#fire nymph
abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Hidden Sisters, Chapter 21
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, angst, threats, mentions of death/murder, knife violence/stabbing, manipulation.
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The crowd that had wanted to be witness to Lance and Annalise’s wedding cheered.  Lance looked to his bride, his heart swelling as a blush rose on her cheeks.  Their kingdom had loved her, and because of how she made him a better man, they loved him. 
He reached out to her, slipping a hand around her waist.  She turned to him, bright eyed and happily in love, a rumble rising from her chest, “husband.”
Lance smiled even more, “Wife…mate…alpha…”
Her rumbles got louder and his smile turned into a full Cheshire catted grin.
“I love you, so much, Lance…”
“I love you too, Annalise.”
“I love you Lance!” she moaned.  Lance thrusted slowly into her once more, burying his cock all the way to the hilt in his wife’s dripping core.  His eyes closed softly as he felt every moment, truly immersing himself in it.
Her core fluttered around him.  She reached out, pulling his face to hers once more so she could taste his lips again.  The couple’s lips melded together, working in tandem.  Tongues fought for dominance, teasing the other. 
The moment was almost too intense for them both. 
They’d been riding their highs as they continued to build; teasing the impending orgasms, edging one another for over an hour.
Lance could feel the fluttering of his wife’s core, and he stopped his sinfully slow thrusts, stilling inside of her.  His kisses faltered, breaking away from her own lips as the warm air filled the space between them.  Her eyes fluttered open, her lashes betraying the look of faux confidence she’d been giving him earlier. 
She was a lust-wild wolf.  A whimper escaped from her lips.  The alpha was driven to the brink of her lust, and she wanted a release.  She wanted to feel him filling her, spilling his seed inside of her waiting womb. 
“Lance…please my love!” she whimpered, stroking his cheek.  He smiled, nuzzling his nose against her own.  Her lips parted and a shiver ran down her spine as she inhaled his scent.  She turned her head to the side, and Lance noticed her mating gland was swollen, “please…take me…”
Lance felt his cock twitch.  She shivered again, arching her hips up so that he slid a little bit further into her.  Her nails grew longer until they were scratching hard enough into his shoulders to leave angry red marks. 
He could see her canines protruding and he knew she was fighting off not only her orgasm, but a shift. 
“We can’t go back if you regret this…”
“I only want you, my love!” she whimpered, rolling her hips to beg her husband for what she wanted, “please, Lance…”
“I love you, Annalise!” he proclaimed as he leaned down and bit into the flesh of her neck, marking her and opening up the mating bond.
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“It was horrible, Jake…I-“
“Hey-hey, it’s okay!” Jake sighed.  He held his younger sister while she sobbed against his chest, “it’s nothing you did.  It-“
“He really did that?” Ransom asked quietly, looking at Lance. 
The nymph king nodded, looking at his wife and brother-in-law, “yeah…they couldn’t break through the charms you put on the kingdom.  So it was just…there.”
Samantha’s jaw tensed and she glared at her brother.  Jefferson looked away from the couple, embarrassed over his orders. 
“They weren’t welcome…and they knew it.”
Jake looked to Ransom, who was holding onto his arm.  He had barely realized that he had stood and was in his sister’s face.  Her nostrils flared, “listen to your husband…and back off, Jake.”
Jake continued to glare at his sister for a moment.  He was trying to read her, to read the situation, but nothing was happening.  He couldn’t figure out how she had managed to change in such a short amount of time. 
“Jake…please,” Ransom tried again, tugging on his husband’s arm.  Jake looked back to his husband who was warily eyeing Jefferson.  His attention focused on the wood nymph king.  He looked nothing like he had just a few months ago.  The joyous, but fair king looked tired and worn down.  Almost like he belonged in a madhouse, not a castle, “please sit down, mate…”
“This isn’t you…” Jake said softly, staring down Jefferson as he sat back in his chair, “I know this isn’t you.”
“You don’t know me, Jake,” she spat, pulling her brother’s attention back to herself.  Jake watched as she cradled her stomach, the bump now visible, “I’m going to be a mother soon…and this war is going to get bloody…I need to know that my future-our legacy is protected.”
“So you’re just going to go around murdering people who knock on your door, looking for help?” he asked, directing the question to Jefferson.
He swallowed nervously, and Samantha took his hand.  He looked up at her hopefully and she spoke firmly to Jake, “I will do whatever it takes, Jake…maybe you and your husband should go home to the safety of your kingdom…the woods are dangerous nowadays…haven’t you heard?”
