#first him then mako and ami then rei and mako
tiny012 · 1 year
From "Usako!"
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" Usa,I don't feel so good."
Fuck You Galaxia again!
Fuck the Stars Arc.. lol
Got Damn this hurts!
Naoko when she wrote Stars
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crawlspacefics · 3 months
The perspective of Makoami as parents is still something I absolutely adore, so that leads me to ask. What kind of mother do you think Ami would be when paired with Mako?
Who's the 'fun' mom? Who's the mom Miki would be more likely to show a failed grade? Or the mom who would reinforce more etiquette? Or watch a TV show with him?
I'd just love to hear more about them, you don't have to answer those questions to a tea.
Love your stuff as always 💖
Thank you.
Thank you for asking! I always like to talk about my girls and how I see their lives playing out. 😁
I think Ami and Makoto have a really good balance as parents. Makoto takes the stricter role, but just because I think she'd choose to be a stay-at-home parent so she's with him the most. Plus, she's going to wind up with a 7-year-old, a toddler, and an infant. She needs a schedule and some order just to keep her sanity! 🤣 But where Makoto teaches Miki how to bake or tend a garden, Ami teaches him why it works like that. Makoto teaches him to block when he takes a swing, Ami teaches him the physics behind the moves. Makoto keeps the homework schedule, but Ami helps answer the hard questions. Ami may even bring in the whiteboard (one for each kid as they get old enough to write) so they can leave messages for each other like she did with her mom.
Ami is definitely the more lenient parent in this scenario. I think it would come partly from her feeling some guilt for being away so much with work, and partly from her never wanting Miki to feel like the odd child out after the other two (who are biologically related to Ami and look A LOT like her mom's side of the family) come along. So when Makoto is making him eat all his vegetables, Ami is secretly passing him pieces of chocolate under the table. Ami probably also has a really hard time letting the timer run when he's in time-out. Miki's eyes may be blue, but he looks like a tiny Makoto and when he pouts at her... he just has her totally wrapped around his pinky finger. Makoto teases her about this. LOL. In Miki's early years, reading time is probably Ami's textbooks. But when he gets a little older, she's going to teach him the absolute joy of reading a novel in a bubble bath. They go used book shopping together so if he drops them in the water, he doesn't feel as bad about it.
Makoto isn't all rules and vegetables, though! She's always going to be a bit nervous when she doesn't have her eyes on Miki, but she isn't a helicopter parent. She teaches him to be independent while watching from just enough distance that she can easily intervene. She makes sure the kids wash their feet and stick to bedtime, but she also gets down on the floor and pretends to be the monster so they can play Sailor Senshi in the costumes she made for them. When Miki asks how his baby brother got there, Makoto happily hands him off to Ami so she can pull out "the book" and stumble 😳 through the biology lessons. But the second he turns 13, Makoto pulls out the box of condoms and the cucumber for the practical lessons, because while she will NEVER use the word mistake where Miki is concerned, she wants him to be better prepared than she was.
But don't forget the others! There's a bit of communal raising of children going on here. Miki wants to know how to talk to a girl? He contemplates Uncle Haruka but quickly realizes Aunt Minako is the best source. First time he's embarrassed by a bad grade? Aunt Usagi, because she makes him feel better and then drags him home to Ami and just lays it out like it's no big deal. Not like that one time Usagi got a 22 on her math test, and if Ami could help her fix that enough to pass entrance exams, she can fix Miki's 63 no problem! He wants to go to the anime convention with his friends? Go see Aunt Rei for the latest fandom cosplay trends! She'll hook him and his friends up with the best group cosplay ideas and make sure they have exactly what they need for autographs.
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littlemissmanga · 1 year
I've been thinking about this all day ...
The hyper masculine energy of the Bad Batch meets the hyper feminine energy of the Sailor Scouts. And the pairings are just *chef's kiss*
Let's start with the obvious ...
Tech x Ami/Sailor Mercury. Ok, yes, they're both smart. But they really do complement one another. Tech finds confidence in his intelligence, where Ami is a bit self-conscious of it. She likes using it to help her friends, but her intellect and more nerdy pursuits often isolated her from her peers when she was young. To meet someone who finds her intellect attractive? Oh, that would do things for her. Also to see Tech isn't just smart, but as capable as his brothers in action? That would inspire her in her own position among the Scouts.
As for Tech, can you imagine the first time Ami corrects him? Like, he'll be going on, talking about the dense technical aspects of his upgrade to the Marauder when Ami - politely and gently - interrupts with a correction or more useful modification. He's used to being interrupted - his brothers cut him off to shut him up all the time.
But now? He's being corrected by this gorgeous, sweet girl not to shut him up but to help him? And she's right (of course she is). Tech's brain goes into 404 Error, Page Not Found so fast. And he's smart enough to realize Ami would never be the one to make the first move, meaning he'll have to. He'll have to mature emotionally to be with her, and he finds himself actually wanting to.
Wrecker x Makoto/Sailor Jupiter. Both are precious bbys that deserve love. All the love. This is my crack OTP.
Mako is super conscious of her position as "the strong one". She hates that she's not small and dainty and feminine. That's part of the reason she picks up hobbies that are traditionally feminine - cooking and botany. She wants to be a cute housewife, but she's also incapable of standing by when others need help, and she's got the physical power to do so. But with Wrecker, she would feel dainty and small. And Wrecker isn't shy with the compliments, calling her "meshla" and "little one" all the time, casually. Which she deserves after her shitty senpai.
Wrecker would be so floored (read: turned on to the max) by a girl who can put him on his ass. And Mako could. But she'd be so joyful while sparring, keeping up with Wrecker's own humor. AND THEN SHE'D FEED HIM? With homemade treats!? Fandom already headcannons that Wrecker finds a woman cooking for him the sexiest thing he's ever seen. That woman also being pretty and strong? Oh, he's done for.
Echo x Rei/Sailor Mars. Sass. Wit. Verbal sparring. Neither of these two has thin skin, and oh shit would they be the snarkiest couple ever. The quips. The one-liners. I cannot.
They're also both sticklers for the way things are supposed to be. Echo literally memorized the regs. Rei's adherence to tradition and her position as a shrine maiden are core to her identity. They appreciate boundaries and rules and are both the mature ones of their groups.
But more than that, Rei is always been able to see beyond what's right in front of her. She would see Echo for who he is, all of him. More than just a number, and definitely more than the sum of his parts.
And Echo? We all headcannon he'd be a serious and devoted partner, the kind to worship his love. I can see Rei pulling him out of his shell with her wit and maturity and he wouldn't even realize his defenses fell until his feelings hit him like a truck. And he'd spend every second making Rei feel as accepted and loved as she makes him feel. He'd put her on a pedestal and worship her. Considering her abandonment issues, that worship-like adoration would hit her right at her core, giving her validation she long believed she no longer needed.
Hunter x Minako/Sailor Venus. The leaders. At first, it may seem their personalities don't mesh. Minako is after all very childish at points, something that could annoy Hunter.
But she's also incredibly selfless. She faked her own death to let her true love find happiness with her mentor figure. She is literally forged by her sacrifices because she refuses to let others suffer when she can take that on herself. She's childish to combat the darkness she knows will always linger in the corners of existence. She's determined to be the light that washes it away. For her, a true partner, one who will stand silently by her side while she does, supporting her, is all she really wants.
And I think Hunter would see that. As the leader, he understands that altruism - he's shown it himself many times. He doesn't understand how she can smile so brightly when she's been through so much, hurt so much, most of it carried on her own. It impresses him in a way he can't really understand. And how in the world can he ignore how his heart races to see Minako hyping Omega up, inspiring her to rise to any challenge ... even if the challenges were created by their own hijinks.
Sidenote: I 100% see Omega being drawn to the hyper feminine Minako, sitting at her knee learning all the girlie secrets we failed at as preteens. They'd have a whole at-home spa day, complete with like Tiger Beat magazines and chick-flicks like 13 Going on 30. And then Omega mentions off hand how cool it would be if Minako was with Hunter, because then they could have those girls nights all the time and she sees Minako's blush and she starts thinking of plans to help her awkward older brother and the Scout of love and beauty get over their mutual self-sacrificing tendencies to just kiss already.
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spei-sidus · 9 months
Starry Masquerade: The Sailor Senshi's Halloween Delight
By Sidus_Spei
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Additional Tags: Fluff
The girls show up to Motoki's Halloween party as the Senshi - without being henshinned, of course. They get caught up in the love and joy from the partygoers whom celebrate their alter egos. Poses and speeches and songs ensue.
 Chapter 1
“Oh my goodness, you guys look amazing!” Naru gushed. “How did you manage to get them done?! They look so accurate!”
“Thank you! I’ve sewn a lot of outfits – it’s hard to get clothing in my size,” Makoto explained.
“Usagi-chan, you look positively radiant!” Naru exclaimed.
“Thank you,” Usagi beamed.
It was Halloween, and Motoki had decided to throw a Halloween party at the arcade. Everyone had to go in costume, of course. Minako had somehow managed to convince them to go as the Sailor Senshi. They couldn’t go henshinned; their Senshi glamor would give them away. Instead, Makoto had painstakingly sewed all of the fukus except for that of Usagi, who opted to use her transformation pen. They had done their best to obtain or create accurate accessories, having had to substitute items here and there. The Senshi shrugged it off; it’s not as if the press got close enough to take pictures of the little details. That kept Usagi safe, too, because her entire outfit was a perfect replica of the real thing.
“Hello you girls!” Motoki greeted them as he came over to them. “You look fantastic!”
“Thank you,” the girls all said, smiling as they moved further into the arcade. “Hey Umino!”
“The Sailor Senshi,” Umino breathed, looking them up and down. “You look close to the real thing! Are you big fans like me?”
“Oh, we’re very big fans,” Rei said.
“Definitely,” Makoto said, grinning.
“How many images did you have to look through as source material?” Umino asked.
“We don’t know,” Ami said.
“Hey!” Minako piped up. “Let us through to the counter, eh, Umino?”
“Oh yes, sorry, sorry.” His cat clad self shuffled to the side, allowing the girls through to the counter. Motoki was happily chatting away while whipping up more orders. Among the people to whom he was talking was one Chiba Mamoru, his side profile showing. He was wearing a new, wine red tuxedo. His face was whitened. He held an ornate cane. 
“Look at you, Mamoru-san!” Rei said as they approached.
“Hi girls, I…” he trailed off, staring at the five of them. 
“Do you like our costumes?” Usagi said cheerfully. “Mako-chan made them.”
“She did a great job,” he said as he stared at Usagi.
“You have to take some pictures,” Umino said, having sidled up to them, causing them to jump. “And do the speeches. I’m sure you know them, being big fans.”
“Right,” Makoto said, nodding jerkily. “Where should we take them?”
The group shuffled off to a semi-secluded area, clearing a path for the pictures. Umino had pulled out his phone and started giving directions when Mamoru stepped in front of him. “I’ll do it,” he said in a tone that did not invite argument.
“Okay,” Umino stuttered, scrambling away from the glaring upperclassman.
A group had formed around the Senshi and Mamoru, laughing and cheering.
“What do you want first?” Motoki shouted, pointing at the Senshi.
“Battle poses! Like they do before they enter a battle!”
The girls glanced at each other hesitantly. Why did they do this again? “C’mon,” Usagi urged. “It’s just for fun. We can try!” The girls moved into a line, with Usagi in the middle. Then they shifted into their signature post henshin poses.
“Amazing!” the audience around them exclaimed.
“Did you catch that, Mamoru?” Motoki asked.
Mamoru nodded. “You all must be really huge fans,” he said with forced nonchalance.
“Like we said, huge,” Usagi replied, smiling nervously.
“Now pose as if you were about to launch an attack!”
“We aren’t that good,” Ami hedged.
“Oh, c’mon! Do your best!” Naru cheered on.
“Okay,” Usagi said authoritatively, gripping her tiara with her finger and her thumb as if she were about to take it off. Ami crossed her arms as if she were to do her Mercury Aqua Mist attack. Makoto crossed her arms over her head, her forefingers and pinkies pointed towards the sky. Minako gripped the chain encircling her waist. 
