#fiyero is having the WORST time
ichiwashername-o · 4 months
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Do you think Scarecrow had an innate fear of fire, or do you think there was a learning curve there?
The obvious answer is whatever is the funniest.
An important lesson was learned today.
Wicked Master Post Here
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lillifaba · 7 months
My thoughts on the Wicked movie teaser trailer... so far.
Before you pop off in my replies and reblogs yes I know, this is just a teaser trailer and not the official tralier. Regardless that doesn't give this movie a magical critique pass. Most of my critques on this teaser come from my own thoughts and some of points raised in this post. This is also just me rambling into the void. Don't like don't read lmao.
If you've been following me for a while, then you already know my opinion on the Wicked movie and casting. Surprise surprise, you guessed it... I am extremely underwhelmed and disappointed. For so many reasons.
I'll start off with some things I like.
Johnathan Bailey is hot asf as Fiyero. (even if he looks way older than Fiyero is canonically meant to be)
The set and props. I think some of them actually look pretty neat. I'm glad they didn't use a green screen for Shiz and put in the effort to build a university campus. The train from Shiz to Oz looks kinda dope. I was always wondering what it would look like and I'll probably use that as inspiration for my fics and art comms.
Jeff Goldblum as The Wizard. I won't lie, I haven't seen a lot of movies with Jeff in them so I was cautious about his casting. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much his look and his performance so far actually fits Oscar. Time will tell if he can hold up to those standards.
I'm happy a WOC is playing Elphaba. Everyone complains about Fiyero not being racially book accurate but nobody talks enough about Elphaba being discriminated against as an amalgamation for rac!sm. More women of color should play her on stage.
THE NAILSSSS. Come on people this is the Wicked Witch of the West we're talking about she should be SERVING WITH THOSE CLAWS! Although personally I would've preferred them sharp but I'm over here with almond arylics what do I know lol.
I'm happy they casted a disabled actress to play Nessa. I always wondered why they never did that.
With that out of the way, let's get into a million reasons why I hated this trailer and why I'll most likely hate the movie anyways.
Arianna as Glinda. Look, I don't hate Ari. I like some of her songs and even bought some of her perfumes because I like smelling good. At worst I just don't care about her. However whenever I see Arianna as Glinda, I'm sorry I just don't see Glinda, I see ARIANNA GRANDE dressed in last minute cosplay for a Halloween party. I heard one line... ONE LINE from her and the delivery is NOTHING like Glinda's character or cadence, it's just Ari in drama class.
The wigs and costumes. What the hell was the makeup and hair crew thinking when they selected that wig for Arianna???? It's an ashy dull blonde that brings no color or life to the character. The #1 thing about Glinda is her vibrant blonde hair, it's even mentioned IN THE SONGS. MULTIPLE TIMES. This wig looks like a botched bleach job. Then, there's the costumes. Good lord what are those glasses on Elphaba's face??? I get they're trying to be all "whimsy" and "peculiar" in tone with WOZ, but they just look silly. Why not stick to the glasses in the musical? Why overdo it? I fear how the Emerald City sunglasses will look (if they even add those in) Also why are Glinda's clothes so dull? Where's the vibrance? Where's the pink frilly coquette contrast to Elphaba's dark coquette?
The camera work and Elphaba's entrance. This is Wicked the musical. I'm expecting a huge and grandiose presentation, especially when it comes to THE MAIN CHARACTER. Showing Elphaba from the back of her head in slow motion while she's walking to the entrance is just... boring and an overused cliche. Not to mention the underwhelming reactions from the extras. The cinematography is just meh. I'm expecting better for a fantasy film. It's been done before.
Cynthia as Elphaba. Listen, Cynthia is a great singer and talented actress. I have absolutely nothing against her. With that being said I'm going to be brutally honest: much like Arianna, she is not Elphaba... at least not entirely. Like Johnathan, Cynthia is way older than Elphaba is meant to be canonically and the editing team clearly used the de-aging filter on her to the point where it looks unnatural. If this movie had been made at least five years ago or earlier Cynthia would've fit perfectly.
Continuing my point with Cynthia: the singing. I'm sorry but what the hell was that riff with Defying Gravity??? I'm not entirely blaming Cynthia for this because this has become a massive problem with a lot of musical film adaptations which I like to call the popification of songs. It happens in nearly all the live-action Disney movies and I'm sick of it. What confuses me is STEPHEN FUCKING SCHWARTZ is involved in the musical production. He wrote the god damn songs, how the hell does he not direct Cynthia to sing the right note instead of letting her do whatever she wants??? I don't think he did that with Idina, which is why this riff is so iconic. Come on, if a tiktok meme trend can do that riff better and more accurately than an actual singer can, that's just embarrassing. I'm not good at explaining myself in terms of singing, so I'm hoping a youtuber I occassionally watch does a reaction video to the trailer and does a better job at explaining than I can.
The acting. Like I said with Arianna, the delivery is so bland and dry. I'm trying not to judge all of the acting on a teaser trailer but if this is how the leads are going to act throughout the whole movie then I'm disappointed.
Too much CGI in some parts. I get it. This is a fantasy movie there's bound to be certain effects you can't do practically. But that's no excuse when this is a $145 million dollar movie. The flying monkeys are so painfully obvious CGI. This was a wasted chance to get Doug Motherfucking Jones to play Chistery in prosthetics. So much of this movie ends up looking like those garbage Oz spinoffs. (If you know you know) The CGI is just bad. The bubble and Emerald City buildings look so cheap.
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO DARK? This is suppossed to be OZ! Why do I have to turn up my brightness to look into the shadow realm???
Now onto some things I'm confused about.
Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible. I'm praying to god she'll blow us away because she's such a good actress and is serving c*nt in her costumes. I haven't heard her sing (I'm dumb but unless the opera song she sang in EEAAO was her then WOW!)
The silver slippers. I KNOW! I KNOW! The ruby slippers are copyrighted and can't be thrown in all nilly willy wherever you please. But keep in mind this is a 145 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE ALL FOR PART ONE. Do not tell me they couldn't shill a few extra bucks on signing a few contracts. AND YES I KNOW. The musical uses the silver slippers in the first act in ode to the L. Frank Baum books which I love, but don't forget, they turn red when Elphaba enchants them to give Nessa the ability to walk. Dorothy shows up after Nessa is killed and has her shoes stolen. Why aren't they red now? Not to mention most of the audience might not know the original slippers in the books were silver. This would've been a great chance to combine two different canons.
WHO IS PLAYING DR. DILLAMOND???? ifitisjamescordenandyouusecrappycgiiwillgotoyourhousejohnchuand-
Finally, why did John Chu absolutely insist on this being a two parter movie with a year long intermission? Is this shit show really that fantastical that it can be akin to Kill Bill part 1 and 2?
That's pretty much it for now but expect an update to this post with a reblog with updated thoughts when an official trailer drops. My mind probably won't change though. I'm totalllllyyy not considering pulling an Eddy Burback sneaking into Morbius for a week when this movie comes out lol.
Universal Studios and AMC theaters that was a joke please for the love of god do not send Nicole Kidman after me.
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sleepyfoxbooks · 1 year
By Gregory Maguire
Hello again! This is going to cover the college years of Elphaba, her meeting Galinda and the insanity that ensures during her time at Shiz. Oh my God, this is a lot. There is so much to discuss in this part of the book. It feels like so much happens in this chapter and at the same time absolutely nothing at all. I’m trying really hard not to just summarize the whole thing so please bear with me. (I pretty much summarize the whole thing 😅)
⚠️Warning! Spoilers for the book and it’s musical counterpart! ⚠️
⚠️Content Warning! This story contains explicit language, mild violence, and racial issues! Read at your own risk!⚠️
Gillikin part 1
This chapter covers a lot of stuff in the span of 146 pages. I gonna try to skip the stuff I don’t have a whole lot to talk about. This chapter skips directly to Ms. Galinda on her way to Shiz University, which in the book is an all-girls school. On the train, she meets Dr. Dillamond, the Goat professor (love him). During this time we’ve learned The Wizard of Oz came to power via hostile takeover, and is rolling back the rights of Animals. Animals with a capital A refers to Animals with souls, and the ability to speak. Galinda is incredibly bitchy to the Doctor, strictly because he’s a Goat. Galinda is a shallow, classist, naïve girl that has no concern or care for anything outside of herself. No surprise there. She gets saddled with Elphaba as her roommate because her chaperone (named Ama Clutch) was late and couldn’t vouch for her. There is continued discussion of the rights of Animals and all. We are introduced to Boq, who is smitten with Glinda and attempts to get close to her with the aid of Elphaba (who finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious).
In comparison to the musical, Boq and Elphaba strike up this very interesting friendship. During the summer months the two build an unlikely friendship (along with a gay couple that I desperately want to see in the movie, but know I probably won’t) as they attempt to help Dr. Dillamond provide validity to his existence. Boq works in a library that is barred to Animals and women alike. Galinda goes to a summer lake house one of her friends own.
