#for the first time since we've moved to this place we finally were able to get TWO new AC units
bunnyboy-juice · 5 months
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"In short: Thailand's Senate has approved a bill legalising same sex marriage in the South-East Asian country.
It will afford same-sex couples practical benefits such as being able to have children through IVF and make emergency medical decisions for their spouse.
What's next? The first weddings may take place later this year, 120 days after the law is announced in the Royal Gazette.
Thailand has become the first nation in South-East Asia to legalise same sex marriage, with the country's Senate approving the landmark bill this afternoon.
The legislation was expected to pass after it cleared the country's House of Representatives in a near-unanimous vote in March.
Despite Thailand's bustling gay bars and prominent transgender community making it a mecca for LGBTQ+ tourists, until now local same-sex couples there have been unable to marry.
The law will take effect 120 days after its announcement in the Royal Gazette, so the first same sex weddings may take place later this year.
Couples who have been waiting years have hailed the move as a historic moment that will afford them rights only reserved for spouses.
A Lifechanging Law
Photos of Anticha and Worawan [including the article picture], dressed in floor-length white gowns and trailed by rainbow flags, getting married at Bangkok's first Pride Festival two years ago went viral, but they are still not legally married.
Now they will be able to change that, and Anticha Sangchai is elated.
"This will change my life and change many Thai people's lives, especially in the LGBT community," she said.
"It is a historical moment and I really want to join with my community to celebrate this moment.
"I want to send a message to the world that Thailand has changed. Even though there are still many issues, this is a big step for us." ...
There were an estimated 3.7 million LGBT people in Thailand in 2022, according to LGBT Capital, a private company which models economic data pertaining to the community around the world.
For the young couple from Bangkok, being able to marry also has very real practical implications.
If they want to have children through IVF, Ms Sangchai says they will need a marriage certificate first.
"I am quite concerned about the time because we are getting older every day, and the older you get the more difficult it is to have a healthy pregnancy," she said.
"So we've been really wanting this law to pass as soon as possible."
Cabaret performer Jena is excited Thailand's laws are finally catching up with the nation's image...
She too had worried about the practical implications of being unable to marry.
"For example, if myself or my partner had to go to hospital or there was an accident that needs consent for an emergency operation, without a marriage certificate we couldn't sign it," she said.
She now wants the government to move forward with a law to allow transgender people to amend their gender on official documents." ...
An Economic Boost?
Thailand has long been famous for LGBTQ tourism and there are now hopes this new law could allow the country to cash in on the aging members of the community.
Chaiwat Songsiriphan, who runs a health clinic for people in the LGBTQ community, said laws preventing same sex marriage were the last barrier holding the country back from becoming a gay retirement hub.
[Note: They do not just mean for rich westerners; Thailand as a gay retirement hub would probably appeal most to and definitely benefit LGBTQ people from throughout Asia.]
"Thailand has an LGBTQ-friendly environment since Thai culture is quite flexible," he said.
"One of my foreigner friends, a gay friend, told me that when he's in his country he has to pretend to be straight … but when he comes to Bangkok he said you can be as gay as you want.
"When we talk about retirement or a long-term stay for the rest of their lives, what people need is … food, good healthcare services, transportation, homes.
"I think Thailand has it all at a very affordable price."
He said it could help give the country a desperately needed economic boost.
"This will have a lot of benefits for Thailand's economy because when we talk about retirement it's people literally bringing all the money they have earned for the rest of their working lives to spend and invest here," he said.
He said he, like the rest of the community, was thrilled by the news.
"It's not about a privilege, it's just equality," he said.
"We are we also humans, so we should be able to marry the one we love.""
-via ABC Australia, June 18, 2024
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kiki-kit · 2 months
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hello all! sorry for the silence, i realize that with everything happening on my end i forgot to kinda get you guys up to speed with whats been happening on my side of the screen. as some of you may remember, back in february ash and i had to move out of our shared apartment. well, since then i've gone back to living with my parents, at first i had moved in with them into my grandmothers house as they had gone there to take care of her. with my mom taking care of my grandma and my dad being too disabled to work, i was left as the only able-bodied person in the house and the only one with an income, meaning i was very busy. im grateful i had been able to spend that time with my grandmother, but unfortunately the stress of cancer took her from us in may. since then we've been dealing with family drama after drama as we were rushed out of her house.
and finally, after what's felt like the longest week in existence and 3 hellish days on the road, we're finally back in our dust filled texan home.
none of this was the plan, and i never expected my grandmother to pass so soon, but here we are.
i miss having my own place and i miss being with ashley. so my plan rn is to simply save up enough money to get back out. after im finished with the commissions i have, expect continuous batches. i also plan on continuing my commission streams and maybe ill do some other streams??? maybe ill try out opening a patreon??? im not sure yet, but ill try to keep everyone posted! in the meantime, as stated, my kofi is still open and can be found here
its been a hell of a year and im very tired, but heres hoping the rest is better.
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luciferlightbringer · 7 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 10
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Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Updated through Chapter 12
Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.6k CW: Slowburn, Angst, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, depression, anxiety, insecurity,
Over the next couple of days, Charlie and the hotel crew started to prepare for their little "intervention" dinner with her dad. Charlie and Vaggie worked together to make up dinner while the others made sure the place was kept up, mostly Niffty.
Later that night, Charlie heard a knock on the front door. Was that him? Why didn't he just teleport in like usual? Charlie went to open the door and saw Lucifer giving his big focused smile.
"Charlie! It's so good to see you," he said enveloping his daughter in a big hug. It had been weeks since he had hugged anyone, the sting of how much he missed it had started to grow back.
"Hi Dad," Charlie said hugging her father back tightly and swinging him around. "I've missed you so much, it's been weird not having you around as much."
Lucifer tightened his grip on Charlie as they hugged, "I'm- sorry about that sweetie, I just... got busy. I'll try to be better about that, I promise."
Charlie loosened the hug enough to study her dad's face, it was tired and worn out, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Lucifer tried hard to keep his facade up, but he knew his daughter was trying to read him.
"Dad... are you sure you are ok?" Charlie asked with concern.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" he said still trying to hold a smile, holding a silence but futile prayer that he could find a way to fool her into thinking he was ok.
The other members of the hotel, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Cherri, Vaggie, even Alastor started to walk in from the shadows of the hotel lobby.
"Cuz, with all due respect your highness," Husk chimed in "One, you are a bad liar, two, we actually do care about you," Husk looked over to Alastor out of the side on his eye, "well... most of us care about you, and three... we are also worried about (y/n)."
"Ya!" Angel added in, "You two were a couple of peas in a pod, she was even talkin' 'bout wantin' to move in here, den 'poof', ya both are nowhere ta be seen fa' weeks. What gives?! I thought we mattered to you guys!"
"Ya! I miss you and our girl, where is she?!" Cherri pipped in, "We loved watching you two hangin' out here togetha."
"She was a bad girl! But she was really nice! I liked when she would listen to me talk about my bugs fights!" Niffty added, holding up her knife.
Alastor sighed, "Honestly, I'm mostly here for the entertainment of your sorrow... but (y/n) was important to the growth of the hotel and it's community. Plus, she amuses me. I had grown unfortunately fond of her charms," Alastor said with a wicked smile, his comment made the room pause a moment, Lucifer glared at him.
"We miss both of you, sir, it's just not the same here without you. We just kinda feel like we've been left in the dark," Vaggie added, rubbing her arm.
Lucifer sighed, he didn't realize just how much you had meant to not just Charlie, but to the entire hotel. That you guys together had been. It was important for them to know the truth.
"Ok, ok... I'll tell you the truth... but it isn't going to be pretty," Lucifer said with shame painting his face. Lucifer went to go sit on the couch and the others came to sit around him and listen to the story. Lucifer gave an abbreviated story of the last several months of his time with you, truth that you were actually a prostitute he had hired, the story with how it all started with the conversation with Ozzie, the first appointment and the chaos and joy that cam from it, how you had helped him to connect with Charlie and the hotel again, how you supported either other through the stresses of the war with Heaven, how he protected you, how he realized he had fallen in love with you, and then the last night you were together, the blur and confusion of it all, and how finally you had banned him from being able to be scheduled with you again and how you had been told that the whole dynamic was just her acting like she cared about him. He didn't blame or try to paint you in a bad light, he was just defeated and sad.
During the story, the group went through a series of emotions, all of them now understanding why you had not able to talk about your relationship with him at all.
"Damn it! No wonder I liked her so much! She's in da same industry as me!" shouted Angel when the story was over, "She felt so kindred and I couldn't fuckin' see it. Oh, she is good."
"So... none of your relationship was real?" Charlie asked, sadly.
Lucifer shook his head, "No... no I don't think it was."
Husk shook his head, "You're wrong." Everyone looked at him. "Something here doesn't add up, Angel, Cherri, you remember our conversation with (y/n) the night before the war with heaven?" They nodded, Husk looked at Lucifer, "The only lie I have ever seen (y/n) tell you was that she was sad that night because of the war, which... she still was... but the reason she was sad before you came over to check on her was because she was sad that she could not be honest with us about your guy's relationship. We had asked her about what was up because you guys seemed more than friends, and she told us she could not talk about it. And she has tried to bluff some things about how she presents herself before when we first met her, probably all just to protect the secret you guys had. Trust me when I say, she was never fake with how much I saw she cared about you."
Lucifer shrugged, "It doesn't seem to matter though it though... in the end, she banned me."
"Why?" asked Angel, "Did she tell you? Did you ever hurt her?"
"No. Someone else at the place she works called me and told me, she was gone or... something. I don't know if I hurt her, never physically, but I was so drunk at the end of our last night together... I don't know what I did or why I got banned... and I'd never want to cross a boundary like that... she's had too many fucked up people in her life... I don't want to add to that club any more than I already had," he buried his face in his hands, "it sounds like keeping the secret was already a lot of weight on her, I didn't realize..."
"King, listen, I've been in the sex business for a long time, nothin' about this situation makes sense ta me, both from a sex worka' standpoint or from what I know about her. Did you pay her well?" Angel ask inquisitively.