“I don’t have any ofuda with me,” Rei lied.
“Just raise your hand above your head as if you did have one,” someone said. Rei complied.
“They look so good!” the audience crowed.
“Take several pictures, Mamoru-kun!” Motoki called out.
Mamoru wordlessly took several shots. Something about his stance and inscrutable expression made the girls even more nervous. 
“That’s enough for now!” Makoto said loudly. Several groans answered her before the crowd moved away.
“What about the battle speeches?” Umino protested as Naru pulled him away. 
The girls sighed in relief.
Usagi inched over to Mamoru’s side. “So what are you supposed to be?” she asked.
“A vampire.”
Her eyebrow raised. “A vampire doesn’t wear red. His mouth is red. You know, where the fangs are?”
“Do you mean the blood?”
“...Right,” Usagi said uncomfortably. 
“I’ve seen vampires in different colors, Odango. You can look it up. You have a cell phone don’t you?”
“Of course I do!” 
Mamoru waited while Usagi scrolled furiously through her phone.
“Fine,” she huffed. “You win.”
“Motoki-kun! Let this day be immortalized as the day Odango admitted I won!” Mamoru shouted loudly.
“Oooooohhh,” Usagi fumed. Why did he have to rub it in? She was so tempted to pluck her tiara replica off her forehead and throw it right at Mamoru as if he were a youma. 
“So, why Sailor Moon?” he asked. “Do you think you’re good enough to be the greatest heroine of all Tokyo?”
Usagi bristled at the insult and preened from the backhanded compliment - a very weird combination. She took a moment to gather some composure while he waited expectantly. “What does ‘being good enough’ matter? It’s just Halloween, baka.”
He stared at her. And stared. 
“Do you know Sailor Moon, Odango?”
“WHAT?!” she exclaimed, injecting as much incredulity as she could while laughing nervously. “I do not know Sailor Moon! Why would you think that?!”
A moment passed. “Never mind,” Mamoru said finally. “Do you want a drink?”
She nodded, following him back to the counter.
“What do you want, Sailor Moon?” Motoki asked with a big grin.
“A chocolate shake, Citizen,” Usagi replied with mock seriousness. 
“Are shakes good for a heroine of Tokyo?” 
“They work for me,” she said without thinking, then realized her mistake. “I mean they would work for me, if I was really Sailor Moon.”
“I doubt Sailor Moon would eat as much sugar as you, Odango.”
“What would you know, Mamoru-baka?”
He shrugged. “She’s pretty fit.”
“And you would know, how? Are you a fan of the Sailor Senshi, too?” Usagi asked. When he blushed, she crowed loud enough to carry across the arcade, “Even Mamoru-baka is a fan of the Sailor Senshi! We should take a picture with him, girls! He could keep it as a memento.”
“I’d rather take a picture with the actual Sailor Senshi,” Mamoru murmured without thinking.
“Good luck with that,” Usagi said flippantly, “since you don’t even know them.”
“What would you know, Odango?” he threw back at her.
“I know.”
“Sure you do,” he drawled, sparking her ire.
“How would the Sailor Senshi know you?” she pressed. He gave her a mysterious grin that infuriated her more. How dare he act like he was so special? She knew none of the Senshi had ever dealt with him while henshinned. “Whatever, baka,” she retorted, taking a large sip of her shake. “And who would drink coffee at night?” she added, glaring at the tendrils wafting from the cup.
“I drink coffee at all hours,” Mamoru informed her as he took a sip. 
“Do you ever sleep?!”
“Honestly, Odango, you sleep enough for the both of us.”
“I don’t sleep that much!”
“No,” he interjected, “I mean I don’t sleep enough. Can’t, that is.”
“Why not?”
He shrugged. “Too much to do.”
“Too much studying, you mean,” she said. “Perhaps you’d get more sleep if you didn’t hang around the arcade as much, yelling at me.”
“Perhaps,” he acceded, “but then I would be missing out on something more.”
“What would that be, oh Mr. Perfect?”
“Companionship. Friendship. People in general. Oh, and coffee.”
“Because you definitely can’t make coffee at home,” she said, avoiding the mention of the rest of what he said, a lump rising in her throat.
“It gets stale,” he said quietly. “I’m the only one who drinks it at home, so it’s hard to make only so much of it at a time and know how fresh it’s going to be when I need it. Motoki is good at keeping coffee fresh.”
“He’s also a good friend,” Usagi added.
“Yes, he is. My best.”
“Is that so?”
“It is,” he said vehemently. “One of a few I consider a friend.”
“Why so few? You could get more friends if you’d just be nicer, baka.”
“I’m not like you,” he admitted. “I don’t thrive off of interacting with people. I need them abstractly when I come here, for example. I only really interact with - only am friends with - people I’m close to.”
“Like Motoki.” 
“Right,” he said quietly.
The other implication hung in the air between them - that both of them interacted with each other often - at the arcade, on the street, random places that somehow end up involving youma. Mamoru didn’t shy away from Usagi - far from it. 
“You know I’m your friend, right?”
His eyes blew up wide. “Really?”
She nodded. He hid behind the coffee cup, taking a long sip. She decided to be merciful. “I’m going to find the girls,” she said to him, clapping a hand onto his shoulder as she deftly jumped off the stool. She didn’t wait for a response, quickly disappearing into the crowd, her mind still reeling.
Mamoru might consider her a friend. At the very least, she was someone he felt comfortable interacting with. In all of their arguments, this had never crossed her mind; she was able to befriend so easily, so readily. Apparently he was more closed off around other people than she’d realized.
Then there was his home life. There was a hole there, a source of his loneliness. Were his parents too busy to be in his life, like Ami? Was he estranged from his parents, like Minako? Were they dead, like Makoto’s? Rei at least had her grandfather after her father all but abandoned her.
There was more to Chiba Mamoru than she’d ever gotten to know in the two years she’d known him.
“Usagi-chan!” Makoto shouted, beckoning her over. The girls were standing in their own corner of the arcade, dancing.
“I don’t know…” Usagi hedged. 
“You only die once,” Minako announced while pulling Usagi into their dancing circle. The others sweatdropped.
“You only live once,” Ami groaned.
Minako was too involved in dancing at that point to care. In her mind, it was two sides of the same coin. Her enthusiasm riled up the others, even Ami. Their arms were in the air as they twirled and grooved.
“Let’s live it up!” Minako shouted. “Let’s do the introductions, yeah? Just for fun? I mean we are fabulous fans, are we not?” The girls caught on, whooping as Minako started, oblivious to the piercing gaze of a brooding upperclassman. “Standing for love and beauty, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I’ll punish you with the power of love!”
“Standing for love and courage, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Jupiter! I’ll make you feel so much regret, it’ll leave you numb!”
“Standing for love and passion, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I’ll chastise you!”
“Standing for love and intelligence, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!”
“Standing for love and justice, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!”
“TO THE SAILOR SENSHI FOREVER!!!” Minako yelled, sparking cheers and whoops from the partygoers. 
“TO THE SAILOR SENSHI FOREVER!!!” reverberated throughout the arcade. 
“AND TUXEDO KAMEN-SAMA!!!” Usagi shouted over the din, leading to more cheers. 
“Wherever you are, we’re rooting for you!” Motoki shouted. 
“Yes, thank you for all you do!” a grateful woman said. 
“WE LOVE YOU!” Usagi shouted, not knowing if she was referring to the Senshi (as she ostensibly should be) or if she was referring to the people whom she protected with all of her heart. It felt wonderful to be embraced by the love of these people, to be acknowledged as their heroes. The girls felt a burst of happiness, grinning as they regarded one another. It was the closest they’d ever come to face-to-face praise.
“A song! Girls, do a song!” a chant began. 
“A song?” Ami repeated.
“Oh c’mon!” Minako said. “We’ll just make one up!”
They floundered for a moment, then something came over them, their minds joining together. They sang: 
We’re the Sailor Senshi, shining so bright, Guardians of justice through the day and night. With courage and strength, we’ll always fight, For love and peace, our power takes flight.
Sailor Moon, leader so true, In the name of the moon, she’ll see it through.
Sailor Mercury, intellect so keen, Waters of wisdom flow in-between.
Sailor Mars, passion ablaze, Fiery protector in so many ways.
Sailor Jupiter, strong and bold, Thundering strikes a force to behold.
Sailor Venus, love and beauty so pure, Guiding with grace, hearts she’ll assure.
United as one, we’ll stand side by side, Facing the darkness with hearts open wide. Sailor Senshi, the world’s saving grace, Championing hope in every embrace.
Sailor Senshi, a symphony of might, Guided by stars, spreading love’s light. Together we’ll stand, forever strong, Safeguarding the world, righting every wrong.
The song ended, the room in dead silence, mouths gaping with awe. Then the crowd erupted in cheers.
“You guys were FANTASTIC!” Motoki shouted as he came over to them. “Did you rehearse that or something?”
The girls stared at each other dumbly, then shook their heads in unison. 
“It must be the vibe of the party!” Minako said with a disarming smile. “Come on girls,” she added, beckoning them to go back to dancing.
“Wait, what about Tuxedo Kamen?”
“Yeah, a song about Tuxedo Kamen!”
“C’mon Usagi, we know you have a crush on him!”
“I will pay for your milkshakes for a year if you do it.”
“Are you serious?! Fine, I’ll do it.”
The crowd shushed as Usagi bowed her head, tapping into the love she’d felt for the hero of Tokyo for the last two years. She actually had written poetry about Tuxedo Kamen, pouring her heart into it. With blush-stained cheeks, she shakingly sang what she’d memorized by heart: 
A masked stranger in the night, so bold, Tuxedo Kamen, secrets you hold. With roses in hand and a heart unknown, In my dreams, your presence has grown.
Tuxedo Kamen, a mystery so deep, My heart’s secrets, they’re yours to keep. With a mask and a cape, you’re a dream untamed, In the night’s embrace, my heart’s aflame.
Your eyes are hidden, but I feel your gaze Guiding me through life's intricate maze. With every rescue, a bond we share, A silent connection beyond compare.
With every rescue, you’re a savior in black, A silent guardian on the attack. Yet who you are, I cannot see, But your presence alone, it comforts me.
Tuxedo Kamen, a phantom's embrace, Bringing hope and courage to this place. With a red rose’s touch, you light up the dark, A glimmer of hope like a shooting star’s spark.
In the moon’s gentle glow, I reach out in vain, Hoping to understand your silent pain. Will destiny's winds bring us side by side? Or will you forever in the shadows reside?
Tuxedo Kamen, my heart's secret key, A puzzle of love, waiting to be set free. With every rose you cast into the night, You awaken a longing, a love's true light.
Tuxedo Kamen, my heart's silent plea, A dance of destiny, just you and me. Though names are unknown, our souls unite, In the tapestry of dreams, forever in flight.
Her cheeks were positively burning after she finished, tears sparking in her eyes as the crowd went wild. Usagi suddenly felt suffocated. She needed to get out of there - but there were too many people, too many eyes on her. She wished vehemently she could just leap to the ceiling and soar out the window. Her eyes suddenly locked with Mamoru’s burning gaze. Her eyes widened with surprise. She panicked as he suddenly started making his way towards her.
“Girls, help me get out of here!”
“Why, Usagi-chan? We’re still having fun!” Rei said.
“Because-” She was cut off by Mamoru reaching her.
“Come with me, please,” he said as he grabbed her arm, then headed back the way he came, tugging her behind him. Usagi was flabbergasted. What on Earth had she done that would cause him to act this way?
Chapter 2
Mamoru led them to the back of the arcade, to the break room for employees. Usagi followed numbly, shaking from her earlier song. It was so personal, and she just sang it not only in front of her Senshi, but in front of a whole crowd of people, many of whom probably recorded the song on their phone! May the Earth just open her up and swallow her whole! What was she thinking?! A year’s worth of milkshakes wasn’t worth this!
