#for some ccs people use their youtube handle
bloodpen-to-paper · 8 months
I've made a list of names to call the CCs in your tags cause I see a lot of people putting "qsmp" on their tag name when they exist outside of the Qsmp, especially when making content of unrelated stuff (among us event, irl meetups, non-qsmp games, etc)
* <;- means there's different variations of the name either having a space between the two words or being shown as one word (ex. "tina kitten" vs "tinakitten"), but I tried putting the most common ones below
English speakers
philza | badboyhalo | fitmc | foolish gamers* | jaiden animations | tinakitten* | wilbur soot | dantdm | slimecicle | ironmouse | nihachu | tubbo | lenay/lenay_xo (minecraft)
Spanish speakers
maximus (youtube)/agentemaxo* (twitch) | quackity (also english speaker) | elmariana* | vegetta777 | spreen/spreendmc (youtube)/elspreen* (twitch) | luzu/luzugames* (youtube) | rubius (twitch)/rubiusz (youtube) | missasinfonia | roier | riversgg | willyrex | polispol1/polispol (QSMP intro page) | germán garmendia/holasoygerman (former youtube) | carrerra
forever player* | cellbit | felps | tazercraft (pactw and mikethelink) | bagi | Lore/Mine/etc (to my knowledge friends/family of the streamers like Mine and Lore don't have CC names, but I've seen "goddess/deusa mine/lore" for their qsmp cameos; you could also maybe use their twitter/insta names if they're ok with that)
French speakers
etoiles | baghera jones | aypierre | antoine daniel | kameto
Most of the CCs have names that are identifiable on their own, but when they don't you usually take some aspect of their streamer name/gamertag (ex. Mariana = El Mariana, Jaiden = Jaiden Animations) so they have a distinct name within the tagging system. For the eggs/NPC characters, since they exist because of the Qsmp and never outside of it, I usually just put their name if its distinct enough (Cucurucho) or "qsmp __", like "qsmp pomme". Anyway hope this helps, and here's to a more consistent tagging system maybe lmao
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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victims of sexual trauma are allowed to feel however they feel about this situation. it’s not a moral thing it’s how trauma works. someone might feel distrustful and incredibly uncomfortable and triggered by how things were handled, some might feel relieved and be doing well. leave them the fuck alone.
a lot of things seem to be going on in private that we probably won’t ever know. don’t pressure random people about it.
criticism of how things have been handled is fine and is different from harassment which is not fine. separate the two. doubt and mistrust is also fine, it’s an Internet celebrity people get burned on them eventually. this is also not harassment if they’re not harassing people about it let people being distrustful in private alone.
if you’re ever excited about something being true/not true fuck off. don’t celebrate this there’s no justice here there will never be justice all you’re doing is making victims feel unsafe.
stop making paedophile jokes i swear to god.
do not harass people about their reasons for being comfortable or uncomfortable. people do not have to be public about being a victim. leave them the fuck alone unless they’re directly harassing others.
don’t use this as an opportunity to dismiss all criticism later on i SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I have SEEN youtubers get away with owning child exploitation material for YEARS because of this. don’t let this happen to OTHER youtubers either. fucking LISTEN SERIOUSLY to all alleged victims. also remember some evidence may not come out until YEARS down the line don’t use that as evidence for why it’s false that’s just how YouTuber shit goes.
if you call this drama i am eating your teeth. this is serious and if you don’t realise it is you haven’t been seeing victims get sent sexual harassment for having emotions about this. it’s serious accusations that were used by the fanbase to attack unrelated victims.
leave ccs the fuck alone. they’re human beings. no, they didn’t “betray” anyone they’re not fictional characters they don’t have dramatic third act breakups we have no clue what’s going on behind the scenes and why people aren’t getting on making assumptions is weird and invasive.
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
Who are your favorite simblrs to follow/interact with? I’m talking cc creators, builders, cas content, story tellers, anything in the sims world
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ! I CAN GET BEHIND THIS! i will try my best not to go off topic.. but most likely it will, i apologize already now XD. number 1. YouTube wise HANDS DOWN right now is KUREHA on YouTube if you don't know .click on her name.. be blessed with a Sims series that gives you all the spice you need. FUCKING KANA HANA..... you have cute fucking sims, a great story, and some spice and sweetness all wrapped up into one. i am inspired by them. 2. Plantsimgirl... the ambient builds that they build UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH they are so cozy and amazing and ughhhhhhhh ! just go look. i have fallen asleep to their videos before because i was just so relaxed... and calm and gosh they are such an incredible creator... 3. i have watch this gal since she started XD and yes i love watching lets plays of pretty much anything. but Aurora. Og fan i love and loved all her lets plays.. i love that she loves the sims 3 the most. its honestly just great. 4. story wise i am going to have to say @rebouks (brynn and wyatt have me in a fucking choke hold dude...) , @theosconfessions (which i really want to sit down and start fully from the beginning again because mmm i love) @ you, i am enjoying seeing you, where you are taking your decades challenge honestly and I'm not just saying that because you asked me.. but because i mean it. its fucking cool i could never. I am too lazy to stay in one decade XD including doing a whole-ass challenge nope .. i could barely get through not so berry gen 1 okay XD, you are awesome. there is probably more OHHH I JUST STUMBLED UPON THEM ! @ladykendalsims i sat up all night the other night just reading XD its also so appeasing to the eye and the fact it has occults DONE. (Sorry for the random tag XD but I like what you are putting down.) 5. seeing stories and just posts of sims or oc wise fucking @fl0pera who quite frankly handles my shenanigans very well XD and joins me in it. (Ultimate choke hold) ( check out our group chat) LOL I’m sorry I am treating this like a fucking interview 🤣🤣🤣 Jesus anyway.. Just she is fucking awesome and if you don't know her you should! also look at the beautiful sims she makes, all-around panty droppers. This brings me to fucking @plumbewb THAT BEAN IS SUCH a CUTE FUCKING BEING... that beanie's sims give me life in the best chaotic way, they are outspoken and I LIVE FOR ITTTTTT! Special shout-outs of people I love seeing On my dash but don’t interact with XD I just appreciate and respect what these people are putting down, from the story, to cc, to sims showcases, to just organic.. "i do what I want, this is my page" vibe. The energy... as corny as it sounds is there for me when I look at their creative brains serving out these killer things. I respect them and truly find it so cool that there is a platform where I can watch people like this create such fucking AWESOME SHIT.. because if I remember we are all playing a life simulation game XD and LOOK how we all use it so differently so uniquely. I FUCKING LOVE IT! i love all you fucking nerds @minaevesmoths @onestormeynight @nightlifeseries @cakepopsimss @softplumbs @lowvintagesims @lazyteapot @leosims4 @simandy @thebramblewood @cuddlewhim @1-800-cuupid , Sims4Life, @simsply4 , @pixelvibes @birdietrait
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neopuppy · 2 months
would you ever share that natal chart analysis of jeno 🥺🥹🙏 also i get u sooo much with the mbti vs astrology among idols like ive been waiting for content on the latter but idk i guess 16 personalities rly has its grip like that 😵‍💫💀🙄
this is the tiktok
I’m not going to share what oomf said about his chart, but she mostly agreed with this video!(the cc talks a lot, like my advice if she ever sees this: learn to summarize💀)
also, I know a longgggg while ago this was discussed but the videos have since been deleted, and I saw it circulating again when L*cas scandal gate erupted but I wish I could see the entire palm reading a psychic did for Jeno becauseeeeee from what I saw he said there would be some problematic scandals in his future…and he needs to be careful. It was deleted before I ever saw it bc ofc! as usual! fans are extremely sensitive and dont want to hear anything that could be negative abt their favs! cant comprehend that(the man who did it was also very old/not a kpop stan/did many celeb palm readings, I’m sure he removed the nct videos bc normal people arent interested in arguing with kpop stans.)
