#finally getting back on the coloured art grind
simpingforstardew · 18 hours
250 feet below
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pairing: sdv sebastian x reader
synopsis: you were sick of living in such a bleak city, living such a bleak life; so, too, was sebastian. a drabble based off a vivid dream i had recently.
warnings: angst. profane language. allusion to suicide / sucidial ideation. please stay safe. ♡
a/n: this occurs pre-canon. i liked the idea of the farmer having already met a villiager of pelican town during their life in Zuzu city... something something red string of fate.
word count: 1.3k
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Zuzu isn’t a city where people live. Millions toil tirelessly, burdened by exorbitant rents and the weight of overpriced necessities. But in all your years of life, you can’t recall the last time you saw a denizen of Zuzu laugh, or create art, or spread kindness. In fact, you can confidently say that not one of the 8.3 million souls that surround you in this city is truly alive.
In your youth, you navigated the city’s labyrinthine alleys, searching for signs of life—a spontaneous burst of laughter, a splash of colour on a drab wall, a moment of genuine connection between strangers. All you found were weary faces, the heavy silence of resignation, and a pervasive sense of disillusionment. It’s as if the pulse of vitality has been suffocated by the corporate grind.
But now, you walk with intention as the cold chill of the night air settles deep into your bones. Night has descended like a heavy cloak, shrouding the landscape in a veil of darkness. Above, the moon rises like a sentinel amidst a sea of shimmering stars, their watchful gaze seeming to follow your every step through the dense forest on the edge of Zuzu. Amid this celestial spectacle, the forest comes alive with nocturnal symphonies—the hoots of owls echoing through the dense canopy, while the occasional rustle of leaves and snapping of twigs beneath your hiking boots punctuate the stillness. Each step forward is a battle against exhaustion and fatigue, blisters forming on your feet from hours of relentless trekking. Hunger gnaws at your stomach, a constant companion on this solitary journey through the darkness.
Your favourite hoodie drapes over your shoulders, a gift from an old friend whose name now eludes you. Your backpack, light and inconsequential, occasionally slips from your shoulder as you trudge forward. Ahead looms your final destination: a concrete suspension bridge, a vast monumental structure steeped in the history of your home town—a history you always wanted to learn. Too late now, you think.
As you make your way across the bridge, your gaze falls upon a figure perched on its rail, dwarfed by the towering cityscape beyond. The river below churns restlessly as they gaze pointedly into the water, the distant hum of passing cars blending with the rhythmic crash of waves 250 feet below.
“Don’t,” the stranger’s voice, firm and resolute, cuts through the night as you approach. They make no attempt to turn towards you; instead, he takes a final drag of his cigarette and drops the rest in the river beneath.
“…Don’t what?” you respond, pausing in your steps. The stranger chews his lips, his grip on the railing firm. The silence is unbearable.
“Get to know me, ask questions, stop me. Just... don’t bother trying anything.”
“Oh, I… wasn’t planning on it,” you reply, your tone casual as you shrug off your bag, letting it fall to the cold concrete below.
A shaky exhale escapes the stranger’s lips; you watch the mist rise into the cold air in the moonlight. Leaning back against the bridge’s railing, the stranger’s eyes meet yours, searching for something you can’t quite decipher. There’s a vulnerability in their gaze, a flicker of uncertainty that belies the firmness of their earlier words.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, and take the opportunity to ease the remaining tension out of your hands and arms, stretching your fingers until the joints no longer ache. The stranger seems content enough to let you have your quiet, though you catch him watching you from the corner of his eye occasionally.
“Want a snack?” you offer, pulling out a half-eaten family-pack of cookies from your bag.
The stranger’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, “Wh— No, I… Are you serious right now?”
“Extremely,” you say, biting into a cookie before extending the pack towards the stranger, “You’ve never thought about your last meal before? Always thought mine would be an actual meal… but cookies aren’t that bad, I guess.”
As you speak, you can’t help but notice the tension in the stranger’s posture. Their grip on the railing doesn’t loosen, although they do tentatively accept a cookie from the pack.
“Did my mom send you to get me or something?” he sniffs, breaking you out of your daze; his voice tired and hoarse. His suspicion should bother you, but at this point you’re far too tired to feel much of anything.
“No dude, I told you— I’m just waiting for my turn.” The motor traffic behind you continues to speed by, radios and horns blaring in a Dopplerian cacophony. Although their headlights silhouette your form, the man beside you is perfectly illuminated, his face stark against the darkness. Behind him, the full moon casts a halo around his face.
He is your age, if not a bit younger. His exhaustion is evident in bloodshot eyes, monolid and green; his sunken cheeks exaggerate the lifelessness of his pale skin.
You’re the first to break eye-contact, letting out a soft chuckle as you fetch your phone from your pockets, “Just a coincidence, I guess.”
He looks at you with a curious stare, like a cat studying a moving shadow. No one in this city has ever looked out for him the same way you are; It’s peculiar how alone one can be surrounded by as many people as Zuzu city contains.
Your earphones are now plugged in; and lost in your melody of favourite song, you can’t see the awe of his gaze. Moments pass in this newfound comfort— be it from mutual understanding, or a fear of disruption— before you turn to face the stranger once more.
“Did you wanna listen with me? Just for a song or two.” You look towards him as you sit down on the bridge, offering up your left earphone.
You aren’t naive, you recognize what you’re doing. Hell, you’ve been doing it your entire life. You’re stalling. Desperately finding excuses to delay what you fear will be the inevitable: one way or another, the stranger will leave. You’ll be alone again.
But right now you’re not alone, and that’s good enough.
The stranger finally swings his legs over the rail of the bridge, and plants his feet firmly on the concrete of the superstructure. He sits besides you, timidly puts an earphone in his left ear, and cries.
As the minutes stretch into hours, the initial tension between you and the stranger dissolves into a shared silence, punctuated only by the soft strains of music. The reasons for your presence on the bridge fade into obscurity, replaced by a sense of companionship born from the serendipity of the moment. With each passing song, the darkness of the night gradually gives way to the gentle hues of dawn.
Neither of you notice the transition, until your phone dies.
“I’m never going to see you again, am I?” The stranger’s voice wavers, a fragile whisper amidst the fading light. You turn to him, a smile softening your features, before rising with a languid stretch.
“Stranger things have happened. Why wouldn’t our paths cross again?” Your words carry a gentle reassurance as you gather your belongings, mentally preparing for another day at the JojaCo. office.
“Well, I mean… I’m moving soon, somewhere out of Zuzu— My mom is probably packing up all my shit right now so we can move in with her new boyfriend.” Weariness etches lines of exhaustion on the stranger’s face as he rubs sleep from his eyes.
“Still, we’ll see each other again one day,” you smile, shielding your eyes from the rising sunlight, “I just know it.”
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knots-n-crosses45 · 1 month
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based off my little designs :> + ref
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1K notes · View notes
everlasting-elegy · 2 years
Swapped! AU (Luke, Simeon, Solomon)
It's the long awaited finale, lads! The final characters for the Swapped AU. Thanks for all the support and love for the headcanons, I didn't expect everyone to enjoy it so much!! I hope you guys enjoy this post as well~
What would the characters in Obey Me be like in a world where they are players of the game and you’re their favourite character? Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2.8k
Luke tells everyone he downloaded Obey Me out of sheer curiosity. No, he did not download it to try and bond with the brothers, stop saying that. He just thought it looked nice, he swears on it-
With the bright colours and cool aesthetics, Luke quickly got deeper into the rabbit hole of Obey Me. You became his favourite character in a heartbeat. Even if you don't look tough, you definitely seem like that and super cool at least to him. He wants to be just like you!
As such, he spent a couple of weeks trying to emulate you. Wearing your style of clothes and trying to talk like you. He wanted everyone to think he was cool and he thought you were the prime example of it
Luke has cried from the main plot multiple times. Although the story is often funny and not much is shown explicitly on screen, the thought of curses and monsters sometimes gives him nightmares if he plays the game too late in the night. Those times he has to go to Simeon’s room for comfort
Wants to give you all the hugs! He may not be the tallest person around but whenever something bad happens to you in game he wants to swoop in and protect you. He hates seeing your sad face
Unfortunately, you’ve made Luke become a master procrastinator. If unattended, he will be grinding the game instead of doing whatever homework assigned to him. It got so bad that Simeon or Solomon always have to be present as he studies
His favourite card of yours has a pastel, tea party aesthetic. Pastries laid on a table, large plushies and side characters accompanying you, wearing light coloured formal gear. You’re inviting the camera to take a seat beside you and he really wants to join!
Luke also loves scrolling through fan art with a similar aesthetic. He just loves seeing you smiling, laughing and having a great time with other characters, away from the actual darkness of the main plot
Has cooked your favourite food and baked various cookies with themes to you. As much as he loves sharing his cooking at times he can get a little possessive with the foods he’s made for you, wanting to keep it all to himself
Luke is a responsible spender and he has Simeon supervising him, so anything he buys related to you is few and far between but very meaningful to him. He likes the pastel themed merchandise of you, including a set of baking utensils in your favourite colour
“I’m so sorry to hear you had a bad day, Luke,” Simeon offered a sympathetic smile as he kept the front door open for Luke to stomp in petulantly. “I can organise Solomon to come over and we can spend the night watching movies to take your mind off of things. How’s that?”
Luke took a moment to think before nodding slowly. “Okay. But I want some time alone in my room. And don’t come in!”
Simeon blinked in surprise as Luke hurried off to his room. Simeon was always one to respect the wishes of his loved ones, but Luke’s outburst piqued his interest. Just because he couldn’t come in doesn’t mean he could try and hear what’s happening from the outside…
After packing items away and suitably Solomon-proofing the kitchen for his arrival later today, Simeon tiptoed his way to Luke’s room to try and overhear what was happening. Through the door, the muffled tune of Obey Me’s home screen was playing.
“Oh, I didn’t realise you’re back. Did you have a good day?”
“I didn’t (Y/N), it was such a bad day! The first bad thing was with Mammon calling me a chihuahua. First of all, I’m not a chihuahua-”
Simeon stifled a giggle as the boy ranted on about his day, his screen supposedly listening in. He knew Luke had grown attached to the pixels on the screen that made up the character (Y/N) but he didn’t realise just how much solace Luke found in them.
Eventually there were a few sound effects from tapping on the screen.
“You know, sometimes I don’t understand my friends.”
“Me too! I mean, wait- I don’t think they’re my friends, they’re just my classmates. But they’re kind of cool… in their own way. I want to be like them. And I want them to stop calling me a chihuahua.”
A few more taps yet again.
“Don’t worry, if anything’s troubling you, I’ll take care of it. I’ve got your back, always.”
“You’re the best, (Y/N)! Thanks for listening to my rant… Solomon’s going to be coming over today. I wish you could join us too…”
Before Luke could get more moody, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. The boy audibly yelped before hurriedly turning off his phone as Simeon opened the door.
“Did you have a nice conversation with your friend?” Simeon asked teasingly.
“H-huh?! How much did you hear?”
“Oh, not much. Only all of it.”
“Simeon!” Luke whined as he grabbed his pillow, wrapping his arms around it and stuffing his face into the fabric to hide his growing blush.
Downloaded the game when Lucifer was complaining about his brothers’ growing addiction to it. What better way than to understand how they feel than by downloading the game himself? Is what he tells himself but he can’t help but be a little cheeky to Lucifer
Even if you weren’t a character in the game, Simeon likely would keep playing because it was just such an interesting premise. He’s initially oblivious about how he appreciates you more than just an integral character to the plot, but once it hits it hits hard
Once he realises just how much he loves you, any line you say that offers even the slightest flirty tone has Simeon turning the phone screen away from him as he tries to hide his flustered face
Thought you were a real person at first due to the text feature, or there was at least someone real portraying you. Of course him only having set responses was weird but he didn’t know any better. When he realised you were just lines of code, his disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined
He fails your surprise guest event, repeatedly. No matter how many times you pay him a visit he still fails the event more than he succeeds and it breaks his heart. Solomon took pity and bought a whole bunch of your favourite items on Simeon’s account (even then Simeon’s success rate is depressingly low)
Simeon is enthralled with all your cards that portray you as suspicious and morally grey. With bright lighting in some areas casting dark, contrasting shadows over your face, wearing a knowing smirk as you look to the camera, finger pressed to your lips to make Simeon swear his silence
Likely has discussions with Satan, theory crafting and dissecting your character further. The two together are an unstoppable force when it comes to understanding you and Simeon will gladly contact the developers to help aid the plot under his pen name
Regardless, Simeon contributes to the fandom with fanfiction. He’s made a few AUs and just loves writing intense pieces of fiction about you and tensions with other characters. Still, he can’t help but be a little self-indulgent and write some self inserts and xReader fics
Simeon isn’t really one for official merchandise, but he has bought some fan creations that feel more personalised. In particular a fountain pen designed to your theme, that’s only kept on display remains unused
“Oh, good day Solomon,” Simeon chirped, wearing his gentle smile. “I was wondering if you were going to drop by, Luke’s been missing you.”
“Sorry, I’ve been caught up in learning a new spell,” Solomon responded in kind with a smile of his own. In the living room, he took a seat by a coffee table, opposite Simeon. The two were engulfed in silence for a few moments as Simeon waited for his guest to start a conversation, but Solomon couldn’t bring himself to speak. His instincts were caught up in something else. The uncanny feeling of being watched that sent electricity down his spine. Simeon may be in front of him, but there was another presence here… he turned his head to survey the area.
Solomon stared in disbelief as his eyes settled on the hunched over figure in the corner of the room.
“Don’t mind him,” Simeon waved his hand dismissively, smile widening as he tried to hide his embarrassment. “He’s been like that for an hour now. I think he’s trying to get the confidence to walk closer but when I approach him he scuttles away.”
“First… you tell me you’re Christopher Peugot… the author behind The Seven Lords,” Leviathan started, voice distant as he rambled. In fetal position in the dark corner of the living room, he rocked back and forth with his head in his hands. “And now you’re telling me you’re Ultimate(Y/N)Theoriser on Devilblr?! Creator of all the best angst fanfics with the cast and the fluffiest one shots with (Y/N) and who wrote the legendary slow burn series in a royalty AU where the reader is in an arranged marriage with emperor (Y/N)?!”
“I must admit, that second pen name sounds far less admirable but it gets the job done,” Simeon chuckled awkwardly, only making Levi scream into his hands. Solomon watched in amusement as Levi started to rush forward.
“Your autograph! NOW!!”
Levi almost tackled Simeon save for him narrowly dodging with a laugh.
“Of course, let me get some paper-”
“No wait, I’ve got a (Y/N) poster, let me get it from the home!”
Levi dashed out of the room and Solomon turned to Simeon with raised eyebrows.
“Ultimate(Y/N)Theoriser?” Solomon mused, smirk widening as Simeon rubbed the back of his head, looking away as heat climbed to his face. “My, you live many double lives, don’t you Simeon?”
“Don’t mention it, I forgot to turn my device off when Leviathan came here and he saw one of my drafts,” Simeon sighed. “I hope he keeps it a secret.”
“He’ll try, that’s the most I can guarantee.”
Solomon started to laugh but stopped when the door creaked open again. The motion was slow and hesitant as a blue tuft of hair timidly peeked through the crack.
“Uh… I haven’t gotten the poster yet… but Simeon… are you down for commissions? I have some (Y/N) fic ideas…”
“For you, my friend? You don’t have to pay me.”
Levi burst into tears of joy.
Solomon is a busy man but he likely stumbled across the game on his own due to his natural curiosity and loneliness unless he overheard Asmo going on and on about how fun and pretty the game was and how he simply must download it
His emotions with you felt like a true slow burn. Of course his eyes couldn’t help gravitating towards you when you appeared on screen but it took a good chunk of the main plot until he realised he was genuinely down bad for you. Now no matter how much you’re in the game he’s starving for (Y/N) content
It’s his favourite pastime when he wants to do something mindless instead of studying and if everyone else is busy with their own things. Much like when he’s chasing his other passions, he can completely lose track of time and spend hours progressing through the story and grinding until someone knocks on his door
Your biggest fan, he’s always rooting for you. He loves how you navigate each complication and how you interact with other characters. He’d love to be able to join in with some of the antics
He likes to cook your favourite dish on the regular when he has the time. He tries to encourage others to try it so he can spread appreciation for your character but no one accepts… oh well, that simply means more for him!
His favourite card of you is one where you’re portrayed as a magician of your own. Adorned in a typical sorcerer’s garb, you stand in a darkened room lit up by your various spells as you smile in wonder and awe. Oh, how he’d love to join you and waste the night away lighting up the sky with magic
He tends to keep to himself but he’s a little more open on social media. Under a pseudonym he will go off about how you’re an amazing character and his brainrot. On days where he’s bored and feeling mischievous he may go around and spam content of you throughout the fandom
Might have bought a figure or two of you but overall isn’t big on the whole merch concept. He prefers to make his own little trinkets in dedication to you but if his friends ever gift him anything he’s not complaining
Similarly he doesn’t spend too much money on the game. He feels there are other ways he can appreciate you and get his daily (Y/N) fix. That being said, he’s got some spare change that he’ll glady throw at the game to get his favourite cards or exclusive outfits for you
Solomon is oddly soothed by the "permanence" of your character. Even if something bad happens to you in the main plot, or even in the worst case scenario if you die to further the story, you'll still be there to always greet him on the home screen
Notebooks were strewn across the desk. Messy scrawls barely visible over the dim candlelight. In the centre of it all sat Solomon, eyes flickering between each book as he contemplated in silence. He was so close but so far. It was passable but that wasn’t enough for him. Somewhere in his hastily written notes should be the answer, just a little tweak to make it perfect.
He jolted at the sound of a knock on the door.
“Dinner’s ready, you should really get something to eat,” Simeon called from the other side. “May I enter?”
“Of course.”
Hearing the door creak open, Solomon returned to his musings, finger to chin as he tapped absentmindedly.
“My, a new spell? You’ve been at it for hours,” Simeon stated as he tiptoed towards the sorcerer, trying to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical ramblings on the paper.
“Days, actually,” Solomon muttered.
“Care to tell me what it’s meant to do? Perhaps another perspective could help-”
Solomon clicked his fingers, a simple ‘ah’ escaping his lips as he scrambled to one of his notebooks. Pen manifested in hand, he crossed out a small part of the script, hurriedly correcting himself as he rewrote the passage. Simeon watched with bated breath as Solomon leaned back, double, triple checking the writing before he turned to Simeon with a cheeky smile.
“Would you like to see the magic in action?”
Simeon swept his arms wide, inviting Solomon to take the stage. The sorcerer straightened his posture, gaze on the book as he started to chant a passage never heard before. This spell was an original, created only by Solomon for his own enjoyment.
As the incantation continued, a low light started to emanate from his hands. The light started to spread, growing at an exponential speed and brightness until it became a blinding white. Simeon stifled a grunt as he screwed his eyes shut, hiding his face behind an arm as the light became too overwhelming. This magic, it was sophisticated, it was strong. He shouldn’t have expected any less from the strongest sorcerer of all time.
He could sense the light dying down. Eventually, Simeon pulled his arm away but his eyes remained closed.
“You can open your eyes now.”
Simeon needed to take a moment. Just what could be the result of such powerful magic? Even opening his eyes seemed to take too long, the anticipation was killing him. He furiously willed his eyes to adjust to the darkness quicker.
In Solomon’s hands…
… was a (Y/N) figurine.
Simeon smiled politely, but his chuckle was confused. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“This is a perfect replication of the exclusive (Y/N) figurine that was on sale last week but already sold out. In all honesty it was far too expensive for me to buy, so I figured it would be a lot cheaper if I just created a spell for me to get my hands on it. In fact, I might try to do this with future forms of merchandise. It’s good practice for spells and- Simeon, what’s with that look of disappointment?”
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Swapped AU General Headcanons: (Leviathan, Mammon) (Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan) (Asmodeus, Belphegor) (Barbatos, Diavolo)
Obey Me! Masterlist
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randomstoryenjoyer · 11 months
White Lily Cookie’s fall
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One of my AU ideas where there are very few witches left!
You sighed to yourself, sweat running down your forehead as you were busy at work. Your hands and fingers were sore from all the baking and finesse you endured for as long as you can remember, and were still holding onto the tray you had placed down on the table, full of a new batch of freshly baked cookies.
Today was the Night of the Witches, or at least it was meant to be. There were barely any witches anymore for reasons your brain had given up trying to understand a long time ago. Was it perhaps from the constant persecution from non-magic humans? Had many of them given up their magic ways? You had already accepted the fact that you would most likely never find out. Already shunned by both the wizards and non-magic society, this only serves to convince you that you didn’t deserve to have survived this great witch-disappearance. Your destiny to being left alone in the dark had already been set in stone ever since your loneliness overtook you.
Despite these modern circumstances, you had still decided to honour the nostalgic past, where once in every thousand years, all witches and sorceresses and sorcerers and whatnot would meet together in this very table. And now, your only company was the ultimate dough, as it continued churning and bubbling alongside the banquet table like it always did.
As you continued to stare down at the cookies you had baked, all of them absurd and colourful in their own ways, your memories continued to flood in. Ever since you were on your own in the world of magic, you became obsessed with the art of magic culinary. If you couldn’t connect with other humans, maybe you could create your own beings to connect with? You had began baking cookies to give life to in an attempt to make your own friends and companions, working towards achieving in creating what your mind called the ‘perfect cookie’. However, the other witches soon picked up on this habit of yours and started doing it themselves, but only with the intention of eating the living cookies they baked. This difference of viewpoints between you and and the small rest of them also ended up leaving you isolated from the rest of the witches left, which only served to make your loneliness worse.
And to make matters worse, no matter how nice you tried to be, or how much genuine care you had put into every dough or frosting you had fabricated, every single cookie you baked ended up running away from you, screaming in fear and making a run for it every time you took your eyes off them. This carried on for years, and you were surprised the mental toll of constant rejection and failure from your creations hadn’t left you insane yet. At this point, the ‘perfect cookie’ would simply be the one that wasn’t scared of you.
And so, here you were, baking cookies for the millionth time all alone during the Night of the Witches. You kept staring down at the tray, waiting for the life powder’s effects to kick in, until the cookies began to blink and sit up from the tray they laid upon. You stiffened up, hoping this special night would pity you and grant you the wish you so desperately wanted, but soon enough, the little cookies below you were already screaming in shock and cowering away from you, many probably getting ready to make a run for it the first chance they got. Even on the Night of Witches, you hadn’t made any progress on managing to create the ‘perfect cookie’.
If this was any other day, you’d probably just let them run off and back yet another new batch. But today, in the Night of Witches itself, something finally snapped after you after the constant agonising failures throughout the years. This was your destiny, wasn’t it? Being forgotten and left alone by everybody, passing away eventually and not leaving behind a single trace of yourself. Nobody else cared about you. Not even your own creations! You could feel your teeth begin to grind together and your hands beginning to clench as you stared down at your little creations all still looking up at you in horror, your mind filled with too much anger at this point to even calm down. They wanted to fear you? You were going to give them a good reason to fear you
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You finally regained your senses after your outburst, realising your state and surroundings. Your section of the banquet table was now littered with cookie crumbs, jam splattered everywhere. Your hands were sticky with the amount of jam splotches on them, and your cheeks were puffed up from the amount of mushed up cookie dough inside your mouth…
You hastily got up from your seat, pouring yourself a glass of brew to wash down your meal with. During that, your heard a small and rather traumatised voice coming from your banquet table spot, and turned around to see a small white and green cookie with pale dough panically saying something to whatever remains of your baked cookies were left on the tray, but they were all probably too paralysed from what happened to even notice anything that the green and white cookie was saying…
Wait a minute… what was that on her staff… a green fleur-de-lis?! You remember baking that! This was one of the first ever cookies you ever baked, you’d never forget how difficult it was to bake those special solid jams before giving up after doing it 5 times. What was she doing here? Had she been hiding here during the Night of the Witches? Had she seen your outburst?
You hastily began to approach her, as she noticed you doing so, beginning to back away from you with the same traumatised look in her eyes. However, this led to her to fall from the banquet table… and straight into the ultimate dough.
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You tried to catch her mid-fall, but to no avail. Thus, you now stood over the purple mass, having observed her sink down into it. Your thoughts quickly began shifting from worry into morbid curiosity. What did you have to lose at this point? And thus, you began baking her straight from the inside of the ultimate dough itself, in hopes of the result being different than all your previous attempts, almost suffering from a burst of adrenaline as a result from your initial shock, which kept you reaching out for the nearest ingredients you could use.
A dose of concentrated dark magic, a mix of scarlet pomegranate syrup amongst many other things, this soon became the most ferocious and emotional baking you’ve ever done in your life. Your hands were reaching a new level of soreness from the sheer speed of you mixing the dough; sweat and tears dropping from your face and into the mixture, as if you were pouring your entire concentration, your entire emotions, your entire soul into this one cookie as she was mercilessly mixed and sloshed inside the ultimate dough.
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The surroundings and skies shifted and turned into a boiling red colour, as the cookie raised from the ultimate dough, the magnitude of this reaction even causing other nearby cakes you had baked for yourself to gain sentience from the amount of life powder you had scattered during your baking and outburst.
The small cookie seemed much more sinister than ever, with her new red and black clothes, purple dough, horns protruding from her head, and her large black crimson cape. What was she even holding on one of her hands?
She immediately started cackling and attempted to use her newfound powers to scare you, but they were very similar to the dark magic you had started to use a long whole ago and were more experienced as, so it didn’t take much effort to overpower her and prevent her from defeating you. Despite this, her expression and disposition didn’t change in the slightest, as she simply stared up at you and spoke with a sinister voice that sent shivers down your spine.
“My my, you’re a rather interesting witch, aren’t you, creator? Despite seeming so powerful, I can sense you’re scared. You’re unstable. How amusing.”
Your breathing hitches slightly as she speaks, your body stiffening up again as you stared down at her
“I must thank you though. This new body you gave me, along with your powers… how refreshing! But I feel more than beyond that… what are these memories you gave me, hm?”
You began to wonder if you really had accidentally given her part of your soul and memories from how emotional you were during the whole ordeal…
“My whole perception of our purpose as cookies was shattered when I saw your little act, creator! But your memories tell me this was a simple one-off, all other witches only making cookies to be eaten?! Awww, they left you alone for this, did they? And now you’re trapped in this endless spiral of depression and loneliness? How pathetic!”
Your hands began to clench together again as the little cookie continued.
“Well, I’ll tell you that the witches were wrong! I reject this so called destiny! And you should reject your pitiful fate like I have too! ARISE!”
Your nearby newly-living cakes began slowly gathering around you two, but you were too busy still staring down at her to notice them and their howls.
“Why bother accepting the morbid future you’re headed towards? I’m glad to have reunited with you, creator! Your memories tell me that all other cookies you baked all rejected your acceptance and love? They were all not thankful for the life you bestowed them, and neither were the witches that learnt how to bake cookies from you! We’ve both got common enemies; so if you join me… you’ll get your revenge. You’ll make this world burn with me and show everyone the consequences of having abandoned you!”
Despite the fear you developed at this point, the more she spoke, the more… familiar she felt to be close to. You realised that she must hold part of your inner self too; it wasn’t just an illusion when you felt like your emotions and thoughts were being mixed with the ultimate. She’s practically a side of yourself, one that was born from the horrid suffering and emotions that were built up over the years. She was the you that you were hiding away from the world…
And this only led to new emotions developing as the darkness built up around us both. Her words had made you feel lighter, indescribably glad, with a new unhealthy happiness oozing out of your tired heart. Every single word she said stuck to your mind like glue, and you found yourself falling for her words more with each passing second.
Instinctively, you held out your hand, which she was more than happy to descend and stand on the palm of your hand, still staring up at you with the same frightening smirk on her face as you stare down at her. As the darkness kept swirling around you both and your cake creations further, you were only able to tell yourself one thing:
From this point on, your life would never be the same…
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miloscat · 7 months
[Review] Roller Angels (DSi)
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What if Jet Set Radio was a kids cartoon and also a 2D autorunner?
While researching DSiWare a while ago I came across this, a digital release exclusive to Japan and North America (a physical version was planned but cancelled). Thanks to advances in emulation I managed to stream a complete playthrough but now seemed a good time to revisit it during a run of games inspired by Jet Set Radio (in this case I'm able to play it thanks to 3DS custom firmware enabling a glorious piracy eshop).
The JSR similarities come in the game actions: it involves roller blading, rail- and wall-grinding, tricks, and spray-painted graffiti. This is in the context of a sidescrolling action ride, where you have to juggle all these actions (along with ledge-grabbing, shaking the spray can, and boosting) in increasingly dense runs. The pace starts slow but ramps up to an engaging level of multitasking, before plunging into a hectic spree of button-tapping in the final two worlds.
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Unlike JSR, the theme is very cutesy, the stars a trio of sugary sweet magical girl superheroes with animal-themed personae. Their task is to restore colour to the world with their magic paint cans after some very round and non-threatening aliens have siphoned it off (as well as brainwashed local animals to get in your way). For plot reasons the levels are very drab and grey the first time you do them which is a shame, because otherwise the art direction is quite charming.
On this playthrough I made it my goal to unlock every alternate painting in the shop, which required no small amount of grinding for coins. I must have played through the whole game four or five times to achieve this, advancing from mostly using Patty (Pink Bunny) for her higher jumps to Becky (Yellow Bear) for an easier time recovering spray pressure, to Mee (Mew Blue) using boosts more often for a more challenging technical playstyle. The game also supports the DSi/3DS camera for converting photos into paintings to use in game, but I preferred sticking to the defaults which are contextually themed to each world (wild west, forest, undersea, etc.).
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This title is so solid and clearly well-executed that it makes me wonder what other gems might be hidden in Starfish's back catalogue alongside all the DS shovelware and unlocalised PSP RPGs visible in their now defunct website. I know they did a decent revival of the Devilish adventure brick breaker series, and two Wii reboots of Taito arcade classics that are described as "mediocre" (for the Kiki Kaikai one, they lost the licence but then made it anyway). But their history goes back to the late 90s, and there could easily be depths untapped by me or the English-speaking Internet at large. For now, suffice it to say Roller Angels is a highlight of the DSiWare service and I love it dearly.
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kithventures · 3 months
The Straits of Malacca and Moving On
I recently took a trip to see my dear friend Nurul in Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, where she's been living for the past few years. She's a working girlie now and I had been on my two month world tour to see old friends and family. This was our state of mind when we met up and went on a long weekend trip to Penang, hoping to get some answers to our heart's most fervent burning questions.
I booked us a spacious Airbnb duplex with floor to ceiling windows that faced the coast, so we woke up to sunrise illuminating the vast expanse of the sea and distant shipping vessels every morning. And across the street stands a grand mosque that glimmers Gatsby green under moonlight. This is where we got answers to our questions.
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Nurul getting ready in the Penang airbnb
Before coming to Malaysia I had travelled through the Cambodian cities of Phnom Penh (my home city) and Siem Reap. My time in Phnom Penh were full of painful reminders of how my relationship with my family still needs to grow now that I've grown into my own personhood. But my time in Siem Reap opened my eyes to the possibility of choosing a simple life of love and community.
After a whole evening of heartfelt discussions and revelations, I realized that I needed to move back to Cambodia. My homesickness bubbled up to the surface and so did my distaste for the state of Australia.
Nurul and I were riding on that wavelength of being sick and tired of second-guessing ourselves and letting other's perceptions of us colour our own lived experience of the world. That night we shed all that dead weight off and basked in the sheen of our new skin. Together we glowed pink and purple.
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excursions around Penang
So what now?
I'm heading back to Cambodia, but this time I'll be living in Siem Reap. I can't wait to join my weird friends there! It's also a good place to lay low for a while and save some money towards future projects. I was also previously hum-hawing about going back to uni for a politics course, but nah not anymore. I have picked up digital drawing and painting! It's coming together slowly, I'm a great beginner at this and I think a lot of progress can happen in one year! Most importantly, I just feel giddy to get back into the arts scene in Cambodia. I've really missed home.
Thoughts about Melbourne, Australia?
It's alright but it's not for me...
I find it hard to relate to the narratives and ethos here. The people I do relate to are often other immigrants, especially South Asians. I think being an immigrant here takes a certain level of grind-set that I just can't muster up because I don't even see a future for myself in this country. I'll make a separate post about my experiences in Australia because it's a lot to get into.
But my final thoughts are: It was alright, the people are generally nice, but I'm ready to move on and I don't think I'll look back!
I'm ready to go home.
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taken in a coffeeshop in Penang
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nottodayjjk · 3 years
dirty little secret ~ knj
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❆ summary: one fateful night in december, you come to acquire santa's naughty or nice list by accident. together with your neighbour and best friend namjoon you uncover the dirty secrets of your neighbours plunging everything into chaos. bringing mischief about is all fun games, until your own little secret appears on the naughty and nice list.
❆ pairing: namjoon x female reader (minor appearance of other idols)
❆ word count: 10,4k
❆ genre: humor, romance, fluff, smut
❆ fic warnings: oral sex (f. receiving), language
❆ rating: 18+
❆ notes from the author: this fic is part of a hoeliday well spent from the christmas in july collab hosted by @kookdiaries​, @kithtaehyung​ and @xiaokoo​ and is loosely based on the hallmark channel-movie ‘naughty or nice’ (2012). i had a lot of fun writing this! big thank you again to @kookdiaries for creating this incredible banner and for @minigum for being the most wonderful beta reader <3
❆ tag list: @shameless-army​​ @writtenwhalien​​ @shrimpmsg​​ @moonchild1​
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In the dark of the night, snow was falling softly and covered the street in peaceful quietness. Christmas decorations and flickering candles adorned the lit windows and lights were beautifully draped around snow-covered bushes. Sparkling reindeers pulled Santa’s carriage and inflated snowmen waved happily at cars driving by. Christmas time had just begun.
