#finished a month ago and forgot to post😅
april-in-spring · 1 year
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Based on his official art. Gave him an updated autopsy report cause his empty hand was bugging me.
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tranzjen · 3 months
My surgery is tomorrow!!! ✨💕🥰✨💕🥰
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(Picture taken June 23, 2024)
I'm very very excited for my surgery (it's my second gender affirming surgery but this one is more significant to me since it'll be top and bottom surgery) and I was obviously counting the days until it and I thought some people might be interested in my trans journey 🏳️‍⚧️ I finished up most of the story a few days ago so now I'll towards future under the cut! 🌈🌈🌈
With these surgeries I feel like I'm completing the "main campaign" and all that'll be left will be "side quests"
Like I will still have voice training. Also hair removal and getting my birth certificate updated.
Oh!! That's other things I forgot to mention in early posts 😅
I got my name legally changed in the summer of 2021. I just paid a lawyer to handle it for me with my stimulus check money. And I remember getting an updated social security was a whole process 😮‍💨 Now I just need to get my birth certificate updated before I lose the chance to 🙃
Also it was in 2022 that I got laser hair removal. The place locally had this weird plan where you pay for an area and it's pretty expensive but it covers all sessions you can keep coming back for life if there's ever any regrowth (which their definitely was). Honestly, I have a lot of really light hair so I'll be finishing it off Electrolysis.
I had a consultation for body contouring a month or so ago. And she said that she didn't recommend it since I had so little fat that it would be very risky and have minimal results 😔 She did say that she could do a tummy tuck since I have a bit of loose skin there 😅 But she said it would be one of the most painful surgeries which made sense to me as bc I remember they pulled a little bit of fat for my FFS from there and that was the most painful part 😬 Also getting a big scar just to get rid of a bit of flabbiness, especially if I couldn't also get an ass out of it just did not seem worth it. Maybe in a decade when my metabolism goes down, I'll reconsider it. I'll have to go in to replace my implants anyways 🤷‍♀️
Oh!! I'll make sure to upload a picture after I get the surgery! But it might be a few days
But after this surgery I'll done for awhile, finally 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 But life is all about change so I doubt I'll ever consider myself fully done with transitioning. I'm excited to see the person I'll become 🥰🥰🥰
Also thank you everyone who left kind messages in the tags and comments 🥺🥺🥺
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Ah jeez, I started making this post end of May and saved it as a draft so I could come back with the recipe, and fully forgot to do that for uh. Yeah. A long time. I've since made a few more batches of successful mead, and have a couple more fermenting right now! I'll reblog with pics of them later.
Well! better late than never. Leaving what I'd written initially unchanged, so-
Two months apart - start and end - my first successful batch of mead! I've tried a handful of times over the years, but had an unfortunate habit of doing... SOMETHING wrong each time that resulted in lightly sweetened cleaning alcohol 😅
But finally, a success! Real mead! Sweet, but not too sweet, and boozy enough without being straight up moonshine
Roughly three pounds of honey
3? 4? Of those little mandarin oranges, quartered
1 packet ale yeast, I used this
Various whole mulling spices, I used a stick of cinnamon and a few cloves this time, but I've also tossed in cardamom pods and anise occasionally, maybe a couple peppercorns. Go wild
So much filtered/distilled water. So much. Like two gallons?
I'll be real folks, I used a cheap shitty online guide that I don't remember the link for, that said it was a good basic way to learn how to make garbage mead and that any brewer worth their salt would cringe at. It is also coincidentally the same guide I used years ago in the aforementioned cleaning alcohol incident; I haven't changed what I used or did, so I honestly don't know why that came out bad and this good. Shrugs! Yeast can't read.
Dissolve the honey in warm/hot water. Not boiling- you don't want to kill the yeast when you add it in. Think a nice, warm shower. Stir it well, add the oranges and spices, and mix in the yeast until also dissolved.
Load it all up into a large glass container like the one pictured. I ordered a carboy online for this, which is the 'proper' thing to use, but you can honestly get away with an old milk jug you've thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, if you again, don't care about it being the highest quality. Carboys come with the fermentation/filtration Thing on it to let gases out and nothing in (the little doohicky plugged into the top of the lid) but you can also get away with stretching the mouth of a balloon over where the lid would go and poke a teensy hole in it with a needle. The goal is to let the gases that build up during fermentation escape the container, but not to let outside air in.
Fill the container the rest of the way up with water, but leave a couple inches of space on top. This thang's gonna bubble like crazy once the yeast start feeding, and you don't want it to overflow and make a mess of your cupboard.
Put it in a dark, cool space, and wait a few days!
It'll bubble a lot those first days; DON'T mess with it. Leave her be. Let her have her hot girl summer. After a few days, maybe a week, it'll calm down a bit; now you can top off the water supply.
Fast forward uhhhh two months or so, and it's done! There's a more legit way to know for sure when it's done that involves watching the tiny bubbles that form near the top as part of the fermentation process, and figuring out when they'll stop, but I'm impatient and don't know jack and am here for a good time not a long time.
