#fit is so cool i have never seen him live before but hes really charismatic
truly-deceitful · 2 years
so what povs have been your favorite to watch so far and why?
Mine have been vegetta cause his streams are generally chill and he has shown some of the mods implemented so far and their uses which is cool but my favorite aspect is his eagerness to learn and comunicate with anglos, like he has a very basic level of the language but that has not stopped him at all to make friends and giving them stuff he's like the cool and chill hermit living in a cave that's minding his business but is also down to go create chaos. (also the fact that he's so real with everyone when he gets overwhelmed with the language or tired and how everyone respects that and give him time to rest a bit doing his own things and then joining them again)
Philzas pov while we saw very little of it he also minded his business and started grinding asap but whenever someone came along he would stop and ask if they wanted to accompany him or viceversa and just good vibes al around im so exited to see more of his pov.
Quackitys has been my favorite bc you really get the best of both worlds, he constantly checks on the players, if someone is hanging out alone he goes to them, he speaks spanish with the anglos and english with the hispanics but as soon as someone gets overwhelmed he switches back and helps them or encourages them so it is not forcing them to speak the language and he's just so fucking funny.
I yhank qsmp for introducing me to roier cause ive have gotten so attached to him, he's silly, he has some really questionable but creative ideas and he's such a social butterfly like, he's so cool, he also struggles with English but it like I can almost see thru the screen how his brain works to put the context and clues together to talk with everyone.
MISSA like I wish I knew about him sooner, his voice and accent are so fucking cool and you can tell he's been waiting for the moment to flex his English cause this man right there switches almost as fast as quackity I love him sm.
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Im trying to write from the heart so
Here’s what y’all got
It was unexpected. I never thought I’d feel like this. Not for him, at least. No. He wanted an old friend of mine. I wanted someone close. Someone to hold. Considering he lived halfway across the state, he didn’t fit the bill.
I thought he was cute when i first met him. He was funny. I was a bit caught up though. I was talking to someone who would eventually be my boyfriend (until i broke up with him 8 months later). We talked a bit in group chats with mutuals. We were friends but not exactly what anyone would call close. We only saw each other twice a year right around 6 months apart, neither of us had phones, he was BARELY online in the group chat. Nothing really drawing us closer. Then when the next summer rolled around we talked a little more. We’d both matured (slightly). He was still pining after my ex best friend. I was pining after his CURRENT best friend. We found a strange sort of solitude in pining for something that’s never going to happen.
By then I’d had a phone for half a year. I gave his friend my number in a moment of misplaced courage and felt proud of myself. I waited a while, a week probably, then started realizing he was never going to text me (he still hasn’t and as im writing this it’s 6 months later). Finally my friend got a phone. We started texting all the time. He would send me his friend’s number, telling me to text him. I told him if he wanted to talk to me he would’ve texted himself. I knew my friend just wanted a ride to see the girl he was after. I didn’t mind. It was funny. Or it would be if i didn’t know how she was.
If she cant see it- it doesn’t exist. She couldn’t see him— he didn’t exist to her. She stopped talking to him, faked being sick when he came to visit our church. It hurt him. It hurt me too. I thought it was because I had been a victim of her toxicity. Now i can see there was another reason.
Now we come to the new year. We’d been talking a lot since he got a phone. He became one of my closest friends. I wasn’t supposed to be at camp. My church group wasn’t going, it was a 4 hour drive, i don’t have my own car. But against all odds i found a way. He was the only one i told i was going to be there. We didn’t hang out at all the first day. We said hi texted a little and that was it. He was with his friends (that don’t seem to like me all that much) and I was with my friends. Which happened to include his little brother.
His brother is loud. He’s charismatic and funny. (We’ll ignore that he’s a red head since everything else about him is super fun). And he’s nosy. Sometimes too nosy. He told me he’d been trying to set his brother up with me since the summer. I was shocked. Not really from the statement. I expected that. The boy thought i was pretty cool (he’s not wrong) so obviously the way to get me around more is to set me up with his brother my age. It makes sense. What shocked me was that i liked that. It made me happy.
I tried not to think about it as i went about my day. The second day comes along and we hang out a bit. We played pool, watched each other play pool. We laughed and joked. Wins and loses on both sides (who won the most is irrelevant). And then something clicked. I watched him as he readied for a shot. It didn’t feel weird to think about wanting him. It felt comfy. Maybe a bit difficult. But it was happy.
I started noticing things. I’d already seen them before. I was re noticing. Everything I’d already seen was different now. His lopsided smile made me smile. That was the first thing. I’d see him smile and it was like instinct. His facial expressions made me smile. When he’s losing he becomes WAY more sportsmanlike. He’s one of the only people in his friend group that doesn’t take jokes way too far. He loves his siblings. No matter how dumb or annoying his brother can be.
It scared me at first. I was thinking if he finds out ill lose him. I can’t lose him. If i don’t tell him I’ll feel like a liar. These thoughts bounced around. Rattling me to my bones, stressing me out.
Then i thought about everything for real. I knew he would never like me back. Even the few people i talked to about it thoughts so. “I don’t think he likes you…” “y’all would LOOK cute together but your personalities clash…” I didn’t want to agree. But when you’re just out of the trench and you’re already hit there’s really nothing you can do to get to the other side of the field.
So I decided i was going to ignore any feelings i had. If I didn’t pay them any attention— they don’t exist.
Then we were texting. After the new year, after we got back. We always talk about relationships and our love lives. He told me he’d finally given up on her. On the toxic girl who wouldn’t give him the time of day. I’m so happy for him. He’s been stuck on her for an eternity it feels like. He tells me he’s gonna stay single till summer and then he’s going to look for someone to talk to at a different summer camp he goes to. And then he says he’s happy single.
I should be super happy for him. And i am. I really am. I just have this hurt feeling mixed in. I knew I’d never have a chance. That i need to forget about him, find someone else. I shouldn’t be acting like this. He’s happy and that’s what matters.
Even if i wanted to tell him now i would never do that. He just told me he’s happy single. Dumping my feelings on him would just make everything complicated. It would turn ugly and I’d definitely lose his friendship. I don’t want it to turn ugly. I don’t want to lose him. I can put my feelings on the back burner so long as he’s happy and we’re still friends. Someday maybe I’ll talk to him. But I’d never risk his happiness. Not in a million years.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
The Satanic Panic III +18
Devil!Perv!Eddie Munson x Witch!Sinclair!Reader
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For other chapters/story summary check out: https://usetheeauthor.tumblr.com/post/691280498281070592/the-satanic-panic-series-masterlist-18
Summary: You learn the story of how Eddie became the devil. Now he rules over you as your Dark Lord who, by the way, has a lot of fans. Also, you, Eddie, and his gang conduct a séance.
Word Count: 4.7k+
A/N: This was a gonna be long one so the next one chapter will be a continuation of the séance. There are some Eddie/Reader dynamics in this as they are exploring their relationship more. There’s even some hints of Steddie in this. I enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy reading it.
Warnings: blood/blood drinking, occultism, cults, Steve being a devil worshipper/cult leader, spit kink (magic transfer), sexual tension, if you squint perv!Eddie, religious themes, blasphemy, brief steddie kiss/steddie moments, smoking herbs
III. The Séance Pt. I
“You’re who now?” You were dumbfounded.
“Ya know, the Devil. Satan. Beelzebub. However you wish to call me.”
You stare hard at him before bursting into a fit of laughter. “T-that’s r-really good,” You tried speaking through your giggles. “Possibly the funniest joke you’ve said since I’ve know you actually.”
“First off, ouch! I think I’m pretty damn funny. Secondly, how the fuck do you explain all the teleportation I just did?”
“I don’t know maybe I’m having a fever dream right now. In fact, I’ll go right back to bed and when I wake up, this will all be a dream.” You tried to head back to your bedroom, but your feet stayed planted to the ground. You lifted your legs, twisted, shook left to right but you wouldn’t budge. You look over to Eddie who donned a toothy grin.
“How are you doing that?”
“I told you. I’m the—”
“Would you like another demonstration?”
By the looks of his mischievous smile, it was probably in your best interest to say no. “How did it happen?”
“A good friend told me showed me the dark path.”
*flashback to a year ago*
Eddie’s escorted into the psychiatric facility, walking passed the prisoners that will soon be his neighbors. He put on a brave face but deep down he was an absolute wreck. Eddie wasn’t a fighter. He liked music and had nerdy interests like D’N’D. If there was anything he learned from his father, who’d been in and out of jail, is that he couldn’t show himself as weak especially if he’s the newbie.
Life wasn’t easy in the ward. Eddie fought constantly for his life, learning how to fight and make weapons for himself. He’d held his own in these fights. But how much can you really fend for yourself against a group? They called him “the fish”. That’s what they usually call the new kid on the block.
Yet Eddie would once again earn his title as “The Freak”. It all began the day Eddie was moved to a different cell block and he met his new cellmate, Steve Harrington.
Steve seemed like a well-composed fellow. A man only a year older than the metalhead. He is cool, calm, collected and extremely charismatic. So charismatic that even the correctional officers had a friendly relationship with the man. So what was he doing in such a place like this? He’s a cult leader and his extreme ideologies have led people to commit organized crimes against humanity in the name of the group, The Children of the Dark.
At first, Eddie never spoke to anyone including his new cellmate. He’d stare up at the ceiling in his top bunk, while Steve would rant on his own about society.
“If people really looked…and I mean, really look at the world around them, they’d see the things they’ve overlooked their whole lives. People like us, though. We’re different. We see things that are out of the ordinary. Things we can’t explain. And what do they do to us for seeing it? We get locked away.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, wondering what he could’ve meant by that. Before he could come up with an idea, Steve continues.
“You’ve seen things, too. Haven’t you, Eddie?”
The eerie question hangs in the air. Eddie remains silent.
“These things they’re hard to explain. Now you’re locked away here for murder. A murder you didn’t commit.”
Now Eddie’s fully invested. He sits up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed to look at the cellmate. “What do you mean?”
“I’m saying you and I both know you didn’t kill that girl but you saw something that did. Am I right?”
“Y-yeah. How’d ya know?”
“Because… the Dark Lord told me,” Steve says, simply. “I’m the Dark Lord’s mouthpiece. He sees and speaks through me. My body is his vessel. All Children of the Dark are his vessels to use. And now our lord seeks you, Eddie Munson. He sees something special in you.”
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about? This whole ‘body is a vessel’ spiel is total horseshit. Called bullshit from the second I heard ‘Dark Lord’,” Eddie sighs, swinging his leg back on the bed and lying on his back once again. “You wouldn’t understand what I saw. Now that was real.”
“You mean, the Angel Bots?”
Eddie’s eyes bug out and he swallows hard. He turns his head to the side, eyes meeting Steve’s intense ones.
“I’ve seen ‘em, too. They only reveal themselves to those with spiritual eyes because they exist in a whole other realm. You’ve seen the angel bot because they’ve wanted you to see them. You’re seen as a threat. I can’t see your aura but I’m sure that it’s gotta be serious business if they hadn’t killed you yet.”
“Why haven’t they killed you? You’ve seen one. How are you still alive? Because I have the mark of Cain,” Steve rolls up his sleeve revealing a tattoo in the inner forearm. “The Dark Lord marked me which means they can’t hurt me.”
“Why’d he give you something like that?”
“To recruit members like you. The Angel Bots will probably come after you once again. If that fateful day comes where they find you, you’ll be dead meat. But…there’s a way you can be saved. The lord offers his mercy to you. You’ll be granted freedom if you accept his terms. All ya gotta to do is give your body to him. Be his to own.”
Eddie knew that this was madness but he couldn’t help his curiosity. “And how would I be granted freedom?”
“All I can say is, the Dark Lord will allow the evidence to go in your favor. After all, did you really think you’d be able to explain that hole through the roof of your trailer without sounding crazy? You can thank Him for his intervention.”
Eddie thought back to you. You’d told him that the hole in the ceiling had sealed magically. Whole time it was the devil himself.
“Don’t you want to avenge the girl of your dreams? Now is that chance, Munson. It won’t hurt to give yourself to the cause after all he’s done for you.”
“I’m in looney bin, man. What should I be thanking Him for?”
“For giving you another chance,” Steve answers. “Accept him and he’ll grant you the things you most desire. Is it power you crave? He’ll do that. Is it money? That’ll be no issue. Is it women? Men? Let’s just say they won’t be able to resist you.”
“You don’t look so glamorous. Well, aside from the hair, anyway,” Eddie says, gesturing him up and down. “The hell are you doing in a place like this? Where’s your lord to come and save you?”
“Thanks for the compliment,” Steve runs his hands through his hair. “If your ever in need of any hair tips, I’m your guy.”
Eddie stares at him, bored.
Steve laughs. “I’m here because I chose to be here. My mission was to find you. I’d say I did a job well done,” He smiles. “Honestly, it seems like it’s a lot sane in here than it is out there.”
“So, let’s say, hypothetically, if I were to take this offer, what would be the catch?”
“That’s the beauty of it, Eddie. There is no catch. All that He asks of you is that you remain loyal and devoted. And shall he call upon you, you must answer.”
“That sounds a lot like a catch to me.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Steve shrugs. “Although, I’d make the decision soon. Your luck is running low. You won’t be so lucky the next time, they attack. Then, what’ll all this be for? No vengeance and dying knowing the whole town still thinks you’ve killed that cute cheerleader. That’s a shitty way to die if you ask me.”
Eddie speaks slowly; not sure of what he wants. “And if I do say yes, how does this whole body offering work?”
“Well, is that a ‘yes’?”
“It’s a ‘possibly’ if I know this isn’t going to hurt, at least.”
“It won’t hurt in the slightest, man. Come out of bed. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Eddie hesitate, eyeing the young man who’s smile never falters. He reluctantly jumps from his top bunk, standing face to face with him.
“We’ll do the blood sacrifice. You’ve got a shank somewhere round here?”
“N-no.” Eddie’s eyes, shift back and forth.
Steve stares at him with an unconvinced look. Eddie sighs, pulling out the knife and plopping it into Steve’s awaiting hands.
“Relax, Munson. I’m not gonna tell anyone you’ve got a weapon,” Steve takes the knife, sliding it across Eddie’s thumb. Eddie hisses at the pain, noticing that he’s drawn blood. “My Dark Lord. Our Master. I offer you the blood of a willing brother. Ad profundis inferni. I offer him to you. His temple now yours to own.”
Steve brings Eddie’s thumb up to his mouth, drinking the blood flowing from it. Eddie, watches him in horror. Steve then proceeds to lock eyes with the shaggy-haired metalhead placing a hand at the back of his neck and pulling him in. Their lips colliding, catching Eddie off-guard but he doesn’t push away.
Eddie feels as if his very soul is being sucked from his body. He feels empty yet also whole. A tingling sensation coming over him. Then the pressure begins to feel so heavy that Eddie worried his head would explode. Hot, searing energy course through his veins. It didn’t hurt but it was so overwhelming that he’d pushed at Steve’s chest, breaking the kiss.
The look in Steve’s eyes indicated terror and concern. Eddie could feel the energy warp his perception of reality and time. Things feeling fast and slow all at once. He’d grown fangs, long fingernails like claws, his head feeling a heavy pressure as horns pushing through his scalp. Bones shifting in his flesh. This was beyond painful at this point. Eddie howls at the biting sensation.
When the transformation finally ceased, Eddie began to feel a strength and power he’s never known to exist. He looks at his appearance in the mirror. His eyes now a deep black.
“What’s happened to me?”
Steve approaches Eddie slowly; his heartbeat the only sound in his ears as he observes him. “Dark Lord?”
Eddie stares at him, confused why he’s saying it to him.
“You’ve consumed the devil and his divine energy. I don’t understand how this is possible but…you’ve become the Dark Lord himself.”
Before any protest could be made, Steve immediately bows down on his hands and knees. “He’s deemed you worthy of his power,” He rises his face from the ground looking up at the half-demon, half-human form. His hand to his chest. “From now til the end, I will serve you. I devote my life to you. Eddie Munson, Lord of the Dark.”
*end of flashback*
“He kissed you?!” You say, jaw dropping.
“I give you the full story of how I became ruler of the underworld, and that’s what you picked up from all this?” Eddie scoffs.
“Sorry, but to be fair, I’m really intrigued by this Steve dude. He really is charismatic.”
“Do you realize that I’m now a completely different person?”
“I wouldn’t use the words ‘completely different’ so lightly in this context.”
“Ash, will you please be serious?”
“Sorry, I want to but you’ve still got me planted to the ground like I’m some clothing store mannequin. Maybe ease up a little, will ya?”
He frees you from his control and you make your way over to him, arms crossed and observing his face.
So this was why you’ve been noticing changes in his behavior with each visit. “Do you feel any different? Aside from the cool powers. Are you still you? I mean, you sound like you.”
“I’m still me…I think. I have all my memories, I still enjoy my music, still have feelings and emotions. Not sure if the Devil was ever capable of that. But I also have new motivations and goals that I want to accomplish. That part I’m sure isn’t me but I need to follow through with them.”
“What motivations?”
“I need more followers.”
“You mean for like people to worship you.”
“I wouldn’t say worship per se. Maybe more like being a leader they can look up to.”
You nod. “Okay. Good luck on those endeavors.”
You turned away from him when you suddenly felt him pressed up against you from behind, lips brushing against your ear.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His voice is low with a dark undertone. “You didn’t think you’d be getting off that easy…did you?”
You look up at him over your shoulder, shivering at his sudden shift in presence. “What do you mean?”
He rest a finger under your chin, beckoning you to slowly turn and face him. “I want you…”
The finger under your chin began to trail down your neck, right against your pulse. He traces over the vein lightly. You were sure that he could feel your heart pounding at an alarming rate.
“By my side.” He finishes.
“By your side?” You echoed as if you were in a trance; eyes glossed over.
He nods, cupping your face in his soft, large hands and smiling warmly at you. “Yes, Ashley. I need you by my side. Devoted to me. Submitting to my every request. In return, I’ll give you what you most desire.”
“What I most desire?”
“Mhm. I can make you so powerful. Your family, too. All you need to do is announce me as your master, your king, your dark lord and you will never have to settle for less again.”
His thumb swipes over your bottom lip. You couldn’t think right for some reason. You clench your thighs together, a sudden ache between them. No way were you getting worked up by this guy. His aura does have a powerful effect on you but this is still Eddie we’re talking about.
“I want to lift my family’s curse. I want to have power.” You say, dazed.
He moves closer to you, lowering his face so it hovered inches away from yours. You look at him, doe-eyed.
“Then say the words, Ashley. Tell me that you are mine.”
“I-I can’t say it. I can’t belong to anyone.”
A deep growl rumbles within his chest. And for a moment, You were scared that he’d transform and reveal his full demonic form. “But you will,” His voice is darker, deeper. You couldn’t deny the butterflies that fluttering in your belly. “You must.”
“What if I don’t want that?”
He laughs. “You don’t get that choice.”
“Says who?”
“Well, I won’t force you but it looks like your body is speaking for itself,” He smirks, eyes raking down your frame. Goosebumps littered your skin; your hardened nipples present against your clad white tank top. “It’s calling for me, Ash. Begging me to feed it the power it so desperately needs. The question is, though, will you let it starve?”
You hadn’t realized you’d been holding your breath while he observed you until you let out a shaky exhale. “Oh, god. Please.” You weren’t sure what you were begging for.
“Not God. Me.”
“I want it, Eddie. So badly.”
“Then say the words.”
You inhale deeply then breathe out again. “Eddie…”
“Wait. I want you on your knees as a sign of your full submission.”
You roll your eyes. Was this really necessary? Nevertheless, you found yourself lowering to the ground eye never leaving his. “I, Ashley Vita Sinclair, announce you, Eddie Munson, as my master, my king, my dark lord. I offer myself to you and you only. Please accept this offering as my full submission to you.”
Eddie seems to be pleased with your prayer. Then, he tilts your head up higher, placing his thumb firmly under your chin. He tugs below your lip causing your lips to part slightly. “Open wide. Tongue out.” He orders.
What the fuck was he doing? Part of you wanted to get off your knees and give him a piece of your mind. The other part of you, however, was curious to see how this would play out so you obey.
