#first post in a long time! c:
m-eltdown · 4 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 months
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Hi? Gosh how do I even start with this :'D
I know it's been ages since I've last popped up on here. I've been debating when to post this for a while, but I kept adding to my draft more and more and now it's the end of JULY omgg I felt so guilty disappearing with zero updates but then thought my birthday would be the best day to finally address this considering it'll feel less random? idk but Ive always celebrated my bday with you guys and I'd feel so bad answering your kind asks without me at least explaining why I was gone for months.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a lot of stuff irl. health issues and sudden declining grades that left me stumped and drained for months now- along with technical issues like having to replace some parts of my computer that took a while for me to find to even draw digitally, which I didn't have the time for anyway with how tired and weary I felt every day.
I'm frankly shaken up by a lot of shit rn and I don't know how to be active online with this burden on my chest- Especially as it's been a while since I've even looked at utmv related content and my motivation dwindled. I swear I'd hype myself up to post or reblog something- but I'd see just how much I've missed or the overwhelming amount of posts I'd need to go through and I'd feel so swamped with exhaustion and most importantly guilt, for not clearing the air up sooner to reassure you guys that I'm, y'know, alive, and not dead in a ditch somewhere. And I'd procrastinate cause typing it all out is hard and I'd give up halfway every time and it's just not fair to you all!
I thought I was handling it well when I started going out and socializing more, instead of staying cooped up at home on my computer all day. and in the first draft of this post I made months ago I was gonna detail some of the fun plans I had, for my life and for this blog :D but relaxing my strict study schedule and letting go a bit of my tight routine, thinking it was better than wringing myself dry to keep it up, backfired horribly, to say the least.
I know right?? so silly to be hung up on stupid shit like studies of all things! but this is a very important thing for me considering my career plans and the competitivity encouraged by everyone I'm surrounded by, the pressure of keeping up adding to my already stressful days. I had to fix myself up first and I couldn't handle the strain nor interact with people and thinking of jobs and exams sapped my energy so much it's frankly embarrassing. writing this feels so cheesy too and it frustrates me to know I could've come back a month earlier if it weren't for that, but I also know putting all of this into words then would just sound like incoherent venting (not that this is very different tbf) and I wasn't in the right headspace to address my absence, or anything really- I didn't want everyone to see me return when I couldn't muster up a genuinely positive message, let alone talk to anyone with a shadow of my usual cheer
I feel like a complete mess and It drives me up the wall how depressed I've gotten. I debated deleting this blog so many times 'cause the fear of disappointing my audience and my friends, for lack of a more fitting sentiment, made me feel even shittier. I'm constantly thinking if this wall of text is worth posting, or if it's better not to burden you all with all my sappy troubles as if it's the end of the world. Trust me, I'll be fine. I'm not trying to dramatize this situation, but I don't think I'm up to pretending I'm all sunshine and enthusiasm you're all accustomed to.
So sorry for worrying you all! I'll try to catch up, deliver some missed birthday gifts, and answer some asks while I'm at it! Again, I can't state how much I appreciate your support throughout the years. It's frankly a miracle I kept any of you around with how much I keep popping and leaving at random with no warning. I definitely can't promise for my stay to be without a hitch, and if you don't mind an inconsistent schedule you're free to stay of course, but I'm afraid I can't sustain the pace I had when I first started this blog. I'll keep posting art, but lower my activity in the fandom sphere to reduce the strain on my mental health. so fewer rants and walls of text, more art, and less stress overall. Love you all and thanks for waiting for this long <3
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deathbyclown · 4 months
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The Outfit
Pairing: Crocodile/Buggy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Mildly Dubious Consent, butt plug, anal sex, Buggy has nipple piercings and is a slut (affectionate).
Summary: Buggy is wearing The Outfit and everyone knows what that means, except for Crocodile, who will find out soon enough.
(Buggy’s horny and wears a specific outfit to announce it to potential suitors. He’s looking for sex and anyone will do. Crocodile incidentally volunteers)
A/N: The story starts from Buggy’s perspective and then switches to Crocodile’s.
Read on AO3 (for the fellow fanfic readers who want to keep scrolling tumblr, so they open it in a tab among 100 other unread fics, certain that they will read it later. This link is for u 💖)
🎪🐊🎪🐊🎪🐊 🎪🐊🎪🐊🎪🐊 🎪🐊🎪🐊
As soon as Buggy stepped into the bar, all eyes were on him. As they should be. He was dressed in The Outfit™. The crowd practically parted for him as he walked forward to the bar and he gave his admirers a dazzling smile. He could hear the buzz of whispers and murmurs and he knew every single person in this room was talking about him. Thinking about him. And it was exactly what he wanted.
He put both elbows on the bar and leaned forward, purposefully sticking out his ass as he waved down the bartender. A few people sidled up beside him, offering to buy him a drink. He flipped his hair over his shoulder and accepted their generosity with a sharp toothed smile.
Tonight was about sex. And if you were part of the Buggy crew, you knew that because of the what Buggy was wearing. He wore his most revealing clothes, thigh-high striped socks, tight shorts, and a silky, billowing, open buttoned shirt. And when the crew saw their captain wearing The Outfit™ they knew Buggy was looking to get laid. It was something that had been established years ago, by accident at first, and then it slowly became the norm, until the sight of Buggy’s clothes had a Pavlovian effect on the crew.
So, Buggy had quite the crowd surrounding him as he sipped from his beer bottle, legs spread as he sat back on the barstool, elbows resting on the bar behind him while he chatted with his groupies.
“Chairman! You look so good tonight!”
“Captain Buggy! Come sit next to me!”
“Let me buy you the next drink!”
They were clamoring for his attention. He smiled lazily at them, listening to their praises, indulgently nodding and sparing glances here and there, along with the lightest touch to hands and shoulders.
Internally Buggy was frantically trying to pick someone to take back to his tent because his dick was straining in his shorts. He had been horny all day and was at his wits end. It’s not like he was trying to make himself horny either! He woke up this morning hard as a rock so he jerked off, as any sensible person would. But by the time he cleaned up and finished getting dressed he could feel it again, the arousal. And he was half-hard despite taking care of himself earlier! But there was nothing he could do about that because he was late for his meeting and had absolutely no time to quickly rub one out. He used every trick in his book to will away his boner, but to no avail. No, this was something deeper than morning wood. It was the hot creeping tingle under his skin, the need to be touched, kissed, held, to cum because of someone else. And he realized he was craving a partner, but he couldn’t do anything about it! He would have to wait until after the stupid Cross Guild meeting was finished and then he’d actually take care of his problem.
He really did try to pay attention to what Crocodile and Mihawk were saying, because he knew they could turn to him at any moment. But try as he might, he spent most of the time daydreaming about his potential partner. And his fantasy was fueled by the dressed down sight of Crocodile, who was standing before Mihawk and Buggy sharing data or numbers about something. Buggy was instead fixated on Crocodile’s appearance; he had his jacket off, his sleeves rolled up, his finger pressing into a sheet of paper on the table, making his arms flex, a few strands of hair framing his face, his signature cigar wiggling between this teeth as he spoke. And whatever he was saying went totally unheard by Buggy, who could only think about how he wanted to be held down by someone with arms like his. Muscular, a little hairy, powerful.
Buggy was lost in his fantasy about some faceless, large man bending him over the meeting table and was shocked to see Mihawk leaving and Crocodile gathering his papers. They didn’t ask him a single question! Normally he’d feel a little offended that they didn’t even talk to him but not today! The meeting was over and he was finally free to be as horny as he wanted! He was grateful that he wore his baggy red outfit because he was rock hard by the time the meeting ended, so he hurried away before Crocodile could tell him to stick around.
As soon as he made it back to his room he tore off his clothes and flipped onto his bed, squeezing his cock. He slowly stroked himself, that hot pulse of arousal building before it plateaued, leaving him frustrated. He needed to be penetrated, and by a person if he wanted to cum. So he grabbed his largest butt plug and set it down beside him as he fingered himself open. He was generous with the lube, already lost in another fantasy of someone else’s fingers spreading and stretching him. His cock twitched and leaked, sweat gathered in the creases of his body as he pushed himself to the edge. But he just couldn’t go over, as if there was a roadblock. He growled in frustration, flopping onto his belly and rutting into the covers. He stopped after a few thrusts, knowing he wasn’t getting anywhere.
He grabbed the plug and got on his knees, lifting his ass in the air. He detached his torso and circled behind himself to push the plug in. He groaned as he watched and felt it spread him open and then sink into him. He had the fleeting thought of fucking himself with his own dick, but he had tried it several times before with unsatisfactory results. Unfortunately for him, he’d have to find a partner.
Buggy reattached and sat up, regretting it almost immediately. He squirmed and gripped his bedcovers, the plug pushing deliciously into his prostate. He took a steadying breath and stood up, his legs trembling slightly. The plug was a double-edged sword. It got him ready and helped to scratch the itch to be penetrated, but it stoked his arousal, making him feel like he wanted to burst out of his skin.
It took him a while to get dressed, too busy squeezing his eyes shut and taking deep breaths to try and calm his dick. He may or may not have rutted against his mattress a few more times to relieve the ache. And sitting at his vanity to do hair and makeup was a test of self-control, which Buggy lacked. He’d start lining his eyes or brushing on eyeshadow and shift a certain way, pleasure shooting up his spine, which meant he had to put down his tools and touch himself. And he couldn’t stop biting at his lips, so he had to redo his lipstick several times and scrub his teeth because he kept getting red on the inside of his mouth.
By the time he left his tent he felt frazzled, messier than what he would’ve liked, but good enough to seem put together in the dim lights of the bar. Each step he took felt like he was being shocked, like he was a live wire, sensitive and electric. It was frustrating but exhilarating, and he was grateful the tent that held the bar wasn’t too far away.
And when he walked in, all of that extra time and struggle was worth it. They couldn’t stop staring.
So now he had to decide who was the best candidate to give him what he wanted. He dismissed a lot of people who were the same size as him or shorter. He focused on the ones who towered over him; The bigger, the better (at least for tonight). He had two very tall thick people on either side of him, leaning toward him, paying him compliments, brushing their fingers through his hair, running their hands along the exposed fuzzy skin of his thighs. He was going to have a very hard time choosing tonight, but the pulse in his cock told him to make his decision sooner rather than later.
The person on his right, a huge dark haired man, with a broad chest, thick fingers and round belly had his hand on Buggy’s shoulder and leaned in close to speak softly in his ear.
“Captain, let me take care of you tonight. I can give you everything you want and more.”
The man’s hot breath sent a shiver through Buggy and he sent a hand to rest behind the man’s neck, keeping him close.
“Mmm, what do you think I want?” Buggy gave him a sly grin, his other hand sliding up the man’s thigh.
The man’s breath hitched, his large hand that was around Buggy’s waist moved to slide inside his shirt, his fingers playing with Buggy’s pierced nipple.
“I hope you’ll pardon my forwardness, Captain, but I think you want to get fucked.”
Buggy bit his lip, releasing it to moan softly as the man pulled at his piercing, the sensation going straight to his dick. Buggy nodded, turning his body so he had better access.
“I think I could sit you on my lap and fuck you right here in front of everyone.” He whispered huskily into Buggy’s ear.
Buggy moaned and then crashed their lips together, eagerly kissing the man, who kissed him back with the same fervor. The man’s words had Buggy feeling hot, his skin sensitive to every little touch. He wanted it so badly, to be taken, he didn’t care how or where, or even with who, just that he needed it now, and he was seriously considering crawling onto this man’s lap and sitting on his cock in front of everyone.
The man broke off the kiss and Buggy whined, needing to feel his tongue and heat.
“I’m a little busy here, mate-” The man started but froze when he saw who interrupted them. Crocodile had his hook on the man’s shoulder, his eyes sharp but his face neutral, almost easygoing.
“I need to speak with the…Chairman.” Crocodile looked pointedly at Buggy who was still draped across the man, body parts everywhere.
Inside Buggy was freaking out, gnashing his teeth and pulling his hair in frustration; on the outside he managed a whiny petulant tone instead.
“What?! Why????”
“Important business. Confidential.” He gave Buggy’s suitor a look, who stood immediately, forcing Buggy to pull himself together to maintain his balance on the stool.
“I’ll be taking Buggy with me. Come on.” Crocodile walked away and Buggy sat there for a moment weighing his options. Stay here and ride this nice gentleman but face the wrath of Crocodile; or wait another day to get off but avoid upsetting Crocodile.
Buggy twirled a finger in his hair, leaning over to the man he was flirting with but he already left. Buggy looked to his other side and it seemed the rest of his suitors turned tail and ran. Fine! He’d follow Crocodile for now, but he was coming right back when he was done!
Now he had done it. When had he become so impulsive when it came to that clown? He used to be so methodical; everything had a place and a plan, and three more to follow. But ever since he formed Cross Guild everything felt so chaotic. As organized as he tried to make it, as efficient and straightforward as he planned it to be, he could never account for Buggy. Somehow he would always throw a wrench in his plans, even when Crocodile thought he had a read on him. Without fail, Buggy managed to do the unexpected.
Crocodile sat in a corner of the bar, needing get away from his office. He had been wanting to get a feel for Buggy’s crew so he came to the most popular bar on the island. But shortly after he sat down he began to regret even coming here. The alcohol was cheap, the people loud and rowdy, and it reeked of weed and body odor. He was ready to leave when someone walked into the tent that drew everyone’s attention.
Crocodile sat up and he saw Buggy and… what the hell was he wearing? He looked like he belonged in a clown strip club, showing more skin than he’s ever seen from Buggy. He’s worn that stupid red blanket nearly every day since he arrived, but this? This was unprecedented. He looked so stupid and ridiculous and… Crocodile lost his train of thought as he watched Buggy stick out his ass when he reached the bar. The exposed skin of his thighs bulged slightly around his tight shorts and socks. And his ass looked thick, round, like it was begging to be grabbed or smacked.
What the hell did he think he was doing, waving his ass around like he was in heat. It was unbecoming of the unintentional face of Cross Guild and an Emperor. He didn’t want to stick around and watch this clown embarrass himself or the organization. He sat back in his seat, knocked back the rest of his shitty whiskey and sat a few berry under the glass, ready to leave once again, but he heard something that made him pause.
The people at the booth in front of him chatted loudly about Buggy and his outfit. One of them recounted the last time Buggy wore his ‘horny clothes’ and how they had nearly slept with Buggy but lost out to some lady with huge tits. Crocodile chewed on the information, the scowl deepening on his face as he thought over what he heard and what he was watching. Buggy had clothes he wore to announce that he wanted sex? How absurd and disgusting. And how had Crocodile never seen or heard about this? Was this a common occurrence? He rarely came to the bar so it would make sense that he never would’ve seen Buggy’s sex clothes. Was he that desperate for sex that he had to use his subordinates? He really was pathetic and shameless.
And he was acting shameless, too, spreading his legs, his erection obvious in his tight shorts, leaning into his admirers, letting them touch him. It wasn’t right. But technically Buggy wasn’t doing anything wrong or against Crocodile’s rules, his behavior was just distasteful.
And that’s why Crocodile was so frustrated, because Buggy was just being annoying. Surely that was why he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the clown. Or why he suddenly found himself on his feet when he saw that man pull Buggy close, whisper in his ear, and touch his chest. Or why he moved toward them when he saw Buggy crash their lips together.
Before he knew it he had his hook on the man’s shoulder, with absolutely no idea why he was here or what he was going to say. All he knew was he felt relief when Buggy stopped kissing that stranger. So he told him the first thing that came to mind: business. Which was so stupid not even a clown like Buggy would fall for it. He told Buggy to follow, but he really didn’t expect him to listen.
He left the bar and lit a cigar to re-center himself. What the hell was that? Why did he walk over and stop Buggy? He thought about Buggy’s outfit and his behavior and the man who kissed him. He grimaced at the images and sucked in a large mouthful of smoke before letting it out slowly. He could admit, begrudgingly, that maybe Buggy was a little attractive in his outfit. So what? He wasn’t some unruly teen getting worked up over a flash of skin. So why would it bother him? The answer flitted through his mind and he sneered at his own thoughts.
Jealousy? He scoffed aloud. Please.
Buggy burst from the tent flaps turning to Crocodile who was standing beside the entrance, chewing on his cigar with his hand in his pocket and his hook held to his chest. Buggy separated himself to be eye level with Crocodile and got in his face.
“What the hell was that!? Why did you interrupt me!? I was kinda busy, in case you hadn’t noticed!”
Crocodile grimaced and blew smoke in Buggy’s face, making him cough, his eyes tearing up, forcing him to retreat.
Why the hell did the clown follow? He looked over Buggy’s body and he felt that annoyance again. And, unfortunately, he had a name for it: Jealousy. He let out a huff.
“Emergency meeting. We’re going to my office to discuss it.” Crocodile lied, once again leaving Buggy behind, walking in the direction of his office.
What the hell was he going to make the emergency meeting about? He’d have to find something to seem important enough to interrupt both of their evenings. Or think of something to distract Buggy until he forgot that he pulled him from the bar.
He felt a little spark of pleasure at the idea of stealing Buggy away for himself and frowned deeper, biting his teeth into his cigar.
Buggy made a sound of disbelief, high pitched and grating, and he zoomed forward to catch up to Crocodile.
“Whaaatt!? That’s such bullshit!” Buggy tugged at Crocodile’s shoulders to try and get him to slow down but it didn’t do a thing. Buggy’s hands felt searing on his shoulders, his heat sinking through the layers of Crocodile’s clothing. He had to keep moving, not wanting to let his thoughts catch up to him.