Enjoy mead! And maybe do some better research than I did if you want something fancy.
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You'll want to scoop the fruits and spices off the top and then siphon it off into another container, or do what we did and simply ladle it off the top (because on a ship of 10-13 sailors, 1 1/2-2 gallons of mead won't last longer than an off day), and NOT drink the detritus off the bottom. You can kinda see it in the picture above. It is not like unfiltered apple cider. That stuff tastes gnarly.
Do not shake the mead before drinking.
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mysticsparklewings · 3 months
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Karla Choupette, but make her Winx!
It’s been so long since I posted art, I kinda forgot how to caption it 😅
So I’ll stick with facts: Exactly 1 year ago today, I brought home my very first Rainbow High doll, Karla Choupette. Shortly after, I wanted to draw her, and since I was on a roll with Winx-Club-Style art at the time, this is the result! 🤍
⭐️ Like My Art and Want to see more of it? Here's All My Links! ⭐️
This won't be much of surprise to Sparklers that read my most recent Museletter, but to those that didn't: Hi! Longtime no art; How've you been? 👋 😅 If you're curious about how & where I've been, I'm going to direct you to that Museletter for the full details.
Also as you'll see in the Museletter, I had actually started on and mostly finished this piece right before my accidental half-year hiatus actually began (in December). There are many reasons (discussed at length in the Museletter) as to why I've held onto this piece for so long, but chief among them are 1. A lack of motivation to type this description and 2. Even months later, I was still not 100% sure about the background I originally picked out.
We'll talk more about the background in a bit. Firstly, especially for those that didn't read the Museletter, I should probably tell you who/what exactly this is and why you're staring at it. 😆
This lady, dear Sparklers, is one Karla Choupette of Shadow High, which is a...sub-line? I guess is the best way to put it? of the Rainbow High doll line. Except, per my usual art shenanigans, she's been drawn in the Winx Club art style. 😅
Karla is also known as: The Doll that Broke My (also unintentional) 5-6 year Doll Buying Hiatus. And in fact, that was the final key to me dusting off my typing fingers to finally bring this art to you Sparklers today.
I'll try and keep this story brief, but...Well, loyal Sparklers know how me and "brief" usually go, so I'll just apologize in advance for how very not-brief this actually will be...
In a way, this story starts in 2016 with the second generation of Monster High.
The first generation of Monster High was, pretty indisputably, my "true doll love" even though until it's beginning in 2010 I'd been raised on mostly Barbie and some Bratz. But the second generation was almost completely canned by the fan base, including me.
By 2018, most Monster High merchandise had disappeared from stores entirely. It all happened so fast for a franchise that had been such a lightning-in-a-bottle success before; It was depressing. (It's still depressing, to be completely honest, even with G3 now alive and well.)
And after that, for years the was really nothing for me in the doll space. With Monster High and Ever After High gone, Barbie's quality having taken a nosedive, Bratz's presence be wildly inconsistent...Whatever options were left either didn't appeal to me personally or didn't stick around long enough for that to matter.
So for the next few years, my attention in the toy aisle was pretty squarely on Shopkins, Num Noms, and the occassional other surprise toys that tempted me enough to try at least once. 🤷‍♀️
In 2020 (so I've been told by the internet—I couldn't have remembered the date if my life depended on it because that's how little attention I was paying to them at the time), Rainbow High dolls started appearing in store. And I do believe I remember seeing them in-store, possibly even an enclosed display. And I remember really not liking them at the time!
And I didn't like what I saw of Rainbow High for a considerably amount of time after that. But somehow, someway, I did very slowly start to come around to them. I think the biggest factor was when I started to understand that despite what sounded like a cutesy name to me, Rainbow High was not effectively a line of CareBears dressed as teenage girls.
Though, at this stage, when I say "come around to," I really mean I stopped viewing the line with active disdain. It would take a while longer of random images popping up on my Instagram and Pinterest feeds (mostly Instagram) before I started to think, "Oh well maybe I'd buy one if xyz..."
But I don't think it was too much longer after the "if xyz" phase that I was browsing around on Pinterest
And there, that was the moment—*Gasp*, Who is she? She looks like Ivy if Ivy were pink! She's so pretty!!
Karla Choupette had appeared.
And for the record, yes—I did and still do think Karla looks a lot like what I envision for my Winx OC Ivy aside from the pink coloring. So if in the future you see me draw Ivy and her outfit looks suspiciously familiar, now you'll know why!
But, to be fair, that's not the only thing about Karla's design that appeals to me. The stark contrast of colors is one for sure, as well as the slight contrast of the punk-ish boots with the more formal/business-like dress/top situation. And after I did (spoiler alert) bring Karla home, I realized she bears some resemblance to one of my favorite Monster High dolls of all-time, Zomby Gaga, so there was almost definitely some subconscious influence coming from that.
