#fisically and emotionally
rosstrytobe · 2 months
Alas from the joy of Buck being bi
But do you know how much of a fanficion is that Tommy say to Buck how much Eddie is hurt for what happen and that he could never replace Buck because Christopher will have a say about it because he loves Buck and never stop to talk about him?!
That got my Buckley Diaz family heart 🥰🥺
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originaldouble · 8 months
No one asked but im not emotionally fisically mentally ready for Forever and Badboyhalo to meet in Vegas
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Man, they sure did come late as hell! There's this certain videogame basically monsterfucker ship that became really really popular 'cos a movie came out and y'know, for all this months' worth it was great.
Fun fact that the fandom translated to the ship is the human character, canonically, in games, made cross-dressing and showed an interest in dresses. And you know how this is, we love us some cis dudes in hot dresses and skirts!! That scalated in calling him the monster's Queen and/or the monster's kids calling the Character "Mom" and variants.
I couldn't care less about that, and depending on how good the fic is I rather enjoy it and find it cute. I've read almost all the fics and liked all the popular fanart/fancomics there are 'cos the ship is more like, moderate in the fanworks field. And I say this 'cos you probs know what's coming: 'Stop Making The Character a Woman™' wank. And it's recent. Hours (while writing this) recent, when the ship has been around for months and in none of the fics I read he's, y'know, """"weak"""", """""feminized""""" to extreme; and if so, is more like bad writing and not a Societal Problem We Have To Solve in Fandom™.
Oh, another fun fact of the human character! He's a scaredy cat. He's always anxious and everything makes him scared, bit despite that he does the things the games need him to do. Yeah. So he can be emotionally weak, and sometimes fisically too. This also is a recurrent trope in fics.
So, the character using dresses and just having one or two (mom and Queen) female-gendered used nouns sometimes and we as a fandom remarking his anxiety is making him A Woman™. Really. How can someone say this and not feel STUPID. Because that's what the person who said that is. Damn stupid.
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omi-papus · 7 months
I remembered again that Kubo and the two strings is THE example for when killing off characters actually dosent serve or help the story but makes it worse.
That movie is compleatly ruined by the deaths of monkey and beetle, because without them there is NOTHING. Its simply cruel and empty.
Kubo ends up worse than he did at the start. Like yhea hes got more power now but in service of what? The grandfather was the only real threat so thats useless.
And there is no argument to be made that he “matured” or whatever, because first of all that message that little kids need to be traumatized into functional adulthood before theyre even mentally delevoped enough is bullshit, but its not even true here.
He was already mature. A dreamer for sure but it was always very clear that it was a talent for telling stories, he didnt belive in what he said or was in any way childish or delusional. He was already financially, emotionally, and fisically providing for the only adult he really has and even then she is incapable of even really being “there” with him half the time.
This movie gives him a family, gives his mother another chance at life, his father finally stops being lost in the world and the two people who loved eachother so much that they brought all of this upon themselves met again by fate.
And it all just ends in nothing.
Monkey dies terrified and in pain, Beetle barely has the time to process finding his wife again, and never gets to fulfil his promise to her to take care of her son. Kubo is left even more alone than he was before, having learned nothing of value to take care of himself or how to cope with his situation, but now having gotten a taste of a life he will never have.
Their deaths arent shocking, tragic, meaningfull or even sad. They essentially end the movie right when they happen and leave nothing.
The movie isnt about the pointlessness of death or hopelessness in the future or severe trauma. It has an action scene and pretends that that solved anything. Its not even like Kubo wanted revenge for his parents or something. He killed his grandfather out of pure self defense.
Getting rid of a character also gets rid of every purpose they served, everything they meant to the narrative and any posibilities they brought to the table. And in this case turned a wonderful movie about family and belonging into very well produced trash.
I will be mad about this for the rest of my life I swear to god.
I watched it a long time ago so I dont remember Beetle and Monkeys human names sorry.
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faecelessfiend · 2 months
Well apparentlly my ankles will be fucked for the rest of my life cus on a accident when I was like... 9, a ligment chipped part of my bone away (or something?) so now it's forever fucked... so that + hypermobility... safe to say I neither stable fisically mentally or emotionally yay B) kekekelelele
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saraevideos · 1 year
guess what. I did not write more about you in the past few days because I was kind of busy being with you. happy.
These past few days were so special, I feel like I know u better, I know a little more about the things you went through and mainly you know me better. You know things nobodyelse does. Thank you for being the person I can vent to, and be true to my self.
