#for me and the five friends who adore it >0<
miki3aqors · 2 years
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May I ask you for a dance, my Kreideprinz?
Illustration i did for the Albether server's 2 year anniversary video!! I was so excited when they asked me I kinda went all out on this one...
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marauders as songs without words (mendelssohn) pieces: regulus black
okay, i've been thinking about this for the past few days so i finally had to type it out. i've been doing some practice sightreading out of this book featuring all of mendelssohn's songs without words and after playing through one that really reminded me of regulus i wanted to do all of the marauders!! but for now, i will stick with regulus, who inspired this all.
i honestly have two options for him. first, op. 30 no. 6 in f sharp minor. i linked here a barenboim recording (barenboim is just such an excellent pianist i love his interpretations)
this is the one that really caught my attention. from that e sharp in the third measure, i felt regulus's blunt nature. we have this repeating figure in measures five and six that appear throughout the piece, which makes me think of his family's constant presence in his life. i see the trills as him sort of floundering under the pressure from his family while also wanting to be his own individual, but he eventually succumbs to his family's wishes with the following falling line.
towards the end of the piece, there is this pattern of playing a broken f sharp octave in the left hand followed by a block chord in the right hand that to me is reminiscent of his struggles with where he was in the later part of his life, constantly fighting between who he is and who he wishes he could've been, if he could go back and rewind these past years. the last two trills feel like a vulnerable representation of him before he fades away into the last few measures.
overall, it has that drama that a black brother needs and this sort of haunting sound that i think regulus might appreciate.
the other option was op. 67 no. 5 in b minor which i found after when i was fully fleshing out this idea but arguably prefer (again, the barenboim recording).
again, this piece has that slightly bitter sound that i think works well for regulus. also that chord on the second beat of measure 9 (about 0:26 in that recording linked above) is just so devastating, i love it. then by measure 14 (0:44 ish) the piece takes a distinct turn to a major sound. it feels innocent and nostalgic, like thinking of a happy memory with a rosy background. this could be representative of regulus's happy moments at hogwarts, with his friends and perhaps romantic interests (regardless of who you ship him with).
but soon enough, it takes a tragic minor turn, so suddenly and smoothly. he has returned home, reminded of his life as his family's heir and what they expect of him. we then return to the main theme with slight adjustments to the harmony. after his time at hogwarts, he has a new perspective of his family and their involvement with voldemort. he is disillusioned with it all, angry for what they have made him become, yet hopeful that there is some way he can fix it.
measure 28 (1:28) marks a choice. i think it perhaps up to interpretation how you see the ending...
anyway, so that was me totally geeking out over these pieces and my newfound interesting in the marauders. i apologize, i'm still quite new to this fandom so i don't know if i've captured regulus's character perfectly. i would absolutely love to hear any music recs for him or other marauders characters or your opinions on these two!
i also apologize for my musical analysis, i have been a bit out of the game for the past couple of years (college has been a lot lol) so i also love to hear other interpretations as well! i might type up some other characters' pieces out of my own interest (particularly i have one for lily i adore) but hopefully it brings enjoyment to other people too :)
thank you so much for reading to my silly rant! <3
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alea-says · 4 months
H50, season 5, episode 1 thoughts...
Okay, I have seen this scene before. The boys obviously in some kind of therapy. I just, honestly thought it was part of the whole therapy episode that, I think, comes in a later season.
But apparently I get BOTH!
Danny: We have been together for three years
Steve: Four
The fact that Steve then corrects him down to the day. Yeah, someone's been paying attention.
Also, Steve in that blue button up. Mmmhmmmm.
This is so beautiful I just want to quote it all.
Sir Daniel.
The fact that this is how they're starting the season... it's an obvious recap of who everyone is for new viewers but ... really?? ... could they have made it any more mcdanno??
Steve: we're ohana
Danny: I guess I was just agreeing with him, for the first time
No matter how much they argue they're family.
This poor couple obviously something is gonna go wrong... and it did.
And just in case we haven't been able to tell from his general vibes, one of Danny's intro scenes is now him and baby Joan (I think, based on how short it is). Just so we know he's father material.
(And if it's Joan, interesting that him interacting with Steve's niece is considered important enough for his intro)
Kono and Adam being adorable.
Wait. Was she surfing with her phone on her ankle? I may need me a waterproof case like that that is actually waterproof!
Hey, Steve let someone else fly the helicopter.
Shaw: you must be Detective Williams
Max: I have given her the full heads up
Danny: you gave her the heads up on what?
Steve: it's all true
And now you know there's a drone... go put your vests on.
Steve and Danny teasing Jerry together. And Danny has to slap Steve's thigh while doing so.
I'm sorry, Jerry, but yes, people do still read hard copy books.
Book em Danno.
And Steve's been shot.
Oh, look at that, Danny's just the right height for Steve to put his arm around him and use him as a crutch.
Steve: I can't drive, Danny
Danny: oh really? There's a silver lining in the face of death. Fantastic.
Steve: my leg will heal. Don't get used to it.
Okay, but now we need some cool action for stopping the plane please.
Okay, that drone was cool. Even if I did was some super Seal shanenigans (but I guess Steve's been shot, so...)
But he's up and running anyway...
Go Danny! Nice shooting!
Okay, and that clip ejection and reload was hot.
Yes, Steve does need a loyalty program with every fifth bullet extraction free. Lol.
Also, I note Danny is the one allowed to push his wheelchair.
Max: I just explained to Dr Shaw that Commander McGarrett is the leader of five-0 and that you're his deeply cynical, misanthropic, short-tempered partner.
Max: Dr Shaw agreed with my assessment, however, she did think you were cute.
Steve: hey! *reaches his hand back for a fist-bump with Danny.
(Okay, but does Dr Shaw think Danny is Steve's cop partner or partner partner? Just asking)
Well, now they're setting up a whole bunch of things for the season...
Mention of Danny's brother again... that dude better not threateb Grace.
Okay, I think this is now one of my fav eps despite the fact wasn't as much fan of the drone storyline as some of the others we've had.
Deleted scenes...
Oh, this is a brilliant one of mcdanno arguing...
Danny: where do you get stones big enough to tell that lady that I get to drive my own car?
