#first RPF
captmuldoon · 1 month
hey remember when assad was talking about armand's "looks of love" while looking at eric. can we go back to this for a sec.
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serethereal · 8 months
i think rpf is okay because it makes my mutuals happy
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frogstappen · 4 days
𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐧𝐥
best friend!max verstappen x reader / 3k
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you watch max's home race from the red bull garage.
⚠️: description of major crash, some mentions of injury. sickly sweet friendship with a hint of something more. jealous!max, soft!max, cheeky!max.
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“I got some snacks for you. Where are the –?”
The bag rustles as you lift it. “Pretzels. Got them.”
“And you know where the bathroom is? Out that door, down the corridor –”
“Max,” you push his arm down, “You know who we sound like right now?”
His eyebrows lift. “Who?”
You giggle. “You and GP. Radio, check. Headset, check. Bathroom, check.”
Max sighs, propping a hand on his hip. He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just – listen to me, please, okay?”
“I’m going to be fine,” you assure him. “I’ve watched you from the garage a thousand times before.”
“Yeah, well, you haven’t been down here in a while. I’m just making sure.”
The track is already deafening. The roar of tens of thousands of bloodthirsty Formula One fans isn’t quite as earthshaking as that of twenty racecars – but Jesus, there’s not much in it.
The attendance in Zandvoort this weekend has reached well over three hundred thousand. Earlier, you stood out front to watch the drivers’ parade with some of the team.
Max lifted his head as the bus turned the last corner and trundled down the main straight. The crowd thundered all around. He caught your eye and, with a smirk, lifted a waggling hand – and you felt your bones vibrating with the cheering.
An orange sea parted by a strip of black asphalt; they twirl flags between thick clouds of tangerine smoke. They paint their faces and wave their banners, topple their drinks with the thrill that just a half-second glimpse at their Dutch Lion ignites.
Formula One fans go hard. Max Verstappen fans go harder.
An assistant taps Max’s shoulder. She flicks up the mic on her headset as he turns. “Three minutes to anthem.”
He nods, and she totters off.
“Promise me,” he takes hold of your elbows, “that you’ll stay right here. I’ll find you after, okay? One of the guys will bring you to the podium.”
“Confident,” you snort, though his expression tightens.
Your phone buzzes on the desk. You flip it over and the screen lights a name adorned with a heart emoji. Beneath, a picture of the classic overhead of the grid, stretched across a flatscreen TV.
Bet your view is better than mine! Miss you. X
Max grumbles, grabbing his balaclava. “I should go.”
“Hey, wait.” You tug on the sleeve of his suit, dangling from his waist.
He sways back into your side, the weight of him familiar and gentle. “Mhm?”
“Have a good one, okay? Be safe.”
“Safe?” He smirks, toying with the cord of your headset. “That’s no fun.”
“I’m serious, Max. Don’t be a dick.”
Okay, he mouths, patting your head. “Speaking of dicks,” he taps your phone, “Better reply.”
His head tilts back in laughter when you shove him off, and he swaggers out of the garage. An assistant hoists a parasol in the air and scurries down the pit lane at his side.
He’s so calm, you think, that he may as well be out for a Sunday drive. It comes naturally enough to him.
He’s on pole today. The car has been good, Max’s form even better. The sky is clear (save for the fans’ fluorescent flares), and there’s no chance of rain – though, sometimes, you find yourself praying for it.
He’s Dutch, okay? The rain is always on his side.
It’s been a decent weekend, for once. No hiccups, no setbacks. He’s soared his way around the track, producing lap after perfect lap. The way he always does, when he knows you’re somewhere nearby.
His lucky charm, since his first go around a karting track. So Max says, anyway.
He’ll say it with humor; that wit of his that you’ve learned like a second language. Still – sometimes, after his hardest races, his toughest battles, he wraps his arms around you tight enough to convince you that he might just be telling the truth.
Just for a moment.
You’ve been best friends for as long as you can remember. Never one without the other; always whispering into each other’s ears or otherwise communicating through flashes of eye contact, kicks under the table.
Wherever he goes, you go. You bicker like a married couple, and trust each other much the same. From the school playground to the Circuit de Monaco – and everywhere in between.
