#fingers crossed it happens soon!
miss ur fics :(
I appreciate that 🥺 And I promise I miss them too! I've unfortunately been dealing with some heavy personal stuff lately that has been taking up all my physical and mental energy. But! The good news is that a light at the end of the tunnel has finally appeared for my situation and I'm starting to let myself be hopeful that I'll be in much better shape in the coming weeks and can start easing myself back into the swing of things! 💙
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chodzacaparodia · 6 months
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Please let Isagi lose, he's too used to winning all the time.
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princesskealie · 4 months
taking my mom to the doctor again tomorrow~ please send any good vibes/prayers/thoughts her way that all goes smoothly! 🙏🙏
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slightlymad · 6 days
YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET BANGS... I cut them spontaneously last year over the sink and I will never ever ever get rid of them.
JO YOU SUPPORTING MY IMPULSIVE BANG CUTTING IDEAS IS REALLY MAKING ME DEDICATE MYSELF TO THE WHOLE BANGS NOTION.... like........ the thought of me loving my bangs as much as YOU LOVE YOURS ?????? bangs are truly one of your Things™️ this is literally one of the most jo-coded things i could do....... and i've been thinking about this SO MUCH actually ??? like maybe that alone is enough of a reason to do it......... and i would channel the 80s music enthusiast that i am to my core..........
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mercymaker · 4 months
i'm clinging to bg3 for that creative drive like i'm a drowning sailor but my head's been under the water for weeks now
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leolingo · 6 months
they should invent a college major that doesnt involve doing things
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wigglebox · 4 months
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sainzstorms · 2 years
manifesting the leclerc brothers will be championship contenders in f1 & f2, respectively 🙏
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 days
#i doubt i'll be able to sleep now because i am full or rage right now and i want to go murder my father#that said... i am feeling better than last night when i couldn't pinpoint my emotions lol#last night i was worried i wasn't sad/worried enough and thus not normal#tonight i'm planning murder so i know i can still feel shit sjnfjsg#anyways my entire body is boiling hot and my head hurts now so that's not fun but whatever#i wish death upon my father and my uncle can go eat shit too (although I have no proof to justify those feelings lol)#i have no family... none#my aunt and uncle from one side are the shittiest people i have ever met and their son is a monster#my father is the most pathetic little worm on the face of the earth who sometimes manages to conjure up feelings in me#feelings of hate and rage#my uncle on that side is another pathetic little useless man who doesn't really conjure up any feelings in me#my grandma is dying but even when she was alive she had what i can only assume were mental health problems which made her push everyone away#the rest of the grandparents are dead#the only woman in my family who had some amount of kindness and love was my grandma from my stupid ass father's side#and i sadly didn't appreciate her enough while she was living :/#that's it... the only loving kind and understanding people left are my mom and my brother...#it's us three against the fucking world huh?#fuck that's depressing...#anyways...#i'm gonna try to distract myself with other shit until I can't be awake anymore#fingers crossed that happens soon (and that i die in my sleep)#angel talks#personal
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squimbz · 2 months
I should be hearing back about a job tomorrow...
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storfulsten · 10 months
lol finally got around to watching the fnaf movie this past weekend after not being able to do it earlier due to various sucky reasons. I could ramble on about a lot of stuff surrounding things and whatnot probably but I won't so I'll just get to the point: I loved it so much, as a longtime cringe fnaf nerd it was a great time had yessir
unfortunately though I'll be honest, this may or may not bring back my fnaf phase once again, for better or worse
so uh yeah, beware the possible upcoming potential unrelated weird cringe au-based buns and bears-shipping once again maybe lol frick
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1010lilfoot · 5 months
To anyone in the US near NC, consider marking your calendars! I'm gonna have a book signing event at The Hop in Asheville on 6/15! ✨✨
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storyknitter · 2 years
For the fluff non-verbal starters: Tucking them into bed. For Sanna and Theron 😊
(This is set sometime after Confession, but before they start wrapping up their journey.)
Theron ran the towel over his damp hair one last time, then stretched. The baths at this inn were extravagant and luxurious, especially in contrast to the past week spent sleeping rough on the side of the road.
Worth every coin it had cost—and then some—if you asked him. This was by far the nicest place he had stayed in quite some time.
A soft snore greeted him as he left the bathroom: Vassanna was asleep already? The bed stood untouched, and he turned to find her on the small sofa before the fireplace. She sat reclined, her head tipped back and her long, freshly-washed hair hanging down the back of the couch to dry. Her book had fallen to the floor, her place in the story lost.
A frown crossed his features: she’d been exhausted the past few nights, near impossible to wake for her watch, and groggy in the afternoons.
Something was wrong.
He didn’t think she was injured and, based on the precautions they both took, there was no way she could be with child. A trill of fear shot through him at the thought: the last thing anyone needed right now was a little princeling—or a princess—crawling around in a year.
An image, vague and shimmery, of a little girl toddling towards him with eyes like her mother filled his vision before he batted it away, focusing on his concern for the very real woman before him.
Theron sat gingerly beside her, noting the dark smudges beneath her eyes. Normally, he requested permission before inspecting someone with his feeble Healing magics, but concern outweighed propriety.
Reaching out, he held his hand above her heart and, after a moment’s hesitation, focused; he “read” her muscles, bones, and ligaments, searching for anything that didn’t belong. Hmm… only a bruise or two, no big internal injuries—and thank the stars for that, because he wouldn’t be able to mend those—and strained muscles from the journey. He found no physical reason she should be this tired.