(Stones Danny? Where are your thoughts?)
Danny: I'd like to drive it when we're together as friends.
(Steve, Danny is inviting you on a friend date where he gets to drive the car, okay)
Oh wow. Catherine found Najib but decided to stay in Afghanistan.
Wow, so Catherine breaks up with Steve in a deleted scene.
(I mean, I'm not mad, cos I do like her as a character just not with Steve, and I like she was honest with him and her reasons for staying there are good)
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slonekaru · 3 months
Challenge: Make a poll with Five of your all-time favourite characters, then tag five people to do the same. Let us see which character is everyone's favourite!
Anyway thanks @hallowpen for torturing me :) Not sure how to choose five! Five pairings sure, five characters not so much! Gonna stick with BL otherwise the list would get out of hand.
Team (UWMA/Between Us)
Basically a cat. Wants to be loved completely but will fight you every step of the way while giving you the look of death. Managed to bag one of the hottest and nicest guys by just existing (and being good in bed). Great friend. Kinda of a brat.
Xiao Li Cheng (History4: Close to You)
Disaster Bi. Managed to have the quickest bi-awakening and acceptance in history. Rode in like a white knight to save Teng Muren. Has no chill and goes from 0 to 60 about everything. Enjoys being bossed around by Teng Teng. Kind of a brat.
Rain (Love in the Air)
So dumb for someone so intelligent. There are moments when there isn't a single thought behind those eyes. Managed to fall head first into, and practice, a BDSM relationship without realising it. Managed to find someone to be equally possessive with. Utter brat.
AiDi (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
Gremlin extraordinaire. Wicked fashion sense. Willing to both kill and be killed for his love. Waited years for Chen-Yi to get his head out of his ass. Can be picked up one-handed by Chen-Yi. Utter Brat.
Captain (Playboyy)
Absolute nightmare. Has a weird sense of right and wrong, will stand up for things but will happily film and post sex videos without consent. Manipulates Keen to get what he wants (idiot that gets manipulated right back by Keen and has no clue). Adorable as fuck. Utter brat.
Who to tag. You've probably all done this one already or a similar one. Go forth and complete if you want or don't @scarefox @sasblr @imogenegomi @chessasincheshire @bouncy-bed-game @thexnightrainbow @cardboardcupcake @alittlebitofrainbyyourside @thisautistic @dimondlite Ok that's more than five, whateves
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akirqx · 30 days
ooo i haven’t asked for a matchup in YEARS but i forgot how fun it was so i will!! hoping i can get both a platonic and romantic one but if you can’t then either works:)
i go by she/they interchangeably and i would prefer a matchup w either karasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba johsai, or shiratorizawa!! (basically the main five teams LOL)
honestly i’m one to get bored if like someone’s either wayyy too nice or gets genuinely upset at banter and being playful mean, cz i like to argue and like mess around with people’s words a lot (i am genuinely no man’s peace and everyone knows) so i’m one to go for people who can match the arguing and banter but not be an asshole😋 i’m also i’m the a word (asexual spectrum user) so anybody who you don’t see being too despo for anything nsfw in a relationship is a green green green flag in my books!!
in terms of myself and hobbies n whatnot, im an avid bass player and i legit play every night till my fingers hurt bc i love music n learning new songs LOL🙏 im huge on sciences and i absolutely adore physics and everything it entails, so be prepared for random fun facts about newton and einstein when i feel like it… i also love dance and i run a hip hop club at school! sometimes i game but i’ve been so busy and stressed from studying for senior year that it’s out the window (being an academic weapon is not for the weak💔) i like to joke that i’m everybody’s boyfriend because i live by being helpful and treating my friends like my girlfriends so they know how they should be treated at the bare minimum (again, no man’s peace), and guys tend to see me as like ‘one of them’ (but like genuinely they say that to my face when i’m upset or feeling excluded from my girl friends). im also stupidly ambitious and i genuinely will never give up on what i’m aiming for unless it’s absolutely 0% doable (like becoming an olympian or sm). i’m heavily leaning towards being a masculine kinda girlie and prefer to dress that way too, the only things that don’t match are my face, which is still pretty feminine, and my height (5’5 smh)
anyways you can work your magic with this!! thank you!! excited to see what you think!!
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Okay so let’s start with platonic !! (sorry this one is short)
You and Semi Eita bonded over your mutual interest in music!
He is a musician in timeskip so I like to think that he started getting interested in music during high school. Maybe you’re the one who even opened his interest in it?
Enjoys hearing your progress when you show him a new song you’ve been practicing
Probably gives you song recommendations to play if you run out of some!
I feel like despite the shiratorizawa entrance exam being extremely difficult, you’d pass (okayyy academic weapon I see you☝️)
You join Tendō in teasing him about his outfit choices and he sighs dramatically loud (he’s done with you guys)
You guys would probably become a silly little trio
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You never get bored with Satori Tendō around, he will keep you on your toes
Probably such a chaotically fun relationship, lots of playful banter
You are no man’s peace but together you are nobody’s peace (poor semi)
Please don’t joke about being his girlfriend he will never shut up about it. Next time you help him with something or he helps you with something he will bring it up just to be a tease
He was tooo scared to confess 😭 he never thought you’d like him back (you’re probably the one that confessed)
I feel like he’d be fine with just hand holding, hugging and kisses (as mentioned in the other msg u sent!) I don’t see him being someone that desperate for anything nsfw…
I feel like he’s scared to make you uncomfortable so he’s very mindful with the physical contact
Finds your ambitions really admirable and will encourage them !!
