#first time using procreate lmao
suushy1 · 1 year
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hello kitty island adventure canon omg
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dustykneed · 7 months
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
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(prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "gone with the wind".)
static frames below:
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ouch! neck deep in aos bones feels rn... lmk if i should make a fix-it or somethin
#yeah so yesterday i said id try not to get distracted.. Guess how well that went LMAO#SORRY BONES hes going thru it in this one but literally this is all aos canon. aos is so mean to him and for what#not a single drop of closure... tos bones would flip shit if he found out. Thats the real reason why bones prime never shows up in aos#YEAH BTW PLEASE LOOK AT THE STATIC FRAMES PROCREATE HAS A ASTRONOMIC GRUDGE AGAINST THE 3RD SLIDE FOR SOME REASON#it would NOT stop crunching that one single GODDAMN FRAME in the gif. like full on colour blowout. like WHAT DID IT EVER DO TO YOU#YEAH SO I HAD TO SCREENSHOT IT AND PUT THAT IN THE GIF. EXCEPT MY IPAD SCREENSHOTS THINGS WEIRD. so its CONSPICUOUSLY BRIGHT#the 3rd and 4th frames are meant to have the same background color. every time i watch the gif i am filled with unimaginable rage#WHAT DID THAT FRAME EVER DO TO MY IPAD. what unforgivable crimes did it ever commit to be disrespected like this#ok rant over tags now :))#star trek#star trek aos#star trek fanart#mcspirk bingo#mcspirk#mcspirk fanart#spones#mckirk#spirk#star trek alternate original series#aos#spones fanart#leonard mccoy#bones mccoy#spock#jim kirk#did not use a single ref so the fact that the uniforms are reasonably legible as aos is a win (not like i use refs for anything else lol)#spirk is holding hands in that last frame!! gay people moment#OH AND I DID THIS IN LIKE. AROUND 3 HOURS? ive been meaning to draw that first frame for ages now so YIPPEEEEE#i did have a different caption in mind tho. Guess ill redraw it in the future LMAO#dust medibang paints
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kimjunnoodle · 7 months
They ran out of speak with animal potions so the camp gets creative (sound)
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helianss · 5 months
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Day 1 : Roses / Smoke
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mayziii · 1 year
Somewhere in the space colony ark…
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Reference from: https://youtu.be/n__GJuqLb00
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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SAM AND MAX (beepdeppitipbipbip) FREELANCE POLICE!!!!!!!
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harrylights · 9 months
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mistercrowbar · 29 days
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Process of the Lae’zel panel from the debuffs comic! This is all done in Procreate using default brushes
For comics, I always plop down lettering first. This is the #1 way to ensure that there will be room for it and no cluttering. Though, this panel turned out pretty cramped anyway. If I wanted to, I could spend more time doing thumbnails to really nail the composition of the panel, but I typically only do so for page-form comics. The next parts go by quick so you may need to pause the video to see:
Draw from imagination. Keep it loose, get the vibes and set generally where you want characters/objects to be. If you’re confident you can keep on going but I don’t typically draw swordfights soooo
Draw from reference! I searched & found a pose I like but the angle is very static. I briefly sketched it to get an idea of where all the limbs and swords should be properly positions thennn
Mix it up! I redrew the imagined sketch but this time it was informed by the references I had gathered. You can see I adjusted the sketch as I went to add intensity to the angle. Once I’m happy with the angles, poses, anatomy, etc, I gently erase so everything is very light and start working in details. Then a new layer for the final pencils. Tones aren’t included her but I usually work back to front with them, keeping layers minimal.
REMEMBER TO FLIP CHECK! You can’t see it here but flip checking can save an artist’s life lmao.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Wayne doll house: demon children.
Idea: each of the batkids is theorised to have a different origin.
Thing is, there's so many of them. The oldest is actually the youngest in body. It seems to be able to share memories with those who follow. It changes design right before a new bat appears.
The hero in the town over is definitely one of them, but what's it doing over there?? Asking just gets non-answers.
What happened to the ones that the Joker tried to destroy? One - the oldest and smallest - came back, but different, whereas the other - the purple and orange one - came back for a while and then vanished again for good.
None of them seem to age??