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“I’m not leaving without you, little flame.”
She stared at him, her heart racing.  She was still trying to process how Lloyd had not only managed to get into the mountain, but had ended up in the nursery.
“Y-you shouldn’t be here….”
“I don’t care!” he said quickly, rushing up to her.  She took a step back and towards the bassinets, placing herself in front of them, her first thought was that he was trying to take Nick and Jennifer’s son.  He frowned, “I-I’m not here for the hatchlings…I’m here for you, little flame!”
“Stop calling me that!”
His frown lines set a little harder as his sadness turned into confusion, “why?  Why can’t I call you that?  That’s what you are!  You’re my little flame…and I’m your storm cloud….”
“What about Suzanne, huh?”
“Suzanne’s gone!” he growled, feeling angry that he had to defend why he was coming for her, “after Lance let the nymphs do what they wanted, she decided to go be with her true mate…a woodland nymph.  And I want to be with you.”
“L-Lloyd…we don’t work…”
He closed the space between them, his hand reaching out to grab hers and place it over his chest, “you tell me this doesn’t work.  Tell me you don’t feel how hard you make my heart beat.  How fast it goes when you’re around.  Tell me that you don’t feel the same now that I’m here.”
“I-I can’t leave, Lloyd…this is my home…”
“Make a home with me…like we always talked about when we first got together,” he begged, “let me show you how much the world can offer us, little flame.  We can run and-“
“Why can’t you stay here then?” she asked quickly, cutting him off. 
“Because he’s supposed to kill Lance!”
The pair turned towards the voice, immediately breaking away from one another.
Nick was staring angrily at them. 
“King Nick.”
Nick chuckled at the woman’s obedience and loyalty to him, “you don’t need to bow…you are a loyal subject.  You are the midwife to my sons…but he is not welcome in the mountain until he brings me Lance’s head and the dagger he used to sweep it from his body.”
“I’m not going to do that, Nick…”
Nick smiled, “did you forget our little conversation, Hansen?”
“Little flame…I-I need you to trust me!  We need to leave…now.”
“I-I’ve never left the mountain to live somewhere else, Lloyd…everything I have is here.  Ev-“
“We can have a new life!” he said quickly, trying to convince her, “please!”
“She’s not going anywhere with you, Lloyd…”
“Yes she is.  She-“
But Lloyd’s words died in his throat when Nick pulled her towards his chest and produced a dagger which he held at her throat, “it’s very unwise to show up back here without what you promised me.  Very unwise, Lloyd…”
“Please,” Lloyd begged, his eyes already going teary at the thought of losing her, “Nick…you don’t have to do this.  Lance doesn’t want your son.  He doesn’t want a war to happen.  It’s already bad enough with Jefferson trying to attack the water kingdom, bu-“
“The war is here, Lloyd…and we all have parts to play,” he warned “you need to play your part to get your happy ending.”
“My king…” she whimpered, suddenly putting everything together in her head, “please…I do not wish to go with him…I-“
“Shut up!” he growled, pressing the knife a little against more against her throat.  Lloyd wanted to take a step towards her, but he knew if he did, Nick might slit it, “do you still have the dagger?”
“Yes!” Lloyd answered.  He pulled the dagger from his clothes and held it out.  Nick eyed the bed, and Lloyd tossed it gently onto the bed, “I-I want no part in this…just let-“
“If you won’t do it…then I will!” Nick proclaimed.  He drew his hand away with such speed that no one knew what was happening.  Lloyd stood stock still staring at the love of his life.  Her lips parted and Lloyd took a step forward. 
A thin sliver of red dripped from her throat.  She looked at Lloyd and dropped to her knees.  Blood began to pool out of the wound, and that’s when reality struck him in the face. 
He rushed her, dropping to his knees, “no.  NO!  Little flame!”
The blood stained her clothes, covered his hands as he tried to put enough pressure over her throat to stop the bleeding, but it was to no avail. 
Lloyd screamed as his love began to die in his arms.  Nick stood in his corner of the room, watching it unfold.
The door creaked open and Jennifer took in the sight of Nick with a bloodied knife, and her midwife bleeding out on the floor of the bedroom; Lloyd crying, begging for some miracle to happen so that she didn’t die. 
But her tanned skin was already paling.  Her lips already going blue as the light inside of her eyes went out.  Jennifer felt a sense of dread coming over her as she looked at her husband, “Nick…what have you done?”