“C’mon, do you really need me? You’re so much smarter, I’ll just hold you back! So just let me go and you can-“
Crocodile stopped abruptly and Buggy slammed into his back with a honk from his nose before dropping down to meet his feet. He was definitely smarter than Buggy, stronger too. So why was he even entertaining this?
“Why the hell did you do that, you flashy idiot!” Buggy rubbed at his nose, glaring up at Crocodile, who turned and gave him a much more dangerous look. Buggy recoiled, holding up his hands, already trying to right his wrong. And as he looked over Buggy he remembered exactly why he was doing this. He couldn’t let Buggy go back to that bar with his shirt open so wide he could see one of his pierced nipples looking so pink and pert, begging to be touched, his shorts riding so high the tip of his dick peeked out. He took a step forward, drawn by the sight of Buggy’s skin
“W-wait, it was just a slip of the tongue!”
How could this clown be so oblivious and obvious at the same time? He was clearly looking for sex, and yet how could he not realize the effect he was having on Crocodile? The taller man looked over him and took another step forward and Buggy let out a little shriek and took a step back.
“Croccy! Baby! I was just being silly! I’m a clown, just a silly little clown! No need to take me seriously!”
He bent forward and lifted his hook, and Buggy squeaked and scrunched his face ready for pain, but he tapped the underside of his chin, making him look up at Crocodile.
“You say you’re a clown, so why are you dressed like a whore?”
Buggy’s eyes widened in surprise and his face turned bright red. “I- I am not dressed like-” but as he glanced down at himself he changed course.
“Well! If you have to know!..I was looking for a-a date tonight! Y’know someone to…” Buggy made a motion with his hand like he wanted Crocodile to fill in the blank, but he just stared down at Buggy, keeping his face impassive. Buggy huffed in frustration and dipped his chin down, bringing a hand to cover his forehead and his eyes.
“I was looking for sex tonight, ok! You happy? I’m wearing this outfit that makes me look like a “whore” because I want to get fucked. Is that what you wanted to hear? Fucking hell!” Buggy turned his back to Crocodile clearly uncomfortable and working himself into a rage.
“Do you need dick that badly?” Crocodile asked derisively, but his tone sounded a little too earnest for his ears. Because inside he was feeling an irritating combination of jealousy and lust.
Buggy whipped around and detached his torso to grab Crocodile by the front of his jacket. “Yes! Yes I do need it that badly! So please let me go back. I’ll do anything!” Buggy’s face was pleading, eyes shining and large, lips in a soft pout.
Crocodile grit his teeth, crunching into his cigar. How? How could he look so pathetic and cute at the same time? He was shameless, asking to be let go for sex, but hearing him say it out loud, begging him so earnestly, it sent his blood south.
Buggy let go of Crocodile’s shirt in fear when he saw his face, mistaking the dangerous look in his eyes and the vein pulsing in his forehead as anger.
They were stopped close to the little building that held Crocodile’s office. He had enough self control not to push Buggy into the nearest tent or into the ground and take him right there, but he was still a man. He’d take care of this problem for Buggy (and make him forget about going back to that stupid bar to find someone that didn’t deserve to sleep with an Emperor).
He grabbed Buggy around the middle and threw him over his shoulder. He’d take Buggy to his bed and give him dick so good he’d never wear that ridiculous outfit in public again. He redirected them toward his personal tent.
“H-hey! Crocodile! C’mon, I know you don’t need my help that badly! How about this, I’ll go do my thing at the bar really quick and then I’ll meet you back at your office. How does that sound?” Buggy babbled, clearly trying to dig himself out of this situation.
“Shut up.” Crocodile growled, becoming hornier and more annoyed by the minute.
Buggy broke in half, his arms wrapping around Crocodile’s neck, burying his face in his exposed skin.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what I did wrong but I’m really really sorry! Please don’t punish me.” He whined, nearly in Crocodile’s ear, which was uncomfortably loud.
“I’m not punishing you, idiot.” He grit out, trying to suppress the full body shiver that was building under his skin at the feeling of Buggy’s lips and nose on the sensitive skin of his neck.
“R-really?” Buggy asked timidly, his warm breath tickling the hairs on Crocodile’s neck, making him want to swat at Buggy.
“Yes. But I should punish you because you won’t stop annoying me.” He threatened. Buggy shut up but continued to hold onto his neck. Unfortunately, any punishments he tried to think of for Buggy at this moment had Buggy on his knees.
He lifted the flap of the tent and ducked inside, carrying Buggy to the bed and dropped each half of him down with a thump.
“Wait. This isn’t your office.” Buggy put himself together and sat on his knees, looking up Crocodile in confusion.
He smoothed back his hair, put out his cigar and hung his jacket on the little rack next to his dresser. He stood in front of Buggy and undid the belt of his pants, sliding it off and letting it fall to the floor with a thunk.
Buggy watched with his mouth slightly agape, eyes unable to pull away from Crocodile’s hand working at the buttons of his vest.
“Get undressed.” Crocodile told him, pulling Buggy out of his trance.
“Wait what? Why?” He looked throughly confused.
“You said you needed dick.” Crocodile answered, unbuttoning his shirt, removing his hook and sliding it off.
Buggy’s jaw dropped and he let out a sort of wheezing sound. “Y-yours?”
Crocodile’s hand stilled on the buttons of his pants and he felt a flash of self-doubt which just made him angry. He fixed Buggy with a cold stare.
“Is that a problem?” He asked lowly, his voice dangerously calm.
Buggy’s face flushed with color. “N-no! Not a problem!” He eagerly removed his clothes, writhing on the bed as he struggled with his shorts.
“Tsk.” Crocodile felt frustrated with himself for giving Buggy something he so clearly wanted and for indulging himself like this. When did he become so weak-willed?
Buggy’s attention was drawn by the sound Crocodile made. His eyes flicked up to Crocodile’s and then moved downward, tracing over the exposed skin of his chest before settling on Crocodile’s half-hard erection pushing against the fabric of his underwear.
Crocodile smirked, the feeling of Buggy’s obvious appreciation of his body gave him a heady feeling, helping to ease his previous self-doubts. He stepped closer to Buggy, whose eyes did not move to meet his. Crocodile grabbed at his hardening cock and stroked it through his underwear.
“Is this what you want? Beg for it.”
Buggy whimpered and nodded, abandoning his shorts in favor of moving to the edge of the bed to get his hands on Crocodile’s dick.
Crocodile held him back, grabbing him under his chin and tilting his face up.
“What did I just say?” He asked, annoyance in his voice.
“Y-yes! Please, Croccy, I want it. I want your dick! Please give it to me.” Buggy begged, his hands sliding over Crocodile’s hips, pushing down his underwear. As soon as his cock was free Buggy’s hands were on it, touching and pulling and squeezing him. The hot feeling of Buggy’s hands on him, his desperation, it made his cock harden and grow under his touch.
Crocodile pushed him away, making him fall backwards onto the bed. He pushed down on Buggy’s chest with his handless forearm and hooked his fingers in Buggy’s shorts, ripping them down, his cock springing free. Crocodile wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t wearing underwear, but he was surprised to see a large sparkly pink jewel between his cheeks. Crocodile flipped Buggy onto his belly and pulled up his hips to get a better look. Buggy moaned and clawed at the blankets, loving the manhandling, but his squirming was not enough to distract from Crocodile’s discovery.
A butt plug. This fucking clown had in a butt plug the whole time. Crocodile’s cock twitched at the thought, his whole body felt hot, molten lust curling in his belly.
“You’re a disgusting little slut.” Crocodile husked, pulling at the plug, making Buggy gasp. The urge to rip the plug from his body and replace it with his dick was powerful. But he had patience. He wanted to savor this.
“B-be nice!” Buggy rushed out before groaning as Crocodile pulled out the plug to its thickest point, letting it sit at his rim, stretching him.
Be nice? He didn’t seem to realize that Crocodile could be much much crueler than this. He pushed the plug back in sharply, making Buggy moan and clench. Crocodile smacked his ass, hard. Buggy yelped and squirmed and Crocodile smacked him again.
“Don’t forget that I’m doing you a favor, clown.”
“Yes, please, I’m sorry!” Buggy whined, his hands twisting in the blankets.
Crocodile leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the reddened skin of Buggy’s ass. Buggy sighed and then Crocodile bit down on the supple tender flesh.
“Ye-ouch!!” Buggy split apart and tried to move away but Crocodile held his hips still. He dragged his tongue over his bite, soothing it before moving inward. Buggy tensed, and Crocodile could feel him holding his breath. He pulled at the plug and ran his tongue over his pink stretched rim. Buggy quickly let out his breath, shaky with a quiet whine.
He pulled it out further, licking and sucking at his rim and the skin around it, making Buggy whine, the muscles in his thighs twitching with every pass of Crocodile’s tongue.
“Pleeease.” Buggy’s voice was strained, trembling and Crocodile pulled away to glance at Buggy. He looked back at him, his lip quivering, tears in his eyes.
“Crocodile, I need you. Pleeease. I can’t take it anymore.”
Crocodile’s breath caught in his throat. He looked pitiful, and unbelievably alluring. He reached over to his nightstand and rooted through the drawer to retrieve lube and condoms. Buggy watched him with eager eyes, his whole body trembling.
Crocodile kept eye contact with Buggy as he slowly pulled out the plug. His expressions were addictive, brows furrowed, eyes fluttering, mouth open, his face as red as his nose. Crocodile let the plug fall to the bed and his eyes zeroed onto Buggy’s slightly gaping hole which was puffy, and twitching.
“Shit” he said under his breath, squeezing lube between Buggy’s cheeks, pushing two fingers easily into him. Buggy gasped loudly, pushing back onto Crocodile’s fingers. He was already so slick from his own preparations, his fingers gliding easily in and out.
“Mooore!” Buggy whined, hips swirling.
Normally Buggy’s whining would annoy him but right now it was sending arousal straight down, making his dick ache. Any patience he was trying to maintain was thrown to the wayside. He needed to be inside of Buggy. Now.
He rolled the condom on with a practiced hand and positioned his head against Buggy’s hole. Buggy let out a keening sound as Crocodile’s head pushed past his rim. He didn’t let up, slowly but steadily sinking into him.
He was so tight, it made Crocodile grit his teeth. He wanted to be balls deep, to slam into Buggy, but he wasn’t a beast. At least, not unless asked to be, and he prided himself on his self-control. But Buggy certainly wasn’t helping, groaning and panting, trying to push himself back onto Crocodile’s dick, forcing him to go faster. Crocodile maintained a firm grip on Buggy’s hip, making him go at Crocodile’s pace.
Finally, he pushed in all the way, groaning as he was fully enveloping by Buggy’s tight heat. Buggy was sweating, his head laying on the bed, his face pressed against the covers, drool oozing from the corner of his mouth.
“So good, taking all of me like this.” Crocodile thrust shallowly into Buggy, who moaned at the praise, lifting himself onto his forearms to push himself onto Crocodile’s cock. This clown was really testing his patience.
He grabbed Buggy by the hips and pushed in as deep as he could, making him moan and writhe. He covered Buggy with his body, dipping his head to speak closely to his ear.
“I think you’re forgetting who’s in control.” He pushed Buggy’s chest further into the bed, making him hold his body weight. Buggy moaned loudly, clawing at the blankets underneath of him.
“I’m the one fucking you.” He pulled out and slammed into him. Buggy tensed up suddenly and let out a broken moan, cumming onto the blankets underneath of him.
He came, already? What, is he sensitive or was he that worked up.
“Is my dick that good?” He mocked, feeling frustrated with Buggy and unsure how to take his quick orgasm.
“Yesssss” he hissed, his body twitching with aftershocks.
Absolutely shameless. Crocodile leaned back, pulling out of him.
“Don’t stop, pleeease!” Buggy whined, rolling his hips, his ass jiggling.
Crocodile flipped Buggy onto his back, pushing him further onto the bed and followed after him to sit between his legs. He bent Buggy’s knees back and rubbed his dick against his ass.
“You thought I was done with you?” Crocodile smiled cruelly at Buggy, positioning his head against his entrance once again. He pushed in sharply, bottoming out and Buggy nearly shrieked, hands shooting forward to grip Crocodile’s shoulders.
“You’re not finished until I say so.”
He set a brutal pace, hips slapping into Buggy fiercely, leaving him gasping and clawing at Crocodile’s skin. It was intoxicating, the sight of him, hair fanned out behind him, body shiny with sweat, his makeup smeared.
Crocodile leaned over Buggy, resting on his forearm and using his hand to slide under the back of Buggy’s head, pressed their lips together. His hips slowed as he licked into Buggy’s mouth, the both of them breathing heavily through their noses. Buggy constantly made little sounds as they kissed, whines and moans in the back of his throat, all swallowed by Crocodile.
He kissed Buggy’s cheek and jaw, down to his neck but the difference in their height made it hard for him to bend further down. Buggy split in half, moving upward so Crocodile could continue kissing down his chest. It was a strange sensation for Crocodile, to be comfortably positioned while eye level with another person’s chest. He was so used to having lovers smaller than himself, but now he could easily bite and lick at Buggy’s chest while he kept fucking him.
Crocodile licked Buggy’s hard nipple, his tongue flicking over the metal barbell of his piercing. He could feel Buggy’s hands threading through his hair, his high pitched whines increasing in volume as he tugged on the metal with his teeth. He switched to the other nipple, giving it a similar treatment. His hips moved faster, spurred on by Buggy’s sounds and the feeling of his hands tugging at his hair.
“Fuck!fuck!fuck!” Buggy swore with every thrust Crocodile made. He moved up to suck at Buggy’s neck, his own pleasure mounting.
“Crocodile!” Buggy cried, body twitching as he came again, a warm wet spurt reaching Crocodile’s stomach. Crocodile groaned into Buggy’s moist skin as Buggy clenched around his dick. He smashed their lips together, stealing Buggy’s breath and whimpers. He moved his hips quickly, skin slapping against Buggy’s, riding the tight clenching of Buggy’s ass.
“Shit” he panted against Buggy’s lips, gritting his teeth and groaning, pushing deeply into Buggy as he came, the pulses of his orgasm intense.
He laid over Buggy for a few moments, crushing him with his body weight, making Buggy wheeze. When Buggy started frantically patting his arm, that’s when Crocodile lifted off of Buggy. He pulled out and sat back on the bed, tying off the condom as Buggy lay panting and sweaty on the bed. He had his eyes closed, his body still split in half and his legs spread wide open. Crocodile had a fleeting thought that he would’ve liked to see his cum leaking out of Buggy while he was like this. Maybe next time he would forgo the condom.
Crocodile himself was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his hair sticking to the sides of his face. He pushed his damp hair out of his face and slid back to the pillows, grabbing a cigar and a lighter from his nightstand. Buggy still lay there panting heavily, still trying to catch his breath. The lazy fuck.
Crocodile leaned back on the pillows, taking a few puffs from his cigar, the smoke always more delicious after an orgasm. Maybe now that he had sex he’d able to think more clearly about why he had found Buggy so arousing.
He glanced down at said clown, who slowly hovered up to Crocodile and flopped onto his chest, hugging him close, pressing scattered kisses over his pecs. This man was a literal fool and his earnest shows of emotion should’ve gotten him killed long ago. But his affection made Crocodile’s heart squeeze. Buggy nuzzled a stubbled cheek into Crocodile’s skin, leaving a smear of muddied makeup on his chest. Crocodile didn’t want to think about what his own face looked like right now.
He put out his cigar and turned off the light, already feeling annoyance dampening his nice post-orgasm mood. He pulled Buggy close and let him snuggle into his neck, throwing the covers over the both of them. The twinge of annoyance he felt wasn’t aimed at Buggy. He sighed softly and pet the clown’s hair. No, Crocodile was annoyed with himself because he didn’t want to let Buggy go.
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vaguely-concerned · 23 days
sophia seeing cailan's body hanging there when they go back to ostagar, and suddenly all she can see even through the rot and the ruin is just how much he looked like alistair...... :'(
a mental image that totally will not haunt her through alistair's many years on the throne as rebellions and assassination attemps come and go. doesn't send her unhinged and unwise even a little
#I've never played back to ostagar before actually! getting some more delicious trauma for everyone#and also zev was there (affectionate)#oc: sophia amell#warden x alistair#dragon age#dragon age origins#the vibes are slightly weird in the dialogue in this dlc -- this uh. did not seem to be the relationship alistair and cailan had#such as it even was. but hey I got this angst out of it what more can I ask#I had sophia and alistair smooch on the platform place thingy where you meet him for the first time. I am a sap but I am free#what's that post about the unconquerable human spirit that's like 'despite all the horrors I am still horny' again. basically they're that#alistair is honestly The most pocket healed warrior of all time he's got two spirit healers who love him laser focused on him#at all times#(sophia switches between unleashing horrifying amounts of raw magical power on the enemy and going 'oh nooo let me see I'll fix it')#that boy is Protected. wynne and sophia glaring at you past his shoulders like 'he said no FUCKING pickles ok. last warning'#(actually probably sophia would glare at you from like. the height of his armpit; she's Short lol)#also partially why I had to change my canon b/c if alistair was left in the fade sophia would. she would quite simply end the world#long before solas had the time to. she would tear the veil to shreds to get to him. mind and circle mage restraint irretrievably lost#her greatest fear is becoming unmoored (which in many ways also means losing alistair) and everyone else should be afraid of that too#I do like how this playthrough is shaking out tho it feels like a more grown-up version of the story I told with them originally#more complicated and acknowledging the other forces pulling on them (when I was younger I liked the freedom of them both staying wardens)#but it just makes the 'we're sticking together *no matter what*' all the more satisfying and triumphant for me.#we'll find a way and if there is no way we'll fucking make it together :') and they do
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mechazushi · 4 months
Iharu's Day Out {co-staring Dadka} (A Kn8 short story)
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Preamble] So I've got this idea for a series of {what was supposed to be short?! Don't know where all this came from} one-shots about Kaiju n.8 that are all about Kafka interacting with one member from the third Division because we only really see him talking to Reno or Hoshina most of the time and not a lot of the rest of the team gets much more screen time. I don't know how often I will be posting these and they will NOT be in chronological order. The time frame they will be taking place in is after everything is over (Number 9 is dead, Tachikawa base is rebuilt, the public knows about Kaiju n. 8, and the original members of Division Three are back together.)
