#flufftober alt 10
Fun fact, this is probably one of my favorites by far, of any fandom, that I’ve written. I can’t wait for y’all to read the whole thing!
Prompt Day 9: …at first sight (+ bonus scenario: sharing the last table at a cafe)
Fandom: Bob’s Burgers
Ship: Tedmort (Teddy/Mort)
Rating/Length: 3,108; T
Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Mortuary student mort, navy sailor teddy, First Meetings, Teddy is canonically a navy veteran but we’re taking it back to when he was active duty, Love Letters, Fluff, Flufftober 2023, At first sight, it is love? Probably, College aged tedmort
Summary: “I’m Theodore! But you can call me Teddy.” Relief flooded the tall Navy man’s face and he plopped down next to him, setting down his food, gently moving some of Mort’s papers on top of the pile of books. The table was a mess, there wasn't really any room for another person to sit. “Sorry, I’m just gonna move these. There ya go! Anyway, thank you, by the way. It's crowded here and there’s not a lot of places to sit I wasn’t expecting it to be so busy, but I you looked the nicest out of all of them. I didn’t think you’d turn me away, but hey you never know! I’m literally a stranger!”
Mort blinked at him, dropping his pen into his notebook; holy fuck this man could talk. As gorgeous as this man was, Mort was starting to regret his decision, but there was something about him. The lopsided smile, the way he hunched onto his elbows and fiddled with the fork sitting on the table top. It was almost endearing.
Mortuary Science student, Mort, falls fast for Navy sailor, Teddy, in town for a week of leave.
Day nine of flufftober 2023: …at first sight (plus bonus scenario: have your characters share the last table at a cafe)
Author’s Note: the idea of Teddy back in the Navy meeting a college student Mort was so cute, I can’t believe I thought a college au would never work for tedmort!
This can be read without the second half, it’s just a little sad! The second half is coming, I went overboard and this was already over 3k and the letters just…keep writing themselves. Please don’t let the “unfinished” status keep you from reading, I promise I will update the last half tomorrow when I get some sleep and can get it edited (and it will not be uploaded as part of a flufftober prompt)
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Flufftober Day 4 | Perfect coincidence
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Pairing | Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Civilian!Female!Reader
Word count | 1.4K
Summary | You find yourself in the middle of a rainstorm and seek refuge in a warm-looking coffee shop. When there's only one table left, you share it with a handsome stranger who introduces himself as Bucky Barnes and his fluffy white cat, Alpine. What started as one of the worst days quickly turned into one of the best.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. The reader gets caught in the rain, use of a nickname (doll), Alpine is smuggled into the coffee shop, and the fluff is amped up to 11 on this one, like tooth-rotting fluff.
Prompt(s) | Alt 10. Have your characters share the last table at a café.
A/n | This one shot is written for day 4 of @flufftober 2023. This idea immediately came to mind when I saw this prompt, and I couldn't wait to start this one! I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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It is a rainy day in the middle of October, and you accidentally forgot your umbrella at home. This morning, the weather was wonderful; the sun even appeared, but you should have known it would be too good to be true.
So here you are, in a thin outfit, soaked through your jacket, hair completely drenched, and cold beyond belief. It's good that you've found a coffee shop that looks warm and inviting so you can warm up a little bit.
As soon as you've crossed the street and made your way to the door of the coffee shop, you see that it is almost full, but you head in regardless. If you stay outside any longer, you're afraid the cold might permanently seep into your bones.
Your fingers are entirely frozen by now, and all feeling left them a while ago, so opening the door was a little more complicated than usual, but you managed regardless.
When the door swings open, you're greeted by lots of chatter and laughter, the coffee machines making all kinds of noises, the smell of freshly baked pastries, and some soft music in the background. You let the door fall shut behind you, and the atmosphere wraps itself around you like a warm blanket as if you're coming home.
You look around you and take in all the different kinds of people in the coffee shop. Some are working on their laptops, headphones on and in their own world, others are having lively conversations, and then a few are reading their book.
After a few short moments, you walk towards the small line of people at the counter, standing behind the last person and trying to decide what you'll have as you look up at the menu.
''What can I get for you today?'' the lady behind the counter asks, and you give her your order for a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a cinnamon roll before she takes your name and writes it on the cup.
''It'll be right with you,'' she says after you've gotten your change from her, and you move to the part of the counter where you can pick up your drink. You grab your phone out of your bag quickly to see what time it is, and much to your surprise, it's only 1 PM.
When your name is called, you return your phone and thank the lady before picking up your cup of hot chocolate and warm cinnamon roll. You spot a table, and when you're walking over, you arrive at the same time as someone else.
''Shall we share this table, Doll? It appears to be the only one left,'' the man said in a deep voice, and hearing it immediately warms you from the inside out. And the nickname, that is truly what got you.
''Yeah, I'd love to,'' you say as you move towards the wooden chair, not wanting to ruin the beautiful couch with your wet clothing. You place your cup and pastry on the table before taking off your bag and jacket, hanging them over the back, and sitting down.
''I'm sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself; how rude of me,'' the man says, extending a gloved hand, but you don't question it for even a second. Especially since you already know who the man across from you is.
''Sergeant James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. And this girl-'' he fishes a cat out of the inner pocket after shaking your hand and puts her on the table ''-is Alpine!''
