#for real though congrats Choices fans
linkysmommy · 1 year
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disregardcanon · 8 months
i'm thinking about a npmd the good place au and HOO BOY the ideas
it's a season 1 setup, with tinky as the architect of the neighborhood.
... good janets are petes and bad janets are teds. OUR pete is the neighborhood's pete and he's just kinda. trying to get by. shit's weird, guys. he doesn't remember how he got here and all his protocols have been messed up and the guy that took him isn't very nice. but this is- it's fine. it has to fine (there's no other choice.)
grace chastity is still adjusting to the idea that the christian god isn't real. she is not enjoying that very much, but she IS validated by the idea that her actions as a christian got her into The Place Where Good People Go. her actual exploits like mission trips and getting dances canceled and running abstinence camp are what are brought up during the Look How Cool We Are Welcome to the Neighborhood gala.
steph has been assigned to be her soulmate. she isn't supposed to be here. she's not like, an ABSURDLY bad person for anything, she just. was raised by solomon lauter. so she got the hell out of dodge after graduation and MAYBE she did some scams to get by after that. and like maybe she knows how to make a molotov cocktail and has used one once or twice. she certainly isn't The Best Person Who Did All These Things To Help the World and Support Great Liberal Causes that they keep saying she is. (she... wishes she was. though.) and these bible studies that her soulmate (soulmate???? THE FUCK) grace chastity keeps trying to force her to do so not to out her to the authorities as A Mistake Who Should Not Be Here. really aren't helping. (like come on. grace still insists that it's bad to be bisexual but look who her soulmate is? STEPH! so maybe steph knows more about how to adjust to this new world that little miss evangelist does)
ruth fleming is the first recorded case (according to tinky) of a Human Without a Soulmate in the history of humanity. just her fucking luck. she can't even get the robot guy to fuck her. ughgggghhh. you spend your life writing high quality erotic for lonely people and it gets you into heaven! but it doesn't even get you a partner. fuckin' rude
max jagerman doesn't think that he did anything wrong. he was the king of hatchetfield high, and then hatchetfield community college, and then he managed to fight his way to a backup quarterback spot on the jacksonville jaguars (this is the good place it will be the jaguars). and then! he's the REAL quarterback! if patrick ma-fucking-homes would just drop dead he'd be the most famous quarterback in the united states, thank you!
but when he dies... the guy doesn't tell him congrats on all the success. he doesn't even recognize that this is MAXWELL JAGERMAN! the quarterback who should be the most famous and well-respected in the united states. he makes some weird references to how... ambition... is... bad? and that those that hurt other people are... bad? says something about being a channel of peace or whatever? and that if this was a mix up then max is free to go to "drowsy town"? whatever the fuck that means.
so when he says "but you're not an ambitious bully that hurt others to get where you were! you're a super nice silent catholic monk who promoted peace on earth, right?" and max just.... stares.
"do you want to keep up your vow of silence? you can just nod." and max... does. because what the fuck do you say to that? shit shit shit shit shit shit FUCK
his "soulmate" is richie lipschitz, warrior for the sanctity of other people's art. why, if his youtube channel that makes fun of other people's bad art and takes and uses his fan base to come after much smaller creators isn't a net positive in the world, then what IS? some loser who doesn't understand anything complaining about the fascist implications of attack on titan on the internet? HA! (richie is disappointed that his soulmate isn't someone better, who likes him, but it was never going to live up to rei or asuka anyway. so he'll live)
he's the only one who knows max, and they went to high school together. max was the exact sort of bully that he was in canon. and it takes a LOT of sweet talk about how richie's the one who's actually supposed to be here to get him to stay quiet about the Max Actually Being an Awful Football Player and Not That Cool Silent Monk thing.
ruth and richie become friends through a series of sitcom tomfoolery. the sitcom tomfoolery is mainly Dragging The Poor Robot Into Playing Games and then Getting Mad That He's Better At The Games Than They Are. also ruth getting frustrated that the robot does not want to fuck her. (it's not because the robot does not want to fuck she's just not his type)
steph knows that she recognizes that silent monk guy from somewhere but can't quite put her finger on it, and she knows that something is VERY wrong here.
grace is developing a crush on her soulmate and does not know how to do that. (does being a soulmate count as marriage? is it actually bad to be gay when god doesn't even properly exist? did her actions matter since she wasn't serving a real god? what do you do with an EXISTENTIAL CRISIS IN THE AFTERLIFE?!?!?! ugh stomachache.)
max wants to figure out how to go back to being The Coolest Guy Ever, FUCK YEAH (he can't even shout go nighthawks or jacksonville jaguars, because he can't talk! it sucks!) but he knows that his soulmate Will Not Help. the guy, unreasonably, is still holding high school against him. and also everything else that max has legitimately messed up since then. (ha, it's almost like. consequences to your actions-) and then he meets grace chastity, biggest prude and most Sure of Herself in This Entire Place.
and he's in love <3 he prostrates himself in front of her and BEGS her to help him become "a good person" so that he can stay here. and grace is like i really don't have time for that i have to teach my own Secretly Shitty Soulmate the bible. and steph's like uh you can just. stop doing that. i'm really not interested-
and grace is like NO YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME YOU BEAUTIFUL CHARMING SEDUCTRESS! and steph's like ugh. did i finally cure this girl's internalized homophobia in time for her to just. not leave me the fuck alone? fuck
so a max who, in theory, wants to learn grace chastity's version of Good Personhood so that he can earn his spot here and become Coolest Guy in the Good Place, King of Good Place High, and mainly just wants to spend time with her and get her to like him, grace who is having a bisexual panic attack and also fighting off existential dread, and steph, who knows that there is something very very wrong here and that grace can't help her with morality but also. has not figured out what's wrong or who can. is just stuck here while the other two flirt and grace occassionally remembers to make googly eyes HER way instead of max jagerman's. who IS the famous football player. what a fuckin' world
steph starts trying to research What the Fuck Is Wrong Here, and realizes that max's soulmate, richie, and tragically unattached ruth are befriending the Robot with Godlike Knowledge. and she's like oh wow i could probably utilize that in my Research.
more sitcom shenanigans occur. grace and max stop noticing that their third wheel isn't attending bible studies and they become more and more them just dancing towards sexual encounters.
steph uses her con artist raised by a politician (other type of con artist) skills to notice more and more strange fuckery, as things with the world start spiraling further and further out of control.
"you're pretty funny. you know, for a robot."
"not a robot."
"then what are you, exactly?"
"... a spankoffski?" and steph feels really bad for laughing.
she gets figured out as Not Who She Appears to Be and has to go through this big long contrived process to get to stay in the good place instead of getting shipped off, and it just seems... like so much. they bring up reps from the bad place and the stakes seem so contrived.
ruth and richie shenanigan together by Trying to Find The Swinger Soulmate Pairs while steph tries to figure out why, exactly, nothing feels real. and it feels less real when the walls start to enclose and she might be getting removed from the good place entirely.
the bad place representatives show up: another weird guy with another weird name and his own robot.
the bad place even has their own version of pete- a weird, horny bastard who won't answer anyone's questions and just complains the whole time. but why would that demon that they brought up be... willing? to let them cut a deal? why does their architect seem... weirdly chummy with them? they act almost the same, treating their robot right hands with the same amount of... callous contempt. perhaps the Ted "deserves" it, but-
... why isn't tinky kind to pete? pete might not be HUMAN, but he's still... sentient. he has thoughts and feelings and he's her favorite company in this godforsaken place- and tinky is supposed to be the creator of a place that's good and just.
what exactly are their numbers indicating? why is everything so confusing and bullshit and-
she runs out to the lake, just to clear her head. sit by the water and watch. she pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them.
"hey pete?" she asks. the well-dressed robot materializes beside her. sitting cross-legged.
"everyone has... points, right? that's how they figure out if you go to the good place or the bad place?"
"that's correct."
"who has the most points here?"
steph chuckles. "good one, spankoffski. i didn't know you could joke on purpose"
he tilts his head in confusion. "it wasn't a joke."
"i- what?"
"there are only 5 sets of numbers here. yours is the highest. it's been going up steadily ever since you got here."
steph just stares. "pete, there can't- there's hundreds of people here. why would only 5 of us have numbers?"
"only humans have numbers," he says simply. and oh god, oh fuck, oh shit-
"how did you get here?" she asks softly.
he looks thoughtful for a moment. "i... don't remember."
so steph gathers up the five other humans and they break their way into tinky's office, pete in tow.
and he's like "huh. what are you all doing here together?"
the other four humans are still confused, but steph is a forceful personality and convinced them this was the only way to fix things.
"go ahead and send me to the bad place," steph says, "i thought about it, and i don't want to keep making things so HARD on all of you. i was soooo selfish in life, but i don't want to keep that up."
tinky looks anxious. "oh steph, you aren't a burden."
she smiles. "but i thought i wasn't even supposed to be here?"
"we've made it work," tinky promises.
steph laughs. "i don't think so. this show reminds me what my dad would do, when he wanted to seem like he was fighting for something politically that he already had set up. it's all a show, right?"
tinky grins tightly. "i don't know what you mean."
"you're not sending me to the bad place, because i'm ALREADY THERE!" she declares. the other humans gasp. pete looks unfazed.
tinky blinks. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"there are only 5 sets of numbers here," steph says, "and guess whose is the highest? MINE! and i'm not even supposed to be here."
"two clerical errors? really?" steph demands.
"things happen," tinky says.
"and the three that got here fair and square?" steph asks, "we have a self-righteous church girl, a bullied youtuber who started bullying people himself, and an erotic writer. of teacher/student!" steph laughs, "come on, you're telling me that THOSE are the best humanity has to offer? and that max and i both just so happpenneeddd to end up here? in error?"
tinky grits his teeth. "no one else here is even human. if they were, they'd act like it. and they'd have numbers. but they don't."
"this is our own little nightmare realm that you cooked up to torture us."
then tinky laughs, maniacal and goat-like.
"wait," grace whispers, "i'm not... a good person?"
"NO!" tinky cackles, "that was the fun! but now... someone's ruined it for all of us. we're going to have to reset everything now. are you happy, stephanie?"
she frowns. "reset?" tinky snaps his fingers, and the humans pass out on his floor.
"i'm not supposed to be here," pete says, looking with wide eyes over to the passed out humans.
"ugh," tinky says, "RESET!" and not-a-robot not-a-boy spankoffski resets too.
he has another chance at this. and another. and another. and another. and another- however many it takes to get this right. and he WILL get this right, after all. he has all the time in the world.
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team-avia · 6 months
God... I finally did it. I finally beat the last route (Miranda's) and I've been just.... Sitting here? Stewing in my feelings? Replaying scenes over and over in my head? Listening to blessed playlists other fans have made? (Shout out to the person who made the Miranda Resident Lover playlist you are SO RIGHT for each of those songs).