When they reached the break room he indicated for her to sit down on a sofa. He sat on the sofa catty-cornered to hers. Those eyes were burning into hers again. She put her head into her hands, the trembling becoming violent now. The tension continued to grow as the silence stretched on. She swallowed, realizing she had to take the lead in this conversation. With the strength she had gained from facing a youma, she straightened and faced him. “What did you want to talk about?” she said with forced calmness.
His jaw clenched. “I want to know why you’ve obviously written so eloquently about a man you’ve never met.”
Her eyes widened. Did she give herself away? He acted like she didn’t know Tuxedo Kamen, however. She was going to have to tread carefully. “I just wrote it as if it were Sailor Moon singing to Tuxedo Kamen,” she replied. “There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”
He leaned forward. “Odango, you sang that song straight from your heart. You weren’t singing as Sailor Moon. Don’t deny it.”
“I did too sing as if I was Sailor Moon,” she insisted, as it was the truth, deliberately ignoring the rest of what he said. 
He shook his head. “He’s not someone to be romanticizing about. He’s dangerous. He’s an unknown.”
She stared at him in bewilderment. “All of them are unknown,” she pointed out. “How do you know he’s the dangerous one? For all you know they all could be!”
“That’s true. You shouldn’t be fantasizing about any of them.”
“How dare you! Who do you think you are?!”
“We’ve established I’m your friend. Odango, go crush on a normal guy. Don’t pine after someone you don’t know. It’s not healthy.”
Tears pricked her eyes. “I’m sorry I ever shared that song,” she said raggedly. “Everyone’s going to make fun of me or do what you’re doing now. It was never meant to be shared, ever.”
Silence befell them after that declaration; Mamoru seeming to be at a loss for words.
“I can’t crush on a ‘normal guy’,” she said. “It’ll never be anyone but him.”
Something within Usagi broke. “I’m tired of it. I’m tired of hearing that he’s dangerous and he’s the enemy, and that the Senshi and he have different agendas.” She froze, scared she let out more than she should’ve. Her eyes glanced towards Mamoru, hoping to see confusion there. His eyes were blown wide. Oh, no. “It’s just stuff I’ve heard from the news,” she said hurriedly. 
He shook his head sadly. “How did you get caught up in all of this?” he asked. “I’ve never imagined you girls to be such avid fans, to the point of obsession!”
“A cat.”
“Never mind. I’m just tired. May I go now?”
“Promise me you’ll never do this again.”
“Do what?”
“Dress like the Senshi. Pretend that you are singing as Sailor Moon to Tuxedo Kamen. You could attract the enemy. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Her head tilted downward, her hands fisting into her skirt. “I appreciate your concern, Mamoru-baka, but it’s okay. I can take care of myself.”
His hands fisted into his lap. “You don’t know what those evil beings are capable of.”
“Yes. I. Do.” She took a deep breath as she stood. “I’m done talking about this with you. Mind your own business.”
She was quickly across the room and out the door, and making a beeline for the exit. She needed space. She ran until she found a nearby alleyway.
“Moon Prism Power, Make Up!”
Then she was off, hopping rooftops, burning steam while her mind raced. They were just having fun. There was nothing wrong with having fun. He didn’t know anything. He was just as blind as any other fan. Yet she could see things from his perspective. Maybe just dressing up as the Senshi would’ve been fine. She never imagined how much the other partygoers would want the Senshi to act out their roles. Then Minako encouraged even more suspicious behavior. Was she…drunk? They were underage and they were Senshi. She’d have to have a talk with Minako later - leader to Senshi. Then she never should have sung that song. That’s when things went too far. She should have made up something on the spot, but she was too embarrassed having to sing like that in front of the crowd. Instead, she embarrassingly laid bare the deepest secret of her heart.
At least Mamoru didn’t think that she was Sailor Moon. Should she be glad or offended? She felt both. The hints were there, after all. No, she should be glad. She was still a Sailor Senshi, and it was her job to protect him from the truth. That was her cross to bear and she did so gladly. As embarrassing as it was, it was better to let him think she was an obsessed fan. She could play it off the next time she talked with people. She’d bury that secret deep down into her soul, back to where it belonged.
The only thing she’d never do is make that promise to Mamoru. Never. She’ll stop short of getting dates with other guys. She’ll always hope Tuxedo Kamen would come around.
Nodding in satisfaction, she turned about and headed back to the party. She was going to enjoy herself. The damage had already been done. Hopefully the love of the crowd would lift her spirits. She hadn’t gotten far when a familiar figure jumped down into her path.
“Tuxedo Kamen-sama?”
Chapter 3
“Sailor Moon,” he intoned as he looked about. “Where’s the youma?”
“Oh - there isn’t one.”
He took a step forward. “You’re upset.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “Do you come when I’m upset?”
He paused before slowly nodding. “Yes.”
“No wonder you’re always there,” she breathed, wondering at the magic of it. It was another indication the two of them had a bond.
“Yes. Care to talk about what’s wrong?”
She turned away. “It’s nothing,” she mumbled. She felt him still standing behind her, waiting. “I’m just upset by some stuff a guy told me tonight.”
A moment passed. “I see. What did he say?”
She turned towards him. “He wants me to give up on you.”
“Give up on me?”
“Yeah.” she said uncomfortably.
“He’s not wrong.”
Her hands clenched into fists as tears pricked her eyes. “Do you really think so?” she asked hoarsely. 
“We’re enemies, remember? We have our different agendas.”
“I’m tired of it,” she said, echoing her earlier words to Mamoru. “I’m tired of hearing that you’re dangerous and you’re the enemy, and that the Senshi and you have different agendas. You’re not our enemy, nor will I ever treat you as one. I’ll always defend you. I’ll always love you.”
He stilled. “You barely know me,” he said gruffly.
“I’ve known you for two years now. I believe in your character. You always do the right thing.” She took the last step forward, placing her hands on his chest and pressing her cheek against him. “I’ll never stop loving you,” she declared softly.
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” he said, shaking his head even as his arms wrapped around her.
“Look, I get it. Our missions are keeping us apart,” she said sorrowfully. “But someday I hope that’ll change. Just know that I’ll never give up on you.”
“You should love someone who can love you back. Some normal guy who won’t hurt you.”
It sounded just like Mamoru, making her say sharply, “No.” She went to say more, but the sound of her communicator permeated the air. She stiffened, staring at Tuxedo Kamen in alarm.
“What is that?” he asked, noting her fear.
“Nothing,” she said, pulling herself free from his embrace. “I’ve gotta go.”
“Sailor Moon, I can feel you’re in trouble,” he said lowly. “Is it a youma?”
Her shoulders slumped. “Probably.” Should she open her communicator in front of him? She certainly wasn’t going to lose him now. She pulled it out of her subspace pocket and flipped it open. “Moon here.”
“Where are you?” Sailor Mars asked. “Did you leave?!” 
“I did,” she said. “What’s going on? Is there a youma?”
“At the arcade.”
“On my way.” She snapped the communicator shut. “Time to go,” she said awkwardly.
“Lead the way.”
She oriented herself, noting she wasn’t that far from the arcade. She scoped out the arcade from a neighboring rooftop. The windows were cracked and there was screaming inside. Her heart sank. Mamoru was right. They never should’ve come here posing as the Senshi. Obviously word got out to the Dark Kingdom. 
“I’m going in,” she told her savior. She suited actions to words, hopping down, racing towards the arcade doors.
They were locked or busted. She couldn’t get in - and from what she could see, nearly all of the partygoers were still inside. She glanced at the arcade’s windows with a sigh. She inwardly sent an apology to Motoki as she pulled off her tiara. She waved at the people inside, who wisely moved back.
“Allow me.”
Roses flew at the window until it completely shattered, allowing the two of them enough space to leap through. She took in the youma currently draining the partygoers’ energy, then glared at the Dark Kingdom General floating above it.
“How dare you disrupt a party meant to be just for fun! People want to pretend to be monsters for Halloween, not have a real one appear! Standing for love and justice, I am the beautiful sailor-suited Senshi, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!”
“Finally, the leader of the Senshi arrives,” Zoisite said. “I heard that you had been here earlier and decided to crash your little party. Nice singing, by the way.”
“I was not here!” Sailor Moon said hotly. “You must be talking about someone who dressed up like me.”
“Well, no matter,” he said dismissively. “This is the perfect opportunity to gather some energy. Perhaps your doppelganger would like to come forward?”
Of course, no one stepped forward. “I won’t allow it!” Sailor Moon said furiously.
“She will if she doesn’t want anyone here to die.”
“Die?!” The Dark Kingdom had never actually killed anyone before. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, I would, if it reveals Sailor Moon’s identity.”
“We’re not going to stand idly by and watch you harm people!” Sailor Jupiter butted in.
“Exactly! In the name of Mars, I’ll chastise you!”
“Douse yourself in water, and repent!”
“Asou, proceed,” Zoisite instructed.
“Right,” the youma said before starting its attacks again.
“GO, GO SAILOR SENSHI!!” the crowd chanted as they watched.
“Where’s Usagi and the others?” someone murmured. “Do you think they’d escaped somehow? They’re missing the battle.”
“Mamoru-kun is missing, too,” Motoki said. “I hope he got away. Some people did go out the back room before it got busted."
“Should we try to go out the window?” someone else asked.
“I don’t know. You’d get cut up by glass,” Motoki said worriedly.
“I saw some people get away,” Sailor Moon lied as she stared at the battle, waiting for her opportunity to strike. “So you’re being stupid, Zoisite.”
“I’ll just track down the girl then,” Zoisite said with a shrug. “Or girls. All of them were captured on video.”
“They aren’t the real Sailor Senshi!” Sailor Moon shouted. The others obviously had inaccurate costumes and she had been hidden by the power of the transformation pen. The only reason anyone else had recognized her was because she’d given her identity away to the partygoers in the first place. 
“It’s so convenient that all five of your doppelgangers got away,” Zoisite said with a smirk. “Or are they hiding somehow?”
“I don’t know!” Sailor Moon yelled in frustration. She wasn’t giving anything away. She was tired of his talking. “Moon Tiara Boomerang!” she shouted as she attacked. 
Zoisite dodged effortlessly, but then Sailor Moon instinctively did something new - she willed the trajectory of the tiara to change, slicing Zoisite’s jaw. “That’s it!” he snarled, making to move towards her. He was stopped by the multitude of roses flying straight towards the General, pinning him into the wall behind him.
“Thank you, Tuxedo Kamen-sama!”
“With pleasure, Sailor Moon.”
But as they celebrated their mini victory, the other Senshi were blown backwards by the youma. “No!” Sailor Moon ran towards the youma. “Moon Tiara Boomerang!” Sailor Moon bellowed, the force of her voice shattering the night. Everyone, including the youma, flinched. The youma promptly turned to dust. She turned toward the glaring Zoisite. “Have you a death wish?” she asked venomously.
“Sailor Moon!” the other Senshi said, scandalized.
“Go ahead, I dare you, oh hero of love and justice,” Zoisite said with a smirk.
“Maybe we should just leave him up there,” Sailor Jupiter mused.
“Do you think he’d starve to death?” Sailor Venus wondered.
“No, please!” Motoki cut in. “That’d be bad for my business.”
“Of course, Oni - I mean, sir,” Sailor Moon stammered. “Tuxedo Kamen, let him go.”
“Why?” the hero of Tokyo growled. “He’s threatened too many people to just be let go.”
“Fine. Let me try something.” She pulled out her Crescent Moon Wand. “Moon Healing Escalation!” The power engulfed the General, leaving him screaming while the others in the room gasped in wonder. When the magic faded, Zoisite was slumped over, unconscious. 
“That’s interesting,” Sailor Mercury said as she faced Zoisite fully. “Mercury Aqua Mist!”
The water from the attack sprayed Zoisite’s face, rousing him into consciousness. He looked around puzzledly. “What? How? Who am I?” he asked in utter confusion. 
“Well that takes care of that,” Sailor Jupiter said with a smirk. 
The roses faded. The crowd kept back as Zoisite stumbled forward after his feet touched the ground. 
“You, sir, need to leave,” Motoki said firmly. “Wait,” he said sheepishly, “do you Senshi mind getting the doors to open?”