Moving on from the summer, Elphaba and Galinda are roomies again and for the start of their Sophomore year. Then, the worst, most terrible thing you could ever think of happens.
I wanted to scream so bad when I read this scene. All the poor Goat wanted was rights and he was murdered! The murder is so gruesome and bloody! Like no one is gonna believe this is anything other than murder. And it gets worse! Ama Clutch saw the murder from Galinda’s and Elphaba’s room! The head mistress (Madam Morrible or Horrible Morrible which I agree with very much) had her servant do it! This bitch made Ama Clutch go insane to cover up the murder!
With their chaperone out of commission, Horrible Morrible has Elphaba’s old nanny (conveniently named Nanny) come up to Shiz to take over as chaperone to the two girls. She of course has to being Nessarose with her as she is responsible for her. The thing about Nessarose is, she doesn’t have arms. She was born without arms, and struggles with balance and in turn walking. More can probably be said about this but I’m not exactly the person for that. Nessarose is much like her father, very religious. She is also the father’s favorite, so she’s very spoiled. Which honestly breaks the middle child stereotype (yes, they also have a younger brother named Shell, but he’s not important). Nessarose is described as stunningly beautiful, with her only flaw being said lack of arms.
Without a professor for the girl’s college, they connect the boys and girls college, letting them take classes together. This is where we are introduced to Fiyero.
Now Book Fiyero and Musical Fiyero are incredibly different. For starters, book Fiyero is explicitly a POC, and it is integral to his back story. Before I say anymore, I feel I must preface this with the fact that I’m very white, so I will not analyze these parts of his character as I am not equipped to do so. I ask any POC that feel comfortable in giving their insight on the character please do so. I’m gonna go through really quick and give all the information about Fiyero that is in the book but completely written out of the musical. I also should mention at lot of this reeks of “written by a white guy in the 90’s” so please approach this with caution.
Book Fiyero:
is married at the age of seven (he does reassure us that he hasn’t done the “mariatal duties”)
is often described as Ochre-skinned
has blue diamond tattoos all over his face and body
he is the crown prince of his tribe during his entrance
his clothes are described as strange and all other characters act like they’ve never seen a POC before.
Right now, Fiyero is a little more of a background character at this moment. He comes into class late and is attacked by a pair of sentient antlers (which my favorite gay couple saves him from). A side character, yet for some reason still friend to the rest of the main characters (named Alvaric) makes blatantly racist comments about Fiyero. Elphaba comes to his defense and that’s kinda it for now.
Now this class they share is run by a professor Nikidik, and this man is a menace to society (and not in a good way). This man kidnaps an orphaned baby lion, who is too young to speak, if it can. He plans to hit this baby lion with a mallet to see if it can feel pain (like what?!). Everyone freaks out (and rightfully so), and two girl students grab the lion off the table and run out of the classroom with the baby in their arms! (The cat distribution system at work!) And this man is so confused why they’re so upset. I imagine this professor’s face to be very punch-able.
Final thoughts
I didn’t know where to put this in the overall review, but Imma tag it on at the end here. Just like in the musical I think Galinda changing her name after the death of Dr. Dillamond to be pretty shallow. I understand what the attempt was here, and it definitely comes off better here than in the musical. Glinda sees that she was a really shallow person and begins to understand the world outside of her own head and the privileges she comes from. It just feels like she flipped a switch instead of ever having any kind of character growth that the readers can see. What might’ve fixed this would be instead of Galinda spending her entire summer break with her snobbish friends, she goes back to the school early and helps Boq and Elphaba with their research. This would give Galinda the opportunity to experience more in the injustices of Animals. I can just see her asking “why can’t women go to the library? Not like I’d want to of course, but just the principle?” during one of the meet ups.
I don’t know if it’s just me but there are things about the way Elphaba is written that I read as autism-coded. I don’t know if anyone else had that reading, if you did, I would love to compare notes on the subject!
Overall this chapter really packed a punch with its content. I hope to do a full character analysis when I’m done the book. If I skipped anything you wanted me to talk about please let me know. I admit I’m rather nervous to keep reading. Coming off of Good Omens, I had really not expected a deep dystopian conversation about rights and the injustices of the systems that revoke them.
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graciehart · 6 months
💝-- jisbon x musicals (i would be thrilled if you could put some Sondheim on there, but also just go wild with what you love. also I use Spotify primarily)
fidajf;ajf i'd say you have no idea but i think you do know just how much joy (and pain) this brought me!! and i am using this to give my explanations for each song, enjoy. also, i don't know your preferred versions, but a lot of them are more recent recordings because my favorite people are in them hehe
this playlist is once again much longer than intended lmao so I'll be nice and put it under a read more
always starting over (if/then) - see the post gifset!
we do not belong together (sunday in the park with george) - yes I cheated and used some from our conversations hehe but you are right, peak 6b jisbon
no one is alone (into the woods) - "sometimes people leave you halfway through the woods. do not let it grieve you, no one leaves for good."
dyin' ain't so bad (bonnie & clyde) - "dyin' ain't so bad, not if you both go together." in particular, this reminds me a lot of Jane in various seasons/situations
what you mean to me (finding neverland) - "every word and every sentence doesn't seem to make a difference; nothing can explain just what you mean to me." you have no idea what you've meant to me..............
here i go (if/then) - "you know, deep down, I'm a coward—afraid to let you in. But the only thing more frightening is to say what might've been, so here I go."
dangerous to dream (frozen) - "I can't be what you expect of me and I'm not what I seem, but I would love to know you... is it dangerous to dream?" they're both such scaredy cats i love them
i've been (next to normal) - "all my fears just sit inside me, screaming to be heard." that line reminds me of jane, but this song applies to both of them in different ways.
i am the one (next to normal) - i truly feel this is peak jane/lisbon season one finale energy.
for good (wicked) - this one feels pretty self-explanatory
no good deed (wicked) - this is one I think of as a Jane song re: his wife and daughter and subsequent relationship with Lisbon. "Let all Oz be agreed, I'm wicked through and through—since I could not succeed, Fiyero, saving you, I promise no good deed will I attempt to do again."
i will never leave you (side show) - throwback to one of the worst days of my life where i listened to this on repeat for a six hour car ride lmaoooo but also, I adore this song, and I just love when songs like this aren't romantic because it speaks to the different kind of love that is present.
a change in me (beauty and the beast) - i feel like I'm putting a lot of Jane songs so this is my disclaimer that I love Lisbon with my whole heart my WHOLE HEART and it's just so unusual that I also love the lead male character lol (this one also feels pretty self-explanatory)
all i've ever known (hadestown) - Lisbon, Lisbon, Lisbon. (Jane as well in a pretty different way)
you matter to me (waitress) - i mean, this gifset explains it.
if i didn't believe in you (the last five years) - i can't put it on the playlist because it's spotify and i don't really know how, but particularly the pronoun showdown versions of this song remind me of Lisbon (although... without changing the pronouns LOL)
helpless (hamilton) - "now my life gets better every letter that you write me." do you know how much i sob every time i watch lisbon read those letters. do you. DO YOU!!!!
without you (rent) - this one specifically reminds me of the two years between 6x08 and 6x09.
falling slowly (once) - "you have suffered enough and warred with yourself; it's time that you won." this line is literally etched into my soul and applies to so many things.
halfway (reprise) (amélie) - "even though I am always halfway there," "I could meet you there halfway."
if i loved you (carousel) - "if I loved you, words wouldn't come in an easy way—round in circles I'd go! Longing to tell you, but afraid and shy, I'd let my golden chances pass me by."
unusual way (nine) - just... the whole song.
a quiet thing (flora the red menace) - jisbon + home.
heart of stone (six) - I had to get some Six in there. This one reminds me of Lisbon <3
people will say we're in love (oklahoma!) - are they wrong though? (no.)
as long as you're mine (wicked) - their 7x09 conversation 😭
promises (hadestown) - "I can't promise you fair sky above, can't promise you kind road below, but I'll walk beside you, love, any way the wind blows."
where do we go from here (amélie) - "but whatever happens, here we go."
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icedfae · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! EMILIA MORALES on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the age 24 year old looks like SOFIA CARSON, but i don’t really see it. while the FIGURE SKATER is known for being TENACIOUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be CAPRICIOUS i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES IS MAGIC by THE POLICE {she/her / cisfemale}
every little thing she does is magic
Name: Emilia Raquel Morales Age:  Twenty-Four DOB: July 8, 1998 Gender: Cisfemale Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Olympic Class Figure Skater Parents: Javier Morales, Raquel Morales Siblings: Javi Morales (older brother) Hometown: Miami, Florida
every little thing she does just turns me on
Youngest child of Javier and Raquel Morales, Emilia was born three years after the family moved to Miami, Florida, becoming the first natural born American citizen while her parents and brother eventually became citizens in their own right.
