#first st post in awhile
ssaronance · 1 year
i honestly think the whole point of whatever was happening with st*ncy in S4 was to prove that they just aren’t compatible with each other (romantically at least)
like what steve wants in life is what nancy DOESNT want and it’s been said before
idk how many times it needs to be said
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tamayakii · 2 months
Hi I read your post about yan!Tywin and that you have more inc*st headcanons about him and I’m interested if you’re cool with that 🫣
hehe thank you anon for giving me the chance to talk about this <3
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, incest, yandere themes, female!reader, nsfw, is it bare or bear, tama asks herself BY PROCEEDING PAST THIS WARNING, YOU ARE THEREFORE CONSENTING TO VIEW THIS CONTENT.
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Being Tywin's pretty pretty girl, dressed in the finest of silks and jewelry, the lady of the rock from a young age.
Whilst, of course, you weren't married, people came to view you as Lady of the Rock, which ofc didnt help with Tywin's delusions.
Okay but listen, him HIDING your monthly bleed from the world. Threatening maids that if a slip of your monthly bleed comes out that they’d lose their eyes. So westeros comes to know you as a woman with no viable womb, right? that means you have no value in being married off cause you “can’t bear children” therefore you’d his, no one would fight for your hand.
Losing your virginity to Papa Tywin, riding the same cock that helped made you, imagine a little bit of blood seepin on his cock when he first thrusts into you 😭😭 the same blood that flows through him, smeared across his loins.
BUT IMAGINE PAPA TYWIN BRINGING YOU TO THE RED KEEP WHEN HES HAND OF THE KING :(( you can’t fuck more openly now, back his casterly rock he had more control but in the castle where the rodents kill the cats, it’s a death sentence to be found out.
THAT MAN SUCKS TITTY!! i just know it!! hes a rough one too, harshly sucking on his granddaughters tits whilst sitting at his desk, palming your hips as you grind against him.
For awhile he was reasonable, you couldn’t be with child, at least to the world but as his delusions deepen, he tampers with your moon tea, and practically locks you in your room.
You’re HIS alone, HE made you.
Any man that offers his hand to you is gone, any winning knight that names you the queen of love and beauty in tournaments is suddenly crippled for life.
Your entire LIFE is controlled by him, i cannot emphasize this enough. The very air you breathe might as well be permitted by him, your meals are controlled, you garden time- oh and the GARDEN WALKS!!! When Tywin has a little time to spare and you bat your eyelashes at him, he finds that he can stomach a walk around the beautiful flowers(tho they arent as beautiful as you), servants tending to the bushes and trees find that you cling a little too close, lips a little too pouted and breasts pushed against his arm a bit much but can they say a word? no.
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redshoes-blues · 2 months
Emotional Time Travel: How Will Byers Controls Time in the Upside Down
"We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
Buckle up, everybody, this is gonna be a long one! :)
Over a year ago I wrote an analysis on the references to clocks throughout Stranger Things, and looked at how this connects to the show's specific form of time travel. This post is a bit of a redo of that original analysis, but this time I'm focusing on the idea that emotions have the power to alter the movement of time. And not only this, but Will Byers specifically has the power to control time in the Upside Down.
From the clock symbolism throughout the show to the time travel references, it’s clear that S5 is going to delve fully into the way the Upside Down operates; more specifically, I suspect we'll finally get answers to the question raised last season—why is the UD stuck on the day Will vanished?
I have some ideas on how that might work, and it has to do with emotions, which are described in ST as a way to time travel, as El says it best herself in the opening of S4: "We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
[CW: this will delve into the various forms of trauma and abuse faced by Vecna's targets in the show]
The Vanishing of Will Byers: Time Travel and Dimension X
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First of all, let's deal with the obvious. The Upside Down, aka Dimension X, is a dimension that is stuck in the past. This is tied directly to Will Byers, given that it exists perpetually as the date he vanished. Therefore, entering the Upside Down is a form of interdimensional time travel.
To me, this could work in one of three ways, although a combination of these factors could also be at play here.
First, the UD could be a fixed point in time. A place where time doesn't work. It acts as a set piece, where characters can move around and exist within, but otherwise, it remains the same. In this case, it is quite literally frozen from the moment Will is taken. However, there are some things in the UD that do change. The weather, for example. Or vines that move and grow. So it's really hard to say how the fixedness would work. Perhaps, if this is the case, time is fixed and frozen, even non-existent, but space isn’t.
Second, is the idea that the Upside Down exists as a time loop. How long the loop would be, we don't know for sure. All we know is that the UD is stuck, somehow, on November 6, 1983. Maybe the loop is a single day long. Maybe it goes on for the entire duration of Will being missing. Either way, the time loop is certainly a plausible theory for how time operates in the UD.
Another important thing to consider is S5's use of A Wrinkle in Time as a source for inspiration, which brings me to the third way that time could operate in the Upside Down. Now, it has been awhile since I read AWIT, but there's an important concept in that novel called a tesseract. This is basically a way of travelling through time and space, to a fourth dimension. Looking at ST, this seems like a likely culprit for what's going on with the UD, which would be a sort of fourth dimension in this case. Vecna as much as says the UD is a fourth dimension himself:
"I became an explorer. An explorer of a realm unspoiled by mankind. I saw so many things, and one day, I found the most extraordinary thing of all."
But Vecna isn’t the only one to explicitly refer to the Upside Down as another dimension/realm. The government call it “Dimension X,” and the Party refer to it as the “Shadow Realm” pretty early on, an analogy to D&D’s location of the same name.
Now, I went googling for a description of the Shadow Realm, and I found this one that is very telling: “The Shadow realm is a realm caught between the realms of the living and the dead, a place where the boundaries of time and reality blur.” [link to article]
Looking at the UD, this absolutely makes sense as the location of choice that the Party (aka, the writers) chose to compare it to. As we’ve discussed, time does blur in the UD, and things don’t always happen as they would in Hawkins (there are strange storms, cosmic horror style monsters, etc.). Perhaps, in this realm, time itself doesn't even exist in a way that makes sense to us.
Now, going back to Vecna, we see that this sort of fourth dimension where time doesn’t exist as it should is exactly what he wishes to achieve.
On his motivations, Henry Creel says this: "Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Decades. Each life a faded lesser copy of the one before. Wake up. Eat. Work. Sleep. Reproduce. And die."
Clearly, he feels burdened by the limitations of how time functions in the real-world. This is why, he explains, "I became an explorer."
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Now, the Upside Down we see him enter is very different from the one that Will is taken to, and the one we see from S1 onwards. There are two people we know that may be responsible for this change in appearance. Either Vecna shaped the world to his liking, or Will did.
Maybe it's a both/and situation. After all, we know Vecna has powers and has been communicating with the Mind Flayer (who seems to be a sort of eldritch/cosmic god/force of the UD) for years. However, it is Will's vanishing that shapes the "time" of the Upside Down.
Will vanished on November 6, 1983, which is the same day that the UD is stuck on. This means that the Upside Down is inexplicably tied to him. Why it's tied to him is hard to say. He's the first kid Vecna kidnapped, and it is very interesting that he didn't just kill Will like he does his other victims: there's something different about Will.
I'll get into that later, but for now, what does this mean for Hawkins, where the UD is beginning to leak out of the gates?
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As I mentioned previously, it's clear that one of Vecna's goals is to create a world that is "unburdened" by time's constraints. As the gates open up, we see a clock turning backwards (see: gif above), which may represent how time is slowing down or ceasing to exist the same way it always has.
If we want to get metaphorical about how time functions in Hawkins vs. the Upside Down and Vecna's mind lair, just look at the first sign of someone's Vecna vision, which is represented by a chime of the Creel house clock. For Vecna's targets, time is literally running out. Not only because they're about to die in Hawkins, but because they're about to enter a dimension where the passage of time does not exist.
"We Are All Time Travellers": Emotions Alter Time
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Let's back things up a little bit.
Last spring, I was rewatching S4 to look for any references to time travel (turns out there's a lot of them when you go looking for them). It didn't take long for me to get a reference. In fact, there's one in El's opening monologue, as part of her letter to Mike.
"Dear Mike. Today is day 185. Feels more like ten years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travellers, if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast because I am so busy..."
In one sense, El's line here is describing how time can literally feel fast or slow depending on how we feel. For example, if we're busy and happy, time often goes by fast, but it we're upset, time can feel slow. Of course, I believe this line also has a deeper meaning that foreshadows what we later learn about the Upside Down being tied to Will’s vanishing.
It's no coincidence that in the season whose villain is represented by clocks, who is tied to a dimension where time is wonky, and who feels burdened by the existence of time, this opening scene mentions time travel directly. It's also important that El says this line. She's the one who opened the gate in the very first scene of the season, after all. She's also the one who goes through the NINA program, which is essentially sending her back into time (through her memories) to access her powers again. Isn’t it interesting that revisiting her traumatic experiences is what restores her powers?
If we take what El says literally, emotions actually have the power to speed up or slow down time, and not just our perception of it, depending on which emotions are felt. This bit about emotions is vital. As we know, the UD is shaped around Will's vanishing, which is a traumatic experience that he continues to deal with for years after it has occurred.
Now, this begs the question: did time in the UD slow down because Will left an emotional imprint on the landscape via his childhood trauma?
Again, it isn't a coincidence that Will's vanishing is the day that the Upside Down is stuck on. The "demogorgon"—which is pretty obviously going to be revealed to be Vecna—took Will into this fourth dimension, traumatizing him in the process.
All of Vecna's victims in the 80s timeline are also victims of trauma and/or abuse in their childhoods. Chrissy and Patrick have an abusive parent, and Fred has trauma from the car accident. Max has mental health issues and a complicated family life that we see in detail—an abusive brother whose death she blames herself for, suicidal ideation, a dad who isn't in the picture, a mom who becomes an alcoholic, and that's not to mention the inherent traumatizing circumstance of living in poverty. Will is also implied to have been abused by Lonnie, who called him homophobic slurs and turned into an awful deadbeat who doesn’t accept that his son doesn’t follow traditional masculine gender norms; he's also bullied at school for being different.
Each of these victims of abuse and/or trauma are all targets by Vecna. They have that in common. And we know that Vecna is targeting these kids on purpose because we see him sifting through his mind lair to select his next candidate. How does he do this? By looking at these kids' experiences and selecting someone vulnerable.
After Patrick is killed, Lucas and Max say as much when they discuss Vecna's motivations. To them, to be hurt us to be haunted:
Lucas: "It's like everyone Vecna targets has something in their life...something that's—"
Max: "Hurting them. Haunting them."
With this in mind, it begins to look as if Vecna is using the trauma and hurt of these kids because their emotions are strong enough to create gates, and therefore to alter—or even slow down—time.
Interestingly, the psionic powers of the lab kids seem to be impacted by their emotions as well.
Dr. Brenner tells the kids in the NINA memory to not use their emotions, but it’s One’s advice to El—to focus on something that makes her angry and sad—that helps her win the battle against Two. Brenner is so angry at One’s interference here that he tortures him for it. We know that Henry Creel was the original kid with telepathic powers who was experimented on. Somehow, Dr. Brenner learned to develop powers in these other kids, but it’s Henry/One who first received his powers from the Mind Flayer. Even as a kid, he understands that channeling negative feelings makes his powers grow stronger.
Before we look at why I believe Will is the only one truly capable of restoring the Upside Down to the way it was before, aka Dimension X, I want to dive a little bit deeper into Vecna’s targets themselves.
The Trauma of Vecna's Targets
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There isn't a single main character in this show who isn't traumatized, hurting, haunted, or a victim of various societal pressures and/or forms of oppression. This isn't an accident. These themes are built into the show on purpose. Sometimes they aren't handled as well as they could or should be, but they're certainly present.
When we look at Vecna's victims, the reason they were his "perfect" targets is because of their vulnerability.
Lucas suspected Patrick was dealing with abuse at home, but Patrick never talked about it with anyone. Same with Fred's guilt about the hit-and-run. He's terrified of the idea that he'll be found out, so he never tells anyone about his visions. In the case of Chrissy, her own boyfriend has no idea about what she's going through, and she turns to drugs for an escape from her pain. If Max hadn't confided in her friends about her visions, equipped with her knowledge of Vecna and the Upside Down, then she would have had the same fate as them.