Lucifer nodded, "Ya, I gave her big tips too, I wanted to to be happy and get what she needed."
"No good sex worka' in their right mind would full on ban you for one weird night, even if you did rough 'em up a bit. You told us there was some other client that had been roughin' her up a bit that you took care of. Tell me, did she ban him on the first night of havin' any issues with him?" Angel asked. Lucifer shook his head, starting to think about Angel's words.
"Right. So unless she was stupid, which I know she aint, she wouldn't've cut off probably the best paycheck in hell just because you had one sloppy drunk night where something may have gone weird. Also, on top a dat, sex worka's can be good actors and can pretend like they care. But they try not to get attached, and like Husker said earlier, she got attached, and boy it was obvious. That's probably a big reason why I didn't sus her out sooner. By da time we met her, nothin' about ya relationship was actin' anymore, on either side. Cuz you love 'er, dontcha?" Angel pointed while he leaned back on the couch.
Everyone looked at Lucifer, he nodded, "I do, I love her."
Angel nodded, "And you would do anythin' to make 'er happy, including keepin' yourself away from her if you thought it would make her happier, isn't dat right?"
Lucifer started to tear up, "Yes..." Charlie started to tear up and hugged her dad.
"Therefore... there is something fishy happenin' here, there must be some form of miscommunication, or... a third party that likes messin' with shit," Angel looked up at the ceiling thinking.
"How do you know all this?" asked Vaggie suspiciously. Angel looked over at Vaggie and have her a sly smile, "When you're life was spent in da Mafia and your afterlife was spent around shitty desperate sex worka's that are dying to get a taste of your success by any means necessary, you pick up on a few things, baby."
Charlie perked up, "You think someone at her work did this?"
Angel shrugged, "It's very possible, not 100%, but it's possible. Lucifer, did (y/n) ever talk about having any issues with other girls at her workplace?"
Lucifer thought a moment, "Hmm... she mentioned there being some annoying girls that she some sometimes needed to put in their place, but nothing this crazy hostile. But then again, she didn't like talking about the Lounge much, and I didn't like asking because I started to get more sad whenever I was reminded that I was just a client to her."
"The Lounge, like the Luxurious Lady's Lounge in the Entertainment district?" asked Angel.
"Ya... you know it?" asked Lucifer.
Angel smiled, "Know it? Ha! Sure do. I know exactly where it is too. May have even seen 'er once or twice without knowin' it"
Charlie smiled at her dad, "Dad, if we know where she is, we should just go and talk to her!"
Lucifer shook his head, "Oh. No, no, nonononono, Charlie... I can't do that."
"Why not? Dad, come on, we can try clearing all this up!" Charlie pleaded.
Lucifer sighed, "I just... until I know for sure that she didn't actually ban me, I won't want to risk that. It's just not a good idea... Plus, I don't want to attract more attention to her if she is having issues there," Lucifer hung his head.
Charlie thought for a minute, then a lightblub went off, Charlie got down to Lucifer's eye level, "Dad, she may have "banned" you for seeing her... but not me! I could go talk to her!"
"Charlie, hold on, dis is a bad idea," Angel piped up, everyone looked at him confused, "Rememba' what happened when you tried to talk to Val for me?" Charlie thought for a second remembering the disaster that was, feeling the guilt return at the memory. Angel smiled, "Obviously I need to go with you!" The room erupted into laughter, Angel almost had them for a second, even Lucifer managed to crack a smile in his down mood.
"You guys are really willing to do this for me?" he asked looking to Charlie and Angel.
Charlie looked at Angel and back to her dad, and grabbed Lucifer's hands, "Yes, for you... and for us."
Lucifer smiled, "Ok... but can we actually have dinner before you go? I was anticipating an actual dinner instead of an intervention, but I guess I should have expected both." The room filled with laughter again and the group set up for dinner before Charlie and Angel would head out to find the Lounge, and more importantly, you.
Later that evening, you were hanging out in the lobby of the Lounge, the same way that you had the nights before Lucifer had started to take up more of your schedule. You were still getting clients, but it was back to the old torturous monotony as before, but it somehow felt worse now that you had gotten a taste of love... or what you thought had been love. Every client made you wish you were back in Lucifer's arms, wanting to explore Lucifer's body... not this shithole and all it's shitty clients.
You felt yourself grow more bitter as you saw Cynthhhhia grow back in popularity with the customers, it seemed her few days on the phones really scared her into staying in her lane, especially because Larry had apparently made her take all of the calls during those three days. Something did not sit right with you about her more recent success, but you didn't want to turn into another her. Plus, the happier she was, the more she left you alone. Guess there had to be a bright side, somewhere.
You were sitting on your favorite couch in a long, blue, shear, flowy robe, when you saw a tall pair of individuals walk into the lobby. But not just any two tall people, two that you recognized, Angel and Charlie. You eyes went wide, and you quickly slinked off to the dressing room to hide.
'What the hell? What are they doing there?!' you thought to yourself. You hoped they hadn't seen you, even though your time with Lucifer was up, you still wanted to keep his secret about the two of you.
Charlie and Angel walked up to the front counter where Larry was standing he did a double-take seeing both of them.
"Whoooaaa, Princess Morningstar! And the famous Angel Dust! What an honor to have you two in to join us this evening. Are we interested in having a little fun tonight? I am surprised, I didn't think one of Val's best boys would be needin' to pay for fun. Unless... you are looking for a change in employment?" He flashed a sharp smile.
Charlie piped up, "Hi! Uhh, Charlie is just fine. And no, neither of those things. We are here looking for one of your girls, (y/n)."
"Is she here tonight?" Angel added.
"Uhh... ya. What business do you have with her?" Larry asked, wondering how they knew her.
"She's a friend ah mine," Angel chimed in, "She's mean MIA for a few weeks and we have been worried about 'er, we were wantin' to check in on her. Charlie has gotten to know her a little too and wanted to come with."
"Can we pleaseee see her?" Charlie pleaded.
Larry thought for a moment, "I don't know, she is still on the clock for several more hours. I can't just let her off early." Charlie and Angel look at each other and nod, Charlie pulls out an bunch of cash, "Will this cover her for the rest of the night." Larry smiled as the amount of money in her hands, it was more than enough.
"I do believe that will work Ms. Mornin- uhh, Charlie," Larry said taking the cash, "Let me go get her." Charlie is glad that she learned that in some situations like this, money talked more than words or power. She came more prepared than she had with her conversation with Valentino over getting more of Angel's time.
Larry searched around before finding you in the dressing room, "Hey Babydoll, you've been bought out for the rest of the night by some friends of yours, Angel Dust and Charlie Morningstar. I didn't know you knew them." He said giving you a look.
They bought you out for the rest of the night? Did they come here specifically to find you? How did they know you were here? Did... did Lucifer tell them? You felt some fear and hope bloom in your chest.
"Oh, haha ya, you know me, I'm just not one to talk about my personal life at work," you gave Larry a big smile. He laughed, "Alright, keep your secrets, sounds like they wanted to talk to you about something, worried about you. Go show 'em a good time tonight, ok?" You nodded, and quickly switching out to a more solid less see-through robe, before walking out to the lobby.
Angel and Charlie saw you coming, Charlie ran to you but you stopped her short of you, "Not here, come with me," and you led your friends up to you apartment. Once you were inside you room and the door was locked, you said "Ok now you can hug me if you want to."
This time, both Charlie and Angel want to embrace you at the same time, starting to tear up a little.
"Oh my god, (y/n)! It's so good to see you! We were so worried about you!" Charlie asked.
"Ya! When you and Lucifer stopped showing up at the hotel to visit, we started worrying, babe," Angel added.
"Wait... hold up, Lucifer stopped showing up to the hotel? How did you know I was here?" you asked.
"We sat my Dad down and he finally broke and told us the truth about everything," Charlie said.
"Ya, he spilled da beans on your guy's relationship, you don't have to keep his secret from us anymore," Angel added.
Tears started to well up in your eyes, "I don't?!" The two nodded. You started to sob and hugged them back. "I- I'm so sorry, I- I didn't want to lie to anyone but he wanted to keep it discreet, which I understand, he is the King! And it was so confusing, and then, one night he got really drunk one night, and it worried me, he wasn't acting like himself, and told me he loved me, but, but I didn't know if I could believe him. And he was getting all touchy and doe eyed, and I didn't know what was really what he wanted because it was all so sudden. So I ran! I ran because I was so scared, and- and- and-" Charlie and Angel both hugged you and tried to shushed you through your crying.
"It's ok, no one is mad at you. That sounds like a hard position to be in, it sounds like there was a lot of confusion on both sides," Charlie said.
"Confusion?" you sniffled, "Is that why he hasn't called to schedule with me again?"
Charlie and Angel looked at each other then back to you, "You didn't ban him then?"
You blinked, "WHAT?! Why on earth would anyone think I blocked him?! No! I freaked out and went on a trip for a few days to clear my head. I came back and I was told that he said he would call to reschedule, and then he just never did! I thought he hated me!"
"No!" Charlie cried, "No, Oh my god, he is a total wreck without you! He misses you like crazy! He thinks he was put on your "No Kiss List" or something"
"We can't even say your name without him shuttin' down and lookin' like we killed his dog or somethin'," Angel added, Charlie gave him a look, "What?! It's true!"
You sat down on the couch and stared out for a minute, thinking, "Why didn't he come to ask me himself?"
Charlie shrugged, "He doesn't remember what happened that night, he is convinced that he hurt you terribly and that it's why you banned him. He didn't want to hurt you so he respected that wish. We tried to get him to come tonight but he was scared in case you really had banned him."
You thought for a few more moments, who could have caused this? Who would have done this to you both. Your eyes widened. No, could this have been... did Cynthhhhia do this? Would she have been the one to make the calls that day since that was her punishment. You were pretty sure, but you didn't want to act without proof. You clenched your fists, starting to fill with rage.
"Is he at the hotel?" They nodded. You thought again, "Can you take me to him?" They nodded again with more excitement.
"I have just one question for you, before we go," Charlie started, looking into your eyes, "Tell me truthfully, do you actually care about my dad, not just for an income, but as a person?"