After you tell him your name, you focus on Alpine for a bit, and you tell Bucky about how you used to have a cat that looked just like her when you were growing up.
''I know it's silly, but I really wanted to name her Snowball, so I did. But Alpine is a gorgeous name! May I ask where you got her?'' you ask, and Alpine happily bumps her head against your hand, letting you know she wants more attention.
''I was looking for a cat to adopt in a local shelter because a friend told me how cats work well with people with PTSD. So I went there, and I saw little miss Alpine over here, and it was love at first sight,'' he says, a big smile on his face as he talks about her.
She jumps into your lap, although you're clothes are still soaked, and makes a little cat donut while spinning, slowly falling asleep and taking a pleasant and comfortable nap there.
''So, how did you end up on this side of town? I don't think I've ever seen you around here before,'' he says as he sips his coffee, and you do the same with your hot chocolate.
''You got a little…'' he says as he takes his glove off his right hand and reaches over to you. When his flesh fingers touch your lip, wiping the hot chocolate away as he stares into your eyes, the moment feels much more intimate than it probably should.
''I-I'm sorry,'' he says before quickly pulling his hand back, a red color sporting his cheeks, and he looks at his coffee cup, suddenly unsure what to do with himself.
''It's okay, I don't mind,'' you say in a soft but reassuring voice, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as he looks up at you through his lashes.
''As I was going to say, I recently moved to this side of town. I used to live in New Jersey, but I figured it was time for a change, and this looked like a beautiful neighborhood. It would appear I was right,'' you say as you look at him and extend your hand, needing to feel his warm skin around your cold hand.
The afternoon was spent chatting and getting to know each other better until it was finally time to go home because the coffee shop was closing for the day. You completely forgot to eat your cinnamon roll.
''Excuse me, could you maybe wrap this up for me to go?'' you ask the lady behind the counter, and she happily does as Bucky puts Alpine back into his inner pocket.
''C'mon, let us walk you home. We can use my umbrella,'' he says as he shows you a dark blue umbrella, and you gladly accept before walking out the door. He immediately opens it, and you hook your arm through his extended one, letting your other hand rest on his bicep as you walk through the rain.
''I feel so stupid for leaving mine at home,'' you say as you rest your head against Bucky's shoulder. ''But if I did bring it, I never would have met you, so I guess that's the good thing about me forgetting it,'' you chuckle, and Bucky couldn't agree more.
When you arrive at your apartment complex, he walks you to your front door, not wanting to say goodbye yet. He's still trying to find the courage to ask you out on an actual date, and he realizes time is running out now.
He clears his throat when you let go of his arm to search for your keys.
''Doll? Would you maybe- if you want to-, you can say no if you want-'' he stumbles over his words, but you look up at him expectantly. He rubs the back of his neck as he composes himself.
''Would you want to go out for dinner? I had a lot of fun this afternoon, and I'd love to get to know you better,'' he asks, and the smile on your face melts every worry away.
''I would love to; let me give you my number,'' you say. He unlocks his phone so you can put it in there. When you hand it back, you stand on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek softly as a goodbye.
''Goodbye, Bucky. It was great to meet you,'' you say as you unlock your door and walk in, and he stands there like a teenage boy with a crush. The smile on his face is not leaving, even when he's back at the Compound and he runs into Steve.
''Where have you been all afternoon? It's not like you to be gone for so long,'' his best friend asks, and that's when Bucky tells him about his afternoon.
The beautiful woman he met at the coffee shop, the way Alpine cuddled into her lap, and how the conversation never seemed dull, and you two still weren't done talking by the time you were dropped off at home.
''And the best of all is that I'll be seeing her again soon,'' Bucky says, that same big smile appearing on his face, and Steve's happy for him. After everything that's happened, you were the best thing that ever could have happened.
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
@flufftober Day 10: Hot Chocolate (Alt Prompt #1)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Word Count: 394 Rating: G | cw: None
Wayne sets a coffee mug in front of his granddaughter, trying not to look as expectant as he feels. It was the same anxiousness he'd felt when Eddie first came to live with him and he was trying to win a scared young boy over with a beverage his nephew had likely not remembered from Christmases long since past.
He decided on a Looney Tunes mug today, one that he has had for years. It's Wile E. Coyote's head, his long protruding snout working as an unofficial second handle – like a ceramic sippy cup. Perfectly usable even if Steve is hovering halfway across the kitchen counter before the kid even picks it up.
And if he knows anything about his granddaughter, it's that Joanie cartoons, just like Eddie.
Joanie leans forward, looking over the rim of the mug as she carefully examines its contents. She sticks a finger out, hovering it over the quickly dissipating bubbles. Only this time (unlike an unfortunate encounter last winter) she doesn't stick her finger straight in it.
"Two hands, Joanie Bologna," Eddie whispers from his spot beside her.
"Don't worry," Wayne says, nodding in reassurance at Steve's frown, "I didn't make it too hot."
He can't relax though. If anything he further tenses as the toddler gets her small hands around the handle and cartoon nose. As Joanie brings the mug to her mouth, wobbling a little as she goes, Eddie stands up and balls his fists above his head. Wayne smiles, knowing the boy is just as eager for their little Munson Family tradition to carry on.
Joanie clicks her tongue and makes a dramatic quenching sound, sticking her tongue out for good measure. She sets the mug down a little too quick, cocoa sloshing about and threatening to spill over.