I just... It just... I'm taking Deep Breaths before I replay and hunt for hints and clues that Miranda has MC locked in a time loop. GOD each awkward interaction MC had with her while dating other people... I canNOT. To be FAIR Miranda handled all of that so elegantly while stewing in her spite. "Oh. You want your gf to turn into a werewolf? Okay." "Hmm. What's this? You're leaving with Alcina? Sure. Enjoy that for like a month." "What's that? You want to help Bella? Fi-YOU BITCH YOU BROKE MY HEART CONTAINER. *SIGH* It's. Fine."
I also have all of these memes in my head for each time Miranda hit reset. "Could you ever fall for an older woman?" "Nah." ROLL CREDITS fjdkfkwlw. Anyway.
I do have one question though: will the unclickable choice in Miranda's route right before meeting the cult become clickable in the next playthrough? Or is it permanently there to make MC feel like she has an utter lack of control?
congrats on finishing the game!! and thank u for playing it
miranda be resetting the time loop for the smallest inconvience for real
the option will always be blocked out to symbolize that no matter what, mc cannot have a real choice in the end
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alltheselights · 11 months
Hi Emma! I really value your opinion, and I was just wondering about your thoughts on everything? I.E. the fandom, Louis… You always seem so levelheaded compared to others so I wanted to ask. Have a good night!
My only real thoughts about it are that it's really tiring to be in this fandom and see what's happening with Louis. On principle, I'm probably an exception to a lot of Larries in that I don't really care if he wants to dunk on Larries, though he chose a really stupid way to do it. A large group of these fans try to make everything he does about Harry and disrespect him regularly. For me, that's not the part that really bothers me.....it's everything that comes along with it.
I wish I understood the contradictory choices that Louis makes regularly but I just don't. He wants success and enjoys success, but he continues to surround himself with incompetent team members who don't promote him properly. He wants a broader audience to enjoy his music, but nobody outside of his existing fanbase ever hears about his music unless it's from fans' efforts. He wants people to take him seriously as a musician and is annoyed by Larries, yet he pushes other aspects of his personal life to the forefront of his public image through interviews, his documentary, and tweets. He's proud of his most recent album and feels that it represents him as an artist, yet he cuts those songs from his setlist on tour and performs covers instead. He cares more about touring than anything, but he frequently skips songs from his setlist, doesn't put effort into his stage outfits (or even hair sometimes now), and has said several times that he's hungover and not feeling his best during his shows. He adores his fans and treats them incredibly well most of the time, but the fan interactions that frequently get traction with a broader audience are things like yesterday's rude tweets or him aggressively flipping off fans who tried to rip his clothes at the barricade (as deserved as that may be, it's not really a good look).
It's just.....so incoherent? Like I truly don't understand why he and the people around him make the choices that they do based on what he himself says he wants and cares about.
He's playing some massive venues on his Latin American tour, which was just announced, and yesterday was the perfect opportunity to talk about that and push how excited he is about it during his Twitter reply spree. Instead, even 24 hours later, all people are talking about is his reply to that Larrie when he could have just fucking ignored that stupid ass tweet. A bunch of things related to that tweet were trending on Twitter - along with "Freddie" because of his two tweets about his supposed child - and now there are articles about another Larry denial. Is Louis on tour? Has he put out any albums? Is he still a musician at all? Nobody in the general public has any idea, but at least they know that he denies Larry on a near yearly basis and that he has a kid that is apparently his twin. Congrats!
And it's annoying because solo Louies are so busy enjoying that a Larrie got publicly dunked on that they can't even see that this kind of shit actually doesn't help Louis at all. Oh, sure, it's driving away fans! And I know that a lot of solo Louies think Louis would be better off without Larries (and trust me, I feel that about some Larries too when they're making everything about a relationship instead of his career) but the reality is that Louis shouldn't drive away fans. There are ways to deal with annoying fans that don't include publicly degrading them and making MORE fucking headlines about rumors that you supposedly want to die out. If he was actually trying to expand his fanbase and then tried to get rid of fans that aren't here to appreciate him as an individual or his solo career, I could respect that.....but that's not what's happening. Instead, he drives away existing fans and does nothing to add new ones.
As someone who has loved him since 2012 and wants nothing more than his success, watching his lost potential over the course of so many years has been one of the worst things ever. I see things like what happened yesterday and see the reactions to it (both people getting angry and leaving AND people rejoicing because they're too short-sighted to realize that this doesn't solve problems and only hurts Louis in the long-run) and I just roll my eyes. I'm not upset, I'm not angry, I'm just tired. It's hard to keep saying that you want better for someone who doesn't seem to want better for themselves.
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ragsy · 2 months
Hey congrats do the whole list for Kenny
Oh, pvp enabled, OKAY LET'S GOOOOO
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
not really sure, actually! i've only drawn him a handful of times and only one of those times was colored in, so i haven't quite figured out his color palette yet. desaturated purple comes to mind when i think on it, though
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
His music taste is what i can only describe as "my real life father's mp3 player on shuffle" which is. Not anything that anyone on here has any frame of reference for!! But that would include, but isn't limited to: Cat Stevens, Manu Chao, Sheryl Crow, Third Eye Blind, Fatboy Slim, Fleetwood Mac, Traffic, Green Day, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Shpongle.
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Uuhhhh technically his character sheet lists his weapon as his walking stick, (it only does 1 damage) (he never uses it as a weapon, he has never once in his history on a monster hunting team hit anything with his walking stick)
The rest under here 👇
how crafty/resourceful are they?
Middlingly average, for the most part. He's much better at navigating problems than actually solving them; he'll look towards his team members if something needs fixed.
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Sweaters, slacks, polo shirts, sneakers. Retired guy in american suburbia swag.
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
he keeps it somewhat short, but he doesn't really care how it looks anymore. he's grateful to still have most of it, so he just kinda lets it do what it wants. he also used to have a well-maintained goatee before his time in the Other Place, but since returning to the real world, he's only done the bare minimum of keeping his facial hair mostly trim.
favorite animal? why?
not a huge animal guy, honestly! he finds the presence of birds to be extremely reassuring, though. 
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
i guess kenny is technically a nickname (he always introduces himself as kenneth, and everyone else always decides "oh this man is a kenny actually"), but he's much more of a giver of nicknames than anything else
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
always a big fan of fresh baked goods, especially blueberry muffins. he has some challenges with eating these days-- after having spent five years in the Other Place not needing to eat or sleep, stuff tastes weird to him now. He's got a mental list of safe foods, but he tries not to be a bother when other people are cooking, so he'll try his best with what's available to him.
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
gold wedding band :( (deadwife trope)
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
i gave him my fear of being forgotten and love for terrible dad jokes, what else could he need?
we're actually more different than alike, i think. he's just lived an extremely different life than me; he's a 65 year old heterosexual retired dentist who has been married and has a daughter who is my age. i am literally none of those things. but i think we would get along really well; he's based heavily on some of my own extended family who i already like fairly well, lol
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
i've had him as a character since... roughly 2020? but he was extremely different in that iteration (a haunting-the-narrative NPC in the motw campaign i ran and have since completed). his current iteration came about earlier this year when i rewrote him from the ground up to be a motw player character. also his birthday is march 17th, 1959 and birthdays are... complicated. if someone tried to throw him a party he would be GRATEFUL, and he would offer to celebrate someone else's birthday with them, but he doesn't know how to think of his own birthday anymore. he spent ages being extremely unmoored from the passage of time, you know? makes it hard
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
fluent in english (his first language), more than a little bit of mandarin (from his grandparents) and spanish (he had some patients who only spoke spanish; he always made an effort to be able to directly communicate with them whenever possible). the latter two are largely forgotten from disuse, though
are they any good with numbers?
he's actually pretty good with numbers, but it doesn't come up very often anymore. he's itching for the day that someone comes to him for help with their taxes
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
very, very small. he was his parents' only child, he had a language barrier between him and one set of grandparents, and he never knew the other set. his late wife had a big family, who he has since fallen out of contact with (with the exception of his beloved nephew charlie). he has one daughter, who he is trying to reconnect with. he currently lives alone.
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
no pets, and he would never ever ever consider franklin the potted plant to be a pet. that's his TRAUMA BONDED BEST FRIEND
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
wildly unsafe summer camps of the 1960s/1970s. here you go child, have some lead paint to play with
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
top three things to make kenny disappointed in you
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
very, very slow to anger. will ALWAYS give someone the benefit of the doubt, but if they really are in the wrong, he will bottle it up for as long as possible. when he finally breaks, it's hysterical and venomous. he generally hates being angry more than he hates the things that *make* him angry
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
he's got a royal blue toyota prius :]
it's pretty tidy inside, for the most part. gotta make sure there's space for passengers inside, it's not a large vehicle to begin with!!
their favorite place to be?
alice's house, with everyone else there with him
do they sleep well at night?
HA, no, lmao
5 years not needing to sleep will fuck up your sleep schedule once you finally have to again. he wakes up at odd hours, falls asleep at even odder ones, and has crazy weird dreams (which he then has to write down in his dream journal before he can go back to sleep again)
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
quick and flighty, like he has to get his words out as fast as he can before something stops him. he stammers a lot. he's not a great singer by any means, but he's not immune to singing along to a favorite tune in the car or in the kitchen.
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
he tried out a lot of different hobbies while trying to adjust once his daughter moved out, but none of them stuck. he tries to augment his dream journal with drawings whenever possible, so i guess that counts? 
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
hearing is actually pretty good for his age; eyesight isn't great though. he's been a glasses wearer since the second grade, and it's only gotten worse as he's aged
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
he's not quick by any means, but he can get around just fine. he has a chronically bad knee from a car crash earlier in his life that was exacerbated by an injury during an encounter with the lighthouse keeper. he walks with a cane on days when he needs extra support.
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
he understands the appeal of sports, but was never very athletic and never really got into watching them. he'll still tune into the olympics though, just to see what crazy things they're doing with spheres and gravity in athletics these days
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
He cares a lot about most people he meets, so it is generally easier to tell when he *doesn't* like someone; his warm, inviting manner turns curt and closed. 
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
Air, probably? I've no grounds for this, it just feels right
do they smell like anything notable?
Uuuuuuuuuh i dunno, come give uncle kenny a whiff and tell me what you think
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
He LOVES giving and receiving gifts, he eats that shit up, but if he's the only one receiving and not giving anyone anything he starts to feel really guilty about it. His ideal gift is something small yet thoughtful. He's going to be thinking about the magic walking cane that Charlie gave him forEVER
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
He carries around a potted plant like his life depends on it, he's removed the doors from every room and cabinet in his apartment, and he hesitates before passing though any sort of entryway
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
Mark's the only other one who has met him, and he would describe him as "uh. Nice, i guess? He talks too much, and he's kinda weird like he's on a different planet than everyone else, but he seems... harmless."