Sailor Mercury scanned the doors with her computer. “It’s an electrical issue,” she said, looking at Sailor Jupiter.
“Just tell me what to do,” the Senshi of Lightning said. The two figured it out quickly. Zoisite was subsequently ushered out into the night. The crowd cheered after he disappeared.
“TO THE SAILOR SENSHI!!!”everyone shouted with grateful enthusiasm! “TO TUXEDO KAMEN-SAMA!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!”
“YOU’RE WELCOME!” the Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen yelled back, everyone smiling at their victory.
“Will you take pictures with us?” Umino’s voice rang out.
“Not a chance,” Sailor Moon responded. “C’mon everyone!” The heroes disappeared out the doors and into the night sky, the full moon’s light shining brightly upon them. 
Chapter 4
Usagi and the other Senshi showed up nervously to the arcade the next morning, uncertain that the others would believe they had successfully gotten away and they weren’t the Sailor Senshi after all. 
Mamoru sat at the counter sipping his coffee as usual. Motoki made eye contact and waved cheerfully. “Hi, girls! Are you okay?”
“We’re fine,” Usagi said. “We managed to get away early on. Sorry for abandoning you guys.”
“Not at all,” Motoki said. “It was for the best. That evil man threatened you. If it weren’t for the Senshi erasing his memory, he’d probably have killed you.”
“Oh?” Usagi’s eyes widened, before forcing herself to wail. “HOW SCARY!”
“There, there,” Rei said sharply, patting her leader on the shoulder. “We’re all fine now. I’m glad Mamoru’s fine, too.”
“Yes, I got away early on as well.”
“Glad to hear it,” Usagi said guiltily. “Girls, go ahead. I’ll order for us.”
“Okay!” the girls chirped as they headed to their usual booth.
Usagi swallowed. “Listen, Mamoru. I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. You were right. I promise I’ll never dress like Sailor Moon or act like her again.”
“Apology accepted,” he said. 
“At least the Senshi showed up to take care of things,” she added.
“Yes, they did.” 
A moment of silence passed before Usagi remembered she was supposed to order food. Once she had finished and Motoki turned away, Mamoru asked quietly, “Are you going to follow my advice and find a normal guy?”
“Maybe,” Usagi said evasively. “Don’t worry about me, Mamoru-kun, okay?.”
He took in her features while she sweated bullets. “Okay,” he said.
She flounced off towards her booth, towards her friends, who all were talking about the party the night before.
“We were great!” Minako gushed.
“It was fun up until the end,” Ami said. 
“The Senshi crushed them,” Makoto said, her fist going into her palm.
“That they did,” Rei said, smiling.
“They sure put on a show, didn’t they?” Usagi said.
“And put that evil jerk in his place,” Ami said.
“Well it’s true,” Ami said. “I, for one, am grateful.”
“I wonder where he went,” Usagi said.
“Who cares?” Minako retorted. “He’s a nobody now and deserves whatever he gets!”
The food arrived. “Thanks, Motoki-oniisan!”
“No problem, Usagi-chan,” Motoki said with a big smile before turning away.
The girls picked up their glasses and clanked them in unison. “TO THE SAILOR SENSHI!” they toasted.
“TO THE SAILOR SENSHI!!!” everyone else in the arcade cheered.
“TO TUXEDO KAMEN!” Usagi cheered.
To the surprise of the Senshi, some of the partygoers repeated the final refrain of the Senshi’s song: 
Sailor Senshi, a symphony of might, Guided by stars, spreading love’s light. Together they’ll stand, forever strong, Safeguarding the world, righting every wrong.
As they cheered and whooped the girls smiled, and unbeknownst to them, a small smile tugged at Mamoru’s lips, hidden by his coffee cup.
It felt good to be appreciated.
The End
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sailorscoutpen · 1 year
A List of Subtle Changes I am Loving n PGSM (2):
(For clarification: this is from Act 5-8)
This may sound strange, but I am glad Rei didn't join right away. She learned she could trust Usagi and Ami, and they would love and care for her even with her sixth sense. AKA, she wouldn't be bullied by them due to her mystical powers, unlike those at her school.... I'm gonna take those rude classmates on a one-way trip.....
I liked when Ami was listening to the horoscope reading, and it was for Virgo... it was a very subtle and nice touch... but then she overthinks everything and pushes herself to her limit and passes out.....girl.... Usagi loves you for you....don't change.
Anyways, I need to breathe....
Oh, I found it interesting that Nephrite's "dream" was to be with Lady Beryl.....that was different....
I liked their amusement park date...it kind of felt like the 90's one where Usagi makes fun of Mamoru for riding the kiddy train....
That guy with the hiccups, though... poor Rei.....
Subtle Differences I Didn't Like in PGSM...:
WHY DID THEY CHOP ZOISITES HAIR?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!??! WHY????
Also, he has a cape now and plays the piano??????
I lowkey mistook him for Diamante at first, and my brain went WhAt....WaIt a MiNuTe.....
Oh, I found it odd that Usagi thought she was insulted Mako by calling her "like a boy" or "boyish".....like no....that's her character.... she is a lovely combination of "masculine" and "feminine" WHICH IS WHY I LOVE HER AND RELATE TO HER 10000000%!!!!!!!!!!
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phoukanamedpookie · 3 years
This is the Azula Meets the Sailor Guardians headcanons shitpost
Oh, @ultranos!
Rei, Mako, and Ami adore her. Ami is delighted to have a friend who can keep up with her academically. Mako finally has a sparring partner who can keep her on her toes. Rei loves the way Azula makes fun of Usagi.
Usagi is insanely jealous of how graceful, poised, and dedicated to her training and studies Azula is.
Azula calls Usagi "Bun Head."
Usagi can't believe there's anyone in the world who's meaner than Rei.
Azula takes one look at Hotaru and is filled with a deep sense of deja vu. She sometimes mistakenly calls her Mai.
Minako gets into an intense volleyball rivalry with Azula. This prompts her to get obsessed with training. "Any hesitation, any weakness, she'll snuff it out. Must train harder. I refuse to let her take volleyball away from me!"
Azula is utterly scandalized that the Sailor Guardians fight in those outfits.
Chibiusa is the first to get Azula to open up. She bonds with her because she's also from a different time, and the 20th/21st century takes a lot of getting used to.
Azula aghast that the words "strategy" and "tactics" have no seem to have no meaning to the Sailor Guardians, immediately sets herself to the task of creating and executing a proper training regimen. Usagi cries for weeks.
Mamoru is always slightly terrified of Azula. She's perfectly gracious and polite, but he gets the distinct feeling that she would do something horrible to him if he hurt or betrayed her new friends. And she would.
Azula spoils the cats with treats, so they take her side in every argument.
The Sailor Guardians sometimes fight over who gets to spend time with Azula. Azula enjoys this immensely but will never admit it.
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docholligay · 3 years
Shadow and Starlight
@rhiorhino has negative things planned for today, and so I offfered to write her something. She asked for “soft and tender, Artemis and Minako” I ONLY HAD ONE DAY’S NOTICE SO APOLOGIES. 
 It was a long night. Most nights were long anymore, it seemed. Maybe that was just a part of saving the world the manga forgot to mention. It was fun to have a power fantasy, when you were kicked back on the train, eating a twizzler and flipping through the pages, but as Minako dragged herself back through the hazy streets of Tokyo, it became clear just how much of that power had been fantasy. 
It never hurt, in the panels she read. Oh, a girl would take a licking, that was sure, but somehow, after the battle she would be smiling and fresh, maybe with a wistful speech about all they almost lost. But no one was ever lost, not for real. No one was ever scarred. 
And that, she supposed, was still true. No one had ever been really lost. And she could feel the slashes across her body beginning to knit themselves back together, nerves and tissues regrowing even as she limped along. And that was the trick, wasn’t it? 
She could feel it. 
No one had told her no magic wand was waved, that if these girls were a garden, razed to the ground and able to come back, year after year, moment after moment, that they would feel the growing. No one had told her that a scar could be felt but not seen. 
Fourteen was the age of learning, she supposed. 
Minako slipped back through the door of her house and stumbled weakly into her room, sitting down on the end of the bed. That night in London, she shouldn’t have taken the transformation rod. That night in London, she should have turned tail and walked back down the alleyway. Thank night in London, she should have looked at Artemis and said--
“I’m so glad you’re home, Mina.” 
Minako looked up toward the voice, already knowing who it would be. It must have been an act of magic and the moon, that he was able to come back from London with her, the small white cat that met her in an alleyway one night. 
She gave him a weak smile. ‘We won.” 
“I know,” he gave a nod, and looked at the lines of red and pink and purple streaming across the exposed parts of her body, “in a way. Oh, Mina.” 
She shook her head. It was a silly thing, to worry over her. She was the leader, and she always took first position, and she couldn’t be killed, not really, so what did it matter? They could only die if Usagi was killed, and so the bruises and cuts and deep wounds on the other girls were nothing but some kind of macabre decoration, kept only up for the dark holiday of their every victory. 
But Artemis worried anyway. He cared about things other than if she could die. 
Artemis dragged her pajamas over to the bed, neatly pressed and smelling sweetly of peach linen spray. It must have taken him all night. He would deny it, of course, but she could see the worry lines of concentration in his little white forehead, the way he must have directed every concern about her into the fabric. 
She pulled them on gingerly, Artemis wincing as she did so. They would be gone by morning, even the deepest of the marks, leaving only a memory shared between the two of them. Minako wondered how they handled it, the others, who did not have someone like Artemis there. Ami, brushing up against her mother only in casual passes. Mako, brushing up against no one at all. Rei, brushing up only against the fire of her own frustration, each mark a place where she slipped. Usagi, of course, she didn’t worry about. 
Usagi was never hit. 
Because for all she told him not to worry, he made her feel her sacrifice was seen. Someone saw her bruises, and the long rivers of red in her body, and cried out for them. Someone saw her not only as a sacrifice laid for the princess, but as a person. When she came home to Artemis, she mattered for the sake of Minako Aino. 
Artemis was behind her, stroking her hair and awkwardly attempting to braid it into two plaits, knowing that her shoulder would be too sore to manage it herself. 
“It was quick tonight,” he said, mouth slightly full of a chunk of hair,” the way you’ve been training them is paying off.” 
She looked over at the clock. He was right, the night hadn’t been that long, it only felt long, like the painting she had once seen of a clock stretched and melted long into the sun. 
“You did a good job.” He managed to tie off one of the braids. 
Minako smiled. She couldn’t help it. It was hard to be too upset when Artemis was so proud of her. When there was a mug of cocoa sitting by the bed, that he must have taken great pains to make sure was ready. When her hair was being braided and combed with great affection. When he looked at her, and saw what she did for the sacrifice it was. When he wanted her to be more than a sacrifice. 
She should have turned tail, that night in London. She should have rejected the transformation rod. She should have told Artemis she didn’t want it. 
But she laid her head down on the bed, Artemis curled under her chin, purring, and went down the alleyway, reached her hand out to the rod, and smiled again.
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
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•[ Part Six ] • reincarnation final battle
I didn’t cry while writing this.... you did
'The dark spots on the sun continue to spread at unusual pace. Earthquakes, Volcanic, Eruptions, hurricanes, and other catastrophes believed to be caused by this phenomenon, continue to occur throughout the world. The National Weather Bureau is calling this an unprecedented atmospheric even and has released a statement sayin they-
“We will have to act quickly.” Atlas says, looking at the screen. 
[Y/n] was at Hikawa Shrine, with the others. "Is everyone ready?" Mina asked, calmly. 
“Yeah. Let’s do this.” Mako says, cracking her knuckles.
”well, there’s no turning back now.” Ami says, 
“Hey, uh. Rei.” Usagi says, and everyone looks towards her.
”So did you at least give Yuichiro a kiss before leaving home?” She asks, looking at Rei.
and everyone makes a dumbfounded look, “And just why’d you bring that up?” Rei asks, looking at her.
”I just thought, what if something bad happens. You’re have regret.” Usagi says..