The orchestra swings to life, sending the sound of Wilhelmus skyward. Onscreen in the garage, the camera focuses in on Max: calm, composed, staring off down to the first corner like it’s his next meal.
Nothing has ever happened between you. Not really. No secret rendezvous nor dear diary crushes. Once, and only once, a chaste kiss during a high school game of spin the bottle.
It was about as awkward as it should’ve been. This quick, electric shock of a kiss. Over all too soon and not soon enough. He tasted like the lager he’d been drinking. He steadied himself with a hand on your thigh.
You sat back on your heels, wiped your lips with the sleeve of your sweater, and aped Max’s look of disgust. You snickered with your girlfriends as the circle moved on – but anytime you snuck a glance at him, he was already looking straight back.
He never brought it up again, though – and so neither did you. As far as either of you were concerned, it never happened. You’re just friends.
Best, best friends.
This new guy you’ve been seeing – you met him in a bar in London. He said he liked your dress, said he liked your smile, then offered to buy you a drink. It’s been no more than six weeks, but Max had already quietly decided his thoughts over summer break.
He’s a nice guy, he said, deliberately bumping his rubber ring into yours.
You pushed away from him, floating across the pool. Nice? That’s all you got?
What do you want me to say? I’m not the one dating him.
I just don’t believe that nice is all you have to say. You’re not that good at pretending. I know you too well, Verstappen.
Okay, fine. Too much styling of the hair.
Too much…What?
Yeah. And he wears weird shoes.
Well, he likes F1. Said he’s a fan of yours.
Ha, Max clicked his fingers, That’s the biggest red flag of them all.
Your phone buzzes again. You turn it facedown without looking, and pull your headset on.
The circuit shudders as the anthem comes to an end. The drivers split up, pulling off ice vests and zipping up their suits. The mechanics prop chairs in front of the screen, thumping their helmets over their heads.
Almost ten years in, the anxiety still hangs heavy in your stomach. The rumble of the engines, the babble from the loudspeakers. The rapid-fire orders shot over your head in the garage.
It comes naturally to Max, sure – that doesn’t mean it’s easy for you.
You watch him as he lowers into his car. Eyes narrow and focused, blurring everything but that first bend from his vision. All good humor shaken off, replaced by a vicious hunger to hit the end of the straight first, to be a speck on the horizon before the first lap is through.
Your thumb picks at the 33 sticker on the side of your headset. You burst open the bag of pretzels.
Max checks the radio and GP replies: “Loud and clear.”
“Beautiful day,” the driver says, weaving through the formation lap. “Simply lovely.”
You smile, suckling on the salty snack. As nervous as you may feel, at least he’s having fun.
He brings the car to a soft stop on his line and waits as the others follow suit. The lights flick on one by one, a painful pause between each. One sharp breath, held at the bottom of your throat, – and the red dissolves.
The Red Bull fires down the track.
Your lungs fill with a gulp of fuel-fumed air. Veins flood with warmth – the ice-cold grip around each nerve thawed as soon as Max begins to lead the flock.
He fights off contenders for first all the way to turn four – snuffing the flame of a Ferrari here, squeezing the papaya of a McLaren there. He catapults ahead just past Hunserug, and the garage springs to cheerful life.
In your headset, the pit wall is serious, fixed on the race. They murmur over wavelengths, static fizzling between words. Voices flat and emotionless; statistics on top of statistics, strategies on top of strategies.
You crush more pretzels between your molars, watching, unblinking. You twist the cord around your index finger, draining the tip of blood, then loosen again as Max puts more than a second between his car and the next.
He’s doing good. He always does good, as far as you’re concerned.
He’s doing what he always says he was made to do. He was raised this way, weathered into shape by each storm he powered his way through. Not born, not destined – Max doesn’t believe in any of that shit.
God doesn’t drive F1 cars, he’ll say. I do.
A couple tense laps pass. The Red Bull is still up front, though he’s tussling with the Ferrari now hot on his tail. Each chance his pursuer takes, each split-second jab at his lead, Max has already squashed before it materializes.
He rips around turn fourteen, following the track through its widest bend down to fifteen, and hits the main straight to thunderous applause. The cars scream past the pits, a roar sliced in two as they barrel straight for Tarzan.