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
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sevengardens · 15 days
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d1shsoapart · 1 year
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Iiit's Blaze!! Fae're looking a little more serious than usual.
process Reel below :)
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elenaferndale · 5 months
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Finished the portrait of Sillah - another one of my oc. She has some awesome fire-magic that I really love writing about! She can draw out inflammation from wounds and illnesses, she can heat up things around her and she is always warm and lovely - a perfect friend 💕
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e-icreator23 · 2 months
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forgot to upload this one
Nymph!Fire and Underblood belong to @foxalone
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Hidden Sisters, Chapter 11
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  mentions of violence, manipulation, angst, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of war.
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The air in the mountain was thicker than normal.  Ari could feel it as Nadia clung to his side, Sage tucked against her neck, nuzzling it for comfort. 
“It’ll be okay,” she promised the small creature.  He chittered nervously and Ari regretted making his mate and child come up here.  But Jefferson stood beside him, a firm look on his face, “Jefferson will protect us…right cousin?”
“I will protect you both to the best of my ability…you are under my protection as subjects of my realm,” he reassured her softly.  Then he spared Ari a glance, “keep your emotions in check…and follow my lead at all times…this is going to be…interesting.”
Jefferson’s guard was loyal, making sure that no one could so much as get close to them, while they went towards a section that was set up especially for the royals.  That’s when Ari locked eyes with Lance, and he looked at Nadia.  Nadia’s grip on her mate tightened ever so slightly, and Ari snarled at the water nymph.
“Easy, Ari,” Jefferson warned, looking at the shifter.  Ari protectively wrapped his arm around her and held her against his chest, “cousin…so kind of you to show…”
“We have to at these types of events,” Lance said in a smug tone, “there may just be a shift in the power, cousin.”
“I doubt it,” Jefferson said in an assured tone, “you know of all of us, Nick was the most powerful.  He’s the eldest…and he’s a fire and water nymph…are you hoping that our cousin perishes so you can attempt a siege on his lands?”
“Hardly,” he scoffed, “I only showed because I knew you would do what is right and bring back what is mine…even if Nick refused.”
Ari was unable to stop his lip from curling at the statement that insinuated he would dare give up Nadia.
“I wonder what your soon to be wife would wonder if she heard you speak in such a tone.”
Lance frowned, his jaw tightened as he glared at Jefferson, “I see you are also here without your betrothed, Jefferson…is everything alright on that front?”
“I’m keeping my mate safe…she and I talk…” The water behind Lance swirled up from the pitcher and Jefferson scoffed, “Cousin…you are far too temperamental for your own good.”
“Nadia belongs to my realm…and you know it.  Give her back.”
“She’s been mated and marked, cousin…she has chosen to go her own way and separate herself from the fire and water kingdoms…” Lance told him honestly.  He looked at Nadia and nodded.  She bit her lip before letting go of Ari and pulled the hood down from her cloak to expose her neck where a mating mark had freshly healed.  Ari pulled his own hood down and revealed a similar mark.  Lance glared between them, “she and her mate have sought asylum in my realm, and I have granted it.  They are under my protection.”
Lance sighed, “you are making a foolhardy mistake, cousin…I do not let go of what is mine very easily and you know that.”
“Today is not about our qualms, cousin…” Jefferson reminded him as he looked back at the full arena where most of the fire kingdom was sat, the middle of which held Nick and his general angry glaring at one another, “speaking of which, do you know where his bride is?”
Lance huffed and nodded his head towards the door where a Mexican standoff seemed to be occurring.  Ari’s mouth opened and he looked at a very nervous looking Jake and his twin, who were surrounded by Ransom and Nick’s guards. 
“Apparently they caught the wolf here late last night…trying to convince his sister to leave…” Lance scoffed, “guess Ransom told him what happens if her prospective husband loses.”
“What is he talking about?” Ari asked nervously as Jake attempted to move towards them but was stopped by the two sets of guards.  Ari looked at his wife and she gave him a sad look.
“If Nick loses, his general will execute him…and my guess is that since he’s already found a mate in Ember, her as well…”
“You can’t let that happen, Jefferson!” Ari said nervously as he looked at his brother, “sh-she’s my half-sister.  That-“
“Well now that they know the brother is involved, Kemp would probably execute him too!” Lance smirked, “Would you like to be added to the list, Selkie?”
“Do not threaten my subjects, Lance,” Jefferson warned, shooting his cousin a look, “they are here at my request, and I will not tolerate you being a brat.”
