#flying practice
matchstique · 1 year
Flying and walking practice!
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I did little sketches of the future peeps handling Casey at different stages of childhood. Now I am rendering them out. And damn, it’s fun to try and render this stuff out. I hope you enjoy!
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mayhaps-a-blog · 3 months
Rewatching A New Hope and guys. Guys.
We have all fallen for Han's propaganda.
Look, Han might think he's a suave, smooth-talking pilot-slash-smuggler who can outsmart a whole ship of Imperials, and that Luke's a naive little farmboy who's never seen hyperspace before, but honestly?
The whole time on the Death Star, it was Luke calling the shots. Luke bluffed an officer into thinking he was a stormtrooper with a bad comm unit; Han started shooting as soon as the door was open. Luke spent about 2 seconds on the altruistic argument - "but they'll kill her!" - before figuring out Han's angle and swapping to the argument that would win. Luke pulled out a cell block number as soon as the guard asked; Han famously fumbled the first comm call.
We give Luke a bad rap for being an idealistic farm kid, but he's not stupid. He knows when he's being scammed, although he might be a bit loud about calling it out; he's ready for trouble and pretty on the ball with coming up with cover stories. He might expect the best of people - but you know what? It works! People want to live up to those expectations - so they do. Han comes back. His father turns from the Dark Side. People listen.
Han might think he's an idiot, but when you look at everything Han gets up to himself...
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animeboye · 1 year
New Dragon’s World Chapter 19
Chapter 19: The Night before the Final Battle "The third possibility is that I decide to stay with Saulstrance and his men. If I do decide to stay with them…Then I will not hesitate to kill you, Doulstraz." Theian said. Theian's third possibility just made Titus all the more confused. Especially considering all the information Theian had provided them regarding Saulstrance's goals. Theian unfurled his wings once more. But not before leaving the group with one more cryptic piece of information. "Oh, yeah. Doulstraz, before I go, I have a word of warning for you and your friends." He said in a grave voice. "Of all of Saulstrance's Followers, there's one dragon that you need to be wary of." Theian started to explain. "Moreso than the rest of you?" Ben asked. "This dragon is different from the rest of us.  This dragon is…purely psychotic." Theian looked up into the sky. "They're probably back now. Remember, Doulstraz, tomorrow I shall give you my answer." With that, Theian once more unfurled his wings and took to flight, leaving Titus and the others to ponder over his words. They watched as Theian flew farther and farther from them until he was completely out of sight.
Titus groaned in annoyance. "I just can't figure that guy out!" He exclaimed. "Well we know one thing's for sure: Theian isn't going to stay with Saulstrance's group." Titus' father stated with utmost confidence. "Are you sure, Grandpa?" Drake asked. Drake's grandfather nodded. "Think about it: Why would Theian put himself at risk to get us this information if he was only going to stay with Saulstrance and his men? " "I was thinking the same thing." Lucas agreed. "Well, for now, we should probably get out of here. There's nothing more we can do." Said Titus. "Doulstraz, wait." Titus' mom said. "What's wrong, mom?" Titus asked. "There's…there's something we need to tell you…about Angela." "About Angela?" Titus asked with surprise. "Yes. You see, Doulstraz, Angela was your nest mother." Explained Titus mom. "My what?" He asked, confused, not understanding what a "nest mother" was. "Your nest mother. The only other dragon aside from us who witnessed your hatching." Titus' dad said. Still not understanding what they meant, Titus simply became all the more confused. His friends and family were also left with confusion. And so, Titus' parents started to explain the concept of a nest mother to them. "You see, in our world, when an egg is about to hatch, both the parents and a very close friend of theirs must be present at the child's hatching. That close friend, having been there for their child's hatching, is then made into either the nest mother or nest father." Titus' mom explained. "So it's like a godparent, right?" Asked Sarah. "I would assume that's correct." Titus' mom said, though unsure of what a godparent was. She continued her lecture. "If the nest parent has a child of their own, then that child will become the recently hatched child's nest brother or nest