck. "Y-yes." You forced out. His thrusts were fast and intense,and you liked that. You had no idea he was this big either.
"Mmm." You moaned,followed by Colson's raspy groans. "You're doing so good." He said,one hand gripping your thigh for easier access. He stared at your tits as they bounced up and down from his thrusts. "Fuck." He moaned,closing his eyes. "You're gonna make me cum already,you look so pretty with me inside of you." He said. You gasped,feeling him speed up. His vocalness made you want to explode right then and there. His dick twitched inside of you,hitting directly on your g spot. "Oh fuck!" You yelled. You could tell your words almost pushed him to the edge.
"Hold it for me baby." He struggled to say. "I can't!" You yelled out,his dick hitting your clit repeatedly. "I can't,i'm gonna cum." You complained. He covered your mouth with his hand,silencing your moans as he thrusted harder. "Fuck." You moaned against his hand. "Seeing you like this is gonna make me cum." He groaned. That was enough to push you towards the edge. Your legs started to shake and you felt the pit in your stomach start to get stronger. "Oh my god." You moaned loudly. He came inside of you,both of you finishing at the same time.
You laid on his bed,catching your breath. "You did good,how was your first time?" He asked,giving you a kiss. "Amazing." You responded with a smile. "I'm glad." He said. He helped you sit up and you leaned against his shoulder. "Do you wanna take a shower together?" He asked. "Mhm." You responded. He held your hand and brought you to his bathroom. He turned on the shower then you both stepped in.
"Can you get my back?" You asked him. He nodded, "of course." He put some soap on a washcloth and rubbed it against your body. "Thank you." You said. "Mhmm." He hummed. After he was done washing you off you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pushed his body against yours,looking you in the eyes. "Round two?" He asked. "Please." You responded. A smirk grew on his face as he bent you over.
He pushed you both against the shower wall,the water hitting your back as his dick entered your ass. Your lips parted,his hands wrapping against your hips as he thrusted into you. Your legs were already weak,still recovering from round one. "Fuck,Y/n." "Faster." You demanded. He did as you said,speeding up his movements. "Fuck,my dick is so sensitive i'm gonna cum already."  He muttered. His words and voice made you weak. "Cum with me." He told you. You did as he said and came on his dick as he came in your ass. "Fuck,good girl."
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triplexdoublex · 5 months
We cannot say Megan was the first celebrity he linked up with but while before all he cared about was NETWORKING and living the glory - to one day tell the story-, with Megan he started putting into consideration the clout he can instantly get.... and for this I really BLAME TRAVIS BARKER, that man.
All this circus for pop punk and his 'has-been' drummer career to come back AND for his label mogul career to take off. I'm sure he was in Kells ears telling him how this would benefit his rebrand and help him get away from 'Bad Boys' as Interscope would be more willing to focus on him and back him up (yes, he was always signed with them, but he REALLY started teaming up with them around 2018 and it was only for that staged Eminem beef, allegedly).
I also believe with Sommer Ray, something NEW about celebrities 'hook ups' like never before must have clicked and that is EGO. During that time, as many IG 'fitness' 'models' were out there, Sommer was the ONE no teenage boy or young man in America- black, white or other - could shut up about. Notice how even the guys were so invested in her- especially Rook who would later advice him to be in that Z-list movie with Megan. Sommer situationship really walked so Megan's could run; her 2009 role was peek 'young average male' fantasy woman.
Usually PR main gain is an UPGRADED image: Jay Z himself, R. Kelly associate, was only allowed to seat at certain tables after he associate himself with somebody so GREAT it over-shadowed the image of the crack dealer from Marshall project who shot his own biological brother at 12 yo over some deal. What's odd about the whole Twin Flame PR scheme is that it achieved the exact OPPOSITE for Kells. Megan is too insecure and talentless to team up with her partner to build eachother up.
The hate he gets on the daily has nothing to do with any sense of social envy but has anything to do with HER. That woman made sure to latch onto him as she won't land anything better (I'm sure his 'size' and looks helped and sponsoring vitamins on IG won't pay the bills, three CS checks and the divorce settlement). And to really secure him, she had to destroy his image from the start: gain levarage on him - so that, if he ever was to leave- she would be the victim.
In the private sphere she made sure to discover all weaknesses, feed his addictions (lines of coke on plastic tits and ayahuasca trips) and dig into his childhood (disgusting for her to use a poetry book to out 'one of her pretty boys' as a childhood S Assault survivor and blame their absent parents for everything and upbringing, yuck).
His last project gave me hope maybe he finally realized SHE is his BIGGEST enemy. Hopefully he's toxic enough to actually make run her away: for once in his life RUNNING AWAY PEOPLE MIGHT actually BE his BIGGEST BLESSING! Otherwise I don't see her ever letting go. She is too clingy. She's the type of person you actively need to cut off from your life.
HARD DISAGREE about Travis!! Especially saying he’s a “has been” that man is a fucking LEGEND!! I was a Blink girl wayyyy before I was a MGK girl. He’s always been drumming and producing and working on something. The only times he’s probably even has a break when when he was he was recovering from a plane crash he somehow survived despite having 3rd degree burns over 65% of his body , and he still came back strong!
The rest …in a nutshell, yeah this PR bullshit definitely hasn’t worked in his favor at all but let’s be honest he was already getting hate before she came along too , but she’s definitely increased it by playing victim. And yeah she’s an absolute trash human being for outing the SA in her “poetry book” especially since it heavily suggested it was kells who was abused because she mentioned the “history of family curses” he’s always said his family was cursed and even says in new songs how his family is cursed for 7 generations.
Yeah I had hope too until the were at stagecoach together, whether it be a pr stunt or them actually getting back together who knows? I just want her gone for good .
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Good girl
Warning: smut, rough, fluff, swearing
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You roll over, feeling the empty side of the bed with sadness. You stare at the ceiling, your eyes adjusting to the darkness. The time on your phone reads 1am and you feel exhausted but for some reason, sleep evades you. You don’t like this feeling. You want to get out of bed and find something that will occupy your time but you know nothing will help. You’ve spent the last few months starting midnight activities but you grow tired of everything after a few hours, eventually ending up back in bed staring at the ceiling. You roll over and decide to will yourself to sleep. If your body can’t do it on its own, you’ll use the power of your mind to make it.