Anyway. It was a little bit of a slow burn, but eventually the desire to actually get a Karla doll was rattling around in my head so loudly it was was very nearly literally keeping me up at night.
I completely lucked out in the timeline that Karla had already been out for a while at that point and last year's Amazon Prime Day wasn't too far around the corner. Sure, I could have just bought her at any time, but considering I'd been out of the doll-buying game a while and my "first doll back" was going to be one completely unlike the rest of my collection [..and I use that term kind of loosely here], so I didn't want to put too much money on the line when it was fully possible I'd get her home and unboxed and decide I didn't actually like her all that much.
The funny thing is, the story could've even there. Or at least taken a significant detour. Because, sure enough, Amazon did mark Karla down for Prime Day at the time, but before I could go through with the purchase, she sold out. 🙃
On a whim though, I decided to check Walmart a little later in the day, and lo and behold—Apparently they really wanted to compete with Amazon for sales that week, so they'd dropped their price on Karla to match and actually still had her in stock!
I ordered her for local pickup to avoiding paying for shipping, and the next day—Exactly one year ago today!—Karla came home with me. [And you can see a picture of my exact Karla in that Museletter I mentioned before, for those curious!]
It would be another couple of days before I actually opened her; Both in the store when we picked her up and while I was opening her, I was honestly a little scared that physically being able to hold her would somehow break whatever magic hold this doll had had over me up until either point.
But as you can probably guess by the way I'm telling this story and the fact that this art exists—Nope! And even a year and 20 (...soon to be 21...) more Rainbow/Shadow High dolls later, Karla is still my favorite. She is, in fact, the only one I currently have 2 of, as I found an incomplete-but-in-great-shape Karla for cheap on eBay about a month later.
To be fair, I should back up a bit and clarify: If you're familiar with the doll space, you may be wondering why/how Karla was the buying-hiatus-breaker for me even though Monster High G3 started releasing new dolls in 2022.
Technically I suppose she wasn't because I did get some of the MH G3 dolls and Howliday Draculaura for Christmas 2022, but for space/storage related reasons, it would be much longer before I actually opened any of my new MH dolls, and there were various aspects that made G3 still feel kind of rocky and uncertain at the time.
Karla was the one that really sparked my excitement for dolls in general again, though the excitement manifested as a rolling snowball instead of a roaring fire—I started out, as many doll fans across all brands have, insisting Karla would be the "only" Rainbow High doll I wanted/needed.
And if you'll remember I quoted a collection of 20 Rainbow High dolls a few paragraphs ago, then you'll already know exactly how that well-intended insistence turned out. 😆 [And this isn't even touching on the fact that, as also mentioned in the Museletter, that Karla and the Rainbow High girls also ignited a "make things for the dolls from scratch" spark in me that I have felt in...Mm, probably not since the earliest days of Monster High, sometime before 2013.]
Some of you are also now probably doing the math on how we arrived at the concept for this artwork—This is very much not the first (or even second or third) time that I've used the Winx Club art style as a vessel to express my love for some other thing.
It's been a while since the idea began by now, but I remember I had inklings of wanting to draw Karla for a while—I think in particular I wanted to play with Karla's white eyelashes in illustrated form since it's both something I've never seen on a doll before and also white eyelashes in general are just a unique and interesting concept to me—And since I was sorta on a roll with the Winx Club stuff/style, it wasn't too long or too far of a leap in logic to decide this is the way it would be done.
Likewise, if you've seen any of my most-recent Winx art, you'll already be fairly familiar with my process for how the art comes together in the most literal senses. So because of that and because it has been long enough that I don't remember finer details like areas that were particularly tricky so well, I'm going to skip over a lot of that here.
However, I do remember and can tell you a few things that make Karla here a little different from some of those other attempts of mine, so I will now start rambling about that in whatever order things come to mind.
Firstly and possibly the most obvious, Karla you could say Karla's wasn't "Winx-fied" as intensely as Helena or The Nanny, which was a very purposeful choice. I love Karla's original design so much that I really didn't want to touch it too much, and so while a fairy form like those other two artworks can often be more fun, I opted to keep Karla "casual."
To that end, I followed what patterns and "rules" I've observed for the Winx's Season 2-3 "casual outfits" as best I could without making any serious alterations. [The linked screenshot isn't the best example of said patterns/rules—You kinda have to take in multiple screenshots to get the best feel for that—but it's a decent enough point of reference for which outfits I'm talking about.]
So the main thing you'll notice are the things I took away or simplified because I think thy pushed Winx Club's style "limits" a bit too far—Karla has her fan but it's missing the word "Shadow" across the front, the zippers on her shoes aren't well-defined, the charm/pin from her tie is missing, you can't see the pinstripes on her dress (though if this were meant to be the Seasons 2-3 promo art style and not true-to-show style, I would've left those in)...things like that.
I did make small exceptions for things I felt would take away too much if I left them out like the details on her belt, the buckles on her boots, giving her eyeshadow, etc. But I tried to balance it all out. The belt is probably still pushing it, but I genuinely wasn't sure how else to handle it and I think everything else worked out well enough.