like ok I’m not super into the zodiac chart things aside from my own, especially after that one Lemonade stand video when Johnny told Jungwoo(pisces) that he’s an Aquarius like him/Jaehyun and Jungwoo was all “yeah, sure! I’m an Aquarius!”
I was like yeahhhhh the zodiac shit is very western to kpop idols. ask them what their sign is and they’ll be like “???”. pretty sure there is a clip of Jeno not able to remember that he’s a Taurus actually… MBTI has them in a damn chokehold istg💀 the way trends run that country…
BUT OK, my friends linked me this youtube psychics video about BTS one time(and you know how dangerous it is to speak on them negatively), it was actually insane bc everything he said basically happened and came to be….it was about how they’d handle their solo careers and I watched this about halfway into their solo era and most of it happened/the rest unfolded over time. like damn…..if only kpop stans weren’t such fucking losers we’d have more silly content like this to enjoy but alas.
I find it interesting when they really do fit their signs though, probably the most we’ll be able to know about their *real* personalities that we can connect to what they do share with us as fans.
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lraerosesims · 3 months
Hey, hi, hello, greetings, sul sul!
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So I know I've been a little quiet lately on the Sims CC front, so I thought I'd update you all on what stage I'm up to on each project:
1. The Elderwood Manor Build
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I was working on testing this build for functionality etc, and tried to test in different spots in the neighbourhood, and that's when I discovered some broken terrain in the back of the lot (where the terrain slopes from road height to the beach). I've tried to fix it, haven't had any success yet. So I may end up having to either:
Do more heavy research on how to repair just the broken part - putting off uploading it until fixed, or
Remaking the build as close as possible to how it currently looks but on a flatter beach lot to avoid breaking terrain
Either way, it's unfortunately not ready to post for you all to enjoy just yet, I'M SORRY!!! 😭😭😭 I was really hoping to post it but I'd rather not give you guys a broken lot.
I haven't made basically any progress on this outfit since I last shared a texture WIP here. No excuse really, just taking on too much for my little pea-sized brain to handle and can feel the ADHD burnout creeping in so I don't wanna push myself too hard. Making my CC textures is exhausting, and takes a very big toll on ye olde✨mental✨ so I promise it will get done, but I just require some time to recharge so that way I can share the best possible retextures for you all to enjoy.
2. The Harlow Jumpsuit outfit
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This one is about 75 to 80% complete. It's another very time consuming project, with the screen recording, video editing, voice over recording, blah blah blah. The biggest problem I have is that I feel the need to announce when I'm working on something (to build interest and anticipation for what's to come) but then take ages to finish it - which leaves people wondering if I'm just full of shit or actually going through with it 😂😂but I promise the tut is happening still!
3. Retexturing YouTube Tutorial
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Don't expect this one anytime this decade🤣 I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm winging it entirely. Watch this space though, because who knows maybe I'll just magically find the willpower and mental capacity to figure it all out.
4. Stretched earlobe mesh
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And...5. Whatever this hair is
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So I did a recolour of a base game hair to make an undercut bun hairstyle (that's accurate to my real life five-head)...not sure if anyone would ever even want this in their game. So far I haven't gotten around to binning it, or even making it in different hair colours. It's also just using a Maxis texture I stole from a different hair and reworked to fit this one. But anyway, that one...exists...for some ungodly reason 😅😂
If you read this far, and haven't given up on me or this page yet then I'm eternally grateful (and slightly confused, but I won't question your intentions 😝)
To be honest with you all, I've got a heap of stressful shit going on in the real worldz right now so bear with me and I'll eventually work through the current projects I'm yet to finish.
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 - L'Rae
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theliterarywolf · 6 months
Anonymous Submitted...
Honestly kinda wanna see more people talk about the CC thing with a focus on the victims, bc rn it’s like 5 vids on youtube and they’re kinda short and it feels like you already need to know a bit to understand, esp abt goodreads.
Additionally, since some people still argue about WHO she targeted, I hope some channel literally just does a play by play, and not only clearly states “Bitch do you see they’re all Asian, black, etc authors??? But also goes all: DO YOU SEE??? I WANT A VID THAT FOCUSES ON THE VICTIMS!!! You can’t fight the facts when they have a face, even when you try to ignore the name.
Like, a nice video that gives all these authors who were victims of her insecure petty jealousy a face and name (if wanted) and presenting their books, their summaries, when and where the books release, while just dropping every fucking bomb on CC for it. Scorch the earth. 🔥🔥🔥
(I’m just so fucking over petty bitches going after people because their insecure asses can’t handle not all attention being on them.)
(I have looked at the docs and it took me a bit too long to figure out what patterns I was looking for and I still struggle since I don’t use goodreads. Would be nice if someone could explain it for ppl like me, especially if she also targetted released books? Because I did see some bombed released books across the accounts but that could have been "coinkidink” ((I believe the fuck not, but prove me wrong. Still won’t apologise.).)
