#fleshing out the Minecraft universe in writing is so so fun
pixiemage · 2 years
What do you all call baby creepers in your fics and art? Because to me they're not pups, not cubs, but a secret third thing (sprouts)
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alexanderwesker · 2 months
it has been 639 days near exactly since I first read A Twin of Light, and it's permanently shifted the way I interpret characters, relationships, and fic (as well as normal writing) as a whole. I re-read it every four months or so and it's never any less incredible.
ATOL jump-started my own fic-writing experiences, and haunts my brain; it's the quality baseline for anything I read, the source of my standards for things I write. I've drafted fic-of-fic for it more times than I can count, I've scribbled General and Soot designs on the walls of my room; when I'm bored driving or much anything really, I tend to invent new stories for them, new scenarios taking place in that wonderful world you've made.
ATOL is my favorite fanfiction. Full stop. I can count on one hand the number of fanfics that have changed my life, and make no mistake ATOL is on that list. (The House Always Wins is similarly incredible; your dedication to what you do, what you write, keeping it up no matter how long it takes to complete, is insane.)
In about three months will be the two-year anniversary of my reading ATOL, and if I had even a fraction of the wherewithal I wish I did, I'd be making some huge animation or art piece in celebration, but I don't know how I'd ever manage to capture all that ATOL means to me in something like that, let alone how I'd ever manage the motivation- but if I could, I would in a heartbeat.
The relationship between General and Soot-- I've only read a relationship in fic even somewhat like it *twice* in the near two years since first discovering ATOL, and still nothing comes close to the way their bond was woven into every fucking aspect of that book in a way I've never seen since.
Your meticulous world-building, too; the way you craft gods and goddesses and magic and turn Minecraft into something *real*, the unique systems and ideas and consequences and costs of everything the characters do- it's so fucking good. It's so so well thought out , I can't imagine how long it must have taken to flesh out.
ATOL has gotten me through some really hard times in my life; knowing I had a fantastically made escape, knowing I could slip into the universe you've so carefully wrought, has let me get up and keep going on days I felt I'd never get back up. And it's all because of you and your passion!
You do this for fun, and because you want to, and I think that's the most stunning thing of it all! Human passion, human joy, used to make something like ATOL, something that impacts perhaps thousands of others, imprints on them for the rest of their lives-- I can't imagine anything more beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you so, so, so fucking much.
Whatever you do, whatever you write, you will always have my Internet - stranger self's undying support.
I've also got some questions pertaining to your realistic!verse & the ATOL characters, if you don't mind! :)
1. What exactly happened with Quackity and the Sky Gods? What game, what demands, etc?
2. How do others perceive Jack with his Nether-type power; did Wil ever treat him differently for it (while he was, y'know, without his General, before everything went down?)
3. Are the Sky Gods two entities, one, or more?
4. Are there stories told about Soot and General post-ATOL? How is their relationship seen in those tales?
5. What does Phil do about Wil's disappearance once in the real world once , more? (You do not need to answer this if it makes you uncomfy, as always :)
6. How did Soot and General feel during the Tommy -blessing misunderstanding discovery? How would the story have changed if their relationship had been more romantic?
7. Is fic-of-fic accepted for your universe? Any ground rules, yes/no's of what one could write?
Thanks for your time in answering, and thanks for everything you've written & given us all. ♥️
I don't know what to say, Anon. It really means a lot to me to hear that my story means so much to someone else other than me. And know that your words made me really happy to read, I've been going through a rough patch recently and your message means the world to me. To know that Soot and the General and their relationship helped you, that the world I made could be of help. Really from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for your words and I hope you have a wonderful day ^-^ --- To answer your questions(and don't worry I'm always up to answer questions ^D^) 1. Quackity challenged the Sky Gods, specifically Scott, though he is called Dawn in the Realistic!Verse, at a game of Poker. The game was played with as prize, if Quackity won to get the power to reach his goals(the Gods gave him his magic seeing eye because of that), and if the Sky Gods won for Quackity to be their plaything forever. There is to say though that even if Quackity won the Sky Gods did not fully keep to their promise. 2. The people in L'Manberg are the most normal about Jack's Situation, and those that don't know the whole story think that he is just some kind of Nether Hybrid) about Soot he didn't treat him that much different from how he did before, but he did keep him arms distance away because he wasn't sure if he could really trust him(like all others) 4. The Sky Gods are multiple, their names are based on the phases of the Sun in the Sky and the oldest of them is the Sun itself. And of course, the youngest of them, being Night. 5. That is a good question, I think Phil would try to help people come to terms with the fact that their streamer would not be appearing anymore, but if he can he would still try to reassure them that he is okay, but other than that sadly there wouldn't be much he can do. Since he would be hiding, as best as he can, the particular traits that that world left onto him. 6. They were kind of embarrassed about the whole situation once they discovered what Tommy had been thinking was going on between them but I can't see that changing anything on how they act towards one another. As for the second question, I don't believe the story, or the way it was told, would have changed that much had the Burs had something romantic going on, if only because their relationship is already so profound and close (even being platonic) that I cannot see it change in any particular way had their love been romantic, though they would have probably had even more gestures(not to say that they don't have many already in my canon) to show each other their love and care. 7. I am completely fine with people writing fanfics of my stories, and I'm always happy to see what you guys come up with and what ideas to explore. I just ask to have the original story linked(even better to get a related story link so I can directly connect them to my work :D) I don't have any hard 'No's when it comes to fics of my fics ^^ As for ground rules the only one I have is for the characterization of the characters to be based on my own than the DSMP one because then it wouldn't really be a fic about my stories :P Other than that feel free to write whatever scenario you imagine be it following my canon or being an AU, a "missing scene" kind of thing or a slice of life. I welcome all fanworks ^D^
Thank you again for your ask ^D^feel free to ask more questions if you have any more.