So, not only are Vecna's victims people who have something in their life that is hurting or haunting them (trauma, abuse, mental health issues, etc.), but they are also actively repressing these emotions. With this, I think the writers are trying to say that opening up about what you're going through with other people who care about you is vital to your survival and well-being.
Healing from trauma requires you to confront the emotions and/or experiences many people would rather suppress. I think El is a good case study for this. She is very clearly a traumatized character who is a victim of child abuse. Much of it is stuff she doesn’t actively remember, because she has repressed it, as we see in the NINA project. But despite her repression, the trauma, those memories, are still with her. She believes she's a monster, and she carries this guilt around with her for years. But El is also very resilient.
In fact, she confronts her trauma head-on in the NINA project. She relives her abusive childhood, the bullying she experienced, and the massacre, and she comes out of it a stronger person—even though she doesn't beat Vecna this time around, because she’ll require the help of someone else who is deeply tied to the UD if she wants to beat him.
Looking back at what Henry Creel knew from a young age, that his pain and experiences could be a source of his power, it becomes clear why he’s killing all of these traumatized kids. He’s doing so to harness the power in those experiences, perhaps because their emotions will affect the UD and cause time to slow down.
However, when El talks about emotions as a way to time travel in the beginning of S4, she isn’t just referring to negative emotions like boredom or sadness, etc. She also refers to positive emotions which make time move faster. If Vecna used his targets’ trauma to slow down time—originating with Will’s arrival in the UD—then maybe it is positive emotions, like love, acceptance, and healing, that will undo the changes Vecna has made in the UD.
Will The Wise: Why Will Byers is the Antidote
Will's connections to the UD are my main reason for believing he is the key to defeating Vecna. It began with Will, and it will end with him, too.
This is also supported in the text.
D&D always forms a direct analogy to the events that happen in any given season of Stranger Things, and it's through the lens of D&D that the Party describe the happenings in the Upside Down. For example, Will rolls a 7 in the first episode of the show, and tells Mike that "it [the demogorgon] got me." Later, the creature we're told is a demogorgon does get Will.
So, that's why the D&D campaign run by Eddie in S4 is very interesting, as it serves as foreshadowing for the rest of the season. An 11 is rolled first. This is a miss. It isn't until Erica—who is an unlikely hero in this campaign—rolls a 20 that Vecna is defeated.
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It's crazy foreshadowing that an 11 is rolled, which isn't enough to defeat Vecna, in the season where Eleven is not able to defeat Vecna on her own, despite her powers being stronger than they've ever been. That's because power isn't the only thing at play, here. And we don't know yet who will be the Erica in this story, the underdog who will swoop in and join the fight, being the unlikely hero to defeat Vecna, but I think the missing piece will be Will.
It's like Dustin said in reference to his drawing skills (interesting, because when Will drew to solve the puzzle before, it was directly related to his connection to the Upside Down): "we need Will."
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This brings me back to the main point of this analysis. If emotions alter time—with traumatic memories causing time to slow down, and causing Vecna to gain power—and if the Upside Down is shaped around Will's trauma, then confronting Will's trauma is crucial to Vecna's defeat.
Everything goes back to Will. To the moment he entered the UD on November 6, 1983. The very day the Upside Down is frozen on is the same day that Will's trauma began. By experiencing his trauma and imprinting those emotions onto the dimension, did Will quite literally grind time to a halt in the UD?
I certainly think so. And we've already seen a little bit of how positive memories can be used to fight against Vecna. Music is shown to carry positive memories and emotions, almost forming a shield around a person, as was the case for Max and Will, who were able to fight back through the power of music. If we take this a step further, it makes sense that healing from his Upside Down trauma, would work as a sort of antidote to Vecna, who feeds off of people's trauma. He only targets people, haunts them, if they are hurting. Heal the hurt, and he has no use for you any longer.
Functionally, this could work a number of ways. I think it could work by Will re-entering the UD and bringing positive emotions with him. Maybe the UD would reshape itself again, this time in a more positive way, removing the "rot" that has existed there since Will first entered. After all, Dimension X does not appear to be inherently evil like the Upside Down, it’s only when it begins to shape around trauma that it changes and rots.
Some Final Thoughts
If we consider that it was Vecna who took Will, then it’s clear that Vecna's goal isn't to kill Will. In fact, in S2, Dr. Owens asks Will if the evil wants to kill him, to which Will responds that the Mind Flayer wants to kill "everyone else."
Why? Because Will has powers that Vecna wishes to exploit for his plan. Because, by keeping Will and his strong connection to the Upside Down alive, he caused the Mind Flayer to enter Will, giving him the ability to feel what it feels—and later, in S4, to feel what Vecna feels.
My speculation, given all of the similarities between Will and Henry Creel, is that Vecna hopes Will will come to see his view as the correct one. He recognizes that Will is treated differently, that he’s an outsider, and he wants to exploit this to have Will join his side. Like the Emperor to Anakin, and later Luke, Vecna doesn’t actually care about Will: he’s manipulating his emotions to access his power. He didn’t keep him alive out of the goodness of his heart. He kept him alive because he knows that Will’s emotions have the power to alter time in the UD.
Killing Will simply wouldn’t serve his purpose of using his trauma to keep the UD stuck in time, grinding it to a halt.
Because, if Will’s emotions have the power to imprint on the Upside Down to the degree that he shapes the way an entire dimension appears and operates, everything begins to make sense. That’s why Vecna kept him alive: to continue his plan of removing the burden of time from the world. That’s why the UD is shaped around him. And that’s why Eleven could not defeat Vecna on her own.
Will controls time in the Upside Down. He shapes it through his emotions and experiences. His fear and trauma slowed down the movement of time, so, if Vecna is to be defeated, it only seems plausible that healing from his trauma, learning that he is loved and accepted for who he is—that he’s not a mistake—will have the opposite impact. By doing so, time will speed back up in Dimension X, healing it in the process.
In the end, everything began with Will. It was his vanishing that kicked off the story we’ve followed for what’ll be five seasons. And it’ll be him that brings an end to everything, as well.
Author’s Note
Thank you to everyone who stuck around and read this whopper of a theory/analysis! Writing it has been a long (but very fun) process. I started writing this about three weeks ago, as a rewrite of my old clock theory with more of a focus on how I think the UD functions, but then it grew into a beast of its own. I just couldn’t help it! When I get a meta idea about Will in my head, I can’t not write thousands of words about it lmao.
That said, I always love to read other people’s thoughts on these theories—it’s truly the best part of our little community on here. So please, feel free to add onto this if you have any ideas! :)
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fleurywiththesave · 3 months
for your Tumblr request Matt/Drai story on AO3, can you do one that has Leon telling Matt about his fantasies for their future - marriage, babies, etc.
Or one seeing the other with their baby and it gets them hot
First of all, I am weak as hell for sweet conversations about the future, so jot that down. I love this prompt, thank you for sending it! This is basically a sequel to my little post-game 7 ficlet.
They’re still out by the pool. The rest of the family started calling it quits one by one a couple hours ago, but Matthew doesn’t want to miss a single second of this. He can sleep after the cup’s been picked up in the morning, to be spirited away to Benny. For now, he’s more than content to be exactly where he is – lying on his back listening to the sounds of a St. Louis summer night, feet dangling in the cool water, looking at Leon look at the Stanley Cup.
He’s been very careful not to touch it. Someone had almost accidentally nudged him into it earlier in the day and Dad absolutely barked at them, then stonily informed everyone in the vicinity that Leon would be winning it next year and nobody had his permission to interfere with that. Leon had turned bright red. Matthew had furtively texted Davo to make sure he knew his marching orders.
He still isn’t touching it, but he hasn’t taken his eyes off of it in awhile. He doesn’t look sad, or regretful, or jealous. He looks thoughtful.
“Would you two like a moment alone?” Matthew asks. Leon reaches out and gently swats him on the face without looking away.
“Says the man who would’ve made out with it at center ice if there weren’t guys still waiting to lift it,” he snarks. Matthew catches his hand before he can pull it away and twines their fingers together.
“I want to put a baby there,” Leon tells him.
Matthew pauses.
“Well, Gads might not notice right away if we borrow one of his,” he says.
It’s quiet, amused, long-suffering, loving. It makes Matthew’s chest go soft and light. He rolls over so he can see Leon better.
“Tell me more,” he says softly.
Leon is still looking at the cup, but his hand tightens around Matthew’s.
“It doesn’t have to be a baby. It could be a kid. Or kids.”
“Yeah?” Matthew can feel the smile stealing over his face. “How many?”
“Three,” Leon says immediately.
“That’s a good number,” Matthew agrees. “Keeps everybody on their toes.”
“One offense, one defense, one goalie.”
“And who exactly is going to take responsibility for raising a goalie?” Matthew asks. Leon laughs.
“We can call in reinforcements for that one.”
God, Matthew loves to hear him laugh. He loves to watch the way his eyes crinkle. He loves how surprised people sometimes seem to be by the fact that Leon is capable of laughing.
Matthew stopped being surprised by him awhile ago, for the most part, but he can’t say he saw this particular conversation coming. He scoots over and lets his head rest in Leon’s lap. “What else?”
Leon picks up Matthew’s left hand and traces his ring finger. Matthew shivers, just a little bit.
“I was thinking Mallorca,” Leon says. “That way everyone has to travel, so they can all complain equally.”
“At the house?”
“Or on the beach.”
The beach at sunset, Matthew thinks. Taryn would love an excuse to be barefoot for a wedding. So would Dad, for that matter.
“No tuxedos,” he murmurs. His eyelids are finally getting heavy, despite his best efforts.
“Of course not,” Leon says, combing his fingers through Matthew’s hair. “But we’ll make sure Brady and Emma’s baby has a bowtie.”
Matthew doesn’t sleep. He drifts, the most content he’s ever been in his life, while Leon paints him a picture of their future.
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subzeroparade · 14 days
*chant* New fic! New fic! New fic!
So excited you’ve posted a new ER fic, and with a teaser for more to come! 🎉🎉🎉
Since it’s been awhile, maybe I poke your brain on what your thoughts on the DLC are (game play, lord, sceneries, anything you’d like to share with us really)? Has it changed your headcanon on any of the characters, or did you find ways to incorporate the new lores into your interpretations? Most importantly, did you have fun?
*tagged for spoilers but just in case - spoilers •‿•*
Did I enjoy it? YES. Did I have qualms with some gameplay bits? YES but I’m a filthy casual on NG+2 or something and generally Not Good at Game. But I beat it. 
As for lore, it’s really a mixed bag. There’s a ton of stuff I’m delighted to have new or expanded lore for - Marika’s origins, Belurat and the entirety of Hornsent culture, Godwyn’s Death Knights, BAYLE???? VILE BAYLE!!!! etc etc (sometimes I listen to Igon’s voice lines just to psych myself up for real life). There are things I need to adjust my headcanon for a little, as well - St Trina, for example, has always been a facet of Miquella himself to me, a sort of alter ego he willingly takes on, which is how I enjoyed writing her in fic. To have her elaborated here as a separate person means taking that a little further if I write him/her/them again, but I think the parallel it draws between Marika/Radagon is hugely interesting as well.  
iirc there are a couple of instances in the base game where lore almost contradicts itself, but I think in some cases the DLC got a little sloppy. The timeline is also way foggier to me now than it was previously. I was a big fan of the idea that Messmer was entirely unknown to his siblings, written out of history after the Crusade (predating Marika ushering in the Golden Age of the Erdtree), but that contradicts the lore we get on Gaius and Radahn as they’re both personally acquainted with Messmer, and makes me wonder which of the other demigods might’ve been aware of him, and under what pretences might they have met. It makes for a lot of fic ideation, but I’m of the opinion that if you’re writing fic, sticking too closely to (the sometimes unhelpful) lore will stultify the work; so I’m trying to pluck little instances of new lore that interest me to bolster the story I want to tell.  