I think it would be good for someone like Xiran Jay Zhao (I know they have a lot on their plate with their upcoming book release, but they were one of the first people to talk about the situation) to organize a collaborative video with the authors who were effected and people who have suffered from CC’s nonsense in both the past and present. Like, for example, the poor cover artist who is out royalties because of this shitshow. 
I think XJZ would be good to organize it, though, because they had a successful similar production with the huge critique collab for Raya and the Last Dragon that they organized with several Southeast-Asian creators.
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cupcraft · 10 months
I know the topic is 5-6 days old now (I just only just now saw the posts on it as I don't really use social media right now)... but thank you for actually talking about how little some sections of the MCYT community care about respecting CC boundaries. Like seriously, I've had to unfollow multiple blogs over the past few months because they've turned around and gone "it's okay to ignore CC boundaries honestly, if they don't want to see it then they shouldn't interact with our community!" Don't know how to word this nicely, but those are real people behind that stream or video. Real people who are allowed to set boundaries, and are allowed to look themselves up and interact with a community they're basically the centre of without immediate seeing people blatantly break those boundaries
It's especially upsetting for me, as someone who's a (very small) YouTuber who also struggles with delusions and related mental health issues. I know if I get more known, I'll have to request that people do not ship me or my "character" for my own sake (my mental health ain't gonna like it, I can already tell), and I'm aware that they'll always unfortunately be people who don't give a fuck... but it feels like people REALLY don't give a fuck right now. And this weird ass treatment of CC boundaries is making me scared to continue making videos, despite me loving it, because I don't think I could handle this level of boundary breaking happening to me
Sorry, this is a long ask, especially on a topic that's old at this point. I'm just glad someone else feels similarly about this mess, and wanted to share how I feel I guess lol (#autismmoment)
Hey anony hope its ok to reply to this. I'm glad I'm not alone in my thoughts as of late and I can't imagine worrying about it as a youtuber yourself. Take care of yourself <3
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ophernelia · 11 months
I’m not trying to be rude or anything, and I know a lot of you all are new to tumblr, but why does everyone want to all of a sudden give credit to people? I mean the people that everyone look up to don’t do it. It’s great that you all are doing it, don’t get me wrong, I just think it can be a lot when people think you’ve been influenced by someone and you haven’t. So what happens when people start to accuse you of copying someone that you’ve never copied? Do you get evidence and then begin to defend yourself among people who really don’t care but just want to be messy? I’m just trying to take a deep dive at things, don’t take this personal.
This is going to be long.
I'm not new. I've had a tumblr account since 2012. Had a TS3 simblr. Credit isn't a new concept in the slightest in the sims community. It is merely a form of acknowledgment. Which has long been a thing in this community. Take a peek at storytelling simblrs, particularly black ones, and many of them with tell you about Mochasims. I have seen so many of them credit Mocha with being their inspiration for getting into storytelling using the sims on this platform. Though Mocha receives no benefit from this as they have passed (May she rest.), it is still a good thing to do. It is how we pay our respects to others, their work, and their impact. CC creators regularly give credit to each other whenever they use certain assets or whatever. Be it a mesh, hair base, or color palette. Giving credit is built into the Sims 4 gallery. The original creator is always acknowledged. You can see comments on some posts stating "Hey! You stole this from this creator!" dating back to the launch of the gallery in the game.
This isn't a new practice at all. It's simply good online etiquette. Particularly in the creator space. We've seen what impact things like this have had. Hence, the entire dance credit debacle on Tik Tok when the renegade was popular. In this current age of social media, you know the importance of reach. For those who are here simply for fun, this isn't important. Those of you with other socials, be it YouTube, Tik Tok, etc. and are looking to grow your audience: this is how you grow. It is also the etiquette you should maintain as a creator which would help mitigate some of those copying comments. Additionally, it is how you foster better relationships with other creators and the community as a whole. Apart of community is celebrating and recognizes the wins and the movements of others. Though we all have access to the same content, we don't all use it in the same way. Certain creators are known for how they use certain things. No one's saying you can't use it at all, but be mindful in the way that you do. You gotta know how to navigate the space you're in.
What do you do when someone accuses you of copying someone else? Firstly, if it's in a harassing manner, block them. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone and you shouldn't be subjected to that behavior even if you were copying someone to a T. You don't need to pull out receipts. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Whether they were asking nicely or not. Certainly not if you suspect they're trying to be messy. Why expend the energy on them anyway? You get to tailor your online experience. (I said it before but it's a dictatorship over here. If I don't like, block, delete, remove. You'll be talking to yourself.) Hoes talk, let them. Understand though, that this isn't something that's avoidable as a content creator. It may pop up here and there. Especially within a certain niche of the community. (I.e. neutral simmers. They get accused of copying each other all the time. Though there's only so many neutral colors in a palette. It happens.) Handle your shit. Gracefully though. I get it's annoying and grating, but flying off the handle won't help. Keep it kind, make a statement to your audience and keep it pushing.
And to directly address that one comment: I don't care what other people do. I'll govern myself and my platform accordingly. Regardless of what another large creator may do, it is my responsibility to myself and to the community that I am fostering to handle myself (and my platform) with integrity. Larger creators do grimy stuff all the time. That's not my issue. I don't need them to lead. You've gotta conduct yourself to your standards, baby. What kind of community do YOU wanna create?
That's just my two cents though. You have free reign to do whatever you feel is best and brings you the most peace, boo.
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epicaxolotls · 11 months
vibing to this 24/7 ^
moving this to the top for clarity. I Do Not Like cc!Dream. i dont care what of the accusations are fake and what are real, i think that the way he handled it and handled his fanbase was wrong. the one video he made does not change the choices he made, and i have my criticisms about it. i will reblog anti dream and dteam stuff.
same with cc!wilbur, holy shit that dude sucks.
please interact with me i'm lonely
i use only the thing itself as a trigger tag. meaning if there was something triggering in a post, I'll tag it as '[triggering thing here]' and ofc, ask if you need me to tag stuff.
@raccooninnit is my sideblog, idk how i got the url but i did
i just wanna go to l'moonburg, man
ok somehow you got through all my starter rambles hi hello you can call me Epic. or axolotl. or idrc shrug.
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pronouns are they/them
gender can be whatever is comedic in the moment
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i am a minor, if you didn't read my bio btw. i know some people dont like interacting with minors for one reason or another so just thought I'd say.
i do things. i uh. i write sometimes. and draw.
i post about mcyt, mostly.