You took Charlie's hands in your own, "Charlie, I really do... more than anything... in fact... I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him." Charlie and Angel squealed and jumped up and down.
"That's all I needed to hear, let's do this!" Charlie declared.
You took a few minutes to get dressed, and soon you were off to see Lucifer again. Cynthhhhia eyed you a little as you left, wondering what you were doing with the most famous porn star in the Pride Ring and the Princess of Hell. She rolled her eyes and went back to chatting it up with her next client out it the lobby, it was probably nothing of substance, and she already had big enough fish to fry to keep her focused on herself. Although, she did briefly amuse herself with the idea of seducing the Princess' father, oh how wonderful a dream that would be, but she knew better than to put more thought into that. Why would the King of Hell ever need a prostitute? She laughed to herself.
You, on the other hand, were so full of fear and excitement at the idea of seeing actually Lucifer again, it felt like a dream and you were scared to wake up. But if Charlie and Angel's reaction was any indication of anything, maybe Brooklyn had been right after all.
Thank you for putting up with torment! I made sure to get through this one quickier so that there was a return of hope. Next chapter they will finally talk in out, and then... a certain someone may see justice 😈
As usual, leave a comment if you want added to the taglist so that you can get notifications when future chapters drop! xoxo, dany (OMG there are so many of you!😍 Please let me know if the tag isn't working for you) Taglist :(red names are not tagging for some reason 😢)
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lurkingshan · 1 month
Japanese QL Corner
One show ends this week, but there are several more on the way, including a surprising adaptation. Of the six shows airing now, five are streaming weekly on Gaga and the other is available via fansub.
Takara's Treasure
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I. LOVE. THEM. Their little bird watching date was precious and I loved every moment of it, including Taishin's adorable outfit and over preparedness, Takara's secret smiles, and the patient search for the wallet. I was so relieved that Taishin named his fears about them not being suited upfront instead of letting it grow into a huge anxiety in his own head, and I was also happy Takara was eager to speak with him about his impending relocation. That said, NOOOOOOOO I don't want a forced separation and time skip, show. Please I am begging.
Cosmetic Playlover
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This was my favorite week for this show by far, because they actually let us see the relationship at its center! I enjoyed finally spending some time with these two as a couple, though I still find the timing and sequencing of these plots confusing as hell. Last week Sahashi gave Mamiya keys to his place and it was implied they'd been dating for quite awhile and were already serious, but this week we learn Mamiya has never spent the night and they are only just having sex for the first time. It was a real record scratch for me; I can't get my bearings in this relationship trajectory with all the gaps in the story. But hey, at least they finally let them make out a little! For a show that sold itself as toxic sexy, there has been very little toxicity or sex, tbh.
I Hear the Sunspot
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*rubs temples* This show is really testing my patience. I got excited last week when Kohei and Taichi finally had a real conversation and it seemed like we were moving forward, but this week we're back to treading water. This story did not need 12 episodes; this pacing, while faithful to the manga as I understand it, does not work well for weekly live action. It's been weeks since we've learned anything new about these characters or advanced the central relationship, and the show continues to stumble with its confused depiction of Maya. I just want this show to pull together and finish strong, because I think a lot of this will be much more tolerable on a binge watch. For now I will just gaze at Kohei's beautiful smiling face and hope for a full recovery.
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko
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I said last week that the show had gotten so muddled I didn't think they'd be able to end well, and even with those very low expectations this finale still managed to get underneath them. The last several episodes made a mess of the characters, the conflict, and the themes of the show, and to add insult to injury, they capped it all off with angle kisses, a time skip, and a bizarre sex negative ending that had our "boob monster" adult lesbian refusing to have sex with her girlfriend for over a year so she could "cherish" her before randomly kissing her at the office as if that was the important resolution we'd been waiting for. A truly horrid ending that ruined everything this show did so well in its early episodes. I don't understand!! Big sigh and fingers crossed for a decent sexy gl sometime in the near future.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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I've just been beaming and staring into space for the last several minutes after finishing this episode. No matter what else happens in the shows, I love knowing I am always going to end my week in jql on a good note while this gem is airing. This week marked a transition point for Ishida and Mitsuya, as Ishida had a great conversation with Noguchi, found a new passion and put in for a job transfer, and had his final meeting and meal with Mitsuya as writer and editor. Which they immediately followed with a date and mutual acknowledgment of the feelings between them! And what a fantastic date it was, with every moment so invigorating and wonderfully adult. Mitsuya's quiet confidence and amusement at Ishida's nerves, Ishida's clarity on how he wants Mitsuya to see him, the mutual compliments and gestures and smiles and eye contact, ahhhhhhhhh. I also loved that Ishida got to be the one to show Mitsuya something new at the end, to get him to run with joy for the first time in ages and introduce him to a new food. I am so excited to see their dating era begin in earnest. You can find the episode with subtitles courtesy of @isaksbestpillow here.
Tagging @bengiyo to add this week's anime update.
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lovinpelova · 8 months
try it out | j. fleming
summary; if jessie likes your hobbies, you should like hers.
🎵 jackie and wilson - hozier
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since you were a little kid you've loved lego, it's just common for children to adore it and want as much as possible until they reach a certain age and decide to throw it out instead of letting it grow dusty on their shelves. you were the opposite to other kids, keeping up with the so-called obsession and spending a fair amount of money on it, hating the idea of making new things yourself and opting to stay with the sets lego would release often. your favourite type of lego set to build was the cars, they were just so cute and didn't take up too much of your day, giving you something to focus on and use to calm down in your free time.
jessie loved your adoration of lego. she found it adorable how you'd get excited when you saw a new set you wanted and bought it almost immediately after a moment of contemplation about the price, the canadian knowing you'd always end up getting it anyways. she'd bought you a new lego set for christmas, a massive white porsche 911 that clearly wouldn't have been cheap due to the size, you complained about the inevitable price but she waved you off with the claim of your smile being worth much more when you saw it and thanked her.
now you were finally getting around to building it and would need help no matter how much you hated to admit it. the bigger sets always got the best of you and you'd either do it wrong or be unable to find a piece you needed, so jessie decided to help out. it was going well so far, sitting comfortably on the living room floor as she'd help you put pieces in place and hand you the odd one you were struggling to find, other than that she would sit and watch in awe as you concentrated more than she'd ever seen- even in training you'd never been this focused.
"since i'm helping you with your hobby, would you wanna try one of mine when we've finished this?"
you looked up momentarily to figure out what she meant before going back to pushing the lego pieces together, finally understanding jessie's question.
"as long as it's not hockey or photography, you know how i am with those two."
"don't worry babe, it's neither of them. i was thinking maybe you'd wanna try painting for the first time?"
jessie handed you a lego piece you were struggling to find for the next step, yourself smiling in thanks and leaning over to kiss her cheek softly as you took it out of her hand.
"yeah, why not? i am pretty bad at painting though, just to warn you."
"you're only bad at painting if you're not fully focused. you'll have me to help out too!"
after another couple hours of piecing together your new lego set you'd finally finished it, looking down in pride alongside jessie as you high-fived to celebrate finally being able to get rid of the hip cramp from how you were sat.
"okay, you go find a place for that whilst i get the stuff for painting yeah?"
"okay baby."
you smiled in response before setting off upstairs and finding your lego shelf, having to move a few things about before you could fit the massive model. looking at it in pride one last time, you set off downstairs to find jessie laying out paints and brushes alongside two canvases next to each other, the canadian opting to sit across from you rather than next to you so you wouldn't get paint on each other.
"oh this is gonna be fun!"
you stated excitedly as jessie grinned at your enthusiasm for her hobby, glad you share an aptitude in exploring each others interests. you sat down across from jessie and picked up a pencil like she did, noticing the small smile she wore once she realised you were copying her in fear of doing anything wrong.
"what are we painting then?"
your question sent jessie deep into thought for a moment as she looked around the room for ideas.
"oh! i've got it. how about we paint what we think the other would be if we were animals but don't tell each other? you know, like a guessing game."
"that's such a cute idea! i'm not sure how i'm gonna draw my animal though."
"just google a picture, you'll be fine baby."
you grabbed your phone and googled 'moose' to remember what they even look like, realising you'd gotten yourself into trouble choosing this animal but it was too late now. you stood your canvas up on the small easel jessie had brought over for you just like she did with her own, making sure she couldn't see when you drew the first couple lines and it immediately went wrong. deciding to commit and feeling it might get better as you draw more, you continued the outline of your moose and it gradually got better, it wasn't the best but it was certainly a lot easier to make out than when you first started a couple minutes ago.
once you'd finished with your outline you grew weary of the painting part, knowing you'd have to get it over and done with otherwise you'd be drawing instead. you grabbed the colours you needed and set them out on a small palette, getting to work on painting the moose and being surprised by how easy it was, deciding to even paint in the background as one that looks like the boreal forest in canada whenever it snowed. jessie was finishing up her painting by now and seemed very proud of it just the same as you, adding a couple finishing touches and putting down her paintbrush a couple minutes before yourself.
"you ready?"
she asked as you stood up in front of your canvases, nodding your head in response. eager to show your work and getting a nod from jessie once she saw your excitement, you turned around your easel and watched her jaw drop in amazement.
"oh my god, baby that's the most beautiful painting i've ever seen. and you think i'm a moose! god i love you so much, you're so good at this!"
"it's mediocre, jess- and of course i think you're a moose! they're all you ever talk about. i need to see what animal i am though, the suspense is killing me."
jessie snapped out of her amazement and grinned down at her painting for a moment before spinning the easel around, showing you a stunning painting of an elephant in the african outback, a beautiful sunset along the background.
"before you take it wrong, i chose an elephant because you're so gentle and caring. you know how nice they can be."
jessie shyly explained as you grinned in appreciation, admiring the painting for a couple more moments before stepping forwards and pulling her into a soft kiss.
"it's almost as beautiful as you jess."
"alright playboy, stop trying to flatter me just so you can get my art for free."