Now, I did make the decision to approach the line work more so how Season 4 would do it—There are more colored lines here than is really typical for Season 3, especially when you count Karla's hair. This was mostly done to try and preserve some of Karla's own "feel" when you look at her, but also a little for contrast of the different elements/textures at play. [For example, I thought lining her hair in black would look too harsh.]
...I should also probably mention that while I still stand by Karla looking a lot like what I want for Ivy, I really was focused on trying to capture Karla as herself here—I can't say Ivy never entered my mind during the drawing process because that's kind of impossible given that she lives and dies entirely in my imagination, but I did not consciously at any point use Ivy as reason or justification for any changes made to Karla's design.
Oh, and if this pose feels a little familiar, much like with Fran, I opted to re-use a pose I'd already been working with around the time I started this project. It's hard to tell from my sketches in the linked image, but in this case I did decide to re-draw the arms to nearly the opposite position because it made figuring out what to do with her fan so much easier.
Ironically, this pose is not at all the best way to get a good look at her white eyelashes, but I worked with what I had to make something nice without it taking 2-3 (or more) times as long, so I'm not actually too upset about that.
You could say that's sorta what happened with the background—I can't say this is my most favorite background I've ever put together, but I really did not have any better ideas, so...🤷‍♀️
Maybe it's obvious, maybe it's not, but I decided to try combining a design formula that's been used in a lot of the Rainbow High boxes as a background (and sometimes in other promotional material) with some general ideas from promotional images/profiles you may have seen of the Winx before.
So if you thought you were seeing Alfea castle edited into a rainbow gradient back there, you would be absolutely right. 😉
This is also why Karla's name is just kinda randomly hanging out over there on a "true to show style"—It's a little more consistent with the Winx profiles/images and added a little extra something I felt was missing from the full package.
And while not my primary motivation, I did kind of like the idea that with a background situation like this, if I decide I ever want to draw more Winxify-ed Rainbow High girls, I can re-use it and have them all a little more visually united as a series.
I have no current plans to do that, but I like being able to leave the door open for it, y'know?
...I think those are all the main things I wanted to mention. This is the real trouble with not writing these descriptions as soon as I'm able—I forget too much! But there's not much to be done about it now, so oh well I guess.
In such case, the important thing really is that I'm still happy with how the art turned out. Or at least Karla and some of the other details. Even at this very moment I still have my quibbles and doubts with the image of Alfea hanging out back there, but at this point I really don't want to put off uploading this any longer solely because of that, of all things.
Since I did find it in me to scramble what was left of this description together though, coupled with things I mentioned in that last Museletter, I really hope this means I've finally turned some kind of internal corner and and that it won't be another block of months before you Sparklers see more art from me.
At the very least, I can now say I've tried this new submission portal from dA and...It's not my beloved Sta.sh, but...eh, it's okay I guess. I still miss my editing/formatting tools being more available like in a proper text editor, but in some ways I do think I like this better than the previous submission portal, if I'm going to be forced to type out my descriptions in here from now on.
I think at least knowing that—that I'm marginally more familiar with this new portal now—will be a step in the right direction.
One last thing before I leave you Sparklers for today—I plan to give this description a once-over before I submit, but I've written most of it late at night after a busy shopping day and may or may not have caught myself almost dozing off a couple of times, so on top of my faulty memory, if you notice any exceptionally weird mistakes, that's probably where those came from and I missed them on my second read-through. 😅
In any case, Sparklers, I thank you for still being here and being patient with me—Like I said before, I sincerely hope this is just the beginning of me finally being "back," at least for a while, but ultimately only time will tell if it is or not.
But if it is, then I expect to see you all again much sooner rather than later...😉
Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings
Karla Choupette/Rainbow High © MgA Entertainment
⭐️ Like My Art and Want to see more of it? Here's All My Links! ⭐️
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robintherobiner · 5 months
Thoughts, explanations, and all that shit i had while writing my latest oneshot
Stand up comedians do NOT make good kidnappers - Robin_The_Robiner - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
SO first up the name. Where did it come from? God knows. I started this fic like ages ago, wrote Steph's first section, and then promptly forgot about it for three months only to come back and scribble the rest out. I dont remember how i came up with the name, but i still think its hilarious so,,
Who is Cassowary? This universes Robin, duh! Since Damian was the first, i thought he'd go for a more intimidating bird. These birds have really sharp claws, and leave wounds similar to those of a blade. Huh. Who do we know who is really good with a sword? Exactly 😎
Writing Steph was hard because I don't know her very well, so I may have projected onto her a little bit (hence the excessive death jokes 😅). I hope it came across that Steph is a detective, like Bruce, but that she's doesn't lazer-focus on that stuff like him. Thats why she focuses on describing Junior at first, not the room she's in or the fact she's chained up. She knows these things, but she only brings them up when relevant. What good is wallowing over being chained up when you could be making fun of your kidnapper, huh?