The first, smallest, oldest, it seemed to be some sort of circus performer? It gave its acrobatics to the blue one when it arrived, grew clever and defensive. It gave that to the skull headed red one, focused on technology and detective work after the Incident. Then again, and again, and one time even the bat changed along with it, but though the bat returned to normal the little Robin didn't, and now it's just as stabby and creative as it is small and creepy.
It's a good sort of creepy now, after over a decade of beating up bad guys and comforting victims, Gotham has gotten used to it, but outsiders don't much like it.
The justice league have a different opinion.
They know, or at least can observe, that the... Souls? Brains? Programs? Switch around, that it's not memories but persons that bring the new bats to life.
They just don't know where batman gets them. The new one, especially, is very circumspect.
For all this talk of the blood son, all the bats calling it demon child with varying levels of fondness, the way batman doesn't deny the claims...
Thing is the bat doesn't have blood. Everyone's well aware of this by now. Whatever sulpheric black tar he and the bats leak probably-certainly isn't blood, or at least... Not anything with dna.
So... What blood?? If not the bat's, why does it tie the newest mind of Robin to him?
Captain marvel is the first to think of an idea.
A blood child of a demon for a blood ritual for a demon.
Constantine and Zatanna second the notion - it's perfectly possible. Reasonable, even. The bat admitted himself he had no way to procreate the way humans did, nor any interest in doing so. Wanting a legacy was perfectly normal.
Except he already had, what, seven, eight, nine kids? He loved all of them, it was clear, and he'd always seemed happy with them. He'd even sighed over how many he had, had rebuffed the teasing about getting more. The new Robin mind had been a surprise to everyone, and the old one in a new body had been a little salty about it.
So the new theory was that batman hadn't decided to get a new Robin. Maybe the old mind had been ejected unwillingly! It had happened at roughly the same time batman had gotten a new personality - maybe the incidents were related?
But if batman hadn't done the ritual... Who had?
Who would do something like that???
Cultists. Cultists would do something like that. But giving the bat a son unwillingly seemed... A very odd goal, even for that type.
So... Had they messed up? Had they tried to summon the bat with a blood sacrifice ritual, and summoned a demon instead? Had it partially worked? Was the bat susceptible to demon summonings?? Did the summoning damage his own mind/consciousness/soul in some way, and that led to the creation of the new demon child while the bat changed until he'd healed????
How kind of batman to take it in!
Tldr; the league thinks Robin V is a demon born/created through a failed summoning ritual involving blood sacrifice that made batman like puns until he healed. The truth is the canon events of Damian arriving at the manor only for b to get tossed into the time stream, becoming the Robin to nightwing-batman while Tim, who is much less annoyed about it than canon, focuses on getting him back. Lmao.
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
First off, love your work! Your art is phenomenal!
Though, I am rather curious. We've seen Lucifers reaction to finding out about Dawn, but what about the other residents of the hotel? I can't imagine Angel, Vaggie, Husk, and Nifty have an exactly pleasant reaction. Nifty because babies are messy, Husk because it's Alastor and ew??? he made a baby???, Angel because what was the sex like, and Vaggie because her (current? ex? never dated in this au?) girlfriend just popped up with a child that she apparently had with someone who's the literal worst. I guess I more or less answered my own question, but I'm still curious how you think they'd react. Perhaps even Lilith if you think that's something you can tackle with our limited information about her? I can honestly imagine her storming out of Heaven, kicking down the hotel doors, and scooping up little Dawn for Nana time. Maybe she even brings Alastors mama with her at one point as a small thank you to him for giving her a grand baby, but she probably has the same reaction to him as Lucifer and doesn't like him much. Lol
Also, you've probably talked about it before, but what were Charlie and Alastor trying to do when they accidentally conjured Dawn? You mentioned a spell/incantation or something, but what was it for?
One last question: I once saw a similar comic where Alastor accidentally made a baby with Angel and, upon trying to decide what to do with it, Alastor proceeded to try to (pretend to.... I hope) eat the baby. Did Alastor do the same thing in this situation or would he do something somewhat similar? What would Charlie have done if he'd tried?
Oh!!! What a wonderful ask to receive and get to pick apart/build upon!!!