A few lamps illuminated the street with their yellow dimmed light as a dark, giant shadow slipped past. Quiet footsteps could be heard in the stillness of the cold winter night, wading through ankle-deep snow in heavy black boots. They were on their way to the sturdy apartment building on the left side of the desolate street, determined to fulfil their quest. They took another look around before they slipped through the glass door, the red fabric of their clothes gleamed under the flickering light of the broken lamp of the entrance lobby. Then, the night was quiet again.
You had been out with your best friend and next-door neighbour Namjoon whom you knew a few years by now. From the first day you had set foot in the small apartment building, he had been a helping hand, mainly through helping you carry a myriad of small boxes and things all the way up to the 6th floor where the both of you lived. The elevator had, of course, been out of order on that day. But he hadn’t complained at all! And because he had gone way out of his way even though he had only met you that same day, you had invited him to a take-away pizza and a bottle of cheap wine from the supermarket right around the corner. You had not expected your first night in your new home to be like this, to be so much fun. He had stayed until the morning, the two of you talking about anything and everything until the birds had chirped good morning outside. And the bond between the two of you had only grown from there on out.
You had visited a local Christmas market together, drinking a whole lot of eggnog and relishing in the joyful spirit of Christmas. You had never been someone to celebrate Christmas before you had met Namjoon. In your first year, he had basically dragged you to the market and filled you up with all kinds of different Christmassy drinks and snacks, bought you several gingerbread hearts, and even got you to ride one of the many attractions with him. The next day had been awful, the hot chocolate with rum had come out the same way that it had gone in. Still, it had been the most joyous Christmas time you had ever had.
Ever since then, he always did something new with you every Christmas. Buying a tree, seeing a Santa Claus show in the city centre, or writing letters with long wish lists to Santa. But it had never come down to actually spending Christmas eve and morning together, to your disappointment. He usually drove to his parents, a three-hour ride from where you lived, leaving you on your own to sulk in loneliness until he came back for New Year’s Eve.
Well, this year he had bugged you until you had agreed to go décor shopping for your apartment with him. It had made him sad to see your living space so empty during a cheery time like this. He got you all the basic things: fairy lights, cute little snowmen that had the friendliest smiles, a whole lot of candlesticks with red candles that smelled like gingerbread and cinnamon, hell, even glitter balls and bows for the small tree he also had gotten you.
After putting all the decorations up and “to celebrate your joyful shopping spree”, as Namjoon had called it, he had once again persuaded you to go to the Christmas market, letting no feeble excuses count. He had been in too good of a mood anyway for you to turn him down. You found it cute when he was all excited and giddy like this.
He had ordered eggnog after eggnog. His infectious enthusiasm had only gone up, not down a tad as you had hoped. But after the third eggnog, you hadn’t minded anymore anyway. Namjoon had entertained you all through the evening, making you laugh and enjoy yourself after a long week of studying and learning. Even though it had just snowed the other day, the eggnog had held you warm through and through, your cheeks feeling hot. Maybe it had also been a little bit because of Namjoon and how he had scooted closer and closer to you throughout the evening, ‘to keep each other warm’ as he had stated.
You had stayed until the booth had closed and the owner had hushed you to finally head home. Given both of your inebriated states, getting home had taken twice as long as it did when you’d left from home to go out.
As you had reached the door, waving a last goodbye to Namjoon who had stumbled clumsily into his own apartment, it had taken you a few minutes until you finally had gotten the key into the hole. You hadn’t even bothered to brush your teeth, only changing into comfy pyjamas – which had been quite the task – and slipping into bed. Dreamland hadn’t waited long to come, and you had fallen sound asleep.
So, to no one’s surprise, you didn’t hear when soft but heavy footsteps approached your apartment in the middle of the night. Didn’t spot the broad shadow that could be seen through the small gap under your door where the light fell in. Didn’t notice when a thick package wrapped with packing paper was pushed through the letter slot of your apartment door.
The package fell to the ground with a gentle thud. The towering figure hummed a merry tune before taking off again. You only turned around in your sleep, mumbling, “No more eggnog, Namjoon”, before it was quiet once more.
The rest of the night went uneventfully, and the package laid peacefully on your door mat until morning came.
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A pounding headache. That was what had woken you up. The eggnog hadn’t been a good idea from the start, and you had told Namjoon several times. But even though he had listened to you, he had ignored your reasonable request. He hadn’t really given you a choice to begin with. And you hadn’t wanted to complain. At least he had paid and that was all that had been needed to convince you.
While Namjoon was already producing his own music, you were still a university student majoring in Art. You got by fine with the money your parents sent you and what you earned from your part-time job at the library, but you were still glad for every penny you could keep and save for after university. You dreamed of opening your own business and, heck, you needed a lot of money for that.
When Namjoon had heard of your ideas, he had been in immediately, supporting you in every way possible. Even if it meant paying for your drinks or your museum visits on the weekend. As long as he got to spend time with you, it was worth all his money.
You desperately grabbled for the nightstand. Luckily, you had prepared pain meds and water in advance, even a small piece of toast. Your nights out with Namjoon usually ended like this, so you are accustomed to it.
Sitting up a little, you popped the pills into your mouth first before chucking the water into your throat as if your life depended on it. Once you’d dealt with that, you reached towards the toast, munching on it until it was no more.
You felt better immediately as the medicine worked its way through your system and the toast soaked up the remaining alcohol in your stomach. Slowly the turns in your stomach lessened and until there was one thing overtaking your needs. It was time for coffee.
Slowly, you got up, swaying a little back onto the bed but overall, it was not as bad as you’d had expected. Sure, the eggnog had made your stomach a little weak, but you felt certain it could handle the coffee. Otherwise, you couldn’t make it through the day. Coffee was vital right now.
On the way out of your bedroom, you snatched your long silk gown, putting it on. You headed straight to the coffee machine, pushing the little blinking button so it started grinding the black beans. The soft smell of freshly ground coffee filled the air as you grabbed a big mug from the sink. You sighed and leaned one hip on the counter.
As you waited for the coffee you looked around and your gaze fell onto an exceptionally cheery snowman on your coffee table. You had never been keen on Christmas decorations. They were too bright, too colourful, and too cheesy.
Well, jokes on you. All the things the two of you had bought, the fairy lights, red candles, a few reindeers and snowmen, and some green fir branches, were now spread around your apartment, the small tree chilling next to your TV in the corner. It was hard to say ‘No’ to Namjoon’s puppy eyes. He usually got his way with you.
It had also been his idea to not only put the lights on the curtain rods but to wind them around them, too. 
He had held you safely by your waist as you had stood on the ladder to reach up there. His long, slender hands had felt so warm through your clothes that your heart had stuttered for a second and you had gotten the job done rather quickly to get away from this weird feeling that had erupted in your chest. Because you couldn’t admit it to yourself. You couldn’t admit that Namjoon had become more than a best friend to you over the last few years.
But you had to confess; the lights were very very pretty. You even thought about keeping them up there after Christmas. They brought a soft glow around the room that made it feel unbelievably cosy and romantic.
As you absentmindedly grabbed for your finished cup of coffee you couldn’t help but remember the way Namjoon’s skin had glowed in these lights. How mesmerizing he had looked. How hard you had had to keep yourself from putting a hand up to one of his cheeks and caressing his soft skin.
You lost yourself in the memory for a second before you noticed something very peculiar from the corner of your eye. Something very square and brown. It was a package. On your doormat. ‘What in god’s name,’ you thought to yourself as you eyed it in curious suspicion. The post usually never came that early. Especially not on a Saturday. And why had no one rang the bell? It was odd, to say the least.
You left your coffee on the counter, steam still rising in puffy clouds from the cup. Cautiously, you made your way over to the mysterious package that read your full address, but no sender. It was quite big, now that you had gotten closer, and it had you wondering how it had fit through the narrow letter slot. Maybe Namjoon was pulling a prank on you?
Before you picked up the package, you opened the door and checked the hallway, frantically looking left and right. But no one was there, not even Namjoon to cheekily grin at you.
Closing the door behind you, you took the brown package and laid it down on the counter next to your coffee. You eyed it once more while taking a long sip from the beverage. Should you open it? What if there was something… bad or deadly inside? You had heard of such packages before on the news. People sent them to get revenge on ex-partners or enemies. Well, you had no such things… and Namjoon seemed to be out of the picture as well.
After some more staring, curiosity finally got the best of you, and you carefully ripped open the brown packing paper. It revealed a heavy book that was edged in red velvety fabric that had golden ornaments engraved. Imprinted on it was the lettering “Naughty or Nice”. Wait- what?!
Snorting laughter erupted from your chest. This had to be a prank, right? ‘Namjoon’s good,’ you thought to yourself. ‘Keeps hiding until I actually look at the book. Not a very good prank, but alright…’
As you were about to open it, you could hear a key jingling in front of your door and some mumbled curses. ‘Speaking of the devil.’ Namjoon strode through the door in his pyjama and a long gown, his hair looking dishevelled and eyes still half-closed. He had your spare keys which gave him the possibility to let himself in whenever and you didn’t mind. At this point, it had become commonplace.
You watched with an amused grin as he immediately scuffed over to the coffee machine, grabbing another cup from the sink, and turning it on once more. He inhaled the smell just like you did before he turned around to face you.
“Morning, Y/N,” he hummed, and a lop-sided grin adorned his lips. Hell, how did this sleepy look fit him so well? “How is your stomach?”
You crossed your arms and leant back on the counter. “Better than I thought. You?”
“Same, same. I just really craved your coffee. This machine is a literal angel!” He turned back around to grab his coffee and take a big gulp before letting out a satisfied sigh.
“Very funny, by the way.” You pointed at the book behind you, still laying unopened on your counter. “You never have Christmas-pranked me before so that’s a first. But it isn’t one of your best ideas, if I can be honest with you.”
There was a moment of silence. You had expected him to laugh at you or make a clever remark about how he had gotten you to open it. But… nothing. He just blankly stared at you. “What?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Making this book look like Santa’s Naughty or Nice list? Very funny, Namjoon, very funny!” You chuckled a little at him pretending not to know what you were talking about.
He spied over your shoulder, reading the lettering. And shook his head. “Y/N. I… didn’t prank you. This–“ He pointed to the book. “–is nothing I came up with. Though I must say, I think it’s a pretty good idea!” He snickered a little and took another sip of his coffee.
“But–“ You turned around to the book. “–who sent it to me then? I don’t know who else would try and prank me…” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, taking another look at the packing paper. Still nothing but your address.
“Have you opened it yet?”
“No, I was just about to when you came through the door.” You put a hand on the binding. The velvet fabric felt soft under your fingertips and the golden lettering glittered in the glim of the fairy lights. It looked so… real.
Carefully, you opened it, coming face to face with a blank page. Maybe the others? You browsed to the next page. And the next. And the next. But they were all blank, not even a tiny little bit of ink to be seen. ‘Weird…’
Skimming through the rest of the book, you looked for anything peculiar. Nothing. “It’s empty,” you told Namjoon, while going back to the first page and leaving it open.
You heard shuffling on the floor and suddenly Namjoon leaned over your shoulder to look at the book. He stretched out his hand to skim through it as well. He was so close. You could feel the heat radiating off his body and his breath on your neck as he let out a confused huff.
When he stepped back from you after inspecting the book, you wished him back closer behind you. ‘Stop that,’ you scolded yourself in your head. ‘He is your best friend!’
“Well, it actually looks like someone pulled a prank on you,” Namjoon stated while making himself another cup of coffee. He usually runs on three. On a good day. That you knew his coffee consumption so well said a lot about how regularly he came over in the morning to use your coffee machine.
Loud bass suddenly disrupted the morning, booming through the wall to your left. ‘No, not again!’ It was your other neighbour… Jungkook. He kept it down on most days. But he always pulled this on a Saturday morning, and you were sure he was doing it on purpose just to annoy you. You had banged on the wall a few times before. On some days he even turned the music down after your knocking complaint. But today, it was on a whole other level. As if he knew you had been out late and had a mild hangover.
“Ugh, I’ll swear I’ll punch him some day,” you mumbled while pinching your eyebrows in frustration.
Namjoon knew you weren’t kidding. Jungkook had been getting on your nerves ever since he had moved in next door. Before him, there lived a nice and quiet lady who occasionally baked chocolate cookies for the two of you and had always put something nice in front of your door during Christmas time. Now, there was Jungkook. Student, party animal, and the type to listen to music so loud you couldn’t hear your own thoughts.
“I wouldn’t mind,” Namjoon said. “But I also don’t want to have to visit you in prison during Christmas time.” He chuckled lightly, running a hand through his hair before chucking down his coffee.
Suddenly, you heard a rustling noise of paper coming from the counter. The book! It was turning its pages on its own. “Holy-“
You stepped in front of the counter, Namjoon following closely, eyes as wide as the moon. “How is that possible?” he whispered while peering over your shoulder again.
A golden light bloomed from the Naughty or Nice book and the two of you just stared at in great awe as sparkles danced around the room. “I’m usually not one to believe in magic,” Namjoon muttered under his breath. “But this is a whole new thing…”
The turning stopped and the pages gently dropped down. Beautiful, curved letters emerged, writing your neighbour’s name. They shone golden in the light. “What is happening?” you hissed while intently watching the book. Namjoon just shrugged his shoulders, speechless.
 Jeon Jungkook: always leaves his trash in front of Mrs. Kim’s apartment door
Underneath was a moving picture, showing Jungkook looking around frantically before putting his trash bag on Mrs. Kim’s doormat and a more detailed description of what was going on. You gasped out in disbelief. “Mrs. Kim is always so nice! How dare he!?”
Namjoon let out an angry huff. “You’ve got a good point but-“ His forehead crinkled in confusion and scepticism. “How does it do that?”
You shrugged, turning the page to see if it had a built-in display. But… there was nothing. It was just a normal page like any other. You turned back to the picture of Jungkook where he had gotten caught in the act. By whom? You didn’t know, could only guess… But no, this was not possible. Santa didn’t exist. But… an idea came to your head.
“Hmm, let’s put this to a test,” you said as the pounding bass continued to boom through the wall. You left the book open, the image of Jungkook engraved in your head, as you turned on your heels and made your way over to the door.
“You actually gonna go over there?” Namjoon trailed behind you, not sure if this was the right thing to do. You definitely had a reason to be angry at Jungkook. But what if this was all just a scam? Well, it felt far too real for that, but Namjoon wasn’t yet ready to call his beliefs into question. This was insane.
You nodded and opened the door. “He has been getting on my nerves for a few weeks now. It’s time to put this to a stop.” You gave him one last determined book before stepping out into the hallway.
Namjoon shook his head in amusement at your vendetta and stopped at your doorstep, leaning against the frame watching you. This was your fight. He wouldn’t get between the frontlines. He knew your anger all too well.
You rapped viciously on the door; quite sure Jungkook wouldn’t hear any of it. And of course, the door didn’t open and the music blared on. So, you resorted to a more effective method. You pressed the button of the bell and held it down. ‘I will have you answer your door even if it takes the whole freaking day.’
It took a few seconds, but you heard the music fading and someone swearing behind the door. It worked. A malicious smirk adorned your lips. You weren’t even nervous, more excited to try the spicy information you had acquired about him. The keys jingled in the keyhole and an annoyed face appeared in the ajar door. “What is it?”
You crossed your arms and put on your most intimidating look. The secret from the book gave you a hell of a confident boost. “Jungkook,” you started, “I’ve told you many many times to quiet it down.”
He rolled his eyes and huffed. “I know. I’m sorry but-“
You cut him off immediately. “No buts. You’re either gonna tone it down from now on or…”
“Or what? You’re trying to threaten me?” He laughed and threw his head back. “That’s new. Well, you’ve got nothing on me, Y/N.”
You squinted your eyes at him, and a smile grew on your face. “You sure?”
Jungkook leaned against the door frame while looking bored. The arrogant look on his face gave you the rest of the encouragement you needed. “Well,” you swirled one of your hair strands around your finger, “I know you’re putting your trash bags on Mrs. Kim’s doormat, so you don’t have to take it out yourself…”
It took a moment for Jungkook to realise what you just said. But when he finally did, his jaw almost dropped down to his knees. “How-“
“The poor woman. I think she deserves to know…” You turned around, feeling the power pulsating in your hands. It was electrifying! You slowly strode over to your apartment.
“Y/N!” Jungkook called out after you, desperation apparent in his voice. “I-“ He dropped his head in defeat, all pride and arrogance had left his body. “If you don’t tell her, I promise I’m gonna tone it down from now on,” he caved in.
“You better,” you just answered and walked away, leaving a speechless Jungkook by his door.
Namjoon snickered as you entered your apartment again, finding the whole situation very amusing. “Have you seen his face? He was so stunned!” Both of you burst out into a fit of laughter, needing a few seconds to calm yourselves down again.
You went back to the still open book. “So it tells the truth…” you stated while tracing the letters with your fingers when they suddenly started to disappear. “Oh! They’re vanishing!”
“Probably because you called him out on that,” Namjoon assumed, looking at the now empty page and then at you. “You know what that means… right?”
You turned it over in your head for a few seconds before you answered Namjoon’s gaze with a mischievous smile. “Let’s discover some secrets this Christmas!”
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And so, the two of you went on to discover the hidden secrets and misdeeds of all of your neighbours. The book was never wrong. Not when it told you that Mrs. Kim had a secret fling with Mr. Sung from floor 5 and they were acting like giddy teenagers, that Mrs. Lee let her dog pee on Mrs. Park’s door mat once in a while because they couldn’t stand each other, that Soonyoung from second floor liked to bathe in pure milk occasionally, that Yeji from first floor stole Mr. Chew’s newspaper now and then because he was rude to basically everyone in the building, that Taehyung from fourth floor had sang Christmas carols in the middle of the night for Yeji because he had been out to drink, and many many more.
Some of them you used for your amusement, but most of them were kept between the both of you. You felt closer to Namjoon than ever before. Sharing and keeping secrets about your neighbours bound you together. And Christmas time was a blast, for the both of you! You went out once in a while to the Christmas market again but usually you kept your noses in the Naughty or Nice book, awaiting the next secret to appear. So, Christmas time went by in a happy blur.
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After coming home from another one of your merry adventures, you began to realise that this might all be over soon. Actually, Christmas evening was tomorrow already and Namjoon would probably be off to his parents. You didn’t want to stop discovering all these secrets with Namjoon. You had spent a lot of time together; it had been so much fun. And you liked being around him, you knew that. You weren’t ready to admit it, but you had fallen in love with him even more by now. Even after all these years, his way of living and his wisdom still amazed you to no end.
Your thoughts were suddenly disrupted by Namjoon as the both of you reached your apartment door. “Y/N?”
“Yes,” you answered, shaking yourself out of your thoughts. Namjoon stood in front of you, nervously wrenching his hands. You had never seen him skittish before. Had something happened?
He took a deep breath before he began to speak. “I was… wondering if you wanted to spent Christmas together?” Namjoon nervously scratched his head. “I-“ he stumbled over his own words for a moment. “I don’t want you to be alone for Christmas. And my parents won’t be at home anyway. So, I was wondering- I mean-“ He rambled on and gestured wildly between the both of you.
To stop him, you gently put your hand on his arm. “Yes,” you answered simply and smiled at him happily, not able to contain your excitement at his request. Your heart was beating in your chest. Spending Christmas with Namjoon was a dream come true.
“I... would love to.” You rubbed your arm awkwardly while not being able to meet his eyes. You were sure he would be able to read your confused feelings for him right there.
He let out a small huff of relief. “Good, good… We can go grocery shopping together tomorrow if you want. So we can pick something to eat that we both like.”
“That sounds like a great idea. Meet in the morning as usual?” you asked, fidgeting with your jacket sleeve.
Namjoon nodded. “I will cook of course. You will be my guest! Also, your cooking skills might be a little insufficient for Christmas…” Mischievousness gleamed in his eyes and you just shook your head, laughing a little.
“I think my cooking skills are fine as they are. It’s not my fault you don’t like the food that I cook!” you exclaimed and hit his shoulder playfully. “Also, your food might taste better than mine. But you’re definitely more chaotic than I am!”
“Okay, okay,” he put his hands up in defeat. “You’ve got a point. I’m still cooking though.” He took off his beanie to run a hand through his hair. He stretched his arms out, motioning for you to give him a goodbye-hug.
Your skin tingled as you obliged. His hands rested on your back as he tugged you close. “Good night, Y/N,” he whispered into your ear, eliciting a shiver running down your back. Gosh, his voice and his soft lips were hovering right next to your ear. It created images in your head you shouldn’t be thinking about in the proximity of your best friend, but you couldn’t help yourself.
You swallowed a big lump in your throat. “Good night to you too,” you whispered back with a hoarse voice, heart still fluttering. He could hear the rapid beating for sure.
Both of you stayed in the hug longer than necessary, thinking about what would become of your adventures once Christmas was over. You were sure the book would disappear, that its owner would come to get it.
You sighed before stepping away from Namjoon, giving him a small smile before pulling out your keys. He went over to his door, a jingling noise reaching your ears. You looked over your shoulder before entering your apartment.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N,” Namjoon called over in a hushed voice before he disappeared behind his own door. Little did you and he know what effect these last few words would have on you…
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Wanton sounds escaped your mouth as your hands grasped fiercely for your sheets. Waves of pleasure rolled through your body as you felt a desperate mouth latching onto your clit, tongue poking out to gratify your little bundle of nerves. Your eyes rolled back into your head. It felt… overwhelming.
You couldn’t hold in a lewd moan as the tongue worked magic on you. “Please–“ You couldn’t form a whole sentence without being interrupted by your own moans.
You felt a hand softly caressing your thigh. “Y/N,” a familiar voice reached your ear, making you perk up. Was this… real? You lifted yourself on your elbows to see if you were right with your guess.
Looking up from between your legs was a tousled Namjoon, cheeks red and lips glistening in the light of your fairy lights. He looked like an angel with his skin glowing golden and his hair illuminated.
It felt like a dream come true…
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It wasn’t the morning light waking you up nor the loud traffic noise from the street in front of your apartment building. No. What woke you up was the growing wetness between your legs. Your heart beat loudly in your chest, a light film of sweat covered your forehead. Well, that had been… hot.
You had had dreams of Namjoon before. Funny ones, sad ones, even ones where the two of you had been dating. But with things like this, you had only been daydreaming about thus far. It had you all riled up, a little embarrassed, but first and foremost horny.
His head between your legs and his tongue on your clit had felt so real. Oh, what you’d give to actually get to feel that. But you were sure that it would remain something that stayed in your daydreams, when you had to release some friction behind your bedroom doors.
You sighed, pushing the thick blanket to the side. You had to take care of the mess between your legs and there was only one place that always helped: the shower. You had to get this dream out of your head before Namjoon would come over. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to look into his eyes without thinking of the sinful scene that repeated itself again and again in your head.
‘Let’s get this over with,’ you pushed yourself to get out of bed and into the shower. As if you didn’t enjoy this…
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As you sat down by the book again with a big cup of fresh coffee, you were actually wondering if you’d ever appear on the list. Or Namjoon. And which secret of yours it would be. So far, it hadn’t spilled any of yours. But it would be merely a matter of time until the pages would reveal what you had kept from one another. Even though there were barely any secrets between the two of you. Only this… this was kind of a major one.
Absent-mindedly, you browsed through the book again. What secret would reveal itself today? Maybe about this dude all up on floor 7 that was always wearing a beanie and sunglasses or that girl from over the street that was walking her dog up and down the street.
Someone was entering the apartment. Namjoon rounded the corner and came into your view. He was also still in his morning clothes, his feet hidden beneath two slippers. Your gazes met shortly, a quick nod exchanged and gentle smiles, before he made a turn.
“And?” He strolled over to the coffee machine, slippers scratching on the floor. “Anything new?” He nodded towards the book sprawled out in front of you.
“I haven’t really checked yet, give me a second.” You concentrated back on the book, pages sliding through your fingers as you looked for a new secret until you found it. You didn’t really pay any attention at first. But then you read your name in big, curved letters. A quiet gasp slipped past your lips.
Checking to see if Namjoon was still making coffee, you hoped he was not aware of your little slip up. He happily worked away, putting coffee beans into the machine, whistling ‘Jingle Bells Rock’ to the puckering sound of the milk frother.
Then, you turned your attention back to the book. When you read Has naughty dreams of their best friend in small letters, your heart sped up and your breathing got ragged. Underneath it was, like it had always been the case before, a more detailed description of what had happened. And a picture of you writhing and moaning beneath the sheets. No, why today?!
The words in front of you blurred as you tried to fathom the consequences if Namjoon came to read this. Your friendship would be over. He would never speak to you again. Hell, what would he think of you?!
You couldn’t let that happen. He was the only thing in your life that kept you sane. That could not all be thrown away. You quickly closed the book, thinking of something to distract Namjoon.
Unfortunately, the loud thump startled Namjoon. He turned around as he heard the sudden noise. He eyed you for a second and then noticed the closed book under your hands. He put down the coffee spoon he was holding. “Uhm… Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Your eyes are like… this wide.” He put a fair distance between his thumb and his pointer finger.
Quickly shaking your head, you scrambled for words. “It’s nothing. I-I thought I…” Yeah, what did you think? It was hard to lie when Namjoon looked at you like that. Your brain couldn’t come up with anything. Instead, you just gulped heavily.
Namjoon’s coffee was now forgotten, its owner too curious about what you had read and seen. He had, of course, noticed your nervous behaviour, growing suspicious of what you were trying to do. His slippers scraped along the floor again as he casually made his way over to you. With his gaze never leaving your face, he followed your every move.
Clambering for the book, you secured it in your arms before Namjoon could reach for it. He couldn’t find out. Not about the dream. Not about the feelings you held for him. But especially not about the dream. The sinful scenes replayed themselves in your head again and you felt your cheeks heating up once more. “There is nothing in there,” you exclaimed, trying to sound as convincing as possible. But there was a crack in your voice. And you could see it in his eyes. He knew.
Scrambling to sit up right on the couch, you shook your head ‘No’, keeping the book tight in your clutches. Over your dead body would it fall into his hands.
“If there is nothing to see, why are you keeping it from me?” He tried to reason with you, stretching out a hand towards the book that you kept clutched in front of your chest, your arms wrapped around it like it was the most precious treasure you had ever possessed.
Namjoon was not one to accept a ‘No’, you knew that. You could spot the determined look in his eyes already. There was nothing that would keep him from finding out. And that had you scared like hell.
You could only stare at him, not having an answer for his very true and logical question. He would always catch you with his well thought-out reasoning. It made you want to tear your hair out every time. Right now, though, you were paralysed by fear.
“Well, you leave me no choice,” he approached you slowly, trying to read you, trying to calculate which escape route you would take. Because whatever stood in that book, had you all jittery and he had to know why. Though he knew that you would never show him voluntarily.
Panic, your brain screamed. And your body scrambled up from the couch, trying to get away from Namjoon. You still clutched the book in front of your chest with both hands.
“No, no, no!” he lunged forward, reaching for you. “You’re not getting away!” He got your left foot before you could escape safely from the couch. Your body fell back onto the cushions, knocking the breath out of your lungs. But you didn’t let go of the book, no matter the pain it would cost.
In his haste to prevent your escape, he knocked down a few wooden reindeers and snowmen from the coffee table. Luckily, there was no glass there. You had told him right in the store that you would not be buying any glass decorations if he would be around. With his clumsiness, he would knock them down within mere seconds. Hell, he had almost dropped something right then and there in the shop. But you both had other things to worry about right now than your Christmas decorations.
“Namjoon,” you shout out anxiously. “Let go of me!” But his grip on you didn’t ease up.
“Not before you show me the freaking book, Y/N!” And he kept his word, his hands desperately trying to seize the book from your tight grip. But you wouldn’t give up so easily. You once more tried to get away from him, grasping for the armrest and pulling like your life depended on it. But he was just too strong, with one hand grabbling for the book and the other holding down your legs.
While fighting him off, you didn’t notice how he’d crawled up your body, getting in nearer reach of the book. And suddenly he was way too close to your face, hovering above you in such an intimate way he never had before.
There had been moments of course. Where he had caged you in a little at your door, when he had leaned in too close, when he had pulled you into his warm embrace… But that had been something different.
Now he laid on top of you, covering your body with his. His chest heaved against yours as he tried to catch his breath from fighting with you. His grey-dyed hair fell in streaks into his eyes and once more his skin glowed in the warm fuzzy light of the fairy lights that framed his head. For a second, the both of you just... stopped.
He looked deeply into your eyes; his pupils overshadowed with an emotion you couldn’t grasp. Your heart beat even faster and your brain felt like it would explode any minute. Your senses were heightened, and you could feel his skin burning on yours. It was… ravishing. Your body couldn’t get enough of it already.
Suddenly, he snapped the book out of your hand, forcing an evil laughter out of his mouth and the moment was gone. He had shamelessly used your messed up state to his advantage and now the book was in his hands.
He scrambled back up from his position on top of you, quickly getting away from you and taking the book with him so you wouldn’t come up with the idea of snatching it back from him. Well, you had resigned already anyway. There was no way you could stop the inevitable from happening now. You said your last goodbye to your friendship. He took one last look at your dishevelled and defeated state before he plopped down on the armchair.
Thump, thump, thump. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears like the drums of that one Christmas song that they always played on the radio, and your stomach took a heavy leap. No, you couldn’t watch this. It was just too much to handle. You grabbed for the plush Santa Namjoon had gotten you as a joke last year, and hid your face in the red fabric of his cloak. You peeked out anxiously, watching Namjoon.
Pages rustled as Namjoon slowly opened the book. His heart beat just as fast as yours as he searched for the right page. Not because he was anxious, but because of his excitement as to what he would get to read on that page. And then he finally found it.
He was not surprised that it was about you. He had actually predicted that. Why else would you react that way if this didn’t reveal something about you? But the content had him gasping out in astonishment.
To actually believe it, he had to read it more than once. It beat all of his wildest dreams. Not only had you caught feelings for him, but he had of course caught feelings for you as well. And quite some time ago too. He had wanted to confess more than once but he hadn’t had the guts. He was very afraid of losing you as well so this came as a very pleasant surprise to him.
Unable to help it, he read the passage once more and let his gaze on the image of you linger a little longer, feeling arousal crawl up his body. He had caught you staring at him here and there, when going for a swim in the summer or when he read a book, when you didn’t think he would notice. He had never given much thought to it though. He would have never guessed that you had thought about him, dreamed about him.
He needed a few to gather himself, to brace himself for what was to come. He couldn’t let this slide just like that now that he knew that you felt the same for him. Now that he knew what you were craving. And he wanted to give you exactly that. All night if you wanted to. He wanted to give you the pleasure that you deserved, see you writhing underneath his fingers, calling out his name so that everyone could hear what he did to you.
A mischievous grin passed over his face. He would take care of that wish of yours, as a Christmas gift. That he promised to himself and gathered all of his confidence for. His heartbeat was going through the roof but he didn’t want you to know, and tried to keep a calm face.
You peeked out once more as he closed the book. You tried to read his face, but there was nothing to work with. Had your friendship been ruined already? Would he just leave and never say a word to you ever again? You expected the worst, already feeling tears prick in your eyes.
Namjoon slowly got up from the armchair and now you were sure he would leave the apartment. You felt embarrassment, shame, and regret overwhelm you. But there was something in you that fought back. Your eyes grew big, you couldn’t just let him go like this. “Namjoon, I-“
But he cut you off mid-sentence. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” He shook his head, putting the book down on the table and shoved it over towards you. Your gaze fell back to the image of you, a moaning mess in the bed. You couldn’t handle looking at it and instead gazed up at Namjoon and being met with an expression that you hadn’t expected at all.
He looked like a boy who had gotten the biggest present for Christmas, but there was also something a lot less innocent in his eyes. Holding your gaze, he came back over to the couch and crouched in front of you.
“You’ve been –“ He swallowed visibly, nervousness getting the best of him for a second, before he proceeded with confidence “–a very naughty girl, Y/N, haven’t you?” He cocked an eyebrow while putting both of his hands next to your legs that rested on the edge of the couch.
A shiver ran down your spine at his words. Never had you imagined that Namjoon would speak like this to you. You could not say much, your throat going dry, and just slowly nodded your head.
“Hmm, thought so,” he answered while letting his gaze wander over your form. “Well, what do we do about that? Naughty girls need to be punished, right?” His eyes drifted back to your face, satisfied he took notice of the effect he had on you. How your legs unconsciously rubbed together at his every movement.
With the heat rising from you, he felt drawn to you.
“But I think you’ve been pretty nice this year. I think we leave the punishment for another day and instead–“ He nodded towards the book, referring to the description of your dream under the picture. “– keep working on this.” He turned back towards you. “What do you think, Y/N?”
His words were music in your ears. This was more than you could wish for. You pinched yourself for a second, making sure it wasn’t another dream of yours, that you hadn’t just fallen asleep again in your bed. But it was as real as it could get. Arousal is already pooling in your panties, Namjoon’s deep voice resounding in your head.
By now, he was drawing small, soft circles on the skin of your thigh, patiently waiting for your answer. He wouldn’t do anything about it as long as you hadn’t given your consent. There was still a little voice inside of him that wasn’t sure if you really felt the same. He had no time to think too much about it though.