I'm a bit worried that i didn't make it obvious enough that there is time between Steph's and Bruce's sections. Thats why when we finish Steph's third bit, she's shitting on Junior for dressing like the Joker, but then in the final bit, she's aware that it's Tim. The parts aren't happening at the same time, or right after the other. I hope that was obvious, but im not sure.
BRUCE'S BIT!!! I saw a post once saying that Bruce separates his personas very hard, and i really liked that. When he's talking about Batman, it's only referred to as Batman. When he's having more emotional thoughts, it's Bruce. And, of course, when he's dealing with Crystal (who i don't know very well so probably wasn't well written MY BAD YALL), he's Brucie. The guilt is in all of them, though. Fun stuff!
A big part of Stephanie and Bruce's relationship in canon is, from what i can tell, tense because of the way he treated her when he first met her. BUT in this fic, it's a bit lessened because Steph chalks his shittyness to the fact that he recently lost a son. Also, i think in canon a big part of why Bruce refused to get close to Steph was because of how she reminded him of Jason, which obviously isn't a problem in this universe. Bruce and Steph are still tense, but this time she has the eldest kid on her side pretty easily, cuz Damian feels guilt over Tim LOL
The death!! It's not overly explained, but I do have Tim's death all planned out and shit. It's a mix of the Joker Junior scene from Batman Beyond : Return of The Joker, and then also a little bit of canon. Instead of Bruce being out of Gotham, like in the film, it's that they have an argument. Similar to Jason and Garzonas situation, in how Bruce is angry at the thought of his partner killing, but more so using the Boomerang arc from canon (Tim wanting to kill his Dad's murderer)
Junior's mental state is wild. I'm not writing him with any particular mental illness, mostly because I'm not at all knowledgeable enough to portray something correctly. Instead I'm basing him off of Joker Junior's intro scene, and also me during some of my darkest moments! It's not Pit Rage (i don't lie how much the fandom pushes that onto Jason, similar to the Tim-Doesn't-Sleep idea in which it wasn't canon but then it got popular and was made so, i think) and instead just a extremely traumatised 17 year old!
The teaparty scene was put in there because I wanted Tim to have a hobby that he could share with his mom (because god knows everyone hates Janet because they mess up her character and only look at fanon) and that also can be used to show his mental state. Hence, collecting figurines, and playing with them! Yippee! Thanks to my pal Leo over on discord for suggesting this hobby!! (it was originally stuffed animals but I thought Batburger toys would work better)
Damian and Duke both were the first kids, instead of Dick and Barbara. Instead of Batgirl, we have Batkid, and then instead of Oracle, we have Signal. Damian is Shrike, because that is the most common hero name I see for him and I couldn't think of another. I may go back and change it to Nightwing, because I like the meaning of the name, but it would come from Superboy (Jon) instead of Superman in this universe, so maybe it comes later on? Not sure. need to think on that!!
Drake Manor was, in canon, only bought after Jack woke up from the coma. But, i decided to take the fandom route in which the Drakes always lived there, simply because timeline wise it works better for me. Also in canon, Jack doesn't need the wheelchair by the end, but for my fic, he's not out of the coma long enough for that. I also added a fun basement which defo doesn't exist in canon, so just turn a blind eye to that!
If you saw the original post, you'd know that Bruce was supposed to find Steph through a series of taunting clues. I changed my mind though, because I'm not good at clues, mysteries, or cases. So, a gift with the address is sort of dissapointing, but who cares?
Steph's feelings about Tim are sort of iffy. A really popular headcanon is that Jason was Tim's robin, and thats not true. I'm pretty sure Tim just,, didn't care about Jason? Idk exactly how he felt, but whatever. Steph doesn't hate Tim, in this fic, she just sort of hates how he was as Cassowary. Bruce is full of guilt and won't say a bad word about him, but has plenty of criticism for Steph, which leads to a sort of resentment. He was Cassowary though, so there is also some adoration in her heart. Basically, she switches how she feels about him depending on the situation.
Jack and Robin. In this universe, Jack doesn't know Tim is a superhero. Tim does still take a break, but it's to spend time with his dad after he awakens, not because he's threatened. Dana also (unfortunately) isn't around in this fic, so Jack has more time to spend with Tim. It's sort of a win-lose situation though. More time with Tim so they get closer, but without Dana to calm him, Jack's little bouts of fury are stronger (remember how he fucking ripped out a TV??) so their relationship is more strained, which is why Tim does go back to being Cassowary, just for a bit, before his dad dies.
Hints are sprinkled in Steph's bits that tell on Tim's identity. Not many, because I'm really bad at hints and subtlety, but there are a few. Mentions of shock burns (the electrocution duh), Zesti instead of tea (which is Tim's canon favourite drink, not coffee!!), and his wish that Steph stops being a hero.