[ Time Skip ] cause I’m lazy..
They are in the Artic and, Usagi was shivering. Ami was looking down at her device, “Hey, I found it! There’s a strong evil Or is that coming from over in that direction!” Ami shouts, point towards the way.
Usagi sneezes, and the girls see a purple cloud coming from out of the ground. They begin to walk towards it, “Wait! The evil auras getting much stronger.” Ami says, looking down... 
The girls look around, then a fog surronds them. “here they come.” [Y/n] says, looking down.
[Y/n] gasps seeing what seems to be Tuxedo Mask, appear in front of her. His suit tattered and ripped, “Tuxedo Mask.” She says, seeing him. But stops, something doesn’t feel right.
“Help me Sailor Luna.” He says and, she gasps looking up at him. She shakes her head, 
“Please... Sailor Luna, my star.” He says, it was as if her legs seemed to move on her own. She got closer, but stopped.
“Its a monster!” Ami shouted, [Y/n] saw his eyes turning red. as a vine comes out of his chest.
The girls dodging it, then the monster shows up. “Hey you monster! How dare you trick me!” [Y/n] shouts at her..
Then five more of the monsters appear, “There’s five of them?” Usagi says, looking at them.
”You girls don’t stand a chance against us not while you are here in the D-Point.” The monsters says, to the girls. 
“Sailor Luna, I love you.” He says and, she looks down and shakes her head. 
“I’m not falling for it again!” [Y/n] shouted, then another vine comes out of him. The girls run away, then Jupiter turns around. 
“Supreme Thunder!” Mako shouts, then sees Motoki and stops, and is surrounded by Vines. The vines wrap around her body, and all the girls gasp. 
Watching as the other five show up, “Moon tiara action!” Usagi shouts, 
”Its not good! Well end up hitting Jupiter.” Rei says, looking up at them.
“Never mind me! You’ve got to make your move to go stop Queen Beryl!” Mako shouts, towards them. Then she screams in pain, as she’s shocked by electricity.
”Allow me to give you girls a taste of what real thunder feels like.” She says, with a smirk on her face.
”Go to hell!” She shouts, 
“Supreme Thunder!” She shouts, shouts electricity coming down. Electrocuting her and the monsters, as she screams in pain. A powerful blast goes off, around them.
the girls gasps, as it explodes. And Jupiter is frozen in spikes of ice, [Y/n] gasps, in horror. 
“Jupiter!” The girls shout, 
Mako opens her eyes, weakly and, looks at the girls. “Hey Girls...” Mako says, weakly looking at her friends.
”I’m coming!” Usagi shouts, trying to climb up to her. 
“I’m not gonna make it..S-so go, get her, Get Queen Beryl. Hurry! Leave me here.” Mako says, weakly her eyes fighting to stay open.
”no we won’t! We have to go back there together!” Y/n shouts, tears running down her cheeks.
”Remember what you said Mako? How when you get back you are going to find all the love you can!” Usagi says, reaching up.
”You weren’t lying to us were you?!” She cries.
”Just stay with us don’t give up if you lied, Lord Enma will pull your tongue out.” She cries, reaching up towards her.
”There’s no time for crying you must go princess.” Mako says, to her. Her eyes beginning to close and, then she goes limp.
Usagi and [Y/n] both gasp in horror, tears running down their cheeks.
”No! MAKO! YOU CAN’T DIE MAKO!” [Y/n] and Usagi cry out, tears running down their cheeks. Seeing their friends lifeless body.
“There’s nothing more we can do we need to go come on Sailor Moon. Sailor Luna.” Mina says, to them seeing them on the ground crying.
“Forget it! It’s stuff like this is going to happen, we should just give them the silver crystal!” [Y/n] shouts, tears running down her cheeks.
”How can you even say that?!” Rei shouts, at her.
”it’s true that’s really what we should’ve done in the first place!” [Y/n] says, to them.
”Queen Beryl!” She shouts, 
“Sailor Luna! Stop it!” Ami shouts, holding her back.
”You can have the Silver Crystal right now!” [Y/n] cries.
”Let go! That Crystals why Mako died!” She cries, looking at Ami.
”we should just give up.” She says, looking down. Then she gasps, when Ami slaps her across the cheek.
”Sorry I did that, but listen. Don’t let Jupiters death be in vain.” Ami says, to her and, [Y/n] sniffles looking up at her.
”They’re coming!” She says, looking down at the device.
”right!” Rei says,
”Mo! You four need to keep going. I’ll hold them off here.” Ami says, 
“But, Mercury.” Usagi says, looking at her.
”Mars and Venus, have more firepower than I do, and Sailor Moon and Sailor Luna needs all the support you can give them!” Ami says.. 
“Now go!” She shouts.. 
“Wait Ami, you’re not?” Usagi asks, looking at her worried.
”don’t be silly I’m not gonna die.” Ami says, looking at her with a smile.
”Do you promise.” Y/n asks, looking at her.
”yeah.” Ami says, smiling. Then Rei, Mina, Usagi, and Y/n. Leave Ami there, to fight.
“Come and get me.” She says, confidently. Then an illusion appears, 
“Ryo” she gasps, 
“So now it’s my turn to see illusions of someone special.” She says, looking at it. then she gasps as the ground explodes, in front of her.
”Bubble! Spray!” She shouts, at the incoming lava.and it hardens.the monsters fly up in front of her, and look down at her. And send a ball of lava towards her.
Ami dodges it, “it’s actually an allusion, but it possesses the heat of the real thing but illusions source is that jewel on her forehead.” She says, looking at it.
“The only way to stop them, is to destroy the spice of this illusion.” She says, looking up at it.
”Bubble! Spray!” She shouts, again. As the wave surrounds her, she’s inside the illusion. And gasps, feeling vines wrap around her.
she screams in pain, “No you’ll Rose like a pig!” The monster says, to her.
”I’m no pig.” Ami says, to it.
”how about a baked potato.” Another one said.
”hah! Now die.” It shouts, as Ami screams in pain. She groans in pain, “Guess I won’t be using this again..” she says, looking down. She then cracks the monsters jewel. Breaking the illusion.
”Damn! Her! Now I can’t create anymore illusions!” The monster shouts.Then the monsters fly away, as Ami’s body falls to the ground.
Both Usagi and [Y/n] let out a shocked gasp, sensing her death. Tears brim their eyes, as they fall to the ground.
”Ami is dead!” They cry into their hands, 
“Why?! Why did she choose to stay behind!” Usagi cries.
”Crying over everything won’t help us!” Rei shouted at her.
”They are gonna keep attacking us they won’t stop!” She says, tears in her eyes.
”But... I’d never thought it’d turn out like this.” Y/n cries, as the ground beneath her turns red. Mina gasps, seeing this.
”Look out!” Mina shouts, pushing Y/n out of the way. As a vine burst from the ground wrapping around her, causing her to scream.
”No! Minako!” Y/n and Usagi shout, in horror.
“Stop it now!” Usagi begs,
”I’ll give you the Silver Crystal if you’ll just let Minako go!” Y/n shouts.
”if you do that I’ll never forgive you!” Mina shouts, at her. Then screams as the vine, pulls her down into the ground in the hole it came out of.
”you guardians are fools begging for your teammates like the silver crystal will be ours but only after we kill every last one of you!” The monster shouts, at Mina.
”Starting with this one!” It shouts.. and then Mina’s screams were heard in the hole as it lights up.
”Minako!” [Y/n] shouts, tears running down her cheeks. Rei then grabs both Usagi and Y/n, 
Mina let’s put painful screams in the hole, “Crescent! Beam!” Mina shouts, as she kills the villain. She lets out a shrill scream, as the area around her explodes. And water shooting out of the hole, it creating a spikes of ice.
Mina’s body at the top lifeless, [Y/n] and Usagi cries as Rei drags them away. “Minako!” They cry looking out towards it.
”You know what..I really had fun arguing with you all the time.” Rei says, to Usagi.
and Usagi gasps, “Wait! Why do you just say that?!” Usagi asks, looking at her.
”I thought I’d tell you in case something bad happens.” Rei says to her...
”Stop it! This isn’t the time to be joking!” Usagi says to her...then two monsters appear in front of them. Rei walks forward,
”Wait!! I can handle the rest of what needs to be done here I’ll defeat them an Queen Beryl!” Y/n cries looking at her.
”then I’ll come home! So please Rei, just go home!” Usagi cries, looking at her.
“I don’t want you to die!” Both Usagi and Y/n, cried looking at her.
”I appreciate your concern, but I am afraid I can’t let you do that you need to save your strength for the bigger battle.” Rei says to them.
”Besides, you’ve never seen anyone come close to beating me!” She says, to them happily.
”Give me two minutes and we’ll go finish Queen Beryl together!” She says, walking towards the monsters. Leaving both [Y/n] and Usagi standing there.
”Fire!” She says, then both monsters dive into the icey ground by Rei. And the ground, 
“They’re fast!” She says, looking down. The the ground beneath her shakes, as she’s lifted up into the sky.
”Rei!” Both Usagi and Y/n, shout.Rei screams and in encased, in the ice. Both girls eyes seem to go blank in horror, 
“What happened?” They both say, looking at it. They walk towards it slowly, but a monster bursts out of the ground behind them. 
“Now you’re mine!” It shouts, sending sharp vines to impale them. They just stare at it, with an emotionless look. As Fire from Rei, breaks out of the ice and attacks the monster.
The monster screams as it’s surrounded by the fire, “She’s alive!” [Y/n] shouts, looking back at the ice.
”Damn you!” The monster inside shouts,as it attacks Rei who lets out a scream of pain. As a light emits from the ice, as Rei’s painful screams are heard. And then it explodes, and the monster looks at Usagi and Y/n.
”Well now, that leaves just you. Princesses.” It says, holding up Rei’s dead body. 
“Rei, no!” Usagi screams.
”now it’s your turn!” The monster says, as it was about to attack them. Rei with her last remaking strength grabs the vines, 
“I’m not done yet!” Rei groans, in pain.
”Fire Soul!” She shouts, as the monster lights up in flames. Burning them and the ice around them.leaving spikes of ice.
”Usagi, turns out you were right about Yuichiro, I... Should’ve kissed him. Too late now..” She says weakly, as he eyes close with a smile on her face. 
“NO REI!” Y/n cries...
Both Usagi and [Y/n] all alone, sitting on the ground crying over the death of their friends.
”Mako.. Ami..Minako...Rei..” Usagi whimpers, tears running down her cheeks.
”I get it. This is a dream. A dream. When I wake up, they’ll say “good morning like always. And Rei will call me “silly Usagi” as usual.” She cries, [Y/n] wraps her arms around her.
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batcrested · 3 years
“don’t try that smarty shit with me.” ~ mako
       "But that's the only advantage I have against you, Mako." Easily Tim evades the playful swat Makoto grives to give him on the arm, sidestepping out of her way as she gathers the proper ingredients to for a red strawberry velvet cake ( a request from Rei ) and grabbing a spare apron from beneath the sink to put on. He might not be the best cook in the house but he knows how to crack eggs and stir a bowl under proper supervisor. Plus, he loves learning and sharing his lover's hobbies, even if he's terrible at a few of them.
       "C'mon, I'm giving you three guesses on where we're going and I'll even give you a few hints to help." He insists with a teasing smile, reaching out to take the bag of flour and carton of eggs out her hands when she turns back around. "First hint, it's somewhere warm. Second, it's one of the top three places you want to visit. Three, I already booked the flight and hotel so you can't say no." Plus he's already arranged for Ami and Minako to look after Makoto's shop while they're gone for the weekend.
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        A two year anniversary is pretty big milestone and he intends to make it one of the most memorable trips they'll ever have. His only hope is his hiding spot for her actual present won't be discovered by her or their slobbery roommate.
unprompted // @daniwrit
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tiny012 · 8 months
I still don't understand the obsession with Seiya. Let's just think about this situation from Usagi's perspective. Your fiance has gone to another country for school while you remain in your own country where you're just trying to get through school while something inside is telling you something is very wrong with your fiance because he's not calling. However, as if this isn't bad enough, some popular guy starts stalking you and insisting on being in a relationship with you although you already mentioned more than once you have a boyfriend, you have tried to let them off gently, but they can't seem to take the hint. To add more salt to the wound, your friends are encouraging this behavior and gaslighting you into playing along just so they can get with the guy themselves, which leads to you being humiliated and bullied. All the while, you still worry about your fiance and having the other guy continually insult him and trying convince you that he doesn't even love you anymore.