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
"Who, me? Ah, I'm just some kook who got lost once, haha!"
do they ever return home?
He's tried. That house isn't really home anymore; home feels more like the people he's with nowadays.
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
neat curse/power idea: when you look at someone, you can sort of see any children you would have with them as apparitions either in front of, behind, or around them. More detail if you sort of go cross-eyed while looking at them. The reason I'm bringing this to you: the idea that you suddenly start seeing MORE. Around people you'd never seen them around before, around people that you'd previously thought had incompatible meatware, etc. Personally, I blame Shikako.
Incompatible meatware is one of the funniest phrases I have ever seen, loveelemental, congrats! That is also a very interesting twist on “I see the ghosts of all my/your ancestors.” I have to assume it’s not just biological children, though, because why would that ability differentiate in that way. I also suppose… is it an any children you WOULD have or any children you COULD have? Which isn’t too big of a distinction but would vastly affect who/where you see these apparitions…
And is it children or, like, any shared descendants? How many generations deep are we going here?
Because one very quick way I can see how this would be Shikako’s fault is if she at some point either invents via seals or manifests via Uchiha with Mangekyo Sharingan witnessing her goddess status a way for future people to view their ancestors’ lives as a sort of “learn from the past”/Assassin’s Creed Animus type thing maybe as a somewhat safe training simulation, but for some reason the person who has the curse/power in modern day can SEE all of the future people looking back at them?
Like, for example, if this was Sasuke and all of a sudden he’s seeing a bunch of strange ghosts looking at him and his life choices and, well, as kinda gross as it is, I do headcanon that Konoha would attempt an Uchiha repopulation program provided it is a sane/not evil Sasuke. Like, probably not ALL of them are descended from Sasuke (because I do also headcanon that there were a bunch of “half-blood” Uchiha that weren’t accepted into the clan before the massacre and then kind of felt like they had dodged a bullet by not claiming the name, or some Uchiha children that weren’t Sasuke that Danzo had scooped into ROOT—hence the “kill your training partner” thing, he was trying to kickstart a brainwashed army of Mangekyo Sharingan users loyal to him) but a good chunk of them are. And he was, for a while “The Last Uchiha” so if you have to learn how to be an Uchiha from someone, maybe start with him and work your way backwards?
Basically, if you’re an Assassin’s Creed fan, just imagine Ezio being able to see Desmond and Clay as they watch his life via the Animus. Or, if you’re a Avatar The Last Airbender fan, it would be similar to if Roku could perceive Aang’s spirit watching him from the future (if Aang could astral project himself into the past, that is). I’m trying to think of other metaphors, but I’m not sure…
So maybe it is biologically Uchiha future people only who can do this technique (if it is a Mangekyo Sharingan power via witnessing Shikako’s goddess status), so it would be a bunch of future Uchiha descendants via the repopulation program watching Sasuke’s life and their touchstone into the past is their non-Uchiha ancestry. But if it is seals, then I guess anyone could theoretically astral project to the past, though that wouldn’t explain why the present person is able to see the future people… Anyway, that’s my real quick sideways take on it, loveelemental. Hope you enjoyed :D
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
HELLO LOML congrats on your milestone!!! can i req 💃🏻3 w frank WAHHAAH (pretend to be surprised)
— OH YOU!!!! 😍 thank you so much!!! okay i know this is kind of short (by my standards) but I LITERALLY DIED WHEN I THOUGHT OF THIS. i hope you like it. it’s adorable.
— prompt:
💃 3. i’m only doing this because you look cute
— warnings: none. WOW!
[grippingbeskar’s 2k night out celebration!]
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“Come out!” You called. Frank had been shut in your room for about half an hour, grumbling incoherently ever since you shoved a bag in his hand. The reason for his grumbling is because of what was in that bag: his halloween costume.
“This isn’t gonna fit.” You hear him complain, and you know that’s a straight lie. It was just another excuse not to put it on.
“Yes it will. Just try!” More groaning and grumbling, but then you hear the bag finally open. A ridiculous grin stenches across your face, because a little part of you thought he really might not do it. He caved, though. He always did if you asked nicely. And you asked very, very nicely— the thoughts of last night make your knees weak, but your interrupted when the lock clicks on the other side of the door.
“Turn around.” He says, and you roll your eyes.
“Frank. Just let me see—“
“Turn around.”
“Okay! Fine. Fine.” You spin, covering your eyes with your hands for extra effect, and his footsteps get louder as he stomps out of the room. “Can I look?”
“Hold on. I ain’t got the buttons right.” You can hear him start to fidget with the shirt. You know it’s a little tight— but it’s part of the costume! Besides, you could of been much meaner with the outfit choice. Metal clanks on his costume, and he sighs. “Okay. Guess you can look.”
Spinning around, the angel wings of your costume fanning out behind you, the first thing you notice is Franks face. He was staring at you, eyes raking up and down the white, flowing dress, a spitting image of Juliet’s angel costume from ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
Once you dragged yourself away from how his eyes almost undressed you, you looked at his costume. Your knight in shining armour— literally. The metal armour on his arms was a little small, but the silver chain mail underneath covered it up good enough for a costume. You were pretty proud of how it turned out, and something about this look was really working for you. You knew it would, it’s exactly why you chose these costumes.
“It’s itchy.” He pulled at the collar, and you all but jumped into his arms, kissing him hungrily. “Fuck. You like it, then, yeah?”
“Of course I do. My knight!” You giggle and he laughs, his head falling forward onto your shoulder.
“I’m only doing this because you look cute.” He mumbles into your skin, kissing up your neck and under your jaw. “My angel.”
“You look really good.” He pulls back, shaking his head. “You do! Seriously. Better than I imagined.”
“Yeah?” He picks you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as you nod. “White’s really your colour, baby.”
“You like it? The wings are a bit annoying.”
“You look so god damn beautiful. A real fucking angel.” Heat rises to your cheeks, and this time you’re the one hiding your face.
“Thank you. For doing this with me.” He kisses you again, and you force yourself to pull away, smiling down at him. “We’re gonna be late if we don’t leave now.”
“Fine. But I’ve only got about an hour in me with this stuff on, then I’m bringing you home.” He let’s you down, a kiss on your forehead making you look up.
“You’ll wear if for me, though, right? When we come home?” You drag him towards the door, watching as he fights with the collar again.
“If you ask as nice as last night, I’d wear your fuckin’ wings if you told me to.” Both of you are laughing as you walk out the door of your shared apartment, and he tucks you under his arm when you walk onto the street. The moonlight shines brightly off your knights armour, and everything else simply fades away.
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a little psa: this is the costume if you didn’t know!! i was searching for a halloween costume i thought frank would wear and what’s better than a KNIGHT!!!!
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Crushing - Harry Styles
a/n: just a little something that was inspired by a tiktok and @pastequeharry​ !
pairing: Harry X Famous!Reader
word count: 2.2k
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“Welcome back, I hope has everyone returned from our little break because we are playing a fun little game with Y/N, who by the way won a Grammy award for best new artist this weekend, so congratulations on that!”
Ellen smiles at you widely as she claps along with the audience and you’re just smiling shyly, still not quite used to the sound of it.
“Thank you,” you nod looking around.
“Okay, we are going to play a round of who’d you rather. Are you familiar with the game?” she asks you.
“Yes, I’ve seen others play it before.”
“Great. For those who don’t know the game, two people will show up on the screen and Y/N will have to choose one. Whoever she chooses will come with us to the next round and at the end we’ll know who is her ultimate crush.”
“Ah man,” you huff, feeling a little nervous about who they are gonna show you and the audience laughs at your reaction as your fingers dig into the armrest of the armchair you’re sitting comfortably in.
“Are you ready?” Ellen questions with a smile that tells you just how much she is enjoying this.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be, but let’s get started,” you chuckle nervously.
“Okay, let’s see our first pair,” she starts and two pictures show up on the big screen and on the smaller one at the front of the stage so you don’t have to crane your neck. “So we have Zendaya and Tom Holland. Who are you choosing?”
“You really had to start with two of my biggest Marvel crushes?!” you whine and the audience starts laughing again as you chew on your bottom lip, trying to decide. “I love them both, but I’m gonna have to go with Zendaya, because in height, we would be better. I’m sorry Tom, I still love you!” you declare, looking around all cameras, hoping they all got your confession.
“Alright. So now we’ll keep Zendaya and move on to the next person, who is… Harry Styles. Zendaya or Harry Styles?”
The blood rushes out of your face as you see a picture of Harry, memories of the two of you meeting at the award show in the weekend flooding back to your mind. Harry has been a crush of yours since probably forever. You’ve been a fan of his since his One Direction days and your career started to take off sometime around the time he started his solo career, only difference is that it took you a little longer to earn yourself a name in the industry. But this weekend you finally met him for the first time, in real life, without you just watching him on the stage with four other men.
You spotted him at the area that led to the red carpet, he was about to step out when his eyes laid on you and though he was wearing a mask, you still knew he was smiling from the little wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat, stopping in your track as you were holding up your gown so you wouldn’t trip and fall with all the cameras around.
“Y/N! Hi!” he greeted you stepping closer, as if the two of you were old friends.
“Hi!” you managed to speak up, feeling completely starstruck.
“Love the gown! You look wonderful!” he complimented you and you could feel your cheeks heating up so fast.
“Oh, thank you, but I think you’re stealing the show with the boas,” you chuckled making him laugh as well.
“Thank you. Congrats on the nomination, I really hope you win by the way.”
“You do?”
“Of course. Listened to the album, it’s really good,” he nodded and your heart skipped a beat. Harry Styles listened to your album and he liked it? This must be Heaven, but when did you die?
“Thank you so much! I hope you win too, though your chances are better with your three nominations,” you joked making him laugh again.
“Yeah, just a little,” he nodded. “Here, let me help you.” He offered you his arm helping you step up the few steps that lead to the area where the red carpet photos were taken and you were thankful for the help, though you could already hear all the camera’s clicking in your way and you knew the photos would be all over the internet by the next day.
You only met one more time during the evening and you could only congratulate to each other on the wins before you both were snatched away, but you still play your conversation with him in your head before you go to bed in the evening.
“Um, Zendaya is everything but I’m gonna play this game honestly so I’ll choose Harry.”
The audience starts cheering and clapping at the decision as Ellen smirks at you, nodding along.
“No need to be shy, we all have a crush on Harry probably,” she jokes making you laugh. “Okay, next up we have… Harry Styles and The Weeknd.”
