#finishing blow
daikikaicommart28 · 7 months
Requested by Feyzer
The Decisive Battle: The Thunderous Lynx against the Hell Brigade
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This...this was the exact moment, near inches from the capital of Finland that if it weren't for the bold and critical actions brought about by Finland's metal hero Fulynx...
...Helsinki would've become a scorched graveyard by this brigade of undead monsters and their two-legged living base...
This was a joy to draw from stage to stage, starting with the challenge of making my take on Feyzer's Fulynx, where not only I had to follow on the original design concept he had but also taking inspiration from, quite fittingly the same source Fulynx was inspired on: Battletech
Which brought me to one particular edition of that TRPG that I could draw inspiration from, the Japanese Edition Rule Book featuring Mech redesigns made by Studio Nue of SDF Macross fame!
Next up was coming up with a baddie Fulynx could blow up and coincidentally during that week I've been revisiting the underrated horror cartoon series Inhumanoids where I borrowed inspiration from the undead horror himself D'Compose.
And lastly, the background where I think I made my best sunset so far, plus the other details like the famous water tower of Helsinki and some bits of forest you can see below, I'm quite happy with how it came about in the end ^u^
2/4 Commissioned Art
=Feyzer's DA link=
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keeps-ache · 11 months
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aitadjcrazytimes · 6 months
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sdcomics525 · 2 years
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The Black Knight is one sturdy psychopath. But even baddies like him have a limit.
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etrevil · 3 days
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If I was Fukuzawa I would've gone ballistic because WDYM my childhood bestfriend sacrificed his morals and thousands of lives and even HIMSELF in hopes of preventing a war that DIDN'T EVEN EXIST because your ass decided to lie???
Oh you going down motherfucker.
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greasby · 11 months
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jane doe upon ye
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halemerry · 9 months
Thinking about how the 1941 minisode really sets the stage for the following two episodes. It establishes the mutual trust between them. It establishes Aziraphale finally coming to terms with calling Crowley friend. It establishes Aziraphale as someone who is capable of deceit under pressure and, frankly, as someone who works better under it. It nods at the idea of Crowley's angelic status being potentially returned and rejects the idea in the same sweep with Aziraphale's failure to turn a turnip into an inkwell. It even presents the whole crux of the way Aziraphale and Crowley interact as summarized by the aim for my mouth but shoot past my ear thing. And then there's the whole shades of gray conversation.
There's something interesting in that conversation in particular I wanna draw attention to specifically because. Look what happens in the conversation after they have discussed Aziraphale's magic and verbalized the trust Crowley has in Aziraphale.
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Doesn't it sound familiar?
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It sounds a lot like the least charitable takes on Aziraphale's actions at the end of this season doesn't it? But Crowley rejects the idea pretty much immediately. Saying nah, that's the trouble with you lot. You see something and think it's black or white. He presents the idea, just as he has in all three minisodes, that sometimes the edges need to get blurry.
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And Aziraphale agrees. He out loud starts speaking of gray areas in morality and how Crowley's right here. It once again emphasizes this idea that all three minisodes have gone out of their way to emphasize - that Aziraphale is capable of growth and change and most importantly of stepping into that middle space, knowing sometimes it is the right thing to do.
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The fact that this blunt verbalization of the lessons of all three minisodes happens right after Aziraphale muses about a potential scenario where someone leaves tells us a lot about Aziraphale's actions in the end. It's drawing stark attention to them and tying those concepts directly together. It doesn't matter which theory you favor either - whether Az is lying to Crowley in the end or acting to protect him or doing what he thinks is right - it doesn't matter because they are all morally complex choices. They all exist in the gray spaces and Aziraphale knows it and that's such a fascinating angle to consider with his decision making here.
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jacobseed · 2 months
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Template 27
a template focused on heavy lore between two characters that are either family or friends or partners! just a fun little template for anyone who wants to deep dive or explore pairs of characters in good lore dumping fashion.
as always, if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message! example to show a general layout of mine and @bigbywlf hobbit ocs <3
please consider leaving a tip on kofi if you like the templates! anything helps me at the moment.
download. | more templates
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jeeaark · 2 months
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Final Showdown pt 1
Final Showdown pt 2.
So the key to becoming a lil more chill with the patch 0 Orpheus ending is realizing what I can get away with off camera. Brain fell down and nobody saw how we landed? No Emps in sight? Who knows long it took to regroup? One reasonable patch 0 ending where everyone lives coming up.
and I would've been content with this ending too if it weren't for those meddling patches.
Felt validated about the artifact solution though when the epilogue came out. As if Greygold wouldn't keep that lil doo-hickey after all this, practically a bag of holding for people.
Had to jump some logic hoops for Orph though. Don't think Greygold would be willing to risk any potential confrontation with Orpheus about Emps after this. Try and pull their first Squid Trick on him. But uh. Turns out! Orph Buddy's got mad wisdom. Dude has probably seen every Squid Trick in the book. Although. Not so silly as Greygold's attempts.
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sollucets · 1 month
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mission: make tae myungha happy
for @hoppipolla 💜 yeowoon version here
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nevarroes · 6 months
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i had 15 minutes to spare . gortcas doodl peace and love on planet earth
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 14 days
Wan: So what do you think is a defining feature of an Avatar? Roku: Unwavering duty towards leading humanity into the light? Yangchen, thinking of Gun: Nah. Korra: Our smile? Aang: I think that is a good one. Kuruk: No, I think it's that we're all a bit.....no, extremely petty at times. Kyoshi: True that. Korra: Ok I can't disagree. Yangchen: Yup. Haha, I remember the time I was still so upset with Kavik while on the job. I blew hot hair into his ear to mess with him. His ears were so red! Wan/Roku/Korra/Aang/Kuruk: ??????!!!! Kyoshi: That's not being petty, that's just flirting. I mean it is a bit petty, but wow the flirting. Yangchen: I wasn't flirting. Kyoshi: Take it from someone who would get that regularly from Rangi during my horse stance make-out sessions. That's some romantic/sexually charged shit right there girl. Yangchen, supreme scholar but also local idiot:
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
Kevin Day in mid-sophomore year fearing for his life and sanity whenever he hears the question "yes or no" being passed around between his roommates until he figures out they now use the same thing for casual shit too
[Kevin, in his head, about Andrew and Neil: Relationship status: psychic]
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artsyunderstudy · 2 years
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Is this what people do?
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incorrectquoteswwdits · 5 months
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I made a meme
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english-history-trip · 7 months
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I wanna applaud Frodo's optimism here, because if I was dying on a volcano and suddenly felt myself being carried into the sky, then woke up to see the friend I watched die, now a glowing white angel figure, smiling down at me, followed by all my other friends [and Legolas], I would 100% assume We Did Not Make It.
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