Her entire life Emilia wanted to be a princess, often twirling in dresses her mother handmade for her. When she was five years old, her mother had taken her to Disney on Ice and the rest was history. She wanted to be just like the princesses and that started the life long dedication to the sport of women’s single ice skating.
Her family didn’t have much growing up but the longer that Javi’s career in music rose the more Emilia fought to be as good as him, if not better. She wanted to be remembered as something other than Javi’s younger sister born 16 years later.
Blood, sweat and tears put into the sport and she only got two Olympic Games out of it -- 2018 and 2022, having missed the deadline of 15 for the 2014 games by 7 days.
After missing the qualification for the 2014 games by a week, Emilia had to check herself and really think about how she wanted things to go. She ended up moving up to Boston to skate full time, not really feeling the Miami vibes anymore. Just up and moved herself up the coast for funsies.
She was ranked internationally as one of the most decorated in women’s single skating often competing back and forth with Russian skaters. Always placed gold or silver in her events since her senior career began.
At the 2018 Olympics, Emilia walked away with a gold medal in woman’s short program and a silver in women’s free skate. In 2022, Emilia was awarded the gold medal in short program and the bronze in free skate, placing behind one of her teammates, who got gold. Every expected a behind the scenes tantrum but all you could see was giggling from the podium and then hugging after the medals were awarded.
Since her last games, Emilia is currently catching up on her studies while also skating for UCLA while she decides if she wants to make another run for the Olympics in four years or move onto coaching.
even though my life before her was tragic
things to note
To this day she still has all of her medals from different events hung in a trophy case in her home. She’s very proud of the accomplishments she’s had in her short life.
Her mother, Raquel, has made every single one of her
Really can be the sweetest human alive or your worst nightmare depending on the day of the week.
Absolutely looks for the best in everyone but the moment you cross her she’s going to burn your entire house down.
Very rarely wears pants. It’s always skirts or dresses, still stuck in her princess daydreams.
Has a husky named Harding, after her skating hero, and a cat named Fiyero.
Very close with her older brother and always loved when he was around with his huge schedule.
Doesn’t know when to quit, has often times had to be told to chill out by everyone around her.
Also doesn’t understand ‘no’ as a concept.
now i know my love for her goes on
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cryptids-stories · 2 years
hwo would your ocs fare on a ghost hunt?
- Blue would be fine, ghost hunting is not too different from what she already does anyways
- Coal is freaking out just a little bit but he’s acting so normal about it
- Fiyero is having the absolute worst time and he wants to go home sooo bad. But otherwise he’s doing fine
- Ari is. Ari is determined to find the ghosts. She is going to find them and she is going to fight them.
- The Ghost King is the ghost but he pretends to be just some dude™️ who helps the ghost hunters search for himself. He is having a blast
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ohlookitstomorrowff · 3 years
So, the casting for Elphaba and Glinda for the Wicked movie has just been announced and I just need to rant…
Like, seriously, thanks for giving me the worst news since COVID - not literally, but pretty close.
The casting of Elphaba wasn’t that big a deal for me, I just wanted a powerhouse vocalist with great acting ability and I’m pretty hopeful to see what Cynthia Erivo will do.
However, while I didn’t have high hopes for the casting of Glinda (I really thought they were going to throw Dove Cameron into the role, which, at this point, would be an improvement) I really wanted someone who could portray all of Glinda’s nuances.
For a fictional character, Glinda means so much to me - if it wasn’t for her, and how she inspired me, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to get through the hardest time in my life, I wouldn’t have sat down and started to write fan fiction, and I wouldn’t have ended up studying English Lit at university.
When I came into the Wicked fandom it was after hearing Idina Menzel on the Frozen soundtrack, so I was a pretty big Elphaba stan and only saw Glinda as comedic relief and Elphaba’s secret girlfriend. But when I saw the show for the first time in the West End, right in the middle of the second row, everything changed. I watched as Savannah Stevenson descended in Glinda’s bubble and I couldn’t believe how wrong I’d been; the emotion on her face as she tried to pretend to celebrate Elphaba’s death with the rest of Oz really did break my heart. She’d just lost the one person in the world that she’d ever truly cared for, the one person who saw past her perfect facade and had believed that she was capable of far more than being a trophy among society, and she had to pretend to be happy, she had to keep her promise to Elphaba not to reveal the truth and help Oz heal and rebuild.
Everyone loves Elphaba for her courage and her passion, we see her as someone good and pure who was wrongly deemed villainous just because of her appearance, but most people forget that Elphaba (in the musical) got her supposed happy ending - she ran off with Fiyero - and Glinda was the one who was left broken and confused, but strong and resolute to do the best for everyone else.
Glinda goes on such an emotional journey throughout the show, she has the most significant character arc, and that’s reflected in the score. The low notes in the reprisal of I’m Not That Girl and For Good are supposed to represent the slip of her control, and the high notes in NOMTW, Thank Goodness and the Finale are to signify the mask she has to adopt when the world is watching. The operatic high notes set her apart from the Ozians; you can easily pick Kristin Chenoweth’s voice out from the ensemble as the chant ‘wicked’ at the end of NOMTW, for example. The highest note of all, at the end of Thank Goodness, comes at Glinda’s moment of realisation - she’s just admitted to herself that none of the things she thought would make her happy have, she’s just realised just what they’ve cost her, she’s just accepted that her true self is the person that Elphaba tried to convince her she could be, but she’s got to pretend that none of that is true, that she ‘couldn’t be happier today.’ That note takes amazing vocal control for an actress, no matter how hard it is, or how tired they’re feeling, they’ve got to put all of that aside and literally master their breathing to perfection. In that instance, they have to mirror Glinda’s internal process, and when it’s done right, like with Kristin, Savannah, and other Glinda’s like Suzie Mathers and GC, it’s so breathtaking it leaves me with tears in my eyes.
Is Ariana Grande going to be able to do any of that? Is she going to be able to show the full extent of Glinda’s emotions and not just play into the comedic airhead stereotype that many believe Glinda to represent? Is she going to be able to hit those high notes convincingly, never mind even starting on the conversation of will she option them up - that optional high F is tough, and so few Glinda’s have been able to hit it? Is she even going to able to utilise proper diction and enunciate Glinda’s lines properly?
Or is she going to absolutely ruin everything about what I think makes Glinda Glinda - one of the most multifaceted female characters to appear on Broadway.
And don’t even get me started on the possibility of Gelphie in this movie, I’ve kissed that goodbye unfortunately. I really think it is going to do it’s best to be heteronormative and force Glinda and Elphaba into this rival love interests mould.
(I’m legit just waiting for them to announce James Corden as the Wizard or Dr Dillamond, and Harry Styles as Fiyero… I miss the days when this movie was just a rumour, how carefree and full of hope I was then…)
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lesbiten · 3 years
I just hate what they’ve done to Fiyero and it’s just.
What if instead of… Musical!Fiyero, he was instead like. A himbo who was only there to progress the plot, almost like a Manic Pixie Dream Boy but not really, and then he becomes an Animal Rights person who like. Commits crimes and stuff, which would make the only song worth removing ALAYM, and also, Elphaba and Fiyero solidarity in a way that isn’t creepy and unnerving, and like. I don’t know I just think that would make the love triangle a lot more compelling??? Especially since it was framed as Fiyero choosing between Elphaba and Glinda, when I personally think that it would’ve been better framed as Elphaba choosing Fiyero or Glinda??? AND ALSO LIKE. I FEEL LIKE IF FIYERO BECOMES A MARTYR AND WAY MORE EXTREME THAN ELPHABA THAT WOULD’VE BEEN A REALLY GOOD CONTRAST IN A WAY WHERE IT’S LIKE. Instead of Fiyero being the worst qualities of Elphaba and Glinda, it’d be like. Fiyero and Glinda being on opposing sides politically, and Elphaba has to like. Choose between the two??? I don’t know I feel like making Fiyero the literal opposite of Gale Force would be better??? Also, that would make No Good Deed make a lot more sense imo??? Like. Fiyero becoming a martyr for the cause of Animals and becoming a staunch supporter, and it’s like. Not only would Elphaba lose a close friend (and possible love interest but I don’t really care much for that perspective tbh) she would also lose like. A confidante and someone who she could trust to do the right thing??? Also, making Act 2!Fiyero’s character more than literally just “Obsessed with Elphaba”????
I feel like it made no sense for Fiyero to be a Gale Force person when like. Animal Rights Revolutionary was RIGHT THERE
But also I think that was somewhat already in the books if the fanfic I’ve read says anything but like. Idk, if they’re gonna completely rewrite Wicked, might as well do it in a way that’s compelling????