“Ad profundis inferni.” He chants before sticking his surprisingly long tongue out. A line of saliva hangs on the tip of his tongue and falls onto yours, connecting the two of you indirectly. “Swallow.”
You do as your told swallow and break the line connecting you to him. You feel different. A new sense of energy flowing through you.
“Rise to your feet.”
You follow his command, watching him intently and waiting for the next step. He throws his hands up with a satisfied expression.
“You’re officially a part of my kingdom. Welcome, welcome.”
“That was…” You feel hypnotized before quickly reverting back to your usual wittiness. “Possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
“A funny way of saying you liked it but okay.” He winks.
Once Eddie left, you’d made the initiative to test out your newfound state of magic. Reaching your hands out in front of you, you focus on the spell you’ve been trying to perfect for weeks. The Levitation spell.
“Vis intus esto meicordia levitatis.” You shout at the top of your lungs. When nothing happened, you were this close to going over to Eddie’s place to call him out. That was until you felt your feet slowly lift off the ground. You were floating in mid space; your long braids, floating and swirling around you. The hair movements resembling Medusa’s head of snakes.
You laugh at your success doing a backflip before slowly descending down to your rug. You’d actually did it! You knew you had to celebrate. Running up to your house phone, you dialed for your parents house waiting excitedly for an answer.
“Hello? Max?” Lucas answers in a hurried tone.
“Were you waiting by the phone the entire time?”
“Ash,” Lucas groans, annoyed. “Couldn’t you just call later. I’m kinda of waiting for a call from her and I don’t want to miss it.”
“It’s 9:35 pm. She ain’t gonna call you, buddy. Whatever you did to make her pissed off, all you gotta do is apologize and admit your wrong. Anywho…enough with the sisterly advice. I’ve got great news. Put me on speaker. I want everyone to hear this.”
“I’m honestly surprised you have any good news at all. Today was hell for me at school. Word went around that you’re a witness in support of Eddie and it made a lot of people angry. Now they’re taking it out on all of us.”
“What? That’s terrible. Are you okay? What about Erica? Is she alright?”
“She’s fine. You know her.”
You weren’t fully convinced that she was alright, making a note to come by and check on her whenever you had the time. “What about you, though?”
He sighs. “My team won’t even look at me. No one’s beat me up or anything but…it’s fine. Whatever.”
“It’s not fine. Ughh, people in this town are so frustrating. They don’t even understand what the hell is going on,” You squeezed your eyes shut, resting the phone against your forehead the bringing it back to your ear once more. “I’ll fix this.“
“I don’t know how but I will. Nobody messes with my siblings,” You assured him before adding. “Except for me.”
He laughs.
“So is that why Max is angry with you?”
“No. She’s not angry. She’s just having trouble sleeping and I told her she can call me so we can stay on the phone until she sleeps. She’s probably asleep.”
“Don’t give up on hope just yet, lover boy. I think I might’ve been a little hasty. Give it until 10 maybe she’ll call. I’ll hang up and leave you at it.”
“Wait! You said you had some good news. What is it?”
“Oh, it’s just some candles I got on sale.” You lied. It was probably best to tell them another time.
“You called to talk about…candles?”
“Yeah, but, they were for a really good deal at Benny’s. I got to save 25% off.”
“Riiight. I’m gonna hang up now. I’ll be waiting for a call that actually matters.”
The phone clicks off. You let out a groan, slamming the phone back into its place. How in the hell were you going to fix this mess?
You stopped by your frequented herbal shop to pick up some herbs for Eddie who apparently needed the for something. This ‘Eddie being the devil’ thing was really starting to freak you out. He seemed to know more about occultism than you have your entire life!
It wasn’t lost on you that you were getting looks from people in public. You decide to brush it off; not letting them get to you.
You walk up to the counter and greet the store owner who’s son, Will, happened to be one of Lucas’s best friends.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Byers.”
“Please, Ashley, you know you can call me Joyce,” She smiles. “What can I do for ya?”
“I need 4 grams of Ice Seed, 2 grams of Dream Turmeric, and 6 grams of Annaley.”
“Ooh, are we conjuring up a potion?” Joyce questions, jokingly.
You give a nervous laugh. “Just a self-care bath.”
“Self-care’s good,” She says, while looking for the exact herbs. Once she’s done, she hands you prettily purple bow-tied sack and book. “It’s on the house.”
“No, I can’t accept.” Herbs were hella expensive so you knew she’d be missing on a hefty profit.
“Trust me, Ash. You’ll need this.” She tilts her chin down, looking at you knowingly. “I know that people in this town have been a little bitchy because of your testimony but you still have me in your corner.” She winks.
You smile. “What about the book?”
“Keep it. It’ll probably have better use in your hands. I can’t figure out that confusing thing. Maybe you can.”
You look down at the leather book which had characters written in the front you couldn’t decipher.
Parking your car in the driveway, you made it to the location that Eddie specified. It was a home you weren’t familiar with. Just as you were about to head for the front door, the garage door lifts up and you stood watching until it revealed the devil himself.
“Who’s place is this? Don’t tell me pillaged a family of 4 for this.” You quip.
“Hardy, har, har. Will you just get in here already?” He have you in. “This is my friend Gareth’s place. Did you get the herbs?”
You held up the bag before following him. “Yep. What will we be doing with these exactly?”
“Oh, you’ll see.” He smirks.
“I don’t like that smile.”
You enter the home through the garage following him down to the basement. It was dark; dimly lit by candles around the room. His friends sat around a long rectangular table.
“Everyone, I’d like for you to meet Ashley, formally. Ashley, these are my buddies Gareth, Jeff, and…Steve.”
Your eyes widened as you glanced over at Steve. “Whoa, whoa. I thought this man was in prison for organized crimes?”
“Don’t be afraid, Ash. I don’t bite.” Steve winks. You seethe at the use of your nickname being used so soon and casually.
Eddie places his hands on your shoulders. “Simmer down, little firefly,” He takes the sack of herbs from your hands. “Go on and have a seat. The fun’s about to start.”
You sigh, grabbing a chair next to Jeff.
“No, you sit next to me.” He points to the front of the table where there’s a throne at the end. He takes your hand and you could feel your face getting hot as the group’s eyes were on you.
Your seated in the chair closest to him and across from Steve who flashes you a teasing smile. Eddie sits at his throne and begins the meeting.
“Could I just start by saying that I’m already loving the team we’re building so far? I know I haven’t actually recruited anyone yet but I really feel the love from you all.” He looks to the side him and sees your grumpy face; arms crossed.
Gareth speaks up, excited. “You’ve got plenty of people to choose from, Eds. Even with half the town against you, you have so many who want to either pick at your brain or give you—”
“Wait, so the people in this town have been dumping on me and my family since the trial but you’re getting the celebrity treatment?”
Eddie looks concerned. “People have been harassing you and your family for defending me.”
You nod. “Yeah. My mom’s been having a hard time finding another case to work on because no one wants to hire her after the loss. Lucas and Erica are getting bullied at school. And well, I guess my dad’s fine. He’s a cop so ya can’t really bully them.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Ash. I didn’t know. Nobody’s said anything about it. Hell, I play D’N’D with Lucas the other day. He didn’t say a word. I’ll handle it for you. No one’ll bother you or your family again.”
“Just leave it to me. Trust in your master.”
It felt weird having him say it in front of everyone since the only time you’d refer to him as that was when you were alone. You nod, trying not to feel the overwhelming sensation of wanting the ground to swallow you.
“Okay, fellas and lady, let’s begin the séance.”
The boys hoot and holler. Your mouth drops open. “I’m sorry. Séance?”
“Yep.” Eddie says, shrugging.
“As in communicating with the dead?” You further elaborate.
“Yeah.” The group speaks in unison.
“Oookay. I guess I could use even more excitement in my life.” You laugh, on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“That’s the spirit.” Steve says, patting your hand.
For a split second, Eddie looks between you two with a pissed expression. He composes him pouring the herbs onto the table. “This won’t be just any kind of seance. In true ‘Eddie’ fashion, we are going to smoke these herbs and then the heavy smoke with guide us. Then, we’ll be in contact with the land of the dead.”
“I’ve never gotten high before, Eds. What if I trip balls and get in contact like with my late grandmother, Pearl. She’s really Christian.” Jeff says, his tone high in pitch.
“I can hold your hand through it, big boy.” Eddie jokes, while rolling up the herbs.
“I got these herbs because you wanted to get high while simultaneously being in a séance? This is not how I pictured my Thursday afternoon.” You shake your head.
“What can I say? Spontaneity is the spice.” Eddie before holding up the joint to your face. “Will you do the honors and speak ‘the land of the dead’ spell onto the herbs?”
You look at him and at the guys, then back to him and whispered. “Eddie, they don’t know I’m a witch.”
“And they didn’t know I was the devil until just this morning. Well except, Steve. He practically knows everything. They don’t care what we are, Ash. They live for shit like this. Now will you please do the honors.”
“I don’t know that spell. I’ve never hosted a séance.”
“You know because you are an extension of me. Go on. Speak.”
You exhale, closing your eyes. “Quarta pars Ice Seed, medium pars Dream Turmeric, totum Annaley. Coniunge et fac unum. Iunge nos cum mortuis et separa a vivis.”
You opened your eyes and absolutely nothing happened. “You see I told you I didn’t know.”
All of a sudden, the herbs began to shimmer and glow and everyone stared at it in wonder. Eddie shooting you and I told you so look. “Quit doubting yourself all the time. You’ve got it.”
You really appreciated Eddie being so encouraging of you. You were so used to your shortcomings revealing themselves while attending your academy that you’d gotten used to expecting failure. But Eddie always show you how special you were even before he’d became the devil himself. You valued your unlikely duo of a friendship.
Eddie sparks up the joint. “Now, shall we begin with the séance?”
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Taglist: @nerdypartytrashpsychic @frozenhuntress67
IV. The Séance Pt. II
The Gang conducts a séance looking for answers but leaving with more questions. Also, Eddie’s getting really tired of your attitude.
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
I saw y'all discussing potential zodiac signs for Pascal's characters, what's your take on the major ones? I personally believe Marcus Pike is a cancer, Catfish's a pisces, Din's a virgo, Whiskey's an aries, Oberyn's either a leo or a libra, Ezra's a gemini or a sag, but I lean towards gemini. Javier's the poster child for Scorpio. Don't know about Maxwell Lord.
pedro character star signs
i’m so sorry it took so long, i was tweaking this so much bc i wanted to make sure i got it right! these are just what i think based on my astrology opinions, i hope you like it! 💕 i added their moon signs for flair bc i can. gonna tag a few friends i think may be interested, hope it’s not an inconvenience
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max phillips: aries sun & moon. his ambition and charisma paired with the carefree attitude and optimism are an optimum fire sign duality and despite the fact i shouldn't, i love it so much. he has an inner child that he spoils with the riches of his conquests (good and bad) & gets emotional contentment when he succeeds in achieving his goals. knows what he wants & is quick to make those wants known. you never have to worry about where you stand with him because he will not hesitate to tell you.
javier peña: taurus sun with scorpio moon (the real guy is a taurus & i can see it but w heavy scorpio influence). he has his own structure and routine and will fight to the death to maintain it. very work oriented & does his best to rationalize his emotion-driven scorpio moon with his taurean logic, it's a tossup as to whether it works half the time. has a lot of emotional needs that aren't always met day to day & thats why he smokes and drinks and fucks. but don’t let anything make you doubt his love for you because the only thing stronger than his stubborn streak is his heart and its capacity to love you so damn much.
maxwell lord: libra sun with a sagittarius moon. the charisma? attractive and engaging af. oddly adept at chameleoning himself into whatever social group he's trying to vibe with. will draw eyes no matter what because so many people know him & if they don't already, they sure as hell want to. it takes him a while to learn to balance healthy relationships and his work life but when he does, you can visibly see how much healthier he is because of it. normally tends to his emotions in private but with help, he can start sharing a bit more. more optimistic than he sometimes should be but it could be worse
frankie morales: pisces sun with a cancer moon. his caring and sometimes cautious nature (with a twinge of homicidal tendencies) make him one that you don't just casually fuck with sexually or otherwise. catches feelings very easy & makes a lot of emotionally-driven decisions. these two water signs have a propensity towards codependence & defensiveness when hurt. is at his best when he feels loved and is supported by those he loves. emotions are always fluctuating and there’s some trouble with self-discipline (which is not the same as self-deprecation). because of this, he needs someone who can ground him
jack "whiskey" daniels: his swagger!! his charm!! his generosity!! the protectiveness over people he cares about!! this has the makings of a leo sun. this charismatic sun sign paired with his capricorn moon create a living example of the most balanced "work hard, play hard" you've ever seen. has a tendency to set high standards for himself and others & is a smidge more accepting when people fuck up, wanting to help them be better in the future. his emotions are often repressed in the name of responsibility but when he feels safe, he isn’t shy about them in the slightest. very confident in his skills & one of those that he’s the proudest of is his ability to cheer you up when you’re sad
din djarin: he is the most virgo virgo to ever virgo, a double whammy of it in both his sun & moon placements. very logical, disciplined, and tradition-oriented. knows how to bargain and budget, approaches problems with as little emotional attachment as he can (doesn't always work though), and is selfless af. needs something to keep him from being a worry wart bc otherwise he will spend every waking moment fretting over anything he can find. remarkably well-rounded & somehow the most emotionally stable
ezra: everything about this man radiates aquarius sun + gemini moon and you will never convinve me otherwise. he's just enough of an intellectual elitist (the big words and flowy shakespearian vocabulary) for it to border on unique and fun & annoying as fuck. every aquarian i've met has a quirk that sets them apart from everyone else & ezra's quirk (besides murder) is his vocabulary. it takes him a long time to learn to not talk over people on accident (sometimes he does on purpose just to be a bastard), but you can tell when he’s really trying to be conscious of it.
marcus moreno: now this man is what you call a pisces. a softie with a heart of gold that is constantly being underestimated, he has more power than most think. his silly and carefree nature detracts from the badassery he's capable of so it sometimes catches you off guard when he goes into Badass In Charge™️ mode but it’s there. his moon is also in pisces, which adds to his gentility and desire to be understood by his partner. this man just needs some love dammit, give it to him already!! his empathy makes him the Cool Dad™️ bc missy and literally any other kid get the vibe of “yeah this adult will actually listen to me and value my opinions”
dave: capricorn sun, aries moon. he thrives with people who can handle their own shit competency kink anyone? and doesn’t have patience with those who should know better. his standards are higher than a stoned giraffe, and is at his best in controlled environments. has a strong sense of self & a short list of people he would risk it all for. not as outwardly expressive but he does have a couple cues that you learn over time. also knows what he wants and is very meticulous in how he goes about getting it; there are very few places where he takes no for an answer. is a very good provider but don’t expect him to be mushy when you thank him for things he does for you.
oberyn martell: gemini sun & leo moon. he’s got more charisma than can fit in the ocean and sometimes it gets him into trouble. this man thrives on validation from loved ones. there is never a worry about not knowing what he’s feeling because oh boy is this man expressive. he’s a protector and a provider (and a gossip but don’t let him hear you say that). can and will cause a scene if there’s ample opportunity, he enjoys watching shit go down. will only interfere if it directly impacts him or someone he really cares about but otherwise will just pop the popcorn and pull up a seat. somehow has all the details of everything that ever happens but you learn to not question it.
pero tovar: scorpio sun (but specifically october scorpio) & aquarius moon. he’s highly rational when it comes to emotions but does have a temper. he’s observant af of his environment & the emotions of everyone around him, and chooses his actions carefully based on those. doesn’t confront his deeper emotions as often as he should bc it’s easier to default to Angy™️ and let the rest of the world come to their own assumptions. has no tolerance for lies and other bs, wants the truth and though it makes him seem power-hungry and manipulative, that’s not his intention. it’s just his way of looking for someone he can trust with the most intimate parts of him
marcus pike: this man? taurus sun, cancer moon. has a fear of abandonment that takes a while to quell but once it’s gone, he’s all in. he’s very empathetic and observant af, will know exactly what you need before you voice said need. will feel guilty for his baggage sometimes and the guilt will make him recluse for a short period until he’s reminded just how appreciated he is. does not play around when it comes to affection & is very eager to give and receive it whenever possible
my friends that i think might be interested: @scribbledghost @autumnleaves1991-blog @dyke--grayson @max--phillips @dindjarindiaries @pikemoreno @ohnopoe @pedropasscals @forever-rogue @engineeredfiction @bitchin-beskar
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stitch1830 · 3 years
So this is a character description for the character Kanto that @precious-metal-girl and I created for AUs where he is in a loving and committed relationship with Toph Beifong. Part of this is to help me keep track of all of his features and personality traits, and if others are looking to write about Kanto but aren't sure about how to describe him, feel free to pick and choose characteristics that meet your AU needs! This will (hopefully) be a living document where characteristics are added and changed over time. If you are curious about our AUs or want to know about a particular trait/personality, feel free to ask us questions!
Born: ~88/89 AG (summer)
Residence: Republic City
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Element: Earthbending/Metalbending
Occupation: Deputy for the Republic City Police Department, Metalbender Division
Nicknames: Hotshot, Dep (short for Deputy), Slick, Botany Boy, Pretty Boy, Metalbrain, Metalhead, Rockhead, K, My Rock
Relationship: Toph Beifong
Kanto grew up near one of the Fire Nation colonies close to what is Republic City today (part of the reason why his name has FN influence). His father took many different jobs and tried to avoid fighting in the war as long as possible so he could stay with his family, while his mother was a seamstress for the town. Often, he would help his mother sew clothes, and because of that he was pretty crafty and good with his hands. He lost his parents at age 7; old enough to remember them and his childhood, but all the memories are pretty blurry.
What he does remember is that his family was pretty poor, but they always had something to laugh about.
He loved learning new skills with his dad, and had his mom read the same two books they had every single night. And one thing he always remembers is eating together as a family.
His parents died either in an accident for rebelling against a FN rule (maybe the FN wanted to take Kanto away for being an earthbender), or from protecting Kanto in general.
Kanto was always pretty feisty as a boy, pushing people’s buttons and egging people on. It only got worse when his parents died because he pushed buttons out of anger now.
He also had a lot of friends, but after, he didn’t talk to anyone for a while because he ran away. Most of his fighting skills were learned while on the run, he never got any formal training until he went to the metalbending academy (maybe 17 or 18? Toph managed a different part of the academy so she didn’t know him. That or he went to a different academy branch entirely).
One thing he remembers is that he was happiest with his family, so he cherishes the idea of a happy family unit, and he constantly searched for something that made him feel close to that happiness.
The first impression people get of Kanto is that he is a no-good, arrogant, bad boy. He acts as if he’s the coolest person in town and always has something sassy to say in response. More than half of the words that come out of Kanto’s mouth are flirtatious and sarcastic, a combination that initially drives Toph Beifong crazy.
But in reality, Kanto is an extremely loyal man who’s rather selfless, putting himself in harm’s way so no one else has to. His initial personality is a front to protect himself so that he doesn’t befriend anyone too much, because he knows what it’s like to love people and lose them. He hated how he felt when he was orphaned and never wanted to feel that way again.
When his facade finally cracks with Toph and she sees the real him, he’s actually… a dork.
He’s got a very goofy personality, he gets excited about little things, and his passions do not necessarily align with his looks and his first impression. When he loves people, he does so with his full heart, but again, he’s hesitant to do so with many… His family are essentially the only ones that see him this way.
Kanto is most certainly a hunk. He’s got a similar skin complexion to Toph, thick and wavy (borderline curly) black hair (Toph loves playing with it), broad chest and shoulders (a fit and toned body overall), a mischievous, slightly crooked grin (left corner turns up higher than the right) that makes all the women of RC swoon, a crooked nose from being punched in the face one too many times, and classic earthbender green eyes. He’s also pretty tall, that’s where Lin gets her height from, well over a head taller than Toph And despite being an earthbender, his hands and fingers are actually rather long and nimble. Some popular fanart interpretations of Kanto can be found here and here and here and here and here.