First of all I'm so glad you like my art, thank you so much! :D
Secondly I'll happily give my take on everything you've just brought up - you're making many great points and I agree with a lot of them too :DD I'm gonna give my input under the cut since this got hella long lmao:
Question 1: how would the other hotel residents react?
I already agree with pretty much most of your ideas!
I personally think that they wouldn't just spring the news on the residents without Charlie being Charlie and wanting to make sure that whole thing goes over well (and correctly) and insisting on giving the context upfront first before any crass assumptions can be made!
So while Angel would be disappointed at the lack of implied sex to prod them about, I do think he'd take a liking to the baby p much immediately. He used to have a lot of extended family growing up under the circumstances that he did, so I like to imagine he slips into a kind of older brother/caretaker/babysitter role fairly easily! Not to mention he's one of the most emotionally intelligent members of the cast, so I think he'd also pick up on Charlie's emotional turmoil fairly quickly and become a great source of support early on.
Husk would definitely be weirded out, but more worried for the offspring and how much Alastor could potentially corrupt an innocent creature that harbors unknown amounts of immense power given her heritage by being given the freedom to raise her in his image. He does inevitably grow to care a lot more about her over time.
Niffty definitely doesn't like Dawn until she's old enough to start cleaning up after herself properly - by then Dawn has already developed a mischieviously playful personality, so Niffty easily manages to rope her into shenanigans such as bug hunts or stealing someone's diary or sth.
Vaggie's a tricky one since I haven't yet decided where she stands with Charlie.
Vaggie has every right to be extremely wary of Alastor and his motives (even after his efforts in the battle against Adam), she absolutely hates the idea that this freak managed to procreate - and with someone as innately powerful as Charlie nonetheless! But she also cannot deny that the child is ultimately not at fault in the slightest and undeserving of her ire, so she comes to the conclusion that the best she can do to prevent this fucker from influencing her negatively is to monitor their interactions and interject to keep the kid on the "right" track morally speaking.
Part of me wants to make it so they mutually broke up after Charlie made her deal with Alastor (Vaggie would've had a justified reason to be upset with her for being reckless and Charlie would've still been upset with Vaggie for keeping such a huge secret from her for years, so a fight would make the most canonically compliant sense here)…
…but I also think that keeping her and Charlie purely platonic from the get-go with Vaggie still working her way out of the militaristic mindset that was drilled into her in the past will generally be easier for me to successfully pull off.
This may or may not result in Vaggie trying to teach a five years old Dawn to fight with a spear that her little hands can barely even hold in the name of self defense :'D
As for Lilith… I don't know if I'll even really touch on her in the story? Mostly bc I have no clue what any of the clues we've gotten so far could mean for her personality-wise ^^" She could be the worst mom in the history of moms or the woman we saw by the beach was secretly Eve all along or maybe Lilith is actually playing some kind of 6d chess we don't see all of the pieces of for everyone's greater good - it's too many variables to really come to any one conclusion ^^"
I'll have to think about it in more detail later down the line…
Question 2: What were Charlie and Alastor trying to do when accidentally conjuring Dawn?
See, the exterminations are still happening bi-yearly now that Lute is in charge and Sera refuses to lift a finger to keep them in line, so the thirst for vengeance continues to go unquenched, only growing as time passes.
Great question, and one with an answer!
To add to that, Emily and a handful of others in heaven are getting worried about some ominous visions archangel Ramiel has been having and thought it best to entrust Charlie with Lucifer's old grimoire (that he wrote before he fell).
The reason? It appears in some of Ramiel's visions and they're hoping there's some kind of helpful thing in there.
And, more importantly, it's written in an ancient angelic language, one that Charlie isn't fluent in.
The spell they used to create Dawn is actually titled something Charlie translated to "Tool Of Infinite Potential"
So Charlie thought huh! Maybe this can help protect us better in the next etermination without relying on dad again or has some other hidden purpose I'm not yet privvy to that will help with restoring balance to heaven? It's scribbled across the last two pages of the book.
The spell requires at least two casters - so clearly it must be a powerful one, right?
The only people coming to mind powerful enough to handle that sort of magic would be Lucifer and Alastor - but considering the grimoire is written more like a diary and Charlie is very certain she wasn't meant to even have it to begin with, her father falls out of the equation.