The gap is barely two tenths. The mechanics clutch their helmets. Max taunts the corner on the outside of the track, eyeing his target.
“Defend,” one of the mechanics growls. “Hold him, Max.”
The Ferrari tucks behind, its front wing edging closer and closer.
You blink.
The red car swings out, shuddering with the force of the maneuver. He steadies himself and floors it, each closing centimeter perilous.
Blink again.
They’re side by side. Almost wheel to wheel. There’s no way Max can’t see that scarlet smirk from the corner of his eye. The apex is right there, though, it’s right fucking there.
Another blink, and –
He’s gone.
He’s gone. He’s –
Hurtling off the track. At almost two hundred miles per hour. The gravel spits at him as he spins; smoke and dust billow from beneath. He slams straight into the barrier, and, finally, the moment ends.
Your chest shrinks; a weak wheeze passes your lips. “Oh, my God.”
The mechanics leap to their feet. They bark amongst themselves like a pack of angry dogs, though you can’t make out a word.
Your hearing is shot. Every sound bleeds into the next; one long, high-pitched scream. You move without thinking, without feeling; slip off the stool and tug your headset. It hits the desk with a distant clatter, though you’re already wandering away.
The sound of the crowd rattles against your skull. Numb, muted. An awful groaning sound as the cloud lifts, revealing the chewed-up car.
It’s bad. It’s the worst one in a long time. He must’ve hit that barrier at near-enough full speed. The dread fills your lungs like torrents of heavy, black water. Sickly salt, suffocating sea. Oh, God.
You scan the garage for any of his mechanics. Matt. Ole. Chris. Fucking – any of them. Who did he say would bring you to him when this was over? He said he’d meet you at the podium. He said he’d find you –
A rough hand grabs your elbow.
Max’s face flickers across your vision. Blue steel gaze, freckle above his lip. The dust pulls him away from your grasp. He hits the barrier again and again and again.
“Max –”
The voice is calm – too fucking calm, you think, when it tells you, “He’s talking. They’ve got him talking.”
“Talking,” you echo, begging it to solidify in your brain. “Can you put me on to him?”
The engineer pulls you over to the exit. He plucks at his mic, murmurs some response down the line to the team. He takes your wrist and leads you out, muttering, “C’mon.”
“Hey,” you tug on his arm, “Please let me speak to him.”
“You will,” he replies, snaking through the tight corridor. “Once he’s out, they’ll check him over. He’ll be taken in for evaluation, hitting the wall at that speed. Force must be bloody nuts.”
The thought sends another bitter stream of panic through your blood. “Can he move? Is he –? Can he get out of the car?”
He gives one quick nod. “Medics are there. They’re helping him out.”
Sunlight floods overhead, dazzling as you follow him out front and towards a sleek car. An attendant opens the door for you, and you slide into the backseat.
The engineer gives your shoulder a friendly shake. “He’ll be fine,” he says. “He’s done worse.”
The door falls closed and the car moves off, purring through the paddock towards the medical center.
You slump into your seat and press your fingers into your eyes; a headache already blooming between your temples.
He’s moving. He’s moving and he’s responding. They’re helping him up out of the car. He’s probably already being checked over.
He’s probably already asking for you.
“Jesus Christ,” you groan, fingers dragging down your cheeks.
The center is a polite little hut inside the circuit. By the time you pull up, the race has already resumed. The remaining cars whizz by as you jog over, slipping inside behind a couple guys from Max’s team.
He’s had his fair share of scraps on the track. You don’t make it to the top without a sincere sense of dare, and an even sincerer lack of fear. Some call it idiocy. You’re often one of them.
Sitting on the other side of the clinic door, though – knee jerking, nails picking at the skin on your fingers – you’d be thrilled to never see these four walls ever again. Idiot or not, you care about him.
More than anyone else in your life? Jesus. Probably.
The door clicks open, and your blood jumps.
A pale woman in a pale coat steps out. She peers over her glasses, eyes you from the sneakers on your feet to the worry on your face – and says your name.
You push yourself up, squeezing past her into the room.