Like most of the fandom I have a huge beef with Promised Consort Radahn, and I’m still struggling with how to work that into my headcanon. To me, there is simply no reason for it. There are no indications of it in the base game, and you have to tie yourself into continuity knots for it to make any sense - and that’s just bad writing. I’m not against retconning things if they serve a purpose, but this was neither useful nor necessary (nor well done), and that’s fundamentally disappointing for a Fromsoft game. The more people aggressively try and justify it, the more I feel like the potential explanations unravel. If we’re going along with the assumption that Miquella *needs* a lord to ascend, we’ve had Candidate #1 since the base game: Godwyn. Half of what we know about base-game Miquella is that he spent time and resources trying to grant Godwyn some form of peace, while his hideous fate hangs over the narrative in perpetuity. And we give Radahn closure literally in the first act of the game. I’m a firm believer in Miquella knowing 100% what he’s about, but in this singular instance blinded by love for Godwyn and an all-consuming desire to *fix this* by resurrecting some nightmarish, malformed version of him. There’s so much juicy story to be told in Miquella refusing to acknowledge the thing he brought back is not his brother, and for all that godhood and remaking the world into utter passivity can do, it can’t retrieve Godwyn’s irretrievable soul. All that to say, I’d even take Malenia as his promised consort - it would made more sense than Radahn, too.
Anyway tldr I don’t have to think about how disappointing that is now, because the fic I’m working on is around Marika’s ascension, and more specifically Messmer and Melina’s upbringing. There’s another on the backburner but I’m on the fence about it since it hasn’t reached an outline stage yet, and I don’t start anything unless I am 100% sure I know how to finish it, and finish it well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ty for the ask! As is the case with me, the rest of my musings on the lore come through in fic writing, because those are the texts dumps I’m good at. Here’s a little (young) Melina and Messmer wip as thanks. 
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
Guys, I Think The Leaks Are Fakes Made By The Owl House Crew
yes yes i know, right now that might be a WILD ass claim to make but i want those who are reading this to hear me out and read this whole post, because I've been chatting with friends since these leaks happened and i think there’s reason to suspect we might be getting punked here.
And i say this fully accepting there is a chance i could be entirely wrong about this and they could be real, but I think there’s some reason to doubt the episode actually was leaked to the internet.
Now to get those who need it up to speed, the first of the three specials for toh s3 “Thanks to Them” is airing this Saturday on the 15th, it’s a big 45 minute episode that takes place on earth in Luz’s town of Gravesfield. There was a comic con panel about it a few days ago were some fans got to see some sneak peaks, it was all over the internet and everything.
But the day after, some images floated around, 6 of them mainly, claiming to be spoilers from this episode and everyone went WILD with anger, rightfully so, this huge ass episode got leaked to the internet and spoiled for everyone? Man what a way to ruin a week huh?
Well i thought the same for awhile too, but i’ve had some time to cool down and talk to others and guys....something isn’t right about this whole situation.
Below i’m gonna explain why this whole situation feels REALLY off and why I think there might be a chance that not only did the episode NOT leak, but the leaks were fabricated by the crew itself.
And just to be safe, i will do so without showing said leaks, nor will i tell you exactly what’s in them.
Those who saw them will understand, but for those lucky enough to avoid them, i’ll give you an idea of what about them makes me and others suspect something isn’t right.
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Now i’ve had episode leaks before in fandoms, it’s nothing new, they can happen to any fanbase due to issues with scheduling, or mishandling, or episodes being put up online and some people get to it fast.
So the idea of this happening isn’t odd.
However, i raise you this, because i found this to be REALLY Strange.
How come it’s only these 6 images?
Remember when ST and EE were shown privately to the TOH discord by crew members as a treat before they aired? Remember how afterwards there was a ton of images about lumity blushing and amity’s parents?
We were told the ENTIRE EPISODE was not only LEAKED, but put ONLINE. 
And yet all i and anyone else have seen are these images and people claiming they’re real, and nothing else.
There were gifs, clips, dozens of frames from willow’s dad’s holding hop pop books to the “That’s rough buddy”. There was so much about these episodes the moment the internet found them.
So let me get this straight? Those episodes the moment the fandom gets them get dozens of gifs, clips, drives to watch them, screenshots, memes, and fanart.....meanwhile this HUGE 45 MINUTE EPISODE has nothing but these specific 6 images?
I’ve never seen anything besides these images floating around when it comes to the the claim the episode was put out, there are no clips, no audio, no gifs, no dialogue being mentioned, nothing.
Is that not strange? 
Don’t you guys think if the entire episode was leaked we’d see more then these specific images? Don’t you think we’d see MORE then these shots?
 Like this is a big episode, and there is nothing else worth spoiling? Nothing about the wittebanes? lumity? Huntlow? any other big reveals? You’d think if the episode was revealed those would be leaked too right? 
Isn’t it so odd that these are the only leaks out there? if there’s video, why doesn’t it seem to be posted anywhere? Heck, where is the video that shows off what’s happening in the leaks with the biggest spoilers?
it’s also strange how this got “Leaked” over a week before the episode comes out, because how in the heck would someone get access to the full episode THAT early? When episodes usually leak, if they aren’t shown privately, it’s either the day before or because of a scheduling error. 
So that also seems odd.
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There’s also this to consider, the content of the images themselves.
I won’t go into detail obviously, but you know what i found so off-putting? That the images in question proved a specific theory, proved a few theories and predictions people were floating around the fanbase...theories that aren’t something that’s strongly supported by any current evidence or even liked by quite a few people.
The last images are so....out of nowhere too. They’re sequential enough that they could tell a story of what happened without context and some of them are DEFINTENLY SHOCKING.
But the first two, they have nothing to do with the context of those last 4, so why did they get leaked? they reveal nothing, they’re also things we get to see in the promos that just were released.
Except, if you consider they were “Leaked” to make these leaks seem more real.
Don’t you think it’s odd two of the leaks are things that ended up in the promo that showed up later that day? i mean, what are the CHANCES? 
But if you were on the crew, and you wanted the fans to buy into the leaks, you WOULD pair up the fakes with real ass images the fans would see later that day wouldn’t you?
It’s so oddly deliberate.
You would also make leaks that would support big theories and have shock value so people were bound to spread them more. Which is EXACTLY what these ones are.
And if you’re on the crew, you know what the characters are wearing, so even easier to make them look real, because no matter what clips are shown in any disney promos or commercials they will appear to line up with the leaks.
There’s also other off stuff, like how one image is VERY oddly cropped compared to the others, or some character inconsistencies, some even seemingly off model.
“But the 6 minutes in HD are a thing-”
yeah and if someone wanted to fool the fanbase into thinking these leaks were real they WOULD release the 6 minutes alongside it to claim the episode had to be out.
The thing is, the 6 minutes have already been leaked to the fanbase from the nycc panel to the entire fanbase the moment it ended, it’s not as if putting the hd version out there will spoil anything because everyone already basically saw it.
And again, if the episode is OUT, why is that the ONLY footage that appears to have been posted anywhere? The footage we the fans already know about and saw?
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And i wanna send off the rest of the suspicious details about these leaks by talking about the crew.
The crew, has been DEAD SILENT about these leaks, they have not said a word about these specific ones, not even to warn fans about them or how upset they are or anything. 
Which is not what they usually do, they have warned fans before, so why not warn us about these supposed BIG leaks about a big episode?
And ok, maybe they don’t wanna make a fuss about them, fair enough, but there’s something else.
Rebecca Rose, who works on this show, liked this tweet just recently.
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Now for those who don’t know, Alex Hirsh (Voice of King and Hooty) is the creator of Gravity Falls, another Disney Cartoon. That cartoon is infamous for it’s mysteries and secrets, and Alex, actually made a fake leak about a major spoiler to troll the entire fanbase.
He made this tweet after it successfully tricked the fans.
Now not only does he work on this show too, but you wanna know where these “Leaks” started out? 4chan and reddit.
Same place his did.
What are the chances?
What are the chances a crew members likes this old tweet about his stunt NOW of all times? When the episode has supposedly been leaked?
Now would it suck to assume the entire fanbase got fooled into thinking the episode was leaked and all the posts made about shaming the leakers were completely for nothing?
Oh yeah.
For the crew to pull this stunt and make us all look like doofuses would be insane.
But i think there’s reason to find this whole situation off and i hope this post makes you all reconsider some details you might not of considered before. Maybe we were leaked, maybe this is all a huge coincidence.
But if you ask me.
This is all too fishy for my liking.
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aemiron-main · 4 months
Brennry Kane: Henry Kane, Henry Creel, ST5 Leaks, and Brenner (ft The Henward Brenner Merge)
So, on Discord the other day, I mentioned that the new S5 leaks of Jamie/Henward reminds me of Kane from Poltergeist 2:
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And FOREVER ago on Discord, I was talking about Poltergeist 2, the parallels to the Creels, and Kane’s parallels to Brenner:
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And so, now, I want to talk about both of those things/how the parallels between this Henward leak & Henry Kane connect to the parallels between Henry Kane and Brenner.
But before we get into that, let’s do a quick overview of who Henry Kane is.
Who Is Henry Kane?
So, in the first Poltergeist movie, there’s a ghost called The Beast:
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And then, in the second Poltergeist movie, it’s revealed that The Beast was once a man named Reverend Henry Kane, who led his cult followers to their deaths in order to gain more power, and now, Kane/The Beast is walking the earth once more and appearing as he did in life, despite being long-dead (although there's a whole thing re: how he can't technically actually die which makes me think of the whole "Mummies never die" line from S1 versus Brenner Sr's mummy imagery):
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Now, let’s look at the parallels between this S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane.
S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane
So, when we look at this shot of S5 BTS Henward with this blonde girl, it’s definitely a parallel to Kane with Carol Anne:
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And, of course, Henward’s whole outfit with the fedora etc is very similar to Kane’s outfit.
But let’s take a look at Brenner versus Henry Kane, because that’s where the real similarities lie.
Brenner vs Henry Kane
So, what similarities does Henry Kane have to Brenner (including Martin Brenner, Richard Brenner, TFS Brenenr Jr, and Brenner Dr/Captain Brenner under the same “Brenner” umbrella because god knows who is who at this point)? Well:
Both Kane and Brenner shownup to families’ doors, claiming to want to “help” them, and the scene of Kane showing up at the Freeling family’s house is very, very similar to the scene of Brenner showing up at the Wheeler house in S1.
In Poltergeist 2, Kane shows up at the Freeling house and talks to the parents (especially the father, Steven) and claims that he’s trying to help them, and then, in ST1, Brenner shows up at the Wheeler house, talks to them (and Ted answers the door, much like Steven Freeling) and claims that he’s trying to help them/help Mike:
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And Kane also talks about how Steven “doesn’t have to believe him,” versus Brenner’s fixation on belief and trust & the constant use of the word “belief” surrounding Brenner:
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(And also, the whole “asking for permission” thing makes me think of the emphasis on SAYING things in TFS and how that could tie to the whole belief thing, like I talked about in this post and this post.)
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to priests/priest imagery.
Kane’s full title is “Reverend Kane,” as he was a priest/cult leader.
Brenner is frequently connected to priest imagery/reference in ST, like how I talked in this post quite awhile back about the parallels between Brenner and the priest from The Exorcist & the idea of Brenner masquerading as a priest as part of the exorcism done at the Creel House.
There’s also the whole “Mr Newby vs Father Newby” thing versus Brenner Sr’s parallels to Mr/Father Newby.
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to vampire imagery/are vampire coded.
Kane can’t enter a house without permission, just like a vampire (and also is weirdly “immortal” like a vampire):
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And Brenner has a TON of vampire references/coding. For example, in TFS, he literally takes Henry’s blood, and also doesn’t age at the end of TFS despite a 20 year time jump. 15 year old Brenner also has dark/slicked-down, Dracula-esque hair. Plus, like I talked about in this post, in-show Brenner straight up doesn’t have a reflection in some of the NINA scenes, just like vampires lacking reflections.
TFS Brenner also behaves eerily similarly to Lestat from Interview with the Vampire (which also has me thinking about the fact that in-show Henward also behaves a bit and looks like Lestat during the 1979 massacre versus the fact that during those massacre scenes, he suddenly has the Brenner-styled hair, and the idea that Brenner may have been “possessing”/puppeting him within NINA during the massacre, something I’ll touch on again in a bit), which is on the S4 board:
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(Which, all of Brenner’s vampire coding versus Vecna getting referred to as “sleeping Dracula,” in S4 is yet another point for Brecna)
And also, as mentioned earlier, the vampire-coded scene of Kane talking to the family & trying to get permission to come into the house in Poltergeist is very, very similar to the S1 scene of Brenner at the Wheeler house.