You cleared your throat, the effect he had on you clear as day. “I’d… love that.” You shyly answered, carefully putting a hand on Namjoon’s cheek. He leaned into your touch immediately, closing his eyes for a second to enjoy the feeling of the gentle action.
He pushed himself up a little, his face hovering in front of yours. You held your breath, excited for what was to come. He was even closer than before. You could feel puffs of his hot breath gently caressing your lips. His eyes kept yours caged, his pupils blown looking like black holes that swallowed you to take you to another dimension.
With his hand moving up to the side of your neck, it gingerly brushed against the skin and he left it at the nape of your neck. His face inched closer, barely any space left between your lips now. Your thumb grazed over his cheek, the skin underneath warm and tender. You could stay like this forever.
“May… may I kiss you?” Namjoon asked, gaze drifting between your shining eyes and your tempting lips. You took his breath away, making him weak in the knees. Why hadn’t he confessed to you sooner? He could have had it all already. You had both missed out on so much. But there was still so much time to make up for it all.
It took all of your willpower to not kiss him right then and there, but to answer his question first. You looked deep into his eyes, “Yes, I beg you to.”
And that was all that was needed for Namjoon to desperately press his lips against yours without hesitating for even a second. Both of you closed your eyes, relishing in the moment of the first kiss shared between the two of you. It was not at all how you had expected it to feel but so much more. Your heart took a leap at his soft lips that moved so lovingly against yours while his thumb stroked your neck, goosebumps rising on your skin.
Namjoon had to take a break to catch his breath, soft laughter escaping his lips. His hand remained at the back of your neck and so did yours on his cheek. But this break didn’t last long because both of you were already hungry for more. Your other hand went into his hair while your mouth landed back on his.
Tugging a little at the strands, he couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan, his lips opening to the kiss. His tongue darted out, tapping against your lower lip and begging for entrance. You let him stew a little until both of your tongues met in a heated battle.
Slowly, Namjoon could feel himself getting hard. Your sweet lips got the best of him and he couldn’t do anything against it when his mind imagined them wrapped around his cock. He could feel it twitch in his pyjama pants, begging for attention. But Namjoon wanted for you to cum first. The outlook of getting to taste you with his tongue between your folds was too promising.
In fact, he didn’t want to wait any longer. As much as he enjoyed making out with you, he wanted to dig into the real fun. He broke the kiss, pressing his forehead softly against yours. This time you had to catch your breath.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N?” Namjoon whispered softly, asking for your permission to go on.
You pecked his lips adoringly. “I mean I’ve been dreaming about it.” Both of you chuckled lightly, caressing each other’s skin. “I couldn’t wish for more this Christmas.” You had to stifle a laugh. This was the most interesting Christmas you had ever had. And you loved it.
Namjoon made his way over to your ear with featherlight kisses to nibble on your earlobe before he hushed into your ear, making you shiver at the nickname he used for you, “I want you to tell me if you feel uncomfortable, baby girl.”
“I will,” you breathed back, enjoying the shivers that ran down your spine as Namjoon’s breath tickled your skin. You buzzed with excitement, awaiting his treatment.
“Okay, baby girl,” he moved down from your ear to your neck, nipping at the skin and grazing his teeth over your shoulder a little. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
While your breathing got heavier at these few words already, he gently pushed your thighs apart with his hands, his upper body moving in the space in between to have better access to your neck. His hands wandered over your inner thighs, setting your skin on fire and your blood boiling.
Another quiet moan escaped your mouth. It all felt just too heavenly. And it made Namjoon proud to know he was making you feel good. You deserved it and he was ready to give it to you for the rest of your life if it meant he would hear your sweet little moans.
As he nibbled lightly on your neck, his hands crawled up your shirt, pushing it up over your chest. His mouth unlatched to attach itself again to one of your nipples immediately, drawing sloppy circles around it. While one of his hands held up the shirt, the other sweetly caressed your other breast, brushing against the sensitive bud and making it stand up, aroused.
Throwing your head back, you pushed your upper body into Namjoon’s face. The treatment he blessed you with was paradisiac. If it was up to you, he could do that for the rest of eternity. Still, there was one place where you needed him a lot more…
“Joonie.” His nickname left your lips in a faint, breathless hush. He let out a breathy moan against your nipple. God, now his mind would forever replay this moment and your needy plea whenever someone would call him by this nickname. You were his rise and his fall.
He pecked your nipple one last time before looking up from in between your breasts with hooded eyes. “Yes, baby girl?”
“I need you,” you breathed out, hands still playing with his soft hair.
He cocked his head, one of his eyebrows rising. “Need me how?”
You let out a quiet, frustrated sigh. He knew exactly how, teasing you in a vulnerable moment. With your cheeks heating up, you looked away for a second. This was still very unchartered territory to you.
Feeling one of his hands back on your cheek, he tilted your head to look at him. Eyes full of genuity, he softly told you, “You don’t need to be ashamed when you’re with me. You can freely tell me what you want because I want to make you feel good.” He took your hand and pressed a lingering kiss to your temple, softly muttering against your skin, “I want you to feel safe with me.”
It was easy to tell he was being serious and honest. How did you deserve this man? You mouthed a quiet ‘thank you’ to him, feeling more at ease now. And it gave you the confidence to state your desire.
“Joonie… I need your mouth on me and your tongue in me, please,” you begged as you didn’t break off the eye contact. His eyes lit up at your words and he nodded eagerly, pressing one more kiss on your knuckles before he let your hand go.
“If you need something to hold onto, my hair is as good as anything else,” Namjoon told you, winking at you saucily before levelling his head with your clothed core. You held in a breath as he put a featherlight kiss to your inner thigh before nipping on the smooth skin.
His hands wandered over your lower legs towards your waist where they played with the hem of your pyjama shorts, ghosting over your skin. He could smell your wetness and it drove him crazy. He was just as riled up as you were.
He looked up from between your legs, giving you a very similar view as your dream had. You still couldn’t believe that this was all actually happening.
“Baby girl? Could you do me a favor?” His hands slipped back under your shirt for a second, drawing soft circles on your lower back.
You nodded eagerly, willing to do anything as long as he’d continue his exploration down your pants.
“Could you lift your hips for me a little?” He nodded towards your hips. “We need to get these out of the way.”
You obeyed his request, leaning back while lifting up your hips from the couch. All you wanted was his mouth on you.
Namjoon sucked in a breath, preparing himself for the view he was about to get. He had dreamed of that moment many, many times. In the shower when the thoughts of you got over his head, in bed when he had had another vivid dream of you in his arms.
He gently pulled down both your pyjama shorts and your panties, dragging them slowly over your legs to fully enjoy this moment. The clothing items in question hit one of the snowmen in the face as Namjoon carelessly threw them over his shoulder.
You felt the cold air hit your sensitive skin, dragging in a breath as it came in contact with the rough material of the couch. You needed release desperately right now, even little things like these throwing you off. You sank back into the couch a little.
Heartbeat strumming in his ears, Namjoon’s gaze wandered between your legs, laying eyes on your glistening folds for the first time. It was a sight to behold, at least for him. “Fuck, Y/N,” he muttered under his breath, dragging one hand through his hair while lowering back down between your legs.
“Let me make you feel good,” he whispered while pushing his arms under your legs and pulling them up on his shoulders so he could get better access. You relaxed your upper body on the backrest while shifting your hips up to the edge of the couch so that not only you were comfortable, but it would also be easier for Namjoon.
He gave you one last smile before pressing his head between your legs, his hair pleasantly tickling the inner skin of your thighs. You could feel hot puffs of breath hitting your sensitive folds, making you shiver around him. He hummed lightly, pleased at your reaction.
With his hands gently holding down your thighs, he pressed soft kisses around your pussy, nipping at the skin here and there and biting down softly. He closed his eyes, savoring the last moment before he would get to taste you.
With one hand holding you up, you entangled the other back into his hair, threading through the strands. Your soft gasps filled the air, encouraging Namjoon on.
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, dropping a sloppy kiss onto your pussy. Tongue darting out between his lips, he took a long lick along your glistening folds. You tasted so good, he was glad that you would be the first meal of his day besides the coffee.
A strangled moan reached his hair and he opened his eyes to watch you throw your head back in pleasure. You looked like a goddess in the dim light of the morning and the fairy lights, the sinful image burned into his mind forever.
One of his hands reached around your leg to spread your folds for him, your clit coming into view. He latched his mouth onto it, sucking it in like a starved man.
Waves of pleasure rolled over you, feet pressing down on Namjoon’s back. If he kept this up, you would be falling apart in mere minutes. Your hands tugged on his hair, urging him to continue his treatment of your pussy. “Don’t stop,” you breathed out.
He replaced his lips with his thumb, caressing your bundle of nerves while his mouth moved further down. His tongue hungrily lapped at your walls, desperate to catch every taste it could get.
Your hips moved on your own as they pressed themselves against his face willingly, desperate for a release. You could feel your orgasm slowly approaching as Namjoon worked his magic on you.
As his tongue found your entrance, he slowly pushed it inside, before swirling it around a little. You gasped for air as you could feel it massaging your walls, back arching up from the couch. After letting you adjust to the feeling of his tongue inside you, he started darting it in and out at a rapid pace, thumb still fumbling your clit.
His nickname fell from your lips like a waterfall, wonderful music to his ears. You begged him not to stop, promises of you being close spurred him on, going down on you even faster. He could feel his rock-hard cock straining against his pyjama pants, begging to be released. But it was not yet the time.
He needed you to cum all over his tongue first and, hell, he would make sure of that. Feeling your walls contracting around his tongue, he put a little more pressure on your clit, circling and rubbing it gently with his fingers, trying to take you over the edge. You were almost there, he could feel it.
“Joonie, fuck, I am-” The sentence got lost between a heavy mess of moans and whimpers as you finally came with one last stroke around Namjoon’s tongue. You closed your eyes, orgasm blazing through your body in pleasurable waves.
Namjoon lapped up everything he could get, guiding you through your orgasm. As the moans and the whimpers lessened, his mouth, albeit grudgingly, detached from your folds, pressing one last kiss to your inner thigh before he looked up about you through his lashes.
As you looked down, you were met with a very vivid image of your last night’s dream as Namjoon’s skin glowed from your juices that were smeared all around his mouth. His hair had fallen into his eyes, not able to hide the playful glint in his eyes. His cheeks were a flushed red, chest heaving for air.
“That was… amazing,” you whispered as you cupped his cheek, thumb caressing the hot skin. You leaned over him, stealing a kiss and tasting yourself on his tongue. “Thank you.”
Namjoon chuckled lightly, taking pride in making you feel so good. He nuzzled his face in your neck, breathing in your delicate scent. “I think we both actually have someone else to thank.” Both of your gazes fell onto the book that still laid open on the coffee table.
You grinned from ear to ear at his words. “Well, thank you, Santa, I guess then? For helping us idiots?” Both of you couldn’t hold in your laughter at the situation. What a naughty Christmas it had been for sure!
Quietness settled over the two of you for a minute as you enjoyed each other’s company. As Namjoon slowly got up from his kneeling position, you noticed his hard manhood through his pants. Licking your lips, you felt yourself getting wet again. Your hunger for Namjoon had only just awakened.
“How about… a shower?” you proposed, cocking a head at Namjoon. “I think it’s time I’ll take care of you.” Pushing yourself up from the couch, you let your hands roam freely over his upper body.
Namjoon snaked a hand around your waist, pulling you against him. “As if I could say no to that.” You could feel his cock through the soft fabric of his pants pressing against your thigh. Namjoon leaned down, his lips against your ear.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he whispered as he softly started kissing you again under the shining lights of the fairy lights and a mistletoe magically grew down from the ceiling. Santa has his way in fulfilling wishes…
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© nottodayjjk 2021 - all rights reserved.
365 notes · View notes
army-author · 3 years
jungkook scenario | the alchemy of amor
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❝ jungkook is the arrogant son of the duke. you’re a humble alchemist just trying to make a living. unfortunately for you, jungkook seems to have taken a strange interest in you. when a dangerous wager involving a love potion spirals out of control, you find yourself flung into the deep end of emotion, and it becomes difficult to decipher genuine attraction from magical aftereffect... ❞
➝ prompt: i’m a witch who’s been experimenting with love-potion formulas, but there’s been a bit of a mix-up, and now the love-potion has somehow ended up in your hands, and you’re drinking it, and - no, please stop!
➝ pairing: jungkook x female reader
➝ genre: fluff, fantasy au, enemies to lovers
➝ requested by anon | 15.5k words
➝ warnings: profanity, mild injury, implied smut, some characters express misogynist sentiments
➝ author’s note: i hope you enjoy it! i had a lot of fun writing it. as you can see from the word count, i got a bit carried away. i can’t help it, i love enemies to lovers!
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Oh goddess above, please not this. Anything but this.
You are not wont to pray, but in circumstances such as this, with your life unravelling before you in tattered ribbons, your mind recalls the goddess you so often forget. Watching in horror, your supplications come thick and fast, as Jeon Jungkook downs the phial of rose-gold potion, and with it, swallows the hours of work you had invested into those shimmering contents.
Normally, you would not be so perturbed by the wasting of a potion, even one as rare as Impetus Amor. Ingredients can always be re-bought, potions can always be re-brewed. But something about Jungkook’s cocky expression as he sets down the vial, and raises a brow at you, overwhelms you with the heat of irrational fury.
“Mighty goddess above, what is wrong with you?” you spit venom more potent than your potions. “You know very well how long that took to brew!”
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, “Tough.” He smacks his lips together, “Looks like the potion doesn’t work anyway. And on top of that, it tastes bad. Like dried roses and soap.”
How does he know what dried roses and soap taste like?
“It wasn’t intended for you,” you retort through gritted teeth.
You know that the potion does work. After all the work you invested - collecting rose-petals, gold shavings, and pegasus feathers, all to be brewed on a blue moon, and then carefully distilled – there was no way that the batch of Impetus Amor was unsuccessful. But every alchemist worth their gold knows that the finicky love potion takes a few minutes to take effect after ingestion.
Which means that in a few minutes Jeon Jungkook, the man you hate most, will involuntarily fall in love with you.
How could I let this happen? You cast your mind over the unfortunate events that had led you to this low point, while you stifle a scream.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Several days ago]
It starts when one of your customers steps into your potions shop, in the town of Sientha, with a peculiar order.
She wears a red hood that covers most of her face, and clutches a purse tightly in her gloved hand. Glancing furtively around the shop, she walks over to your counter, and slips a note between the demijohns and ampuls that crowd the area where you work.
Upon unfolding her note, your eyes widen. The note reads: ‘One vial of Impetus Amor’. You focus your eyes on the client, who keeps her head down. You can just make out shapely lips and a dainty chin below the lowered hood.
“I know it’s a difficult potion to make,” she says in a hushed tone, “But I’m willing to pay whatever you need for it.”
You study her intently. Below the cloak, you can see an expensive dress, and jewellery sparkling at her neck. It’s clear that she has the means to pay. In most circumstances, you would object to the use of Impetus Amor, but it is not your responsibility to tell your customers how to use your potions. You simply get on with brewing, and ask no questions. That’s how you make a living. This case wouldn’t be any different.
“Okay,” you say, “I must warn you that it will take quite a while to make, and most of the ingredients are quite rare, so the wait may be long.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
You nod, leaning against the counter, as you tally up how much the potion will cost in ingredients and labour. When you finally name your price, the woman is silent for a moment, contemplating, before she nods, and rummages in her purse. She takes out a small brown sack, heavy with coin, which she places in front of you. Counting up the money, you nod in satisfaction. “You’re in luck. There’s a blue moon soon, and the potion should be ready not long after. Roughly five weeks,” you advise, “Come by to collect it when you’re able.”
Satisfied, the woman leaves the shop, while you gape at the sack of coins on your counter top. You hadn’t had that much money to your name in a long time.
Impetus Amor – the potion is infamously difficult to create, but you’re ready for a challenge. Spinning around to the shelf of tomes behind you, you scour the tittles until you find the one you need. You pull the tome down from its shelf, holding your breath as a fog of dust descents around you. So it begins.
✽ ✽ ✽
The first mistake you make is accepting the request from the mysterious woman who came into your shop.
Your second mistake is letting Jungkook into your shop. Or letting Jungkook anywhere near you at all.
Jungkook is the only son of the duke of Braewyth, the duchy you reside in - a hobbyist alchemist and your tormentor in his spare time. When he had first barged into your potion shop, and declared that he wanted to learn the art of alchemy, you were led to the conclusion that he was a pretentious prick. This suspicion proved to be correct, as after a few lessons from you – out of the goodness of your heart, and the impossibility of saying ‘No’ to the heir of the duchy – Jungkook believed himself to be better than you with your fifteen years of experience. He was now convinced that the two of you were rivals, and you were convinced that he was a pain in the arse.
As you work on crushing down dried rose petals for your new project, Jungkook barges into your shop once more. He doesn’t seem to know of any other way to make an entrance into your tiny business. He leans over the counter, his eyes burning on your skin as you work.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Preparing ingredients for Impetus Amor.”
His nose wrinkles as he leans back on the counter, crossing his arms over his overcoat, embroidered with the emblem of the duchy, a snow white stag on a blue shield. “Ah, the potion of love,” he muses, “I’ve heard that one’s incredibly difficult to make.”
“I know,” you grimace, as you continue to grind rose petals to a fine red dust in your stone mortar. “What of it, Mr. Jeon?”
The duke’s son gives an impartial shrug. “I’m merely stating that it’s a laborious potion to perfect. I’m surprised you’re attempting it.”
You bite down on your cheek to stop yourself from speaking indecently to Braewyth’s heir. “My customers respect me, and know that I’ll carry out any requests with the utmost care,” you cut back with thinly veiled anger.
Jungkook leans back lazily, his elbow brushing dangerously close to a decanter filled with Verum Serum, a silver truth potion you’ve been working on. “Well then, my little apothecary, why don’t we make a wager?”
You raise an eyebrow, setting down your mortar, and waiting for him to continue.
“I’m willing to bet that you won’t be able to finish the potion,” Jungkook says, “In fact, if you finish it, and it works, I’ll pay you in gold.” He grins.
“And if I can’t?” you enquire. It’s an unlikely option, but you need to know what you are dealing with. You find it difficult to refuse the offer of money, especially if it’s a loss for Jungkook, but you’re wary of the consequences on the (very low) chance that you are unsuccessful.
“Don’t worry,” Jungkook raises a hand, “I know you can’t pay much gold.” Your cheeks heat up. “But if you lose, then I demand a kiss from you.”
Biting down a retort, you take a deep breath, and remind yourself that it is unacceptable to call the son of the duke a ‘Bastard’, no matter how much you want to. Instead, with your fists balling, you reply, “Very well, Mr. Jeon. But please be prepared to lose.”
His eyes glitter under your gaze, “Okay.”
You know that there is no way you can lose. Still, the very thought of admitting defeat and letting him kiss you has your blood boiling as it churns through your heart. You ought to show more respect to the son of the duke - to most a kiss from him would be an honour - but your find respect hard to muster when he does nothing but flirt with the ladies about the town of Sientha, strutting arrogantly down the streets with a different girl handing off his arm each night.
It’s Jungkook’s loss for certain. You’ll make sure of that.
✽ ✽ ✽
Despite your confidence, Jungkook does everything he can to get in your way.
The next morning you raise yourself early from your bed to head into the mountains in search of pegasus feathers. Jungkook catches you on your walk between your shop and the stables, with your satchel slung across your back, and a grenadine-coloured cloak covering your riding boots and trousers. He saunters across the cobbled street to greet you. “Look at you. Out and about. It’s not often I see you step out of the comforts of your shop.”
“Perhaps if you were up earlier, it wouldn’t be such an irregular occurrence for you,” you chide, as you make for the bridge to the east, leading out of Sientha, “I often go out in the morning to track down ingredients.”
“My apologies that I don’t know your schedule by heart, little alchemist,” Jungkook ripostes, keeping pace with you, short steps for his longer legs, “I’ll have you know that I have many duties that keep me in the Braewyth manor until later in the day.”
Uninterested, you reach the stables where your ebony mare waits, whickering in recognition when you reach her stall. You begin saddling up, annoyed by the presence of Jungkook behind you, which you try to ignore – but like a fly buzzing around an empty room, it gets too irritating too quickly. “Are you planning on following me around all day like a cur in heat?” you ask, and Jungkook smirks, clearly amused to have scratched at some deep seated vexation inside you.
“That’s no way to talk to me, little alchemist,” he reminds you, waggling a taunting finger.
You sigh, adjusting the bridle on your mare. “Please excuse me, my good sir,” you lace your voice with sarcasm, “It wan’t my intention to offend. I was simply surprised to see someone like you showing an interest in my humble activities.” You offer him a sickly sweet smile, before hoisting yourself up into your saddle.
Ignoring your mockery, Jungkook looks up at you from under your dark lashes, “Well, where are you headed today?”
You bite down on your instinctual reply, thinking better of telling him it’s none of his business. “I’m going to the mouth of the River Waye. It’s rumoured that a pegasus has nested there, and I need its feathers.”
“For the Impetus Amor?” Jungkook’s eyes gleam.
You bow your head in a nod.
“Excellent. I’d love to come with you,” Jungkook sates, “I’ve never seen a real pegasus.”
As you open your mouth, ready to deny him, he interrupts, “You offered to tutor me on alchemy after all. Ingredient collection is a vital part of the hobby.”
I never offered to tutor you, you simply thrust your cumbersome presence upon me. Before you can say any of this out loud, Jungkook is calling for one of the stable hands to saddle up one of their horses. “Mr. Jeon, need I remind you that this hobby is a source of income for some,” you’re left to respond, somewhat hopelessly, as Jungkook stares up at you in your saddle.
Your mare shifts restless, unsure why she’s still cooped in her stable.
“If it’s such a burden to earn a livelihood, then I’m sure you could find some kind husband who’d be more than happy to take care of you,” Jungkook responds, “With looks like yours, you’d never have to work another day in your life.”
Your blood boils in frustration. You bite down on your lip, watching in cold silence as the stable hand brings a chestnut stallion over to Jungkook, handing him the reins. Your horse senses your unease, and with a prick of your heels in her side, she’s all too happy to trot out of the stable and into the harsh sunshine of the winter morning.
Jungkook follows behind, his stallion’s horseshoes clacking on the cobblestones.
“I’ll have you know, Mr. Jeon,” you say, controlling your tone as best you can, “I’m perfectly content making a living for myself, and am in no need of a husband.”
“And what of it?” Jungkook spurs on his horse, overtaking you as you reach the bridge out of Sientha, where the town guards immediately part, recognising the duchy crest on Jungkook’s overcoat.
As you follow over the bridge, Jungkook casts a look over his shoulder at you, “You wish to spend your whole life brewing potions, and die an old maid?”
“I know of worse fates,” you say, “I would rather live as a lowly alchemist than the chattel of some rich cretin such as yourself.”
Jungkook falls into silence, face frosty, and you wonder if your pushed things too far.
As you continue down the road, the quality of the surface worsens, with more potholes appearing the further you travel from Sientha. Fallen mute, you and Jungkook pass fields, appearing empty after the harvests of autumn.
It’s a long way to the mouth of the River Waye, which lies in the valley between two mountains, Mount Cantre and Ayn Blanch. The two peaks rise above you in the distance. As you branch off the main road onto a dirt track, you allow your mare to break into a gallop, and Jungkook urges his horse on to keep up with yours. You cast a glance over to him as he keeps stride beside you, his jaw set and his brows furrowed over dark eyes. With your gaze fixed, you almost miss the shouting, until the ruckus is directly behind you. Snapping your neck around, you see a group of Braewyth soldiers approaching on horseback. You pull on your mare’s reigns, attempting to bring her to a halt, but the soldiers are already upon you, passing by on the narrow track. Your skittish mare rears as the soldiers rush past, and you find your view turned upside down. Thrown from the saddle, you land on your rear in a soft pile of moss. You’re lucky to have nothing but your pride bruised.
Jungkook brings his horse to a halt next to you, and leaps down from his saddle, catching your spooked mare’s reigns, before she makes to bolt. Soothing the black horse with hushed murmurs, Jungkook leads her to a nearby tree, where he ties the reigns to a low hanging branch. “Are you alright?” he turns his attention back to you.
You wince, and take his hand, allowing him to pull you up. “Yes, I’m okay. Just a little shaken.”
“Good.” His voice is gruff, “Those bloody soldiers. I wonder if they realise who they just overtook. I’ve a mind to report them to my father.”
“Don’t bother,” you dust down your cape, “Everyone knows the Braewyth soldiers are bloated with pride after the last success in war.”
Jungkook snorts. “That war was three years ago. Their only responsibility now is to protect the people of the duchy, and they can’t even do that!” He heaves a sigh, eyes cast to the sky, where the harsh sun shines down from an empty winter sky. “No matter, we’re wasting time here. If you’re sure you’re alright, then we should crack on.”
You walk over to untie your mare, who has now calmed down and is happily grazing on some grass by the side of the road. Hoisting yourself into your saddle, you edge her on with a soft nudge of your heels. Ahead of you, Jungkook has already mounted his ride, patting the neck of his stallion. You’re almost in a mind to apologise to Jungkook for calling him a “cretin” earlier, but you bite back the words, pride getting in the way.
You continue the journey in silence. The path is long, and as your altitude increases, the temperature plummets. Shivering, you pull your cloak closer around you. Your mare huffs out puffs of warm breath as she trots down the winding track, weaving between the smaller hills that spread towards the Braewyth mountains. Further ahead, Jungkook is hunched down in his saddle, looking cold, but staying stubbornly silent.
At last, you come to the edge of the valley, and begin to follow the track next to the shallow section of the River Waye. The banks are padded with moss, and you spot the sleek shining bodies of carp flickering in the crystalline water.
Slowing your mare, you slip off your mount, and tie her to a barren tree at the edge of the water. Ahead of you, Jungkook, having noticed you have stopped, dismounts as well. “Are we there?” he asks.
You nod, putting a finger to your lips. With a hushed voice, you respond: “Nearly. But we need to proceed on foot. Pegasus are incredibly skittish. We’ll be quieter without the horses.”
Passing Jungkook, you follow the winding path next to the Waye, stepping on the spongy moss to silence your footsteps. The two mountains rise up on either side of you – on the left, Ayn Blanche, its peak capped with snow, and on the right, Mount Cantre, sitting squat in Ayn Blanche’s shadow. The valley in between is adorned with scree; clumps of heather dot the otherwise drab landscape.
You slow to a stop when your sharp eyes catch sight of what you were hoping for – hoof prints and loose white hairs caught on a bramble. Leaning down, you pick up a strand of hair, running your fingers over it. Course and thick, there’s no denying it. The hair from a pegasus’ mane.
“There’s a pegasus somewhere around here,” you inform Jungkook in a hushed tone, pointing out the hoof prints to him.
Staying silent, oddly obedient, Jungkook nods, eyes scanning the area.
Carefully, you make your way along the trail of hoof prints. Ahead of you, you spot an opening on the steep flank of Ayn Blanche, a few meters from the base. It appears to be the perfect spot for a pegasus nest, tucked away from the wind that normally sweeps through the valley. Walking to the base, you search for a good foothold, and begin to hoist yourself up the craggy slope to the opening.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Jungkook breaks his unofficial vow of silence.
“Isn’t it obvious?” you huff, “I’m getting up to the pegasus’ nest.”
“Isn’t that dangerous work for… well...” Jungkook trails off. Probably for the best.
“I’ve climbed my fair share of rock faces,” you assure him, “Alchemy isn’t just about sitting daintily at a table stirring tiny beakers and keeping one’s hands soft and free of callouses.”
“But won’t the pegasus be angered if you enter its nest?” Jungkook worries from below.
As you stretch to reach for a rock that juts out above you, you grunt, “You know, Mr. Jeon, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were concerned for my wellbeing.”
You’re disappointed that you cannot look down to see the pout that is so evident in his voice as he retorts, “Well it wouldn’t look good if I were to go out with a young maiden, and return back with her maimed. People might talk.”
“People will always talk, regardless,” you say, pulling yourself up to the ledge at the front of the opening. “Don’t fear, Pegasus are only aggressive to those they deem to have a wicked soul. Which means I’ll be fine. But you might need to watch out.”
Before Jungkook can shoot back a reply, you turn your attention to the opening that houses the nest. The space is large, big enough for a pegasus. Peering in, you see that the nest is empty of any life, but the small cave is filled with exactly what you need – feathers caught on the rocky outcroppings. Pulling out a bottle from your satchel, you scoop up a few feathers, and preserved them in your glass. The feathers sparkle slightly in the sunshine that throws slanted rays into the cave. Satisfied with your find, you get ready to climb back down.
Just then, you hear a shout, and peer down to see Jungkook waving his hands at you from the bottom of the steep rock face. He gesticulates wildly, pointing downstream. You look in that direction, a spot the white shape of a pegasus, just before it plummets down with a splash into the Waye.
Quickly, you scramble down the rocks, and sprint to the river, where you see the water running red. An arrow is sticking from the flank of the pegasus, which raises its head above the water, straining to get up, before it flops down again. Horrified, you scan the area, trying to figure out where the arrow was fired from. It doesn’t take you long. Two poachers approach, a net swinging from their hands.
“Oi, get away from that creature,” one of them shouts upon spotting you.
“What are you going to do with it?” you ask, moving your body to block the pegasus.
“We’re going to make a fortune peddling off it’s body parts to alchemists,” the shorter of the two informs you, “Those occultists pay a hefty price for hair and feathers you know, not to mention a fresh heart, or a vial of blood.”
You grit your teeth, standing up straighter, “It’s a negative stereotype that alchemists use blood and hearts in their potions. And the hair and feathers are only useful if they’ve come from a living creature. You’re wasting your time if you think you’ll make money killing and harvesting this animal.”
The taller one laughs – an ugly sound that sends a shudder through you. “And what would you know about alchemy, wench? If I have questions about my cooking, or my laundry I’ll come to you.  So how about you keep your mouth shut on things you know nothing about?”
Stifling your rage, your bite back, “I’m not letting you near this creature. Not one step further.”
“Oh, well, aren’t you just a darling bloody saint. Protecting the innocent fauna of the land. I don’t remember asking for a sermon on the morality of killing dumb animals.” Your eye catches the movement of the taller man’s hand to the hilt of his sword. “Now, I would suggest you get out of the way, before I make you get out of the way.”
You size the two men up, and swallow. You have a small dagger on your hip, usually used for cutting plant shoots. Not much use against two swords. Still, you bring your hand to your hip in anticipation, unwilling to back down.
“I order you to stop!”
You glance towards the source of the voice. Jungkook is standing behind you with his rapier raised, his stance indicating years of training in fencing. With two calculated blows he could puncture the stomachs of both poachers. The two men blanche.
Nonetheless, the shorter of the two poachers blusters on, “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, son of the duke of Braewyth. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you two gentlemen that pegasus are considered an endangered species, and it’s a criminal offence to poach them, punishable by a good flogging in Sientha square.”
The shorter poacher swallows, his hand wavering.
The taller of the two is only all the more incited. “I don’t give a fuck. You’re not a king. Not even a prince. Just some lesser noble with a silver spoon shoved up your arse. What are you going to do, report me? We’re out in the middle of fuck-knows where, and you’re outnumbered, two to one.” He raises his sword.
“Actually, it’s two against two,” you correct him, unsheathing your dagger.
“Well that seems fair then, doesn’t it,” Jungkook purrs, “Fine, I suppose I’ll just have to punish you myself, seeing as we’re in the middle of “fuck-knows where”, as you so eloquently put it.”
The shorter of the two gulps audibly, and then turns tail and begins running in the opposite direction, slipping over the mossy rocks by the Waye’s bank.
A wiser man would have retreated, but it appears that the taller poacher is somewhat lacking in cognitive ability. With a roar, he lunges at Jungkook, who easily pirouettes out of reach, leaving the lanky man to swipe at thin air. Growling, the man rights himself, and launches at Jungkook, but the duke’s son easily parries the blow with his blade, a metallic clang echoing in the valley. The poacher stumbles back, grimacing. Seeing that he has underestimated the “lesser noble”, the poacher makes a grab for you instead.
You attempt to duck out of the way, but slip on the wet rocks, and feel a clammy hand grab around your wrist, pulling you into the hard body of the poacher. Up close, he smells of onions and beer. You struggle against him, but upon feeling cold steel at your throat, you freeze.
“Not another move,” the poacher growls, “Or this wench gets it.”
You glance at Jungkook, who stands poised, with rapier raised. An expression of fear flashes across his face, like a fleeting cloud on a sunny day, passing so fast, you could convince yourself you imagined it.
The poacher’s plot could have worked out for him, had he not underestimated your strength.
As he leers at Jungkook, you grasp at the advantage of surprise. With a sudden twist, like a striking viper, your hand – still holding the dagger - snaps up, and strikes the man on the side of the head with the hard wooden hilt. The man crumples with a screech.
You leap away. At the exact same instant, Jungkook jumps forward. You turn to see the son of the duke standing over the poacher, his rapier raised to the tall man’s stubbly throat. The poacher whimpers, with one hand clutching his face where you struck him. A trickle of blood trails down the wrinkles of his face.
“Now listen carefully,” Jungkook says, his voice low and dangerous, “I could kill you right here. But I’m choosing to spare you. I would suggest you get off your sorry arse, get up, and run away. Take your possessions, your wife and children – if you have any – and flee this duchy. Because know that you are a wanted man while you remain in the borders of Braewyth. I know your face, and soon ever guard in our troops will know it too. The punishment for poaching endangered creatures is flogging. The punishment for an attempt on the heir of the duchy’s life is the gallows. There will not be mercy the second time. Do I make myself clear?”