sister." "Then that means…Theian's my nest brother…" Titus said somewhat sadly. He wondered if Theian himself was aware of this. "Hey, guys, we should get going." Lucas stated. "Yes. We can explain more on the way." Titus' dad said, agreeing with Lucas. Just as everyone was getting back to the cars, Titus approached Lucas, asking him why he seemed so sad before. "When me, Ben and Jessie were looking through this elementary school to see if anyone was left, I saw this picture drawn by a kid who had the same name as Tim." Lucas explained. "Luke, there's hundreds of kids out there named Tim." "I know, Titus. But just listen – In that kid's drawing, he was standing outside his house with his parents and his older brother. I just…I just felt so horrible for him. What if that poor kid never sees his parents again? I mean what if that happened to MY Tim? I don't want to lose him... I don't want to lose him or Sean…" Lucas said, covering his face. Titus put his hand on Luke's shoulder and said, "You're not going to lose Sean or Tim. Drake, my parents and I are going to make sure of that." Lucas moved his hands away from his face and smiled at his friend. "Thanks, Titus." Titus smiled back. "I know exactly how worried you are about them. After all, I'm a dad too." "Yeah, but Drake can actually defend himself against those dragons. Sean and Tim can't." Lucas said in a slightly teasing voice. "So?!" Titus protested. "That doesn't mean I can't be concerned for him!" Lucas stood silent for a moment then burst out laughing which caught everyone's attention. Titus looked at him, confused and thinking that after all these years, Lucas had finally lost it. Lucas slapped his knee as he continued to laugh, holding his sides. As he started to calm down, he wiped away a tear and took two deep breaths. "Man I always knew how to get your goat!" Lucas exclaimed as he snickered aloud. "Hey, are we going or not??" Sarah called out. "Be there in a sec!" Titus answered. Getting back into their cars, Titus and Lucas started their engines and drove off, ready to leave behind the horrible mess that had made out of that poor town. With half a day left, Titus and the others pondered over what to do. Theian had told them he would give them his answer tomorrow so there was no need yet to go after Saulstrance and the other dragons. Titus also knew that this may be the last time he gets to enjoy the company of his friends and family so he wanted to make this last night a special one. "Dad, I'm hungry…" Drake said as his stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry too…" Crystal said. It wasn't until the kids had mentioned their hunger that Titus noticed that he himself was feeling hungry.  They hadn't really had anything to eat for quite some time. Both Crystal and Drake moaned from hunger as their stomachs continued to rumble. Titus kept a keen eye out for somewhere they could stop to eat. Meanwhile, in Lucas' car, everyone else was feeling hungry and fatigued.  Tim had started to whine from his hunger while Sean, though very close to whining himself, tried to prevent himself from doing so.  He groaned slightly as his hunger made him feel tired. As Titus and Lucas drove down the long, unending road, their hopes of finding a place to stop and eat was almost all but lost when after about an hour, which to the kids, seemed like eternity, they came across a small diner. "Hey, Drake, Crystal, are you up?" Titus asked. Hunger had gotten the better of them and Drake and Crystal had drifted off into sleep. Drake slept with his legs draped over the seat and his head hung to the floor while Crystal curled up into a ball, drool running from her mouth. Titus' parents shrugged the sleeping kids to wake them up. "Mmm…I don't want to get up yet, Grandma." Drake said drowsily, not opening his eyes. "But Drake, we're going to have dinner now." His grandmother said. Hearing the word "dinner" caused Drake to jolt open his eyes. Crystal sat up in her seat, rubbing her eyes and wiping away the drool. As the two cars came to a halt, Drake, Crystal, Sean, and Tim dashed out of the car, running towards the diner with the adults behind them. "Boy, oh boy. Those kids remind me of a certain somebody when he was their age." Jackie said slyly, gestering towards Kyle. "Why, you wouldn't happen to mean me, would you, dear sis?" Kyle said, humoring his sister. "Indeed I do, dear brother." Jackie replied. "Oh, well let's see, who was it, that at age nine, ran up and down the toy store shouting about how dad was getting her a stuffed dinosaur and a Barbie doll because she was his 'little princess'? Kyle asked in a teasing tone. "Well, at least I wasn't the thirteen year old who, on the way home from Gamestop, kept