niuniente · 10 months
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Friend: Are you hungry?
Me: A bit, yes.
Friend: Good. Sukiyaki is ready.
Having home-made sukiyaki is my travel tradition in Japan.
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21rstrejectedsoul · 7 months
Yknow what? I was 'bout to say something really misogynistic but there's still a part of me who doesn't fully believe in my reasons to having this hatred
It's not that I care about what people would think, I just can't say something I don't fully agree even if it's 99%—
What the fuck? I was adding tags about mysogyny and for some damn reason there's a KINK about mysogyny???
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Holy fucking fuck. Yknow what else does it reminds me? I was scrolling through incels.is and I found a post pointing out about a hella big subreddit about RAPE KINK and most of the posts I saw were about women fantasizing about being brutally raped. I-what the fuck is wrong with women?
Yknow what else it reminds me? Most violent porn is consumed by women. Goddamn it, sometimes I think I'm just overreacting or going too far whenever I think about blackpill but it only ends up being proved again and again
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 4 months
The consumption of a pretzel is going okay, my mouth hurts, pretzel is good, and my mouth hurts but yeah okay
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Lake County prosecutors Friday charged Robert Crimo Jr., father of alleged Highland Park Fourth of July parade shooter Robert “Bobby” Crimo III, with felony reckless conduct for sponsoring his son’s firearm owner’s identification card.
State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart would not say explicitly why Crimo Jr.’s sponsorship amounted to a crime, but hinted it was due to the father’s possible knowledge of his son’s troubled background.
“He knew what he knew and he signed the form anyway,” Rinehart said at a news conference at the Lake County courthouse in Waukegan. “This was criminally reckless and a contributing cause to the bodily harm suffered by the victims on July 4.”
Crimo Jr. faces seven counts of the charge — one for each person killed in the attack. Felony reckless conduct has maximum penalty of three years in prison, but probation is also an option.
Rinehart said Crimo Jr. turned himself in to Highland Park Police Friday, and faces a bond hearing Saturday.
Crimo Jr.’s lawyer, George Gomez, who said in the past that his client hadn’t been aware Crimo III was a danger to anyone when he sponsored the FOID card, blasted the charges as baseless and unprecedented.
“On the eve of the statute of limitations for reckless conduct related to the sponsorship of Crimo III’s FOID application, the Lake County state’s attorney hastily made a decision to charge my client,” Gomez said in a statement.
“This decision should alarm every single parent in the United States of America who according to the Lake County state’s attorney knows exactly what is going on with their 19-year-old adult children and can be held criminally liable for actions taken nearly three years later. These charges are absurd and we will fight them every step of the way. Mr. Crimo Jr. continues to sympathize and feel terrible for the individuals and families who were injured and lost loved ones this past July Fourth, but these charges are politically motivated and a distraction from the real change that needs to happen in this country.”
Prosecutors say Crimo III fired dozens of shots from a rooftop perch into the crowd gathered for a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park. Seven people were killed and 48 wounded.
Crimo III has been charged with seven counts of first-degree murder in what Rinehart called a “premeditated and calculated attack.” His next court hearing is scheduled for Jan. 31.
Meanwhile, police reports show officers were called to the Crimo home nine times between 2010 and 2014 in response to domestic altercations involving the parents, Robert Crimo Jr. and Denise Pesina. Records showed neither had been charged with domestic violence in Lake County.
In 2019, Highland Park Police reports stated officers were called to domestic cases involving the family, and were told Crimo III had tried to kill himself with a machete and threatened to kill “everyone.”
Crimo III denied it, and no charges were filed.
Local police reported Crimo III to Illinois State Police as a “clear and present danger,” but state police approved his application for a FOID card with his father’s sponsorship, in December 2019.
Crimo III was 19 at the time, which made him unable to get a FOID card — required to buy a firearm legally — without his father’s assistance, Rinehart said.
Crimo Jr. told ABC News he was shocked and felt “horrible” about the shooting, but had “no regret” over helping his son get access to guns.