Max is perched on the edge of the bed, still in his fireproofs. Hair disheveled, face flushed and exhausted. Translucent with shock or concussion or worse, he lifts his head and flashes a lopsided smile.
It’s weak, barely there – but it’s him.
You care about him more than anyone else in your life. Definitely.
He opens his arms, fingers beckoning you in. “C’mere.”
“Oh, my God,” you sweep over, already in tears by the time you meet his body, “Oh, my God – you fucking idiot.”
His shoulders shudder with a bottled laugh. He wraps his arms around your waist, turning his head against your chest. “How was I supposed to know he was going to turn into me, huh? I had the line, I was –”
“Max,” you pull back, staring into his bleary eyes, “I don’t care. Just – don’t do that ever again.”
“I didn’t do anything,” he whispers, corners of his mouth twitching.
You sigh, collapsing onto the bed at his side. You lean against him and he winces a little, before pressing his lips to the crown of your head.
“You really scared me,” you admit, turning in to his chest.
Max slings an arm around your shoulders, holding you tight. “I’m fine, no? I mean, everything’s blurry and I can’t really hear much, but – it could have been worse.”
He props the pillows against the wall and pushes himself back gingerly, reaching past you for a paper cup of water at his bedside.
You move slowly, carefully, waiting for him to get comfortable before settling back, too – leaving a safe gap between his battered body and yours. Your cheek rests on the curve of his shoulder; fingers trace the logos on his sleeves.
Max breathes in the scent of your hair. He turns his hand and watches as your fingers trail down his wrist, circling his palm. He sucks in a deep breath, sighing to the ceiling.
“Your heart’s beating really fast,” you whisper, and he hums.
“Nerves,” he mutters.
“From the race?” You lift your head. “You don’t get nervous.”
He takes another breath and turns to you. He’s blushing, and doing a shitty job at hiding it. “No,” he says. “Not from the race.”
You gulp. “Are you sore?”
“Yeah. My back, my ribs.”
“Do you want me to get up?”
“No. Stay.”
He wears the same expression he did all those years ago, sat too many people apart from one another in that drunken circle. The same expression you only allowed yourself fleeting glances at: bashful, a little awkward – all the more endearing for it.
Maybe he actually doesn’t remember that night. Maybe he was just too tipsy – alcohol gone straight to his teenage head. And maybe he won’t even remember this, what with the concussion and all.
It’d make things a hell of a lot easier, that’s for sure. You could go back to your old ways: arguing over the best flavor of chips, screaming while playing video games. No second-guessing, no jumping to conclusions. Hell, maybe you hope he doesn’t remember any of it at all.
Somewhere, though, deep down – you know that’s not true.
“How’s, uh…whatshisface?” Max asks, nudging you with his elbow. He takes a feeble sip of his water and offers you the cup.
“Oh,” you shrug, “No idea. I left my phone in the garage.”
He scoffs, staring at your lips as you take a drink. He takes the cup from your hands once you’re done. “I don’t mean to give him shit, you know. If you like him, I like him.”
“Well, there’s liking someone,” you pout, “and then there’s willingly watching them crash full-speed in a racecar.”
Max smiles, lifting his cup.
“Whoever that is, sounds pretty cool to me.”
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leclerity · 3 months
stupid gets you killed
Charles Leclerc x Girlfriend!Reader count: 1.1k words summary: Charles and you have an emotional conversation after his reckless driving at a race. a/n: a short but angsty one, with a happy ending!
It could’ve been the end.
The way it felt, it almost was.
You watch as the red of the Ferrari and the green of the Aston Martin come close, inches apart, with Stroll nearly putting it in the back of your boyfriend’s car. Everyone around you gasps and for a split second, you see them touch and Charles’s car fly off into the grandstands – but that doesn’t happen. They don’t touch. Charles drives away unscathed, though you know that won’t be the end of it.
“That was too close,” says Arthur, shaking his head at the screen.
“He won’t like this too much,” you say and grab a pair of headphones lying around, listening in.
Everything is okay with the car, Bryan Bozzi says.
That was not okay! Charles screams. Who does he think he is?! Driving like an idiot… He should know better!
Keep your head calm, you’ve got forty laps to go.