The man nods, slowly and carefully, his throat strained below the point of Jungkook’s rapier.
Jungkook lifts the blade. “Go.”
The poacher does not need any more prodding. Scrambling to his feet, he flees, glancing behind him every so often, as if he is scared that Jungkook will change his mind and follow after him.
Jungkook breathes a sigh, sheathing his rapier. The sweat on his neck is the only indication that he was at all shaken by the encounter. Your return your dagger to the holster on your hip, and turn your attention to the pegasus which still lies in the shallow portion of the river, breathing heavily. You carefully walk over, and inspect the damage.
There’s one arrow lodged in its side, but from the other gashes on its white coat, it appears that several other arrows hit, but subsequently fell out, leaving the creature to bleed from multiple open wounds. The pegasus lets out a distressed whinny as you approach, and makes an attempt to get up. Its legs shake, and it collapses back with a splash, too weak to run away. It has already lost a lot of blood.
“Shh, it’s okay,” you murmur, “I’m not going to hurt you.” You know the creature can’t understand you, but you hope your tone is at least soothing. The pegasus thrashes in the shallow water, but realising it is too weak to move, it resolves itself to its fate, and lays its head down.
You crouch next to it, ignoring the cold water that soaks into your boots and riding trousers. Carefully, you pull a bottle from your satchel, and uncork it. You are thankful that you often carry first aid potions around. Wafting the bottle under the pegasus’ nose, you watch as it inhales the scent of your soothing potion and relaxes. With the creature sedated, you pull the arrow from the skin, and apply pressure to staunch the flow of blood that follows. Hunting in your satchel, you pull out a second potion, filled with healing balm. Pouring the thick green liquid onto your palms, you begin massaging it onto the pegasus’ open wounds. The smell of lavender and sage emanates from the balm, covering up the bitter metallic smell of blood.
Straightening up, you back away from the pegasus. The creature tentatively stands up, taking a few hesitant steps forward. Strengthened and emboldened, the pegasus canters forward with a whicker, its large wings ruffling as it takes flight.
“What did you give it?” Jungkook asks, watching the pegasus soar towards its nest.
“A simple Salutare Decoction,” you tell him, “Made to soothe and heal wounds, and-”
“And restore vitality. Yes, I know the one,” Jungkook interrupts, “I’ve never seen it used in practice.”
You flash him a cocky smile. “There’s no shame in admitting you’re impressed by my talents, Mr. Jeon.”
The heir of the duchy grimaces, “I’ll be impressed if you can actually make the Impetus Amor.”
“Oh, you of little faith. Are you allergic to admiring anyone who isn’t yourself?”
“Don’t get too arrogant, little alchemist.” Jungkook tramps back to his horse, his back a silhouette of irritation with shoulders hunched and head lowered. “Don’t forget who saved you from those poachers, you ungrateful wench.”
You snort,  walking back to your mare, “Some help you were when I had a blade held to my throat...”
“If you had been alone, you would have been slashed to ribbons,” Jungkook parries, hoisting himself into his saddle. With a dig of his heels, his stallion canters forward before you can get another word in.
By the time you’ve swung yourself into your saddle, Jungkook is far ahead, and you know there’s no way your mare can catch up with Jungkook’s brawny stallion.
Clucking at your ebony horse, you encourage her into a trot, muttering insults that Jungkook will never hear while you weave down the path back to Sientha.
✽ ✽ ✽
With the necessary ingredients, you’re finally able to start work on the Impetus Amor once you return to your shop. There’s no sign of Jungkook as you work throughout the rest of the day, and of that you are glad.
If you never see his cocky face again, it’ll be too soon for you. Yet, as you crush down thin sheets of gold into fine dust, his visage clouds your vision. Even as you watch the pegasus feathers steep in rose water, the shimmering sheen slowing leeching from the feather into the liquid, you cannot shake his sure smile and steadfast gaze from your clouded thoughts.
Dazed, you extract the feather from the liquid, leaving behind the opalescent rose water. The ingredients are ready. You simply have to wait. The next blue moon will be soon – a lucky coincidence.
Your luck is sure to run out eventually.
✽ ✽ ✽
On the night of the blue moon, once your shop is closed for the evening, you begin to prepare for the brewing of the potion. You start by getting your ingredients together, setting them up in a semicircle around your caldron. While you may have no control over your own life, you can easily command ingredients to do your bidding, controlling the brewing process and modifying as you go. The whole process is a soothing ritual for you.
At least it would be, if it weren’t for an irksome knocking coming from your door.
Sighing, you leave your ingredients by the caldron, and go to the door. You slide back the wooden latch, and outside you see -
He stands, illuminated in a halo from the lanterns outside.
You wrinkle your nose. “What do you want?”
“Is that any way to greet the heir of the duchy?”
Rolling your eyes, you open the door to him, “Mr. Jeon, what an honour to see you at the threshold of my humble shop. Please make yourself at home. Is that any better?”
“A little,” Jungkook steps inside your shop.
You’re already seething, and he hasn’t even been in your presence for more than a minute. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
“I needed your expertise on something,” Jungkook says, sauntering over to your counter, and leaning against it.
You snort. “I find it hard to believe you think anyone besides yourself has any expertise.”
“Your words sting, little alchemist,” his eyes drag across the supplies lined on the shelves of your shop, before finally coming to rest on you. “I came here for some advice. Yes, yes, take time to gloat if it makes you feel better.” He waves a dismissive hand.
The gloating wouldn’t feel so good with his dark eyes piercing yours. You swallow, and stay silent.
“I need a potion to help me stay awake,” Jungkook admits.
You raise your brows. “It’s not healthy to stay awake for long periods of time, Mr. Jeon.”
“Well of course. It’s a one-off, naturally,” he shrugs at your concerns, “I’m just a little tied up you see. I promised a lovely lady that I’d take her dancing this evening, but I also have a commitment to the duchy, and that means being in attendance at an early morning meeting tomorrow. I was quite hoping to spend some quality time with the lady tonight, if you understand my meaning.”
“Are you sure it’s not an aphrodisiac you’re after instead?” you quip.
Jungkook raises his brows in feigned surprise. “What do you take me for? Some kind of cad?”
“Are you not a cad?” You examine him skeptically, “I see you around town with a different lady each day. What conclusions am I supposed to draw?”
“Well, perhaps you’re not so wrong,” Jungkook grins, “Just don’t tell the ladies that.”
“Don’t worry. They’re all too posh to speak to me, let alone believe my accusations that Jeon Jungkook is a good for nothing bounder who only cares about the delicacies that hide beneath their petticoats and pantaloons.”
“Can you help with the potion or not?” Jungkook has grown bored of your jokes.
Stepping behind your counter, you begin to rummage around the shelves. “Luckily for you, Vigil Concoction only takes a few minutes to brew.” You grab a jar of rhodiola rosea, along with a fine iron powder, and the scales of a mermaid. Crushing the aquamarine scales to a fine dust, you mix the ingredients together with a drop of lime juice. Jungkook watches, fascinated, as you pour the ingredients into a clean caldron, and bring the concoction to a boil. The smell of brine mixed with lime cuts through the air.
Jungkook's eyes wander over to the ingredients set aside for the Impetus Amor. “I see you’re finally going to be brewing it tonight,” he nods at the ingredients.
“Yes, I was about to before you interrupted,” you say, stirring the Vigil Concoction.
“So if it’s brewed tonight, it should be ready in a few days, correct?”
You sigh, and affirm, “Correct.”
“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to wait until then to see if you were actually successful.”
You wince. You had been hoping that Jungkook would forget your wager. Instead of continuing that train of thought, you change the subject. “If you don’t mind me asking, why not cancel your plans with this maiden, and attend the meeting. Any lady would be more than willing to change her plans for you.”
Jungkook sighs, “Actually, meeting with her was my father’s idea.”
You pause stirring the concoction to eye Jungkook with curiosity. “I didn’t take the duke to be the type to encourage copulation with fair damsels.”
“Wether I have sexual relations with the women does not matter,” Jungkook blushes, “My father is insistent that I find a wife.”
You splutter, and his dark eyes flash.
“Did I say something that amused you?”
“No, sorry,” you focus your attention on the potion, “It’s simply difficult to imagine you settling down with a woman.”
“What can I say. Most of the women I meet are a bore. Perfectly satisfactory in the bedroom, but useless outside of it. I struggle to hold a conversation with any of them. I need a lady with more substance if I am to wed her, not just bed her.”
“It must be such a chore being forced to spend time with all those beautiful women,” you tease, decanting the potion into a vial and corking it. Handing it across the counter to Jungkook, you warn, “Wait until it cools down before you consume it.” Your hand brushes against his as he takes the vial.
“Listen,” his voice is quieter, and despite yourself, you find you are trapped in his gaze, “I do not want you to think less of me for this conversation. When I find the right lady, I’ll settle down. I won’t be a cad. I..” he trails off, pocketing the vial. “I… well. Thank you for your help.”
You nod, unsure how to interpret his words. Taking on a professional tone, you say, “The concoction will work for about twelve hours, and will keep you alert and sleepless in that time. Once the twelve hours are up, you may find yourself dozing off quickly, so do be mindful of that.”
“Thank you.” With that, Jungkook leaves your shop. You stand in your empty store, thrown off by the unexpected distraction he caused.
Shaking your head from your hazy thoughts, you get back to the business of brewing Impetus Amor. You sit down in front of the cauldron, with enough ingredients to make several batches. You carefully measure each ingredient out, pouring them into the caldron’s black maw, while the light from the blue moon shines in through the shop window. You murmur a few words as smoke begins to rise from the caldron. The words come from an ancient civilisation, now long dead. The accent is strange and heavy on your tongue. It is the words that are the most demanding part. One wrong inflection, one stutter, and the potion’s strength will wane, or even fade completely. You’ve practiced each phrase thoroughly, just to be safe. As you stir, the liquid in the potion changes from pale translucent to an opaque pearlescent pink. A success. Working quickly, you pour the mixture into an alembic to distill.
Now all that’s left to do is wait.
✽ ✽ ✽
The days pass quicker than you expect, with nothing much to note, apart from the weekend, when a young lady wanders into your shop with a tear stained face, asking for a potion to mend a broken heart. You could have sworn you had seen the lady with her arm strung through Jungkook’s the previous day. You do not comment as you hand her a bottle of Cor Integro.
At last, the Impetus Amor is ready, and right on cue, so is Jungkook. He walks into the shop as you are bottling the love potion.
“Is that it?” His eyes flash over the contents of the glass bottle.
You nod.
“May I?” He holds out a hand, and you hesitate, before relinquishing the bottle to him.
And so concludes the list of bad decisions you made concerning Impetus Amor.
He holds it up to the light, inspecting intently. “Well, it certainly looks convincing. But I suppose we won’t actually know if it works unless we test it.”
The bad feeling forming in your stomach has arrived too late to warn you. Jungkook is already pulling out the cork, and downing the contents of the bottle.
This is how you end up with Jungkook, the one man you cannot stand, drinking your love potion. The first person he looks at will be the one he falls for. He’s looking at you.
Oh goddess above, please not this. Anything but this.
“Mighty gods above, what is wrong with you? You know very well how long that took to brew!” Your attempt to restrain your tone is unsuccessful. Anger pours freely from your words.
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, “Tough. Looks like the potion doesn’t even work anyway. And on top of that, it tasted bad. Like dried roses and soap.”
“It wasn’t intended for you,” you remind him. “In one hour, it will begin to take effect, and you will be reduced to a fawning dolt, drooling over my every move.”
“That will only happen if the potion actually works. Which it may not.” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow at you, so sure of himself it makes you want to scream. “I cannot have you selling snake oil to the people of Braewyth.”
You are physically trembling with anger. “That potion is incredibly expensive. You’ll have to pay for it.”
“Fret not, you’ll get your money… if it works.” He swivels around, and is about to make for the door, but you dash in from of him, blocking off his means of escape. “I won’t allow you to leave,” you say, “You’ll make a complete fool of yourself if you’re free to roam the streets under the influence of a love potion.”
Jungkook blinks – innocent – and then laughs, “Come now. It won’t be that bad.”
“Yes. Yes, it will be that bad,” you insist, “I’m keeping you here until I can cure you. The last thing we want is for you to cause a scandal.”
Jungkook’s Adam’s apple bobs, finally realising that you’re being serious. “What will the potion do to me?”
“You should have asked before you drank the potion.”
“Perhaps,” he concedes, “It might not work. We still don’t know.” His eyes are wide, like a deer that’s spotted a hunter with an arrow aimed at its heart. “What will it do?”
“It will make you fall in love with me,” you say, “Of course. On top of that, it will cause you great physical pain any time you are not close to me. It will make you desperate for physical contact.”
Jungkook swallows thickly. “Well… let’s… uh… hope you got it wrong then, hmm?”
You frown. “I’ve half a mind to throw you out into the street to make a complete fool of yourself, screaming your love for all bystanders to hear.”
“Surely you’ve got a cure,” Jungkook pleads.
You grit your teeth. “You can’t expect me to simply fix every problem with a magical potion, Mr. Jeon. Alchemy doesn’t always work like that.”
“I’m sorry!” Jungkook blurts, “There, I said it. I’m sorry! I know I’ve cocked up. And I know I take your abilities for granted. I underestimate you all the time. I’m sorry, alright? But you have had it out for me from the moment you met me. You hated me before you even knew me. I don’t know why, but I’m sorry for that too. Now can you please stop piling on the blame and help me?” He holds up his hands, plaintive, “Please. I can’t do this by myself.”
Your shoulders slump. You want to be angry. All you feel is pity.
“Aright, Jungkook,” you concede, “I’ll help you.”
“Thank you,” his voice is soft.
You set the sign on your shop door to ‘Closed’, and bolt it. Then, you move across to your shelf of books. You know that one of these tomes must contain an antidote for a love potion. It’s not something you’ve made before, and you cannot remember which volume it is in, but you know it must be there. You scan the indexes, the pile of rejected tomes towering taller as you search through each book for any help it may provide.
Meanwhile, Jungkook sits on a stool by the counter, fidgeting awkwardly. 
At last, in your copy of Payne and Nash’s Antidotes for Advanced Alchemy, you find a potion called Aphrodite’s Cure – an antidote for love potions and aphrodisiacs.
Your finger mechanically runs down the list, checking off each one.
Extract from a siren’s tongue
Sap from a cherry tree
Crushed topaz
You have all those items in your shop. If you believed in the goddess, you would be praising her now. Your finger stops, hovering over the brewing time, spelled out in black ink. Two hours.
“Well, Jungkook...” The duke’s son looks up at the sound of your voice. “I’ve found a cure I can brew, but it will take two hours.”
Jungkook’s hopeful expression falls. “Well, I suppose I can bear being in love with a pain in the arse like you for two hours. Even if you are… the most… the most... beautiful maiden I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaps up from his stool.
Your heart pounds, animalistic instincts telling you to run far away.
Still you remain frozen to the spot, while Jungkook makes his way around the counter to grab at you, pulling you close. Your chest presses against his, while his hands grip your waist.
“You’re gorgeous,” Jungkook murmurs, “Forgive me for not telling you earlier.”
Your curse silently, caught in Jungkook’s ardent gaze. Your potion had worked wonders... unfortunately. “Does this drivel normally work on the maidens you woo?” you ask, pushing him away.
He winces as you part. “Please, my dear, it hurts when you force us apart.”
You remember the side effect of Impetus Amor embodies itself as physical pain when a couple is not  close to one another. Despite your disdain for Jungkook, you feel a pang of pity for him. “Okay,’ you say, “You may stay near my side. But you can’t get in my way while I work on an antidote for you.”
“But I don’t want to be cured,” Jungkook retorts, “I’m in love with you, and it feels wonderful. I never realised how good it would feel to experience true love. You truly wish to part me from this happiness?”
“Yes. You asked for this. Remember that.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “My past self did not know what he was talking about. I wish to stay by your side, forever..”
“No matter what I do,” you say, “The effects will wear off in a week. I’m merely expediting the process to save you the embarrassment that will follow.”
Firmly, you move away from Jungkook, fetching a bottle of siren’s tongue extract from the top shelf behind your counter, before you dig out your crushed topaz and cherry tree sap from a cupboard. You sit down in front of your caldron and let Jungkook take a seat beside you. His hand comes to rest on your knee. You startle at his touch.
“You said I could stay close to you,” he says, “Sorry, is this too much?”
You shrug. “Do what you need to. Just don’t get in my way.” As you pour the potions into the caldron and begin stirring over a low flame, you try to ignore the heat in your body, shooting up from the spot on your leg where Jungkook’s palm rests. The ingredients begin to bubble in the caldron. You watch carefully, smelling the steam that rises, hoping to discern clues on the quality of the brew. When the scent of caramel begins to waft from the caldron, you remove it from the heat, and allow it to sit for a few minutes before you transfer it to a flask where if will sit for two hours, allowing the ingredients to cool and fully incorporate into Aphrodite’s Cure.
“Well, Jungkook, now we wait.”
He huffs, “I already told you, I don’t want to be cured.”
“Tough,” you tell him. “Eventually you will be, whether you like it or not. Then you’ll be on your own to deal with the shame that follows. I’m not helping you with that.”
He bristles. “I don’t find being in love with you shameful. Not at all. After all, you’re strong-willed, and intelligent, not to mention beautiful! You have more wit and personality than most other women I have wooed. If I were to be embarrassed at the idea of loving you, I ought to cringe at the idea of having bedded the other women.”
“Well, you shan’t be ‘bedding’ me,” you say, “You can’t get between my legs just by flashing me a favourable look.”
Jungkook’s face falls, “You wound me, my dear. You truly believe I only have carnal pleasures on my mind. Do not worry. I know you need respect and commitment before you would allow a man to  crawl between the sheets with you.”
You feel your cheeks burning with a blush. “Let me guess – you wish to be the man who will show me that respect and commitment, and will crawl between the sheets with me?”
“Listen,” Jungkook diverges from your pointed question, “I know I need time to prove myself to you. I haven’t shown you my best side while I’ve been around you. I can only ask that you forgive me, and let me show you how much better I can be.”
“I’m used to the way you treat me.” You move away from Jungkook, but he grabs onto you, hands desperate.
“Please don’t leave.”
“I’m not leaving. I just need to get on with work. You may have forced me to close my shop, but that doesn’t mean I can sit and twiddle my thumbs for two hours until you’re cured.”
“But I want to sit here with you,” Jungkook whines. The potion doesn’t seem to have just struck him down with love, but also to have turned him into a pouty brat with the attitude of a spoiled toddler.
Give me strength. “Let me guess,” you say, “You want to hold me, and kiss me? Am I right?”
Jungkook’s face turns red. “You shame me my dear, for it seems you have been reading my thoughts. Forgive me, but how can I help but dream of such things, when you are so comely.”
You try not to roll your eyes. Men under the influence of Impetus Amor are intolerable.
You catch a hold of his hand, which is grabbing your right wrist, and wrench him off you. “Jungkook, I am refusing you for your own good.”
“I do not believe that to be true,” Jungkook says as you pry yourself from him, and begin to scour your shelves for any bottles that appear to be running low. The duke’s son follows you around like a lovesick puppy while you pull out a piece of parchment and begin walking along the shelves taking note of vials and containers that are running empty, so you can get fresh ingredients at the next opportunity. Your hands need to be busy. You feel hapless otherwise.
“I truly believe,” Jungkook pipes up behind you, “That even when this potion wears off, I will still be in love with you. I believe that I have been in love with you for a while.”
You snort a laugh, “You truly do amuse me, Jungkook.”
“Is it so hard to believe I could fall for you?”
You spin around to face Jungkook. He is much closer than you anticipated. A gasp breaks your lips.
“Listen, little alchemist,” his eyes bore into yours, as you step back, your spine pressing against the shelf behind you, “I’ve been trying to fight these feelings, for I know my father would not approve of a woman who is not noble-born, yet I still find myself drawn to you. I wander aimlessly to your shop, just to catch a glimpse of you, just to feel the warmth of your company. And you would scoff at this?”
Your mouth goes dry, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. The words are difficult to get past your teeth. “You’re lying. It’s just the potion talking.”
“Why would I lie?” Jungkook’s eyes are troubled, “I’ve been falling slowly, ever since I met you. I tried to push off the feelings by treating you harshly. I tried to forget them in the arms of another lover. But still… I always find myself coming back to you.” He lifts a hand, fingers gentle against your cheek. You shiver at his touch. “It’s always you, little alchemist.”
Your lips curl in amusement. “You almost convinced me Jungkook. You speak so earnestly…” You take his hand in your own, pull it away from your face, and let it drop to his side.
His eyes cloud over. “Being unable to touch you, it hurts me physically, you know.”
“I know.” A shard of sympathy embeds in your chest. “It won’t last long though, I promise. I’ll cure you soon.”
“While we wait,” Jungkook’s eyes are dark, “Could you spare me one kiss? Just to ease the pain?”
“Jungkook,” your hand goes to his chest, rising up to rest on his shoulder, “The potion worked. You lost the wager. You were only to get a kiss if you won.”
“Please,” the word falls soft from his mouth.
You stand transfixed, stuck between your shelf of potions, and Jungkook’s body. His face is mere inches from your own. A dreadful curiosity sweeps over you, one that you know you should ignore. Yet, Jungkook is here before you, eyes urgent, and you are tired of fighting him.
“One kiss,” you murmur, “That’s all I’ll allow.”
His hands find purchase on your waist as he moves closer. Your eyelids flutter shut as his breath fans your cheeks, smelling of rose and gold dust. His lips are warm as they settle on your own, mapping out your mouth. You fall captive to the sensation, and suddenly, you understand the appeal that draws countless women to Jungkook’s side. He may be a pain in the arse, but he is wonderfully skilled when it comes to kissing.
Pressed against the shelf, you give in to the affections from a man you were sure you hated. You promise yourself, as his lips part from yours, that you will wipe this feeling from your memory. Yet, even as Jungkook draws back, the ghost of his warmth haunts you.
Lost for words, you blink in the dim light of your shop, suddenly too bright after the dark of closed eyelids. Jungkook leans back against the counter, eyes fixed on you. You struggle, unsure what to say. Instead of saying anything, you simply return to the chores you had assigned yourself, mechanically checking off ingredients on your piece of parchment.
At the counter, Jungkook is suspiciously silent. After a long pause, he finally asks, “What will happen to me when the effects of the potion are cured?”
You turn back to him. “You will forget most of this. It will all feel hazy, like a dream. And you’ll feel a little unwell. Headaches are normal after such strong potions take effect. Some people also suffer nausea, but that depends on one’s constitution. You’ll only suffer for an hour or so, then it should wear off.”
“That wasn’t what I meant,” Jungkook says gently.
You swallow, understanding, “Your feelings will depart. Whatever you are feeling for me now will be replaced with your genuine feelings, so you’ll go back to hating me I suspect.”
Jungkook’s face falls, “I don’t hate you.”
“Well then you’ll go back to mild indifference,” you say, turning back to your shelf to continue working, while Jungkook sits down at the counter, silent.
The hours drag on, with Jungkook’s eyes following your every move. Occasionally, he expresses a desire for physical contact to stop the pain. When he does so, you return to his side, and gently press your palm to his. The action seems to be enough for him.
At last, the hour glass has run through twice, and the potion is ready. You carefully decant it into a vial, and set it in front of Jungkook.
He catches your gaze, “I… I don’t want this.”
“Jungkook, please,” you press your hand to his one last time, “You need to. No matter what, the Impetus Amor will wear off. I’ll still be here when you’re cured.”
His face firms into an expression your don’t recognise, and with a resolute, swift motion, he tips the contents of the vial into his mouth in one go, swallowing with a groan. “You did not warn me that it would taste repulsive.”
“You were already reluctant to take it.”
Jungkook groans again, lowering his head so that his forehead rests on the wooden counter top, “By the goddess, I feel like death. Do you have a potion for a headache?”
“Not one caused by the after effects of Impetus Amor,” you say, “But I do have herbal tea.”
“Yes please.”
Glad to have a task to distract you, you busy yourself with boiling the water and fetching tea leaves.
From his spot at the counter, Jungkook moans, “I embarrassed myself greatly, didn’t I?”
Watching a pleasing golden red spread out from the tea leaves into the boiled water, you reply, “That depends on what you deem to be embarrassing.”
Jungkook grimaces as he lifts his head slightly, then, upon reconsideration, lowers his head again. The colour has drained from his face.
“I imagine you were acting the way you normally would around any fair lady you intended to woo. You were fine. Quite respectful, actually.”
“Please, I don’t wish to remember,” Jungkook moves his head so that his cheek now rests on the counter.
You pass a cup of fresh tea across to him, ‘That should make you feel a little better,” you say.
“I owe you a ‘thank you’,” Jungkook raises his head to blow on the steam rising from the tea cup, “And an apology as well, I fancy.”
You pause, not expecting to hear those words from him.
“I’ve been an arse,” Jungkook says.
“It’s not often you and I agree on something, Jungkook.”
He laughs wryly. “Well, I can’t deny it, can I? I wasted your time and energy today, and for that, I am sorry. From, Jeon Jungkook, son of the duke of Braewyth, to you, master alchemist and potions-brewer extraordinaire, as my equal, please accept my sincere apologies, and my humble gratitude.” He bows his head.
You are unsure how to react, throat tight. All you can muster is an insincere chuckle, and a feeble “No need to be so formal... If you really want to apologise you can give me the gold you promised since it would appear I won this wager.”
“Oh, right!” Jungkook digs in his pockets.
Suddenly, strangely, you feel unsure of yourself. “Listen, I was just joking. I don’t need the money. Really...”
“Nonsense,” Jungkook dumps a sack of coin on the table. “It’s yours, fair and square.” He grins at you and takes a sip of his tea. “This brew really seems to be helping.” As he downs the rest f the cup, you busy your hands with the bottles on your shelf, straightening them so they stand in a tidy row. Jungkook glances through the window of your shop, where the sky above the roofs of the town is turning gold with the setting of the sun. “I’d better head off,” he says, “My father arranged a ball for the eligible women of Braewyth to attend, and he’s hoping I’ll meet someone there. And by someone, I mean specifically Lady Antille from the province of Armestice.” He grimaces. “I’ve heard she’s a dreadful bore. Not to mention there’ll be lots of business men at the dance, hoping to make a good impression, and get funding from my father’s treasury. So overall, I have a very pleasant evening ahead of me.”
“Do you think you’ll ever find a woman you’re happy with?” you ask.
Jungkook wavers on the question, “I’m… not sure. I think I’m cursed by the fact that most noble women are not at all appealing to me.”
You shrug, “It’s all just a pantomime isn’t it? Performing the proper etiquette. Perhaps once the women have a chance to drop the pretence of politeness, you’ll get to know them for who they truly are, and you’ll realise they aren’t as bad as you think.”
“Perhaps,” he looks unconvinced, “But I doubt I’ll have the time for that. My father is hoping I’ll drop down to one knee and propose as soon as I lock eyes with the right woman.”
“Maybe Lady Antille will be the lucky one,” you say.
“The longer this goes on, the more I worry my father will simply pick a lady for me, and force me to marry.”
“I hope not.”
He nods, “Yes. So do I.” He turns for the door.
“Enjoy your evening, Jungkook.”
He pauses at the door, and turns back to look at you, with a gentle smile. “You’ve started calling me Jungkook instead of Mr. Jeon,” he notes.
“Oh, sorry,” your hand springs to your mouth, “Is it improper?”
“A little bit improper,” He smiles, “I like it.”
“Goodbye, Jungkook.”
“Goodbye...” He looks into your eyes, sunshine bathing him from the windows, and your name is soft on his lips. Not ‘little alchemist’. Not ‘wench’. Not ‘my dear’. Just your name. A warmth spreads from your stomach through the rest of your body.
You smile as he closes the door behind him, leaving you alone with the smell of herbal tea filling the shop.
✽ ✽ ✽
As darkness descends on your shop, the sun sinking lower, a lady enters. You recognise the red hood, lowered over her eyes and nose.
“Good evening,” you welcome her as you would all other customers.
Rather than greeting you, she simply asks, “Is the Impetus Amor ready?” Her tone is hushed, despite being the sole customer in your store.
Thankful that you had the foresight to create more than one batch of the potion, you fetch it from your cupboard and place the vial on the counter top in front of her. The potion shines, pearlescent in the fading sunshine.
The lady pushes back a blonde lock from her face, and her shapely lips smile below her hood. “Wonderful. Thank you.” She tales the vial, and places it into her purse. You notice her splendid gown beneath the folds of her red cloak. Only a rich lady could afford such a potion. And such expensive silk. You sigh, despite yourself.
The lady tosses another pouch of gold onto the counter top. “I trust that you will not tell anyone of this exchange.”
You pause, wondering what she means. “All my customer’s orders are confidential,” you assure her.
She nods, satisfied, and swivels on her heel, exiting the shop. As she leaves, she bumps into an older lady who is making her way into your shop. You recognise the older lady, Myrrh, who is one of your regulars. The younger lady’s red hood slips down as she passes Myrrh, revealing a head of golden curls.
“Oh, sorry dear,” Myrrh says.
The golden haired lady bows her head, quickly pulling up her hood again. “Think nothing of it.” With that, she slips into the darkening evening.
Myrrh approaches your counter, while you retrieve her order from the shelf behind you – Fons Iuventae, for aches and pains afflicting old joints. “Well, I never realised you got such fancy clientele in your store, dear,” Myrrh observes, as she counts out her silver coins for you.
You smile, “Her appearance here surprised me as much as it did you, Myrrh.”
The older lady chuckles, ‘Imagine! Lady Antille, in this shop! The store will be the talk of the town soon, I’m sure.”
“Lady Antille?”
Myrrh gives you a strange look as she hands her coins across to you. “You didn’t recognise the Lady of Armestice?”
You shake your head.
“Ah, well now you know,” Myrrh says, “Imagine, me bumping into her like that.” She takes her bottle of Fons Iuventae and heads for the door. You follow behind her, and flip over your store sign to ‘Closed’ once she leaves. The last dregs of sunlight seep through the window. With the shop shut for the night, you go and sit behind the counter, thoughts running at a thousand miles a minute. You know that you should not concern yourself with your customer’s potion usage. After all, you simply provide. You are not responsible for the actions that follow. Yet, you cannot help but have your suspicions.
Before you realise what you are doing, you pick up a vial of Aphrodite’s Cure from yoru counter. Your body leads you to the door, grabbing your satchel, and your cloak, pulling it around you before you step out onto the cobbled street. Your feet lead you to the stable, where you quickly saddle up your mare, and spur her into the dark of night.
The road that leads out of Sientha winds down towards the large mansion where the duke of Braewyth resides. Everyone in Braewyth is familiar with the sugar white house that stands tall, behind a maze of rose bushes. As you ride towards the mansion, rain begins to pelt down, stinging at your cheeks. You continue regardless, pressing your heels into your mare’s side, encouraging her on. You push her harder than you’ve pushed her before, hurtling down the road at a frantic gallop. The mare’s breathing is hard, foam flies from her mouth. Dirt flies from her hooves, kicking up the mud washed onto the road.
Ahead of you, past the sheets of rain, you spot the lights of the Braewyth mansion. Reigning in your mare, you stop her a few paces before the gate, and tie her by one of the trees. She’s breathing heavily, and you give her a reassuring pat before you make for the gates.
A guard, who was leaning lazily against the gate, stands to attention when you approach, raising his spear. “Halt.”
“Please,” you hold up your hands to him, showing that you are unarmed, “I wish to speak with Jeon Jungkook.”
The guard squints at you through the rain. “And who might you be?”
You hesitate. “I’m his alchemy tutor.” Technically not a lie.
“I wasn’t told you would be arriving,” the guard says, “Do you have an invitation to the ball that you can show me?” He sweeps a skeptical gaze over your trousers, flecked with mud, and your fur hood, soaked with rain.
“Please, it’s urgent,” you say.
In the gloom, you see the guard raise his eyebrows.
You wrack your brain, “I have a potion for Jeon Jungkook. He asked me to deliver it to him personally before the ball began.”
“He never told me of this plan.”
Just then, by the mercy of the universe – or perhaps the goddess – Jungkook appears at the other side of the gate.
“Ah, Mr. Jeon,” the guard smiles at you gleefully, hoping to have caught you in a lie, “Have you met this wench before?”
Jungkook walks up to the gate, “Of course. Let her in at once.”
The guard’s mouth hangs open for a slit second, before he quickly corrects his expression, and bows to the heir of Braewyth. “Yes. Right away!” He opens the gate, and scurries to get out of your way.
You hurry over the threshold, and begin walking with Jungkook towards the Braewyth mansion.
“What are you doing here?” Jungkook asks, once you are out of earshot of the guard.
“What about you?” you say, “Do you make it a habit to walk around the garden while it’s tipping it down with rain?”
“I needed some fresh air, and I heard a commotion from the gate,” Jungkook explains, “But I really think you’re the one who ought to be explaining yourself.”
“I...” you’re unsure where to begin, “Has Lady Antille arrived yet?”
“Not yet,” Jungkook says, “Now, will you please stop answering my question with more questions.”
“Sorry,” you swallow, suddenly realising how silly your reasoning will sound.
Jungkook waits, while you remain silent, walking down the path through the rose bushes.
You take a deep breath, “This may sound mad, but I have reason to believe that Lady Antille plans to use Impetus Amor on your tonight.”