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listen if you like bedrock bros a decent amount we will get along
oh yeah my ao3
neurodivergent, probably. i am undiagnosed at the moment, but like. i obsess over minecraft youtube. barely anyone in this fandom is neurotypical
all my art should be under #art!! now :D also #talking in the water is now my talking tag i think
anyways, if you wanna use my art for like. pfps or compilations of fanart or whatever, go right ahead, but pls credit me if its something youre gonna post:)
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i won't say like if youre reading but like i dont mind you liking this :) /nf
ooo i got a discord server?? oh thats cool you should definitely join
my hoard of ever-growing userboxes & images is under this cut- you have been warned
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Bad Batch Trailer
So I did a breakdown of the new Bad Batch trailer here but I decided I wanted to include screenshots along with an analysis/deep-dive into what the story is for S2.
Warnings: LONG AF post, spoilers (obviously), slight headcanons maybe, lemme know if I need to add more
**Screencaps are read up to down then left to right**
Opening Beach Scene:
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The trailer opens up to a beautiful beach, but a bunch of giant crabs race out, chasing Hunter, Wrecker and Echo. Echo is annoyed w/ Wrecker, saying that they went over the plan 5 times. That indicates Wrecker may have compromised them during a mission. Wrecker argues that he at least got the package while Hunter contacts Tech for a pickup. Tech, flying the Marauder, flies in and tells Omega to grab the tow line. We see Omega running after the line as the crabs run at her. She draws her bow and fires at one, hitting it’s shell, stunning it briefly to use as a step. She jumps off the crab and grabs the line.
Hiding Briefly Scene:
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The next scene is shown very briefly. It looks like Hunter and Wrecker are hiding in wreckage/rubble as 2 former Republic gunships fly by overhead. If I had to guess, I’d say this is set as the Batch go to rescue Gungi, but this is just a guess and not confirmed or anything. Judging from the background with the ruined building, it looks like an industrial place.
New Character Intro:
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The next scene introduces a new character named Phee Genoa (turn on CC on Youtube). From her dialog, it’s clear that she knows Cid and Cid has told her about CF99 (despite her agreement to keep them a secret). I’m sure that’ll cause Hunter some conflict with Cid. It’s unclear if she’s a mercenary or if she’s a rebel (or some new surviving Jedi or something-considering Cid was a contact for the Jedi and that’s how the Batch came to know her). I’m pretty certain she’s voiced by Wanda Sykes. I could see her being a Rebel leader or even possibly knowing Saw Gerrera (allowing him to show up again).
Quick Shots:
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I decided to include screencaps from 3 different scenes because they all go by in about half a second. The 1st screencap shows the Marauder flying to a pale green planet that could be Kashyyyk (Idk if we’ve ever seen it from space). The next shot is focused on a door as what appears to be workers run by. I’m assuming the door is how the Batch sneak in or something. The last shot is of an Imperial officer with 6 stormtroopers flanking him. They are shown later on.
Doing More Scene:
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This is also a rather small scene, but I thought it was incredibly important. Echo tells Hunter that they should be doing more. Now there’s a few ways to take this. Echo could be talking about helping form the Rebellion. Echo, as the reg of the group, could be talking about rescuing more chipped clones. They already rescued Gregor (while Rex presumably went after Wolffe) so he could be talking about rescuing Howzer (since he was arrested at the end of the Ryloth arc) or just clone brothers in general. I definitely think this season Echo will get the Batch to open up/be more respectful towards regs. I suppose he could also be talking about Omega and wanting to do more for her, to make sure she’s prepared/can handle herself (though I think this option is the least likely). I really hope Echo is talking about rescuing other chipped clones cuz I HC that the Rebellion started w/ Ahsoka+Rex (and Bail) and a bunch of un- chipped clones plus the beginnings of people wanting to step up and fight—like Saw Gerrera.
The Beast Scene:
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The next scene shows this giant mech walking, causing an explosion. I can’t tell if it’s pure robot like Kuvira’s mechasuit in Legend of Korra or if it’s an armored animal of some kind. I did see a theory related to this creature. The theory is that it’s an armored clone of the Zillobeast. The Zillobeast arc is only 2 episodes and ends with the creature dying and Palpy wanting a clone of it. Nothing ever came of it during CW so BB S2 would be a great time to bring back cloning (especially since Tipoca City is destroyed). I actually do agree with the theory and think it’s pretty possible that it is a clone of the Zillobeast but I also think there’s a good chance it’s something unrelated so we’ll have to see. It cuts to the Batch+Rex infiltrating an Imperial room (the windows). The way the trailer is cut, at first, I thought they were inside the giant beast, but w/ the cityscape in the distance in the windows and the barren landscape the beast is shown on, I don’t believe they are related.
Having a Future Scene:
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The next shot is of Cid saying that the Batch can have a future (if they pull off a heist) and as Cid says ‘future’ it cuts to the shot of Omega. It’s a quick scene but I think it’s important, especially the transition between Cid and Omega. The Batch struggled to figure out what they wanted to be (both as characters and as a show) and the fact that Omega has been shown to be more capable than she already was, makes me think that Omega growing into more of a soldier will translate to being a rebel/part of the rebellion.
Disobedience Scene:
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The next scene has Cody’s voice narrating over it before showing Cody with Crosshair. He tells the sniper that more and more clones have been questioning the order (showing clones running). Crosshair replies with ‘they are traitors like the jedi’. If you look at their faces, you can see the different emotions they feel. Look at the doubt on Cody’s face. He’s obviously thinking about Obi and he looks conflicted about what he’s done. Cross looks sad!!! Look at his face! He’s probably relating the clones Cody’s talking about to CF99.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders Scene:
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The next scene has Cross’ voice saying ‘good soldiers follow orders’ over him firing off a sniper bullet. It transitions to a battle tank with a still-active battle droid getting hit and exploding. This is the first time we see battle droids post O66 in BB that are still active and on their own. We do see battle droids in ep6 Decommissioned, but most were in pieces and all were deactivated. They were reactivated and helped the Batch fight off the security droids, but this is the first time we’ll see them still active/at a battle.
Burning a Forest:
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The explosion from the battle tank is cut w/ fire from a flamethrower used by a Trandoshan (possibly a Trandoshan hunter). I personally think this is how Gungi got captured. With all the foliage and plant life, I’m assuming this is Kashyyyk. I’m wondering if the Trandoshans captured Gungi and sold him into slavery (with the droids). 