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allunatory · 11 months
@bipbopdepmop Hiya! Hope this doesn't scare you but I'm answering this ask on my minecraft-related art blog LOL
Anyways I have been staring at these asks for the past few days I hope you know that you have a special place in my heart tysm
This is so long, so I'll put it under a readmore- I have a lot to say (And spoilers for anyone who hasn't read Dreams From Within The Cage yet!)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH THOUGH!!! AAAA- I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
AND YES YES!! I have so much I can say.... First of all I have to thank random ambient noise soundtracks for carrying me through the entire fic. Without them, I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep focus for long stretches of time without getting distracted by something.
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Fun fact: Fic was not titled until it was time to publish LOL- I was so indecisive
I think my original ambition with the fic when I first started was just writing an Apocalypse AU... but at the same I also wanted to write world-hopping. I was inspired by a comic I had read back when I was in the UTMV (Undertale AU) fandom that explored AUs through way of dreams, and I've been wanting to try my own spin on that for a while so this was the perfect opportunity.
Now the plot wasn't actually supposed to go so crazy, that was mainly me getting extreme brainworms over the concept of an inter-dimensional organization stepping in. Originally, it was going to be mainly exploring the grief that comes with being unable to ever see the one person you feel you connect to most. Having to either accept that fact, or find a way to let go. (Definitely way more depressing, i think)
I was so stuck on the plot for a while, how to wrap it up with everything I'd planned. For a while, I was originally planning to have Grian be the one interrogated, in which he would then hide things from Scar to keep him safe, even going so far as to say they should never talk again. And then the real reason would be revealed when GIGA stepped in.
The way that was set up though, it basically meant all the cool stuff was happening where the readers couldn't see it. So after a long conversation with my good friend @/boxofwasps, I had a stunning revelation on how to swap it around- which is where the fic stands today. I think I remember literally stopping in my tracks and going "Wait. I know how to fix this. I know what I need to do." and Sprinting for my doc to write it down. Imagine me with a cork board and a bunch of red string- that was me putting this fic together
Another fun thing was that, I had so much fun writing the apocalypse world in chapter 1 that I partially wanted to just keep writing that instead of moving on with the plot LOL. I think if I had more time I definitely would have fleshed out some of the AUs they were in, as well as Scar's travels in the waking world and his own lingering trauma
Another fun fact? Me and @/cuteiemonster actually have a whole alternate timeline tree exploring the various ways the plot could have differed if things were just ever so slightly different. There's three main ones, though. Dreams (canon timeline), Nightmares (scar's awful no-good very bad day), and Delusions (grian's awful no-good very bad day) with varying degrees of angst. Please talk to me about them, because I'll likely never write anything about them but I have so many notes.
I'm guessing you're asking about the cage from the hanging cages chapter? I love that scene so much btw there's so much symbolism there.
Every one of the main characters in the fic is stuck in their own cage, in a different way. I think in that chapter in particular, the cages themselves represented the fact that Scar and Grian were both trapped in separate universes. Leaving the cage wasn't an option, there. All they could do was reach across the gap and try to make do that way. Scar fiddling with the bolts of his cage is a show of his motivations and ambitions to escape the confines of his universe to get to Grian, far before he even says it aloud.
Grian stays in his cage because to him, there is no other way out. He's weighed the options, seen the dangers- and even the smallest movements out of line cause the cage to sway. It's just not worth it to try anything different, even if it means being trapped for an eternity...
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I am so so so excited to write more for this series, I'm not going to lie. I've been writing notes and gathering ideas for what exactly I want to focus on for a potential sequel. Thanks to help from @/cuteiemonster I have a lot of headcanons for their roommate (yes, roommate) behavior. As well as what they're up to post-fic!
I will say, there is a chance there will be something I put out before the sequel fic- depending on where my motivations lie. I've been thinking about writing the story of Scar's family, and what happened to them. After all, Scar wasn't always alone out there, in the wastelands... Ooh, just thinking about it just makes me excited
The main reason I haven't immediately jumped to write more already is mainly due to school taking up a lot of my time atm! Not to mention I've been getting into a new minecraft server I've been playing in (if you see the art I've been posting to this account LOL), which is basically just every trope I'm obsessed with (Multiversal Purgatory...)
AND!!!! INSPIRATIONS AND STUFF! The anomaly was originally going to be a Creature of uknown origins, but I felt it would be more fun to make it someone with a name and face. Mumbo was a character I've been really interested in writing, so it was a bit of a no-brainer when it came to picking him. Though, it did change things slightly, because the anomaly was originally going to be an irredeemable villain character. But the more I wrote about Mumbo, the more I was like "dude this guy is too wet of a cat to be a villain on purpose" so instead we ended up with the Mumbo in the fic, who's just ever so slightly too casual about world corruption (against his will)
As for universes? I'm going to be honest, pretty much all of the universes in this fic were pretty much straight from my own noggin. I just wrote whatever felt right! There was that Pirate AU with renchanting and navy captain Grian, the Graveyard AU with a groundskeeper Scar and vampire Grian, the Superhero AU with Hotguy and the unnamed villain Grian (who's either named Xelqua or Poultry Man lets be real). A lot of the universes I wrote in-depth about were universes that I would love to write standalone fics of, so this fic itself was partially a collage of various ideas that I may or may not ever write about.