He kisses down your body, his lips stopping once he reaches your core. Your body heats and you writhe at the thought of what is coming. He smirks down at you with that all knowing look in his eyes. He slips his finger between your folds and slides up down, collecting your slick on the tip of his index finger. He pulls it out and brings it to his lips, sucking on it with a moan.
“Always so delicious for me baby,” he compliments and he closes his eyes and licks his lips.
He lies himself flat on the bed and places his face between your legs. You jump involuntarily at the feeling of his breath on your hot pussy as he blows softly. He kisses up your thigh, teasing you for as long as possible before you can’t take it anymore and you have to beg.
“Please Colson,” you whine desperately. “Please stop teasing me.”
“All you had to do was ask.”
And with that, he jams his mouth onto your warm folds, sucking hard on your clit. You convulse on the bed as an overwhelming orgasm rips through your body. You cry out as he licks and sucks your clit. He slips two fingers into your hole and curls them. You sit bolt upright, crying out again as wave after wave of pleasure hits you.
You’re suddenly wide awake. There’s a dim light streaming in from the hallway but that’s not what disturbed you. A hot, sweating feeling envelops you as you suddenly realise you’re not alone anymore. Someone is under the sheets, their face buried between your legs, recreating everything you were just dreaming of. Were you even dreaming? You pull the sheet away and Colson’s deep blues eyes are staring up at you mischievously. He’d probably be smiling at you too if his mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied.
“Mmm…nice of you to join me baby,” Colson coos in between mouthfuls of your pussy.
“Oh fuck, Kells? When the…holy fuck- When did you…ahhh…get home?” you stutter as pleasure wave after pleasure wave propels through you. 
“About…an 20 minutes ago.”
Your belly tightens with each flick and suck of his tongue. You lie back against your pillow, lacing your fingers into his hair and tugging roughly. He groans at the feeling and slips two fingers into your hole. You squirm and cry out at the new feeling of satisfaction. Like an itch that you didn’t know was there finally getting scratched. The speed of his fingers doesn’t start slow and build as normal. They’re fast and accurate as Colson curls them exactly right, hitting your g-spot every damn time.
“Oh fuck Kells, I’m gonna c-cummmmm!” you cry out as the coil in your stomach snaps and your orgasm crashes over you.
Colson doesn’t give you any time to recover. He pulls his fingers out, tearing his t-shirt off and pulls his sweats down just enough for his dick to be freed and slams into you. Your walls are still tight and contracting and he growls at the way your pussy wraps around him. He pushes into hard, his hand wrapping around your throat stiffly. Your breathing becomes more restricted but you’re in such ecstasy that you hardly even notice.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this pussy…My good little slut been waiting for daddy to get home?” Colson grunts through clenched teeth. You nod and he growls again. “Say it!”
“I’ve been a naughty slut waiting for daddy to come home and fuck me good,” you strain between stiffened breathing and blissful pleasure.
“That’s my good girl.”
Colson suddenly grinds his hips harshly and you’re completely filled with his unimaginable length. You cry out in pain but that only encourages him to continue. Another orgasm takes over and you tighten around him again. Colson doesn't let up and slips his hand between you to roll his finger over your clit. The added stimulation to your already sensitive area causes you to squirt all over him and his eyes darken. He lets go of your neck and grabs your leg to drape it over his shoulder, hitting your g-spot from a new angle. You shudder at the new feeling. Colson reaches under your t-shirt to pinch your nipples between his thumb and index finger. You’re practically panting like a rabid dog at this point and you can tell he’s loving every second of your vulnerable state.
“I’m going to cum so hard all over you that you’re going to be wearing my jizz like a fucking shirt,” Colson grunts as he hips begin to lose their rhythm. He drops your leg and buries his face in your neck, biting and sucking at your skin.
“Mmm yes daddy, cover me with your cum,” you moan, racking your fingernails down his back. 
He pulls back from you, slipping his dick out of you so he can pump his swollen meat in his large palm. Without warning, he sprays you with warm, sticky jizz all over your stomach and tits. He curses and moans your name as he shudders with wave after wave of cum. You scoop up some of it with your fingers and slip them into your mouth, licking them clean. Colson watches you so intensely that you do it again and again until eventually there’s nothing left on you.
“So delicious daddy,” you moan with satisfaction and his eyes darken again.
“If you keep talking like that, I’m going to have to fuck you again.”
“I missed you,” you murmur, resting on your elbows to look into his eyes.
“I missed you more,” he grins at you proudly.
Colson wraps his fingers around the back of your neck and pulls you up to meet his lips, kissing you hungrily. You return his desperation with your own, linking your arms around the back of his neck and your legs around his waist you can koala against him. He lifts you off the bed, kicking his pants and boxers off in the process, and carries you to the ensuite, switching the shower on. He holds you up so you can pull your tank top over your head and steps you both under the water.
Colson doesn’t make any attempt to put you down, instead working around you to wash both your bodies, like you weigh absolutely nothing to him. You start to shiver as he holds you against the wall, kissing every part of your skin that his lips can reach. He switches the water off and steps out of the shower. Your legs eventually begin to ache and you wriggle your way down his body to stand. He wraps you in your favourite big fluffy towel and you dry yourself. He does the same and you both step back into your bedroom, ready for sleep.
You flick the hallway light off and close your bedroom door. You pad over to your large king size bed and settle in beside Colson. You lay your head on his chest and Colson snuggles you into his side securely. You feel whole again. The last few months of loneliness completely forgotten as the man you love holds you in his arms again. You sigh happily and Colson chuckles at your contentment.
“I hate to leave but I love coming home to you,” he admits in your hair, breathing in your vanilla scented shampoo.
“I just love you,” you whisper into his neck.
“I love you, my beautiful.”