“I’m gonna stick to Harry,” you answer probably a little too fast, but if you’re being honest, they can’t show you anyone at this point who would beat Harry.
“Harry stays, next we have Harry and… Florence Pugh.”
“You guys made sure to make it hard for me!” you chuckle staring at the screen. “But I’m still gonna stick to Harry, though I love them both.”
“Alright, for the next round we have Harry Styles and Niall Horan.”
“I’m upset, because as a One Direction fan, I should not be forced to choose between them,” you point at Ellen, giving her a hard look which the audience finds quite hilarious.
“I’m sure you had ranked them before, don’t be shy,” she smirks and you sigh rolling your eyes.
“Okay, no offence to anyone but Harry stays. Sorry Niall, I still love you though,” you add with a smile.
“Harry is in a winning streak, it seems. Okay, let’s see his next opponent. Harry against Chris Evans.”
“Harry,” you answer with a sigh, crossing your legs, knowing well you will not choose anyone over Harry.
“Fast answer, great. Harry Styles or Ariana Grande.”
“Love Ariana, she’s a queen, but Harry,” you answer with a smile, the audience enjoying your obsession over Harry Styles and at this point you are not even trying to hide it.
“Harry Styles or Henry Cavill?”
“Harry,” you answer right away.
Henry’s picture disappears and Harry’s moves to the middle as the game comes to its end.
“Seems like we have a winner here. Harry Styles beat everyone!” Ellen chuckles as you glance at the big screen, blushing a little, but you are hoping your makeup is covering it well.
“You said it yourself, everyone has a crush on him,” you shrug, trying to play it cool.
“Yes, but not everyone was helped out by him,” she smirks as a photo of the two of you appears on the screen from last weekend and you cover your face with your hands as the audience goes wild.
“He is a gentleman,” you sigh dreamily.
“He really is and I have to say that the two of you look great together.”
“Oh stop it,” you chuckle, playing it over a little, just to make it less obvious how giddy even the thought makes you.
“Well, now we know that he is your number one choice, hopefully he’ll take the next step,” Ellen chuckles before moving on and asking you a few more questions as part of your appearance on the show.
Weeks go by and you kind of forget about the whole interview. It blows up the next few days, but nothing really happens, people just get excited that you are crushing on Harry just like everyone else, but it dies down pretty quickly.
You barely recovered from your Grammy win and yet you are already marching towards another milestone in your career. None other than Gucci asked you to be part of their new campaign in an amazing photoshoot and you just couldn’t say no, not that you ever even thought about it. After some online meetings and sending emails back and forth the first fitting’s day has finally arrived and you are buzzing!
Heading down to the showroom to go over every outfit they want you to wear for the photos, you can’t wipe the excited grin off your face. Growing up you could only dream about owning anything Gucci, now you are going to be promoting them so it truly is a dream come true.
Arriving you are walked into the showroom that is now filled with racks of clothes and there’s a podium with three mirrors surrounding it for the fitting.
“Y/N! Hi! So nice to finally meet you after all the emails and calls!” Nancy, the creative director of the campaign greets you.
“Nice to meet you too!”
“We are in a little bit of delay, I’m very sorry about that, but we can start in about ten minutes, if that’s alright with you.”
“Oh, no worries. I’m free all day,” you assure her before she thanks your patience and runs off to finish off whatever she was doing before.
Wandering around you take a look at the beautiful clothes on the racks, blown by basically everything you see and you can’t wait to wear the outfits that were meant for you. In the back of the room, a part is closed off for a changing area and you hear the door opening as Nancy walks out first, talking to someone following her behind and when you see the person, you freeze.
Harry Styles walks out, wearing a just a shirt and jeans, looking very casual but still, unbelievably hot. The man could wear a potato sack and still look better than any other men.
“Thank you so much,” he smiles at Nancy before his eyes lay on you, a wide smirk tugging on his lips in realization. “So nice to see a familiar face!” he beams, walking closer before he pulls you in for a short hug that catches you by surprise, but also warms your chest.
“Hi, didn’t expect to see you here, though you are kind of one with the brand at this point,” you tease him making him laugh.
“I am, yeah. I heard that you would be featured in the campaign as well. Amazing choice,” he smirks, glancing over at Nancy who smiles proudly, clearly agreeing with him.
“Y/N, I’ll get the changing room ready for you and we can start in five, alright?” Nancy informs you.
“Yeah, thank you!” You nod in her way and she is already off to do the work, leaving you and Harry alone.
“So, I learned some interesting information the other day,” he hums with a serious face and he got you curious about what it could be.
“Mhm, you know, I was watching The Ellen Show and you were on, playing a little game.”
“Oh my God,” you breathe out, already feeling the heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks. Harry smirks down at you, clearly enjoying that he got you so nervous and embarrassed of what happened.
“I wish I knew about your little crush earlier!” he teases you, making your groan.
“And why is that? So you could pull my leg at the Grammy’s when I was already shitting my pants?”
Harry lets out a chuckle shaking his head as he hides his hands in his pockets, his eyes running up and down your figure before they meet with your gaze again.
“No. Because then I wouldn’t have talked myself down from asking for your number.”
You can’t help the stunned reaction that takes over your face at his blunt flirting, your lips part as your eyebrows shoot up while Harry just stares back at you with a sly smirk on his deliciously pink lips.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yeah, but now that I know that you are crushing on me just like I’m crushing on you, I think it’s time to make the first step. So…” he pulls his phone out and hands it over to you and continues while you type your number in. “I’m not just asking for your number, but I happened to hear that you have nothing else planned for the day, is that true?”
“It is,” you nod, feeling out of breath as you hand him back his phone, your number saved in his contacts.
“Then how about grabbing lunch after your fitting? I happen to have nothing today as well, we should take advantage of it,” he suggests and you can’t push your stunned smile down.
“Sounds good,” you nod, biting into your bottom lip.
“Great. I’ll run some errands while you are here and I’ll be back in about an hour.”
“You could stay here if you want, I don’t mind it,” you tell him, feeling like he is only leaving because he doesn’t want to intrude.
“I would love to, but I really want to see the final outcome of the campaign and not spoil it for myself,” he smirks making you chuckle.
“Alright. Then see you in an hour.”
“Yeah,” he nods with a boyish smirk before turning around and walking out of the showroom.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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corpseglider · 4 years
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pairing .. corpse x girlfriend!reader (fem)
summary .. in which you’re very crafty and corpse loves rings
part two .. read here
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the first flower.
“Hey, Corpse?” You called from the kitchen, signaling with your voice for your boyfriend to make an appearance as your hands were very clearly full and preoccupied. 
You’d been working on your own personal craft project for about an hour now, your hands being very tired, along with your drooping eyelids. You’d barely managed to get anything done with your lack of creativity and skill.
Some people were meant for the fine arts—you, however, were not one of those people.
The island counter was a complete mess, an array of flowers and string were sprawled across the dark granite, sprinkling little bits of nature around the normally stark room.
You, yourself, looked like a mad woman. Little bits of leaves and excess petals were stuck to your clothes, hair, and face. If you’d walk outside, any stranger passing by would assume you were a wicked florist.
“Yeah?” Corpse called out from his gaming room, currently in the midst of streaming but he always made time for you. “What is it, beautiful?”
He stopped before fully walking into the kitchen, taking in the chaotic sight before him, before a bright smile lit up his face. 
Corpse let out a bellyaching laugh, stepping behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You relaxed against his chest. Sighing in content as he gently picked away at the leftover flowers, throwing them to the counter in a careless manner.
He then took notice to what you had actually created, picking the only well made item up in the air and into his line of vision.
“You made this?” He asked, an expression of pure awe struck his features. He turned it around in his hand, getting a good look from every possible angle.
You nodded your head, taking the craft out of his grasp and into your own. “They’re rings, you see?”
“I saw something about them online and I thought I should give it a try.”
Corpse took your hand and raised it above your head, spinning you around to face him. He rested his forehead against yours and pressed a light kiss to your temple.
“I love it.”
You kissed him again, this time on the lips, before taking the ring in your palm and sliding it onto his pointer finger. “Good, because I made it just for you.”
“So you’ll always have a reminder of me during the bad times.”
He tapped your chest, right above your heart, proceeding to tap his own right afterwards. “I love you.” He whispered, not breaking eye contact for even a second. “With all of my heart.”
You smirked, pulling him in for another kiss, “As you should.”
the second flower.
You mentally cursed at yourself, accidentally walking into the night side table as you attempted to find your way around the bedroom in total darkness.
It’d been about two hours since you had woken up to work on Corpse’s birthday surprise, wanting the gift to be entirely perfect.
Replicating the original flower ring was much harder than you’d anticipated. Not having any material to base the new item off of was a real setback, but you had no choice as the first gift had died not even a week after it’d been worn.
Corpse was devastated when the flower wilted, having no way of staying alive without nutrition and a water source. He showed it to you, full of guilt for allowing your hard work to go to waste.
Although you reassured him that there was nothing he could’ve done to save the fragile flower, he still chose to keep it in his wallet. He said it was his lucky charm, not that those even existed.
But you thought it was cute. You love it when he expressed his love for you, even when it was in the simplest of manners.
Which was exactly why you’d woken up early in the morning to make Corpse’s birthday gift perfect. He deserved more than the best, and you were making sure that that was what he received.
“Corpse, wake up.” You said, softly shaking his shoulders while pressing kisses all over his cheeks. “Wake up, love.”
He groaned, taking his pillow and pressing it over his face. Though the look of low energy oozed from his aura, he made sure to give your hand a squeeze, giving you the sign that he was listening.
You proceeded to slip the new ring onto his middle finger, the familiar feeling causing Corpse to peek out from underneath the safety of his pillow.
He stared at the gift, fully processing the fact that he’d been sleeping without you, before yanking you with his grip and into the security of the comforter.
Corpse held your face in his hands, rubbing his flower dawned finger against your cheeks. A tired smile graced his lips, silently thanking you with the serenity of the sunrise beside you.
the third flower.
You knocked on the door of the gaming room, careful to make sure that it was an appropriate time to enter.
Interrupting Corpse’s streaming or recording hours was one of your least favorite things to do, accidental or on purpose. Corpse, of course. said he never minded, but getting in the way of his work would never be your intention.
“Come on in, Y/N!” He replied cheerfully, clearly in the middle of a livestream, but happy to hear that you wanted to visit him. “Say hi to the fans.”
You leaned into his mic, tapping it like a beginner to see if it was working. “Hi guys! Just popping in for a second to give Corpse a little present!”
Corpse’s ears perked up at your announcement. He sat patiently, looking at you with an adorable expression as you held your hands behind your back to add a bit of drama.
Slowly, you held out your lightly clenched fist above his open palm, dropping yet another flower ring onto his soft skin. 