MAN I wrote way more than I was expecting. Tbh I could've written more but I don't want to keep you for TOO long LOL! If you want to talk more about it I'm so chill to chat on discord or through tumblr messaging (im crazy)
Ok one more thing
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This snippet from chapter 1 is Lizzie from Empires season 2 okay goodbye
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honkster · 4 years
Why the Dream SMP’s way of storytelling is IMPOSSIBLE to recreate in any other medium.
This has been in the back of my mind for the longest time. I think I finally got it.
People have talked about this before, and they’ve put forward some good points, and good for them – most of them are correct. It’s the way the ccs interact with each other, it’s how plot is mixed in with banter, that’s all good! I wanna put more out there.
So you know how you open a book to read, you start a new show, you sit down to watch a movie – that’s all produced by some sort of company, someone who made it specifically for you to enjoy. You expect a certain dramatic flair to it, certain cinematic choices, certain ways of writing, certain camera angles, certain reactions to things. That’s just ingrained expectations of things now.
The DSMP? Doesn’t have that.
The low expectations work very much in its favor. It’s a Minecraft role-playing server with a bunch of famous youtubers/streamers, who are all good friends and have great dynamics with each other. So when you expect “just another Minecraft video” but in stream form, or you watch the videos because there are certain people in them, you don’t expect to be dropped into extreme lore and sensitive topics, realistic situations proposed in game form, a combination of serious stuff and just fun times with friends goofing around – and you’re pleasantly surprised.
We, the fandom, are used to it a bit more now. How excellently they manage to make a serious story in such a “ridiculous” medium, how much it affects us all and gets our creative juices flowing. But even the ccs can’t predict some of the things that happen. And that’s fun.
The whole election ending the way it has? That was on us. And it made some of the most angsty content there has been in the DSMP. People still theorize about the arc and make connections to now – that’s pog!
Fundy being adopted by Eret – that sparked the whole “Fundy just wants a dad – let’s get him some love” thing that made FundyWasTaken and other Fundy+someone ships happen. I see a different person paired with Fundy every week, and somehow, I agree with all of them. I really got into Fundy because of that stream where Eret “slept through the adoption” and Fundy confronted his real dad and spent time with his granddad. That little stream gave us more insight into Fundy’s whole character (Nevermind Fundy showing off his acting skills – you go you funky little fox), but also justifies some of his actions now. DryWaters? Wanting to kill Technoblade? Fucked up reasons, but we still love him.
Phil being broken out of house arrest ahead of time – still made a great stream and Phil agreeing with Techno’s want for revenge – that made us all very happy. The SBI!!! The AE! And that’s also a thing!
That even if we do know or have predicted what’s going to happen, begged it out of the ccs basically, it is still incredibly fun to watch. Where some books/shows/movies fall short and reveal too much and end up being “too predictable”, they’re not fun anymore. I read this somewhere before, that sometimes holding back EVERYTHING from the reader, and relying on shock value to make a good story is just bad. Whereas if you progress the story naturally and let the reader make some predictions of their own and then they end up being right – that’s a lot of serotonin right there. It’s the re-readability that makes it slightly better the second time.
The DSMP takes this concept and fucking yeets with it. Letting fans engage in the story, letting them theorize and then be right, even acknowledging the fanart that was made, just engaging with the community that their roleplay created – that makes it so much more fun. I bet that even if the whole script was revealed to the fandom we would still watch every plot stream. Even if we knew vaguely what happens in the stream, we would tune in and enjoy every second of it. Because the ccs are just that good, we love them that much, we love this plot that much.
Oh and the unpredictability helps too. Tommy in exile was the vague concept of a lot of the streams – it’s taken that and ran with it in a lot of different directions. All quite enjoyable.
Having said all of that… The fact that this type of telling a story is impossible to recreate in any other medium is… kinda saddening? It is incredibly unique, and I’d say has things that not a lot of the people that produce mainstream media would even consider. “Just friends hanging out” – how would that make the script progress? “Engagement with the fandom, even considering their wishes for the characters” – but we’re telling a story here!
The only thing I can think of that would come close to the vibe, would be just a bunch of writer friends coming together, thinking up a universe and general plot, and then each deciding to write a few of their own characters in that universe. When one author focuses on their main characters, the side ones can feel left in the dust, or not fleshed out. The DSMP is just “every character can write their own story”, which takes a lot of the strain from the “main writers”. But the general thing of “just friends hanging out” would be taken away from it. We’re being serious here, why would we change the tone so quick?
With all of that in mind… I kinda wanna make some predictions? And I don’t know if they’re correct, but it’s fun to theorize. See?
1. L’manburg will die.
And not just because Techno has 54 withers. The country is cursed – it definitely is. There is little sentimental value that can be felt for a few flimsy stilts built on top of a crater. It might go out in a blaze of glory, with the withers (Is history repeating itself an interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?), but it might just be forgotten. Yeah there have been some angsty headcanons about how “no one cares about L’manburg anymore, save for two people” and it just gets abandoned, but how about it just becoming irrelevant?
This all comes back to Dream, it always does! His want, need for the server to be “one happy family again”, it just means one thing. He wants the server to return to the peaceful anarchy that it was before L’manburg. No rulers, no factions, no nothing.
That’s never going to happen.
Try as he might, Dream cannot affect that change that L’manburg did to the server. The introduction of a faction, one that can exist without the interference of a higher power – why do you think so many factions have sprouted up since? And it’s not even serious factions a lot of the time, it’s just a few friends deciding to build their bases on a plot of land that they claim is a nation now. L’manburg has changed the mindset of these people, now an alliance with somebody is a political move. An alliance doesn’t exist if it doesn’t have a faction, and that faction can remain neutral for only so long.