“Your subjects?” He growled, standing up, “they are both mine.  The only one that isn’t, is that bastard on her shoulder.”
Sage shrunk back against Nadia’s neck and Ari began growling once more.
“I have granted them, asylum, cousin,” Jefferson reminded him once more, “if you say another word to insult them, I’ll have to take action…cousin.”
“Another word,” Lance taunted, “go ahead and see if I care, Jefferson.  My kingdom is powerful…and my subjects have no qualms about following me into a battle.”
“You run your subjects on fear mongering!” Jefferson hissed, “I give my subjects a choice.”
“And soon, after our cousin is gone and his bitch and her twin are disposed of, I’ll work with General Kemp and destroy your silly little woods…and Ransom’s little hideaway…and when I’m walking over the salted ashes that will be the remains of your kingdoms, I’ll take my bride…and what belongs to me…you are a fool, cousin…”
“Actually, I believe that it’s you that’s a fool,” Ari hissed, pointing to the arena where Nick was cutting down his general, “good luck taking anyone down without an ally, you ass.”
Everyone became silent as Nick took his sword and plunged it through his general’s chest.  The sickening slice made Nadia turn into Ari’s chest, but Ari could only look down at the scene in front of him.  He briefly saw Ember for a moment in the crowd, before she, too, fled, like the coward she was.
Nick was bruised, but he was the victor. 
“I am making a call for court!” Lance proclaimed, shouting it from the balcony, “The victor and champion of the fire nymphs may remain its king, but I call for an answer to the water nymph who hid amongst them.  I demand my subject be returned to her rightful place.  Nadia of the Mountain should be mine!”
Nick looked up at the balcony, surprised to have seen his younger sister standing there.  Ari glared at the nymph, but it was Jefferson who stepped forward, “Nadia of the mountain has sought asylum in the realm of the wood…and it has been granted for her and her mate.  The sister of Nick and princess of the mountain has mated and been marked by her husband, Ari Levinson, selkie, and son of Rogers.”
“We shall hear your call for court, in one night’s time!” Nick agreed.  He pulled his sword from the corpse of his general and looked to his soon-to-be wife who was giving him a sad, but grateful look.  His heart ached as he caught the faded bruise on the corner of her lip, the cut still able to be seen from his spot in the arena. 
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“Why didn’t you stand up for her?”
Nick glared at his future wife, his anger coming back to him, “do not give me these lectures, Jennifer.  I’m tired an-“
“I don’t care if you’re tired,” she seethed, glaring at him, “she’s your sister, and you’re letting your cousins fight over her like she’s some prize.”
“She will be fine…she’s an adult who made her own choices.  She-“
“She is supposed to have you in her corner.  You are her brother,” she hissed, pushing him yet again.  Nick glared at her as she stalked around to the other side of the bed, “you are a coward!”
“I’m not a coward!”
“Yes, you are.  You ar-“
Her words stopped when he let out an angry yell, hurtling a ball of fire at her.  A puff of smoke filled the room, as the flames engulfed her…but only for a moment.  When the smoke billowed away from her Nick’s jaw dropped. 
She was unscathed. 
“Y-you’re pregnant…”
“Y-you’re unharmed…that means that we-“
Jennifer’s breath hitched in her throat as her mind went back to just a few weeks ago when she and Nick had shared a bed the way that two people who were betrothed often would.
Chapter 12
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
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nia1sworld · 18 days
Nymph! Fire: Barbara..I haven't seen you act so friendly towards Moon very often, weren't you both friends or just....a couple or something?
I'm not jealous or upset, I'm just curious
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Nymph!Fire and Underblood belongs to @foxalone
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sugumaru · 4 months
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My characters for me and my friends campaign / roleplay minus Navith because im procrastinating drawing him
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belzeboba · 3 months
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Slavic outfit for my dndsona, a water genasi or topielica?
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morverenmaybewrites · 6 months
I dont wanna say this but girl we should stop being obsessed with dead people. It's unhealty
What do you mean, anon? Do you mean Yoriichi Tsugikuni?
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Or Kyoujurou Rengoku?
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Because let me tell you, anon, I am not on this site because I have healthy coping mechanisms. Like. At all.
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ak-177 · 1 year
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Darling, darling, darling
I fall to pieces when I'm with you
I fall to pieces
My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme
and all of my peaches are ruined
My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends
And all my black beaches are ruined
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Hidden Sisters, Chapter 20
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings:  angst, mentions of abandonment/abandonment issues, hints of violence/assassins, dark OC, threats of murder.