The Right Choice:
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The next scene is of Omega sitting with her legs pulled up and she’s clearly upset. She’s with Echo and she tells him that ‘you all gave up everything for me’. Echo tells her that they made the right choice, and it cuts to Tech, Wrecker and Omega, with Wrecker and Omega looking at Tech as if to say ‘good job’. That last screencap is probably after Tech’s race that’s shown later.
Helping Others:
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When talking with Omega, Echo tells her that there are others that ‘need our help’. These are the people that are shown when Echo talks. They are laborers, probably being mistreated. I don’t know what planet this is, if we’ve seen it before, but the closest one I can relate it to is Geonosis. It’d be interesting if this did turn out to be said planet (but I’m not sure how likely that is so I wouldn’t put too much stock into that theory).
Stay Back:
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The next scene shows Omega, Gungi and Echo being cornered by some new droids I don’t think we’ve seen before. When CC is on, it says the main droid is called Axis Leader. When Axis Leader questions what’s going on intimidatingly, Omega draws her bow and shouts ‘stay back!’. Gungi lowers his blaster and uses the Force to grab his lightsaber from the droid.
Wrecker and Tech:
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The next few shots are of Wrecker and Tech. The 1st one is of Wrecker and he has a rocket launcher (or something similar-I’m not good at identifying weapons/ships). He fires it at what appears to be an early-model TIE fighter, hitting it’s right wing, shooting the ship down. Then it cuts to a race that seems similar to pod-racing (from TPM). Tech is shown inside one of the pods, looking serious, before it cuts to Wrecker fighting off some aggressive creature. Since Tech is the pilot, it makes sense he’d be the one to do something like racing (I’m reminded of the entrance they made in CW S7 when Tech speeds the Marauder in and clones have to dive out of the way). I’m interested as to why this is actually happening. Could it be related to a job for Cid or the new character Phee Genoa? Is it just some characters that show up in an episode (like Roland/the Pykes).
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This is an interesting scene. We get a couple shots of what appear to be the same area. The 1st shot is of Tech and Echo. Echo fires at the ceiling while Tech aims. They appear to be underground somewhere. It could be deeper inside Ord Mantel given that they have mining tunnels or it could be somewhere totally different (or a planet we’ve been to before, just not Ord Mantel). The next shot is of Omega also firing up at the ceiling (I believe that’s Phee Genoa with her-but I could totally be wrong—I can’t really tell who it is tbh). I’m guessing that they are in some underground maze of caverns or something and they get separated. Echo and Omega appear to be doing the same thing which is interesting. I don’t think they’re firing on creatures but up on a rocky ceiling, either trying to shoot their way out, or trying to see how high it goes (considering their bullets/arrows are lights). If that is Phee Genoa w/ Omega, I’m wondering if that’ll be when we get her backstory. The Batch obviously got separated from Omega so it’d be interesting if the 2 started talking or something (like how Roland was talking w/ Omega about his mom when they were handcuffed). 
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The next scene shows a group of battle droids get hit with a grenade or something that causes an explosion. It changes to Cody and a few clones, also in gray armor, fighting the droids. It then cuts to a close up of Cody in his helmet. Cody says ‘we are not the enemy’ over the video.
The Imperial Officer:
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The Imperial officer with the 6 stormtroopers appears from earlier. They stand in front of 3 masked individuals who are either in charge or hired for protection of the settlement they’re at. ‘The Empire seeks to establish peace and order throughout the galaxy’, Cody’s voice narrates over the video. Honestly I have no idea who these people are/could be. I’m assuming they are new characters as far as I’m concerned. The starship flying above some industrial area could be related to the masked people here or the laborers/workers shown earlier. Uniformed workers help load boxes for stormtroopers before switching to one of the masked people pointing a blaster at the officer.
Peace Was Never an Option:
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Another new character named Tawni Ames is introduced, though we only hear her voice as she narrates over this scene. ‘Peace?’ She asks, appearing to talk to Cody (when talking about not being the enemy). ‘Peace was never an option’ she says. As she talks, Emperor Palpatine is shown in the Senate room. During his POV shot, out in the seats/the things they sit in, it appears as if someone is looking at Palpatine. If I’m being honest I only saw one theory about why we see Palps here and it’s Boba. The theory is that Boba ends up meeting Omega and sneaking her into the building and that’s why she sees Palps. The theory is that Boba learns about CF99 and another ‘pure Jango’ clone and ‘kidnaps’ Omega. Under false pretenses, he befriends her, but he really wants to turn her in to Palps for a reward. As they spend time together, she slowly gets under his skin (kinda like Cross) and Boba ends up choosing not to give her up. As for the new character, based on dialog alone, it seems like she’s actually talking w/ Cody, meaning this is someone Cody knows. I wonder if this is someone he and Obi-wan saved during the war or something.
Escaping the Droids/Bail Cameo:
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The next few scenes happen pretty quick. The first is with Tech and Hunter. They appear to be escaping the droids (like Axis Leader). Presumably this is after Gungi grabs his lightsaber and they have to fight their way out. The next shot is of an Imperial industrial factory looking place exploding and what appear to be clones running. The next shot is of Gungi and Omega. They appear to be talking before something gets their attention. They could either be talking about the droids/what’s going on, or the other padawans. In the other trailer released about 6mo ago, there’s a boy who looks like an older Pietro (Pedro?), the cocky padawan with Omega when she says ‘let’s go’. There is also the rumor going around that Katooni, the Tholothian padawan, is a love interest/crush for Omega so they definitely could be talking about the other padawans. I also think Hondo will be mentioned and/or appear. He knows Boba and was able to convince the boy to do the right thing so it’d be interesting if he meets Omega as well. The next shot is a quick moment with Bail. He showed up in TotJ so honestly, I’m not surprised to see him again (don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy to see him again, I just wasn’t surprised). The next shot is of someone escaping on a speederbike on what appears to be Coruscant (but could be a different planet). I don’t know who it is, but it’d be cool if it was Bail (though I think his model has a different body shape—thicker/broader) cuz we don’t get a lot of action shots of him (since he’s a Senator). Crosshair’s voice narrates over the speederbike scene at the end with his ‘We do what needs to be done’ line. 
Infiltration Scene:
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The next scene seems to be the Batch+Rex sneaking in (presumably the heist job Cid talks about earlier) and seems to be related to the scene shown earlier with the Batch+Rex sneaking around a room as Tech grabs some sort of black case. The next shot is of clones in a doorway, firing, probably at CF99+Rex.