So… they were techincally always trying to create Dawn, they just didn't know it yet due to a translation error :'D
That left Alastor, who then talked her into giving it a shot.
What neither of them knew yet was that Charlie mistranslated the spell - it's not "Tool" of infinite potential, but "Vessel". What is the forbidden offspring of an angel but a vessel of infinite potential? To raise up and teach whatever knowledge and beliefs you want?
Question 3: Would Alastor try to eat the baby?
No :'DDD
He's unhinged, yes. He doesn't normally like children - that is also correct.
Also Alastor is nothing if not an opportunist and after the initial surprise and shock and double-checking their notes to make sure they performed the ritual correctly… There's two things happening in his brain.
But I don't think he'd just try to fucking. Eat a child that was a rather costly fucking thing to make - sucking up not only materials and hours of planning but also one of his shadow minions, his blood and a literal piece of his soul.
Maybe he'd joke about it eating it to remove it after seeing Charlie vastly more in distress about the whole ordeal? But not really mean it, if so, yet still receiving a horrified glare from the princess lol.
Firstly: This child is equal parts him and Charlie - he recognizes the chance to mold and shape a young demon that might be on par with Charlie in terms of power in his image.
Secondly: He's hyperaware that he talked Charlie into doing this ritual, the baby undeniably looks like it's his - he's as much to blame here as her mistranslation.
There's a responsibility there for him, as both participant and not quite willing donor. That child has a literal piece of both of their souls in it and I genuinely don't think his internalized misandry and planet-sized pride would allow him to be like the deadbeat dads he's offed quite a few of in life now that he's put in a similar position. He would want to be better than his own father at least - especially if he wanted to succeed at shaping this kid completely to his will.
THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!!! I hope this wasn't too bothersome in length to read through ^^" (even tho I had a blast writing this up all evening lol)
Have a great day <3
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sibmakesart · 3 months
hello! i really love your art & animations! i'm not sure if someone has asked this already but: what do you use to animate? & how long have you been animating for? do u know of any tutorials/classes? (i'm a beginner learning on my own atm!)
hi ! thanks a lot :D
Software wise it depends, procreate for the little sketchy animations, toon boom story board and harmony for bigger projects, sometimes blender even ^^ and unity for work, but its special for video games, i even animated a lot on photoshop when i started !!! never again !!!
i composite in after effect or premiere, depending on what needs to be done, sometimes both for big stuff, but if youre learning animation, focus on the basics before the aesthetics (you can fumble your way into compositing way more easily than anim)
ive been animating on and off for 5 years, 3 of wich were in animation school (during which we surprisingly did not animate much lmao) i got this film out of it tho lol
as for tutos....
i cannot recomend enough The Animator's survival guide, you ccan find the free pdf on the internet, and a bunch of people explaining and showcasing it on yt, its basically the bible for 2d animation
this vid is also very good to get a feel of animation, and the basics, the guy also has v good classes on his channel
but basically the best way to learn is to animate ! a lot ! and look at animations you like, download them and look at them frame by frame : how does the timing work, how doess that character moves, etc
ACT IT OUT ! FILM YOURSELF IN YOUR ROOM DOING STUPID SHIT ! ANIMATE IT ! (believe me, im as sad as you that this is the answer to good anim... but it is...)
and what kind of anim do you like to make ! fights ? chara acting ? sfx ? theres a LOT in which you can specialize (if making a living out of it is your goal) so play around in a cheap/free/cracked software and see what you like and what works for you !
animation is a very complete field : you gotta know perspective, anatomy, acting, composition, exercising any of these skills ultimately makes your animations better !
3d anim is a whole other can of worm, but (IMO) still requires 2d basics,
just go ham on doing weird shit and consume, consume,consume animation : short gobelin/carlarts films, all of richard williams filmography, obscure russian animated movies from the 70's, youll ALWAYS learn something, thats how you learn best
Happy creating !! animation is AMAZING the way i felt the first time i made something that MOVES ? unparralleled
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zobiez · 1 year
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I put this off for such a long time lmao
the first Spinel dump was posted all the way back in 2020 and I started this one not long after, but then the Procreate file went untouched for a couple of years because I was preoccupied with other art projects
I didn't get to finish this one for the Steven Universe movie anniversary last year, and so the WIP file for it was just sitting there in my procreate files for a while
so I decided to finally finish this a couple of months ago but when my iPad broke, that complicated everything lmao so I had to export it as a Photoshop document so that I could finish it on Paint Tool SAI using my laptop you'll notice that a few of the Spinels in this art dump look kinda different, that's because the sketches they came from are super old and my style changed a little since then thank god I finally finished this haha :')
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The first post!:
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purplealmonds · 6 months
I watched the Mononoke Zashikiwarashi stage play!!