Kanto likes flowers, he often brings new ones home (especially when he’s with Toph) so he can teach her about its qualities and so they have a nice and natural floral scent in their home. He’s obsessed with pro bending like Toph, and often will attend matches with her. Astronomy and biology are also interests of his. Toph and Kanto also have a cool rock collection, both are trying to best each other to find the coolest one. Kanto reads science fiction novels to Toph in their downtime and he’ll play the guitar or pipa.
Kanto is afraid of bugs, he doesn’t care for large fires that can get out of control, and big animals make him nervous at first contact. When Lin’s in the picture, he freaks out when there are too many sharp corners in one place. He’s always afraid she’s gonna fall and hit her head. Kanto also doesn’t like those rip tides or currents in oceans/large bodies of water.
Some of his deeper level fears include losing his family. He cannot stand the idea of losing Lin or Toph, especially if the reason they are missing or gone is because of him. He’s lost his family before, and he’ll be damned if he loses them again.
A lot of his flaws stem from his stubbornness and confidence. He’s arrogant, overconfident, prideful, and impatient. He knows he’s good at his job and he’s not afraid to talk about his skills and talents, and unless he’s working specifically with Toph, he assumes he’s the best for the job.
He’s flirty, sarcastic, reckless, and a bit of a slob (just his home, he keeps a clean appearance). Kanto’s constantly ragging on coworkers, has comments for days, and it’s rare for him to speak in a serious tone while on the job. Just doesn’t happen.
He’s protective, reckless, a troublemaker, skeptical, and vengeful. When he actually finds love and has a family, he is extremely protective, to the point where if criminals threaten his family, he’s not afraid to take the law into his own hands to eradicate the problem. One of these would be his fatal flaw, maybe vengeful? His vengeful tendency could be from a need to retaliate to protect his family from a threat, and that ultimately may take him down.
His flaws mainly seem to come from his overconfident front that he gives to the world. He doesn’t let too many in, or, he lets people in, but they don’t see the real him. Kanto doesn’t trust people right away, but it’s easy to get along with everyone if you just have this confident and charismatic face on. But his ‘face’ seeped into his actual personality, so there are times when he shouldn’t blurt out the first stupid comment in his head, but he does.
Gaang First Impressions:
Aang: He’s always extremely happy and excited to meet new partners, so he was thrilled to meet Kanto. They definitely don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but Aang is great at being friends with everyone despite the differences, so there’s no animosity.
Katara: She’s skeptical at first, because Kanto acts like a douche and has a bad boy persona. Katara just doesn’t want to see Toph get hurt, so she interrogates the man a bit (a lot), but even though the things he says concern her, he’s a gentleman to Toph, very attentive to her needs. So, maybe he’s not so bad… Later on, she knows the bad boy look was all a facade and that Kanto is a sweetheart, and she grows to really like Kanto.
Zuko: He gives Kanto a very cold shoulder at first. He’s very protective of Toph because he thinks of her as a little sister. So, he crosses his arms, glares a bit, and Kanto glares back because that’s what he does at first. But then, they start going on double dates, and Zuko and Kanto turn out to have a lot more in common than they realize. They’re buddies now!
Sokka: Sokka’s attitude really depends on ship preference with him, but in most HC’s, he’s Toph’s best friend, so he would also be distant with Kanto. He wouldn’t like how cocky he is, or that he’s super tall and talented at many things… he’s not a fan. However, Toph is always super happy around Kanto, he makes her laugh, and no one is allowed to insult Toph without an ass whooping from both Kanto and Toph, so, he warms up to the guy. He’s been seen buying Kanto a beer after a long day of work as a truce, and he often goes to Kanto if he needs police paper signed and expedited (Kanto does the same with Sokka, it evens out).
Suki: Suki is pretty chill about it all. She’s pretty perceptive about personalities and whatnot, and she can detect a bit of a bad boy mask. So, she treats the introduction casually and is super cordial with Kanto. They never become best friends or anything, but she was one of his first “allies” in the Gaang, and for that he is forever grateful.
Other Facts:
His mannerisms are that he walks with a slow swagger. Often the slowest of the group, he takes his time whenever he walks places. But don’t let that fool you—he can sprint really fast. He leans back in almost all of his chairs, sometimes he leans too far back. Kanto was a notorious manspreader when he would sit down, but since being with Toph, she put a stop to that instantly. When he’s restless, he bounces his leg a lot, and usually only stops if Toph reminds him (usually a hand to his leg to calm him down). Kanto also runs his hand through his hair a ton to either push it off his face, or just on instinct. He fidgets with his hands, too, Toph does as well. Usually, the two will hold hands or play with each other’s fingers to ‘remedy’ their nervous tick. In extremely stressful situations (like an AU where Lin is kidnapped), Kanto usually throws up and doesn’t sleep at all.
Kanto’s voice is a mix of a rural and city accent, once Republic City becomes prominent. He uses slang in his speech often and mainly uses city words (he picked up a lot of city lingo when interacting with criminals and undercover work back in the day). There are a few words and phrases from his childhood that he uses that scream ‘rural kid’ and that is mainly when the distinction in his accent and speech is picked up. His voice is smooth and deep when he casually talks. When he yells, it becomes a bit gravelly and husky sounding. Oddly enough, when he whispers, the same thing happens.
Kanto smells like the earth or something with a forestry scent (cedar comes to mind). He wears cologne, and the scents he usually goes for are ones that smell like earth, wood, or resin. Kanto likes wearing cologne, but he can’t put too much on, otherwise it bothers Toph’s nose, and he typically checks to see which ones Toph likes, and he’ll purchase that cologne again because he knows she likes the smell. He naturally smells a bit like metal and dirt and a bit of smoke (he was a casual smoker before he had Lin). All these scents are not prominent, but by the end of the day, these are the scents that can usually be detected.
Some of his pet peeves include fake apologies, when people kick or shake the chair he is sitting in, any slightly insulting remark toward Toph, close talkers, people that interrupt frequently, and those that correct his grammar.
Kanto canonically only has one daughter, Lin. In this AU, he’s a loving and committed father who emphasizes putting his family first and protecting them. He doted and hovered over Toph while she was pregnant, cried tears of joy when Lin was born, and is very attentive and caring toward Lin. He’s the one that soothes her when she cries out at night, he’ll get up in the morning with her so Toph can sleep in, and when he comes home from work, he smothers her in kisses and gives her raspberries on the belly (affectionate). Even as a baby, Lin was a Daddy’s girl and Kanto spoiled her as much as possible.
In the relatively canon compliant AU, Kanto dies when Lin is about 6 months old. He left for work, had a run-in with a bloodbender (or an accident on the job), and never returned home. On the day of his death, Kanto planned on proposing to Toph, but never got the chance.
Lin knew about her father growing up, but he wasn’t talked about often because it is a touchy subject for Toph (and for most that knew him well). On her 13th birthday, Lin receives the engagement ring on a necklace, along with a handwritten letter from Kanto.
There are many AUs and headcanons related to where he lives, but those are very fluid and change all the time!
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hyuniepot · 4 years
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[10:30 p.m.]
you stood in the corner, holding your drink and examining your surroundings. people were in groups, talking and laughing — some already drunk. there was a group of people playing beer pong across the room.
parties weren’t really your thing; at least not parties this big. however, you promised your best friend you would come and you felt too bad to cancel on them. they had gone to the kitchen to get a refill and still hadn’t returned after almost 10 minutes. it was an hour and a half until midnight, and you dreadfully counted down the minutes until you could say happy new year and then leave this place as fast as possible.
while deep in thought, you were suddenly pushed. not enough to fall over, but enough to get an entire drink spilled onto you. the person apologized and you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“shit, sorry. mark, you idiot, you spilled your drink everywhere.” they said. “you okay?”
“yeah, no shit, yuta. i’m aware,” a voice trailed away towards the kitchen.
“oh... i’m fine. it’s no big deal,” you said, chuckling.
“but, your shirt... hey, i have an extra shirt and flannel in my car, if you wanna change into that, you can.” the person said, motioning to the door.
you furrowed your brows. “uh... i’m okay. really, it’s... no big deal...” you said again, looking down at your shirt. your entire right arm was drenched with alcohol and half of your shirt was wet as well.
“you sure? you’re gonna be pretty uncomfortable-“
“hey yuta!” you turned to see your best friend had finally returned from the kitchen. “i didn’t know you two knew each other.” your friend said, drunkenly oblivious to the spill on your clothes.
“we don’t. mark just spilled his drink on them though.” yuta said.
in truth, you were the one who didn’t know yuta and your friend knew each other. his personality, despite being nice towards you, was intimidating to say the least — piercings decorated his ears and his nails were painted black. he seemed laid back and scary all at the same time. honestly, he looked too cool to be friends with anyone you knew.
“you sure about that change of clothes? i mean, i understand. a random dude asks you to go to his car, it’s sketchy. but i’m just looking out for you.” yuta took a sip of his drink. “i’ll have to look out for you now to make sure mark doesn’t spill his drink on you again,”
“shut up!” you hadn’t even realized that mark had returned with a towel, sopping up the spilled alcohol.
“uh... you know what, i guess i’ll take that shirt.” you said softly. you felt better knowing that your friend knew him.
yuta nodded and set his drink down. he nodded towards the door and you followed him outside. he lead you to a car. he opened the front door and retrieved the extra shirt and flannel from his front seat. “i brought it for me, but i probably won’t need it. oh, it might be too big for you... sorry,” he handed the clothes to you.
“oh, that’s alright...” you responded.
“you can just throw your shirt in the washer once you change. you should see it near the downstairs bathroom. i know who lives here, so it’s fine.” yuta shut the car door and sighed, leaning up against the car. “you must not be the party type. i’ve never seen you.”
“yeah. parties aren’t really for me.” you replied, chuckling.
“i get it. i’m kinda dragged in by association,” yuta responded. “oh, it’s cold out here. let’s go inside. sorry for holding you up.” he began walking back to the house, and you followed.
he directed you to the bathroom and you changed into his shirt, throwing yours in the washer as you passed it. you put the flannel around you as you made your way back to your friend. yuta was standing next to them, although he was still giving mark a hard time.
for the next hour, you talked to yuta. time flew by, much faster than it did when you were people watching. you actually got along with him well. he wasn’t intimidating at all; he was charismatic and had a smile that almost made you gasp when you first saw it. you had somehow ended up outside with him again, sitting on the back porch and talking. 3 other people were there but you paid them no mind.
“hey guys,” you heard a voice. you turned your head and saw your friend at the door. “the ball is dropping in like 3 minutes. get your asses in here!”
you chuckled and stood up from your seat and headed inside, yuta at your side. people were crowded around the tv cheering.
“mark, johnny, you two are standing by each other, are you gonna kiss when the ball drops?” yuta put his hands on who you assumed to be johnny’s shoulders and shook them. he was standing next to mark, who was no stranger to yuta’s teasing.
johnny laughed before dramatically biting his lip and turning to mark.
“yo, what?” mark started to panic, sending yuta and johnny into a laughing fit.
yuta then turned back to you. “i should’ve asked mark if he wanted to kiss me... he might’ve said yes.” he sighed, pouting. “i miss my mark lee kisses.”
you playfully hit his chest. “you are so weird, you know that?”
yuta grinned before suddenly pulling you in close and pressing his forehead against yours. you tense up at the feeling of his hand on your back, his swift movements. “it’d be even weirder for me to ask you to be my new year’s kiss, right?”
his breath smelled like the wine coolers you had been sipping on with him. “yeah. and it’s weird because i’d definitely say yes.” you replied, breathless.
you can hear people chanting. the ball drops in 20 seconds.
“really?” yuta clicked his tongue. “then, will you kiss me when that ball drops?”
you nodded. “of course.”
are my lips chapped? i should lick them. wait, that’d be weird. yuta is staring into my eyes. it’s fine... he’ll understand, right?
you heard the last few seconds of the countdown before yuta pressed his lips against yours. you kiss him back.
it almost feels magical, you felt confetti from party poppers brushing against your arms as your wrap them around yuta’s neck. you’re completely lost in him — you don’t even care that a bunch of strangers are probably watching.
the only thing that could’ve separated you from yuta was the loud honk of a party horn in your ear. which is exactly what happened.
you jump back from yuta, slapping a hand over your ear. you turn your head towards the sound, your best friend giggling with a blue party horn in their hands. “seems like you two know each other pretty well now, huh?”
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
what are your thoughts on viktor and being neurodivergent? though like, obligatory disclaimer that if riot ever did come out and say that "hey! viktor is canonically [something]" that would be catastrophic but i think it is a little bit of fun for consideration
Oh! Well I like to think he's autistic, which is partially because I am too. (Of course in canon it would be catastrophic because haha, oh man, look at how they've treated Blitzcrank's biographies ever since they gave him an updated one. There's some coding in there, alright, and I am... not a fan...)
I’ve posted a lot of long posts recently (this is no exception) and this is also on a kind of tricky subject, so I’m readmore’ing it.
So anyways, while I have to admit that some of the reason why (my) Viktor is autistic is because I am - I think that you can make a general semi-convincing argument. Or I'm so wrapped up in my own interpretations that I can, at the least. Anyways, from here on out when I say Viktor I mean my personal take. Your mileage may vary on applying this to other interpretations.
(Also, thoughts on new lore Jayce's being kind of coded to be like, a stereotypical autistic dude? (If you have any I mean.) I don't like that Riot is doing it, of course, but I've seen a few good rehabilitative takes on it in fandom. @hamartio's Jayce springs to mind, because their Jayce has been developed over the years and also written by someone who like. Cares. Anyways, I have my own personal Jayce ideas that rely on his old lore so he's not really an asshole there, at least in those regards, so I don't really have many thoughts on new Jayce. I think new Viktor is... pretty coded as well, but it’s also insanely stereotypical. The whole “always working, always wants certainty, gets into automation not because he (primarily) wants to help those injured by catastrophes in Zaun but because the catastrophes interrupt his work” thing makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll write sometime on why the rewrite of his lore fails, in my opinion, to hit upon the same themes of his first - would that be of interest to folks? Anyways, this parenthetical is too long.)
I think that autistic Viktor is cool and makes sense, somewhat because of the fact that the ways he goes about solving his problems are, er, unorthodox. (Of course I am not saying that the GE is because he’s autistic, because that’s stupid. This is why I’m kind of squirrely about talking so openly about what I think Viktor’s got going on, and why I don’t really trust if a non-autistic person headcanons him as autistic. There’s a lot of room for that headcanon to just reinforce the “autistic people are supergeniuses with no emotions that work based off of Facts and Logic” trope, and I hate that.) Since a lot of autism is about feeling adrift from/at odds with neurotypical society, I think that Viktor’s general solutions and also his idealistic leanings in the face of everything Zaun is tracks for that. Roboticization makes sense as a way to stop suffering and death, because it’s more achievable than individual feats of immortality through magic or whatever. Viktor doesn’t really get why people would be so opposed to it - he’s made it clear that while he dislikes his own emotions and wants them gone, he doesn’t expect others to cast off theirs. (Maybe he expected that when he was in the thick of his emotional pain, mostly because he couldn’t imagine others choosing differently than he at the time, but not in the current day.)
Of course, externally, when the scary cyborg man who admits to cutting off his own limbs says “no, being a robot is cool, you can keep your emotions even”, any Zaunite (or any person) is going to interpret that as “he is definitely lying”. Viktor doesn’t quite make that leap. (I have thoughts on the whole Theory of Mind concept and I don’t mean to say that Viktor can’t empathize - he does, and does too much - with others, but I think that in this instance he just can’t quite understand sometimes why people don’t believe him.) He also doesn’t quite get why people would be so attached to the bodies that they’re currently in, especially if he can make a mechanical replica. Or why people might want to die and pass into non-existence after a life well lived. (To him, personally, there’s always more to do. Also he’s terrified of death but that’s another topic.)
I also think that Viktor’s empathy is of the hyper- rather than hypo- kind, partially because I feel like outside of self-advocacy groups the mere concept of autistic hyperempathy is seen as like... impossible? It’s also because he generally seems to be kind of an emotional guy in canon before Stanwick, what with the lore saying that “almost no trace of the original man remained” in reference to Viktor reemerging as someone without emotions. That, combined with the fact that he was described as having a “hope to better society” before everything went down, kind of makes me believe that he was a naive idealist type. (Again, not that autism makes you naive, but...) But yes, hyperempathy. Hence "no pain, no wars, no suffering, no death” being part of his ideology for the Glorious Evolution. He gets pretty ripped up about people being hurt, and it’s really only gotten worse over the years as he’s grasped the full scope of pain in the world.
Personally, I write pre-Stanwick-incident Viktor as someone who is still somewhat awkward with expressing emotion, but it’s not due to him not having them. It’s due to the fact that the ways in which he naturally expressed them and in which he interacted with the world were just... seen as odd/different/etc. (I don’t think Runeterra has an autism diagnosis or particularly excellent psychology, even in Piltover and Zaun, so he just gets the “you’re a weird dude” treatment for his entire life.) Stimming or smiling a certain way or talking a lot about his interests or, you know, the general autistic existence is weird to most people around him, as it unfortunately is in real life. So he’s more reserved until you actually know him, because he’s just masking all the time. (Fun fact about my Viktor: he’s pretty expressive under that actual mask of his. It helps to not have to micromanage expressions all the time when he isn’t experiencing a bout of flat affect due to [gestures vaguely at everything else going on with his mental state], although he sometimes feels poorly about not being able to manage himself. But that’s his issues, and I think it’s good for him to show emotion.)
Side note - Stanwick was able to do such a number on Viktor due to: a) Stanwick being very charismatic and manipulative, on top of being an actually smart man and scientist - he’s really a great example of a “good Zaunite”, in the sense of being good at being what the culture rewards, b) Viktor actively dealing with the death of his parents and Stanwick being an older adult who’d treated him kindly and had never seemed put-off by Viktor’s oddities, and c) Viktor not realizing that he’d get backstabbed, because yes he knows that that happens in academia but Stanwick’s nice. Whether or not the outcomes would have been the same if Viktor were more competent at being “a good Zaunite”... well, probably not. Viktor ended up where he did because of who he is.
(Secondary side note: Viktor has a very strong and very black-and-white sense of what’s right and wrong, as well as general black-and-white thinking. You can see how that would have... not helped in the situations he was put through.)
This is getting kind of rambling, but I guess the point of this is that Viktor’s wanting to remove his emotions may be cloaked in the language of them being “inefficient” or “unhelpful”, which would feed into autistic stereotypes, but it’s really more of a matter of them being too painful and raw for him to process. He feels too much and hurts too much, and no amount of positive emotions in the world will (in his mind) make up for the pain he’s felt and will feel. So it’s better to not feel anything at all, isn’t it? At least then you aren’t overwhelmed by it all.
Viktor just hasn’t fit in with Zaun for all his life, really. Not as an odd child who can tell you all about science-fiction and techmaturgy, not as an odd and reserved teenager/young adult, not as a bright young doctoral student still dealing with grief but trying to make the best of it, and... not as the Machine Herald. But now he’s given up on trying to fit in, for better or for worse.
(Other miscellaneous and less serious autistic thoughts on him: generally a pretty fixed diet, partially due to being autistic but also due to what’s easily available in Zaun + what agrees with his stomach. A fan of weight and pressure - I like to think that the reason his outfit is like that is that he finds it comforting, and also that he has a weighted blanket or two around. Special interests of general techmaturgy, robotics, and science-fiction. He can talk for hours about any of those, and has. Both his parents were mildly spectrum-y, his mother a little bit moreso, so they just kinda assumed that him being him was out-of-the-ordinary and a bit strange but not something “horribly wrong”. Oh! And his third arm, which is under a little less conscious control than the rest of him, still stims sometimes when he’s working or otherwise not paying attention to it.)
This was very long and jumped around a lot, because I find it hard to give a convincing paragraph-by-paragraph argument about exactly why I think that Viktor is autistic, or rather why I headcanon him as such. But hopefully it was interesting! I just have a lot of thoughts on him, as well as the general state of autistic-coded or perceived-as-autistic-by-individuals (both allistic and autistic) characters in media and so it’s very hard to do anything concise without branching out into discussing other topics.