His eyes sparkled at the sight, bouncing slightly while he waited for you to do as you’ve always done—the very important job of sliding the ring onto one of his fingers.
You instinctively placed the item on the next finger over, which coincidentally happened to be his ring finger. He held his hand up to you, giving you a good look at your hard work.
“You’re amazing,” he smiled, his mic having been muted since you had finished saying your piece to the viewers. “You’re actually the greatest thing in my life.”
You scoffed at that, rolling your eyes at his exaggeration. “And you’re the most dramatic person in my life.”
Corpse laughed, returning to his stream after leaving his fans waiting for five or so minutes. You lingered in the room for a while, admiring his strategy and comfortability with his watchers, before leaving to get some of your own work done.
“What was it that Y/N gave me?” You heard Corpse say out loud as he read one of the comments after being killed early on in the round. You were sitting in the living room, realizing that you’d left the door wide open after you had left.
“She makes the cutest little flower rings for me. Hold on, I’ll post another picture of my hand so you guys can get a look at it.”
You clicked on Instagram as the notification that he’d posted popped up on your phone, liking the new photo without hesitation. Comments had already flooded the picture, all of them saying the exact same thing.
@user: is that ring on your wedding finger?!
@user: i think we lost him for real this time guys :(
@user: congrats on the engagement!
You laughed as you read the absurd conclusions that the viewers were jumping to, amused and grateful for their unconditional support of your relationship with Corpse, before a gasp escaped your lips.
@corpse_husband: guys were not engaged rn, but we will be once i finally figure out how to make these flower rings myself
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markantonys · 2 years
halfway through tfoh, pausing to collect some catch-up thoughts (most deeper and more serious than my usual! probably because there is a CRIMINAL lack of cauthor so i am forced to pay attention to the things i’m actually supposed to be paying attention to hjkdf)
breaking news: rand finally got laid!!! good for him!! took him 4.5 books compared to show rand’s 20 minutes jdjfkg i am sending him a “congrats on the sex” cake
you’ve heard of The Fuck Hut now get ready for The Fuck Igloo! every single thing about that scene and the lead-up to it is just so bizarre and hilarious. why were these story choices made. why. rand and aviendha were doing so well having the most natural progression of all the romances in the series (which to be clear is a very VERY low bar) and then...........The Fuck Igloo. i could not think of a weirder or more random way for them to get together if i tried
“he thought he might love [aviendha] but he thought he might love elayne too. and for some reason min kept creeping in. you’re as big a lecher as mat.” rand my buddy i see mat sneaking into your post-sex thoughts same as the girls are #PutMatInThePolycule
poor mat getting constantly slutshamed by the other emond’s fielders just for having a healthy relationship with sex. he’s not a slut guys you’re just repressed. thank the light x100000 that the show did away with that whole puritanical culture, it does provide some funny moments but on the whole it is so weird and uncomfortable
speaking of weird and uncomfortable, i am hugely not a fan of min/rand in this book. the past tension of min knowing she was fated to fall in love with rand but not wanting to was great, but now that she’s accepted it and decided to actively pursue him, it’s getting into creepy territory. she’s constantly thinking about how she’s going to chase rand down and “make him fall in love with her” and i hate it! it feels like she’s trying to trick him or trap him, and yes we the reader know that rand has feelings for her too, but she thinks he doesn’t and is determined to force him to anyway. not to mention that at this point all they have going for them is a handful of interactions 2 or 3 books ago, which by now are stretched way too thin. i the reader can’t see any reason why i should be invested in this relationship or want it to happen, and in fact, with min’s current uncomfy behavior i am actively wanting it to NOT happen. i’ve heard many people say they think min/rand is the best of his romances, so it must get good later because right now it is way WAY down at the bottom. plus it doesn’t help that aviendha and elayne are currently the more interesting characters in their own right because they have so much else going on and their relationships with rand are only small parts of them and they have other goals and plotlines in play, whereas in this book min’s entire personality and motivations are revolving around rand. please give her something else to do! give her a proper plotline!
long bullet but i have a lot of thoughts about this
oh also i’m annoyed that aviendha saw in rhuidean that she was going to fall in love with rand because that’s just the exact same thing as what happened to min. boring and repetitive. shoutout to elayne for apparently being the only one to fall in love with rand naturally without knowing she was inevitably fated to. now that i’m writing it out i think that automatically secures rand/elayne as my favorite rand romance, just because i don’t have to wonder to what extent her feelings are real and to what extent she just like made herself feel that way because she saw the future and knew it was going to happen (though at least with aviendha i don’t really get that sense the way i do with min, because she has spent 1.5 books with rand now and has had many nice moments with him that make her falling in love with him feel real and believable)
moving on. where the FUCK is mat?? halfway through the book and he’s been in like 3 chapters! where is my goddamn boy? where is my goddamn cauthor content? what little we’ve had so far has been top tier, but i want more!
i want to see more of asmodean too. rand keeps mentioning their lessons but they all happen offscreen. i’m obsessed with the fact that rand just grabbed asmodean and went “i can have one (1) codependent homoerotic frenemy, as a treat” and i want to see more of this delightfully weird dynamic
random thought but that 1 small kadere pov chapter where he starts off missing his sister and wanting to go home, and then at the end of it he kills isendre and reveals in his narration that he killed his sister too? 3-page horror story! that was so well done. the biggest shiver i’ve gotten out of these books so far.
the chapter with morgase under gaebril’s influence was so so sad. and therefore well done, because we’ve only seen her 2 brief times before yet it’s still so heartbreaking to see what gaebril’s reduced her to. i’m so glad she’s coming back to herself and fighting back, but i know elayne becomes queen of andor at some point so i have a bad feeling this plot won’t end well for morgase :( on the plus side, we finally met the legend herself, lini!! i’ve only had her for half a chapter but if anything happens to her i’ll kill everyone in caemlyn and then myself. she has to live long enough to take care of the randwich babies, she has to!
what’s perrin up to since he’s not in this whole book? just chilling in emond’s field banging faile? good for him! i’m sorry to say i don’t miss him lmao even without the infuriating relationship drama, the wolves and the whitecloaks have always been two of the least interesting plot points to me, and unfortunately perrin is stuck with both. hopefully he’ll get a plot i’ll find more interesting when we see him again next book. (i’ve also seen people say that they absolutely love the wolf stuff or that they don’t like the things that are my personal favorites, and i think that’s such a testament to these books and characters, that readers have such varied opinions on what the best parts are. truly something for everyone!)
speaking of whitecloaks, nooooo galad don’t become a whitecloak you’re so sexy aha
and speaking of weird and uncomfortable part 2, what is going ONNN with elayne and thom? i hate it so much!!! they had such a sweet father-daughter dynamic last book and then THIS happened. thank god thom has no part in it and still sees and treats elayne as a quasi-daughter, but elayne deciding to have a crush on her mom’s ex-boyfriend who’s old enough to be her grandfather is just. i do not see ANY reason why that was necessary. not to mention it’s unrealistic as hell, you expect me to believe elayne would thirst after an old man when she’s (sort of) dating the hottest boy on the whole continent, rand al’thor? major r/menwritingwomen vibes. my only consolation is that nynaeve is as grossed out by it all as i am jdkfjg
i haven’t gotten to the meat of The Circus Arc yet but i think i’m about to. it’s funny so far (and there’s elephants!!!) but it does feel like elayne and nynaeve have been treading water this book without a real goal and aren’t accomplishing much. hopefully they’ll be given something more to do soon.
juilin my beloved. just had to get that out there. i’m in love with him for no reason other than that i think he has the most beautiful name in the whole series
gareth bryne my NOT beloved. poor man, i think he just came into the story at the wrong time for me because for whatever reason when i saw his first pov chapter i just flipped my lid and went “NO!!!! NO MORE MAIN CHARACTERS I HAVE ENOUGH ALREADY” so yeah. unfortunately for me there’s still 9 more books and probably 127 more main characters to come hjkfg
speaking of gareth bryne and of thom and elayne, if i hear “young enough to be his granddaughter/old enough to be her grandfather” in a romantic context ONE MORE TIME i’m going to explode. yes i know siuan just looks young and is actually close to gareth’s age, but still. too much very old man/very young woman shit in these books. thank god mat’s always chasing after milfs to balance it out, though at this rate he’s going to have to start chasing after some gilfs too for true equality to be achieved. that feels like a good thought to leave you with so end of post jkjfg
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rotshop · 3 years
help girl i just woke up and im already thinking abt mag s/o again. anyway please consider ;
[ tw body horror, some brief light gore and violence ]
[ note ; reader is SLIGHTLY described. the only thing mentioned is that they have a noticeable, identifying scar on their face
hank + mag s/o
-he knew you even before the boombox incident. he doesn't even really remember how you two first met, he just remembers that you started talking to him and then just kinda kept coming back. at first he wasn't the biggest fan of you since he was 'doing just fine on his own,' but...he admittedly was already really attached to you. they've never been much of a talker and that's especially noticeable to you at that point in time but ,,, they respond enough with signing, nodding / shaking their head, or the occasional speaking that you're able to carry some conversations pretty well.
-he doesn't really. have. a lot of people in his life. you're really his only real close friend, it's kinda hard for him to fully wrap his head around it so !! they chose not to, instead focusing more-so on whatever it was you were rambling to them about that day.
-not super sure of where to put this lmao but ummm ehe . he's actually surprisingly touchy with you????? like. you've hung out at his house a few times and he just like. you'll start out sitting next to each other and you'll end up either laying with your head on their chest or vice versa . its . a little funny . you tease him about it a little and he just flicks your shoulder. also traces your scar a lot if you'll let them, they're not entirely sure why they do it, they just . like asking you about it occasionally.
-also you have scary dog privileges. they might look like any other grunt at that point but they're still tall as fuck and idk man !! something abt getting a blank stare from someone who towers over u would probably make u shut up and mind ur own damn business.
-again, he's not super good at fully recognizing / acknowledging certain thoughts and feelings of his but . yknow. he can definitely tell he at least worries about you a lot more than he would some other grunt he just met. he can definitely tell there's a reason he doesn't mind you touching him, whether by grabbing his hand to go show him something or just placing a hand on his shoulder or arm (most likely arm, again. hes tall. ). they can definitely tell there's a reason that they find themself genuinely enjoying your interactions.
-after the park thing you don't see them for a long time. everytime you try and call him the lines dead, everytime you try and ask others about him you just get choice words, all in all you're pretty much lost on the entire thing. sure, you know what happened but . it just never sits right with you. it doesn't help whenever people ask questions about them or give you wary looks because of your association, half steps back when you take one forward.