Because you know emotional abuse and gaslighting are just signs of love, right?
I have always looked at the situation from her POV ever since I watch Stars back in 2017. Especially the first episode after Mamo left and S.A.D and their two back up singers I mean the other two Starlights come to their school.
All Usagi wanted to do was try to get trough the school year without Mamo being there and be unbothered.
That's it.
Because the looks she gave them through that whole episode..
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"I don't want to fuck with you. Leave me the fuck alone."
Which was so fucking relatable!!!
She showed zero interest in the fact S.A.D was an idol and The Starlight’s while the other girls was gushing over them. 
All she wanted to do was make it through the rest of the school year without Mamo in peace damn it!
She told Luna when she ask if it was a club she was want to join like the girls are and this was her answer.
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If the school said they was doing a student exchange program with high school students in America aka Boston Mass where Harvard is at, Usagi would be the first to put her name on the list and get the fuck out of there to see her man. English be damned. ( Which how the other four and Luna treat her I don't blame her. ) ( She looks like an Alien in the last pic but the 90's anime have the best animation... )
When S.A.D and the Starlights come to school, so was so unfazed with the fact they were Jpop Stars/Idols while all the other girls around the school was fangirling since they were apart of the fanclub. Also while Mina was start scheming, Mako was fangirling, Ami was secretly fangirling and Rei went from her damn school to their school just to see them after school.
Just think about the fact that she technically met them first before the four groupies I mean her friends met them.
But the way they acted toward Usagi because it because she could careless about them and the other two..
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Doesn't make any sense.
And I get it.
It was nothing wrong with them fangirling over JPop Stars/Idols/ Boy Brands.
I am a 90's baby who was kid during TRL days on MTV and it was Backstreet Boys Vs.Nsync Vs. 98 Degrees. ( This was before social media was a thing)
My classmates had pics of B2K, Pretty Ricky, and other black bands on the wall and fight over who was their fave.
Hell Might as well include Boys to Men, All for One, New Edition.
Hell my sister was a HUGE fan of New Kids on the Block when she a teenager. Which now a few years ago, she got into KPop and is a huge fan of Shinee and other Kpop groups like NCT 127 ( and the off shoot groups with it's fifty elven members lol) , EXO, Stray Kids and others. Hell it got me into listening girl groups like Mamamoo, Red Velvet, Girls' Generation, CLC, Black Pink, After School and others
So I understand that and the fact they are 16 year old's girls because I was their age once.
Hell Naoko in the manga got them fangirling over them as well but it's a balance which the 90's anime didn't give them. They kept pushing S.A.D on her for their own personal grain and not thinking about Usagi doesn't want NOTHING to do with them.
Because this shit in that Softball episode and the Episode where S,A.D is at her house alone..
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She gives two fucks that S.A.D is an Idol. All she wants is to see her damn boyfriend.
And she keep telling S.A.D over and over again." Hey I have a boyfriend." Hey I really don't vibe with you. Leave me alone." Hey We are not dating. I got someone I'm waiting on to come back." and S.A. D keep thinking " Oh She's just playing hard to get. She really digs me. Let me keep throwing my weight I mean Swag around her. "
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Which ends up to their own heartbreak on the damn roof when it supposed to been about her and not about them.
Cause that moment was about her. I’m really tried of seeing so many scenes in the 90’s anime that her feelings get sideline for someone else. I’m tired of the part of fandom saying it’s about both of them.
She is on the damn ground in the gotdamn rain venting about missing her (dead) boyfriend cause she doesn’t have a clue why he’s not replying in which she told NOONE the whole damn season that she haven’t and you have the nerve to be like “ Am I not Good Enough”
You would done so much better if you would have hug her or just told her “ Come on lets get you out of this rain.”
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Since they keep putting themselves in a situation that they know jackshit about and thinking Mamo didn't give a damn about her which is father from the damn truth.
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" Oh He's making her sad..He doesn't love her.." DON'T TOUCH SHIT THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU!
The more insult to injury after the rooftop scence her "best friend" have the nerve to say this.
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Child If your ass was paying attention the whole season instead of hightailing your ass from your school to the girls school just to see the damn Starlights you would have fucking knew all the damn time she told space alien dive ass that she had a damn boyfriend. She may have told yall that she haven't heard from him since he left but since yall been shitty ass friends for almost 200 episodes...
Especially one arc in particular which you sit up here , joked about her being dumped and precede to give her the most shitty ass advice you can give someone. " Oh You got to trust him" even tho he really give her ZERO reasons to trust him since he was hot and cold towards her. Which the rest of yall was like " Oh he had his reasons" which he did but yall didn't fucking rally behind her which yall most def didn't rally behind her dealing with Seiya and could told them to back off.
No yall asses was too busy using her proximity to Space Alien Diva ass and their two back up singers for yall own personal grain.
Be damned about a friend yall claim yall love and want to protect feelings.
But hey
People always going to use the break up arc against him when the one time he wasn't thinking rationally at all because all he wanted to do was protect her ( which he honestly though not from the dreams he was having but from himself because he still through he couldn't have no one close to him. Since he didn't have a set of friends and support system like Usagi did) which he didn't think it through and how it would affect her and himself greatly.
He was a freaking 17 years old boy having a dream about marrying the girl he is in love with ,having her die on which supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and having a booming voice to telling him " Oh you need to stay away from Usagi" which in his mind translates to him thinking that he is bad news/curse to her since she already died one lifetime because of their love.
Which he would rather just put the burden of staying away from her and dealing with it on his own instead of just telling her. Which for a 17 year old boy what the fuck do you expect? He have not matured yet which the most rational thing to do was to tell her. ( But hell some adults still don't tell shit.) Rei had dreams in S about the whole world including the girls getting destroyed and haven't told a soul until Pluto told her to tell them. No one got on her withholding important information about the world to her team.
But oh no
That's not forgivable but "Am I not good enough" is
When a person who made Usagi finally breaking down about missing Mamo and feeling like she can't do all this shit she is dealing with by herself into being " Hey what about me?"
I mean what about you?
Half of the season you got on her damn nerves thinking she was playing hard to get when she was constantly telling you she had a boyfriend and wasn't interested.
The rest of the season yall become friends but you thought you can " Treat her better than he can."
Then being upset that you found your princess and she's not interested in you so transfer your feelings to a person who most def not interested in you and your ass got hurt because you wouldn't simply listen to her and leave her the fuck alone.
Unrequited love is a bitch but come the fuck on.
Then it trips me out when people translates that scene to "Oh Am I not doing a good enough job to distract you from your sadness.” instead of S.A.D trying to “replace” Mamo is still making the scene about them.
Because S.A.D is still not understanding the fact that when she saw that rose, everything she held on inside the whole season come out and it was not only just about Mamo.
She have a group of friends and still feels utterly alone to the point that she didn’t even tell them she heard nothing from Mamo.
She has a guardian cat that she don’t even tell her what’s going on because she is so judgmental and still act like Usagi can’t do the work.
She misses not only Mamo that she doesn’t know what’s going on with him not retuning her calls or her letters but missing Chibiusa.
She have to deal with Outers and the Starlights bullshit and how the Outers don’t want to hang with S.A.D or be allies with the Starlights. While the Starlights don’t want S.A.D to do the same thing.
She constantly dealing with the inners shit and how they acted like groupies while using her to try to get close to S.A.D the until they found out S.A.D and Starlights identities. Which the inners are completely useless in fights she is having now.
She had to deal with S.A.D shit and not understanding that she have a boyfriend and just ask her to do things before just thinking she will automatedly do it with them.
To top that all off she got to deal with Galaxia and her people stealing people Star Seed.
All the while not having the one person that have been by her side since she become Sailor Moon. Mamoru.
No 16 year old girl should have to deal with that much shit.
And it all come ahead with her seeing that rose and think maybe just maybe he come back to her finally. That she’s not alone.
The saddness she feels runs deep and just because you think you finally decided to stop “ shoot your shot” and be supported of her you think it’s going to “Proof” magically disappear. Because you make her smile or laugh for a few minutes.
Naw dear It doesn’t work that way. No way in hell does it way that way because it’s more than her missing her boyfriend.
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Usagi was depressed this season and you can’t tell me otherwise. So no amount of S.A.D trying to make her “ happy” would actually make her “ happy” if she’s not mentally.
But we should feel bad for S.A.D because they love her oh so much by pushing boundaries and throwing emotional baggage that weight a fucking ton on a girl who have to deal with her OWN emotional baggage!!
"Poor S.A.D! They just love Usagi so much. Bad Usagi for not bring their feelings into consideration while you are breaking down about being alone and missing your boyfriend.”
Poor S.A.D my ass
Sorrows, Sorrows Prayers Seyia
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#Tanya rants about SM#I just went off at the end lmao#long post#I am sorry but something about S.A.D in the 90's anime and how people think they are the better choice for Usagi#when most of the season they annoyed the living fuck out of her#just gets a rant out of me every single time#because if this was real life and a person kept pushing a person to go out with them when the person clearly is not interested#people would be on that person side who is not interested#they wouldn't saying crazy shit to justify that person who is pushing#they would say the person who is pushing is wrong and need to back off#but nope not with this#then also in real life the person who is not interested friends who stand by their friend and tell that person to back off#not use the fact the person is pushing to get close with the person other friends because they are hot#it still frustrating to me because people would use oh it just fiction on every single thing in this show besides when it comes to Mamoru#then they put real life applications towards him#kiss Usagi when she is sleep they supposed to be allegory to Fairy Tale which is Naoko thing#oh He kiss her without her consent! He's trying to SA her meanwhile the person who really tries to SA her gets the#“Oh he's a villain doing villian things bullshit.”#2-3 freaking age gap that is not going to matter when they become adults#“Oh he's a pedophile! He should go to jail.”#Nephrite fucking grooming Naru which was an adult and using the living shit Naru to find the Silver Crystal and SM Identity#Oh they don't get together and he dies so it's fine It's so sad!!!#Like Fucking hell#The double standards use against that boy is fucking crazy.#Shit my damn tags become another rant lmao#Let me stop now lol#But one more thing#Be fucking fair instead of a damn hypocrite fandom
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
MakoAmi Headcanons
Since this ship has officially kidnapped me, here’s some headcanons for these cuties (also my two fave characters)
If they’re both 30 and still single, they would marry each other and adopt a million kids.
Sometimes, they ‘accidentally’ flash each other because Mako’s legs are too long for her skirts and Ami is more sinful than their friends think. Makoto gets as horny as a frigging clown car LMFAO, Ami’s super blushy and can’t even make eye contact with her
Makoto wakes up Ami on her birthday and carries her down their apartment’s hallway bridal style, as they’re both giggling like schoolgirls and pecking each other on the cheeks and lips
When Makoto was discovering her sexuality (panromantic demisexual in this no-powers AU), Ami was the first person she came out to. Ami even told her she was bisexual the same night. (Super GFs lol)
They adopt two children, while Ami gives birth to one and Makoto bears two. Their kids’ names are Kaito, Daiki, Mari, Hime, and Kimiko. (I reuse these ones a lot, even with my ZoiAmi/RyoAmi and MakoNeph fics too, I just really like them)
Usagi was their wedding planner. She was really irritating them, and Ami has to refrain Makoto from bitch-slapping/punching/clobbering poor Usagi ssksaksak
Minako makes the world’s worst dirty jokes, so that’s where Makoto goes for pick-up lines and gets the dirtiest ones to use on Ami. But Ami retaliates with an even dirtier set and Makoto is bright red and faints XDXDXD
Ami’s mother adores Makoto. She even lived with them throughout her middle and high school years.