Jungkook’s expression turns frosty. “You’re not jesting?”
You nod. “I could be wrong. But the lady who purchased Impetus Amor was Antille. I did not recognise her at first. I suppose it could merely be coincidence, and she is using it for someone else, but I wanted to warn you, just in case.”
Jungkook is grave. “I suppose it would make sense. After all, a marriage into the Braewyth duchy would be beneficial for the province of Armestice.  The province is too small to defend itself, so would be willing to seek the protection of a more powerful duchy.” He turns his eyes to you. “Will you be able to stay here with me tonight? I must be in attendance at the ball, and avoiding Lady Antille there is out of the question. If she does try anything, will you be ready to help me?”
You nod, “I have the cure in my satchel, just in case.”
Jungkook nods, taking your hand, and leading you up the marble steps to the mansion door. “Alright, if you’re staying, then you need to get changed.”
“Excuse me?”
“I do not mean to offend, but your trousers won’t be acceptable attire for the ball.”
You swallow as you step into the house. The hallways are greater – both wider and taller - than you had anticipated, with lush white carpets that your feet sink into. You wince at the mud trailed in by your boots.
“Whyn!” Jungkook calls, and a flushed looking maid appears on cue, bowing before him.
“Yes, Mr. Jeon?”
“Can you help my lady friend? She needs to be cleaned up, and needs more appropriate attire for the ball.”
“Of course, Mr. Jeon.”
Before you can even get a word in, you are being herded down the corridor by Whyn, who appears overly eager to do Jungkook’s bidding. You’re pushed into the bathroom, and the last you see of Jungkook is his smile as Whyn closes the door on him.
The bathroom is lavish, tiled with white marble. Ornate sculptures depicting gryphons stand at each corner of the room. Steps lead down to a pool of warm water, from which steam rises, smelling of lavendar. A statue of a stag stands proudly at the centre of the water, with a beautiful woman depicted standing beside him, naked. She holds an urn above the pool, and water pours from the urn into the large bath.
Without any warning, or any chance to protest, Whyn strips you down, and pushes you to the water’s edge. “Quickly, m’am,” she urges, “The ball will be starting soon.”
Grumbling, you step down into the water. However, it’s impossible to continue complaining as the warmth envelops you, easing all the aches in your body. You sink down with a sigh, dipping your head under, and letting your hair become fully soaked.
However relaxing the bathing experience is, you know you need to get back to Jungkook quickly, so after a quick once over with soap, you reluctantly leave the embrace of the sweet smelling water.
Whyn is ready and waiting with a warm towel. She starts drying you off, and you complain that you can dry yourself, but she shushes you stubbornly. “Please, ma’m, let me do my job!”
Once your hair and body are towelled dry, Whyn helps you into the ornate dress she has picked for you. You’ve never worn a dress this fancy before, and until this point, you never understood why ladies needed maids to help them get dressed. Now, as Whyn scurries around you, lacing up your corset, and adjusting your petticoat, you understand. The dress has so many buttons, clasps, and ribbons, that it would take an eternity to dress yourself.
The maid finally helps you pull back your hair, pinning it off your face, so it curls elegantly to frame your cheeks. She steps back to admire her handiwork, allowing you to take in your full reflection in the mirror beside the bath. It’s surprising what a maid’s touch can do. You barely recognise yourself. A regal lady stares back at you from the mirror in a shimmering sapphire-coloured dress, with golden stitching around the bodice, detailing embroidered roses.
“Is it alright, m’am?” Whyn asks, “If you don’t like it, I can find another dress.”
“No, thank you, Whyn,” you smile at her, “It’s perfect.”
The girl flushes and bows her head.
You find your original clothes folded neatly in the corner of the room. You rummage in your satchel, and find your vial of Aphrodite’s Cure, tucking it under your corset for safe-keeping. You turn back to Whyn. “I’m ready.”
The maid leads you out of the bathroom down a snaking maze of corridors, until you reach a set of grand mahogany doors. She pushes the doors open for you, and indicates that you should go in.
You whisper your thanks to her again, and then walk into the ballroom. Inside, the dancing has not yet started, and the room is filled with groups of people, conversing with one another. You spot Jungkook at the far corner, by a set of wide windows that look out onto the garden, which is illuminated by lanterns. You walk over, and a smile erupts on Jungkook’s face as soon as he spots you. He steps forward to greet you.
“Whyn has done a fine job,” he says, casting an admiring glance over you.
You feel you face heat up, unsure how to respond.
“If anyone asks,” Jungkook continues, in a low voice, linking his arm through yours and leading you along the ballroom floor, “You are my personal friend. You needn’t give any more information than that.”
You nod, glancing around nervously, “Has Antille arrived?”
“I haven’t seen her yet,” Jungkook says. “I truly hope your fears are unjustified. But if they’re true, I want you by my side, okay?”
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on wandering off alone.” Looking around the room, you notice many of the people staring at you. “Why are they looking at us?”
“Well, you are walking arm in arm with the heir of Braewyth, who’s rumoured to be in the market for a wife. People are going to be gossiping about our betrothal as we speak.”
You blush at the thought, allowing Jungkook to lead you around the room, stopping every so often to speak with groups of important sounding people.
Every so often, the door will open and someone will announce the name of the eligible young lady who has entered. The lady will smile and curtsey, and then everyone will go on about their business.
You find yourself stuck in an arduous conversion with an old noble, named Lord Chaperlet, about the effects of increased wheat tax, when the doors to the ballroom open once more, and the announcer cries, “Presenting to you, the Lady of Armestice, the honourable Antille.”
You raise onto your tiptoes to catch a glance at the lady over the heads of the crowd that has gathered.
She’s wearing a gold dress that trails across the floor like spilled champagne , her hair curled perfectly around her face. Lord Chaperlet stops wittering on about wheat tax to stare at the young Lady. “Antille truly is a beauty, is she not?” He winks at Jungkook, who gives a diplomatic chuckle, and says, “Now, now, Lord Chaperlet, what would your wife say if she overheard you?”
The older man gives a hearty laugh. Jungkook’s arm remains interlocked with yours, and shows no sign of budging. You swallow your nerves as Lady Antille approaches.
The lady pauses momentarily upon seeing you by Jungkook’s side, and a flash of ice glazes her gaze before she corrects her expression to a polite smile, and makes her way forward.
“Jeon Jungkook,” she coos, “How are you? It’s a pleasure to meet you. You look as handsome as your portraits portray you.”
Jungkook gives a courteous smile, “I’m wonderful thank you.” He takes the hand she proffers him, kissing her fingers, as is the custom when greeting noble women. “And how are you?”
“Fantastic,” Antille smiles, “Although the coach journey here was frightful! The rain was atrocious. Hence my late arrival, you see.”
“Fashionably late, I would say,” Jungkook replies, and Antille giggles behind her white-gloved hand.
You are out of your depth, silently observing this display of courtly manners.
Antille finally glances your way, in the manner one might glance across at an old dog scratching its fleas in the corner. “And who is this?”
You swallow. You may look different in your gown, but you know she has recognised you from your potions store.
Jungkook answers in your silence. “This is my personal friend.” His arm is still slung through yours. His reassuring fingers squeeze you.
“Is that so?” Antille worries her crimson bottom lip with her teeth for a second, her gaze lingering on you, sizing you up.
It’s a relief when Whyn passes with a tray of glasses filled with champagne, moving between you and Antille. “Would you like a drink?” The maid keeps her head bowed.
Antille takes a glass, and hands it to Jungkook, before taking one for herself, “Might as well enjoy oneself.” She raises her glass to Jungkook.
Jungkook brings the glass to his lips. A flash of worry sparks in your head – the only reason you are here is to stop Jungkook from ingesting any potion. Yet, Antille seems happy to drink the champagne...
Instinctively, your fingers tighten around Jungkook’s arm.
A vague scent of rose water and crushed gold floats towards you.
Jungkook glances at you, confused, before understanding floods into his eyes.
Wracking your brain for a good excuse to leave, your hand springs to your neck, feigning surprise. “Oh, I’ve just noticed! My necklace is gone. I was wearing it when I arrived here, but now it’s gone.”
Jungkook picks up on your cue. “Perhaps it fell off in the hallway by the entrance when you took off your cloak. I’ll help you search.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Antille chimes in. “Your friend can manage by herself. After all, everyone in this ballroom is here to speak with you personally, Jungkook. People might talk if you were to leave.”
Seeing Jungkook struggling, you begin sniffing, forcing your eyes to water. “The necklace belonged to my late mother. I can’t believe I was so careless...”
Jungkook hands you a handkerchief so you can dab at your fake tears, and before Antille can say anything else, he escorts you out of the room.
Once the doors of the the ballroom close behind you, you give up your act, following Jungkook down the twisting hallways.
“This is bad,” he mutters, “I should have been more careful. And after your warned me as well!” His hand is firm on your wrist, leading you up a set of stairs, before he slips into a room and quickly bolts the door shut behind him.
You find yourself in a lavish bathroom, this one different from the one you bathed in. Cherub angels are carved into the white frosting-coloured ceiling.
“You need to stay calm,” you tell Jungkook. “It’s going to be okay.”
Jungkook grimaces, “Don’t you understand? That glass came from Whyn’s tray. Antille must have specifically asked her to spike the glass that she would then give me.”
“Maybe Whyn didn’t know what it was,” you suggest.
“Even if she didn’t, a maid shouldn’t put anything into a drink they serve. She’ll loose her job. It’s a shame, I liked her.”
“That’s not the main issue right now,” you remind him, rummaging in the folds of your dress for the vial of Aphrodite’s Cure, “You need to take this.” You hold up the glass to him.
Jungkook smiles, “I’m glad you’re so reliable.”
“I do my best.”
Jungkook makes to take the vial from you, but you pull back, “Wait. You need to take the antidote after the potion actually kicks in.”
“How will  I know when that is?” Jungkook asks.
“Even if you don’t notice, I will,” you say, “You’ll start talking gibberish about how in love you are. And you’ll feel a sudden rush of emotion for the first person you looked at after you drank the potion… which was me, I think.”
“Right, of course. A rush of emotions.” He presses his lips together. “Perhaps, for the sake of clarity, I should confess something in that case...”
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean?”
“The trouble is,” Jungkook continues “I believe I have already developed feelings for you.”
When you open your mouth, he holds up a hand to stop you. “Before you say anything – no, the potion hasn’t kicked in yet. I’ve felt this way for a while. I just didn’t know how to deal with these feelings, so I’ve repressed them.”
Your heart rises in a flurry of childish giddiness. You don’t know where the feelings come from, but are surprised to find that you desperately hope he is telling the truth. “Perhaps we should wait until you take the antidote, and then we’ll talk about this...”
His eyes glaze over, strange and distant, “My dear, these feelings will remain unwavering, I promise.”
You press the potion into his hands. “Drink,” you command.
He nods, uncorking the vial, and tipping the contents into his mouth. “Goddess, that tastes vile,” he groans. He sucks a breath through his teeth. With his head lowered, he takes a few seconds to recover, before he murmurs, “Thank you.”
You remain silent, not sure what to say. Your mind is still racing over Jungkook’s earlier confession. He said it wasn’t the potion causing the words to fall from his mouth. Yet, you cannot be sure. A part of you is unexpectedly sad at the though that his profession of love was simply the potion speaking.
Somehow, despite your determination to hate him, you are surprised to find that you love him.
Jungkook raises his head, eyes fixed on yours, “Without you I would have made a complete fool of myself. Not to mention, I probably would have ended up betrothed to Antille, which...” he blows out a sigh. “Let’s not dwell on that. Thank you for all your help. I know I’ve treated you poorly in the past, but you’ve still helped me regardless. That’s the sign of a good person.”
You bite down on your cheek, “Jungkook?”
“What you said...” Once you start, the words keep spilling, “Before the potion kicked in. About being in love with me. Did you mean that?”
“Sorry, it was improper of me to simply dump that upon you all of a sudden,” Jungkook says, “I suppose I should have kept that to myself. I’ve tried to ignore these feelings, since my father would not approve of someone who is not noble-born. I tried to push the feelings away by treating you brusquely, by distracting myself with other women, but none of it worked.”
“So you mean?”
His gaze is inescapable, “I love you.”
Your breath catches in your throat.
Jungkook chuckles, but his tone is earnest, “Sorry, you look like a startled deer. I know it’s improper to confess without suitable courtship first, but our relationship has always been a little unconventional. Spending my time with you, I was fascinated by you. And that fascination turned into something I’ve never felt before. I’ve never been so open or honest with anyone else. You’ve seen the worst parts of me, and you’ve stuck around despite all that.” His cheeks colour, “I truly am just rambling now, please feel free to tell me to shut up.”
You’re still waiting for the part where Jungkook suddenly says, “It’s merely a jape!” His face is serious.
“Jungkook, I… I don’t know what to say...”
“Then don’t say anything, you don’t have to.”
“No, I want to, I just… the words evade me...” you bite your lip, “Your confession certainly came as a surprise, although not an unwelcome one...”
Jungkook’s eyes shine. 
“I’m very happy,” you say, “I would be lying if I said I do not have similar feelings for you. I never thought it would be okay to fall in love with a noble, so I never allowed myself the liberty of even thinking...” You hesitate, “Is it really okay for me to love you?”
Jungkook nods, “Nothing would make me happier.”
“But your father?”
“It’s okay. We’ll make it work. The tradition of nobles courting nobles is ver old-fashioned anyway. I never liked it. Eventually, my father will accept whom I choose. And I choose you.”
He takes your hand, delicately bringing your fingers to his lips. The action is so simple, so gentle – a far cry from the kiss you had shared earlier – yet it feels so strangely intimate with his eyes drinking you in, while his warm mouth caresses your skin.
His lips work their way up to your wrist, then your forearm, then your shoulder, then your cheek, then grazing the side of your mouth. You let him kiss you properly, melting into his warmth, while the carved cherubs smile down at you from above.
Parting, Jungkook sighs, “I wish I could enjoy this without the after effects of Impetus Amor... My head’s killing me...”
You smile, “Don’t worry. There’ll be time for all of this later. I’m not planning on leaving your side.” You hold his hand tight in your own. “For now, let’s go to the kitchen, and see if we can find some herbal tea for you.”
✽ ✽ ✽
After a cup of strong tea, Jungkook has perked up, ready to return to the ballroom. He holds your hand in his own as you make your way down to the main hallway. You can hear string instruments harmonising to a waltz from the ballroom. The dancing seems to have started in your absence.
“I hope you’ll dance with me tonight,” Jungkook says.
“Won’t people talk if they see us together?” you ask.
“Let them,” Jungkook says. “I’ll announce our relationship when you feel ready, and not a second before.”
You smile, “In that case, I’d love to dance with you.”
As you enter the ballroom, Antille glances over at the two of you and blanches. Jungkook lets go of your hand, and walks over to her, asking if she is willing to speak with him.
Antille looks around, as if considering her escape routes, but agrees to go with Jungkook – with obvious reluctance. Jungkook draws her to the edge of the room, away from the dancing couples that glide around the ballroom floor. Where the two of them stand, you can hear their conversation well, although they are tucked away from the rest of the ball guests.
“Antille,” Jungkook says, “I know what you have attempted to do.”
Antille glowers, “Attempted to do? What are you talking about?”
Jungkook continues, “I have enough proof to have you publicly disgraced, but I am willing to let you leave with your dignity intact, so long as you never set foot in this house again.”
“Threaten me all you want,” Antille hisses, “But know that you have made an enemy of Armestice today.”
Jungkook’s face twists into a frown, “That’s not a game you want to play, Lady Antille, believe me. The duchy of Braewyth is not one to be messed with.”
Antille is pale. Her eyes fall to you, and anger flashes vividly in her irises. “I thought I made it clear that my purchase was to be kept a secret.”
Jungkook steps closer to you, “Don’t, Antille,” he warns, “Your quarrel isn’t with her.”
The lady, visibly flustered, turns on her heel towards the door. You watch as she leaves the room.
Jungkook turns his attention to you. “Please don’t worry about her. I know what Armestice is capable of, and it isn’t much. Her threats are simply to stir up fear, but she won’t act on them.”
You smile as he threads his fingers through yours, “Now, would you do me the honour of dancing with me?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
You are aware of the eyes boring into you from all sides as you step onto the dance floor with Jungkook, but in that instant, you don’t care. Jungkook is beside you, his eyes on your face, and a smile on his lips.
For now, that’s enough.
✽ ✽ ✽
It’s a cold morning, but the early spring sunshine is shining stubbornly despite the chill as you walk back to your shop. You have a basket of fresh herbs in your hand, picked from the mountain side.
As you turn the corner onto your street, a smile breaks across your face, recognising a familiar figure standing by your door.
You run over to Jungkook, setting down your basket of herbs, so you can freely fling both arms around him.
He grins, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Good morning.”
You unlock the shop door, and let him enter. It’s still an hour until your shop will open for business.
“How has your morning been so far?” you ask Jungkook, throwing off your cloak, and hanging it by the door.
“Good,” Jungkook says, “The new maid prepared a wonderful breakfast. Eggs and bacon and fresh bread.”
“Sounds much better than the oatmeal I had,” you say.
“Once our relationship is officially made public, you can move into the mansion with me,” Jungkook says, “Then you can have all the eggs and bacon and fresh bread you want.”
You begin sorting the freshly picked herbs into piles on the counter, while Jungkook runs an eye over the potions you have sitting out from brewing last night.
“That will be nice,” you say, “Although I will miss this old shop.”
“I’m sure we can set up a room in the mansion where you can have a workshop to continue brewing potions. People would pay well for potions brewed by the heir of Braewyth’s wife.”
You blush at the word ‘wife’, a thrill travelling through you. 
Jungkook eyes some of your older equipment, “We can even get you some new tools. Some of these seem a little… rusty.”
“They’ve served me well, I’ll have you know.”
“Just a suggestion.” He sticks his tongue out at you.
You grin at him, “So what did you want from me this morning? We could continue your alchemy lessons… or...”
Jungkook moves around the counter to be by your side. His hands find  your waist, pulling you closer. “Well I had a few plans of my own.”
Your fingers curl through his charcoal hair. “I’m listening.”
Jungkook ducks his head down, his breath ghosting against your ear as he whispers his plan with words that make you blush scarlet. Desire pools inside you as his lips trace a path down your neck to your collar bone, “Don’t think you’re getting out of your alchemy lesson later.”
“Yes, m’am,” he grins, taking your hand in his own.
You let him lead you from your shop up the creaky stairs to your living quarters. You are happy to forget all responsibilities for the next hour, completely lost in Jungkook. You never believed a love potion could lead to true love – yet here you are, completely enveloped in Jungkook, overwhelmed by feeling. You don’t believe in the goddess but you thank her now, thank her that she decided to ruin your life by thrusting Jungkook into it.
The man you hated more than anything in the world has now become the man you love more than anything, and you couldn’t be happier for it.
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➝ author’s note: thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it. 
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reawritesthings · 3 years
mother’s day sweetness | tom holland smut
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summary: tom had another way to say thanks for bringing his children into the world.
words: 1.7K
warnings: 18+ MINORS DON’T INTERACT. fingering, nipple play, shower head play??? shower sex!!
pairing: dad!tom x reader
a/n: this is just a small little imagine I did. kssksksk, I hope you like it and apologies if the smut isn’t as good and short... i’m still practising
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“Alright, avengers, we have two missions to complete. Amelia, you are in charge of the cookies and Theo, as calmly as possible, you give mummy the flowers?” Tom said, with a loving smile on his lips, watching Amelia finish up the decorating. His gaze found Theo was mesmerised by the colours of the petals. Tom quickly scooped Theo up in his arm, bouncing him lightly to distract him as he knew Theo would tear apart the petals.
“Amelia, you done, darling?” Tom whispered, and Amelia held her hand up to focus.
Tom chuckled at the new habit Amelia picked up, shaking his head at the sight of his perfectionist daughter. “Hurry up, lia.” Theo whined, making grabby hands to the flowers but, Tom made sure they were out of his reach.
“You can’t rush art.” She sassed, grabbing the last sprinkles from the pot, drizzling them down.
“Voila,” she added, straight after.
“Right. Amelia, you start the march.” Tom grinned and watched Amelia rush towards him.
“Avengers…..” Tom trailed and let Theo finish the chant.
“Aseeeembleeeeeeee.” He giggled and watched his older sister climb up the stairs.
As the three of them made it towards the bedroom, Tom finally gave the flowers to Theo. “Theo, you have to hold onto it tight,” Tom whispered and watched his small hands aimlessly grab onto the stems.
Quietly, Amelia opened the bedroom door as predicted you were still asleep. On their tiptoes, they all walked around the bed. Tom helped Theo crawl towards his mum flowers, tightly around his grip.
“Wake up, mummy.” He tittered, his voice a little high out of the excitement, especially when you opened your eyes, and gave him a small smile.
“Oh, wow. Theo. These are beautiful.” You laugh, sitting up in bed as you quickly rub your eyes.
“Happy Mother’s Day!.” Amelia grinned, taking this as her cue to hand the cookies to you. You smile in awe and watch Theo make grabby hands to the cookies.
“Theo. You already had two.” Tom’s stern voice entered you, took a glance at him. Theo pouted, hiding his face in your chest making, Tom’s eyes roll.
“Theo, sweetie. How about we share one? You can pick one, and we can share so you won’t get sick?” You coo and watched his little face turn towards the cookies.
“Amelia, these are beautiful. How did you make these?”
“Uncle Sam. He was on facetime with me.”
"Well, we must say thank you to Uncle Sam," You laugh, breaking a cookie in half and feeding it to Theo.
Tom proudly brought out his phone and took a picture of his loves. He watched them with loving eyes, wondering how you would react to his Mother’s Day present when the kids went down for a nap. For now, Tom stepped back and allowed you to thank the kids whilst he called his mother to wish her a mother’s day.
“And the kids finally are napping.” Your breath, walking into your bedroom and collapsing onto Tom. He laughed, brushing your hair with his fingers as he tossed his phone away.
“Are you okay to stay here whilst I have a shower?” You ask, playing with the string from his hoodie. He nodded, pecking your lips before watching you get up.
You smile in thanks and head towards the bathroom. Tom was flickering g through his phone as he just caught on that he could give the first half of your present now and the rest later.
As you were about to remove your underwear, a familiar face invited himself in; his jaw dropped in awe as he gazed over your body.
“You okay, sweetie?” You chuckled, walking towards him.
“I-I thought I could join you. You know, save water, helping you wash your hair…” Tom grinned, watching you undress.
After three years of marriage, he was still mesmerised by your body. Your body radiated the spotlights, letting your skin shine through the streaks of light as you made it into the shower.
“Coming or what?” You laugh, glancing at the stillness of Tom’s body. Tom eagerly nodded, shutting the door behind him just in case their little rugrats ran in.
Tom made his way over to the shower, taking off his clothes in the process. As you tested the temperature to get the right touch, Tom’s hands ravished your skin, pressing kisses along your neck. He turned you over, back against the cold tiles; he looked at you in awe.
“You still got it, mama.” Tom breathed, bringing your hands right above your head. He used one hand to hold your hands up and the other to turn on the water pressure. Tom didn’t care about the temperature; he was too occupied with the wonders of the shower.
Tom welcomed a smirk to his lips as he thought of an idea. He took the showerhead from it’s home and slowly drizzled the water down your body, watching the droplets raid your breasts. He licked his lips as he turned the water pressure on high.
“Tom… What are you up too..?”
“Trust me.” Tom swooned, guiding the showerhead down to your tummy, grinning as he felt the squirm arise from your wrists.
“You little shit.” Your breath, hitching your breath as Tom teased your clit with the showerhead. You closed your eyes, letting the pleasure come to you. It wasn’t the first time Tom ravished you in the shower, but with the continuation of the showerhead, shooting up your clit made you rip out a loud moan. The wet sensation of the water peaking up your clit, made Tom grin in glee that he had this power over you. The vibrations of the water pressure made your legs shake.
Tom snickers, crashing his lips onto yours. Tom slides his tongue in your mouth, and both begin to dance in sync with each other. Tom pulled you a little closer, taking the showerhead away from your clit and itching it back in its place.
“Look at you. Already squirming for me.” He whispered between your lips.
His free hand guided it’s way to your clit, hovering his palm over the entrance. Out of desperation, you began to grind down against it, bringing out a brisk moan for Tom to do something.
“Needy girl, aren’t you?” He said, you only nodded.
“You aren’t the only one, mama.” He retorted and sniggered a laugh as something hard kneed your hip, proof of his statement. Tom takes no time and dips his index finger into where your throbbing clit is calling his name. He slides his finger along your clit, breathing sharply as you both felt how wet you were.
“Fu--” He groans but loses the rest of the word when he trails two fingers along your clit, and this time you whine for him.
Tom kisses you roughly and stimulates a contrast to how gently he presses not one but two fingers insides you. He curls his fingers between your folds, attempts a smug smile to show his innocence. You only bit onto your lower lip. The noise you were making was all Tom needed to know to work his magic.
“P-Please, Tom”, You breathed against his neck when he slowly started to move his fingers in and out.
He shook his head, “ I want to look at you. You look so pretty on my fingers, mama.” He whispers, leaning in and pressing his lips to your ear. “I wanna listen to you beg for it.”
Tom was a very excessive person, something about his mood when sex involves makes you want to obey him. If this were an ordinary day, you wouldn’t take it. Tom kisses his way to your neck and then to your collarbone. You think he would give you a little hickey but, you found his tongue against your nipple.
He slowly began to tease your nipple, flicking his tongue around it to hear the sweet sound of your moan. He played around with your breasts, letting you ease into his fingers before he stimulates his two fingers to roughly moving in and out of you. He knows the pace makes you crazy and, it wasn’t helping when his thumb rubbed circles against your clit. Tom was very good at timing and pacing when it came to fingering you; he was very skilled in that area. You let out mournful cries, feeling your walls clench around his fingers.
“Tommy, please.” You cry, almost losing your balance when his lip tightens around your nipple and his hand entwined with yours. He didn’t help with your balance as he loved watching you be helpless without him. Needlessly to say, he won’t be getting any free treatment after this facade.
“You are doing so well for me, mama. So so well.” He praises, voice a little harsh as he harshly felt his fingers reach your spot. He knew if he went any faster, you were going to stumble and, he wasn’t ready for that conversation with his kids. He moved his tongue away from your breasts and took care of your screams with his lips.
You felt your orgasm start slow, and Tom can feel the juice began to trail down; he knows you could push a little more. He fingers you quicker, using the slightest bit of his teeth to bit down your bottom lip to show you that he is close to stopping.
He takes his fingers out of yours, caressing your back as he tried to help with your balance. He knew cheekily that with his support, he can get a little thrill out of you still. He pushes his fingers in further and notices your hips thrust against his fingers and pours a smile to his face. Your nails dig into his back as you can feel your orgasm slowly run down. He stops his movement, looking right into your eyes as he thrust one final time before feeling your juice drown his fingers. You wail out his name as he slowly took his fingers out of you.
“So proud of you. Look at how well you did, pretty girl.” He whispers against your lips, kissing you right afterwards. He watches the liquid run down your inner thigh and laughs at the shakiness of your legs.
“Oh, by the way, thank you for bringing Amelia and Theo into my life.”
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helenazbmrskai · 3 years
Seesaw (M)
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Pairing – Blind! Jeongguk x Caretaker! Reader
Genre – Romance, Smut, Fluff, Home Care AU, House Helper AU, Established Relationship AU
Summary – [Jeongguk wants to show you something and you show him how much you appreciate him in return.]
Warnings – sub! jeongguk, soft dom! reader, oral male receiving, overstimulation, blowjob, handjob, edging, grinding, penetrative unprotected sex, oc is on the pill, mention of face fucking, praise kink, oral fem receiving, they use pet names a whole lot, dirty talk, innocence kink, sexual tension, teasing, body worship, positive body image, switch! jeongguk for like two seconds, hand tattoo kink, sensitivity kink, guk is a soft lil needy bean who wants to explore and oc just wants to worship the shit out of him, sensual but very soft sex, voice kink, detailed description of sexual acts, porn with some plot
Word Count – (7,4k)
Author note. This piece contains mostly smut (I had this dream one day don’t judge me) the other half is just fluffy fluff so I have no idea why it’s this fricking long lol but enjoy it nonetheless. There was a time when I was struggling to write 4k and now I have to stop myself.
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The art room is his favourite place inside the house and you often find him coped up in there covered in paint after you’re finished with your duties.
You cut the freshly bloomed roses every day and retrieve them from the garden to decorate his dining table and fill the vase in the middle, you pick the pretty ones even though Jeongguk can’t admire their beauty after he completely lost his eyesight four years ago.
He was diagnosed late with Glaucoma and by the time Jeongguk decided to go to the hospital to get his constant pain around his eyes checked his optic nerve was damaged to the point that soon it led to his loss of vision.
He wanted to please his parents so he applied to Seoul National University to study international business. Spent most of his time studying in the library and attending classes but because he didn’t acknowledge his pain on time so he wouldn’t miss school, he dismissed the signs that led him to live the rest of his life completely blind.
He couldn’t finish school, his parents bought him an enormous house to live in but he had a hard time coping with how things turned out in the end. See the blackness instead of the colourful world was hard to get used to.
It takes two entire years for him to accept it, some would say it’s rather soon to get over such a fate but he didn’t want to live his remaining life dwelling on the ’what ifs’ so he decided to live his life to the fullest. Picked up his hobby where he left off and started painting again.
He gained back his original weight and the colour returned to his face little by little. It’s hard to imagine the empty shell of that boy he once was because you only got to experience this down to earth boy with a charming personality, living for the moment.
It was hard at first, he often got frustrated because his coordination was not as good as it used to be, there were times when he knocked over the bowl of water and it spilt all over his work. It didn’t bother him after a while he couldn’t see the finished piece, he found accomplishment during the process of making it. He learned that sometimes the effort is more important than the final goal.  
His other senses however heightened to compensate for his lost ability, he enjoys scents more that’s why you fill the vase with freshly cut flowers every day and use an extra cup of fabric softener when you wash his clothes.
You only know his story because he shared it with you. It was easy to open up even when you two were strangers and in some way you still are since there are so many layers to Jeongguk that you haven’t seen, he’s gentle and caring but funny and playful.
You’re the one who should take care of him because you’re literally paid to do that yet he always finds small ways to do the same. Now he’s more than just a job to you.
His parents hired you last year when Jeongguk fired the third housekeeper because she tried to steal from the house. He only agreed to get a new replacement if he can make the choice of whom it will be and after his parents played him the recordings of the interviews he chose you.
You asked him a week later why he chose you from all those people and he said that he liked how your voice sounded.
He figures out the shapes by touching everything. He’s curious about the outside world that he once knew, what changed is the way he experiences them so he often walks around feeling his surroundings, trailing the walls with his fingers sometimes if he feels like it, he would even visit the gardens. He likes how the sun feels so warm on his skin or when the wind blows through his hair.
The garden is surrounded by high walls so onlookers can’t invade his privacy and the gate only opens if you put in the code that only you and him know, not even his parents can barge in like that.  
He’s alone while you do your chores, no one except you visits him but he likes it that way, you always join him for his meals and after you’re done with cleaning the rooms.
Although even you leave around tenish to catch the last bus home, there are times when you sleepover if you forget about the time. It’s easy to do so when you’re with Jeongguk.  
It’s not that time consuming anymore to do all the tasks since you figured out where everything was pretty fast, grew accustomed to the mansion-like house. Now it’s almost like you live there, knowing everything’s rightful place like the back of your hand.
You prepare his meals, fill his fridge with groceries, mop the floor and finish loading the dishwasher, you do all sort of things here. There are things you need to repeat every day but there are chores you have to do once a week or once in every month or so. You change his bedsheets and replace the empty shampoo bottle and body wash in his bathroom.
When you cross everything out you had to do on the list of tasks for the day it’s already four pm so you go to find him inside the art room. You don’t see what he’s painting on the canvas because he shows you his back as you stand at the doorstep.
Jeongguk feels your presence behind him even though you don’t move or announce your arrival, afraid that you’ll distract him when he looks so engrossed in his work you decide to watch him silently for a little while before beckoning him to have his late lunch.
He normally knows when you’re around because your scent gets stronger in the room if you’re nearby, he likes that feature about you. Not sure if you do it on purpose but you always wear the same fruity perfume his nose can easily recognise. Jeongguk catches you off guard with his sudden movement as he turns around on impulse, following your warmth like a sunflower, the paintbrush is still in his hand when he grins, catching the airy sound of your surprised yelp.
”Guk, you scared me.” Your chuckle blesses his ears, he can pick up the sound of your light footsteps as you approach him and he feels your palms cupping his face as soon as you reach him. You caress his cheeks with your fingers and you see multiple lines of dried paint on his face, he makes eye contact with you but you know he can’t actually see you.
”Are you done for today?” Jeongguk asks you excitedly eyes shining with anticipation while his hands hold you close gently by the waist, you vaguely remember he told you yesterday that he wants to show you something after work but the words went over your head until now. Matching his wide grin you peck his lips before pulling him in a different direction with the help of your intertwined hands.
”Yes. First, let’s get you cleaned up and eat, after that, I’m all yours.” You promise and he tightens his hold on you as you guide him inside the bathroom that’s connected to the art room.
You get a washcloth from under the sink and soak it in lukewarm water to clean his face whilst Jeongguk sits down onto the edge of the bathtub obediently and lets you rub the dried paint off his cheeks. You peck each side of his cheek when you’re done and his giggles are bouncing off the tile walls when you shower him with your kisses not neglecting his nose, eyelids or mouth in the process.