Kissing you was different that day. Sure it was a desire for your lips and your body, but it was also a desire to be closer to you, to express how much love u deserve. A mere try to express fisically what I feel emotionally.
I love you so much Oliver. I wish I was with you everyday.
[5 days till your birthday]
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haniehae-archive · 5 years
Update ✨
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rxally-borxng · 3 years
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When your ideas are crack. They're not going to happen, I know. BUT-
Listen to me: Frogthulu is not the big bad boss. It's Andrias.
Thousands years ago, Frogthulu created the Calamity Box as a gift for their wards: a pink frog, a green toad and a blue newt. They made the Calamity Box as an instrument of peace, prosperity and balance; but one their wards, the newt, saw their present as an instrument of power and control, as a weapon against their enemies.
The gift that was supposed to keep their wards together, was the reason why they teared apart. And when the time to choose between them came, Frogthulu was unable to pick a side. That ended up with they getting hurt, really, really hurt: fisically and emotionally.
His ward, a young newt called Andrias, who didn't to let they die, tried to use Newtopian technology to bind their soul to a new body, a robotic one, trapped in a basement with only their thoughts (And sometimes, Andrias) as company.
But everything change when Andrias decided to connect they to an almost dead child: Marcy. Andrias was trying to make their master take control of Marcy body, because what other purpouse could that naive girl have for him? But Frogthulu... He was curious. Curious about this kid, about her choices and her wishes. After all, it was the first living being thing they meet in centurys, could you blame them for feeling intrigued?
What Frogthulu wasn't expecting when they were looking around Marcy's mind was to find some kind of equal. Marcy had made mistakes, huge mistakes, trying to keep their friends together, and these mistakes were the ones that finally tore up her group. She was feeling betrayed, guilty and, most important, lonely. Just like they, with the difference that Marcy was a kid; Frogthulu no.
With that in mind, Frogthulu started to take care of Marcy. From the distance, protecting her mind from vicious memories (Too many traumas) and trying to make her learn about her bad choices and her need to grow up. But Marcy noticed their intrusions, and after a few days, she decided to transform the one-side interaction in some kind of conversation. And here's when Frogthulu finally get attached to this quirky hummus teen.
Marcy shows they her live in Earth, her friends, her deepest regrets and desires; and Frogthulu, in return, show her the Amphibia that came before, their wards, the consequences of their mistakes and most important, what are and how to use the Calamity Gems. In resume, Marcy begins to consider Frogthulu as the father and mentor figure she's never have (Especially after the Andrias' disaster) and Frogthulu start to consider Marcy as a daughter and apprendice, one that they're not allowed to lose.
After a few weeks, the Newtopian castle is attack thanks to the rebellion. The walls are trembling, the guards are shouting outside and the Calamity Box is leaking waves of power. This is the moment that Marcy chooses to run away with Frogthulu's help, using the Calamity Powers to break down the glass tube; but when she's about to leave, they discover that Marcy's health would be in danger if she disconnects herself from Frogthulu. Taking a huge risk, Marcy uses the command table from the basement to download? Frogthulu, and that's it.
That's how Marcy and Frogthulu end up sharing body (Temporally) and become Venom
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immax-maybe · 2 years
TOH spoilers
About Luz
Is she okay? I mean, definitely not, emotionally, but what about fisically?
Okay, I might be reading too much into it, but hear me out
Her "case of the old jelly legs" got me thinking if she's fisically okay
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I mean, is she only eating griffon eggs? What can she drink? Is the air safe? Is it safe for a human to do magic??
I hope I'm wrong, just reading too much into it...
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theylovethish0e · 2 years
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if someone wants to go out with me, he or she has to tell me like one or two days before the "date" so I can prepare fisically and emotionally.
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atlas-effquen · 2 years
I am single for two years now. That's like 10 years for a codependent cancer boy.
Before that, I had four relationships, back to back, for six years. I was miserable for most of that time. I was verbally, emotionally and fisically abused in all of them. And I still crave being in a relationship. I felt like the pain was the price for the intimacy. Like I was so unlovable that they had to be doing me a favor to endure my company, so I should just work through it, make it better, make THEM better. That's awful isn't it?
I followed the same pattern with friendships. They would ignore me, neglect me, make me their emotional dumpster and once they felt better look for other friends for company.
And here I am now, age 29, just learning how to free myself from that cycle.
Please, if you read this, send a prayer for me. Pray that I can find a better path from now on.