Like. They had it with Glinda and having a complete arc but like. I feel like if instead of pitting them against each other making it like. Irreconcilable differences in execution would’ve been better??? But also like. I feel like the contrast would’ve been really interesting because somehow, I think that both Fiyero and Glinda, if they were on opposite sides, they would operate in nearly the same way??? Like. I feel like it would be intensely strategy driven in an almost cold way, while Elphaba would provide a contrast of being intensely emotion driven??? tl;dr there was so much potential
FIRST OF ALL YEAH it just feels like an extra punch in the face that she did not need or deserve and the fact that it was SO EASY for him to say it is just like. worrying. upsetting. screaming and crying. fiyero why do u need to be mean to glinda WHAT HAS SHE EVEN DONE TO DESERVE IT? NOTHING.
anyways yeah the whole concept of fiyero and glinda being on the opposing end of the political spectrum, with glinda working for the wizard [albeit against her will] and fiyero actively working to overthrow him. i think that fiyero becoming an animal rights activist because in the short amount of time he spent with elphaba, he realized he didn't have to dumb himself down and he SHOULD fight for what he believes in, i think that would've been some fun character development that created a natural connection between his character in act 1 and his character in act 2.
the fact that fiyero helps elphaba with the lion cub in the first act and kind of has an "oh shit" moment would lead you to believe he'd have dropped the silly rich boy persona, especially after elphaba went missing, but...no? he still does keep up at least part of that persona in public, even if begrudgingly, and has quite literally joined the very system that elphaba was fighting so hard to destroy. it kind of just leaves you wondering what the hell happened between acts for fiyero to have decided not only to stay with glinda despite clearly being unhappy, but also why he would have joined the gale force to look for elphaba when he could've been spending that time fighting for her cause. idk!
but yeah it also definitely would've added more to his character than being obsessed with elphaba because as it stands that's kind of all he reads as. he's a walking red flag he quite literally loses all of his personality traits from act 1 and becomes unbearably weird. why.
and also agreed that it would add some substance behind no good deed. because look. i love that song it fucks severely but the fact that it's centered almost entirely around fiyero meanwhile elphaba hardly knows him and has just seen him for the first time in YEARS makes it feel......very empty. when she mentions nessa and dillamond it makes sense to me because well. nessa is her sister (fun fact) and dillamond was the only adult who showed her kindness and also she worked with him constantly. but then when it gets to the Big One and its fiyero........? like. i don't know. their relationship just didn't Exist enough prior to that moment for fiyero to BE the focus of that song. y'know. just strange to me
tl;dr there was so much potential :pensive:
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bastardtetsu · 4 years
haikyuu + musical theatre boys
hq characters & what they’d be like as musical theatre boys - what they’re good at, what kind of shows they book, how they are to work with, roles they’d play, etc. | starring: sugawara, oikawa, bokuto, kuroo, tendou (+ tsukishima, kenma, akaashi)
for weeks my head has been full of hq!MT boys, inspired by over a decade of being a theatre kid, and @karasimpno has only enabled my debauchery. these are just a few of my faves, but i have more theatre boys where this came from so if this doesn’t flop maybe i will post more hehe
tw swearing, musical theatre references, oikawa slander
SUGAWARA [tenor] this bitch is SO talented it should be illegal and he books like crazy. nothing like a pretty soft boi with the voice of an angel in musical theatre <3 not really a dancer but moves very well, also can act the house down like you think he’s this basic MT boy but then it turns out this mf has range and is not afraid to use it. will go from playing the sweetest, most charming leading man to a complex, terrifying villain, and the whiplash will make you fall in love with him. a dream to work with, obviously. very strong with classical text as well. his ability is frankly terrifying and far too powerful. the type of boy you cold read with once at a callback and never see again, but playing opposite him for those 2 minutes is enough to make you think about him for the rest of your life
lucas in the addams family, anthony in sweeney todd, the princeton/rod or nicky/trekkie/bad idea bear track in avenue Q, the emcee in cabaret PLS
OIKAWA [tenor] let’s be real oikawa already has an MT personality and it’s the worst kind. he thinks he’s rachel berry but really he’s kurt. he still books though bc he’s pretty and sings like an angel~ he can move really well and his jazz/MT style dancing is very strong, can also tap a little but it’s like barely enough to get by. his acting is kinda mediocre but his stage presence is out of this world and he’s hot so it doesn’t rlly matter, he stays booking leading men & disney princes left and right. truly is very talented at what he does, he’s just so annoying about it and constantly fronting all these skills he does not have, like he keeps trying to put leading lady songs in his book in their original key which is just.... not what those pipes are built for girl. bringing a whole new meaning to the nickname “flattykawa”
fiyero in wicked, pippin in pippin, conrad in bye bye birdie, aaron samuels in mean girls, joseph in joseph & the amazing technicolor dreamcoat, just all the basic mt boy shit
BOKUTO [baritone, tenor, everything in between, HIS RANGE] an absolute star. all-around amazing dancer (those muscles aren’t just for show babyyy) but especially tap and partnering (imagine him just lifting u.. god) powerhouse vocals across the board, his diaphragm is insane. he’s the type of MT who is always yelling even when they aren’t on stage, not even aware of it he’s just loud asf. always spitting everywhere too. no one is safe. acting is probably his weakest point just bc he doesn’t have a lot of versatility style-wise, but in no way is he bad at it i meannnnn have u seen how expressive and energetic that man is?? he does literally any golden age musical comedy leading man soooo well and is a blast to work with, such posi vibes & the character choices his himbo brain comes up with are so silly they’re genius
don lockwood in singin in the rain, gabey in on the town, bobby in crazy for you, jimmy in nice work if you can get it, robert in drowsy chaperone, will in oklahoma!
KUROO [baritenor] one of those fuckers who started doing theatre by accident, and immediately started booking out the wazoo with no training because he’s naturally talented and hot. i hate him so much. has that “idgaf i don’t have to try” aura about him, but his work ethic is actually?? really good??? once he starts learning more he really does put the work in. has that feeling of ease in his stage presence & good instincts that make up for his lack of training, plus his vocals have no right sounding that good on their own wtf. fucker thinks he’s frank sinatra, and honestly, it’s criminal how good he is at golden age material when most of what he books is contemporary bc of his dumb hair he’s not exactly a dancer but like…. bitch can move. plus he’s got body so that helps him a lot. mostly books leads anyway because that’s just how it goes when ur a hotboy with charm and talent. also he can fieRCE classical text??!?? (hint: it’s bc he’s a nerd) just stop being talented already jesus
melchior in spring awakening, sky masterson in guys & dolls, demetrius in midsummer, BENEDICK IN MUCH ADO PLS I NEED IT FOR MY HEALTH
TENDOU [countertenor] kicks ass at everything like he’s so talented and so versatile. vocals are insane, he has mad range and can do any number of character voices/impressions/dialects/what have you. his falsetto is unmatched (nice try flattykawa). we been knew his instincts are killer - character acting, comedy, improv, clown, mime, devised/alt theatre, contemporary MT, golden age MT, classical text you name it he can slay it all. his resume is so chaotic. he can body a super intense scene too, i feel like he trained in meisner & got traumatized from it and for a while he had an issue with getting too into character & doing crazy shit bc it was “method,” but eventually learned better<3 excellent mover, used to be a trina ballerina so his technique always shocks people even though he’s been out of practice for a long time (the dance world can be toxic and he was over it, so he yeeted all the way out of there a while ago). all around a wild human being with the ability to transform into numerous other wild human beings, creatures, abstract concepts, etc.
beetlejuice in beetlejuice, almost any track in cats but especially mungojerrie, mary sunshine in chicago, the porter in macbeth, CALIBAN IN THE TEMPEST PLEASEPLEASRPKEASE
characters who have zero MT energy but still fit elsewhere in the theatre world:
TSUKKI is a sound tech who is mean to performers esp during sound check, has a particular vitriol against MTs (except yamaguchi)
KENMA is an ASM who rarely gives a fuck, also does lighting & projection design. doesn’t hate MTs like tsukki, but their energy is usually a lot for him so he tends to avoid
AKAASHI is a playwright & dramaturg, but he used to act and can recite shakespeare on a dime, sonnets, soliloquys, whatever ur heart desires <3 may also play an instrument and sometimes writes lil songs but he doesn’t flex them bc he’s shy bby
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malspinningyarns · 3 years
Ok, I can’t believe I’m getting excited about Wicked after 10 years, but I’ve been hit with casting inspiration for the movie.
First off: David Alan Grier as the Wizard.
I think this this is one of my more inspired ideas. Can you imagine? It’s not the most immediate choice (like Original Joel Gray or Martin Short) but he’d be wonderful (pun totally intended). He can act, he can sing, he can dance. He’s the right age. He’s funny. Having a black man play the Wizard can add an extra layer of depth. It’s an all-around good choice.