You take off the headphones and tell Arthur what you just overheard. He shakes his head again, but you both know there’s nothing the two of you can do about it. Charles has been under pressure, ready to burst at any given moment, running second in the championship with maybe—maybe—a chance at something more. Anything that threatens it… Well, it throws him off.
You’re just waiting for the moment it happens.
The race keeps running, you listen in to the radio every so often, and his complaints and agitation are getting more obvious. He’s driving riskier, not caring enough about tyre management, and there’s a few moments when his car gets a little too close to another car.
He finishes in fourth. It’s not where he wanted to be but it’s better than out of the race, you tell yourself. There was a few moments where you held your breath, waiting to see if the anger is going to slip into careless mistakes, and it made you angry. Your boyfriend is better than this.
When he finishes the race, you run straight into his arms. “You did so well! I’m proud of you.”
“I could’ve done better,” he says.
“I know,” you say, and kiss him again. “Next time.”
Charles kisses you, too, before going to speak to others in the garage, keeping one eye on you at all times. You know he’s being hard on himself, but you see his clenched jaw, sunken shoulders, and you know this is going to be a tougher one than usual.
He’s in your orbit the most of the evening, glancing at you even when he’s in the media pen. You can hear some of the questions he’s being asked and a lot of them are about the incident and about his dangerous driving he nearly got a penalty for, and you can already hear the regret in his voice. He looks at you every time it comes up, as if he already knows how much it upset you.
At your side, Arthur gives you a nudge. “Are you going to talk some sense into him when you’re back at the hotel?”
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.”
“That was scary.”
You nod. “Too scary. I get the pressure and all, but…”
“Yeah,” Arthur says, “I don’t want to feel like I might lose my brother because he’s being angry and stupid.”
When you get home, you get dinner – he does the perfunctory celebrations and goes back to the hotel, where you’re waiting with him with your guys’ favourite takeaway. He had some time to hang out with the other drivers and now it’s time to hang out with you… But not before you give him a piece of mind.
He knows something’s wrong the moment he enters the hotel room.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” you say.
He frowns. “Okay. You sure?”
You give him a long look.
Charles sits down next to you, looking exhausted but ready to devour the food – but he doesn’t. Instead, he sits with his elbows on his knees, hands held together. “It’s the race.”
“That’s why you’re giving me attitude.”
“Is it because of the Stroll incident?”
You shake your head. He should know better and he does, it will just take him a moment.
He sighs and leans into the couch, a defeated look on his face. “I should’ve handled it better, right?”
“Yeah.” You put a hand on his thigh. “Driving like that, Charles… You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“I would’ve been fine.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Don’t babe me,” you say, shaking your head. “You got angry and…. Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed.”
Charles opens his mouth and closes it, knowing fair well that there’s nothing he could say in his defence that would make you change your mind. He sees it all on your face, you know it – the terror you’d gone through waiting to see if his anger will make him slip up, make a mistake; the threat of losing him.
He takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it, before placing it on his chest, right where his heart is. “Y/N,” he says, gently. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let my anger get the best of me.”
“I just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know.”
“It frightens me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“I just—The thought of you—”
“I know. C’mere.”
Charles gives your hand a gentle tug and then your head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around you, keeping you warm and safe. “I’m sorry for scaring you. My job is scary, but I shouldn’t make it any more difficult than it already is.”
He kisses the top of your head and you feel a few tears escaping down your cheeks, and he holds you even tighter.
“I’ll be less angry next time, I promise,” he whispers. “Less stupid. For you. Okay?”
You nod instead of answering, and he pulls your chin up with a gentle finger, and then he’s wiping your tears and kissing you gently, promising over and over again to never make you feel like that again – and he doesn’t.
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noimnotmae · 5 months
L O S T | Max Verstappen
summary: after getting lost in the city of Las Vegas a kind stranger offers to help you get to your hotel.
max verstappen x female! CEO! reader
masterlist — pt2
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yn_suárez ✔
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like by urbff_user, mamasuárez, ceruleanbelle and 609,589 others
yn_suárez ✔ got lost on my first day 🙄
View all 10,387 comments
urbff_user WHOSE CAR IS THAT?
yn_suárez ✔ 😊
↑ urbff_user please tell me you didn't get inside a stranger's car?
mamasuárez are you ok?
yn_suárez ✔ yes, mama
↑ urbff_user oh, so we're lying now?