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bipercabeth · 4 years
okay i love percy having a crush on luke for so many reasons (the drama of it all... unparalleled) but thinking more about percy having a crush on beckendorf has me comparing luke and beckendorf both as individuals and through their impact on percy and i have a lot of thoughts about it. 
@sawasawako phrased it really well in this post: “he looked up to luke bc he was friendly and popular and cool in an environment that percy was new to and wanted to fit into, and he looked up to beckendorf for the same reasons + the fact that he was closer to what percy wanted for himself and envisioned himself to be in the future.” i think both luke and beckendorf are consistent reflections of percy learning what he does and doesn’t want for himself. in tlt, percy wants to be like luke. luke is charismatic and liked and wanted and that’s everything percy has never had a chance to be. luke takes percy under his wing before percy gets claimed and suddenly that feels attainable. it feels like percy has a place to belong. and then percy gets claimed and luke starts Scheming, ultimately betraying and poisoning percy. so much of pjo is percy learning that luke is right for wanting change (we are not getting into Luke Was Right discourse on this blog but i think we all agree that the system doesn’t work as it is) but so wrong with how he goes about it. and i think a criminally under-examined part of that comes through beckendorf. 
most of beckendorf and percy’s friendship is implied or discussed in the demigod files, but what we get is so good and there’s so much to unpack. for starters, beckendorf is a constant force of Good at camp. he’s the first (and one of the only) people to accept tyson at the beginning of SoM, coming around on that faster than even percy himself. beckendorf isn’t popular in the sense that he’s charismatic like luke—he’s very much a son of hephaestus who is more comfortable with machines than humans, but he’s at camp often and puts in the work. in tlo he’s referred to as “the anchor for the entire camp.” he’s a respected head of his cabin, he gets the guts to figure things out with silena, and he makes plans to go to nyu in the fall. he even takes care of mrs o leary when percy is gone. beckendorf does his job at camp, has a demigod girlfriend, and still plans to live a full life out in the mortal world. that’s so in line with everything percy is struggling with at the beginning of tlo, and of course that’s right when we lose beckendorf. 
beckendorf’s death is also interesting to consider in its ties to percy and luke. beckendorf dies the way percy has expected himself to die at least once per book until now: sacrificing himself for his friends. from the moment percy threw himself off the gateway arch, this has been a consistent theme throughout the original series. beckendorf, who percy looks up to—who manifests what percy wants for himself—dies the way percy has always seen himself dying. given that percy is about to learn about the great prophecy, this is some heavy shit to handle and percy gets ZERO time to process it before he’s thrown into literal war. 
beckendorf vs luke is a dynamic i’ve never seen explored but desperately want to. out of our current campers, beckendorf is among the top most likely to have shared experience with luke (outside of annabeth or the hermes cabin). they were both year-round campers and heads of their cabins. they would’ve sat at that ping pong table during counselor meetings and coordinated/faced off during capture the flag for years prior. seeing beckendorf as the anchor of camp after luke betrays them says so much about who he is as a person. there isn’t too much expansion i can do on the dynamic between them without getting into my own headcanons and interpretation, but luke’s determination to change the system by violent means vs beckendorf stepping up and keeping camp grounded in the middle of a war speaks volumes. luke sacrifices the lives of other demigods to make the change he wants, and only sacrifices his own life when there’s no other choice. luke’s first move in support of kronos and rebellion against the gods is to try to kill percy. from the moment beckendorf realizes he’s going to be captured on the princess andromeda, he plans to sacrifice his own life. he gives percy as much time as he can and urges him to leave the moment they make eye contact. 
tldr: beckendorf is an incredible character who reflects percy’s own desires as well as the core values of pjo, and also he was hot as hell and percy had a crush on him
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lesbian-kyoru · 4 years
Fruits Basket characters as high school/clique stereotypes go!
tohru: miss floater queen… super nice to everyone, strikes up a convo with you in the bathroom everyday, will always send you the notes you missed even if you’ve only spoken once three years ago. well-liked by everyone (notable exception is the yuki fan club), but mostly keeps to her lil friend group. kyo is her scary boyfriend, and at first no one can comprehend how she is dating mr feral jock/nerd man... but the inner circle knows that they are both Weird so it works
yuki: popular but like… does not know how he ended up in this clique because inside he is a weird little gay rat man. gets invited to all the coolest parties—spends the entire party awkwardly standing in the bathroom. breaks the internet when a viral video is posted of “prince yuki eating shit (falls off a skateboard while student kakeru manabe laughs in the background).” stoner masquerading as a prep
kyo: jock, but with the heart of a nerd. on every sports team. ball is life. but also. goes to math club three times a week and is a competitive mathlete. biggest ordeal of third year is when he has martial arts and mathlete competitions scheduled on the same day... can be seen sprinting through the tokyo streets that day, changing into his mathlete uniform as he runs. eats lunch with tohru everyday so that he can avoid choosing between eating with the jocks vs mathletes. leads a double life
shigure: so not exactly a nerd, but like a really pretentious smart kid… keeps to himself but is pretty generally well liked because. well he’s the mysterious sexy smart kid who wins like, poetry competitions and gets his picture in the school paper and is always tits out. also gets along really well with the theatre kids because he lives for the Drama and the Shit Talking. notorious for subtweeting people on main. does not subtweet akito and instead calls them out by name
akito: i feel like they would be a loner because i simply can’t see them not being absolutely aggravated by 99% of the other kids. like they hate theatre kids, hate preps, hate jocks… but also are too cool for nerds and bully them lol. i think they are reluctantly befriended by like, a stoner, a goth, and a floater. end up with a weird little friend group that they don’t hate. akito having friends and happiness in 2020 challenge
momiji: prep but more approachable than yuki. really popular because he’s a cutie as a first year, then he gets older and is gorgeous and is popular for that reason. super charismatic and mingles with various social groups really easily. honorary theatre kid In Vibes even though he was only ever in one production. also tik tok famous, so there’s that
haru: goth… but specifically a gamer goth. like looks scary, has really cool tattoos and piercings, is really unapproachable… but i feel like he also is a regular member of the school DnD club and gets really into it. he’s that dude who goes to smash bros tournaments after school and wins giant cash prizes. but like. still goth energy
rin: emo goth. eyeliner for days. could step on you and you would thank her. takes first place in the art show with really moody abstract pieces. never talks to you but then one day sings “creep” at the school talent show and is suddenly a school celebrity
uo: loner but… in vibes only because she does actually have her good friends. keeps up the mysterious loner persona tho. if you don’t know her you are scared of her. if you do know her you are probably still a little bit scared of her. oh and she’s definitely a skater girl. really hot lesbian
hana: goth/emo but like… goes too hard for the majority of the goths at the school. can hold a good conversation about mcr but then she turns it supernatural and spooky and the Weaker Goths flee the situation. dresses better than anyone at school. solidarity with rin and haru
kagura: popular pretty girl but specifically a jock popular girl. like the kind that plays volleyball and soccer and runs track and is ripped and goes ham. but then looks like a super model at every end of year sports team banquet. probably bullies you tbh
hiro: nerd but like… specifically anime kid™. like, aggressively so. president of the anime club. really intense about it. once he got control, wrote an official list of club rules and made membership more selective. there are three members. outsmarts bullies with his advanced vocabulary
kisa: vp of anime club because hiro asked her to be, but more of a floater. like tohru, she is cute and nice and universally adored even if she isn’t popular popular. also definitely teachers pet vibes! tries really hard to be good at everything. her niche is probably with more nerdy kids or other floaters because they aren’t intimidating
kakeru: okay so. primarily stoner… but also skater boy and class clown... the weirdest type of stoner. kind of can vibe with everyone similar to a floater, but it’s less in the way that he can shapeshift to fit into any group—it’s like, he is so weird that any group he interacts with is ??? but they can’t tell him to leave. crashes popular kid functions with yuki. also agreed with sophie that 2020 kakeru has eboy energy. fraternizes with the anime kids as well
machi: absolute loner but vibes with it. just minding her own business. really hard to get to know, but i feel like that honestly means that she ends up with a lot of friends in really odd places. avoids popular kids but can actually get along pretty well with almost anyone if they reach out to her first. likes fucking weird kids. the stoners adopt her
kimi: popular, cheerleader subset. but also more specifically the dance team type of cheerleader, which means she also overlaps with the theatre kids and honestly spends most of her social time with them. choreographs all the school musicals. they pick shows that have a Singular Dance Role so that kimi can shine. has to deal with fucking kyo being in a dance number when he can’t dance for shit
nao: nerd. as i’ve established before, an accounting nerd to be more specific. president of the accounting club. wears his nerd status with pride and with a superiority complex. the difference between him and kyo is that kyo is ripped as fuck so he doesn’t get shoved into lockers… nao does get shoved into lockers
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valhallasubstitute · 4 years
what zodiac signs do u think the coccham squad are based on personality
This is such an interesting question and considering how much I’m into horoscopes I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never considered this til now. This turned into a proper essay and I’m sorry but you did ask lol 
Anyway I think it’s only right that we start with Uhtred and I can’t quite decide between Aries, Taurus and Leo. lets go though one by one. 
Aries - A fire sign and I don’t think it would be farfetched to call Uhtred fiery by nature. Aries men are generally very stubborn, hard working, passionate and ambitious. Look at his primary goal - retaking Bebbanburg. So many times throughout the series has that dream come crashing down around him and yet he refuses to let go. He has everything he could have dreamed of in Coccham; land, a title and political standing but for him it’s not enough. It’s not his passion and what is an Aries without passion? What is Uhtred without his fight Bebbanburg? And it’s not just passion in his ambitions, he’s a passionate friend, a passionate fighter and a passionate lover ;)
Taurus - An earth sign that’s practical and dedicated. They are also known for being stubborn. The traits are the same as Aries but there is more in Taurus that screams Uhtred at me. The confidence, the independence and most prominently - the steadfast type of love that a Taurus can provide. While I have the humble opinion that 5 love interests for one man in only 4 seasons is a bit much there is no doubt that when Uhtred is in love he is a stable and dependable partner. Yes he’s a shagger but it’s more than that, it’s the dedication and the perseverance and the constant figure in both protection and affection. Taurus also have the tendency to be blunt and insensitive with their words - remind me how many of Alfred's council meetings has Uhtred ruined? 
Leo - another fire sign and like the two signs that I’ve mentioned already Leo’s are passionate and dedicated, but I think the times when Uhtred presents as a leo the most are the more lighthearted moments in the show. Leo’s are quick to love, or lust. As mentioned before this man has had 5 love interests and as our Beloved Beocca so gracialy put it Uhtred would ‘think a goat in a skirt is pretty’. Leo’s also tend to be very proud, arrogant and boastful. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I definitely think Uhtred has these qualities - think back to when he first met Gisela, and his attitude towards his own battle prowess, without a doubt that boy is arrogant and boastful but then again he has every reason to be. 
Finan I think would either be a Capricorn or a Sagittarius 
Capricorn - A very stable earth sign, reliable, honest and steadfast. I think Finan is a mum friend and while he’s funny and charming and Irish he’s the most reasonable one in the group. Finan is hardworking and compassionate. TIme and time again it’s shown that while supportive, he’s not afraid to speak his mind if he thinks it’s in your interest. He’s willing to put himself in danger for you but he’s also willing to give up his cloak in the middle of winter because your dumb ass got cursed by some angry blonde. 
Sag - Sagittarius tend to have a lust for life and Finan is no different - it could be the whole freed from slavery thing but Finan just seems to enjoy everything that life has to offer, adventure, danger, women, ale! Sag’s are also very loyal and I think it’s fair to say that Finan is willing to die for any of the Coccham boys, he’s been though so much with Uhtred and I cannot imagine the two ever being apart if Finan has any say in it. Sags are charming and charismatic which are basically Finan’s middle names so like there you go. 
Sihtric I think is an Aquarius with just a pinch of Scorpio. 
Aquarius -  Naturally introverted and often overlooked individuals for their slightly quieter natures Aquarius is a really interesting sign, like it would be such a mistake to underestimate them. I think this sort of temperament suits Sihtric as we’ve seen him play spy numerous times. Aquarius’s also enjoy a challenge and what better a challenge than infiltrating enemy camps and gaining their trust only to betray them and live long enough after to be smug about it after? People under this sign also tend to be easily bored and Dane boy is no exception, more than once we’ve seen him jump at the idea of going on the road, or battle or spying or something that’s new and fresh. Despite their reserved nature Aquarius are very loving too, they can be deeply nurturing and family orientated. I mean look at the way he continuously looks after his wife thought the seasons and how he care for the other coccham boys. 
Scorpio - again this is just the mystery aspect, the aloof nature that serves Sihtric so well. They also tend to be a ‘promise made is a promise kept’ type of person and I think that also fits Sihtric, he pledged himself to Uhtred and even when he had to go against his own father and entire life PU (Pre uhtred) he still kept his oath. also the inherent sex appeal
Osferth with, without a doubt in my mind, is a Pisces. Pisces tend to have a pack mentality and thrive when surrounded by loved ones. They also act as a cheerleader, supporting their friends in their achievements and helping them back up when they’re down .Pisces is also a very spiritual sign (baby monk ) They are also know to have a soft heart and well just look at him. As a pisces myself I do take issue with the idea that we’re weak crybabies and I think Osferth is a perfect balance being a fighter and strong but also maintaining a gentle heart in a harsh world.  
Overall this was a sick question and I loved answering it, you probably regret asking ahahah 
So yeah, obviously I don’t want to offend anyone with anything I’ve mentioned about their signs and If you disagree with me that’s totally cool. 
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, kevaaronday!
For @kevaaronday. I tried to use all the tropes you liked, though I played a bit with the coffee shop!AU request. It ended up being pretty long, but I hope it pleases. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Read On AO3
Food, Drinks, and Pings
Stiles just wanted to clear things up—he did not work for Hale Corp, and he certainly did not work for said company’s inhouse café, The Family Bean. He was a writer, who just so happened to have been roped into the gig because he was best friends with the soulmate-fiancée of the best friend of one of the sons of the company’s owners.
See, one of Stiles’ best friends from high school was Erica Reyes, blonde, vivacious, and both crazy and powerful enough to castrate someone with her fingernails. She might look like she just stepped off the catwalk, with her hourglass figure, fluffy hair, and red lips, but she had a knack for business that led to a scholarship at a reputable business school. Stiles, on the other hand, took to writing like a duck to water, thanks to his overactive imagination and ability to turn a phrase. He could write anything and so he did—news pieces, articles, blogs, reviews, as well as a modestly famous soulmate series published under a pseudonym.
Erica’s soon-to-be husband and soulmate was Vernon Boyd III, a tall, dark, and delicious drink of chocolate, who was so fit he could bench press a baby elephant without breaking a sweat. He was the perfect picture of seriousness and silence, that Stiles used to wonder how he functioned as Hale Corp’s Director of Operations. After getting to know him better, he realized just how smart and charismatic Boyd really was.
Boyd’s best friend from childhood was Derek Hale, one of the sons from the famous and powerful Hale Family, owners and leaders of the mass media company, Hale Corp.
Stiles knew of the Hale Family, and who didn’t? You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t know the famous family of business tycoons and titans, a family so rich they could buy a person’s soul even. Nor would someone fail to hear about one of the most powerful love stories that rocked the world.
Talia Hale was the eldest child of the main branch of the Hale family and was poised to take over the world. Desmond Fitzgerald, in contrast, was the only child of elderly parents, and they lived at a shabby, squat house with no electricity, scraping by each and every day. 
Talia’s father, the late and great Everett Hale, had visited the local community college as part of their charity program. Talia had tagged along, nineteen and already learning the ropes, and had tripped over the custodian who had been on his hands and knees straightening the welcome carpet.
Take a guess who the janitor was.
An accidental brush of skin, the burning of a Mark, and that was it.
Talia and Desmond turned out to be soulmates, and their Marks, her howling wolf and his crescent moon, had become one of the most romantic symbols of their time.
Now, where did Stiles and The Family Bean came in, you ask?
Aside from writing, Stiles knew his way around a kitchen. His mother had passed away when he was seven, and he had grown up with a Sheriff father who only knew the basics. Stiles had to learn how to cook a meal or risk them subsisting on fried everything and endless takeout orders.
So yes, Stiles knew how a kitchen worked. The thing was, Erica didn’t, and had spent high school eating Stiles’ meals and hanging around his kitchen. Nothing soothed her viciousness and temper like one of his desserts.
So whenever Erica was close to breaking someone’s jaw and risking a lawsuit, she’d invite Stiles over and he would come and work his magic at The Family Bean. It wasn’t like it was such a hardship. The place had a gorgeous kitchen, a full pantry, and a really comfy setup with cozy booths and colorful tables and chairs. 
It wasn’t only Erica who benefited. Stiles often found inspiration at the tail end of a whisk or in between beating a dough into submission while listening to Erica’s gossip. He had come to depend on her brand of sass whenever he was suffering from writer’s block, or dealing with annoying clients, or avoiding his editor, Danny Mahealani. 
It got to the point that Erica had HR make him a permanent guest entry pass—written down for Stiles S, Food Guy—and everyone knew him by name, the security, the delivery boys, the café’s actual employees, and some of Hale Corp’s employees.
That was what he meant by his original statement: He did not work for Hale Corp or The Family Bean. He was just Erica’s food guy and personal chef. Just another title to add to personal punching bag, platonic soulmate, best friend, and partner-in-crime, among others.
Boyd was surprisingly calm about the guy constantly hanging around his soulmate. Then again, no one would choose Stiles’ skinny ass for Boyd’s lusciousness, so Stiles could understand that he wasn’t much of a threat. Erica said that Boyd knew they were a package deal, and it helped that Boyd had been won over by Stiles’ banana bread. Either way, Boyd was cool and didn’t punch Stiles in the face for his and Erica’s weird platonic love affair.
So, in the end, that was Stiles’ life—work, his Dad, Erica, and his other friends.
Then the Hales happened.
It all started on a fine Monday morning with Kira Yukimura. She was pretty and petite, and the goddess who was actually the one in charge of The Family Bean’s kitchen. She wore floral dresses with studded combat boots, and held katana wielding lessons on Saturdays and a kids’ kitchen workshop on Sundays. Stiles adored her.
So when he walked in that day—after spending the entirety of the weekend not writing, because his protagonists, Peter and Wade, were being idiots—only to hear Kira’s cries for help, he was more than happy to tag in.
“I’m not crying.” She glared at him from where she was assembling sandwich orders, her gaze as sharp as her swords.
“But you still need help,” Stiles said. He put his laptop bag in one of the employee lockers, rolled up the sleeves of his red sweater, and put on an apron. “Erica wants to do lunch, but I decided to come in early.”
Kira nodded towards the window. “All right, because I got a purple ticket for you.”
Stiles jumped up. “Ooh, cool! I’ve never handled a purple ticket before!”
Kira gave him a relieved smile. “Well, today’s your lucky day. One of my employees called in sick, another is late, and I’ve got five packed tickets from different departments, three of them being rush orders, not to mention today’s purple ticket is a little too vague. I’m both swamped and stumped.”
“I’ve got your back, K.” Stiles gave her a salute and bounced over to the ticket tacked up on the holder.
Purple tickets were orders sent straight from the Wolf’s Den. It was the codename for the top floors occupied by the Hale Family and their closest associates. Boyd and Erica’s office were there, too. Stiles had only ever seen it through photos. There was a lot of security posted there, as if guarding the gates of heaven.
Anyway, purple tickets meant VVVVIP orders, note the number of ‘very’s. Kira usually handled those, but she obviously needed help now.
“Now, what do the Lords and Ladies want?” Stiles murmured to himself.
The Family Bean:
MH: hot chocolate
CC: pancakes
SHB: waffles
VHB: dirty chai
LH: anything 
“You know who’s who?” Kira called out.
“Yep, I got it,” Stiles replied. He learned about this from Erica.