Notes] Alcohol, implied off screen sex act, minor law breaking, pining IharuxReno, background HoshinaxKafka, implied HaruichixAoi, confession, basic tomfoolery, uncensored swearing.
Summary] Iharu's plans with Reno get derailed when Reno has to leave on a mission just before they have to leave. Depressed and dejected, Iharu heads back to the barracks to drown his sorrows in food... only to have that plan as well get derailed by Kafka.
This was the third time in thirty minutes that Furuhashi had changed his outfit. Finally landing on white high tops, black camo jeans, a black leather jacket and a white graphic anime tee. He kept going back and forth on the tee, debating on whether or not it made him look like he was too childish. Iharu spent an extra minute mentally kicking himself for not bringing more casual clothes from home when the base got reopened. Then again, asking Reno out to a movie date was pretty spur of the moment at the time. He caught himself mid thought and placed his hands on either side of the closet that was designated to every member of the Division. "Not a date. Movie night-. It's... a movie night. This is to see if this could lead to a potential date. Yeah, just... focus on that right now."
Knocking him out of his thoughts was a very distinct ringtone. Iharu had spent a lot of time messing around in the settings on his phone and was very proud of himself when it came to the songs he picked for each member of the Third Division. Aoi was the theme song from Cops, Kikoru's was the Nightcore version of Pretty Little Psycho. The one that was playing now was Cold as Ice by Foreigner. A little on the nose, considering who it was attached to, but nonetheless fitting for person who he thought was the coolest guy on the force.
Reno☃] Hey. Can we talk?
Reno☃] Somethings come up.
"Sure. Sounds fun."
Iharu played Reno's response to this movie night plan over a week ago in his head over and over, taking his chilled and plain response and visualizing it as a bat to beat himself and this unfortunate event the two over them have gotten themselves into.
"Last minute dispatch to the mountains. Sorry Iharu." Reno had said, wanting to give him the bad news in person as he sat on a bench in a locker room and laced up his boots over his tech suit.
"Guess that means you'll be back late then, huh." Iharu leaned against a locker, arms folded and looking into the distance through the doorway. He didn't want Reno to see the disappointment. Not that seeing it would change the situation, just didn't want make Reno feel bad over the fact that, not only is he leaving Iharu behind, but he has to take a rain check on their date movie night- it was supposed to be a movie night, Iharu had to remind himself. He didn't feel like it was fair to take his crush/rival out on the town and call it something so loaded without seeing if the feeling would be returned.
"Yeah. Sorry." Reno picked up his bag and started to walk pass Iharu. "Movie will still be there tomorrow. Right?"
Iharu tried to school his expression into something more optimistic to mask his depression. " Yeah, but I'm in Weapons Training all day tomorrow. Maybe another movie?" He crunched the unnoticed prepaid ticket stubs in his fist and shoved it in the pocket of his jeans. "Mind kicking their monster ass a little harder then normal. For me?" He didn't mean to come across as pleading as he said that, but it helped channel the last bit of resentment at the situation out of his head so now he can spend the rest of the allotted time off to sulk in his bunk.
Reno smiled and clasped a hand on Iharu's shoulder. "Sure thing."
Reno walked out of the locker room and headed toward the door that lead to the chopper pad that would whisk him away, as well as Iharu's plan for the three hours that he could squeeze out of Vice-Cap. All Iharu could do was watch as Reno lightly jogged away and feel as if he was doing that to get away from him faster. He knew that Reno liked him as a friend at least, but he felt that Reno could act a little less chill about being forcefully blown off a dinner and a movie. Iharu turned and started walking toward the canteen with the intention to take as much food and drink he could smuggle out to his bunk, make a Blanket Fort of Solitude*tm and attempt to stuff his dashed feeling under a quarter pound of katsudon, cheese puffs and soda popsicles-made in prison style.
Iharu was dragged from his thoughts by a loud, friendly, and familier voice. "OYE! Iharu! Wait a sec!"
Kafka Hibino came barreling down the hallway having turned a corner and apparently looking lost. The man was almost out of breath by the time he managed to catch up to Iharu. "Have you seen Reno around? I -huff- wanted to tell him safe travels before he -huff- left."
"He's heading down to the heli-pad now. Book it and you might catch him." Iharu said apathetically, scratching his neck. Which was really out of character for him, but he couldn't help hoping that was the end of the conversation, seeing that he just wanted to spend his three hours of time off drowning in food.
"Great! Thanks! Hey, you headed to the canteen?"
"Good. Give me a minute and I'll meet you there. Want to talk to you about something." Kafka took off running in the direction that Iharu pointed in before Iharu could refuse. He sighed deeply and started his way back to a journey to food-comaville; population one.
Iharu made it during a lull in orders and took his time deciding what to pig out on. He walked over to a seat at a table that was as far as he could make it from the others in the large and sparsely populated room. He managed to plow through 4 chicken kievs and a large bowl of rice with a coke before Kafka managed to walk into the lunchroom. He searched for a bit, found Iharu and started to walk to him... before deciding better and grabbed a Hamburg steak meal and then headed over.
"Well, I didn't get to tell him goodbye, but he did get to see me waving from the platform, so there's that. I feel better." Kafka sat down next to Iharu and assembled his steak to his preference.
"I'm glad." Iharu said sarcastically, "What did you want to talk to me about?"
"Your attitude, actually." Kafka said, then took a big bite of smothered chopped steak. Iharu partially choked mid-sip, Quickly recovering to stare down the senior with barely concealed audacity. Kafka saw and chuckled a bit around the food in his mouth.
"Nothing serious! Saw you were looking a little down in the dumps when I talked to ya. Just wanted to check in, make sure its nothing pressing, though I'll understand if you're not open for conversation at the moment."
"What are you, a counselor?" Iharu said defiantly. Kafka put his hands up in surrender before diving back into his meal.
"Say the word and I'll leave. If its not anything Reno said, I'll leave you to your moping."
Hearing Reno's name and the implication that he might of said something caused Iharu to curl up slightly, not bothering to hide the change in expression that very much told Kafka that Reno definitely said something. The pinkette paused for a minute before responding "What makes you think he did?"
Kafka smiled a warm, knowing smile, put down his fork, and swallowed. "Because I know Reno. He is extremely chill most of the time, but sometimes he can't tell that his coolness... can unintentionally burn others. Especially when you don't tell him outright." He turned to a slumped Iharu before continuing, " He told me that you two were going to watch a movie together tonight, right? He seemed excited about it.... in his own little way."
Iharu pushed his food away from him and dug his face in his crossed arms. 'Of course Reno would tell the division's Father Figure.' In admitting defeat, Iharu sighed and turned his head to face the half kaiju man.
"It wasn't just going to be a movie. There was going to be food too. There's a food stall festival a block from the movie theater that was selling some really good smelling food and it was the last day for it to be around and I had thought maybe we could take a shortcut through that really pretty shrine afterword- the one that lights up all those paper lanterns when sunset hits- and I had planned to pay for all the food and there was going to be gifts a-a-and-" He sat up to dig up the crumpled ticket stubs from his pockets and rudely threw them on the table, "And I had even PREPAID THE TICKETS AND.....haa. I just...... I wanted a nice evening with him. I knew three hours were rushing things but it was all Hoshina could let us take today."
Kafka picked up the stubs and straighten them out with the edge of the table. "And it absolutely would of been had it not been for a sudden arrival of 5.6 mole kaijus, huh." Iharu tucked his head back into his arms.
"Yeah, fucking mole kaiju. The least they could do was let me come with, but noooo! Everyone seems to think that I'm only relevant to Reno if he's wearing his stupid super suit."
'"If it makes you feel better. Reno likes having you around inside and outside the suit. Definitely enjoys the push-n-pull thing you two have going on." Iharu haphazardly wiped his nose on his leave as he looked to Kafka again.
"Doesn't matter anymore though, does it. He's not here and there's no sense going to the theater with two tickets and only showing up by yourself." Kafka scratched his ever present 5'o-clock shadow as he contemplated for a moment.
"Could ask around. I'm pretty sure Aoi hasn't taken any hours off in a while. Or maybe Shinomiya? She might be into cowboys verses bio-mech-monsters." Iharu tilted his head up hearing Kafka describe the movie.
"You've seen Ranger Rika against the Metal Mess of South Bend?"
"Just the trailers for it. Tokusatsu style, right? Watched a bunch of those as a kid. Somehow managed to pirate a few movies onto a mp.3 player when I was younger. Got me through a lot of bunker-hunkering in my middle school years."
Iharu laughed, "An mp.3 player? God you are old. And when was sitting in a kaiju shelter called 'Bunker-hunkering'?" Kafka reached over and playfully shook the younger compatriot by his shoulders.
"MP.3S ARE NOT THAT OLD! MINE STILL WORKS AND I STILL USE IT, YOU ASSHAT!" Hearing this only caused both of them to split themselves into fits of laughter. A moment later Kafka was lightly hugging Iharu and trying (and failing) to slow his heart and breathing while Iharu was wiping away tears and giggling. The shark-toothed teen looked up at the division's adopted father figure contemplatively.
"Ya know.... why don't you come with me." Kafka looked a little taken aback at that offer.
"Really? With me? I mean, I'm not going to turn down a free movie. Just thought that you young folk would rather run around with... well, people of similar age." Iharu started laughing again.
"What, so you finally decided you're old now?"
"Well, there's no hiding the fact that I'm damn near forty." Kafka said as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, but you're cool and forty. Which is like, guaranteed cool. And you're probably the only person here that would enjoy a movie of this explosive caliber." Iharu got up from his seat and picked up the tickets, offering one to Kafka. He smiled massively and pushed the offering had back toward Iharu.
"Hold on to them for now. I gotta talk to Hoshina about taking some hours away from base first. Tell you what, grab a bag of snacks to take in and I'll meet you by the garage."
"Bag of snacks? Ya know the theater sells them there, right?" Furuhashi said walking side by side with Hibino as they wandered back into the hallway.
"Excuse you, but I have been raised on the philosophy that you never buy theater snacks when you can sneak in your own. The theft of it all makes them taste better." Kafka winked as the two of them parted ways. "Should only take a minute or two. Text when you hit the garage!"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" Kafka said calmly as he adopted a wide defensive stance against is superior.
"I get you can be simple some days, but even you should know what that word means." replied Soshiro Hoshina, the vice captain of the Third Division. The man carefully put down the log book that contained the recorded hours of all enlisted that each individual was allotted to spend.
"What I mean is, do you mean no as in 'You still have chores or training left', or no as in 'I can't afford to have you leave base today'." Kafka breathed slowly through his nose in irritation as he emphasized each scenario.
"No as in 'You have no hours left to spend.' You used them all." Hoshina turned the catalog to face Kafka as the burly man planted his hands on the desk. All he could do was sigh at his unforeseen short comings.
"Honestly, I wanna talk to whoever came up with the policy that cut half of our vacation days and replaced them with this 'Payable Recreational Hours' bullshit. You seriously can't fudge the rules even a little bit?"
"Trust me Kafka, I wasn't the one who opted for that either. And as Vice Captain and currently the highest ranking on base, 'Fudging the rules' as you put it, would be a terrible move and give me a soft reputation. So, no."
Kafka shrunk his appearance and pulled out his big doe eyes to aid in his pleading. "But this is important! Hoshina, please. Its not even about me, this is for Iharu's sake."
Hoshina's interest piqued exasperatedly upon hearing that. "Oh? And pray tell, what could be so pressing that you have to emergency call off three hours for?" Kafka started to sense that this was the first slip into a bad situation and immediately back peddled.
"If it helps, I guess I could get away with an hour and a half?" he shrugged.
"So what was the other two and a half hours going to be spent on?" Hoshina said, leaning back in his office chair and crossing his arms.
Kafka knew he couldn't lie to someone so close to him, especially when that person was adept at seeing through his lies specifically. "Just, uh... food and... travel?"
This isn't helped by the fact the man can't even get away with half truths in the first place. Hoshina leaned his elbows on the desk as he stared down menacingly at the resident Kaiju Man.
"Kafka. The whole truth now, and I'll let you off with janitorial duty for a week." All Kafka could do was unclench his body and accept defeat.
"Ok. Iharu had prepaid some movie tickets to a Ranger Rika film and we both felt it would be a waste not to use them and the plan had involved a food stall festival and Reno was supposed to be there-!" Upon remembering what Iharu's initial plan was, Kafka was struck with an idea. "Hey that could work."
'What" Hoshina said in a clearly vexed manner.
"Why not give me Reno's hours? They both called off right? And since he had to leave, doesn't that technically mean that there's hours left on the table?" Kafka's brilliant smile was quickly diminishing as his superior kept staring a hole through his skull.
"First off, that's rude." Hoshina said holding up a hand to count on, "Second, that's got to be a violation somewhere. And Three, even if it wasn't, I still wouldn't allow it."
"What, you want me to see if Iharu will hand both the tickets over and we both go?" Hoshina just pinched his nose bridge at that and sighed.
"No, Kafka. I'm irritated that you're trying to weasel your way into blowing off duty for street food and movie tickets."
"But they're prepaid movie tickets!" Kafka sighed. He could only hang his head in despair as he could see his impromptu plans slipping away from him. "Is there nothing that could change your mind?"
"No. Not when I'm this irritated." Hoshina said as he went back to crossing his arms.
'Irritated, huh?' Kafka rolled his partner's choice of words in his head, before coming up with a horrible idea and using it to fuel a devilish course of action.
"Well, then. I guess I'll just have to break out the big gun." Kafka whispered as he smirked. He rounded Hoshina's sturdy desk, a fact the two of them had certainly proved time and time again, and now Kafka was going to have to certify that statement one more time, it seems.
"Kafka?" Hoshina questioned as his work buddy visible stopped acting like his associate and donned his more... submissive side. Starting with turning the chair to face him, Kafka got down on his knees in front of his commanding officer and slowly slid a hand under the left pant leg to lightly tease his superior's ankle.
"Guess i'll have to help with that irritation before I leave, won't I?" Hibino said, still wearing a cocky, lopsided grin as he brought the other hand just under Hoshina's knee.
'Kafka, no." Hoshina gritted out, bringing his hands to the arm rests and firmly gripped them.
"Kafka, yes." replied the kneeling man as he kissed his secret lover's knee.
"Kafka, if you think I'm going to give you your requested hour and a half-"
"Three hours."
"You're not going to get any hours if you keep this up."
"Come on. We both know that's not true, Soshiro." Kafka said, looking up from his kiss to the knee and molding his throat into his other voice. The one where he isolates a partial transformation around his vocal cords, adding a low growl to his already bass tone. Taking extra care with using Hoshina's first name, Kafka leaned forward and caressed his cheek against the side of Soshiro's inner thigh, letting in a wicked light in behind his glossy eyes.
"We both know I get what I want if I work hard enough for it."
Kafka began to tease the inside of Soshiro's thighs, littering them with light and slow kisses. Switching back and forth between the two, inching close, but not close enough. Hoshina felt rooted to the seat, pinned down by this tormenting display. All he could do was reach over and place a hand in Kafka's surprisingly soft tufts of hair. He carded it through a little before gripping it. Not enough to hurt, but definitely attention getting. Kafka let out a hot puff of air against his commander's hip, reveling in the feeling of Soshiro's short nails digging into his tough scalp.
"Give me a good performance, and we'll discuss what I'll let you get away with." Hoshina said, mentally kicking himself for not training his pet to be on a shorter leash.
"Come onnn. Where is he?" Iharu whined, shifting one strap of the back pack off one shoulder to the other as he was on his way to Hoshina's office. "How long does it take to call off a few hours?"
Furuhashi had made it to the door of the office just in time to see Hibino walk out in an entirely different outfit than the work jumpsuit he was in earlier.
"You know, with that much work, I should get a thank you as a courtesy!" Kafka said with the biggest shit eating grin one could have on their face. This statement was quickly followed with him slamming the door closed before he could be hit with whatever Hoshina tried to throw at him. All Kafka could do in response was giggle uncontrollably before stopping in his tracks at Iharu's sudden appearance.
"When did you get here?"
"I sent you a text that I was at the garage and you didn't respond. I waited, like, 9 minutes before I wondered where you were and now I just have more questions. Like, did you change in Hoshina's office? Why was he throwing shit at you? Thank you for what?" Kafka's face got visible red as he tried to find a way to change the subject and instead, opted to grab Iharu's upper arm and drag him harshly back toward the direction the garage was in.
"Ask no questions, and I'll tell no lies. Better news, I just got us a lot more than three hours."
"Can I ask HOW?"
"Maybe later. Got the snacks?" Iharu wrenched his arm out of Kafka's grasp to slip the simple, black, mini back pack off his shoulders to show the contents to his impromptu partner for the night.
"Yeah, got some drinks too. Had to break into Kikoru locker to get a less conspicuous bag to put them in, though."
"Good idea. You know where the theater is?" Kafka said, picking up the pace a little more the closer they got to the getaway vehicles. Iharu had no problem matching his pace, but was getting increasingly worried as to why they were acting like they were in a hurry. The movie didn't start for another forty five minutes.