Loves to spend time with you even if you’re busy; like if your busy studying or something he does not care, he just enjoys the comfort of your presence
He reallyyy wants to impress you with his guess blocking omg
Always begs you to come to his games
The whole volleyball team probably knows you from how much they see you at their games (and how much Tendō talks abt u) that you’re always welcome to their practices and hangouts
But he lowkey gets jealous if you get closer with someone else
He loves to fall asleep to the sound of you practicing the bass!! If he can’t in person then it’s through FaceTime
Is actually super interested in the facts you tell. If you accidentally repeat one you’ve already said before, he’d definitely remember and tell you that you’ve said that one already so you could tell him a new one
Enjoys watching you dance (he CANNOT dance, but just might sometimes to make you laugh)
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Thank you for requesting !! I hope I didn’t take too long to get to yours 😓
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luxbless · 11 months
I'm so normal about the fnaf movie
I'm gonna go ahead and say it again. New people will fucking hate this movie but die hard/vet fans WILL LOVE THIS, it's our love letter from Scott or what I said to my cousin after we saw it together, "This is Scott's flipside from his retirement letter." Seeing this with my cousin after waiting for like 6 years, this being our childhood was EVERYTHING, little me finally got her biggest dream. Also, it was so fucking worth it. The crowd in the theater was so amazing, funny, and just UGH I WANT TO FRIEND EVERYONE WHO WAS THERE. Spoilers btw: The crowd FUCKING YELLED AT THE END CREDITS WE ALL STAYED IN OUR SEATS SINGING TOGETHER AND FUCKING ONE GUY SAID "THIS IS MY FUCKING ANTHEM!!!" I love that guy. We were all upset over how Venessa is an Afton I guess??? Literally, everyone was like wtf?? Screamed over MatPat. And I made everyone laugh by having the balls to say "WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87?!" My cousin got everyone to laugh by saying "And that was five nights at Freddy's" Anyways the movie. It was honestly really good! The characters were good (Mike my malewife) the FUCKING CAMERA WORK WAS SO GOOD IT WAS CUNTY AS HELL AND THE LIGHTING UGH. The writing at the start was a bit clunky but it gets a hold of itself and starts working. I just got really annoyed by Mike's dream being shown OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Like come on, we've been here for like half of the show- Set design...Set design...I WANT TO LIVE THERE OMG THE SET DESIGN IS GODLY I'M EATING DRYWALL AND MOVIE THEATER CARPET. The acting was yummy and just EAGWEGOAWGWA. However...Afton is indeed not purple and not British. :( 0/10 movie
Jk, My Cousin gives it a 9/10 and I give it a 10/10 On a serious note again. I seriously think this is Scott's flipside, by making the movies the fnaf fans ADORE, this is his way of saying "I'm still here I love you all." And it makes me sob and tear up. Everyone who worked on this really put in so much work making this the best viewing experience for us fnaf and god it makes me wanna tear up.
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
2022 End of Year Gifmaker/Creator Tag Game
Cut this into what works for you. Want to do only one instead of five? Do it. Tag 2 people? Do it. But there are a couple of rules:
RULE 1: Review your creations over 2022. Tag some gifmakers/creators, friends and strangers to get them to do the same.
RULE 2: Link to the content, commentary optional.
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or ‘fave tag’. Link to sets that started conversations, outstanding composition, coloring, etc.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. Nothing to do with notes.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, coloring, blending, text, etc. include the one that should have got more notes.
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self AND 1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator – we all have that one.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
i was tagged by @userbabygirl​, thank you so much for the tag! was really nice to have a chance to reflect on my favourite creations of this year.
tagging anyone i tagged throughout this and anyone who would like to do it, this is your excuse to reflect on your tumblr year!
(placing under the cut because of my ramblings)
5 (or more) creations that made you smash the reblog button:
i’m glad this says or more because there are way too many beautiful creations that i’ve seen this year which have lived in my mind rent free. it’s so incredibly hard to pick, so i’m going to chose some of my favourite creators of the year and my favourite sets they’ve produced.
avia, geraskier queen @lamberts​​, sheer creativity never fails to blow me away, and seeing her creativity with new witcher content at the beginning of the year got me through those early dark and dreary months. there are so many creations i could list here, but i’m going to pick this jaskier’s feelings for geralt via his songs set because it highlights so much of avia’s talent. the clever and cohesive typography, the stunning combo of yellow and pink, the seamless blending, all rounded off with a bit of geraskier angst. each and every gif of these is made to perfection and it’s such a great overall journey of jaskier and his feelings towards geraskier across the seasons, whilst also being art.
daphnée, my french princess @ivashkovadrian​​, has made me smile with a lot of her sets this year. but this yenralt + ship’s in the night set really had me screaming. i adore this song to death and seeing it used for them, and so gorgeously, blew me away. the gold and mint that i always associate with daph is drop dead beautiful, so vibrant and so rich. and what really makes me lose my mind is the attention to detail with pairing the lyrics with symbols! the way the hourglass is used to hold the typography is simply genius. i also gotta do a little shoutout to your costume sets though! violet’s teal dress was such a surprise and the most delightful gift, and kate’s orange dress was a set i’d been waiting on for a while and it certainly did not disappoint.
jagoda, goddess of merlin and the witcher @ughmerlin​​, has again made so many stunning creations this year that picking just one was a ridiculous task. there are so many amazing sets showcasing her creativity and talent that it’s almost impossible to pick one favourite. but this merlin + zodiacs set is one that has stuck with me because i could stare at it for hours. there is something so calming about this deep blue and celestial signs. but on top of that, the blending is just gorgeous, the scene selections and even triple blends occurring are some of the best i’ve seen. i want these made into actual cards so badly.
maria, my go to merlin genius @arthurpendragonns​​, has again surpassed creativity and talent this year whilst crushing me with the merthur feelings. i can’t list every set (though i would if i could), but this 10th merlin anniversary set felt like such a flex of all your talent. you truly own this red to orange to soft yellow combo, and the detail here was nothing but immaculate. the perfect overlays are on show, from the use of the wings, crowned skull, lightning, just everything. then to even include transitions between both text nicknames and scenes? so cleverly done. plus that twist of the last gif made me lose my mind.
laura, one of the most creative giffers on this site @katherineebishop​​, always impresses me with her unique takes on gifsets. i’ve really enjoyed your celebrations this year and how you approach every set with such creativity, including beautiful overlay additions and stunning typography. but i’m going to shout out this yenskier set from earlier in the year because this one left me speechless. them in bi colours is so incredibly valid and i really adore the range of typography used to showcase their moments. it’s such a perfect summary of them and why they were such a highlight of season 2.