MH was Matthew Hale, the firstborn son and heir to the kingdom. CC was his seven-year-old daughter, who everyone called by her nickname. SHB was five-year-old Spencer, and VHB was his mother Valerie Hale-Barone, the firstborn daughter, second eldest, and the lawyer of the family. LH was Laura Hale, the third eldest and the maverick of the family. She was the only one not directly working for Hale Corp, and was more involved their side projects.
“Purple tickets are usually like that,” Kira said, looking at him with amusement. Stiles realized he had been frowning in confusion. “Despite being insanely rich people, they’re surprisingly not very picky about what they eat. Laura, in particular, will eat anything. It’s just difficult to give them variety or find a balance between upscale and too simple.”
“And now you want me to take a crack at it?” Stiles asked.
“Sure. It’ll be in my name anyway, and I don’t mind if you go wild,” Kira said encouragingly. It made Stiles grin. Most would be horrified at handing over their precious menu to someone who wasn’t a baker, much less someone who wasn’t a legitimate employee. But Kira had always been a rebel.
Under Kira’s guidance, Stiles filled up a purple delivery bag for the Hales. The dirty chai latte was pretty straightforward, though he didn’t know how Kira usually made it, so he went with his own style. He also made a raspberry hot chocolate, strawberry cheesecake pancakes, mixed berry waffles, and, for the anything portion of the ticket, a berry breakfast parfait made of yoghurt and fruits and graham crackers.
“Tastes awesome and looks pretty as a picture too,” Kira said, nibbling on her own waffle as she sat atop the counter, swinging her legs to and fro. Stiles could see a hint of her soulmate Mark under her dress just on the outside of her thigh. “I still believe you should have been a baker rather than a writer.”
Stiles grinned as he hung up his apron. “I’m both, but one pays the bills and the other’s a hobby. It’s surprising how most people would think one’s the other.”
“Kira?” a voice called out.
Kira perked up and immediately slid off the counter. She straightened her skirt and stepped out the door of the kitchen. 
“Good morning, Derek,” she greeted.
Stiles peeked out unashamedly through the service window.
Tall, dark, and incredibly handsome, DH or Derek Hale was the middle child of the family. He was the Chief Financial Officer, and was said to be shyer and quieter compared to his more unruly and flashy siblings. It made sense why he was childhood friends with Boyd. The two seemed to share a calm, quiet demeanor.
Stiles had always thought that Derek was quite handsome in an already attractive family, and every once in a while, he would get front row seats—or the view through the service window—to the man in the three-piece suit with the godly shoulder to waist to ass ratio. It was quite inspiring.
“I heard Val and the others had a purple ticket sent down,” Derek was saying to Kira. “I’m on my way up and I thought I’d bring it along and save you a trip.”
“Oh, thanks, Derek. I’ll get it from the back,” Kira replied. “How about you? Do you want anything?”
Derek thought about it. “Just a drink. Anything you want to make me.”
“So long as it’s sweet?” Kira teased, which made the man chuckle.
It was like a bulb lit up in Stiles’ head. 
He met Kira at the door when she walked back in, and it said so much about how awesome she was because she immediately said, “Yes, Stiles, you can make whatever you want. I mean, you’ve already tried your hard at the purple ticket. Might as well go all the way.”
“Thanks, K. You’re a goddess.” Stiles bounced off to the machines. He had always liked a challenge.
In the end, Stiles added his specially made ‘very merry berry frappe’ into the bag. He made sure to put it in a cup cozy to hide the purple color. He wasn’t sure if Derek would mind, but it just wouldn’t do for one of the bosses to be seen with a colorful drink. He let Kira whisk the bag away and they watched Derek exit The Family Bean.
“I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave,” Stiles murmured, eyeing the man’s backside.
“I’ll drink to that.” Kira giggled, clinking her extra glass of frappe against his. “And you’re teaching me the recipe by the way.”
“Not on your life.”
It took eight days before Stiles could once again visit The Family Bean. He had had a burst of inspiration following his last visit and had locked himself up in his apartment. His Dad John and his editor Danny were used to these binges, so they had taken turns visiting him to make sure he was alive and eating actual food rather than inhaling takeout, junk food, and soda. 
He had sent off the first few chapters to Danny yesterday and had then slept for about eighteen hours, before Erica had barged in to make sure he hadn’t died. She had been pissed at him last week, annoyed that she hadn’t sampled Stiles’ berry-filled menu, but she’d gotten over it and had even brought groceries before dragging Stiles to The Family Bean for some fresh air and free lunch.
And if that wasn’t enough to perk Stiles up, she and Kira proceeded to tell him how well-received his menu was.
“The kids absolutely loved it, and Laura practically licked her parfait cup clean,” Kira said as they sat around the table for lunch. She had prepared honey sesame chicken, egg rolls, and sweet potato salad. She definitely had Stiles beat when it came to savory meals.
“Valerie was surprised that her dirty chai tasted great. She wasn’t biting people’s heads off more than usual,” Erica shared. She was running her fingers idly over her soulmate Mark, the three claw marks that spanned across her forearm.
Stiles felt pleased at the compliment, but he couldn’t help sending Kira an apologetic look. He didn’t want to usurp her clients and her kitchen. 
Kira just laughed. “It’s fine. I know it’s due to your magic fingers and secret recipes. Just teach me how you do Valerie’s dirty chai and we’re good.”
“Sure thing, but it’s nothing special” Stiles said. “I did bring dessert, as thanks for letting me play around last time.”
Kira bounced on her seat. “Tomato pie?” 
“With extra bacon and jalapeños, just how you like it.” Stiles grinned and showed her the pie, making Kira squeal.
“You gals eat up. I’ll mix us up some lattes, if you want anything,” he offered.
Stiles went to the kitchen to fix up Erica’s usual iced cinnamon honey latte and Kira’s vanilla almond. He was in the middle of finishing them up when he heard voices out at the main area. He recognized Boyd’s low voice and decided to make him a cup of blond roast with soy milk. He paused when he heard unfamiliar voices and took a peek out the service window. He instantly recognized the small group that had joined Kira and Erica.
There was Boyd, who immediately sat down beside Erica and kissed her cheek. His soulmate Mark was obvious, a rose on the back of his left hand. Stiles liked their marks, very beauty and the beast.
Having come in with Boyd was Derek, who looked just as handsome as he always did in a fetching dark blue suit. With him were his younger siblings, twins Cora and Cameron Hale, the artists of the family, who made music and art, played a bevy of instruments, and also drew and painted. Stiles was only two years older than the twins, but they had more talent in their pinkies than Stiles had in his whole body.
The twins’ Marks were one of the most popular, not just because the two were celebrities, but also because they were incredibly visible. Even from a distance, Stiles could see the compass between Cora’s collarbones and the lighthouse that popped up over Cameron’s collar at the left side of his neck. 
Suddenly feeling shy, Stiles stayed in the kitchen and watched and listened.
“Nice spread, Kira. Is that for us?” Cameron asked.
“No, you Hales have your own food upstairs,” Kira said. “I heard Wild Flour Italian sent lunch over.”
Cora rolled her eyes. “Jennifer Blake owns that joint. She’s been trying to get us to come over. No doubt she’ll just use it as some sort of advertisement. I’d rather take a bite of this.” She pointed at their table.
“That pie looks good,” Cameron said. “Can I have a bite?”
Stiles saw the gleam in Erica’s eye.
“Go on,” she said. “They’re good.”
Stiles watched as Erica and Kira offered the Hales a slice each. For some reason, he felt anxious to hear about how his food will be received. It had been nice to hear the rave reviews from Kira and Erica, but it was different seeing their reactions in person.
Cora let out yum-yum noises, which buoyed Stiles’ spirit. 
“Okay, that’s pretty tasty. I love the caramelized bacon.”
“Wait, is this tomato in pie? Like a tomato pie?” Cameron asked, inspecting his plate. He took a large bite.
Kira bounced on her seat in excitement. “Yes, isn’t it good?” 
“Who made this?” Derek asked. He didn’t look displeased, but he didn’t look happy either. He had a really good poker face. It might be good for business, but it was hard for Stiles to interpret. Stiles noted that he kept on eating the pie though.
“My Food Guy,” Erica said with a smug grin.
“Her Food Guy’s the one who made the berry-eautiful purple ticket that received quite the sensational reviews,” Kira added. She glanced at the service window and Stiles knew she saw him hiding there.
“The one who made my drink, too?” Derek asked.
Kira nodded. “The same one.” 
“Spence went gaga for those waffles,” Cameron said. “And Mattie couldn’t believe someone got CC to eat fruit.”
A loud ring cut through their conversation and everyone started pulling out phones to check. It was Derek’s.
“Mom’s calling. Time to go,” he said, standing up.
In reply, Cameron started shoving the rest of the pie in his mouth and also popped in a couple of egg rolls.
“Where’s the Food Guy, though?” Cora asked, head turning to the kitchen. Stiles ducked down behind the counter. “If he makes stuff like this, I wanna meet him.” 
“You can order a purple ticket if you want, but he’s not here all the time,” Erica said, and Stiles glared at her in his mind.
“He works part-time?” Derek asked.
“Not quite,” Kira said. “He’s—”
They were interrupted once more by a ringing phone, and this time Boyd spoke.
“Talia wants you all upstairs. Now.”
Stiles peeked out again. Cameron attempted to bring the entire pie tin, but settled for polishing his slice off. He then joined Cora in writing up a purple ticket order. After a moment, Derek put an order in too. The Hales left in a hurry and Stiles leaned right out of the service window just as Kira came bouncing towards it.
“There’s the man of the hour,” Boyd said, with a smirk.
Kira giggled. “Order up, Food Guy. You got a purple ticket.”
“I’m so proud.” Erica mockingly wiped a tear away. “Stiles, my Food Guy, charming the Hales off through the power of food.”
“Oh, fuck you all.” Stiles glared, ducking back into the kitchen.
At the last minute, he reached out and grabbed the purple ticket from Kira, ignoring the others’ laughter.
Over the next three weeks, Stiles prepared four more purple tickets. According to Kira, his drinks and desserts had become quite attractive to the Hales, both because of the taste and the mystery.
“At this point, they don’t even want me handling the tickets. They always ask if The Food Guy is around before they send their orders down,” Kira said. This time, she was the one helping Stiles prepare and pack. 
The Wolf’s Den was going to be holding meetings nonstop, so Stiles had to prepare a variety of drinks and snacks. It would have been easy if they had simple requests, but the Hales were a mix of eclectic and frustrating.
“I’m glad you’re cool about this, but the Hales are bound to find out that the one making all their desserts isn’t even an employee,” Stiles said, as he added an extra shot of syrup in Laura’s honey and milk iced coffee. Just like her usual orders, she had asked for ‘any drink that’s sweet’ which was such a large ballpark that Stiles wanted to clock someone over the head, maybe her.
“I’m more surprised that you keep making these for free,” Kira said.
Stiles shrugged. “It’s a challenge, and I like challenges.”
“Really, just for the challenge?” Kira asked. “Stiles, Valerie fell in love with your version of her dirty chai. I did it the exact same way you did, but she insists that it tastes different. Same with Cameron’s favorite spiced coconut coffee. Same with all the desserts you made for the kids…”
Her face turned serious. “Don’t you think there’s more to this? Don’t you think it’s a ping—”
“It’s just for fun, Kira. It’s nothing,” Stiles said, heart rabbiting in his chest. He pushed it down firmly. “Plus, it’s surprisingly inspiring for my stories. Right now, I’m writing a new story for my spy series and I’m trying to solve this thing going on between James and Quentin.”
Kira’s face fell but she smiled, if a bit awkwardly. “Ah, well. Whatever you say, Food Guy. I’m just happy I get free labor out of it.”
“So you’re the Food Guy?”
The two of them jumped up in surprise and they turned around to see that someone had come in through the kitchen doors.
“Nathan, hello!” Kira greeted. “We didn’t hear you come in.”
Nathaniel Hale was the youngest of the brood at nineteen, and with his dark hair and piercing blue eyes, he was quite the heartthrob in an already beautiful family. If that wasn’t enough, he was an athlete and a rising star in soccer.
Stiles didn’t really care at the moment, too busy wondering if the kid had heard what Kira had been saying.
Nathan leaned against the counter. “Everyone was arguing over who was going to pick up the ticket this time. I walked out while Laura was arm wrestling with Cam.”
Kira laughed while Stiles looked away, suddenly awkward.
“Uh, that’s cool and all, but I’m not remotely interesting enough to warrant an arm wrestle.”
Nathan shrugged. “Your stuff tastes amazing.” He smiled at Kira. “No offense, Kira. You’re still queen. But you… you’re interesting.” He gave Stiles a look. “You know, I’ve been ordering the same caramel vanilla iced coffee from The Family Bean for years now. You made it once and now everything else tastes different.”
Stiles couldn’t help flinching. Oh yeah. Nathan had definitely heard Kira.
But Nathan turned to Kira, breaking the stare. “Anyway, is the ticket ready? Can I take it up?”
Kira smiled and handed over the bag. “You just want to lord your victory over the others.”
“Of course. That’s what having siblings is all about.” Nathan scoffed, but grinned. “Anyway, thanks.” 
Kira smiled. “Enjoy your meal.”
Stiles watched Nathan leave and rubbed his left shoulder. He had a weird feeling about all this.
A single touch was all it took to find someone’s soulmate. However, people couldn’t just go around touching one another. Some did, but there were laws against touching people without their consent. So Nature, in all its wisdom, gave people the capability to locate their soulmates by following a trail.
The best trail was through family members. Take for example one other famous Hale love story, that of Valerie. Her husband, the Italian magnate Piero Barone, was from a family of vintners. During Talia and Desmond’s trip to Italy, they met Piero at a wine tasting event and immediately felt what Mark experts called a ‘ping,’ a connection between them that hinted at the identity of Piero’s soulmate. Piero followed the Hales to America, met the family—all of which gave off similar pings—was finally allowed a Touch Test with Valerie, and the rest was history.
There were other kinds of trails, like what happened between Boyd and Erica. They both attended the same university, though Boyd had graduated several years earlier. However, even without knowing Boyd, Erica inadvertently joined the same groups and organizations that he had, and even lived at the same apartment that he had rented when he had been a student. Then after Erica graduated, she decided to take a year off to travel. Months later, when Boyd went on sabbatical, he ended up following almost the exact same itinerary. They finally met by chance during an alumni event and got to talking, which revealed all of the things they had in common. Before the event was even halfway through, they had done a Touch Test and found their match.
Stiles’ favorite trail story was of his parents’. John and Claudia met when they were children. Having no siblings, they didn’t have the benefit of a family trail, and being young meant there weren’t a lot of experiences that could link them. However, they had always known there was something special about one another. They grew up together, grew apart, and met later on in life. They still didn’t have the same life experiences—she was a librarian, he was a deputy—but the moment they saw one another again, they just knew.
Sometimes people just knew.
“Well, well, well. I didn’t know we were serving twink in the menu.”
Ordinarily, that comment would have had Stiles lashing out with his sharp tongue, but upon looking up, he hesitated. First of all, the other person was clearly drunk and it was only, Stiles checked his watch, three-forty-seven in the afternoon. Second, the other person was none other than the infamous Peter Hale, Talia’s younger brother.
The eternal bachelor, he was called, well known for his many dalliances and relationships. He was also the Hale with the most well-known Mark, not because it was at a visible spot, but mostly because he tended to flaunt the large image of a bird in flight that was across his chest via his tendency of wearing unbuttoned shirts.
In Stiles’ opinion, Peter reminded him of one of his book characters—the rich and powerful Anthony, who, underneath all the bravado, was desperately looking for his soulmate, only to find it in the fair-haired, gentle-hearted Steven, who wouldn’t take his crap. He wondered who Peter’s soulmate was.
“Oh, for god’s sake. Uncle, come back here!”
Stiles looked up to see Derek jogging over to them, looking both pissed and worried at the man leaning against The Family Bean’s pristine counter.
Peter ignored him. “Oh, lay off, Derek. I want a drink, and this twink is going to make me one.”
Derek turned to Stiles. “Peter, do not call—” He paused, dark eyes widening.
Stiles felt his heart jerk in his chest and his left shoulder burn. He felt like he had been hit in the head, so did Derek going by his gaping.
Peter suddenly tilted sideways, interrupting their stare down. Neither Stiles nor Derek were able to catch the man before he ended up sprawled across the counter. The sight of him had Stiles dredging up some semblance of control. He sighed.
“You are very rude, and also very drunk, but because I feel sorry for you, Mr. Hale, I’ll make you a free drink.”
Derek let out a gurgle and then a cough, obviously holding back laughter. Peter propped himself up on wobbly elbows. 
“You feel sorry for me? Don’t you know who I am, kid?”
Stiles was both annoyed by Peter and buoyed by Derek’s reaction. It was probably what sharpened his tongue.
“You’re Talia Hale’s younger brother, but between the supposed—ahh, what was it—Big Bad Wolf of Media and this so-called twink, I’m not the one nursing a hangover at this time of the afternoon.”
Stiles shook his head and walked off, ignoring Peter’s angry, garbled words and the sudden chuckle from Derek. The latter made Stiles’ shoulder ache.
Stiles ignored that and prepared a quick takeout bag. He could hear Peter and Derek arguing out on the main area. It was the work of minutes to prepare a quick smoothie and throw in some crackers and fruits. He walked back out and handed the bag to Derek, but then quickly tucked his hands to himself. The other man’s piercing stare was making him sweat.
Peter grabbed his drink and took a gulp of the smoothie, before asking, “What’s your name, kid?”
Stiles rolled his eyes. Not even a thank you. How rude. 
“Not a kid, and there’s no need to know my name since you’re just going to forget it.”
Peter smirked lasciviously. “Oh, that mouth on you.”
“I’m also not into geriatrics,” Stiles was quick to bite back.
Peter’s jaw dropped. “Geria—”
Derek suddenly burst into laughter and the sound of it seemed to fill Stiles’ heart and mind, making his face flush and his body warm. Derek smiled at him and Stiles felt warmth bloom in his chest.
Stiles cleared his throat, trying to will the blush away. He rubbed his shoulder. “Well, anyway, I’m happy to help. I’ll tell Kira you guys dropped by. See you around.” He glanced at Peter. “Not you. Drop dead.” He stepped back.
“Wait!” Derek lurched forward, startling Stiles and also Peter, who, true to Stiles’ words, slid off the counter to the floor. They ignored him.
Derek leaned forward over the counter. “I’m sorry if I’m forward, but are you—”
Stiles shook his head vigorously. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” 
He ducked back into the kitchen, ignoring Derek’s calls and Peter’s drunken warbling. He leaned against the door and slid down until he could curl up into a ball. He placed a hand over his burning shoulder.
Sometimes people just knew.
Stiles was tempted to stay away from The Family Bean after that. He really wanted to. But it was hard to stay away.
Even harder to stay away from a ping.
Stiles wasn’t stupid enough to let that slip away.
Still, it was hard to face up to it and admit that he had a soulmate.
So for the next two weeks, Stiles stayed away from the front of house, always hiding in the safety of the kitchen. He kept on making purple tickets whenever they came, but he avoided coming out for any reason, especially after Derek started coming by nearly every day. Sometimes he even brought his work over just so that he could stay as long as possible.
It confused Kira and Erica, but they assumed Derek just liked the food. The other Hales also started coming by and many times, Stiles could hear them asking Derek why he was hanging around The Family Bean instead of working in his office. Always, Derek kept mum.
Because as it turned out, Derek hadn’t told anyone about the ping.
In fact, Stiles had a feeling that the only person in the Hale family who knew was Nathan. Maybe because he had already been suspicious of it. Out of all the Hales, he was the only one who didn’t ask Derek about why he kept hanging around the café.
The other one who knew was Boyd.
Derek had been called to a meeting one day, so Stiles had felt it safe to come out and work at one of the booths. He had already fallen so far behind on his writing commitments. After a few minutes, Boyd had dropped by and had joined him. Stiles knew he was typing gibberish on his laptop, but he kept on as an excuse not to look at Boyd, who was looking at him intently.
Finally, he spoke, “Looking back, I guess it wasn’t just your banana bread that won me over.”
Stiles jerked, sending a series of characters across the screen.