"Yes, its close by so I don't know whY weRE RUNNING?"
"Cause not only do I want to catch the pre-showing, we really, really should leave before Hoshina saw what I put down in the time log sheet."
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" HIbino got to the heavy security door and opened the entry to the covered garage where most members of the defense force kept their personal vehicles.
"Nothing I'm going to regret later. Here, take this." He said as Iharu walked through the door and tossed him a suspicious set of keys. Iharu caught them and examined them quickly.
"Are these... Hoshina's keys? The one to his supercharged bike? You know I have my own bike, right?"
"Yeah, but when you think about it, his bike's bigger and I can't drive one, so I'm going to have to ride pillion. And trust me, you're going to want that extra bit of room."
As the two of them jogged to the Vice Captain's super bike, all Iharu could think that this wasn't going to be a simple movie night anymore.
The two of them had made it into the theater with plenty of time to spare and minimal suspicion. They turned in their stubs and walked inside the air conditioned room that was showing the Ranger Rika film. There, Kafka was met with a surprise.
"Holy shit! You prepaid seats to a show that had in-house recliners?" Kafka walked by in awe and they made their way to one of the seats closer to the front. "Surprised you didn't pick seats closer to the back. Kinda bougie place to bring 'just a friend' don't ya think?" Kafka winked at Iharu as they settled down into their reserved seats.
"I don't ever want to hear the word bougie out of your mouth ever again. And I felt like paying extra for the reclining seats, that ok with you?" Iharu said defensively.
"Fine, fine. Just wondering why you felt the need to score brownie points with Reno, is all. He'd be happy just getting off base with you, being an easy guy like that." Kafka started to root around in Iharu's stolen bag for the drinks he mentioned earlier.
"This isn't point scoring! I just... I wanted to- what I'm trying to say is... give me that." The furious looking teen grabbed the glass coke bottle out of the older man's offering hand. Kafka looked on warmly at Iharu, piecing together some dots in his head. Not enough to make a solid conclusion, but his previous levels of mopiness started to make sense. Hibino brought the sealed bottle to his mouth and cracked the metal pop top off with his teeth.
"You know that they make these twist off now, right? That has to fuck up your teeth something awful." Iharu stated as he began to twist off his own bottle before the movie really started. At least he was trying to, and apparently failing miserably due to the sharp edges on the bottle cap digging into his hands uncomfortably. Kafka took the bottle from his hands and proceeded to open the bottle like he did before and handed it back.
"Again, I am not that old. Don't ruin my one piece of happiness in my life."
"Opening bottles... with your teeth?" Iharu replied, pushing the button that reclined the seat back and brought the foot rest up.
"Old habit from childhood that I've managed to keep because Monster Sweepers has a surprisingly great dental plan. Now hush, previews are starting." Kafka said as the lights began to dim in the room.
"Holy shit! That movie was amazing!" Iharu said as they left the theater doors and landed on the sidewalk.
"Yeah, that was a great movie. Was a lot more emotional then I was expecting." Kafka mentioned as he squatted low and stretched a leg out to the side.
"You weren't kidding! That plot twist that Missy Whisky was a plant based robo-zoid horse and the scene where she was dying and her body fueled a new oasis got me actually crying! I never cry!" Kafka could only look up at Iharu incredulously, knowing that the younger soldier cried at anything involving animals; sometimes even about Kaijus.
"I think my favorite shot of the whole thing was at the end when Ranger Rika was in a lawn chair with a beer, sitting in that new oasis and we get to see that Missy Whisky was ok, she was just a metal skeleton now." Kafka said as he stood back up and stretched his back.
"Yeah, he deserved that beer, honestly. My favorite scene was when Rika had to jerry rig a new leg and ended up making that burst shot rocket leg. When I heard Golem explain the concept, I thought it sounded so stupid! Whats the point in putting a rocket in your leg if it can only fire off in short burst? Then it trails into the scene in the canyon where he has to fight the Centa-Snake and he was keeping up on foot! Certified Ultimate Badass moment this year!" Iharu started to walk away, following the flow of the crowd so as to not interrupt it too much. Spurring Kafka to hurry up and follow him as well. The two of them walked far enough down the street to where they could walk side by side more comfortably.
As they walked farther away from the theater, it became clear that Iharu was still basking in the warm afterglow of a good memory made. He was still chattering about all the details of the movie, even going into the depths of character analysis and how it showed through in the clothing the characters were wearing. It was very clear he was dying to watch this someone as his mouth seemed to be going a mile a minute with no signs of stopping. Kafka kept up as best he could with the conversation, adding what he could to the conversation. If he was being honest though, he didn't really see as much in the movie as Iharu apparently did. It seemed Iharu noticed as well as he started to slow down his talking speed, becoming more quiet as they went along.
"You good?" Kafka said, noticing the small, slight drop in demeanor.
"Yeah, Im...I'll be fine. I think. I got to see the movie today, which is what I wanted." Iharu stated, visible not looking as fine as he tried to say he was. It was clear to Kafka that it wasn't the possibility that Iharu might of not watched the movie that got him feeling down. I seemed that he still couldn't get Reno not being here off his mind. Kafka felt it was a bit early to press the matter, seeing they got out of a good movie and didn't feel like spoiling the once good mood with questions, so he decided to try and redirect Iharu's train of thought to something more pressing.
"We are walking in the right direction for the festival, right?" Iharu looked up at the older man, redirection of thoughts successful.
"Oh yeah, Food! That was a thing wasn't it? Uhhh...." Iharu said, stopping to process their current location. "Yeah, one more block and a right and we should be there."
"I remember that you said you found it because you... smelled it?" Kafka said quizzically.
"Oh, yeah. There was an attack early last week two streets down and I wanted to stop by when I smelled it. Couldn't though, had to check for yoju then head back to base for a report. Couldn't leave for a week and started feeling desperate. It smells really good-!" Iharu stopped dead in his tracks, looking straight across the street.
"What? Is everything Ok?" Kafka said, looking around before landing his eyes at whatever Iharu was looking at. Across the street, in a store window, sat a rack holding a cluster of very unusual looking hats.
"Cowboy hats. Can you believe it?" Iharu said, looking absolutely puzzled as to why they were there. Taking a longer look, the window belonged to what appeared to be a restaurant dedicated to American cuisine. Specifically western style - steaks and big burgers. it looked like the restaurant had conjoined with a kitschy souvenir store. Kafka thought hard for a minute before turning back to Iharu.
"You wanna?" Kafka asked, jabbing a thumb to the store front. Furuhashi looked back with a clearly confused look. "Come on, we just got out of a Cowboy movie. Isn't it customary to get a least one in honor of a good movie?" Kafka playfully punched Iharu in the shoulder as Iharu just shook his head before he responded.
"I have never heard that ever, and I'm a fan of all the Ranger Rika films."
"All I'm hearing is you've got some hat buying to catch up on." Kafka said, committing an act of jaywalking to drag his new friend over to the store.
"We don't need to buy a cowboy hat!" Iharu protested as they hit the sidewalk.
"Fine. Then I'm getting one without you." Kafka retaliated, hand on the store handle.
"OH, no. If I leave you alone in here, you're going to buy me one in a stupid color. Like blue or green." Iharu said, walking into the store before Kafka.
"But I thought you said you didn't want one?" the Half-Kaiju said, throwing a pointed smirk at Iharu.
"I just said I don't trust you, therefore I have to buy one to make sure you don't buy one for me." the pinkette said defiently, studying the hats on the rack. Kafka just chuckled quietly behind him and soon joined him at the rack too, but not before ordering a side of steak fries to go.
Minutes later, the two of them left the store with hats and fries in hand. Kafka bought a black one with a braided rawhide band threaded with turquoise beads and Iharu's was a simple white stetson.
"Kinda surprised you didn't get the pink one." Kafka said, placing his hat on his head.
"I thought about it, but I mean... pink on pink? It might be a bit much." Iharu said, gesturing to his hair. "That and I thought that white hats just looked cooler anyway."
"This decision totally isn't related to Ranger Rika and his outfit design at all, right?" Kafka said, dripping with sarcasm and Iharu fiddled with the chin strap on the stetson.
"Pfft, Of course not! Why would you say such a thing?" Iharu said through a choked chuckle as his ears got a noticeable shade pinker.
Short walk later, they had made it to the start of the street where the festival was held. Both sides of a seemingly endless boulevard was lined with lanterns, ramshackle food stalls, and carnival games. The lights gave the whole street the warmest inviting glow that paired with the slowly setting sun and the scent from the cooking food made the entrance all the more enticing. Adding on the visual ebb and flow of the crowd flittering between the brightly advertised stalls truly made the scene before them come alive. All that was needed to become one with the crowd was as simple as stepping inside and it would feel like a whole different reality. Before the duo could, Kafka decided to take a look at the parked sign at the beginning of the boulevard.
"Hey, did you know about this?" Kafka pointed at the sign.
"No. What's it say?"
"It says that the food festival is in collaboration with the local bars on this street. Beer and cocktails are half off." Iharu whistled approvingly at the news.
"God, a beer sound wonderful right now. Haven't had any since Hoshina trashed my stash in the vent." Kafka said, groaning at the distant textural memory of the cool, aggressive liquid sliding down his throat.
"I don't know man. We still gotta head back to work in a couple of hours. Getting drunk tonight that worth it?" Iharu questioned. Kafka choked on his own spit in a suspicious manner for a minute at hearing how long they had left on the outside.
"Speaking of which..." Furuhashi began to eye the old man intensely now, "How many hours did you get out of Vice-Cap?" Kafka made an attempt to clear his throat before answering.
"Yeah, about that...I, uhhh...didn't have any hours left."
"Honestly, the whole payable hours thing sounds stupid anyway so when Hoshina wasn't looking I... wrote in our own hours?" Kafka shrugged at a very red Iharu.
"Three... hundred and thirty six." Kafka said quietly. When Iharu didn't respond back, Kafka felt the need to explain himself.
"I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY! 336 hours equal out to two weeks so I thought it be like an 'I'm quitting' joke. Ya'know, in retaliation of the stupid new hours rule? Vice Captain wasn't giving me any wiggle room here and you said you were coming to a food festival with Reno and two hours for a food festival is not a lot of time, especially if you want to do it right, and now there's possible booze involved which is another two on top of that and I just think that only getting three hours to spend away from base isn't a lot of time and you really looked disappointed at not being able to go- albeit the original plan involved Reno- but I mean we're here now and..."
Kafka could only sigh at his now clearly flawed line of thought as Iharu put his face in his hands. One one hand, Iharu agreed with him. Three hours wasn't a lot of time and he also hated the new hours ruling. But that short amount of time would of been worth it because he would of been with Reno. But now... Reno wasn't here. He was with Kakfa, a close member of the team that was trying his best to look out for him and cheer him up in light of the disastrous change in his plans. Iharu was here now, without Reno, and was still enjoying himself despite himself. The whole reason for coming was because of Reno, but here he was anyway; feeling guilty because he was having fun without Reno, knowing this was to be for him. Iharu wasn't really angry about the hours that Kafka had managed to cheat out of Vice-Cap. He knew he was going to pay for them as soon as Kafka got involved on this little outing. It just didn't feel right, him about to be having fun with someone who wasn't supposed to be here.
Kafka clasped a gentile hand of Iharu's shoulder.
"Hey. If you're not comfortable with this, we can just grab one or two things and head back early. You can tell him about the prepaid tickets and bring him back a snack. I'm sure he'd appreciate it after fighting in the mountains all afternoon." The older man smiled comfortably down at the distressed teen.
There he went again. The Dad of Division Three. He really knew just how others felt sometimes. Just when it didn't conflict with the mans's own feelings, that is. Kafka could tell that he was stressed about staying here too long and having fun without the one he wanted to be here with, so now he's trying to accommodate by telling him they could leave and bring back a gift that Reno couldn't help but like. Iharu wanted to come here with Reno... but he was here with Kafka. The happiest, most understanding, and most uplifting person to be around. Especially when you're upset, just like he is right now. And you know what, Kafka is here. With him. Right now. He got Iharu to the movies and spared him a day of sulking around the barracks getting fat and feeling sorry for himself. And that should be rewarded.
"You know what? Fuck it. I'm game." Furuhashi said, dropping his hands from his face.
"About what?"
"Getting drunk. I was going to stuff my face with cafeteria food earlier, and now I get to stuff my face with fried street food and alcohol. Honestly? Upgrade."
"Wait a minute? Are you sure about this? I mean, its not like those hours actually count or anything." Kafka said, reeling slightly from Iharu's change in demeanor.
"Hey man, you're the one who wrote in two weeks of hours, and I'm going to use them. Unless someone from base comes down here and carries my plastered ass off the sidewalk, I don't plan on leaving. Besides, didn't you say there's a right way to food festival? Maybe I'd like to know the secret too. Ya' know, for next time." Iharu stared into the sunset over the festival, feeling empowered about his newfound dereliction of duty.
He was upset. About the time constraints, about a lack of Reno in his presence, about not being able to tell him how he felt in a way he had been planning for about a week now, and about a dozen other minor things that had gotten under his skin recently.
None of that matters now. He was here. In good company. And with access to cheap booze. And may the Gods themselves strike him down now, because he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.
Kafka approved this new feeling welling up inside new drinking buddy and sealed the deal by lifting Iharu's hat off his back where it was hanging and placed it on his head. Making his voice gravely and southern, Kafka quoted a line from the movie.
"So... You finally decided to take charge of your own fortune, aye Rika?" Feeling the new weight on his head, Iharu turned to look up at Kafka and saw the brightest, toothiest, most genuine grin he thought that man could fit on his face. Iharu's eyes started to gather tears in accepted pride, but he blinked them away harshly and looked back at Kafka, matching his Kaiju smile with an aggressively mischievous one of his own.
"First things first. Nearest 7/11 location." Kafka said, turning toward the closest convenience store he could see.
"O-Ok? Why?" Iharu questioned, but followed Kafka's lead anyway.
"They carry this wonderful little drink that prevents hangovers. Fantastic shit, truly. Take it from a guy who use to party with a group of people who went on pub crawls every time someone had a birthday, hangovers do not need to be experienced more than necessary." Iharu's eyes lit up at hearing this.
"oh man! You have to have some crazy stories from your college days."
"College? You seriously think I had the attention span to make it in that kind of setting? This was from working in Monster Sweepers. Let me tell you, Tokuda; guy I used to work with, couldn't let go of a scotch bottle to save his life. Which is funny because having one on him is what saved another guy I worked with..."
"And that's how my second boss ended up eating his own ring finger, wedding band and all." Kafka said as Iharu finished up the last of a batch of heavily sauced, fried chili shrimp.
"Damn, I didn't know you guys caught so many strays on the job site. Ya'll really need a security detail while you're working or something."
"Yeah, it can get to be a bit much some days. I actually proposed a deal to Haruichi that asked if his dad's company could come up with some Kaiju-fiber t-shirts or arm sleeves. Just *burp* something cheap they could throw together from scraps to help out my old buddies on the job site. Just a little protection or a way to finish the job faster so we're not working so long."
Kafka finished up a can of beer as Iharu checked a notification on his phone. They were leaning against the base of one of the few stone building that were on the street. The two of them had already hit up several food stalls and three bars in between. Currently they were standing off to the right of an ally that led to the last one they were in, having left to get some fresh air.
"Don't see a reason why they couldn't? It's more money for them, isn't it? Hey! it finally downloaded." Iharu said, propping up his phone on a jutted window ledge.
"What did?"
"I downloaded that song that played during the saloon walkabout scene. I thought we could maybe make a TokTic with it." Kafka tossed his empty into a trash can before turning to Iharu.
"TokTic? Oh! Those short video things. Shinomiya is always sending me those. Her attempt to 'Keep me from falling back to the Stone Age'. Prissy brat. Love her! Just... so damn rude some days."
"Well, now here's your chance to show her that you can be relevant." Iharu chuckled, "Alright, here's what I was thinking."
Iharu began to lead Kafka through some easy dance steps and dictated which pattern this was supposed to happen. They ran through the process a few times so Kafka was sure he could do it, even though Iharu reassured him that it doesn't have to be perfect. Iharu pressed record and they started doing a intensely cowboy inspired, feet shuffling based choreography to 'No Diggity' by Blackstreet with their new hats on full display.
They wrapped it up with them moonwalking off screen. Furuhashi then quickly ran back to grab the phone. They ducked back into the ally to get out of the way of the rippling crowd as the phone's owner began messing with the video's settings and cropped the beginning and end to make it feel cleaner. Hibino whistled as he looked over Iharu's shoulder as his fingers flew over the screen with what seemed to be practiced efficiency.
"You've made a few of these?" Kafka asked.
"Yeah.", Iharu said sheepishly, "I had this account back when I was in Subjugation School. It kinda started as something I messed with in my down time between classes, making edits of shows and movies I was really into at the time, and then it just sorta turned into a daily routine showcase-turned-ask blog. Soon after it started to pick up followers, especially after I got to join Division Three." He began to show one of his latest edits that he made to Kafka.
"Wow! I have to admit, but the editing seems really smooth. I can see a lot of thought went into this." Kafka said as he took a brief overview of the collection that Iharu had made over the years. Furuhashi looked away bashfully as his face turned as pink as his hair.
"It really is just a hobby at this point. Most of my followers seem to just enjoy the daily blog stuff more. But, to be honest, I always told myself that if, for some reason, I didn't make it in the Defense Force I... might have pursued a career as a film director." Kafka slung his arm over Iharu's shoulder and drew him in close.