going, 'Oh, my God! Halo! Dude, I finally got Halo!!' Remember that, Kyle?" Jackie teased back. "Hey, now, let's not get carried away." Kyle said. As Kyle and Jackie continued teasing one another, everyone else, paying no mind to the siblings, entered the establishment to see the kids sitting on a bench, waiting for everyone else. Titus and everyone else looked around the diner, quickly noticing they were the only ones there. Not a soul seemed to occupy the restaurant. A small country tune rang throughout, its lyrics so quiet that they could barely be heard. "Hello?" Titus called out. "Is anyone here?" From inside the kitchen, the sound of a door opening could be heard. Titus feared the possibility that one of Saulstrance's followers was lying in wait for them. He took a deep breath and slowly moved towards the counter. Through the kitchen drapes appeared a silhouette. Just as Titus prepared for the inevitable, the silhouette moved closer to the drapes, pushing them aside and revealing a woman. She was of a big build with a beauty mark right beneath her left cheek. She squinted her eyes and rubbed them, her left eye watering. "Well this is a surprise." She said in a country accent. "Didn't think I'd be havin' anymore customers what with what happened in ol' Rockwell couple nights ago." "Rockwell?" Lucas asked confused. "She must mean the town from before." Rick said. She seated the group at three different tables adjacent to one another and took their orders.  Then, still rubbing her left eye, went back into the kitchen to prepare their food. As they waited for their food, Titus and everyone else discussed what to do for the rest of the day. Rick and Drake looked outside, having not noticed the sun setting. It gave off a brilliant orange glow that hung in the sky yet didn't seem to set. At that moment, there came a ringing sound, which startled just about everyone except for Rick. He reached into his left pocket, pulling out a cellphone which continued to ring and ring. "I'll be right back." Rick said. His phone still ringing, Rick got up and walked out of the restaurant. Soon after, Titus got up and went to join Rick but not before being asked by Sarah where he was going. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." Titus said. "Titus, don't be mean to Rick. Alright? Got it?" Sarah asked in a serious tone. "I wasn't going to be. I was just going to make sure he'd be okay." Both surprised and pleased at what she just heard, Sarah smiled at her husband, hoping that he finally decided to start acting like a man and actually try to be nice to her friend. Titus stepped outside and took a deep breath. He stared longingly into the sunset, admiring its sheer beauty for but a moment. He then glanced over to see Rick finishing up talking to whoever he was talking to as he put his cellphone back into his pocket and walked over to Titus. "Hey, Titus." He said, trying to be as friendly as he could to Titus. "Needed some fresh air?" "Yeah. Between being in the car for the last few hours and the restaurant, y'know I just can't take being in stuffy places." "I hear ya. Hey, Titus?" Rick asked a bit more seriously. "Yes?" Titus asked. "You don't like me, do you?" He asked. "Why would you ask that?" Titus asked back. "Well, back at the park, you and Sarah seemed to be arguing about something. And I heard her mention my name at one point so…" "Look, Rick, it's not that - -" "I know." Rick smiled. "You're worried about Sarah, aren't you? Well, I don't blame you. I mean, we haven't seen each other for about twenty years and then all of a sudden I just show up in her life again. It's only right that you would be suspicious about that." "Well…" Titus said, feeling a little stupid for how he had been acting towards Rick. "Don't worry. I don't plan to take Sarah from you. I do love her, but I love her as my little sister. I mean, she's pretty much been my little sister since we were just kids. And…It would look really weird for a brother to be in love with his sister." Rick said, still smiling. Titus laughed a little at Rick's statement. Despite how Titus had previously felt towards him, it turned out Rick was actually a really good guy. Titus' anger and jealousy towards Rick had quickly dissipated and was replaced with good feelings towards him. "Titus, would it be alright if I call you my brother-in-law?" Rick asked once more. "Sure! That's fine!" Titus smiled back. With newfound respect for each other, Rick and Titus walked back to the restaurant together. "So who were you talking to before?" Titus asked curiously. "My wife." Rick said straightforwardly. "Wait a minute! Your wife??" Titus asked surprised. "Yep. I called her just after we had left the park. Told her