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Annalise stared, bewildered at her older brother and his husband, “wh-what are you two saying?”
“We are here to help,” Ransom smiled softly, “we have seen what you have done for your people.  What Lance has done to help his subjects, and it is not in my nature to just stand by while an injustice happens…not if I can help.”
“We are truly grateful for you and your husband’s assistance to our kingdom, King Ransom!” Lance offered, looking blissfully at the hidden entrance to the new water kingdom, “we are few in number, but-“
“It’s enchanted!  Or well, the enchantments will be finished in a week,” Ransom said, cutting him off, “no one that should not be here, will not be.  Your kingdom will not be able to be reached unless they are a water nymph or have been granted access by one of your own.”
Lance nodded, tears lining his eyes, “my people will love it…thank you.”
“We just want you to be safe!” Jake sighed from beside his husband.  Ransom put his arm around Jake’s waist, and the wolf whimpered ever so slightly, “I-I’m sorry for how I reacted when you left, Annalise…I just-“
“You were scared!”
Jake nodded, terrified to be talking to his little sister about his concerns.  But Ransom squeezed Jake’s hip gently, reminding him that he was still there and on his side, “I thought that he wasn’t right for you and that you would end up hurt…”
“I’ve done everything in my power to protect her!” Lance replied, slightly angered by the insinuation that he wouldn’t try to protect his mate. 
“I jus-I just started getting to know you and Sam though!” Jake whimpered, still looking at his sister, “and you were both so wrapped up in finding your mates…and I get it…I do!”
Ransom gave his husband a soft look, knowing just how much pain he was in and how alone he’d felt when he’d first met him.
“I think Jake is trying to say that he reacted poorly because Jennifer rushed off to be with Nick…and they don’t have that much of a relationship…and then you ran off with Lance…and Samantha was infatuated with Jefferson, and after you ran off, she did to…he just felt abandoned…”
Annalise felt her heart breaking for her older brother as she looked at him, “J-Jake…I didn’t abandon you…”
“i-I know…Ransom and I talked about it a lot…you were just following your heart…” Jake replied softly, “I would have done the same thing…I just-you never kept in touch…so I-“
Jake’s words stopped when his younger sister charged him, wrapping her arms around him, “I’m sorry, Jake…”
He sighed again, slumping against his sister’s arms, “Annie….I-“
“I’m sorry!” she repeated, this time nuzzling against him as well.  Jake felt a rumble in his chest as he accepted the comfort that he knew he was craving. 
“It’s okay…I just-don’t disappear on me…okay?  I-I can’t handle it when people just disappear on me…”
“I won’t, Jake…never again.”
He sighed against her, his rumbles lulling both of the siblings as they held one another.  Ransom smiled and rested his arm over Lance’s shoulders, “so good that they’re making up…”
“While I appreciate what you’re doing for us…get your hands off me, Ransom.  You’re still a dick to the rest of the free world.”
“So are you buddy!” Ransom said with a knowing grin, “but we’re soft for our Jensen mates…”
“Yeah!” Lance sighed, lovingly looking at the woman that he loved, “I’d take on the world if I needed to…but only for her.”
“Wait until you two have kids together…I’d do anything for our girls…”
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“I had to,” Nick said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest, “things were getting too quiet over there, and it’s not like the assassin did their job.  So-“
Nick felt the color draining for his face, and his throat dry up as he admitted to his wife and mate what he’d been doing behind her back. 
“Lance was trying to take our child…”
“He sent Lloyd…once…and then he made that speech about allowing water nymphs to come and go as they pleased…he wasn’t going to take our child!”
“That was a trick!”
“Really?” she scoffed, “you had nymphs coming to us, saying that they chose to see you as the king because you’re a dual nymph and you thought it was some sort of trap?”
“Wouldn’t you?”
But he was promptly cut off when Jennifer slapped him hard across the face. 
“You don’t have to like him, you ass, but you don’t go burning down his kingdom because you’re feeling threatened.”
Nick’s jaw tensed as he glared at his wife, “I’m not threatened…”
“Listen to yourself,” she scoffed again, “you brought in an assassin to go after him.  You attacked his village and burned it to the ground.  You’re the one starting a war here, not him!”
“No…no…it is all a ploy…he’ll come after us!” Nick said wildly, “we have to think of our kingdom, Jennifer.  Of the boys.  It’ll only be a matter of time until Jefferson joins in.  We have to hit them too!”