↑ yn_suárez ✔ nah uh
username1 CB founder getting kidnapped
username2 Ms.Yn in Vegas omg!
username3 please be safe, CB will be nothing without you 🙏
❤️ liked by yn_suárez ✔
username4 yn always getting in trouble wherever she goes
urbff_user ikr
username5 that car looks kinda familiar 🤔
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this is my first ever writing something like this. i am also a new fan of F1 so please be nice. I was inspired by the many social media aus I've seen and decided to take it upon myself to write one as well. I'm not very confident abt this one but I had a lot of fun writing it :)
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judasisgayriot · 29 days
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Pete's speech in Sacramento 2ourdust 03.03.24 - from footage taken by @abovetherainandroses <3
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yaoigovroom · 9 days
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A couple of scenes from my fic...
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scrollonso · 5 months
this came to me in a dream
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area51-escapee · 2 months
Hello!!!!! If you’re seeing this post, that probably means that you’re in a fandom, possibly even multiple of them! I’m running a survey on some fandom related things and I would really appreciate it if you could help me out!
First of all, this survey is not being used for any real research or study. I’m just very autistic about fandom culture and history and I felt like this would be the best way for me to get responses to the questions I have in a well organized manner. I really hope to hear from a wide array of fans in a wide array of communities! It’s completely anonymous of course so please feel free to be honest! I do plan on sharing some of the open question responses at the end however so please be aware of that.
Second of all, my actual questions and what I’m looking for. I’m very interested in the culture and attitudes around shipping and fanfiction, and the terms pro/anti-ship. I want to know when other people recall seeing these terms first pop up, and I want to hear from people who may self identify as one or the other, or neither or something else entirely. There are several open ended questions and optional spaces to elaborate on your thoughts so please feel free to add on as much as you’d like!
Here is the link to the actual survey :) I’m posting this on July 21st, 2024, and I plan on leaving it open to responses until August 21st, 2024, to hopefully have time to get more feedback. I may repost this same post a couple of times between now and then in various fandom tags so please feel free to block the tag ‘Allen’s fandom survey’ to avoid seeing it again if you don’t want to (or feel free to block me akdhsjdhdk).
Anyways! I appreciate it if you read this far and if you decide to respond to the survey! It would also really help if you could share it so it reaches more people in even more fandoms and communities, but that’s not really necessary. You can message me for questions or let me know if you want to be tagged when I eventually start posting about the results and my findings! Thank you, here is a picture of my cat for your troubles :)
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f1shipbracket · 3 months
Group B: Matchup 8
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23fallencomets · 4 months
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liked by oscarpiastri, frederikvestioffical and 346,782 more
logansargeant: I think i’m getting better at this paddle thing :)
oscarpiastri: and once again you did not invite me
logansargeant: you are currently in monza???
oscarpiastri: an invite would have been nice??
user003: logan and oscar know each other?
user004: Yea? they grew up together
user005: people finding out logan knows oscar will never not be funny to me
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liked by oscarpiastri, liamlawson30 and 645,256 more
logansargeant: Ready for Paris Fashion Week
liamlawson30: why are those shoes pointer than fred’s nose
frederikvestioffical: leave me out of this???
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blorbocedes · 5 months
‘Take a shot if your body count is more than 5!’
Most of the crowd drinks, even those with obviously shifty eyes and guilty demeanours. Lewis drinks.
He was coursemates with Adrian the previous semester and had to hear his bitching and moaning about the bitches he gets – the lack thereof, spots him drinking too. Nico’s standing at the end of the couch, expensive loafers careful to step around the sticky spilled beer.
He nurses his red solo cup, untouched. Lewis frowns.
‘Take a shot if your body count is double digits!’
Fewer people drink this time. The crowd goes ‘ooh’ at the ones who do. Technically, Lewis’ is 7 – 8 if you count the blowjob and her getting her period at the last second, opting out. But college athletes have a reputation to maintain, so Lewis finishes off his cup.