Basically, L’manburg introduced the factions mod into the server.
And the fact that every faction now has enough relevance to hold weight in a war also means that every nation on the server is doomed to follow the downfall of L’manburg. Eventually, they will get into a fight they can’t win, go up against the wrong people, anger someone they shouldn’t have. All factions will either be destroyed, or lose relevance, until their creators, residents and such just… move on.
(And really you can go into meta and talk about real governments and compare them, but it’s far more simple than that. The server isn’t built for peace, it isn’t meant to be a relaxing place where you can just vibe, it may have been made for a few friends to play Minecraft together, but it has turned into An Author’s Curse. The curse that follows any kind of story being told – the fact that peace is boring. People watched the first streams of the DSMP because they liked the ccs, and that’s valid. But how many more people tuned in to watch the war streams because there was PLOT and there was CHAOS and there WASN’T CALM PEACE ANYMORE – that’s the curse of every writer. That you can write about someone just living their life drama-free, you can make interesting peace with characters or circumstances, but it’s always leading to one inevitable conclusion – war, drama, because people read that. And at this point, it’s just a predictable outcome. No matter how much you say that you are retired, that you’re done with violence (Technoblade), something will happen that will prove to you that you believed in people too much. No matter how “neutral” you may be in the matter, no matter how much you claim that you have no allegiance (Philza), you will be forced to pick one, because out of all the bad things, you pick the least worst one, the most appealing to you, the one that can benefit your want of revenge.
And I can go on, but this is far too deep for one simple reason – The Author’s Curse is so prevalent here because THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO STAKES. It’s a video game – you die? You respawn. Something gets destroyed? You can just rebuild. Sure, you’ll want to kill the person who did wrong to you, but whatever they did wrong can just be replaced, remade, recreated. So why not have wars? Why not cause massive amounts of destruction “for the plot”?
It’s literally a playground. How all authors have their little playground with their characters that they meticulously plan out, the DSMP is that playground for all of these people.
And it’s fun! Sure! I like it! I’m just really skeptical whenever someone in character says that they “just want peace”, “are retired”, “swear off violence”, “are building just a little city for themselves”. Because you can do that, nothing wrong. But eventually, no matter how much you distance yourself from all of the chaos happening, all of the wars, you will return.
Because it is just much more fun.
It’s the curse. A cursed cycle.
And everyone is in it.)
2. The prison.
I don’t have anything on the prison because I don’t have anything on the book. Yeah I’ve done a whole post where I overanalyze what it could be, but it doesn’t make it any clearer. Whatever it is, it’s made out to be a huge plot point, something that can only be revealed when the prison is finished.
Cursed. The prison’s reason for being constructed is the book, but the book is only relevant when the prison is finished. We can only wait, and theorize, as we do.
(My only theory is that the book is information about another op on the server. Or at least something related to op or creative mode. Dream only fears one thing on this server, and that’s Technoblade, so if his one fear is the most skilled player on the server, what else could give him existential fear?)
3. The SBI.
Again, I don’t have anything! Yeah the reunion seems to be going smoothly, one member at a time, but there is already conflict in their beliefs among each other. And all that’s happened is a vague “maybe one day we’ll strike”.
Is history repeating itself an interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?
Is L’manburg’s destruction AGAIN really necessary to hammer home the idea that no one likes that place anymore?
I don’t know. Whatever happens, no one’s in the right. No one’s in the wrong either. They’re all not good people and that’s that on that.
4. The Clingy Duo.
That’s all.
(Okay seriously? All of these arcs are connected. You know what happens when everything seems to be connected to one another?
A giant, dramatic final showdown between the two opposing sides.
Cause it’s just Chaos vs L’manburg. Those are the sides. People that want L’manburg to exist and people that want it gone. There are no other sides, there isn’t someone who’s like “Well maybe it can exist if we do this and this” cause no one wants to put in anymore effort into this cursed country. The only people were the clingy duo and now they’re separated and everyone is just leaving and Tommy is on the Chaos side like at this point he doesn’t care about L’manburg he just cares about Tubbo but he has to convince Tubbo to leave L’manburg but will Tubbo be convinced but will Tommy even consider leaving L’manburg and breaking free from its curse AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
5. The Egg?
Dunno shit about it. Like the prison – it seems important, but we’re just not being given enough information. Is it a coincidence that the moment Dream commissioned the prison the Egg popped up? Or are the two directly related?
I don’t know. But as long as someone is finding ways to fight the Egg, that’s fantastic. Bad juju indeed.
6. Oh the Butcher Army want to kill Dream!
Okay I’ve seen people make the case that the Army is just a bunch of people with trauma repeating the cycle of ab*se that they went through and yes.
Just yes.
And the fact that no one is actually looking at it that way and no one is there to like.. help them or even help them understand that what they are doing is just irrational, even though their reason for doing it and the result they hope to achieve is YES and the only thing that a lot of the people of the server who want peace should try to go for as well, they cannot stand up to Dream on their own. They just can’t, they will get punted into exile. They need allies, and they need powerful ones, people that have also been wronged by Dream and want him gone.
But the cycle continues, and no one knows where it ends.
(Okay but from a writing perspective? Getting rid of Dream is the end goal. It is the be all end all of all conflict, well… most of it, at least most that’s related to the supposed “good side”, or “the side that’s been most victimized”. But from the same perspective, that side is just… no longer. It has proven that is just as bad, if not worse than the final boss. I have to agree that Techno has to pay for his crimes, even though I like him a lot, but Techno did in fact cause insane damage. Yeah L’manburg rebuilt, yeah Wilbur probably caused more – still he isn’t completely free.