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
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There's Hope
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, this is a heavy chapter but it ends up okay I promise, past abuse, past trauma, past miscarriage, baby fear, panic, Kells in denial, overwhelmed boys, Dom being a rock, hurt/comfort, fussing, teasing, pregnancy symptoms, internal ultrasound, nerd references, love confessions, Dom being a hopeful puppy, family cuddles, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dominic had been living with his mate for over two months and he was surprised how well they were doing. Of course they had little fights sometimes. He wasn't sure how many times he'd had a toothpaste cap thrown at his face in the morning because he left it off the night before, but overall they were doing amazing in his admittedly small book of healthy relationships. Colson woke up before him and went for a walk around the block if he wasn't too sick and by the time he was home the Alpha would be awake helping Tom finish up breakfast. They'd share a meal if the scent didn't bother the omega before he shared a shower with his lover that normally at least ended up in messy make out sessions and wandering hands. Finally they'd get dressed and go to work which still rankled the boy more than he liked. He wasn't a nine to five kind of sociopath, not that their job was anything normal. His badass boss bitch ran a tight ship on his mob and an even tighter one on their cover business.
It was still a little frustrating for the Alpha to be confined underground all day and he didn't really have much to do. He did get paid to stand around and stare at his mate but he was at most a bodyguard that didn't even carry a gun. The omega had tried to find him a title that fit but nothing really worked for a nineteen year old who's only skill was murder. He'd even tried to be a regular walk around guard but he'd started getting nervous so far away from his partner. Eventually they settled on him just being one of the boys but none of them really accepted him besides Mod. They weren't rude, they just seemed apprehensive and confused and Colson wasn't planning to fess up to anyone else anytime soon.
He had only taken one job since he moved in and only because it was close. Tom still kept an eye on his orders and one had bothered him enough to take. It was some asshole who thought the dancers in the club he frequented were free reign to hurt. Dom had enjoyed teaching him a lesson and liked the sex he had with his lover that night even more. He'd found out not long after it had been Col’s club and girls. The beautiful man he claimed as his own had hired him instead of asking him out right. He'd have done it for free with pleasure.
Every night they shared dinner with Collette, Tom, and Mod. It was strange for the Alpha to feel like he had a family but there was just one thing truly driving him mad. His incredible mate was still denying their child existed and he still refused to see a doctor for them. They were past the first trimester and the man was still sick most days. It scared Dom more than he could explain that the other wouldn't listen and he wasn't used to the emotion. Not anymore. He'd tried to convince him in small ways and a few times resorted to begging. He'd been down on his knees at one point but that just turned… interesting. The omega had said if he wanted to open his mouth while kneeling he could think of something to put it to better use. He truly had, but it still didn't solve the boy's dilemma.
He thought once Kells started to show it would finally make him accept it but he failed to realize he was mated to the most absolutely stubborn man. There was already the smallest swell to his stomach and while Dom was obsessed the older man was decidedly not. He still remembered how cautiously excited he'd been the first time Colson had complained about his pants being tight.
“Fuck! I think my dry cleaners screwed something up. My pants feel- ugh!” And he'd make a grumpy face.
“Oh yeah? Sure you ain't getting a little… bump?” The fear of possibly insulting his partner made his pulse pick up.
“Fuck you! I don't have any bump. Shut up. If anything it's because I haven't worked out right in months.”
“And whys tha’? The same reason you got tha’ bump?”
“No- I just… I'm always too tired in the morning cause you wear my ass out with your constant fucking needs!”
“You got ‘em too. And whys tha'?”
“Don't worry, I don't think I'll be having any needs for the foreseeable future asshole.” The omega had stormed off but he didn't keep to his word. The sex that night was bloody mind-blowing.
No matter what he did to plead with his mate nothing ever seemed to get through to him. It was emotionally exhausting but he didn't want to push too hard and break the bond they'd so carefully crafted. The only time he was even able to pay much attention to his whelp was at night as they drifted to sleep. That's when he stole time to spend with them. He'd whisper quietly when he thought Col was asleep and he'd lavish the omega's belly with kisses and gentle caresses. He hadn't been caught that he knew of, he was pretty sure he wouldn't live to see the next day.
All of the Alpha's worries came to a near breaking point one night as they lay in bed mostly asleep. Colson was under before Dom as he usually was. The baby seemed to keep him completely fatigued at all times except for the moments when Kells was almost heat wild for him. The boy was under the covers, curled over his lover's side, his head resting on the man's hip so he could whisper softly to the babe. He wasn't sure how long he'd been hidden there but he was starting to feel his eyes heavy enough to close when suddenly the body under him jolted, and then went stiff. He froze, his predator eyes wide and his heart in his throat. He worried that his omega had woken up and caught him and he was about to get destroyed- knot first most likely.
“Dom?” Colson's voice was so soft he wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't listening so intently but his partner wasn't angry… he sounded terrified. “Something's wrong.”
The Alpha moved fast, sitting up so the covers flew off behind him but his mate was already shivering and reaching for his hand. “Wha' ya mean? What's wrong luv?” He asked as calmly as he could as the other man sat up and squeezed his palm. For the first time in months he watched Kells touch over his stomach and the pit inside Dom turned to a black hole.
Fear filled blue eyes met jade and Col fought the tears he felt welling. This was why he couldn't admit something was growing inside him. He knew he'd ruined himself or was broken from the beginning. He couldn't ever get attached because he knew his heart would be broken and in turn it would break his boy's heart as well. “I don't know. Something is wrong. I felt it. I'm sorry. Am I bleeding?”
The Alpha took a deep breath but he couldn't scent anything besides scared mate and left over sex from a few hours before. He shook his head and started to try and pull free but his lover kept a tight grip on him. “It'll be alright. I'll get yas to ‘ospital. I'll take care of yas. I've got ya baby, no matter wha'.”
Colson shook his head as his fear tripled, he couldn't go to emergency like this. “No! Fuck um- my phone. It's under The Doctor. Text her and… don't leave? Am I bleeding?” He begged again and again Dominic shook his head no.
The Alpha leaned over to find his omega's phone and he did what he could by reaching out. The Doctor, as she was listed, confirmed almost automatically she'd join them as soon as she could. “You ain't bleeding. Swear. Jus' look at me. Cols, baby? We okay. Jus' breave.”
“I'm sorry. Shit, I'm sorry. I told you! I fucking told you but you wouldn't listen! I can't do this!”