Fiyero: a couple of options
There are many ways Fiyero can go. I don’t know why one of my first thoughts was of Harry Styles. He definitely has the charisma of a Fiyero. Voice? Probably if pop-y. Acting? I don’t know. It’s a very Hollywood choice though. I don’t know if Henry Golding can sing, but acting and appearance wise not a bad choice. Aaron Tveit played the role on Broadway and would be very good though he is pushing 40. Then I was struck by inspiration: what about Taron Egerton? He’s around the same age as Cynthia and Ari. Very strong singer. Has the looks and the charisma. And is a good actor.
I think there is a high chance Ben Platt will get the role. His dad is one of the producers. I thought he had played the roll before, apparently he hasn’t? It’s possible they’d pick an unknown for the role or a little-known actor. I think Harvey Guillén from What We Do In the Shadows would be a good choice though.
Nessarose: there is only one choice here
Ali Stroker! An actual wheelchair user for Nessarose! But doesn’t she stand up at some point you may be asking yourself? It’s a movie! It’s a lot more possible to do this on film through movie magic than it is on stage.
Madame Morrible: a million choices
Pick an older character actress. Any older character actress. They’d all do great. Carol Kane? She’s played the role many times. Miriam Margolyes? Same. Andrea Martin? Fantastic. Catherine O’Hara? Great. Chita Rivera? Why not!
Doctor Dillamond: Just don’t pick James Corden
I used to like James Corden, but he’s been in too many movie musicals. “Something Bad” is the worst song in the show. They’re filming it in London. Just give it to like Rob Brydon or something.
If any of these end up right, I deserve a cookie. If most of them are right, I deserve a casting credit.
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
only fools rush in / part seven: performance anxiety
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
summary: Virgil feels anxiety towards multiple things, including the upcoming performances and his intimacy with Roman.
TW: anxiety attack, mention of suicide attempt, blood mention, lots of self-doubt, vague sex mentions, mentions of scars
also more Wicked: The Musical spoilers.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Virgil stood off stage, hands wringing as he watched the final scenes of the dress rehearsal. Roman was in his scarecrow outfit then, and he reached down into the hatch under the stage to pull up the actress who was playing Elphaba.
“Fiyero! I thought you’d never get here,” the actress said, embracing Roman tightly, touching his face.
“Go ahead, touch. I don’t mind,” Roman breathed deeply. “Ah, you did the best you could. You saved my life.”
“You’re still beautiful,” she said, and Roman laughed lightly, looking down at the ground.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he responded, and Virgil chewed on his lower lip, watching their foreheads press together.
“It’s not lying… it’s looking at things another way,” her voice wavered, and Virgil knew she’d be the one receiving a standing ovation on opening night. Still, he turned on his heel; he couldn’t bear to watch Roman kiss her again. Fiyero kisses both leads, and Virgil tried to avoid watching those moments every single time; though, he had accidentally seen the kiss between Roman and the actress who plays Glinda earlier, and it was now the only thing he saw when he closed his eyes. When he was called on stage to join the curtain call, he held Nessarose’s actress’ hand lightly, not looking to where Roman was situated between those playing Glinda and Elphaba.
Later, he sat in the green room, wiping off the silver makeup of the Tin Man, his mind and heart racing. Perhaps playing a character like Boq was starting to affect the way he thought, the way he was reacting to his relationship with Roman.
Things were so new between them, but the feelings were so strong. Roman had started saying he loved Virgil more frequently, and he wondered if the shorter man was expecting him to say it back soon. He wasn’t ready to say it, though. Maybe he felt it, but the words were like lumps in his throat that he couldn’t bear to get rid of yet.
Virgil’s parents never once told him that they loved him. The first person to tell him those words was Janus, and even after being best friends for so long, Virgil only said those words to the other on very rare occasions.
What did that one song say? Only fools rush in.
Virgil didn’t want to be a fool. He didn’t want to rush. He wanted to take his time, but it was so hard when Roman was so… perfect. Perfect Roman bringing over flowers from Patton’s mom’s floral shop, taking him to sit under the stars or in the sunshine, bringing a smile to his face and kissing his cheeks–
It made Virgil want to burst into tears. No one other than Janus had ever paid him this much attention. Every single time Roman leaned up on the tips of his toes to kiss Virgil’s lips with as much love and passion as the first time, it made Virgil weak at the knees. It made him want to latch onto Roman and never let go.
And he wondered if Roman kissed the actresses the same way. If he gave them the same amount of consideration and gentleness as he did when Virgil was feeling anxious, if the girls could taste Roman’s cherry chapstick or the lingering flavor of the iced coffee that the couple would share during rehearsal breaks. Virgil only had to kiss the actress playing Nessarose on the cheek, and even so, they hadn’t done it in every rehearsal.
The character of Boq– so in love with Glinda, only being with Nessa because he felt bad for her, because he thought that if he was kind to her then Glinda would pay him attention– was not the kindest character to play. Was Virgil like him?
Or, was Roman like Fiyero? Staying with Glinda to keep up appearances but secretly in love with Elphaba, until the two eventually run away together and let everyone believe they are dead?
Janus slid out of bed to get more water from the kitchen. He glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that it was nearing four in the morning. When he passed Virgil’s room, the light shone under the door and he could hear scribbling and crumpling, and concern shot through him. Janus knocked once at the door, peering in.
“Vee? You alright…?” Janus was always hesitant to walk into Virgil’s room; sometimes, he got flashbacks of the day that he found Virgil on his bed, the blood seeping through his clothes as he rushed to care for his best friend. Janus shook his head, trying to shake the thought from his head as he saw Virgil sitting cross-legged on the floor, notebook open but many crumpled pages scattered around. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Can’t sleep. Need… I need to figure this out,” Virgil’s voice was hoarse, and when he glanced up at Janus, his eyes were red, the dark circles underneath deeper than they’d been in a while. Janus settled on the floor beside him, glancing at the words he was writing down.
-Virgil Similarities to Boq: weak weak weak weak weak weak no heart
-Roman Similarities to Fiyero: is he cheating on me does he love someone else does he even care is he kissing someone else
Janus frowned, then took the notebook out of Virgil’s hands. “Hey, look at me, right now. You two are not your characters, okay? And you are not weak, Vee.” He set the notebook down and took Virgil’s shaking hands in his own. “Talk to me.”
“I just... Roman kisses the leads, and I’m offstage watching, and I can’t, I can’t do it,” Virgil shut his eyes tightly, trying to hold the tears in. “I’m not good enough for him, Jan, I can’t be.” Janus’ frown deepened, and he rubbed his thumbs against the back of Virgil’s hands.
“Breathe with me, Vee. Hey. Look in my eyes, and breathe,” Janus ordered, and Virgil met his eyes, the tears spilling over the edge. The two sat and breathed deeply together, Virgil following Janus’ lead, for several minutes, until the shaking stopped and the tears were dribbling down his cheeks instead of streaming down them. Eventually, Virgil clambered into Janus’ lap, the way he had so many times on those difficult nights during high school.
Janus ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair with one hand and rubbed circles on his wrist with the other, like he always did. The tall man’s tears slowed to a stop and his breathing fully evened out, but Janus could still tell that Virgil was anxious about the situation. He’d known the other man for so long that he could feel the emotions pouring out, even if they were both sitting in silence.
“Virgil, I’m going to call Roman, okay?” Janus’ voice was smooth, and instantly, Virgil was sitting up, panic crossing his face.
“No, please, he can’t see me like this, Jan!” Virgil pleaded, but Janus shook his head. “I need you, no one else. Please don’t force me out or make me someone else’s problem!” Guilt tore through Janus’ body and he held back tears, taking Virgil into his arms again.
“That isn’t what I’m doing,” Janus started to explain, regret filling his bones. “I just… I see how much Roman helps you and how he makes you feel. If you’re going to remain with him, then he does need to see this, he needs to know how to help you.” Virgil kept shaking his head, and Janus sighed, his fingers lacing their way back through the long hair. “Do you love him?”
“I… you know how I feel about saying that,” Virgil’s voice was hoarse again, his heartbeat uneven. Janus nodded at this, but didn’t say anything. “He loves me, but how could he continue to feel that way for me if he sees me like this, sees me doubting him? What if it scares him off?”
“Well, then he’s not worth your time or your love,” Janus said very matter-of-factly, and Virgil whined aloud at this revelation. The sociology major sighed, his fingers twisting in the other’s hair a bit. “In all honesty, Vee, he won’t get scared off. He loves you, and he only wants to be there for you.”
“I’m here for you,” Janus said softly, sitting in the chair next to the main tattoo chair. It was Virgil’s 18th birthday, and he decided to celebrate by getting his first tattoo. Janus happily joined him, but Virgil was starting to get a bit nervous. “If you want to leave, we can, okay?”
“No. I need to do this,” Virgil had decided that once he turned 18, everything would change. And that started with doing something for himself that his parents would never want him to do. He laid on his stomach, holding Janus’ hand tightly as the tattoo artist did his job; a storm cloud on the back of his left hip. Virgil didn’t know what it was about that spot or that tattoo, only that after storm clouds, things get better. Rainbows come. He didn’t know when to expect his rainbow, but he hoped it would arrive soon.