But that’s a discussion on morality more than laws.
L’manburg is doomed to die. Dream is doomed to be fought, and probably won against (simply because he has won far too many times already, you know how everyone seems to hate OP characters…). But the Butcher Army is doomed to fail against Dream. So how does that work?
Is history repeating itself and interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?
The answer is no.
I’ve repeated that question three times now, and the answer to it is no. No it is not. L’manburg can be destroyed again, and it can be rebuilt again, but the sentimentality that people feel for it will not remain. The cycle of history ends somewhere, and it’s not too far a fetch that it ends here.
So what happens when Technoblade, Philza and Tommy roll up to L’manburg with withers and a destruction wish, only to be met with a bunch of traumatized children with axes and a death wish?
Well, I’ll spare the details, but from a purely writing standpoint…
The two sides team up.
Think about it – The Butcher Army doesn’t care about Technoblade anymore. They’ve seen that Dream is the one pulling the strings, they know that even if they do care about trying to eliminate Technoblade again, they have to get rid of his strongest ally – Dream. But through their anger, they’ve lost their fear. You should fear Dream, he’s a fuckin op. Techno is correct in not wanting to go against him.
But after Tommy? After seeing the Butcher Army at their lowest, screeching about Dream being the villain?
Will Techno finally go past his thinking of “government is evil, always government is source of problem” and realize that Dream has the most evil government in mind for his rule?
I’m still kinda sad that Techno isn’t making the conclusions he should about Dream. But he’s starting to – and really, the SBI-Butcher Army team up is the most logical thing that could happen.
Watch me be completely wrong or miss something and I’ve got ALL of it wrong. I would love that.)
(Also it’s very funny to me that Dream is literally simping for Techno while he’s just here like “Listen bud I would stab you on sight if you didn’t have creative mode”. Dream KNOWS that Techno can and will kill him given the opportunity. Techno knows that that opportunity may never arise.
It’s a weird type of stalemate, to be sure. But goddamn is it interesting.)
Anyway... if you read through all of this... I could bake you a cookie? Thank you! I like to ramble.
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zehecatl · 3 years
rec post for @f-eef that got too long for its own good, and is now just. a general rec post i guess
(as of writing, today is the steam summer sale! writing this before that goes live, so no guarantee everything on here is on sale, but! most of these are older games, so it’s likely. keep them in mind~)
- Iconoclasts my absolute favourite game, ever (along with OFF, but shh), if you check out one game from this list, let it be this one. it’s a genuinely almost flawless package, with gorgeous pixel art, fun gameplay, a really good story, and a cast of characters i just. adore. it’s so so so good, and three years later, i’m still not over it
- The Binding of Isaac so there’s this genre called roguelikes, wherein the whole gimmick is that, when you die, you gotta start from the Very Beginning; and the ‘point’ is getting better and better at the game, until you win! it’s super easy to just, play a few runs (they generally don’t last that long!), and then go on with your day, so it’s a really fun game to just waste time in, if you just wanna chill with some game. and, in my personal opinion, Isaac is the best roguelike game, with so much stuff to unlock, a whole slew of items to play with, and so much content it’s kind of unreal. i definitely think the DLCs are worth picking up, but it’s mostly for more content than like. actually being necessary
- Terraria it’s minecraft, but 2D. unlike MC, it’s got a bit of guidance, which i personally prefer, with bosses to fight and such. an absolutely BLAST with other people too
- A Hat in Time a 3D platformer, ala Mario, that’s just. super charming. it’s also really fun to play. i haven’t actually played the DLC’s, since i played it way back, but i’ve heard good things about Nyakuza Metro, which does look super slick, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Slime Rancher you are a slime rancher. you ranch slimes. it’s honestly just wholesome as hell, and just exudes happy vibes. mostly for running around and collecting slimes, ngl
- The Messenger really funky retro game, wherein you play a ninja on a mission. it’s primary draw is definitely in its gameplay, but there’s a surprising amount of story for this kind of genre? i honestly really just like this one. it’s neat
- Underhero you play as a cute minion, who kind of like. managed to kill the hero. and whoops, guess you’re doing his job now? it’s got that undertale vibe, though i’d say it’s less polished than it. HOWEVER, it’s absolutely lovely and it’s climax is REALLY good
- Hatoful Boyfriend bird dating sim. trust me. the ‘secret’ finale route is just. *chef’s kiss* fantastic
- Night in the Woods if you don’t mind having a very poignant sad time, oh my god, i could not recommend NITW more. it perfectly captures that period when you’re done with school, and suddenly your whole life is stretching before you, and you feel so so fucking lost, and overwhelmed and pained with it. it’s just. so good. a sadness worth experiencing 
- Shovel Knight another retro game! this one is, pretty much, the king of the genre, and for very good reasons. the first one (shovel of hope) doesn’t have much story, but the latter ones really add on it. they’re honestly just, really solid games! with funky knight characters!!!
- Hyper Light Drifter man, it’s just a masterpiece. everything about it is perfect. it’s been like, five years, and it’s still one of the very best indie games
- Tell Me Why it’s currently free for june! and it’s a story game! plus, if you like the genre, the devs got the ‘Life Is Strange’ serie(s) to delve into!
