#he was in the middle of a sentence and i started SCREECHING and was like YOU NEED TO LEAVE GET OUT GET OUT 👹👹
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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AshtonIrwin: It’s a new year!!!!! big love to everywhere out there reading this! To More friendship, love, candles, music and experiences! Thank you for my life! ✌🏻 thanks for the pics sis @ lauren_dawkins_ ♥️
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happy74827 · 2 months
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[Wade Wilson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Remember kids, always look at the road when driving. It can help you avoid certain blabber mouths 🫶
WC: 2556
Category: Fluff, Annoying!Deadpool, 4th Wall Breaks, Insane Amounts of Profanity {TW: Deadpool (for obvious reasons)}
In honor of watching Deadpool 3 (super good btw), enjoy this random chaotic fic I created with the help of @yoursacredqueenmother. This is super chaotic lmfao
Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.
A millisecond ago, you were driving down a street. In the middle of traffic. At a red light. Now, you were panicking, looking over the front of your car for the flash of red you had just seen. It took a couple of seconds for you to realize that there was blood on your car and on the ground—a lot of blood.
"Oh, shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
You quickly hopped out of the car, rushing to the spot you thought the person… or thing would be, but… there was nobody. There was blood on the ground but nobody.
Did you hit a deer, and it just… ran off? No, that can't be right. You definitely saw something red, and it most certainly was not a deer.
You looked around, confused. How the hell does something bleed all over the ground and then disappear without a trace?!
You got back in your car, deciding to drive to the closest police station. Maybe they knew something about this.
So, you decided to abandon the shortcut home and drive to the nearest police station, which happened to be just down the road. But as you were minutes into the drive, you felt the sudden urge to look in your rearview mirror.
And there you found your mysterious red-suited victim in the backseat, holding the biggest knife you have ever seen as his white-covered eyes stared at you from behind the mask.
You never hit the brakes faster in your life. The car made an ugly screeching sound, and the sudden force slammed the red-clad man into the back of your seat, making him let out a surprised yelp.
The car finally came to a stop, and the masked man recovered quickly, pushing himself off of your seat and glaring at you.
"Well, aren’t you just a heart break—"
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence.
You grabbed your keys from the ignition and popped off the attached pepper spray, turning around and squirting him in the face. He let out a scream, and you quickly got out of the car, shutting the door and running as fast as you could.
Unfortunately, you didn’t get very far. Despite being hit by a car, and subsequently getting pepper sprayed, the man (or what you assume to be) caught up with you and blocked your path, his hands on his hips, his head cocked to the side.
"Alright, lady, what the fuck?" He asked, his voice sounding nasally, most likely because of the spray.
You stared at him, confused. He looked like he was waiting for an explanation.
"W-What the fuck?! What the fuck me? What the fuck you!" You exclaimed, your voice cracking a little. "What the fuck are you doing in my car?!"
"Well, I was trying to hitch a ride! But clearly, that didn't work out. Thanks a lot, by the way, for the pain and suffering. You’ve really opened up my horizons here."
It almost sounded like he was pouting.
"What the—! A ride?! Why in the hell would you just hop into someone's car?!"
"Uhh, because you ran me over, genius! I mean, come on, the least you could do is offer a guy a ride home after that. And then, the cherry on top of the fucking sundae: pepper spray!"
The masked man, so to speak, threw his arms up in the air, and you could almost see him rolling his eyes underneath the mask. Of course, that’s when you noticed the obvious broken bones in his hands. And the blood. There was a lot of blood.
"Look," the guy started, walking closer to you. "I know, I'm a big scary guy with a big scary knife and a bad temper and all, and you’re just… well, I’m sure you have an amazing personality, but how about we put all that aside, and you give me a ride, alright? Just drop me off at the corner of 10th and 55th, and you can forget this ever happened."
"You’re arm… your wrist. It's broken," you told him.
"Yeah, no shit," the man scoffed. "Got any Taylor Swift CDs in that car?"
"Uh… no, not really. Why?"
"Cause, baby, I’m Shaking It Off!"
There was a pregnant pause, and you weren't quite sure if he was being serious or not. I mean, surely he wasn’t about to just ignore the fact that his arm was the complete opposite of norm—
But when he shook his arm in a violent manner, and a loud crack followed suit, you realized, with a heavy heart, that yes, this guy was serious.
What you didn’t know until a few seconds later, however, was that he snapped his bones back into place like it was nothing. It took the flexing in his fingers to realize it, too.
"Holy shit." You truly were in awe.
He seemed to find amusement in your expression, tilting his head slightly and giving you a once-over. And, yes, you could feel his eyes on you, and for some reason, it sent a shiver down your spine.
"So… Wendy Torrance, about that ride? Can you give me a lift, or are we gonna start that chick flick moment where your mental breakdown leads to slow-motion running to a Sia song?"
You could only stare.
"Alright, well, if you're going through with the latter, then at least play something that doesn’t involve that little dancing girl who likes to wear potato sacks as clothes."
You couldn’t believe this was happening.
"You are literally insane." You breathed out, shaking your head.
Even if you couldn’t see it, something told you that he made the biggest grin underneath his mask.
"Why, thank you, darling."
Fast forward a couple of minutes, and you found yourself driving towards the address the red-suited stranger had given you. You couldn’t really make conversation. He had his hands in his lap, playing with a knife, and was staring at you, his head tilted.
"You can blink, you know. I'm not a zombie," he informed you, making a gesture to his mask and eyes, which you assumed he was blinking underneath.
"Right," you nodded.
“Well, mostly, at least. I mean, I still have a pulse, but it's kind of irregular, and I think it's because I keep getting shot and stabbed in the heart. Oh, and I guess I'm also pretty much immortal, so that's probably the reason. But I think the whole not-dying thing cancels out the heartbeat thing, right? Like, the more times you get impaled or decapitated or set on fire, the more it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect you anymore, am I right?"
You glanced at him. He was staring at you, his hands still and his knife resting on his leg.
"…Do you ever shut up?"
"Woah-hoho, feisty. And here I thought I was going to break the ice with a good ol' fashioned knock knock joke."
"I don’t think that would've been funny."
"That's what the last girl said."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhm. Except she wasn’t talking about the joke. I made her laugh in a different way."
You glanced at him again, and he was giving you a knowing look.
"I can't decide if you're disgusting or not."
He hummed, shrugging his shoulders. That made him shut his mouth just long enough for you to turn on the radio but not long enough to avoid the inevitable.
"Hey, hey, I got a good one: Knock knock."
You let out a long sigh, closing your eyes. "Who's there?"
"Orange, who?"
"Orange you glad I'm not a serial killer?"
"That wasn’t even good."
"I know. It would've been better if I could've pulled the knife out of my belt. You know, just for show." He twiddled his fingers at you.
"That wouldn’t have helped," you said.
"Nope," he agreed. "But it would've made a great story."
"I suppose."
"Yeah. Hey, hey, I got another one: Knock knock."
"You just—"
"Knock knock."
You let out a huff. This man was the most childish, annoying, idiotic, strange, weird—
"Knock knock."
"Oh, just fucking tell me the joke!"
"No! It doesn't work that way!"
You rolled your eyes, but before you could answer, he beat you to it.
"Okay, okay, how about this: Knock knock."
You didn't say anything.
"Knock knock."
Your eyes flickered over to him for a second.
"Knock knock."
"For fucks sake!" You exclaimed. "Who's there?"
He leaned forward, closer to you, and you could see his mouth moving.
You were confused.
"D-Deadpool? Is this a reference to that shitty horror movie? If so, that wasn't even good, and I'm not laughing, and I don't get the joke."
He just gave you a blank look, or at least you thought he did.
"No. My name's Deadpool."
"That’s…" you trailed off. "A pretty dumb name. Like that outfit you're wearing."
"Hey! Diss the name all you want, but don’t you dare diss the suit. It's my trademark. Not everyone can pull off this type of look; it’s a very rare art."
"Whatever. You still haven't told me the punch line to your dumb joke."
"Punch line? I never said there was a punch line. It was a knock knock joke."
"So then… What was the point? To annoy the driver into wanting to run you over again?"
He chuckled, a low, deep sound that vibrated in his throat. That… That was… oh.
He was still close, and now, with the new angle, you could see the small, yet very visible, curve of his lips, and that made you wonder who was actually hiding behind the mask.
"You are seriously the strangest person I've ever met."
"Oh, babe, you don't even know the half of it."
"Please, enlighten me," you replied sarcastically, glancing over at him.
His masked eyes looked into yours, and you knew he was grinning; you could practically feel it.
"What do you wanna know?" He asked.
"Uh, I don't know. Something other than the fact that you're a nutcase. How about your real name? It's obviously not 'Deadpool,' and I doubt anyone actually calls you that. So, what's your actual name?"
"Oh, wow. Right off the bat, huh? You know, the last girl I was with wasn’t nearly as direct. Then again, she never sprayed me like I was a roach in her kitchen."
You didn’t respond. You kept your eyes on the road.
"Fine," he relented. "But don’t expect a happy ending. This isn’t Kanas anymore, Toto."
He leaned back in his seat, his arm hanging off the open window, the wind blowing through his red suit.
"Names Wade, like the boxers, but without the fancy pants."
You raised an eyebrow.
"Wade Winston Wilson, I love long walks on the beach, and a good movie, and tacos, and chimichangas, and guns. Especially guns. Kinky, but not too kinky… and did I mention the tacos? Cause I love fucking love tacos."
Maybe you should start carrying tape around.
"What about you, sugar lips?" He asked, gesturing to you with the hand he wasn’t leaning against. "Got a name, or can I call you mine? Ooh, I should’ve used that before the pepper spray. 'What's your name, or can I call you mine?' Classic, Wade. Well, except for the fact that I forgot the 'I'd like to hit it from the back' part. Damn, should have used that, too. It's a good thing they gave you the lead. Otherwise, the audience would've been confused. They would've been wondering, 'Why did the writer suddenly change the dialogue to be about sex? Wasn’t this supposed to be that pure Notebook love story we all wanted?'"
He paused for a moment.
"Wait a minute. Are we still doing the monologue thing, or is the writer done? Cause, no offense, but that was a shitty transition. And, come on, no one wants a Notebook love story anymore. Who writes those? What we need is a little romance and a whole lotta smut."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Me? Nothing, just giving some feedback. I've always had an open relationship with writers. Some might even call me the next J.K Rowling. Except, instead of a lighting scar and magic, I have an ass load of weapons with an insatiable lust for violence and blood. And tacos."
You decided to ignore him.
"Anyway, back to you. You never answered my question. Do you have a name or not?"
"I can’t believe I actually agreed to give you a ride home."
"Yeah," he said, sounding bored. "Why did you do that?"
"I don’t know. Because I hit you with my car and felt bad? You had a broken arm and were bleeding out all over the ground."
"First sign of insanity."
"Nothing," his mask wiggled around the area of his eyebrows. "So, your name? Don’t tell me you’re gonna pull out the classic yes and no abbreviations. You know what? I’m just gonna call you Spidey. It's easier, and it’ll sound sexier when you're screaming it later."
You rolled your eyes, deciding just to ignore his comments for the rest of the drive. You were wishing that you didn't live in a city full of traffic cause, damn, this was taking a while.
"Alright, turn here."
You followed the directions and pulled up in front of an abandoned-looking building. You didn't say anything, but you did raise an eyebrow in question.
"What? A guy like me has to keep his place secret, especially when the fangirls are after him."
"I didn’t ask."
"Yeah, but I saw you wondering."
"Hey, Spidey," he said, unbuckling his seat belt. "Thanks for the ride."
"No problem. Just make sure to keep your ass away from car bumpers. And out of my car."
"Awe, come on, baby cakes, don't be like that. You're really missing out. My ass is the finest in the business. Not to mention my package. You should see the reviews I get online."
You snorted. "I'll take your word for it."
"Yeah, you will," he said, leaning over and patting your cheek. "Hey, if you ever get lonely, or bored, or horny, or whatever, just give me a call. Here," he handed you a crumpled piece of paper. "Don't lose it, that's my number. We should totally bang, like, tomorrow, or tonight, or right now."
"Goodbye, Wade," you said, and he took it as his cue to leave. He gave a silly salute and exited the car, but not without giving you a wink first.
"See you soon, Spidey!"
With that, he walked up to the building and disappeared inside. With a sigh, you collapsed into the seat, not even bothering to watch him. You were exhausted, and all you wanted was to go home and sleep.
After a couple of minutes of relishing the nice breeze that came through the open windows, you sat up and un-crinkled the paper.
The only thing written on it was a phone number, with a small, messy, red heart and a few words that honestly had you questioning the sanity of the world:
'If you're lucky, maybe I'll even let you top. ;)'
Spoiler alert: it took about a month for the two of you to hook up.
And no, you did not have Domino’s luck.
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eyesofshinigami · 7 months
Rating: T
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, fluff, minor sexual content
Prompt: For @forgottenkanji "Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy"
WC: 653
Written for Day 29 of @steddielovemonth
He tells himself it’s going to be worth it. Standing here in thirty degree weather, shivering his ass off, waiting for the ticket office to open. Steve can picture the look on Eddie’s face when he shows up on their anniversary with Metallica tickets and that almost makes it worth it.
Three hours he’s been standing out here. The line is getting longer and longer, so he’s glad he made the decision to skip work for the day to come. 
Almost. His toes are still fucking freezing. 
“Hey man, you in the right line?” a couple of guys behind him snicker, and Steve has to keep from rolling his eyes. 
“Sure am. Friend of mine really likes the band and couldn’t make it out, so I figured I would grab tickets for him,” Steve lies smoothly. It’s not really any of these guys’ business, but he’s learned that it’s sometimes the best way to deal with people like this. 
The guys are quiet and one finally pipes up, “That’s kind of awesome, man. Sorry.”
Steve waves them off, pulling his jacket tighter around himself. He checks his watch; eight o’clock, the box office should open very soon. He had felt a little bad lying to Eddie, saying that he was going for a run and then had to get to work early, but he’d make it up to him with kisses later on. 
He hears cheers go up and the line starts moving, butterflies kicking up in his belly. The counter comes into view and the bored girl at the desk pops her gum as he gets the tickets. Middle seats, nothing fancy, but it’ll be enough to make Eddie lose his mind. 
Steve can’t wait.
Two weeks later they’re laying in bed, sweaty after sex and full of Jim’s Chinese from down the block. It’s been one of the best anniversaries Steve can remember, and he knows it’s about to get even better. 
“Got you a present,” he tells Eddie, reaching over to his nightstand to pull out the envelope he’s been hiding there for the last two weeks. He can’t wait to see the look on Eddie’s face; it’s going to be worth being cold for three hours and the subsequent runny nose that followed. 
Eddie grins, eyes shining. “I got you one too.” He reaches over and grabs something from his own bedside table. “On the count of three?” 
Together, they say, “One… two… three!”
They each hand the other a similar looking envelope. Eddie opens his first, and lets out a screech of pleasure. “Holy shit!!! Metallica tickets? I thought they sold out!!” He tackles Steve to the bed, kissing his face obnoxiously. “How?”
“Went and waited in line,” Steve replies, because yup, absolutely worth it. “I wanted to get them for you.”
Eddie’s eyes are a little wet and he pulls his hair in front of his face, delighted. “Okay, now you. Then I’m going to ride you into the mattress because I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Heart full, Steve opens up his own envelope, only to find a pair of tickets to go see the Bulls play next Saturday. His eyes go wide. “Eddie, what? You got me Bulls tickets? How-?” 
“Asked that guy Jake at your work and I went down the other day and got them. I thought you would like them.”
“But you hate sports!”
Eddie shrugs, looking bashful again. “Yeah, but you don’t. I thought it would nice, you know? We could go together? Unless you want to take like… Jake or something, but-”
He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence. Steve is pulling him close, kissing him like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. Their bodies press together and Steve is so ready to show Eddie how much he appreciates him. Repeatedly, until neither of them can move. 
All in all, a pretty great anniversary, he’d say.
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mercurycft · 2 months
series masterlist - here!
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•°. *࿐
"everyone, this is hallie king-"
i stand awkwardly as the room falls into silence around me, all i can hear is a low shuffling and the sound of my heart thumping erratically in my chest. i try and keep smiling through it, coaching myself mentally through the panic in my limbs.
after a beat of quiet and before jonas can fully finish his sentence, there's a gasp and a small squeal from somewhere deep in the group ahead of us. my smile falters momentarily, eyes lifting to scan the group and identify the source of the noise.
i recognise faces, sending each of them meek smiles as my eyes flit along the line. it doesn't take long, small laughs breaking out as an all too familiar aussie pushes her way through the crowd of bodies.
"hallipops!" she screeches, arms open and running full speed towards me at the front of the room.
"stephbear!" i mimic, dropping my bag from my shoulder and throwing my arms around her.
we squeeze each other tightly, i let her familiar perfume seep through my senses - inhaling contently when she rubs her hand along my back. we share a quiet laugh when i hear her start to chuckle on my shoulder. steph stays attached to me for a minute or so, our bodies swinging side to side in a silent repute of our friendship. after a while she pulls back, but keeps me locked to her side when she turns back towards the group of girls now watching on with smiles of their own.
"this is hallie, my hallie," she explains, emphasis on the my when she squeezes my shoulder further into her side for a second. i try not to overthink the fact that means she's probably spoken about me, maybe on numerous occasions - but the way her smile beams beneath her eyes tells me i have nothing to worry about. im ushered away from jonas and into the center of the room without another word, surrounded my a sea of red jerseys.
i look back at jonas and mouth a small "thank you," to which he replies with a wicked smile and a small head nod.
he leaves the room with a "i'll leave you all to get acquainted, see you on the pitch, ladies!" everyone shouts an absentminded byes and agreements before the attention is turned back to me.
we spend twenty minutes or so greeting each other and exchanging the usuals. steph is stuck to my side for most of it, almost bursting with pride as she leads me around the group. i say hello to caitlin first, who i haven't seen in a good 6 months, giving her a tight squeeze. she asks about my family, i avoid the subject - like usual, then we move on.
that's how most conversations with most people seem to go recently, honestly, they ask how i am; how the family is, i avoid it and brush it off and then we move on.
i recognise beth, katie and jen from my countless calls with steph and cait. they all say hello, give me a small hug and introduce me to the rest of the girls.
they're kind, welcoming. easy to bounce off of. it calms my nerves to know that i haven't been fed to the lions in the middle of hunting season - a few of the girls explain how excited they are to have me playing with them, it feels strange. knowing that people know me, that im not just a young girl in melbourne hoping to play with her older brother any more.
after the pleasantries are done, they show me my cubby - it's essentially a locker space, where i can hang my kit and put my bag before and during training or games. i had assumed i'd be placed at the end, considering everyone already had their respective places within the room. i sit in front of my space for a moment, after the fuss has died down, my back pressed against the wall and my feet flat on the floor.
it's not as awkward as i thought it would be, even though i was going in with people i knew already.
i start changing my socks, shoes. smiling at the new red fabric that hangs around my thighs, then smiling out at the room surrounding me - i feel like a child again, playing dress up with my brother.
my mind wanders off as i tie my laces. the guilt tugging at the thread of my new kit outweighs the  joyousness of the occasion, the unraveling of my mind is cut short by the hollar of my name from across the tiled floor.
"oi, hallie!" my head snaps up, the voice is a bit harsh - loud, and scottish. i look around until my eyes land on jen stood by the exit with a confused look, "you coming or not, slowpoke?" she says with a laugh, causing me to jump up out of my seat.
i laugh with her and follow the group out onto the grass, chatting aimlessly amongst and over each other. jen, steph and me walk in a three into the middle of the pitch, where we stand in a semicircular line, steph still next to me with our arms interlinked, as if we were teenagers again.
steph has always been like a sister to me, an older, wiser, more attractive sister as she would describe it. we met at melbourne city, in 2015, and for a year we were inseparable. i had assumed that when she left for the states the following year that the contact, the talking, would trickle away and into nothing more than passing comments and instagram likes. but the opposite happened, we spoke everyday - saw each other when our schedules and flight times allowed. i stayed in melbourne, content in the comfort and safety inside my little shell. i stayed longer than i should've, and put up with a lot more stick than i should've in those years too.
she was aware the conversations between mc and arsenal were happening, but nothing more than the details i had told her - or that she had seen on social media. but stepping out of my australian shell and into a new city, knowing she was there, made the decision a lot easier.
we all stand listening to jonas and the other coaching staff, allowing them to flood our early-morning brains with their knowledge. i listen intently, nodding along to everything each of them say - he runs through the plans for the morning, what drills we will do - what time we will have gym and then a break.
i daze off half way through, listening to the sprinklers in the distance; watering the multitude of pitches that lay beyond our feet. before he waves the groups away, my attention is peaked and back on him.