I watched the performances on 03/29 and 03/30, and I have so many Thoughts. But I’m on vacation and haven’t the spoons to draft them up coherently until I return home in a few days.
For now, I'll do a photo/art dump of my experience.
I arrived a few hours early to the theater (I had to take the train from Kyoto to Osaka, and built in time for potential navigational incompetence). While I waited for the theater to open up, cracked open my iPad and started painting in Procreate.
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This is the exterior of Cool Japan Park Osaka's WW Hall. Shaking off a lot of rust from painting from observation, but I'm happy with how the colors came out.
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Photo for reference, though I painted it live. Shadows moved quite a bit while I worked because I am slow.
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This is the interior of the theater. I was forbidden from taking photo and video of this space, so I painted it it, albeit messily because of the short time I had before the performance began.
Winding back time a bit, here's the cardboard cutout stand the theater staff set out right before they started admitting people into the lobby:
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It was a bit windy that day, so it actually snapped in half mere minutes after its installation lmao. Not pictured is the flustered staff tying Mr. Medicine Seller to the railing with some twine.
Selfie taken after the disaster:
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Keeping an eye on Mr. Medicine Seller to ensure he doesn't misbehave agains, prints in hand to be gifted to unsuspecting theater-goers:
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When I was seated, some of the giftees stopped by to gift me with an acrylic standee and a cookie! The standee is given exclusively to audience members who preordered their tickets super early, so it's amazing I got my hands on one! After the performance, someone also posted my art on their instagram story! O:
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The performance visual, gift shop, and posters were also deployed around this time.
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Also was pleasantly surprised to see a huge Mononoke Karakusa poster displayed. Unlike typical movie posters, this one was printed on a rather thick matte rather than thin translucent gloss paper.
And here's the merch and goodies I acquired at the lobby:
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I was originally buying just the pamphlet, but as you can see I did a few more impulse purchases! I ended up getting:
📖 Zashikiwarashi Pamphlet - Hoping if productions of other episodes are a thing this can become a collection. The Bakeneko pamphlet was also sold here. If there's interest I can do a flip-through video of both the Bakeneko and Zashikiwarashi pamphlets!
🎟️Mononoke Karakasa Bonus Gifts: I thought it was just the clear file and a neat lil trading card but it seems like the trading card is actually a movie ticket??? I’m not gonna be in Japan when the movie comes out though but it’s a nice souvenir nonetheless!
🌇 Mononoke Karakasa flyer - The theatre had massive stacks of them to be taken freely. The first one got a bit wrinkled on my ride back to the hotel, so I grabbed 2 more after watching the 2nd performance!
💿Bakeneko Blu-Ray - This was something I thought I’d never get my hands as a US resident so I was pleasantly surprised they were selling this. Definitely a pretty penny but now I get to watch it at my leisure when I get home! May do a write up about it eventually. The Zashikiwarashi Blu-Ray actually went on sale today, but it only delivers in Japan. Sighhh. I guess I have no choice but to fly back when the Umi Bozu stageplay goes live. Or if it pops up on Mercari some time in August the price gouging hopefully won't be too horrific.
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shannonmanorart · 1 month
TWST Process!
So I got a comment this morning asking if my Ignihyde piece was a Memoji---a thing I immediately had to google to even know what that means lol I'm not mad, no shade to OP but it really threw me for loop to be asked if my art is a customizable avatar.
I know this blog is mostly my fun little sketches or side projects but I am a professional artist! Even if this is a silly little side project to keep my brain from falling it the abyss, it's still my art I drew with my own hands and it's important to me for people to know that!
Process breakdowns below the cut! it's not very detailed but figured i'd be fun to show a peak behind the curtain!