I was going to be seeing a childhood friend of mine for awhile. She just called me to see how I was doing." Rick reached into his left pocket again and pulled out a wallet. He opened it up, pulling out a picture from one of the sleeves. "Here you go. This is a picture of us together." He said, handing the photo to Titus. Titus studied the picture. In it, Rick had his arms draped around a beautiful woman. She had dark brown hair which ran down to her back and long eyelashes. Also in the picture were two girls who appeared to be no older than six or seven. They wore matching frilly dresses and had different colored ribbons in their hair so as to tell them apart from each other. "Are those your girls?" Titus asked, pointing to the kids in the picture. "Indeed they are! They're twins. Just turned six last week."  Rick smiled proudly. "They look really cute." Said Titus. "Thanks." Rick smiled as Titus handed him the photo and he put it back in his wallet. They went back into the restaurant, finding that their food had been prepared. It was a small but hefty serving consisting of cheeseburgers with ketchup and pickles on them as well as several servings of fries and some bowls of soup for appetizers.  While they ate, the waitress pulled up a chair and sat next to them. "So where are you folks heading?" She asked. "We're going to Death Valley." Titus explained. "Death Valley?! Well why would you be headin' there at a time like this?!"  She asked with shock and concern. "We were going to meet up with some friends of ours there." Answered Lucas. "Well I can tell you I haven't seen anyone go past here in the last two days.  Not since Rockwell's population just up and vanished. Everyone else who worked here quit as soon as they heard about what had happened. In fact, I think the only ones who are still here are me and the motel owner up a couple ways from here." "There's a motel around here?" Jessie asked surprised. "About two miles from here. The owner stops in here on occasion so I know him pretty well. I could call him and have him put you up for the night." She said. "Thank you so much!" Titus, Sarah, Rick and Ben said. The waitress went to book reservations for her customers while they finished their meal. With the reservations booked, it was time for Titus and his friends to leave. Just as Titus was pulling out his money out to pay her, Ben took out his wallet and handed her two twenties. "Ben, I woulda paid for all of us." Titus said. "Don't worry. This one's on me. After all, I can't have my younger brother paying for all my stuff right?" Ben handed the waitress the twenties and then put his wallet back in his pocket. Titus knew Ben was just trying to be nice yet he still would have had no problem paying for them. They thanked her for her hospitality as they got ready to leave. "Be careful out there!" She called out. "Thanks! You too!" Titus said as he revved his engine. "Don't you worry! Ain't no one drivin' me away from my family's restaurant!" She exclaimed, pumping her fist into the air. She waved goodbye to everyone as they drove off. She continued to wave to them as the cars drove further and further from her diner, eventually completely disappearing from her sight. Feeling revitalized, Titus and friends proceeded along on their journey, their next stop: the motel. Everyone watched out the windows, noticing how dark it was getting. Night was soon approaching and they had to find this motel soon. Just up ahead, they noticed a flashing neon sign "Sleepy Desert Motel" and below that was another neon sign that read "Vacancy". It seemed weird to them that the motel would be called the Sleepy Desert Motel seeing as how they were still nowhere close to the actual desert. They pulled up to the motel. It was a dusty looking place set right in front of a tall hill with some woods facing to the left but thankfully for Titus and everyone else, there were seven vacant rooms which were just enough to be able to house everyone. They got out of the cars and walked over to the office to get their rooms. Crystal and Sean were just about to join the adults when they saw Drake standing by his dad's car, staring off into space. "Hey, Drake, come on! We're gonna get our rooms!" Sean called to his friend. Drake didn't respond. He continued to watch the sky, as if he was mesmerized by it. Sean and Crystal walked up to Drake and put their hands on his shoulders. They too, looked into the sky. For that moment, the three friends stood there, silent, not making a move. A small, dusty wind blew past them, hitting Sean's leg with a pebble, though he took no notice to it. "Tomorrow, we fight Saulstrance… and maybe Theian too…" Drake said worriedly. "You sound scared, Drake. Are you