She goes quiet for a moment, tenting her fingers together – her big brown eyes deep in thought. Just when Wayne feels like his heart is about it sink along with his hot cocoa-making skills, Joanie beams up at him.
"Pa, that was the best drink," she declares, raising her hands sky-high, "Ever!"
She sweeps her hand through the air, emphasising whatever physically encompasses 'ever'. Steve lunges for the mug to pull it to safety as Eddie reaches across the countertop.
Wayne receives a very enthusiastic pat on the shoulder.
"Nice work, old man," his nephew grins.
More of this AU
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breannasfluff · 1 year
LU October Prompts~Breanna's Fluff
LU Flufftober | AO3 Collection
“I’ve got you” - Four Rabbits AU
Family, Friends, Loved Ones - Wing Bois AU
“Wait you love me?”/“I always have” - Four Rabbits
Alt: Morning Person
4 + 1 - Four Rabbits
Corn Maze - Four Rabbits
Porch Swing
Rainy Day (Collab-Layraket)
Enemies at first sight - Wing Bois
Love of my Life - Wing Bois
Sweet Tooth (Collab-screaming-but-i-have-four-swords)
Fire & Ice - Four Rabbits
Wrong Opinion
“I hate it”/“No, you don't” - Wing Bois
Confession - Wing Bois
Singing one another to sleep - Wing Bois
Encouraging someone to achieve a goal - Wing Bois
“Did you plan for this to happen?” - Four Rabbits
Alt - New Occupation (Collab-Muse) - Lucky Rabbit Cafe
Pumpkin - Lucky Rabbit Cafe
Swoon - Wing Bois
Picking Feathers - Wing Bois
Trinket - Wing Bois
[melting emoji] - Wing Bois
Nook - Wing Bois
Fireplace - Wing Bois
Outdoor Event - Lucky Rabbit Cafe
Soothing Touch
“Hey, wake up!” - Wing Bois
Self-Worth / Self-Love
Dreams Do Come True (Collab-Twilight Angel)
LU Whumptober | AO3 Collection
Whump Rating Scale
1: Safety Net, Whump rating: 3/5 2: Delirium, 3/5 3: Solitary Confinement, 1.5 4: Shock - Wing Bois, 3 5: Pinned Down - Wing Bois, 4 6: Made to Watch - Wing Bois, 3.5 7: “Can you hear me?” 4 8: Outnumbered 1 9: “You're a liar.” 2.5 10: Stranded 2.5 11: Animal trap 3 12: Alt: Shaking 1 13: Infection 2.5 14: “Just hold on.” 5 15: Makeshift Bandages 5 16: “Don’t go where I can’t follow.” 3 17: Touch Aversion 3.5 18: Tortured For Information 3 19: “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.” 0.5 20: Found Family 2 21: Restraints - Wing Bois, 4.5 22: Glass Shard 5 23: Stalking 4 24: Neglect 1 25: Storm 3 26: Seeing Double 3 27: “Let me see” - Wing Bois, 3.5 28: “You'll have to go through me.” (Collab-Ika) 3 29: Troubled Past Resurfacing 4 30: Bridal Carry 5 31: Setbacks 0.5
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mosscreeper-ao3 · 22 days
October writing challenges prompts and pairings!
Flufftober (prompts from @flufftober)
Pairings are in green. Please be mindful of the difference between "/" (romantic or sexual) and "&" (platonic) pairings
Last pet meet cute-Kaidan & Rocky (his dog from my main mShenko series)
"Left, other left!"-mShenko
Favorite scent-Kaidan & the Normandy crew
Market day-MFE friendship
Acorn, pinecone, chestnut-Jaith
Mistaken identity-Keith & Shiro (Broganes)
Hoodie weather-Jaith
Chopping and piling wood-mShenko
"Don't do that." "but-"-Jaith
Bet, game, contest-Jaith, MFE friendship
Ingredients and spells-Paladin friendship
"This is spooky." "Really?"-Klance
Attic, cellar, hidden room-solo Keith
Fantasy AU/Mundane AU-Jaith
"What are you wearing?" "It's laundry day."-Jaith
Yes, no, maybe-Jaith
Rainy Day (alt prompt)-Jaith
Paw-Keith & Kosmo
Heirloom-solo James Griffin
Stormy night-Jaith
Comfort food-MFE friendship
Haunted house-Klance
"I can't find it."-mShenko
Afternoon stroll-mShenko
Lucky charm-MFE friendship
Time capsule-Paladin Friendship
"Make a wish."-Jaith
Whumptober (prompts from @whumptober)
This one will be mostly split into two fics with each prompt being a chapter. One exploring James' emotional state after Keith leaves and the other exploring Keith's being captured during a BoM mission.
A few prompts will be turned into one shots.
Keith's fic will cover the following prompts
Day 1-race against the clock/search party
Day 3-set up for failure/wrongfully arrested
Day 4-hallucination/sensory deprivation
Day 7-only for emergencies/unconventional weapons
Day 8-sleep deprivation/forced to stay awake
Day 12-starvation/"just a little more"
Day 16-necrosis/wound cleaning
Day 21-body horror/spirit possession
Day 22-bleeding through the bandages/reopening wounds
Day 24-radiation poisoning/equipment failure
Day 26-nightmares/parting words regret
Day 29-fatigue/"who said you could rest?"