This time, Nico is watching him. Smiles when their eyes meet and does a mock salute, lips still not grazing his drink.
What the fuck? What could it be? It bothers Lewis that Nico’s not being honest. He's seen Nico half-lidded hanging off some guy’s arm at a party or cuddled into some girl to know better. Although, since Nico has access to all the population instead of 50%, it would make sense if his count is twice as high.
A pretty girl in a low cut top and blonde highlights taps Lewis on the arm to dance with her, and all thoughts of his roommate and how many people he fucks are forgotten.
A few hours later, the party has died down. Cold pizza and the music is less in-your-face, more indie. A small group gather on the floor playing the laziest truth or dare with a half empty bottle of Bacardi. The guy beside Nico is in an obnoxious leather jacket and tight pants, and his hand rests on Nico’s thigh.
It falls on Lewis.
“So… Lew-iss,” Natalie? maybe asks, voice slurring a little. “Do you remember when you first met Nico?”
Nico raises an interested eyebrow. Of course he remembers. However, Lewis is aware they asked the question because people think him and Nico are secretly hooking up because they live together, and since Nico’s seen with everyone. His teammate Felipe and his girlfriend are within earshot.
“Nah, man. I don't remember shit like that. I remember when I like, lost my virginity.” Lewis offers as bait.
Nico frowns, it's cute on him. Brows wrinkled up.
Naomi(!) bites. “Tell us about how you lost your virginity.”
“That's two questions.” Lewis leans back, flashing his most charming gap-toothed smile. Everyone's too drunk to keep track of whose turn it is.
Nico disappears off with Mr. Skinny Jeans.
It's a little while later when Lewis has smoked a spliff to clear his head, rejecting the blonde highlights girl’s offer back to her dorms which is on the other side of campus, when Nico returns, hair mussed and shirt buttoned more than it was when he left.
“Home?” He asks. Lewis follows.
Nico’s a pretty chill roommate. He grew up with a silver spoon and an only child, so he has no concept of sharing. Instead, when he orders Thai, he makes sure to order for two so that Lewis doesn't try to eat any of his dumplings. Lewis gets to have the flat to himself a lot since Nico disappears for the night, returns at early hours of the night with glitter on his cheek or bite marks on his neck and a cheeky smile before collapsing on the couch. Lewis can't complain, it makes bringing girls over easier. And when Nico is studying, he keeps to himself. Lewis will know, because there will be an extra coffee for him. In turn, Lewis gets rids of the bugs in the flat – the first time Nico seeing a cockroach asking if they should call pest control or sue their landlord for unhygienic living conditions.
“Why didn't you drink? At the body count question?” Lewis asks, breaking the amiable silence of their walk home, and the lack of filter signalling he was drunker than he thought.
Nico hums thoughtfully. “Cause that would be a lie?”
Lewis tries to make sense of that, doing math in his head. “No…? It wasn't about the exact number, just if it's more than.”
“Yeah,” Nico smiles, unlocking the door and stepping side. “That would be a lie.”
Lewis rolls his eyes. Nico and his riddles and his games. “It would only be a lie if you're a virgin. Which you're not.” He snorts at the thought.
Nico’s eyes flash dangerously. “Yeah?” Nico turns around, effectively trapping Lewis between the door. “You think about who gets in my pants a lot, Hamilton?”
Lewis feels a flush rise in his neck. Thank god for melanin, if he were Nico he'd have two giant red spots on his cheek right now.
“I don't care who you sleep with. Or don't sleep with.” Lewis tries to go for gruff, chill, but it doesn't quite land. He gets out of Nico’s cornering, going to the couch. “It's just weird you’d lie considering Jenson–”
“Oh if Jenson said it, it must be true.” Nico’s sarcasm is shrill and annoyed, betraying how drunk he is.
It does make Lewis pause. Jenson has a habit of embellishing stories of his conquests. The fated twins threesome never happened, he had separately hooked up with twins. Lewis remembers Jenson bragging in the locker room how he rocked Britney’s world and Lewis had worn his his shin guards with a little more force than necessary.
“Rock my world?” Nico rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall. “Hardly. We made out for forty minutes until he came in his pants.”