Costuming parallels & visual similarities
Kane is an old man with white hair and a black suit, and Brenner has a very similar look, especially in S1, being an old man with white hair and a black suit:
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Kane and Brenner’s shared demon imagery and The Beast vs The Brennergorgon
So, not only was Kane The Beast back in Poltergeist 1, but in Poltergeist 2, Kane also ends up shapeshifting into this weird, grey creature that Steven spits out (much like Will spitting up the UD slug):
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Which, that grey creature form that Kane shapeshifts into reminds me quite a lot of the ST Demogorgon:
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And Kane also gets referred to as “a man filled with a demon”:
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And so, then, when it comes to Brenner, that brings us to The Brennergorgon. I talked in this post about Brenner and the ST “Demogorgon,” versus the DND Demogorgon & the fact that Demogorgon in DND is the “Prince of Demons,” and the idea that Brenner represents the Demogorgon & the idea that Brenner was the demon in the Creel house (see: Victor talking about how the demon took his kids versus Brenner’s longrunning habit of stealing children):
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But one thing I didn’t really talk about in that main Brennergorgon post (but have talked about elsewhere) is the idea that in addition to Brenner symbolically representing the DND Demogorgon, Brenner (one of the Brenners, at least), is likely ALSO the grey shapeshifting Doppelganger-Demogorgon creature, which would then be another parallel between Brenner and Kane, with both of them transforming/shapeshifting into grey supernatural creatures.
Kane possessing people vs Brenner’s possession stuff
So, Kane is able to possess people- he possesses Steven Freeling during Poltergeist 2.
And then, when it comes to Brenner, there’s what I just talked about in the last bullet point re: Brenner being the demon in the Creel house & the way that demons possess people (like Kane does) versus Brenner’s demon imagery.
But then there’s ALSO stuff like what I’ve talked about in this post re: NINA, and the idea of Brenner “possessing” people (such as Henward, and especially NINA Henward) in a similar way to how Agent Smith “possesses” Bane in The Matrix 3:
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And hell, the way that Kane possesses Steven is really similar to the way that Smith possesses Bane- in both cases, the possessed person keeps their usual appearance (so Steven and Bane both look normal on the outside, just like how Henward looks like Henward in those BTS pics), but their mannerisms and speech patterns are altered (Steven gains Kane’s mannerisms, Bane gains Smith’s mannerisms), which a.) is just like the weird Brenner-esque Henward during NINA, and b.) is just like what I talked about in this post (a post I’m also going to come back to later in this current post) regarding the fact that this new BTS S5 Henward shares mannerisms (and costuming parallels) with TFS Brenner:
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Both Kane and Brenner are connected to invisibility
Kane is able to turn invisible. Meanwhile, Brenner Sr’s bandages make him look eerily similar to The Invisible Man-
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-and the whole point of Project Rainbow was to try and make the Eldridge and its crew (of which Brenner Sr was captain) invisible:
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So, point is, Kane and Brenner have bunch of connections, and while Henward and Kane also have connections, the connections between Kane and Brenner are much stronger, and the connections between Kane and Henward are likely due to some of the weird Brenner-Henward connections/the weird Brenner-Henward merge stuff that I’ve talked about before, and that I’m going to talk about again in this next section.
How The Brenner-Kane Stuff Could Connect To S5 BTS Kane-Paralleled Henward & A Brenner-Henward Merge
I talked in this post recently about the fact that the Henward in these S5 leaks not only dresses similarly to Brenner, with the vest outfit & very similar style of pants, but also does the same “hands clasped behind the back” pose that TFS Brenner does:
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And there’s also what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, and this post, re: TFS Brenner and Henry and the weird connections between them/the weird “Brenner is somehow Henry but wasnt always actually Henry” stuff, as well as what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, this post, and this post, re: one of the in-show Brenners getting merged with one of the Henwards like how Seth Brundle got merged with a fly in The Fly.
And so, with all of that in mind, PLUS what I just talked about in the previous section of this post re: how Henry Kane is connected not just to Henry Creel, but also (and more strongly) to Brenner, I wonder if Henry/Edward is trapped with Brenner in some sort of Brenner-Henward merged/if Henry/Edward is being “possessed” by Brenner like how Kane possesses Steveb and how Agent Smith possesses Bane.
And so, I wonder if we’ll get a scene of Henry acting normal towards that blonde girl (Holly, Jane, Daughter Virginia, whoever she is) versus his demeanour suddenly changing into a more Brenner-esque demeanour & if we’ll get a parallel to TFS Alice’s “you’re not Henry, you’re not him,” scene, and if this blonde girl might pull out some sort of line about how Henry’s “not stuck/lost in there/in a Place, but instead, is stuck/lost in Him/in Brenner’s mind” or something along those lines.
Which, something extra interesting that’s stuck out to me re: the idea of a person as a place/being stuck inside a person/inside a mind etc is the connections between peoples’ names versus the names of places in ST.
For example, like I also talked about in this post recently, Nancy’s fake name when she goes to Pennhurst is “Ruth,” versus “Ruth, Nevada” being pointed out to us in S4 (and TFS Henry and TFS Brenner both being from Nevada):
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And like James talked about, Henward’s S5 outfit is also a parallel to Indiana Jones- Indiana Jones, who adopts a name (Indiana) that’s the same name as a place (the state of Indiana, which is also where Hawkins is).
And then, of course, we also have the “you can’t spell America without Erica” moment:
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Point is, ST has a little running pattern of associating the names of people with the names of places, which could then connect to the whole idea of a person as a place/being trapped inside of a person.
Long story short: Brenner’s fingers are all over this, as usual, and I REALLY don’t think that this S5 BTS Henward scene & the Henry Kane parallels are going to end up with Henry himself being this evil, Kane-esque figure. Instead, I think that there’s something deeper going on, and that Brenner is definitely involved.
Even if I’m entirely wrong about the whole “this S5 Henward has Brenner merged with him” idea, the overall point is just that this isn’t solely a Henward parallel re: Kane, and that there’s more going on here than “Henry is being creepy and evil.”
(And also, as a final little sidenote, it’s interesting to me that Kane took his cult followers down into a cave to die so that he could harvest their souls to gain power versus TFS Henry having gotten lost in the cave in Nevada. And Kane also absorbed the souls of his followers, which is what gave him extra powers, which makes me think of the whole “when 001 kills, he consumes” thing versus the idea of a version of 001 having absorbed a Brenner and the whole Brecna thing/Brenner being connected to the “consuming people/absorbing people” stuff, especially considering the Brenner-Demogorgon Doppelganger stuff & the way that DND Doppelgangers can consume/absorb the personalities, memories etc of their victims before shapeshifting into them)
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era4o4 · 1 year
Attention Skib Audience
Really interested on how other people got into ST. Whether your an active member of the community or not, as long as you've watched ST, consider reblogging or commenting on this post with why/when you started.
Ill go first: It was awhile ago when I seen ep 1. I just looked at it and was like "heh. Goofy toilets." And kept scrolling.
2-ish months later, I get recommended the first TTV episode. I'm freaked out when I saw big ttv boye and binged the series. Loved it. Then it expanded to my artfight, the skib oc's there formed a lovely little sub-community and then I made this blog.
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ryan ross iceberg (tier 7)
tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 8
deep waters:
light up skechers fancam:
this is a fancam made by twitter user fleetwood_wac. the background song is skechers by dripreport, and i think it was a tiktok song? (i don’t have tiktok) in 2020/2021, it became famous on ryan ross stan twitter. i don’t think the original tweet is still up, but aryn has it in this reply.
side note, if you weren’t on ryan ross stan twitter in 2020, you were sorely missing out.
go figure. to late honey:
this is a quote from one of ryan’s livejournal posts from july 3, 2005. it’s SO iconic.
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this refers to ryan/z berg/alex greenwald. i think it’s meant to refer more to their friendship; the golden trio, if you will. however, i’m sure there are people who genuinely ship them all together, just like rydan.
they have been a tight group for a while, as z and alex both played with the young veins some. also, ryan and alex made appearances at z’s prom events.
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eta: as i suspected, this is definitely a real ship.
here's a tumblr post explaining the ship dynamics a bit more. this blog has a lot of zrosswald content if you're interested!
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on thanksgiving of 2011, ryan tweeted this:
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in 2021, it became a meme in the ryan stan twitter community, and people tagged gordan ramsay in the tweet, asking his opinion on ryan’s cooking.
first male model for mac:
the story goes that in the fever era, the makeup company mac offered ryan a spot to be their first male model. unfortunately, he declined. according to the comments on a livejournal post i found, ryan discussed this in a 2006 spin magazine interview [i]. there were scans of the interview, but sadly, they’re not available, like most pictures on lj. it hasn’t been archived either.
the same commenter says that article doesn’t specifically mention mac, though. mac did offer ryan free products, but he doesn’t say if he accepted them [i].
so, it’s unsure if ryan was offered to be mac’s male model (unless there’s another source i’ve missed) or another brand’s. either way he turned it down. my guess is that the mac idea came from the fact that he used mac’s products back then.
beef with pete wentz:
after the split, brendon got pete in the divorce.
in a MTV interview that ryan did in 2009, it says “…he wishes Urie and Smith well and still considers them both to be his friends…The same cannot be said, however, about his former boss -- Decaydance Records honcho/ Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz -- who seems to have clearly aligned himself with the Urie/Smith camp following the split" [ii].
in the same interview, ryan specifically says:
"I haven't spoken to him in a while, since this happened. I guess I've been meaning to call him back. He called me, but I've missed a lot of phone calls this week," Ross said. "We're not sure [whether Ross' and Walker's new band will be on Wentz's Decaydance Records]. I'll have to talk to him, but obviously from what's happening online, I think he's ... he's written a lot about them. I don't know if they're working together on their stuff. I'm not really sure, but it's been awhile since we've spoken. It's strange. It's kind of weird" [ii].
the author of the article speculates that ryan and pete’s friendship is over [ii]. i can’t find the source for this, nor can i remember what the specific comments were, but i swear that pete did make some shady comments about ryan at one point.
however, it does seem that their relationship is not on negative terms currently. in 2016, pete tweeted this and this about ryan [iii] [iv]. also, this year (2023), pete mentioned ryan in a video fall out boy posted of pete reviewing his old fashion! you can watch it here:
i’m also going to link an article i found that chronicles ryan and pete’s entire relationship, which is an interesting read (although i get the feeling they’re a little biased against ryan…).
ryan’s pet turtles:
i can’t find the post or comment, but on a lj post, ryan commented “this reminds me of when my dad ran over my pet turtles with the lawn mower. thanks.”
“i went to high school with ryan:”
i have two sources for this, and i’m not sure of which one is the original. however, this one is the one i remember seeing first (around 2014).
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on tumblr, someone sent in an ask saying essentially the same thing, also in 2014.
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i know that both are referring to the same thing; i’m just not sure if the first pic is based on the ask, or if the ask is based on the image. either way, the sentiment is the same.
honestly, i don’t think this story is true. still funny nonetheless
hot girls eating pizza:
this is another one i cannot find a source for anywhere (not even a tweet mentioning it), even though i was able to in the past. i apologize.
but i’m pretty sure that what this is about is a tweet/social media post in which he referred to hot girls eating pizza.
if anyone has a source or more information on this one though, please let me know!!
(i was going to dm the creator of one of the icebergs i referenced to ask her, but twitter won’t allow me to send dms to someone who doesn’t follow me unless i pay for twitter blue. i’m committed to explaining this iceberg but not enough to give elon musk my money i fear)
sent to an island:
in an alternative press interview from 2018, z said that on christmas eve, she shipped ryan off to an island to clear his head. ryan says, “true story” [v].
kate moss playboy:
in the following picture from ryan’s instagram, you can see a kate moss playboy on the table.
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in the fever era, panic did interviews for a japanese magazine. someone ran ryan’s portion through an image translation, and it brought back something about hentai.
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eta: update, twitter user givememallce bought the actual magazine from japan and provided us with translations of this image and the questions the band was answering! they also included the answers from the rest of the band if you're curious about those [vi]. so the biggest shoutout to them and their service.
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fake wedding with z:
in 2009, ryan and z pretended to be married. ryan tweeted a picture of z with a wedding ring, called her his wife, and also tweeted a quote of her calling him “the best husband ever” [vii].