James' fic will cover the following prompts
Day 2-trust issues/role reversal
Day 5-sunburn/heatstroke
Day 6-not realizing they're injured/unhealthy coping mechanism
Day 9-obsession/broken window
Day 11-seeing double/loneliness
Day 13-team as family/familial curse
Day 14-left for dead/“Because I want you to know what it feels like to be haunted”
Day 18-revenge/loss of identity
Day 23-forced choice/broken pedestal
Day 28-denial/CCTV
Day 31-asking for help/"I'm alive, I'm just not well"
One shots will cover the following prompts
Day 10-blow to the head/"I can't think straight", Jaith
Day 15-childhood trauma/"I did good, right?", Jaith
Day 17-nowhere else to go/"we had a good run", Jaith
Day 19-blood trail/"is there anybody out there?", Paladins
Day 20-emotional angst/"it's not your fault, Shiro & Keith (broganes)
Day 25-surgery/"it's for your own good", solo Shiro
Day 27-voiceless/muzzled, solo Shiro
Day 30-recovery/"what have I done", solo Shiro
Kinktober below the cut
Kinktober (prompts from @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction)
Pairings are in green.
Love bites-Jaith
Breath play-Shiro/Curtis
First time-Allurance (all Allurance will have trans Lance)
Nipple play-Allurance
Mirror sex-Jaith
Secret reltionships-mShenko
Sex pollen-Jaith
Praise kink-Jaith
Psychic bonds-femShep/Liara
Fuck or die-Jaith
Shotgunning-Jaith (college AU)
On the desk-Jaith
Sleepy sex-Shiro/Curtis
Body worship-mShenko
Face sitting-Romelle/Allura
Hair pulling-mShenko
Afternoon delight-Shiro/Curtis
Free space, swimming-Jaith
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lilolilyr · 1 year
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Send me a flufftober day + what ship you want me to write the prompt for and i might feel some inspiration :D
Ships I take prompts for are in the tags! You can also prompt something else if you think i might know it :)
Already written: # flufftober 2023 on Ao3
Day 1 - Mirandy Day 2 - Bering and Wells
Day 3 - Mirandy Day 4 - Mirandy
Day 5 - Bering and Wells Day 6 - Callian
Day 7 - Bering and Wells Day 8 - Avorah
Day 9 - Andromaquynh Day 10 - Bering&Wells
Day 11 - Bering and Wells Day 12 - Milippa
Day 13 - Berena (Holby City) Day 14 - Berena
Day 15 - Janeway/7 Day 16 - GM ScarletMay
Day 17 - Berena Day 18 - GM Killercule
Day 19 - Bering and Wells Day 20 - Mirandy
Day 21 - Bering and Wells Day 22 - Mirandy
Day 23 - Fangorn (LotR) Day 24 - Arawen
Day 25 - Bering and Wells Day 26 - Janeway/7
Day 27 - Bering and Wells Day 28 - GOmens
Day 29 - Bering and Wells Day 30 - MacPhrack
Day 31 - Mirandy
My stuff on tumblr | ao3 | headers | Send prompt ask!
Flufftober Daily prompts:
(& I might write more than one for the same day so still hmu with prompts for any of the upcoming days even when I already wrote a note with a prompt or an idea)
Day 1 I've got you ✓
Day 2 Family, Friends, Loved ones ✓
Day 3 Wait you love me? I always have. Idk Berena maybe? Can’t really think of any storyline here, maybe I’ll just do one of the bonus prompts today went with the alt prompt (✓)
Day 4 Cinderella Moment could be Mirandy with Andy at a ball or sth but I think sb on the discord is already writing that and I already had a Mirandy one anyway… prompts? Edit: Wrote it anyway ✓
Day 5 x+1 prompts? possibly something Bering & Wells? I‘d like to write more W13 fics ✓
Day 6 Corn Maze I feel like doing sth with kids so Berena or Mirandy or maybe Callian? ✓
Day 7 Porch Swing Bering&Wells as prompted by purlturtle- I’ll try my very best! ✓
Day 8 Rainy Day I know I already wrote this for Milippa several times but I kinda want to? Or maybe Avorah… idk yet ✓
Day 9 …at first sight I want to do a flashback fic with hate at first sight when they’re together now tho. Maybe kiradax? Edit: didn't have time for something longer, went with an idea for an Andromaquynh drabble instead. Really want to write that kiradax story some day tho! ✓
Day 10 Love of my Life possibly Bering&Wells for a prompt from Ao3, but I'm not sure yet, can't really think of sth to write, unless sb has a specific prompt I'll probably go with an alt ✓
Day 11 Sweet Tooth could be anyone! Myka, Andy (both Andrea or Andromache xD), also Miranda maybe, Madeleine,… Prompts? I’m making this a first come first serve so whichever character I get promoted first, I’ll write! Edit: got an Bering & Wells prompt from Lavendelhummel! & one from an anon! ✓
Day 12 Fire&Ice Milippa fantasy AU ✓ (I did get a prompt for Bering & Wells smut too, we’ll see if I have time)
Day 13 Wrong(…) prompts? Also maybe add what wrong thing it should be about! Edit: writing sth for Berena ✓
Day 14 I hate it - no you don’t. This feels like a smut prompt to me xD safewords mentioned but not used *smirk* but which ship? Berena? Andromaquynh? ✓
Day 15 Emergency/Confession/Adventure - maybe a Mirandy Wip I have could work for confession, idk yet edit: wrote a J7 drabble ✓
Day 16 singing one another to sleep Floreleine maybe? Ended up with ScarletMay, still GM ✓