"Now that, I would have definitely paid... to... see." He stepped back to look at his surroundings, taking in the view of the ebbing crowd and sensing a disturbing lack of panic and chaos. But... why would there be? There was nothing to be afraid.... oh.
Oh Shit. There it was.
Kafka got a familiar sinking feeling deep in his gut. Like a cold wave of heavy mist and dry ice was dropped into his stomach. He started whipping his head around, trying to see if he could place the direction in which the dangerous disturbance could be coming from.
"Iharu! Eyes up! Trouble incoming." The teen flashed a worried look toward Kafka as he hurriedly put his phone away.
"Kaiju attack? Here?"
"Yeah, a honju. Small one though, it feels like. To close for comfort, though. Get the alert out!" Kafka ran to one of the food stalls next to them and grabbed a megaphone out of a hawker's hands
Some people started to gather up their stuff while others only looked on in disbelief, thinking he was some drunk prankster, until a small earthquake rattled the street and stalls. Everyone began to feel the threat approaching with the sound of distant buildings crashing over the sudden wailing of the alert system through speakers and phones alike. The people started sprinting toward the nearest shelter, with Kafka and Iharu helping the stragglers and the fallen catch up to the rest. Once it seemed like a majority had made it off this particular street and others, too scared shitless to move, had been relegated to closer, save enough zones like basements and reinforced closets, did Kafka start running toward the source of the disaster. Iharu, not far behind, ran after him.
"Sir! Do you think we should be heading toward this? Its not like we could be of much help without gear."
"Kinda figured we'd look at it and go from there? Least I could do is break it down visually and have you relay the information." Kafka started to summon some of his Kaiju bio-works through his system, calling forth faster speed and inhuman claws, and used them to get to higher elevation. As the cryptid soldier began to race across rooftops, Iharu mentally broke down the things that he could help with, starting with field reconnaissance and path prediction.
Even without the suit, Iharu was keeping up with with a supped-up Kafka. It helped that he was trying to gain more height than speed to better survey the land and find the cause of danger. Once he found a sign of the monstrous disturbance, Kafka began giving directionals down to Iharu. As the man on the ground, he took it upon himself to keep track how they were moving between the three of them, figured a possible heading, and started to send directions back to Kafka in an attempt to head whatever this was off at a pass. So far, they hadn't hit any major damaged areas yet, so Iharu wasn't too focused on checking for possible trapped survivors.
Thanks to Kafka's sight and Iharu's planning, the two of them had made it to the location of the honju. Bursting through a broken and slanted ally way, Iharu had caught sight of the beast first. It was cephalopod based, resembling a mix between a squid or an octopus, crossed with an armored spider. Its' head was blue and bulbous, with a thin, wide, white ribbon running the diameter of its rounded top. It had four darker blue tentacles, each ending in a triangular nub covered in wicked spiked suckers, and another eight acting as its legs. All of them covered in what looked like black, striped,and jointed keratin plating and all of them ending in squishy tarantula paws. It was big, about a family-of-four house sized, tall as well as wide, and it was pissed.
"You don't think it smelled all the fried seafood and wanted revenge, do you think?" Kafka leaped down from a shattered rooftop and landed close to Iharu. The younger one grabbed the senior's wrist and dragged them both behind some cover before the honju saw them.
"Well, you said you wanted to break it down. Now's your chance." Iharu hissed quietly.
The aquatic beast lumbered forward, bellowing a watery warble as it bashed its tentacles against the building to its left. Kafka braced his back against the large piece of broken wall and shimmied upwards slowly in an attempt to gain a better look without breaking cover. He began to mentally run through a back catalog of information about Honju and Yoju, both from personal experience and from research on his down time, and came up with very little. But what he did come up with could still be very useful.
"Ok, here's the deal. Both Honju and Yoju can have aquatic forms and when they do, they stick unusually close to the original anatomy of their more normal counterparts."
"And how is that helpful?" Iharu whispered harshly as he stayed close to the ground in a crouched position.
"I'm getting there, hold on. From what it looks like, this bastard is sticking pretty close to something from the squid family. Which means it would be a safe bet that its core is somewhere close to the surface of the body, situated around the junction between the trunk and its head, and under a thick backbone made of cartilage."
"Alright, i'll tell everyone to aim for the.... neck I guess?" Iharu began to pull out his phone, but Kafka shooed it down to dismiss the idea.
"Here's the thing. You can actually kill a normal squid really easily by hitting it right at that junction. And I mean like one hard smack kinda deal." Kafka slid down the cover to better demonstrate with his hands to his partner.
"Yes, this has been established." Iharu sounded exasperated, almost desperate too as the beast trudged on by.
"I have a really bad idea." Kafka looked Iharu dead in the eyes with as much seriousness as he could. All Iharu could do was send a look of disbelief right back.
"Whatever it is, no."
"Ok, but if I'm right, the Defense force doesn't even need to show up because we'll be done already."
"HOW, may I ask? We don't even have any weapons." Iharu was becoming flabbergasted now, slowly debating to stop bothering with discrepancy.
"Ah, but you forget, I'm a living weapon. I don't even need a full transformation. Just make sure it doesn't turn around for a second while I grab a lamp post and get to higher ground." Iharu just groaned into his hands while Kafka turned and ran to find a suitable post, preferably one already uprooted.
Minutes later, Kafka had managed to fine a suitable improvised weapon to attack with and was trying his best to lug it over quietly. Iharu was still hiding behind the original piece of cover, watching his battle buddy struggle while keeping an eye on the yoju, making sure it hadn't been alerted to Kafka's presence. Kafka was on the other side of the street, opposite to Iharu's position and had much more cover to work with since that was the side the monster seemed to be taking its aggression out on. However, this came with its own set of problems as Kafka kept knocking the lamp post on what seemed to be every obstacle imaginable. Causing Iharu to flinch and indirectly slowing the beasts progression as it kept picking up on Kafka's poor attempt at stealth. After Kafka had managed to bang the bottom of the post against an unseen rock and cause the honju to turn around and face his general direction, it became clear to him that if he was to scale a building and get closer, some preventative measures were going to have to take place.
After waiting for the monster to turn back around, Kafka started to wave his arms around to get a hold of Iharu's attention.
'Go distract' Kafka tried to pantomime using military hand gestures.
'Me distract?' Iharu responded back, to which Kafka affirmed
'Are you nuts?' Iharu sent back, ducking as a chunk of debris flew over his head.
'Just throw a brick or something.' Kafka sent before picking up the post and tried to quietly lean it on the nearest building. Iharu hung his head at the absurd situation and looked around for a suitable rock.
Speedily crouch walking past several broken walls and roof pieces, he had managed to get back in front of the honju's path. Looking back, Kafka had transformed his hands back into claws and was now trying to climb the side of a building while alternating bringing the pole up with him. He seemed to be doing fine so far, trying his best not to make more noise than he could get away with. Kafka had made it to a metal fire escape landing that was miraculously still attached to a partially demolished building. He leaned over to pull up the light post behind him... and smacked the top of it into the landing above.
Before the monster had time to react to Kafka's blunder, Iharu had thrown the rock as hard as he could, aiming for it to land in front of its face and keeping its attention forward. This would of worked had Iharu had picked a smaller or lighter rock, as it had flown straight into one of the beast's wiggling tentacles. Iharu didn't have time to duck behind cover as it had turned to face the source of bodily harm. The honju roared as it raised its front arms and tentacles in defiance and began to lumber quickly toward the only thing it could really see, a mop of alarmingly pink hair.
"Shit, shIT, SHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!" Iharu bolted down the street, leaping and bounding over ruble in his path as the squishy, blue beast rapidly shuffled behind him giving chase. Kafka vocally mirrored the pink human rocket's sentiment as he rushed to carry the light pole up to the remains of the roof.
The buildings around Furuhashi turned into a blended blur as he blasted down the street, the journey made easier now that he hit a section that the honju hadn't demolished yet and left no obstacles to jump around. However, that didn't mean that he didn't have an easy time running away. With every footstep the multi-limbed monster made, sent the road trembling, forcing Iharu to find some sea legs fast. While it seemed to be a constant fact that spider based kaiju were slow enough to be outrun by anyone able-bodied, The shaking this one was creating gave Iharu a feeling that one misstep, one slight falter in his adrenaline fueled gait, could spell a messy end for him.
As he came onto a three-way, he juked the literal fish-out-of-water and whipped right, feet sliding out from under him. Iharu had to recover quickly as the squid-spider had regained it's footing as well and picked up its pace. Tentacles slammed and swiped all around him, causing the younger soldier to duck and weave intensely and dug deep inside of himself to find the strength to go faster.
A simple image. A snow blonde man with frosted violet eyes. Once facing a complimentary sunset, turned back to face Iharu in his mind's eye.
That's all it took for him. Not thinking too much about it (surely if he did, he would call himself out on his patheticness) Iharu managed to speed up just in time. He found himself passing under a familiar Torii gate just as the honju began to bring down a weighty tentacle. Before it could though, a squelchy crunch sound echoed down the food stalls lined boulevard him and Kafka were on earlier. Iharu kept going until he noticed the lack of quaking that was accompanying his previous flight for his life. Slowing down cautiously, he turned around to gawk at the scene that had unfolded behind him
Just passing under the Torii gate was the unnatural squid like beast, now limp and an opaque, milky color. Stood on top of the bulbous trunk in a victorious killing pose was Kafka, having hammered the concreted base of the lamppost square over its one-shot kill spot. Kafka let go of the post once it seemed sure that the monstrous cephalopod wasn't going to move anymore and stood up and relaxed. He flashed Iharu a thumbs up in reassurance.
Iharu was far from reassured and was shaking from the head to toe in adrenaline withdrawal. He took a second to catch his breath and immediately regretted it, running over to an uncovered trash can and vomited his stomach contents from the nerves.
Several back rubs, gurgled curses, and vehement apologies later, Iharu felt okay enough to walk again. Kafka took a second to extend his kaiju sensory powers to check the immediate area for more threats while Iharu double checked him with research from his phone. Certain they had eliminated the only threat that had decided to make its presence known, the two discussed their next course of action. Seeing that the damage had been localized to a different part of town and how none of it had really reached the festival, they decided to see if they could encourage those that were still around to start the food stalls back up. To be honest, the decision was made from a mutual understanding that if it didn't, the two of them would have no choice but to head back to headquarters. Which felt like admitting defeat too early, seeing as they had wanted to stay out as long as they wished tonight, damn the consequences.
The two split up and went around to the surrounding buildings and encouraged the caged civilians inside that it was safe now. Once told that it was some off duty members of the Defence Force, those inside started to walk out and braced themselves for the possible damage that wasn't there. Some of the bartenders of the local bars that hadn't left in the evacuation started a one time only deal of giving everyone that had stayed a round on the house. Once it seemed that the neighborhood's basements and closets were emptied, Kafka and Iharu met in the center of the street.
"I got everyone on the left." Kafka started.
"And I got everyone on the right. Going to head to the shelter where everyone headed to and see about bypassing the lock on it to get everyone out. You coming?" Iharu said, already turning to leave.
"Nah, I'm gonna stay here and see what I can do about the squid at the gate. Get it out of here before it gets rank." Iharu managed two thumbs up as he briskly jogged away to the rescue.
A large crowd had begun to form around the fishy corpse under the gate. Kafka could make out some of the hushed phrases as he politely muscled his way through.
"Can't believe it had gotten so close."
"There doesn't seem to be any casualties so far?"
"We were lucky that some members of the third division were here tonight."
"Its almost seems like the gods were looking out for the festival, don't ya think?"
"The spirits must have considered the food too good to waste- excuse me, coming through! Make way, if you don't mind." Kafka began to move more easily through the crowd after making his presence known.
Getting to the front, he stood proud and took a long look at the situation before him. His past experience in the Sweepers began to flow easily into his mind as he walked around and over the dead beast. It was soft and squishy, with a tough skin. Not so tough that it probably couldn't be pierced by a good knife, he thought. The keratin plates were only held on with a thin sheet of tendon and looked like it could be filleted or pried off with little difficulty. The legs seemed closer to a crab than a spider at a closer glance, it just had an extra set. Breaking the crab legs would be challenging, however. Sure they could be cracked, but only after heated drastically and directly at the joints. Kafka leaned back and sighed. He knew he wasn't going to be the one cleaning this up, but he'd hate to have the whole squad out here for what could be a three person job.
Well, three if they had five hours. The more people, the less time of course. This one just so happened to be simple to break down, however. Give him ten minutes and he could teach everything that was important to the crowd in front of him. They could probably have this all dismantled before the Sweepers even got out of bed.
"Hey! You're with the Defense force, right? How long do you think it would take to get this out of here?" A portly man in a tan canvas apron shouted up at Kafka. The half kaiju man slid down the deceased squid beast so he could talk to the man in an appropriate manner.
"Well the thing's dead, so that parts' already done. Getting the body out of here is down to the Sweepers. I used to work with them, so I can just call a few of them up and we can get this dismantled and out of here soon. It's all a shame though."
"What make you say that?" A taller man behind the chunky one piped up.
"Well, for one, if the JAKDF finds out I'm here, I'm gonna have to get back on duty sooner than I'd like." This caused a slight chuckle from the neighboring crowd that heard him, causing some to relax slightly.
"And this is me saying from previous experience, the dismantling for this thing would be easy; it's just labor intensive. Wouldn't need fancy tools or anything. Just some willing hands, and I'd hate to bring out a whole ten piece crew for something this small. I don't even think Izumo really messes with squid types anyway. Not unless they exhibit some unnatural power so this would end up getting tossed in a trash heap in the end." The short man from earlier turned to look at the milky squid spider and shook his head in sympathy.
"Damn shame they aren't edible, huh?" A light bulb went off in Kafka's head as he turned to look at the man. Looking down, he saw that, in the pockets of the man's apron, was a handful of toothpicks and a couple sets of sharp metal chopsticks with bells attached to the ends of the wooded handles. Instruments designed to get people attention when someone made takoyaki.
"Actually.... most aquatic type kaiju are."
Half an hour later, Iharu lead the throng of people that had made it to the shelter back to the street and saw the most ridiculous sight. People had swarmed the dead honju, a third of it now seemed to be missing. Some had rigged a makeshift pulley system over the Torri gate and was lifting large chunks of milky, spotted flesh up and away from the rest of the body. Kafka was at the base, directing others on how to properly separate the armored plates from the legs while somebody on the other side was using a cutting torch and passed off the legs to another group that was putting them in a steaming metal barrel. Some had set their respective stalls back up and had hurriedly changed or added on new parts to their signs, all now advertising a kaiju variant of wherever fried food they were selling before.
"KAFKA! Mind telling me what's going on?" Iharu shouted over the sound of intense manual labor. Kafka looked at everyone and asked if they understood. When everyone nodded yes, Kafka broke away and joined Iharu.
"Funny thing, actually. I was talking to this guy in the crowd about the labor and how it would be a waste if we got the Sweepers involved. He said something about 'Shame it ain't edible' and it made me remember that some sea-bearing ones are and the guy I was talking too ran the giant takoyaki stand, the one where they're as big as your head, and the guy behind him was selling calamari rings and-"
"So you thought it would be a good idea to teach everyone here how to dismantle a kaiju? You don't seriously expect people to eat that, right? It's kaiju meat, how are you so sure it doesn't have parasites or something?"
"Oh! Already solved that problem." Kafka said, "Quick vinegar bath. Kills the sturdier ones and the heat kills the rest." Iharu looked past Kafka suspiciously and stared at the group of volunteers working away at the dead and, apparently edible, body.
"And where's the organs and shit going, might I ask?"
"Called an old work buddy that has a truck. He's going to be here in an hour to pick up the double bagged trash bags and throw them over the fence at work. He's getting paid in fried food when he gets here." Kafka mentioned, sounding proud of himself. Iharu just shrugged it off, thinking that it sounded like Kafka-appropriate levels of absurdity and that he shouldn't complain too much about it. After all, this removes any and all reason for the third Division to come down here. No chaos, no bodies, no trouble. Which meant that they didn't have to explain to co-workers why they weren't back yet and be forcefully dragged back against their will, so wins all-around honestly.
The squat man from earlier walked over to where the two were talking, carrying two white and unmarked carryout boxes the size of a soccer ball.
"Here, you killed the damn thing. You get first dibs on the spoils." he handed them over and jogged back to his station, now flooded with a line of people wanting to try kaiju squid takoyaki.
The off duty officers looked at each other briefly before rapidly tearing open the top of the box, revealing the most wondrous sight and smell. Inside was a massive takoyaki ball, fried with a variety of fillings, more than just onions and corn and slathered in eel sauce and kewpie mayo, topped with bonito flakes.
'Maybe it was worth almost getting smashed into a pancake.' Iharu thought before diving into the free meal.
'Cleared the surrounding area of potential causalities in quadrant Charlie, found none. Path of destruction heads east. Permission to follow?" Aoi Kaguragi, a member of the Third Division, relayed the pertinent information through his ear piece, awaiting further instruction.
"Message received, free to follow Kaguragi. Take care." Okonogi relayed back.
Aoi nodded over to his partner for tonight, Haruichi, and the two of them headed in the direction of the chaotic path of broken rubble. The two of them, as well as a small crew had been sent out to examine the emergence site of the recently exposed kaiju. The team was originally sent out to fight the disturbance, but halfway through suiting up, was almost called off due to the honju signature suddenly disappearing. Vice Captain Hoshina had the last say however, and made the crew go out anyway. Saying at the very least they should check for injured and make a damage report. He didn't say this specifically, but the impression was given that, since they were all the way out there, someone might as well find out why the signature disappeared in the first place. Aoi and Haruichi got done first, so they went to find the answers.