-anyway. yeah nevada goes to shit and you get magnified for the aahw. by now you just. don't really talk about hank. surprisingly, you have a little more of your old memories than the average mag !! congrats. problem is they're all foggy enough that you only really distantly decipher them. lmao. you aren't super high on the ladder but you're a pretty tough mag to beat. you're well known enough that other mags tend to hang around you when there's not much else going on. v2 mags especially think it's fun to mess around with you by jumping on your back or otherwise clinging onto you . idk man u've got like . a little family here .
-at one point or another there's an outing youre on that ends up going wrong. you get split up from the rest of your unit and are forced to hide out in some old abandoned building while you wait for backup. you're a little too injured to try and walk all the way back, a heavy gash on your side preventing you from doing too much in the moment. when you hear heavy steps on concrete you're able to give some sort of noise of relief, turning your head to look over your shoulder at whichever agent in your group had finally found you-
-you're instead met with red goggles and the end of a gun.
-any kind of relief is snatched away, you know damn well who it is by just the bit you can see in the dark alone. even standing in the shade between two windows (one of which you were sitting by, probably how they seen you in the first place- if that's the case though, it's a little weird they hadn't just shot at you through it.) you knew it was him. you're already stumblingly forcing yourself up to as much of your full height as you can manage, taking some kind of defensive position even as one of your hands ghosts over your gash. the throbbing pain of it and the feeling of blood sticking and running down your skin is enough that you can't seem to focus on the fact that he won't stop staring at your face.
-it doesn't take long before your legs seem to fail you, forcing you forward a bit as you kneel in some sort of attempt to keep upright. you're too busy hissing under your breath and screwing your eyes shut in pain as your hand covers your side to notice your company stepping forwards. you're snapped back to attention when there's a hand on your face, fingertips digging into your skin as they yank your head down a little further. you know you should be grabbing him, that you should be digging your claws into his torso and ripping him clean in half, throwing whatevers left aside and leaving. you know thats what you were told to do, what you were told they deserved anyway. yet, you aren't. instead, you're just giving some warning growl as you stare at them. you notice how the end of the gun is pointed away from you, how their touch seems to outline the mark on your face.
-"If you try and hurt me, I'll kill you." That's the only real heads up you get before he's crouching down and shoving your hand out of the way, grabbing something from his pocket to get to work on you. you don't fail to notice how little attention they're paying to you (aside from the focus on your wound, of course), that you could just rush forward and slam them into the ground if you really wanted.
-ok im skippin g ahead bc this is already way too goddamn long for hcs DEJWJCS
-anyway. it's a complicated relationship for a while. the others tend to avoid you a little but he just keeps showing up around you. they keep staring at you and just hanging around in your general area. it's not that much of an irritant if you ignore all the weird emotions and thoughts it keeps bringing to the forefront of your mind, forcing you to once again try and meddle with your memories.
-eventually he just starts walking over to you and sitting down next to you. sometimes he doesn't say anything at all, just sitting there and seeming to wait for one thing another- he never seems to find whatever that is, as he always gets up and leaves without a word at some point or another. then they start talking, its just little things at first, point-blank statements you can't say much on. sometimes they're just saying they and the other three will be gone for a bit othertimes it's some half-demand to let them look at the stitches they did on you (semi-related, he's not good at them. the stitches are pretty rough. at one point or another sanford has to redo them properly lmao)
-but then there's one particular night. they do the normal thing, come over, sit down next to you, not say a word. this time though you note how they're facing you. instead of some reminder or a demand for anything, he's pulling his ask down and asking a simple question. 'What do you remember?'
-it's a long conversation. he's talking more than he normally would by a long shot, occasionally stopping whenever his words seem to especially fail him and get stuck in his throat. you don't even really remember moving around, or even him pulling you in any way, you just know you somehow end up laying next to him with your head on his chest.
-whenever the memories do seem to click into place, it's hard. you have a lot of choice words for them yourself, months of being left alone without a word bubbling up with a vengeance, they listen to them. while some mags (such as yourself) do have the ability to speak, the san and dei don't think they've ever heard one with that much emotion in their voice. they've especially never seen a mag just break down like you do, they're both tensing up a little from their far away spot when hank's walking closer to you. instead of you lashing out or swiping at him though, you just sit there while he wraps his arms around you (as best as he can at least, it's a little difficult but he's able to get them around your neck and reach his other hand behind you well enough). you're eventually doing the same to him, though it's more so just your hands resting on their back.
-it takes a good while for proper trust to be rebuilt along with an honest, proper explanation from hank that only you're privy to. eventually though, there's enough trust that you're able to hang around him again without narrowly avoiding an argument or anything. they don't like being super affectionate or 'vulnerable' in front of the other two, so most times they prefer being in your or their room. also they're still touchy lmao, doesn't help that you're mag sized now and so they just want to hold you . its hard to explain, he's never been super affected by others heights and even when he is it's usually a negative thing for him but . for some reason . he just likes being shorter / smaller than you lol ,,,,,,,, hope you like holding them a lot bc that's what you're gonna be doing
-holy shit these are long so . i think .i am going to stop here.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 11 May ‘21
Louis saw us all coming up with wacky theories about what the BMG announcement might mean and came to tell us what’s going on… wait no he just retweeted the same article from yesterday with the partnership wording! Haha, but in seriousness while I know not everyone agrees I think it’s pretty clear at this point that BMG is his new record label. The tweet he posted was captioned with another easily misconstrued statement, THANKS FOR THAT LOUIS, but I will repeat what I said yesterday, which is that by far the likeliest explanation of his announcing to a fandom that’s rabid for label news that he’s joined a label is that- it’s his new label! And all the evidence I see supports that. The post he retweeted said (in the words of Music Week) “After five One Direction albums and one solo LP with Sony Music and Syco, now Louis Tomlinson is officially an independent artist with BMG”. Some believe this means he’s NOT signed to BMG but is putting out his own album and simply using them as a distro; I personally would say it seems pretty clear at this point that that simply refers to the fact that BMG are, as a label that isn’t one of the Big Four, considered an independent label, making Louis, as someone on their roster, an indie artist- like the tweet said. If he’d gone rogue and started his own label there would be articles everywhere about it and that article would have talked about it (instead headlines read “Louis Tomlinson Signs Record Deal With BMG”), plus we have plenty of quotes that would be frankly odd if he weren’t signed to BMG, such as the vice president of A&R at BMG UK, saying "We are delighted to welcome Louis to BMG. He is already busy working on new music, and we are excited to join him on the next phase of his extraordinary career,” a BMG sales manager saying “BMG will have the new album” and referring to the fact that they’ll do promo for it (in a DM conversation that actually appears to be real, unlike SOME going around today), and Charlie Lightening posting “Congrats @louist91 on the new deal with BMG UK excited for LT2, gonna smash it lad”.
More to the point-- why do people want so badly to think he ISN’T signed with BMG? This is GREAT NEWS!! They’re an indie (what everyone has wanted for Louis forever), and they were founded specifically to give artists more control than the majors (after splitting off from Sony; they were more or less founded as a direct push back against Sony’s business model), but they’re big enough to give him the support an artist of his size needs, which would be very hard for him to pull off running his own label-- I’d much rather see him putting his energy into writing songs, touring, making documentaries, and running his management company, rather than doing his own promo and wrangling with distro deals and shit. He should be signed to a label to do that work for him! And BMG seems like an awesome choice! But the weird ideas out there just continue right on-- not just people saying he’s not on a label, but also others, who don’t think him being on a label completely unconnected to Sony will be able to prevent Sony from dropping a piano on Louis’ head like the moustache twirling masterminds they are er sabotaging BMG somehow (the whole point of them being an indie is that this shouldn’t be an issue?), and such amazing takes as “louis has signed to a queer label” (evidence? “we just know that they are queer”; an actual dialogue from tiktok), are unlikely to be affected by any number of facts, as are the twitter folks getting excited about him ‘unfollowing’ accounts he never followed to begin with (Syco etc).
Anyway Louis, on a roll of giving us what we want today, also gave us a VIDEO with his HAT OFF! I don’t even care that it’s a silly ad (for samsung), or that he trimmed his luscious locks a little, it’s Louis! Talking and stuff!! Showing off his still wonderfully long hair all pushed up and back! Gorgeous, amazing, perfect… and yes I am ignoring the slides and socks thank you very much, though I will mention that they are literally exactly the same as Harry’s slides and socks. He also followed BMG, one of his (no doubt many) NFT trading profiles was found (@LT282828, LMAO), and new shows are being added as the tour dates finalize (though ticketmaster showing a Harry date for the same day/place as one of them was a glitch, we don’t have Harry’s updated dates yet)
And speaking of Harry! MP filming was indoors today, so Harry was only seen walking to his car, but he showed up at the Brits!!! In an amazing geometric patterned (or, uh, “macro framed sequence print” I GUESS) brown and tan suit (that clashed just HORRIFICALLY with the neon pastel Brits décor and his award, I fucking love that) and a cute lil handbag and sneakers to accept his AWARD for Best British Single!! (For Watermelon Sugar oddly, but hey a wins a win). CONGRATULATIONS baby and WOW great to see him! He popped in with pal Tomo Campbell, last seen by us when they drove to Italy together last summer. He thanked “my fans, for being so generous to me, always, and everyone in my life who has my back, thank you so much I love you.” Question, did he make the choice to swap out the pink and yellow award he was handed onstage for the blue and green version he had later? Either way, lol. Lots more people will have nice things to say about him now with this high profile win, but even before that people were gushing about him-- Joshua Bassett came out as queer by calling Harry hot (”I guess this is me coming out”), we got Billy Porter on the Brits pre show carpet saying, “I am seeing change! You know Harry Styles on the cover of Vogue Magazine that is change. You’re welcome!” and someone from his recording studio telling us he “was very nice wasn’t he, he brought doughnuts for the assistants and gave everyone a lift home. He came into reception and offered to make everybody a cup of tea,” awww Harry! Lift home from Harry, that’s my new meeting-one-of-the-boys goal.
Niall wished “everyone involved at the Brits” good luck, and Liam wished an NFT creator luck on his sale.
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inventors-fair · 3 years
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Congrats to our winners this week (this year?), @corporalotherbear, @i-am-the-one-who-wololoes, and @nine-effing-hells!!!!
Phoenix of Fables by @corporalotherbear Contest: Kald’ve Would’ve Should’ve (A card that could have appeared in Kaldheim )
That sure is a “phoenix with set mechanic”. Typically, I’m not a huge fan of these, since they require very little in the way of original design, but this one may have single-handedly changed my mind. The card as a whole is just so clean and concise, and it feels like a legitimate card that very well could have been in Kaldheim. It is a bit more self-recursive than other phoenixes, but the way that foretell slows down the resurrection makes it a very good play pattern. Since you can only foretell and cast it on your own turn and not on the same turn (barring shenanigans), you’re getting it back at most every other turn, and you’re constantly pouring two mana into it. My favorite part about this card, though, is that it’s not always the correct choice to keep bringing it back. Eventually, a 2/2 flying haste just isn’t worth it anymore, and that’s really what keeps this card from feeling oppressive and repetitive. You’ll get a few uses out of it, but it’s just middling enough that eventually your mana will be better spent elsewhere. My only real critique is that is that I wish it did something more to maintain the hidden information aspect of foretell, kind of like how Jeskai Infiltrator does, but that's pretty minor all things considered and is a lot less clean than this design.