neve, my british twin @aryastaark​, has produced the most drop-dead gorgeously coloured gifsets this year. i still think about your rhaenyra episode sets because the colour combos you picked were everything. but if i have to pick a favourite of yours this year, it is without a doubt this dragons + their riders set because holy shit. the rainbow colours are gorgeous. the blending?! spectacular. the inclusion of little symbols was genius. and the use of different fonts for each rider... just wow. this set really took my breath away and was such a showcase of the talent you have. it belongs in a gallery.​
ana, keeping me fuelled with flawless house of the dragon content this year @zoya-nazyalenskys​​, has produced so many gorgeous and emotional sets i could list here. i always say you own the colours blue and orange, because each and every time you use them it takes my breath away. so i have to pick this rhaenicent set, because it showcases those things so perfectly. also the blending is absolutely to die for, the way this parallels moments and delivers on the angst is everything.
arianna, queen of typography @seance​​, always floors me with her colours and creativity. i’ve never seen a set of arianna’s that missed. each and every one is so incredibly beautiful and impressive. but i’m going to shoutout this wednesday + episode titles set because i’m still not over it. the choice of scenes for blending is immaculate, each adds such texture which elevates the gif. the colours are just phenomenal, so vibrant and stunning. and the typography rounds it off perfectly. your eye for combinations always impresses me.
myra, blender extrordinare @capinejghafa​​, has really kept me fuelled with umbrella academy content this year which is much appreciated. i will always think of your hargreeves rainbow transition set, but i have to shoutout this hargreeves + their mothers set because i’m still in awe of how you did it. the way you included the newspaper clippings is actual genius, and it’s so seamlessly done. and then there’s triple blends going on to include the newspaper clever?! so beautiful, so genius, so in love with it.
cj, provider of the luther content this fandom needs @viktorhargreeves​​, has come up with so many original and amazing concepts this year. getting a new umbrella academy season was a blessing because it was so exciting to see what you would do with it next. but i’m going to pick this luther + soundtrack set because of the way i gasped when i saw it. the creativity of this album and disc layout is absolutely incredible. and not only that, but every single gif within this is beautifully coloured, seamlessly blended, topped off with to-die-for typography. it’s just incredible, i don’t know how you had the patience to do it but i applaud you.
michelle, the talented angel @enidsinclaiir​​, blew me away with her talent a lot this year. but i have to say that umbrella academy week was a moment where i was going ‘oh my god how’ every single day. because i know you were doing things that week, and yet you still managed to come up with the most creative and beautiful sets. i have to pick this favourite episode set though because it showcases so many different skills and is simply stunning. the colour palette is to die for, the layout is so creative and clever, the cut out of allison? on the floor. the use of speech bubbles and typography... i could go on and on about this set because they’re are so many details and each are so beautiful.
bru, #1 nancy wheeler and robin buckley supporter as is right and proper @natalia-dyer​​, you are so talented but also your passion for what you create really shines through. thank you for always being a safe space to celebrate the lesbians, it’s been a delight to witness the ronance agenda. i am particularly in awe of your ability to take scenes from different films and fit them into an au gifset, it’s just incredible how talented and creative you are. but i’ve got to pick your favourite platonic relationship set as one that has stayed with me this year. the colours and typography for each is just so gorgeous, it’s the most perfect and spot on rainbow set i’ve seen.
dee, #1 contributor to my wenclair brainrot @wenclair​​, i swear you are one of the most dedicated gifmakers on this website because you always seem to gif for so many fandoms and to such an impeccable level. your use of colour is always so impressively beautiful, creating the most vibrant and aesthetically pleasing sets. i could probably list every single one of your wednesday sets here for the joy they brought me, but i’m actually going to shoutout this stobin set because it’s absolute genius. they fit it so well, and this is so beautifully executed. the blue, the blending, the split gifs, the typography, each and every single thing is so gorgeously done.
maureen, yenralt goddess @something-more​​, you have singlehandedly fuelled gifs for the yenralt fandom and i’m so grateful for that. we are such an underrated space but you have kept it bright and beautiful. thank you so much for your hard work and talent. but i have to select this witcher season 2 rainbow set because the colouring still takes my breath away. they are so vibrant and delightful and is a real flex of your colouring skills. rainbows fuel my very being, and this one was definitely no exception.
elsbeth, i’m so happy that wednesday gave us another mutual show so i could scream over your gifs once more @laylakeating​​. and i just have to point and yell at this wednesday + anti-hero set because wow! red, black and white is one of my all time favourite colour combos and this was perfection. the blending is flawlessly done, and i really adore the font you chose. there’s been a lot of anti-hero sets this year but this is the one that really sticks with me. it is so fitting and so perfectly done.
4 creations of which you’re proud:
i just did my list of my favourite creations for every month so i’m going to try and give some love to creations outside of that!
this umbrella academy s3 soundtrack set was a real labour of love. adding the rainbow to it was just so much fun and i’m really proud of how it turned out. i also tried to do it all chronologically which made a challenge for rainbow colouring as i couldn’t just pick the greener scenes for screen.
this kanthony favourite scene set is one i’m so proud of. i generally don’t like giffing scenes because it always feels like everyone beats me to it, but this was a more ‘creative’ take on it and was really fun to make. and i was really proud of how it turned out, especially the rings!
this shadow and bone season 2 trailer set admittedly could be better, but i’m really proud of how it came out with that awful trailer quality. i do wish the footage was better, but sometimes we have to work with what we’ve got! and overall i was really happy with what i managed to do with brief glimpses and low quality.
this chrissy cunningham set was a fun appreciation of the character! it was really fuelled by the hate grace was recieving from the fandom (which is never fair) and i really wanted to celebrate her acting in both the sadness and sweetness she brought to chrissy, which made her a scene stealer in what tiny screen time she had. i was really happy with how it came out, with the blue and green of the cheer colours and the ink dropper fade effect.
3 creations others loved:
this wenclair gifset keeps popping up in my notifications and i’m so happy that people enjoyed this concept. i really loved their contrasting personalities and it was fun to do that in the contrasting yellow and black and white.
this house of the dragon queens set is one i actually had scheduled to post when i was on holiday with no internet. i got home and got to see the reaction people had to it all at once and it was overwhelming! people had left such lovely tags and comments and it just made me so happy. there was almost a nerve-wracking feeling of ‘well, i wasn’t around to boost this so it could entirely flop’ but to see people had enjoyed it was lovely.
i think this first kill set is my gifset with the highest notes this year, so i have to give it a shoutout! loved seeing everyone connect with not just this set, but the show itself. its release felt so special and i really enjoyed engaging with the fandom and celebrating our supernatural sapphics (even if the show deserved so much better, still mad at you netflix).