“Hey! Listen to me, no matter wha’ ‘appens we are gonna be okay. I'm ‘ere for you. I love you. Tell me about the Doctor yeah? Didn't know ya knew a time traveler.” He tried to distract Col’s spiraling mind and was surprised when he got a small smile. His lover was trembling and rocking with his legs pulled up against his chest but at least he seemed to listen. Dom would do what he needed to be his mate's rock but he couldn't bring himself to use any control. He just had to keep steady and help prove they were all fine.
“She's been seeing me since I got here. Helped me through-” Kells felt his throat close up and he looked away for a moment but he forced himself to keep talking. “She gives me blockers. Gave. Works with our omegas in secret. We can trust her. Is there blood?”
Dom shook his head again but just to reassure the terrified man he swiped his fingers over the mattress underneath him. When Col saw his killer's clean hand he took a breath but he couldn't help worrying. Hating himself. This wasn't something he wanted to be right about. The Alpha kept him talking as much as he could but thankfully they didn't have to wait long before they both heard the elevator ding. The Doctor was in and she entered their room brandishing a large bag and box of some sort in one hand, and bright blue gloves in the other. The boy couldn't help wondering if that was on purpose but he liked her automatically. “What's up bitches?”
“Fuck! Took you long enough.” The omega growled but he didn't relax, if anything he held himself even tighter.
“Love the warm welcome at three in the morning. I just left my sexy as fuck wife in bed alone to come serve your ass, princess. Now let's try that again.” She set her tools on the floor next to the bed and slipped her gloves on with measured ease. She looked so young but Dom knew she had to be at least in her late thirties or early forties.
Colson tried to breathe down his fear, he was comforted by her presence but her being around meant he had to face the problem at hand and visits with her always meant being what he'd hated to be for so long. She was an amazing doctor and when they met she was fresh from medical school, the first omega to force her way in and graduate top of her class that he knew of in California. No one had hired her though so of course Travis had. She was great with the people they saved and he made sure she made bank for her troubles. He felt safe with her, but still terrified overall. “This is Dom.” He offered instead of explaining the situation as she took a seat in front of him.
Dom nodded at her and she held up her hand in what he was pretty sure was the symbol from Star Trek. How bizarre. Even her shirt was fandom under his maroon doctor’s coat but he wasn't sure what. “I'm Col's mate. Nice to meet yas.”
“Oh! Kells, I'm so happy for you! And what a looker. Good get.” She teased, nodding her head in approval, her fiery red hair almost bouncing in its messy top bun. “Can someone explain what's happening? Why am I here bro?”
When his lover didn't speak Dom took the lead, squeezing Colson's hand gently. “He's about fifteen weeks along I fink. He woke up saying he felt summat but ain't said wha’.”
“So that's why I have a backlog of blockers for you. I was wondering why I hadn't seen you and now I'm a little pissed that I haven't. You know better. Tell me what you felt.” She was the perfect mix of soft and firm with Kells, very no nonsense but understanding. It eased part of the fear in the Alpha's chest but he wouldn't feel better until he knew everyone was safe.
“I… I couldn't. I can't. Blood?” The last was directed at Dom again and the boy's heart hurt. He shook his head and crawled to sit next to him but he wouldn't coddle unless allowed. “I wasn't asleep. I'm never asleep. I pass out when you do.” He admitted and shocked his mate. Dominic was surprised and thankful for all he let him do. “I don't know what it was. I just felt… weird. Like… like I chugged a sprite or something. Bubbles and shit. I don't know what it is but it couldn't be good right?” He still wasn't admitting there was anything inside him but… he had to explain. Even he was amazed at his own mental gymnastics but denial was something he was a pro at.
“Bubbles? Like a fizzy little woosh? Kinda like the TARDIS noise but a feeling?” She asked and Dom bit his lip not to react. Colson blinked blankly at her but she rolled her eyes. “Don't even. After knowing me so long you know what I'm talking about. Besides, your pretty boy mate is British. It's like part of their religion or schooling or something. Right?”
“Sure.” Dom agreed but the only reason he didn't laugh was his fear. It was starting to ease because she didn't seem too concerned after hearing the man's explanation. “Is our baby okay?” He couldn't help but ask. Was that the first time he'd called it that aloud?
“Let's see!” The Doctor squeaked, leaning down to open her the box she brought with her. The damn thing was blue too. When she sat back up she was holding something long and incredibly phallic that made Colson groan. “Shut up. Yes we have to use the wand. Now sit back like a good boy and think about Kansas.”
“I just watched Wizard of Oz.” She shrugged.
After a few moments of the two omegas glaring at each other Colson gave in and sat back. Dom handed him a pillow to rest in his lap after he wigged free of his boxer briefs. It was an inner battle for him to be able to open his legs but she waited patiently until he did. It was when she ripped open a condom and slipped it on the tool that Dom almost choked. He was trying so hard to hold it together.
The Alpha kept eye contact with his lover and tried to ignore the machine The Doctor used. He wanted more than anything to see his child but until they were out his mate came first. He had to prove that. “Blood?” The man whimpered and Dom smiled softly and shook his head. He wouldn't get annoyed and he would answer as many times as he needed.
“If this wand makes you bleed I might have to think less of your boyfriend here.” She teased them both as she stared down at a screen.
Colson was surprised at himself when he choked on a laugh but it was more at his lover's shocked face. The action made his stomach clench and his core along with it. The feeling of the device inside him made him wince but with Dom’s attention on him it wasn't so bad. Not like the last time.
“Anything else you're worried about?” She asked to keep them talking. She knew worry was bad for all three of them and didn't want to make it worse. "You know you could have cleaned up first. The only Alpha jizz I like is my wife's." She huffed teasingly and they both flushed.
“He still pretty sick.” Dom offered, trying to ignore the burn in his cheeks. He didn't feel shame the way others did but he knew what was proper.
“I'm not surprised. He hasn't had these hormones in over a decade, in fact he's been flooding his system with the opposite. It's possible the sickness will last until you adjust but I can get you something for it.”
“Nah. I don't want to risk anything.” Colson sighed before realizing and trying to fix it. “Not that there's anything to risk.” The eye roll he got for that one was intense.
“Alright yeah, nuffin to worry about. You such an unbelievable-” Whatever name the boy was about to call him was cut off by a whimper from his mate. The Doctor pulled the wand free and started packing everything up.