Tims motivations are a reverse of Jasons canon ones. Jason forgives Bruce for not saving him, but is mad he wasn't avenged. Tim forgives Bruce for not avenging him, but is mad he wasn't saved. Aint that fun? Thats why instead of beating her up, Tim kidnaps Steph for three days to resemble the three weeks he was held captive before he died. Yippee, allegories! (i think that word isn't right, but i can't think of the right one??!! english is HARD)
WOW i had a lot of thoughts and explanations and shit for that oneshot, huh? 🤭
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Happy (belated) birthday! 🎉
This might be a long shot, but do you happen to have on hand the post with the good Duolingo alternatives? I thought I remembered seeing one on your blog, like, forever (months) ago and now I've lost it and could really use it. 😅
I'm guessing streaming didn't work out, but it was fun all the same :) Thanks for hosting them.
Stay cool ❄
Thank you!
I remember the post you're talking about, but I can't find it either. I've completely let go of my Spanish practice, which is a damn shame because I had a 1111+ day streak before the AI fuckery made the app unusable. I bought a bunch of novels in Spanish to keep it up, but recently I've been having trouble paying attention even to English novels, so I can't focus on any of them long enough to finish them...
I forgot all about my minecraft streams. I didn't stop on purpose, I just got distracted. One of my other mutuals @nsomniacsdream started hosting a multiplayer server with mods and we've been playing together for months now; I let vanilla fall to the wayside, and didn't stream during our sessions because I always talk to him on the phone while playing which would have made it difficult to record clean audio. Now that you mention it, I do kinda feel like getting back into streaming. There's a massive build project I've been meaning to work on, and I think it would be fun to try and do it in survival mode. My previous sessions were random, whenever I felt like it, but I'll try to set up a fixed schedule going forward. Thing is, I'm so used to mods that I think I'll have trouble readjusting to vanilla. I've been spoiled by minimaps, waypoints, and teleportation.
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lazyartist-dubu · 2 months
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I forgot to post these sketches I made around a month ago of the Rise turtles 😅
Also! Once I finish watching tottmnt I will make similar sketches of those turtles tho ☺️
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kakushigotofanclub · 4 months
Can I ask you about your wips? I'm curious
Oh boy you're so going to regret asking me this but THANK YOU SO MUCH I have been DYING to babble about all my wips
Enjoy this weirdly organized and non-exhaustive "list"
The big one is Burning Bridges, which I have a whopping 25,000+ words written for already. Here's the summary:
After Muzan is defeated, Inosuke doesn’t know what to do with himself, feeling unable to either adapt to his new life or return to his old one. Restless and frustrated, when he comes across a chance to go back to demon slaying, he can’t refuse. But getting stuck in an alternate timeline in which Tanjiro became the Demon King was not exactly what Inosuke had in mind.
But, uh. I really don't know if I'm ever going to finish and post it, and tbh the main reason is kind of petty lol...like, a couple years ago I used to get tons of comments on ao3 and lately I just barely get any feedback anymore. I kinda don't want to post anything I've worked really hard on to avoid getting my feelings hurt. I'd be happy to talk about it, though, if anyone's interested.
Another multi-chapter fic I will never post but would love to ramble about is A Couple of Bad Ideas and a Shot in the Dark, which is a KnY rewrite that takes place in the MHA universe. Although, this one is abandoned because I got too invested in a side-plot and literally forgot what I was actually going to do with the story.
I've also got one called Smother, which I do fully intend on finishing and posting someday! I don't have an official summary for it but it's about Obanai living with the Rengokus right after he was rescued. Here's a piece from the scene where Kyojuro and Obanai meet for the first time:
“Hi! Why are your eyes two different colors? Where did you get your pet snake? Are snakes your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a cat. Or maybe a dog. Or an owl. I don't know, I can't pick! How old are you? I'm eleven years and five months and two weeks and six days old, which means I’m almost eleven and a half. What's your snake's name? Oh, and what's your name? My name is Rengoku Kyojuro. Do you have any-" "Kyojuro." The man who saved Obanai glared at a person that looked exactly like him except smaller and way more annoying. “Give it a rest. I don’t think he’s in the mood for making friends right now. Just shut up.”
I have another fic about Obanai and the Rengokus—modern au, no summary but I think the plot can be summed up in this excerpt and the fact that I headcanon Obanai with ARFID:
“No! I said I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant,” Obanai exhaled sharply. “So I’m going to take her to her favorite restaurant.” He hesitated, gaze cast downwards. “That’s why I’m here. I wanted your…help.” “Of course!” Kyojuro exclaimed enthusiastically. “With what, exactly?” Obanai crossed his arms, refusing to meet eyes with Kyojuro. His face was red and he mumbled his next words: “I have to be able to eat food from there without gagging or freaking out by next week.”
Then my reincarnation AU called Da Capo Al Fine, which I've posted a few excerpts from before—basically, everyone reincarnates a hundred years later and Tanjiro and Giyuu are the only ones who remember their past lives. Honestly this one I feel like would just be a pain to actually write the whole fic the way I have it in my head lol. I might write one-shots for it, though, idk.