"one last thing team, leah won't be attending training today, as i'm sure you have all noticed. i'm going to have kim drop back..."
then my attention is gone again, fixated on the grass beneath me. when i tilt my head to whisper towards steph, who has noticed my confused face.
"leah as in williamson? where is she?" i whisper,
"appointment i think, she should be back tomorrow though," steph replies mid-shrug
"should i be scared?" i question lowly, with wide sarcastic eyes and a pinched mouth.
"oh yeah, very," she teases, smile lacing her lips momentarily before dropping to a serious and stern face - we share a laugh between us, then zone in.
jonas finishes his speech a few minutes later,
"and for a final time, lets all give hallie a proper gunner welcome. you're gonna do great, great things here. welcome to the arsenal." his words are echoed with a round of applause, and accompanying shouts of encouragement.
i feel my cheeks prick along with the tips of my ears, laughing as the girls clap for me. i pull the sides of my shirt to make a makeshift skirt and curtsy for them, before joining them in their applause.
everyone puts their hands in around me, and mine sits on top of the others. the smiles and energy is contagious, buzzing around the group and facility. i look around, waiting for someone to lead.
"go on then, hallipop," steph whispers, gesturing her head towards our pile of hands. i smile widely, met with a crowd of nodding heads and expressions of encouragement around me.
"team on three,"
— RG x
i hope everyone is having a great monday! and you are all enjoying this, can't wait to see where this goes! sending my love to everyone, love always.
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Trespassing (2)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n is confronted by someone who thinks she shouldn't be here, will someone step in and help her? Is her Dog hybrid friend here? What will happen when she finds him and much more in the alleys?
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Violence, Homelessness, Dirty clothes? Slight Interrogation, Passing out, Unconscious Reader, Implied Starving. Let me know if I missed any!
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Whipping myself around so I was facing this so-called wall, that had once comforted me in this scary alley, now making my heartbeat spike and the panic come back only this time much worse. A broad chest covered by a ripped and stained top filled my view, I could feel the hard breath and hot air hitting my forehead, slowly I brought myself to cautiously look up.
My eyes immediately meeting those that belonged to the person whose sheer aura was making me cower in fear and make my knees buckle in.
Deep endless brown eyes stared into my own, anger, disgust, annoyance filled his eyes whilst mine held the fear and weakness that I felt. A low growl escaped from his lips, I tried to step back and get away from him, but he grabbed hold of me pulling me closer to him before turning around and shoving me away. Now my back faced the entrance to this place. I screeched at the sudden movement before catching my balance and looking up at the man who just so effortlessly tossed me away.
He had dark hair and a pair a wolf ears adorned his head, glancing down I noticed his large tail swaying back and forth behind his legs rapidly.
He took a step towards me, scared I threw my hand out to keep him away, a smirk appeared on his lips seemingly amused by my attempt. Another growl ripped through the air, I looked over to where it came from to see a man with dark brown hair and soulless eyes emerging from the tilted mattress.
As he stood to his full height he towered over me much like the other man, behind him I saw the same tail from before, thick, black, fluffy tail. He slowly stalked his way over to me, panicked I held up my other hand a futile attempt to stop him from attacking me, if he really wanted to, I would be dead by now.
"I-I... I'm just l-looking for my friend" I stuttered out hoping they'd back down if they knew why I was here. I heard a dark chuckle and looked over to the man near the mattress, but it wasn't him who spoke.
"Your friend is not here. Now leave." The man in front of me stepped forwards towards me, instinctively I backed up.
"P-please, I'm sorry for trespassing b-but his name is Jimin and-" Before I could finish my sentence the man in front of me had lunged forward violently shoving me away.
A screamed ripped through my throat at the sudden action and the pain that came with it, I rolled a few times before coming to a stop hitting the rough ground. Groaning in pain I tried my best to stand up wobbling as I did, I quickly stepped back trying to create distance from the man and get out of his area.
I kept backing up until I was in the middle the crossroad of alleys, the other man had by now made his way to stand with the other man. Now seeing them closer the first man was taller by a bit, but both equally towered over me.
I took note of how neither of them seemed to pass a certain point and figured that past that point, behind them, was their territory.
I put my hands out in front of me knowing it would never work against them. "Look I don't w-want any trouble. I just, I-I-"
What do I even want? Why am I here? Jimin obviously isn't here, and these guys clearly don't want me here either.
"...Never mind" I spoke defeated I turned and started to walk back the way I came, only getting few meters before suddenly my body came crashing to the ground with a thud.
All the exhaustion of running here and then getting pushed down, my body had an adrenaline overload and it needed to rest, but I couldn't stay here. I dragged myself over to one on the walls propping myself against for support, my scrapped knees drawing close to my chest, my body was exhausted and so was my mind. I closed my eyes to focus on my breathing trying to calm myself down.
I just need a quick rest... then I'll leave here.
Looking up at the mention of my name I turned to where the person's voice came from. Through my lidded eyes I spot a frantic figure looking around, spinning in circles searching for something or, someone before his eyes lock on my figure slumped against the ground.
Rushing over, the blond figure dropped to his knees in front of me eyes scanning my figure. His golden ears dipping lying flat on his head as his eyes filled with worry and concern from seeing my state.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? Oh god, this wouldn't have happened if-" Jimin couldn't seem to finish his sentence as his hands hovered over me not sure what to do, frozen, wanting to help but unsure of the first step to do so.
"No, this is my fault Jimin. I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'll be fine I just need to-" The world had become blurry around me Jimin's face being nothing but a fuzzy spot as if wearing dirty glasses. Soon everything around me turned fuzzy as well before slowly getting darker and being completely consumed by the darkness. I could hear Jimin calling my name but there was nothing I could do, the gravity and comfort of the darkness being too powerful for anything to drag me out.
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"Get her out!"
"She can't stay here."
"She's hurt! We can't leave her".
"Yes, we can! She's human, nothing but trouble she is."
"She's, my friend. She needs help."
"Friend? Jimin you can't-"
The voices of the people around me slowly brought me back the reality. Not knowing where I was, I tried not to move too much as to not draw attention to myself. Slowly cracking my eyes open, it wasn't hard to adjust to the lighting as it was dark wherever I was.
Cautiously looking around I saw 6 men all standing around arguing with each other, I wasn't present enough to understand what they were arguing about, so I drowned them out. Glancing over to the left of the group I saw another man, he looked younger than the others, over his head hung long black locks that went almost down to his shoulders at the back, it looked unkempt, like it hadn't been washed or brushed for a few weeks, but someone had attempted to tidy it up at least. Nestled in with his hair were two long fluffy rabbit ears, dark grey on the outsides with a lighter grey littering the insides.
A bunny hybrid.
Studying the man, I couldn't help but notice that he was eating what looks like a cranberry muffin.
I made that muffin this morning, I put on the plate for me and Jimin and he didn't eat it, he took it...home...
I didn't even notice I had been staring at the boy until his dark brown orbs locked with mine, both our eyes widening at realization. He opened his mouth to say something to the other men but before he managed, I abruptly sat up straight taking in my surrounding. I was still in the alley way, on the abandon couch covered with clothes from before that had creeped me out, I looked over towards the group of men only to see that they had already spotted me from my previous alarming movements.
Seven pairs of eyes all staring at me, no one saying anything not knowing where to start, as my eyes travel all over them I realized something I hadn't picked up on before.
They're all hybrids.
The two men from before, a wolf and a panther hybrid, my eyes move to the next person, a fox hybrid, traveling to the next, a sugar glider hybrid, a cat hybrid, the bunny hybrid who had now moved over to stand with others, and a dog hybrid.
His eyes stayed lock with mine, concern and uncertainty swirled in them, before I had time to study the other men one of them spoke up.
"What do you want?" he growled, disgust for my mere existence clear in his voice.
I looked over to who had spoken only to see the same man from before who had pushed me to the ground. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to back up on the couch to create as much distance as possible between me and the violent wolf hybrid.
"I-" Before I could stutter out my words someone had cut me off.
"She came looking for me." Jimin defended me moving to stand in front of me. "She didn't mean any harm. I promise."
I nodded my head violently agreeing with Jimin trying to show them that was why I was here. The man scoffed before sending me a death glare. Jimin turn around and moved block my view of the others with his face. He put his hands on my shoulder, I flinched slightly as my left shoulder was bruising from my previous contact with the ground.
"I'm sorry this happened to you, it's all my fault and-"
"Jimin no, this is my fault, I came looking for you and was trespassing. I'm just glad that you're okay. I see why you don't eat as much and why you bring the left over back here" I spoke softly with a small smile.
Jimin looked down ashamed, seeming unhappy that I knew about this.
"I'm sorry, I won't bother you-" Cutting Jimin off I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me embracing him in a hug. He didn't return the hug at first, his arms hanging by his sides. Seeing as I wasn't letting go Jimin hesitantly moved his arms to wrap them around me. Sighing into the hug I slightly calmed down, my breaths matching Jimin's, before I remembered the six other hybrids around me.
"They won't hurt me, will they?" I fearfully whispered into his ear.
Recalling what I told Seoyeon about seeing Jimin having bruises a few days ago, my mind started racing.
Did they hurt Jimin too? Did they give him those bruises?
"D-did they hurt you too?" I stammered holding Jimin tighter and pulling him closer as to get him away from them.
"What? N-no, no. They would never hurt me" Jimin said shocked by my question.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, and I won't let them hurt you either" Jimin gave me a reassuring squeeze before slowly letting go. Still facing me Jimin looked down at me from his standing position. I leaned to the side to see around him and check on those other hybrids, to no one's surprise they all stared - or more like glared back at me, startled I leaned back to my original position nervous, looking to Jimin for help.
Seeing my struggling self, Jimin took the initiative and turned to face the others and sat down on the couch. Curious eyes found mine trying to avoid eye contact with them my eyes darted around looking at the area around me. Across from me sat an old chair but it didn't match with the couch, left of the chair laid a thin single mattress with some worn down blanket on it. I looked to the other side of the chair to see the mattress from before leaning up against the wall, shielding half of the entrance was a stack a cardboard box making what looked like some sort of wall. As my eyes continued to truly study the area I had been in, cardboard boxes set up as tables, mattresses, all the dirty clothes and ripped blankets splayed on the ground and various objects, I came to the horrid realization.
They all live here...
"Guys, this is Y/N." Jimin’s voice brought me out of my thoughts looking to him as he spoke. "She owns a café a few blocks from here. She's where I've been getting the food.".
"Jimin! Have you been taking her food? I thought I taught you better than that." The sugar glider Hybrid spoke in disbelief has he strode over to Jimin who was right next to me.
"No! He didn't steal anything, I-I've been giving him food." I spoke raising my voice a little. "He's been joining me for lunch." I spoke to the hybrid who was now standing in front of Jimin and I.
He looked at me questioning before looking back at Jimin for reassurance to my accusation. Jimin looked up at him nodding confirming what I had already said.
"Good, I didn't raise no criminals" The man hummed before turning to me. I visibly tensed up before he spoke “Why were you looking for Jimin?”
"Well after he left, I was worried because he wasn't eating much and saving the food for leftovers." I spoke quietly, intimidated by the broad man in front of me. "B-but I see why now."
He stared into my eyes as I spoke and kept staring after I had finished. I could see the kindness in his eyes hidden by his protectiveness. Nervously a small smile tugged at my lips trying to ease the tension between us. It worked as he returned his smile backing away from me.
"You make really nice muffins." A voice broke the silence everyone turning to look at the who had spoken. It was the bunny hybrid, he moved slightly closer the others trying to hide behind them at my gaze.
My smile only grew at his kind words. "Thank you, I'm glad you like them.".
His big grin appeared showing off his bunny teeth and cheeky smile.
Jimin and his friends kept talking as I listened to what they were saying I moved slightly in my spot trying to subtly stretch my arms. My hands landed on the couch something beneath my palm made me grip on to the mysterious object. Looking down I saw it was a piece of clothing, looking closer it had holes and it and was very discoloured by use and dirt. Disgusted from touching the item, not know exactly what it was or where it had been, abruptly drop it back to the couch flicking it away from me grossed out releasing I had been sitting on dirty clothes. I looked up a repulsed expression clear on my face, I locked eyes with the panther hybrid, he looked embarrassed quickly looking away from me averting eye contact.
"How can we trust her?"
I turned to see the cat hybrid staring right at me before his gaze shifted to next person who spoke.
"We can't."
"Namjoon, she is Jimin's-" "I'm sorry." I declared. "I didn't mean to invade your territory or be here uninvited. Genuinely I was just worried about Jimin, and your right." I continued trying to stand up stumbling a bit, Jimin reached out to help me. I took his hand helping me to stand stably. "You can't trust me. You don't know me. Thank you for helping but I should go." I mumbled the last part bowing before shuffling out past the boys before a hand harshly grabbed my wrist.
In my spot I froze not wanting to move from my spot out of fear. Not looking back, I kept my eyes trained on the ground. Before I could react, whoever was holding me had grabbed my waist and spun me around to face them. Surprised at the two people behind me I stared up at the man holding me still, he had deep chocolate eyes and brown hair and two fluffy orange fox ears on his head.
"Thank you" He started. "You have no idea how much that food you've been giving Jimin, has helped us."
A warn thankful smile on his face, at hearing his words my heart flooded with warmth at how my baking was able to help them. I glanced to the bunny boy who stood slightly behind him before looking back at him, by now he had let go of my waist and was holding my hands in his.
"It means a lot really, even though you didn't know you were helping us all as well and thought it was just Jimin, we really needed it." Unshed tears slightly pooled in his eyes before he blinked them away beaming at me.
"Yes, thank you, all the food was so good too." The other guy gushed. "I'm Jungkook and this is Hoseok" The bunny hybrid gestured to the fox hybrid in front of him when naming his friend. "Don't worry about Namjoon, he just wants to protect us, you just have to earn his trust.".
"Yeah, Taehyung and Yoongi are really just little kittens once you get to know them too." Hoseok chuckled.
"Thanks, it's nice to know you guys liked my baking." I blushed from all the praise about my pastries I had made. "And I'm sorry again for just walking in unannounced."
"You were looking out for your friend, our Jiminie, thank you for caring about him it shows more than you could possibly imagine. Most humans want nothing to do with us or will-"
"Thank you" Jungkook cut off Hoseok before they both shared a look. I smiled at them before stepping back ready to take my leave, judging by how the sun was no longer directly above us I figured it had been few hours since I left, and Seoyeon was probably worrying about me.
"I'll see you guys around." I nodded before making my exit down the way I had come hours ago. As I went to turn the corner, I saw them both standing there, I wave them off before I saw Namjoon walk out and usher them back into the side alley before we made eye contact. He shot me a glare and stared me down before turning and walking back himself. I took that as my signing to truly leave as I continued down the alleys on my way back to the shop.
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A/n: Ahhh! Next chapter is here! The first few chapters of this series might be a bit shorter, I aim to get each chapter between 2-3k words. Also Thank you all so much on the support on the first part and the teaser, I did not expect that amount of interaction, it makes me so happy knowing people have enjoyed what I’ve been working on, so I hope you all enjoy! Have a nice day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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seuonji · 10 months
night shift ★彡 xu minghao
xu minghao x yn ln
彡when yn’s juniors finds trouble with some fellow college mates, yn goes through mountains just to get them justice, even if it means needing to infiltrate and make friends with the most intimidating clique on campus.
#11 monopoly! | #12 an easy man! | #13 kuromi pic!
notes: there’s a writing part under the cut! (1.7k words)
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you stood infront of the door not knowing what to expect. you could hear the faint party music despite being outside, it felt like this was the type of situation that would end up with the house getting raided by the police. if that wasn’t unsettling enough, this was an apartment unit, surely they were getting noise complaints?
but you couldn’t care less, all you cared about was getting whatever gossip you needed. for vernon, right? ironically you wanted this so called mission to be over with just so that jeonghan could get off your ass.
you knocked the pale white door and waited for a response and luckily the response came quick as the door swung open.
unfortunately, much to your dismay it just had to be soonyoung that opened it.
you hadn’t quite forgave him for the things he said about joshua but you had to get over it.
“yn?” soonyoung quietly screeched out of shock yet he had a smile on.
he seemed to be already by the door and he had the typical red cup in his hand. he was in the middle of a conversation with another guy but they didn’t treat you like a stranger. “oh? the vice?” the friend tilted his head as he moved to the side so that you could walk in.
“hi! my names yn!” you introduced yourself as if they didn’t know who you were.
the friend smiled as he replied, “i’m seokmin.”
“i didn’t know you were coming today!” soonyoung patted your back, “do you need help getting around or are you with someone?”
“uhm well—“
you got cut off by a tap on your shoulder. “yn,” minghao softly called but it was loud enough for you to hear.
suddenly your heart raised but in a good way. you were glad he was here.
“hey,” you huffed out.
“hao you didn’t tell me yn was coming!” soonyoung jokingly whined.
minghao just squinted his eyes confused at the assumption since he never invited you in the first place, “mingyu’s the one that invited yn.”
soonyoung leaned back and covered his mouth, “woah that guy is unbelievable.”
“do you want a drink yn?” seokmin whispered while the other two discussed why you were here.
“oh that would be lovely,” you nodded as you followed him.
soonyoung was busy pondering where mingyu got the the guts to invite you while minghao couldn’t be less bothered by the situation.
“alcohol yn?” seokmin turned his head to you as he prepared to mix up a drink.
you felt overwhelmed by the options but you stayed simple and pointed to one of the cartons in the ice bucket. “i’ll just have a cup of apple juice.”
“ah okay,” seokmin hummed as he poured you a glass.
he got a glass for himself and he started a conversation, “so how’s working at icey milk?”
you didn’t exactly know why you were with him here alone but he seemed like one of the nicer bunch in the group.
“oh right you worked there right!” you had a shocked face on as if you didn’t stalk him that one day.
“i still do! i’m pretty sure my shift got moved when you got hired,” he looked upwards as he thought about the situation.
you were in the middle of taking a sip of your drink as he revealed that but you abruptly stopped as you heard him, “no way! i’m so sorry, did you like your shift?”
“well i actually prefer my current shift, i have less working days than you,” he chuckled.
“i was more or less concerned cause since my shift changed, it meant that minghao would be working with new people,” seokmin paused as he took a glance at minghao who was helplessly trying to get soonyoung to stand up straight, seemed like the alcohol hit him early.
“but shockingly, he seems like he’s having more fun in his new shift compared to when we were there,” he finished his sentence as he looked back to you.
your eyes were on seokmin the whole time. you didn’t know how to interpret his words but just as you were about to ask what he meant, someone showed up.
“yn! you made it!” mingyu placed his hand on your shoulder.
“hey! yea i did,” you nodded your head.
it was hard to adapt to the environment but if you just pulled out whatever extrovert cards you had, tonight might turn out okay.
“glad you could, you look great tonight,” he complimented to which you said a simple thanks.
“bunch of us are playing cards in the back, wanna join?” he invited both you and seokmin. you have a look to seokmin who seemed to have an excited face on.
it would’ve been embarrassing to reject so you fearlessly accepted, “let’s go!”
“to start off simple, let’s play old maid! if your last card is the joker, you lose,” one of the guys sitting in the circle briefly explained as he shuffled then distributed the cards.
you played that game like possibly fifty times with minghao, you think you’ve mastered how to conceal your expression while being able to read others.
but you weren’t playing with minghao, you were in between mingyu and seokmin and the rest were strangers. you didn’t feel like you needed to try.
you held your cards and got rid of the pairs, there was no joker which meant you were semi safe.
but somewhere around the end, you ended up getting the joker card from seokmin. the groan you let out made it visible you now had the joker card which made mingyu wary.
a few more passes went by and suddenly, it was just you and mingyu.
you also only had two cards left, a 2 spade card and the joker. somehow mingyu never plucked it out since earlier, seokmin must’ve lied when he said his luck was shit. but perhaps, his luck would act up now.
to your luck, it did.
everyone watched intently as you held your two cards out. mingyu took a second to examine it as if he could see through the cards.