Boyd kept on. “I always had a good feeling about you from Erica’s stories, but when we met, that was definitely a ping.”
Stiles bit his lip. “Does Erica know?”
Boyd shook his head. “I love her, but Erica would have thrown a party if she knew.”
Stiles sighed, both in relief and in trepidation for the moment Erica find out.
Boyd studied him. “Derek’s a good guy, you know.”
“I know I got that impression from all the stories you and Erica had of him,” Stiles said. “I always thought it was surprising considering he could afford not to be a nice guy.”
Boyd studied him, making Stiles shift in his seat. “Is that the reason you won’t meet with him? Or do a Touch Test? Because he’s a Hale?”
Stiles almost protested, but he deflated. “…I don’t know.”
Boyd hummed under his breath. “Well, you’ve always played your cards close to the chest when it comes to soulmates, but I know you’ll figure it out.” He stood up. “But you better make it soon. Erica and the rest of the Hales are bound to figure it out.”
Stiles groaned and sank down on his seat. 
The day after that, a still-conflicted Stiles was once again at The Family Bean. Kira had gone up to the Wolf’s Den to deliver the latest purple ticket, so he had to stay and man the counter. 
The door let out a little tinkle, and Stiles froze the moment he saw the woman entering the café.
He’d know Talia Hale anywhere.
Stiles almost panicked, but then he remembered that she didn’t know who he was. He took a deep breath.
“Um, good afternoon, Mrs. Hale. What can I get you?”
The woman smiled, quite warm and friendly despite her fierce reputation. “Just some tea, please. And are there any new desserts?”
It had been a moment of weakness, but Stiles had actually brought over some peanut butter stuffed cookies and added it to the purple ticket in the hopes that a certain Hale would like them. He still had a few cookies left, but he wasn’t sure if he should offer them to her.
“I smell cookies,” Talia said pointedly. “I’ll have some of those.”
Stiles gulped. “Ah, we have some peanut butter stuffed cookies. Let me get those for you.”
He swallowed his nerves and served the woman, who took a sip of tea and a bite of the cookie right there on the counter.
She smiled, studying the cookies. “Very tasty.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Stiles smiled politely. He turned away to leave and maybe gather his strength in the privacy of the kitchen.
“When we started hearing about The Food Guy, I admit I was quite intrigued. It’s very rare for someone to grab the attention of my entire family.”
Stiles paused and turned to her.
He should have known.
Stiles nodded stiffly. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
Talia smiled, sharp and knowing. “And you, Food Guy.”
“Any reason for the visit?” Stiles asked, shifting on his feet.
“I wanted to meet you,” Talia said, taking another bite of her cookie. 
Stiles frowned. “That’s all?”
“Were you expecting anything else?”
“Uh, well, I…”
Talia shrugged and sipped his tea. “I don’t blame you for any misgivings you might have should you prove to be soulmates with my son. I’m well aware of the reputation of my family. My late father, Everett, embodied the might of the Hale name better than anyone. You should have seen him back in the days.”
Stiles held up his hands. He couldn’t help the feeling that he had to explain.
“It’s not that there’s a problem with Derek or your family. Being a Hale isn’t the problem… not entirely…” he hesitated, but then plunged on, urged by the ping he could feel inside him and the desire to make someone understand. “My mom passed away when I was seven. She was soulmates with my father. He was—I was—we were never the same after.”
A heavy silence fell, and Stiles was both nervous and intrigued. Talia’s face changed. Something in her eyes darkened and she pursed her lips.
“Forgive my sudden melancholy, but I was just reminded of something.” She sipped her tea. “I was reminded of my youth. My father, Peter, and I had never been the same after mother walked away.”
“Walked away?” Stiles was taken aback. It was rare to hear any mention of Talia’s mother, but everyone had chalked it up to grief at her passing. “But you all said she died—”
Talia interrupted him delicately. “People think of Marks as the be all and end all where the only answer is yes. But even soulmates are a choice…”
“Desmond grew up without a penny to his name, so he rejected me as he could only see himself as an embarrassment to the Hale family. My opinionated father had, unfortunately, been a contributing factor to that line of thinking. I grew up with a rather jaded view of Marks and pings, and I had seen his rejection as a challenge and not a privilege. Desmond and I, our story had been tempestuous, quite unlike the romanticizing people had done.”
She finished the last of her tea. “If I may be allowed to request one thing, all I ask is that you make a choice so that Derek can do the same. No one in this family will certainly blame you for it.”
Talia pushed her empty cup and plate towards Stiles, and smiled. “Have a good day, Food Guy.”
Stiles watched Talia walk away.
He had some thinking to do.
Stiles took a deep breath and tried not to crush the boxes in his hands. He was nervous and his left shoulder was throbbing.
“Ready?” Kira asked him. She was carrying the other delivery boxes.
“As I’ll ever be,” Stiles replied.
Kira smiled, both encouraging and proud, and nodded to the guard on duty. The man held open the double doors for them, and Stiles was instantly met with a wall of sound.
“Purple ticket delivery,” Kira called out, leading Stiles inside.
The office was spacious, as it should be if it was going to accommodate all of the Hales, and all of them were there. There was a long table at one end where Talia, Matthew, and Boyd were talking and laughing. Desmond was on one couch, talking to Piero and Erica. Laura and Cora were seated on armchairs and were arguing loudly about something. Peter was egging them on. CC and Spencer, were seated in front of a television at a kids’ play area set up in the corner. Cameron was with them, all of them singing along to whatever cartoon was playing. Derek, Valerie, and Nathan were huddled around a table, looking at blueprints.
“Oh, yes! The food’s here!” Cameron cheered, which sent the children shouting as well.
Kira navigated the area like a champ, while Stiles slowly shuffled after. “You guys ordered a lot. I had to ask for help. This is Stiles.”
Stiles didn’t miss the way Derek’s head suddenly jolted in his direction, nor Talia’s proud smile, nor Erica’s sudden screech of “Stiles!” which had everyone else turning their way. Stiles winced. He was going to get his ass kicked later for not telling Erica about this.
“Well, well…” Peter grinned. “Hello there, twink.”
Stiles shuddered. “Still not into creepy old geezers.”
“Oh, wait, wait! Is he the guy who called you a geriatric?” Laura asked, before shrieking in laughter.
“And the one who said Peter should drop dead,” Cora added, cackling. 
Laughter rang around over Peter’s protests, and it made Stiles’ heart stutter. He felt warm all over, like the pings going off in his head were doubly delighted at the Hales. He glanced at Derek, who was smiling warmly.
Stiles winced when he caught Erica’s gaze though. She looked between him and Derek and her eyes widened. But Boyd was suddenly there, hand over her mouth and whispering to her.
Stiles helped Kira take out all of the food and the ravenous Hales were quickly upon them.
“Food Guy’s stuff tastes awesome,” Nathan said, licking his cupcake’s icing. He waggled knowing eyebrows at Stiles, who bit back a grin. Cheeky kid.
“Please pass our compliments to the chef, Kira,” Desmond said, reaching for his drink.
Kira giggled. “You can thank him yourself.” She waved at Stiles with a flourish.
Stiles felt a little like a deer in headlights when all their gazes alighted on him.
“You’re Food Guy?” and other iterations of the exclamation rang around the room.
Stiles flushed. “I’m glad to hear you all like what I’ve been making.”
“Oh, wow! How wonderful!” Piero piped up. “I haven’t felt a ping in such a long time. How nostalgic, don’t you think, dear?” He turned to Valerie.
“That’s a ping?” Matthew asked, confused, before his face cleared and he rubbed his chest. “Oh, hell, this is a ping.”
“Is that the tingly feeling here, Uncle Mattie?” Spencer asked, pointing at his tummy.
Erica finally managed to get out from under Boyd. “Stiles, did you ping with Derek? Is that why you’ve both been hanging around The Family Bean? You’ve both been pining over each other!”
Stiles groaned, while gasps and shouts suddenly rang around the room.
Kira sighed. “Way to ruin it, Erica.”
“You mean I was pinged through a tomato pie?” Cameron was asking, wide-eyed. 
Cora started laughing. “Oh my god! Uncle Peter flirted with Derek’s soulmate!”
“That’s Uncle Derek’s soulmate?” CC asked.
“Yes, he is.” Nathan looked like he was immensely enjoying all this, and Stiles was starting to realize that he was a little shit.
Derek stepped towards Stiles. His face was a little red, but he was smiling and Stiles thought he was the handsomest man he had ever seen.
“My family’s a mess. Please ignore them,” Derek said, ignoring the protests from his siblings.
Stiles chuckled. “At least they keep things interesting. It’s just me, my Dad, and her.” He jerked a thumb at Erica.
“Oh, fu—dge you!” Erica said, glancing at the kids. She turned to Boyd. “And I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
Boyd rolled his eyes. “I was giving him space to process things.”
Stiles ignored them and turned to Derek. He only had one chance to do this.
“Ah, sorry, it took a while. I was figuring stuff out, but I thought we should get to know one another first.”
“Of course,” Derek said immediately. He reached out a hand. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you, Stiles.”
Stiles glanced at Talia, who was whispering to her husband. She winked at Stiles.
“Soulmates are a choice.”
Stiles smiled at Derek. He could feel his Mark tingling in anticipation.
“Me too, Derek.”
He reached out and took his hand.
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Hyunjin "Play With Fire (Feat. Yacht Money)" (원곡 : Sam Tinnesz) | [Stray Kids : SKZ-PLAYER]     ~A Love Letter~
I talk about why I love this video so much and deliver an excruciatingly detailed play by play of it, but why read a two thousand word, five page essay on a three minute video when you can just go watch the aforementioned three minute video? Forget me spending hours writing this, why are you here, seriously, it would take you significantly less time to watch the actual video. Regardless, enjoy my attempt to refrain from saying the same three things, “he's so cool”, “I love him”, and “this is so good”, in exchange for a  more, hopefully, academically professional sound.
Watching him perform never fails to put me in a trance, it’s incredibly captivating how precise and sharp while simultaneously lively and energy-filled his movements are. This video feels reminiscent of enjoying a movie I’ve seen countless times, memorized every line of dialogue from, and genuinely think of every part as the best it has to offer. I greatly missed seeing him dance and having this as his grand welcome back into the spotlight is nothing less of a gift. Every second leaves my heart pounding and as excited as the last, as he continuously tops himself the longer I watch. I feel that revisiting the video is the least I can do, for giving it only one view doesn’t feel morally acceptable if I intend to truly appreciate it for that art that it is. Dramatic of me? Perhaps, but I can’t help but perceive it as more than just this one video that was uploaded onto their YouTube channel. It isn’t just about all of the work he and others put into the making of this particular video, his choreography for the song was a result of years upon years of practice and learning different techniques. A performance this good doesn’t only involve technical skill though, but also skill in regards to one’s inner mind. To have confidence in one’s self, to hit every move powerfully, to know what you’re doing and be unapologetic about it, that is skill. Sure, the performer is at the focus of any performance, but don’t forget that it’s also about the audience, it is after all for the enjoyment of the viewer. If the audience senses your doubt and insecurity and uncertainty, it will make your stage that much less enjoyable. Whatever you feel, they can feel too. When I watch him, I don’t feel any of that. In fact, I feel the exact opposite, I feel inspired, motivated, confident, excited to advance in my own endeavors. The emotion that this video evokes from me goes beyond anything Stray Kids or K-Pop or even dance itself, it makes me want to be a better person, be kinder to myself and work harder. That might sound like a lot for one video to do for someone, but it’s the truth. All of the details, even down to the individual frames, it all works together to create the most gratifying viewing experience. At the time of writing this, the video has just hit five million views and has over one million likes, only a mere three days after its initial upload.
The first shot of his footsteps alone,  as he goes to stand in front of the mirror, I already feel this sense of importance coming from him, delicate, yet powerful. The setting, cold and empty, yet inviting, it makes room for him and gives him just enough light to be seen, for he doesn’t need all that much help to surely shine. The credits that pop up use a dark shade of pink-red for it’s background color and white text that acknowledges the same deep red imagery and text associated with the material of the original work. His outfit is neat and pristine with some sparkle, resembling one a prince would seem fit. He stares at his reflection, holding a sheer white ribbon in his mouth, gathers a section of hair behind his head and proceeds to tie it with said ribbon. The music starts as he finishes tying and lets his arms fall down at his sides. The over the shoulder shot looking into the mirror, shows that his expression is neutral, almost calm. This can most certainly be described as “the calm before the storm”, except the storm itself is antonymous to a tragedy, because when the singing starts, it’s as if his performance persona was turned on by a switch, a charismatic possession that took place in a matter of seconds that sends chills down your spine in the best way. His previously neutral, calm-like expression and gently resting arms are quickly replaced by the sudden placement of his right hand around his neck and a look that resembles more of  a vengeful, hesitant, and somehow playful one. Similar to what I’d imagine a villain would look like right before being bested during an epic fight sequence at the climax of a film. It’s satisfying to see him popping to the beat’s rhythm, his arms, wrists, and head smoothly illustrating the flow of the words, his focus and the secure angles he’s able to form before even fully utilizing his lower body. On the line “Got secrets I can’t tell”, he delicately places his pointer finger in between his teeth, as he turns back to meet the camera with his eyes, the shot now semi-closely focusing on both Hyunjin and his reflection as opposed to just one or the other. He extends his right arm, his hand forming a fist, and the camera movement making it as if I’ve been punched and sent flying. He stumbles to the middle of the room, does an opening gesture with his arms, like a proud baker showing off their completed wedding cake, along with a dramatic spin incorporating his thin, white, flowy cape. Reaching the pre-chorus, we get to see the room more clearly, like the stone pillars and the contrast of the small, warm lights on the walls to the grand grayness radiating from the large window that makes him appear as a near silhouette. There’s a certain holiness about him spending a count with his head down and arms out, much like the Crucifixion of Christ, before showcasing more of a demonic energy when he faces the window with his body, but bends backward and looks to the camera upside down. He rips off the cape, tosses it behind him, to his right. This could symbolize a transformation, an abandonment of a particularly purer image of oneself, a liberation. The music picks up, and the manner in which he dances is like a visual representation of one’s inner turmoil combined with an agenda to seduce those watching, wanting to dance for himself while taking us along for the ride. Now that the first minute of the video is out of the way, let’s continue.
The music fades into the background and the video takes on a sudden widescreen and grayscale appearance as he falls back on his right hand, flings his left hand over to his right shoulder, as though he’s been shot, and is being supported by his knees. He leans forward, places his right hand on the ground in front of him, uses his left hand to push his right knee over to achieve ideal balance, setting up his body roll. He extends his right leg back, getting close to the ground, and there’s something quite feral, yet intimate about the way he traces the length of his arm with his face and left hand. It looks like he’s taking out his frustrations through his moves while never sacrificing the detailed quality of the performance as a whole. It reminds me of how it’s more than common for artists to use their pain in their art, whether it be a point of well-intentioned expression with a specific purpose or simply an outlet for them to channel into. Hyunjin is the definition of aggressive elegance. The fullscreen, colorful display and music entirely return when he spins and lands on the ground in a Spider- Man esc pose, the room a lot warmer than even before the stylistic grayscale section. There’s hints of red, acting as a match that’s set to illuminate and ignite the puddle of gasoline that is him and his performance, that replaces the once colder, icy blue that previously enveloped his silhouette. He bounces to the beat showing off his proud, devilish smile that, instead of striking fear, makes me feel proud, as I’m essentially rooting for the villain in the movie. If the transition to the grayscale widescreen was him getting shot, then the transition back to fullscreen color is him emerging from his grave, an awakening. His shirt is no longer neatly tucked into his pants, but rather, hanging very loosely and mostly unbuttoned. He covers his face with his left hand, pulling it down for just a second before revealing his expression that has swiftly reverted to a roughly indifferent one. The inner conflict has greatly subsided, and focuses on the hesitant-free embracing of his newly discovered self, one of immense confidence and sex-appeal. Although, something about the flow of how he averts his gaze, looking to the left and not the lense, while pointing and doing body rolls at the camera, covers his eyes with crossed arms, and then allows for his hair to cover his eyes as well, makes me feel like he doesn’t want the viewer to know he is still at least a little bit shy. He quickly makes you forget though, because the next and final minute exaggerates everything he’s shown us up until this point, taking it to a whole new, spectacular level.
The bridge of the song creates a slower, softer atmosphere, which is beautifully interpreted with how Hyunjin carries himself during this part. Bigger gestures that blend into each other seamlessly, centering on really taking up the space he’s in. He gently and precisely lowers his body to the floor, collecting a white rose between his teeth. As soon as he returns to his upright stature, the setting changes dramatically. His hair now completely down, he’s under a spotlight in an otherwise pitch black and foggy room. There’s blue and red light reflecting off of his white top and his skin as he dances. This part feels more humane compared to the rest, with more of an obvious balance between sharp, impactful moves and tender, compassionate ones. He draws attention to his shoulders, brings his hands and feet close to his body, and showcases his red lit back. I particularly enjoy when he flicks his wrists and twists his ankles to the right in unison on the second syllable of “unstoppable”. For the “legendary animal” part of that line, his arms create a cage-like structure by doing a climbing motion and carrying it over all the way to the left. A cage in which he destroys the walls and breaks out of, shown by him punching downward on beat. From holding the rose in his mouth to holding it in his hand, he brings it over his head to his left shoulder, and raises his heels. He carries the rose down and around his left arm, his left arm momentarily resting at his waist, his right arm extended downward, he raises his heels again. His whole body lowers as a rigid wave starts at his up flicked wrists and subsequently elbows and shoulders. This collection of gestures results in petals falling off of the rose. He then inevitably throws it into the void, out of the reach of the lovely spotlight. I see this spotlight dance as a danse macabre, or dance of death. The white ribbon, white shirt, and white rose all coming together to illustrate this innocent and pure quality to him, that through this dance, he finalizes the renouncement of. He is more than ready to embrace a new and different side of him, but especially to get rid of the older and repetitive side that felt restrictive more than anything. The spotlight dance ends with Hyunjin looking directly into the camera, tracing his right hand down his chest and to his side, and the camera backing away. The last chorus of the song brings us back to the oh so familiar main room, Hyunjin’s hair back to being tied up, the lighting is the same, but there’s something that stands out. His shirt is on the verge of being completely unbuttoned and that allows for something alluringly shiny to be fully in view compared to before. The video comes full circle with Hyunjin’s hand around his neck, he stands in the hallway, and walks away a new man as the screen fades to black. 
As I wrap up this essay on Hyunjin’s “Play With Fire (Feat. Yacht Money)”, original song by Sam Tinnesz, Stray Kids: SKZ-PLAYER, the video has reached six million views, a million more than when I first started writing this, and I feel proud to have spent a day simply pouring my heart and mind out on this wordy display of my appreciation. Don’t be fooled though, for my necessary research, I guess you could call it, for this project may no longer be so necessary, I shall continue to watch and applaud the masterpiece and experience that is this video for my own personal enjoyment, much like how this whole piece was written for my own personal enjoyment. It was an interesting challenge to properly voice not only the contents of the video but also my thoughts and feelings on it. Hyunjin is a highly valued dancer, member of Stray Kids, and person and five pages isn’t ever going to be enough to fully explain the respect and admiration I feel for him and his various projects. I think he’s really cool, I experience all sorts of fiery euphoria watching him dance, his rap and singing alike are addictive as hell, and he’s pretty, haha. I missed him a lot while he was inactive, and I’m so happy to have him back and doing great things as per usual. I’m excited to see what he and the rest of the group have left to show us this year. I advise you to watch the video if you haven’t, but somehow ended up reading an essay on it first, and if you’ve already seen it, watch it again, yeah. I’ll leave you with lovely thoughts and lovely vibes and I hope you too can appreciate the work he’s put into the video, as well as my work on this essay. Thank you for taking the time to read my love letter, essentially, and bye for now ^ ^
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Nine
~something special~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, han jisung/lee minho
warning: mild language, brief depiction of anxiety
words: 3.3k
summary:  3RACHA debuts and they take over the world obviously, and minsung get softer somehow
a/n: literally always shook when I come back and someone has liked one of these chapter. But I’m so thankful to anyone whose read this <3
ao3 link
The dancing trio’s apartment was cleaned and tidied up more than it probably had been in months. The three roommates had luckily found the time to tackle the figurative ocean that was their floor and the piles of clothes, books and shoes that littered it. All in all it was objectively not a large amount of mass but on the minimal square footage they had it made the already tiny space unbearably claustrophobic.  