okay?" Sean asked. "I've never even seen Saulstrance but the way Dad always talked about him scared me. I never thought we'd actually fight him." Sean took his hand off of Drake's shoulder, walked in front of him and put his hand next to Drake, suspending it in the air. "Sean, what are you doing?" Crystal asked. "Just put your hand on top of mine." Sean commanded. Though she didn't understand why he wanted her to do so, Crystal placed her hand on top of Sean's. "Okay, now Drake." Sean said. Following his friends, Drake placed his hand on top of Crystal's. "No matter what happens, we're always friends!" Sean exclaimed. Drake and Crystal shouted in agreement with Sean. Drake's wings emerged from his back as his tail wriggled its way out of his pants. His ears turned into fins as he flapped his wings and hovered a foot above the ground. He turned his head slightly to see his dad and everyone else being shown to their rooms by the motel owner. After everyone had been settled in, Drake landed back on the ground as he and his friends hurried over to Titus, who was standing by the entrance to their motel room, his arms folded behind his back. Drake ran up and stood before his father, who patted Drake's head and smiled lovingly at his only son. "Hey, dad, I have a question." Drake said. "Sure! What's up?" Titus asked. "I wanna learn how to fly better!" Drake answered. Titus was surprised. He had already thought that Drake was pretty good at flying. "Well, sure but what do you want me to teach you?" "I wanna be able to fly left and right! Oh, and I wanna learn how to do a backflip when I'm flying! One more thing…!" Drake said excitedly. "What…?" Titus said, feeling flustered. "Can you show me how to sneak up on someone when I'm fighting?" Drake asked. Titus wasn't sure how he would be able to explain all this to his son. Aside from the backflip, everything just came naturally to him. He wanted to help teach his son all he knew, the only question was how would he be able to explain it? He walked out into the motel's parking lot, Drake following beside him, his wings, finned ears and tail still visible. Titus turned back into a dragon and unfurled his wings. He flapped them and flew higher and higher into the night sky. "Okay, Drake, now open your wings and fly up here!" Titus commanded. Doing as he was instructed, Drake unfurled his wings, the light from the neon signs casting a slight shimmer onto his wings' scales. They hung proudly in the night while Drake looked up at his father who looked back at his son, waiting for him in the air. "Hey, Drake, c'mon!" Titus called to his son. Drake flapped his wings and flew higher and higher into the air. Crystal and Sean watched as Titus tried to explain to Drake everything he wanted to learn. And so for the next couple of hours, Titus taught Drake how to better use his abilities as a half-dragon. While Titus still had difficulty explaining everything to Drake, he found that his son was able to catch on pretty quickly and little did Titus know that it wasn't just Drake who was learning from him, but he himself was learning from Drake. Time passed and eventually, before they knew it, both father and son had become exhausted. Titus flew back down to earth, reverting back to human form. Drake, likewise, flew back down, but not before doing one last backflip in midair. His ears turned back into normal human ears as his wings and his tail retreated back into his body. For the next couple hours, Titus, Drake and the others would be able to sleep peacefully and without worry. It wasn't until around midnight when Drake woke up and had to use the bathroom. After finishing his business, he moved back the curtains and looked outside. He gasped in shock as his eyes widened at what – or who he saw standing outside: It was Jake! Jake looked around nervously, as if someone was following him. Drake watched as Jake continued looking around and then ran from the motel and retreated into the woods. Drake, curious as to why Jake was there, slowly opened the door as it creaked slightly. He looked back as he heard his father mumbling, expecting that to have woken him up. Instead, Titus shifted around in his bed, turning his back to his son. Drake sighed in relief and slowly shut the door. He crouched down beneath the window and then put his back to the wall, moving ever so slightly as to not risk attracting his parents' attention. Once he was at the edge of the wall, he carefully stepped onto the pavement and made a dash to the woods. Drake looked around. There were nothing but endless trees and darkness. He gulped and took a look back, hoping to still see the light casted by the neon signs. Drake sighed in relief, knowing that that would be the sign