“we don’t have all day now mingyu,” you cheekily said.
mingyu snorted and quickly took a card.
you no longer had the joker.
mingyu’s head fell down and after a sullen shuffle, he held his two cards out for you to take from.
and to your luck, you confidently plucked out the pairing to your 2 spade card with zero hesitation.
“aha!” you cheered a bit too loudly.
to say the least, people had seen a new side of the vice today and people did not understand why you weren’t invited to parties earlier.
“that was cool yn,” mingyu breathed out with a laugh as he poured you another drink.
“thanks mingyu,” you beamed before taking a gulp of your drink.
he was a calm guy. for some reason you expected a short tempered man, sure it was just a card game but he took his loss well.
mingyu was, surprisingly sweet. he was probably the sweetest guy in the room alongside seokmin, but you didn’t understand why you’d rather be talking to someone else than him.
what irked you more was that it seemed like you had nothing to exploit of them.
you could only hope this was their nice guy facade but even if it was, the one who gets hurt in the end is you.
you just followed the flow of the party and played whatever games and danced to whatever music came on. you spent most of the night with mingyu and seokmin and honestly, it was not bad.
soon enough, the party started to die down and people were headed home.
“how’re you going home yn?” mingyu asked as you two stood in the tranquil kitchen.
“mm, i could just get a taxi? or is it called an uber nowadays?” you tapped your chin thinking of how to get home. you did not think this far. usually you’d just have seungcheol bring you home but you didn’t want to bother him at two am in the morning.
“i’ll bring you home then,” mingyu said in a way where he wasn’t really giving you any options.
“what? why?”
“you just said you’ll get a taxi? i’m not letting you go off alone like that! c’mon i’ll drive you right now as a thanks for coming today,” he started pushing you towards the door.
“what?— fine, fine!”
the car ride was noisy. noisy in a way that was comfortable.
the windows were down and you were spewing out random information like, why were you in the student council.
“you joined the student council just for fun?” he shouted out loud.
“why’s that a shock? i thought everyone said were incompetent,” you giggled.
“you guys? incompetent? maybe you just hang around minghao too much but i’ve seen joshua, that guy is always doing something new and helpful for the school isn’t he?”
finally, a conversation you were interested in, “that’s our president,” you said in a daze.
“well we’re here,” he sighed as the car slowed down. you looked out and saw home.
“ah, thank you so much mingyu!” you placed your hand on his before getting out and distancing yourself away from the car, just reasonable enough to say goodbye. but mingyu slightly stood up from his seat and placed his head out yhe passenger window, “yn! do you want to get lunch with me tomorrow?”
no way. he wanted to get to know you more. he was so incredibly easy.
“got work tomorrow tho,” you tilted your head.
“would you have energy afterwards?” he mocked the way you tilted your head.
“guess well have to see, you know where i work,” you smirked as you turned around.
mingyu had a grin on the whole time. he didn’t know if he meant to go out with you platonically or romantically but he mostly just wanted to get to know his new friend better.
“night yn,” he whispered not thinking you heard it with the way you were so far. you did hear him but you didn’t reply, you were too busy thinking about what the fuck you were going to do about tomorrow.
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funfact: mingyu’s parties super well known around sebong college and there’s usually one held every month. the 95s used to joke that it was some sort of lame party that was only attended by people that peaked in highschool.
they only talked about it like that because they were salty non of them were ever invited.
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amberjazmyn · 11 months
matthew gray gubler one shot
𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 - what's so funny? 
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 - none whatsoever 
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - you were filming your boyfriend, matthew gray gubler for your Instagram story and he kept on messing up the introduction of his own name, making himself laugh over and over again. 
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 - whilst i still haven't seen criminal minds, i'm falling in love with m.g.g and i will be making sure i watch criminal minds no matter what because i think i'm slowly starting to crush on dr spencer reid. 
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"--i'm sorry babe!" matthew giggles as he burst out into laughter again in the middle of his sentence as you groan 
"what is so funny, matthew?" you whine, lowering your phone as you stop filming him as he starts dying of laughter, heavily convinced that tears of laughter are now welling up in his eyes 
"i don't know!" he giggles out as his entire body shakes as the laughs create the jerking movements as you couldn't help but also start laughing with your boyfriend 
"you are such an idiot, matthew!" you say in between your giggles as you set your phone down, moving closer to your boyfriend who was standing in front of the white wall in front of your guys' office space 
"but i'm your idiot," matthew speaks softly, fully recovered from his hysterical laughing fit, his mouth tickling the baby hairs that rest against your ear, making you flinch due to the ticklish sensation 
"yes, that you are, my darling boy!" you whispered back, your arms resting against matthew's shoulders as he smiled brightly, pushing you closer to him, your eyes widening as you knew exactly where this was heading and, you were liking it 
however, it seemed as if matthew was just being cheeky. 
"do you think we could try again for your insta story?" matthew pulls back as you huff, rolling your eyes but nodded your head and smiled 
"of course, we can baby! just, don't laugh at nothing again please!" you giggle out as he nods his head, not promising anything as you bite your tongue, giving your boyfriend a head-nod, letting him know you were filming 
"...howdy, i'm matthew gray gubler and--" matthew just started hysterically laughing again
 this then causes you to groan loudly and you flip the camera to your face as you shake your head, flipping back to matthew only to see him literally crying tears of laughter this time. his entire body folded in half, his arms around his stomach as he tries to stop his laughter at seemingly nothing. 
"WHAT IS SO FUNNY MATTHEW?!" you screech, whining as you finish the instagram video as matthew's hysterical laughter is the last thing heard in the video before it stops for you had decided to post it to your story anyway - thinking that yours and his fans would find it hilarious 
whatever matthew had found so funny was maybe never to be found out, however, every time you watched that video, it brought you unexplainable joy. whilst matthew couldn't explain why he was hysterically laughing in all of those failed instagram story attempts that had been saved to your camera roll, you couldn't explain why each one of them made you so happy and joyful. and, at the end of the day, the reasoning as to why no longer mattered was because it was your boyfriend in his happiest state of mind - with you, the love of his life. 
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decided to take a break with my spn boys and girls and do one for my favourite criminal minds actor. i may start to include some criminal minds actors and characters because i'm wanting to start watching it! so look out for some spn and criminal minds imagines! 
ily xx
word count; 652
134 notes · View notes
alotofpockets · 9 months
Close call | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Prompt: "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
Warnings: ambulance crash, cpr, blood, and injuries. A spin on the accident from S1E11. Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1.3k
You were checking the ambo’s inventory with Shay when you got called to an accident scene. The both of you quickly put the boxes that were out back in their places, before getting to the front and rushing out of the firehouse.
Shay had been your partner on ambulance 61 for a couple of years now, the two of you clicked instantly on her first day, and you had been best friends ever since. Working alongside your best friend makes your work even more enjoyable. Of course, there were the hard cases, but having her by your side made everything better.
When you arrive at Shay observes the scene, the accident had happened in the middle of a crossing. Police had the crossing blocked, and a few firetrucks were still present. She decides to park the ambulance near the middle of the crossing, where most of the injured people were located. Another firehouse already took care of the victims that were in the collision itself, you were there for some smaller injuries from bystanders. Mostly some cuts and stabilizing a broken arm, people you were able to treat quickly, and send on their way either home or to the hospital on their own accord. 
Once you’ve treated everyone, you make your way back into the back of the ambulance, filling your bags again, so that you’d be ready for the next call. “So, are you still down for a movie night tonight?” You ask her, as you grab some extra gauze packages to stuff into the ambo bag. “Of course, you know I never miss a movie night.” Just as she finishes her sentence you hear multiple cars honking, making you both face the back of the ambulance instantly. You see a truck with screeching tires rushing your way, there is no time to react, before it slams into you. 
What happens next is a blur until you wake up on the floor, as your body feels heavy. You raise your hand up to your forehead, when you look back at your hand, it is covered with blood. Realization is starting to hit. “Shay?” You call out. “Shay, are you okay?” Still no response. You push everything that has fallen on top off you away and start getting up, making your way over to your best friend as quickly as possible. She was laying on her side, and much like yourself, her head was covered in blood. You pat her cheek, “Come on Shay, wake up.” No response. With a shaking hand you reach out to feel for a pulse. Your instincts kick in when you feel no pulse. 
You’re still giving her cpr when you see an ambulance arrive from the corner of your eyes. The paramedic wanted to take over cpr instantly, but you refused. So, instead he got the defibrillator ready, placing the stickers on Shay. The paramedic had to hold you back for the machine to do its work. After two shocks he got her heartbeat back, everything was still a bit of a blur to you. They loaded her up in the ambulance and you rode with her in the back, holding her hand the whole way, not even letting go as they unloaded her at the hospital. 
Along with the paramedics you told her Shay’s condition prior to the paramedics arriving. Still not wanting to leave her side, you walk alongside her bed with the doctors. But you are met with the firm hands of Chief Boden holding you back. “It’s okay, they’ve got her. Let them do their job.” He tells you, his voice soft. Realization starts to kick in and you break down, tears streaming down your face. Boden catches you as you fall into his arms, he holds you tight, hoping to bring you some comfort. When you’re steady again he holds you by the shoulders. “Let’s get you checked out too, okay?” You nod and let a nurse take you to a different room. 
Your injuries were minor, only needing a couple of stitches, before you were allowed to join the rest of your team that had gathered in the waiting room. You walked in, “Any news on Shay?” You asked with glossed over eyes, letting your team members hug you one by one, not really registering much, as your mind was only on Shay. 
It wasn’t until about half an hour later until you got the first update on her. The doctors tell you that she has a moderate traumatic brain injury, and that they will have to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days to determine the extent of the damage. But that she is awake, and that is a good sign. “Is she allowed visitors?” You ask immediately after the doctor is done talking. “Yes, I would advise one person at a time though, noise might still be a bit overwhelming for her.” You turn around to your team, they all tell you to go. 
The curtains are drawn and the lights are off, still you are able to see the shape Shay is in. Her head wrapped in gauze, and two black eyes, along with some more bruising on her cheeks. She smiles when she notices you, “I’m so glad to see you.” She says with a broken voice. “You’re okay?” She asks as you walk her way. “Yeah, I’m okay, just some cuts and scrapes. You scared me so much though, please don’t ever do that again.” She chuckles, “Trust me, I don’t plan on it.” 
Shay pats the bed, as she scoots over to make room for you. You lay down next to her carefully, making sure you wouldn’t hurt her. “So, I read in my file that I had no pulse before the paramedics arrived, and that crp had been performed before they arrived on scene. Was it you?” You nod, tears forming in your eyes. Shay reaches out and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m so sorry, you had to do that.” She whispers into your ear, while moving her hand soothingly over your back. “It was a close call, and I am just glad you’re going to be okay.” 
You lay together for a while until you can no longer keep the thought that kept lingering in your mind to yourself. “Shay?” She turns on her side to look at you. “So, with everything that happened, I feel like I got to experience first hand how quickly things can end, which makes me not want to hold things back any longer.” Shay nods her head, signaling for you to continue. After a deep breath, you blurt out your thoughts, "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me." You are afraid to look at her, so you keep your eyes focussed on the ceiling. Shay’s hand reaches out to your cheek, gently moving your head to the side so your eyes lock on hers. “I am in love with you too.” You smile and lean into her touch. “Yeah?” Shay smiles back, “Yeah.” 
You lay together comfortably, just watching each other, until Shay realizes she never asked why it scared you, so she did. “Well, you are my best friend, and we work together. I didn’t want to mess anything up.” Shay nods, “Yeah, I get you. Do you think now that our feelings are out in the open, we could make it work? Because I would really like for you to be my girlfriend.” You smile wide when you realize that Shay’s heart monitor shows her rising heartbeat, feeling relieved that your heart wasn’t the only one going crazy at this moment. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” 
Shay had a bit of a recovery period ahead of her but she knew that with you by her side, everything was going to turn out alright.
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littlespacereader · 1 year
So I’m only on episode 2 of season 1 of Good Omens but I’m already OBSESSED! So here’s a little fic I whipped up. Disclaimer: I don’t know if this is at all accurate to anything the characters would or wouldn’t do so please keep that in mind when reading. I promise once I’m further along in the show I’ll write a proper fic and open the fandom up for writing prompt request. Anyway please enjoy! 💞
Waking Up In A Bookshop
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Caregiver!Aziraphale, Caregiver!Crowley & GN Little!Reader (SFW)
Tw- car accident causes reader to get hurt. It’s minor but I wanted to put it out there just in case!
Tags- Reader gets hurt! (nothing violent, they just pass out), hurt and comfort, accident, diapers, pacifier, stuffie snake, Crowley and Aziraphale become cgs.
Nicknames- kid, kiddo, little one, darling, sweetheart, sweet one, Papa (for Crowley), Dada (for Aziraphale)
Of course I was late! And this would be the second time this week! I rushed down the sidewalk, weaving through the crowds to make it to my job.
I wasn’t my fault! It seemed as though London was working against me. The bus was always late and the walk from the bus stop to the coffee shop is about a 15 minute walk.
But today it seems the universe was out to get me. Even with the bus always being late I still missed it. So I had to take the later bus. Once I got off I knew I had to RUSH.
So here I was…running. The streets of London were packed as always. I tried to maneuver my way through the many people so I could make my job on time for a change. I decided to take a path down a different road which resulted in me waiting at a corner to cross the street.
I anxiously waited for the light to give the pedestrians the right away to cross the street. But it was taking FOREVER! I looked across the street and noticed there were no cars coming. So I decided to go for it and take my chances. I should realize that I shouldn’t gamble with fate like that.
A black car rounds the corner at a record speed. I was half way across the street when it happened. Without any time to react my backpack clips the car, causing me to spin and fly backward onto the payment below.
I hit my head hard against the road. For a moments everything went blurry as my brain and body tried to process what had happened. I stare up at the sky laying on my back in the middle of the road.
Tears start to fall from my eyes as my regression takes hold of me. I hear the car come to a screeching stop and two people get out of the car.
“I told you not to take turns that fast! Look what happened!” One yelled.
“They came out of no where! How is this my fault?! They were jaywalking!” The other argued.
One of them ran over and kneeled next to me on the street. “I’m so terribly sorry! Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance?” I couldn’t even move, my head pounded and my vision was too blurry to even make the man out. I just cried and tried to lift my arm up to him.
“Angel don’t be ridiculous they’re fine-.” The other man stopped mid-sentence when he came over and saw me.
“Tell me, what’s your name sweetheart?” The less harsh one asked as he took my hand in his.
“…Y/N…” I tried to say, but I’m not even sure if it came out that way or not. My head and my body couldn’t take the pain. My eyes started to close and I started to slip into unconsciousness.
“Hey, hey, hey! Stay with us darling, don’t close your eyes.” The first man said with a voice layered in worrying. But it hard trying to stay awake. I kept fading in and out.
The second man kneeled beside me. I felt my head being lifted up. “No blood, cuts or bump yet but they might have a concussion or worst.” My head was gently placed back down.
“We have to take them to the bookshop.” The first guy replied.
“What?! Are you crazy? Why would we need to worry ourselves with that? Listen, why don’t we drop them off at the hospital and be on our way.”
“Okay! Okay! Fine! We’ll take the kid home.”
I felt myself being lifted up from the street and into someone’s arms. I whined without even realizing it because I heard the second man…Crowley I think…start to say, “Hey, it’s okay. Easy does it kiddo. I’ve got you.”
I rested my head against him as he carried me over to the very thing that put me into this position, the fancy black car. Crowley gently laid me in the back seat.
He shrugged his jacket off and laid it on me like a blanket on before he sat in the drivers seat and his partner jumped in the front seat.
My eyes opened a little bit to make out the two. One of them had red hair and wore all black and the other had white hair and wore tan. Both of them looked at me worried.
The man with the white hair smiled and caressed my face. “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you I promise. Just stay with us okay, I want to see those beautiful eyes.”
I tried to nod but the slightest movement hurt. But he seemed to notice me trying. He smiled back with a warm comforting smile.
As the engine started with a roar and we started to raced down the streets of London, my new found headache returned to me. I watched as my imagine of the two men started to fade more and more into the darkness.
“Y/N? Y/N stay with us…Crowley this is the only time I’m going to say this but, speed up!”
“I’m going as fast as I can. Come on kiddo just a little longer, stay with us.”
“Y/N?” ………..
Then darkness took me as I slipped into unconsciousness.
The front door the the bookshop swung open. Crowley carried the unconscious Little through the door with a frantic Aziraphale walking behind holding their backpack.
“Hurry upstairs. I want to put ice on their head right away.” Aziraphale ushered.
“Angel they’re not dying, they’re just hurt.” Crowley tried to say, more for himself than to Aziraphale. Not that he would admit it.
“Regardless I want to get them in our bed and rested.”
“Our bed?!” Crowley whined.
“You hit them with the Bentley!!” Aziraphale reminded him.
“Yeah, you’re right. Right….” Crowley sighed at the reminder of his guilt.
The two quickly went upstairs with the Little. Aziraphale dashed into the kitchen, dropping their backpack on the table while rushing around to grab the first aid kit and some ice packs.
Crowley brought the Little into their bed room and gently laid them down on the bed. But that’s when he noticed something.
“Angel…come here for a moment.” He softly called for the angel.
“What ever is the matter Crowley?” He asked walking into the room, arms full of ice packs and bandages.
But just as Crowley froze, Aziraphale froze as well. But for Aziraphale it was just for a moment. He immediately got to work. “It seems as though the little one had a small accident. Nothing we can’t take care of.”
“They had an accident,” Crowley repeated, “You know that means they’re on the younger side of things.”
“To begin with, you hit them with the car so I can imagine the trauma of it all threw them into their headspace, which happens to be younger.” Aziraphale started to say.
“Will you stop reminding me!” Crowley yelled only for Aziraphale to shush him.
“And secondly the accident is easy to take care of see,” With the snap of his fingers Y/N’s pants became magically dry thanks to a small miracle. “There, it’s as if it hasn’t happened.”
Crowley was next to snap his figures, this time twice making two miracles. Aziraphale looked over at Crowley who looked at the Little, still laced with guilt.
“I just gave them a diaper…you know, just incase. Plus a gift from me after hurting them.” Under Y/N’s arm was now a stuffed animal snake tucked in securely.
Aziraphale smiled at Crowley’s generosity. “I’m sure they’ll love it. Now, let’s let them rest a bit while you help me with the bandaged and ice packs.”
The two spent the rest of the morning tending for the Little. Making sure that when they woke up they would be alright and safe in their apartment above the bookshop.
Aziraphale sat on one side and Crowley sat on the other side of the bed, both looking at the unconscious Little who was now all bandaged and ice up.
“Perhaps we should look for their wallet.”
“Angel is this really the best time to be robbing them?”
“Crowley! We’re not robbing them! I just thought we better check if they have a Caregiver. They better notify them of what’s happened.”
“Oh. Right.” Crowley nodded.
The two went off to the kitchen leaving the Little while they spelt. Over on the table sat their backpack. While Aziraphale would’ve had a softer, more gentle approach to finding the wallet inside the backpack, Crowley just picked and dumped all the contents onto the table.
Aziraphale sighed and started to sort through everything. He grabbed their wallet and then their Little emergency card.
“Ah! Well you were right, they’re definitely younger headspace wise. And it says oh….” Aziraphale stopped, his face turning sad.
“What’s wrong?”
“They don’t have a Caregiver. There’s nothing but info about them. No caregiver listed.”
Crowley took the card and looked it over. “How could they not have a Caregiver? They’re too young to be without one. What if something happened?”
Aziraphale raised an eye brown, “Something did happen.” He sighed and started to think. But in that moment something struck him. “Wait.” He looked back up at Crowley. “What if this is all meant to be?”
“What do you mean?” Crowley lifted his head up to look at the Angel.