The living room screen had been flooded up and placed against the wall for the special occasion, allowing the window above Felix's bed to actually stream in light to the rest of the room. Doing a bit of moving around of the furniture had been tiring but it allowed the space to open up and feel a little less like they were stuck living in a small cave, as Hyunjin had put it. Out of all of them Hyunjin had been very invested in the interior design of the room, while Felix and Minho merely humored him, to get the space clean as quick as they could, despite Hyunjins particularities.  
The evening had found them settled to enjoy their newly tidied space with a watch party of 3RACHA’s scheduled debut stage.  
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
“Jinnie, will you get the door by chance.” Minho yelled from the stove. He was busy trying to cook up their rabokki, since a hungry Felix mentioned his craving for comfort food after his audition that morning. 
Getting up, the lanky blonde wandered to the door. “Hyung, were you expecting anyone?” Without an answer he jiggled the knob of their door to coax the door into opening, not bothering to check the peephole as it was nothing more than a literal hole in the door that they had taped over when they moved in. 
“OH hey Hyun-”  Slam.  
A whole Kim Seungmin was standing on the other side of their door, and to say Hyunjin was unprepared to face his long standing university crush of two years is an understatement. 
“Yes Jinnie~” 
“Did you just sl-” Minho’s voice was full of a teasing lilt, Felix’s was just simply confused at the loud door slam.
“Well I invited him over because we are work husbands, but I also had hoped you would actually talk to the boy you've been anonymously pinning over since freshman year” 
“Don't worry Jinnie Suengmin is so nice! And if you're nervous I'll hold your hand.” Felix did cute grabby hands from the couch.
“Lix that kinda defeats the-”
“Hwang Hyunjin, open the door for our guest before I have to kick your cowardly ass.”
Okay Ow. Hurtful! 
Hyunjin knew he was right though and opened the door to a rather alarmed and confused Seungmin.
“Oh hey Hyunjin I thought that was you, I was afraid I had gotten the wrong apartment number.” His smile was so gentle that Hyunjin’s soul may have left his body. 
“Yeah. Nope, I mean yes this is the right place. Come on in! Sorry about slamming it earlier we have some janky door hinges.” Felix giggled and earned him a death glare from the long haired blondie. 
“Oh no problem! I’ve had to deal with my fair share of goofy doors at SU.” Of course Hyunjin nodded, completely understanding, even if he himself had never lived on Seoul University's campus. 
Hyunjin knew Suengmin had spent time as a resident adviser for the dorms. He also knew that he was a business and photography double major, also his current favorite restaurant, cafe, and book. Also not to mention that he was most obviously spending the summer as Minho’s co-worker. Hyunjin had done his fair share of social media stalking to learn more about the boy he had spent a long ass time pining over, as Felix puts it. It definitely wasn't one of his proudest moments, but he couldn't help but admire Seungmin after meeting him during their first year orientation. 
Opportunities to talk to Seungmin were rare, as their majors did not generally intercept plus Hyunjin’s general fear of speaking to the other. It seems Minho, being the attentive hyung he is, found the perfect opportunity for Hyunjin to actually get to know him. Without telling or mentioning it to the now flustered dancer. Damn him. 
“Glad you could make it Seungmo~” 
“God, I told you not to call me that.” Suengmin delivered his usual sarcastic banter toward the older, Felix laughed to himself, quite enjoying watching the drama unfold in front of him. 
“But of course I cant miss a good watch party.”
Although red in the face and ears glowing red from sitting next to Seungmin on their couch, Hyunijin feels light at the atmosphere around him, and smiles fondly toward them. Felix’s whispered “whipped” resulted in a kick to the shins. Minho brought a pot of noodles, rice cakes, cheese, and other toppings to their coffee table. Felix practically let out an inhuman squeal as he moved to grab some of the steaming noodles. 
“Suen-min does aht mean you like thee Racha?”
“Lix chew your food first you fool.” Felix takes a minute to slurp up and finish chewing before restating his questions, but Seungmin responds readily some how understanding the incoherency of the freckled pixie boy.
“Oh Yeah! Vaguely, one of my old friends from high school is Changbin’s brother. So he practically forced me to listen to all their music whenever they released new tracks. I’m really happy for them, but can't say I know much about them as a group other than recognizing a few songs'' 
“Really? That's so cool, I didn't know he had a brother.” 
“We literally met him Felix.” Hyunjin can't help but tease the other for his starstruck state when they first met 3RACHA. 
“He was too distracted by Chan’s smile and Changbin’s biceps to remember that.” Minho smirked.
“Shut it Hyung!” Felix threw a pillow at the older, sending the rest of them into a fit of giggles. 
“You can’t say anything Min-hyung, you're literally Jisung’s boyfriend.”
“I knew it!” Seungmin shouted accusingly. 
“STOP, No god he is not my boyfriend.” 
“Last Friday suggests differently~” Felix ever so casually mentions with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. Seungmin’s eyebrows were raised at his hyung.
“Yeah hyung, you practically never let go of his hand all night.” Hyunjin smirked at his hyung, taking some form of embarrassment revenge on the older.
“Oh my god your kidding! Hyunjinnie you have to tell me everything.” And of course being the whipped man he was, he did, much to Minho’s despair, gladly fueling the other with material to tease thier hyung.
“Okay! Everyone! Shut up! ITS STARTING!!!” Even though no one was speaking they all unanimously agreed to comply with Felix’s outburst. The screen showed the hosts speaking from cue cards before a heavy back track flooded the speakers of their small TV. 3RACHA flashed across the screen as did the members' concept images. Felix had already squealed over them earlier in the week when they were posted on instagram (Minho did too but in his room privately). Still the images hit differently as they were broadcasted on television for the whole country and world to see. 
CB97… SpearB… J.One…
Their photos completely embodied their personas and it sent a chill down Minho’s spine in anticipation. The whole world was about to witness the electricity that was 3RACHA performing. 
The scene transitioned into a red lit stage and the three rappers standing in the center of it. The crowd's cheers faded as the beat entered. Heavy bass hitting an addicting rhythm that anyone listening could feel in every part of their chest. And of course because Minho was an unlucky bastard, and Jisung’s rap was first. 
The round cheeked boy with an innocent glint to his eyes and a heart shaped gummy smile was instead replaced with some monster of a man on stage. He hadn't seen them perform since him and Jisung had first met at the Sweet Lotus, and all the memories of J.One and his charismatic flow took over his senses immediately. J.One was on stage in front of him, using every once of his dangerously charming voice to bring in every single viewer’s attention. He uses his tone playfully and masterfully (just to play with his heart apparently, Minho thinks). It wasn't until Jisung ends his verse with a practically growled “zone”, and Chan takes over for the chorus, that Minho realizes he hadn’t been breathing. 
Not that CB97 or SpearB’s verse were going to give him any form of a break either. Chan’s part practically demanded your full attention, practically commanding the viewer to a call to action. Changbins part came in gently but built up to a point where his tone and verse exploded. Booming syllabus matching the booming 808s. The electricity was undeniable. The stage finished all of their voices joining in aggressively and with finality.
 A lone spotlight shone down on them revealing their intense and confident images. Ending fairies full of smirks and cocked eyebrows that left the audience screaming and cheering. 
“Holy shit.” Felix was the first to say anything, but even so they were all left speechless. After their performance of “Zone” no one could deny that they were something big. And Minho had absolutely no doubt in his mind that their three local rapper friends were about to take over the world. The screams from the TV and the cheers after each of their additional songs only solidified it. 
Of course Minho was right, he always was, Jisung definitely knew that by now. But the headlines and the chart topping was all so new and overwhelming to the members it was hard to believe. 3RACHA had exploded practically overnight. Their debut stage had gone viral and hadn't left its place on trending pages in more than a few countries. 
Every day the 3RACHA boys had woken up to more insane news of their accomplishment. Their days are full of constant promo and show recordings for later broadcasts. Sana practically lived in their loft for the week. Their manager’s hours were somehow even longer than theirs and most hours where she was able to sleep it would be on the infamous couch.  
[Lee Minho hyungie]
2:45 pm
We watched your new performance last night!
You guys did amazing
I dont think I’ll ever get tired of listening to the album…
Of course the hectic week of 3RACHA’s debut and all of their new accolades were overwhelming, but Minho’s compliments seem to make Jisung’s heart stutter the most. He would never admit that he had been re-reading all of Minho's messages all week. Their correspondence was lacking due to mainly Jisung’s busy schedule, but the older had kept steady in his messages even if Jisung was largely unable to answer. Minho understood and instead would always send him motivational and supportive statements or goofy selfies of him in various fruit filters, never failing to give Jisung his smile back. 
The week had passed since their debut and Jisung couldn't help but feel light. The three of them had managed to nab some free/rest time for their weekend. Chan was thankfully already taking advantage of it, and had been knocked out asleep in his room since the morning. Changbin was spending some extra time in the complex’s gym, and Sana had finally been given the opportunity to go back to her own apartment to crash. He was so thankful for the small hardworking team he had found himself in. Jisung wanted to make the most of his time as well, and left their apartment for one of his impromptu strolls around the city. Jisung felt light.
Minho had taken an earlier shift, trading the weekend dinner wave for the never ending brunch crowd. Thankfully he had gathered a large stack of tips from the rich women tipsy enough from mimosas to slip him a few more percentage points into his pocket. His feet felt heavy from having to stand so long but thankfully he was able to stumble into an empty living room and relax, while the sun still sat comfortably in the sky, basking the room in a warm afternoon light. 
Minho was unwinding peacefully after enjoying his post work shower when his phone rang loudly next to him on the couch. 
[Jisungie is calling]
Jisung never calls him. Worry starts to nip at his insides as he moves to answer the call. 
“Jisung? Hey what's going on?” 
He can’t hear much on the other end but the sound of labored breathing signals that there was a living breathing boy on the other side of the line. 
“Did you mean to call me Sungie?”
“Ye-yes I did. I just needed to call…”Jisung’s voice trailed off, and Minho could hear the boy’s soft hiccups. Worry now rightfully settling to the base of his stomach. He approached the boy on the line gently. 
“Of course, did you need anything?” Jisung took a moment before answering.
“Hyung, I’m scared. There were so many of them outside, and I thought they didn't recognize me at first, but then they started calling my name and kept following me, and I got lost. I think I’m near your place, but i don't want them to find you and I don't wanna go back home. Channie would be so worried an-”
“Hey, hey it's okay baby. Just take a deep breath for me, yeah?” Minho couldn't help but let his protective instinct take over. Jisung was so fragile when he was scared, there isn't anything Minho would do to help him. Jsung was taking steady breaths in and out, and slowly they became more regular. The younger wasn’t crying but Minho didn’t want the other to get anywhere near that state still lost in the city.
“Can you tell me where you are Sung?”
“I-I’m in a convenience store, it's on a corner. I-i think there's a cafe across the street. I think I lost most of them but i'm afraid that there are more.” Minho was already slipping his shoes bringing an extra jacket with him, recognizing the store location. Jisung must mean that the reporters and more aggressive photographers had already tracked down the boys’ location. He lets his angry words for them die in his mouth, opting for a gentler response.
“That's good Sungie, I’m on the way it'll only be a few minutes. Do you want me to stay on the line?”
“Yes please.”
He sounded so small and afraid. It broke Minho’s heart “Okay baby, you wouldn't believe what happened at work today? Wanna hear about that?”
Minho heard something like an affirmative hum from the other side of the line. He kept the one-sided conversation steady so there was never silence. Talking about how Suengmin had somehow been stuck on server duty, and all of his unfortunate run-ins that come from a morning brunch shift. It was easy to keep the conversation light and the focus away from the stress or fear Jisung might be feeling. Minho keeps talking even as he is walking into the convenience store a few blocks from his apartment. 
He finds a startled Jisung practically crouching in on himself in the chip aisle. When Jisung’s eyes finally find him they are wide and stared with the beginnings of tears. Hanging up he holds out his arm, welcoming the other to come closer to him. 
“Hey there stranger, you can come to mine for tonight. That sound okay?” Jisung nods gladly and accepts the jacket Minho handed him, allowing for his obnoxiously orange shirt to be covered into something more inconspicuous. Huddling the sweet boy into his arms, Minho collects their favorite snacks from the shelves and a few ramen packs, and leads them out onto the street, and back to his apartment. The sun setting on the city and the night life awakening, they easily got lost in the crowd.
By the time Minho had allowed the worry to die down in his chest, Jisung was curled up in his small bed engulfed in a comforter. Minho had texted an extremely worried Chan about Jisung’s run in with the paparazzi. Jisung had spent a majority of the night not letting go of Minho’s arm, hand, side for even a moment. He remained relatively quiet the rest of the night but Minho was able to pull a few giggles out of the younger. 
Initially Minho was apprehensive about allowing Jisung into their tiny home, but as soon as the boy was in need, Minho’s reservations disappeared. As soon as they walk through the door, Jisungs shoulders relax. 
Jisung looked around at the small living room taking in the small bed in the corner and couch, the TV had been left on some mindless program when Minho had rushed to retrieve Jisung. The warm orange light from the setting sun filled the room, adn despite the cramped space and the boys’ overabundance of belongings, Jisung felt warm and at ease. The homey feeling of the apartment was something that he hadn't realized was foreign to him. Sure Jisung felt he had a rather close relationship with his bed back at the loft, but the environment of their place didn't quite compare to the very lived-in apartment he found himself in. 3RACHA had done thier fair share of moving around much to the will of Changbin or his parents, Jisung never minded it though, he was too thankful for their generosity. 
“I like your place Minho-hyung” It was the first time he had spoken since they arrived. Minho flashed him a relieved smile.
“My home is your home now then. Well mine and the other two mongrels' home is yours now too, but they're working late tonight so you're stuck with just me '' Jisung smiled. Minho couldn't help his heart from tugging. 
They had spent the night with instant ramen and an over abundance of snacks as they watched videos in Minho’s bed. Jisung fell asleep early, exhausted from his earlier tears and general low energy from the busy week’s drain. Minho moved to make sure Jisung was comfortable, before moving to get washed up for the night. He felt a small fist grab his shirt as he got up. 
“Where are you going?” Jisung had his wide puppy eyes on full display, apparently not asleep at all. 
“Just to wash up Sungie.”
“Will you come back to sleep with me after?” In any other situation the words may have seemed provocative, but with Jisungs sleepy gaze it was only endearing to Minho. Not like Minho would deny him a night in his arms anyway. 
“Of course baby, i'll be right back okay” Jisung let go of his shirt accepting his answer. Minho wasn’t a fool and could feel his heartbeat quicken with being so near to Jisung, but more than anything all he wanted to do was allow the younger to sleep in his arms as comfortably as possible. As soon as Minho rejoined the bed, Jisung had already moved to burrow his head into Minho's chest. If Minho could be even more endeared at the cuddly nature of Jisung, he was fully at the will of him now. 
He was a goner, but that wasn’t news to Minho when it came to his affection for the boy in his arms. Wrapping his arms around the younger's tiny waist he pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of his head. 
“Goodnight Jisung” 
I’ll always protect you.
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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thekadster · 4 years
seize the date (jatherine first date fluff)
Fandom: Newsies (All Media Types)
Word Count: 2,144
Trigger Warnings: none!
❝Jack Kelly was the fearless, charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies. His name was respected in all the city, even by Spot Conlon himself. A good fighter, a great newsie, and even a father figure to some of the kids in his care. With that kind of resume, one would assume that there weren't a lot of things that scared him, and they would be right.
But then, there came the girl.
And boy, was he scared.❞
also read it on ao3!
“I can’t do this, Dave.”
Jack groaned and pressed his forehead against the brick wall. Davey, arms crossed and standing next to him, rolled his eyes. “Jack, we’ve gone over this ten times.”
Jack turned to look at him. “It’s been ten already?”
“Well, eleven.”
Jack ran a shaky hand through his hair. He shrugged, straightened his vest, adjusted his hat, dusted off his pants, did every little thing to smoothen out every single one of his rough, ragged edges. He took a deep breath of the cool afternoon breeze. “Do I look okay?” he asked.
“You look fine,” replied Crutchie, patting him on the back.
Jack tensed up. “Fine ain’t gonna cut it.”
“What he means to say,” Davey quickly interjected. “Is that you look ready.”
Jack was quiet. Was he ready, though? I mean, he had to be. He had been prepping for this day for over a month. He had dreamed of this! Of course he was ready!
“I don’t feel like it,” he mumbled, finding his voice.
Davey put a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine,” he reassured. “The fact that you even prepared is more than enough. She’s gonna love it.”
Crutchie hummed in agreement. Jack grumbled and fixed his collar. Looking over Davey’s shoulder, he instantly tensed up. Whispering to his two friends and patting their backs, he quickly sent them away. They crossed the street, briefly smiling and waving at the approaching girl.
Jack Kelly was the fearless, charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies. His name was respected in all the city, even by Spot Conlon himself. A good fighter, a great newsie, and even a father figure to some of the kids in his care. With that kind of resume, one would assume that there weren't a lot of things that scared him, and they would be right.
But then, there came the girl.
And boy, was he scared.
“Hey!” a chipper voice called. There she was, now taking her last few steps towards him; Katherine Plumber: his latest love, and his latest fear.
“Heya, Kat,” Jack replied, grinning. He held out his arm. “Shall we, Miss Plumber?”
Katherine giggled. “After you, Mister Kelly.”
As much as he was a nervous wreck behind his facade, he was genuinely glad that this day had come. It would just be them and the fire escape, plain and simple. No need to worry about the noise of the world below. What could possibly go wrong?
Not a lot, Jack prayed.
He led her up the rusted metal rails, slowing down to match her pace. As much as her long skirt and boots proved to be a nuisance, Katherine’s heart began to swirl with exhilaration. She had been up this way before, but the feeling of climbing so high up was still an adventure to her. As the ground grew further and further away, the more her heart pumped. 
“Well, here she is,” Jack spoke, swinging open a small metal gate. “Welcome to my “penthouse”.”
In reality, the area was rather small, just enough to fit two boys and a sack of belongings in the corner. But as soon as Katherine turned around, she quickly remembered where Jack got the name from. She was met with the sight of hundreds of buildings, probably even thousands, if she counted. She leaned forward on the railing. The last time she was here was under much different circumstances, and it was only now that she got to properly take in the view. All of them looked so proud and tall from the ground. It’s crazy how different things can seem when you put them in a new perspective, she realized.
“We’re so high up,” whispered Katherine.
“Yeah,” replied Jack.
Jack quietly joined her side, looking out into the skyline he knew so well. It was weird, he thought. He had seen this view thousands of times before, it became just another part of living here. But now, the water towers and the buildings and their big signs all seemed to have a new glow in the afternoon sun. But the sun couldn’t do much. Perhaps it was who he was with that made all the difference, and who shined brighter than the sun could ever hope to.
“It’s beautiful,” added Katherine, a smile tugging at her lips.
Jack turned to look at her. “Not as beautiful as you.”
She laughed, feeling heat quickly rush to her face. “Are you afraid of heights?”
“Would I be livin’ up here if I was?”
“Ha! Fair enough.”
“Are you?” asked Jack.
Katherine paused, then leaned closer to him. “Not anymore.”
Jack stayed still, even though his face was already flushed. Awkwardly clearing his throat, he gestured for them to sit down on a neatly laid-out blanket. She gave him an amusing look, but played along. “So,” he began, quickly changing the topic. “How’s work?”
“It’s been okay, just grabbing whatever story I can find,” replied Katherine.
“Anybody givin’ ya trouble?”
She shrugged. “Not really, actually. After I wrote about you and the boys, a lot of people started taking me more seriously.”
“Good,” said Jack. “It’s better than the ballet, ain’t it?”
“Anything’s better than the ballet.”
They laughed. Although they would never say it out loud, if you’d ask them, they would say that the other’s laugh could light up New York.