Following the cracked pavement lead them to a three-way intersection that had clearly sustained some bludgeoning damage as indicated by the mid-sized honju-like dent in the buildings in front of them. They turned to the right and continued to follow the rows of spider cracks that had imprinted onto the houses and streets, only to have their concentration broken by a passing truck clearly overladen with bulging, lumpy, stained trash bags.
"Was that a giant squid backbone?" Haruichi questioned.
"I'm surprised you know what one looks like." Aoi stated, not letting small things distract him from following the path of structural chaos that led down the street.
"You do know that I go fishing with my cousins on occasion. 'Cook what you catch' kind of vacations."
"What, on your overpriced yacht?" Aoi smirked as he couldn't resist adding a touch of teasing in his voice. Haruichi could come across as so mild mannered some days, it made it hard to picture him as a son of a business tech tycoon. Everyone on the base that knew him would occasionally tease him about it and it seemed that, as polite and agreeable as Aoi was in person, even he wasn't above the periodic ribbing-of-the-rich.
"It's a moderately sized deck boat, thank you very much. If I kick out the family, it should be big enough for the two of us to have some fun. If you're interested, that is?" Haruichi said, words dusted with seduction as he winked at Aoi. Kaguragi's lips thinned in an attempt to not break his resting bitch face at the salacious suggestion.
"Then again, that implies either of us get enough time off to go anywhere these days." Haruichi huffed. Aoi quietly grumbled in agreement before he straightened his attention to the sight down the street.
As the two crested the small hill, the sounds of the festival became more apparent and the smells of the food crashed down on them like a tidal wave of spices and fried oil. They noticed that the damage they had been following seemed to have stopped here suddenly, directly under the Torri gate still covered in ropes. A couple of people on ladders were carefully taking them down and a pair of women, one young and one old, were on their knees scrubbing away at what looked like a large blue ink stain.
"Hello! Sorry to bother you, but have either of you seen a medium sized honju pass through here? We're with the Defense Force and we would like to make sure that the threat isn't still around."
"The big squid spider lookin' thing?" the younger lady of the two said as she looked up.
"I would assume so, we didn't know what it looked like since it seemed to disappear so quickly. My partner and I followed its tracks here, but they don't appear to be anywhere else." Haruicho adjusted the kevlar strap attached to his gun so it would sit squarely on his back and kneeled down to talk to the women face to face.
"A couple of off duty members of yours already took care of it. It was sitting here, spilling its blood on the sidewalk until the big, polite looking oaf got the bright idea to tell Aki that it was edible. Once that got passed around, some of the other seafood fryers wanted to get in on its dismantling and get their own pound of flesh to fry. If ya want to try it, better hurry. It's selling out fast." The old woman pointed to the stalls behind her just as some of them had walked out to write on their respective signs detailing about how they were almost sold out of fried or battered kaiju meat.
Izumo looked back to his partner and could almost see the drool cascading from Kaguragi's open mouth. Aoi looked down at him, hoping that he wasn't going to have to defy a direct order that didn't allow him to get in line. Haruichi dismissed him wordlessly with a hand wave, not that it mattered as Aoi had already left and now it seemed he was trying to use his Defense Force title to skip ahead in line. Sighing at his partner's antics, Haruichi returned to his conversation.
"You mentioned a 'polite looking oaf', and from that description, I have a feeling I might know who you're talking about. Would you mind telling me where the festival savior headed off to?"
"Last I saw, him and his pink haired friend went to celebrate in one of the bars around here. There's several, mind you, but I don't think they've crossed over to the left side yet. Best guess? Stick to the right and see which one sound the loudest." Haruichi thanked the old women for the advice and walked down the street. He stopped by Aoi and told him the same thing before starting his investigation in earnest. The words of the old women came back to mind, however, once he pieced together who the off duty members could be.
'Kafka's with Iharu? Here? That's odd. I thought Iharu was leaving with Reno? And weren't they just heading to a movie? Shouldn't they have been back by now?' Haruichi thought. As he passed down the street, carefully listening to the volume of any of the bars he passed, all he could do was hope that neither of them were too plastered to answer some questions.
Haruichi walked up and down the street to get a good idea as to which of the bars seemed to be the loudest and popped his head into a few of of them to see if he could find his fellow co-workers. Third bar he picked seemed to be a karaoke bar. It was fairly narrow, with the bar on the right and the left wall lined with as many booths as one could fit comfortably. There were a couple of standing tables placed offset to each other in the middle of the room it seemed, but it was hard to tell how many there were through the mass of people crammed in the room. From the top of the short set of stairs he was standing on, he could see to the other side of the bar at least and look at the loud drunken pair singing their lungs out on the shallow stage placed at the end of the sitting area.
And who would of guessed it would be the 'polite looking oaf and his pink haired friend'. Kafka was the one holding the mic and had his arm slung over Iharu's shoulder, almost looking like he was putting his full weight on it with how far the two of them were bending toward the ground. Iharu was holding a large beer mug that was a quarter full and was still threatening to spill out onto the floor. The two were heavily engrossed in their rendition of... God, Haruichi couldn't even tell. Thankfully he wasn't subjected to the aural torture much longer as the song finished. While Iharu thanked the very drunk, very enthusiastic crowd for being such good listeners, Haruichi waved his arms over his head and got Kafka's attention.
"Heyyyyy! I'll be DAmned! It's fucken' Haruichi! Holy SHIT!" Kafka exclaimed. He dragged Iharu clumsily off the stage and waved Izumo over to some bar stools that some patrons happily got off of once Kafka explained himself and that his friend from the Defense Force showed up. Haruichi managed to muscle his way through the crowd and make it to the seats next to the others just as Kafka wrapped him up in a massive drunken bear hug.
"God, man! Where you've been? We've been here keeping this party going since we took down that ugly mutherfucker. Hey, you didn't hear about us from Hoshina did you?" Kafka's breath smelled heavily of cheap whisky but wasn't slurring his words half as much as Haruichi thought he would.
"I'll answer your questions if you answer mine. What the hell are you doing here? And with Iharu? I thought him and Reno had a date or something?" Kafka made a silencing gesture with his hand as he got closer to Haruichi.
"I wouldn't try and say that too loud. Reno had to blow the date for a mission and I don't think Iharu's been taking it too well. He had prepaid the movie tickets and I mentioned that I like Ranger Rika films, so now we're here."
"Okay, and what about the kaiju that showed up around here? I heard from the locals that you killed it?" Iharu, who had picked a spot on the other side of the two, had leaned in to hear them better and had perked up at the mention of the kaiju fight.
"OOHHH MAN! HaRU! YOU should of SEEN US, MAN! I wasss running for ma LIFE from that THING! I got chasssed ALL the WAY to the- the.... big red thing and Kafka ;OH man, KAFKA! HE came on it from ABOVE and smacked it with a fucken' LIGHT POLE! A light pole, MAN!" Iharu accentuated his retelling with wild hand gestures and made it clear to Haruichi that either he had more than Kafka did or couldn't hold his liqueur very well.
"Don't mind him, he's on his fourth mug right now. Is the rest of the division here with you?" Kafka asked.
"No, It's just me and Aoi here at the festival. The rest of the group is back at the emergence site making sure there's no casualties and taking a damage toll. Aoi's outside at the festival buying out all the fried food he can get his hands on right now." Haruichi replied, politely refusing the bartender's inquiry of whether or not he would be having a drink.
"Oh, that's nice. here's hoping that he manages to grab some of the kaiju meat before it's gone." Kafka downed another shot of whiskey that the bartender had poured out for him.
"Okay, sure. Last question. Aren't you guys supposed to be back by now?" Haruichi tried to look very pointedly at the two of them when he asked.
'What do you mean by that?" Kafka pounded on his chest as he said, fighting the burning sensation firing its way back up his throat. Izumo looked around appearing very puzzled before he looked back at Kafka.
"I don't know what time you guys left, but you can't tell me the two of you have enough hours to be out here for much longer." Hibino choked on his own spit for a second before trying to respond to Haruichi pointed suggestion, however it seemed to be a second too long as Iharu had already heard him and took the chance to... vocally express his opinion on the matter.
'Iharu, maybe not right now-" Kafka tried to interject.
"NAH! I'M TIRED ABOUT HEARING ABOUT HOW MANY HOURS I GOTTA HAVE OR HOW MANY I GOT LEFT!" Iharu had gotten off of his stool and now began directing his speech to the drunk crowd behind him.
"WHEN I SAY I WANT A DAY OFF, I SHOULD GET THE WHOLE DAY OFF! NOT GET BACK A 'SORRY, CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT' OR 'WE NEED YOU TO COME BACK IN' TWO HOURS INTO A BREAK I SCHEDULED OFF THREE FUCKIN' DAYS AGO!" Now the crowd was cheering for Iharu, getting riled up on his behalf and probably relating as well due to how he worded his rant.
"SAY IT WITH ME! FUCK THEM HOURS!" Iharu started the chant with his mug held high in the air.
"Fuck them hours!" the crowd chanted back.
"FUCK THEM HOURS!" Iharu tried again
"FUCK THEM HOURS!!!" All the people in the room joined in this time.
"You think we should do something?" Haruichi asked.
"I think they're already handling it." Kafka pointed to two tall, well built men dressed in black polos walking over to the center of the crowd where Iharu had made himself at home, driving the people around him into a frenzy. The two at the bar watched as their friend was lifted up, crowd surfing style and was carried to the front door of the bar. They rushed off of their seats and joined in at the back of the mock revolution that was following their leader, still chanting 'Fuck them hours."
The two of them watched as their coworker was unceremoniously tossed onto his ass on the street outside of the bar. Watching their appointed leader get treated with such carelessness seemed to shake the throng of people out of their rebellious state of mind and dispersed quietly. Kafka and Haruichi looked down at a stunned Iharu laying spread eagle, not really sure what he should do next. Kafka decided to lay down next to Iharu while Haruichi sat down on the lip of the sidewalk behind their heads.
"So, you just got your first experience getting kicked out from a bar. How do you feel?" Kafka asked, not looking at Iharu but instead looking up at the stars being framed in the corners of his vision by the lanterns lining the street.
"Ssstars look purtty tonight." Iharu replied, pointing up at the sky with the glass mug he was holding onto inside the bar.
Kafka chuckled, "Yeah, they sure do buddy."
"You think they're going to notice the mug you're still holding?" Haruichi asked, face in his hands and his elbows on his knees. It looked like Iharu finally realized what he was holding as he brought it closer to his face. Looking closer at the mug, he could see that the glass had a pattern molded around the base. An interlocking pattern made up of a six pointed star with tiny branches spouting off the ends of each point. Almost like a snowflake.
Iharu violently convulsed into tears at the thought and curled up into a ball, clutching the beer mug close to his chest.
"Geez, what did I say?" Haruichi asked.
"I have a feeling this is about something else." Kafka said, rolling onto his side to comfort his partner.
"I jussst wanted to take him on a date, isss dat so wrong?" Iharu sobbed, fighting to talk around the mucus building in his throat.
"Reno?" Haruichi asked
"Reno." Kafka replied, hugging Iharu close to his chest as best he can.
"I was going to show him how much we have in common and take him to pretty placesss and buy him nice things! I jussst wanted to tell him how much it meant to me to be his fwend and how much I loved hiiimmm..." Kafka just rubbed his back as his body became racked with shakes from his struggle to breathe. "I jussst wanted to tell him that I thinks he's so cooool and that I think he's pretty when he's asleep and I didn't want to sssound creepy when I did! Why couldn't he be here?" Iharu screamed into Kafka's wind breaker, now stained with tears and mucus.
"It'll be okay. You'll have other chances to tell him." Kafka tried to say reassuringly in the awkward position.
"Buts I wanted to tell him today! I don't think I can wait any longer before I say sssomething ssstupid and ruin everything! And I don't even know if he'll like me baaaack!" Iharu only to calm down slightly, but at least the shaking stopped. Kafka looked back at Haruichi expectantly, silently asking him to help out here. Izumo slid himself off the sidewalk and scooched over to the men making a scene in the middle of the street and placed a hand on the younger one of the three.
"There, there. I'm sure you two will be able to talk it out. I have no doubt that Reno harbors anything less than love for you in his heart."
"Okay, that'sss nice and all, but do we know it's love 'as a fwend' or love 'as a partner'? 'Cuz I really want it to be 'as a partner' but I don't want to tell him if he'sss going to find that uncomfortable." Iharu said as tried his best to wipe his face clean with the sleeve of his jacket. Haruichi pondered for a minute before suggesting a plan.
"Maybe... I could ask?", Iharu looked tearfully behind him as best as possible to look Haruichi in the eyes. "I wouldn't say anything incriminating, just... see if he's open to the possibility?"
This seemed to pacify Iharu a little bit as he brought himself to a sitting position.
"Yeah, but that doesssn't solve what I could do for a date, though. This wasss da best I could come up with and I was racking my brain for a week." Iharu slurred, wiping his face. Kafka up-righted himself as well and scratched his side as he positioned himself perpendicular to Iharu.
"Well, either way, you're going to have to wait and save up time again before you're allowed to head back out." Kafka thought for a moment as he paused in his scratching, "Its the middle of June now, right? Late July, early August is a pretty good time for a beach date. Romantic enough and lots of places do a sorta 'last week of summer hoorah' kinda deal."
"And we're pretty close to the beach. Wouldn't need to save up many hours if you're that desperate for time." Haruichi chimed in. Iharu took all of the information in and, for the first time tonight, seemed genuinely happy. The kind of happiness that can be seen all the way through someone's core.
"Did I miss something?" A familiar, but muffled baritone rang out from the left of the group. It was Aoi, back from a successful shopping spree in the festival. His arms were laden with bags upon bags of different types of food. It was almost comical how many bags there were seeing as one couldn't even find his large torso. Ranging from white plastic bags, to brown paper ones, to clear ones showcasing the goods inside. All seemingly stuffed to the brim.
"Is that... a hamster butt hanging out of your mouth?" Haruichi asked. Aoi quickly chewed and swallowed it so he could speak more clearly.
"Its hamster shaped kikufuku mochi. I almost feel guilty eating them because they're so cute. Unfortunately for them, they're just as good as they look. Don't worry, I bought enough for everyone. Three of these boxes are for me though." Aoi paused and stared at the bags really hard for a second. "Actually, it's two now, but my point still stands."
Haruichi made the suggestion that, maybe, they should be making their way back to base but Iharu became very irate at that suggestion. So to pacify him, the pair-turned-quartet walked around the festival a little longer, buying some more food to help Iharu feel more like his happier self. Well, everyone else walked. Kafka started giving Iharu a piggy back ride when it seemed like he was swaying on his feet and complained about foot pain. They had made it halfway down the other side of the street when Kafka looked over and saw something that jogged his memory. Aoi noticed the feeling of disconnect in the group and turned around, causing Haruichi to look as well.
It was another Torri gate, nestled between two brick buildings, looking like it was erected as a protective marker. Blocking against the bustle of the festival, locked behind its towering height was a well worn stone path trailing up and to the left, hiding its destination behind a thick grove of trees. What refreshed Kafka's memory, however, was that the trail was lined with a multitude of overly colorful paper lanterns in a variety of shapes and sizes. The stillness of the trees and the ethereal light pouring out from the lanterns contrasted against the feeling that came from being out on the street. It really felt like there was a chance one could get swept away by playful spirits if one made the decision to turn off from the sidewalk and explore this detour.
"Hey, Iharu? Kafka asked, shifting his friend's weight on his back and rousing him from the light slumber he was about to slip into.
"Yeah," Iharu said sleepily, "What's up?"
"Didn't you say there was a shrine that you wanted to take Reno to that had paper lanterns and was close to the festival?" Iharu looked over at what Kafka was looking at and lit up a little at the memory.
"Oh yeah! Thisss might be it actually." Kafka looked over at the other two members of the party.
"I think we're going to take a detour. He had plans to stop by the place earlier. The path ahead might be long, so you can go ahead on back, If you want."
"Oh, no. We're sticking with you to make sure you both actually make it back to base." Haruichi walked over to stand under the gate and made an 'after you' kind of gesture. Kafka shrugged his shoulders and walked ahead of Izumo and Kaguragi.
The path had no steps, but sloped upwards gently. Turning sharply left then right then back again, it took the group on a slow and peaceful journey up a hidden hill behind the buildings back on the main boulevard. Kafka was in the lead, setting a slow pace with a sleepy Iharu on his back while Aoi and Haruichi had a quiet discussion further back. Still keeping pace, but leaving enough room between the two of them as to not make things feel rushed.
The path lived up to its initial impression back at its entrance. The trees seemed to block any sound from the festival down at ground level. Not to make things eerily quiet, was a methodical thrumming of cicadas and crickets weaving through the quiet rush of leaves dancing in the light wind. The lanterns were attached to arms connected to rough-hew logs and cast their warm, glassy light over the leaves, bushes, and stones. The shards of colored light danced over Iharu's partially lidded eyes, preforming a hypnotic dance that succeeded in keeping him half awake, half asleep.
His thoughts walked themselves backwards through the events of the day. Starting with the foods and the drinking, quickly sweeping past the terrifying chase against the giant squid monster, slowly reliving the events after, though, and before the movie theater. All the way back to the start, with Reno. Was he sad that he didn't get to do any of this with Reno? Absolutely. But considering the alternative was spending three hours in the barracks, wrapped up in a bare minimum of three stolen blankets, and blowing all that time feeling shitty about the situation he was in; getting to experience all of this anyway, in spite of how he wanted things to go, and having fun with someone he always worked with and was now getting this chance to be closer to as friends... well... this night did a fine job of making him happy anyway. And that was okay.