Day 17 encouragement to achieve a goal ✓
Day 18 did you plan for this to happen? Andronilynh maybe? Or Librarywives? ✓
Day 19 keeping someone safe possibly Bering&Wells for a prompt from Ao3 (guys pls send me tumblr asks instead if in any way possible) ✓
Day 20 pumpkin Mirandy in collab with TheWalkingMeepa! ✓
Day 21 swoon got a Bering & Wells prompt for that one, thx Ida! I'll try to think of something :) ✓
Day 22 Picking (flowers/picking sb up/picking out a dress/picking a song for our wedding/…) mayhaps a smutty mirandy continuation of day 20?? ✓
Day 23 trinket send me ship ideas? Or I'll just combine with Tolkientober day 23 prompt 'hobbits' and write something to the ideas on this post. Also this one maybe ✓
Day 24 melting maybe Arawen? Tolkientober prompt of the day is 'kiss' so that kinda goes together :D ✓
Day 25 nook Tolkientober prompt of the day is 'sting' which... Might fit xD but idk what to write to it really? Maybe I’ll just stick with B&W ✓
Day 26 fireplace I feel like J7 ✓
Day 27 outdoor event prompts? If I don't get any prompts I might go the tolkientober route and combine it with the prompt 'family' edit: went with extra 6 for B&W (✓)
Day 28 soothing touch - maybe ineffable spouses with snek Crowley ✓
Day 29 hey, wake up! Prompts? At a stretch I can always do B&W again bc I want to get some more fics in that fandom anyway. Maybe combo with extra5? ✓
Day 30 self worth/self love prompts? Maybe just a singular character here? Tolkientober prompt is 'gardener' so if I don't get any prompts I might go with some Sam self love… or write sth Mac centric for MacPhrack? ✓
Day 31 dreams do come true ohh if the mirandy one doesn’t work for confessions it Will work here ✓
And then there are also those, for when I really can’t think of something to write for a day’s prompt, but you can also prompt me fandoms for these:
Extra 1: hot chocolate ✓ by accident in combination with day 8!
Extra 2: you’ve told your parents?
Extra 3: wearing each other’s clothes
Extra 4: candles/lanterns/fairy lights
Extra 5: oh no, you’re a morning person! - lavendelhummel prompted Bering and Wells with Myka as the morning person ✓ in combination with day 29!
Extra 6: reverse all the roles ✓ on day 27 for Bering and Wells
Extra 7: fairytale retelling maybe McPhrack
Extra 8: new occupation
Extra 9: crossover
Extra 10: sharing the last table at a café Mirandy AU first meeting for day 3 ✓
You can also send me more specific prompts, if you already have an idea for what exactly you want me to write for a day!
Only taking prompts from people who actually interact with my stuff. Reblogs and friendly ao3 comments get prio, but if you just hit kudos on ao3 in the past or sth I also won’t ignore you, I’ll just do others first! (Tumblr likes, obviously, don’t count for shit)
flufftober Event Blog
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unendingwanderlust · 1 year
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Welcome to my first ever Flufftober! If you're in the mood for some fluffy, feel-good fics, grab a beverage of your choice and enjoy!
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DAY 2: FAMILY, FRIENDS, LOVED ONES | Family Relationships (Frodo & Bilbo & Thorin), Thorin/Bilbo, mentioned Kíli/Tauriel AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU - Frodo Moves To Erebor, Parentshield, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
After his parents’ passing, little Frodo moves to Erebor to live with Bilbo and his husband, Thorin. He never expected that he would meet his first elf in Bilbo’s kitchen…
DAY 7: PORCH SWING | Family Relationships (Thranduil & his grandmothers), Background OFC / OFC Slice of Life, Young Thranduil, Typical teenage boy problems but add Second Kinslaying trauma, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
In the forest of Rhovanion, an adolescent Thranduil shares a quiet morning with his grandmothers…
DAY 9: ...AT FIRST SIGHT | Family Relationships (Thranduil & Legolas & Tauriel), Mentioned Gimli/Legolas Modern Middle Earth, Fashion & Models, Slice of Life, Part of the There Goes The Neighborhood series
Legolas absolutely does not have a crush on his new stupid classmate, with his ridiculous long beard and démodé plaid shirt...
DAY 10: "LOVE OF MY LIFE" | Family Relationships (Legolas & his mother) Child Legolas, Mother-Son Relationship, Family Feels, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
Little Legolas is nervous about his mother leaving the safety of the Elvenking's Halls in order to fight at the Woodland Realm's borders. And so, she makes a promise to him…
DAY 11: CANDLES, LANTERNS, FAIRY LIGHTS (ALT PROMPT) | Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife Humor, Flower Language, Pre-Relationship, Best Friends To Lovers, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
Prince Thranduil attempts to ask his best friend, for whom he secretly has feelings, to be his date for the Feast of Starlight. It goes as well as expected...