“How about you? How’s work?” asked Katherine, shifting in her place.
“Same old thing,” answered Jack. “The fellas are doin’ okay. Oh, and this mornin’, Finch hit one a’ the Delanceys in the head with his slingshot.”
She chuckled, eyes widening in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah! Kid ran like hell, I tell ya.”
“Who was it, Oscar or Morris?”
Jack scratched his head. “Morris, I think.”
Katherine smiled to herself, her eyes distant for a brief moment. “You know, I went to kindergarten with them.”
Jack’s mouth gaped. “You know the Delanceys? You went to school with ‘em?”
“Yeah,” she laughed. “They were the biggest troublemakers. There wouldn’t be a day where they wouldn’t be in the time-out corner. Oh, and when both of them got into trouble, the teacher would put them on opposite ends of the room.”
“Sounds about right,” he remarked. As soon as she turned her head, Jack quickly hid the newspaper he was sketching on.
“How’s Crutchie doing, by the way?” she asked.
“He’s doin’ fine. Still smilin’ no matter what, if that’s what you mean. Folks are happy to see him back on the street. ‘S got loyal customers that got worried when he stopped showin’ up. That kid’s a ray a’ sunshine.”
“I’m sure.” Katherine’s heart softened, watching a warm smile creep up on Jack’s face at the thought of his best friend. She looked around. As simple as his humble abode was, she couldn’t help but be charmed. It was like his own little safe haven, a place that the noisy, messy world below could never reach. “When did you start living up here?”
He shrugged. “Probably one, two years ago?”
She nodded. “Why don’t you live in the Lodging House?”
“‘S mostly to give the other kids more room,” replied Jack. “Plus, nothin’ beats the view up here.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Katherine stood up and looked back out into the city.
Jack noticed her long silence and looked up at her, the girl and her wonder-filled eyes, gazing at a city that was at her fingertips. Her father ran this town. He owned the biggest newspaper business in all the country. With that kind of power, she would have all sorts of friends in high spaces. Friends with big houses, fancy clothes, and money to burn. Right now, she could’ve been anywhere else, hanging with high society’s cream of the crop.
But she wasn’t, he realized. She was with him. Just another scrappy newsboy with a dream.
It was no secret that Katherine grew up much more differently than the newsies; the world was practically handed to her on a silver platter. She never had to want for much. She had money, status, and everything a girl could wish for. Her father was the wealthiest man in the whole city. But being up here, being with him, it was something she wouldn’t trade for anything her father could buy.
Jack quietly stood up beside her, and taking a breath, he threw a newspaper airplane, interrupting her trance. They smiled at each other, watching the high, crisp breeze carry it away. She folded another sheet and threw it off the fire escape, but it only got so far until it took a nosedive.
“At least it’ll be easier to find,” said Jack.
Katherine laughed. “I was never good at paper planes.” Her eyes caught sight of the World building, not too far away. “Say, have you thought about the job my father gave you?”
Jack stared at his own plane, still flying in the distance. “‘M plannin’ on takin’ it.”
Her face lit up. Jack could be illustrating for the papers, a job that would pay much more than hawking them. “Really?”
“Dunno how I’m gonna take it, though,” he added. “How’s it work? What, do I just walk in or somethin’ an’ tell ‘em I want the job?”
“I can arrange an interview for you,” she replied. A chill went down his spine. “I gotta talk to folks like them?”
Katherine put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna be fine,” she gently said. “They know an artist when they see one. And don’t worry, they’re not gonna be super harsh.”
“Here’s to hopin’.” Jack sighed, seeing his paper plane finally hit a far-off wall and fall to the ground. They were quiet for a moment. He blinked, finding the courage to ask her something he’d been meaning to, for a while.
“Why me?” he asked.
She looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
He repeated the question, but she only gave him a confused look. He decided to rephrase. “Why do you hang around with me?”
“What do you mean “why”?”
��Why?” Jack repeated a third time. “Why me? You got lots’a other guys to choose from, they’s probably better than I’ll ever be. This kinda thing, it’s just- it’s never happened before.”
Katherine paused, giving him a tender look. “It hasn’t,” she began. “Even I’m surprised, to be honest. But, you know why. You were one of the first- only people to believe in me. And that means something. Not a lot of guys are like you, Jack.”
It was true. The strike gave them something to fight for that was much bigger than themselves. What only started as an effort to lower the price of newspapers gave light to the importance of the rights of New York’s working kids. And, in the midst of the whirlwind, they found each other. Just two kids fighting for what they believed in.
They didn’t say it, but a familiar, warm feeling began to form in their chests. It was there, in the wind that rushed past them, in the way they simply stood together, in the way he slowly reached to lace his fingers with hers. And it was there in their silence; though there wasn’t much to say, as young as they were, they understood.
Jack kissed her on the forehead and pulled her into a slightly swaying embrace. “For sure?” he whispered into her hair.
“For sure,” she mumbled into his chest. Her mind calmed while she listened to the beating of his heart.
“Your father ain’t too happy with us bein’ here.”
“He isn’t.”
“Does he know I climb the fire escape after work to see ya?”
“He does.”
They softly laughed. He wished things could stay like this forever. So did she.
Jack pulled away and held her hand. He picked up a bundle of newspapers and shoved them into his back pocket. “Let’s get you back ‘fore he sends the Bulls after me.”
Katherine chuckled. They went the same way they came, the city below growing louder and louder around them with every step. She’d almost forgotten how noisy these streets actually were. She was fine walking herself back to the World, despite Jack’s insistence to take her there. With a kiss and a wave goodbye, the two went their separate ways.
As soon as Jack rounded a corner, he exhaled deeply. He leaned on the brick wall and ran a hand through his hair, a smile creeping on his face. It felt like a dream; he managed to score a date, and with a girl like her. He wished she could’ve stayed longer, but at least he had those sketches he made of her.
But then, his eyes widened.
They weren’t there.
Meanwhile elsewhere, Katherine hadn’t gone too far away when she stopped, stepping on a newspaper airplane. And unfolding it, she couldn’t hold in her smile.
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I just finished BNA
I know @akaskira​ will still watch it since Hosoya is the lead man. 
I got a bit of judgement for watching it because my brother was like, “FURRIES? NOT IN THIS HOUSE.” But trust me, it’s nothing like Beastars, it has no romantic tension (unless I missed the boat on it again), it’s not nearly as dramatic or “coming-of-age”, and although sharing a few key points, I don’t really know what else they have in common with each other. Maybe that’s because I never paid any mind to Beastars and never will. If seeing anything with bipedal animals makes you a furry, Animal Crossing and literally anything with werewolves in it will have to do some explaining for themselves. Anyways, I... have some mixed thoughts on the anime itself.
I watched this anime in two portions: when the first six episodes were released at the beginning of April then the rest right now. I personally wouldn’t have wanted to watch it that way, and it did kind of interfere with my understanding of the series but not badly enough that I felt the need to rewatch anything.
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Summary (without specified spoilers): 
Not a bad anime; it was pretty good. It was classic Trigger with the flowing animation and over-the-top fluid fight scenes. After Darling in the FranXX, Trigger stepped up its game by providing us with Promare (which I haven’t watched yet) and BNA. The voice acting was alright (I expected as much but was a little disappointed at some parts). The story wasn’t anything special because it was just the same old stuff with a special coat of cool-looking paint. The plot twists weren’t really twists as much as me having a fake shocked look since I’ve seen the same devices used in dozens of other anime. But hey, at least it looked good and the OP was catchy.
Overall, I would give it over 7, but I wouldn’t give it an 8. It would be a 7.5 or something in between.
P.S. Hosoya is great, but watching him howl like a wolf while imagining everyone in the studio trying not laugh is funny.
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[It’s spoiler time]
In no way am I saying I could write a better show. I don’t know what they could’ve changed to make these twists a bit more riveting or surprising, but... I’m just going to make fun of things.
When I said that some of the voice acting disappointed me, I wasn’t kidding. This is like watching Ni no Kuni all over again (but not as bad). Kaito Ishikawa happens to use that exact voice on that exact character when they are the plot twist villain, and we already knew that character was the villain all along so WHAT WAS THE TWIST SUPPOSED TO BE? Then it turns out he’s a beastman. Whoaaaa... a character trying to destroy the species they are?? Where have I seen that besides Attack on Titan, Blue Exorcist, Kabaneri, and a bunch of other shows? You’re telling me he’s one of them? *gasp*
The voice delivery wasn’t terrible, but there weren’t a whole lot of parts that made me go “this is why I like seiyuu so much” (except for maybe a few moments of Michiru during fight scenes because I haven’t heard Sumire Morohoshi take an awesome role like this since The Promised Neverland)
Oh, and that part about being purebred doesn’t surprise me either since eugenics is also a commonly used (and still somewhat good) device used. 
Everyone getting hoodwinked by a smooth-talking guy is common and simple enough that it can get used over-and-over again since it’s in human nature to trust charismatic good-looking people, so I will digress on that point.
The part about Shirou being Ginrou? Not shocking either. They set that stuff up since the beginning. I don’t think it was even supposed to be a twist. Ginrou is the legendary white wolf. THE GUY’S A WHITE WOLF. His personality fits the “legendary over-powered entity” to a T too.
The part where it’s revealed how Nazuna and Michiru became beastwomen? Not surprising either. 
Nazuna is kind of a load of BS and is an egotistical naive bitch (literally) and stays that way for the majority of the series until she finally realizes that she can be the same egotistical naive bitch but on the other side of the coin. I feel like her character could’ve been a great jumping point as to why she’s like that, why she desires what she does, and more about her redemption other than her just trusting her friend randomly when she shunned her before. Actually, the cult in itself was extremely underdeveloped, but 12 episodes didn’t leave enough room for them to do anything with it either, so I can’t say that what they did was wrong for the time given. 
The main cast stays practically the same throughout with little to no change, but I can live with that. 12 episodes definitely is not enough to provide good character growth to a cast. But the growth of that baseball team? Now that was good. That baseball team were the real MVPs.
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dinglemingle · 4 years
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy)
Ao3 link
Robert Sugden was a prick. That was something Aaron was sure. Of course, he hadn't exchanged many words with the upper sixth lad in recent years but that didn't stop him from forming an opinion. If the rumours, Andy's slagging off sessions and his cousin Debbie's tears last summer were anything to go by, then he knew perfectly well what Robert was like. Cocky, arrogant and willing to shag anything with a pulse
That didn't stop Aaron from fancying him though, sure he was an arse, and straight and Vic's brother, which made things awkward when he was checking Robert out instead of listening to her droning on about some pop band when he was up at the farm, but Aaron couldn't help himself when Robert stood there all blue eyes and plump lips
It didn't mean he liked the lad though, Vic had tried to get Aaron to be friends with her brothers, it didn't work. Andy was too boring and Robert was too smug. No this wasn't a crush Aaron had told himself, just him appreciating Roberts messy blonde locks and smooth freckled skin and the way his uniform trousers fitted his thighs so well
Only the lump in his throat every time Robert looked at him and the nerves that brewed in the pit of his stomach when he spoke to him begged to differ.
Aaron ignored it, of course, he had done for the past year when these feelings started to surface, tried to convince himself everything was the same as it always had been. Aaron had known Robert forever, and he'd always liked the older lad. When they were kids he'd liked playing with him and Vic, and kicking about a football every Saturday at the top of the field near butlers. When they'd gotten older the trio would hang around at the cricket pavilion, only 11 and 12 yet gossiping about the most recent drama from school and playing silly pranks on the village pensioners.
Of course, when Robert had turned 13 that all changed, he'd discovered girls and larger and popularity and suddenly decided he was too cool to hang out with his little sister and her best friend.
Yes, Aaron had been bitter, tried to act not bothered, but he spent two months sulking around the pub and biting off his mum and Paddy's head when they tried to ask what was wrong. And maybe, just maybe he'd cried into his pillow one night when Robert had called him a baby and told him to go play with the other kids, after the younger lad had suggested a game they used to always play to Robert, in front of his new,cooler,older friends. Aaron would pretend not to care, still not quite sure why the boy's rejection hurt him so much.
Over time the pain started to sting less and as Robert began to become more infamous around school and his exploits where weekly common room gossip, he began to like Robert less and less.
It was easy to ignore Robert for a few years, Vic didn't mention him that often, somewhat ashamed of her brother's antics, and in school, he blocked out people's tales of Roberts weekend escapades. When he was up at the farm, which was rare, considering Jack and Andy's shiny opinion of the dingle family, Robert usually wasn't there, and when he was a quick nod off the head would suffice, before one of them would scurry off away from the other, usually Robert, off to add another conquest to his ever-growing list.
Aaron hated that. He didn't care much for the drama that floated around the school halls anyway, but something about hearing Katie giggle in the canteen about another girl Robert had been caught snogging in the bathrooms bugged him. He told himself it was just because he didn't like seeing Robert mess about all these girls, and for a while, he believed it, especially when his cousin Debbie had fallen victim to Sugden's charm. However somewhere deep down Aaron knew there was another reason, it's not like he was the most sympathetic person at the best of times and these girls all knew about Roberts reputation
So when at 15 he'd began to find Robert really fit, he supposed it had all made sense. The younger lad knew he'd had an attraction to boys, still not fully comfortable with it and definitely not accepting he was gay, nevertheless, he still knew it was there, he hadn't expected Robert to be the subject of his desire, however.
To Aaron it had come out of nowhere, when he went over to Vic's, promising to watch that new rom-com she got on DVD he hadn't expected these feelings for Robert to emerge. There he was one minute, blissfully living a Robert Sugden free life, and the next Robert had wormed his way into his thoughts.
It was Saturday. It was raining. It was dull. Aaron was positively bored out of his mind. He was sat in the kitchen having a cuppa with Vic, whilst they waited for their pizzas to cook. To be honest, he'd rather be home playing FIFA but he knew him and Vic hadn't spent much time together recently and that the stress of the tensions at home had started to get to her, so he'd begrudgingly pulled on his winter coat and trudged out to the farm
That's how he found himself sipping a milky tea in his mates freezing kitchen whilst she ranted about Andy and Robert
"I just wish they could get on you know, for once, for me" the brunette sipped her tea and sighed, clearly exasperated at her brothers bickering
"I know" Aaron spoke, gently patting the girl's arm. The Sugden brothers feud was common knowledge, and Aaron knew how upset Vic got every time the boys came home with bloody noses and bruised fists after beating seven bells out of each other. He hated seeing this side of his friend, fragile and vulnerable, and he hated her brothers for making her this way.
It was even worse on the rare occasions when she spoke about the rows, she could go on for hours about their physical fights, because she knew that a punch over a silly spat was temporary, however when it came to their slanging matches and tense words over the dinner table it became more difficult. The younger Sugden knew that the words lingered for much longer, that Roberts resentment over Andy being the golden child was always hanging in the air, waiting to strike whenever the lads disagreed over something. Robert always brought it up, how Saint Andy could do no wrong, how he'd stolen his father's affections. Jack never helped, she hated to admit it but Vic knew her father was less than subtle with his disappointment over Robert and always did tend to side with Andy when arguments arose.
Aaron had sat in Vic's room when a fight erupted between the pair one too many times to see how it affected her, she'd curl into herself and go quiet for a moment, the chirpy grin wiped off of her face in an instant, then she'd pick up the remote and turn the volume up on whatever show they'd put on that evening, in a desperate attempt to drown out the shouts of her brothers and dad.
It was one of the main reasons he held such a strong dislike for Andy and Robert, neither of them ever giving up a fight or letting anything go, all at their little sister's expense. He hadn't been shy letting them know how he felt on several occasions when he got fed up of wiping Vic's tears. It was safe to say the Sugden men weren't to keen on Aaron or his friendship with Vic, which is why he was repeatedly checking his phone, hoping the pizzas would be ready soon so he could hurry off to his mate's room without seeing one her relatives.
Luck wasn't on his side today then, as all the three men came booming through the door. Jack was first, the patriarch looming over the table making his presence very much known "Kettles just boiled," Vic said, quickly masking her upset from her family, praying they wouldn't hear the croak in her voice or notice her red eyes from crying.
"Go on Andy, a nice cuppa will warm us all up" Jack called out to his son, who was bumbling his way through the door, the younger Sugden obliged, scurrying for the cups, never one to disobey his dad.
And then in strolled Robert, calm cool, collected, an air of arrogance wafting around him. He threw his farming gloves on the table and pulled out a chair to sit, taking pleasure in the way the screeching against the old wooden floor displeased his dad and brother. Today had been one of the hair occasions where the three were getting on and had somehow managed to work on the farm without killing one another.
Aaron sheepishly looked up from the floor, anticipating some remark from one of the three, but was caught off guard by Roberts stature over the table. Suddenly, Aaron was staring up at the older lad, mouth agape and head spinning, captivated by his beauty. Robert was tall, taller than the last time Aaron had seen him, his broad shoulders standing out as he towered over Andy and levelled with Jack. In the farming overalls, he could see every curve of Roberts body, his rolled-up sleeves exposing toned arms littered with freckles. Aaron continued to stare, only now noticing Robert in all his glory.
"What's the matter Dingle" Roberts jovial toned shook him out of his thoughts, his eyes snapping up to Roberts as he clasped his mouth shut
"You look like you've seen a ghost, or is thought of me doing farm work that shocking?" Rob asked, as charismatic as ever
"Yeah" Aaron muttered, attempting to seem nonchalant, "thought you were allergic to hard graft" Aaron relaxed into the wooden chair, brushing off his true feelings. Robert smirked, before plopping down across from him and thanking Andy as he passed him a steaming cup tea
"Well what can I say, sheep really get me going" Robert quipped, holding Aaron in a strong gaze
Andy made a lame joke about the Welsh that Jack seemed to find vaguely amusing, but just earned a sigh from Vic and in synch eye rolls from the boys, the pair smiled at each other before Rob retorted back at Andy's bad attempt at banter
"Not quite what I meant but sure, although I think that's more your style, the amount of time you spend up on that field" Robert joked, a glint of something mischievous in his eye at seeing his brothers scowl.
Aaron sniggered into his tea, finding the blonde he usually opposed hilarious for some reason, a reason that had nothing to do with how rosy his cheeks were or how attractive he looked when he licked his lips, no nothing to do with that at all.
"Something funny dingle" Andy barked glaring at Aaron, never one to take a joke
Robert rolled his eyes again, muttering something under his breath about Andy being a pratt again, he caught Aaron's eyes and sent him a reassuring smile, something that looked genuine and real, Aaron thought.
"No nothing," Aaron said gulping down his tea, anxiously waiting to leave
Vic seemingly read his mind
"They're ready" she called, holding up two plates of perfectly sliced pizza, Aaron not even noticing she'd left his side, him being too caught up in her brother, which one he cared not to admit.
He stood up from his chair and carried his cup to the sink, before making his way to Vic and taking a plate from her
"Right that's us off then" Vic stated before turning to bound the stairs, Aaron following close behind, but not before giving a tight-lipped smile to the three men and taking one last peek at Roberts toned body, his infatuation with his best mates brother growing in a matter of minutes.
With that he hastily moved out of the room and spent the rest of the afternoon watching films with Vic and snorting at her daft impressions, ignoring all thoughts of her very fit brother.
A year had passed yet Aaron was still unable to shift those feelings awoke in him that day, in fact, they'd grown stronger, and Aaron was struggling to contain his want to jump Roberts bones every time he saw him. He still resented the lad and the pair hardly exchanged friendly words, yet there were a few times when they shared a joke and Robert beamed a smile in his direction, those moments made Aaron's heart flip, admiring how beautiful the other boy was when he was smiling like that. Unfortunately, it was scarce Robert smiling at him and when he did the moment was often fleeting.
None of this helped Aaron's feelings, he tried to push them back and deny them, adamant that it was just lust, nothing more, but it was becoming harder as the months past and with his start at college in a couple of weeks he knew these feelings for Robert Sugden were going to have to go, and soon. He hoped maybe a new school would help with that. What Aaron couldn't have anticipated was that Robert had caught on to his crush, and was determined to have some fun.
It seemed college couldn't come soon enough.
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