- Cat Quest honestly, i just really like this little game. the gameplay is SO much fun, and everything else is just. really charming :’)
- Yoku’s Island Express metroidvania, where you play as a dung-beetle post officer, and the gimmick is that it’s pinball-y! it’s really fun, and very cute and just an all around good time :)
- Owlboy you play as an owl boy! named Otus! and you can fly around, and there’s GORGEOUS pixel graphics, and a neat story, and just. the BEST cast of characters. it’s delightful
- Yuppie Psycho + Count Lucanor just gonna bundle these two together, because they’re both REALLY GOOD. YP is the newer one, and is therefore probably ‘the better one’, but i like them both a ton! they’re 2D horror, but i wouldn’t say they’re that spooky? though that might just be because they’re pixel games! you explore spooky place, and weird stuff happens around you. just a really fun time :)
- Angels of Death my FAVOURITE rpgmaker game, it’s main draw is, a 100%, the main characters and the relationship that develops between them. i just love it a whole lot, and it’s got that lil’ tinge of horror that i, personally, fucking adore. there’s actually an anime based on this, but i haven’t seen it myself!
- Celeste curve ball! it’s a 2D platformer! it’s really good, got a ton of accessibility features, and has like. the tightest gameplay- and, on top of that, surprisingly emotional story! 
- Bastion putting Bastion here, because it’s actually the only one i’ve properly played, but you could probably buy any of the Supergiant Games, and come out satisfied. Bastion is the oldest of the bunch, and is definitely a bit less polished for it, but i personally adore it; the gameplay probably hasn’t aged that well, but i think the story and presentation more than makes up for it
- The Darkside Detective funny point and click adventure, with great wit, and a pair of characters i kind of simply adore. it’s main draw is definitely its humour
- Littlewood very wholesome and chill farming game, that feels more like an RPG than something like stardew valley- i’d not recommend it over SV, but if you want more of SV, Littlewood might scratch that itch!
- Pony Island + The Hex absolutely adore both of these, though if i had to rec only one, it’d probably be Pony Island? they’ve both got that undertale-off vibe, though Pony Island definitely leans harder into it. very interesting plays, both of them
- Oxenfree another horror-ish game! primarily story-focused, but oh boy, what a story! i’m a BIG fan of this game, and the sequel was recently announced too! definitely worth a look if you like ghost shenanigans
- Creature in the Well wasn’t a 100% sure if i should rec this, but beside the finale boss, i really enjoyed my time with this! it’s this weird pinball inspired hack and slash, with some amazing vibes
- Kindergarten 1 + 2 they’re just fun little games okay. the 2nd is much more fleshed out, but the 1st one is really fun too
- the Henry Stickmin collection I JUST... LIKE THESE GAMES A LOT... i think you can find the old versions somewhere on the internet, if you wanna check them out first? idk, they’re fun!
- LIMBO + INSIDE personally, i like INSIDE more, but both of these are classics, and also they’re made by a danish team, and i like them a WHOLE LOT
- The Final Station i could not tell you why i like this game as much as i do, but oh my god. i love this game? it’s got a dying world, neat pixel graphics, big zombie apocalypse vibes, and a weird little story
- Year Walk i love Year Walk :)
- Smile For Me if you liked undertale’s lovely cast of characters, oh boy, you’d likely LOVE this game! it’s really, really, fantastic, and the epilogue (not in the actual game lol) hit me right in the feels
- Pikuniku just a fun little game! there’s not really much there, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a wonderful little play, one of those games that just sets out to give you a good time, and absolutely success. i like it a lot :’)
- A Short Hike wonderful game, where it’s more about exploring the island than actively finishing the game. it’s real wonderful
- ULTRAKILL ANOTHER CURVEBALL! no idea if you like FPS, but oh my god. ULTRAKILL is so fucking good. just an absolute blast to play. there’s a demo to check out, and i’d definitely recommend it, because if it’s a genre you might like, you’ll love this one (OH also it’s in early access, which means it’s not finished yet! personally, i don’t mind that, especially considering this is more gameplay focused, but ya’ know!)
- My Friend Pedro it’s honestly just really fun to play, and sometimes i still think about the implied lore, and go all !!!!
- Little Misfortune another point and click! this one is pretty short, and is set within the same universe as their other game, Fran Bow, which is much bigger, but idk. i like this one. it’s dark cute
- This Strange Realm of Mine i honestly dunno how to explain this one, because it’s kind of weird and a bit odd, but i really like it, in all its weird poetic glory. it’s neat!
- Donut County you’re a terrible racoon who’s ruined the whole city with holes. it’s great and i love it
- OneShot another ‘gives me undertale vibes’, though this one was in development before UT, if i recall correctly! it’s so good, and it’s got some fantastic meta bits, and i love Niko. i love Niko so much
- Inmost gorgeous vaguely spooky game with a neat story... my favourite genre
- Sayonara Wild Hearts i’d call this more of a spectacle than anything else, but oh my god. what a spectacle it is! the OST is amazing, everything about it just hits right, and even if you suck at the gameplay (which i did), it really doesn’t matter, in my opinion? it’s just great all around!
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lnterjection · 3 years
Language subtleties in worldbuilding
In the Revival Powers AU, set in the indeterminate future (or 22nd century of an alternate timeline... you pick...) New York and Florida are their own countries. The United States used to be a thing, but has since fractured into smaller independent countries (and I’m not going into detail about that here because this is a worldbuilding post about block men and I have to get back to writing). There are already cultural differences between the states today that can be exaggerated and built upon in a universe like this, and here’s one example-
In Florida, organized crime groups are known most commonly as “mafias.” 
In New York, the organized crime groups were known as “syndicates.” Different names for same concepts - in both cases, they refer to an organized, structured attempt by numerous individuals to obtain money and power through illegal means. 
Now, the were part in New York comes from the fact that, for the most part, The Syndicate is by far the leading, dominating organized crime group, led by Philza. Therefore, while there were once competing “syndicates” in New York City clashing and working independently of one another, now there isn’t because The Syndicate outcompeted and either dismantled or absorbed them all. On some level all organized crime leads back to Philza’s control, and this has been the case long enough for New York’s language to shift and reflect that.