"oh i had to pay hm?"
you teased, jessie nodding her head in response as you smiled at each other and turned towards your paintings.
"of course, artwork like that doesn't come for free. i reckon around three hundred quid."
"i'm selling mine for that amount too, maybe we can swap and call it even?"
"good idea, i want your signature too though."
you quickly grabbed a pencil and signed your painting in a blank area, jessie doing the same with hers as you swapped paintings and shook each others hands.
"pleasure doing business with you."
"but of course."
the brunette laughed with you and leaned forward for a soft kiss, both of you pulling away not long after to clear up all the paints and brushes before looking around the house for a perfect spot. you eventually found one right above your shared bed, the moose being hung up above jessie's side and elephant hung up above yours, like a little inside joke.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 4 days
Now hear me out,what if. What if we did get Sent back to our world. But. Our monke was sent with us. Pretty please 👉👈🥺 We gotta fuel the shenanigans of things somehow. I wanna see him get whiplash from both technology and culture shock. We've been nice to our boi for a good while,it's time to bully him finally.
When you both wake up in the middle of the city, with people standing, asking if there was a con around or something, you know that you both are in something big.
You needed to find a good hiding place, but you knew what was happening: you and the Destined One were now in your own world.
The buzzling city, the cars, the technology—everything made his poor brain scrumble. You cane from this?! This chaos?!
The smell for him is difficult to handle, the absence of trees, and the strange behavior of the people...
"This is...your home?"
Hiding in a tree, the two of you admired the small portion of the city that the park hallowed you to observe. While you remembered what it feels like to breathe the same air where you were born, Yuán Fèn couldn't take his eyes off the palace in the distance.
"Are those... pagodas?"
"Oh no, those are skycrapers. People live and work there."
Everything was out standing. And the mortal did it without the help of gods or others! They did it themselves! He gasped again, his tail swaving excited.
"We should go now! ...Maybe you can finally meet my family!"
That's your plan...until you find out what's really happened to you.
You were wondering if the car that had crashed into you was some sort of allucination or something like that, but when you reached your home, you could feel all the pain that you hadn't felt the day of the accident.
When you knocked at your door, you guessed that your mother could feel dizzy. After your disappearance of months, what you didn't expect was her tò Just faint on your porch, right in front of you and Yuán Fèn. You both were able to bring her into her room, and after that, you started to notice a pattern that scared you.
While Yuán Fèn tried to make her come back from the world of the living, you noticed the door of your room locked; many of your photos were missing from the usual spot. And there, in the living room, a photo of you at your prom, in an intricate frame. Written in silver ink, the lines "in loving memory.".
You really wanted to faint at that moment.
It feels so strange looking at your own grave. You guessed that they would you in this one particular spot. It was a family place there.
"I told them that I wanted to be cremated."
Yuán Fèn was more interested in trying to decipher your mental state. You were just there, watching at your own photo. He felt so strange... so that was what Mitraya meant when he said you were rebuking everything in your real world by choosing him. He looked again at that stone block, your name carved in there... then moved away.
"Okay, I think I'm in need of... What are you doing?!"
You spotted him taking a few flowers from one spot to another.
"Playing respect!"
"To Who?!"
Then, with the small bouquet in his hand, he put the flowers in the small pot near your photo. 
"..oh ..." That was the only word that you said after that.
Three things were clear to you:
1) Going back to Mount Huaguo was the priority;
2) You needed to find some money since you were basically broke;
3) Need to keep the monkey away from every electrical device.
The first one was based more on a sense of morality. After all, you made a choice, and that was the choice to stay in that world full of magic because you fell in love with the destined one and a simple cane back home wasn't enough to move you. 
Not to mention that you have nothing that came back anymore, so...
The second, hard but not that much. You have nowhere to go, so you were forced to stay in a cheap and very not so sanitary motel that you both found. 
Luck were your side because that place needed someone that could clean or fix staff and you two? We're the masters at fixing staff...sorta.
But the third one...oooh boy...
You were drinking coffee, how much did you miss it, trying to schedule the next day of work for you and Yuán Fèn. You could clearly hear him doing something in the small kitchenette, moving staff, putting them somewhere, opening things, cutting them...
Then you heard the roar of that old blender that you both found around.
" DARLING?" You used your very sweet tone, a sign that you were expecting the worst for him. "What are you doing?!"
"That doesn't sound like a -"
And there, in front of you, he putted a very strangely colored liquid, viscous, and with some strange objects floating here and there.
"What Is It?"
"A bunch of staff!"
"I know that; it's clearly a bunch of different staff."
"You should try it, then talk!"
"I genuinely want it five meters away from me."
"Suit yourself!" And then, in your horror, he proceeded to drink the staff. 
After days of adjusting and trying to get used back to the modern world, when you both got inside your shared room and found no one but Maitreya himself, you both got a huge shock. You don't know what was the most unrecognizable scene—the actual boy in the room or the fact that he was reading a comic book that talked about the Monkey King or the Yankees cap in his head.
And he just waved! Like nothing! 
He decided to give some explanation, but the most important was why you were sent there and how to. come back.
The first was more for the two of you. After your decision, you decided to leave your world behind, but you did know what that really meant? He wanted to know that and gave you a free way out, a small taste of your original world, and the thought that even this could sway you away from the destined one, and he received a slap on his head by you, and he admitted he deserved it. Another test of loyalty? They really believed you were so easy?!
Well, many were before you...
As for coming back, it was easy, of course! Did he not do it himself right now? 
When you and Yuán Fèn looked at each other, Happy Tò was able to finally come back to Mount Huaguo, but you were stopped by the kid.
"You have to finish your schedule this week! And, oh, won't it be better if you gave a notice?"
How the heck did he know these things?!
"Aaand," he continued, holding an old toaster, "explain to me this little miracle."
@sun-jglim @crimsonflameproxy
@everlastingmoonlightsworld @biankanoir
@miraclecherryblossomsblog @sleepingdramaqueen
@certifiedsimpinggalore @cromboloni
@masksandfeathers @cinnamonroll-anon
@justrandomlypassing @cute-angi
@luckyangelballoon @dressycobra7
@naarra @virtualexpertanchor
@phoenixeclipse-lmkau @szynkaaa
@kirax-the-lazy-girl. @sleepydang
@weaverworks @kishimiest
@marcu-bug @thepoweroffiction
@riolu4 @angryvampire
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Prediction for the start of season 5
I've been going crazy trying to figure out just how they'll transition into season 5. It certainly seems like "life goes on" in Hawkins despite everything that happened at the end of season 4. While it does seem like there's a military presence in town, there are clues that quite a bit of time has passed.
Aside from dates left on papers on set and whatnot, which could potentially be faked to throw people off, we see character differences that indicate time. El's hair has grown back. It's hard to tell just how long it is now, but it looks to be at least as long as it was in season 3, if not longer. We've seen little of Hopper, but we've been able to see set photos of David with a long beard. Then there's Holly, who seems older even taking into account the casting change.
This tells me we're looking at an approximate 8 months to one year time skip. While we might see some immediate aftermath from after the ending of season 4, the bulk of season 5 seems to be set in late Fall/early Winter of 1987. This isn't taking into account a possible rumored second time skip considering they're only halfway through filming.
So, how do we go from the end of the world to almost a year later? Well, there wasn't much that could be done in the position our heroes are in. Here's what I think happens after that final scene in the field.
Shortly after the "earthquake," an Army Corps of Engineers detachment arrives to help rebuild, overseen by Lt. Col. Sullivan. They proceed to block off affected areas for "safety concerns" under the pretense of having to seal up the fissures to allow for later rebuilding. In reality, they are setting up research stations and entry points while also preventing anyone else from getting in...or anything getting out.
Blocked off from being able to go after the weakened Vecna, and now faced with the concern of Sullivan possibly finding El, the heroes have to regroup. They both need to be able to hide El and have a safe base of operations. Agent Stinson arranges to set El and Hopper in the old WSQK radio station under the guise of the station being under new ownership.
While researching, I found out that many old radio stations had emergency shelters built by the government during the Cold War in case of a nuclear attack. Like the Dept of Energy Lab before it, the radio station would serve as a legitimate front for getting equipment and other resources they may need for what they're really up to. The shelter would also provide a place to hide their real activity and keep El safe. It may also even potentially provide access to the areas the military blocked off if the shelters contain escape tunnels.
We would essentially find out that the time since the end of season 4 were spent with the heroes trying to find a way into the Upside Down to get Henry while he's weak. However, it's just not possible with the military presence. The mission turns to trying to monitor both the military and the Upside Down threat until a window presents itself.
What might be the event that provides this window? I have some ideas.
The military breaches a Gate, which allows for Upside Down creatures to get out.
El has a breakthrough in her search for Max, providing them a critical clue.
Henry comes back to full strength, leading to Will getting Harry Potter-like visions of his plans.
Problems I have with this idea:
El is once again living in hiding, just as she did in season 2. I can't imagine she's able to get any kind of education unless Owens' people can set her up with tutoring.
The Byers being in town would certainly tip off Sullivan, and it doesn't look like they're lying low. I suppose they could feign moving back to Hawkins because they think she's dead.
What is up with Owens, and would his people even have the ability to do anything after the losses sustained from Sullivan's actions?
Why the hell would anyone even stay in Hawkins? This isn't the first disaster the town has dealt with in the past few years. I suppose it would cause property values to plummet to levels that could prompt a rich family to buy up land in preparation for owning everything after rebuilding. There was a Turnbow Land Development & Realty ad seen on set.
Does anyone else have thoughts on this?
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blackdagger456 · 2 months
Let's Talk About: MHA 430, How This Fandom Can't Read, How Leaks Ruin Chapters And While Imperfect This Finale Was A Good Sendoff
So, here we are.
Ten years. Ten years and 430 chapters we've been with My Hero Academia. Ten long years of excitement, fandom interactions and so many fics I won't bother to count saved, subscribed and bookmarked.
It's strange really. To be apart of this fandom for so long...and find out that so many still can't read.
Like holy cheeseburgers Batman, so many of my fellow MHA readers/fans can't read it's astonishing.