that he was near the exit. Without another moment's hesitation, Drake plunged deeper into the woods, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that would give him away such as twigs or leaves. He knew flying through the woods would not be the best answer as it would probably make him all the more noticeable. As he continued his trek further into the woods, he heard several voices coming from close by. Moving in closer, he noticed five adults and two kids standing down by a large pond in the middle of the woods. He instantly recognized three out of the five of them. There was Alex, Jake, Girido in human form, but he couldn't make out the others. He figured two of them to be Theian and Eig'nia but who were the other two? He saw one of the adults walk into the middle of the center. His hair was slick back and ran down to the back of his neck. His bangs covered his eyes so that they were obstructed from plain sight. He looked like he was somewhere in his late 30's to early 40's. Drake observed as the conversation between the small group began. "Lord Saulstrance, we have just succeeded in conquering yet another town, m'lord."  Girido, still in his human form announced. Saulstrance?! Drake jolted his head back as his heart began to beat faster. Drake couldn't believe it. That tall, menacing was Jake's father! He tried to calm himself and crouched down behind the tall grass so that they couldn't spot him. He peeked from behind the grass and watched as Saulstrance moved his bangs from his eyes. The sight made Drake shiver in fear. They were the meanest looking pair of eyes he had ever seen. Even at only eleven years of age, Drake knew those weren't normal eyes. They held no emotion, no remorse for what he had done. They were the eyes of a killer… "And how many humans resided in this town?" Saulstrance asked. "We estimated somewhere in the thousands." Girido replied. "Good, good…And, uh, where were you, Theian?" Saulstrance asked once more. "Why would it matter?" Theian asked with a fierce look, as if he was ready to challenge Saulstrance right then and there. Girido grabbed Theian by the shoulder, gritting his teeth and giving Theian a fierce expression. "Lord Saulstrance, let me kill this bastard!!" Girido shouted. Girido's shouts scared both Jake and Drake, who shivered in fright. The other man, the one Drake had not been able to identify watched with a smile on his face. He looked as if he was enjoying this whole scene. "I have had it with his disrespect for you! Someone like this doesn't deserve to work with us!" Girido exclaimed. Theian held no fear towards Girido's declaration of his death. He scoffed as Girido still held a thick grip on his shoulder which just made Girido all the more angry. "You? Kill me? Go ahead and try it, Girido. It'll be a cold day in Hell before you can kill me." Theian said, smirking arrogantly. "Settle down, Girido. He's just trying to make you angry." Saulstrance said. Girido removed his hand from Theian's shoulder and groaned in annoyance. "We all have our reasons for why we're together. Theian, you have yours, and Girido has his.  But if you both don't stop going at each other's throats, I'll reprimand you myself."  Said Saulstrance as he glared at the two. With no further outbursts from either of the two, Saulstrance asked Theian once again where he had been. "I was out doing recon." Theian explained. "Theian, Lord Saulstrance had found a town perfect for us to attack. The orders were for you, me, Girido, and Rikai to seize the human population of the town together. You disobeyed Lord Saulstrance's orders and - -" Before Eig'nia could finish, she was interrupted by Saulstrance. "Showed an overzealous display of loyalty." "What?" Eig'nia asked, confused. "Well, Theian, am I right?" Saulstrance asked in a wicked smile. Theian nodded. "Good. Now, on to more important matters. Thanks to the efforts of Jakol and Alex, we seem to have already found our next target. A town that's not too far from here." Saulstrance explained. Drake listened closely just as Saulstrance was about to name their next target. "It's a small town nestled a good thirty miles north of here. The population there is slightly larger than that of our first conquest, but only by about one hundred and twenty more people. So it should be no problem for us. We'll launch our assault tomorrow morning at six o' clock!" At that moment, everyone erupted into cheers and uproar. Drake knew he couldn't stay any longer. He had to let his dad and everyone else know about what the dragons were planning. He crept away, still keeping himself to the ground as he crept away. Once he could no longer see or hear them, Drake got to his feet and ran for his life. He looked