DAY 26: ...FIREPLACE | Maedhros & Laergliriel (OC) Slice of Life, Post-Angband, Humor, Incorrect Bear Lore, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
Laergliriel slipped her gloves back on and shoved the book at Maedhros, who took it with a startle. The puppy howled in surprise at the sudden flurry of movement.
“You know,” said Maglor, “judging by your faces as soon as I walked in, one might think that you were planning to murder someone before I so rudely interrupted.”
“How perceptive of you!” Laergliriel exclaimed with a desperate edge in her voice. “This is exactly what we were doing!”
Maedhros shook his head. In what universe planning a murder was preferable to what they had actually been doing, he did not know, but he was going to play along...
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Destiny And Her Whims - Liandrin Guirale/Joanna Beauchamp
A/N: Alt 8 for @flufftober.
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Liandrin Guirale had always known the call of the wild, the need to protect Joanna Beauchamp, what she had not understood was why, why she was still alive, why they were still so bound together. Then she sees her again, mourning her children, Ingrid and Freya, a hand resting against her stomach, the routine will start again. Joanna’s hand tightens as she steps from the shadows, watching Joanna tremble, her steps more sure the deeper the link between seems to become. Joanna folds into her, eyes closing with a soft sob of pain. “I can’t do this again…” “You must…” “Not alone, I… I can’t do this….” “Who said you were alone?” “But…” “I was… afraid. Of us. Of this… feeling.” Liandrin’s voice softens. “Joanna… I have always, always loved you I was just… just afraid you needed someone else.” “You’d really stay?” “Of course I would.” Liandrin’s fingers cover the already forming child between them, her lips finding Joanna’s ear. “I should always have been here. With you.” Later, mere days really, Wendy is given back to them all. The woman’s lives returned by Liandrin’s new choice, a reset that breaks many an old habit. The children grow, aware but not practicing, trusted with the truth, Liandrin’s laugh warm when finally, aged merely 10, Ingrid begins to learn at her mother’s side. Liandrin, herself, is more than content to hold Freya, soothing the tired 9 year old who complains about being left out. In time, a year, she too will be learning but for now, for now it’s enough to be held, her smile soft when Liandrin coaxes magic through her fingers, wrapping the girl in fireflies. “We have all the time in the world, Freya love, just enjoy the process.”
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1. “I’ve got you”: Nate x Alizée
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones: Maïa x Felix x Rime (+ Anisa and Sage)
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”: Eleanor x Haley
4. Cinderella Moment: Isa and Priscilla
5. x + 1 : Darla x Reyner
6. Corn Maze: Abby x Karen (+Alizée, Nate and the whole gang)
7. Porch Swing: Mai x Lea
8. Alt 3: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: Diana x Maeve
9. Annoyances at first sight: Aurren x Caleb
10. Love of my Life: Aislin x Ella
11. Sweet Tooth: Cameron x Sam
12. Fire & Ice: Amy x Rosalyn
13. Wrong place, wrong time: Evan x Xiao
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don’t”: Dean x Zeph
15. Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights: Aislin x Ella
16. Singing one another to sleep: Kora x Martha
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal: Nate x Alizée
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”: Eira x Asra
19. Keeping someone safe: Nora x Lorcan
20. Pumpkin: Isa x Amber
21. Swoon: Lilly x Elliott
22. Picking: Hazel x Celestia
23. Trinket: River x Seb
24. [melting emoji] (🫠): Leo x Alex
25. Nook: Nora x Lorcan
26. Fireplace: Florian x Casey
27. Outdoor Event: Darla x Reyner
28. Soothing Touch: Logan x Felicia
29. “Hey, wake up!”: Aurren x Caleb
30. Alt 1: Hot Chocolate: Abby & Ally
31. Dreams Do Come True: Aislin x Ella
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Ok I've decided I'm doing Flufftober for tarlos this year and the goal is the full 31/31 - aka a fic a day in October.
since i'm so great with deadlines and writing short fics *snorts*
i did it for robron a few years ago, it was fun but sooo much work
BUT the list is under the read more, if anyone has any suggestions or requests for fluffy tarlos one shots with any of these prompts, drop me an ask or reply to this post and I'll do my best to make it happen!
(I've swapped a few prompts with the substitutes and removed the alternate scenarios that didn't speak to me so my list is slightly different from the 'official' one)
1. “I’ve got you”
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”
4. Alt 5: “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
5. x + 1 "5+1 things" [or any number you want]
6. Alt #3 wearing each other’s clothes
7. Porch Swing
8. Rainy Day
9. (...) at first sight (think "love at first sight", "enemies at first sight"...)
10. Love of my Life
11. Sweet Tooth
12. Alt #2 "You’ve told your parents?"
13. Wrong (...) (think "wrong number", "wrong train", "wrong person"...)
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don't”
15. Emergency, Confession, Adventure
16. Singing one another to sleep
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”
19. Keeping someone safe
20. Pumpkin
21. Swoon
22. Picking (think "picking flowers", "picking up someone", "picking out a dress", "picking a song for the wedding"...)
23. Trinket
24. [melting emoji] (does anyone even know what this emoji stands for? No? We neither but we would love for you to get creative with it 😉 but also, think "melting in the heat", "melting from embarrassment"... also, I would've loved to add it here but tumblr doesn't have this emoji yet)
25. Nook
26. Fireplace
27. Outdoor Event (think "hiking tour", "concert", "picnic"...)
28. Soothing Touch
29. “Hey, wake up!”
