#for 30 seconds?
dollypopup · 10 months
listen, i'll say it
if S3 doesn't give us significantly more Colin scenes, it'll be a failure
Colin is completely underdeveloped as a character. He has gotten just about 0 POV. All we know about him is either filtered through Penelope or in an ensemble scene with everyone else. And at this point, even if S3 is half and half, it still won't be fair. To balance out the discrepency, it should at *least* be 75% Colin and maaaaaaaaybe 25% Pen because we've gotten nothing for him
I ship Polin, I like Pen, but I'm over getting Pen's POV all the time. We've had enough of it. We've certainly had an unfair amount of it in comparison to his. I'm sick of seeing all the Whistledown behind the scenes and all her quiet contemplative moments when Colin doesn't so much as get 5 minutes focused on him being on the boat, or on his travels, writing his letters or talking through a problem to himself.
I love Colin. He's my absolute favorite character. And it sucks to have a favorite character who is *supposed* to be a lead but has had a grand total of nothing. Bton stripped him of character qualities and threw them onto Benedict, gave Colin like 5 lines, and filtered near all his 'development' through Penelope. Aside from his 'everyone says that [I'm Daphne's favorite]', our literal second scene of Colin is through Penelope's eyes. Everything he says, everything he does: it's always through Penelope's eyes. And I'm over it. I wanna see the world through *Colin's* eyes. And it would only deepen the narrative if we do.
Listen, the directors and showrunners have called Colin 'stupid' or 'dim' or 'not smart enough for Penelope'. The fandom has been rather blatant with their disregard of him, calling him boring, that he's not leading man material, writing him as a cardboard cutout in fics, assuming he's an empty charmer (hmmmm, just like what he's upset about in the books), and it's all because he's been denied a narrative. Colin is a rich, nuanced character. He's funny, he's kind, he's compassionate, he rejects toxic masculinity, he's got imposter syndrome like nothing else, he has a very unique role in his family and experienced a very unique perspective after his father died, he has hobbies (writing, boxing, fencing, studying, traveling) and strong values. But we've barely gotten any of it. Sure, we're *told* some things about him, but we never *see* it.
So if S3 is going to be his time to shine, his season, his falling arse over elbow in love era, they *have* to give us his perspective, and I don't fucking want it all to be his perspective about Pen. I am *tired* of Colin as an extension of Penelope. Penelope has had so much room and time and care to be a character on her own. Colin has gotten nothing. And that kind of dynamic does not a good love story make. And if all that underdevelopment wasn't to pull an Uno Reverse on us and give us a season that focuses on him and builds him up, what was it even for?
S3 should be Colin's story
#polin#bridgerton#colin bridgerton#penelope featherington#bridgerton season 3#yeah yeah penelope's a fan favorite#i wonder why#maybe it's because she has the lions share of scenes and development compared to literally every other character#and i get it: she's a main#but so is colin#why do constantly have to undermine him in order to prop her up?#did we *really* need all those 'pen writes LW' scenes when we haven't even seen Colin in Greece? or gotten him writing letters on the boat?#did we need all that unnecessary backstory when the only scene we got of him processing his broken engagement on his own was him in bed#for 30 seconds?#do we really need to center penelope's point of view for every single aspect of their relationship?#colin is supposed to be falling in love in season 3 too#give us his fucking perspective!!!! *show us* who he is#what he wants and values#AND we'll finally get Penelope from someone else's eyes. . .who ISN'T Penelope#how can you NOT want Colin pov???#the writing has failed him *and* us because we don't even fucking have POLIN right now#we have Penelope and a sexy lamp she throws her romantic feelings and frustrations and expectations onto#and before the 'bton is aimed at a specific audience' bit (namely women)#some of us wlw (who often find ourselves relating to the male love lead *because* we both love women) also deserve a slice of the story#it's not just you straight girls out here#and as a wlw? right now the fanon version of penelope is the kind of woman i'd run crying and screaming from
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james-p-sullivan · 5 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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canisalbus · 13 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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i am unreasonably proud and excited about this
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milkywayes · 7 months
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the galaxy has a firewall happy N7 day! [prints]
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stevenrogered · 20 days
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todays-xkcd · 3 months
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I love their cover of 1,200 Balloons, Dalmatians, and Miles.
Supergroup [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Ponytail, Cueball, Megan, Knit Cap, and Hairy are in line at a theatre box office, the marquee above announcing "Playing Tonight The New Supergroup: 176 Pilots, Seconds of Summer, Non Blondes, Live Crew, gecs, Doors Down, Inch Nails, Republic, Direction, and Seconds to Mars".]
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columboscreens · 1 day
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mwagneto · 1 year
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Janelle Monáe in Glass Onion // The Mona Lisa
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I love all the acting choices David and Micheal made for their characters but one I'm especially obsessed with (and frankly I don't see it being talked about enough) is the body language/posture.
David took one look at Crowley and decided this boy is Bouncy™. He has cooked spaghetti for bones. Ninety percent of his walking is done by his shoulders actually. He might be man-shaped but he's actually a liquid constantly changing form to fully fill the container (chair) he's in.
Meanwhile Michael went - We'll he's an angel, of course he's prim and proper and carefully put-together. He has the posture and grace of a classically trained dancer. There is also One Million Bees under his skin at any given moment.
And they were so right.
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thornysort · 3 months
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The Murderbot Diaries (2024) Season 2 Episode 1
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markantonys · 8 months
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THE WHEEL OF TIME | Lanfear's outfits in season 2
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sleepanonymous · 7 months
Legend has it if you listen to this soundcheck on repeat it will clear your skin, water your crops, and cure your depression. I hope this heals all of you like it has healed me.
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egberts · 1 year
spent forever building a car, forgot what button to press five times in a row, accidentally lit my car on fire, please enjoy this video of my failure
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30 Seconds to Mars - Battle of One 2005
A Beautiful Lie is the second studio album by American rockband 30 Seconds to Mars, released on August 30, 2005. It differs notably from the band's self-titled debut album, both musically and lyrically. Whereas the eponymous concept album's lyrics focus on human struggle and astronomical themes, A Beautiful Lie's lyrics are "personal and less cerebral". It is the first to feature guitarist Tomo Miličević (who left the band in 2018) and the only one to feature bassist Matt Wachter, who left the band in 2007. The album produced four singles, "Attack", "The Kill", "From Yesterday", and "A Beautiful Lie"; of which three managed to chart within the top 30 on the US Modern Rock chart, with "The Kill" and "From Yesterday" entering the top three.
The band used to open their shows with "Battle of One" back in those good old days.
In 2007, A Beautiful Lie was named Best Album by Rock on Request. Metal Edge ranked it one of the top 10 albums of 2005. Melodic included it among the best albums of the year. Alternative Addiction ranked it at number six on their list of 20 best albums of the year. In 2009, Kerrang! listed A Beautiful Lie at number four on their list of the 50 best albums of the decade. The album was included in Rock Sound's 101 Modern Classics list at number 78.
"Battle of One" received a total of 64% yes votes! Previous 30STM polls: #30 "Fallen".
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
*fingers aggressively gripping my thighs* Yea I think about that one sleazeball a normal amount.
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