"Hey... this was nice." Iharu mumbled as he nuzzled Kafka's shoulder. Kafka just gave a big, warm smile back and let Iharu enjoy the scenery as they continued to find the end of the path.
The group finally hit a set of stairs that led to the main part of the shrine. Cresting the top of them, they were greeted with a lovely sight. A moderately sized shrine and a couple outbuildings were surrounded in the thick grove of trees on this hill. The lightly cloudy night sky was visible only in the center of the grove, with a half moon peaking out from the edge of the canopy's opening. It initially seemed that the main source of light was coming from candles and more of the lanterns that lined the path up here. Looking around longer proved that a building off to the right had electric lighting and was the one providing the most light. The light bulbs inside seemed to have attracted all the bugs in the forest and made the projecting light flicker chaotically onto the ground.
Both the shrine and the buildings around it appeared to be old, but very well maintained. Shimenawa ropes of all sizes lined the roofs of the Shrine and select other buildings. The candles, some exposed; others in glass containers, were on the floor of the main shrine and illuminated the collection box at the end of the stone path.
The four of them walked down to the end to pay their respects and make donations. Since Aoi's hands were full and he didn't have much money left after his buying spree, Haruichi paid for them both. Kafka's wallet was in the back pack on Iharu's back. So, without jumping off, Iharu took off the bag and pulled out both of their wallets. Kafka had plenty left but Iharu only had a couple 1000 yen bills and a lot of spare change. He dug out some 5 yen coins and tossed them in with Kafka's donation, still riding on his back. Haruichi made his and the whole group held their hands together in silent prayer.
The group turned around after a moment and walked back toward the entrance they came through. This time staying closer to the right as another group of people walked into the holy grounds as well. Sticking closer to the right afforded the group a good look at the wares the only properly illuminated building was selling. It was mainly some snacks and wooden key chains. There was the omikuji box of course, right next to a display of handmade protective charms and talismans. There was a man on the inside working away, oblivious to the world as a women sang a gentle song on a small black radio. Iharu glanced over the selection of charms and saw one that immediately caught his eye.
"Hey! Heyheyheyheyhey." Iharu's hand shook as he pointed at the charms display.
"What? What is it?" Kafka asked, trying to look at where Iharu's hand was pointing at.
"Looklooklooklook. The blue one." Iharu said vaguely. Kafka walked closer and leaned in to scan the display stand better. He found the light blue one that Iharu was pointing at. It didn't stand out much more differently than the rest, with all of them having the same complicated looking decorative knot pattern and they all were made with different colors of fabric. What he finally put together was that the pattern on the fabric... had snowflakes on it.
Kafka sighed heavily. "I take it you want the blue one for Reno?"
"Yeah, yeahyeahyeah." Iharu nodded quickly.
"You do realize you're broke now, right? You don't have enough money on you to pay for one." Kafka stated. Iharu hung his head and started to whimper loudly and pathetically into Kafka's shoulder.
All Hibino did was sigh heavily again. "Hand me my wallet." Furuhashi gave a small, delighted squeal as he dug out Kafka's wallet again. He paid the man for the charm and turned to meet back up with the other two. Looking around, they found them at a different part of the grounds, standing by a makeshift stall. Getting closer, they could see that it was selling bottles of plum wine and offering free samples to interested buyers. Aoi was sampling his, while Haruichi was having a conversation with the old lady running the stall. Aoi nudged Haruichi to let him not be shocked by their arrival. As Haruichi let Kafka in on the discussion he was having, Iharu immediately spaced out of it and let his eyes wander over the stall. The eyes eventually landed on the label that was on the bottles.
"Oooohhh!" Iharu cooed, "There's snowflakes on it."
"Don't tell me you want to gift Reno that too?" Kafka said exasperatedly. Iharu started to whine again as Haruichi passed a small wad of money over to the shocked lady behind the table.
"That's okay. I shouldn't be needing a whole case of wine anyway." Haruichi walked over to the side and grabbed a large plastic crate of wine bottles.
"And yet... You're buying a whole case of it anyway?" Aoi said with a raised eyebrow. As they walked back to the entrance, Izumo pulled out a bottle and tried to slide it into the open portion of the bag on Iharu's back.
"It's called 'Supporting local businesses'. And it wouldn't hurt to have something to surprise him with on that beach da- Hey!" Haruichi refuted as Iharu pulled out another bottle from the crate as he backed away.
"And, yoink!" the mischievous mohawked man giggled as he held his ill-gotten prize over his supplier's hands.
"Haven't the two of you had enough alcohol tonight?" Aoi said, witnessing the altercation.
"Hey, we made plans to get plastered tonight and I'm still feeling way too sober for that goal." Kafka said as he helped Iharu keep the bottle out of Haruichi's reach.
"You are a horrible role model, you know that?" Izumo said, giving up on the task in favor of protecting the rest in the crate.
"Eh, open." Iharu said, rudely tapping the lip of the bottle to Kafka's mouth.
"Ya could say please, ya know." Kafka returned as he took the bottle from Iharu. He did a partial transformation on his mouth and stuck the largest fang into the cork at the top. Wiggling slightly, the stopper popped satisfyingly and as he spit the cork into his hand, Iharu took the opportunity to steal the wine back.
"HEY! Leave me a sip of that, will YA?"
The group made it back to street level and started back on the path to headquarters. They began the trip with the intention of taking a bus back, assuming the truck that Haruichi and Aoi came in on already left without them. The two of them weren't surprised, they were the ones that offered to look for the missing kaiju signature and haven't reported back on it yet, as it was hard to do so since the earpieces only have so much range. And seeing as how long the two of them had been gone and how late it was, they thought that it would be less of a hassle if they hiked it back to base and went inside quietly, just to give their reports in the morning.
The closest bus station was still a ways away, so the group started to walk in the general direction. The walk was quickly derailed as they passed the restaurant that sold Kafka and Iharu their new hats. With some major protesting from Aoi, who was against the idea, Haruichi purchased a dark navy blue one for Aoi and a vibrant red one with silver stars for himself anyway, seeing as Aoi still had his hands full with bags and physically could not intervene. The grumbled protests from Aoi were eventually silenced when he got to keep a large chocolate peanut butter milkshake all to himself.
Thankfully, the bus ride home was uneventful, save for Iharu drunkenly talking Haruichi's ears off when he asked what the Ranger Rika film was all about. However, problems began to arise again as they reached the main gate of the base.
"Ssso, how are we gonna get inside?" Iharu slurred from the top of Kafka's back. He started to carry him again after they got off the bus and saw that he was still swaying on his feet. They were all the way through the empty parking lot and reached the imposing security wall that surrounded the institution. Just under half a kilometer, was the double gated entry point. One of three that were imbedded in the thick concrete barrier.
"What do you mean?" Izumo asked as he turned around to look at the two behind him.
"We probably should've been back, like, hours ago. So if we show our i.d's to the guard, we're probably going to get flagged and that's not something that we want to deal with right now." Kafka said slowly, the gratuitous amounts of alcohol finally catching up with him.
"Did you guys have any sort of plan to get back inside quietly after this little exhibition of yours?" Aoi asked as Haruichi just looked annoyed. Kafka looked back at Iharu as Iharu could only shrug back an answer. He looked back and thought hard for a minute.
"Well... I think Shiggys' working the east gate tonight." Kafka said.
"And... Who's Shiggy?" Haruchi inquired.
"Oh, he's super chill. Dude works the late shift and isn't really a 'by the books' kinda guy. If either one of you has an i.d. on ya, he'll probably just let the whole group on in, no question." Aoi and Haruichi looked at each other, silently debating if they should go through with this. Aoi tried to give a very pointed look to Haruichi, indicating that he should be the one to whip out the i.d., but Haruichi had to defend himself.
"Sorry, but I only carry some cash out on missions. I leave the wallet and cards in my locker."
"Why do you even bring cash with you in the first place?" Iharu mumbled out.
"Last second grocery buys. Snacks, body wash, other things I forget sometimes." Haruichi turned back to Aoi. "So what about you? You can't tell me an ex-military officer doesn't carry at least six forms of identification for emergencies." he mocked. Aoi looked at Izumo, down to the ground in deep thought, gave a hard glance at the plethora of bags he was still holding, and finally hung his head in defeat. Kaguragi sighed heavily as he turned his back to his partner.
"Haruichi... I give you permission to touch my ass." Haruichi gasped in delight as he carelessly dropped the plastic box of wine and wiggled his fingers in excitement.
"Ooohhoohoo! This is a rare treat! What's the occasion, might I ask?"
"If I'm right, my wallet should be in my left back pocket. JUST the left one." Aoi said, looking back with a very pointed expression.
"Yeah you say that, but maybe I should check the right side too. Just to be sure." Haruichi giggled darkly, clearly taking too much joy out of this.
"Do that and I break your ha-nds!" Aoi's voice cracked when Haruichi slyly pinched both of his ass cheeks.
"Ah, would you look at that! Found it." He said as he pulled out the wallet.
"Kafka... shoot me if I ever start acting like that around Reno." Iharu said.
"I don't know. It's kind of endearing... in a weird way." Kafka quirked an eyebrow at the odd scene.
"Ah, trouble. I'm not seeing your base i.d., babe." Haruichi said after a few seconds of rummaging around in the wallet.
"You're sure? Fuck." Aoi cursed quietly. "Do I even trust you enough to look in my front pockets?"
"Nope. I'm going to look anyway." Haruichi giggled again as Aoi visibly winced at the feeling of the other's hands slowly sliding into his thin front pockets from behind. Izumo's hands didn't stick around long, which Kaguragi was thankful for, but it only brought them back to the original problem.
"I'm not feeling your i.d. in here either." Haruichi said as he gently patted Aoi's hips.
"Shiiiiiiiit. That means I never took it off the lanyard in my locker." Aoi threw his head back in disappointment. While this exchange was going on, Kafka and Iharu were looking off in the distance, specifically at the impossibly tall wall. Kafka scanned the parking lot to make sure that there wasn't that many cars to worry about and asked Iharu a question.
"You think If I run fast enough, I can scale that?" He said, nodding to the concrete barrier.
"What, in kaiju form?" Iharu contemplated for a moment, "Yeah. I think you could."
"I know I could, but what about if I carry three other people?" Kafka nodded back to the other two who were deep in what seemed to be a battle plan discussion. "Plus baggage."
Iharu took a long look at the pair next to them while he processed what Kafka was suggesting. He began to chuckle darkly as it all fell into place for him.
"I don't know man, but it be hilarious to try." The two of them began to chuckle in agreement before Kafka decided to put his plan into action.
"Haruichi! Grab the box. I wanna try something." Kafka said as he walked into position.
"Oh, that's great! Honestly, me and Aoi here were getting nowhere with a pla-HEY!" Haruichi cried out as Kafka grabbed him by the waist forcefully after he picked up the crate. Aoi was also none too pleased with where this plan was going, shall we say.
"Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Flight Kafka 690 will be taking off shortly, so please make sure that all baggage is secure and accounted for before it's wheels up and time for take-off." Iharu said smugly as Kafka walked back a few feet, holding a struggling Haruichi and Aoi.
"This is BY FAR the stupidest plan I have ever been forced to be a part oooOOFFFF!" Haruichi screamed as Kafka began to run full sprint toward the insanely high wall. As he got closer, his legs turned into his kaiju ones and the flaps on his calves flared open to reveal the after burners the transformation offered. Jumping onto the wall itself, Kafka's afterburners set fire to the bottom of his pant legs as he rocketed himself and everyone he was carrying into the sky. He could feel his back and elbows transform too to help him keep his back straight as the burners on his elbows helped stabilize him as he somehow managed to stay rooted to his path.
"Kafka you BASTARD!" Aoi screamed.
"If I drop this, I'll KILL YOU!" Haruichi mirrored, changing his grip on the crate of wine, somehow having not dropped any bottles yet.
"FUCK YEAAAAAHHHH!" Iharu cries of joy overshadowed the screams of the others.
"ALLLLMOOOOST THERRRREEE!" Kafka shouted, deep in concentration. The top of the wall got closer and closer, the end of this terrifying ride nearly in sight. The screams of the whole group rose to a deafening peak as Kafka just barely passed the edge of the wall. Relief was felt only for a brief moment when a noticeable shock wave passed through Kafka's body and transferred into the bodies of the others.
"Oh shit." a collective conclusion that was voiced by the whole group.
It was just passed one in the morning when Reno and the team he was with made it back to base. He was so very tired. No one ended up being injured, thank God, but the anxiety of the situation took a severe toll on everyone involved. The mole kaiju were easy to take out, but the process to do so ended up becoming the world's most stressful game of literal Wack-a-mole.
Reno thought things would get better when everything was over, feeling hopeful on the chopper ride back, but when Reno pulled up his Chatter app and saw he's feed was just a timeline of Iharu and Kafka having the time of their lives at the food festival, it really put a damper on the ride back.
'I guess he really wanted to leave base today' Reno thought somberly. Iharu was his own person. If he wanted to leave, that's on him. If he wanted to take someone with him, that's on him too.
'It's just... I really wanted to go with him. And thought... he wanted me too..." Reno packed away his gun and excess supplies into his locker, feeling sluggish as he did. Suddenly, a loud metallic slamming noise decided to ring out through the locker room that he was in and dislodged him from his thoughts. Suit half unzipped, Reno tied the sleeves around his waist as he looked down the aisles to see where the door slamming was coming from.
Looking down the row behind him, he saw what seemed to be a very pissed off Kikoru Shinomiya, telling by the feral growling and tearing at her spare bio suit.
"Ummm... Is everything okay? Shinomiya?" Reno asked tentatively.
"I"M GOING TO MURDER THAT PRAWN HEADED RAT BASTARD!" Kikoru growled out as she finally managed to get her lower half into the power suit. Reno only became increasingly concerned now knowing this unbridled rage had something to do with Iharu. He couldn't ask anymore questions, however, since Vice Captain Soshiro Hoshina decided now would be the time to make his presence known.
"Reno. Good to see that you and the rest are back safely."
"Ah! V-vice Captain." Reno stuttered out, startled. "I was just getting my stuff packed before I joined the others for the after mission briefing."
"Good to know, but I think the rest of the team can make the report without you for now." Hoshina said curtly.
"S-sir?" Reno questioned vaguely.
"Don't worry, it's nothing life shattering. I just want to ask you about what the original plans you had with Iharu Furuhashi were about." Hoshina said, his voice giving off the sense that there was some concealed irritation.
"Um, plans? You mean the trip to the movies?" Reno asked.
"Yes, and where you were... haa, hold that thought. Go for Hoshina" he said as his hand made it up to his earpiece.
"Hoshina, this is Okonogi. We've got a massive disturbance at the front gate."
"Define 'disturbance'." Hoshina requested. If one looked closely, you could almost see his temple throbbing in a matched rhythm with his heart.
"I'm pulling security footage now. It's... Kafka Hibino, Sir? It appears that he is trying to... run up? The outer wall and is carrying three other Division members."
"I'm sorry? Other Division members?" Hoshina clarified.
"Yes Sir, that is correct. Just a moment... It looks to be Iharu Furuhashi, Aoi Kaguragi, and Haruichi Izumo. The absent members from this afternoon."
"What the hell is going on?" Reno asked, adjusting his own earpiece to the main channel, wanting to be included in the conversation.
"Sir, update! Kafka had made it up the wall, but has tripped and all four of them are in free fall on the other side" Okonogi reported. Hoshina's sigh turned into an exasperated growl toward the end.
"Come along Reno. We're apparently going to have to save our respective dumbasses." Hoshina turned to leave the room with a puzzled Reno trailing behind.
"Respective dumbasses?" Kikoru muttered. Immediately, a light came on upstairs. "Not until I get a hold of that ASSHOLE FIRST!" Kikoru turned and blasted past the vice captain and ran in the opposite direction of the front gate.
"Who put a bug in her suit?" Hoshina asked as they both leaned on the doorframe and watched her go.
"WRONG DIRECTION, KIKORU!" Reno added helpfully.
"SSSHHHHIIIIIIIIT" Everyone screamed as they realized what was happening. Kafka relaxed his arms as Haruichi and Aoi planted their feet on his hips and pushed themselves away as far as they could. Iharu, though, hung on for dear life. Haruichi and Aoi still had the their bio suits on, so the landing from such a height didn't give them much trouble. Izumo landed on the balls of his feet and managed to roll with the momentum onto his thighs, through his knees and back onto his butt. All while managing to keep all the wine bottles in the crate. Well, most of them. Two had slipped out during descent and were still up in the air. He rushed forward, leaped into the air, and grabbed them before they touched the ground. Aoi just tanked the landing and kept on his feet.
"You good?" Haruichi asked.
"Just fine." Aoi said through gritted teeth.
Kafka and Iharu were not so lucky.
Kafka also tried to roll into the fall, but messed up and landed on his foot weirdly. Iharu still hadn't let go at this point, so when Kafka fell to the ground, Iharu's knee made contact next.
"Fuck! That was a knee!" Iharu exclaimed. Once momentum seemed to stop, the two of them untangled and rolled away from each other.
"Well, that didn't look pleasant." A sly voice from away came into clarity.
"Vice Captain!" said Haruichi.
"Vice Captain, Sir." said Aoi when he felt recovered enough to speak.
"Well, shit." came from Kafka, knowing he'd been caught.
"YOU THIEVING PIECE OF CRAP!" Kikoru had made a beeline to the crumpled Iharu and began to physically berate him with her foot. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY BRADA BACK PACK?"
"Here, here! It's right here! WAIT, MY SHIT'S STILL INSIDE!" Iharu said as he handed over the stolen bag, only to realize too late that he left his gifts inside.