”So pretty.” The compliment followed by a final kiss on his forehead makes his cheeks burn with heat. Jeongguk touches your shoulders but he doesn’t linger there for long before he moves upwards beyond your collarbones and neck not stopping until he finds your face. He cradles it with a triumphant expression before pulling you down for a real kiss.
His tongue slips into your mouth with purpose, fingers massaging your jawline to coax your body to relax between his arms and you give in to the temptation going lax as he hums into your mouth in appreciation, you let him take care of you while he kisses your breath away with passion. He angles your face to deepen the kiss and his mouth explores yours like it’s his first time tasting it.
Things are never boring when he’s around, it doesn’t matter how mundane the task seems to be, he can always spice things up and kissing him easily become your favourite chore of the day after a few months of practice behind your backs. It was already impossible for you not to like him when he was walking around with miss-matched socks on his feet and wrongly buttoned-up shirts, his smile was radiating and his playful comments dropped here and there made you fall head over heels for him in no time.
You haven’t considered the possibility that your feelings could ever be reciprocated by him until he kissed you one day. You were blow-drying his hair after he took a shower, you styled his hair afterwards and aimlessly ran your hands through his hair because you liked how soft it was. The kiss was nothing more than a press of your lips together and he apologised right after he pulled away blushing furiously. You admitted quite shyly that you liked it and he can do it again if he wants to of course and after that, the rest is just history.
A smile takes over your features when you see Jeongguk chase after your lips but you shake your head. ”We can continue this after you eat your lunch. I was a little behind on my tasks today so it’s going to be a late one. You must be hungry.” You prompt him to get up but he refused to loosen his hold on your waist whilst the biggest pout that you have ever seen on mankind so far greets you. Aish, why he has to be so cute when you try to do your job for once.
”Come on bunny, the sooner you eat the sooner you can show me what you planned today.” He perks up at that and the pout is soon replaced with the previous look of excitement. Jeongguk in general is an easy soul to please, he likes anything until you willingly give it to him and his simplicity is a breath of fresh air after your previous ex-boyfriend who had high expectations on anything.
Jeongguk lets you lead him down the stairs, he waits patiently at the table while you pack two plates full of food for both of you. The faint humming from the air conditioner reminds you of the sudden rise in the temperate outside and you make a mental note to ask if he wants to have a picnic in his backyard tomorrow if the wheater stays nice like this.
”What's on your mind?” Hearing his question you stop looking out the window and focus back on the interior of the room. Jeongguk manoeuvres a forkful of food inside his mouth his eyes are aimlessly darting across the room but you know he’s listening. The sunlight that filters in between the half-drawn curtains cast a halo over his head giving his eyes a different kind of depth, you’re surprised that he even knows about your absentminded staring.
”Are you psychic or something? How did you know?” Jeongguk can only imagine how your eyes grew two sizes bigger when he called you out on your little daydreaming and his heart tightens with the amount of affection he feels for you. He traced your features with his fingers a million times before but there’s a sudden grip on his heart every time he thinks about how he can never experience what it’s like to see your smile when he makes you laugh or how you would roll your eyes if he says something stupid.
”You’re funny, but no sweetheart. You always hum when you’re deep in thought and I haven’t heard you touch your food yet. It was just a lucky guess.” You absolutely love when he calls you sweetheart so you feel yourself instantly melt in your seat after you hear his trademark breathy chuckle as you silently swoon over him and the fact that he knows your habits so well. The. Best. Boyfriend. Ever. You want to kiss him so badly but you pick up your fork instead and tell him to do the same.
You can’t say you’re not curious what he wants to show you but right now as you watch the slight curve of his upper lip as he smiles while he hops on the stairs like an actual bunny you want his mouth on yours, like, right about now more than to see what he’s so loud for. Your confusion only grows when you two are back in the art room, there’s a canvas with a cloth draped over its frame that you didn’t see before, well, not that you were looking at anything else than your boyfriend so you’re not entirely surprised.
”What’s this? And before you say it’s a painting you know that’s not what I mean.” You continue just in time to halt his snarky comment but that doesn’t take away from any of the sassiness he has in store for you. Not today though. He has better things to show you right now.
He worked on this painting for quite some time now, he traced the paint lines every other day to remember where he left off and he’s hoping that he didn’t mess up the colours because he dropped the palette one time and had to rearrange the paint marks. You customised his mixing plate, added little drawings at the edges so he can know what colour should go where it was a birthday present of yours and he almost cried how touched he was. He often traces the patterns when he’s alone and you always tease him when you see he has paint on his fingertips.
Jeongguk grabs your hand, making you sit beside him on the floor as he removes the cloth. Your eyes rake over the masterpiece in front of you as Jeongguk holds his breath not to miss your reactions.
It’s a mixture of two dominant colours, one is bright yellow and the other is orange with a tad bit of red in the middle, the colours of a sunrise with the top half being a little brighter while the bottom is painted in darker shades. Jeongguk never forms shapes or anything specific when he paints, you have seen some of his earlier creations when he did and they were stunning but now he’s simply using paint to portray his emotions. It’s more for therapeutic reasons than before when he daydreamed about becoming an artist.
”This is really beautiful Jeongguk.” The use of his first name conveys to him how serious you’re about it, it’s not Guk or bunny even though he loves the nicknames you give him. However, by using his first name to show him your sincerity you acknowledge him as an artist. He can’t argue with you because he can’t see it for himself to point out all the mistakes that are probably there, he smiles instead because now that you’re by his side he learned how to see things through your eyes and if you think it’s beautiful then it probably is.
”I painted this while I was thinking about you. I was nervous to show it to you because I was afraid that you wouldn’t like it. I can’t see it and it’s probably a mess but I wanted to give this to you.”
”Silly. Of course, I love it you’re still that talented boy, you know. Some things changed but it doesn’t mean you’re any less of an amazing artist.” You throw your arms around his form and due to the impact both of you end up on the floor with your head on his chest, he grunts under your weight but still laughs when you hold him tighter.
It’s calm for a few minutes as you listen to the upbeat rhythm of his heart while his hand combs the tangled knots out of your hair with gentle fingers. You inspect the painting from a different angle as you’re between Jeongguk’s arms and the colours seem so much brighter and livelier this way.
”Hey, Guk.” He hums when you call his name his hand stills in your hair for a moment but soon restarts his soothing motions until you raise your head from where it was resting on his chest and you look into his eyes. He looks back but it doesn’t bother you anymore that he can’t really see you.
There were hard times when you two were trying to adjust to each other’s different lifestyles. So many times when you wanted him to read your expression, to know when you’re angry without words or when you’re happy or frustrated. It wasn’t always this easy with him but you learned that you have to describe how you feel for him to understand you, he can’t rely on your facial expressions and you shouldn’t have assumed he knew what’s wrong when you didn’t tell him.
He’s very attuned to you now, he can tell from the pitch of your voice if you’re annoyed. He’s not the only one who learned to read the other like an open book. Probably because he can’t see it but he has a very expressive face, it’s easy to tell when he’s upset or something’s on his mind.
”You look very handsome right now.” Your smile stretches wider when he flares up at the sudden compliment, his ears are red too. There’s a slight sultry edge to your tone that he immediately recognises and makes him raise a brow at you. You only use that tone when you’re turned on by something he did and you want to have your ways with him. The idea of you fucking him is exciting but he’s confused about what he did to make you be in the mood.
”What is it bunny, you’re not going to say thank you?” You tease him while you manoeuvre your body to hover over his form with your palms firmly planted on both side of his face, he visibly gulps as you lower your body to straddle his tiny hips your fingers dip under his shirt to emit some kind of reaction. Jeongguk bites his lower lip before he licks over the pink flesh a poor attempt to hide how eager he is to have you on top of him.
”It’s pointless to play innocent bunny, I can already feel your hardening cock pressing to my ass.” You grind your butt against his growing erection to prove your point and he immediately moans for you. His resolve falls apart with every purposeful move against the wet spot that forms at the front of his sweats. It’s been a week since you two fucked because he was busy painting something but at that time you had no idea he’s creating something for you so diligently. His care for you is evident in every stroke of his brush on the canvas.
”Have I ever told you how much I love your reactions to my touches? You don’t know where or when I’ll touch you next and your innocent reactions make me so wet and desperate to fuck you.” Jeongguk’s eyes are firmly shut as he concentrates on your voice, he shudders when you rub his hip and move further upwards under his shirt to trace over the lines of his abs.
It’s easy to tell how your words can affect him sexually, you developed a huge liking for describing everything to him, you’re not gonna lie. It’s hot to see him so horny as you unconsciously make him imagine what you say, it’s your way of painting a picture for him. A naughty one. He likes when you go into great detail about how your pussy is wet for him or how nicely his tattooed fingers can fill you up. He likes to hear things like that as you use your dominant tone that alone is enough to arouse him while you do things to him.
”Let’s move onto a comfier setting bunny. I’ll not go easy on you today.” You get up and Jeongguk whines at the lost contact, with your body heat gone he shivers, the outline of his dick is visible under his sweatpants and you let a smirk be visible on your face. Reaching for his hand he eagerly pulls himself up from the ground with your help and follows you to his bedroom.
The room smells like his favourite fabric softener and you’re glad you changed his sheets this morning just to see him smile so adorably right now when you’re about to ruin the sheets together. He plops down onto the bed and momentarily he forgets about his growing sexual desires as he gets lost in the different scents in his room.
Once you touch his face he seems to come to this senses, you caress the apple of his cheek with your fingers and Jeongguk leans into your touch, a soft sigh slips out between his slightly parted lips.
”Let’s take your clothes off bunny.” You voice it as a suggestion but he obeys like it’s a command from the higher-ups and you almost chuckle at how needy he is as he eagerly pulls his shirt over his head and wriggles down his pants with his underwear giving the garments to you so you can set his clothes aside like you always do.
”I’m so lucky to have you. My pretty bunny.” You kiss his left thigh tentatively moving closer to his semi-hard length before changing directions to shower his firm stomach with equal attention. His body trembles beneath you, abdominal muscles tensing and relaxing under your mouth’s mission to map out his entire body and not leave any part of his gorgeous body unattended to.
Jeongguk keeps producing those breathy moans for you even though you still haven’t paid any attention to his needy cock that’s twitching with your every kiss and lick over his abs.
His tip glistens with his excitement and when he ruts his cock against your thigh for friction his breath hitches in his throat as he finally feels some form of relief. You push his hip back to lay flat on the bed, he tries to chase the feeling of your warm thigh but you don’t let him as you dig your nails into his skin making him quietly whimper into the pillow.
”Don’t worry love, I’ll touch you.” You coo at him when he keeps squirming under your body trying to rut against any part of you but you don’t let him move around, your hand is firm on his hip as you kiss the skin on his stomach.
Jeongguk’s face is angelic under the bedroom lights as he waits for your touches without a complaint, his mouth is open, panting, his tongue slips out to wet his dry lips and you surprise him with a kiss licking into his mouth pushing your clothed chest against his bare one.
”Gukie your cock is so pretty, your head is so swollen and red leaking precum so diligently for me, I can’t wait to taste you.” Your hand encloses around his base and you feel him twitch inside your hold as you smear his precum all over him, you whisper the words into his ear until his head is thrown back into the pillows. The feel of your hand on him is like he’s standing in front of the gates of heaven, he’s ready to give you everything you want. Jeongguk’s cock throbs with every stroke you deliver, more precum oozes from his slit making your up and down motions run smoothly as you built a rhythm.
His hands fist into the duvet under him as he chokes on his moans every time you circle your thumb over his sensitive tip, changing up the pace every so often to see his reactions.
The variations of his groans and higher pitched mewls directly affects you, suddenly the room is too hot while you’re still fully clothed and you’re desperate to have his hands on you, thighs rubbing together to seek some relief, your underwear is ruined the material clings to your wet folds as you please the love of your life.
”We have to build up your stamina bunny, I can’t have you cum so fast there’s still so many things I want to do to you.” You stop at the base, halting all of your movements while you grip his throbbing cock to prevent him from making a mess of the sheets too soon.
When you’re convinced he’s not going to cum if you let go, you start removing your clothes hastily, your bunny’s hips thrust into the air chasing your hand so you make quick work to get rid of your pants and underwear before you pin his hips to the bed again.
Continuing where you left off you get a hold of the base of his cock to align his member to feel the heat of your mouth centimetres apart from his sensitive tip, teasingly blowing air to see him shudder beneath you.
”Since you’re so impatient I’ll give you what you want.” As you talk your lips make contact with his cock and he trembles, his whole body is shaking with the overwhelming mix of pleasure and anticipation. Your lips part as you guide his dick into your awaiting mouth swirling your tongue over the prominent vein on the underside of his cock when you take his length as much of it as your throat can handle to fit inside.
You inhale deeply through your nose before you swallow around him, staying in position for a few seconds to get accustomed to his size, feeling his member twitch inside your warm mouth what spurs you on to start bobbing your head at an agonisingly slow pace before you eventually speed up, you surprise him with either a hard suck or a slow lick as you let his hips buck into your mouth a few times before you dig your nails into his hipbone as a warning.
You deny him his sweet release for the second time today when you slow down once he’s near his end.
The temperature of the room risen significantly making both of your bodies sticky with sweat. Admiring his sharp jawline and adam’s apple as it bobs while he swallows hard is a sight you can never get tired of seeing.
Jeongguk’s eyes are heavily lidded as he collects himself waiting for his breath to even out before you speak up. His head clears a little as you let him rest after another ruined orgasm.
”Are ok to continue? It’s alright if you don’t want to.” You brush a few strands of hair behind his ears kissing his forehead to help him calm down, his cock is still hard begging for release as it rests against his stomach, balls full of cum but you don’t want to assume.
”No, I’m fine. I want to continue.”
You want him to be one hundred percent comfortable with the things you two try out even if it was his personal suggestion.
”You’re doing so well. I’m very proud of you.” Pecking his lips sweetly to add emphasis to your words seem to work wonders as Jeongguk smiles. The heavy fog lifts almost entirely off his mind as his eyes open fully to bless you with his dark brown orbs full of love and adoration for you.
The tight hold he has on the bedsheets loosens when he cups your cheeks instead rolling his thumb to caress your face, pulling you down to share a passionate but slow kiss with teeth and tongue.
You moan into his mouth when he accidentally brushes a strong thigh up between your legs close to your centre Jeongguk feels the wetness between your thighs and swallows every noise you let out as he pushes his leg upwards parting yours gently in the process.
”Sweetheart, you’re so wet. I can feel it. Is this all for me?” Jeongguk is in awe as you moan his name, such a small contact can make you lose all kind of carefully obtained restraint you showed during the time you were pleasuring him.
You put his needs above yours and if it’s possible at all he feels even more in love with you knowing how much you care about him, he wants to return the favour even though his cock is so hard from all of your teasings and edging.
He wants to feel your tight pussy around him so bad it hurts but he shouldn't be greedy with you. You deserve to be treated like a queen and he’ll worship you as one.
Jeongguk has a lot of things he needs to learn about you but he’ll gladly start with learning about your body first. He had you before and having sex with you is always an addicting experience.
”All-uh-for you.” You nod absentmindedly, burying your face into the crook of his neck you let his hand travel down from your shoulders to the dip between your legs, he separates your slick folds with two of his fingers using his middle to run it through your centre rubbing your clit before he tests your opening. His finger slides in easily aided by your wetness. Your walls immediately squeeze the digit resided inside, eager to be filled with something after being left untouched for so long. Jeongguk feels how you suck his finger in so willingly, your warm and tight muscles are so needy for his cock.
”Jeong-guk.” It’s hard for you to form a coherent sentence when he lines up his second finger to fill you up. Your back arches when he finds your sensitive bundle of nerves making scissoring motions to stretch your walls your eyes open to watch him lazily finger fuck you with his tattooed hand glistening with your essence, you moan his name finding leverage as you place your hands on his chest. ”Gukie, fuck. Hmm, go a little faster.”
Jeongguk obligates, eager to please you. Picking up his pace, he thrusts his fingers inside your soaked pussy with practice curling the digits to hear more of those sweet sounds you make for him. With his heightened hearing he can easily recognise the patterns your body make subconsciously he picks up on your shallow breathing as you get closer to cumming and how your cunt squelches around his fingers. He can hear everything.
You never let him taste you before even though you give him head all the time and suddenly he feels a burning need to taste you on his tongue, he has no doubt that you’ll be a delicious treat. Since Jeongguk is sensitive to smells and tastes you refrained from making him go down on you, not sure if he would like the texture or taste.
”Sweetheart, can I try something?” Jeongguk’s fingers still inside you as he asks for your permission unsure if you would even like the idea he’s proposing. Your desire to orgasm fades quickly as you hear the vulnerability in his voice like he’s afraid you will think he’s some kind of weirdo for saying that. You’re quick to console him kissing his chest above his heart to say without words that it’s ok for him to tell you what’s on his mind.
”I want you to sit on my face.” Your eyes widen in surprise once the shy request leaves his lips soon after he nibbles on his bottom lip waiting for you to say something. You kiss him on the lips as both of you sit up on the bed holding his body close you contemplate if you should accept it or not.
It would be a lie if you said you don’t want to try it with him. But the fear of what if he’s not going to like it still lingers in your mind.
”Are you sure?” It’s your time to ask the question as you knock your foreheads together affectionately.
”Yes I’m sure, but we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” His firm reply soothes your nerves about the topic and you decide to be honest about why you’re so hesitant to let him.
These things are still fairly new for him and you don’t want him to do something he wouldn’t enjoy and eventually ruin his good experience with sex. It doesn’t matter if he won’t eat you out because you know he loves you and deeply cares for you and that’s what really matters in the end.
”I want you too but I have to warn you that you might not like it. Every female has a different taste and I know you’re sensitive to these things so I don’t want to force you just because it would feel good for me.”
Jeongguk lets your words sink in, realising that you look out for him even now when you could easily tell him to do anything and he would do it. But you don’t tell him, you say the word ’force’ even though he was the one to propose the idea to you.
He understands where you’re coming from though. It’s true that he’s more sensitive to strong smells than others but he never once thought you smell bad rather he thinks you always smell divine and it’s not just about your fruity perfume you apply every morning.
Your natural scent is good too even when you’re a little sweaty and roughen up after you’re done with cleaning his house.
He could smell your arousal when you two first had sex it took him a while until he identified the source of the heavy scent but he never thought of you as someone repulsive. It’s only natural so why he shouldn’t accept the way you are when you accept him as he is.
”You never know until you try, sweetheart.” Jeongguk wants to be the one to make all of your insecurities disappear and he’s determined to make you feel good his smile grows because now he knows it’s not him you doubt but yourself and he can’t let you do that.
”If I lick my fingers clean will you let me go down on you?” Ready to prove you wrong, right after he said that his fingers are lifted to his mouth to lick your juices off his hand, the sinful sight alone makes you weak on your knees.
His mouth sucks on each tattooed digit making sure to slurp up everything to prove his point, a new gush of arousal oozes out of your hole when you see it on him he genuinely doesn’t mind how you taste.
You kiss him fervently as the last digit is thoroughly cleaned pushing your tongue into his mouth you get even more turned on by the fact that you can taste yourself on his tongue.
Almost dismissing his request because eating you out would mean you have to wait longer and you want to have his cock now especially after the show he put up to win your approval, but like if he could sense your impatience he helped you to position yourself above the pillows.
He slowly starts to part your legs exposing your centre to the cold air as he positions himself to be directly in front of your sex inhaling your intoxicating scent. ”Tell me how to make you feel good.”
Jeongguk kisses the apex of your thigh, keeping your legs open with his firm grip on your inner thighs as he waits for further instructions. It feels like you’re suddenly in the middle of every girl’s wet dream, having him between your legs waiting for you to tell him what to do is already enough to make you soak the sheets under you.
”It’s similar to when you use your fingers bunny. Just use the tip of your tongue to tease my clit, you can lick and suck gently but I’ll like everything you’re willing to do.”
Your vision gets blurry once he uses your tips to make you feel good, he hums in acknowledgement before he parts your folds with his tongue finding your clit easily as he uses the tip of his tongue to circle it around your sensitive nub.
You try to stay still as he explores you but it’s hard to stop yourself from bucking your hips into his face when he makes you feel so fucking good. He learns fast what you like and doesn’t like as he keeps repeating the things that get the best reactions out of you.
”Your mouth feels so good bunny.” The praise ignites a sense of pride inside his chest as your moans fill his head, your scent surrounds him like a warm blanket as he laps up your essence there’s an especially high pitched keen moan when his nose nudges your clit and he does it again with purpose this time, he licks your opening clean making his tongue flat against your sensitive cunt to gather your juices in his mouth.
It’s been a while since anyone ate you out and his eagerness to learn and please you can be considered a huge part of why you feel your high approaching faster than ever.
”I’m going to cum if you keep doing that, fuck. Don’t stop.” Jeongguk feels your hand in his hair tugging at his strands as he flicks his tongue over your abused clit pink and swollen from the constant ministrations you let him know between breathy pants of his name that he’s doing such a good job. ”Use your hand bunny I’m so close. Unless you want me to finish while you have your mouth on me? You d-don’t have to.”
Your boyfriend seems determined however as he doubles his efforts devouring your throbbing pussy until there’s not a sense that’s not filled with you, your cum feels sweet on his tongue as he keeps licking your centre not letting any drop go to waste, your hand keeps grabbing his hair pulling him closer.
His dick is incredibly hard from all the foreplay, he’s panting when he finally comes up from between your legs and you lick your lips at the sight. His hair is dishevelled from your restless tugs lips glistening with your cum and rosy red from his constant work to get you to reach your high even though you denied him his two times before this.
Letting him eat you out was not part of your plan but you don’t mind it at all if this sight will greet you every time.
”You good?” You use your discarded shirt to clean his face up, his chin and lips are soaked by your arousal but he doesn’t seem to mind and a content sigh is enough to ease all of your worries when he nuzzles his face into your neck, he looks up at you dreamily fingers massaging the nape of your neck he lazily captures your lips between his teeth to playfully tug on the flesh.
”We should do this more often sweetheart, you’re absolutely delicious.” A confident smirk paired up with the way he licks his lips knowing that you watch him while he pants beneath your form is sinful. You only get a glimpse of his dominant side for mere seconds before you turn your full attention to give his cock his well deserved release.
It’s not even a full five minute after your mind-blowing orgasm but you’re already dying to feel him inside.
”I don’t know, you seem kind of tired bunny. Should we stop right now?” You straddle his hips sliding lower to have him feel how your pussy makes contact with his sensitive cock. Judging by the way his body shudders under your body’s weight the answer is going to be anything but no. Your mixed arousal makes it easy for you to slide up and down his shaft eliciting more soft groans from his throat as he finally got to feel you against him.
You teased him enough for one day considering how tight his balls seem to feel against your ass but it’s tempting to continue just a little more, you bite down on his collarbone kissing and nipping on his shoulder where it meets his neck marking his skin up with gentle sucks on his pulse point.
”If you don’t answer I’ll take that as a yes.” You release his tender flesh from between your lips and search for his eyes, every time you move your hips to grind down on him his tip catches the hood of your clit each time earning a groan from you.
”Fuck, no please don’t stop. Please let me cum.” Jeongguk’s hands find both sides of your waist urgently pulling you across his lap to make you move faster and harder, he’s desperate to finally find his release since he has been hard for so long. It’s a wet mess between your legs but you don’t mind how your mixed excitement stains the bedsheets, tattooed fingers dig into your skin as his cock slides up and down between your pussy lips with ease.
”Where do you want to cum bunny? I’ll give you everything you want.” You affectionately run your hands through his damp hair, moving your hips in tandem with his needy thrusts.
You have one or two suggestion in mind that you’re more than willing to share with him. ”I’ll do whatever you want but personally speaking I would love to be filled up.”
”S-sweetheart, I don’t think I c-can last long. I want to fuck you properly but I want to cum so b-bad.”
You chuckle lightly at how torn he’s between his options and you decide to make it easier for him as you guide his cock to your opening.
Your walls throb around him when he finally fills you up to the brim, you go slow at first not to trigger his orgasm too soon but you eventually pick up your pace as you ride him. His cock is so sensitive at this point that he feels his high approach almost immediately as you ride him harder.
Jeongguk feels your walls pulsate around him lost in the way you seem to be made for his cock and your moans that calls his name out every so often as he hits the best spots inside you.
He’s incredibly close to cumming but he knows you need more stimulation to reach your high so he flips you over, your back meets with the cold sheets as he effortlessly turns positions he doesn’t need to pull out to have you under him, his hips thrust into you frantically the new angle feels more intense as Jeongguk hovers over your body.
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See Something You Like? Part 5
Pairing: Rebels Rex x Reader
Word Count: 4.6K
Warning: NSFW 18+ Sexual tension, yearning, dirty thoughts, praise kink, size kink, breeding kink (if you squint) fingering, oral (female receiving), spanking, P in V sex, bratty reader, Dom!Rex, slight predator/prey vibes, slight voyeurism 
A/N:  This is it, we’ve made it to the end! Thank you everyone for reading and @samrubio for your delicious art 😚 There will be a small epilogue that’ll be posted sometime soon, and I have a couple other ideas floating around that tie in with this fic. Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list.  
That word echos in Rex’s mind as his lips trail along the side of your face, listening to the sinful noises you make as his thumb slowly ghosts over your throat. He can feel your pulse fluttering beneath his touch, frantic and loud, the beat matching the voice in his head chanting his claim. Mine. Mine. Minemine. A claim he intends to keep.
Pulling back, he looks at you and satisfaction curls deep in his gut, seeing what a pretty picture you make for him, all flushed and strung out. You’re trembling with your need to cum, legs spread out and tense by his sides, pleading with your eyes for him to have mercy on you and give you release. Your pussy pulses around nothing, glistening with your arousal, waiting to be filled. 
Smirking, Rex brings his attention back up to your neck and how his hand looks wrapped around it. Maker, you’re small he thinks to himself, seeing how big his hand is against your throat. It sends a thrill down his spine, seeing how tiny you look compared to him, how you mentioned that you liked he was big. 
Giving a gentle squeeze, he watches as your eyes flutter closed and your neck arches up into his touch, a silent plea for more. You quietly moan, and Rex can feel the vibrations against his palm. He chuckles darkly ��Well well, it seems like my good girl has been keeping some secrets from me.” He traces his fingers down your throat “I think we’ll be exploring that another time.”
Your moan is cut off as Rex leans forward, dragging his tongue in the valley between your breasts, licking up the droplets of sweat that have collected there, before moving up to your collarbone. He scrapes his teeth against the raised skin before biting down, leaving another one of his marks.
You keen as he continues, murmuring praises into your skin. “You’re just full of surprises cyare,” he says as he continues to mark his way back up your neck. “You’ve been so good for me, taking my fingers so well,” you moan as he sucks another mark on your skin, “making the prettiest noises.” He can hear the clink of the binders as you squirm in place, trying to bring your body closer, his hovering just out of reach. Soon you can touch, but not yet. 
Rex places a final kiss on your cheek before looking at you. “I think you earned a bit of a reward mesh’la.” He caresses your jaw. “As pretty as you are with you mouth stuffed full, how about we take the gag out?”
You hum in approval, opening your mouth a bit wider so he can remove the glove. Once it’s out you can feel there’s a slight ache from being kept open for so long, but Rex is already one step ahead of you. Bringing both hands up to the sides of your face, he gently massages your jaw, the movement from his hands helping to relax your muscles and you sigh.
“Look at you,” he says as he rubs the soreness away, “Such a good girl for me.” His hands are warm and you make a sound of content, arching your neck to move you face closer into his touch. 
“Only for you Sir” you purr. 
Stars, could you be any more perfect. Out of everyone on this base, he’s the one who gets to see you like this. Rex feels his cock twitch in anticipation but knows there’s one more thing he needs to do before he fucks you into the mattress.
Your body is thrumming with restless energy, wanting so badly to cum but revelling in the soft attention that Rex is giving you. The calluses on his hands are a stark reminder of the life he’s lived, how hard he’s had to be, but with you, they show you how attentive he is to your needs without using brute force. Gentleness in strength. Turning your face, you kiss his palm, feeling his hand twitch in surprise. His hands move away, one trailing down to your chin, turning you so that you’re facing him, and your breath hitches in your chest.
Liquid gold stares back at you, burning with the intensity of his arousal, and while there is still desire, it’s softened by the look of adoration on his face, looking at you as if you’re the most precious thing in all the galaxy. It makes your heart clench, seeing that gaze directed towards you. Something tugs deep in your chest, a yearning to see what else will make Rex look like that. This man deserves everything and you want to be the one to give it to him. To give him a reason to smile in the morning, to keep him soft when the missions are tough, to kiss his worries away and let him know he’s loved. It's like the look he gives you says you’re home, like he can be your home, and you want to be that for him.
The burning need you felt has quieted down to a warm simmer as the both of you take each other in, a moment of calm in the frenzy of your passions. You know that Rex will bring you back to being a writhing, needy mess in no time, so you enjoy this moment, of being here, with him.     
Rex must see something in your gaze that spurs him into action. “What’s your colour cyare?” He asks, fingers still holding your face towards him.
“Green. Very, very green.” You respond, smiling up at him, eager to continue.
He chuckles, finding your answer endearing. “Very well then,” he says, grinning devilishly as he makes his way back down between your thighs, “green it is.”
He doesn’t stop to tease you this time, going straight for your clit and sucking harshly, causing you to cry out. His fingers are stuffed into your pussy, thrusting at a punishing pace, bringing you back to the edge. Your thighs clamp around his head, keeping him in place as he eats you out.
“That’s it, right there” he growls into your folds, “don’t hold back mesh’la. Let me hear you scream my name.”
“Fu-Ah! Fuck! Rex!” You wail as his tongue licks at the folds around your core, the squelching sounds drowned out by his groans as he slurps up your arousal. Pulling against the bindings you cry out. “Please! I’m almost there! Please Sir!” Heat zings down your spine as the need in your belly coils tight, ready to snap.
With a snarl Rex adds a fourth finger, and you howl, the feeling of being stretched out and pushed to your limits exquisite. While you tremble in his grasp, he brushes over that special spot and presses down while his other hand goes back to your clit, rolling and pinching the flesh there. You can hear the wet sounds of his fingers thrusting into your heat, feel your slick coating your inner thighs. But it’s still not enough. Sobbing, you grind your hips against Rex, looking for that something to push you over the edge. “Please tell me I can cum, please please please!"
Sensing what you need, he removes his hand from your core and spreads you open with his fingers, licking into your heat before looking up at you from between your thighs, eyes feral. “Cum for me,” he orders “cum all over my tongue mesh’la.” 
With a soundless scream, your pussy clenches down as the coil in your belly finally snaps, sending a gush of slick over Rex’s hand as your back tries to arch off the bed, but his arm anchors you in place, so you’re just grinding onto his face. Legs clamp tight around Rex’s head, as he keeps licking you through your orgasm, drinking you down with a groan, tongue plunging deep into your heat. The vibrations cause another mini-orgasm to ripple through you, and you feel tears fall down your cheeks as you cry out. 
You so badly want to reach down and hold onto him, pull him as close as you can, but the binders keep your arms in place, so all you can do is writhe in ecstasy, as much as Rex will allow. All you can do is take what he gives you, and he gives, and gives, and gives.
Panting, you shake through your aftershocks, legs falling limp to the sides. You can still feel Rex licking your core and you whine at the overstimulation, weakly pushing him with your leg “Rex, please, too much”
“But cyare," he coos “there’s still so much for me to clean up.” He presses a kiss to your clit, feeling you twitch “you gushed all over my face”
Weakly, you lift your head and your mouth drops open in a little ‘o’. His beard is covered in your slick, glistening on the strands as he sits up, smirking like he won the whole war himself. His tongue pokes out and you watch, transfixed as he licks up your arousal that clings to his lips.
“Best kriffing thing I’ve ever tasted,” he growls out “could eat you out all day and I’d still want more."
“Rex," you whine, “you can’t say something like that, not when I’m like this.” You jostle your hands in the binders. “Need you to come up here baby. Need to kiss you right now.”
Rex hums as he drags his fingers through your folds, collecting some leftover slick, hearing your breathing stutter. He looks at you, brow raised “ask me nicely.”
Stars, he’s making you work for it. 
Putting on your best tooka eyes, you look up at him. “Please sir, could you kiss me? I want to taste myself on your tongue.”
Haar’chak! Rex curses to himself, you’re getting better at fracturing his control. His cock throbs, reminding him he hasn’t cum yet, but he still has a few things planned for you before he finds his own completion. 
Rex leans forward, brushing his fingers over your lips, coating them in a gloss of your slick before claiming your mouth with his. You groan in satisfaction, feeling the wet slide of his tongue against yours. It’s a heady feeling, knowing that moments ago Rex was face first between your thighs, and now you’re tasting yourself on his lips. You feel him reach up to undo the binders, and as soon as they’re off you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
Rex groans as he feels you press your body against his, and he ruts up once, twice, his length dragging through your folds and coating himself in your slick. If he wasn’t careful he’d cum faster than a shiny having their first orgasm!
As he pulls away you wonder if you’ll get the chance to return the favour and see what he tastes like. Would he be tangy like you or something else, something stronger? You go to reach for him, mouth watering at the sight of his cock, when he gently grabs your wrist, shaking his head. “Not today mesh’la. Right now, it’s everything that I want to do to you.”
Pouting, you take his hand, the one still coated in your arousal, and decide to show him what he’d be missing. Pulling Rex’s hand to your mouth, you wrap your lips around two of the fingers that were previously buried in your heat, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. You can hear him groan as you gently suck on the digits, cleaning up the evidence of your arousal. 