So, for what'll be the last time for this series, let's go over the latest chapter of MHA and allow me to inform you of what it means. Or at least, that was the plan before the leaks came out. Just with the added addition of going over how people have reacted to chapter 430 before it was even officially out, and we're going to start with the first stone that began toppling Dominos.
[Official Spoilers Below]
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This. Oh god, this sentence has been nothing but a headache for me and so many others. Because of the leaks ,and subsequent mistranslations, being taken as fact the reaction to the finale started out as shit. This entire week leading up to today has been frustrating for me and many others as we tried to explain what should be obvious.
Firstly, none of this is coming from any official translation. What people were seeing before today were things fans and unlicensed translators are spreading around as if it's fact. This does NOT mean that they are correct and therefore these translations shouldn't be treated as such.
Secondly, in no way shape or form does Izuku imply or state that his friends abandoned him after he lost his powers. All he said, was that it was a bit more difficult to meet up regularly. Something that makes sense not only because they were working in different fields but also because work in general is like that.
It can be hard to meet up with the boys n girls for hang outs but that doesn't mean you don't talk. That doesn't mean you don’t call or text or keep in touch. Something which is easier to do when you've fought and lived through an entire war together!
His friends didn't abandon him. They didn't stop caring about him because he became powerless. Hell, the ending of the chapter proves this wrong if nothing else!
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Now, is it a shame the ships didn't get officially confirmed? Yes. But I think the implications are more than enough to satisfy. Even if they aren't, there's no reason not have fun with things being open ended. It opens the door to so many fun possibilities OUTSIDE of this whole NTR trend people are trying to start. [Thankfully that's a small part of the fandom]
But moving on, lets go into what he's been doing since becoming OFA.
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In what way shape or form does him becoming a teacher make him 'fall off'/make the Mc Donald’s meme become a reality?
 First off why are we hating on the man for enjoying his life without conflict after saving the world? We doing my boy like Gohan now? If he wants to retire to a teaching role, one he very clearly enjoys, let him. What do people think they can take him? Ya'll forgetting exactly what he had to do BEFORE he was able to get OFA in the first place. Izuku is still physically stronger than most normal people both in MHA and in reality.
But, I'm getting off topic. The point is Izuku has and continues to be an inspiration to those that will follow after him. Even to the point of mirroring his starting point with All Might when he inspires yet another young kid to become a hero.
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Is he a bit sad he isn't an official hero? Yes. Is he frustrated or unhappy with where he is in life? No. Not at all. He's content. His goal was never to be the No.1 Hero it was to be like ALL MIGHT. To inspire and protect people like his mentor had.
He's done just that and for it---for it he's rewarded.
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His kindness, his determination and his faith in those around him comes back to him in the best way for it was those people he spread said traits too that spent those eight years putting together the thing that would bring his dream back to him.
That would bring HIM back to standing by their side on the field of battle. For Izuku Midoriya never truly stopped standing by his friends. For they too had become their own inspirations to Japan and the world. But now, finally, their friend...their inspiration...their Deku could lead them on the frontlines once more.
They, and he, couldn't ask for anything less.
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sturn-wrld · 9 months
🪼one bed
pairing: matt x reader
summary: where reader has a crush on matt but doesn't know he likes her as well
genre: SMUT!!! if that makes you uncomfortable dni!
warnings: unprotected p in v (don't be silly, wrap the willy), nicknames
a/n: day 5 of smutmas. idk how to feel about this one.
you and matt had known each other for as long as you remember. there hadn't been a day you didn't see him. but you also don't remember a day where you didn't think of him and his dreamy eyes, beautiful smile and gorgeous hair. despite the strong feelings you feel about him constantly you had never told him. even after you moved in with him and his brothers in la, you still didn't tell him.
it had been 5 months since you moved in with the triplets and you all needed a well deserved vacation. so you are now sat in the airport waiting for your flight to the bahamas to board and take off.
having arranged the seats months prior you had forgotten you and matt offered to sit next to each other and wondered how you would survive through the whole flight next to him.
somehow you were able to make it through the flight without total embarrassment or combusting from matt obviously looking at you or talking lowly to you and now you are in the beautiful country of the bahamas. in the same sense you had organised with the group to sit next to matt on the plane you were going to share rooms as well.
as you and matt reached the biggest room in the airbnb you open the door to there being one bed. you immediately look at each other, figuring out the solution in your heads.
"i thought there would be more than one bed"
"me too. i can sleep on the couch if that makes you comfortable"
"no no. if anyone should i will but if your cool with sleeping in the same bed as me i am"
"sure we've done it before on accident, it won't be any different"
as matt and i made ourselves comfortable in our new bedroom for the week, we became hungry. apparently along with matt and nick. as the four of you sat downstairs eating the food you had just ordered nick mapped out the next week of fun activities that started today, probably your favourite day of the week, relaxing all day. your choice was in the pool.
after a long day of fun in the pool it finally came time to shower and get ready for bed. while you stood in yours and matt's shared shower you thought back on some of the moments that happened throughout the day. one stuck out in particular, matt had placed his hand around you and called you baby when you were having a conversation with nick.
"hey baby, what are you two talking about over here?" matt said placing his arm lowly on your hip looking between you and nick.
"n-nothing" you stuttered looking from his hand to his face. in all honesty you were talking about how you needed to tell matt that you liked him, which is a little weird as nick was his brother but you were friends with nick first.
as you now stand out of the shower wondering what he meant by this very meaningless phrase that many people use, you considered asking him about the interaction but decided to save it for the awkward chats you would have while trying to fall asleep tonight.
as you slowly slipped under the covers next to matt, you dazed over at his lowly lit facial features, being barely lit by the light of his dull phone. you continued to lay there in silence until he placed his phone down on his bedside table, laying down next to you.
"how did you like the day?" he asked turned m his side facing you
"good, i mean we didn't do much all day and the pool is pretty good" you struggled to continue to look into his soft eyes as he listened to every word you said intently, holding back what you actually wanted to talk about.
"anything else?" he said as he moved a strand of your hair from your face.
"uh, i mean yeah, earlier when you come over to me and was wrapped around me did that mean anything to you?"
"of course it did beautiful. i don't know how it took you so long to realise that there was more to this." he said ponting between the two of you
"i mean you weren't that obvious until today but i would like to think i was pretty obvious" you said with a yawn attached to the end.
"yeah, we'll talk about this more in the morning after you've rested" matt finished the conversation pulling you into a cozy cuddle.
as you started to fall asleep you subconsciously snuggled your body into his rubbing your side up against his groin earning a groan from matt. after this the small wriggles became anything but subconscious. suddenly matt grabbed your hips to position you still.
"are you okay there baby?"
"yeah i'm perfectly fine, are you?"
"not if you keep moving"
"why's that?" you asked obliviously knowing exactly why
"do you want to know now because i know you are going to keep moving"
"yes please"
with that matt started slowly removing both of our bottoms while kissing the back of your neck and shoulders. you kept grinding back on his now hard cock wanting more friction.
"hold on darling, be patient"
this sentence was nothing but absolute joy for your ears to hear. almost seconds later he gotten on his knees, flipping your body onto your stomach and pulled your ass up to his now hard dick.
"come on baby, stop teasing" you whined almost moaning it
that was the tipping point, he rammed his cock so hard into your hole causing a loud moan to escape your lips. matt instantly putting his hand over your mouth.
"do you want everyone to hear? didn't think so, be quiet"
the way he said it was heavenly. once you had started to fuck yourself on his cock he held your hips and started fucking you at an animalistic pace.
"oh fuck beautiful your so tight" he said leaning forward, kissing the back of your neck
you only moaned quietly in response as he had reached a depth that seemed impossible. suddenly he started rubbing your clit at a similar animalistic pace causing you to reach the edge.
"i'm so close matt, keep going"
"hold it until i say gorgeous"
after a few more rough slams against me i couldn't hold it anymore and neither could matt.
"cum now princess"
he came inside of me before slowly continuing to calm us from how highs. he pulled out and pulled me into his arms.
"i'm kind of glad there was only one bed now"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn
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First For Everything
Sebastian x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "Sebastian and female mc, finally realising they have feelings for each other and have their first time together"
Word Count - 2,926
Warnings - 18+ smut, characters aged up, soft Sebastian
Sebastian had known you a relatively short time compared to everyone else in his life, since you didn't show up until 5th year. That just meant that he fell hard and fast.
No one had been able to understand him like you; understand his fierce urge to protect everyone around him; understand that he would sacrifice himself and his morals in the process if he needed to; understand that he essentially lived his life for everyone else around him, taking on the role of a martyr no matter what that meant.
You were the reason why he decided that after you didn't send him to Azkaban it was time for him to change, he had to change for you. He had to change not to drag you down the dark path he started to fall towards.
Now you were 7th years, about to move on with your lives and he still had neglected to tell you his real feelings. And you had never mentioned a word to him, so he was ready to be let down and swallow the feelings for the rest of his life, doomed to be alone.
Presently you sat in the courtyard together. It was quiet and empty, most everyone else was in class, but the two of you were free for a period.
You sat across from each other, you had your cheeks pushed against your hands that were propped on the table, "Sebastian, what do you hope you get to do after the NEWTs? I mean, I feel like we've already lived a lifetime here."
He quirked an eyebrow at you, "You haven't even been here a whole 7 years."
You shrugged, "I hardly think that matters. I think I could go my whole life never casting a defensive spell again."
"Maybe I could go my whole life making sure that you don't have to." He reached a gentle hand out to place over yours, tilting his head as he looked at you longingly.
"Sebastian? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying."
"I'm saying that running around keeping you out of trouble might not be so bad."
You looked at him stunned, sitting up and rubbing his fingers between yours, "Are you kidding me? When you have ever not been up to no good?"
He avoided your gaze, feeling a little bit embarrassed he couldn't come out right and say how he felt.
"I think since I've been with you, after I hit rock bottom I guess, that I've been doing pretty well for myself. You're good for me and it's a little bit addicting. Well, I mean, not with you with you, but around you - had you in me life -"
"Yes?" He covered his mouth in defeat.