A few months after the storm cloud tattoo, he got gauges in his ears to commemorate moving into the apartment with Janus. At the time, he thought that was his rainbow.
Roman was over at the apartment in record time. When he saw Janus’ name on the screen, at 4 in the morning, of course only the worst possible scenarios ran through his head. Roman had thought of every outcome before Janus could get out the words. Virgil was anxious about the play, about the characters the two of them had taken the roles of, and about the kiss scenes. And so Roman grabbed his coat and slipped into his sneakers, then ran the few blocks between apartments, all while in his pajamas.
When he arrived at the apartment, Janus was sitting at the dining table, his head in his hands, a mug of tea in front of him. “He was dozing off, but you should go in there,” he had said. Roman thought that Janus was going to fall asleep right there, but said nothing as he made his way into Virgil’s bedroom.
And he was dozing off, back against the foot of the bed and legs curled up underneath him. Roman sat down next to him, pulling the taller man into his arms, pressing soft kisses to the unshaven face. “Hey, babe, talk to me. What’s going on?” Virgil’s eyes focused on Roman’s face, and then he crumpled, pressing his face into the other man’s shoulder.
“I-I-I’m so weak, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Virgil hiccuped after saying these words, and Roman just rubbed circles on his back, waiting for the psychology major to elaborate. “I just, I can’t bear to see you kissing them, because what if you kiss them the same way as you kiss me and I’m not special and I mean nothing to you and–”
“Whoah, whoah! Okay, babe, you need to listen to me,” Roman took a deep breath  before continuing. “You. Are. The. Most. Special. Person. In. The. World. Okay? I love you. So fucking much. And you know what? You mean everything to me,” his voice was firm and confident, and Virgil sniffled into his shoulder. “I give them pecks, that’s all, and before we had our first rehearsal I told them both that it would be nothing more than that because I’m with you and no one else.”
“B-But what if I’m not good enough, and you hate me because I’m such a mess–” Virgil cut himself off, not wanting to continue the sentence. Roman’s voice was there again, though, grounding the anxious man.
“Virgil, can I kiss you? If you’re feeling too uneasy for that I won’t, but I want to show you how much you mean to me.” He made no movements, but Virgil pulled away from his shoulder and nodded, wiping the snot and tears off of his face with his jacket sleeve. Roman smiled a bit at this and then leaned in, pressing their lips together in much the same way as that day that they first kissed; sloppy, a little rushed, but so full of adoration and love.
“Roman, you’re my rainbow.”
Virgil and Roman sat on the edge of the stage, their hands linked as they listened to the director make announcements for the next week of rehearsals. They’d have the rest of that day off to rest, but then there would be full rehearsals the following three days, leading up to their final dress rehearsal and then opening night.
Ever since the night (or late morning, depending on your view of time) that Roman came to comfort Virgil, they had been spending every night in Virgil’s bed, Roman comforting and holding his boyfriend close, talking him through anxiety attacks and running their lines until one (or both) of them dozed off.
The others had started to wonder if they should all move into one of the apartments and sell the others, but six guys and one bathroom was not an ideal situation. Logan had decided that he would try to locate a home with enough bedrooms and several restrooms for them to move into at the end of the term, but until then, everyone was spending most of their time with their partners.
That night, though, Roman and Virgil went back to the apartment that Roman lived in with Logan and Patton, because Roman needed to get some more clothes from his closet. He explained it to Virgil as “I’ve got to slay everyday”, and the taller man didn’t argue, even though he did wonder if Roman got tired of his constant black jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies.
As they entered the building, they ran into Remy and Emile, who they hadn’t seen for several weeks due to how busy they all had been. Emile tried pulling Virgil in for a hug, but the tall man just shook his head, looking down to avoid seeing the upset look on the cartoon lover’s face.
“Virgil, are you studying for your exams properly? Grades are important if you want to get into the doctoral program someday,” Emile’s voice was cheerful, but it only made Virgil want to sink into the floor. “I could help you study next week if you’d like.”
“Uh… not next week. We have performances and rehearsals every day for the next two weeks, but… after that I could use some help, maybe,” Virgil’s voice was low, and Roman said nothing, but the two excused themselves to go up to the apartment. He wanted to say something, but Virgil just pulled him to the bedroom, passing Logan who was at the kitchen counter, working on assignments.
When they got into the bedroom, Virgil flipped the lock and kissed Roman suddenly, roughly, albeit a bit awkwardly. Roman didn’t have time to protest, he eased into the embrace and kissed his boyfriend back with vigor, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s neck.
“Tonight?” Roman managed to get out between kisses, and Virgil nodded, his hands trailing to push Roman’s jacket off of his shoulders. The two had discussed taking their relationship to the next level… physically, that is… for a few days, and while Roman was eager for whenever it would be, Virgil was, of course, anxious about it. Roman decided to turn off the thinking part of his brain, though, and kissed down Virgil’s neck, unzipping the hoodie and pulling it off.
“Tonight. Now. We’re going to be so exhausted the next few weeks, and I don’t want to wait until we’re done with performances,” Virgil’s voice had taken on a husky tone, and Roman nodded, pushing the two over to the bed. They kissed on the bed, Roman straddling Virgil’s hips, for several minutes, Virgil trying to grind up into the touch.
Roman pulled his own shirt off and then his hands dove under Virgil’s t-shirt, making the other flinch. He pulled his hands back, eyes full of concern as they met Virgil’s wide-blown pupils. “Virge? Are you okay?”
“I-I don’t know…” Virgil bit on his lower lip. He didn’t know why he was suddenly feeling his throat constrict at the thought of Roman pulling his shirt off; they’d made out topless in the past, and had been sharing a bed for several weeks. Maybe it was the knowledge that this moment was different. Virgil had never done this before. “Roman, I’m… a virgin. I don’t know how to do this, I feel so nervous. I don’t know…”
“Hey, shhh,” Roman leaned down to kiss his cheek. “We can wait as long as you need, even if it’s weeks or months from now. I’m in no rush. I love where we are now, okay? Not doing this tonight won’t change how I feel about you.” At those words, Virgil felt a surge of emotion, and he wanted to say those words, he felt them bubbling up again, but they didn’t come out. He couldn’t say those words yet.
Roman slipped his shirt back on and moved up on the bed, arms open for Virgil. The two snuggled close for a while until they decided to change into their pajamas, and once they were under the covers, the lights out, Virgil let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Virgil was standing in the cafe on campus, waiting for his order of an iced coffee for Roman and a caramel macchiato for himself, when he felt a hand clap onto his shoulder. He jumped, glancing over to see Emile’s bright and shining smile. “Please don’t startle me like that.”
“Sorry, kiddo. I was just excited to see you here! Remy works here, and he’s just about to get off of his shift, maybe you wanna go to dinner with–”
“I can’t. Rehearsals,” Virgil muttered watching as Emile’s smile fell. “I appreciate the offer, though.”
“I thought you were a psychology major, Virgil. Why are you spending so much time on something that you’re not going to pursue in the future?” Emile’s question surprised Virgil, who crossed his arms.
“I am a psychology major, but I’m also a theater minor. I love doing this stuff, please don’t judge me,” Virgil had had his fair share of doubts on the subject before. “I can focus on both.”
“I’m not saying that you can’t kiddo, it’s just… well, you seem distracted.” Virgil glared at Emile over these words.
“You don’t know me, please don’t start acting like you can see right through me with all of this. I’m not distracted. I’m focused.” Virgil said nothing more before grabbing the two drinks from the counter and heading out the door and towards the theater, where he knew Roman would be waiting with a kiss and a hug.
Was he distracted? Was Roman distracting him from his education? He had been performing well in his courses and rehearsals, he hadn’t missed any assignments. Virgil didn’t think that he could be distracted, but… theater had become something more important to him, and a big reason for that was Roman, his rainbow.
And he’d do anything to ensure that the rainbow stayed, because he didn’t know if he could bear the storm clouds returning.
teaser for part eight: of flowers and freeing words
It had all happened so quickly; from the moment they met, Patton was in it. Their first date was unlike any other he had ever had, because they both broke down their walls. And as they grew to know each other more, as they progressed physically and emotionally, Patton wanted more and more to believe that Remus was the one he was made for. That, perhaps, Patton Hart, in his mother’s womb all those years ago, was being crafted just so that he could be held tenderly by Remus Creative.
Part Eight will be posted on Sunday, August 30 at 12PM PDT
part eight | part nine | part ten
taglist (to be added please send me an ask!)
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gaylinda-with-a-gay · 4 years
Favorite character: Glinda
Least Favorite character: I hate Fiyero most of the time but the wizard is just... boring and despicable which is the worst combination OH also I have a slightly unexplainable rage towards Boq
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Glinda and Elphaba... that's it
Character I find most attractive: The women that play Glinda are just... so incredible, and Stephanie Torns Elphaba
Character I would marry: Every single character would need to go through some intense therapy before I even thought about marrying them
Character I would be best friends with:
a random thought: this is a really hard thing to do with a Musical, also I was supposed to see the tour last month and it was going to be the first show I paid for myself and I'm really bummed about missing it.