So while there is no “The Mafia” in Florida where Tommy and Dream come from, and the mafias are identified by more specific names, in New York you would get weird looks for says “syndicates” (which presumably, more than a few visiting Floridians have done in a botched attempt to emulate New York culture) because there is only one syndicate. The Syndicate. 
This is mainly written as a note to myself, and to flesh out some speaking and thinking patterns for characters such as Tommy. As fun as things like this are to think about, you have just read over 300 words explaining why a tiny difference in language use is present in a fictional au world for Minecraft Youtubers. Will it ever be relevant for actual written works of this au?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tmmyhug · 4 years
i saw ur tags about ranboo and theres times where i really love him but im never a fan when he does streams like this. it feels to me like hes trying to hard to make sure his characters points are clear/easy to interpret and it just feels like hes yelling exposition at the viewer. same with his (and anyones for that matter) tweets about his characters views/morals etc. i feel like they could all work on showing not telling (feel free to not post this)
ello anon! just to preface, I am not a big fan of discourse bc I get anxious about not making my thoughts clear enough (most of the time they’re not even really clear to me) or inadvertently hurting feelings, so: everything I say is obviously just opinion, take it with about as much salt goes into a tommyinnit taco, I am not omniscient, yadda yadda. generally, I really like ranboo. he can be hilarious, his emotional acting is awesome, the lengths he goes to to make immersive scenes that utilize minecraft to its fullest potential for storytelling is so cool, his growth is mindblowingly impressive, and he’s incredibly incredibly kind. yeah.
okay. I think you have a good point here. tommy (gonna use him for comparison cause the rascal lives in my head rent free) and ranboo rp completely differently. with tommy, practically everything we know about his character’s inner workings is from what the audience has to infer through his actions. c!tommy blusters and shouts and insults people and generally makes chaos, and as soon as the stream ends we all run to tumblr to write (or in my case, read) about his ptsd and self-worth issues and the heartbreaking depth of his attachments to people and things. it’s why his character is so easy to misinterpret. c!tommy being blunt about his feelings is rare. c!tommy acknowledging his trauma is rare. it’s happened a bit more recently due to his development, but him mentioning that he still gets shaky near plains biomes and vehemently informing dream “you don’t have me” are not things that come easily - they’re pulled out of him like teeth, and only under duress. not only is it painful for the character to admit those things, but it’s not tommy’s style. he’s said multiple times that he doesn’t like breaking the fourth wall. both as a character and cc, tommy’s not often caught out of bit mode. and that’s a big part of why his character is so much fun - very little he does should be taken at face value.
ranboo tells us everything. to be fair, I don’t watch ranboo pov. but this is my general assumption gleaned through fandom and a few hours of stream: c!ranboo says everything. what his principles are, what motivates him, what makes him upset and why, how he feels about other characters, etc etc. the only stuff kept hidden is enderwalk lore because c!ranboo knows as much as the audience does about that. cc!ranboo makes twitter threads detailing all of c!ranboo’s beliefs and describes why he’s morally grey. and while it is cool to see the thought processes that go into the roleplay (I’m a sucker for behind the scenes content), it also tends to feel like.. hey, that’s our job? the cc isn’t supposed to lay everything out for us bc the fans are the ones out here to explore the material, tear it apart, pick through it for that juicy juicy literary analysis. and if it’s all handed to us on a platter, personally? I get bored. I get tired of c!ranboo monologuing about why no one on the server is right or why he’s a hypocrite or why everything bad could be prevented if people did this or that, because he goes on for so long and fleshes out the same points over and over and I find myself going okay buddy, point made, can we move on please? no matter how good his voice acting his, eventually it just feels like there’s nothing new for me to engage with.
now clearly this isn’t a universal experience - just look at the viewercounts dude pulls - but the way I as a fan enjoy things is to examine the content thoroughly, make deductions, put connections together, read a dozen different opinionated fan essays on the same topic and come to my own conclusions. being told everything about a character completely upfront makes me feel patronized. it leaves no room for interpretation. and dsmp is practically built on differences in interpretation, both character-wise (the way every pov is different and vibrant and presents the same information in a different light) and fandom-wise (the number of conflicting opinions on my dash could kill a man). so ranboo’s complete eradication of the fourth wall just strikes me as juvenile when compared to the depth of so many other characters available for us to explore without immediately being told all the answers.
wow, this got lengthy. anon, I think you summed it up best: show, don’t tell. sorry if my rambling isn’t too coherent, I’m very tired. again - not preaching gospel, I am but one fan with a blog and a (very long) opinion. thanks for being courteous and for letting me get my thoughts out. uhhh other folks are free to discuss if they want but I may or may not be answering.
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pearlll09 · 4 years
Fanfic Stats
Thank you @maraleesquill for the tag!
I read through this and immediately thought that going through my Ao3 for this was going to take some time, but hey, procrastination! Here’s, some details on my written fics:
1. When did you first start writing fanfiction?
I would have to say my first time writing fanfic was sometime in high school, when I took a creative writing class. This was probably 2015 or 16? Anyway I wrote fanfic for class before even knowing fanfiction existed. The first time I ever started publishing fanfic, however, was 2018. That’s when my oldest Ao3 fic was published. Keep that in mind for the rest, because damn have I written a lot the past three years.