“You’re insane…”
“I’m thinking about you and the boys, Jennifer.”
“You’re thinking about yourself…and your paranoia.  And your own ambitions!” she answered, “and we’re not here for it.”
“My lord…”
“Not now!” Nick growled, glaring at the guard who had shown up at the door to his chambers.
“We’ve found a spy, my lord!” the guard replied, not bothered by the fact that he was interrupting the conversation between Jennifer and Nick.  He tossed down a woodland dagger that was fitted with intricate detailing on the wooden handle and ivy etchings along the blade, “the woodland nymphs aren’t hiding in the shadows now that news is out about the water kingdom.”
Nick’s nostrils flared as he stared at the weaponry, “where did you find this?”
“Deep within the mountain…Antara and Vulcani found it on their patrols…”
Nick turned towards his wife, a wild look in his eyes, “do you wish to discredit me now, wife?  Because we have either a traitor or infiltrator somewhere in this mountain.”
Jennifer felt worry creeping into her bones as she stared at the blade.  Her gaze turned back to the two bassinets where her hatchlings were sleeping. 
“My lord?”
“Well?” Nick asked teasingly to his wife, “what is it that you’ll have me do, my queen?”
“This war is your fault, Nick,” she spat, tears lining her eyes as she tore them away from her boys and looked towards her husband, “you started it…so you take care of it…but if anyone from my family dies…it’s because of you and you alone.  That blood is on your hands.”
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“I don’t care!  Turn them away!”
Jefferson’s throat tightened as he looked at the disheveled looking water nymphs who stood in front of his guards.
“Have any of them committed any crimes?” he asked, over the microphone, ignoring his wife’s disapproving comments.
The guards turned back to the nymphs and began to question them once more.  Jefferson looked back to his pregnant wife. 
“Don’t touch me,” she spat, pushing herself away from him.  Jefferson frowned, feeling the anger across their bond.  She held her stomach and turned towards him after a minute, “you don’t care about us at all, do you?”
“Wh-what?  How could you say that?” he asked, “I’ve done everything that you’ve asked of me.  I made sure our walls were fortified once you found out you were pregnant.  We’re married and mated per your customs and mine.  You’re the queen of the woodland nymphs.  I made sure our home is bigger and more well-equipped to handle our future children-“
“But you let those…things in.”
Jefferson frowned, “they are our subjects, Sa-“
“They aren’t!” she hissed, “you’re spreading the kingdom too thin by letting every refugee that wants to come in have a seat at the table.”
“They are still nymphs and beings that are alive!” he justified, “and I will not turn someone away who has done no wrong so that I-“
“We are suffering because of you!” she spat, glaring at him. 
“No crimes my king!”
“What would you have me do then, my love?” he asked painfully, not daring to look back to the guards or the camera until his wife let him, “say it and I’ll do it…”
“Shut down the kingdom!” she said firmly.  “our subjects are not free to traipse about anymore…not until this war is over.”
“And I want these refugees heads on spikes!” she continued, cutting him off with a deathly glare, “I want everyone to know that we aren’t to be played, Jefferson!”
“But Samanth-“
“You said…whatever I wanted.”
Jefferson looked nervously back to the camera that showed his guard who was awaiting his instructions.  Behind the guard he could see them.  Only about eight or so people, but they didn’t look like a threat.  They had come to his gates for help.
“There are children…”he said helplessly, looking back to his wife.
“I want their heads…show me that you can protect me, mate…” she said slowly, “show me that you can protect our future children…”
Chapter 21
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
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leopardmuffinxo · 9 months
what if i made a tav to smooch he who was...
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ivyprism · 7 months
Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Rewrite (Info Dump)
Warning: Famine, death, etc. Rewrite of my OCs!
Delilah - Skeleton OC
Personality: Delilah is a lively and enthusiastic individual. She is the life of the party and throws lavish parties for the community and her friends whenever possible. She is very outgoing and really strong. She enjoys talking about her sister and frequently works hard at the diner that she and her sister manage. She is a pacifist who prefers to employ quiet solutions to diffuse situations rather than violence, although this does not preclude her from using violence to defend herself. She avoids those she considers dangerous and can be abrupt and unpleasant with them.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster at about 6'1" in height. She has pink eye lights. She has a tail that reaches her ankles and freckles on her bones.