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later, he tweeted that his wife left in the middle of the night. he then had a revelation:
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the best part is that all of these events took place within a single day.
here’s the masterpost with all the details:
not actually 5’11:
this is a conspiracy that ryan is lying about his height.
one piece of evidence was that brendon is 5’9, meaning ryan would be 2 inches taller than him. however, in a lot of photos they look to be relatively the same height.
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the other piece is that multiple fans who have met ryan said that compared to their own heights, he can’t be 5’11. i don’t have specific sources of people saying that, but i know it was discourse on twitter at one point.
next is the final entry in the iceberg, where we get into the most obscure stuff the iceberg has to offer and finish this thing up.
tier 8
[i] https://bandfandom-ref.livejournal.com/133181.html
[ii] https://www.mtv.com/news/1fedpk/exclusive-ryan-ross-talks-about-leaving-panic-at-the-disco
[iii] https://twitter.com/petewentz/status/794988164901261312
[iv] https://twitter.com/petewentz/status/795025751930114048
[v] https://www.altpress.com/ryan-ross-z-berg-the-bad-list/
[vi] https://twitter.com/GIVEMEMALlCE/status/1695649402663363028
[vii] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/180912208431/ryan-ross-and-z-bergs-wedding-masterpost
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Chapter 18: Dreams & Nightmares
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(Warnings:Smoking, drinking, language, sexual themes. 18+ only…..)
Hello lovey people!!! I’m happy to be back posting. Sorry for the long hiatus. Life got in the way but I have loads of chapters to add here! (I’ve currently written 60 already so buckle up!) & Please forgive me for the annoying spaces in between paragraphs. It’s been awhile so I’m getting used to this character limit 😵‍💫
Word count: 4.8k
"I- it's Arthur. He- he's been attacked at the Department of Mysteries…". "WHAT?!", Brigitte sits up abruptly in the bed, holding the sheet up to cover her body. Remus is staring at Sirius with wide eyes and a slack jaw. The dark-haired wizard shakes his head. "Dumbledore sent that git grandfather of mine, in the portrait in the other room. I heard him calling for me and he said Arthur's been attacked at the Ministry. He's on his way to the hospital. All the kids will be here soon", he pants and then rushes down the stairs.
"Shit…", Remus breathes out, combing his fingers through his hair. Brigitte vaguely remembers hearing Harry ask Hermione about hearing a voice in his bedroom, of course Dumbledore would have a stealth way of communicating like this in case of emergency. She reaches over and pulls on an old tee shirt and hurries over to him, "C'mon, we need to get dressed", she says as she rubs his arm. Remus jerks his head and he looks over at her, "Right… right…", he mumbles before he puts his dress shirt and trousers back on. Brigitte slips into her pajama pants. Remus takes her hand, holding it tightly as they descend the stairs. As soon as they reach the bottom landing they hear a loud crash. "OUCH!". "Oooo Freddie! You kneed me in my twins!". "I'm not Fred, you're Fred!". "Then you must've also kneed me in the head!". "Will you two shut it?! Ugh, Ron get off my foot!".
Brigitte's pace quickens when she hears Ginny yelp. "Get OUT KREACHER", they hear Sirius growl. They pass the house elf in the hall, muttering his usual niceties, "Filth blood traitors have come back… oh look, scummy werewolf and whore who dare to desecrate master's home-". "Kreacher!", Remus barks at the ball of wrinkles uncharacteristically. Brigitte squeezes his hand, "Usually he ignores me completely, I think we're making progress", she whispers.
Remus and Brigitte rush hand-in-hand into the kitchen and Ginny immediately runs over to the couple. Tears are streaming down her face as the little read head squeezes her arms around Brigitte. She lets go of Remus' hand and pats Ginny on the back. "What's going on?!", Sirius asks as he helps Harry up, "they told me Arthur's been injured?". Ginny whimpers into Brigitte's chest. She comfortingly shushes the distraught girl and guides her to a bench in the corner by the fireplace. "Ask Harry", said Fred breathlessly.
"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself", George adds. Remus sits down at the kitchen table next to Ron who has a pale green shade to his face. The twins and Sirius stand in the middle of the kitchen, all of them watching as Harry starts pacing. "It was… like… a vision", Harry shutters, "I saw a snake slithering across a dark room… towards a man, it was Mr. Weasley…", he shifts uncomfortably, "… the snake rose from the floor and started attacking him… and, and then I woke up".
Brigitte, Remus, and Sirius' look at one another horrified. Snape mentioned Nagini just a few hours ago, but he didn't know what she would be used for. Who knew they'd find out so quickly? They all look at Harry expectantly. He looks down at his feet, his ears reddening and a nauseous feeling intensifying. "I'm so sorry you had to see that Harry", he jerks his head when Brigitte address him with a gentle voice, "I'm sure Arthur is okay. He's already being taken care of at St. Mungos, and it sounds like you saved him".
George sits down beside her on the bench, "Is Mum coming here?", he asks her worriedly. "I'm not sure, George, I'm sorry. She'll probably go to the hospital first when she hears", she says and pats his shoulder. "We've got to go to St. Mungos… now!", Ginny urges suddenly, looking around the room. Sirius huffs impatiently and rubs his forehead, "Wait- you can't go rushing off to the hospital… how would you explain how you know about the attack?".
"It doesn't matter?! It's our dad!", Fred shouts angrily, taking a few steps towards the shirtless wizard, eyeing up and down his tattooed chest as the redhead stands a few inches taller. "It matters… because this would draw attention to the Order and to Harry. The Ministry cannot know about these visions…", Remus speaks up, sounding surprisingly calm. Ginny huffs and curls up next to Brigitte, "Someone else could've told us! Someone besides Harry!", she exclaims, hugging her knees into her chest.
"Like who?", Sirius asks impatiently and takes a deep breath, "look- your dad was hurt while doing something for the Order. It'll look suspect enough with him coming in the middle of the night, but then his kids busting into the room moments after it happened-". "We don't care about the stupid Order!", Fred cuts him off. George stands up next to him, "It's our dad dying you're talking about!".
"Your father knew what he was getting into, and he won't thank you if you mess things up for the Order!", Sirius shouts angrily at them. Brigitte tightens her embrace on Ginny as her tears dampen Brigitte's shoulder. "This is how it is- this is why you're not in the Order- you don't understand that there are things worth dying for!", Sirius fumes. James and Lily's faces flash through his mind, making him suck in his breath and grip firmly onto the back of a chair. Remus goes over to his friend, patting him on the back. "Sirius… stop. Just breathe", he tries to calm him down.
"You're right, they're not in the Order but young children worried about their father. So how about be a little easy on them?", Brigitte tries to diffuse the tension. She takes a deep sigh and looks to the twins, "Boys, I know it's hard but you all have to act like you don't know anything yet. Your dad knows the risks, we all do-," she says thinking back to her injury, "-We have to stay here, at least until we hear from your mother, alright?".
She can feel Ginny silently weeping. George sits back down; Brigitte puts her arm around him and he instinctively rests his head on her shoulder, all emotion drained from his face. She looks around the room, horror and confusion masked on everyone.
Fred drops into the seat next to Ron, and Harry follows suit. Sirius claps his hands together, "How about someone thing to drink while we wait?", he offers and uses his wand to bring everyone butterbeers. They drink in a tense silence.
Brigitte glances over at Harry, who has a look of guilt spread across his face as his eyes stay focused on the table. Then she looks over to Remus leaning against the countertop, anxiously tapping the rim of his glass. His gaze is already fixed on her. They try to smile at one another, but it comes across more as a grimace. Then with a flash of light near the ceiling, a small note along with a red feather flutters down to the table. Sirius snatches the bundle mid-air. "Fawkes…hmm, not Dumbledore's writing, must be your mum's", he says and hands it to Fred.
His eyes shift over it frantically, "Dad's still alive. I'm off to St Mungos now. Stay where you are. I'll send word as soon as I can. Mum.", he looks around the room anxiously. "Still alive? But that sounds like…", George says slowly. Brigitte hugs the trembling siblings beside her. "He's going to be alright", she says calmly, "he has the best healers looking after him, and your mother". "How about you all lie down until your Mum gets here?", Sirius suggests. He's met with eat-shit glares, making Remus silently chuckle.
They wait in silence for an update for what feels like an eternity. Brigitte can feel George getting heavier on her shoulder as he drifts in and out of consciousness, while Ginny rests her head on her lap. Fred stares intently at his mother's note until Remus clasps his shoulder comfortingly. He gives the older wizard a sad smile and flips the note upside down. Harry and Ron sit shoulder to shoulder, looking at the empty butterbeer bottles.
No one really knows how long they waited like that. Brigitte rotates between which Weasley sibling's hair she caresses. At this point George is totally asleep and she has to tense her abdomen muscles to keep them upright. Harry avoids eye contact with everyone in the room. The guilt and responsibility build up like a fire growing inside him. Sirius watches him take dry gulps occasionally and shift uncomfortably in his chair.
Finally as the dark night sky turns into a deep gray-purple, Mrs. Weasley comes rushing into the kitchen. "He's going to be fine", she says with a quivering lip, "he's sleeping. Bill's with him now, we'll see him once he's off to work… Thank you, Harry. I don't know what would've happened". Ginny and Fred run to their mother and hold her tightly. Ron takes a deep sigh in his chair and smiles at Harry. The bespeckled boy doesn't look so tense anymore. George slouches back against the bench and covers his face, leaning against Brigitte. She lovingly rubs his arm, "Shh, shh… he's alright Georgie!", she whispers. He nods his head and rushes to his mother.
"That's excellent, Molly. I never doubted he'd be okay", Remus says quietly as he pats the huddle of Weasley's on the backs. "How about some breakfast?", Sirius says cheerfully and does a headcount. "Actually… Sirius, can I talk to you for a minute?", Harry says hesitantly. "Yes, of course, Harry", he says, leading him out the kitchen door. He glances back to Brigitte and Remus to start breakfast. "We got it", she nods.
Brigitte walks over to her boyfriend and gives him a tight hug. She looks up into Remus' caramel eyes with a soft smile, thankful all is now well. Then she grabs his hand and pulls him to the other side of the counter, taking lead of the meal. The Weasley offspring and Harry find a place at the table and watch the couple's adorable domestic scene … After a filling breakfast of Brigitte's famous pancakes and Molly further explaining Arthur's current condition, exhaustion settles on everyone in the room.
"Sirius, do you mind if the kids sleep here for a bit?", Molly asks. "Not at all! In fact… please stay until after the holidays! Or at least until Arthur is out of hospital", he offers, any past tensions in their relationship now forgotten. "Oh, Sirius that's too kind! Are you sure?", she hesitates. "The more the merrier! We've already planned on decorating the house today", he says with a boyish excitement. Brigitte laughs at his giddiness… 'He hasn't had a Christmas since he was younger than me… no wonder he acts like a teenaged boy half the time'. She turns to Remus; this Holiday is monumental for the both of them.
The syrup-coated plates get stacked up in the sink for Kreacher to clean, and the kids shuffle upstairs to their usual guest rooms. "Molly, I can stay with you down here with you'd like company?", Brigitte offers. "No no, dear. Thank you, but you get some sleep. I'm fine with the quiet for a while", she smiles tightly.
Brigitte goes to her bedroom to check on Ginny, who is already in a deep slumber. She quietly closes the door and tip toes into Remus' room, where he's leant up against the headboard waiting for her.
However, their rest is interrupted midday by the abrupt wailing of Mrs. Black's portrait. The children waste no time jumping out of bed and running down the stairs, hoping its someone with news of their dad. Luckily, it is Tonks, who's been assigned to escort them to St Mungos.
Still half-asleep with gnarly bed head, the family wraps up in their winter layers hung up by the front door. "Tonks, will you keep an eye out for a young man in the ward with Mr. Weasley? His name is Alex, he's got short brown hair and a bandage on his shoulder. From a werewolf bite…", Brigitte asks hurriedly before the auror leaves.