Feign Weakness by @i-am-the-one-who-wololoes Contest: I Can’t Quit You (Tell a story without flavor text )
Art Direction: A hunter is on the higher left quadrant of the image. On one knee, with an arm forward, smiling, trying to convince some feline cub come closer. The cub is in front of them in the lower right quadrant of the image, it looks playful. The tail is out of the hunter's sight, under the body. It ends with a scorpion sting.
Just to get my minor nitpick out of the way, it’s “double that creature’s power” rather than attack. I assume it’s a translation issue, but it doesn’t affect the card as a whole, so I wanted to point it out and move on. This card is for the contest where you were asked to tell a story without flavor text, and this does that job very nicely. The art direction in particular really sells it; the name and the abilities give me a general idea of “strong thing pretends to be weak until the right moment”, but the art puts me into a specific situation. I can imagine the whole story playing out, even the things before and after the moment that the card depicts. The effect of this card is interesting, making it weaker against creatures in exchange for a massive hit once it manages to get through. I honestly think I would like it better without skulk, though. As it is, this basically reads that the creature can’t be blocked, meaning it will get that power buff basically for free. I think some messing around could be done to make that into a more interesting decision for the opponent, and also maybe to make the card feel more like a surprise? I’m not sure how that could be done, but it’s worth looking into. However, kudos on the hybrid, though. I can see this as either a simic or a golgari card, both mechanically and flavorfully.
Living Weapon by @nine-effing-hells Contest: From Text To Title (Card whose name is based on but unrelated to a keyword)
“From Text to Title” had some amazing entries, but my favorites were by far the ones that took the mechanic name and completely recontextualized it into a completely different meaning. This is the perfect example of that. The Phyrexian “living weapons” were about actual physical weapons being possessed and animated. This is pretty much the opposite of that, but still works cleanly within what we understand as a living weapon. I wasn’t totally sold on it just being some keywords and a small buff, but then I saw the flash, and that’s what tipped it into the winner’s circle for me, because that’s one of the neat things about bare-handed fighting prowess: it comes out of nowhere. The flavor of an unassuming figure suddenly busting out some martial arts is great, and the play patterns are really neat too. I like that it’s an aura rather than an instant. It helps set it apart from other combat tricks, and it gives the creature more staying power. My one gripe is that instant-speed vigilance isn’t very helpful, so this card is trying to get you to play it at two different moments: right before attacks, and right after blocks. Vigilance is flavorful, but I think I would prefer a different keyword instead just to keep the card more cohesive. Also, the flavor text is a tad cliche, but in the absolute best way possible. ~ ~ ~
Thank you all for your entries!!!!!
-- @naban-dean-of-irritation and @loreholdlesbian
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
i would like a matchup with an acotar character :D! female or male! i have blonde hair, green eyes and i’m super short at 5’0!
im shy and awkward at first but once u get to know me i can get pretty talkative and clingy! im touch starved, love reading and spending with friends!
i love rainy days or cloudy days, animals, and window shopping! i can be super lazy, i don’t mind doing active things i just don’t have much motivation for it and i also enjoy doing creative things! i’m an introvert too (if that wasn’t clear LOL) but enjoy going out on weekends :D
sorry if this is too much! thanks for readin!
Celebration -  My masterlist I Ask I Join the Taglist I Promts
Author's note: Hi darling, thank you very much <3! From what you write down I ship you with CASSIAN!
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I know it may be an odd choice, but in my opinion you would be perfect together.
You are two opposites that attract, in fact two halves that match perfectly.
You have blonde hair and green eyes, while he has dark hair and dark eyes.
At first when you meet someone you seem quite quiet and shy, but as soon as someone gets to know you you are unstoppable.
For Cassian there is no problem talking to a stranger and he immediately appears open and outgoing, although in reality when it's just the two of you he turns out to be a completely different person: insecure and shy.
Only with you does he let all the walls he has built fall down and let you see all the real pain he has inside.
He often teases you about your height, even though it's one of the characteristics he loves most about you.
To him you're like a perfect porcelain doll, which he's afraid to handle, but at the same time he knows that you'd probably be able to knock him out in a second if you wanted to.
You both love physical contact, and when it happens that he goes away on a mission for a long time, then you spend at least a week in each other's arms.
You love spending time with your family, and going out with them on the weekend to hang out in Velaris and have fun.
Cassian isn't a fan of shopping, but he'll do anything for you, so he accompanies you to see and get anything you want, even if it means standing in line for hours.
He loves to hear you read, especially during those rainy days you spend lying in bed inside the house enjoying the atmosphere that comes with a thunderstorm.
The first time you danced together, because yes he asked Mor to teach him how to dance so he could do it with you, was in the rain, and it was just perfect as a moment.
You both love animals immensely, and it is not strange that while you are walking around the city you stop to pet the various animals you encounter.
Some you even take home with you.
Yep, you would be the perfect couple.
Hope you like it!
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whythehellnaut · 3 years
The secret brilliance behind Nickelodeon All Star Brawl‘s marketing
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the Nickelodeon fighting game after it was announced, progressing from mild interest to ironic excitement to unironic excitement for it.  So many jokes and memes have been made about it that they’re almost impossible to avoid.  But when I thought about it, I realized that that’s exactly what the marketing team for this game wanted.  The idea of the game is so absurd that no one would expect it to exist, but they figured out a way to make absolutely sure that it would create just the right buzz to get people like me to take serious interest in it.
Watching the trailer again, I figured out that every character they picked to showcase in that minute and a half trailer were carefully and strategically chosen to cater to as many people as they could.  Even the order of their appearance had deliberation behind it.  Here are my thoughts:
Michelangelo comes first, establishing that the game is combat focused.  After all, who better to show off first for a fighting game than a character that has already appeared as a playable character in at least two of them?  Plus, the Ninja Turtles are the oldest characters in Nickelodeon’s library when you consider that they first aired in the 80′s, before Nickelodeon even started making cartoons.  This is a character that everyone recognizes, parents included.
Lincoln Loud comes next, a more modern character that adults might not know but kids will.  This is to quickly lure the kids, who have less patience than adults, into watching the rest of the trailer, assuring them that it won’t just be older characters like the turtles that show up.
Powdered Toast Man comes next to snatch up the other side of the equation, the adults/90′s kids who remember him from the original Ren and Stimpy show from 1991.  I’m not sure if it’s still airing as reruns on Nick today, but considering I hear very little about the show online, I’m guessing not.  This is a bit of a surprise to the adults who thought it’d be a kids’ game, so it lures those folks into staying for the rest of the trailer as well.
Sandy is important to show off early for a number of reasons.  Spongebob is popular among kids and Millenials, and is arguably the only property here as well known as Ninja Turtles, so they’re luring in more fans.  It also serves to imply that other Spongebob characters will join, as, even though Sandy’s passion for karate makes total sense for her to appear in a fighting game, you still can’t leave out Spongebob himself.  Showing her first implies more possibilities of characters to come, proving it won’t just be a festival of protagonists like Jump Force was.  It also shows off their female representation to keep women interested.
Patrick is just a fan favorite to get out of the way before the sponge shows up, so he’s only here to confirm that the game is going to be full of characters that people actually want to see.
Oblina was personally a shocker to me, as I barely remember Ahh Real Monsters from my own childhood, but I remember enough to know that she wasn’t the protagonist, necessarily.  I also know it’s relatively obscure in comparison to Spongebob or Ren and Stimpy, so they proved that they are willing to take characters from more obscure shows that the young kids won’t remember.  This solidified my interest as I could tell that they are doing more to cater to the 90s generation than just confirming Powdered Toast Man.
Nigel Thornberry is arguably their most important addition at the halfway point.  Outside of Spongebob characters and maybe Stu Pickles, I would say Nigel is the internet’s favorite Nickelodeon character to use for memes.  The marketing team had to have known this.  After getting some of the core audiences hooked, they now have the memer crowd invested, ready to spread the word about the insanity of this game’s premise across the internet.  This is exactly what happened, and why the trailer has 2 million views on Youtube right now.
Lucy Loud is shown off quickly to remind the younger crowd to keep watching, and to add a little bit more female representation.
Spongebob is shown off a little bit late, but since we were expecting him to show up, it’s just to make sure the casual fans who only know the big names stay watching.
Helga is an older character, but I recently saw a young kid wearing a Hey Arnold tee shirt at the supermarket, so I’m positive it’s being shown as reruns on Nick today, so most Nick fans of all ages will be excited about her.  Moreover, since she came immediately after Spongebob, who is a protagonist that was introduced after Sandy, a side character from his show, it gives an implication that Arnold will also appear.  Although he is not introduced in this trailer, it allows the fans to speculate that he will soon be showcased, perhaps in the next trailer.  Also, she’s the fourth female character shown, confirming that the game is being fair and inclusive to both sexes and not simply catering to male gamers, like say, Jump Force or Dragonball Fighter Z.
Reptar is another shocker, because although Rugrats is very popular and well known throughout the generations, he is a very, very minor character in the show.  He is literally a fictional character within a separate fictional universe.  The marketing team threw him in to show off that just about any character from any Nick property, no matter how minor or obscure, has a chance of making it into this game.  Again, this forces the fans to speculate about future announcements with even more creative thinking, as we now know that it won’t just be major characters joining the fray.
Zim is a well thought out choice because he caters to a specific crowd that I’d describe as the alternative niche.  That is to say, there are people who are fans of Invader Zim who don’t watch other Nick shows, so they are luring in the folks you’d expect to see at Hot Topic and the like.  It was an edgy show with a feel and fanbase unlike other shows of its era, so it’s important to use him to diversify the roster.  They also showed off Gir as his assist, and although that may deconfirm him as playable, it still pleases the fans, who often prefer Gir over Zim.
Danny Phantom is the only character that comes strictly from the 2000s era, so they are making sure to maintain the attention of the teenagers who watched that show as kids.