"I don't want to leave you behind either, I quite like you."
He stared at you careful before leaning across the table to get close to you, "What about love?"
He briefly looked down at your lips and back up to your eyes before his lips met yours with a soft kiss.
You reached forward placing a hand at the base of his neck, tilting him closer, "Sebastian, let's go somewhere else."
You felt your heart racing as the two of you went hand in hand up to the dorms and into his room, luckily it was all vacated since it was still mid-day.
As soon as the door closed Sebastian spun around and placed an arm above your head, looking down at you with heavy eyes. "You know, I had wondered if I would ever get to bring a girl in here."
You rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully, "You could have had me here a long time ago."
His lips curled up in a smirk and he took to wrapping his arms around your waist, tugging you close, "If that's the case, I think we have to make him for some lost time."
He leaned to kiss you again, more aggressively than before. He was eager and tired of waiting, he wanted a taste of forever.
He hoisted your hips up for you to wrap your legs around him as carried you over to his bed. You clung onto him, pushing desperately at the fabric of his robes as he took a seat.
"Someone seems a little excited," he teased against your neck, moving down to leave sloppy kisses and nip at your skin.
You ground your hips against his, feeling how hard he was through his trousers, he fell back on the bed looking a beautiful mess; face flushed, lips parted and swollen, eyes drooping closed as looked at you lustfully, "I think maybe you're more excited."
You shrugged out of your robes, tossing them carelessly before making quick work of the buttons on your blouse. All Sebastian could do was stare in awe and what he had been waiting for for so long. You.
The plush skin of your breasts now revealed alongside the curve of your stomach and he couldn't take it, he grabbed your hips to pull you closer making you topple down onto him.
He flipped you over so that he was over top of you. He removed his own top layers, lazily unbuttoning his pants. He took to kneading your exposed skin, wanting to memorize every inch of you. He slipped his hand past your short chemise a pinched at the sensitive peak of your nipple, making you arch your back beneath him.
He loved watching you respond to his touch. He crashed his lips to yours once more, hands never leaving your body. He pulled your skirt up to your waist, pulling your now soiled undergarments down and melted alongside you while he started rubbing your slick around.
He reveled in your gasps and moans and slipped a finger inside of you out of curiosity. You bit down on your lip at the feeling, loving it, but at the same time it was a new sensation for you.
"Se - Sebastian, will you be gentle?" You weren't sure how he would react, you knew he would immediately know it was your first time.
He raised a hand to caress your jaw, giving you softer kisses before speaking, "I will, darling. I was always saving myself for you anyways so I'll be whatever you need me to be," he placed more kisses down your collarbone and shoulders, "if patient and slow is what you need, you've got it."
You pushed him back enough to get a good look at him and cup his face, trailing your hands down his chest. You smiled feeling the small tufts of auburn hair, but you felt like you were going to lose your mind as you traced it all the way down to a happy trail, ending only because his pants were still in the way.
"I want more Sebastian. I want to see all of you." You felt suddenly bashful, but you felt like you would explode if he wasn't naked soon. He laughed and flashed his perfect smile before getting up on his knees to pull everything down.
You could feel his cock pressing against you when he layed himself across you to kick his pants the rest of the way off. It was the most intimate thing you had ever experienced being so close, trusting him so much.
You told him that you loved him at the moment and he felt feral for you. He muttered how much he loved you too and he was feeling all over you, taking the lead and leaving no inch of you untouched before he started teasing your entrance with himself.
"Do you think you're ready?" He held you close, feeling so fragile, but ready to stop at a moment's notice if you said so.
You nodded to him and he eased himself inside of you, taking his time. You clung to him, gripping the muscles of his back and squeezing him with your thighs as you adjusted.
When he was finally all the way inside of you, you both enjoyed the most peaceful moment just laying with one another before you gave him the green light to continue.
After everything was comfortable, all bets were off. He held onto you as if his life depend on it as he found a steady rhythm pounding in and out of you, holding on for his life not to cum before you did.
He resumed where he had started with your clit earlier, spitting on his fingers before rubbing rough circles in the spot he found to be your favorite. He was red in the fact and head sweat on his forehead from holding back as he focused on your pleasure from the inside out.
You moaned his name loudly and pressed your nails into his back hard and just like that he was done for. He kept his thumb on you as he pulled himself out, shooting ropes of cum over his hand and your stomach.
He panted heavily as you forced his hand off your button, barely about to breathe as you recovered from the orgasm. He pumped his own cock a few more times to get every last drop out before he fell onto you in a sweaty, sticky embrace.
You sat in a comfortable silence for what felt like it could have been hours, before he lifted his head up to look at you.
"I love you so much. I, er, I'm not so sure I love this mess we made," he said as he tried to life his torso from yours.
You shook your head and assured him it was worth it as you tried to determine the best way to start the clean up.
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galadrieljones · 26 days
Zabel Interview, Team Delusional Round-up, re: the past few weeks (months?) 💫
(Based on an ask from @natural-blue-26! This post contains spoilers, pertaining to the script leak. If you don't want them, turn back!!)
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First, let me say that @twdmusicboxmystery has posted an excellent video covering this topic over at her youtube channel. This post is jumping off of that, with some additional takes and analysis by me!
Also, note that I wanted to wait to post or to talk about this too much publicly until today, as I think there are a lot of genuine shippers who might be let down right now. Not all c*rylers are unhappy, unruly people. Many are shippers just like us, and even though I don't ship it, I support them. I am only putting this in the Team Delusional tag, so anyone who sees this is seeing it either because they follow me, follow the tag, follow someone who follows me, or they went looking for it themselves. I am not making drama or inciting a "ship war." If you're here out of anger, I suggest you turn back. I am just going to go over what I see.
The Facts
There has been a recent spate of events that have lead Team Delusional to a rare and more than modest resurgence. Until now, we were mostly just working with templates and symbolism, with a healthy dose of informed meta and speculation: We were seeing how the season 4/5 template was beginning to unfold toward the Grady arc, which includes Carol in a major role.
BUT. Let's check in with what's been going on over the past six months. A lot of this new resurgence starts with Emily's multiple trips to Europe for TWD cons in the past six months, integrated with her (yet unrealized) insinuation that she has been in studio recording one or more songs that Beth sang on TWD. Massive financial burdens aside, these are unusual undertakings for Emily. While she has done many fan cons over the years, visiting Europe twice in a four month period is bizarre (as well as expensive). She also talked openly and excitedly in the panel at French comic-con about how cool it would be if Beth returned. Further, Emily's "re-recording" of "Parting Glass" and possibly other TWD songs was a fairly big announcement for us at the time, but we haven't seen any more on it since. Speculation went everywhere from "She'll be singing in a flashback in Daryl Dixon season 2" to "Her songs will be part of the soundtrack" to "She'll actually BE in season 2, singing, in the present moment."
A lot of these things, if they were spread out over a 5 year period, wouldn't matter at all. But the fact that they're all taking place in the six-month run-up to Daryl Dixon s. 2, when we've already been able to speculate her tenuous return based on templates and other tells, is exciting. It's been almost ten years to the day of Beth's *death.* Why now? The timing on all of this is very suspicious.
Now, a few weeks ago, there was a LEAKED SCRIPT excerpt, which was claimed to be the final scene of DD 2.6. In the script, we learn that Isabelle has died and is appearing to Daryl in the form of a hallucination while he fights walkers in the Chunnel. This was confusing for many reasons. First, we already know, given their ruthless advertisement of the fact, that season 3 is already being filmed in Spain. So why are they headed to England? Also, where the hell is Laurent? Further, Isabelle's death, while unsurprising to many of us, creates some new questions. Many members of a certain *other* ship were ecstatic to learn about Isabelle's death, as Daryl/Isabelle ship rumors have been rampant in the fandom basically since season 1. Forget the fact that the same ship FREAKED out over Daryl/Leah three years ago (a clear nothingburger). Any time another female character even comes into contact with Daryl, a notable portion of fans must make their "displeasure" widely known.
Moving on. Yesterday, an article came out summarizing a yet-unreleased interview with David Zabel in SFX magazine. You can read it here. In the interview, Zabel makes the following comment about "C*ryl":
"The obvious thing to do, and the easier thing to do would be, 'Okay, now they're falling in love and they're a couple.' But I always felt like that would be a mistake, because it would feel like you were going into the TV book of tricks," he explains. "To me, there was never a question that [their connection] was something other than what it is, and what it seems to want to be, and why it works so well."
Zabel then goes on to hint at a highly-contentious romance with Daryl and Isabelle:
"What happened in season one was that you could see a connection forming, for sure," he says. "We didn't manufacture that but we left room for it. A lot of season two is about the development of that and where that relationship goes, and that little surrogate family of Isabelle, Daryl and Laurent."
Now, the full interview doesn't come out until September 4, at which point, we may get a clearer picture of what's going on. However, it seems that Zabel is politely declining the "C*ryl as romance" narrative. In the quote, he uses the excuse of wanting to avoid TV tropes; however, he then goes on to say (in a portion of the quote that is being wildly misinterpreted among the c*ryl ship) that "To [him]," there was "never a question that [their connection was something other than what it is." He then equates "what it is" with "what it seems to want to be" and "why it works so well." The misinterpretation is coming with that second part. "What it is" = friendship. Zabel is clearly saying that c*ryl "seems to want to be" exactly "what it is," aka: a sacred friendship and nothing more. He's basically saying that this already "works so well," and so why fix what ain't broke? Why create a romance between two characters who are clearly just very, very good friends when he could go another, more interesting direction?
Certain c*ryl accounts have misinterpreted that section of the quote. They seem to think he's saying that the c*ryl ship "seems to want to be" something else, something other than what it is. But if you follow the grammatical logic of the sentence, you can see that they're wrong here. It wants to be what it already is, which is friendship. Of course, to c*rylers, what it already is = romance, but that isn't canon. There's no proof of this. In fact, there's more proof to the contrary, that they're best friends. They're family. Carol was married to somebody else, raised a child with him, still holds a contentious relationship with the other man, allowed Daryl to toil away in the woods alone for five years because she needed to stay with her husband...