Our Differences:
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The next shot is of Hunter and Echo, presumably set during the scene when Echo tells Hunter they should be doing more. Hunter asks Echo ‘you know what makes us different? We make our own choices’. I wonder if Hunter is talking about clones v droids or CF99 v reg clones. The former would make sense just because of the video edit. Hunter is attacking a droid and still-active battle droids are also shown, adding a possible threat. The latter would make sense because we have the introduction of Cody. Hunter could be talking about CF99 vs regular clones because it looks like they will fight clones again. 
Rex’s Mission:
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One of the last scenes shown is a hologram of Rex on the Marauder. Echo asks him what he needs. Rex asks them if he can use them for a mission. Omega looks to Echo, who in turn, looks to Hunter, the 2 clearly wanting to help. Tech looks at Hunter, unsure.
Last Scene:
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The last scene is one of my favorites tbh. Tech and Omega outrun an explosion. The last 2 shots show Tech grabbing and shielding Omega from the explosion, which also reminds me of the other trailer where Omega is falling and Hunter catches her.
What I’m expecting to like:
—Rescuing more chipped clones obviously
—More Echo/Tech bonding time w/ Omega
—Gungi’s arc—In relation to the Katooni rumor, I do think it fits Omega to be gay. Her friendship w/ Hera proved that Omega works well with a female character. Although I will say I hope it’s kept rather tame, at least at first. More bonding/friendship type stuff before kissing. Like a lingering hug and a double hand squeeze (like Asami and Korra in the finale) would be adorable I think. Plus Omega is super sheltered and would be inexperienced in that area so I think any kind of social relationship would be friendship-turned more kind of thing.
—I really hope that Boba rumor is true. He doesn’t even have to be related to the Emperor or anything. I just wanna see him show up and meet Omega. But I’m so nervous with how he’ll look. Each time we see him he’s more and more whitewashed (including TBoB—w/ the skin bleaching Tem had to do). I don’t dislike much about CW, but Boba’s design in the Rako Hardeen arc killed me specifically because of Boba’s whitewashed design. 
—Cody. That’s it. Cody. Everything about him.
—Crosshair’s choice. I’d honestly be pretty surprised if Crosshair decides to rejoin CF99 when they meet up again. I really think the better choice would be to go off on his own for a bit before returning to CF99.
—I noticed AZ wasn’t in any trailer footage (of either trailer) but I hope he recovers memories of Fives and Echo grieves properly. Echo was done so dirty and even though it seems like he’ll get a more prominent role, along with Tech, I still don’t like that he hasn’t acknowledged Fives.
—I’m curious about the new characters introduced: Phee Genoa and Tawni Ames. Phee definitely seems like a rebel leader based on her design, but as I said earlier, she could be a mercenary. I believe the ‘heist’ Cid talks about is Phee’s idea/plan. The other character is only heard so we don’t know what she look like, but she says THE LINE!
What I’m more 😒/upset about because they didn’t show—IMPORTANT—THIS COULD CHANGE so don’t come at me. Trailer footage isn’t meant to reveal too much about the story so anything mentioned here could show up.
—The clone cadets on Kamino. I believe one of them asked Nala Se if they’d still be soldiers after being sent somewhere else. ARE THE CHILDREN OK!?
—I hope Hondo shows up. He hasn’t really been mentioned when I search BB S2 stuff but I’ve always enjoyed him/his character.
—The armor/clothes change. I wanna see the clothes shopping and armor painting. PLEASE!! More domestic scenes please. There were so many explosion scenes/action shots. Like yes, we get it, you do action-y stuff, but a nice, cute scene is always appreciated.
I think those are most of my thoughts on this upcoming season. Honestly, this show gives me mixed feelings (the whitewashing). Their character models always gets to me when I try rewatching S1. And this is a serious question—
They seem different compared to S7 of CW—am I crazy/is it real? Like Wrecker is excited when they get shot down in CW but he’s fuckin terrified in BB?? Like they all just seem…different in CW compared to BB. Lemme know if I’m being stupid or something.
Hope you liked the analysis and a BIG THANK YOU to anyone/everyone that likes/reblogs!! Let’s talk Bad Batch!❤️
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thesims4asoiaf · 6 months
how do you handle the modern aspects of the roleplay in game? and what sort of house do you use? honestly this fascinates me i wish i could watch videos of your gameplay, id love to do something similar but have no idea where to start!
Hello! First of all, thank you for the curiosity, it makes me so happy to know people are interested on my save file! I’ve been asked before my hiatus to record my gameplay and many times to start a YouTube channel, and I’ll try my hardest to get that done, promise.
There are many amazing cc creators that make base game substitutes, I’ll make a list full of them, but here are some examples: Phones into books, pens into quills, underwear to vintage undergarments, guitars to a sort of Gittern, pc into a loom (my fave).
There are also some mods that ADD new medieval hobbies and such. There’s a medieval cookbook mod I’ll link on the list that adds all sorts of medieval food only accessible by added medieval cooking methods- from gruel to all sorts of breads and meats!
I started with a handful of houses, and slowly added more when I noticed I could juggle them along. I don’t play with all the houses all the time, especially since most of them are full of gaps at this point, which I end up using to my advantage and create or let the game itself add drama to the houses and write them into the trees if needed. Start small, don’t force world building if you are frustrated, cool off then add whatever you feel you can manage! The dates I added on the trees are extremely useful for when I need to update houses (I pretty much jumped the dance out of frustration with hotd lol, so I’m having to make sure all of the houses catch up, and the dates help me see who’s alive, dead and how old they are).
Im terrible at building lol, so I take builds from the gallery and alter them as much as I need (Usually ALOT since I have to add house colors and try to make the surroundings somewhat similar to the books).
I end up having to use my imagination a lot; Larys, for example, has a medical boot and crane accessory but doesn’t walk with it since the game doesn’t have any mobile disabilities. Dragons are especially complicated since I was eager to switch them over to horses, but that was honestly a head ache since I’m not used to horses, but I had a great time using the dogs as dragons, only big issue is that they take up house space.
That’s about it! If you have anymore questions, feel free to send them my way! I’ll start trying to record and edit videos explaining and showing my gameplay, but I won’t ever be able to regularly stream or record proper gameplay videos. Thanks again for the curiosity :)
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enneamage · 9 months
That last ask almost had me completely with the nuances of not being able to judge a CCS grief and how they portray it. I agree, and I think it's something that a lot of people on twitter struggle to handle in a respectful manner, but the last part I just don't get.