“Y/N! Maybe they were meant to get hit by the Bentley! Tell me, how long have you and I been searching for a Little of our own?”
“Oh well…let’s see…”
“It’s been years! But we never had the time to actually sit down and find the right one. Well…” he gestured towards the bedroom. “We found them!”
“Angel…you can’t be serious.” Crowley rolled his eyes.
“Who knows? Maybe this is all a part of the grand plan of things?”
“So I was supposed to hit them with the Bentley as sort of this grand plan by the higher ups to give us a Little…I’m understanding this right?” Crowley put his hands on his hips. Looking at Aziraphale all sassy like.
“I mean naturally we’d have to ask them but I’m sure that they’re our Little. Look, all I known is I don’t care about anyone as much as I do you. But they bring out a new sort of feeling in me. I’m worried for someone other than you. I’ve just wanted to care for them ever since the moment we first saw them. So it must be true! I mean don’t tell you haven’t felt the slightest bit nurturing with them? Making sure they’re comfortable, putting an ice pack on their head?” Aziraphale looked at Crowley, already knowing the answer to his question.
“I might have,” Crowley said as nonchalantly as he could. He took a seat at the table. “I just…I just don’t want to get my hopes up incase it’s doesn’t work out.” It was an honest and sincere response. He never took rejection well.
“I’m going to grab a book then sit and keep an eye on the little one. Could you put the kettle on for us?” Aziraphale asked and Crowley nodded. With that Aziraphale disappeared downstairs to the bookstore.
Crowley paused and watched his partner go. With a sigh he walked over and put the kettle on for the two of them.
After he planted himself back at the table, looking through all Y/N’s belongings noisily. He picked up a plain pacifier and even plainer diaper. Oh no, if they were his Little, he would have to get them some supplies with the cutest designs and colors. He smiled to himself, he would spoil his Little rotten.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the kettle going of behind him. He jumped out of his seat and went off to make Aziraphale his cup of tea.
Aziraphale returned, book in hand. He knew just what he was looking for, “How to Care for A Young Little, A Caregiver’s Guide.” He might as well start to get familiar…it never hurt. Taking his tea cup from Crowley, he made his way to the bedroom to watch over the little one while they rested.
The first thing I realize was I was no longer on the street. Memories came back in bits and pieces but what came through the most was the pain. Oh right, I was hit by a car.
I whined and squeezed my eyes closed. Just as I gave away I was awake a soft voice spoke to me and took my hand in theirs. “Easy there sweet one, you’ve had quite a troubling day. Open your eyes at your own speed, don’t force yourself.”
Taking his advice I slowly started to open my eyes. Slowly I started to see the person with the sweet and comforting voice. His face started out looking blurry at first but eventually I could see him clearly.
“There you are darling. How are you feeling?” The man with white hair ask me. He rubbed small circles on my hand to comfort me.
Before I answered back I took in myself and where I was. I was in a very comfortable bed wrapped in the softest blankets. I could feel a bandage on my head and a bandaid on my hands. The room was cozy and warm, smelling like old books and tea.
He looked at me with a small smiled filled with concerned. “Hurts.” I told him, squeezing his hands in mine. My little side couldn’t articulate all these big thoughts properly.
“Aww, I’m sure it does hurt. But the ice pack should start to help the pain go away. You’re okay darling. Just a little bump on the head but nothing serious. You’re very brave.” He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Oh yes very brave.” He smiled back.
“What’s…what’s your name?” I asked the sweet man.
“My name is Aziraphale and my partner with the red hair is Crowley.”
“I know it’s a bit of a mouth full.” He laughed.
“Aziraphale.” I said more confidently.
“That’s it! Wonderful darling!” He praised.
And for the first time that day I smiled. Aziraphale was treating me so kind for someone who hit me with their car. Wait…wasn’t there someone else? Aziraphale wasn’t the drive…Crowley….he was the driver…
Like clockwork the other person knocked at the door. Aziraphale turned towards it, “You can come in Crowley. They’re awake.”
Soon the door opened and in came the second guy. Now I remember him! He was driving the car and he had the really red hair. He looked guilty as he took me in.
“Hey kiddo. How you feeling?”
“Head hurts.” I lifted my hand to feel my bandages but Aziraphale stopped me.
“No, no darling. Keep them on. They’re to keep the ice pack on your head.”
I sighed and put my hand back down in my lap. That’s when I noticed the new stuffed animal. “A snake!” I lifted it up and admired it.
“Yes, I thought you might like a gift for everything you’ve been through.” Crowley took a seat on the other side of the bed.
“I love it! The colors are so pretty!!” It was red with black stripes. And it was soooooo soft.
“I’m happy you do.” Crowley smiled. He picked up the snake and made it slide up and down my leg. Then he had it pretend to attack my hand. I couldn’t help but giggle every time he did it.
He handed me back the snake before he spoke again, “I want to apologize though. I’m so sorry you got hurt. It was never my intention.”
I lifted my eyes and looked at Crowley sincerely. “It’s okay. I should’ve waited and not just walk across the street. But I accept your apology.”
I could instantly see Crowley start to relax a bit. “Thank you kiddo.”
“Y/N we happened to notice your ID card says you don’t have a Caregiver, is that right?” Aziraphale asked.
I nodded my head. “Yeah…” I looked down, a bit saddened. “I’m fine on my own though.”
“You’re are a bit young, kiddo. I don’t want to think of someone as young as you being on their own.” Crowley added.
“Why I bring this up is…well, Crowley and I are Cargivers. Now you don’t have to accept right now or make any sort of decisions, especially with your head injury, but if you’ll allow us, we’d like to take care of you. Then after you feel better if you’d like we could become your Caregivers.” Aziraphale explained.
The two looked over at me eagerly but was honestly too in shock to say anything at the moment. The two guys who hit me with their car want me to be their Little? But they both seemed so nice and they’ve taken such good care of me when they could’ve easily left me there.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” I smiled at the two.
And they smiled back. Aziraphale squeezed one of my hands while Crowley took the other. Little did I know this was just the beginning of something beautiful!
My old job fired me but I got hired to work at a bookstore…Aziraphale’s bookstore! I arrive there every morning perfectly on time! I help him rearrange the books, work the cash register and take inventory.
Then after a long day I regress upstairs in the apartment with my two Caregivers safely by my side.
Crowley, who at first was a bit unsure how good of a Caregiver he would be, soon feel into the rhythm of it fairly quickly. He was a big troublemaker like myself! But he also loved to play any game I came up with including dress up!
Aziraphale has a gentle touch, always looking to make sure I’m comfortable. He a huge cuddle bug and loves to sit with me on his lap while reading a book to me.
Today Crowley picked me up and threw me over his shoulder when he arrived home. “There you are! Thought you could hide from Papa? Huh?”
Aziraphale just laughs and shakes his head at the sight of the two playing together in the living room. Once Crowley put me down I took off towards him, hiding behind him from Crowley. “Protect me Dada!” I hold onto him tightly.
“Always my dear! Back demon! Stay away from my baby.” Aziraphale laughed to himself, the nickname demon making him chuckle. Their baby doesn’t know the truth about the two of them and for now that’s quite okay.
Crowley rolls his eyes to the comment, “Don’t you mean our baby?”
Aziraphale picked me up and smiled at Crowley, “You’re right, our sweet little one.” Aziraphale pulled Crowley into a group hug with me. Crowley smirked and wrapped his arms around the two of us.
The three of us hug. Once and for all a family of our own. Suddenly the apartment didn’t feel like an apartment but a home filled with giggles, smiles and love.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 10 months
hii sana i was wondering if you can do a lee! skz ler! skz
so like a tickle fight
hope you have a wonderful day!
Movie Night:
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𝒍𝒆𝒆: SKZ 
𝒍𝒆𝒓: SKZ 
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨! 💗🧋
𝕥𝕨: tickle fight, pretty intense
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpages
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“Ugh…but that one’s so boring!” Jeongin complained as Chan put on a movie. 
“Ooh ooh! Put on Disney!” Changbin and Felix both squealed at the same time. 
“Yeah. Maybe when we were…i dunno…eight. Put on a horror movie or something.” Seungmin rolled his eyes. 
“Good choice. Those are always interesting.” Minho replied, laughing at the downcast faces of Changbin and Felix. 
“What if you’re scared, though…” Jisung whispered, lacing and unlacing his fingers. 
“Put on a good romance or something!” Hyunjin exclaimed, digging his arms into his pockets. 
“Something you’ll never get-” Jeongin replied sassily, snickering in the middle of his sentence. 
“Yah!” Hyunjin lept onto the maknae, digging into his sides vigorously. 
Poor Innie let out a loud scream before descending into cackly laughter, squealing loudly when Changbin pulled his arms above his head, allowing Minho to help by scribbling over his underarms. 
“CHAHAHANNIE HYUHUHUNG HAHAHALP!” The maknae begged for mercy.
“We don’t torture the maknae!” Chan yanked Minho off of the youngest, digging into the boy’s ribs quickly. 
Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin helped Chan as well, reducing the cat dad [mom] to an incoherent mess of laughter. 
“nOOO THIHIHIS IHIS SOHOHO UHUHUNFAHAHAHIR! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Lee Know kicked out as he tried to pry the four pairs of hands off of him. 
Hyunjin and Changbin let up on Jeongin, leaving the maknae vengeful. 
Jeongin immediately started on Hyunjin, squeezing at his stomach and making the older scream uncontrollably. 
Changbin giggled and helped the maknae, yanking Hyune’s arms up too. 
Soon enough, Hyunjin’s limbs thrashed enough to cause blunt force trauma, forcing the lers to let up. 
Changbin felt bad for poor Minho, who was going ballistic with his laughter at the moment, so he pulled Chan off and began tickling him like crazy, leaving the oldest choking on his laughter. 
“NAHAAHAHA CHAHAHANGBIN!” Chan squealed as Binnie squeezed at his thighs, driving the older insane. 
“HEHEHEHEY!” Jisung screeched when Minho broke free, starting on his favorite lee first. 
“What is it, Hannie?~” Minho cooed over Chan’s hysterical laughter; Seungmin had decided to help out Changbin, Jeongin tagging along. 
“IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” Jisung cried out in ticklish agony as Hyunjin pulled his arms above his head. 
Minho followed by digging into the quokka’s outstretched underarms, leaving him screaming underneath him. 
Felix tried to escape the room, knowing he was next, just to get caught by the maknae, who yanked down the older and head locked his feet. 
He went at it, leaving Felix screaming so loudly that it overpowered everyone else’s voice in the room, leaving the entire group laughing. 
“I’ll help you!” Jisung ran over to his other sunshine twin, digging into his hips, driving Felix absolutely ballistic as his whole lower body was abused by his ticklers. 
Changbin let up on Chan, who slumped underneath him, absolutely spent. 
Minho immediately tackled Seungmin down with the help of Hyunjin and Changbin. 
“No! NO HYUHUHUHUNGS! AGH THAHAHAT TIHIHICKLES!” Seungmin bucked up as much as he could while being pinned down, squirming weakly under the two pairs of hands tickling him silly. 
Finally, Jisung and Jeongin let up on the brownie boy, who joined Chan on the couch as he panted with exhaustion. 
Together, they managed to grab and pull Binnie off of the vocalist, allowing Seungmin to overpower Minho and Hyune.
Hyunjin, afraid, immediately ran to help the others with Binnie, who was struggling to overpower them with a grunt. 
It took Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin to pin down the begging rapper. 
Minho whipped out his trusty tickle brush, setting it to a high speed in an agonizingly slow manner. 
“No! Hyung please, not the brush! Oh my goood i’m gonna die please please please!” Binnie babbled as Minho moved closer and closer to his stomach with the brush, his words summing up to a squeaking noise as he whimpered in anticipation. 
Let’s say Jisung got bored at his upper body. He dug harshly into Changbin’s armpits, relishing in the ticklish squeal the older let out. 
Minho threw the younger’s shirt up, pressing his tool to the rapper’s belly button. 
“AHHHHHHAHAHAHA! HYUHUHUNG IIHEHEHAHA” Binnie screamed incoherently as Lee Know and Hannie tickled him to pieces. 
Poor Changbin dissolved into silence the second Minho attacked the spot between his armpits and ribs with the dreaded brush, leaving the rest of the group cooing at the exhausted boy. 
He looked like he would faint any second, his laughter making no sound at all, and his back arched, cute smile stretched out on his face. 
He shook his head and squirmed weakly, which was a cue for Lee Know to stop. 
Minho finally let up, turning off the brush. 
The group burst into laughter yet again from the wrecked looks of all the boys. 
“This was way more entertaining than movie night.”
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i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
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unseededtoast · 6 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller
Part Eight
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
Though he is a man of few words, his actions speak for his character.
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Heading west, I keep walking through the night, though it's less than ideal. I take my time, wanting to stay quiet and undetected by both infected and people. The silence of the night allows my mind to mull over what I found today and how everything is supposed to fit together.
My mind can't seem to figure anything out that makes sense. The map is the only thing that makes the most sense to me. The notes, the game tallies, they all seem so odd but there has to be some connection. There has to be some reason these people were tasked with killing a specific age range of children in QZ's across the country. There has to be some reason they're connected to the Fireflies. I'm seeing bits and pieces of the picture, but not the full painting.
But what if this is all a bit bigger than I can take on? Am I walking myself right towards a death sentence? Maybe. Could I be making the wrong decision to go to Nebraska? Possibly.
The other alternatives are either to retreat back to the QZ and be stuck wondering for the rest of my life, or try to track down which QZ the others went to, and I could miss them and have wasted time. But if I guess which QZ they're going to next, I could possibly save more lives. I've never been good at gambling, and yet I find myself playing at the highest stakes.
Each step seems to take ten times the effort as normal as I consider my options, trying to see which is the most logical, which would give me the best odds of finding these people. As soon as I think I've made a decision, I second guess myself. It feels like there's no right decision to be made.
I stop walking in the middle of a street and stare straight up at the dark sky, the stars shining brightly down. If only they could give me the answer. The sound of a clicker in a nearby skyscraper gets me moving again, towards the interstate. It seems I've made up my mind, and only time will tell if this was the right decision.
Readjusting my backpack and yawning, I take in my surroundings so that I'm not ambushed by infected. Sometimes it seems like they come out of nowhere. My thoughts seem to run in circles until it starts to drive me mad. I have to think of something else or I'm going to go insane. And after searching for something, the green sign above the road distracts my mind and reminds me of the stranger I met only yesterday.
I wonder how Joel is doing, how his journey is going so far. He seemed seasoned to life outside a QZ, his time away from Boston likely forced him to adapt. Whatever job it was that he took to get out of Boston must have caused him to not want to return. But no matter the reason, I hope that he has a safe journey, I'm sure whoever is waiting for him is worried sick.
My path leads me to a roadblock where an old FEDRA checkpoint used to be, just before the entrance ramp of the highway. Cars are parked bumper to bumper and there's sandbags stacked on top of each other supporting a thick line of barbed wire. Knowing I can't climb overtop of it, I take a right and decide to go around. Sure, this is going to delay my trip slightly, but it's better than trying to go overtop of barbed wire. I don't really feel like nursing open wounds on my way to Nebraska.
As I go to turn left to get back on track I immediately stop moving. Standing in the street are three runners, all hunched over with quiet sobs. A clicker cries out somewhere close, its screeches ricochet off the buildings and echoes into the open air. My heart hammers in my chest and I take careful steps backwards so that I can keep my eyes on them. Thankfully, they don't see me and I'm able to get back to the front of the barricade.
I take a left instead, and hope for a better outcome. Bracing myself, I turn the corner and am in disbelief with what I see. There are four runners standing in the road. My eyes trail down the street and I see that they're all trapped here. The FEDRA barricade extends down the streets so that the infected in the Boston area can't use this ramp to get onto the highway. On one of the barricade sections I see the telltale sign of a door, there's a giant FEDRA sign hanging above it. That door would be a direct path to the road if it weren't for the infected. It seems that there's no unobstructed way for me to get to the highway. I'm up against seven runners and a clicker, at least. Even during the day I don't know if I could take this on.
Ducking back behind the building I try to formulate some sort of plan. How can I get through this barricade without the infected noticing me? I know the door is to the left, but there's no way I can get past all of those infected and open it. Even if I do sneak to the door, I know it's going to make sound when I open it, and that's like ringing the dinner bell for them.
Sound would be like ringing a dinner bell. An idea comes to my mind and I spot an abundance of bricks laying beside one of the cars. If I can get those bricks to all fall at the same time across the street, it should draw them away long enough for me to get to the door. It's still risky, but I think it's my best shot. But how do I get them to fall at the same time?
I don't see a way that I can pull that plan off without considerable time, and I don't have time to be stopped up here, not with all the infected. I stare at the pile of bricks and another idea crosses my mind. What if I use them to get over the barricade? I could lay the bricks in a way that I could get over the barbed wire. It might not be the most sophisticated plan, but it's going to have to work.
Quietly, I walk over to the pile and begin picking them up slowly. The barricade is at least six feet high, so I'm going to have to bring bricks up to the top of the sandbags and lay them there before I can construct something over the wire. I slide my backpack off my shoulders so that it's easier to get the bricks to the top of the barricade. Clutching three bricks under one arm, I climb the sandbags and drop them on top. Thankfully, the sand masks the sound of the bricks landing.
I take another trip up with three more bricks without incident, and feel more confident in my plan. On my last trip up with bricks, I drop them on the sandbags, but one of them hits the corner and falls down to the road with a loud crash. The infected hear it and I can tell they're rushing to investigate. I drop down to the road to pick up my backpack and see them coming towards me on both sides. Shit.
With the speed of lighting, I put my backpack on and start climbing the sandbags. I hear them getting closer as I reach the top, their carnal breaths loud in the night. I'm about two inches away from pulling myself to the top when I feel one of them grab my foot and it yanks me down.
My fingers slip on the sandbags and I fall a few inches before I'm able to grab ahold of something. Wildly, I kick my feet in an attempt to get them off of me, but there are too many. In a last ditch effort, I grab my gun from my thigh holster and shoot the ones who drag me down. The shots ring out in the night and I know it's only going to attract more.
The few runners I've shot collapse to the ground, which gives the clicker more space to reach for me. Clickers are infinitely more terrifying than runners, and they're about ten times stronger too. Runners take one bullet to kill, clickers can take at least two or three. I aim my gun towards the clicker and pull the trigger, but it just clicks. It's empty. Quickly, I shove the gun back in the holster and use both hands to grab onto the sandbags.
Adrenaline pumps in my veins and I fight harder to pull myself away from the feral infected. My pant leg rips at the bottom from their clawing and I feel my fingers beginning to slip. Clenching my eyes shut, I grit my teeth and pull with all my might to get away.
Just as I'm about to accept my fate, a shot rings out and one of the infected crumples to the ground. Four more shots hit the clicker, and it falls as well, body twitching on top of the others. Without thinking I pull myself on top of the barricade and whip my head from side to side to see who shot them. I grab my curved knife from my belt and hold it in front of me.
My chest heaves with each breath I take as the adrenaline begins wearing off and the panic sets in. Whoever shot them could be coming for me next. What if it's the T group?
From the shadows I see a figure approaching, slinging a gun behind them as they quickly jog towards me. Once they get close enough, I recognize who it is immediately. It's Joel.
He runs to the barricade and holds out a hand. I put my knife away and offer him my help up the sandbags. We both start using the bricks to construct a makeshift bridge across the barbed wire, the screeches of a dozen approaching infected rushing our movements. Joel takes bricks from my shaking hands and practically stands me up on his own and pushes me across the bridge, my other pant leg ripping from the barbs.
My feet hit the ground with a hard thud, quickly followed by Joel. His hands push on the back of my backpack and one word is clear over the coming stampede.
"Run." We take off sprinting down the highway's entrance ramp. He's slightly faster than me but I keep up well. Joel points to an abandoned car that crashed into a guard rail and I nod, showing him I understand the plan.
We yank open the doors and climb in. If the infected make it over the barricade, they shouldn't see us here and eventually will disperse. The two of us are out of breath and we sit in silence, trying to regain our bearings.
After a few minutes of steadying my breath, I take my backpack off and sit it in my lap. I rest my head on it and lean forward, closing my eyes in an attempt to calm myself down.