“So… what's up?” Kells tried to prompt and she arched a brow at him.
“I thought there wasn't anything?” She teased but there was a noise like a small printer was going off.
“Please?” Dom asked and she took pity on his puppy dog eyes. For a sociopath he was surprisingly good at pouting.
“You felt your baby dumbass. That fizzy feeling? You felt them. It's a little early but that's a totally normal thing. They're actually really healthy from what I can see. Here.” She explained, holding out a small printed off picture in black and white.
Colson's hand shook as he took the offered gift and he stared at it trying not to cry. “So I'm not… I didn't… right?” He couldn't ask if he was broken but she'd known him long enough.
“They're okay. And you're doing great but come by soon so I can take blood for labs alright? Daddy, you'll drag him in if he says no.” She ordered and it hit the Alpha like a ton of bricks. Dom couldn't stop staring at the small image of a white blob. He could only make out a little but it didn't matter. He knew what it was. He nodded at her but couldn't speak, the title struck him mute. He just tried to savor the moment while he was allowed. “Alright boys, I'm out. But first-” She paused and stripped off her gloves before doing something on her phone. When the omega's own beeped he picked it up and opened what she sent.
It was a sound file and when he pressed play he felt confused at first. It was just a fast beat but after a moment it hit him. It was a heartbeat. It was his baby's heartbeat. Fuck. He heard his lover sniffle as The Doctor packed up and slipped out the door with a final- “Peace bitches.” And the two were left alone. Well… three.
“I told you we okay.” The Alpha soothed and Colson nodded. He forwarded the clip to his partner before locking his phone. So much of him wanted to give in and let himself believe but there was still a pit of fear he couldn't erase telling him he did too much damage to be a safe home for a child.
“I love you too.” He whispered and he let it be to both of them as his thumb rubbed over the small form of his babe. He felt Dom’s stare and he smiled softly but he still couldn't look away. “When I was panicking. You said you loved me. It was mixed in with a whole bunch of comforting shit but I figured that was the important part. I knew you'd be the bitch and say it first.” When Dom laughed wetly and kissed his cheek he made a playful face. “I hope she didn't get any fucking goo on my sheets.”
“Don't bloody say it.”
Colson huffed. He knew he had a valid point though and he wasn't sure how to get untrasound goo out of Egyptian cotton. After a few more moments of a longing stare he passed the picture to his boy. “I have to piss. Keep this.” He was trying not to shut down again completely but it was hard, he could feel himself getting attached.
Dom took the picture happily and knew he was being watched as he pressed a kiss to it and tucked it away in his bedside table. It would be safe there and close for them both. He couldn't fight a smile as he texted Tom everything was okay, he knew his brother would worry but he'd explain while they cooked the next morning. No matter what his lover tried to say he'd been scared to lose their child. Even if it was a small amount of time he'd shown he was already attached. He could wait for more now that he had that knowledge. But he'd seen how it nearly broke his omega and he wouldn't push.
When Kells crawled back into bed he was cleaned up and nude. Dom of course followed suit and curled around him tight. When he snuck under the covers next he knew his mate was still awake and Colson pet through his wild hair as he spoke in hushed tones to their baby. He didn't have to admit their reality to love it's existence. Dom doted on them enough for them both. He just hoped his psycho would put up with him long enough to find strength in the face of what had scared him most for so long.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
I know this was a bit heavy but hopefully there was enough fluff to make it better. Denial is strong in this omega but I think Dom can help. Someone is going to start making themselves known. I hope you all enjoyed! 💣🖤
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finalgirlkell · 4 months
It's been a year so I guess I'll come back to show off some of what I'm doing.
After I wrote my intro - life blew up more - and while I'm where I intended to be - I'm not quite where I wanted to be at.
So I'm going to start posting little bits of my manifesto - The Final Girl Glow Up while I'm waiting on blockages to clear...I am still kicking myself for being like 7 months behind where I want to be (will probably get into that at some point.)
But thanks for sticking around. Let's try this again one more time...
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aurumacadicus · 11 months
There are still a couple weeks left to read Iron Widow, but we’re voting for our next book now so we have plenty of time to get it for the first day of reading on October thirtieth! Book summaries are under the cut! Each new title is in bold for clarity.
If you’d like to join the book club, now or for the next book, feel free to send me an ask and I’ll give you the link to our Discord!
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
Nathaniel is a boy magician-in-training, sold to the government by his birth parents at the age of five and sent to live as an apprentice to a master. Powerful magicians rule Britain, and its empire, and Nathaniel is told his is the “ultimate sacrifice” for a “noble destiny.”
If leaving his parents and erasing his past life isn’t tough enough, Nathaniel’s master, Arthur Underwood, is a cold, condescending, and cruel middle-ranking magician in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The boy’s only saving grace is the master’s wife, Martha Underwood, who shows him genuine affection that he rewards with fierce devotion. Nathaniel gets along tolerably well over the years in the Underwood household until the summer before his eleventh birthday. Everything changes when he is publicly humiliated by the ruthless magician Simon Lovelace and betrayed by his cowardly master who does not defend him.
Nathaniel vows revenge. In a Faustian fever, he devours magical texts and hones his magic skills, all the while trying to appear subservient to his master. When he musters the strength to summon the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus to avenge Lovelace by stealing the powerful Amulet of Samarkand, the boy magician plunges into a situation more dangerous and deadly than anything he could ever imagine.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black.
Kell was raised in Arnes—Red London—and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling between the frequent bloody regime changes in White London and the court of George III in the dullest of Londons, the one without any magic left to see.
Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they’ll never see. It’s a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand.
After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure.
Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they’ll first need to stay alive.
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders.
But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club finds themselves in the middle of their first live case. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.
Can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer before it’s too late?
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey
“Come home.” Vera’s mother called and Vera obeyed. In spite of their long estrangement, in spite of the memories – she’s come back to the home of a serial killer. Back to face the love she had for her father and the bodies he buried there.
Coming home is hard enough for Vera, and to make things worse, she and her mother aren’t alone. A parasitic artist has moved into the guest house out back, and is slowly stripping Vera’s childhood for spare parts. He insists that he isn’t the one leaving notes around the house in her father’s handwriting… but who else could it possibly be?