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Shelly - Skeleton OC
Personality: Shelly is a relaxed, lazy skeleton. She can often be found sunbathing and resting in the sun. She is quite chill and frequently comes across as laid-back and kind. She is more of a helping character, although she is an extrovert who makes friends quickly. She enjoys telling jokes. She has a blazing temper and is really blunt. She can come across as extremely harsh when it comes to threats against her sister. She is incredibly observant and adept at reading a room. She can detect a little shift in mood rather fast. She co-owns a diner with her younger sister, Delilah, and acts as its face.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster with rose-pink eyes. She has a scar on her left eye. She is 5'4". She has a tail.
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Blaire - Fire Monster OC
Personality: She is a harsh, impatient fire creature. She has a fiery temper (no pun intended) and aims for the throat. She's actually extremely kind, and she speaks quietly so as not to bother people. She is popular with the majority of her community, but as a former Royal Guardsman, she has a poor reputation. She sticks to tough love, and when she's annoyed, her flames become brighter. She can be antagonistic at first, but as you get to know her, she can be really nice and considerate. She is not scared to show her affection for her sister and will never let anyone harm her, even if it means jeopardizing her life.
Appearance: Blaire is a dark pink fire monster. She is about 6'3". She is muscular in physique and can probably benchpress a tree. She has a pierced tongue and eyebrow. She has a pair of horns because of her demonic ancestral heritage. She has a scar on her right eye.
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Cherry - Fire Monster OC
Personality: Cherry is a fierce and brave individual. She never backs down from a fight and is confident in her ability to prevail. She is self-assured and fully confident in her abilities. She is a flirtatious woman who attracts people like a flame (pun intended). She bites with sass and a rough tone. She is rude and ruthless, yet she is incredibly skilled at fighting. She's willing to get her hands filthy to protect her sister and pals. She is not scared to bite and show off her bark at the same time. She is frequently seen lying back and relaxing. She's handling her various challenges in treatment like a pro.
Appearance: She is a dark pink fire monster. She has a jagged scar on her lip. She has a pair of horns because of her ancestral heritage. She has a pierced tongue. She is very muscular and strong. She is 5'7".
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Aurelia - Bird Monster OC
Personality: Aurelia is an extremely social and optimistic person. She may be tough and direct. She goes for the throat and does not back down when it comes to fighting. She is happy and relaxed. She has a short fuse but exudes emotional control. She's abrupt and harsh. She tries to help people wherever possible. She enjoys helping others. She does not try to be nice or polite since she prefers to avoid dealing with dangers. She's hostile, but she has the disposition of a saint. She isn't overpowering, yet she takes certain matters quite seriously. Because she is an introvert, she allows others space when necessary. She is highly protective of her loved ones and works hard.
Appearance: She is a bird monster. She has large wings and talons for feet. She has rose orange eyes. She is 6'5". She has gorgeous orange feathers. She has a lanky form.
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Astra - Bird Monster OC
Personality: She is full of energy, a positive attitude, and strength. She is upbeat and cheery, always eager to help those in need, and expresses her admiration and love for her pals through words and cuddles. She isn't scared to be herself, and she values her friendships and family. That is why she is so adored and loved. Everyone adores her, and everyone adores her in turn. She is excellent at fighting and protecting her loved ones. She is an excellent cook as well as a dedicated soldier. She enjoys being the center of attention. She always brings a breath of fresh air to her friends.
Appearance: She is a bird monster. She has talons and large wings. She has light blue eyes. She has gorgeous blue feathers. She has a muscular form. She is 5'1".
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Rainee - Mermaid OC
Personality: She is a really tough and strong individual. She is a well-known prankster who has caused havoc in the lives of many. She enjoys pranking others and always gets away with it. She is a cold person who will not allow anyone get past her defenses. She is shy around strangers, but once they get over her defensiveness, they discover she is rather cheeky. She cares for her younger sister Razz as much as she can, even raising her. She is very charismatic and has a beautiful voice. She is remarkably calm and relaxed, but she is nonetheless harsh and has a more dangerous bite than her bark. She is a bartender at Shelly's establishment.
Appearance: She has long white hair with purple highlights in her hair and her eyes are dark purple. She also has a nasty scar on her left eye. She has a lanky build and a little muscle. She is 6'4".
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Orazia - Mermaid OC
Personality: She is a very lovely and calm lady who cares after her friends and family while they are intoxicated. She is both a hyperactive and compassionate person. She enjoys assisting others and is well-liked in her community. She's fiery and sassy. She is pleasant and engaging, as well as straightforward and honest, with a slightly harsh and frigid attitude toward strangers and newcomers. She is aware of her actions and seems disinterested, which is the one lie she will tell you. Her most treasured attribute is her honesty, and she despises it when others deceive her. She will become annoyed when someone who tells her a lie (unless it is about or from her sister).