TMI because now Lewis is inundated of images of Nico, mouth swollen and bodies entangled while fully clothed.
“So you're actually a virgin? What about all those people?” Lewis is still trying to wrap his head around it. Nico is the most sexual person he knows. He eats yoghurt off the spoon distractingly, and has no shame walking around the apartment naked. Very sexual liberation chic, and Lewis had to draw up boxers boundaries.
Nico wrinkles his nose. “So you get with the easiest lay on campus and you're the only person he won't fuck. Do you want to admit something's weird and wrong with you, or do you just go about inferring you had sex? It's not like I'm going to correct them.” He must see something on Lewis’ face because he interjects, defensively offensive, “Don't ask why it's better to have a reputation. I know your tells. You drank twice.”
Lewis chooses his words carefully, gentle like he's not trying to spook a wild cat. “I'm not judging. I'm just surprised. Nobody figured it out?”
Nico softens at the tone. He sinks on the couch beside Lewis. “Honestly, you're the first person to notice.”
Lewis finds that sad. “Hey, we don't need to talk about this if it's a sensitive topic. I'm sorry I –”
“Jeez, Lewis. I don't have trauma, I'm just frigid. A pricktease. Nothing bad ever happens to a Rosberg.” Nico works on the complicated laces of his boots. He hates being pitied.
Lewis leans over. “It's really not all that cracked up to be. The first time, at least. Cause you're bad at it and you don't know how to pace yourself. Lots of people wait until they're ready. My first time, it was this girl I was seeing after GCSEs. We couldn't find a place so we got in my dad’s old Subaru. Lasted like 30 seconds. Wiped the whole place down but I was convinced he would know somehow. Come Sunday, I went and told him. He hadn’t the slightest clue. So that was an awkward drive to church.”
Nico gawks him, crumpling into himself laughing. Lewis regrets being a vulnerable and oversharer of a drunk. Nico’s gelled hair has come undone from hours of partying and falls over his eyes. Lewis is never going to open up to anyone ever again.
“On God's day, Lewis?! And you think I should save myself until marriage? Find myself a nice, righteous wife?”
“Someone you trust. Someone you're into.” The room spins a little. Nico Rosberg is a virgin.
“Someone who’d remember when we first met?” Nico challenges. "That's not very nice, is it? I can't believe you forgot--"
“You were checking out an encyclopaedia on space at the library. I wanted the Senna autobiography. We were 12.”
Nico’s eyes go wide. Lewis holds his gaze.
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earl-grey-teacake · 5 months
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This might not make sense to anyone but this photo makes me want to write a Victorian AU. (Some people had a childhood obsessed with boats, trains, sea animals, the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, etc. I had the Victorian era.)
Hear me out. This would make a fantastic romantic comedy.
Logan in frilly, lace Victorian era clothes with lace gloves and parasols. Suitors vying for his hand with letters and gifts. Alex is very much “I love Love” and George being “no one is good enough for Logan.”
Lewis is amused “he’s a spitting image of his grandfather (Nico) it’s no wonder he’s popular.” George screaming and throwing the request letters into the fireplace.
Alex is chaperoning Logan and Oscar on their first walk of their courtship. It should be a time for the young couple to get to know each other but it’s really a three-way conversation about why George is there as well.
Oscar: Uhm I might be new to this but I didn’t know both parents would act as chaperones.
Logan: Ignore him. He insisted on coming
Oscar: Does he not trust me? Have I offended him in any way?
Alex: He doesn’t trust any suitor. It’s a miracle we made it to the courting stage. They usually don’t make it past the request letter.
George: They are ill-mannered idiots who do not need to be given the time of day!
Alex: So Oscar, you mentioned horses? Logan loves animals.
I want to write this but I need to finish other stuff before I do.
Let me know what you think or add to it.
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rpftourney · 3 days
out of curiosity how many submissions for phan have you gotten so far
114 LOL. im banking on them sweeping the entire thing tbh
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baflegacy · 29 days
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i have. some thoughts about these two pictures.
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starlightiing · 4 months
Petition to put the heart monitor back on Oscar (and toss one at Lando, too) and then just leave them alone together for a few minutes to tell jokes and giggle and just let the general public see how excited they make each other, the end.
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