There are secrets yet undiscovered in the foundations of the notorious Crowder House. Vera must face them, and find out for herself just how deep the rot goes.
The Girl in the Letter by Emily Gunnis
A heartbreaking letter. A girl locked away. A mystery to be solved.
1956. When Ivy Jenkins falls pregnant she is sent in disgrace to St Margaret’s, a dark, brooding house for unmarried mothers. Her baby is adopted against her will. Ivy will never leave.
Present day. Samantha Harper is a journalist desperate for a break. When she stumbles on a letter from the past, the contents shock and move her. The letter is from a young mother, begging to be rescued from St Margaret’s. Before it is too late.
Sam is pulled into the tragic story and discovers a spate of unexplained deaths surrounding the woman and her child. With St Margaret’s set for demolition, Sam has only hours to piece together a sixty-year-old mystery before the truth, which lies disturbingly close to home, is lost forever…
Read her letter. Remember her story…
Cinder by Melissa Meyer
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless Lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . . Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.
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hollywoodxwhore · 2 years
KINKTOBER DAY 9: Fingering
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Colson x Female Reader
As for all of my Kinktober fics, 18+ only. Enjoy!
“I don’t know if there’s a single person in this world who has a vagina and actually enjoys being fingered,” you retorted, not looking up from your phone. You’d come across yet another TikTok of a girl talking about how bad fingering was. How no guy knew how to find the right spot, how it was uncomfortable. 
You were sitting on the couch at your best friend, Colson’s house. You were in town visiting him while he had a break from shows, and you’d already been there for a few days, so the two of you were just relaxing, scrolling through TikTik on your respective phones, chatting here and there. But this comment made Colson lock his phone and sit up. 
“Hold up,” he said. “Where did that even come from, first of all?” You thrusted your phone at him and he watched the video, then shook his head and snorted. “Man, she's been with the wrong dudes, then.”
You shrugged. “I agree with her.”
Colson gawked at you. “You’re telling me you don’t like getting fingered.”
“Nope,” you said casually. “It doesn’t feel good. It hurts and it’s a waste of time. I’d much rather get right to fucking.”
Colson was stunned into silence and he pushed a hand through his hair. He looked so dramatically upset that you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at you again and shook his head. “No one I’ve been with has ever had any complaints,” he finally said. 
You reached over and patted his knee. “They were probably being nice, Kells,” you said gently. 
Colson swatted your hand away. “Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “Girls be squirting when I finger them. That ain’t something you can fake.”
You blinked. “I’m sorry. You’re lying,” you said.
Colson looked outraged, mouth dropping open. “What? Y/n,” he said frustratedly, standing up and running his hands through his already messy hair. 
You giggled. “Kells, it’s not that deep,” you insisted. 
“Nah, I don’t like that you don’t believe me,” he said, glaring at you. “You know what I get like when someone challenges me.”
Suddenly, the air in the room changed. Colson’s eyes were dark as he stared at you, his stance dominant and a little angry. You swallowed and tugged at the collar of your crewneck, suddenly warm. The line of your friendship had been slightly blurred ever since a random drunken night a year or so ago in a club bathroom. You talked about it afterwards and laughed about it, but neither of you had mentioned anything about sex since. You barely remembered the night. 
You watched as Colson’s throat bobbed as he swallowed. “I bet,” he said lowly, eyes locked on yours, “that I can make you come just by fingering you.”
You shifted, equally uncomfortable and turned on. “Colson,” you said.
He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. “C’mon,” he said quietly. “Let me prove you wrong.”
And suddenly, you wanted him to. 
“O-okay, fine,” you said, hating how your voice quavered. Colson smirked and jerked his chin towards the stairs, not even waiting for you before he headed up them, knowing you’d follow close behind. And you did. 
Colson stepped aside and let you enter his room first, eyes wandering your body as you did, and he closed the door behind himself. You turned to face him, folding your hands together to hide their shaking. You watched him, waiting for his next move. He sauntered over to you and curled one big hand around your waist. His other hand tipped your chin up as he tilted his head down slightly. For a second, his cocky, dominant persona fell.
“Do you want to?” he asked, voice hushed. 
You nodded, whispering, “Yes.”
Colson nodded too and smiled in a way that made your stomach flip. Then, his lips found yours. You sighed involuntarily at his touch, your arms sliding around his neck as you went up on your toes to press closer. He splayed his big hands on your back and held you close to him for a moment before sliding his hands to your ass to lift you into his arms. 
You gasped as he pressed your body into the wall and broke his mouth from yours, his lips moving to caress your neck. “It’s all about getting you nice and turned on before I even touch you,” he said, voice low and raspy in your ear. His words made your stomach tense and your thighs tighten around his body. 
He moved you away from the wall in favor of laying you out on his bed, admiring you before crawling on top of you. His arm slid beneath your body and he lifted you easily up the bed so your head fell on his pillows. He looked at you for a moment longer and then kissed you again, deeply. God, you understood now why so many women wanted him.
Colson’s fingers snuck under your shirt, grazing your stomach, and your breath hitched. You arched your back as he lifted your shirt and sweatshirt over your head, tossing them to the floor. His eyes dropped to your body admiringly, and he bent to kiss down the valley of your breasts. “God, you’re fucking beautiful,” he murmured into your skin and you shivered. He untied the strings of your joggers and slid them down your legs slowly, brushing his hands against your legs as he moved back up. He pressed your thighs upward and met your eyes as he leaned in to kiss your inner thigh with an open mouth. 
Your head fell back and you whimpered, back arching up slightly at the feeling. “Colson,” you gasped, forcing yourself to look down at him, not wanting to miss any of it. 
He switched to your other leg, sucking a mark to the flesh of your inner thigh. “Fuck, I wanna taste your pussy,” he nearly growled, “but that’s not why we’re here.” 
You fought back the urge to say, next time, but you weren’t sure if there would be a next time. Instead, you bit down on your fist, trying to conceal your moans. He hadn’t even touched you yet and you were already keening. Jesus. It was almost embarrassing. 