Appearance: She has light purple eyes, as do many of her contemporaries. Her hair is long and white, but it's usually tied in a braid. She has light purple highlights. She has a muscular but chubby physique. She is 5'3".
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(But more purple!)
Misty - Skeleton OC
Personality: Misty dislikes being the focus of attention and is extremely self-conscious and quiet. Despite this, she is quite optimistic! She is kindhearted and kind, and she has maintained her decent and soft side despite being exploited on numerous occasions. She is a mother-hen who sincerely cares for others. She dislikes it when individuals emerge out of nowhere or touch her unexpectedly. She becomes tight and afraid when this happens because of how many times she has been attacked. She is attempting to improve her social skills as a result of all that has happened. She is incredibly sensitive and would cry whenever she accidently harms a spider.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster at about 7'1" in height. She has pink eye lights. She has a tail that reaches her ankles and freckles on her bones. Most of the time, she is shown wearing a face mask. She has large fangs and teeth.
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Lunette - Skeleton OC
Personality: When she meets new individuals, she is harsh and abrupt. She will be more compassionate and kind to those she knows. She, like her sister, is highly sensitive and self-conscious, and she regrets the numerous crimes she committed to survive. She doesn't trust people readily and frequently acts as she did in the Underground to scare away those who approach her, leaving only a few people. She is extremely protective of individuals she considers family, and will cut someone if they pose a threat to them. She becomes irritated or aggressive when someone attempts to get too close to her.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster with rose-pink eyes. She has a scar on her left eye. She is 6'4". She has a tail. She is blind in her left eye. She wears a mask in public and refuses to remove it unless she is with her sister or someone she has complete trust in. When she removes her mask, she reveals a slew of jagged scars on her face. She has two prominent scars on her eyes, three scars on her lip (as if she had been slapped with claws), and one on her right eye.
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Delena - Sea Nymph OC
Personality: Delena adores dancing and desires that everyone could feel the dance in her soul. She typically encourages others to express themselves through dancing in the same way that she does. She exudes enthusiasm and confidence. She is not afraid of her innate powers, and she is fully aware of them. She is brilliant and courageous. She is fearless and helps her with hand-eye coordination. Her students adore her because she is so lovely and attentive. When she has to, she urges her sister to dance with her. She enjoys herself, demonstrates her inherent talents, and is easy to get along with. She continuously encourages others to express themselves through dance.
Appearance: She is a sea nymph. She has scales, can turn into a mermaid form, and has light purple skin. Her hair is white (long and wavy). She usually wears a rose in her hair. She is 6'1".
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Stella - Sea Nymph OC
Personality: She is an aloof, cold woman. She is a graceful ballet dancer with a secondary talent for hip-hop. She needs to be convinced to dance with others and make friends with them. She is a popular teacher among her kids since she is polite and nice. Despite her obvious enjoyment of dancing, she is cautious to do so due to her trauma. She feels self-conscious and needs to be encouraged to dance. She either rejects or accepts them, but you won't know until you try. She strives to aid everyone, yet she does so in a way that everyone understands. She ensures that everyone understands that this is not the end, but rather the start.
Appearance: She is a sea nymph. She has scales, can turn into a mermaid form, and has light purple skin. Her hair is white (long and wavy). She has a scar on her right eye and a bit of make up on her eyes sometimes. She appears to be slightly muscular, but petite. She is 5'5".
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fr-familiar-bracket · 9 months
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d1shsoapart · 2 years
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b a b y
I may have brainrot - did this yesterday, forgot to post :) BLAZEEE!! I swear you will get other things and people I promise-
[Post image description: Image shows a person with grey skin, salt and pepper freckles, short, ginger hair cut into a fringe, two antlers - one of which is broken off at the top - and lop goat ears, and red eyes with black sclera. Fae are posed standing on some railings, balancing on one foot and leaning to the left, holding on to a higher railing with faer right hand.
Fae are wearing a bright rainbow oversized jumper tucked under a low, flat-topped green-black vest, both of which are tucked into bright yellow, orange, red, green, and blue tatty patchwork loose-fit jeans. Fae are also wearing green, blue, and turquoise Velcro trainers.
The background shows blurred building silhouettes and a blurred tree nearby faer.]
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