"I can see that! What is this? Wine? Plum wine? and a beer glass?" Kikoru took a whiff inside the mug, "A used BEER GLASS? What the hell is this doing in here?" Kikoru pulled out a ring of keys next.
"And who the hell's keys are these?' She asked. Hoshina immediately took them from her hand and looked at them in his.
"Kafka... why the hell does Iharu have my keys in a stolen back pack?" Hoshina said, gritting the words through his teeth. Kafka and Iharu looked at each other for a moment before shouting in unison
"YOU WHAT?" Soshiro screamed, hauling Hibino up by his collar.
"And is this... are there FRY CRUMBS IN MY BRADA? IS THAT A CHILE SAUCE STAIN? IN MY BRADA?" Kikoru began to weaponize the empty bag and used it to beat the already downed Iharu.
"Oh, damn. I didn't know that was Brada." Haruichi said, trying to pass by the commotion.
"Thanks Captain Obvious, I think we figured that out." Kafka retorted as he was dragged off the ground by Hoshina.
"NONE of you go too far. You all have some explaining to do." Hoshina said, gripping tightly to Kafka' forearm.
"Kikoru, I think he's had enough!" Reno said as he finally stepped into view and intervened in the one sided fight between the two of them. As he helped Iharu off the ground he asked, "Hey, are you alright?"
It didn't take Iharu very long to realize who was helping him up and immediately threw his arms around Reno's neck.
"AEDZGJNSTR, RENO! You're back! I'm so happy now!" he said as he gurgled drunkenly around his words. "I'm so happy that you're back! I was missing you all day. I'm sorry that left without youuu. I prepaid the tickets and Kafka said I should use them, so I did, but I was wishing that you were there 'cuz it was a great movie and I went to the festival without you too and it was making me sad, but I had food and I thought I would be okay and then I saw this mug and it reminded me of you-" Iharu broke away to grab the somehow intact mug from Kikoru's hands.
"It was this mug, 'cuz see! It has snowflakes on it and it made me think of you and how much I missed you and how I wanted to take you with me on the date but I couldn't and I thought about how I thought I blew my chance to tell you that I love you-" he took a big deep breath, "But Kafka and Haruichi said that I could take you to the beach and I felt happy again so the mug made me happy again because it still reminds me of you so I want you to have it." Iharu had finally stopped talking for a moment and looked deep into Reno's widened eyes with his watery, eager ones. Reno could feel his face start to burn once he slowed down all the words that Iharu had said and realized what it meant. Before Reno could even begin to tell him anything, Iharu looked like he remembered something else and turned back to a stunned Kikoru, who had been listening to the entire conversation. He grabbed the protective charm and the bottle of wine and clumsily shoved them into Reno's hands.
"Oh! Also, Me and Kafka and Haruichi and Aoi all went to this shrine that I wanted to show you because I thought it was pretty and you remind me of pretty things and when I was there I saw this charm and it has snowflakes on it, so of course I had to buy it- well, Kafka bought it, but I still want you to have it 'cuz its pretty and do you think they'll let me put this on your gun? 'cuz I think that would be cool-ohohoh! OR I could put it on the suit! That would be really cool if they let me do that. Oh and speaking of cool- looklooklook-" Iharu picked up the bottle of plum wine and showed him the label.
"This has snowflakes on it too! It's going to be a surprise when I take you on our beach date in a few weeks!" Iharu had wrapped his hands back around Reno's neck and begun to swing themselves around, causing Reno to put his already full hands on Iharu's waist to keep themselves upright.
"I'm going to save up my hours again and when we go to the beach, we're gonna go on a picnic and I'm gonna break out the bottle and I'm gonna tell you how much I looove youuu and how much I like being around youuu and how much I like being yourrr rivaaal..." Iharu had finally stopped spinning them around and leaned all the way onto Reno, wrapping his hands tightly around his crush's shoulders.
"Doesn't that sound really nice?" He whispered, gently nosing the shell of Reno's ear.
Reno felt like he was shaking. Whether from shock or excitement, he wasn't sure. He took the bottle that was still in Iharu's hand and tightened his around the sleepy drunk's waist. He felt his face flush even harder, blood flooding his brain and making his ears and shoulders feel like a million degrees in the cool night air. Burying his face into Iharu's shoulder, Reno confessed his only thought on his mind.
"That... sounds amazing, Iharu." But Iharu wasn't listening. Having fallen asleep, nuzzled into Reno's neck and breathing softly, almost snoring.
"Well, wasn't that a touching display." Hoshina said sarcastically, not one to let the quiet stand infinitely. "He's still getting a hefty reprimand, as well as you." He said, directing the last bit of statement to Kafka, which he was now holding by the ear.
"What the fuck possessed you to write in three hundred AND THIRTY SIX HOURS? DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HONESTLY GET AWAY WITH THAT? AND YOU LEFT MY BIKE BEHIND?" Hoshina said as he began to drag Kafka away, causing the rest of the group to cringe in response to the abuse.
"Forget a week of janitorial duty! It's a month- no, three months! And you can forget the office sex too!" Aoi and Haruichi were nodding along solemnly to what Hoshina was saying, mentally grieving for Kafka and any spare time he would've had, only to snap back to reality at the last bit of punishment.
"Oh, come on! It was a joke- wait, lets thINK ABOUT THIS!" Kafka cried, 'Three months for a joke is a bit much, don't ya think! I'll get the bike back, I swear!"
"YOU CAN'T EVEN DRIVE IT! If you keep arguing, I'll cut out the blowjobs too!" Hoshina said sternly, still dragging Kafka away. His cries of disappointment were heard all the way to the guard house.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Bonus/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
"You sure you don't want help with that?" Kikoru asked, carrying her (apparently) expensive black back pack and a couple plastic bags of food that Aoi got her at the food festival.
"No thank you, I'm good." Reno said as he struggled to carry an asleep Iharu, the items he got for him, and the bags of food that Aoi also got for him.
"Are you at least aware that you have to make a left turn in about twenty feet?" Kikoru retorted, smiling smugly at all the trouble that Reno was going through to not disturb Iharu's sleep.
"Yes, Kikoru, I know where I'm going. A fair bit better than you, since you still can't remember where the front door is." Kikoru snobbishly stuck her nose in the air at the insult.
"The front door was always down and to the right of the of the mission personnel lockers. It still seems stupid that they would change the layout in such a drastic manner."
"Whatever Kikoru. Have a good night." Reno turned to go into the male barracks as Kikoru parted to go to her side of the building.
He walked into the area holding the bunks and put Iharu down on Reno's bed since Furuhashi slept on the top bunk. Reno knew better than to try and get him up there by himself. He set him down as gently as he could, making sure not to catch any of the gifts under Iharu. Reno set his stuff down and leaned over to put the deeply asleep soldier's feet on the bed, and since he was down there, took off Iharu's shoes too. Carefully wrenching the sheets out from under the body, Reno tucked him in as gently as possible. Getting shocked for a moment when Iharu shifted and grabbed the blanket from Reno's hands, but when all Iharu did was tuck the sheet under his chin, Reno let out the breath he didn't know he held.
Not wanting to leave him alone so soon, however, Reno took a pillow from another bunk and placed it on the floor about where Iharu's head was. Getting to the floor as carefully as possible, he sat down on the pillow and opened the bags of food, courtesy of Aoi. He rummaged around quietly and started to pull out some of the goods based on what seemed more delicious at the moment, eventually pulling out a large, marked takeout box that just said 'kaiju squid' on the top.
Before he opened it, he felt a hand lightly smack him on the back of the head. Reno turned around, thinking that he somehow ended up waking Iharu, only to see that he was just shifting in his sleep. A hand was now exposed from its place from under the covers and was hanging limply from the bed's edge. Thinking for a moment, Reno gathered some courage and bravely placed Iharu's hand on the top of his head. In doing so, he could feel Iharu's fingers lightly twitching in his hair, almost like it was trying to brush through it in his sleep. Reno just smiled and went back to his midnight meal.
(holy fucking shit, I did it! I got this made! World, prepare to meet my first public fanfic.)
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nixoon-again · 10 months
Water. In a completely sealed off space. Not good. Tails' eyes instinctively shift to Sonic, the hedgehog already looking taken aback by the sudden current filling up the confined area they were trapped in. His quills stand upright, sharp edges ready to defend, but what good can they do against water? Sonic's quills cannot pierce or harm it; they can't provide any defence against drowning for either of them. They urgently need to find an exit before the water levels rise too high. Glancing up, Tails realizes that the ceiling doesn't look as high as he initially thought. At this rate, it won't take long for the water to reach...
i am once again jumping between wips
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parab0mb · 6 months
Crosscode spoilers:
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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AshtonIrwin: It’s a new year!!!!! big love to everywhere out there reading this! To More friendship, love, candles, music and experiences! Thank you for my life! ✌🏻 thanks for the pics sis @ lauren_dawkins_ ♥️
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jjanguri · 1 year
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good food, even better company
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kn11ves · 3 months
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my comic is live right now!
kyle and rex is an absurdist drama set in a stagnant afterlife where everyone lies, cheats, manipulates, and hurts each other in order to gain political power and admiration from the public.
with characters constantly haunted by ghosts of the past, trying to stay on top of the food chain despite constant betrayals and having their secrets held up above their heads, comes back kyle, from his long stay back as a guiding spirit on earth, to take back reigns of the throne in the inbetween. though much like everyone else, hes got a long list of dirty laundry that many are aching to reveal. there are no real friends here.
updates every 2 weeks, at 6:30 pm central US time! (SP & ENG)
WEBTOON: english link + spanish link
TAPAS: english link + spanish link
FANEO: spanish link
#HI. GUYS. PUKES EVERYWHERE#im SO FUCKING NERVOUS#oh but first of all the link on top is a link to the promotional animation that goes along with the airing of my comic :) so if you want to#watch that you can. smile#anyways im just. really beyond excited and also terrified to start. cus you know#once i upload this theres no going back and im going to be constantly then publishing project after project thereafter and thats pretty muc#what ive been wanting to do all my life#so im just like this is the start of it this is going to set everything into motion!!!#im not expecting to get a ton of followers or readers or anyhting this soon specially since i think it starts to get GOOOOOD#after you learn some context but this is my first first original launch and im really excited!!!!!#i usually dont do this because i dont find it very important to me not as much as telling a really good story at least but obviously i have#tons of trans and lgbt just entire rainbow up in there and the majority of the characters#are not white they are from different cultures AND times#so if youre looking to read brown and queer stories by authors of the same there is that#anyone is fully welcomed to send any asks with questions or anything whatsoever!!!#i know its sort of a long post but as a notice i will be reblogging this every time i finish an entire new chapter#to keep people aware!!! c: i know it may be a bit annoying but i just want to get the word out !!#if youre bilingual i think it would be fun to see the differences between the translations i put i translated it myself since spanish is my#first language and well i think is funney :3#smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#kyle and rex#my comic#webtoon#tapas#faneo#what do people tag these things wif.....#my art#technically!#i supourse ill have to rb it to my art blogs too yipee!!!
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biitchcakes · 8 months
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secretdazedragon · 1 year
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Maybe I made another oc.....
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 7 months
Surprise appearance by me!
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How are you? Hope you're doing well. ^w^
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Hello drag!! I'm doing okay :'Dc
I've been very very busy as of late honestly xd it sucks but I haven't been updating myself on social media either HHH the stress was getting to me and my studies :')
I've been going out with family and friends a lot more though so that's better! I've been a little too computer obsessed these past few years so the fact it's broken rn is helping me see more people and build a social life lmao xD
Don't get me wrong, absolutely love posting art here, but it's so nice not to worry about being online when exams keep drowning me HHH
hopefully you guys don't mind the long absence cause I might be gone for a while randomly at times and I really can't help it 😔♥️♥️♥️
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kozzax · 1 year
When they were young, Leo always claimed he and Donnie were twins.
Donnie brushed him off every time.
"Go away Leo. We aren't twins," he'd say, affectionately annoyed, before returning to his books and his projects. A deterrent of sorts, a statement meant to send his brother away so that he could continue with his projects alone.
And for years, this is how it went.
And then, when they were around ten or eleven, as Leo was pestering Donnie in his lab, the mechanism that Donnie had been working on broke. Leo tried to pull the twin card, to convince Donnie to step away for a bit and hang out with his beloved brothers, and-- and Donnie had already been having a bad day. His nerves were fried. His senses were blaring at him. His shell was too thin and soft to play their games, anyways. So he did as he always did, on these days. He sent his brother away.
"We aren't twins, Leo! We aren't even the same species of turtle!! We CAN'T be real twins! Leave me ALONE!"
And for once, Leo left without an obnoxious quip. For once, Leo was silent. And Donnie turned back to his project.
When Raph barged into his room half an hour later, he was startled by the intrusion. He was even more startled by the anger.
"Donnie. What did you say to Leo."
"Go away, Raph, I'm busy!"
"Donatello. What did you say to Leo. Raph's serious."
"I don't quite understand the upset. I just told him we aren't twins, and we're different species, and to leave me alone. Nothing more than usual. Why are you mad?"
At this point, Donnie turned in his chair to face the doorway, giving Raph an unimpressed glare.
"Why would you say that?"
"I merely spoke with him the same way I always do! This is how we work, Raph, you know that! Now leave me alone so I can fix this piece of junk," He turned back to his work, pulling his goggles down to look closer at the wiring.
"No. Dee, you really upset him this time."
"He's fine, Raph. He's just annoyed that I'm too busy to play frivolous games with him at the moment."
"Dee, he's crying."
"Raph, you know I struggle to identify when you're lying, I would appreciate it if you didn't-"
"Raph's not lying. Mikey's with him right now. He's crying."
There was a beat of silence, as this sank in. Donnie froze in place, unmoving until Raph turned his chair around to face him once more.
"...oh. I- oh, no."
"Fix it."
He pushed his goggles away from his eyes, holding onto his arms and avoiding his brother's gaze.
"Raph, I- I'm not good with... feelings. I don't know how to fix this one."
"You broke his heart. You fix it. Apologize."
"He won't believe an apology, not if it's really that bad-"
"Fix it."
"I- okay! Okay. I'll fix it. I'll figure it out."
"Good. I'm going to do damage control. Don't follow. Leo doesn't want to talk to you right now."
For once, the lab felt too quiet.
The aftermath of their fight was hard for everybody in the lair. Leo refused to even look at Donnie for longer than necessary, and Donnie retreated into his lab for far more hours every day than he had ever done before.
Attempts to get the two to reconcile continually went poorly.
Splinter paired them up in a training exercise, and was met with one of their worst performances since they were barely old enough to walk.
Raph put together a Jupiter Jim marathon that neither accepted the invite to, each citing the other's presence as their reason not to come.
Mikey did his best to drag either of them to sit down with the other, putting on the Dr. Delicate Touch persona and doing everything he could.
Even April, when she came over to see the rest of the family, would only ever be met with three turtles at a time.
None of it worked.
There was something broken between the two of them, now. Something that, to the rest of their family, seemed unfixable.
A day passed, and then two, and then a week, and a month, and-- nothing.
And then their birthday came around. A month and a week after the fight.
Donnie snuck into Leo's room long before the rest of their family could awake, an oddly-shaped present in his arms.
"'Nardo, wake up. I need to talk to you."
It took a moment for Leo to wake up enough to register who's voice was there, but when he did, he rolled over and pulled a pillow over the side of his head once more.
"Go away Donatello. I don't want to talk to you."
"But-- it's important. Really important."
"What, like the fact that I don't want to see your stupid face? Go away."
"Leonardo, please."
His brother turned over once more, opening his eyes and giving Donnie a glare.
"What. What could possibly be this important."
"It's our birthday."
Donnie's words were quiet and stilted, practiced several times over until they were just right. Before his brother could turn back around, he gestured towards the large item next to him.
"I made us a gift. Happy birthday us."
"We don't have to share a birthday anymore, since we're not twins--"
"Happy birthday us."
And when Donnie unwrapped his gift-- nothing really made much more sense, despite his wishes. It was an oddly-shaped piece of tech, rounded and almost as big as he was, with straps connecting to the edges.
"What is that. How is that worth waking me up, when I don't even want to see you right now?"
It wasn't until Donnie turned it over that the gift began to make more sense. It was a faint blue-ish green, with three lighter circles running down its back in somewhat shaky paint. A mirror of Leo's shell.
Confusion spread across Leo's face as Donnie secured the shell on his own back, before looking up at Leo again.
"Now we're the same. We're real twins, 'cause we have the same shell, see? We're-- we're real twins, Leo."
There was a beat of silence, as the two stared at each other in the dark of night, before Leo reached over and pulled his brother into a hug. For once, Donnie didn't't deny it.
"This doesn't fix anything. You owe me like, big time."
"I know."
"In that case-- I missed you, Donnie."
"I missed you too Nardo."
It took time for them to heal again. For the awkward energy that filled the lair to dissipate and return to it's usual air. But eventually, eventually, Leo and Donnie grew back into their usual banter. Sometimes, it seemed as though the experience had brought them even closer than before.
The shell he'd made to mimic his twin's would become Donnie's first ever battle shell. Every iteration afterwards, as he grew out of them over time, would grow further from its original purpose. By the time they were solidly in their teens there was little hint that it was ever meant to be an imitation of Leo's.
That first shell is kept in Leo's room, though. Sat atop a shelf, and gifted to him when Donnie grew out of it, as a reminder that the change in shells didn't mean that they weren't still twins. Real twins. No matter what science had to say about it.
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a-motherfucking-beast · 9 months
coach ur so cool but i hate exercising :(
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