That's. Not everything but I think I've probably talked for long enough now 😅
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thehopefulraincoat · 1 year
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“The ticket to the future is always blank.” 🎟️ [UPDATED POST]
Ah, Trigun will always be one of my favorite stories! And the way they’re retelling it in Trigun Stampede is living up to the heart of its other iterations, weaving a story of compassion and hope with the question of, “Is violence justifiable?” And I love this slightly younger, softer, little more reserved Vash we got to see in season 1. Isn’t he just so cute? Don’t you just want to give this poor traumatized man a million hugs? 🫂
Also, it’s taken me ages, but it’s doooone! I teased a WIP like, what? a month ago? But he turned out so good! Isn’t he cute? ❤️ Lil shy Vash.
[Updated post because I (1) realized there was a part I forgot to finish 😅 and (2) remembered that it'd give me a chance to upload some close-up details on my other sites (cause all you need to do for details on Tumblr is click on the image and zoom; as for examples of details, I'm *absurdly pleased* with how that metal panel on the neck of his coat turned out ❤️ and the text on the coat is just: *chef’s kiss*👩‍🍳💋)⁠ so maybe I’ll add those on after I update my Instagram and Facebook.]
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marshallpupfan · 1 year
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I posted this on Instagram and forgot to mention it here, too!
I hate to say it, but I've been lazy with my Marshall collection lately. Items I purchased months ago are still sitting around, waiting for me to find a spot for them on a shelf somewhere. In all honesty, I've been meaning to rearrange most of my collection, that way I can make room for not only this stuff, but for any upcoming merchandise, too (like The Mighty Movie toys). I keep putting it off, however, because I dread moving all or most of what I have. It can be time-consuming, especially since I want to dust off most of it, too.
I just couldn't resist getting way too many items of Marshall, huh? 😅
Well, I think I'm finally at that point where I'm tired of seeing my collection look like a disaster, so I've been seriously considering finally doing something about it. It'll take a while... a long while... but I think it'll be worth it. And I thought, because it's been a while since I last shown off my entire collection (which was back in June of 2022), I thought I might take pictures of the whole thing again once I finish!
I've been a bit busy this week, so I can't promise how quickly I'll get to this. And I didn't think to mention this on Instagram, but there are a few modifications I want to make to parts of my collection to improve the presentation. Hopefully I'll have the pictures up some time in August... or sooner, depending on how motivated I get.
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sunandflame · 8 months
Sunny! You forgot to tag me! I remember sending in a request for a McDonald's employee rengoku x reader about a....think a month ago? Anyway I remember sending you a request for that! And I see you have a McDonald's rengoku x reader in the works! Please! Tag me in on that! Pls?🥺
(p.s. I'm not trying to be accusing. I'm just being dramatic as fuck, because I was forgotten + I like being a drama queen sometimes 💅)
(p.p.s. technically I requested a "rengoku works at a McDonald's and makes minimum wage x reader" and I think if I remember correctly I also put some themes of us being his "sugar mama" or something...I don't know. This was all a month ago so my memory is a little foggy... Being Nero divergent can be a bitch sometimes.... anyway I'm happy you are making another rengoku one-shot! Also thanks for taking my "rengoku, but he only says umai" request again! I appreciate you so much girl! Keep up the good work and I hope you overcome your writer's block!)
Yes, I know! I did not forget you! (and you are allowed to be a drama queen. I also can be very dramatic if I want xD) Your ask is still in my inbox and being prepared to work on. I just didn't know that I had to tag you in the tag game or just for naming the title in that silly post, since the fic is not even done 😅 But of course I will tag you as soon it's finished and I love the ideas you shot me through the asks! I am just struggling very hard with my mental health and still with a writers block, so please be patient 🙏 But I will consider the additional ideas :D
And thank you very much for kind and loving words sweetheart 🥹❤️
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willalove75 · 1 year
Two fics from me in one day?! Whaaaaaat?!
Truthfully I forgot I posted one already bc after I posted it I went straight into writing the second one and finished it much faster than I expected to, but oh well! You're welcome everyone😉
All jokes aside I did want to say I'm going to try and queue up some posts if I can get a few extras done, but my very best friend in the whole world (like this girl has been my best friend for over 20 years, I'm obsessed with her) is getting married and her bachelorette party is this coming weekend!
So I'll be traveling and celebrating from Thursday-Sunday and unless I can get a few things queued to fill the space, there's gonna be a lull in my posts! So let's say that's the real reason why I posted twice today😅😅
Usually work is quite boring (which is why I have so much time to write tbh) but it might pick up this week since I'll be out for two days. It's my goal to post once a day this week before I go but realistically I would like to get at least 2 posts out before I leave for the weekend.
So I'm not abandoning my fics, ya girl is just gonna be busyyy (s/o to the 6 weddings I have coming up this year🎉😅😂)
Guys I made this blog LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO. June 10th will be two months since I started this!!!! I'm averaging 100 followers a month?! That's INSANE.