2 creations that stretched you as a creator:
me? biting off more than i can chew? ... yeah it happens a lot. i’ve done a lot of appreciation weeks this year that have really stretched me, doing five or even seven days of straight gifsets while also feeling like i need to be creative has felt like running a marathon at times. but i also feel like it has helped to push my ideas. 
this yennefer week set pushed me a lot because creatively, i wasn’t sure how to make it work, and also because i was struggling for time because i was so busy with work and was literally snatching moments to hide away and gif. but i was really happy with what i came up with in the end, especially with the reviews fading in and out.
and this umbrella academy quotes set, again for an appreciation week, was a lot of work just because there were so many details i wanted to include within it. and i was doing so much for this week on the day/staying up way too late at night because i’d managed to make only one set in advance. in the end, i’m very happy with it and think it looks so fun! but at the time it was a case of me driving myself crazy with my own ambition and perfectionism.
1 creation you find aesthetically pleasing:
something so (literally) magical about this yen + magic set to me. i just think the shots of her trying to do magic/doing magic on the show are so beautiful and it was fun to play with them. also adored adding the witchy halloween colours to it!
1 creation that broke you:
giffing the entire umbrella academy season 3 trailer was a lot. this definitely broke photoshop and made me lose my mind. by the end i was so tired and fed up with it.
0 creation that never was:
i started a yennefer + smiles set (sort of based on this but for season 2) back in february and have still never finished it. i’ve actually still got all the caps ready to go, it’s just... still not happened. maybe one day.
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 11 months
20 questions for writers! Thanks @frostysfrenzy 💙💙
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
46, which feels impossible to believe
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
97,544 (which is also hard to believe)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Stargate, Leverage, and Hawaii Five-0, but there will be more Grimm fics coming
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Five Times Parker Proposes (ot3)
You Save Me (mcdanno)
I've got my heart (strung up on clothing line) (mcdanno)
In this moment, you are everything (mcdanno)
Kiss the boy (eliot/hardison)
I actually didnt realize these were the top 5, and im kind of surprised. tbh I'd say I've got my heart and five times parker proposes would be my faves out of these 5
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! I adore comments and try to reply to them all
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I basically refuse to write angsty endings lmao but I guess reading up on black holes just for the long term emotional consequences? or I could see myself dying for you because they clearly got Fucked Up
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I refuse to write a non-happy ending alkjflskjdf but oh i love the glow delights me
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far, tho one turned out to be... a Topic in a discord server
9. Do you write smut?
yup! the stargate kinkmeme changed me as a person
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I have done one, which was a leverage/h50 crossover purely for my own enjoyment
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of
13. Have you ever co written a fic?
No, but I'd be down with certain authors
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
tied between mcdanno and mcshep and leverage ot3 honestly
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I haven't even started it but i have a stargate baseball AU tentatively planned out
16. What are your writing strengths?
honestly i feel like when i feel a character I feel them and the dialogue is very in character and plausible
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am incapable of writing anything longer than like 2 chapters
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i feel like it often comes across weirdly (when done by someone who doesnt speak that language) so i avoid it. there are some characters and situations where it is done well, but i avoid it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
CSI Miami i think? yes i know thats embarrassing
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
honestly im not sure. maybe ive got my heart? its such a good trope and i love those two idiots so much
also i was doing this while watching a hockey game in another tab and without fucking fail, they scored every time i was on here. I MISSED FIVE GOALS what the fuck
anyways, i think all of my writer friends have already done this??? so if you haven't, consider yourself tagged
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icyfox17 · 1 year
All this to sayyyyy, what have you been up to lately? Watched anything, written anything, read anything, so on and so forth?
Also here have a flower: 🌺
I took a break from it to binge yt but I remembered its existence lately so I am now continuing it
It's a Sherlock Holmes adaptation!!! I'm much more attached to it than the BBC version tho I do still adore the BBC version, but . Elementary is way better imo
Elementary!Sherlock is sooo big brother he's so :(( /pos I love him sm
I did do some writing today!!! I was hanging out in the library with my friend and we were vibing to my rainy day playlist IT WAS SO VIBES and while she did hw, I did some writing :D it's not a lot but I enjoyed writing it ^-^ it's the first time I've written first person in years, I used to swear against it but recently I've read a few first pov short stories for class n stuff and I've realised it can actually be used very effectively :0 so I wanted to try it!!
Leaves of auburn and ochre painted the sky above me, their scent of sweetness and musk pungent in the wind.
I sat there, listening to the soft creaking of the trees swaying, thinking of how small I felt in that moment. To these tall oak trees, who had all loved hundreds of years, my life was a simple speck, nothing more than one of those dew drops that they felt on their leaves in the early morning.
It's not a lot bc I ran out of time bUTTT I really like it ^-^
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Also there's a LOT of crimeboys ^-^
Uhmmm and a LOT of twinsduo angst oops
Everyone's super wholesome except twinsduo criessss but they get their happy ending . Eventually SHFJGKFKFKKGG BUT YEAH ITS GENUINELY LIKE ONE OF MY TOP FIVE FICS EVER I ADORE IT SO MUCH OHMYGODFHDF
I'm hopefully gonna make chai tea (steeped in milk ^-^) but I ate too much dinner so we'll see if I have room for it :00
The rainy day vibes have been wonderful today!! I am so so happ ^-^
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moncherrie · 2 years
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under  the  cut,  you’ll  find  both  established  &&.  available  connections  for  cherrie  .  if  none  of  these  appeal  to  you,  we  can  easily  come  up  with  something  together  or  remix  a  connection  if  it  piques  your  interest  enough !  more  will  be  added  as  time  goes  on  .   i  prefer  plotting  through  d!scord  so  reach  out  to  me  @  too hot to cool off#3818  if  you’d  like  to  plot !