30. Self-Worth / Self-Love
31. Dreams Do Come True
Prompt Extras
Last Year's Favorites
Alt 1: Hot Chocolate
Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
Alt 8: Give your character a new occupation
Alt 10: Have your characters share the last table at a café
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labradorite-skies · 2 years
2022 Flufftober Masterlist
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❈ Day 1 ✧ Wearing Each Other’s Clothes ✧ Satoru Gojo
❈ Day 4 ✧ Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies ✧ Cyno
❈ Day 5 ✧ “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!” ✧ Doppo Kunikida
❈ Day 8 ✧ Shooting Stars ✧ Zhongli
❈ Day 9 ✧ Alt 4 ~ Up Against the Wall Kiss ✧ Kaeya Alberich
❈ Day 10 ✧ Love Language ✧ Toge Inumaki
❈ Day 12 ✧ “You kept this?” ✧ Tenya Iida
❈ Day 13 ✧ Secret Family Recipe ✧ Ken Kaneki
❈ Day 16 ✧ “I hate you” – “I love you too” ✧ Satoru Gojo
❈ Day 18 ✧ Soulmate AU ✧ Doppo Kunikida
❈ Day 26 ✧ Blankets ✧ Sebastian Michaelis
❈ Day 27 ✧ Reunion ✧ Armin Arlert
❈ Day 28 ✧ Picnic ✧ Tomura Shigaraki
❈ Day 30 ✧ Dear Diary ✧ Doppo Kunikida
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Requests | CLOSED | ~ Prompts: @flufftober
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skittlesfics · 2 years
Stranger Things x Reader Flufftober
Hi loves! I'm going to be participating in Flufftober this month! I'm a little behind, but I wanted to do this with some audience input. I'm going to put the prompts down below.
Send me an ask with which prompt and who you want it to be about and I'll update this post with the first person to be assigned to that prompt! (feel free to include little details you want included and I'll accommodate as I can)
If no one is assigned to a prompt by the day I start writing, I'll just randomly pick. (Fics will start coming out Monday and I'll try to stay on schedule after that xo)
I'll write for Eddie, Argyle, Steve, and Robin.
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1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes - Steve
2. “You’ve told your parents?” - Argyle
3. Thick as Thieves - Eddie
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!” - Argyle
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports) - Robin
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions - Argyle
15. Accidents don’t just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?”
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Alt 1: Slow Dancing
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
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altamont498 · 2 years
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I posted 6,085 times in 2022
That's 2,814 more posts than 2021!
90 posts created (1%)
5,995 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 382 of my posts in 2022
#the great ace attorney - 37 posts
#altamont498 - 37 posts
#bungo stray dogs - 17 posts
#ryunosuke naruhodo - 14 posts
#long post - 14 posts
#ace attorney - 14 posts
#club penguin - 11 posts
#lupin the third - 10 posts
#nsft - 10 posts
#youtube - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#''i am leaving to set up a retirement home for elderly goldfish on top of mt. kilimanjaro. my last day will be march 20th
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Unfriendly reminder that the image description/alt text option on website builders and social media platforms is there for you to describe images for people that are reliant on screenreaders.
It's not there for you to put in some hidden snarky comment or to use in lieu of a caption or an image credit.
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[Image is described in alt text]
208 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
With everything that’s going on at the minute, it’s probably a good time to remember how to spot a scam, because they’re not always obvious and you aren’t necessarily immune to them on account of age or intelligence level.
The following are genuine examples of scams that have been reported by others on the internet. They are not intended to be exclusive or exhaustive and are used for illustrative purposes only.
Seems too good to be true
Like something for nothing or an unusually large discount on something that’s usually hard to come by or very expensive.
Came from out of the blue
Someone claiming to be your internet provider calls up saying there’s an issue with your device or internet connection, even though both have been working fine all morning.
Account details/Access requested
Someone claiming to be from your bank calls up asking to confirm your account details for security purposes, or asks for you to download a program to resolve an issue with your internet banking which will allow them to control your device remotely.
Money or vouchers requested
A relative calls up and asks for money out of the blue, saying that they’re in a foreign country and have been injured and that doctors refuse to treat them until they’ve been paid, and that they need you to sort out payment for them.
Or: Someone from the tax office calls up saying you’re £500 on taxes and you need to send them Amazon vouchers right away.
Disguised or under Duress
Someone calls up claiming to be from the police, saying that they’re investigating counterfeit currency and need you to withdraw £2500 to hand to a courier. They tell you to tell the clerk it’s for a birthday present for your spouse if they ask you why you need such a large amount of money and not to tell them the real reason why, or else you’ll end up going to jail.
If any of the above fit the bill or sound very similar to what someone is asking you to do, there’s a chance you could get SCAM’D.
And if you do happen to fall for scams, make sure you tell the authorities or your bank right away as they may be able to put a stop to them (no organisation known by an acronym wants anyone impersonating them) and maybe able to recover some or all of your money.
Don’t feel embarrassed about it—scammers can often exploit our “off” days.
227 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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[This image is alt text enabled]
275 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
It is not enough for me to stretch after a 7 hour shift in work. I need someone to pick me up and wring me like a wet cloth.
356 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Shout out to the people not doing Inktober, Flufftober, NaNoWriMo, etc. this year (or any year) for whatever reason.