"I sure can, ma'am", Tonks salutes, "I'll report my findings when I return!". "Ha, alright. At ease, soldier", she mocks the eccentric witch. Locking the door after they've all filed out, Brigitte makes her way to the kitchen where Remus and Sirius are already discussing the early morning events. "Tell me exactly what he said…", Remus says slowly. Brigitte sits down next to him and gives her undivided attention to Sirius. He runs his fingers through his long dark hair, "Harry said his normal dream was… interrupted, and suddenly he was slithering on the floor…he was the snake. He didn't watch a snake attack Arthur, he was the one attacking him", Sirius shakes his head cluelessly. "Mon Dieu", Brigitte gasps.
"What the hell does that even mean?", Remus stresses. "I dont know, but I don't like it-", Sirius goes on, "- it's not like the visions he's had before…". Brigitte opens her mouth to speak when a loud CRACK startles them. "Ah, hello! I wanted to wait until the other occupants left…", Dumbledore casually remarks as he straightens out his robes. "Sir! What is going on?", Sirius asks. "We had all been informed about the snake, and suddenly it attacks?", Brigitte worries. The headmaster looks at the three calmly, "Voldemort is getting more powerful, and more determined… perhaps more desperate", he says in his quiet rough voice. "His snake too. Had Arthur not been informed beforehand of Voldemort's potential to use it, I fear what his outcome would have been. Nothing could've shielded Arthur from the wrath of Nagini, this is not normal magic". "Harry is not dreaming is he, sir?", Brigitte asks nervously.
"No, my dear", the old headmaster says, "it seems, unfortunately, that Harry and Voldemort have an usual bond, that I can only attest to the night he tried to kill Harry years ago … he was having visions during the tournament, but not like this. I think the only explanation is that Voldemort's powers are growing…". "Harry said he was looking through the eyes of the snake, not Voldemort…", Remus says curiously. "Yes… as Snape told us, Nagini and Voldemort hold a… special connection. This, I believe, is why he's able to occupy both minds", Dumbledore says. "Does Voldemort know that Harry can see all this?", Remus asks.
"Not yet. It doesn't seem controlled. Harry gets random glimpses. Voldemort would use this to his advantage if he knew". "How would he do that?", Sirius asks. "What Voldemort doesn't know yet is that his attempts to retrieve the prophecy will always fail. It can only be taken by the person it is about. I believe the snake was sent to locate exactly where the Prophecy rests, so they're more prepared next time", Dumbledore explains. "But if Voldemort learns about their mind connection, he will use Legilimency against Harry". "So this is why we're guarding the Department of Mysteries? What is this prophecy? How is it a weapon?", Brigitte asks. Her frustration of being left out of pertinent information is bubbling in her veins.
Dumbledore fixes his long white beard. "it is not safe for anyone to be privy to that information yet. We cannot risk it being found out by Volde -" "But if my godson is being used by him-", Sirius growls, but Dumbledore raises his hand to silence him. Brigitte looks at him and Remus out of the corners of her eyes, nervous about what the outcome of all this will be. Dumbledore analyzes their overwhelmed faces, "That is why I've already spoken with Severus about giving Harry occlumency lessons to strengthen the wall protecting his mind. Now- I must be off. Umbridge is beside herself that the Weasley children and Harry have left early. Happy Christmas!", Dumbledore rushes, and with a CRACK he's gone. "How can we have people risk their lives to protect something, and we can't even know what it is?", Brigitte questions horrifically.
"Well, whatever it is, it scared Voldemort enough to kill James and Lily in his mission to get Harry", Remus explains, a glint a sadness in his eyes. Sirius stares at the spot where Dumbledore was standing, his jaw dropped on the floor. "Did he… say SEVERUS?!", he bellows, ignoring the the couple's comments. "You've GOT to get over whatever is it that's between you three!", Brigitte rolls her eyes dramatically. "Nope. Don't like him, don't trust him", Sirius sneers. "Remus! Reason with the big baby please", she turns to his handsome scarred face. "I'm sorry darling, but this is over twenty years of animosity. I don't care for him much either. He, uh… he let it 'slip' to some students that I'm a werewolf… thus ending my career at Hogwarts", he shares resentfully. "I'll kill him", she blurts out. Remus laughs and takes her hand, "You will not", he says. He has a smile on his face but his voice is firm, "you don't need to get involved in our shit with Snape".
"Well… just remember this 'animosity' has been going on since before I was a baby", she retorts and crosses her arms victoriously. The wizards look at her completely shocked by that fact, doing the math in their head and shuttering at the revelation. Remus scoffs guiltily and runs his long fingers through his hair, astonished by how long this has been going on. "Fuck woman, way to make us feel old!", Sirius exaggerates, "Anyhow… Snivellus is harmless and outnumbered… but enough about him. Tell me: what's a 'feminist'?", he asks, looking at block lettering on her shirt.
Early that evening, the children return with lifted spirits after visiting with Arthur. Molly finally feels clear-minded enough to return home for shower and to pack clean clothes for her family. While Brigitte and Remus distribute their homemade pizza, Fred and George put on a miniature firework show that their mother would never approve of; they even talk the French witch into lighting the fuse with a blink of her eyes. Miniature dragons and dragonflies soar above them. Finally, smiles grace the faces of the children after a taxing day.
Brigitte gives Ginny her dinner and turns to Tonks, offering her the next plate of pizza. Tonks shakes her head and beckons Brigitte over with a finger curl. "Alex was sleeping the whole time we were there. Bandage looked pretty bad. I spoke to the Healer in charge of his case, Le Fay, she said he let his girlfriend visit. That's all. Sorry Love", Tonks reports.
"Sorry? This is wonderful news! I knew that stubborn bastard would listen, he's already making progress. Poor guy, he's probably so normal and nice … Thanks Tonks. Sure you cannot stay for dinner?". "Gus is taking me out", she says with twinkling eyes. "Dump him", Brigitte shrugs. "You're really going to make me choose? Fine". Tonks grabs a piece of pizza and practically shoves the entire thing down her throat. "There. Dinner is finished!". She struggles to swallow the thick wad of cheese and dough.
"I need someone to obliviate that from my mind please!", Brigitte gags. She and Tonks kiss cheeks and the Auror waves to everyone on her way out. "And let me know when you want to practice again!", she shouts down the hall. Molly joins them shortly thereafter, relieved to see her children smiling and taken care of. The anxious tension from earlier is no longer lingering between the children and Sirius now that they have visited Arthur. Molly kisses every single head sitting at the table before taking the open seat between Ginny and Ron, thanking Brigitte repeatedly.
"It's really no problem, really Molly. I'd never let any of these kids starve!", Brigitte insists, making a plate of pizza hover to the Weasley mother. Remus looks down at Brigitte, cupping her chubby cheek when she mimics his loving gaze and subsequently gaining the attention of the children. "So, are you two finally, like officially … y'know?", Fred points his pizza at the couple. Everyone looks at them, excitedly waiting for an answer. Harry genuinely smiles for the first time since his nightmare after seeing Remus' cheeks get a faint pink tint. He peeks down embarrassedly at the witch he gets to call his.
"Yup! I finally wore him down", Brigitte cheers cheekily and nudges his shoulder. They stare at each other shyly with goofy smiles. "Yeah, and I don't think they've let go of each other this past month", Sirius adds, pretending to gag behind his pizza and making Harry snort. Sirius smiles at himself proudly for making the boy laugh. He can't imagine the mental toll this has had on him today. "How romantic", Ginny swoons. "We're not nearly as bad as Bill and Fleur!", Brigitte mumbles. Now it's Ginny's turn to heave. Ron's face flushes. "Well… I think you two are adorable. I told Britt that over summer break", Ginny teases. "So adorable", the twins nod simultaneously, but George momentarily glances at Brigitte with a sad and longing look when she turns her attention back to Remus and notices them touching each other under the table.
Instead of having a late night beginning the Christmas decorations, they agree to start in the morning. Molly sends the children upstairs so they adults can discuss everything that has happened. "Are you alright, Molly?", Brigitte asks, setting a cup of tea down in front of the shaken woman. "I'll be alright when Arthur is out of hospital. I cannot believe it. I'm so grateful that Snape, and you, informed the Order about the snake. Arthur was keeping an eye out for it. Merlin knows what would've happened if he hadn't been", Molly whimpers, wiping the corner of her eye with a napkin.
"Dumbledore came by when you and the children were out", Remus says. "He said no one could've completely protected themselves against it. Arthur is a brilliant wizard… and it sounds like that won't be the last time we encounter the snake". "Apparently Voldemort and the snake have a magical bond. They're connected in a similar way Harry is with Voldemort. A blessing and a curse. He keeps having these nightmares, but it saved Arthur this time", Sirius says. They fill Molly in on everything she missed: Harry seeing through the snake, Voldemort's capability to weaponize his mind, and Snape giving Harry Occlumency lessons.
"Oh, boy. I'm sure Snape is thrilled about that", Molly scoffs. "I hope he'll help the poor boy for once". "He better or he'll have to deal with me", Sirius threatens. "Alright now. I think that's enough for tonight. We've all had a long day", Remus says. Brigitte nods her head agreeably. "Right, and a long day of decorating tomorrow". They silently go to their rooms, their thoughts overwhelmed with what has occurred in the last 24 hours. Brigitte checks on Ginny, who is sound asleep in her bed. She kisses the redhead on the forehead and tip toes over to Remus' room. He's sitting up against the headboard waiting for her.
"Lunaire…", she whispers as she slides into the narrow room. She takes a look around, seeing his room for the first time. It's much smaller than hers and the floor is littered with books, boxes, and papers. Brigitte has to choose her steps wisely to find a makeshift path. She glances at the bedside table and sees a copy of Dorian Gray stacked on a poetry book, and set next it to is the small portrait she drew of him. There's also a small pile of empty chocolate wrappers.
Brigitte looks back to her lover jumps on top of him, straddling his hips. She nuzzles her face in his neck, giving him soft kisses right under his ear. Remus wraps his arms tightly around her, taking deeps breaths as the peacefulness he gets from her swaddles him like a blanket.
Their hearts beat synchronously as they lay in silence, having their first quiet moment together all day. They knew the risks of being in the Order when they joined up, but this smacked them in the face with that dark reminder — that one day they may leave Grimmauld place and never come back; or worse, the person in their arms facing that fate. "Things are only going to get worse aren't they?", Brigitte mumbles against his skin.
He tightens his hold and sighs deeply, "Yes-", he says regretfully, "It feels like last time… everything seems normal from the outside, doubts only coming out in whispers. People worry but cannot trust others and are scared to say anything… As long as Voldemort is holed up in that manor, we can't get him. And I think that's where he'll stay until he has to do things himself". Brigitte's face wrinkles at the possibility of any other Order members getting hurt, or killed like they have in the past.
Remus brushes the hair out of her face as he gazes up at her, "I will never let anything happen to you". It still feels like a gut punch when he thinks about her lying on the kitchen table bleeding and screaming for help, and he'll be damned if she's ever in pain like that again. "I don't want you to get hurt either, Lunaire… that could've been you tonight", Brigitte cries, squeezing her legs around him. She lifts her head slightly to looks into his eyes. Her lip trembles and she bursts into tears. "It so easily could've been you!", she sobs. The delirium from the long day is setting in and she's a ball of emotions. "Hey… shhh, shh. Don't get upset, Darling", he rubs her cheek gently to wipe away her tears. His least favorite thing in the world is Brigitte being upset, and it's like a knife in the gut seeing her cry over him. He swallows the big lump building in this throat.
"Things aren't going to get any worse today… We're safe here, love", he says trying to cheer her up. She nods her head and blinks back her tears. Then she presses her lips firmly to his and tangles her fingers in his sandy hair. Remus can taste the remnants of Brigitte's salty tears as his hands roam up and down her side, finding their way under her shirt and caressing the dramatic curve of her waist. She opens her soft lips and ghosts his mouth with her tongue, inviting him in. They kiss sloppily, hungrily tasting each other and exchanging breaths.
Brigitte grinds her hips down against Remus, making him moan into her mouth which send tingles down between her legs. She bites his lip and tugs his hair, pulling him in as close as physically possible and ignoring the way his facial hair scratches her soft skin. Ever since his unmerciful foreplay last night, she's been desperate for his touch. She needs to hold him, to have him as close to her as she can. They both do.