Next, his lips found your stomach, grazing the sensitive skin as he moved his body up yours. His mouth landed on yours again and you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he parted your lips with his tongue. “Y/n,” he breathed, nipping at your lip before continuing to kiss you deeply. 
Your hips twitched when you felt his fingertips graze your inner thighs, skipping teasingly over where you desperately needed him. Finally, he drew a fingertip down over your panties and you gasped, digging your nails lightly into his back. “Colson, please!” you nearly whined. 
Colson laughed lowly, kissing your chin and down your neck. “Ready to be proved wrong?” he asked, blue eyes burning into yours. You were speechless and he didn’t wait for your reply. He dragged your panties slowly down your legs, taking his time to admire your pussy as he did. He pressed your thighs apart and hovered over you, kissing you again. 
When his fingers slid up your pussy, you let out a whiny moan, thighs pressing against his waist. You were panting already as his fingertips circled your swollen clit slowly. He ran his fingers through you a few more times and hummed, pleased that he’d managed to get you that wet without even touching you. 
You fought against your heavy breathing to speak. “This isn’t fingering, Colson,” you managed.
Colson huffed a soft laugh and kissed you softly. “I know that, y/n,” he said with a little shake of his head. “Can you fucking let me do this?” He chuckled and you couldn’t help the breathless little laugh that left your mouth as you nodded. “Good girl,” he praised, kissing you again. 
When you were sufficiently wet, Colson’s middle finger slid inside you slowly. Here we go, you thought. You were ready to prove him wrong, to tell him how not-good this felt, but then, his finger curled slowly and the tip of it grazed against a spot inside of you that made your hips jerk. “Fuck,” you said shakily and Colson smirked at you, biting his lip. 
“Uncomfortable?” he murmured. “Waste of time?”
“Sh-shut up,” you spat, digging your nails into his back as he slowly curved and straightened his finger inside your walls. Colson laughed smugly and you wanted to smack him but at the same time, god, nothing had ever felt this good before. 
He drew his wet finger back, stroking it over your clit before inserting it again, this time adding a second finger. The room was getting hot and your vision was ebbing just slightly. Fuck, Colson was right. You held onto him for dear life, your legs beginning to convulse as he used both fingers to work you up, curving them against your walls. 
Your eyes were closed in bliss but they flew open when he withdrew his fingers, sliding an arm beneath you. He lifted you into his lap so you were straddling him. He remained sitting up, face to face with you, and he pressed his lips to yours as his fingers found their place inside you again. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped, gripping onto his shoulders. Your body was jerking and twitching in ways it never had before. It felt incredible, but you weren’t sure you could actually come from it. 
Until Colson’s thumb found your clit. Your head fell back with a wail and he took advantage of it, pressing his mouth to your neck, dragging it over your collarbones as he picked up his pace. “Colson, f-fuck, Col!” You barely recognized your own needy voice, high and breathy as you began to rock your hips against him, unable to help yourself. Now, it wasn’t a question of if you were going to come. It was a question of how much longer you could last before exploding all over his hand. 
“Come on, baby, yeah,” he encouraged, watching your face as you were pulled closer and closer. “Come all over my fucking fingers, that’s it.”
His voice coupled with the magic of his fingers had you nearly hyperventilating as you clenched around him before finally exploding into euphoria. You writhed and whined, feeling yourself soak his hand. You were squirting for the first time ever. 
Colson pulled his hand back and gently settled you on your back. You were gasping for air, chest heaving as you came down and Colson chuckled as he got up to wash his hands. When he returned, you were somewhat settled down but still panting, and at his smirk, you shook your head and muttered, “Shut up.”
Colson laughed and kissed your cheek. You got out of bed on shaky legs, nearly falling on your way to the bathroom. You flipped him off when he laughed at you. After cleaning up, you returned to where he sat on the bed, still smirking.
“Proud of yourself, huh?” you asked. Colson grinned and tossed you one of his big t-shirts, which you slid over your head. Then, he pulled you close by your hips. 
“Kind of,” he admitted. Then, his face turned serious. “Was that actually good, though? Did it hurt or anything?”
You snorted. “Were you in the same room as I was just now?” you teased.
Colson laughed. “Just gotta make sure,” he said. “It wasn’t worth it if you didn’t enjoy it.”
“You’re a good man, Colson Baker,” you said, patting his cheek. “Yes, I enjoyed it. I’ll probably be asking you to do it again.”
Colson grinned and pulled you into his lap. “That’s fine with me,” he said, and kissed you. 
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As a curly-haired person myself, I for one am proud of Jai Kell for finally mastering the Curly Girl Method after all these years.
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dont-touch-my-soup · 8 months
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CW: injured character, references to past trauma, briefly talking about drugging
Kell was sleeping. He knew he was. His bed was warm and soft and he didn’t want to wake up yet. A low voice rocked him back and forth like a ship on a gentle wave. It was a nice voice. Warm and melodic and it took a while until he understood the words.
It was a story. A children’s story. It sounded vaguely familiar. His father had told him the story back when he’d been young. But the voice didn’t belong to his father. The voice didn’t belong to anyone he knew. 
He tried to open his eyes but his eyelids were heavy and it took him an eternity and too much strength to finally move them. The light burned and he blinked against the white streaks until he could see the wooden ceiling above him. Slowly he turned his head and winced at the pain in his muscles. Memories came rushing back to him but he shoved them away. He wasn’t ready to think about it yet.
A man was sitting in an armchair next to him, one hand loosely holding a book lying in his lap, the other moving over the pages like a child that has just learned to read. 
He read slowly, taking small breaks in the middle of sentences. Sometimes even in the middle of words. But Kell was more interested in the words he read, the story about the girl who traveled three continents searching for her brother taken by a witch. 
If he could only go back in time to that moment. 
He remembered how upset Sabea had been when their father told them that story, how she had sworn she’d do the same if Ari or Kell were ever taken by a witch. Back then, Kell hadn’t really taken it that serious. He knew there were no witches.
He still remembered how they had all been cuddled together in their parents’ bed, Sabea's elbow pressed against his. 
Suddenly, breathing was a challenge, and Kell fought against the tightness in his chest. He tried to stop thinking; tried to concentrate on the words again, when suddenly they stopped. 