The clear and present danger request was not retained in state police records, per the rules at the time. Meanwhile, there was no record that anyone — family or police — filed a firearms restraining order, or FRO, related to Crimo, something that would have allowed a judge to bar him from purchasing firearms based on evidence that he posed a threat to himself or others.
State Police officials last month announced changes to both clear and present danger and FRO. Officials said they had developed a new FRO policy that includes specific guidance for law enforcement on how to use the laws. In addition, clear and present danger requests will now be retained for longer periods of time.
Highland Park resident Dr. Emily Lieberman, who fled the Fourth of July gunfire with her family, said she thought Crimo Jr. should indeed be held responsible for helping his son secure a FOID card. But she added that there is a larger issue to face.
“These assault weapons should not be available,” she said when reached by phone Friday night. “They are made to kill the (largest) amount of people in the shortest amount of time. Had that weapon not been available, this horrible event would not have occurred.”
Rinehart echoed that sentiment while announcing the charges, urging the General Assembly to adopt new gun laws.
“For too long we have allowed a vocal minority to drown out the will of the majority and stall common sense legislation about gun safety,” he said. “In my role as state’s attorney of Lake County and as a father, I am once again asking legislators to make the decision that this will never happen again by banning assault weapons and large capacity magazines.”
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harley-the-pancake · 2 years
Fuck yea dining hall has pasta as an option tomorrow ALFREDO LUNCH!
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mariesrbouipochodian · 8 months
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jungwasntreal · 9 months
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radiossc · 2 years
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ᴋᴀᴅᴀʏɪғ-ᴛᴇɪɢ ᴀʟs ᴅᴇssᴇʀᴛ ᴍɪᴛ ᴡᴀʟɴᴜssᴇɪs Auch mal etwas Süsses braucht der Mensch. Muss allerdings sagen mit echtem Kaiserschmarren kommt es nicht wirklich mit. Lecker war es trotzdem. TEIG 200 g Mehl 1050 100 g Maisstärke (Weizen geht allerdings auch, wenn nicht vorhanden) 230 ml Wasser 60 ml Öl 1 Prise Salz SPÄTER IN DIE PFANNE 1 großen Apfel in kleinen Scheiben Zucker Vanillezucker Agavendicksaft DEKORATION Walnusseis gebrannte Mandelscheiben Preiselbeerkonfitüre Agavendicksaft 1 Silberkugel Bronzeflocken Schneezucker (Bäckerzucker) Alles gut durchmischen, dann mit dem Pürierstab die letzten Klümpchen herauspürrieren 40 Minuten abgedeckt stehen lassen, nochmals durchmischen Nun in eine leicht gefettete Pfanne geben und es mit einem Stab oder Pfannenwender zerpflücken. Nun den Apfel schälen, in kleine Spalten schneiden und zu dem Teig in die Pfanne genen. Mit Agavendicksaft, Zucker und Vanillezucker besteuen, je nach Belieben. Alles leicht cross anbraten und servieren. Auf dem Teller habe ich es dann mit gebrannten Mandeln, Preiselbeerkonfitüre, Bronzeflocken, Zuckerkugel (silber), Bäcker-Schneezucker, Avocado Dicksaft und Walnusseis serviert. #OliviasDelights #kadayf #dessert #walnuss #walnusseis #türkisch #probiert #test #süss #süß #kompott #patesserie #türkisch #türk #baschen #nascherei #naschkind #naschkatze #foid #meal #kids #ohneei https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDS22VNXO5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Excuse me what is this???
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trashogram · 4 months
lol ppl are calling Stolas an incel. He’s an owl incel. An Owlcel.
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alvojake · 4 months
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unladyboss · 3 months
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This was so cute
Richie and Marcus travel to the UK on press tour
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They chat with journos
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But on this occasion they try snacks from the US and UK and rate them.
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I just like to watch them eat
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Richie eats pretty heartily for someone so skinny
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I love how Marcus enjoys food
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Until he doesn't.
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Richie refused to eat the Twinkie. He stood on business with that one
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pumpomulos · 10 months
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