An unpopular opinion: Fiyero is a hard role to play, especially having half the time everyone else has to do all that character development and most actors just... don’t do it in a way that is good or believable
my canon OTP: Can I do a Brotp of Elphaba and Fiyero?
Non-canon OTP: Elphaba and Glinda
most badass character: it would be a betrayal to not put Elphaba here right?
pairing I am not a fan of: Elphaba and Fiyero
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): The writers obviously want us to like Fiyero and be satisfied that he and Elphaba end up together but only introducing him halfway through the show and really giving them no development compared to Elphaba and Glinda (as it should be, the show is about them) really puts a damper on it
favourite friendship: Elphaba and Glinda (duh)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I would hella adopt Elphaba and give her a better childhood
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guileheroine · 5 years
all kinds of different
a friend/shippy gelphie (wicked) ficlet written last nov for the 2019 Femslash Exchange on ao3/dreamwidth (i just realised i forgot to post this here!) 💜✨// 1.4k, ao3 
“You should do a charity ball! Always gets people interested,” Galinda suggests, offhand, before the sight of Elphaba working draws her focus. Elphaba decides, displaying what she thinks is commendable restraint, to concentrate on her task instead of telling her that no one in all of Gillikin is going to turn up to a dance for Animal rights. In any case, they are both too consumed in the transformation of the withered houseplant on the desk for that particular trail of conversation to survive. Galinda’s eyes are huge and keen and not a little wondrous, a more potent distraction than her comments.
“Amazing!” She sighs, with a soft clap of her hands.
“Are you jealous?” Elphaba says with half a mind, relishing the fruits of her effort.
“I couldn’t be, it’s too beautiful!”
The word, the feeling in Galinda’s voice, has Elphaba’s full attention all of a sudden. It makes her stomach stir and allows only for an awkward, perfunctory response to slip out.
“Well I mean, uh, exactly.”
At last, Galinda’s gaze drops away from the musty old flowerpot. From the little sapling, dead and crisp a minute ago, that Elphaba has just magicked before their very eyes into a bulbous, gleaming succulent bright purple with life.
“I’m not jealous, Elphie, I swear,” she sighs, a little forlorn. There’s a short laugh (too high) on the heels of the statement, before Galinda turns and swishes off to her class, leaving Elphaba to recover from the strange moment.
Once upon a time, Elphaba wouldn’t have believed such a statement because she was determined to believe the worst of Galinda always; and jealousy was, of course, a terrible trait that someone as inspicable as her would no doubt possess in excess amounts (even if it was very deep in her festering core where no one could see.) At a later time, she would have taken Galinda at her word, simply because it made a kind of sense deeper than Elphaba should really bother to resist anymore - what did someone like Galinda have to be jealous of her for?
Now , however, she’s beginning to know her well enough to circle back to skepticism. It is borne of a growing understanding of her roommate this time, not the projection of Elphaba’s own hatrification and insecurity, as reluctant as she had been to admit to the latter to begin with. The point is: the recognition of Galinda’s not so saintly emotions feels different, more because Elphaba is different than because Galinda is.
Different every day when it comes to her new friend, such that even these unperfect qualities come with a certain kind of clarity that makes them digestible, understandable - endearing even. (Is it really normal to find her so endearing?)
After all, jealousy is, of course, a perfectly human trait; and it should not be a surprise that anyone suffers it, even if Galinda is someone who takes great pains to hide such things. Knowing her as she now does, Elphaba thinks that those things that Galinda takes pains to hide tend to be all the more stark for her efforts. In any case, the comment sticks in her brain, quite a distraction. Elphaba is surprised to find how unhappy the thought of the whole thing makes her; even more surprised to find why. To realise that her own discomfort at being the subject of jealousy is in fact far outweighed by her sheer longing that Galinda does not feel inadequate.
Elphaba cleans the pot up so it’s as shiny as the leaves, flicking her fingers to curl the rim up into a more beguiling shape. She pushes it into the line of knick knacks against the back of her desk. They look better than new, and should go down fairly well at the sale tomorrow, if last week’s accounts are anything to go by. The weekly fundraisers for pro-Animal activist groups are facing a lot of pushback, but there’s nothing anyone can technically do to stop them organising, even if Elphaba anticipates the worst ever more of late. But if they play their cards right (Shiz students never do miss a good sale), even with a mere handful of organisers they can raise enough to get at least the same number of disenfranchised Animals the legal advice they need.
Upglitzing all this old junk up is a clever way to turn a quick profit, and she’s been working very fast on her free evenings. Doing it in the room with Galinda though - she can’t help but notice the effect it has on her friend’s mood. Even though Galinda hasn’t made it all the way to actually saying ‘I wish I could help’ yet, much less ‘I wish I could do that .’ Elphaba tries again to put it from her mind, but Galinda-thoughts are continually proving to be the hardest to shake off. Such a bother.
At the Friends of the Animals committee meeting last week, Elphaba had once again come up with an idea for improving the fundraisers. With the season changing, everyone is on the hunt for suitable apparel; and not everyone can afford the kind of finery that she’s seen Galinda’s friends hauling back by the sackful from the boutiques in town. There’s a demand here, prime for their affordable, eclectic supply. She gets everyone on the committee to scour their old wardrobes and the charity shops around for anything workable. And then she works on making them market ready.
It’s bitter work. It’s not until the early hours of the morning before the next sale outside Crage Hall that she’s finished - not satisfied but altogether too exhausted to keep at it, with all the frills and trims and cuts and colours swimming before her mind’s eye, none exactly right. Too short, too long, too drab, too shiny.
For all her sweat, and her frustration, she can’t quite be surprised when just one scarf and a beglittered belt is all that sells. What’s worse - she hears one student (hardly the picture of style, mind you) muttering something about how ugly everything on the rack is. She has to tamp down the fire on her tongue because how can she even tell if they’re wrong? She doesn’t have the eye for this. It seems as though anyone can see it’s all unrefined and unfashionable. Too Elphaba . Even Fiyero asks if there are any catalogues she could look at for inspiration, tells her that maybe they should go back to stationery and home furnishings or something next week, because we all have our strengths - and that’s when Elphaba sees the silver lining.
“Hey, I really need your help.”
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask,” Galinda says from her bed, not looking up from her nails as they dry. Her tone has the kind of casual sarcasm that they have developed, a vague self-commentary on Galinda’s own typical eagerness, but once she actually realises what Elphaba has said, she cranes her head, piqued. “Oh, really? What is it?”
Her genuine curiosity puts Elphaba’s heart at ease somehow. It’s an effect too large for a simple reply to have, but Elphaba can think about it later. She dumps the pile of rejected clothing on the carpet and gestures helplessly towards it. “We have to upcycle these clothes. Can’t sell a thing.”
Galinda looks at her darkly. “You know I can’t, Elphie…” The silence strains and Elphaba winces, but then Galinda continues with a pronounced breath. “Your magic, I mean - you’ll be so much better than me,” she chokes out, diplomatically.
“Yeah, I know,” Elphaba replies evenly, despite the way that Galinda’s effort makes her fist curl with sympathy. “But, I mean, I’m hoping your fashion sense can cancel out... mine.” And she’s not kidding when she says, “I really - I can’t seem to do this. Please just work with me.”
After a second, Galinda fairly leaps from the bed. She rummages through the pile, and Elphaba experiences a most curious, stupefying moment of elation to see her expression caught between utter disrelish and pity. She can’t even muster a smile, but her heart beats hard at the sight of Galinda’s face now written with such intent concern and determination.
“Oh, Elphie…” Her head snaps up, stern, and she holds out her hand rather sweetly. “We have so much work to do.”
Suddenly, Elphaba can't imagine a more appealing evening.
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gliyerabaa · 6 years
You have really good gelphie takes, tell me more please
hshshshshs thank u ummmmm idk what you mean by “tell me more” like I’d be happy to ramble on and on for hours about all things gelphie but like… idk where to start?
I think I would first like to start right off the bat by giving my take on the top/bottom discourse. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they SWITCH you literally cannot change my mind. during the early days of their relationship (like shiz era gelphie) elphie tops more but thats just because she’s insecure with her own body and is far more comfortable giving than receiving (and glinda is okay with that, she loves the attention) but as they get older and more comfortable with each other, they switch more and yeah eventually they get to the point where it’s about 50/50
okay now that we’ve settled the top/bottom discourse I’ll move on to some more of my Important Headcanons:
- Elphaba is bi. She catches feelings for anyone who is nice to her.