back every now and then to make sure they hadn't been secretly following him. As he ran and ran, he found no signs of the exit. He stopped to catch his breath and looked around. No matter which way he looked, it was all the same to him. He figured his best chance to get out of these woods would be to keep going straight. Drake took one more final breath and continued running, eventually finding the light the neon signs gave off. He sighed a sigh of relief and looked back once more, just to be safe. He then moved the branches out of his way and ran back to the motel. He burst into the room he and his parents had been staying in and shut the door with a loud slam, which had awoken Titus and Sarah with a startle.   "Drake, what are you doing?!" Titus shouted. "Dad! Dad! I saw him! I saw Saulstrance!" Drake exclaimed as he locked the door. Titus yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Drake…" He said drowsily. "You were probably just having a nightmare. Now come on, you need to get some sleep." "I didn't have a nightmare! I saw Jake standing outside and he ran into the woods so I went after him! But then I saw him with Saulstrance and all those other dragons! So I ran as fast I could so I could tell you what they were planning!" Drake exclaimed. "What do you mean 'planning'?" Sarah asked. "Saulstrance and those dragons are going to attack a town really close to here! I heard them for myself!" "You're certain, Drake?" Titus asked. "I am! I wouldn't make something like this up!" He replied. "Alright, son, I believe you. I was just checking." Titus said as he got up and went for the door, only to be stopped by Drake. "Dad, don't! He might be out there right now!" Drake said, grabbing his father's shirt in fear for him. Titus turned to Sarah. He whispered something to her whilst pointing towards the curtains. Sarah nodded and walked over to the curtains. She pulled them back and looked around. No one was outside. "Go!" She whispered to Titus. Titus dashed out of the room to go get the others. He asked them to gather in his room while he went to get the motel owner. "Is everything ok?" The owner asked concerned. "Well actually…I know this is going to sound weird, but we think we might know what town is going to 'disappear' next. Could you please tell us the name of the town closest to this motel?" Titus asked. "The closest town to this motel is Baker Valley. About thirty miles from here."  Said the owner. "Baker Valley...Thirty miles…Doesn't give us a lot of time." Titus said worriedly. Ben agreed. "If we're gonna warn that town, we'd better go right away." "But don't you think it would be best if some of us hang back here and keep watch while the others go and warn the town?" Jessie asked. "That's a good idea. The only question is who is going to go?" Rick asked. For a brief second, everyone was silent as they considered who should be the one to go. Just then… Lucas came forth. "I'll go." he said. "Y'sure, Luke?" Sarah asked. "Sure I'm sure! Remember: I wasn't there when they destroyed the mall so they don't know about me! I go and they'll think I'm just a random person passing by in the night." "Okay, but what if they see your car? You won't be able to drive or run away from them. Beside you won't be able to fight them by yourself." Titus said. "Then your mom and I shall go with Lucas and make sure he's safe!" His father announced. Titus nodded and smiled. "Thanks, Dad." He said, feeling more at ease. "Hey, wait! If Dad's going, we're going too!" Sean exclaimed. "No, Sean. You and Tim stay here with Uncle Titus and Aunt Sarah." "Aw, come on, Dad! We wanna go too! Right, Tim?" Sean whined. "Uh…I don't know, Sean…I…" Tim said meekly. "Come on, Tim! Be a man! 'Sides, if anything happens, Drake's grandparents will you save us!" Sean said optimistically. "You're enjoying this, aren't you, Sean…?" Lucas thought to himself. "You know, actually, it's not a bad idea that they go with you."  Titus said. "WHAT?! Titus, what are you thinking?!" Lucas asked in shock and amazement. "Well think about it. If Sean and Tim go with you and my folks, it'll look like you guys are just a random family driving by. Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and the two sons. Get it?" Lucas sighed in annoyance. "…Got it…" And so Lucas started his car and drove off into the night while Titus and the others saw him off.  While Titus was still slightly uneasy, he was a little more comfortable knowing that his parents were with Lucas and his sons. All they could do now was wait…and hope that Lucas gets there in time…
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galaghiel · 11 months
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oh michael, didn't you know?