“You’re awake,” the man noted quietly. 
Kell looked up and their eyes met. He had never seen him before and for a second he wondered why he was dreaming about a random Varsennan man but it made even less sense that he was speaking Tharlian. Sometimes dreams were just weird.
“What happens next?” Kell asked, his voice still so hoarse it was barely comprehensible. 
The man followed his gaze to the book still in his lap. “In the story?”
Kell nodded. 
Slowly the man started to read on. 
Kell listened to him until his voice faded away. And he dreamed of voices and whispers and even though he couldn’t remember anything he felt safe.
But as soon as he woke up again, the pain was back. It burned through his chest and throbbed in his head and his body was too heavy. He groaned in pain and something cool pressed against his forehead. He winced and tried to open his eyes. Light shot like arrows through his head. A hand touched his shoulder. “It’s okay,” a female voice said quietly. “You’re alright.”
He remembered that voice. He blinked his eyes open and looked up into brown eyes. 
“Saron,” he said and flinched at the sound of his own voice. It still sounded raw and not at all like him. 
Her eyes met his. “Don’t talk if it hurts your voice,” she said. 
So they needed him for his voice then. Of course they did.
A cup was pressed against his lips. “You’ll feel better soon.”
It was herbary and sweetened with honey. His mind rang in alarm as Kell took tiny sips. Something was wrong. It took him a while to remember how Oryn had sometimes used honey to cover the bitter taste of drugs. He paused and a bit of liquid spilled over his chin. When the cup reappeared he pressed his lips together and turned his face away. 
The cup vanished and Kell heard a faint clinking sound as it was placed on the table. “You don’t want to drink?” Saron looked at Kell, but there was no anger in her eyes. 
“It’s drugged,” Kell said. He knew he had no right to sound so accusing. 
“It’s medicine,” Saron said softly. “To make you feel better.”
It didn’t sound like it was the full truth. And even if it was, it meant Kell had been right. They wanted him for his voice. She was probably employed by the General to heal him just enough for him to be of use again.
“I won’t sing for you,” Kell spat. 
“Good for you. I’ve never been a fan of music anyway,” Saron said and lifted the teapot to fill a cup with tea. “Nobody here wants you to sing.”
Kell didn’t understand. He watched as Saron took a sip from her cup. 
“What do you want from me then?” he asked. 
Saron turned to look at him again. “We don’t want anything from you, Kell. We just want you to get better and …”
“Why?” Kell interrupted.
“I don’t know. Because I am a decent human and want to help others that are hurt? Because I hate the people who hurt you? Because I don’t like it when you’re blocking our living room and apparently you won’t leave until you can walk on your legs without falling like a shower of rain. Take your pick.”
It didn’t make any sense. He didn’t understand.
Saron took a deep breath. “Look. I know it must be really hard after everything that happened to you, but we don’t want to hurt you in any way. We just want to help you. Is your view of the world so narrow you can’t imagine any Varsennan to be kind?”
“You’re not Varsennan,” Kell said. 
Saron looked stunned. “How do you know?”
Kell shrugged his shoulders and immediately regretted it as hot pain pierced through his body. It took a while until he was able to blink away the white veil pain had left behind. 
“I know what it’s like,” Saron said with a new kind of seriousness. “To wake up somewhere you’ve never been before, surrounded by people who seem so unlikely to help. I don’t expect you to trust us, but so far, you can believe in one thing: We want you to heal. If we didn’t you wouldn’t be here. And it will take at least a few weeks for you to be well enough. So please, until then, calm down a little.”
She was probably right. It would take a while until Kell was well enough to walk and sing again. He wondered if she knew about his magic. Had they told her about it? It probably didn’t matter.
“Okay,” Kell said quietly. If she was trying so hard to gain his trust, maybe he should just give it to her or at least make her believe he trusted her. 
He watched as Saron got up. “I’m going to get you something to eat, all right?” 
Kell’s stomach felt like a hole. He wasn’t sure when he’d eaten last. He nodded. 
She turned at the doorway and regarded him with a stern but not unfriendly look that reminded him of Ariadne. "Don't wander around again until I'm back," she said.
She left without waiting for an answer and Kell closed his eyes again. He listened to his too-fast heartbeat and tried to stay calm. He took a deep breath but even that was painful. He didn’t understand his magic yet but he hoped it would help him to heal fast enough for him to get away before they noticed. They wouldn’t get the General as long as he appeared to be unwell enough. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he heard the door again but when he opened his eyes there was no one there. A tapping sound came closer, and when he turned his head, he looked right into the yellow eyes of a white cat. Kell wondered when he’d last seen a cat. They stared at each other until the cat gave a drawn-out meow. 
Kell hesitated for another long moment until he slowly lifted his hand. The cat seemed to expect it because as soon as he was close enough, she bumped her head into his hand, and Kell’s heart fluttered.
He didn’t have the strength to lift his hand a second time so he just watched her tapping through the room. 
Finally she stopped, set her sight on the sofa and jumped. Kell tried to move his foot a little to give her space but she didn’t seem to mind and pressed herself against his leg. Slowly Kell stretched his hand towards her. His fingertips moved over her fur. 
“She likes you.”  
Kell flinched. Saron was standing in the open door, balancing a tray on her arms. He hadn’t heard her coming back. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to startle you.” She put the tray on the table and kneeled next to him on the floor. 
“This is Juno,” she said and ruffled the cat’s fur. The cat lifted her head and purred even louder. 
“She’s very friendly.”
They both watched the cat kneading and purring so loudly it echoed in Kell’s ears.
“I brought you some soup.”
The smell had spread through the room. The bowl was made from thin porcelain. Little flowers were painted all over it.
There was bread too and Kell’s hands were shaking too hard to bother with the spoon right away so he started by dipping the bread into the warm soup. Tears welled in his eyes as he took his first bite.
Distantly he heard Saron talking to Juno in a low voice as she stroked the cat’s fur. 
Slowly the icy knot in his stomach started to untangle and the bowl was empty far too soon.
Thank you for reading! @whumpzone @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @whump-cravings @tears-and-lilies @imagination1reality0 @suspicious-whumping-egg @i-can-even-burn-salad @siren-of-agony @villainsvictim (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)  
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