"Thank you." I say, slightly breathless. Raising my head from my backpack, I look over to Joel, who's glancing in the mirrors to see what's behind us. His eyes flicker to mine and he gives me a stern nod, opting to stay quiet.
If it weren't for him I'd be some infected's dinner. That fact sinks in and I feel an immense amount of gratitude. He didn't have to save me. He could've left me for dead. Most people wouldn't stick their neck out for someone they barely know, but he did. Though he is a man of few words, his actions speak for his character.
My gaze turns to the mirrors as well, the two of us anxiously wait to see if the infected are going to make it over. The runners would have no issue scaling the wall given the proper motivation to do so, but they're less likely to if they can't immediately see something that grabs their attention.
After hours of us hunkering down silently in the car, Joel opens his door and gets out. He slings his bag and rifle on his back, looking behind him one more time. I get out and gear up as well. And just like the first time I met him, the silence is almost overwhelming. The morning sunlight begins rising, and I realize we spent almost the entire night in the car.
I chew on the inside of my cheek as I debate whether or not I should say anything. Seeing as how he just saved my life, I decide it's the least I can do. I clear my throat and scratch the back of my neck, looking down at the ground to avoid awkward eye contact.
"I just want to thank you again for saving me back there. You really didn't have to put yourself at risk, but I appreciate it." I find the courage to look up, only to see him staring at me already with a fierce intensity.
"I thought you were headed towards that camp?" He asks, totally disregarding my appreciation.
"I was. I mean, I did. One guy was left but he was infected. I found clues though, about where they might be going." I tell him, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. He nods,
"So where're you headed?" He asks again, and it throws me off. This is the most talkative he's ever been.
"Omaha, Nebraska." I say, recalling the city where the large 'T' was located. Joel's eyebrows raise.
"That's quite a ways from here." He points out and I sigh, knowing I'm severely underprepared for the long road ahead.
"Yeah, I know. But I have to do this. I won't be able to live with myself if I don't." I confess to him. I'm well aware my choices defy logic, but, the alternative of letting the guilt eat me alive is worse.
Joel rests his hand on the top of the car and looks down the highway. He shifts his weight around like he's deep in thought for a few minutes. He's probably trying to think of a way to ditch me. Feeling like I'm intruding on his venture home, I speak up again.
"Listen, I appreciate what you did for me back there, all of it. But I know you're trying to get home so I'll get out of your hair, for real this time." I say and extend a hand out to him again, probably for the last time. Like before, he stares at my hand.
"I'm headed west and go right by Omaha." He says, squinting in the sunlight. I drop my hand once I realize he isn't going to take it, meaning we aren't splitting quite yet. My eyebrows draw tightly together in confusion as I try to understand what he's trying to get at. I think I understand, but I need to hear him clarify.
"Meaning what? We tag along 'til Omaha?" I hear the insecurity in my own voice and I hate it. Joel takes his hand back from the top of the car and nods.
"Safer that way, for the both of us." He confirms my thoughts and starts walking down the highway. I follow him, accepting his offer.
We walk side by side down the road, the only sounds being the birds in the sky and our gear rattling around. My mind is buzzing with questions I want to ask him, but I respect that he's a quiet, reserved man.
Every few minutes I check behind us, feeling paranoid that we're being followed. There's never anything there, but I'd rather check and see nothing than not check and be surprised. Joel is less paranoid I think, he walks with a silent confidence that tells me he's no stranger to the outside world. He understands it far better than I do.
The two of us walk for miles without saying a word until we come to an exit ramp. I recognize it as a suburb outside of Boston, but I've never been there before. Joel veers off the highway to the exit and I follow without question.
Off the ramp, there's a small town to the left and a bunch of housing complexes to the right. Seems like the perfect place for infected to be lurking about. But for some reason, I put my blind faith in the man leading me and trail him into the town.
He looks over his shoulder at me and points at a small brick building. I nod and approach it with him, preparing my knife for use. He stands on the opposite side of the entrance doors with his knife in hand, looking to me for confirmation that I'm ready. Silently, I nod and watch as he swings the door open. I wait for the sound of infected, but am pleasantly surprised with silence.
Joel seems to know where he's going though, he heads straight for the back room. I take my time to look around at the front room, seeing if there's anything of use. Most likely there isn't, but every once in a while I get lucky. The sound of whatever Joel is moving is enough to catch my attention, and I stand in the doorway. He's moving a large piece of plywood that's on the floor. There's a hole in the ground, and he drops down into it.
Curiosity gets the best of me and I go over to peek in the hole, seeing a small stash of supplies. Joel rummages around and picks up ammunition, a few cans, and another knife. He turns around and sees me staring above him, and he hands me items he can't carry himself; some cans of food and ammunition, before he pulls himself back out of the hole.
"You stashed that?" I ask quietly. He huffs as he puts away the extra supplies.
"A while ago." He answers and the two of us quickly shove the items in our bags. My bag feels like it gained fifteen extra pounds, but I can't complain. The extra weight means we have better survival odds.
Wordlessly, Joel moves out of the store and heads towards the suburban side of town, only a few miles walk away. The cookie-cutter houses remind me of the neighborhood I used to live in. A small, idyllic place at one point in time, turned to nothing but a ghost town now. Joel approaches the porch of one and opens the door. Luckily, it's empty and I follow him inside.
He blocks the main entrances to the home without a word, and I move to help him. I shove a strong chair underneath the handle of the back door and try to turn the handle to test its durability. After that, I make my rounds on the curtains and close them all. It seems like we're making this our base for the night. Once we've taken all the safety measures that we possibly can, Joel finds his way to the living room and unloads his stuff on the old, worn-down couch.
I place my backpack on the floor next to the couch and lean against the doorframe that connects the living room and kitchen, watching as Joel straightens his back out on the floor. His arms reach above his head to elongate his spine, and I hear the bones pop and crack. Wincing slightly, I turn my attention elsewhere in the house.
My eyes catch the fading family portrait on the wall and I go to look at it. The black frame houses an old photo. There's a man, woman, two kids, and a dog. They're all smiling, even the dog looks happy. My heart tugs at the sight of the happy family, and I can only assume what happened to them, just like so many other families. Sighing, I look at the other photos on the wall, seeing the slow growth of the children through still images. They look like they were probably high school age. My fingers find their way to the necklace that adorns my neck and I squeeze it tight.
A sound from behind me snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn back to see Joel staring at me. I offer him a polite smile and go to take a seat across from him on the floor, resting my back against the old couch. I fiddle with the torn edges of my pants, and can no longer restrain myself from asking questions. There are too many things I want answers to.
"How did you find me at that barricade?" My voice is soft. Joel clears his throat and shrugs.
"I took the long way 'round so I wouldn't interfere with whatever you were doin'. I was plannin' on taking this highway back home anyways. Guess it was just a coincidence." He plainly answers and I nod, accepting his answer.
"What a lucky coincidence." I smile, trying to break through the tension that always seems to hang over us. It's going to be a long trip west if he keeps things this short. He just shrugs in response,
"So what did you find 'bout those people?" He asks. I'm surprised he even cares, but I reach for my bag to show him what I've found. I spread the documents out in front of me and let him look. I explain to him what I know and what my theories are.
"Whoever they are, they need to be eradicated. Those kids, they were-" The tightness in my throat constricts my ability to talk and I take a shaky breath, remembering what it felt like to cradle the dying girl's head. Joel just nods, not needing further elaboration. He holds up the scraps of paper I found in the fire and reads the simple words.
"I'm not sure what those have to do with anything, and I'm not sure there's any sort of connection." I speak up, truthfully not knowing if they're of any value.
He puts the scraps down and picks up another piece of paper, the one with the Firefly insignia on it. As he reads the paper it's like the blood is drained from his face. My eyebrows knit together,
"What is it?" I ask and his startled eyes look deep into mine with fear that he tries to mask. An uneasy feeling settles in me. He looks back down to the paper and re-reads the note before he says anything.
"These bastards aren't going to live much longer." Is all he says before handing everything back over to me. The look on his face is unsettling, so I don't push anything further.
There has to be something he knows about this.
Part Nine
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ur-local-demon1 · 3 months
I have hananene on the brain (what else is new) and I need to RANT
Just imagine teacher Amane and Nene at Kamome!! (Edit, this last sentence was worded horribly. I meant Yugi Sensei and Yashiro Sensei, as in two legal adults with the same job). Like, they wouldn't act like those annoying young couples - you know the ones -, so if you had just met them, you would assume that they're very good friends with all the friendly banter... That is, until Amane finished early one day and gave Nene a goodbye kiss before going home, which gave a heart attack to everyone present in the teacher's lounge.
Okay so, their co-workers know now, that's nice! But, if being a middle schooler once has taught me anything it's that those brats must have already been thinking that "hey... Yugi-Sensei definitely has a crush on Yashiro-Sensei!" and started placing bets (ranging from if he would confess or not to if Yashiro was out of his league or not). Another teacher finds out about this and just goes "Oh yeah, Yashiro and Yugi! They got engaged just last week. Apparently they've been going out since they were in high school; isn't that cute?" *cue incoherent high-pitched screeching*
Meanwhile, they're just so surprised that no one knew that they were dating because it's not like they were trying to hide it
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
WOW I AM LOVING THESE SPOTIFY DRABBLES! idk if you're still taking requests for them? but i'd like to request yoongi and number 29 please. (i want to see other members too but he's my bias so yeah lol)
I got delicious taste, you need a woman's touch in your place / Just protect her and keep her safe / Baby, worship my hips and waist
» pairing: yoongi x f!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | drabble | established relationship | fluff? | an attempt at humor?
» wc/date: 755 | December 2022
» warnings: reader is making fun of misogynistic ideas about womanhood/hetero relationships | overuse of "daddy" (as a joke) | nakey nakey
» notes: PLEASE RECOGNIZE THAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY. THIS IS A JOKE. I AM A FEMINIST. also i totally get you 😌 min yoongi supremacy 😌
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
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At some point, you decide that your relationship with Yoongi is serious enough that you can be unserious. 
The honeymoon phase is long over. You’re perfectly happy to burp the most obscene burps in front of him. There’s no pressure to look pretty all the time (even though Yoongi always insists that you never need to try to impress him). Hell, you’d even asked if you could hold his dick while he peed. (He eventually gave in. It was definitely worth it, and now you maybe have penis envy. No one tell Freud!!) 
But sometimes Yoongi needs to loosen up. He’s a great guy, for sure! You adore him. He treats you with love and respect. He’s thoughtful and caring. There’s honestly nothing wrong with him, aside from the fact that maybe he’s a little too good. And you’re a little too mischievous. 
Which is why you decide to really give your man a heart attack when he gets home from work. 
“Hey, baby, how are y—” 
Yoongi’s jaw goes slack and his sentence trails off as if his throat is closing in on itself. You watch him swallow, lips falling open. After a moment he seems to remember that he was in the middle of taking off his blazer. You suppress a laugh as his blazer falls to the floor when he tries to hang it in the front closet without taking his eyes off you.
“Wha-wha-what are you wearing?” 
“Oh, I just thought I should play the part since I’m working from home more now.” 
“P-Play the p-part?” He furiously tugs at his tie but lets his arm fall limp to his side when you turn to enter the kitchen. You can’t see the way his eyes bug out of his head, but you have an idea of how flustered he is when he starts babbling again. Can you really blame him? All you’re wearing under your apron is a thong. 
“What part? Baby. Babe, play what?” 
“Shh, relax, daddy.” 
“Daddy?!” Yoongi chokes on his next inhale. 
You flash your boyfriend a dazzling smile and point at the spread of food on the kitchen table. “I’m just trying to take care of you, daddy. You worked so hard today.” 
“No, I didn’t!” he practically screeches. “You know I’m always dicking around at work on Fridays. Fridays aren’t real work days.”
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It’s only slightly difficult to keep your composure while he freaks out. You know he wants to say the right thing, to not be disrespectful. But he’s absolutely devouring you in the most shameful way. Pink cheeks and guilty eyes meet you when you press your fingers into his shoulders, forcing him into the kitchen chair. 
You lean over him and whisper against the shell of his ear. His entire body shudders when you drag your tongue up his earlobe. The sound of his breath hitching when you suck on his skin makes something grow inside your chest. It might be a bit of pride and untamed ego, you’re not sure. 
“Baby, what is going on?” The desperation in his voice makes the pressure in your chest grow even bigger. You can’t help but smirk, though he can’t see you. 
“I’m your woman, aren’t I? I was made to serve you, daddy.” 
Yoongi slams his glass of water back onto the table after having lifted it up to take a sip with a shaky hand. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You don’t think so?” You drag your lips up his throat, letting your tongue slip out to flick against the goosebumps that raise in splotches across his skin. You’re being unfair and you know it. 
The sound that erupts from the back of his throat sounds strangled and heavy. 
“Babe, I don’t—” 
It’s honestly rather ridiculous, but it gets the desired outcome when you abruptly stick your finger in Yoongi’s mouth. His lips immediately wrap around the digit. He even dares to suck, though you aren’t sure if the action is intentional. 
“Hurry up so I can suck your dick while you finish your nightcap.” 
The poor guy can barely breathe at this point. 
You twist your hips to make sure your ass jiggles as you step out of the kitchen. You’ve got to get away. It’s too difficult to keep a straight face while Yoongi is turning red all over at the table. Once he relearns how to breathe and talk, you’re sure he’ll get back at you somehow. The possibilities make you giddy. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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✦「Connor (RK800) x Reader」✦
ɴᴀᴍᴇ║Connor (RK800 Android)
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇ║Detroit: Become Human
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║13,323
「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ━━━➤ 「ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
❝ꜱᴀʏ ɪᴛ, ᴛʜᴇɴ. ꜱᴀʏ ɪᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ.❞
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"Knock, Knock, sunshine. Open the f*cking door."
It was eerie, nerve-wracking, almost as the two males only detected stillness after the brash knocking. Connor swayed his head to the left to glance at his partner, but the older male solely stood there unbothered.
A few more minutes of silence before the ash-colored double doors to the suite were ripped apart to reveal the owner of the expensive penthouse.
To the android's surprise, it was a young-looking female standing in the middle, one hand clasping the door so hard your nails left markings into the rubber lining and the other clutching the neck of a liquor bottle.
Your frame was hunched over slightly as you glared up at the males with furiously burning (e/c) orbs. The sleeves of your white tank top feel down your shoulders and rest on your biceps, sagging the shirt and creating a larger dip of your cleavage.
Black shorts that stopped just at the start of your thighs covered your bottom. It was loose around your waist, the hem of your underwear visible above your hip bones.
"Hank." Your voice came out like a hiss while your fingers tightened their hold on the rum bottle in your dominant hand, white brandishing your knuckles. "What the f*ck are you doing here so f*cking late!?"
The gruff-looking man rolled his grey optics and set a hand on Connor's back to attract your awareness to him. And indeed, did you begin to notice the younger male. Connor could tell by the way your eyes darted across his body.
You had turned your attention to him, noting the fresh style of his dark brown hair and coffee-colored eyes. He looked fairly young with a mild to bland expression, possibly in his early twenties.
He was wearing a semi-formal grey jacket with a white undershirt, dark tie, and dark black jeans. The left side of his coat, however, was ripped and riddled with bullet holes and blue blood splatter.
Connor could tell your interest in him was suddenly shot down when you noticed the blue blood and the glowing identification marker on his coat that only androids wore.
"You...of all people brought me a f*ckin' android in the middle of the night!?" You screeched, your face burning as more and more of your rage bubbled to the surface.
The android examined your frame closely, analyzing your bodily levels, and found your stress levels rising considerably. Now you were at least at a 45% stress level.
A considerably large percentage from merely recognizing that he was an android brought over by lieutenant Hank.
"You think I wanted to!? He got assigned to be a stick up my a**, and I-" The grey-haired man let out an irritated sigh and massaged his temples.
"Listen. It's late, I'm tired, and I just want to sleep, but I have to take this f*ckin' tin can to you to get fixed. Somebody named Amanda told me to take him to see you." Hank responded and punched the androids back.
Connor's brows rose for a second, his interest growing from Hank's sentence. You had to have been special to be recommended by Amanda.
Your right eye could be seen twitching as the android's LED blinked an aureolin hue a few times before returning to its usual cerulean color. And before the male was your information.
Name: (Y/n) (Middle Name(s)) (L/n)
Age: (age 24)
Race: (Ethnicity)
Marital Status: (Single)
Occupation: Cyberlife Android and Deviant Repairman
Extra Info:
(Y/n) (L/n) was once a renowned inventor but due to an unfortunate accident became a raging drunk who denounced her position as Cyberlife's main inventor to Cyberlife's shadow, their repairman who fixed broken androids and reverted Deviants back to a stable software while also reinstating a masters programming.
Connor swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing as he ingested the information that was displayed before him. The machinery in his head began to whirr as he thought of what to do at that moment.
☐ ┇...................
The male's lips twitched upwards into a quirky smile as he stuck out his hand. "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." He voiced out, leading Hank to groan and remove his hand from the robot's back.
"I don't care." You responded bluntly and crossed your arms underneath your chest, ignoring the android's handshake.
"He says that...a lot." The male uttered his words with clear irritation and exhaustion before turning back to face you. "I'll be back tomorrow night to pick his a** back up. Just fix him and do your sh*t. And this time...try not to leave them broken beyond recognition."
You opened your mouth to respond back with an insult, but the lieutenant swiftly escaped down the hall and stepped into the elevator.
He disappeared without another word leaving you and the android alone. Connor gave you another small awkward smile while bringing his hand back down and turning his attention to the rum bottle.
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Brand: Legacy By Angostura
Price: $25,000
Alcohol Percentage: 40%
Extra info:
They're offering 20 limited edition 500 ml flacons of their most exquisite blends of rum. The Legacy by Angostura was fully hand-produced in Trinidad through a painstaking process that lasted for more than 6 years. It was brewed using a seven-column continuous still, chill-filtered, and then aged in a 200 liter America oak cask.
"Excellent brand; isn't it quite expensive?" He sought. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed at his frame while you squeezed the neck of the half-empty bottle.
"Get the f*ck in." You cursed to him and moved aside in your penthouse. The male nodded his head and stepped in, his leg slightly jerking as his knees locked in.
"You not only have your shoulder f*cked up but also both your legs. How simple-minded of an android are!?" You questioned before hurling the door shut and fastening the multiple locks over it.
Connor turned his head, examining the multiple unneeded locks that made you appear to be a paranoid individual.
"Not quite that dull. I'm an advanced prototype for criminal investigation." He replied in a voice that sounded a bit loud and neutral, most likely from his robotic vocal box.
"An advanced prototype? What the f*ck is Amanda them thinking?" You acknowledged and walked past the android, leading him through the foyer and down the hall to the left.
"I...am not quite sure." He replied, compelling you to grimace and bring the alcohol to your lips, downing a large swig before guiding it back down by your hips.
Silence followed as you led him to a large room with android components and gadgets lying about, decorating tables and shelves.
In the middle of the room was a large silver table with large machines and bright lights hovering above it. "Lay down." You muttered and slammed the rum bottle on one of your work desks.
The brown-haired male awkwardly shifted his legs before crawling on top of the silver slab as blinding light from above shined into his optics.
Connor turned his head to glance at you, who was staring down at a few tools. Once again, his LED blinked aureolin before returning back to its original stable color.
Level of intemperance: .23
"Are you certain you're qualified to fix me being so highly intoxicated?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.
You hurled a wrench down onto the metal table and swallowed the saliva in your mouth strenuously, your eyes glaring down at the floor.
"Will you shut the h*ll up!? I know what I'm doing! I've been doing it for years!"
The android didn't say anything as he observed your frame. "Ms. (L/n), you do not seem to be in the best of moods on this night." He responded.
Your right eye twitched before you took another shot from the bottle. "I didn't think an android would be dropped off at my doorstep in the middle of the night." You uttered under your breath and turned back over to him.
"And how do you know my name-Oh, you were scanning me earlier, weren't you?"
Connor nodded his head on the table. "Yes, you looked quite laid-back in your ID photo."
Your left eye began twitching again. "You're saying I don't look laid-back right now!?" You exclaimed, yielding the android to shake his head frantically.