“Kriff, such a dirty girl,” he growls as he starts to slowly pump his fingers in your mouth, watching you bob your head to take them all in. “Ner aikiyc ad’ika, so eager to have something to suck on.”
You release his fingers with a wet pop, smiling mischievously at him. “Change your mind? Or do you need more incentive?” You say as you lick between his fingers, catching what you missed. His cock twitches and you eye the bead of pre-cum, watching as it trails down through your slick, hungry for a taste. “You sure you don’t want me to suck your cock sir? See how far I can take you?” You can see his other hand clench by his side, feel his resolve start to crack. Just a little more you think to yourself. You pull his hand down so that it’s resting against your neck and smirk when you see his breath hitch. “You’re so big, I bet you’d be able to see yourself in my throat.”
You yelp as you suddenly find yourself flipped over onto your front, Rex pulling your hips up so that you’re on your hands and knees, legs spread wide as he moves behind you. Your ass is nestled against his groin, and you moan when you feel how hot and hard his cock is. You squirm in anticipation, pushing back to encourage him when he brings his hand down on your ass, the smack mixing with your shriek. A fresh rush of arousal drips down your thighs, as he repeats the action on the other cheek, the skin turning a rosy colour beneath his palm. 
“I thought I had dealt with your attitude,” he says as he spanks you again, your moans filling the room “but I guess I need to fuck the brat out of you.” Rex grabs your ass, kneading the flesh before spanking you one more time, reminding you who’s in charge. 
Stroking his cock, he lines himself up at your entrance, rubbing the tip along your folds, listening to you whimper. “Such a pretty pussy” he growls, watching as more arousal drips from your core before pushing in, sinking all the way down in one thrust. 
He groans at the feeling of your heat surrounding him, how you flutter around his length, adjusting to his size. Anything he dreamed about does not compare to the reality of finally being inside of you. You squeeze down and Rex grits his teeth, already feeling himself close to the edge. He pulls out, your walls clenching down until only the tip is in before thrusting back. He grabs your hips, anchoring you in place and makes good on fucking the brat out of you.
His hips snap forward, and you moan at how full he makes you feel. He wasn’t lying when he said he was big, but Maker! You swear you could feel him all the way up in your throat! Your eyes roll back when he hits a spot that has you seeing stars. “Right the-ah! There!” You whine out “please don’t stop!” The hands on your hips flex, slamming you back down on his cock and your arms give out, your face pressing into the mattress. The new angle causes Rex to go even deeper, hitting a place you didn’t think existed and you cry out “More! Oh kriff, please more!” You’re babbling now, pleas falling from your lips, hands bunched up in the sheets. When he grinds down your breath stutters, eyes fluttering closed “You’re filling me up so good sir, feel so full.”
“Kriff mesh’la, you feel so good” Rex growls, watching how he sinks into your core, your arousal coating his balls. “Love watching this ass bounce on my cock.” He grabs a handful as he continues to thrust into you, spreading you open so he can get an even better look at where you’re joined. The wet slap of skin doesn’t mask his groan or the desire in his voice “Look at you, you keep pulling me back in.”
You’d feel embarrassed at how focused he is on your pussy but you’re beyond caring right now, craving the high he’s giving you. A particularly hard thrust has you keening loudly and you worry about others hearing you. This moment is for you and Rex, and you don’t want to share it with anyone else. Reaching out, you bury your face in a pillow, muffling the sounds of your moans. 
When Rex can’t hear you voice crying out, pleading for more, he looks down and sees that you’re face first in the pillow in front of you. That feathered monstrosity is preventing him from hearing all the lovely sounds you make, sounds that are all for him. This will not do he thinks to himself. 
Since your hands are occupied holding the pillow, each thrust from Rex’s hips sends you further up the bed. Abruptly, you’re pulled up, one of Rex’s hands fisted in your hair, the other ripping the pillow away and throwing it on the floor. He grinds up, grazing your sweet spot and you wail, hands grasping at his.
He moves his head besides yours, breath ghosting over your ear. “Oh no mesh’la, you don’t get to hide these beautiful noises from me. I want to hear every sound you make as I ruin you.” His hips have sped up their movements, and you feel another orgasm building up. The hand that was in your hair lets go and snakes around the front, tilting your head to the side and resting on your throat. “Let everyone hear you as I make you cum on my cock.” 
His other hand has made its way down to your pussy, sliding along where you two are joined before moving up to your clit. He starts rubbing it in circles and you feel your legs start to shake, the pleasure starting to overwhelm you. Rex bites down on your shoulder and you cry out, and that’s the push you need for your release to rush over you. 
Rex doesn’t let up as you quiver and shake in his arms, continuing to thrust up into your tight heat as you gush all around his cock. There’s so much that it coats the front of his thighs and drips down yours. “Good girl,” he groans “just ride it out, I got you.” 
You’re panting by the time the last aftershocks have subsided, and Rex is stroking his hands up your sides, causing a warm feeling to grow in your chest. 
“What’s your colour cyare?” He asks, holding you close.
It takes a moment for his question to register, as your head is feeling pleasantly buzzy. “Still green Sir” you say, words slightly slurred as you nuzzle the side of his face. Raising your hand, you run your fingers through his bead, feeling him smile by your actions.
He chuckles “Good, because I’m not done with you yet.”
Belatedly, you realize that while you had cum, he’s still beskar hard, length throbbing inside of you. You clench down, and Rex hisses, pinching your side. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish cyare” he warns, though there’s no heat in his words.
Before you can respond he pulls out and you whimper at the empty feeling. His hands guide you down to the bed, turning you over so that you’re lying on your back again. You spread your legs and he settles between your thighs, sliding his cock back in your pussy, and you sigh at the feeling of being stretched out. 
Rex sets an unhurried pace this time, leaning forward and caging you within his arms, watching your face as he thrusts in. He wants to see your pleasure build, your eyes glaze over in bliss, too cockdumb to form words. To see you give in to your inhibitions and let him give you everything you need, only to do it all over again. 
Your lazily wrap you legs around his waist, encouraging him to go faster, brushing your hands up his arms before linking behind his neck. “See something you like sir?” You coo up at him, undulating your hips when he thrusts in.  
“If it’s you? Aways” he says and revels in the smile it brings to your face. He speeds up and brushes against that bundle of nerves that make you whine, holding on to him tighter. Soon, both your moans fill the room, and that delicious curl of pleasure builds at the base of your spine. You can tell Rex is close since his hips start to lose their rhythm and there’s more grinding than thrusting.
“Rex, need you so bad, I need to cum on your cock,” you beg “I’m so close!”
“Haar’chak! Just a little bit more mesh’la I-”
The sound is like a droid popper going off in the room, and you despair as you feel Rex curse and start to slow down. No! You’re so close!
You desperately grab onto his wrists “Don’t answer it, don’t you dare answer it!” You cry out, furious that someone would interrupt you and worried that Rex would leave like he did earlier on when summoned on his comm link. “Kriff! You promised no interruptions, you can’t leave me like this again!” You sob, hoping you can persuade him to stay.
Rex stops completely, buried deep in your core, and you stutter out a groan. “Reeex, please.” Stars you feel so full. You tighten your legs around his waist, trying to get him to move, but he doesn’t budge. Looking up at him, you can see his gaze is on the door, a calculated look in his eyes. It makes you slightly uneasy, but you’re beyond caring right now, not when rex is balls deep inside you.
Your next response is cut off when you hear your name tentatively called from the other side of the door. Salsa dancing emperor! It’s that kriffing ‘won’t take no for an answer’ pilot! You growl low in your throat, unable to verbalize the sheer fury you have towards the space-waster currently ruining what you’re sure is the best kriffing sex you’ll ever have. 
Rex listens to you growl and chuckles darkly, enjoying your frustration. Seeing a way to make sure others know you’re his and to back off, he grinds his hips in a slow circle, listening to you moan before you slap a hand over your mouth, muffling it. He pulls your hand away and presses it into the mattress, a silent order to keep it there.
“Ah ah mesh’la, what did I say about hiding from me? I want to hear every. Single. Sound.”
With that, he lifts your legs from around his waist and presses them into your chest, spreading you wide open. The look he gives you is completely wild, and you’re too turned on to protest “Make sure you scream my name nice and loud cyare, show them who you belong to” and then goes to absolutely destroy your pussy.
He snaps his hips into yours, setting an unrelenting pace and you moan high in your throat. “Re-AaaH! Rex! Fuck, you feel so good!” Rex doesn’t give you time to adjust to the position before he’s moving your legs over his shoulders, and pressing you down into the mattress. Your eyes roll back as you feel his cock pounding into you, deep enough that it’s kissing your cervix.
He slides his hands up to yours, linking your fingers, as his thrusts pick up speed. “Look at me mesh’la,’ he grunts out “want those pretty little eyes on me.”
You blink up at him, tears streaming down the sides of your face. He’s so close that you can see your reflection in his gaze, flushed and fucked out.
His eyes are intense as he grinds his hips down into yours “Who does this belong to? Who’s the only one who gets to fuck this pussy?”
"You! Ah! Only you sir, it’s yours!” You cry out, trembling on the cusp of your orgasm. You only need a little bit more to send you over the edge. 
He continues to pound into you, “Still think I’m too tired now mesh’la? Bet your Yavin boys don’t make you feel like this?”
“I was wrong! I don’t want them,” you sob, pleading with him with your eyes “only you make me feel like this! You do! Kriff Rex!”
“That’s my good girl.” You’re too busy crying out that you don’t hear the sound of feet rapidly making their way down the hall, far away from your room. Rex grins, knowing that you won’t be bothered by that pilot anytime soon. He feels you clench down and his hips start to stutter. “I’m close cyare, where can I-" 
“Inside!” You cry out, “Inside! I have the implant.” 
It’s only a few more thrusts before Rex is pressing in deep, filling you up with his cum and setting off your own release. He lets go of your hands to hold you close, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as you both shudder through your climaxes. 
Rex carefully moves your legs off his shoulders and maneuvers the pair of you so that you’re laying on his chest. He brushes some hair away from your face, smiling when you curl up even closer in his arms, you face tucked under his chin. 
Coming back back down from your high is like wading through a caramel fog, creamy and dense, and oh so satisfying. This is what you should feel like, boneless, pliant and completely fucked out. Rex has ruined you for anyone else.
There’s the steady sensation of Rex stroking your back and you stretch out, arching into his touch. You feel his chest rumble underneath your hands before he tilts your head up and his lips are on yours. The kiss is languid and you sink into it, relaxed in his embrace. You stay like that for a while, trading kisses as easily as breathing, before he gives you couple smaller ones as he pulls away.  
He takes you in, blissed out and smiling at him with those soft eyes he adores. “There she is,” he croons “there’s my good girl.”
You preen at the attention, snuggling closer into his side. While you’re content to bask in the afterglow, there’s a question that’s burning to be asked. “Am I your good girl or am I your good girl for now?” You don’t look at him as you ask your question, worried you won’t be able to mask your emotions if it’s not the answer you want. It’s so quiet you wonder if Rex heard you at all. When the silence drags on, you take that as your answer and start to slip from his arms, when he tightens his grasp around you. 
“Look at me cyare” and you hesitantly bring your gaze to his. His voice is steady when he answers, but you can see the vulnerability in his eyes.
“You’re my good girl today, tomorrow and every day after that, for as long as you’ll have me.” His heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest as he waits for your response. 
Your heart perks up as warmth spreads through your chest and you feel a smile tugging the corners of your lips, happiness threatening to spill over “And if I want you for a lifetime?”
The smile he gives you is dazzling “Then you have me mesh’la, for a lifetime.” 
You’re too happy to respond, so you just tug him down, showing him everything you’re feeling in your kiss. He groans into your mouth and moves so that he’s hovering over you, hands stroking you body as he quickly dominates the kiss, turning you into a quivering pile of need. Eventually, you feel him rut against you, cock hard and leaking.
“Really Rex? Already?” You giggle “You’re insatiable.” 
“Oh, ner kar’ta,” he grins “I am nowhere near finished with you.” And proceeds to show you exactly how long his endurance is.
You were right. Rex has absolutely ruined you for anyone else, and you’d gladly let him do it again. 
Ner aikiyc ad’ika - My desperate little one (very rough translation) Haar’chak! - Damn it! Ner kar’ta - My heart
Tag List @samrubio @justanotherstarwarswhore @bvcketfvcker @grumpymuffinmama @justanothersadperson93 @fat-zygerrian @deewithani @idolized-sea-salt @i-am-bad-at-blogs
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Overdue thoughts on Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
I’ve been meaning to talk about my reaction to the latest Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer, and now I’m finally gonna do it. This isn’t some super in depth theory crafting. Much like my Kingdom Hearts IV post this is just some early reflections.
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I’ll start with what I’ve noticed in terms of gameplay because this’ll be the shorter part. Also, I’ll just quickly point out that most of my Musou knowledge comes from the two Hyrule Warriors games. So if I sound ignorant about specifics of Dynasty Warriors gameplay, it’s because I am. Just a heads up. 
One thing I’ve been consistently impressed by in Koei Tecmo’s latest Musou spin-offs is how committed they are to trying to make them feel like part of the series that spawned them. Persona 5 Strikers and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity both perfectly match the graphical style of the games they’re based off. They also both pull a ton of aspects from the gameplay of their source material and blend them with Warriors gameplay. Sure enough, we have already seen Combat Arts, Gambits, Adjutants and the class system in these trailers. Combat Arts are particularly neat, since OP special moves are a Warriors tradition, but letting you choose from multiple ones is a neat bit of customisation (or maybe it’s already been done idk). Teaming up with allies on the battle field for group attacks is also cool as is more control over AI allies, but I hope this doesn’t replace actually swapping characters which I think is a great mechanic for these games both to keep variety, and bolster their light strategy elements. Three Houses’ training is also back, and hopefully will be used to cut down on the typical Musou grind rather than increase it.
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Ok, that’s all I can observe from the gameplay as far as I can make out and it all looks great. Here’s hoping there’s not any egregious performance issues.
Anyway, onto the story. So far I’m getting major vibes of Age of Calamity. This very much appears to be an alternate timeline, much of which revolves around our new protagonist, Shez. The idea seems to be that Shez’s absence was the main reason Three Houses played out the way it did, and now that they’re here, things may go differently. 
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Incidentally I’m glad Shez isn’t a silent protagonist. Byleth had more characterisation than your average silent protag, but they really couldn’t carry a story without the three lords (see Silver Snow for proof). I’ve already praised the new redesigns, and yes they are all chef’s kiss. But I wanna talk chronology. Anime ages are hazy at the best of times, but from what I see, there is definitely a timeskip here and they do look older, but the changes are way less pronounced than they were in Three Houses. The war has not been going on for five whole years it seems.
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The game also seems to be going out of its way to tap into some unexplored ideas from the original. For instance, we see a pink haired warrior in the trailer who could very possibly be Holst, Hilda’s previously unseen brother, as well as a new character who resembles Claude (another member of the Almryan nobility?). Even Monica seems to be here, though the jury’s still out on whether this the real or Monica or simply a disguised Kronya. 
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Shez also has a companion figure much like Sothis named Arval, but this guy’s whole colour scheme resembles the Agarthans. I know that, as such, some people are expecting a twist villain but I actually hope not. The Agarthans were probably the weakest part of Three Houses’ story as they hindered the game’s gray morality by being obvious villains who masterminded many of Fódlan’s worst aspects. Giving them a sympathetic god figure similar to Sothis, or at least having one Agarthan who isn’t cartoonishly evil could provide them depth, much like the Nabateans.
And of course, we gotta talk about Byleth. 
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I think posing Byleth as an antagonist is a great reversal. It takes their silent, borderline Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue nature and turns it into something threatening by turning it against us. Nice to see them living up to the Ashen Demon name. And supposedly, they nearly killed Shez at some point in the past and the story is hyping up a rematch of sorts. However, I highly doubt they are a true villain. We see that their name and gender is still decided by the player, which implies they’re playable. So I’m expecting a dual perspective story simillar to Gaiden and its remake Shadows of Valentia. This would mean switching between Byleth and Shez at story intervals much like Alm and Celica, leading up to their second confrontation. Then again, this game apparently has three routes, so I don’t know how this could logistically work in that context. Interestingly, Sothis’ narration in the first trailer makes some comment about revenge and given how, normally, only Byleth can hear her, that implies to me that maybe Jeralt’s death plays out differently in this timeline. Could Shez themselves be involved? We’ll see I guess...
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Lastly, there’s the question of whether this game will have any kind of ‘everyone lives’ golden ending. On the one hand, Three Houses is supposed to be a tragedy. It has no completely happy ending and I think it’s a better game for it. That being said, the Warriors crossovers have often been kind of fanfic-y. They’re bombastic fan-pleasing spectacles that run on hype, and Age of Calamity specifically set itself apart as an AU so it could run wild without contradicting Breath of the Wild. I see no reason Three Hopes couldn’t do the same. Though the fact that it still has multiple routes means that unless there’s some Fates/Sonic Adventure 2 ‘last story’, it probably won’t have a fully happy ending. So maybe bring tissues to be safe.
There’s still a lot we don’t know, but I’m still really excited. I loved Age of Calamity (though I suspect some people would shoot me for saying that because something, something ‘false advertising’) and this looks to bring a lot of the same buckwild AU energy to one of my favourite Switch titles. Plus I’m just looking forward to seeing these characters again, AND using them to curbstomp entire armies. I just hope the playable roster is up to par, considering how much I love Three Houses cast. 
But yeah, long story short, I’m incredibly excited. 
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fictionfunshop · 3 years
Art Lessons
** Sorry not sorry
UPDATE - woke up to over 30 like for this thanks everyone 😍 drop me a message if you have a dirty Matthew/Reid request! **
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I took in all the colours in front of me, slashes of black with hints of green and peeking specks of yellow. Something was soothing about standing in front of it, my eyes darting around the canvas, trying to see all the colours and shapes, hoping to memorise every stroke. Life at a marketing agency kept me busy, but I loved to explore the city I called home for the last three years. One weekend you could be in Central Park on the Loeb enjoying a champagne brunch, the next you could be enjoying some hip restaurant in the West Village on your books New York has opened your mind since you first landed so much that nothing phases you anymore, and you thank her for it every morning you wake up and stare out your window to the river.
This Saturday was a relaxing one; I had already treated myself to my favourite croissant from a local French bakery for breakfast, browsed a book-store I always pass on the way to the office but never get the chance to visit, before you headed into the gallery to feed your eyes on Picassos and Monets. You were aware he was standing next to you, his body heat radiating from him.
"Did you know that this is one of the last pieces Pollock painted?" Even though his voice was in a low rasp, it broke the quiet tension of the gallery space.
You glanced over at him, noticing him for the first time. A bold patterned blue shirt made the light tan of his arms and chest pop; his slim jeans hugged his lanky frame perfectly. His chestnut hair was messy; the attempt to tuck strands behind his ear had been futile. His eyes were like conkers, shiny and holding some childlike innocence behind them.
"I did – did you know that he was in a car with his mistress when he died?" you whisper back. He grinned at your bold reply.
"I did not, but I'll remember it to impress the next time I'm at a gallery."
You fully turn to face him now, "do you usually go to art galleries and scare people with facts?"
"I'm trying not to make it into a habit", he chuckles, "you were standing here for a very long time."
It's now you notice his height, the top of your head barely grazing his shoulder. "It's a big canvas; every time I look at it, I see other colours I haven't picked up on before or a shape I want to decipher."
"I'm Matthew, by the way," he extends his hand out to me
"I'm Mia," you capture him in yours, gazing into his eyes. "I'm guessing you're not from around here?"
"I live in L.A, originally from Vegas," He starts walking to the next frame, and you follow ", and you're not from New York either."
"Nope, I moved here a few years ago. I lived in Chicago my whole life."
We stop and look at the painting in front of us, trading whatever information we know and more prodding questions. I had found out; surprisingly, he was ten years older than me, an avid reader and a painter himself just like Pollock. After the final frame, he asked you to join him for coffee around the corner to trade more art secrets you accepted.
"So what brings you to New York?"
"Visiting some friends and I have a few work meetings", he replies, taking a sip of his cortado. "what brought you to New York?"
"I'm a client Director for a marketing agency here. I worked at their Chicago office for a few years before I got this promotion. What do you do?"
The more you took in his features, he looked familiar.
"I do a bit of everything; I direct, I write a bit, I act here and there…"
"Anything I might have seen?" you were intrigued; you figured he must be successful if he has coastal meetings on his career. That and you noticed a woman in the corner of the café staring at him since he slumped into the wooden chair when you arrived.
"I'm in the show Criminal Minds? I've directed a few episodes too."
"That's cool. Are you here for the show or something else?" You hoped your reply came off breezy, but inside, your heart was hammering. It's not often you meet successful, handsome actors let alone spend hours with them in a gallery and now sharing a muffin and some coffee.
"I'm working on a book right now, so I've to meet the publishers. I figured while I was here, I would visit some friends and galleries, maybe meet a beautiful woman to talk to."
He says the last line with no shame, staring into your blue eyes and relaxing into the chair. While you never thought you were ugly, the line still made your cheeks warm.
"Thank you; it's not every day for me that I get famous actors flirting with me." Building since you first traded facts, the tension is now undeniable and hanging thick; you can see his eyes dart from your lips back to your eyes.
"If you've no other plans today, I have a few art books at mine you can have a look at?" you take the last gulp of your coffee. He nods his head, knocking back the last of his. He throws down some cash on the table and stumbles out of his chair, following you outside. You hail down a passing yellow taxi and jump in. You give your address to the driver before you turn your head, him sitting so close to you now you pick up his light cologne smell. His hand grips the back of your head and smashes into your lips. After a few hard kisses, you let a low moan escape when his tongue touches yours for the first time. Your hand finds his chest, your fingers teasing his exposed skin, which lets out the guttural groan. From him as he moves his hands from your neck to your waist, practically forcing you to sit on his lap. The taxi jolts to a stop, forcing you both to untangle. You hand the driver a wad of notes before you hop out, slightly embarrassed that he had seen that display between you both. He jumps out the other side, follows you inside your building and up the 4th floor to your apartment. Behind closed doors again, he pinned you against the wooden frame, his fingers tangling in your hair before drawing his thumb across your full bottom lip. His eyes are practically black now, and his hair an even bigger mess than before; you twist a finger around an escaped curl on the nape of his neck.
"You are so fucking gorgeous." He presses his lips against yours with the same neediness as in the taxi.
His hands can't stay in one place, moving from your cupping your ass and hips to moving up your ribcage to your heaving chest. Your nimble fingers make work on the buttons of his shirt before he shrugs it off your shoulders.
"Turn around." He growls, and you comply, your centre now throbbing. He finds the small zipper of your dress and pulls it down. His hand snakes under the material while the other slides the thin straps from your shoulders and lets the material now pool at your feet. You press your back into his chest, his fingers now pinching your nipples, biting your lip to stops the moans from escaping. His lips find your bare shoulder, sponging kisses up to your neck where he nips at the flesh. You barely have your clothes off, but Matthew already has all your weak spots mapped out; maybe there is some truth in older men being better lovers that your friends tried to explain once. You break away and guide him to your bedroom, pushing him onto the bed gently where he props himself up on his elbows. You slide out of your sandals before kneeling between his legs. He sits up straight, dipping his head to meet yours in a kiss, his fingers tangling in your hair, waiting for your next move. You sponge kisses down his chest, nipping at his nipples, earning a groan from him while your hands loosen his belt and jeans. He helps slide them down his legs, and you untie his converse and throw them across the room.
"Do you have odd socks on?" your eyes widen in shock and add a playful air to the sexual tension.
"Good luck charm", he smirks back. You go back to teasing him, placing quick kisses across the band of his boxers before you make small work of them, adding to his pile of clothes now in the corner. You grip his erection in your hand, and you can feel how painfully hard he is, the tip already leaking with pre-cum before you get to work. You take long licks from the base, circling the top before you cover it with your lips and let it slide down your throat. Your hand jerks the bottom you can't cover.
"Fuck…" He mumbles, his fingers tangling in your hair and guiding the pace. You moan in response as you take him further in your mouth, inch by inch. Soon, you feel him hit the back of your throat, and his mumbles have turned into full-on moans, bouncing against the four walls. You know he's close, his cock is twitching in your mouth, and you can feel his grip in your hair tighten.
"So close, feels too good." You look up at him and set your eyes on him, his chest now glistening with sweat, his teeth pulling at his bottom lip, trying to contain his moans.
You keep his eye contact as you watch him come, some swear words tumbling out of his mouth. You swallow every last drop of him before he pulls you by the arm to join him in your bed. He kisses you again as he pushes you down on your mattress and positions himself between your thighs. His hands cradle your hips as he slides your underwear down your legs and tosses them to the side. He sits up and places chaste kisses on your thighs before he settles himself between your legs. Your head cranes back in the pillow as your hand grips the sheets at the first touch from his tongue, flicking lightly against your clit. He then sucks it between his lips as your hips lift off the bed; he holds them down as you grind into his face, now desperate for release. One of your hands played with your nipples when his fingers joined in, moaning his name so loudly you were sure you'd have a noise complaint tomorrow. Your hand moves to his hair as you can feel yourself tighten around his fingers before you feel yourself come, screaming his name one last time. He emerges, licking his lips before climbing back up and kissing you, letting you taste yourself. His kisses now were slow and deep, a shocking comparison to earlier but one you welcomed while you recovered.
"Do you have protection?" He rasped in your ear. You pulled out your top drawer on your nightstand and handed him the small silver packet, now thanking yourself that you kept stock. He made light work of putting it on before he settled back in between your legs, sliding the tip down your slit before he guides himself into you, not breaking eye contact. He pulls his hips back and slams into you, your nails finding his back and digging in. He set a quick pace, the sound of your hips crashing into each other filling the air. His lips find your chest, and he sinks his teeth into your nipples once again, earning a yelp from you. He notices the grip your nails have on his back release a little, so he uses this chance to pin them over your head.
"You still feel so tight around me."
"Hmmm…Matthew…so close" I feel my hands loosen their grip, letting me rub my clit as he continues to pound into me, his strokes now sloppy telling you he was near too. You were the first to go over the edge, tears coming from your eyes as you clenched around him a few strokes later, and some dirty encouragement he followed. He collapses on top of you for a few moments afterwards, steadying his breathing before he peels himself off you and cleans himself up. You could already feel yourself ache all over, but you needed him again already.
"So that was unexpected," he laughs.
"Yeah, I could still show you the art books if you want?"
He shakes his head. "I thought you could give me your phone number, and we go for dinner tomorrow?"
You nod you're head. You couldn't wait.
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 27
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader   CW: Spoilers for HP OOTP, blood/injury, bullying, fighting, sexism A/N: There's a scene in here that references Chap 28: Snape's Worst Memory. If you want, go back and read the flashback scene. Everything that happens in the flashback stays the same aside from the addition of the reader.
【 Masterlist: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 】
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Chapter 27: OWLs
The last month was spent with lessons being devoted to review as the OWLs drew near. McGonagall had given them their examination schedules and went over the procedure for the following weeks during their Transfiguration lessons. She’d gone over the rules; mentioned the ban of Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Self-Correcting Ink and others of the same likes.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Their first exam, Theory of Charms, was scheduled bright and early for Monday morning and they were all forced to study into the late hours of the night. There was a manic gleam in Lily’s eyes as she re-read sections of her textbook, Remus flicked through The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5; Sirius and Mary were surprisingly calm as they practiced locomotion charms, Peter was so nervous that he kept dropping his wand. Dorcas had to be given Draught of Peace while Y/N was left practicing incantations under her breath, charming nearly every object in sight for practice. After all, Charms never was her strong suit.
“Fuck it,” Marlene announced, standing up to grab a bottle from their secret stash of Firewhiskey.
“You sure you want to drink that now?”
“I’m not getting pissed, it’s one drink.” Before Marlene had the chance, Remus grabbed the bottle from her hands and took a swig. “That’s against the rules, McKinnon, and you’re underage.”
“Remus John fucking Lupin! Stop abusing your prefect powers!”
But she and Sirius, of course, had their ways of coping with the stress.
“Do you — mmm — think it will be that hard?” Y/N said in between kisses. Sirius was the one to approach her.
Y/N had been doubtful about their situation, considering Sirius was flirting with other girls but they weren’t together. She knew that — she had no claim and besides, she trusted Sirius enough to not lie and deceive her had he been with anyone else.
Sirius’s hands flew down to unbutton her blouse and shrugged off his shirt. “Dunno. I’spouse I’ll get all Exceeds Expectations or Outstandings anyway. Don’t need — ah — to worry.”
Y/N tilted her head away from Sirius who pouted and quickly pressed another kiss. “Maybe you’re the arrogant toe-rag.”
“You’re too mean to me,” sighed Sirius, wearing a bemused smirk. “Watch your mouth. D’you know how many women — nicer women — want my attention but you get it?”
Inwardly, Y/N felt her heart soar. He’d just eased her speculations. “Me? Watch it?”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“Fine,” Y/N then peeled herself off of him, buttoning her clothes neatly. Her lips twitched up in a knowing smirk. “Be like that then.” And then she walked out the door, leaving Sirius to whine and chase after her.
“Wait — I didn’t mean that — wait! L/N! Come back, please?”
She was growing really fond of Sirius. Even hearing his name made her heart flutter.
When Y/N finally went to bed, she remembered about the career consultation she had with McGonagall and her persistence in helping her become a Healer. It left her wide awake.
That morning was deathly quiet as Professor McGonagall stood in front of them in the Great Hall as desks were lined in neat rows. Her eyes scanned every student before her hand went to grab the large hourglass sitting on the desk beside her along with any spare quills, parchment, ink bottles.
“You may begin.” McGonagall turned over the hourglass and Y/N heard the flipping of papers. Her heart thumped in her chest as she took one last glance up and then lowered her eyes on the paper and began to read…
June 8th, 1976
Maybe it was the combination of the sun beating down on their backs or the tension from the recent surge of Death Eater attacks or stress levels rising from OWLs and future NEWTs, but everyone was on edge that day.
Y/N was hiding in her little nook under the tapestry, watching the sun reflect on the water, glistening and calm before she rolled over, deciding to slip out. Yes, while it may be for her safety, being stuck with a partner to go everywhere was annoying and began to grind on her teeth. There was never a moment to be alone anymore, especially not with the stalking map.
They'd just completed their Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. So far, Y/N thought Potions was by far the easiest examination, aside from Herbology. She wasn’t looking forward to Transfigurations…
But as she roamed the halls, fanning herself with her review notes and debating if she should go find Regulus, a few students ran in the opposite direction. Their faces were filled with curiosity and surprise. Some giggled, others gossiped and a few gave Y/N questioning looks.
In fact, so many students were following the rest. A student, most likely a third year, came running past Y/N before she stopped them. “Excuse me, is there something going on today?”
“Oh!” A look of recognition crossed the student. “You’re Lupin’s girlfriend, right?”
“Sure... Why?” “Something’s going on by the lake with the Marauders.”
Y/N navigated her way through the crowd and out to the courtyard. Under a beech tree near the edge of the Black Lake where she and Regulus had spent their day trying to swim, stood a group of students. All wore different coloured robes, huddling together in a large circle. Distantly, she could hear a faint buzzing and caughten a glimpse of gold. A golden Snitch.
She pushed her way through the students. Amid the circle, there was a flash of familiar dark red hair and Lily’s voice. “You make me SICK.”
Lily stepped out of the circle and the only thing Y/N heard was James’ bombing voice shouting after her. “Hey, EVANS!”
Angry tears threatened to spill down as Lily ran away. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Emmeline stormed out quietly, but unlike Lily, tears were freely streaming down. Y/N could hardly see over the bodies and faces of the crowd as they pushed and bumped into each other.
She was about to chase after Lily until the bright flashing of lights caught her attention. A gasp went around and there in the air was Snape, hanging upside down with only gray underpants waist down. Pink soup buds were all over his face and mouth and Sirius could be heard saying something.
“Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants?” James taunts, talking to the crowd. A large gash was on his cheek, blood cascading down and droplets sprayed on his robes. A loud round of cheers went round.
Remus finally stepped in hesitantly, whispering into James’ ear as his hand clutched his forearm, lowering his wand. Whatever he must’ve said to James finally kicked in as Snape thudded to the ground. She caught Sirius’gaze who went to open his mouth but it was too late as she turned around.
They hadn’t listened to her. They went looking for revenge.
There will be another time to be cross. Her priority was to find Lily.
She ran through the corridors and passed by an elf going to start preparing for dinner before stopping them. She had an idea.
“Please, is there any way you can get Jelly slugs in the next couple of minutes and bring them to Gryffindor's common room?” The elf gave a curt nod.
Y/N bolted up to her dorm and there, a bag filled with Jelly slugs was left on a nearby table as she snatched it. She knocked a few times on the door, hearing Lily’s sniffling. “Can I come in?” There was a faint yes.
As she opened the door and closed it, Lily didn’t face her, but instead let out a bitter, “Are you going to say ‘I told you so?’ ” Y/N cautioned. This was already the most either had spoken to each other in a month.
“Do you want me to?”
Lily let out a weak laugh. Y/N rounded on her, coming to sit on the edge of her bed. It stayed quiet until Lily spoke again.
“I’d known that our... friendship was falling apart. But I thought — I thought maybe… he would change? I thought… he cared about me.” Lily finally broke as tears came cascading down her face.