Leonardo seems like an odd choice to end on, maybe even anticlimactic, since they started with Michelangelo, but it makes sense when you think about it.  They couldn’t show just 1 turtle, or else it might imply that the game’s roster was small.  But if they showed all 4 turtles, they would have needed to leave two other characters out of the trailer to make room for them, and they didn’t want to make it look like a Turtles fighting game with guest characters.  So having exactly 2 turtles allows them to show off enough characters from other properties, while also confirming unofficially that the other turtles would appear later, since you can’t just have 2 of the 4 turtles in the game.  By leaving it open like that, they’re giving an implication that the roster is going to be huge.  So big that the turtles were just a small portion of it.  They end the trailer this way to leave the crowd speculating again: how many characters will appear in total?
The only characters that curiously don’t show up in the trailer are the cast of the Avatar franchise, who are quite popular.  However, one of the stages shown is clearly the Air Temple with Aang’s glider in plain sight, implying that Avatar characters will be announced later.  Another smart move to instill hope in the fans.
Finally, the Rollback Netcode announcement that came afterward solidified a very important group- the serious/competitive gamers.  For those who don’t know, rollback netcode is relatively new technology that speeds up online gameplay to cut down on input lag, which is super important for fighting games in particular, as they rely on strict timing more than other game genres.  It’s so new, however, that not all competitive fighting games use it.  Popular tournament fighters like Super Smash Bros, Tekken, and Dragonball Fighter Z have not implemented rollback netcode for their games yet, so of all games, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl beating them to the punch is causing a stir.  This is a sign that the devs are putting serious effort into making the game enjoyable online, which could potentially help its chances to be taken seriously in competitive settings.  Only time will tell if that truly happens, but it’s a sign of quality, nonetheless.
So ultimately, this short trailer and announcement manage to cater to dang near every crowd that may want to play it: Kids, teenagers, young adults in their 20s and 30s, parents in their 40s, men, women, memers, casual fans, alternative fans, and serious gamers, and opens up a ton of potential for speculation regarding new announcements.  That’s a fantastic way to start off and explains why this game, which for all intents and purposes should have been nothing more than a thought experiment that people joke about in the car with friends, has been trending so much for the past two weeks.  Congrats to the marketing team for what they put together.
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paradise-creator · 3 years
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Pauline's song:
A royal Au with Daichi Sawamura! Dancing and Semi comfort. You can never feel unloved with his man.
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff
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The masquerade ball has been going on for hours at this point. Starting when the sun had set and it will continue was the sun will rise. As the people danced inside, the music was loud and food was served. Daichi, the king of Karasuno, was merely watching his fellow royals walk along the crowd and finding for people to chat with. “Are you not going to socialize?” Sugawara, his right hand man asked as he placed his hands on his hips. “Oh, well Ushijima left to reunite with his love so I am just waiting for an opportunity,” The blackette said. “Opportunity to get your babe?” Sugawara teased. “Yes, exactly that,” Daichi said. “Where is M’lady anyway?” The silver asked. “She is currently mingling with a few nobles down over there,” Daichi said as he gestured to where you were.
As the queen of Karasuno, you were dressed in a gown of your choice. It was your favorite dress, after all. It was also Daichi’s favorite. Cause it really matches you and he loves the sparkle in your eye whenever you wear it. “I heard you married King Daichi Sawamura of Karasuno, congrats~” One of the girls said as she placed her fan in front of her mouth. “Yes! Sawamura has been so sweet! I absolutely love him,” You responded as you smiled. “Show us the ring!” Your closest friend said as they looked at you. You showed them the ring Daichi gave to you. The symbol of his undying and eternal love for you, his queen. “That is a really pretty ring!” One of them said as they looked at your ring. “Yeah, he picked it himself,” You responded with a smile.
As the conversation continued, things got a bit uncomfortable. “You know on how some royals marry for political purposes, are you sure Daichi loves you?” One of the nobles said. You hummed in confusion as you looked at her. “Of course I know he loves me,” You responded. “It doesn’t seem like it though,” Another commented. “What do you mean?” You then asked as you slightly glared at them. “Well Karasuno was a weak kingdom before recently, are you sure he isn’t using this as a political advantage?” One said. “Or maybe it was a scheme for them to rise to power?” One added. They explained their part and it made sense to you. Daichi is a gentleman, so maybe he was just doing this for curtesy. Was all the moments you both spent together a fraud? All the stolen kisses, the dates, and even the moments you held in close doors. Are all of them just curtsy? A sense of insecurity flooded your senses but you still kept the smile upon your face.
As the conversation about your relationship with Daichi continues, your lover noticed the change of behavior from you and decided to go check. He was observing you from afar and he knows your habits. “Pardon me, m’ladies,” Daichi said as he came towards you and your group of friends. You all greet him and some tried to change the subject. “Your majesty, these three tried to spread lies about your love for your queen,” Your friend then explained to Daichi. You subtly give her a “What was that for?” face while she mouth your welcome. “Is this true?” He asked as he looked at you. You responded honestly and looked away from his gaze. His face stoic and cold in front of the three said nobles. “Such blasphemy you are spreading,” He started as he gently made you look at him. He placed one of his arms on your waist and his other hand cupped your cheek.
His cold and stoic expression melted into a soft one. His eyes and smile could show how much love he has for you. The gentleness of his hands and the warmth. All of it reminded you of home. All your worries washed away as you leaned in to his touch. “I love you, okay? Don’t ever doubt that,” He said as he kissed your forehead. He then turned back to the ladies in front of you. “To answer the already obvious question. I love her,” Daichi started as he pulled you close. “I love her with all my heart. She is my queen, my lover, my other half. This ring I gave her shows that I want to be by her side for eternity. It is not just some political project. What I feel for her is genuine and real” He added as he displayed his ring to them. His voice was soft and filled with love. Those that are listen can feel the sheer amount of love he has for you.
It was not a surprised. Everyone can see how much love he has for you. But it’s oh so easy to feel down. How could you forget the promises he had given you? The vows that you both exchanged. For better or for worse, you both would be together. Daichi looked at you with such fondness. He leaned in and kissed your forehead. He then looked at all of them before turning back to you. He leaned in and kissed you softly. He cupped your face and pulled you closer. Once he pulled away, he had a smirk. He then kissed your forehead and let you recover from his attempt.
“Anyone who says otherwise will have consequences,” Daichi said coldly. “Come now my darling. Let’s go to somewhere else,” He then said as he led you out of the place. “See you, your majesty!” Your friend then said as they waved goodbye. You and him walked silently across the busy ballroom. As people made way for the two of you, Daichi held you close and refused to let go. Once you both were outside of the palace, things were a bit peaceful. It was silent the whole time, the tension and awkwardness was, unnerving.
“Don’t listen to them,” Daichi said as he stopped walking. Now the two of you were in a middle of an empty hallway. It was very well lit and at your left was a door to the garden. Daichi turned to face you, he gently made you look up and smiled. “I love you, and you alone.” He explained. “I’m not doing this for curtesy or for political purposes. I am infatuated with you. I am devoted to you,” He explained further. He cupped your face gently and placed his forehead on yours. “I’ll remind you, no matter how many times it takes. I love you, I love you, I love you,” He said as he kissed your forehead. “Alright?” He said as he pulled away. You responded to his advances and he chuckled. He loves your reaction, no matter what it would be.
“I have a place to show you,” He said as he held you hand. He opened the door to the left to reveal a beautiful garden. You had a garden in your castle as well, but this was something else. Everything seems so familiar and close but you knew that this was the first time you were here. “This is so pretty,” You responded as you looked around. As your eyes wander, it was hard to keep track of all the details. There were statues, lamps, and even floating lanterns. The flowers were so pretty and arranged in such a way that all of them could shine in their own way. Each of them had a different meaning and so different yet together, they seem so unified. There was fairy lights to light up the place. It gave it a more fantasy output. It gave enough light to see the path but also dim enough not to disturb the nocturnal animals. A perfect balance, Kuroo thought this through well. “That’s not all,” Daichi said as he led you further inside. You looked around and saw night butterflies or better known as moths. “Don’t worry, we are just passing by,” He reassured. As you passed by the moths, you realized how pretty they are. Some were brown in color but some were even blue and green. It gave a sense of nostalgia. The memories of childhood came flooding in.
But passing the flower area, in front of you was an arch way. It was covered in plants and seemed to be old but still very sturdy. With Daichi leading you, you felt safe. It was an unfamiliar place but it still felt nostalgic. The flowers that hang from the arc, the leaves that sway with the wind. The night gave an unfamiliar feel to this majestic garden. When Daichi finally stopped leading you, you looked at what was in front of you. It was large empty gazebo surrounded by flowers. Specifically, the flowers were different colored tulips. And within the flowers there were fake tulips that light up like fairy light. The vines that were attached on the supports made it look even more majestic.
“Here we are,” Daichi said as he smiled. But there was two people about to go out. “Ah, Daichi, a pleasure,” Oikawa said as he pulled his lover close. “Oikawa, it’s a coincidence seeing you here,” Daichi replied. As the two briefly talked, you and his lover looked at each other. “Is your idiot this tense or?” She asked as she looked at you. “Idiot? Far from that but he isn’t this tense,” You replied with a soft smile. “Oh, thank the gods. I’m dealing with this idiot everyday so at least the others won’t struggle as much,” She playfully said. “You know I just prosed to you and this is how you treat me,” Oikawa then pouted. “Oh? Really? Congratulations for a new chapter in life, Oikawa,” Daichi said as he pulled you close. “Yeah now I have to spend my whole life with this handsome hunk of a man,” Oikawa’s lover said with a smile. You congratulated them and chatted for a while. “We’ll leave you two alone now. Trashykawa and I will go now. I deeply apologize for the intrusion,” The short female said as she held Oikawa’s hand. “We are about to get married in a month and this is how you treat me?” Oikawa then whined. “You better invite all of us, even Ushiwaka,” Daichi reminded. “Yeah yeah whatever,” The taller male then said as he disappeared with his lover.
“Now that they are gone, shall we continue?” Daichi asked. “We shall,” You added as you held his hand. You both went towards the gazebo and you were in awe. The roof of the gazebo had hanging stars and butterflies. You awed at the intricate design and the hanging decoration. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” Daichi said. “It really is,” You added. “But that is not the best part,” Daichi then said as he walked towards this box that is on a pedestal. He pressed on a button and soft music started playing. “Kuroo said that he installed this for those that want some privacy with their lovers,” Daishi said. He then started to walk towards you and offered his hand. “And so I asked If I could use it,” He continued. “May I have this dance, My queen?” He asked as he offered his hand. You accept his hand and he pulled you close. “I love you,” He said as he started dancing with you. “Don’t you ever forget that,” He added. He continued to lead you with the dance, making sure that you would be able to follow. “You don’t even try but you make me feel butterflies in my stomach,” He continued. As you both danced together, the wind blow making the hanging stars and butterflies dance with you.
The night continued with the two of you dancing the night away. Butterflies aren’t the only ones that dances beautifully.
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