They go on fricking double dates with Haruka and Michiru, being chaotic disaster pans, lesbians and bis as a team LMAO
As above, Michiru and Ami are the soft ones with calmness and manners while Makoto and Haruka hand you your ass any day of the week. Do not f**k with them. (Or their girlfriends SKASKAJSJS, I feel so horrible for that but really amused because it’s funny and true)
They absolutely sing in the car on the way to work. It’s always strange for Ami’s coworkers at the hospital when she and her wife pull up scream-singing.
They both sob like babies on their oldest child Mari’s first day of school. Mari had to wipe away her mothers’ tears for them.
When Ami gave birth to their son Kaito, Makoto held him and whispered ‘I will kill anyone who hurts you’, so Ami yelled at her and smacked her on the arm.
Kaito soon enough becomes BFFs with Akane (Rei and Yuichirou’s daughter, I also am giving this name to her and Jadeite’s daughter in another AU series). Mako thinks he likes her, and she’s correct.
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OK, I need something to take my mind off of the horribleness of my job, so here’s some rambling thoughts inspired by @guidedbyanewpodcast ‘s 2nd Apocalypse Special.  But rather than thinking about which Senshi I would most like to quarantine with during this COVID-19 pandemic (heck if I know what that’s like anyway as I can’t do it), I will instead ramble on about how I think they’d do if they had to stay in.  There is a caveat with this though, as this will be assuming they are in their actual homes, and with their families (assuming they have them) (Sorry, Mako).
Usagi – at first she’s thrilled to be out of school.  But then reality sets in.  She’s still expected to study, but now her mom is in charge of making sure she learns. And her mom is there to nag her about it all the time.  There is no escape.  And she’s frustrated that Ikuko isn’t giving Shingo nearly as hard a time about this (because he actually does the work, but that’s besides the point in Usagi’s mind).  Plus even at night when alone in her room she’s going to have Luna to nag her too.  Besides that it does not take Usagi long to start missing her friends.  A lot. She goes stir crazy nearly immediately, and this drives all others up the wall, making moods around the house much worse than they’d normally be.  And the real kicker to all of this?  Her dad is still going out.  He’s apparently a press photographer (That’s why he was at the ball for the Princess of the D Kingdom, right?  Going off memory here), and people still want news and photos for the news.  He still has to work, so it’s not even a particularly effective quarantine for their family.  Still, he’s at least going to be following some precautions so it’s not as bad as it could be.
Chance of Infection: medium  Ability to Cope: low
Ami – Ami is very studious and serious, and with her mother’s profession she will likely be taking this seriously too.  Now I can believe that Ami can entertain herself, and while she would rather be with her friends she isn’t going to go crazy… from that.  There is a problem though in how she’s in the best position of the Senshi to realize how bad this could be, and that could potentially cause her quite a bit of stress.  Especially with her mother being a doctor.  There’s no way Ms. Mizuno is going to be able to avoid being exposed to COVID-19.  Which raises the question of how they would cope with that.  I could easily see Ami wanting to find some way she could help out, arguing that with her mother’s profession they’re probably both going to get it anyway. So now I have to wonder, how young are hospital volunteers allowed to be, or would she find some other way to try and help out?
Chance of Infection: high  Ability to Cope: medium
Rei – Rei will also take this seriously.  She will be sure to make sure everybody else is taking it seriously.  After all her grandpa is on the line here!  She will most definitely manage to get her hands on an extra-long broom to make sure that people, especially Usagi, stay away without having to get close to them.  She’s also the one Usagi is going to call up the most often, and in so doing drive her nuts. Still, when that isn’t happening she’s got enough music, books, and chores around the shrine to keep herself occupied, not to mention that all of her training with meditation is really going to come in handy.  And she’ll probably relax a bit when she manages to talk the crows into acting as a proximity alarm so she doesn’t have to employ CONSTANT VIGILANCE.
Chance of Infection: low  Ability to Cope: high
Makoto – Oh, I feel sorry for Makoto.  Unlike the others (besides Mamoru if you count him) she’s not going to have anybody to shelter with.  And you don’t know how mad isolation can drive you until it is complete.  Mako might tell herself she’s doing what she’s supposed to, but after a while she’s going to find excuses to head to the store for just one or two more things she “accidentally forgot” during one of her main shopping trips. Find herself taking scenic routes that are technically still a way to get to where she needs to go when she has to go out.  She won’t outright break quarantine… but she will come awfully close to that line a few times.
Chance of Infection: medium  Ability to Cope: low
Minako – Now Minako has people that she can shelter with.  But the problem there is… she really doesn’t like her mom.  And with her dad stuck at home there’s greater chances of arguments between the two breaking out.  That house is going to be a mess.  So like Makoto Minako is going to try to find ways out.  Unlike Makoto she will outright just break quarantine. Still, she might find ways of justifying it.  Dust off the old Sailor V costume and go crimefighting for example.  Don’t nag her about this Artemis, she’s providing a valuable community service!  Besides, she’s a superhero, it’s not like superheroes can get sick while transformed, right?
Chance of Infection: high  Ability to Cope: low
Chibi-Usa – Funny that, she doesn’t show up to visit while this is going on.  Strangest thing.
Chance of Infection: N/A  Ability to Cope: N/A
The Outers – Why am I grouping them together like this?  Well, remember what I said about sheltering with family?  Where there you go, they’re all in the same house anyway. And they… are most definitely making it through this fine as Setsuna is going to casually bring home some vaccine injections that haven’t quite been invented yet shortly before this thing gets off the ground, and the others will quickly realize this is one of those things you don’t ask about.  But with actual infection off the table they won’t find things stressful, just a bit dull. Haruka won’t be happy about not being able to go out for pleasure drives, but she can still busy herself with making sure Hotaru has a playmate and gets exercise, Michiru can likewise busy herself by taking on a teacher role, and Setsuna… look, if anybody is able to handle being in one place for a long time with nothing to do, I think it’d be Pluto.  That’s kinda her job description.
Chance of Infection: zero  Ability to Cope: high
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miselizadarcy · 4 years
Myu review 1: 1993 Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen!
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I am a big fan of Sailor Moon and when in  2012-13 (i think) i found that they were musicals based on the manga and the series( that went between 1993 to 2005) i was so happy. I began watching them on youtube when it was announce in 2013 a revival of the musicals due to the 20th aniversary of the serie/manga. To be honest i watched this last musicals all in order and i love it, but when it came with the old ones i only watched the first stage (anzamoon) and some bits of Fumina, none of Miyuki (sadly) and some things of Marina. So thank you to this quarentine and to @sailorzakuro​ who encouraged me i decided to review the first, second and third stage of the musical (that is the Bandai era) and then i will do the same with the Nelke´s one. 
Before i began, please consider that this is my opinion about it, you can have another and that is more than fine. So please respect what are you going to read below. Also  since it is not my area of expertise  i am not judging the singing of the actress (all i am going to say about it is: i like it/i don´t) i will leave that for the fans who knows and understands it. Feel free to message me if you see something that is wrong or even to talk to me... more than happy to meet more myu fan. 
So the first thing that i have to say about this musical is that i have a couple of issues with it. I know i should be soft because it was the first one and i will, i promise. But there are some problems (i think) with the screenplay. It was made perfectly clear that this musical takes places after the first season of SM ended in Japan. So, having that in mind here are my questions: Why the shenshis did not rembember their past life? . In the serie this happened, we have a episode with it, so it made no sense (at least for me) that the girls remember  nothing about their previous life. I mean, they know who beryl and the shitennou are... idk they messed up that i think. It works if you have not watched the first season i guess, but otherwise, it was weird. Another question is what kind of relationship have Usagi and Mamoru? Are they friends?. Because he called her “usako” and she “mamo-chan” and i thought that if they are calling each other that way... maybe there were something more than friends?. I do not know maybe i am being very critical about this (LOL) but you have to admit that some things are off (if i am wrong with this please, please, correct me). 
Leaving all this behind, i have to say that it is a nice musical. Anzamoon is cute (althought i think she went very hard with the crybaby moments) and looked so young but her voice is amazing...gosh!.. Her moon was very poor tbh (and i hate saying this because i love anza with all my heart), her Usagi needed more work too, but it was her first musical... so she was pretty good. The one thing i have to say about her is that the very first moment you see her, you know she is having the time of her life, enjoying herself and i really love that. We barely see anything from Ami/Ayako & Mako/Kanoto wich is bad and sad but i think they were ok. Rei/Hikoro... i have opposite feelings about her because she had their great moments but then she behaved like Minako, so let´s say that i would like to see more of her because i do not think it is fair to criticize her based only in one musical. Minako/Nana my sweet dear girl, i love her so much. I know, I KNOW she is not the Minako we are used to, but she reminded me of S1 Minako  (sweet but mature ) and i love it. It ´s pretty early but i Nana is one of my fav Minako/Venus. Luna&Artemis Ok so i am not a big fan of them being in stage, they look weird (the nogimyu´s luna  was worst for me) and also they do not move as cast, maybe Artemis... but yeah. Tuxedo/Mizuki unpopular opinnion  her but i really, really like him. Again he reminded me of S1 Mamoru and was soo god, also he had a very good chemistry with Anza.His voice was pretty tbh, he sound so refined and sofisticated. The Shitennou were good, they were based on the anime so it was a little rare and strange when Nephrire talked about Naru-Chan or when  Zoisite said that was in love with Kunzite when you totally see that Minako and Kunzite were a thing in the past as the rest of the girls with the others. Lastly Beryl/ Yuri was very good,( but i like her more in the upcomings musicals) the only thing that bothered me (not because of her necessary) was her costumes, gosh she looks awful in some scenes.
I like this musical, really.When i saw it for the first time i loved it and since i love the fist arc (again another unpopular opinion) i am always more than happy to see any adaptation of it. I watched it yesterday again after a couple of months i and have so much fun. Yes i know that i complained about the script but aside that, the musicals is very good. I love how Sailor Moon is so special and grand that it have a lot of representations and i will never get tired of them. Sera myu is amazing, really. 
So this is my review, please fell free to message me sharing your opinions. If you have not watched Sera myu, please do it. You can find them in youtube for sure!! 
Again thank you so much @sailorzakuro​ for being so cool and so kind to me!
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spei-sidus · 10 months
The Senshi Princess
Rating: Mature
No Archive Warnings
A battle in the arcade awakens Princess Serenity unbeknownst to everyone else. Now Usagi has to prove whether a princess is worthy of the mantle of being a Senshi - and has to decide whether to keep the princess' identity a secret. First Season AU
Tsukino Usagi cheerily skipped into the Game Center Crown Arcade. It was a beautiful day in July, and their six week summer break was coming up. What was there not to smile about? Not even Rei’s scolding when she’d gotten detention for sleeping in class again had dowsed her spirits. 
The double doors opened, and she waved at Motoki as she went to the counter.
“Hello, Usagi-chan. What can I get for you today?” Motoki greeted her.
“Um, Motoki-oniisan,” Usagi pondered, “I want a protein shake!” 
“A protein shake, Usagi-chan? We, ah, don’t sell those here. And since when are you into protein shakes? I thought milkshakes were more your favorite.”
Usagi grinned. “Well they are, but Mako-chan made some protein shakes for us last night. They were really good!” If they helped her build more muscle to be a better Senshi as Ami said they could, then Usagi considered that an added bonus.
“Are you finally going on a diet, Odango Atama?”
Usagi swiveled in her chair to glare at Mamoru, who was sitting in his usual seat at the corner of the counter. “What do you mean, ‘finally’? You jerk! Are you saying I’m fat?” she screeched. 
Mamoru winced. “Lower the volume, Odango.”
She went on as if she hadn’t heard him. “I’ll have you know that I’m in no way fat. I’m always burning energy. I run to school every day!”
“You don’t run to school every day for your health. You run to school every day because you wake up late every day,” Mamoru reminded her, eyebrow arched. “And you’re still late.”
“It’s not my fault! You’re always in my way and I run right into you! You make me late!”
“Oh sure,” he drawled, amused. “Blame it on the poor guy who is daily mowed down by Tornado Odango.”