<prev next>
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nematode7 · 1 year
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Disco! Disco!
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pinktrapped · 24 days
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Friendly sparring
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 270
Wing Au? Wing Au. 
But see, ecto-contamination has an effect on those of Amity Park, even more so after their temporary stint into the Zone itself. They were there for hours, if not more, that has an effect on things. It’s like suddenly being transported in the middle of the sight of a nuke, there’s no way you aren’t getting irradiated. 
So their wings might start to… mutate a bit. Just shift and adjust here and there, grow bigger than how they should, with how flight had been lost so long ago. Some now covered in a waxy sheen, others bioluminescent, more with flickers of scales like moths. Others even further changed, the tops opening into maws, eyes blinking amidst feathers, leaves growing from bone like it’s a branch. 
And the Outside remains oblivious beyond the shields, unaware of the rising anger behind it as instincts of predators are returned and brought anew. Where the dead and the living meld into something new. Something Other to what they once were. 
And the GIW are starting to become concerned with how the things inside are searching for a way out. It… might be time to ask for assistance. 
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yakny · 10 months
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horygory · 11 days
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The Fly (1986)
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w0rmmoons · 8 days
i think kaladin should get his own horse in book 5 to complete his classic horsegirl movie arc
it is established that he does not like horses, which would make him bonding with a horse objectively very funny; he is going to shinovar, which seems like the prime place to meet a horse; he has previously looked down upon using animals in mental health treatment and i think he should be proven wrong by bonding with a horse and finding some meaning in that
could be a rhyshadium because they are one of the funniest things in the cosmere to me (like just FULL ON horse girl movie material, lifted straight from a book i'd read when i was like 10), but any horse is fine, as long as it is the wild untamable beast that only he can make a connection with because he understands its anguish & he can in the end ride it to the big victory and save the barn world
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aseuki · 17 days
YOURE this comets defense system? What makes you so important. You look like just another Astral to me. - Dawn
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The comet awaits. A challenge has been issued. Beware the star's eternal...
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catholicjinx · 27 days
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rip kunikida you wouldve loved mitski😔✊
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myokk · 2 months
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1930s AU continued💓💓
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spitblaze · 3 months
gnc and butch women (cis AND trans) and transmascs are punished for performing masculinity past certain thresholds of arbitrary attractiveness because people that cishet society categorizes or clocks as 'women' are not supposed to perform masculinity. hope this helps 👍
#spitblaze says things#this is the last thing im ever gonna fuckin say on the topic. im purging this stupidity from my brain once and for all with this post#there is an intersection of transphobia and misogyny here and idc what you wanna call it but to deny its existence is weird to me#transfems' hypervisibility means they have a lot of recognition but its absolutely not a privilege#transmascs' invisibility means they can stealth and fly under the radar easier which is better but not by a lot#and the assertion that nb people have to 'pick a side' so we can decide how to treat them is fucking ludicrous#there are absolutely differences in our treatment and our needs but a lot of it boils down to the same shit.#we are women when they want to deny us agency. we are men when they want to deny us support. this is true for everyone under the umbrella#and it's MEASURABLY worse when you're not white#anyway. im kinda over leftist groups who spend all their effort arguing about theory instead of doing anything in practice#so the next person who claims butch lesbians have 'masc privilege' or that transmascs dont actually face any sort of unique oppression#is getting smacked with a heavily vandalized copy of abigail schrier's Irreparable Damage#like again idgaf what you call it. you can just call it 'transphobia and misogyny' if you want im not a cop#ive just seen too many people who claim that it doesnt exist at all and im done with letting this take up brainspace#so im hanging up this sign and leaving. goodbye#i saw us go through the exact same shit with bisexuals and asexuals and gay men and frankly im not thrilled that its at my doorstep again#we go through a lot of the same shit but different populations do in fact need different kinds of support. thats it
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hood-ex · 4 months
Also, it bugs me that in TT's interpretation of Dick's past, Dick apparently hasn't even been on the trapeze yet as a 7 year old.
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
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The star sanses bringing Ink for a fly based on this
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