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✼  ʾ   𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠  .
one.   bounce  back     /     this  was  the  group  of  people  who  cherrie  ended  up  gravitating  towards  &&.  making  friendships  with  over  that  summer  duration  of  her  blowing  up.  maybe  someone  could  be  latching  onto  her  because  they  saw  how  fast  she  was  becoming  known,  could  be  somebody  who  only  wants  to  be  around  her  because  they  just  can’t  figure  her  out  .  thoughts  can  run  wild  with  this  one .    (   0  /  4  taken  )
two.   break  the  windows  out  your  car     /     your  muse  was  the  unfortunate  being  who  formerly  dated  /  messed  around  with  cherrie  that  had  their  car  vandalized  .   clearly  the  two  of  you  ended  up  on  bad  terms  for  whatever  reason  we  can  discuss  but  it’s  very  likely  she  adores  messing  with  your  muse  and  pushing  their  buttons  in  public  then  playing  innocent  .   (   0  /  1  taken  )
three.   don’t  worry  ‘bout  me     /     your  muse  happened  to  find  cherrie  beyond  drunk  and  basically  keep  her  company  until  her  uber  gets  there  .  she  may  have  ranted  about  some  personal  issues  and  feelings  she  was  going  through  at  that  time  which  could  spark  the  two  of  them  becoming  unlikely  friends  or  just  a  shoulder  for  her  to  lean  on  .  be  warned,  she  will  deny  ever  doing  that  &&.  possibly  dodge  your  muse  to  avoid  the  conversation  but  eventually  may  warm  up  to  them  .     (  taken  )
four.    ruin  my  life     /     in  the  midst  of  cherrie’s  spiral,  she  became  close  to  your  muse  who  just  so  happened  to  have  been  a  bad  influence  on  her.  the  two  of  them  could’ve  gotten  up  to  no  good  whatsoever  .  when  she  finally  began  getting  herself  together,  she  cut  your  muse  off  like  a  loose  piece  of  fabric  .  she  actively  avoids  them  but  who’s  to  say  she  won’t  come  back  ?     (  0  /  1  taken  )
five.   what’s  new     /     music  industry  beef !   your  muse  could  have  been  a  nominee  for  the  same  grammy  she  won  and  they  really  don’t  believe  that  shit  was  fair  .  maybe  this  resulted  in  some  shady  back  and  forth  on  social  media  to  callouts  during  interviews ?  or  they  keep  it  classy  and  make  snide  remarks  when  coming  face  to  face  ?  the  options  are  endless  .   (  0  /  ??  taken  )
six.   time  lapse     /     your  muse  could  have  been  a  genuine  friend  to  cherrie  before  her  little  spiral  era  .  maybe  they  were  trying  to  talk  sense  into  her  but  she  could’ve  just  argued  with  them  until  they  decided  to  cut  her  off  instead  .  now  that  she’s  in  the  right  state  of  mind,  she  really  wants  to  fix  things  between  the  two  of  them  but  depending  on  how  bad  their  fight  was,  it’ll  take  some  time  before  they  reach  a  compromise  .   (  0  /  2  taken  )
seven.   not  my  problem     /     a  good  ole  blackmailing  plot  .  truthfully  she  could  have  needed  your  muse  for  something  but  they  wouldn’t  do  it  willing  so  she  resorted  to  other  way  to  get  their  attention  .  genuinely  this  plot  is  super  open  because  she  can  be  that  type  of  person  but  we  can  discuss  more  if  you  want  it !   (   0  /  1  taken  )
eight.   sweet  melody     /     for  some  reason  your  muse  stuck  by  cherrie’s  side  throughout  it  all .  they’re  often  the  first  person  she  calls  when  in  trouble,  or  if  she  just  wants  to  do  something.  your  muse  is  her  saving  grace  in  a  way  and  she’s  forever  grateful  for  them .   (  0  /  2  taken  )
nine.   we’re  good     /     cherrie  and  your  muse  are  a  duo  that  like  to  bring  chaos  .  i  picture  them  sorta  confiding  in  each  other  about  those  they  don’t  like,  gossip  to  each  other  during  spa  days,  all  that  nonsense  .  nothing  good  ever  follows  if  these  two  are  near  one  another  .  but  is  the  relationship  genuine  friendship  or  are  they  using  each  other  ?  find  out  next  time  on  dragon  ball  z  .   (  0  /  1  taken  )
ten.    talk  about  love     /     cherrie  is  head  over  heels  for  your  muse  but  cannot  bring  herself  to  tell  them  .  maybe  they’re  in  love  with  someone  else,  maybe  she’s  afraid  of  rejection  (  99.9%  correct  but  ok  )  or  she  just  doesn’t  think  they’re  in  to  her  like  that .  regardless,  she’s  always  there  for  them  and  gives  harsh  advice  on  romance  (  bonus  if  they  hook  up  a  lot  and  tell  her  their  stories  )  but  she’d  rather  have  that  than  not  have  them  at  all.
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✼  ʾ   𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠  .
friends  by  association.   one  night  stands  /  friends  with  benefits.   drinking  buddies.   pr  relationship.   people  she’s  collaborated  with.   media  pins  you  against  each  other.   unlikely  duo.   co-stars.   always  run  into  each  other.   did  a  shoot  together,  ended  good  /  bad.
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daxieoclock · 2 years
🥺🛒🎶💖🦅🤩🤲 and 🧠 for Haru!!! :D
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Uhhh okay so I'm such a fucking sucker for when a character's mask involuntarily slips, but I also fucking love when a character intentionally lets down that mask as a gesture of trust. fucking kills me every time. In Red Gaia, you've got when Vee drops her unaffected shtick around Tifa and starts being full and genuine with her. And in DV, you've got when Akechi surrenders their knife to Kasumi, and early on the scene where Ren drops the lies fully for Ann that just fucking kills me every time.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
@lilyhoshikawa hooked me on scar imagery, @mcpuliotjr hooked me on egg imagery, but. masks. masks are all me. i mean it's big inspired by persona 5 obviously but i think the initial piece of media that made me start obsessing with masks was Bleach. if you know you know.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Always. always always. I sometimes have to pause it to think through tricky parts but music helps me so so much. g-d bless character playlists, really.
song wise ive been listening to the hosiers and des rocs a lot, but Worried About Ray has been my repeat song for a few weeks. still hits so hard.