Because they have prior work commitments (retail/service can be hell this time of year).
Because they’re too busy with school work or exam prep.
Because they’re dealing with chronic conditions and illnesses.
Because they have poor mental health and want to prioritise that.
Have other personal priorities and commitments.
Because they have no ideas or are between projects.
Because they don’t have energy.
Because they just don’t bloody well want to thank you very much.
You aren’t any less valid as an artist/writer/creator, and can’t/shouldn’t be pressured into doing anything you don’t want to do or made to feel bad about it.
This list is not intended to be exclusive or exhaustive, additions are welcomed.
P.S Not intended to be hate on anyone who does actually participate or enjoy these monthly challenges.
3,664 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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flufftober · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to our second annual Flufftober 🥳
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
Let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰
You’ll find the entire prompt list - as well as a list of prompt substitutes! - at the end of this post so you can easily copy/paste it all. But first:
Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
NEW this year are our prompt substitutes! These are the five most loved prompts from the previous year, and you can use as many of them as you like instead of five prompts from the original list - or even in addition, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2022
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2022 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt substitute, instead of #day [xy] tag it as #alt 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2022 or flufftober_2022 (yes, we've claimed both because so many people added to the wrong collection last year 😅)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like last year, reblogs will become less and less and further apart the more months pass...
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
2. “You’ve told your parents?”
3. Thick as Thieves
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports)
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?”
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Prompt Substitutes
Last year, many of you asked for it, this year we're delivering 😊 introducing: Prompts Substitutes!
As explained in the rules, these can be used if there are prompts in the original list that you don't like for whatever reason. No need to explain or apologize for it, simply switch them with one of the five most loved prompts from last year. Or... you know... just add these five to your list of 31 prompts that want to be written 😉
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Alt 1: Slow Dancing
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
We hope you like these lists, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
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flufftober prompt list & requests
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from @flufftober, and because I have no chill, I am starting on the prompt list that you can find here and under the cut if you'd like to slide a request into my askbox!
The ships I'm most interested in writing right now are:
Hotchgan, HotchRossi, Hotch/John Blackwolf, Dave/Emily, Hotch/Madame Bouvier, Gotch, Hotch/Gideon and Jotch.
I will not write: underage, cheating, non-con, unsub/character, and as far as sex-related themes, I'd rather keep things relatively vanilla right now.
Other than that, bring it on!
(I'm also, always, really interested in disability, neurodivergence and gender-related ideas so if that's you, hello, tell me all about it please 👀).
Let's prep some fluff! 💜
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
2. “You’ve told your parents?”
3. Thick as Thieves
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports) (I already have a Hossi fill written but I'm open to writing them several times with different ships/ideas!)
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions
15. Accidents don’t just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU Please pick an alt instead
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?”
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Alt 1: Slow Dancing (I already have a Gotch fill in-progress but I'm open to writing them several times with different ships/ideas!)
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
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Hey, everyone! I'm going to give @flufftober a shot this year. I've got the prompts all planned out below, but I might alter things around or change my mind as the month goes on. There's a lot of new ships I've never written before but I'm excited to try- especially with an autumn theme! My goal is to write between 300 and 1k words for each prompt. Hopefully I'll be updating this post often. Wish me luck! ❤
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Week One
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes - Eddie Brock x Reader x Venom
2. “You’ve told your parents?” - Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DCU) x Reader 
3. Thick as Thieves - Nathan Drake (Uncharted 2022) x Thief!Reader
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies [Alt 2] Caught in the Rain - TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!” - Robert "Bob" Floyd x Reader
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights - Nadja of Antipaxos x Reader x Laszlo Cravensworth
7. Movie Marathon - Natasha Romanov/Black Widow x Reader
8. Shooting Stars - Thorin Oakenshield x Human!Reader AU
Week 2
9. Game Day (Sports) - Poly!SuicideSquad x Reader
10. Love Language - Bruce Wayne (Batman 2022) x Reader
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft - Rick Flag x Artist!Reader AU
12. “You kept this?” - Edward Teach (ofmd) x Reader 
13. Secret Family Recipe - Peter Parker (MCU) x Ned’s Sister!Reader
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Vigilante!Reader
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally - Joan Watson x Reader x Sherlock Holmes
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too” - Emilia Harcourt x Argus Agent!Reader
Week Three
17. Animal Shelter - Stephen Holder x Reader 
18. Soulmate AU - Eddie Munson x Reader
19. Hot Chocolate - Bilbo Baggins x Human!Reader
20. Bedtime Stories [Alt 5] Winning a Teddy for the Other - Steve Harrington x Reader
21. Kiss for Good Luck - Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
22. “Have you heard?” - Robert Dubois x Reader
23. POV Outsider - Digger Harkness x Reader from Rick Flag’s POV
24. All the Hugs - Harley Quinn x Squadmember!Reader
Week Four
25. First Dance - Kili (Hobbit) x Reader
26. Blankets - Takeshi Kovacs Prime x Reader
27. Reunion - Yelena Belova x Reader
28. Picnic - Guillermo de la Cruz x Witchhunter!Reader
29. Leaves [Alt 1] Slow dance - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
30. Dear Diary - Chris Smith/Peacemaker x Reader 
31. A Sweet Treat - Rick Flag x Argus Agent!Reader
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