TORNADO ODANGO!?! She bolted out of her seat in fury and marched over to him, ramrod straight and fists clenched. “For the last time baka, the name is Usagi, not Odango,” she screeched at him. “And you take that back! I’m not a tornado!”
Mamoru opened his mouth to retort just as the ground rumbled beneath them violently. Usagi lost her balance and stumbled right into her worst enemy, whose arms automatically clamped around hers to steady her. “Earthquake?” she wondered, as the rumbling continued and gave way to sounds of heaving and cracking.
The arms on hers gripped harder. “Worse,” Mamoru said tightly, looking past the blonde to the outside of the windows of the arcade.
“Worse?” she echoed, turning to see what he saw. She gasped as she saw the clouds in front of her, and then the sky was darkening quickly. “We’re moving!” she exclaimed. 
Mamoru hummed in confirmation, his glance moving from her shocked expression to dart around the room. She could sense his apprehension, his anger. Her mind started racing. She knew the other Senshi were there with her. The question here was how to proceed so that no one saw them henshin and give away their identity. Or even hide without causing suspicion. Their families and friends would be in grave danger if the Dark Kingdom found out. Perhaps the chaos caused by a youma would give them the necessary cover. A youma that could harm or kill people trapped here if they didn’t henshin, identities revealed or not.
The building abruptly sped up, and the air outside the windows of the arcade took on a black haze. Usagi’s stomach was queasy. “I wish it would stop,” she moaned. She shrieked as a second later her wish was fulfilled, and would’ve nearly fallen again if it weren’t for Mamoru’s arms that were still steadying her. She jerked back quickly, putting a clear foot of space between her worst enemy and herself. Screams and terrified, hushed, urgent voices permeated the tense atmosphere.
A shimmering of pink petals and a hollow laugh filled the air in front of them. Zoisite appeared, twirling a lock of strawberry blond hair in his fingers as he regarded the wary patrons. Usagi’s jaw clenched as she regarded the Dark Kingdom general. Beside her, Mamoru’s jaw did the same.
 “Hello everyone!” Zoisite said cheerily. “Today is a great day – for me, that is.”
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There was some interest in my tags on this post from earlier about the Senshi losing their memories that don’t relate to Usagi/their duty, so I wrote something along those lines! I’m a little rusty, but it fits the Angstober spirit, so I hope you enjoy. 
Ami is the first to notice, though none of them know, least of all her. “I got a call from your cram school,” her mother says, tone neutral, just barely masking the worry Ami can see in her eyes. “They said you missed most of this week.”
“Oh.” She remembers, now, that she had been supposed to go, but she cannot picture the classroom, or the building, or the route she would take to get there. “This week has been very hectic, I’ll work harder to meet all of my obligations.”
Her mother purses her lips. “Ami…” but she thinks better of saying anything more.
Later, in her room, Ami marks on her calendar that she had missed cram school, big red marks that could not go unnoticed should she forget again. In the corner, by the previous and upcoming months, a note had been left in her own writing-- if you missed cram school, look back through. The note is on every page, until several months back there are the same red marks that she’d written today. She digs out the previous year, and each month bears the same note, leading her to more red marks. It is a habit she did not know she’d formed. Months apart, once nearly a year apart, she missed cram school.
She sits at her desk with her journal, ready to puzzle it out, only to find that she already has. Resurrected, missed cram school. Usagi healed arm, missed cram school. Usagi healed punctured lung, missed cram school. Resurrected, missed cram school.
It fills her with dread, and yet… what a small price to pay, in exchange for a life. Live to see another day, miss cram school.
A man arrives at the shrine in a sleek black car. “I would like to take you to dinner, Rei.” His face is stern, set with lines. Rei is no stranger to being approached by strange men, but they are not usually so formal, so politely cold.
“And who are you?” she says anyway. Any inch given to a man is an invitation to take a mile, and Rei has no patience regardless of how they present themselves.
“I’ve been busy, Rei, but that’s no reason--”
“I am also busy, in fact, I am busy now.” She takes up her broom and walks away. “Find someone else for whatever you need.
A man arrives at the shrine in a sleek black car. “Perhaps we could talk, Rei. I am getting on in years, and--”
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
He looks angry, then, as Rei finds men so often do when she shows no interest. “I know I haven’t been… the most present father, but I am your father and you will acknowledge me.”
“My father?” It doesn’t sound wrong, but she has no memories of this man. She has never seen him before. 
A man arrives at the shrine in a sleek black car. “I thought perhaps we could visit your mother.” He holds flowers in one hand, white lillies, beautiful and sad.
“I’m sorry,” she says as she brushes by him to continue her work. “I don’t have a mother.”
There are paintings in her studio that Michiru does not recognize. Or rather, there is not a single work in her studio Michiru can remember painting. They are her art, she is sure. She can picture other pieces she’s done, hanging in art galleries, and these are the same style. But they may as well have materialized on their own. A half-painted canvas sits on her easel, and any vision she had for it is lost to her.
She lets it be for the day. She is not feeling quite herself, and little wonder-- they have been battling so much lately, surely there were only so many times one could be wounded before they would feel out of sorts, healed or not. She heads downstairs to where Haruka tinkers with her model trains. One of them, at least, has not forgotten her craft.
“I find I’m quite without inspiration today, love,” she says, coming up behind Haruka and placing her hands on her shoulders. “I’d like to spend the day with you, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course.” Haruka tilts her head up to kiss her, and it feels like the first time.
Makoto’s apartment is filled with photos of strangers. She notices for the first time after a battle, blood still crusted under her nails but no longer pouring from where she’d been struck. Usagi and the Crystal were miracle workers, after all.
The pictures had always been there. They’re in her other memories, going back years. Why had she never thought to ask who they were, or why she had them? She peers into one that sits on the counter near the stove. A man and a woman smile out at her, standing over a little girl who looked just like Mako. Maybe it was, but she must have been very young if she doesn’t remember them now.
She can remember looking at this photo as she cooked, the other girls buzzing about in the living room behind her. It had felt important then. It doesn’t now. That seems sad to her, in some distant way that doesn’t reach her heart.
Mako tucks the photograph, frame and all, into a drawer. There’s no use in dwelling on what she can’t remember. More battles loom on the horizon, and she needs to be prepared.
Haruka can not tie her tie. Her hands shake, her mind races, Michiru and her family are waiting. She’s ready, she is, but-- her tie. She cannot tie her tie. She’s done it a million times, she knows, she can remember telling Usagi so and offering to show her how once at a party, before Usagi lost interest in favor of the ice cream bar. That memory comes clear as day, yet the simple motions of the tying will not come to her.
She feels like a child, a child from the foggy past who did not know how to dress as who she really was, and wants to cry. She will not, not here, not with Michiru’s parents waiting downstairs, surely listening to hear any hint of weakness in her. Haruka is too strong for that. Too strong to be cut down by them. Too strong to be cut down by monsters, at least not for long. Would that Usagi could heal wounds of pride as easily as flesh. There is not so much as a scar where her insides and poured from her last week, yet if she cannot tie her tie she will bear her shame forever, she is sure, no recovery.
It should be muscle memory, like running, like throwing a good punch. If there is anything Haruka can do, it is move without thinking. But her hands tangle in the silk, and her thoughts follow. There is something wrong. She can do this. Haruka knows she can do this. 
“Haruka, dear, are you coming down?”
“Yeah, just, just a moment.” She looks it up, burning with embarrassment even as no one can see. Her knot is loose, messy, done with unsure hands, but she cannot delay further. Through the evening, she cannot shake the feeling that something has been lost to her.
Do you remember how the sky looked from my palace? Venus asks from the back of Minako’s mind.
“No,” Mina answers, surprised. “Do you?”
No. Venus is pensive, as she tends to be when she gets talkative. I cannot recall the Venusian sky at all.
Mina frowns. She can remember remembering, but cannot picture it. “There are holes for me too. Whole years, I think. But I can’t really know, can I?”
Serenity never visited the planets she was destined to rule. I can remember her palace, her sky. 
“I can remember every moment with her, and most of the V days. But before that…” She sighs. Ami had told her about cram school, time and time again. Each time was like a new revelation to her, and maybe it was. The others had never laid it out in such clear terms, but she wouldn’t be Mina if she didn’t notice. “We’re losing ourselves, bit by bit.”
We will not lose our duty, Venus says, a comfort and a curse.  We will always remember enough to do what we must.
“Perhaps it’s kind,” Mina says, knowing it’s untrue. “If we’re going to live centuries into Crystal Tokyo, why should we keep our baggage? Makoto’s not afraid of airplanes now, and Rei’s had less of a stick up her butt.” And if Haruka’s been an anxious mess, Mina thinks, and Ami’s begun writing everything down, well, maybe that will pass in time, too, once they forget things had ever been something different.
Perhaps, Venus says, even less convinced. I’ve seen them forget, once.
“All that remained of them was that they loved her.” Mina stares at the ceiling. “Then it will be just you and me, won’t it?”
I’ve lost more than I ever have. But I have more than they’ll ever keep. Venus presses Mina’s hands together. We’ll have to be better in battle, if we want it to stay that way.
“We’re getting better every fight.”
But are we good enough?
Neither of them had an answer. Mina closes her eyes to feel Venus’s presence more, and realizes-- eventually, if this keeps on, they will only remember enough for one of them. The pieces that make Mina Mina and Venus Venus will be lost. She-- whichever version of he survives-- will not remember that the other was ever there. “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispers, and she does not know which self she is talking to.
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dewprisms · 4 years
Tuxedo Mask literally stood there for 5 minutes swatting at flower petals and nothing else huh
Mamoru go to a fucking hospital just tell them you got stabbed
All the Chaos Emeralds have been assembled
Everyone just....forgot that Rei was dating Mamoru. I mean, Mamoru likes her because he’s agreed to several dates, so suddenly who gives a shit because he’s destined to be with Usagi.......fuck off
“A women’s friendship is quite fragile” wOW
Princess Episode more like Roast Usagi Episode
The guy Rei’s dancing with liked her manhandling him, he blushed
Why does Rei suddenly not sense dark forces anymore? She should have been able to sense the Lady was a monster
Tuxedo Mask isn’t even trying 🙄
wtf why does Yuichiro suddenly have eyes?
how did 2 cats get a kotatsu out
Hmm HMMMMMMM I know this is suppose to be “Rei is mature and supporting them” but it COMES OFF as “Make Rei’s feelings lesser so we can further force Mamoru/Usagi” sorry but Mamoru and Rei had more chemistry and actually got along unlike Usagi and Mamoru who’s only points so far have been “Usagi likes TM for being Cool and it’s Destiny so You Have To Ship Them” hmm how about no :) and the more they force their non-existent relationship the more I’m gonna dislike it out of spite.
Like, Umino/Naru, Ryo/Ami and even Rei/Yoichiro are more developed so they can write decent relationships yet the main ship is just...”dEsTiNy even though as humans they can’t even stand each other now” it’s just Bad. Really hope they actually develop the main fucking pairing so I’m gonna give it a chance but so far it’s just bad forced het shit. As it stands I’d rather ship Usagi with Mako, Tomoki or Mina and Mamoru with Rei or Tomoki.
Why....do the figure skaters have such thick accents. Like, the princess lady in the other episode was from Europe but didn’t have any kind of accent.
Mako “falls in love” with every guy who reminds her of her first crush? Yeah she’s def a lesbian
Yeah....still don’t see much aside from Usagi liking Mamoru simply because he’s TM and like...not anything else. And the same for Mamoru, we’re not given any reason for why he’s still protecting her other than “Oh I dreamed of her and Past Life Destiny Stuff”
Mamoru’s got a bad hair day going on in this ep
Why does Mako know about the whole Ryo thing? She wasn’t around for that
So when does Ami get....a useful attack? The mist stopped working like 30 episodes ago
Mamoru’s healing memories are...fighting with Usagi and going on dates with Rei...yeah very persuasive for him and usagi as a couple
Mina’s tragic backstory is just...really? i felt nothing, unless this entire thing is a ref to stuff that happens in codename sailor v
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