💖 What made you start writing?
Can't remember! I was like eight, and I was always obsessed with stories and storytelling and it felt natural to me to make my own stories
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Column A, column B? If it's a big fic I've already outlined at least a chunk of it in my head, and I often have to write down those details to keep from losing them. Even then, I often and up coming up with stuff midway through writing that I'd never considered, or making big changes on the suggestion of my beta readers (hi jane <3). with oneshots, it's full on pants. I get a basic idea and just sit down and flow thoughts and see what happens.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
G-d. how can I even pick. Uhhh. Ann Takamaki probably. G-d I love her and I love writing her. She's so angry and loves so fully and like ALWAYS has a strong opinion about everything and I love that about her. I also adore her friendship with Ren SO much aaa they're so good for each other.
Haru...I love her so so much but she's got like five million masks that it's sometimes hard to hit on what she's actually feeling at any time. I'm confident about how she'll react, I'm just not always sure what she's feeling.
Akechi's also really fun to write but I'm not nearly as good as Jane and Jae at writing them djfgbjb.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I'll share a few actually. All from the same oneshot, which is fully first-drafted but i have no idea how to properly contextualize it without getting into my five million unposted headcanons about a Final Fantasy mobile game.
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Anyway it's fun to jam characters from different Final Fantasy games together cause sometimes I'm just like "yeah Y'shtola (XIV) would sleep with Kurasame (Type-0) to get over her angst towards Lightning (XIII) who is currently ghosting both her and her other lover, Prishe (XI)." Messy polycules of traumatized sapphics dating traumatized sapphics from other worlds. As you do.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Oh hey I can bust out a relatively new one for this. My friends know it, but I haven't posted it here yet.
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henryisalesbian · 2 years
tagged by @trainpalsforthawin !!! TYSM and im SO FKN SORRY THIS IS LATE ORZ
Rules: make a new post and copy the text from this post and fill out the questions with your answers. Then tag five or more people you want to get to know better. Have fun!!!
1. Favourite colour(s): Dark, cool colors (e.g. black, blues and purples, etc), anything brightly neon against dark colors ; think northern lights or neon signs, do cool gradients count as colors??
2. Currently reading: I actually need to get back reading shit but I do plan to continue Animal Farm by George Orwell :0-)
3. Last song you listened to: IIIIIVE BEEN LISTENING TO A LOT OF WITCH HOUSE. a song that pops into mind is Lost by CRIM3S (Sidewalks and Skeletons Remix). Very good for when you are writing soul crushing angst !!
4. Last thing you watched: Season 18 TTTE or was it like. a Thafnine lets play oh my god my memories shit
5. In school? (fart noise) yeah. I SUPPOSEDLY HAVE LIKE A COUPLE YEARS LEFT TILL I GET TO MOVE TO THE UNI IM MOVING TOO BUT that shitll take a While.
6. Thing you're looking forward to: I ACTUALLY PLAN TO TAKE EITHER A PAINTING CLASS OR A FIGURE DRAWING CLASS and its in the art building i absolutely love and adore . art building 9(?) my beloved <3
7. Thing you're working on right now: ME WHEN ME AND A FRIEND ARE WORKING ON AN ANGST AU FOR TTTE (that i miiiight talk about here soon WHOOP-) along with like. concept art for a rhythm game and a webcomic :0-9
8. Can you cook or bake? YES I DO!!! i havent baked much but i have been cooking up pasta and soup dishes !!
AGAIN OH MY FOD I AM SO SORRY I GOT TO THIS SHIT LATE ITS BEEN ROTTING IN MY FUCKIN DRAFTS but i tag @canary-birdie and anyone else who wanna do dis lol
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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September Fic Rec😜
Yo, Yo, Yo! Back to school! Too all the parents that might have a little more time, here's a rec! and too all the student that need a get away from school, here's a rec!🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️ Happy Reading you guys!❤️
And You Say You're Alone by bi_leigh_bi - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 30314, sterek)
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
The Well of Living Waters by kalpurna - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3022, sterek)
King Derek takes a consort.
a year in sleepovers by sarcasticfishes - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3370, sterek)
The first time Stiles ended up in Derek’s bed was New Year’s Eve. He was seventeen, a little drunk, and he begged.
as if he were the sun by impossiblespark - (Rating: T, Words: 9202, sterek)
“Scott, I told you, I’m- oh.” Stiles cuts himself off when he opens his eyes and turns to find Derek standing by his open window, brows furrowed dangerously, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring.
His breath catches painfully somewhere in his throat. 
He winces almost imperceptibly as he struggles to sit up. Derek still catches it, and his eyes flash red.
His fucking life.
Thrill (like white-hot wire) by raisesomehale - (Rating: Mature, Words: 4291, sterek)
Stiles made the decision that Derek was his new best friend (and that he'll one day marry him) the day he shared his dinosaur chicken nuggets with him.
Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 30765, sterek)
Wherein an ill-advised floral arrangement leads to a whole new definition of obliviousness, accidental mate-bonds, and far more sex and tropes than one fic really needs.
Five times Derek and Stiles didn’t notice how close they were (literally) and then a whole bunch of times when they did...
Like Heaven Catching Lighting byweathervaanes - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 41519, sterek)
Prince Stiles of Cor has always known, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he was never truly going to marry for love. Fighting it has only made it worse. Now, presented with a choice between two children of the Hale family of Ignis, Derek and Cora, he must make the decision to determine who will rule by his side. If only it were that simple.
“Tell me,” he says, taking a drink. “If your sister does accept me as her husband, would you be pleased for her fortune or yours?”
Derek sets down the pitcher and moves further into the room, removing his vest and setting it over a chair. “I don’t believe that’s a fair question. If she finds happiness in your kingdom, by your side, of course I’ll be pleased for her.”
“And relieved, I imagine.”
Derek turns, arms crossed over his chest. “Would you be?”
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds. byTheBeastsWrite (orphan_account) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 21096, sterek)
Stiles always knew finding a mate would be hard for him. He's not bright and beautiful like Lydia, or stong like Danny or adorable like Scott. 
He was just Stiles, fox kid with ADHD who loved to draw. 
Derek Hale was everything, popular, strong, smart and gorgeous.