Tommy no longer speaking positively on Dream without the promise of a server and the implications of using him doesn't feel based in anything bar from the timeline of it all, it's the worse faith read you could get of his character in this situation and doesn't match up with anything he's done before. I agree its highly likely that Dream ghosted a ton of people, Tommy included, so that's at least one aspect.
And while I'm sure there was an element of getting caught up in people cheering on his 'messiness' and it probably encouraged Tommy speaking negatively about Dream, there's undeniably something much more personal having gone on to generate that emotion. The Hypnosis video, joke as it was, Tommy mentions specific stuff speaking as Dream, specifically him and Tubbo as a pair, and then a part entirely about Phil. It's possible that rather than it being about Techno it's someone else Tommy's getting upset on the behalf of. Either way this missing factor or series of events that we can debate over is not something I think we're gonna get any time soon. It's not 'cancellable' as Tommy said post Hypnosis video, but it's definitely something.
Tommy held out 'hope' for Dream for around a year even when everyone was pulling back, I agree that his behavior was more than just tactical / clout namedropping. There was a time when he seemed to be actively defying the people who were trying to freeze Dream out, and while I could never interpret that in full I do think it meant something at the time. His feelings seem to have turned in a way that really bothers him.
Oh wow, you brought me back to the Dream Introject moment from that video. I didn't post about that since there wasn't anything real to say but I was really struck by how surreal that whole situation was. I remember thinking that it was incredibly fascinating that he was seemingly able to launch into a long, seeminly unbroken, intense speech from 'Dream's POV' seemingly not even focusing on jokes, just analyzing Youtube, fame dynamics and what Tommy thinks he thinks. If I were to do a complete hail mary I would bet that uncensored footage would be him venting a lot of insecurities / things stans have said about who blew up and why. That moment stuck out to me because just going on theme, those are also things that Tommy himself thinks about a lot, and probably has a decent number of insecurities about.
I agree that Tommy probably doesn't have a secret ingredient that would magically 'get rid of' Dream like some people seem to hope. I can see Tommy being cyncial about Dream being overly tactical about how he moves and having some behind the scenes quotes in that direction, since he seemed to be like that before as well. For now things are in a stalemate and we're probably not going to get more information for a long while, or maybe ever.
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ranboo5 · 2 years
I don't need to be psychic to know what Amanda is accusing Dream of isn't a crime, I just read the allegations myself.
It's not grooming because she's using the word incorrectly (she outright says in the tiktoks that "grooming is when a cc makes a fan feel special because he wants something from them"). The timeline she claims puts the alleged sexting three weeks before she turned 18 and she's in a state where the age of consent is 16. There's no accusation that he coerced her, abused his power or made unwanted advances, by all accounts it was consensual. Her accusations focus on how she was technically 17 at the time of the alleged sexting but as established before, that's not a crime.
All of which doesn't take into account that her evidence amounts to showing dry instagram dms where she initiated all the conversations and 3 compliments out of context. The burden of proof is on her and she failed to even establish that there was flirting.
Considering just how many false allegations happened to this group of ccs, and that in the one case where the allegations weren't false it looked a lot different than this (screenshots showing the grooming taking place for one, as well as a lot of people stepping forward and giving solid evidence), there's no reason to suspect this is anything different until new evidence or new allegations come to light.
Long, grooming discussion cw
From all I can tell the element in the air is whether and/or how sexting and/or advances over Snapchat occurred.
Dream calls some of the screenshots (that, given, he claims were not/could not have been him) "flirty" himself; this means that they were agreed upon as flirty by both allegedly involved parties, and either Amanda or Dream is lying about whether it was him. In the same twtlonger Dream says a lot of extremely strange contradictory stuff and goes off on irrelevant tangents and blame shifting; at absolute best the accuser is lying and he is responding by making a word vomit twtlonger, which is itself cringe. In any case Dream's twtlonger does not make his word convincingly reliable, especially with how he also makes sure to downplay the severity of the situation If he did it
However if anything properly sketchy happened it would have had to happen on Snapchat and we Just Do Not Know That Existed. If they were sexting on Snapchat esp with the context of her being a stan that is an iffy situation in itself (see earlier) and could have been worse depending on the nature of the Snapchat exchanges. Honestly, even the fact that he gave someone his priv Snapchat with only the context of knowing she was a fan is ?? in itself and is again even w/ no malintent Weird Conduct Around Fans. And while yes afaict no direct allegations we're made of specifically unwanted advances &c, the sheer fact, again, that these exchanges would've happened on a platform that handles messages like Snapchat does between a 30mil subscriber YouTuber and someone he only knows as a fan is indicative of, again, at least an irresponsibly handled power dynamic, and at worst a situation where consent is questionable in general + again while we Do Not Know what happened on Snapchat, we DO know that him offering his private Snapchat is real By His Own Admission
While I agree that there is no current evidence it was grooming and the definition she gives is certainly Lacking, the RAINN definition of grooming is "manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught." One can, I hope, see why this is not an out of pocket interpretation of Aforementioned handing out of a private Snapchat (a platform where it is harder to get caught) to someone with a parasocial bond (insert things people smarter than I have said about cc/fan dynamics). IFF the allegations that they sexted over Snapchat are true, this tracks with that definition. It is NOT PROVEN that this dynamic was leveraged or that sexting happened, but I fail to see how applying the term "grooming" to the situation if that IS how it transpired would be out of line
And that all taken with how he has been responding to this, how "it wasn't provably grooming" (true) is being taken to negate "giving out private Snap to fans who you've exchanged like three token words with is weird" (it doesn't, it's still something people could take issue with reasonably), the nature of his twtlonger (Bad), the flippancy in general with how this has been treated – even in the best case scenario, this is still someone who couldn't be held to account even if something did happen, which is not a position that anyone should be in, especially not someone with as long and repeated a history of irresponsibility as Dream
The crux of this to me is He Is Bad At Managing His Platform And Reckoning With The Power He Has As A Result Of It. Even if he never had predatory intent, or even if the accuser is lying, he is not handling this reasonably at all, and his legal team is either negligent or nonexistent considering what he's continued to be doing (including also messaging fans back? Like you're not even taking a break?) so again even in the scenario where this is completely just lies he's being crazy irresponsible about a libel case and about accusations As A Concept. Like that's what it comes down to in my mind. This Cannot Continue. What we KNOW to be real Cannot Continue, and whether predation happened is something to still be In The Air With because it is a Court Case that Might Be Proven One Or Another Way as Snapchat DMs are found. (If, that is, they are in fact in court, which they frankly should be bc again If He Is Innocent This Is Libel And Unacceptable). Even and especially if you think Dream is innocent and are invested in continuing to follow his content how he is interacting with this situation is something that you Cannot Accept
I don't think the comparison you draw entirely holds up; these things execute differently and for instance this is different from the false accusations against other streamers like Sapnap and BBH which were swiftly and entirely disproven with accusers backing down in the face of legal action and with no weird twtlonger nonsense. That reaction, the pattern of Dream's irresponsibility w/ platform in general, etc are why I think this can in fact be taken differently than the false allegations made prior
TL;DR: We Truly Do Not Know whether it was grooming until the Snapchat recoveries drop, but the Confirmed Actions And Behavior Priorities Of Dream are something that I think are concerning in someone with such a platform In General even in the best case scenario wherein this is libel
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simlishpiadina · 1 year
sims get to know me tag !!