"N-No! I was just attempting to make small talk." He spoke modestly, although there was a hint of nervousness.
You raised an eyebrow at his words but didn't speak as you rolled up the bottom of his pants to his knees and assessed the damages.
"How the f*ck did you manage to do this?!" You demanded and poked the large dents in the areas.
The android gave you a quirky smile. "I was hit by a car."
You whipped your head to face his, your eyes narrowing as your hands tightened on the wrench.
"OK..." He suddenly voiced out. "Multiple cars."
Connor watched your expression, observing it stay this blank expression before your lips twitched upwards and your chest puffed out.
Quickly you turned your head away and covered your mouth, muffling that laugh that wanted to leave your lips.
The most advanced prototype so far in society cocked his head to the side and observed your actions curiously.
He was interested as to why the human in front of him found his words amusing. Especially after the hostility you have been showing him and Hank since their arrival.
Was human emotion able to switch so quickly like that? Or maybe it was just the alcohol that clogged your mind; after all, your intoxication levels were rather high.
"I've worked on many, and I mean numerous androids, especially deviant androids, and they have never once told me something so humorous with such a straight face." You mused before leaning back over to his busted knees.
"Well...I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ms. (L/n). You appeared as though you needed a laugh." He responded while staring at you, his LED glowing a soft azure hue.
"How clever." You hummed and began removing the broken plates from his shins. "You seem to be very entertaining for an advanced android."
Again you received another quirky, cute smile on his face that caused heat to rush to your cheeks. You turned away and placed a hand in front of your profile, blocking your embarrassed face from his view.
However, with the male's superhuman biometric optics, he could see past the skin, muscle, and blood of your hand to witness the sudden shy expression.
You could see Connors's leg twitching, prompting you to turn and look up at his delicately freckled face. His pretty brown eyes were shimmering like they were actually alive and made you swallow the saliva in your throat.
"You need to stop distracting me or this is going to take all night, android." You told the male in a calmer tone, not so violent and abrasive as before.
"I don't think I'm being very distracting just laying here on the table as you take apart my legs. If it is as you say, I can be distracting...If you would like it that way."
The android watched your eyes widen from his words before once again turning your head away to hide a fairly bright blush. "Stupid android and his smooth tongue. Are you sure you are not deviant?" You whispered under your breath, but the male could hear with that biometric hearing system of his.
A soft but almost melodic laugh left his lips, causing you to face the male and stare down at his beautiful features. His silky skin and delicate freckles. His plump lips and glimmering brown orbs. The slightly aged wrinkles on his forehead, as well as the cute curls of his hair.
Slowly you put the wrench down and leaned back in your chair. Connor watched as you changed your attention to the hallway and began staring, your eyes becoming distant and glossy.
︿ 52% level of stress
Your stress level was suddenly rising once again, out of the blue, no less. His eyebrows knitted together while he thought of the reason, but there was nothing he could pinpoint out.
Human emotions seemed so very flimsy.
"Ms. (L/n)."
Your eyelids blinked quickly for a few moments before turning your attention back to the male. "Oh, I got distracted. Today is...a very hard day for me. It's an anniversary, but it's hard to enjoy it when that person is not here." You replied, causing the android to nod his head.
The mood became very somber and quiet as you finished your work on both his legs. Fixing and replacing the damaged plates and caps. Connor didn't say anything, just quietly lying on the slab, watching your face focus on his lower limbs.
A couple of hours passed by, close to midnight by now, when it was time to move on to his last injuries. The bullet wounds riddled the left side of his upper body.
"Okay, Connor."
The android's LED flickered a light burgundy shade for a second before returning to cerulean when he heard his name leave your lips.
"Yes, Ms. (L/n)?"
You wiped the oil off of your hands with a rag before scooting over closer to his upper body. "I'm done with your legs, so we need to do your chest now. I need you to take off your coat and undershirt so I can get to the wounds."
The male nodded his head and sat up to take off the clothing items. He awkwardly shimmied out of the left side of the coat before doing the same with the shirt, folding them nicely and placing it on the rolling stand by the slab.
When he laid back on the table, he turned his attention to you and saw that your bashful expression had expanded.
You were gawking at his torso, taking in the appearance of his muscular frame that was splattered with thirium 310, their deep dark blue fluid that circulates energy and electrical information throughout the android's body and bio components.
For some reason, Connor was feeling a bit warm despite his cooling system working perfectly fine.
Like a tingling sensation all under his skin that was driving him mad, as if his body was real as if his body was alive; it felt almost human the way his mechanical body was sensing.
"Cyberlife really-" You coughed and turned away to get some different tools. "-Put some thought and work into your model. I don't understand why your physique needs are better than most human men's."
Connor just laughed that angelic laugh of his and turned to face the back of your body. "They made me physically able to swiftly traverse difficult terrain, as well as combative techniques. Another android who would have undergone through what I had tonight would have been demolished."
You turned around with the needed equipment and placed it on a stand next to the table. "The most advanced prototype in the world, they say. How interesting, I've never seen anything like this." You mumbled and took your seat; however, you raised the height of your chair so you could reach over.
No more words were exchanged as you got to work again on his last wound, pulling out the bullets and fixing the ruined fibers of his insides.
Connor mindlessly thought to himself while he paid attention to his system levels. Slowly but surely, he was coming closer to 100%, faster than he expected. Faster than anyone else he had met at Cyberlife could do.
The male turned his head to glance at you, examining how intensely you were focusing on fixing him. But as much as he found himself enjoying the view of your face, his attention was being drawn to your breast under the thin shirt.
There was no bra, no support to secure it in place or hide the hard nipples that poked through the flimsy fabric. The android has seen plenty of his share before, from both the internet and from Eden Club.
But for some reason, because it was you and you only, his software was beginning to feel quite unstable.
His gloriously gleaming brown orbs couldn't help themselves as he stared at the breast that had entranced him. Soft flush skin that peeked out from the low tank top, made him tempted to reach out and grasp them.
The curiosity was getting to him, for he wanted to know how the supple mounds would feel in the palm of his hands. He wanted to feel the human warmth wafting onto his synthetic skin.
And most importantly, he wanted to see that face of yours twisted with...this pleasure and delight that he was the cause of. Connor and only him were bringing about the burning passion under your human surface.
He blinked his eyelids quickly, the message displaying across his vision, driving him a sense of agitation. An almost human emotion that made him knit his brows together in thought. The LED blinking aureolin, then burgundy.
"Is something wrong?"
At the sound of your voice filling his robotic auditory system, his face relaxed, and a quirky smile displayed on his lips. The LED returns to a soft azure hue.
"No, everything is ok. Everything is great, in fact."
You couldn't help but snicker at the male's response and lean back, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. "Whoever it was, they really did a number on you. I've seen androids not as badly f*cked up and yet they're completely unable to be repaired. You are quite the work."
Connor's quirky grin grew. "Well, what can I say? The most advanced android Cyberlife has to offer."
Laughing to yourself under your breath, you moved on to the last thing you needed to do to complete his repair. Repairing the damaged plates, putting new ones in, and just to be safe, you were adding new material to it, so his plastic armor was harder to pierce.
Your eyelids suddenly began to drop, and your vision grew blurry. "Oh, f*ck." You grumbled and leaned away from his body. A pounding headache was beginning to form, provoking you to groan.
"I'll be right back; I need some water. Don't touch anything."
Sluggishly you had gotten up and left without another word, leaving RK800 alone in your workroom. Casually he sat up and looked around the place.
The room smelled of oil, thirium, and alcohol. It was strong, and the android was sure you were beginning to feel the state of your intoxication.
A sudden sound of glass breaking and a loud thud rang through his ears, yielding him to react without thinking. He leaped off of the gray sleek slab and made his way down the hallway.
"Ms. (L/n)? Are you alright?"
He heard the sound of something muffled before a quiet yes was detected. Even though he had confirmation, he knew better than to leave before fully investigating a scene.
Connor stepped farther down the hallway before he arrived at what he assumed was the kitchen. You were on your knees, cradling your left hand that had glass impeding in the skin. Broken glass in front of you and covering the tiled floor.
Blood could be seen seeping out of the wound and dripping down your wrist, but you didn't seem any bit fazed. Just gazing out at the nothingness in front of you while squeezing what looked like a crumpled picture.
He could hardly make out the image, but from what he could see, it was a picture of you dressed up with your hair and make-up done. Somebodies arm was around your waist, though any more of the other person was unidentifiable.
"Ms. (L/n). Your wound will get infected if you don't clean it." The android called out, whereas you didn't respond. Just staring off, dazed.
Level of intemperance: .23
Your levels of intoxication had yet to change, oddly stable, but it should have been low enough for you to at least converse.
"I need air." You suddenly mumbled, pushing past the still half-undressed android and sluggishly padding over to the wall of windows where you slid open the glass door.
Immediately cool air blew past your frames, spreading the metallic smell of your blood all through the area. You took a deep breath and stepped closer to the glass railing.
Your penthouse was so very high, close to touching the clouds, which gave you the best view of the glimmering city. You took another deep breath, expanding your lungs and abdomen with fresh air.
"The air smells better up here, like it's crisp and fresh."
RK800 raised an eyebrow before making his way over to your frame. "Air is just nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, and xenon. They don't particularly have a strong smell like what you say."
Slowly you turned around, and Connor expected you to snap at him, but instead, you looked at him with such a longing look that he could almost see an ocean of pain in your (e/c) orbs.
That expression on your face looked as if you were yearning for something you could never attain. As if it was something completely out of your grasp.
His mechanical brain began to whirr. What could be having this distress? You clearly had all the wealth needed to obtain whatever it was, so it wasn't about money. You had connections, and you were well-known, so what could it be?
And why was he so puzzled by your concerns? He knew his system had already been becoming quite unstable for quite a while as he worked side by side with lieutenant Hank. He was feeling.
He felt more alive than before and was enjoying the simple acts of partaking in his mind's sudden request to experience things. But the more he did, the more his software instability rose, and that scared him.
﹀ 27% level of stress
He suddenly zoned back in when he realized he unconsciously scanned you. Your stress levels had suddenly decreased considerably over the course of a few minutes.
You appeared more somber than anything as you gazed at him with that same look. And that look felt as if they were burning holes through his mechanical body.
"Ms. (L/n), please let me clean and dress your wound. There are still pieces of glass embedded in your skin."
"Is there?" You responded to him with not much concern. "I couldn't even tell."
Carelessly you turned around to sit on one of the lounging chairs and gaze out at the entrancing lights. Your injured arm hung off the side as you tossed the scrunched-up photo over the edge of the railing.
"I'll be right back." The android stated before leaving the terrace and heading back inside. He scanned the room, finding the right materials he needed.
Surprisingly the male began to feel exposed, being only in his black slacks. He was unable to wear his undershirt or jacket due to the whole right side being ripped and tattered.
Was this embarrassment? Shame? Whatever it was, it made him feel uneasy.
The male made his way back to the terrace and noticed that you had drifted off to sleep. Your breathing was evening, and your brain activity had calmed.
A sigh left his plump lips as he sat on the edge of the lounge chair and carefully grasped your injured arm. He picked out the piece of glass before wiping the blood that trailed down your forearm.
You stirred slightly but didn't move from your slumber. Lastly, the android placed antibiotic cream in the cuts before wrapping them in the bandages.
When all was done, he placed the rag and bandages on the ground as he observed your features. Your (pale/tan/brown) skin glowed a blue hue from the lights outside on your terrace.
His biometric optics took in the sight of your soft skin and memorized every blemish, scar, and marking that he could visibly see.
The android's attention was drawn everywhere on your body. Your arms, legs, thighs, stomach, and definitely your chest had his eyes all over.
He couldn't help but observe your human body; it all was so interesting to him. How could your breast greatly take his attention?
It was just a part of your body but it was as if he couldn't help but be drawn to the potential softness of them.
RK800 swallowed thickly, feelings his fingers twitching from almost unconsciously grasping them out of his pure curiosity.
Connor's gaze traveled to your face so he could stop those inappropriate thoughts that began to cloud his mind again. Any longer, and a software instability notification might have popped across his vision.
Your eyelids closed, your lashes grazing your cheeks that were dusted with color from what he assumed was the alcohol and chilly wind.
It was then that he looked down at your lips. (pink/brown) and flushed with health. The male leaned closer, wanting to capture the very image of your sleeping frame exactly the way it was.
Unconsciously his right hand had risen, and his thumb ghosted over your lips that felt warm under his synthetic skin.
His action caused you to stir, and this time your eyelids fluttered open. Your vision was blurry but quickly grew clear as you the male's face right in front of yours.
He was so close you could feel his warm breath on your cool face. No words were exchanged as the two of you just gazed into the other's glimmering orbs before lowering to your lips.
He was too slow to make a decision, distracted at the moment before his concentration broke when you looked away. You shifted uncomfortably before placing your fingers against his warm chest and pushing him back.
"I need to finish with your repair." You blurted out before clearing your throat and getting up from your lying position.
"You're...You're right." He mumbled before following you back to the repair room. It still smelled of oil and alcohol, and you seemed to clearly be displeased by the smell.
You grabbed the expensive bottle of rum and tossed it in your sink, uncaring if it broke or shattered. "No more distractions, okay, Connor?"
His Thirium pump (which is an android synthetic heart) seemed to pound loudly, skipping a beat with his auditory system picked up on your voice saying his name.
He swallowed thickly again and laid himself back down on the sleek gray tab. The android was growing impatient with these growing feelings that made him too human.
RK800 was designed to capture deviants who deviate from their programmed behavior. He was supposed to be the most humane android in the world but nonetheless remain an android.
But was that going to be his downfall due to his growing curiosity?
Connor blinked when he felt your warm hands on his chest again. You were on his skin with a softer touch, feather-like almost, that was a far contrast to your rough handling when you were much angrier earlier that night.
If your touch just felt like that on his chest, how would it feel if it was in other places on his mechanical body?
Again your face was near his from having to lean over his chiseled body. Your contraction was on his skin, unwavering as you repaired him speedily but gently.
"And...that should do it."
You pulled back and turned around, placing the extra plastic pieces on the surface and wiping your fingers.
"Ms. (L/n)."
"Yes, Connor?"
"You missed a spot right here."
You raised an eyebrow and turned to him. "Where?"
"Right here, on my collarbone."
Furrowing your brows, you leaned over to get a closer look at what you had overlooked and left unrepaired.
Your face was once again close to his.
One of Connor's arms snaked around your waist while the other came up behind your head. He lifted slightly off the table as he pushed your head down so your mouths could connect.
The feeling of your warm lips against his synthetic one had shot electricity all throughout his body. The beat of his thirium pump accelerated, the blue blood within his system flushing all through his body and feeling as though he was swelling.
Connor's hold on your body tightened, pushing you harder against it as he found your lips moving, responding to him almost just as eagerly.
RK800 had never kissed another person before, regardless if they were human or android. He was a bit clumsy at first, but he quickly got the hang of it.
The male was not only made to catch deviants but to learn from his mistakes and correct them. What made Connor so different from any other android was the fact that he could learn.
He could change.
It was what made him so scary but charming. An android that could be more human than humans themselves.
Connor could taste you from the saliva on his lips and when your tongues intertwined. It was sweet, mostly from the alcohol, but also he detected sugary candy.
He didn't know you had such a sweet tooth.
This taste was like a delicacy, something he found himself wanting to indulge in more.
Words of worry flashed across his vision, but this time he ignored it fully. His sole mind was focused on you and only you. Without breaking the kiss Connor sat up on the table, pressing your body in between his legs while his grasp only grew tighter on your body.
Your hands found their way around his neck, the tips of your fingers twiddling his soft brown locks that felt so real. "Mm, Connor~."
His name had never sounded so good before.
The android pulled away from your lips, observing your flushed face with your panting chest. Your eyes were half-lidded in lust and passion. Your cheeks were dusted in color, with your lips appearing slightly swollen.
Saliva drooled down the corner of your lips, but you were too distracted to wipe it clean. Connor, who sat higher than you, looked down at your frame with the same passion-filled gaze.
His thin nimble fingers entangled themselves within your locks as he leaned in close again. He didn't let your lips connect, just close enough for you to feel his breath against your skin.
"Say my name again." He muttered in a low sultry tone.
You were so close to his body that you could feel it rumble as he spoke. Slowly you lowered your hands to press against his pectorals, feeling the thumping of his synthetic heart underneath his frame.
It was erratic, missing beats and pumping at a rapid pace. This android, the most advanced prototype, was excited with what could only be human emotions.
"Say my name again, please."
Your (e/c) flickered up to gaze at his face. A bit of desperation displaying by his furrowed brows and parted lips. The sight of this delectable android and his just as delicious voice made your mind hazy and a heat to grow in your lower region.
"Do you like it when I say your name, Connor~?"
His tongue swept his bottom lip as you felt the beating of his heart increase. His chocolate brown orbs glimmered more with life, with desire.
"I'm drawn to you saying it, (Y/n). I just want to hear you say it over and over again." He confessed before dropping his face to the crook of your neck.
Connor liked it when you said his name and you couldn't deny hearing his robotic voice sound more human, more passionate while saying your own voice was an arousing action.
The android inhaled your scent deeply, body scrub and lotion could be detected, but your natural smell was just as alluring. His left hand that was entangled in your hair pulled it to the side to allow for him to explore more of your throat.
His lips pressed against your skin, simple wet kisses all over your skin before he opened his mouth and licked your skin. His tongue felt so human as well; soft and wet.
"I want to hear you say it again. Can you do that for me?"
He spoke his words against your skin, causing you to shiver in your spot. You swallowed thickly before nodding your head and making eye contact with chocolate orbs.
The android pulled back and licked his lips.
"Say it then. Say it again, and this time don't stop."
His words, his voice, it all was making your lower body throb with need. Tingling in a desperate manner that had you clenching around nothing.
"Connor, kiss me. Please kiss me again, Connor."
The male placed a kiss against your jawline before bringing your head back to his, letting his lips just graze yours.
He hummed with a devious smirk on his freckled face. "Yes, (Y/n)?" He asked, his right hand drawing soothing circles on your exposed waist.
"I said kiss me. Not give me that p*ssy shit."
Your words caused the male to laugh in his throat. "You have such a vulgar tongue." He mused, his lips grazing yours again before he finally kissed back just the way you wanted.
His lips moving against yours desperately, his tongue dancing with yours erotically. It was so f*cking delicious you couldn't help but get wet by this gorgeous android.
His appearance was pleasing to the eye, his voice starting to become more melodic the more he spoke, and his mouth getting more experienced the longer he kissed you.
Desperate, greedy, and almost frantic could explain how his lips moved against your own. Your hands couldn't help but run down his chiseled chest.
Your fingertips (or fingernails) touched the solid 'muscle' around his ribs before stopping at his abs. They were hard and firm, and not an ounce of 'fat' was designed on his perfectly sculpted body.
Everything about RK800, AKA Connor, was just perfect. So perfect it hurt.
Slowly you pulled away from Connor and pressed your mouth to his chest. He smelt of expensive cologne mixed with alcohol.
Wet kisses were made in between his chest before you trailed them down to his abs. You couldn't help yourself; your head was full of all the naughty things you wanted to do, the perfect android.
Casually you stuck your tongue out, dragging it down across his abs with your eyes flickering up to maintain eye contact with the male.
His lips parted, deep breaths of air escaping his mouth from your actions. "(Y/n), that feels good."
You sucked slightly on his muscles before grasping his hips and looking up at him. "How good, Connor?"
His hips bucked forward as he gave you a coy smile. One hand inched its way to your throat, where he grasped it firmly so he could pull your face back up to his.
Connor's other one went to hold your warm cheek in the palm of his hand intimately. "So good that I can't get enough of you."
You swallowed strenuously before running your nails all across his sensitive muscles. The android sucked in his abdomen and puffed his chest out.
"Mm, (Y/n)~."
You watched that moan of his leave his lips, breathless but erotic. His adam's apple bobbed, his collarbone becoming prominent as he took a shaky breath.
The hand around your cheek snaked down your backside, where he grasped a handful of your a** and squeezed.
"Tell me what you want. Should I stop? Should I continue? You know that if you don't stop me now, I will indulge myself in my curiosity and explore every inch of your feminine body."