They get put together on an English assignment and it doesn't go at all like Stiles expects.
I Will Meet You In The Woods bydylan_blaze_nightstars - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6983, sterek)
Derek goes running as a wolf in the forest, he just wasn't expecting to meet a curious fox who seems to know who he is.
Gathering Hearts by neil4god - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 2050, sterek)
Derek brought this on himself, he brought the alpha's here and now they're all trying to worm their way into Stiles' affection and even worse, his pants! Screw diplomatic relations, screw tradition, he should have cancelled the whole thing and kept Stiles to himself. Not that Stiles was his or even wanted to be his, right?
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
I am TRYING to be fair to the "barefoot is best" people, because I know that emotionally I consider them as very similar to the "Go off your psych meds! Eat 16 oranges a day instead!" people. (Is that reference too dated now?)
I found a perfect demonstration of what I mean in my google searching. In a running forum, someone posted asking for help, since they have "significant hip and knee discomfort" and that "it seems that my foot has been the cause of the problem. The inner front of my left foot is raised, which causes me to roll in when I walk and run." This is the same issue I have! It's where the bare foot cannot rest fully on the ground without causing the ankle to collapse. The bare foot is intrinsically fucked up and cannot walk healthily without assistance.
The thread only has two replies:
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Because even as a podiatrist hawking his own invention admits, people like the OP whose feet chronically and dramatically under- or over-pronate, even if their toes are given every chance to work normally, should probably have orthotic assistance:
He says this is about 3% of the clients he sees, which is very comforting if you're marketing towards 97% of people and less comforting if you're not among them.
Something that enrages me is seeing people point to things like this 1949 study, "Survey in China and India of Feet That Have Never Worn Shoes". Its conclusion is more of a soundbite than any other scientific paper I have ever seen.
People who have never worn shoes acquire very few foot defects, most of which are painless and non-debilitating. The range of their foot motions are remarkably great, allowing for full foot activity. Shoes are not necessary for healthy feet and are the cause of most foot troubles. Children should not be encouraged to walk prematurely and should not wear any footgear until absolutely necessary. Footgear is the greatest enemy of the human foot.
Which is great... until you go back to the section about their sampling methods, which says. "Persons with any obvious generalized disease or deformity, acquired or congenital, were not considered as falling within the scope of the survey and so were not included."
(It's little things like that that remind you that in 1949, the Western medical establishment generally thought that disabled people ought to be segregated from the rest of society in asylums. One of my elementary school teachers had the goodness to recommend I read books by disabled Canadian author Jean Little, to give me a sense that I was not alone. Her first published novel was 1962's Mine for Keeps, about a girl with cerebral palsy who comes home to her family after living for five years at the Allendale School for Handicapped Children. She barely knows her siblings, and is absolutely amazed that her family has outfitted the house with things like carpets that won't slip out from under her crutches as she walks. She's the first person with cerebral palsy to ever attend her neighbourhood school. She gets friends and adopts a dog, it's adorable. But my point is, it's really useful to remember that when people say, "Back in the olden days, people didn't have these disabilities!" they're mostly unaware of the reality that back the olden days, people with those disabilities didn't get to go out in public.)
Spiders Georg is an outlier adn should not be counted... up until you are the doctor tasked with treating Spiders Georg! At which point it is not very helpful to say "Well, the average person eats 0 spiders a year, so I don't think spider consumption is something you need to worry about."
And if something affects 1% of the population, that means that in a statistically average city of 1 million people, ten thousand people have it.
So I'm still very "Oh fuck OFF" when someone wants to tell me that barefoot running worked for them and therefore shoes are bad for everybody. I'm even chronically stressed with places where I'm asked to take my shoes off at the door, because walking barefoot hurts and therefore I'm always having to decide between prioritizing my own health, and appearing rude and standing out as That One Weird Person With Her Shoes On. Especially since sometimes going barefoot has strong spiritual/religious symbolism, and I'd like to not be a walking desecration, you know?
But that doesn't mean the barefoot lobby is completely useless. I've had a lot of success learning from the scientists and doctors who study foot movement and have questioned standard podiatric treatment. I spent a long time getting blisters from orthotics that propped my foot into the correct position but didn't care at all about how my foot moved throughout the gait cycle.
I've spent ten years mostly away from podiatrists, learning what I can from pedorthists, physiotherapists, and ballet dancers. I've moved from using my right foot as a peg leg whose joints didn't articulate to being able to tiptoe and even, very cautiously, dance. I made myself a special 2" tall rubber mat so I can exercise barefoot while still giving my short leg the height boost it needs to put my hips even.
But being Spiders Georg is tiring as all fuck sometimes. Sometimes I'd like to be counted.
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nobigsecrets · 3 years
I would also like to ask h50 for the ship meme ;) (but if someone already did that, then Ted Lasso)
Thanks for returning the favor! 😁 (H50 is not unexpected. Ted Lasso is and I will answer that in a separate post.)
otp: McDanno, no surprise there
favourite canon pairing: McDanno, no surprise there; Tani/Junes, who are adorable and sadly funnily a complete mirror image of Danny and Steve (therefore proving the point that the only reason McDanno isn't canon is because they're not a het couple)
worst pairing ever: For me, Danny/Rachel are even worse than Steve/Cath because I don’t get how Danny is supposed to still love Rachel and trust her when she lied and betrayed him like she did, repeatedly
guilty pleasure pairing: Cath/Kono is one of my favorites; I also ship Joe White/John McGarrett, I guess the writers wanted to make us believe it was an unrequited Joe/Doris situation, but I like this spin much better; then there’s Mary/Kawika which my friend @cowandcalf came up with and I wholeheartedly agree with her; Quinn/Noelani in season 10
a pairing you want to see more: I wish we would have gotten more (happy) glimpses of Steve & Freddie, because all we got was one episode full of heartache
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: None, except probably McRollins but I wouldn't call their fans everyone
favorite non-romantic pair: the whole ohana; I also love Steve & Mary being siblings and important to each other; I love Steve & Cath as friends, because she is one of the few connections to his life pre Five-0; Danny & Kono being BFFs; Danny & Tani commiserating; Steve & Junior and their SEAL brotherhood
put a fandom in my ask and i’ll answer
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