In addition to factual evidence from the show, the C*ryl Friendship Campaign has been going strong on social media for MONTHS. In her video this morning, twdmusicboxmystery also goes over quasi-recent comments from Angela Kang which are UNSUPPORTIVE of a c*ryl romance. The notion that this perspective is coming out of nowhere, which some fans are claiming as a way of blaming Zabel for either lying or betraying his fanbase (and the actors), is, frankly, absurd.
Please note that I'm not saying that nobody should ship c*ryl just because it isn't canon. That would be silly. I ship non-canon ships all the time. BETHYL is a non-canon ship! I've written whole fanfics for Beth and Daryl (well, I've tried lol, but most remain unfinished). It's one of the funnest parts of being in a fandom.
What I'm saying is that c*ryl is NOT CANON. It never has been. And the people who get angry about this, who want to get professionals fired over this, who think that they're entitled to getting exactly what they want, lest the show perish, are wrong. They're doing it wrong. It's totalitarian and, frankly, obsessive. This is not how you be in a fandom, and my interpretation here of the Zabel interview in conjunction with the C*ryl Friendship Campaign is that they are TRYING to let this highly volatile and frankly unpleasant faction of the fandom down lightly in an effort to get them off tptb's AND the actors' backs. They don't want to deal with this shit anymore. And by the way, they're actually not leading anyone on. They've been insanely clear here, in their rebranding of c*ryl to a platonic ship, as to what's happening and what's going on, and while I really do feel for the good people who may feel let down by this, I am GLAD to see that the showrunners aren't going to heed the demands of one tiny, loud faction of a giant fandom, and that despite the haters, they're going to tell the story they want to tell.
Over the past 48 hours, things have gotten...weird. Zabel's interview dropped less than a day after the TWD Skybound social media accounts appear to have...posted a Bethyl edit out of nowhere. @sweetz1919 also posted early this morning, bringing together a few more Beth-related posts on either official accounts or *near* official accounts, which post promotional material, and which are followed by AMC TWD. One of these posts is a repost on twitter by Scott Gimple, who so rarely posts on social media, that any time he does, it's like a unicorn, symbolically notable and certainly important.
Now, pertaining to the Zabel interview, another wide complaint taking place in the c*ryl camp is that Zabel is likely LYING or he is being taken grossly out of context, because if c*ryl isn't happening, AND Isabelle is going to die, then how could Daryl POSSIBLY get his happy ending?
THIS is where Team Delusional comes in. Of course, we have our theories. Most people think WE'RE the delusional ones. And maybe we are! Lol. I don't really care. Most of our theories are crafted through a TON of hard, circumstantial, pattern-driven, and symbolic evidence, evidence taken from IRL sources, and hypotheses made after paying very close attention to what's been going on and making LOTS and LOTS of connections over a period of many years. Me, myself, I've only been here for four, but some of you guys have been doing this for almost ten, and for that, I salute you! As I said earlier, TD has been theorizing Beth's "return" in DD2 based greatly on symbolic and template-driven evidence alone for a while. A lot of what we're seeing now on social media is playing directly into our hand.
Emily in Europe multiple times in a 4mo period, including a trip to Paris, with her latest stint being just a week before "official" filming for season 3 was set to begin? Emily re-recording tracks from TWD? Leaked script pages in which Daryl mentions Beth specifically AND suggest that Isabelle is going to die? Romantic!C*ryl = not happening? HOW could Daryl possibly get his happy ending now? The rest is TD theory, ie: WHY we think Beth will come back to manifest Daryl's "happy ending." Speculation and theories on how she could come back, the connection to Spain/England/France, that's basically all we talk about lol, each of us with our own interests and niche perspectives, all arriving at the same point.
SO while there is still no proof that she is coming back, all of this is a Good thing, actually. For us. Because while everyone is looking around, freaking out, wondering what's going to happen next, we are seeing and able to read a LOT of signs that others ignore. And rightly so! There's no reason the rest of the GA needs to think that Beth is legitimately coming back. That would overshadow Carol's role in season 2, which is significant. It's just important that the GA REMEMBERS who Beth IS, that she was important to Daryl, and that hey, people used to really like Beth, and they liked Beth and Daryl together, and that was hopeful, and nice for him, and he hasn't had much "hope" or "niceness" since, and wouldn't it be nice if he could have that again...? All of these things are really there to do just this: let the c*ryl ship down easy, and remind people that Daryl once held a very strong connection to a woman whose life "ended" too soon, and who has really never been mentioned again.
While I really have no idea what's coming next, I wonder if we'll begin to see more astroturfed discussion on Beth's *death.* How weird it was, what the hell was going on at Grady, etc. If we don't see it in promotional material, we may hear about it in-show. Because if Daryl is casually mentioning Beth (along with Merle and Glenn) to Isabelle's ghost/vision in episode 2.6, then this likely implies that he's told her about Beth before, and that he's talked to her about what happened. It implies that Isabelle knows who Beth is, which would be a truly insane development, since he's literally never talked about her to anyone, including Carol, as far as we know.
So anyway, as usual, we should all just keep our heads down, chins to our chest, keep hope alive, but with a balanced sense of anticipation. We still really don't know what's going to happen, so it's important to be rational, but it also won't hurt to have a little faith 💫
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kitty-does-stuff · 23 days
Rising Moving Expenses To Get A Homeless Family Finally Off The Streets Before Winter
So now that we have dealt with our end of month bills I have exciting news WE HAVE BEEN OFFERED A PLACE TO RENT & HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT! We now just need to rise some of the funds for things like our first & second month rent, along with hopefully money for while we are settling in & looking for work opportunities, which will be a lot easier with access to things like a shower & electricity for PCs (me & my twin do commissions) and a sewing machine (my mom is a professional seamstress)
This has came at the best time as our truck was starting to fail after nearly 2 years of being on the streets, and with Canadian winter coming we were in some danger of freezing.
I want to keep this brief, because not everyone wants to read a bunch on a dono post, so more under the cut, but may I just say how happy I am to have this opportunity, for my family to have this opportunity.
O/3500& CAD
Paypal: DM me
Canadian E-tranfer: DM me
Now for anyone curious about our story, nearly two years ago my family fleed our apartment due to gun violence, we were scared for our lives and since then we have been living in our truck.
We've had a few near bullseyes for fixing this, but past plans have fallen though due to a mix of issues, usually people over estimating what they could offer in terms of help.
It has been hard on us all, we've lost a lot of our few belongings along the way, and all of my family have disabilities of different kinds, my mom has really been pushing herself and I want her to have less to worry about.
Now as for now, we know this woman with a basement suite she had been subleting, and recently it became vacant, we know her, what to expect and we can trust her.
And at the same time this happened, a member of the extended family was able to cover the deposit.
In short the stars alined, and we have a chance to get settled, to try to sort out both our few physical belongings but also like our emotional & mental stuff, we were messy before all this and let me tell you, two years living in a tight truck being harassed basically everyday & having to beg for basic needs like food, it can make things a lot messier, but I do think we can heal, recover, we won't be the same but I hope we'll be very happy as the people we can grow into being.
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ye4gerism · 5 months
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word count 2.6k
content warning smut (they’re getting IN TO IT)
author’s note guys don’t laugh at me seriously. enjoy the little mature scene you got 😭 also thank you for the reposts and likes on the first post! update: part 3
synopsis after the rumbling, you found yourself on your feet in your home town. you have a completely new life - you’re watching your country be built again and now you have a partner! what happens when a man from your past reaches out to you via letter?
Winter 858
Mister Ambassador,
Thank you so much for the job opportunity. My wife had told me about, you, a friend she had made before the Rumbling. Thank you for reaching out to her. Considering my previous line of work, I did hear a little bit about Paradis and their efforts from other Hizuran diplomats. We should connect personally some time.
I am interested in diplomat work but I'm worried about leaving Anahg. As time has gone on, we've grown at steady rate; with hardworking people and Hizuru's funds and service, we've been able to get up on our feet. There's still a lot of ways to go but we're getting there. My problem is turning my back on these people. I'm not even from here but yet they've found their trust in me as a leader.  It'd be a bad look if I packed up and left, especially because the people of Anahg know of my love for the world. And I can't just leave my wife or move her again. She's been far away from Anahg and now she's finally home and we just got married. I'm honestly surprised that she pitched this offer to me.
I can't say yes to a new job right now, I'm sorry. But if you and the Alliance would like to visit Anahg, that'd be wonderful. Maybe we can build a partnership.
Thank you again,
Sebas Abe
Mr. Abe,
No, thank you for reaching out to me. Your wife has presented you as an amazing candidate and from asking around my Hizuran colleagues, I can tell they trust you too from how their eyes lit up from the mention of your name. I'd definitely be interested in connecting with you even if you can't take the job and I think I can work something out if you're interested in having the Alliance come to you.
I'm most definitely interested in visiting you, your wife, and Anahg.
I'll write again soon,
Jean Kirstein, Peace Ambassador
Dearest Jean,
My my, what a negotiator you are. Sebas was over the moon about your response today, as you already know. I'm also very excited. I'm interested in seeing you and touching you again. Are you still as handsome as you were a few years ago?
Are you for sure bringing more people with you? I want to see if I can get a moment alone with you. I feel that it might be impossible considering you're the one pitching this trip and it'd be inappropriate for you to disappear for a few hours. But we'll see.
If you were to visit, how long would you stay?
Missing you,
I still feel handsome. I am worried though...I haven't done anything since you. It's really been me and my alone time, so I hope you aren't disappointed when I arrive. I can't wait to see you; I bet you're even more beautiful now.
I'd like to bring my friends from Paradis who established the Alliance but I'm worried they all won't be able to come with our situation with New Marley and Mainland Marley. It's either I bring a few of us and stay for a few weeks or even days or we wait a very long time as we have a few more places to visit before we can hit the Southern Regions.
In the past, and because of how recent the Rumbling was, I and multiple others have spent at least two years in New Marley and Mainland Marley. I've managed to come home because of my mother or because of holidays that have been planned previously. I know a few people love to stay for the entire period.