Your p*ssy throbbed, anticipation growing just as much as your desperation. How could you ever tell him no when he spoke like that?
"Connor-" You started and gripped his hand that was around your throat. He released your neck and let you trail it down to your crotch.
You pressed his hand against your clothed c*nt, urging him to feel the heat that was growing in your body.
"Don't stop, please. Do anything you want to satisfy your cravings. I won't stop you."
Connor raised an eyebrow before pressing his fingers against your sensitive area and watching you take a deep breath.
"Are you sure? You don't know what you are getting yourself into."
The removal of your tiny thin tank was answer enough for Connor. His eyes widened as he finally was able to see the supple, healthy n*pples that were hard and erect.
Faster than you could process, Connor slid off the table and quickly switched your positions. He grasped your hips and easily heaved you onto the table.
He pushed you onto your back while sliding off the black shorts you wore on your bottom. You were only left in the flimsy black thong that barely covered anything.
Curiously the Andriod grasped the thin straps and began pulling those down as well. He watched as a thin line of slick connected the underwear to your c*nt.
Discarding the piece of fabric somewhere in the room, Connor turned his gaze to your sopping-wet c*nt. The male wanted you to feel good no matter what.
His main focus that night was your pleasure and maybe a bit of fulfilling his curiosity. Connor, who had never done anything like this, wanted to do his best.
He wanted to hear you moaning his name, telling him how good you felt and how good he was doing. So, to get those things from you, the android played hundreds of videos in a second to be informed on the sensitivity of a female's private.
In just a few seconds, Connor knew what to do now; all he had to do was perform the right way to get you screaming his name.
Connor leaned forward, his mouth entrapping your cl*t as two of his fingers rubbed your entrance. The tips of his fingers became drenched in your slickness.
"A-Ah~." You hummed, your walls clenching down on emptiness. Your hands flew to his hair, entangling within his locks and ruining his perfectly styled look.
The words in his vision didn't even register in his head. His only response was to let the flat pad of his tongue lick at your throbbing cl*t.
His fingers felt more of your natural lubrication seeping out of your entrance, indicating to him your growing arousal. Clearly, you were enjoying it, especially with the way you sucked in your abdomen and tugged on his hair.
His name left your mouth breathlessly as if you could barely manage to bring your lips to produce a sound. He was wrong before; his name coming from your mouth now had never sounded so good.
In between licking your bundle of nerves, he placed kisses against your cl*t. His delicate plump lips apply a bit of pressure as he simply provided the very beginning of your entrance.
The android wanted to make you as comfortable and aroused as possible before he did anything else. He wasn't going to bring about pain, only the sensual pleasure you deserved.
Slowly you ground your hips up and down across his face, feeling a smirk on his lip.
"Call out my name again. I know you can do that, right, beautiful?"
You swallowed the saliva in your throat and took a shaky breath.
"Please, Connor. I want more."
His gaze flickered up to meet yours, viewing the twinkle in your eyes.
"Connor, I need more."
The android's free hand grasped just above your hip bone to hold you firmly as he leaned up and peppered wet kisses down to the valley of your breast.
He continued it down your stomach, feeling you flinch from the sensitive sensation. While you were distracted from watching, those two fingers that were at your entrance finally pushed in.
A choked gasp echoed in the room as you squeezed your thighs against his shoulders. His fingers maintained still inside you, but that didn't stop your body from clenching down on his extremities.
Again that coy smile of his could be felt on your stomach. He was proud to have your body responding to him in such a desperate manner.
He was proud that the knowledge he quickly obtained was being put to good use. Through all the emotions you displayed that night; anger, grief, irritation, and melancholy, that was all washed away as the android helped you with your flimsy negative emotions.
Slowly the male lowered himself back down, breathing across your skin before he reached your cl*t again. Your thighs moved to clutch his head in that tight hold.
It was a good thing the android didn't need breath because he definitely was enjoying the suffocation from your thighs.
Once again, his mouth was entrapping your bundle of nerves, howling his cheeks as he sucked. The pressure had your lower body clench and your hips bucking against his face.
Connor's long nimble fingers began to move, pulling out and causing you to clench down even more on his extremities. You didn't want to release any of him at all, even if it was just his fingers.
And because of this, you were extra sensitive to whatever he was doing. Even if it was just him pushing the two digits back inside of you.
A shaky moan left your lips that was followed by his name. It was Connor getting drunk off the sound alone. The thirium was surging all throughout his body, every biocomponent suddenly becoming ravished. It was as if his own synthetic organs were in desperate need for its blood, for its fuel.
Connors's fingers slowly began to thrust at a consistent pace. It was slow at first, allowing for him to feel your clenching velvety walls and witness the way you ground your hips for more stimulation.
He pulled back to swallow the slick that accumulated in his mouth before hollowing his cheeks again and swirling his tongue around your sensitive area. The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within the workroom.
The android's chocolate brown orbs flickered up to look at your face as he moved his free hand to rub soothing circles on your hips. His intimate touch was just as desirable as his sensual ones.
The male observed your concupiscence-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your cheeks flared with color and your eyes became glossy.
He could see your stomach rising and falling with every quick sharp breath you made. Suddenly he hummed, letting the vibrations stimulate the sensorial nerves.
It felt like a tingling sensation that was becoming almost too overwhelming. You tugged on his hair and swallowed whatever saliva was in your mouth strenuously.
You were becoming lost in this android's touch, completely devoured by his words and sensual touch. It had been so long since you felt such a way that you felt if Connor asked anything from you, you'd immediately succumb to it.
Connor gave your little cl*t another lick before his tongue dragged downwards, circling around slits before letting some of your liquids of arousal pool on his tongue just below your entrance. The action caused you to shudder and contract your stomach.
The male wasn't even doing much, but he had you dripping. The pace of his fingers was not even fast, despite he was pressing them against the sensitive areas inside your body.
The mess couldn't have been any hotter for the android. He pulled his tongue away only for a moment so he could kiss the slick, swallowing it with throaty gulps before returning back to your cl*t.
His plump lips pressed against it once again before he turned his head to the side and began to litter your thighs with kisses as well
Connor had you a f*cking mess. Sweaty, your skin coated in the salty liquid. Aroused, your p*ssy wetter than ever. Desperate, your nails digging into his muscular shoulders and threatening to break past his synthetic skin.
A thought rang through your head for a moment. Connor was the most advanced android Cyberlife had created. Made to assist human law enforcement and capture deviants. He knew how to gain information in any way he needed to.
If Connor needed to gain any information from you, there would be no way you could withstand any tactic he could use on you.
RK800 made you weak.
Connor began to suck on your soft, supple skin, leaving behind red/purple bruises that stung with pain but tingled with pleasure.
All while, at the same time, he let the pace of his fingers increase and pressed harder against your sensitive areas.
There was this feeling in your lower abdomen; it was pulsating and slowly started to grow stronger, alerting you of your nearing climax. A beautiful release that would fill you with ecstasy and satisfy the burning desire that was ignited beneath your fingertips.
The brown-haired male could tell as well by the way you bucked your hips and moaned his name. You were squeezing so tight around his fingers he knew that your female body was approaching an org*sm.
One of your hands that was digging its nails into his muscular shoulder trailed down his just as muscular biceps and squeezed.
His hand that had been holding your hips moved your left thigh where he was littering them love bites, and began to intimately trail the tips of his fingers against your sensitive skin.
Your thighs clamped tighter against his head as you squeezed your lower body around him. It was beginning to be overwhelming with how good Connor was doing.
Your throat was dry, your neck muscles hurt from the strain, and you felt exhausted. Your spine had a small divet in it, slightly arched and off the slab table.
Connor pulled back to look at his handiwork on your skin; a part of him enjoyed the sight of the marking he placed on your body. Something that he made, no one else.
Teasingly slow, he breathed in the scent of your arousal and lowered himself back on your sensitive nerves.
He hummed, grazing your cl*t slightly with his teeth before resuming to sucking it. He knew you were close, so close. Your body was notably heated against his face, burning with passion and desire the most out of anywhere in your body.
With being so wet, the android felt like your liquids were never-ending, dripping all down your c*nt before pooling on the table. Another sign of how good Connor was doing.
He hummed joyously and heaved a heavy sigh. "You taste so f*cking good."
Your hips bucked against his face, your fingers digging into his synthetic skin; his words made you feel good too.
Not to mention that low sultry tone of his made your heart jitter. Connor was so unbelievably delicious. Everything about it, from his voice to his appearance, to his skilled fingers and hot mouth.
'Hey, god it's me. Please never let this end.'
The feelings you were experiencing were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulated. You knew you were getting to end, right the edge of the cliff where you'd fall into a pool of blinding pleasure.
And before you knew it your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body. Surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
"Oh my~! C-Connor~!" Your voice was louder than it had been before as you cried the male's name as you came.
Your stomach contracted, the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing his fingers so tight you thought you might break them.
The hand that was holding his shoulders dropped to his abbs, where you dug your nails into the firm muscles.
Harshly your thighs clasped even more firmly against his head in a death hold that didn't look like it was going to loosen anytime soon.
With your spine arching from your climax, you lay your head back against the table with your swollen lips parted. The sight itself was astounding for the android. Pure pleasure displayed on your face with your body trembling against him was an image he wished to forever capture in his head.
The pure ecstasy that displayed on your face was something the male just wished he could eat up. He was glad he gained a little knowledge beforehand because physically presenting how he could have you quivering, completely vulnerable because of him made his artificial heart skip a beat.
Conor casually lapped up the liquids of your climax, taking his time as he savored the taste and the texture of it against his synthetic tongue.
You were shaking against him, twitching from your oversensitivity. Your eyes felt so heavy you could barely keep them open; fatigue took over all your limbs, leaving you limp and quite feeble.
Gradually the android pulled out from your thighs and stood to his full 6'0 height. Your c*m was dripping from the corners of his mouth. He made sure you were looking, gazing at his pink and red tongue that licked it off of his skin.
"This isn't over."
You blinked at him in shock. "What?"
Connor didn't reply with words. Instead, he grasped your arm and picked you up. Your bare legs instinctively wrapped around his hips as he carried you out of the workroom.
"Connor? Where are you taking me?"
Again he didn't say anything as he brought you over to your living room. The glow of the city lit the area up dimly, casting a golden hue against your bodies.
Carefully, as if you were the most fragile being in the world, the male placed you down on the soft cushion of your couch. He immediately placed himself within the space between your legs and grasped your hips firmly.
Because of the height differences now from his kneeling and your sitting positions, he looked up at you this time. You were falling in love with those glimmering chocolate-brown optics of his.
Especially that expression. His plump lips were parted slightly, with his gaze appearing so lovingly. His delicately freckled face looked so attractive with that golden glow.
"You look so pretty."
Your cheeks flared in heat from his compliment that you knew was not false flattery.
"You look so pretty that I feel powerless beneath you."
Connor was making you feel speechless. Did the android know how powerful his tongue was, physically and languidly?
Words were stuck in your throat, unsure of what to say to his praise. It was seemed so genuine you knew something had to be up with android. He was deviating from programming; you had to be sure.
Everything he was doing, he was saying, was too human to be programmed in this android. Was he deviant, hiding behind a mask of being fully capable?
You were thrust out of your thoughts when Connor's lips were felt against the left side of your neck. He kissed your skin tenderly while rubbing his thumb across your hips.
Instead of thinking about your earlier thoughts, you closed your eyes and ran your hands through his hair, relishing in his sweet touch.
Just like he had done to your thigh, the male began to cover your smooth skin in his marks. He created round love bites ranging from all sorts of dark colors.
The stinging pain hurt just as much as it felt immeasurable. His name left your lips breathlessly again, seeming as fuel to the male.
His tender, intimate sucking and kissing gradually grew to the valley of your breast. Those large hands of his left your hips only to grasp your breast.
"H-Hng!" A surprised mewl left your lips, not expecting him to do such a thing. He grasped them firmly, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh.
All night Connor had been gazing at your breast longingly, wanting to touch and feel them in his hands. He wanted to know how the supple mounds would feel in the palm of his hands. He wanted to feel the human warmth wafting onto his synthetic skin.
And here he was now finally getting to indulge in his lustful thoughts all while making you feel good too. He brought his face to your right breast, breathing his hot breath on your areola before taking it in his mouth.
You inhaled deeply, clenching your legs around Connor's body as his warm mouth entrapped your sensitive area. "T-that feels good, Connor." You whispered under your breath, but the male still heard.
His gaze flickered up to yours as you watched him circle your erect n*pple with his soft tongue. "Do you like it when I touch your breast?"
Almost eagerly, you nodded your head and looked away in embarrassment from how quickly you answered him, no hesitation at all.
The android's teeth graze your nipples as he began to massage and mold your left breast in his hand. His action caused you to buck your hip and quiver in front of him.
"I'd like it if you could use your voice, please." He murmured against your body.
How could this android be so sweet, almost always using 'please' but also so demanding with that low, commanding tone of his?
"I-I...Yes, I like it when it's with you."
"With me, huh?" He asked, his lips displaying a devious smirk.
His thumb grazed over your nipple before he gave it a firm squeeze.
"Hng~!" You whined softly, one of your hands flying to cover your mouth.
Connor hummed to himself a kissed your n*pple softly. "Your breast seems to be just as sensitive." It was like he spoke to himself as he observed your response.
He leaned down, placing his face in between your breast while his hold on your bust grew tighter. He sucked on your body again, bruising the skin as he pressed your mounds against his face.
They were so warm, so soft yet firm. They smelled so good that he just wanted to devour you whole. He could tell you were enjoying it just as much too.
He could smell your arousal and how much stronger it was becoming. He wouldn't dare leave you unsatisfied like this.
One of his hands inched down to your crotch before slithering his fingers between your slits. He could feel the hot slick liquid and casually ran his fingers along your c*nt before rubbing your little cl*t.
His mouth entrapped your other n*pple, sucking on it passionately. How much longer was Connor going to do this? He didn't seem to be wanting to stop anytime soon. He had all the energy in the world but the same couldn't be said for you.
Suddenly Connor felt your hands on his face, pulling him away from your chest. He did as you wanted and pulled back, gazing up at you curiously.
"Connor? How advanced did Cyberlife make your physical body?"
The android raised an eyebrow. "They made me as alike to a human male as possible so I could complete my missions in any matter I needed to." He replied with an unblemished smile.
Your cheeks flared in color. "T-Then did they give you male gene-" You swallowed thickly In embarrassment, unable to finish your sentence from having to ask this of an android.
It seemed though as Connor understood where you were going with it and placed a smooch on your jaw.
"Yes, they did. They said words would not always be able to get the result I needed. In this world, I could also use this body they gave me if needed but so far I've found I haven't been required to use it."
You didn't like the idea of Connor having to use his body for a mission, especially with another person.
"Well, you've been making me feel good this whole time. I want to make you feel just as good. I was just going to play with your wires, but if you are equipped with something else..." You told him and observed as a smile grew on his lips.
"I do not care about my own pleasure. My concern is your body, how good I could make you feel. I made it my mission to please you the best I could."
Connor was the most considerate gentleman that you had ever met, and he wasn't even human. His words were kind and thoughtful but you felt displeased with all of the attention just being on you.
You trailed your fingers down his chiseled torso before stopping at his belt. He looked down for a moment before gazing at your pretty face.
"(Y/n), no." He told you and said your name with his melodic voice.
The male swallowed when he heard his name.
"-you can use my body for your own pleasure as well. You'll be satisfying me just as much, please."
"Are you sure?" He asked you once more for confirmation, wanting your consent more than anything.
You replied by tugging at the hemline of his pants while bringing your face by his left ear. "If it's with you, I'm sure."
The male would have shivered if he could from that tone. He found himself enjoying how you specified you liked it all when it was from him.
Connor removed his hands from your body and began unbuckling his belt. He watched as you observed him with a curious but needy gaze.
Everything he did was with perfect precision, almost elegant even. Just the simple act of removing his shoes, socks, and pants seemed graceful.
And when the last article of clothing was removed, you froze slightly in your spot on the couch. Every little thing about Connor, you declared to be perfect. But Cyberlife seemed to make him almost too perfect, giving him something most males would go to war over.
"Are you okay? You look to be startled." He questioned and kneeled down so he could be level with your face.
You swallowed and nodded your head. "Y-Yeah. I just wasn't expecting that." You laughed a little at the end, causing Connor to tilt his head to the side and bring a hand to your face.
He ran his thumb across your lips, contemplating it for a moment before connecting his gaze to yours. "I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable."
You rolled your eyes and grabbed his face in your hands. "No, don't stop."
Connor smiled and brought his lips close to yours, mere centimeters from touching but not. "Tell me again what you want." The male grasped your thighs in his large hands and squeezed.
You grinned and softly placed your lips against his. "I want you, Connor."
Like starting off a chain of events, the male picked your body up and captured your lips in another savory kiss. Passionate and intimate as he moved you over to the lounge couch bed that was against the wall.
He broke the kiss not even once as he laid you down carefully, placing himself in between your legs. He caressed your thighs, lightly dragging the tips of his fingers up and down your sensitive skin.
Slowly he removed his touch from your skin and reached for his member, pressing the tip against your cl*t.
"Last chance." He hummed in between your kisses, rubbing the head of his member all along your sopping wet c*nt.
Your hips buck upwards, grinding against his extremity. "Ain't no way we're stopping now," You responded to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
A quirky grin formed on Connor's lips as he took a deep breath and pressed the tip at your entrance. He could feel the warm liquids of arousal.
In a matter of seconds just like Connor had done earlier, he quickly watched and analyzed hundreds of videos to gain the knowledge he needed to perform excellently.
The android leaned forward, grasping the base of his c*ck and aligning it with your entrance that was just begging for him.
You could feel the hard tip prodding your hole, and you swallowed the saliva that was in your mouth. He rubbed it up and down on your cl*t, smearing your slick along your c*nt for a moment before slowly entering the head of his c*ck in.
He didn't fully enter inside, stopping when he noticed a pained expression morphing on your face. "Are you okay? Do you want me to-"
"No!" You shouted a little louder than you meant to and dug your nails into his muscular shoulders. Your hips jerked upwards, your legs squeezing against the side of his body.
"I-I just need to adjust; I've never had someone your size. Give me a moment."
Connor didn't say anything, not enjoying how he caused you pain but you didn't want to stop so he listened.
"You can put more in."
The android grasped your waist and entered more of himself, pushing inside of your body and becoming swallowed by your tight wet walls.
Your back arched as a loud quivering moan left your lips. His girth was amazingly thick and his length was just as mindboggling.
The saliva in your mouth felt thick as you could barely remember to swallow it. A dumb lustful expression covered your face, almost as if you became succumbed in pleasure.
The android c*ck was felt twitching inside your walls from how warm your human body was around him. Completely wet and soft, forming to fit his member.
His hands burrowed into the cushion, finding the warmth from your body and delicious expression almost overwhelming to him.
He never thought something so human would feel so good. The lower organ that was given to him had never felt anything before.
He never had any needs to satisfy; he was an android after all who lived and breathed, completing his missions.
But at the moment, he had never felt so vulnerable and weak before. He had never felt so good and valid before.
"Please move."
He was brought from his thoughts when he heard you speak. Gazing into your eyes, he swallowed thickly.
"Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent."
Not even a moment later did the male roll his hips before rocking it forward and plunging himself back in.
Your body jolted in its spot, your hips bucking upwards with your nails digging into his pale, muscular shoulders.
His hips jerked as he thrust slowly at first before gaining a moment and rolling his hips. He wasn't just pushing himself inside of you, he was using his body to roll deep into you like an ocean.
The male was being clenched down by your inner walls, sucking him in even deeper. The head of his c*ck just briefly brushing against your cervix.
Your walls that were clenching down on his member fitted tighter around him, allowing you to feel every vein that protruded against the skin of his c*ck.
You molded around him as if your body was trying to keep him inside as much as possible. It was beginning to be Connor's downfall as he lost a bit of his rationality.
The pace of his gloriously rocking hips grew. Every time he rocked his hips forward, he pressed the head of his c*ck against the entrance to your womb.
The android found that every time he did that, you writhed and cried out loudly. Clawing at his shoulders and telling him to not stop.