I got tagged ages ago by @druidberries and forgot to partecipate as the moron I am T___T
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Probably... vending machine? Even though death from being too embarassed is always a mood.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I’d say a MM leaning Maxis Mix? There’s some details that I like being a little more alpha-ish, like eyelashes.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope! It never even crossed my mind T___T
4. Do you use move objects? I wouldn’t be able to do shit without it, let’s be real...
5. Favorite mod? I don’t really use a lot of mods tbh, but I’m really thankful for better in game lighting 
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I bought basegame together with Seasons and Cats & Dogs I think
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVing, never even thought it might be the other option
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? ...probably Jaqueline, I love that girl so much ; ; 
9. Have you made a simself? Yes! I actually made my whole family, which is like... 6 people, a dog and 2 cats lol
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? I can’t remember which I actually gave my simself, but it’s probably... bookworm, good and cat lover? I’ll check in later though!
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Red, just like irl lol
12. Favorite EA hair? I quite like the version without veil of the loose hair from My Wedding Stories? There’s probably others that I like but I can’t think of them right now
13. Favorite life stage? YA because I’m a basic bitch lol 
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Mostly builder and CAS, but I’m trying to get better at gameplay with my Mystery Legacy Challenge!
15. Are you a CC creator? No, I don’t have the talent... also the needed software don’t work on Ubuntu lol
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I do have simblr friends, thanks to @angelgnomesimblr who invited me into @cozyacres‘s Discord server!
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 2 has a special place in my heart, since it’s the first Sims game I played, but I love 4 as well ~
18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope :C
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? No, my PC wouldn’t handle the game and screen capture stuff ; ; I’d like to stream though!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I have had the game only for a little more than a year, so... I don’t know how much it has changed tbh ^^” It’s still pretty basic, but I feel like I’ve gotten better!
21. What’s your Origin ID? fransenpai lol I won’t give any explenation
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have so many, and I’m afraid I’ll foget to name someone and I’ll feel bad T___T But if anyone wants suggestions hit me up!
23. How long have you had a simblr? I joined Simblr in January 2022, even though I’ve been lurking with my personal Tumblr for ages before that lol
24. How do you edit your pictures? I’m so so bad at editing, so what I do is I follow THIS tutorial on Photopea and that’s it lol I just lithgtly change or skip some steps, based on what I need.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Season is a must-have honestly. It’s so so basic, but it changes so much in your game. 
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Honestly I’d like them to make a better system for vacations, like hotels and so on. Also one of my favorite part of new packs is having new worlds, and I’d like for them to for once give us something different? : ) 
I don’t know who of you have done this already, but I’m tagging @angelgnomesimblr @salemssimblr @buttertrait @minimooberry @yoruqueenofnightsims and @deanthepuppy-but-sims
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jcmarchi · 3 months
China is Making Highly Advanced Self-Propelled Artillery - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/china-is-making-highly-advanced-self-propelled-artillery-technology-org/
China is Making Highly Advanced Self-Propelled Artillery - Technology Org
Some months ago China introduced a new self-propelled howitzer SH16, which is very different from many other weapons of this type. Now there is a wheeled version of the SH16 too and it will reportedly be developed for export markets.
Chinese troops in a Victory Day parade in Moscow. Image credit: Kremlin.ru via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)
A self-propelled howitzer is a complex artillery system that requires people to operate. The German Panzerhaubitze 2000, the Polish Krab, and the South Korean K9 Thunder typically have a crew of five, while the American M109 sometimes has as many as 6 soldiers in its crew. It takes several strong soldiers to load a howitzer. It is true that now the military tech is moving down the road of crew reduction. The PzH 2000 is being taught to work with four people, the K9A2 can get by with just three.
Howitzers with automatic loaders can be handled by much smaller crews. But there are not many of such weapons, because the automatic loading mechanism is a rather complex system, which can be unreliable at times. A very reliable loader is needed to really reduce the size of the crew.
The Swedish Archer, which is easily one of the most advanced self-propelled artillery systems in the world, can operate efficiently with a crew of just 3-4 people. If it was really needed, just one person would be enough for the Archer. The Czech howitzer DITA has a crew of just 2 people. These two howitzers are perfect for shoot-and-scoot operations, especially in scenarios where counter-battery fire is needed.
China’s new self-propelled howitzer SH16 joins the ranks of the world’s most advanced artillery systems in this regard, Tech.wp.pl reports. Its most important innovation is an unmanned, fully automated turret mounted on a tracked chassis with a crew of just 2 people.
SH-16 howitzer. Image credit: YouTube video screenshot
As you can tell from the other examples mentioned, this is not entirely unique, but it shows that the Chinese are producing extremely advanced artillery systems and are not taking the cheapest route. It’s not like China lacks soldiers to man the simpler, cheaper howitzers. It’s just that the SH16 will work more efficiently, faster and, in the event of a war, will put fewer soldiers in danger.
The SH16 is reported to weigh 32 tonnes, 14 of which are the turret housing the 155mm gun. The same turret from the SH16, as announced in February of this year, will also be mounted on a wheeled 6×6 chassis. 
Dennis Blasko, a former US defence attache in Beijing and Hong Kong, told Defense News that a wheeled version of the SH16 would be aimed at the export market.
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By the way, the tracked version of the SH16 howitzer has not yet been shown in public much at all. That howitzer likely only exists in prototype form.
The war in Ukraine showed that self-propelled artillery is still very important in modern warfare. Especially howitzers that are powerful and quick to move before counter-battery fire and drones arrive.
Written by Povilas M.
Source: Tech.wp.pl
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