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First things first! I do all of these in Proceate on my iPad! These are very casual and just for me to have fun--I'm very burnt out after my associate art direction job on Hit Monkey so I'm just trying to give myself a tiny piece of joy so I can get myself back to drawing my web comic and merch for cons/my store.
I draw each dorm in their own file just to keep things from getting too cluttered. The group shots I do separately in another file. So I'll finish them, flatten them and paste them into another file to size them up together/add backgrounds/effects. I included screenshots to show the breakdown of the original drawings along with the group shot. Nothing too fancy. Also forgive all the unnamed layers x_x I am usually incredibly organized but typing on my iPad annoys me so I tend to not name Procreate layers. You can see where I thought about it by naming ONE layer.
Here is the timelapse for The Ignihyde boys! You'll notice I keep Ace+Deuce in the file--I use them as a base reference for the stylization. I stylize everyone a bit differently but I try to maintain some consistency. I also reuse some bits of their palette as a piece of that consistency. You can also see me go 'oh yeah Ortho's hip thing goes all the way around so we should see it behind him........oh no. nvm that looks bad.' lol
What was most important for me to sell with these two was the difference of their personalities. I was aiming for that 'Someone will die' 'of fun!!' vibe haha So I wanted Idia very compact and to himself while Ortho is energetic and friendly. I also wanted to bring some design elements of Hades face to Idia's face. His bangs cover it up but I gave him a long nose that starts right from his brow the way they stylize them in the movie. I also gave them more color to their skintone but kept Idia more ashen/desaturated--I liked the idea of him looking kinda grey to match Hades instead of just pale.
Here's the non-default brushes I use--Jingsketch brushes are available here and the free comic brushes I got from Di Brushes. I'm usually a default brush kinda person but Procreate's default textured stuff wasn't really doing it for me anymore. I really like using stuff that looks more like pencil or pastel. I've also been addicted to adding noise a lot to my pieces. I know that's not the most original thing in the world but idk, it looks cool. My group shots always get a layer of noise.
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But yeah, that's it! These are purposely kept pretty simple so I can knock each one out in about two hours or so. More detailed dorm outfits obviously take longer--I hand drew all the patterns on the Pomefiore kids like a mad man. Every time I erased the edges, I went 'I should probably copy and paste this' and then never did. I love making things harder for myself lmao
See y'all in Diasomnia! (I also have plans to draw my MC and Grim so Diasomnia won't be goodbye~)
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upsidedownsmore · 4 months
oh yeah here's my first sketch i made in procreate a few days ago :)
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just got an ipad and an apple pen from some friends so i'm gonna try to use it every now and then, still lots to get used to but it's also pretty dang cool being able to draw where i'm looking lol
still gonna be focused on using krita for a bit though for hollowframe dante since i (fucking finally) started that yesterday
you know what speaking of which, here have this sketch wip as a treat :) (done in krita not procreate, as you can probably tell lol):
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i really should be doing thumbnail sketching before going straight into details and shading on the first idea lmao, though tbf i've had a lot of time to think of ideas in my head and i'm pretty happy with this sketch anyways
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neverniko101 · 5 months
could we please please please get a tutorial for how you did your animatic🥺 i have been trying and failing to learn i think i’m just brain dead at this point and your animatic was in the style i like :U
Absolutely! I typically use Toon Boom Harmony for animation & animatics, but I've included a little tutorial for procreate, too.
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It’s a bit of a long post, so right under here ⬇️
First, I do a little sketch with a rough pencil tool to just plan out timing and movements
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Then, I go over it with a darker airbrush tool
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I use the tweening tool to smoothly move between frames, but you can just manually copy/paste them if your program doesn’t do that. I have the drawing move in the direction the character would be moving, along with adding one ‘bounce’ frame that extends further then I want the farthest drawing to be
And here’s the finished gif! Silly inky boy
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For Procreate (using the animation guide)
It’s similar, but you have to copy & paste and move each frame yourself.
Here’s one movement with the bounce being the orange frame.
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Here’s back and forth
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All in black
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Gif with colors
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Gif with black
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Hope this helps!
Ink by Comyet.
You can use these gifs for things if you want lmao, they took 5 seconds to make
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