Her heart ached at the scene and opened her arms wide to let Lily hug her. Her head fell into the crook of Y/N’s neck as she wept and she was there to hold her until she stopped crying. In a muffled voice and through thick tears, Lily explained what had happened and Y/N swelled with ferocity.
“I’m sorry…” She muffled into her.
Y/N’s lips pulled into a tight, uncomfortable smile. She only wished Lily didn’t have to go through that to realize Snape wasn’t good. “I’m sorry too.”
Lily pulled away, still leaning on her as Y/N floated a box of tissues their way.
“I brought you something. It’s silly but…”
She took out the Jelly Slugs. Lily wiped her tears away and took the bag, studying it for a while. Lily gave a half cry, half laugh and went to hug her again. They stayed like that for a while.
Nightfall came and Lily refused to leave the common room, wanting to avoid the Marauders and the other students there at the lake. Marlene and Dorcas stopped by with food for them but kept their distance, knowing that Lily wanted to be alone.
There was a soft knocking on the door, Y/N got up to answer it. Mary was there. She looked tired, but that's all Mary had been looking like these days.
“Mary?” Lily asked, “What is it?”
“It's… Snape. He’s been sitting outside Gryffindor’s portrait for hours now.”
There was a shift in Lily who immediately got up, pushed past them without a word and marched down the stairs; gripping her wand with full force. Both students gulped, knowing not to get in her way.
Mary then turned to her, “Potter asked to speak with you. He’s asking to meet at his dorm.”
And that’s exactly what she did. Y/N stomped up to his dorm. Waves of rage followed off of her as she swung the door open.
“Lupin, Pettigrew, you should leave.” Her voice was void of emotions, empty, like a machine, as she stared down at Sirius and James. From what Lily said and the little she saw, she wasn’t mad at them.
Not only had James and Sirius broken their promise, their cruelty reached a new high, causing the mess that they were all currently in, but Sirius had also broken the little trust she’d given him. Admittedly though, a part of her anger stemmed more from Lily’s behalf.
Snape, by every means, deserved payback. But the way it was handled… James and Sirius might as well be the same as Snape. A prank, a hex, a couple of jinxes were great, but had James gone further like he said…
“What the fuck did I tell you.” At her tone, they both seemed to flinch.
“He deserved it!” Sirius said, standing up.
Y/N ignored him, continuing to stare at James. It only then occurred to him that she wanted an answer. She expected more from him than she did Sirius.
“He called you and Evans a you-know-what. Then physically harmed you and Moony — and then everything else. Why are you angry? He’s a daft —”
“Daft?” Y/N mocked, “I gave you one job —”
Sirius laughed in blatant disbelief, “He’s right!”
“Silencio.” Sirius went mute and she turned back to James. “What were you trying to do?”
He scoffed, “I was trying to get him back. He doesn’t get to treat you like that and not get any sort of repercussion.” James folded his arms. “You seemed fine with the pranks, what’s your problem now?”
“I’m fine with pranks because typically you and your boy-band prank a group for laughs. Even if he deserved it, you already crossed a line by pulling his pants down! Had you pulled off another layer —” “I wasn’t really going to do that!”
“How would I know that?” Then she whipped around to Sirius. “And you! I trusted you not to go do something stupid!”
James looked at them confused. She unmuted him. Sirius was not having it.
“You’re up yourself. Get off your high horse — white knight shit!” “Do you want me to mute you again?”
Y/N sighed, walking to sit on Remus’ bed while both Sirius and James defended their actions. She wanted to throttle them.
“Pureblood snobs,” she said out loud. “You do realize that if anything, you just fueled Snape even more? I don’t doubt that now we all have targets on our backs because of your little stunt.” The idea of what Snape was willing to do now after severing ties from Lily only scared her. She was reminded that yes, Snape was a highly skilled wizard, known for his hexes, fondness of dark magic, lingering with wannabe death eaters…
They both gaped. “We didn’t think of it like that —” “Because you don’t have to think about it! You made it worse!”
It was silent after that, as the implication of what she said sunk in.
“I —” Sirius sputtered.
James sighed, going to sit on Peter’s bed across. “I’ll make it right.” He wore a large white bandage, sliced open from Snape. Man, fuck Snape.
“Fucking idiots,” she breathed out. She tried to ease the anger from her system entirely. Instead of fighting, she left the room wordlessly and went back to her dorm.
June 12th, 1976
They’d just finished their Astronomy examinations which were held at night. The moon light was faint, ready to reach its peak in a few hours.
After Snape’s incident, Lily had given James the brunt of her anger. She gave him detention for the rest of the year with Professor Binns. Sirius had been given a good earful while she left Peter alone. Even Remus got a scolding for not stepping in and using his prefect influence.
Y/N had taken some time away from the Marauders, mostly out of respect for Lily who rightfully was upset about the entire ordeal. But with how the sections of the exam were taken, they were split into different towers; the girls in one tower, Y/N and the Marauders in another. She was forced to walk with them, because of their wonderful agreement: partners.
James was remorseful, along with Sirius who pulled her into a broom closet multiple times to apologize.
James, overall, was fairly beat up. After their squabble, the Snape incident, he and Emmeline had broken up. It had shocked her, confused as to why they broke up until Marlene chimed in; he’d asked Lily on a date during the Snape incident.
If it could get any worse…
Y/N decided to stay by Remus and Peter as they walked back to the common room.
Remus clenched his eyes shut every so often. He appeared to be in pain. His complexion was so pale she swore she could see the veins flowing with blood. It was as if his skin was not quite opaque but stretched thinly just enough to cover him. The muted light from the moon shone on his skin as a vein strained against his neck; waterline rimmed red, lips parted to suck in air like it was a struggle. She would’ve been worried, standing so close to Remus as his chest heaved, had he not looked like he commanded every inch of his body.
Remus was… alluring in the lighting. But his breathing hitched and everyone’s head rotated towards him.
“Are you —” She started.
“I’m fine,” he lashed. His tongue poked out to swipe across his teeth, gazing up to a nearby window. Alway the moon’s most watchful admirer.
The Marauders looked at each other.
“Alright,” Peter chimed, breaking the tension. “Moony’s been feeling down today. I’m going to take him to the hospital wing.”
James nodded, speaking cautiously. “Whiskers, let’s go?”
She shook her head. “I’ll walk back — go with him.” Remus needed their assistance more. There was this gaze in his eyes, golden and gleamed in the low light. It was like he was looking straight past them.
James shook his head. “No, we all stay in groups. It’s safer — for all of us.”
No, it’s safer for me. James and Sirius were fine, it was just her that needed the protection and the very thought made her sick.
They walked with her, stopping at the edge of the hall leading to the common room; both in a rush and Y/N didn’t want to hold them back anymore from Remus. They bid their goodbyes and James walked in front, leaving Sirius behind who gave a small smile and left.
She turned and walked to the portrait and there, sitting on the ground for the fifth time since that day; Snape.
“Get lost,” she snapped. “Lily doesn’t want to talk to you — let alone see you.”
As she was about to step into the portrait, Snape muttered, “Stupid Muggle.”
“Maybe if you washed your fucking hair for once, Lily would’ve returned your feelings. Go fuck yourself.” She hurled, wheeling around. Waves of rage flowed throughout her body as the boy stared at her, flooding with wrath.
The remark was his breaking point as he slipped his wand from his sleeves, his face pulled downwards in a sneer as he walked towards her. Before she could retaliate or register what he was doing, Snape already cast a spell. The look in his eyes told her to be scared.
Y/N flew backwards, thrown against the stone wall behind her as she fell onto the corridor floor. Her head slammed against the wall, hard. The impact was so great that the stone was covered in her blood, some of her hair caught onto the jagged edges. It was dizzying and she couldn’t properly think straight. She went to reach for her wand but saw it rolled a few feet away.
“Filthy Mudblood. I always wondered why a bunch of Purebloods would cling to you. Do they feel pity? Or are the rumours true and you’re their toy?”
Snape had bent down, wand digging sharply into Y/N’s neck. She mustered all the strength she had, yelling, “JAMES!”
“Pathetic,” he spits, “Can’t handle poor ickle Snivellus Snape?”
There was a loud ringing in her ears and her vision seemed to blur. She tried to push Snape away but instead, he pushed her against the wall roughly, her head slamming yet again. She cried out, tears now pouring from the hot white pain that shot right through her skull.
“James! J-James — Sirius…”
She could faintly hear the Fat Lady yell in the background, yelling at Snape to stop but. But he raised his wand, incantations ready to spill from his tongue as a bright red beam shot out from the darkness.
“Stupefy!” Instead of James, Sirius stood tall as he held Snape’s wand.
“Ah, the boyfriend — I mean, the other boyfriend. Well, Black, you need to start keeping her on a leash.”
Y/N was too disorientated to even understand what Snape was saying. Her head bled as she fought the urge to close her eyes. Sirius’ eyes were wide with terror as he stared down at Y/N as he digested Snape’s words.
Strangely, Sirius was quiet as he glared at Snape; chest heaving as if he was holding back.
“I’m surprised, really…” He flashed his menacing sharp teeth. “I thought it was a full moon tonight.” He grinned ear to ear, thrilled that had the upper hand now. All the colour from Sirius’ face drained in a second, completely caught off guard as the greasy-hair boy used this to his advantage. Using wandless magic, Snape pried his wand back from Sirius’ grip and quickly rose to his feet; wand pointed as he rounded him.
Snape continued, “Is that why your mates aren’t here? Helping that mutt of yours? Tell me, is he an experiment? Keepin’ him around for when you get bored.
“I bet you get bored often. What’s it like, having no family to return to?”
She didn't have time to even blink as two bolts of red came spurting out of each wizard's wand. Flashes of light illuminated each boy as sparks crashed together. The sound had Y/N scrambling towards her wand which landed a few meters away. Finally grasping her wand, she points it directly at Snape.
"Expelliarmus!" The last bit of energy she had was released, dropping her wand by her side as Snape's wand flew behind him. Sirius had walked up to him as he delivered a sharp punch to his nose and shoved him against the wall behind.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Sirius shouted. Snape became still, rigid in his hold.
"Why don't you take a trip down to the Whomping Willow tonight." Sirius muttered a counterspell as Snape picked his wand up and ran. “Deactivate the tree.”
As the echo of footsteps hushed, Sirius walks toward Y/N, taking her wand and his before shoving them into his pocket as he proceeds to lift her bridal style from the ground. She could feel the wandless magic he was using to help lift her, to avoid hurting her anymore. Before she could say anything, the pain in her nerves intensified. She felt like she was on fire. Sounds of whines and high moans left her mouth as Sirius began to panic, his feet surging forward as he ran towards the hospital wing. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” Sirius whispered, but it was directed more to himself rather than Y/N. She scarcely noticed him squeezing her hand gently. “You’re okay darling.”
Her arms felt heavy and darkness rushed over her like a thick blindfold as the last thing she saw were tears blurring Sirius’ vision, his body shivering in adrenaline.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
The Galaxy Above Us | Chapter 1
Genre: Gods!AU, Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, God of Wisdom!Namjoon, God of Life!Seokjin, God of the Moon!Yoongi, God of Festivity!Hoseok, God of the Sun!Jimin, God of Nature!Taehyung, God of Arts!Jungkook
Summary: Just when you thought that you life was at its end, you were ready to disappear but a door appears in front of you. Above you was the milky way and awaiting you were the celestial beings that waited their whole lives for you. To show the galaxy that was made for you.
Life gets mundane with the same old routine everyday. No one ever asks how you are. As you stare at your reflection in the mirror, you begin to hate the image that you see. 
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“So, this is what happened!” You slowly start to drown out what one of your girl friends are saying. Of course, every time she goes on a date with someone new, she feels the need to spill it all to you. 
The group of you didn’t have classes today but still met for tea at a cafe near your campus. 
“He sounds so cool.” Your other friends gush and squeal about her almost fairytale-like experience. Honestly, could you really call them friends? They were pretty much self absorbed and thought that college life was perfect with the social parties and cute boys to ogle at. 
“(y/n), are you listening to me?” She snapped her fingers in front of her face. 
“Huh? Sorry, just have a lot on my mind right now.” You forced a small smile. There it was, the looks of pity. 
“Your family again?” 
“No... Just tired from staying up late to study.” You lied through your teeth. They were too dense to even notice as they shrugged and continued their conversation. You poked at your fruit in your cup with the stick. 
You regret telling them about your family dynamic because now, they think you’re constantly depressed by that. 
“You sure you’re okay? Want to go to the nurse’s?” Your friend placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“I’m fine, really. Besides, we always go out for drinks after a successful date, right? Wouldn’t want to postpone because of me.” You quickly tried to change the subject. They were all surprised by your words but grinned widely, cheering and hi fiving each other as the girl beside you hugged you. There, you successfully turned the conversation back of them. 
“That’s the spirit!” They giggled. 
“Where should we go? Let’s try somewhere new this time.” Whipping their phones out, they began to look for new places to drink and have a good time, mainly to celebrate a successful date. 
“This place looks interesting right?” A phone was shoved in your face. 
“Yeah. Let’s go there. It looks fun.” You smiled again and they all squealed in excitement. Then the conversation shifted to what they were going to wear. 
Did you want to go and get drunk in a strange place? No. But did anyone ever ask what you want? No. 
Most nights drinking with them usually consisted of you staying by the bar while the others danced on the LED floor and it often led to you taking care of everyone as they got drunk and sending them back to their homes at night in taxis. That was always how it went. 
“(y/n), I think your car is here.” Someone called, nodding over to the black car that waited outside the glass, on the road. 
“Right.” You gathered your things and stood up. 
“We’ll see you tonight?” They looked at you, blinking with smiles. You nodded and they giggled. Sending them one final smile and wave, you headed outside, slipping into the backseat. 
“How was your lunch with your friends?” The older, business male asked as he drove. 
“It was fine. By the way, I’m going out tonight.” You replied, rubbing your temples. Your father looked at you through the rearview mirror, nodding his head with a soft hum of acknowledgement. 
You didn’t really bother to ask your father how his day went since it was pretty much the same every day at the office. It was always him being a good worker, the leader of his division. Besides, your relationship was far too strained and awkward for you to actually ask him. This car ride with him was already gruelling enough. 
“Don’t forget about the business dinner this Friday.” Was all he said. You repeated his actions, letting out a hum. 
“Stay safe tonight.” Your father parted ways with you as you walked through the front door. You nodded your head and went upstairs as your father headed into his home office. 
Your family wasn’t rich but still above average. With your dad’s position and job, he was able to buy a nice car and house for the both of you. But you still insisted on working to earn your allowance and also, get out of the house. 
“The weather is nice.” You pushed open your windows. The sky was brightly lit by the sun but it wasn’t too hot. It was a nice warmth, almost like a hug. 
“Another night of caring for my drunk friends.” Sighing softly, you headed to your bathroom to shower. After your shower, you stood in front of your closet, trying to decide what to wear tonight. While your friends were always particular about dressing to impress, you just wanted to look presentable. 
Not stand out. 
Turning your head, you saw a little bird sit on your window sill. A small smile appeared on your face as you softly shuffled over to it, not wanting to scare it away. Even as you stood in front of it, the bird stayed. 
“Hello.” You greeted. The bird tilted its head, hopping closer to you. You held your hand out and it jumped into your palm. 
“You’re so pretty.” You stared at the red bird nestled in your hands. The bird suddenly flew around your room, letting out cheerful chirps. It landed back on the window. 
“You’re lucky you get to be so close to the sky.” You said to it. Casting you one last glance, the bird hopped out and flew away. You left the windows open as you laid in your bed, deciding to just have a short nap before you would have to wake up and get ready for your night out. 
“The red bird.” You stared at the tiny creature in front of you. 
“Do you like it?” A voice startled you. You turned around to see the faint silhouette of a person. His features weren’t distinct and you had to really squint to actually see him. 
“Who are you?” You asked. 
“Can you see me, (y/n)?” He asked back. 
“A little. I can’t see your face. Who are you? How do you know my name? Where am I?” You looked around you. 
“Patience, my butterfly. You’ll find out soon enough. Even if you can’t see me, I’m happy that I get to see you. I can’t wait when all of us get to meet you.” He chuckled and you saw the faint outline of a smile. 
“All of us?” You tilted your head. 
“I can only talk to you because you made contact with one of my creatures.” He explained, making you more confused. 
“One of your creatures?” 
“I’ll see you soon, my butterfly.” His voice slowly faded and you saw the red bird flying away into a distance. You raised your hand, as if trying to reach out to it but it disappeared from your sight. 
When your alarm woke you up, you started getting ready; changing, putting on some light make up, deciding what shoes to wear. By the time you were done, you slung your bag over your shoulder and left your room. As you passed by your father’s office, you contemplated letting him know that you were leaving but decided against doing that and just left. 
“(y/n)!” Your friends called out to you, waving as you came out of the taxi. You smiled and walked over to them. 
“You should have come to the mall with us just now. Do you like my dress? It’s new.” One of your friend giggled, even doing a twirl to show how flowy the dress was. 
“It’s alright. I already have enough clothes, I don’t need more. Besides, I was able to get some rest too.” You rubbed the back of your neck. 
“I don’t understand why you’re still working when you get so tired. Your dad can support you.” One shook her head, crossing her arms. You bit your lip, not sure of what to say to that. Luckily, the bouncer was able to cut the conversation and let you into the club. 
“This is a good place!” You all entered the bumping club where people were drinking and grinding on the dance floor. 
“Let’s sit here.” Luckily, you were able to find a booth. Drinks were ordered and with your glass in your hand, you clinked glasses with them, downing the burning liquid in one go. 
“Another round!” They all shouted over the loud music. You slowly sipped your drink as they quickly finished theirs, ordering many more rounds. 
“Try this!” Someone took your glass and put another one in front of you. 
“Come on!” They encouraged and you picked the glass up. With smiles, they clinked their glasses against yours. 
“Good, huh?” They patted your shoulder as you coughed. 
“We’re going to dance, want to come with?” They stood up. You shook your head and held up your empty glass, a signal that you would be going to the seek refuge at the bar and get a refill. They shrugged and all split ways, disappearing onto the dance floor to go dance or grind up on some stranger. Standing up, you headed to the bar. 
“What can I get you?” The bartender asked as you slid onto the barstool. You gave your order, handing over your empty glass at the same time. 
“This isn’t my order.” You said, looking at the colour of the liquid in the glass the bartender just placed in front of you. 
“I know, that guy over there wanted to give you this drink.” He explained. Turning your head, you saw a guy at the end of the bar. He looked up, eyes meeting yours as he sent you a smirk and a flirty wave. 
“Don’t drink it.” 
“Huh?” You turned around when you heard someone whisper in your ear. But with so many people having walked past you, it was impossible to see who it was. 
“It’s drugged.” 
The same voice. Whipping your head around one again, you were just met by the mass of bodies, dancing on the dance floor and partying. No one was standing behind you, no one was even looking your way. But still, you heeded the voice you heard. 
“I’ll have my order, please.” You said firmly and the bartender nodded, going to fix your actual order. 
*Good girl.* A affectionate, soft smile appeared on his face as he watched you from the balcony. You received your own drink, sipping it as you kept to yourself. 
*She’s so cute. Little lamb.* It was obvious that you were out of place here. 
*Stay out of trouble.* He chuckled to himself, picking up his wine glass and disappearing into the crowd. 
After all that drinking, you decided to go to the toilet. As most club bathrooms are, it was disgusting in there, with a couple making out in the corner. As long as you didn’t bother them, they won’t bother you. 
“Hey.” Someone called as you stepped out. Turning your head, you saw that it was the guy from before, the one at the end of the bar who gave you a drink. The drink that was drugged. Judging by the frown on his face, you guessed that you rejecting his drinks didn’t make him very happy. He came closer to you and you stepped back.
“I don’t exactly appreciate girls rejecting me in front of my friends.” He said, face getting close to yours. 
“I don’t see why I should be drinking a drugged drink. You want to get high, drink it yourself.” You frowned. Even in the dark, you could see his face turn red as you scolded yourself for saying that. 
“You think you’re all that? I’ll show you-” He lifted his hand. You flinched slightly, waiting for the impact but it never came. 
“G-Ghos...” The guy stuttered, his eyes widening in fear. 
Behind you, the guy spotted the faint outline of someone. Another male. He stood behind you, glaring directly at this human boy, as if daring him to try to do something to you. You blinked up at this guy, wondering what got him so frozen. Should you take this chance to run?
“Close your eyes, angel. I’ll protect you.” 
You heard someone whisper before you collapsed, your vision being filled with darkness. 
The sun began to rise, that was his cue to leave. After bringing you back from the club, he laid you on the bed, tucked you in and stayed by your side the entire time, making sure no one would disturb you. 
“Sleep well.” With a last kiss to your forehead, he jumped out the window, landing on his chariot before he chased the last bit of darkness from the night. Even if he wasn’t able to stay by your side for the rest of the day, he was glad he was able to stay the night by your side. A small smile appeared on his face as he rode past the clouds. 
“Hyung! You’re back!” He was greeted by the younger gods. 
“I shouldn’t have left her.” Someone said from the side. The god was still dressed in his suit, sipping his never ending glass of wine. 
“Not your fault. What’s most important is that he is safe.” The Moon god shrugged, yawning from having been awake the whole night. With a wave of his hand, his chariot disappeared. 
“Remember your duties. Don’t neglect them.” He reminded the younger ones as he headed to the grand staircase.
“What did you do to the human?” One asked. 
“Goodnight.” He ignored the younger and went up to his quarters. Back in the foyer, the younger that got ignored sighed, shaking his head. 
“Where are you going today?” His best friend asked. 
“I’ve got watch duty again.” He replied.
“Sucks to be you, hyung. I’m going down today! There’s a big festival going on and I’ve been called to make sure that it goes smoothly.” The younger grinned as he wore his disguise, making the older roll his eyes with his arms crossed. The maknae opened the portal and got ready to head down to the Earth plane. 
“Check up on her, if you can! Make sure she’s alright!” They heard the voice of their brother slowly fade away as the two gods stepped through the portal.
“Where are you going?” He asked as he landed on the ground of Earth with his older brother. 
“Somewhere, no where, anywhere.” The nature god replied with a smile and a shrug, walking away and leaving the younger one there dumbfounded, blinking in confusion.
You gasped as you sat up in bed, looking around your surroundings. You held your head as it pounded slightly, making you wince.
Was everything that happened last night a dream? 
Looking down, you saw that you were still in the dress and your shoes neatly lined up by the closet door.
“How did I get home?” You frowned as you tried to remember just what happened last night. The confrontation with that stranger in the hallway about rejecting his drink. But before he was going to attack you, he started acting really weird and you passed out after that. There was a voice that whispered something before you passed out. 
“Come in.” You replied softly. 
“I’m heading out to work now. I’m assuming you came back late because I didn’t even hear you come in.” Your father said stoically. 
“Uh, yeah.” You said with a small frown, you didn’t even know when and how you came home. He nodded his head and closed the door, not bothering to ask about your ‘wild’ night out.
“(y/n)! Where did you go last night? You disappeared from the bar and totally bailed on us!” 
“Sorry, I just... wasn’t feeling well.” You rubbed your forehead. 
“We thought something happened! I had to take care of the others’ drunk selves all on my own, as well as look for you! Totally not cool. I thought someone drugged you or kidnapped you.” 
“Sorry.” You could only apologise, not sure of what else she wanted you to say. She didn’t even seem genuinely worried about you, it seemed that she was just annoyed that she had to take care of the others getting drunk because that was usually your job to do. 
“Hmm, alright. Feel better soon, I’ll see you tomorrow in class.” 
She hung up. You went to brush your teeth and change out of your dress, opting for a hoodie and some shorts instead. As you brushed your hair, you stood in front of the mirror, cringing at your reflection. 
“Ugh.” You grunted and looked away, leaving the room. The entire house was quiet and you were glad to have the whole place to yourself. 
“Food, food, food.” You chanted as you shuffled into the kitchen, leaning into the fridge to see what there was to eat. 
“Ramyeon it is.” Even with a fully stocked fridge, all the food still kind of made you feel sick to the stomach, which you attribute to the alcohol from the night before. With a sigh, you grabbed eggs to cook your noodles with. Classical piano music played in the background as you cooked. You carried the hot pot over to the dining table. 
“Thank you for the food.” You whispered with closed eyes. Grabbing your chopsticks, you began to dig into your piping hot ramyeon. The spicy, hot soup seemed to be the only thing that could comfort you now. 
*Tap tap*
You heard tapping on the kitchen back door. No one usually went to the back door since it was closer to the backyard and you would have to go to the side of the house. 
“Who is it?” You called out, to no reply. 
“Hello?” You opened the door but there was no one there. Peeking your head out further, there was no one there. 
“Oh?” You looked down and saw a bouquet of daisies there. Bending down, you held the bouquet. There was no card, note or anything. Nevertheless, you picked up the bouquet, cradling it in your arms gently before you headed back into the house. 
You placed the bouquet down on the table, clearing up your used cooking utensils. With the bouquet in hand, you went back up to your room. The sky was beautiful yet again, not a rain cloud in sight. 
“Two, three... hours.” You checked your phone to see when you were scheduled to work that night. Taking your planner out, something fell from it. 
“Yesterday?” It was a red feather, the same shade as the bird that visited you in your room and in your dream yesterday. 
Your fingers brushed against the soft feather. 
“I’ll see you soon, my butterfly.”
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volantium · 3 years
your doorstep calls my name aka soft boys painting each others nails 
for @venomondenim 🖤
also available on ao3
The thing is, Peter’s noticed, is that Harley’s always got chipped nail polish.
It begins out as a fresh coat, clean and without a single mark marring the shiny surface. But it doesn’t take long—usually only a couple of hours—before it starts flaking off. Harley never seems to notice, or mind. It chips because Harley’s so hands on, no matter what he’s doing. The likely cause is the fact that he’s always in the lab, and both of them know you aren’t meant to be wearing nail polish with all the state-of-the-art tech Tony lets them play with.
But Peter’s noticed when Harley’s tapping his fingers against the kitchen bench, and it chips off in small terrazzo pieces. Or how Harley will pick at his fingers when he’s nervous, and it peels back underneath the curve of his nail. Peter doesn’t know what any of this means, that he has this knowledge lurking in the back of his head. It’s just another Harley-ism he’s taken stock of, analysed and put into the drawer of everything else he knows about his best friend, and thusly resolutely and absolutely not thought about again.
He almost always wears black nail polish. Peter can count on one hand the amount of times Harley’s had bright yellow or red fingernails. It follows, logically, that this only occurs whenever Harley’s looking after Morgan.
The thing is, Peter thinks, as he watches one such time, Morgan painting careful lines of bright purple half on Harley’s thumb nail and half on his skin, is that he wouldn’t mind if that was him instead.
Peter’s never had nail polish on before.
He wonders what it’s like.
This thought sits with him for the next few weeks, as he watches Harley chip his black nail polish without a care in the world. Would it be okay if he asked Harley? Would it be okay if he asked why it’s always black? Would it be okay if he asked Harley to paint his nails, maybe, just once, so he knows what it’s like?
They’re hanging out after class one day, supposedly studying for their upcoming midterms, but Harley’s sat at his desk with a bottle of black nail polish and is slowly rubbing off the remnants of his last paintjob with a cotton pad. Peter’s leaning with his back to the wall on Harley’s bed, watching him from across the room, his biology exam notes spread around him.
He watches Harley carefully tip the bottle of acetone upside down so it soaks the cotton pad and presses it to his nail. Peter knows he’ll leave it for a little while, so the chemicals break down the polish, he’s watched Harley do this often enough that he knows black’s hard to get off.
Peter takes a breath, steeling himself for reasons he doesn’t even know.
“Harl?” He calls, just slightly louder than the music playing from Harley’s computer.
Harley doesn’t look back when he replies. “Yeah, darlin’?”
It’s been years of Harley calling him darling in that honeyed accent of his, Peter’s used to it, but like everything else that Peter resolutely and absolutely doesn’t think about, this time it makes something swoop low in his stomach and butterfly settle high amongst his rib cage.
“Can I ask a question?”
“You just did,” Harley says, and even from across the room Peter can see a hint of a smirk flirt across his face. “But you can ask another.”
Peter isn’t in the mood to deal with smarmy Harley James Keener attitude right now. Too focused on the fact that this is finally his chance to figure out Harley just a little bit more.
“Why do you wear nail polish?”
He can tell Harley wasn’t expecting that particular question in the way his shoulders tense and he goes still.
But this is Harley—Harley should know why he’s asking.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way,” he rambles anyways, because Harley still hasn’t said anything. “I just wanted to know, you don’t have to tell me, like you’ve done it the entire time we’ve known each other, I think it’s cool—”
“Peter, darlin’,” Harley interjects, fond amusement colouring his voice. “Calm down.”
Peter takes a breath, lets it out. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologise for, I just wasn’t expecting you to ask.”
Peter’s shoulders slump when Harley remains quiet for the following minute, only for Harley to get up from his desk and make his way over towards the bed, settling in amongst Peter’s textbooks and worksheets and the green bedsheets. 
“Because my dad always hated it,” is what Harley eventually says.
It’s kind of half the answer Peter was expecting. He knows enough, between Tony and what Harley’s told him, to connect the dots.
“I’m sorry.”
“Darlin’,” Harley says, looking at him with those sea-blue eyes. “You gotta stop apologising for stuff that ain’t your fault.”
Peter flushes. “Do you think you could paint mine? I’ve never done it before.”
“I’m guessin’ you wouldn’t want black though, right?”
“Do you have any pastels?” Peter asks, in a smaller voice than he means to.
Harley nods. “I’m sure I’ve got some somewhere, I usually save ‘em for Morgan or Abby.”
Harley stands up to go find them, and Peter starts nervously playing with the fraying hem of his hoodie. It’s a faded red and too large and has Rose Hill High scrawled across it in big block letters and not his hoodie at all.
This is when it clicks—the oh moment in his head, that maybe he likes Harley just a bit more than friends should.
Harley returns in the midst of this revelation, setting the handful of coloured polishes down on his bedside table, clinking as the glass bottles knock against each other.
Peter wonders how his world hasn’t been tipped upside down and come to a grinding halt, too.
“This was all I could find,” Harley says, sitting across from him on the bed. “Gonna look like you dipped your hand in a bag of Easter eggs.”
He’s right—there’s pale pinks and blues and yellows like right out of a candy store, but Peter loves them.
“No, it’s fine. They’re nice colours.”
Harley smiles at him, bright and beautiful, and Peter has to marvel, just a bit how he didn’t realise before the depth of his feelings.
“Give me your hand.”
Peter holds his hand out for Harley to take. They’ve held hands before—Peter’s a tactile person—but there’s something new about this, the way Harley gently twists his fingers around so he can paint them comfortably and correctly.
“What colour do you want me to start with?” Harley asks, quiet, his voice barely a rumble in his chest.
Peter looks up at him. Harley’s looking down at his hand and back at the colours on the table every now and again, like he’s thinking of the perfect pattern for Peter’s nails. It’s late afternoon, and the sun is starting to set; it floods the room in a wash of orange-gold, and in the sunlight Harley glows. The freckles across his nose, the faint blonde in his hair gilded and shining, and the clear crystal of his eyes, hidden ever so slightly beneath gold eyelashes. It makes Peter a little breathless, just looking at him.
“You chose,” Peter finally says, maybe a little but too long after Harley asked. “You know more than me.”
Harley sweeps the pad of his thumb over Peter’s fingernail, just enough that it catches amongst the groves of his fingerprint.
“Yeah, okay,” Harley says, and reaches for the yellow.
They sit in silence as Peter watches Harley paint his nails. Yellow on his thumb, then egg-blue on his forefinger. The pale millennial pink goes on his middle finger, then blue, then yellow again.
Harley’s moved onto Peter’s other hand by the time Peter figures out how to say it.
Harley hums in acknowledgement, too busy concentrating on painting his nail blue without leaving streaks.
“I really like you,” Peter confesses.
Harley gives a short laugh, still doesn’t look up. “I’d hope so, we are best friends, right, Parker?”
“No,” he says, and waits until Harley stops painting and lifts his head. “I like you like you.”
“Oh, okay,” Harley gives a simple shake of his shaggy blonde head, and goes back to painting Peter’s nails with careful concentration. “I like you like you, too.”
Peter blinks. “Don’t just say that.”
“I’m not.”
“Harley.” “Peter,” Harley parrots, finally looking up at him. “Have you met you? Of course, I like you, dumbass.”
“You’re the worst, Keener.”
Harley smirks once more. “No, I’m not. You like me like me.”
“I—” Peter starts, cutting himself off, because Harley’s leaning closer.
“Peter,” Harley says, his voice soft and low. “Can I kiss you?”
Peter nods, unable to speak, and then—
Harley kisses him.
It’s soft and it’s sweet and it’s not at all how Peter imagined his first kiss with a boy would be. But it’s Harley and that counts for something. Harley’s hand comes up to cup his jaw, light and tender, and Peter has to remind himself he currently has wet pastel paint on his nails and can’t sink his hands into Harley’s hair without tragedy occurring.
Harley tilts his head, thumb sweeping across Peter’s cheekbone, deepening the kiss just enough that those butterflies in Peter’s stomach all fly off at once.
“So,” Harley says, after they pull back and the both of them smile like fools. “Do you wanna paint my nails?”
“They’ll look bad.”
“No they won’t,” Harley disagrees, and, because he knows that Peter likes him likes him, says, “They’ll be perfect, ‘cause it’s you.”
Peter leans forward to brush a shy kiss to Harley’s cheek, and reaches for the black nail polish.
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