Ik 200 followers isn't "a lot" in the grand scheme of social media, but 200 people liked my stories enough to follow me so they can see more of what I write?! Shut the fuck up that's insane
I say this every time so I'm sorry that I sound like a broken record but thank you all SO MUCH for all of your support and love.
Never, ever in a million years did I think any of this could happen to me. I never thought I'd get the courage to start writing fics and even more than that, if I did find the courage, I NEVER thought I would have so many amazing people consistently sharing/liking/reblogging/interacting/genuinely enjoying what I've written.
Seriously I am so goddamn grateful for every single one of you THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS ARE THE ACTUAL BEST💕💕
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artisticangel · 2 years
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(Hollow Knight OC Sir Ivory Prince) (Sir Prince)
Hi it’s been awhile since I’ve last posted anything, just letting everyone know that I’m not dead lol. 😅
I’ve been busy with finishing art requests on amino it took me about a month now, and a art request here on tumblr but since then i took some time off on creating art and just been relaxing in the past few weeks.
I forgot to create a reference sheet for my Hollow Knight OC tbh… 😓
Edit: My old iPad is glitching whenever I try to fix any pic errors on the tumblr app, so you’ll have to click or tap on the image for better resolution my apologies for the confusion, thank you.
So recently I decided to do a slight redesign of my oc instead. I created him around eight months ago, on my old iPad, here’s a link to my last post on my oc and you can see the difference.
I learned that the creators of Hollow Knight is called Team Cherry, not Cherrybomb, so I’m terribly sorry for the confusion it was an honest mistake. 😅
I decided to do a slight redesign on my Hollow Knight OC
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songbirds-sweet · 2 years
Happy Friday!! We made it.
The Bahamas! How fantastic. That will certainly be a change from the Canadian winter (depending on your locale of course.. I'm on the east coast so we've already in frigid temps).
Chris Cornells voice is astounding! Like the fact that a human being could sing that boggles the mind. Sometimes I find myself going down the YouTube rabbit hole of him singing various cover songs and the man really could sing anything. He's such a loss for the music world.
A new album on the horizon. That's exciting news for the fans (Gresties is the best fandom name btw!). PJ had only just released a new one when the pandemic hit so we won't be expecting anything soon I'm afraid. They're known for going long stretches between studio albums though most of the members do have solo/side projects. Do the Greta boys have other projects besides the band?
Mutuals that you share similar interests is the best, isn't it? Most of my friends aren't as into music or book or movies as I am so having people to talk with them about has been great. I love when a mutual recommends something or an interest of theirs that post about shows me something new that I may not of heard of.
I do have Twitter but it's mostly for work and I go on very rarely lol. Insta I have but I'm not very active there and Pinterest is where I go to dig for band pics. It's a treasure trove. Tumblr is the only sm where I'm very active.
Bohemian Rhapsody was so good! I've not yet seen the Dirt but I'll add to my watch list. I loved Ray; Walk The Line; Respect to name a few. I've been meaning watch Rocketman but I've not gotten around to it yet. Have you ever seen the Def Leppard one called Hysteria? It's not the greatest but it's kinda fun.
I've been watching a lot of music docs. I just finished one about Ronnie James Dio that was great. I love the medium of documentary. I'll watch them about artists I don't necessarily know that well too. Do you watch docs?
Do you have a sideblog for your witchcraft?
Happy Friday to you too!!
Oh I agree! Where in the east coast are you from? Im from outside of Toronto.
Omg I agree!! He was an incredible singer! One of my favourite covers he did was Patience by Guns N’ Roses but I think my favourite by him is Nearly Forgot my Broken Heart.
Ah well I promise when you can reveal yourself we can me mutuals and friends!! 💖 we can recommend stuff anytime!
Omg I know! PJ was in Toronto a couple months ago but I didn’t go see them 😭 Have you ever seen them live? The only one musician from the big four grunge bands I saw twice was Dave Grohl in Foo Fighters and oh my god I loved both of the shows. YES I’m stoked! As far as I know they don’t have any side projects (unless Gresties if you’re reading this, let me know if they do!)
Ahhh yeah same goes with me and social media I mostly use Tumblr the most and Goodreads when I’m updating my books 😅
I haven’t seen Rocketman either nor Ray or Walk The Line but I wanna see all of them! I love Def Leppard but I haven’t seen Hysteria.
Oh that’s so cool! I’ve been listening to Dio lately so I’ll totally check that out! Yeah I watched a couple Foo Fighters ones and they were amazing! Back and Forth which is about their album Wasting Light aka my favourite Foos album, also Sonic Highways which is about their album Sonic Highways.
I post my witchcraft on this blog! Do you have any sideblogs about other interests?
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jayswing101 · 2 years
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A little beaded Wen Kexing I made my friend 💙💙
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smartiescrochets · 2 years
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I finished the baby blanket for my new baby cousin a few months ago and forgot to post it 😅 I also forgot to take a finished pic and I doubt my aunt wants me to post pics of her baby so here’s the wip pics lol
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