He couldn't get enough of the mewls and cries of pleasure you were making, especially since he was the one bringing about this aroused, exciting nature.
His hands could never leave your body alone, one of them flying to your stomach, where he dragged his fingers lightly up and down your stomach.
His touch was like fire, burning at your skin, but instead of pain, it was a soothing pleasurable sensation. It drove you wild, pushing you to the edge.
Your limbs grew sore from the position, your hips aching from being up slightly off the couch, but you were in no way going to move to tell him to change anything.
That memorable sensation in your lower abdomen returned. A tight pulsating feeling that could only mean one thing
Your org*sm was arising, your abdomen clenching while you sucked in your stomach. The male could feel the heat wafting off from your body, his grip becoming slightly loose for a second before he fixed it and tightened his hold.
Connor grunted and increased the speed of his thrust. His crotch hitting your own as his c*ck began to pound at the entrance to your womb.
Your whole body was trembling as your climax grew closer and closer. Your climax was there at the edge. You could feel it once again, waiting to be released.
And possibly Connor as well. His face was contorted in pleasure, brows furrowed with his lips parted. Breathless moans and grunts were leaving his mouth.
His rolling hips increased, slightly sloppy as you assumed Connor was feeling what could only be explained as a human org*sm.
"You feel so good." He suddenly grunted near your ear.
His guttural voice and words made your p*ssy throb. You hugged him close to your sweaty chest and brought your lips to his ear.
"Say it again."
Connor kissed your jaw before placing another kiss in the shell of your ear.
"(Y/n), you feel so f*cking good."
That seemed to be the last straw, exactly what you needed to hear. With the overwhelming amount of stimulation flooding through your body, the tight, tingling sensation in your lower abdomen basically released.
"F*ck~." You cursed under your breath, your words slurred and barely audible, but the male heard it.
Your (e/c) eyes rolled slightly in the back of your head as you clamped your thighs tightly around Connor's wide, muscular sides.
Your nails that were already digging into his shoulders now broke past the synthetic skin and pressed against the plastic armor beneath.
You had forced your hips slightly upwards while you sucked in your stomach. Every muscle in your body contracted with your body tensing up.
Your back arched upwards, the divet in your spine fairly visible. One of his arms snaked underneath and pressed your bare chest together.
Ultimately, you had climaxed a second time, your walls unbearably tight and warm as you came. The liquids of your org*sm milked his c*ck, the presence of it being seen on his member every time he had pulled out.
You reached the very peak of your ecstasy as it burst and spread all throughout your body. Pleasure rushed throughout your veins like adrenaline would. With eyes rolling back in your head drool dribbled down the corner of your lips.
You saw white with your hearing suddenly zoning in and out; the only thing you could hear was the man's muffled grunts and groans in your ears.
He was hitting the deepest areas of your body while the heat of his skin wafted off onto yours. His large hands held you so close and tight against his.
The creamy white liquid of your org*sm pooled around the base of his c*ck and spread across your folds that were already sopping wet.
Even though you had reached your limit, Connor had yet to seize in own. However, he wasn't that far from it. He just needed to pound into your wet velvety walls just a little longer to reach his own high.
As the android continued to thrust sloppily, the liquids of your arousal and climax smeared all over his crotch and dripped down your cheeks.
Because you just had your climax not even a moment later, everything was extra sensitive. You quivered underneath, unable to hold back the deafening cries of pleasure.
Connor could feel you trembling underneath him and knew he had to finish this soon. His lips found their way to the other side of your throat, where he kissed and sucked harshly.
His body was telling him that he was going to c*m, his LED flashing vermillion rapidly.
And not even a moment later did the male suddenly feel that unbearably tight tingling sensation in his abdomen, signifying he had reached the peak of his org*sm.
Ecstacy flowed through his veins as his member twitched within your walls. His pace slowed as he came, his c*ck spurting out a thick hot liquid.
You didn't even know what it was made of, but at the moment, you didn't really care.
It was so warm and hot that it felt like a heating pad was placed atop your abdomen, right where your womb was in your body.
A satisfied sigh left the android's lips as he rested himself inside of you for a little longer, relishing in your warmth before removing himself from inside you.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Connor awoke from a dormant state; his system fully rested as a bright light shined on his face. The first thing he saw was the ceiling of your bedroom.
He sat up, looking around for your frame, but he was alone in the large room. At the edge of the bed was a set of clothes freshly ironed and smelled like they came from right out of the dryer.
Wasting no time, he dressed in fresh clothes and was surprised to see a new grey jacket with his identification marker on it. He slipped it on and fixed his tie.
Now that he was appropriate, he went to exit the room to find you but found one thing out of place. It was a door, slightly ajar.
He raised an eyebrow before opening it. Inside were boxes all packed up and taped, appearing as if you were moving them out.
Curiously he stepped toward one of the open boxes and kneeled down so he could look at it closely. The first thing he grabbed out was a picture frame.
You were smiling just as brightly as the one from last night, surrounded by what he assumed were your friends. Your (e/c) orbs glimmer like the night sky while hugging another male, your lips upon his cheeks.
He could tell it was the same one from last night. The most surprising thing was that the male in the photo most definitely had to be an android. He didn't have his jacket with his identification marker but on his temple was an LED, his external feedback component.
In fact, everyone around you had an LED as well. You were the only human surrounded by all these androids, and the most important detail was the visible signs of deviancy they were showing.
He looked away from the frame and saw inside of the box were clothes, male clothes to be exact. And one of those items was an android jacket, with an identification marker on it.
Connor scanned through his system, looking for any news of this tracking number and a report displayed in his view.
Maliki, an android who was captured and destroyed for his involvement with hiding deviant androids.
A sudden noise from someplace in the house gained his attention. He hastily shoved the frame back inside the box and exited the room, leaving the door ajar just how it was.
Quietly, using the lightest steps he could, Connor crept down the hallway to the noise.
"Yes, I dealt with the anniversary just fine, so let's not bring it up, okay?"
It was your voice speaking into what he assumed was your cellular device. You sounded slightly annoyed with whoever you were speaking to.
"But anyway, I think I have someone very interesting for you. It's an android, a very important one. He's the most advanced prototype to this day, highly intelligent and either deviant or close to deviancy. He would be a valuable asset to the rebellion. If I can spend more time with him I can surely turn him deviant. All I need to do is recode his program and make it easier to break into deviancy. It's the same thing I did with all those other androids I sent you."
Connor froze, his mechanical brain whirring as he processed what you were saying. Everything sounded so incriminating.
"I detected something in his code too; something Kamsaki had to put in on purpose. Connor has the potential to turn androids against their code, creating deviants. Possibly from how human they made him."
Closer, Connor crept and hid his body in the shadows of the hallway. He could see you standing on the terrace, your back facing him as you spoke into the cellular.
There was a sudden yelling from the other line on the phone, causing you to pull it away from your ear before placing it back against your labyrinth.
"I know, but think of the numbers! We need the numbers, and we need you to lead the rebellion, Markus. You are not the only one with things worth losing. I'm risking my life for this; remember that."
You grumbled and ran a hand through your hair.
"In any matter, it has to be you. I don't like North, and you know it. It'll fail if she leads it, and everything will be for nothing. Maliki's sacrifice would be for nothing."
And that was all Connor could bear to hear. He stepped away from the wall with loud footsteps, which gained your attention.
Your (e/c) orbs widened as you saw a sort of distressed expression on the android's face.
"Did you hear-"
He quickly cut you off by raising a hand to silence you and unfortunately, it worked. "This whole time, you've been working for the rebellion?"
You swallowed thickly. "Well, I-"
"You've been hiding them from the law, (Y/n)!" He suddenly raised his voice, causing you to jump from how loud it echoed on the terrace.
"Listen to me, I-"
He cut you off by taking another step toward your frame. "You're risking your career, your life, for something that's wrong!"
"It's not!" You exclaimed and ended the call that was still going. "I'm doing the right thing!"
Connor shook his head and turned away from you. "Amanda needs to know this." He muttered.
You choked on your spit and rushed in front of the male. "Connor, please listen to me. If you go to Amanda with this information, you'll be dooming us all. You're becoming deviant, and what do you think will happen when they find out? They'll destroy you and replace you with another copy. And when you finish your mission, you'll get replaced with another android made to be better than you!"
You placed your hands wearily on Connor's arms. "Don't you see, it's always going to be a never-ending cycle. You can help us, help me if you just agree to it. Choose to support our side."
The android stared down at you, his lips pursed as he listened to your words. "(Y/n), I am a machine. I have no side, I was designed to stop deviants, and that's what I intend to do."
Your brows furrowed as you gazed up at him with such pained eyes. "Oh, Connor." Your voice cracked while you leaned forward and placed your forehead against his chest. "You are more than that. I can see it."
Connor lifted his arms up and removed your grasp from his body while stepping away, putting distance between your frames.
"I am a machine." He stated, his voice sounding more robotic than it had been. "And I have a mission to complete."
Connor began making his way to the front door, leaving you stunned in the living room.
He halted when he heard his name come from your mouth, broken and pained. "What, Ms. (L/n)?"
You took a shaky breath and stepped near him. "Look at me please." You whispered out.
The android stayed still for a moment before cautiously turning his frame around to face yours.
He shouldn't have done that.
Upon seeing the tears running down your face, he began to feel resentment at his own self for making you cry.
Your shaky hands reached for his face, carefully holding him in the palm of your hands. "Kiss me. Kiss me one last time and then make your decision. Become a deviant, and I will help you. Or stay a machine and never see me or Hank ever again."
Connor swallowed thickly, his hands unconsciously reaching for your waist to hold you firmly. "I do not need to listen to you." He stated.
"I know." You replied. "But please do this for me, Connor. Just one last thing."
Taking Connor's silence as the to-go, you pushed his face down to yours and captured his lips with yours.
He didn't respond to it, staying still and unmoving. "Please, Connor." You whispered against his mouth before pressing your lips to his again.
This time he responded, pulling your body close to his and wrapping his arms securely around your frame. His lips moved in sync with yours, slightly sucking before involving his tongue.
Your tongues intertwined, your hands running down his cloth chest to help him remember how he felt last night, how he acted, how human it was.
Suddenly as if Connor came to his senses, he pulled back and quickly released your body. His LED blinked a burgundy hue rapidly while he placed a hand over his mouth.
"Ms. (L/n)." He said your name with an authoritative tone. "Enough of your games."
Angrily you wiped the tears off your face and sniffled. "Fine." A shaky breath left your lips, your arms hugging your frame securely.
"Chose to stay with me or choose to leave. If you leave, I'll consider you a threat to the rebellion, and I will make sure to be the one that takes your life. I'd rather it be me than some bullsh*t worker at Cyberlife."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 signing out
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whore-mel · 9 months
You slowly wake up. Your head is aching and your throat is sore. You look around. Where the fuck were you..? you're in some kind of basement..
"...w-what.." You mumble confused, you don't remember how you got here....
"Well, good morning, sunshine" A voice suddenly says, cutting off your train of thought. You flinch slightly.
"Who's there!?" You ask panicked.
"Behind you, dumbass."The voice says annoyed. You try to turn around, but then you realize that you're tied to a chair. You're even more confused now.
"I'm..tied to a chair.." you mumble.."Who..Who are you!? Did you kidnap me!?" You say angrily, you're slightly scared. The voice sighs and mocks you.
"'diD yUo kiDnaP m-'. NO, If I was the one who kidnapped you, I wouldn't be tied up too, sweetheart." He says annoyed. He sighs again and slouches slightly, you can feel the back of his head hitting yours.
"And do you seriously not remember me? Maybe it's because I don't have my mask and voice modulator on.." He mumbled. You try to think of who it could be. You don't know, honestly. And your brain ain't helping, you don't remember shit from yesterday.
"Uh..no..who are you?" You ask awkwardly, he sighs in annoyance again. 
"Uh..I can't really say.." He responds..you deadpan, that didn't help much did it..?
"...ok?? Well, do you know how we got here..?" You ask, trying to get something..an answer out of him.
"Yeah! And it was your fuckin fault!" He snapped. You frowned slightly, you didn't even know this man and he's accusing you of getting you both stuck here.
"What!? How is it my fault, asshole!?" You asked, annoyed.
"Well, I was trying to kill you. BUT you-" He starts speaking, but you cut him off.
"WHAT!? What do you mean trying to kill me!?" You gasped, you scowl and try to think about it. Then you remember the first half of last night, getting a call at 2 am. 
"HEY! you're that asshole with the knife! Uh.. ghostface! Fuck you!" You yelled at him. He chuckles and sighs again.
"NO, fuck you for getting us here. I was happily chasing you. BUT THEN you decided to act all brave and run out the house into the forest. And you thought it was a great fucking idea to SCREAM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST late at night, which was really fucking dumb"
He argued back, which did shut you up for a moment. He rolls his eyes, and you stare at the wall Infront of you. Then you smack his head with the back of your head, since y'all are tied back to back.
"OW, The fuck was that for!?" He frowned, and you sighed.
"That didn't explain how I was the one who caused this." You replied with a smirk, kinda happy that you hit him. He mumbles something under his breath.
"Your screaming caused them to notice us and capture us, sweet cheeks" He rolled his eyes. You're now even more confused, and annoyed.
"Who's them..?" You softly asked. He groans and smacks your head with his. You frown.
"You're dumb. But think of the worst person you could imagine." He nods with a smirk. You gasp in shock and horror.
"We were kidnapped by cannibals!?" You screeched (like a pterodactyl, caw caw)
"OW, my fuckin ears, sweet cheeks. Lower that tone. But no. It's worse." He slowly nods again. You gasp once more.
"Is..is it..Satan!? We were kidnapped by the devil!?" You gasped. He sighs, annoyed.
"If I kidnapped us, why would I be tied up, love? Think logically" He shakes his head in annoyance. You deadpan and roll your eyes.
"You're not-"
"YES I AM! IM THE DEVIL!" He yells at you. You didn't even finish the goddamn sentence. You grimaced and sighed.
"Tell me who kidnapped us!" You argued, getting fed up with his childish behavior.
"Fine..we were kidnapped by.."
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Zhongli x GN!Reader
Zhongli x fae!reader,fluff bc fuck sad,I have never wrote on tumblr before and it shows,also the reader is a púca (fae shapeshifters) bc I said so,also tw for a small mention of an animal corpse on the second paragraph,mentions of a house fire that you might have indirectly caused
Word count:1329
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A small humming noise rung throughout the cliff face, easy to miss by the way it blended in with the usual cluster of sounds. Whether it be waves crashing against the rocks, faraway shouts of the war, or the sounds of two crows squabbling over their next meal. But it was undoubtedly there, and Morax wasn’t happy about it. It had been going on for two hours now, and didn’t show any signs of stopping. They were in the middle of a war, and Osial had just been defeated. Most other gods were terrified of him by this point, scratch that, most other beings were terrified of him. Why did this creature keep bothering him? Did they find it funny?
He pushed himself off of the ground, determined to try and find the source of the song, it didn’t seem to be coming from a specific place, more of a blanket covering the area in silken music. Which, in Morax’s opinion, made it so much worse. How could he track this person down if he couldn’t even see them? He groaned, rubbing his temple as the two crows arguing got louder, they were both screeching at each other over some carrion.
“Oh come on you two— what did I say about arguing” He turned in surprise as the humming stopped, and a person came barrelling out of the bushes. Stopping to pick up both crows. “Where are your manners? I thought you would have known by the amount of times I have to keep telling you” the stranger continued, and the more Morax looked at them, the stranger they seemed. They had pointed ears, and a soft pinkish glow to them, not to mention the animal aspects they had. But, he was used to seeing people like that. This person was a new type of weird.
He glared at them, pulling out his polearm in warning. And they suddenly perked up, staring directly back at him. They looked…shocked? That wasn’t the right word… they definitely hadn’t meant to be seen, as they stood in front of him with their mouth slightly agape. Before absolutely bolting into the woods again, much to Morax’s surprsie, and distaste. With a sigh, he tapped his spear onto the ground, watching as the faerie ran directly into a stone pillar. He walked over to them, raising an eyebrow as they cursed in some language he couldn’t understand. And suddenly grabbed their collar, hoisting them up in the air before slamming them into the pillar. “Who are you?” He snarled, twirling his polearm. “And do tell me why you were watching me?”
“No I would not”
“Y’know what? Fair” they sigh, putting their hands up in a sort of surrendering motion. Which promptly gets them dropped onto the floor, and Morax watches as they stumble in an attempt to gain their footing, to which they eventually succeed. Mumbling something under their breath as they did so. “You’re the god of contracts right?” That piqued his interest, and he nodded, silently telling them to go on with their explanation. “Well I was wondering if you would like to—“ they started, not being able to finish their sentence before the spear was at their throat.
“I’m not making a deal with you” he snaps, his lip twitching into a snarl as the fae pouts,crossing their arms. Clearly annoyed their plan wouldn’t work. “I don’t need anything from you, and I know what you fae can be like” he says, turning and leaving them without another glance.
The bustle of Liyue Harbour was a glorious sight, it had existed for just less than a century now. But it was already so full of life! And mischief, the shapeshifter watched from a nearby food stall, watching two kids plan to prank an adult with a gleam in their eye. They couldn’t help but like causing some mayhem, it was in their blood! It was natural, and most importantly it was fun. Who didn’t love the expression of someone after they’ve lost their favourite book, or when they realise they locked themself out of their house? It was just pure gold!
Someone tapped their shoulder’s, making them roll their eyes. They just wanted to eat in peace and cause some chaos! Was that so hard to ask? Apparently it was, as currently Morax was glaring at them, arms crossed as usual. “I thought I told you to stay away from here” of course that was what it was about, they hadn’t even done anything! Sure maybe they might’ve caused a house fire or two but it was on accident. Plus everybody involved came out fine! So what was the harm in it? Plus ‘insurance’ or whatever had been invented by that point.
“Yeah about that, I decided not to do the whole ‘stay out of Liyue business’. Not my style, also! This food is simply amazing” they smile, finishing the last of their meal and turning in the stool to face the archon. “Hm… I thought you only showed up once a year? Ooh! Making a special appearance just for me I see?” They chuckle, laughing harder when they see Morax’s look of annoyance, “I’m just kidding, no need to get all murdery on me~” they smile, standing up and handing the necessary mora to the chef before stretching. “Why don’t we go on a walk…? I’m sure we have plenty to catch up on after all”
Morax glares at them,before considering there offer. “Why not?” He answers, smirking slightly as he watches the faerie stumble mentally. Clearly not having expected him to agree, but happy he did anyway. He decided to shrug it off when hey looped their arm in his, essentially dragging them off through the busy streets, weaving through the crowd of people. They both stood out a lot, mostly because of Morax. I mean, he didn’t exactly look human. “And for that,I wanted to see what humans were up to.” He says, internally cursing himself for his terrible lying skills.
“Yeah yeah,we both know you just wanted to see me” they chuckle,and he hates that they’re right. Since their first encounter, they had a lot of back and forth. Mostly bickering or something of the like. But the faerie managed to bring an aspect of inconsistency to his life that was refreshing. It was… different to all the other contracts he was stuck maintaining, different to the boring sense of knowing what happens next. Or meticulously searching for any lies in his business partners.
“My sincerest apologies that I sometimes enjoy your bothering” he retorts, voice laced in heavy sarcasm as he lets himself be dragged to a sort of café. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything. He didn’t need to, they both knew each other’s tells easy enough to know he was asking for an explanation for their choice of location. And they’re quick to provide with one, after they grab the menu and point to a specific drink in the alcohol sector.
“I came here recently and ordered this—it was really nice and I think you would enjoy it” they grin,raising an eyebrow. “Want me to order some? On me of course” Morax hummed,clearly contemplating the idea. “What’s the catch? I know you don’t give out things like this for free” that earns a chuckle from them, as they raise their hands in surrender, giggling to themself.
“You got me! The only catch is we have more of these… dates in the future” they smile, and Morax hates that he knows they’re incapable of lying. Fae rules and such. But he reluctantly nods, ultimately deciding it was worth it. And they never specified how many more they wanted, so it could easily be stopped if he wanted to. But he didn’t.
The fae grins, waving over a waiter, and orders two glasses of Osmanthus wine.
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