Magic, then? It had to be.
A stray lock of hair brushed across her face as she breathed; it must have tickled, as her features twitched even in slumber. His fingers moved of their own accord, tenderly sweeping the hair to the side and tucking it behind her ear.
With a sigh, he shifted and slipped his arms beneath her, scooping her up; the bed would be far more comfortable for her than this sofa. Vassanna woke with a start as he stood, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Was I asleep?” she mumbled, confusion written on her features. “‘time is it?”
“It’s time for you to go to bed,” he answered. “The actual time doesn’t matter.”
“But dinner—”
“You can have dinner here,” he said as he laid her on the bed. “I’ll wake you when it arrives.”
“Theron, I’m fine, I only—”
Irritation spiked as she tried to deny something that anyone with eyes could see.
“You’re exhausted,” he snapped, “but I can’t quite figure out why. I’m assuming magic, but for some reason, you’re just not telling me.”
She had the grace to look sheepish as he pulled the covers up to her shoulders, slightly rougher than he should have.
“It is magic,” she whispered, not meeting his gaze. “I didn’t want to worry you.”
Theron’s gut twisted: he had been an ass, insisting that she be honest with him, even though he’d examined her without permission. Why didn’t he trust her to tell him if she was hurt or not? She was an adult, as well as a frighteningly competent bodyguard.
You are worried about her, some little voice in the back of his head whispered. You’re afraid you’ll lose her.
Ignoring that stupid voice that didn’t know at all what it was talking about, he sat on the edge of the bed. “Hey,” he said softly, all frustration and concern melting away as he cupped her cheek in his palm, “we can talk later—if you want.” He offered a small smile as a peace offering as he placed his other hand on her forehead. “Now rest.” Pulling from his shallow store of magic, he gently nudged her into a deep, peaceful slumber.
Theron sat there for a long moment after her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing evened out, his hands still cradling her face. He told himself it was to ensure that Vassanna stayed asleep, but if he were honest, he simply didn't want to let go.
He brushed his thumb along her cheek and the tattoos embossed on her skin. The urge to press his lips to those diamond-shaped marks seized him so strongly that he almost gave in before catching himself at the last moment. What was wrong with him?
Standing abruptly, he stalked to the fireplace to pace. The ghost of Vassanna’s body, soft and warm in his arms, haunted him, and the heat that rushed to his face and ears rivaled that of the fire before him. ——— Hours later—long after the sun had set and the fire died down—their bags lay packed by the door, ready to leave at a moment’s notice should the need arise. Vassanna had slept through it all, waking only for dinner and a short explanation. Theron mulled over her words while he prepared for bed.
We’re trained in whatever aspect of magic comes naturally to us, so we try out many different things as children. My mother’s a Healer, but all my healing tonics made my classmates ill. She had chuckled ruefully. My training was focused on combat after that.
My sister, she’s a ghost—she can disappear into the shade of a tree and no one would ever see her again if she didn’t wish it. She bends the light, somehow. I don’t understand, but it’s impressive.
I can’t hide within the light like her, but I can make myself look… Vassanna had trailed off, a thoughtful look on her features. Inconspicuous, unassuming. I’m still there in plain sight, but it’s almost as though people overlook the fact that I’m there.
A yawn had interrupted her explanation. It’s not as natural for me as combat magic, so while I can do it, it’s exhausting. Moreso if I’m trying to keep more than just myself concealed. But seeing as we’re too close to Korriban Hold for my liking, it’s been necessary to keep us safe from notice—or capture.
Back in the present, Theron stretched and yawned. Climbing gently into the bed so as to not disturb her rest, he chuckled at the loud snore from his bed partner.
Vassanna mumbled something unintelligible and rolled over, facing him. The covers tangled around her waist and she shivered at their loss, goosebumps skittering across the bare skin of her arm.
With a soft grin, he pulled her side of the covers up, tucking her in, and was nearly lost when she sighed contentedly in her sleep, shifting closer to him. He gently swept the tangled hair from her face, smoothing it back and behind her ear as she did whenever it was loose.
Resting his hand lightly along her jaw, Theron inspected his bodyguard, lover, and—dare he say—his friend. She looked so calm, so peaceful in sleep; carefree, almost. That she would quietly sacrifice so much of herself touched him, twisting something in his chest and making it hard to breathe.
The need to hold her close threatened to overwhelm him. He resisted, however, content to brush his thumb against her cheek instead.
“Sweet dreams, Vassanna,” he murmured.
Fluff prompts
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mdverse · 6 months
would furtana still love each other if they were worms? a volleyball au question from yours truly, space.
just being silly!! anyways hi md! it’s been WAY too long and i really hope you’re doing good, i have been!! i recently got my girlfriend into glee, so i’ve gotten back into glee too and decided to get on tumblr for the first time in months?? i think?? not the point though hehe. i’m hoping i’ll frequent your blog a little more often now, because i do miss it! that’s all for now :)! (although i am still interested in the answer to my question) - space!
omg space!! hi welcome back i've missed u! i'm glad to hear you've been doing well and that ur coming in strong with super important questions
furtana would absolutely still love each other even if they all turned into worms! i wanted to do a proper comic bc i had a really cute idea for it but i have so many wips rn that adding another one seemed like a bad idea (but i have some furtana art on the back burner that i might add the comic to eventually). in the meantime tho here they are as wormies
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dkettchen · 1 year
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inspired by the usual spiel at my endo appointment today
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