Sitting up to catch her breath, Brigitte takes a moment to admire the gorgeous man who is just as crazy about her as she is for him. His shirt is wrinkled and haphazardly tucked into his tented pants. But Remus unabashedly admires Brigitte sitting above him like an angel; burning lust in his eyes and aching for her touch …
♡ ♡
Taglist: @dontjudgemyobsessionpls @roundbrownlover @applerubyy @siimiasoi @violetrogers-2023
I know it's been forever!!!! but i'm back babies! lemme know if you'd like to be tagged.
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starwarsgorl · 1 month
That day, their lives changed forever. Elara Hart discovered her five siblings, siblings she had never known about. It was also the day the five kids were told their mother was going away before their trial, leaving them to be taken in by a person they knew nothing about, except for the fact that their sister, whose very existence was unknown to them, until now.
Once again, I rarely post on here but I'd like to announce that my first chapter of my fic, Fight for them, was posted today!!! I've been working on it for awhile and would like to share it with more people.
First I understand I'm not the best writer this is my second attempt at a fic (the first one.. didn't end well and I well I gave up ☺️) However I think I'm more into this one and am going to try to work on it more but if you do not like it then go away. Don't waste your time reading it if you're not going to enjoy it. I understand it's not what everyone wants to read 🤷‍♀️ (it's a modern Au where the members of TBB are children)
Its currently going to only be posted on Wattpad under my account, Clone_force99, until I decided to post on more sights but till then I hope I find that right people to enjoy the book.
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scruffyplayssonic · 2 years
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 33: Animal character(s) become human and/or vice-versa
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon!
Hey, we're halfway through our 65 episodes! I’ve got a doozy of a topic to talk about today, so let’s not waste any time and just get straight into it:
Episode 33: Animal character(s) become human and/or vice-versa 
I really had to rack my brains over this one, because I just couldn’t think of any examples of this happening at first. The closest I could think of was when Walter Naugus disguised himself as an echidna to trick Knuckles into helping him get the Master Emerald shards.
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But that wasn’t so much a transformation as an illusion, and it was from troll to echidna and back again, so not really a human transforming into an animal or vice versa. But then it hit me. Muttski!
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You remember Muttski, right? Sonic’s pet dog who was introduced all the way back in issue #0 of the original Sonic mini series only to fall victim to Robotnik’s roboticiser?
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He later returned in Sonic #32 as antagonist, programmed to sniff out Sonic’s location. But Uncle Chuck was able to reprogram him and give him back his free will, so from that point on Sonic had a pet dog who just happened to be a robot and often times worked undercover in Robotropolis.
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Muttski and Uncle Chuck were later reprogrammed to be mindless slaves again when Robo-Robotnik was introduced as the new villain of the series, but as discussed in an earlier post, the two of them had their free will restored by the Sword of Acorns and decided to stay undercover in Robotropolis again for awhile so that they could get information to Sonic.
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Then in Sonic #124 all the robot mobians (aka “robians”) were transformed back to normal by an unknown force, which I’ll get into in more detail later on down the road. So for the next 125 or so issues Muttski was a normal dog again, doing normal dog things like drinking from the toilet (probably)...
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talking to Sonic (technically)...
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...and trying to murder Tails (it was apparently a misunderstanding?). It was a weird time in the ArchieSonic series. But the weirdest change for Muttski was yet to come. 
Sonic #247 ended with Eggman activating the Super Genesis Wave, rewriting reality and leading into the big 12 issue crossover with Mega Man. But this also served the purpose of creating a narrative reason for the reboot which began in Sonic #252. Because of the legal battle between Archie Comics and former writer Ken Penders, all original comic characters not created by the current comic staff were wiped from existence. Scourge the Hedgehog and all associated characters? Gone. Sonic and Tails’ parents? Gone. The millions upon millions of echidna characters? Gone. Even the ones who were central to the current stories going on in the comic at the time, such as Geoffrey St John, Elias Acorn, and Shard the Metal Sonic had to go. All of them were Thanos-snapped from existence, and a new continuity began. But you know what characters were allowed to stay? Uncle Chuck and Muttski! Because they had both been characters in the SatAM cartoon series, they got the same deal as the Freedom Fighters and were allowed to remain a part of the narrative so long as their designs were updated to fit in better with the modern Sonic style.
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Uncle Chuck looked pretty similar to before, but Muttski?
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Muttski was redesigned as a mobian and renamed Ben “The Mutt” Muttski, apparently in honour of the late Ben Hurst, one of the main writers of Sonic SatAM. I know this isn’t exactly the same as an animal character becoming human, but this is honestly pretty darn close. Muttski changed from a quadrupedal housepet to a sapient character standing on two feet. For what it’s worth, the pre-reboot comics stated that Mobian DNA contained “a sizable percentage of human DNA,” so it’s arguable that humans and mobians are pretty much the same thing. Although it’s unclear whether or not that fact remained true in the post-reboot comics… but what do you want from me?! I had to come up with something for this entry!
What are your thoughts on this topic? Let me know in the comments! Next time I’ll be going over a much easier category: the idiot comic relief character becomes a genius. See you then!
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modernagegarbage · 8 months
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I visited the filming location of the wedding scene in long vacation in London yesterday. Didn’t know it was filmed in London until I saw someone posting abt it on the internet. But still, as someone who has a really bad sense of directions, it took me quite awhile to find these places, even though I was following the OP’s instructions.
The first two pics were taken in and around Holland park, a very posh neighbourhood. The church is called St John’s church, about 2 miles away from Holland park. I don’t understand why they ended up choosing this very plain-looking church for the wedding scene, which I wouldn’t even bother looking at if I walk past it.
Anyway, I’m glad that I managed to find most of the places that appeared in the scene but would definitely consider visiting this area again to find the rest (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎).
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
hello hello!
been a minute since i popped in here (i think? maybe not that long since my tron thoughts lmao but it feels like a month cuz ✨stress✨)
how’ve you been? i’ve been… surviving 😅
sleep token presale was possibly one of the most stressful days of my life. but i secured a ticket! and it’s pit! i get to try to look at iii again and redeem myself from my first ritual lmao
i’ve also been mad stressed about school, i have a debate on tuesday and lowkey forgot how triggering public speaking is?? so that’s fun. think i’ve got it together and can get it done so that’s okay i guess lol
but! (i’m assuming it’s from the mild stress relief i got yesterday lol) i had another sleep token dream! i cannot remember much of it, and i do not know what the context was but vessel unmasked? he looked different than my fun cult dream, but still 😮‍💨 the funny thing is that dream me was still focused on his mouth even though i already knew what that looked like lmao. apparently i just like mouths😂🙈
but yeah. kinda glad to have them back in my unconscious mind, it feels dumb but it’s lowkey comforting lol
hope you have a good day!
hihi Exie! it does feel like its been awhile, haha.
I too am surviving at the moment, I had a painful day yesterday, and my anxiety has been through the roof, oof. But I get to relax today, hopefully. I need to relax today, so maybe the tension headache will go away, and I won't get a migraine again.
I'm super excited for you!! about tickets!! I'm honestly a bit ok with not even trying to get any this time. I hope there will be a next time, and I'll have the money to go, but dang. It seems like it was a bloodbath for tickets in the US. I think there might still be St. Louis tickets?? but I'm not even gonna look, oof.
I saw your post yesterday about college stress, dang that sucks, and I wish you didn't have to go through it, goodness knows I hated just the little speaking things I had to do for my high school classes. Give yourself a little, like.... reward for doing it. Not even doing it 'well' just have a little something to look forward to after haha. You deserve it.
I haven't had a sleep token dream in a while either, i told you of the last one, but honestly? I think I like the casual ones better than the ones with huge plots haha. No stress, just chill. Glad you got to have one! Also, mood, i too would probably be focused on his mouth 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.
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aemiron-main · 9 months
It Was Victor's Uncle That Died: South Bend, Edward and the Creels- Reference to Edward in the NEW FULL WEEKLY WATCHER?? (Also Comparing The Various Weekly Watcher Articles)
So, first of all, MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you to this wonderful twitter user who posted photos of the items from the ST memorabilia box- and specifically, pictures of the newspaper articles.
And after I sent those pictures of the Victor article to Stav, Wilbur, and James, Stav pointed out that it said that the Creels were from South Bend, Indiana:
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(Which, sidenote, the inheritance now being from Victor’s uncle rather than Virginia’s great uncle makes me insane because it ties PERFECTLY into what I talked about in this post regarding how Victor just says “her uncle had died” but doesn’t specify WHOSE uncle, like he doesn’t say Virginia’s name, and he could be be referring to Daughter Alice in the Henry timeline or also could be referring to Daughter Virginia in the Edward timeline and and how Daughter Alice or Daughter Virginia’s great uncle would be Victor’s uncle, JUST LIKE WHAT THIS PAPER SAYS!! I WAS RIGHT!!!)
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And I was actually working on another draft about this, but I mentioned on discord awhile ago that the University of Notre Dame was founded by a guy named Edward, and is in South Bend, Indiana, and how that was interesting considering that “Up Around the Bend,” by Creedence Clearwater Revival plays while Eddie Munson (local deliverer of Edward subtext) is in the winnebago:
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So, the Creels, according to this full Weekly Watcher article, were from the same place that Nancy and Robin claimed they went to school/forged school documents from (South Bend, Indiana and Notre Dame University), which was founded by a guy named Edward. And yet IM supposed to believe that Edward is a production error??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! This (the south bend thing) is a reference to Edward in the WEEKLY WATCHER, which isnt even the EDWARD PAPER, thats the HENRY paper!!!!!
Which, the Creels being from South Bend makes a hell of a lot more sense than Rachel, Nevada, which is where the Creels are supposedly from according to TFS. It makes a hell of a lot more sense because Rachel, Nevada didn’t even exist in 1959.
And of course, there’s the question of whether or not this aligns with the actual in-show Weekly Watcher article.
And no! It doesn’t! Parts of it do, but large parts of it (images etc) do not!
BUT! BUT BUT! BEFORE you go “oh yeah lol this is unreliable & just made for the memoirbilia thing”, keep in mind that the in-show Weekly Watcher that Nancy and Robin find in the library is NOT the only Weekly Watcher article that we see about the Creel murders- there’s two more.
First of all, there’s the Weekly Watcher article from the Netflix Tudum trailer- which I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, and other posts I'm forgetting rn.
And that tudum Weekly Watcher article is also NOT THE SAME as the in-show Weekly Watcher article.
And the tudum Weekly Watcher article is ALSO not the same as this new full Weekly Watcher article- but PARTS OF IT ARE, and both the tudum version and this memoirbilia box version have things that are NOT in the in-show version.
Here’s a full rundown of the In-Show Weekly Watcher vs the Memoirbilia Box Weekly Watcher vs the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher and the similarities and differences between them.
In-Show Weekly Watcher vs Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher
Things That Are The Same
Both the In-Show Weekly Watcher article and the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article have the same section talking about Alice finding a possum in her duvet & the Creel lawn turning black (however, these sections are not in the same place in the article, see the differences section)
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Both the In-Show Weekly Watcher article and the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article have the same photo of the Creel family at the same size
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The dates of both the articles are the same- March 26th, 1959.
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Both the In-Show Weekly Watcher article and the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article have the same caption above the blood bath photo, although they have different photos.
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Things That Are Different
The sections talking about Alice finding a dead possum in her duvet & the Creel lawn turning black are in two different places in each article. The in-show Weekly Watcher has that section on the same page as the Creel family photo & Victor’s mugshot, whereas the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher has it on a totally separate page with a brand new picture of Young Victor that doesn’t appear in ANY other papers, and another photo of the Creel house, as well as closeup pictures of Alice, Henry, and Virginia.
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The in-show Weekly Watcher has NO bloody bedspread photo (which the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher does have)- instead , the in-show Weekly Watcher has a picture of what seems to be the Creel bathroom.
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The In-Show Weekly Watcher jumps right into the article on the first page- the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher has a list of other articles in the paper.
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The little box about "Lana stalked by crazed fan" has "page 5" written under it in the In-Show Weekly Watcher article, whereas that same box and title has "page 6" written under it instead in the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article.
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Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher vs Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher
Things That Are The Same
Both the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher and the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher have the bloody bed photo
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(Also, there’s something about that bloody, stained bed + the South Bend vs Edward thing vs Eddie Munson talking about the stains on his bed)
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Both the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article and the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article have the front page that lists other articles instead of jumping right into the article
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The dates of both the articles are the same- March 26th, 1959.