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Ugg the last chapter of DaD was so good, sound too bloodthirsty if a say I wanted those men to suffer more? A little agonizing for that people that recive kidness but respond with evil. Also, Im all game for badass wade rescuing fisically his pete, and pete rescuing emotionally his wade 🥲🥲🥲 kudos babe
I wanted them to suffer more too but the thing about Dragons and Rage is that it tend to go up in a Kaboom?? A little quick for what they deserved, but ridiculously satisfying all the same 
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emziel-mz · 4 years
Ask me stuff
I'm on my way home and I'm fisically, mentally and emotionally
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marcussour · 4 years
My mom got chest surgery today to remove an 11 cm benign tumor from her neck, and thankfully it all went well and she’s in recovery right now, but man... the surgery lasted 6 hours, and between the time I arrived to donate blood and the time I left having finally seen her in the intensive care unit, I spent 7 hours in the hospital, and I think it’s one of the most emotionally and fisically draining experiences of my life. But I’m so grateful that everything went well, don’t even want to think about the other choice...
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madeleineengland · 6 years
Steve Crain and the denial... again
Okay listen to me, you can't judge Steve Crain if you don't truly understand how denial works. Because all of his actions are related with the denial (i've already made a post which I explain what denial is)
Many people are criticizing him for the lie to his wife and I get it, he was totally 100% wrong and he had to tell her the truth. But here it is: people who are in denial have a BAD bond with the truth because they buried it, they can't - fisically and emotionally - face it, and on this way they don't accept the truth or negative trait and invent a new reality. It's not because they are asshole or selfish but because they are too weak and terrified.
When Steve said to his dad "I couldn't tell her", it's not a bad excuse of a shitty husband (which he is, of course) but because he truly couldn't. People who are in denial have an inner block, they can't face their true emotions and so they live in total evasion.
He pretended to want children because he couldn't admit he did the vasectomy. And he did vasectomy because of his trauma and the terror for having a child crazy like his mum and seeing this baby to suffer all his life like him. It was a negative memory and he buried it, like the others.
I think in his heart he wanted to have children (in his allucination Leigh is pregnant and he seems happy) and this has facilitated his lie. Because, I repeat, people who live in denial can't fisically and emotionally cohabit with the truth and they creat fiction to suit theirselves, to protect their wellbeing. This is not an excuse, I know, because it's always better say the truth and being honest, BUT we said that because we are normal, we are sane. Steve is not sane, he lived in total denial for 25 years??? We can't imagine how his brain was insane and broken after all this time. I was in denial for 6 years and it was like the hell because I couldn't live in a normal way and I always ran away from my responsibilities but it was not consciously my fault.
And it's not Steve's fault too. Yeah he did shitty things but not knowingly. In his insane head he truly thought that not telling the truth to his wife would be the right choice because he would have avoided to let her suffering with a Crain child.
Of course it's not right to say and Leigh had all the reasons to push away Steve! For Leigh's pov he was shit and he deserves it. And she deserved the truth as wife. In the end she was legitimized to divorce.
But Steve's pov is not sane. He's not just asshole or selfish, but this is just another consequence of his denial.
In fact he told the truth just when he was forced to, because they went to the doctor and she wanted to do some exams, therapy etc. In that circustance he couldn't continue anymore like this and he was forced to tell the truth (he stopped the appointment). You can notice his face in hospital, full of panic because his denial was beaten, his mask of wellbeing was beaten. I can't imagine how it was HARD to him to tell his wife the truth after all this years in psychological evasion. I pity him and her.
Another point: precisely he never told to Leigh she was her fault or she was her to be sterile. He's total avoided the question, which is still bad and uncomfortable, but he didn't accuse anyone. And anyway both a woman and a man can be infertile, just a doctor can tell you. And he didn't let her to do the therapy. So stop with bullshit that Steve had put his fault on her.
He lived with this secret because he thought it was the most easy and safe way, not because he truly wanted to hurt or offend his wife. It's not an excuse but I just wanna explain how Steve Crain is the personification of denial and he would deserve respect as an insane person.
You don't love him? Fine! But please don't minimize Steve Crain as an asshole because you would disrespect the people that truly suffered and used denial for coping mechanism because they felt to have no other choice!
(If you would like to reblog with evil sarcasm, get the fuck out)
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
Oh bitch yes, emotionally taking care of you but fisically destroying you, whew, need someone to extend that concept 💦💦
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