- this is going to be a controversial take but I do think that Elphaba had feelings for Fiyero at some point during her story. (Gelphie is endgame forever and always though)
- To quote that one post: “Glinda is a lesbian with the worst case of compulsory heteronormativity I’ve seen” and yeah thats definitely true. for the longest time she doesn’t even know she’s gay she just is frustrated and disappointed that her feelings for Fiyero don’t feel real and she feels like a failure and she’s not trying hard enough and she really gets down on herself… and let’s be real she probably doesnt realize she might not be straight until after her and elphie make out like three separate times then shes like hang on a second… I think I might like girls
- oof what else do I think…. uh Glinda and Elphaba met in secret during the events of Act II and as long as you’re mine actually takes place between elphaba and glinda not fiyero
- by the time they go to the emerald city it’s almost the end of their senior year (there’s no way the wizard would accept a freshman student with only a few weeks of training as his apprentice)
- elphaba was planning on taking glinda out to dinner and proposing after they met with the wizard but we all know how that turned out
- sometime in the years following the events of the musical, Glinda uses her platform as leader of Oz to tell the truth and to clear Elphaba’s name… and then one day Elphaba comes back and she is celebrated and then they get the happily ever after they DESERVE!!!!
okay thats it for now thanks for coming to my TED talk I would be more than happy to give more rants later 
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buckyeagan · 6 years
Shuffle your iTunes (or whatever you keep your music on) and choose ten songs. For each song explain a memory/aesthetic/feeling you have associated with it!
I was tagged by @benhardyorbust thank you, love🥰
1. Northern Downpour: P!ATD
Okay, so we’re starting off with a sad one. I can barely listen to this song sometimes without crying. This album is the album I give most credit to helping me when I was horribly suicidal in high school. It brought me so much joy and got me through so many terrible days. P!ATD means more to me than any band ever will because of that and this song really has always hit me emotionally. It reminds me of one of the worst periods of my life yet I still love hearing it because it reminds me of how far I’ve come. 
2. Bohemian Rhapsody: Queen
Well, of all the Queen songs this is not the one that I expected to pop up but here we go! I honestly can’t remember the first time I heard this song, it’s just always been part of my life. Obviously now it has more meaning than it once did. It brought me into a fandom that I’m so fond of and have made so many wonderful friends that have helped me through some tough times. Here’s hoping I’ll hear it this summer when I’m at the concert!
3. As Long As You’re Mine: Wicked soundtrack
I’ve been singing along to Wicked since the year the musical came out and I was really young. I’ve been in choir my whole life and getting to sing songs from Wicked was always so much fun. I’ve seen it three times so far and it’s always such a wonderful experience. I’m really curious to see who they’re going to cast for the live action version. If they don’t cast Darren Criss or Aaron Tveit as Fiyero I’m rioting!
4. Somewhere Only We Know: Glee cast
Okay, so I was SUCH a big Glee fan and this song was everything. I was still trying to understand my sexuality at the time and seeing Kurt and Blaine so openly loving towards one another really made me stop and think. Honestly a lot of Glee helped me with my sexuality. There were so many moments where I realized maybe my feelings weren’t as wrong as I thought they were. This was definitely one of them. 
5. Two Ghosts: Harry Styles
So I was a 1D fan for quite awhile and then got into Harry’s music pretty soon after it was released. I love the entire album and my favorite memory has to be seeing him in concert this past summer. It was just so surreal to finally get to do that after following his career for so long. I definitely cried a lot!
6. Mystery Of Love: CMBYN soundtrack
FUCK oh my god, this song. Ugh, this movie! AHHH I feel so attacked by this even coming up on shuffle. I cry anytime I hear basically any song from CMBYN, it means so much to me and I can’t really handle how much the movie emotionally impacts me. The way the movie makes me feel is something I can’t put into words. It makes me nostalgic for things I never even experienced, if that makes sense. It feels like home and I can’t quite put it into words. 
7. We Know The Way: Moana soundtrack
I actually saw Moana on thanksgiving when I was in Disneyland a few years ago with my parents. I sobbed the entire time and still do when I watch the movie. Disney means so much to me and this movie is just so remarkably wonderful. I took friends of mine to see it that were unsure and they ended up loving it too. It’s just so good and always reminds me of that thanksgiving break. 
8. Don’t Forget: Demi Lovato 
Okay, throwback! Demi is one of the people I credit with helping me realize I was bisexual. It became harder and harder to deny that I had a huge crush on her and that I didn’t just admire her. I did admire her, of course. I loved her style and everything about her but like...I’m gay as fuck and she’s gorgeous so, you know, it was more than admiration. 
9. Let This Go: Paramore
Ah, my original favorite band. Paramore will always mean so much to me and still does. I finally got to see them this summer and just sobbed the entire time because I’d waited YEARS to get to be at a concert. Haley made me so much more secure in the way that I looked and the fact that I didn’t want to dress like everyone else. She always looked so cool so I stopped caring that I dressed differently and liked other things from everyone else in my school and she’ll always mean so much to me. She just keeps proving to be a wonderful role model. 
10. Somewhere In Neverland: All Time Low
I get such ‘cranking up my music in my tiny VW Beetle on the way to school’ vibes from this because that’s 100% what I did! I would just drown out the world around me and sort of pretend that this was my life. That someone would take me away from my boring town and whisk me off my feet because they loved me so much. That they’d take me somewhere perfect and everything would just get so much better. It never happened but maybe someday. 
I tag: @pastelpennylane @tmarilynh00 @rrrogah-taylaa @parasiempretumelancolia @honkycats @the-disco-deaky @rogers-flowered-blazer @istill-loveyou39 @dear-joemazzello @thepoetrytheoristcalledmoriarty @adriftinspace @volunteer-from-39 @wifiwifey and @letmeletmetrashyourlove
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lesbiten · 3 years
Mkay so I was thinking (hahaha fiyero joke) about Wicked (but that's nothing new)
It's the fact that Glinda repeatedly lets the people she loves go??? In contrast to Nessa???? Like. We see repeatedly that Glinda, when in a situation where someone she loves wants to leave her, she just kind of... Lets them??? Like. The fact Fiyero was acting as if Glinda had a hold on him when she literally would just let him go if he wanted to, it's like. A giant slap in the face??? And also like. She genuinely did care for whether or not he wanted to be in a relationship with her??? Like sure, I don't think either of them genuinely liked each other that way, and even Glinda was like. But you want this, right??? You'll be happy if we get married, right??? And Fiyero was like, "oh you know me" and it's like. How was she supposed to know he was unhappy???? But even though it was unexpected, Glinda still let Fiyero go, and it's just. I hate Fiyero's implication that he was trapped??? Like I guess you can imply that from the "surprise engagement party" but also like. I think at that point they've been in a "relationship" for several years???
But also like. Back to the point, Glinda repeatedly lets the people she loves go, in contrast to Nessa who always tries to make them stay and I'm just. There's something to be said there??? Like. Glinda are you okay??? Why do you feel compelled to let the people you love leave you???? MA'AM????
ive heard! (hahahahaha) (passes out)
yeah it kind of sucks that glinda is treated like she's holding fiyero hostage in this relationship when she...just isn't. she has no reason to. the only reason she's with him is for the social image of having the Perfect Fiance. and it's not like she's going to care about that SO MUCH that if he were to just like. say no to her. or break up with her. that she would threaten him or force him to stay?
fiyero did not love glinda for a single second he was with her, yet he has the audacity to act like SHE'S the bad one in their relationship. the worst thing she did was the surprise engagement, but i can excuse that because "congratulotions" is fucking hilarious (and also because like you said they've been together for years and she had no reason to believe he wasn't happy because he DOES NOT COMMUNICATE WITH HER)
it makes me more mad because like. he tells her to her face in thank goodness that she's wrong for being Glinda the Good. but that at the same time she "can't resist it". you know who tells her the exact same fucking thing? madame morrible in march of witch hunters. glinda gets told both by her fiance AND by the musical's antagonist that she's complacent with the awful things that have happened. but when fiyero does it, it's supposed to be a moment where he's like. teaching her a lesson or whatever the fuck. regardless it depicts him as being in the right for running off. when morrible says it, it's clear that it's her being openly hostile towards glinda even though we the audience KNOW glinda is not happy. they say the same thing in different words but they're treated like wildly different scenarios. they aren't, actually!
anyways i think i have gone FARRRR from the point but um. yeah i think nessa tends to hold tightly onto people in a similar fashion to elphaba because both of them feel like they are "wrong" in society's eyes. meanwhile glinda has never had problems making friends so she's more used to just...letting people leave because she doesn't have strong connections to them. so when she DOES form strong connections to people, it's just like. a learned behavior that if they drift away from her to just let them. she can find new friends anyways, right? (right..?????)
but i do think she realizes by the end (obviously too late) that she NEEDS to hold onto the people she loves. and by that point all of the people she cared about were too far away for her to get back. her going back for elphaba in for good is her choosing to try to keep a hold on her loved ones for the first time ever, and obviously that didn't work out for her
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