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Things That Are Different
The article snippets beside that bloody bed photo are not the same.
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The articles listed on the front page are different- the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article lists an article titled "Policeman shot 12 times survives" on page 3, whereas the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article lists an article titled "Elvis Presley cloned by aliens," on page 3 instead of the article about the police officer.
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The caption above the blood bath photo is different. The Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article's caption above the blood bath photo says "Crime scene photos from inside the Creel Home obtained EXCLUSIVELY by TWW reveal a complete blood bath," whereas the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article's caption above the blood bath photo says "Crime scene photos from inside the Creel Home obtained EXCLUSIVELY by THE WEEKLY WATCHER reveal a complete blood bath..." The key differences here are a.) The Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article abbreviating The Weekly Watcher as 'TWW" whereas the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article spells it out as THE WEEKLY WATCHER, and b.) the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article ends the caption with "..." whereas the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article has no punctuation at the end.
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Things That Are Unknown/Not Visible
The part about the possum in Alice’s duvet simply isn’t visible in the Tudum Trailer version- because much of that article is cut off, there’s no way of knowing if it’s in there.
The caption under the blood bath photo isn't visible in the Tudum Trailer version because that section is cut off, so there's no way of knowing if it's in there.
The In-Show Weekly Watcher vs The Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher
Things That Are The Same
Both articles have the same photo of the Creel family, even though the sizes of those photos are different
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The dates of both the articles are the same- March 26th, 1959.
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Things That Are Different
The photo of the Creel family in the In-Show Weekly Watcher is much smaller than the photo of the Creel family in the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher
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There is a single column of text beside Victor’s mugshot in the In-Show Weekly Watcher, whereas there is a double column of text beside Victor’s mugshot in the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher
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The text beside the bloodbath photo is different in both the In-Show Weekly Watcher and the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher.
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The caption above the blood bath photo is different in the In-Show Weekly Watcher and the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher. The In-Show Weekly watcher article's caption above the blood bath photo says "Crime scene photos from inside the Creel Home obtained EXCLUSIVELY by THE WEEKLY WATCHER reveal a complete blood bath..." whereas the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article's caption above the blood bath photo says "Crime scene photos from inside the Creel Home obtained EXCLUSIVELY by TWW reveal a complete blood bath" The key differences here are a.) The Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article abbreviating The Weekly Watcher as 'TWW" whereas the In-Show Weekly Watcher article spells it out as THE WEEKLY WATCHER, and b.) the In-Show Weekly Watcher article ends the caption with "..." whereas the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher article has no punctuation at the end.
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Things That Are Unknown/Not Visible
The part about the possum in Alice’s duvet simply isn’t visible in the Tudum Trailer version- because much of that article is cut off, there’s no way of knowing if it’s in there.
The caption under the blood bath photo is cut off in both the In-Show Weekly Watcher and the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher.
I can't quite make out what page the "Lana stalked by crazed fan" thing has listed in the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher. It's visible/not cut off, but too blurry for me to make out the number.
I’m also sure there’s more differences/similarities between these papers, but I’m tired right now, and so I’ll save any further digging there for a future post.
Second of all, there’s also the TFS Weekly Watcher article. Which, I talked about that in this post, but TLDR, they do NOT show us very much of the TFS Weekly Watcher.
But here’s a comparison of what we CAN see.
TFS Weekly Watcher vs Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher
Things That Are The Same
Basically just the main title, which is the same on all of the Weekly Watcher articles. However, there could be more that's the same, but I can't read it because a.) they only showed us the front page of the TFS Weekly Watcher and b.) they didn't even let us read that article that's on the front page because it went by so fast/I couldn't read it & don't have footage of it because of the angle I was at.
Things That Are Different
The front pages are different. The TFS Weekly Watcher's front page jumps right to the article, like the In-Show Weekly Watcher does, instead of listing other articles on the front page.
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Things That Are Unknown/Not Visible
I can't read the date on the TFS Weekly Watcher article even though it's visible, it's just too blurry for me to read.
I can't read the page number for the "Lana stalked by crazed fan" thing on the TFS Weekly Watcher- if I had to guess, I would say it's a 5, but I can't be sure.
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The TFS Weekly Watcher article could be the exact same as the In-Show Weekly Watcher article. It's just that there's not enough visible information for the TFS Weekly Watcher article to say for certain that they're identical.
Long story short: I'm taking this Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher article, and the info in it, as canon. Here’s why:
1.) it’s already established via the differences between the Tudum Trailer Weekly Watcher and the In-Show Weekly Watcher that various versions of the Weekly Watcher are going to be different from eachother, so the Memorabilia Box Weekly Watcher is not alone/special in that regard.
2.) this was further established by TFS & the alternate versions of the Indianapolis Gazette article about the Creel murders that are shown in TFS.
3.) the information in this Memorabilia Box article (such as Victor’s uncle being the one that died) aligns perfectly with stuff I was saying based on the show BEFORE I read this Memorabilia Box article- that’s a little too suspicious/coincidental if this was just a random article that wasn’t meant to be canon.
4.) Either way, they wrote this paper up and released it as official merch. Somebody associated with Netflix (at the very LEAST) got permission for the information here to be sent out as if it’s the canon Weekly Watcher article.
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Day 22: Kalamazoo to Warren Dunes
Distance Covered: 88.10 miles
Total Time (including rests): 9:09 (8:21am-5:30pm)
Time spent riding: 6:51
Average Speed: 12.9 mph
Apples Eaten: 4 (honeycrisp - 7/10, honeycrisp - 6.5/10, honeycrisp - 7/10, honeycrisp - 7/10)
An alright ride today. I took a route that was rather out of the way, cause it spent a lot of time on bike trails. It was hot again today, for the first time in a while, but I had good shade for a decent amount of it. I took the ride a little slow, taking 3 evenly spaced, rather long breaks about every 20-25 miles.
The time on bike trails was rather pleasant, except for that the Kal-Haven trail (from Kalamazoo to South Haven) was closed for the last 15 miles, which my mapping app didn't know, so I had to reroute onto state roads. The wind wasn't too bad most of the time, even when it was a headwind.
Of my 3 stops, the only one of note was the second, where I stopped at a Culver's for lunch and spent about an hour there. I got a cheeseburger and a chocolate concrete, which were both rather good (Culver's is probably one of the only fast food places I actually like). I might actually stop by another one for lunch tomorrow, cause I'm running low on food, don't want to do a shopping run, they have food I enjoy and am slightly craving, and usually have an outdoor place to eat, so I can put my bike there and won't have to worry about watching it. I'll probably make the actual decision on the ride tomorrow.
Wow, I can't really believe that tomorrow is the last day. It's been a good trip, especially the second half, and I'm kinda relieved it's coming to an end. Part of me will miss these posts, but as I mentioned awhile back, sometimes the stress of thinking about what to write gets to me.
I spent a lot of today's ride just focusing on the riding. Normally what I do is compartmentalize it as I ride, thinking about how far I have to go, and how that can be expressed in smaller or larger terms, and then by the time I've finished thinking that way, I check how far I've traveled, and repeat the process. It's not something I'm good at describing, cause it's something that just happens, without me thinking consciously about it.
I'm staying at the Warren Dunes Campground today, and it's the first of my campgrounds which I've stayed at before. It's just how I remember it, down to being laden with mosquitoes. I've had to slap quite a few, and I'll have to make sure none get in my tent, but other than that, atmospherically, this is one of my favorite campgrounds. Despite that, it's probably one of the ones I'll spend the least time at, cause I got here somewhat late, and I expect I'll leave somewhat early tomorrow, given it will be my last day.
Design Notes
I did quite a bit of design-thinking today, mostly about Cardcasting. I think I've mentioned it before, but I'll be going into a slightly deeper dive here.
Cardcasting is a card-based magic system, intended (probably) for a tabletop roleplaying game. The way magic works in this system is that spellcaster have a deck of element/mana cards, which they draw from to determine what spells they can cast. Each card has an element on it, and counts as a quantity of "1" of that type/element of mana.
There are seven elements divided up according to 2 supercategories:
Action - describes how the type of mana interacts with a substance, the categories are Creation & Destruction
Substance - describes what type of substance is being interacted with, categories are Matter, Energy, and Soul
Thus, we have the elements of "Create Matter (CM)", "Create Energy (CE)", "Create Soul (CS)", "Destroy Matter (DM)", "Destroy Energy (DE)", and "Destroy Soul (DS)". The seventh element, which does not fit into any of the categories, is "Dimensional", or "Spatial/Temporal (ST)", which deals with manipulations of space and time.
Spellcasters (the term used for anyone who uses an Element deck) cast spells by drawing a certain number of element cards from their deck, and using some number of those to cast a spell which uses the drawn type/quantity of elements. Each spell has a level, determined by how many element cards are needed to cast it.
I don't yet have a good idea of the scale of spells with regards to spell level, which largely stems from the multielemental nature of most spells. For example, take a spell that sculpts stone. It could require just CM mana, as one creates stone in a certain shape, or it could require just DM mana, to remove bits from a block of stone, which would probably be the more efficient option. However, it's probably even more efficient to cast that type of spell using both CM & DM mana, allowing for refining of the shape of the stone in more ways than just chiseling away. However, that means that the spell requires at least 1 CM card and at least 1 DM card, so it automatically must be at least a level 2 spell. As such, it is difficult to find a spell that makes sense as a level 1 spell, for it truly has to be most efficient as a single-element spell.
I do have level 0 spells, or cantrips. These are spells which are cast using a card from your deck, but the card is then returned to the deck, so all they really require is that you know how to use that type of mana. Some examples include:
Timer - A dimensional cantrip that sets a timer in your mind to notify you when a certain amount of time has passed.
Calm Self - a destroy soul cantrip that calms rampant emotions in oneself. Has no effect on magically-induced emotions.
Match - a create energy cantrip that creates a small spark for a flame where you touch. If not used on something extremely flammable (like paper), the touched object will not catch fire. Does not really have combat utility.
Another example of spell I've thought of that becomes more effective/efficient as more elements are added to cast it is a simple healing spell, used to heal a cut with a knife (just as an example). At the lowest level, it would either be a CM spell, in which case you recreate the flesh covering the wound, essentially forcibly forming a scab, or a CS spell, which would help close the wound internally and deal with the pain, but would do nothing to the appearance from outside/possible future wounds in the same spot. Combine the two, and now you have a spell that fully heals the wound and make it look good as new. Then, if you add in ST magic, you are able to simulate a speeding-up of the healing process by manipulating time, allowing for a heal that has a lower chance of becoming a vulnerable spot or getting infected, because it's as if the wound has healed naturally in a sterilized environment. And this isn't even getting into the craziness of adding DM to kill any infections that might already be there, CE to help the bloodflow through the wound, etc. I'm starting to feel like this system may be too open-ended.
I also want to talk a little bit about spellcasters getting stronger in Cardcasting. I'll note that I don't actually know the mechanics of how Spellcasters become stronger, just that if they were to become stronger, these are things that would chnage. Spellcasters have either 3 or 4 axes upon which they can get stronger, depending on how you look at it, and each of those has its own downsides.
Learn more spells - the simplest way for a spellcaster to become stronger is to learn more spells. This one doesn't actually have much of a downside, but it doesn't really increase the strength of a spellcaster, just their versatility. Learning higher level spells is a different point.
Cast spells faster - when a spellcaster casts a spell, they spend a certain amount of time drawing a certain number of cards. If they are able to draw more cards faster, they will be able to cast higher level spells at a rate closer to how they used to be able to cast lower level spells, making them stronger. This has the downside of causing a spellcaster to run through their deck more quickly, so they can't cast as many spells in succession before needing to rest.
Have a larger pool of mana - a spellcaster's pool of mana determines how many spells they can cast before needing to rest, and is essentially the same as the size of their deck. If a spellcaster is able to add more cards to their deck, they will be able to cast more spells between breaks. However, this will decrease the consistency of their deck, as with a larger deck you are less likely to draw the exact element you need.
Versatility of mana - this is the axis that might not actually be considered its own upside. Spellcaster can learn how to harness more elements, which might allow them more versatility in the spells they can cast, but similarly to the last point, it would also greatly diminish the consistency of their deck.
Hope you enjoyed my rambling thoughts today! One more day, then I'm home free!
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