 2. Of my... 52 works on Ao3:
2 are on hiatus
2 are abandoned :(
46 are complete (many oneshots)
38 are stand alone oneshots
2 are collections of oneshots
46 - 48 are ship fics/ pairings depending on your definition
4-6 are general fics again depending on definition
13 are multi chapter
36 are part of a series (... I have a series connecting a bunch of my good omens one shots just to keep them together)
3. I have written
1 fic for Avatar: The Last Airbender
2 fics for Detroit: Become Human (one crossover)
1 fic for the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
30 fics for Good Omens (TV)
1 fic for Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
10 fics for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (one crossover)
2 fics for Merlin (TV)
6 fics for The Witcher (TV)
4. My longest completed fic oneshot: (Someday I'll Be) Part of Your World - 28,417 words...
5. My most popular fic (by kudos / comment threads / hits)
Kudos: There Is Always Tomorrow (1424 kudos)
Comment threads: Forgotten Love (88 comment threads)
Hits: Love Of My Life, Don't Leave Me (11104 hits)
All of these are good omens and I’m really not surprised. The kudos and hits fics were based on some popular fandom art, which the artist shared, so I only think those got so popular because of her.
6. My most common additional tag:
In a surprising turn of events, more of my fics are tagged fluff than angst (fluff is my most common)
7. My Ao3 Username:
8. Bonus fact(s):
Yes, I really did turn in fanfic for class without knowing what it was! From what I can remember, I wrote one that was just. A minecraft playthrough. Yep. And the other was a small scene of putting an oc into Eragon...
Speaking of ocs! I love them. I have so many of them. Of my fics posted, 5 of them are oc fics. Most of those 5 are ship fics.
I have other ocs too, for like every fandom I’m in or have ever been in. I have the most for Marvel, though, and am hoping to one day write them all out into something I like and post them together in a series. I just really enjoy making ocs.
If you’re ever interested in learning more of my ocs, don’t hesitate to message me and ask! Some of them will never see the light of day (meaning be published) because I don’t think they’ll ever be fleshed out enough, but that doesn’t mean I won’t talk about them still!
Yes there are a lot of Good Omens fics. Last summer after I watched the show I kind of hyperfixated on it for a few months and kept pushing out fics. 
Honestly if I had included the wips I have that aren’t being posted... whoo boy.
Right! That was fun. I’m going to tag @riv-ika, @aethelflaedladyofmercia, and @luritto if you want to give it a try! If anyone else wants to hop on this too feel free!
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madmaxst26 · 4 years
~Writeblr Introduction~
Hey guys!
I’ve been on this site for a little while, but I have yet to introduce myself. I figured I should with Preptober and NaNoWriMo coming up. 
My name is Iella (i-ella, spelling and pronunciation ^.^.) I’m 22 and a professional writing major at the University of Oklahoma, or OU for short. 
My Hobbies:
Learning languages (French (B1-B2) and German (A0) right now)
Reading (Currenltly reading GOT book 4, and Thunderhead by Neil Shusterman)
Playing videos games (Overwatch, Minecraft, etc)
Tropes I like:
I never know the actual like names of tropes so here’s just descriptions
Yearning, lots of that
Also when its one genre and barely any romance, love that (also could go under yearning)
hate to love (fun fact, that is actually how my boyfriend and I currently act. Like our banter def feels like it and it’s just our version of flirting)
The one where the two end up together no matter how many times they break up, (I know some of you like the trope where they don’t get together at the end, I’m not that person.)
Toxic relationships, they don’t even have to get healthy again, they just have to exist sometimes for me to like it (esp. if it’s a lesbian romance)
Woman protagonist or villain. That’s it. That’s the trope. 
I know there are others that have nothing to do with romance (because I do like other genres, and actually prefer genres that only have romance as a subplot and not the main one) but I can’t think of them right now. 
Genres I do like:
Sci-fy, especially hard sci-fy. I may not understand what’s going on, but I will try my hardest (Ex: Saturn’s Run by John Sanford and Ctein)
Fantasy, I’m very picky about this one. I don’t think I’ve ever liked a novel with fairies and vampires, (although werewolf fanfiction is a guilty pleasure of mine) so it’s more like DnD type fantasy and fantasy mixed with Sci-fy. (Ex: Game of thrones, aka low-fantasy, or at least that’s how it’s referenced in DnD lol.)
Dystopian, although we are basically in a sort of dystopia right now (Ex: Scythe by Neil Shusterman.)
Current WIP:
[Currently Untitled]
The only one I have that’s going right now that the research stage isn’t going to take ages (*cough* Reylo au incoming 4 years from now *cough*) is a YA Mystery novel. 
The University of Oxford is holding its first ever Scavenger Hunt, academic style of course. Anyone who signs up gets automatically paired based on a form they fill out so they can be paired with someone who best matches their personality and major. 
Two sophomores, Nathaniel and [girls’s name TBD] are paired up and despite their running banter being the bane of each other’s existence and wishing for this Hunt to end, they are pushed by unknown forces to find out the truth about why they were put together, as they have different majors, and why they keep finding superhero cards stained with blood everywhere they go. 
Research/Planning stage
 I am using this idea for Preptober and NaNoWriMo (my first one!) so you’ll see more of this become more fleshed out as the weeks progress. 
What I’ll be Posting:
It’ll mainly be excerpts, progress, random thoughts, and reblogs of things I like and/or agree with.
If I come across anything I think is important pertaining to writing advice I’ll definitely post it as soon as I think of it. 
I’m very new to the community so at the moment I’ll be seeking advice more than giving it out. 
Lastly, if you ever want to just chat about each other’s wip’s or random life stuff my dm’s are always open!
Reblog if you’re an active writeblr so I can follow some more writeblrs! I’m always looking for more advice and friends!
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