Jean Kirstein
Don't worry, I'll get you up to speed. I'm very experienced now!
Bring as many as you can. Or just you. I doubt Sebas will have you running all over the place if it's just you. Also, why not ask some individuals from Hizuru? They'd love to visit him, no?
I'd do anything to see you every few days every month. I can't wait for years. I might even have to come to Paradis myself.
I need you. I need your air. He doesn't satisfy me. He doesn't leave me thinking about his performance for years, not even seconds. I'm always thinking about you; replacing his face with yours. I always have to stop myself from crying out your name. I only get the chance to when I'm alone.
From now on, I don't want to hear anything about you and him. I totally forgot that activity was a part of your marriage. Don't remind me.
As soon as I read your letter, I started talking to the others. Some of us have agreed to visit Anahg for a few days. I will write to your husband. Act as if you don't know. I will be seeing you soon, darling.
When I'm there, I'll take you. I'll give you the time you deserve. I'll perform for you. Just wait and keep me in mind.
Jean Kirstein
Spring 858
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
We're all excited about your arrival this upcoming week. I understand that a native, Onyankopon, is coming with you. I am eager to speak with him and so is my wife.
We have set up spaces for you and your colleagues and we will let you know once you arrive. You, however, will be staying with my wife and I.
I am so pleased with this visit. I hope we can make some progress.
Thank you,
Sebas Abe
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Summer 858
The minute the Paradian Alliance members stepped foot within Anahg they were hit with humidity. Although they had lived on an island for most of their lives, the heat and humidity were nothing like Paradis. Regardless of the humidity, Jean was looking forward to his time here. He was going to take off his clothes anyway; the sooner the better.
Along with Jean came Onyankopon, Armin, and Connie. Considering that Libero was their home, Reiner, Annie, and Pieck stayed behind with others to finish negotiations in both Marleyian nations. The quartet in Anahg was greeted by a group of Anahgians who, by horse, led them to the Abe residence. The home wasn't as majestic as it sounded but it looked live-able and comfortable.
Onyankopon thanks the individuals who helped in their shared language and the four walk up to the front door. Jean is feeling jittery; not only is he worried about being caught but he doesn't know how he's going to react once he sees you. The last time you saw each other, he was leaving and he didn't dare to look you in the eye. After learning what you had been through during the Rumbling, he felt responsible. He could have just told you the truth and you could have gone home. But had you gone home, would you have been killed?
His thoughts dissolved once the front door opened and he was met by a woman. Her skin was melanated, her hair coily, and her face absolutely beautiful. Jean's eyes widen and his mouth parts. She's looking up at him with the same look on her face.
"Y/N," he breathes. Instinctively, you find yourself wrapping your arms around his torso. Jean takes this as an opportunity to bow his head and take in your air. If only he could kiss you. The moment feels like it could last forever.
"Mr. Kirstein." The two move away from each other like two positive magnets. Sebas enters. He shakes the Alliance's hands one by one and reaches Jean last. You move back, eyes still on Jean, missing the touch of his torso, longing to be attached to him once more. Sebas's handshake with Jean is firm. "I'm so glad to finally meet you. Let's head inside." Sebas looks back at you, his wife. "Do you think you could get our guest something to drink?" Your eyes flicker over at Sebas and you almost forget how to speak. "Uh, uh...yeah."
You all begin to enter the home. It's still developing its story; The living room was a light shade of brown, full of seating and some plants. "You can wait here. I have tea, water, wine..." you start," The tea and water will take a while-" Sebas cuts in, "It's a little too early for wine don't you think? Just get them the tea and water." You nod but once you're about to walk off, Jean opens his mouth. "I'll actually take some wine. I know it's a diplomatic visit...kind of but..." He looks over at Armin sheepishly. Armin refuses to look at him but then sighs and shakes his head looking down. Trying to hold back a chuckle, he mutters, "You're ridiculous." Sebas looks over at you once more, "Just go ahead and get the wine." You look at Sebas, then Jean, and finally take your exit.
"I guess we can relax tonight. You all just got here, so I don't mind a little drinking. Just not too much though because I know all of you will be placed somewhere else and we want to make a good impression on your hosts. Throughout the next few days, I'll show you around," Sebas explains.
You return with two bottles and five glasses. Everyone thanks you verbally but Jean says nothing. His eyes only stay on you.
After many introductions and drinking, Sebas had gone out with Onyankopon, Armin, and Connie to show them where they'd be sleeping for the next few days, leaving you with Jean. He had gone to the guest room to put his stuff down. You were in the kitchen, trying to figure out the plan for dinner. Coming up with something was much harder now with technology being very wonky these past few years and it didn't help that she didn't know what Jean wanted.
You turned around, ready to call him downstairs but there he was leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen. "Jean," you breathe. He starts walking towards you, steps getting faster and bigger each time until he has one hand on your neck and the other on your back. Your lips meet his, desperate for him. Jean lifts you and places you on the counter. He pushes your legs back and lowers himself. Jean pushes your underwear aside to get a look at your core. You were getting wetter and needier by the moment. "Jean..." you mewled. Jean looks up at you. "Be patient, baby. I'm just getting a good look at you." You whine at his words, clearly growing impatient. Your aching and yearning dissolved once you felt his tongue running over your slit. Your body trembles in excitement, unsure on how to work itself. He laps at your cunt but then stops remembering you were both on a time limit. He comes up and kisses you a few more times.
"I need you desperately," you whisper, placing your forehead on his. Jean kisses your nose then proceeds to unbuckle and pull down his pants. "I'll make it quick." He strokes himself up and down against you before applying pressure. Naturally, you take him in. Jean grabs at your side, letting out a pained sigh before setting a pace. You immediately grab onto his cheek and bring him in for another quick kiss.
By the minute his pace picks up and you're so close! You start to gasp, ready to release when Jean suddenly stops. He gives you a panicked look - the front door is opening. He pulls out of you and bends over to pull his pants up and get situated. You get off the counter with slightly shaky legs from the experience and the anxiety of Sebas on his way.
"Do you have a towel or-" Jean cuts himself off once he grabs a rag and wipes the part of the counter where they partially did the deed off. He shoves it in your hand unsure of what to do with it. Both of your faces are flushed, unsure of if Sebas will crack the code on day one.
He walks in, smiling, then it drops. "You haven't made dinner, yet?" he asks. You're using the counter to support you. "I-I-" You don't stutter because you're nervous but because you still have Jean on your mind. One moment, he had you feeling euphoric and now he has you trembling from his force. You look over at him. "It's my fault. She called me over to talk about it and we ended up having a conversation about my life in Paradis and what we've been up to these past years. I totally forgot I was hungry," Jean replies quickly. He looks at you; you tell them thank you with your eyes.
"Mr. Kirstein, are you ok? You seem a little hot...out of breath almost?" Jean's eyes widened like he was about to shit a ton of bricks. "Is it the heat?" Jean coughs. "I think so. Sorry...Paradian summers are a bit lighter than Anahg's." Sebas's hands clasp together. "That's alright, let's sit down in the living room and relax." Jean nods and leaves immediately, feeling sheepish.
Sebas doesn't immediately follow and instead turns to you. "Make something," he says sternly, "Cereal, oatmeal, something! It's getting late." You bow your head in embarrassment. If you only had Jean a little longer.
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Fall 858
I apologize for leaving you high and dry during our visit. Your husband is very passionate about Anahg and it's progress and from my point of view, a lot of work has to be done. My work mind turned on immediately and my focus was on the individuals that needed help. I'm sorry.
I had to get myself off so many times at the thought of you in so many different places during that trip. I wish we had more time to sneak off. I was either with Sebas or you were. I wish you could have been in the guest room with me but that would have been very suspicious. I wish we had more time together, so I could really give you a good welcome back.
Well, at least I got to see your face. You're beautiful. I think the sun in Anahg has done you a favor; you have this insane glow to you. And your hair is pretty. I'm just afraid to pull on it though.
Y/N, I want to ask you something, if it's not too inappropriate. Why is Sebas always talking to you that way? He's not cruel but his tone isn't kind either. Based on his positive tone in his letters and in person, I'm unsure about what exactly I witnessed.
My Dearest, Jean,
I’m starting to see your point about mentioning Sebas and our activities in our letters. But I find that calling him Sebas doesn’t make things easier. Let’s call him…Him.
Yes, I share your frustration. I couldn’t even satisfy myself. I need you physically. I wish he had given us more time to catch up; he knows of our friendship.
You’re equally as handsome, Jean. I find myself heating up at the thought of you…and a little jealous when I hear other women talk about the visit. I wish Him was as thoughtful as you are; he doesn’t bother asking about pulling my hair.
Him…well, he was sweet in the beginning - so I feel like the stress is getting to him. I understand. There’s been so much because of what your friend did. We’re losing our patience and missing our past lives. We just need a little patience and time. He can be kind sometimes.
Missing and yearning for you,
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onlyongallifrey · 6 months
can u do a 9th doctor x male reader smut?
Warnings: 18+ only, trans male reader so afab anatomy, reader has top surgery scars
a/n: Hell yes I can!! I love asks like this, short, sweet and to the point :D best part is I can write it however I want! Sick! Hope you enjoy this!
30 Minutes
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Thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes was all the time you both had together, at least, alone anyways. You couldn't remember the last time the two of you were able to really be alone in the privacy and seclusion of the TARDIS. Hell, with the amount of adventures the Doctor loves to go on, not to mention all the companions he loves to bring along, you're barely able to even sit down. You had been traveling with Rose and Jack for so long and so often, you honestly forgot what relaxing even was. You were exhausted, and you could tell the Doctor was, too.
Rose and Jack left to go get food for everyone, and you got a call from Rose letting you know it would take about thirty minutes before they were able to get it and come back so you all could eat and relax together. You couldn't lie to yourself; you really didn't want either of them to come back. However, the Doctor seemed to feel the opposite.
You both were spent, exhausted after the last few back to back trips with so many people and barely any time together at all. Didn't help that the Doctor had to save the world almost every single time. Quite frankly, you had enough of all of this scurrying around and saving one world after another. You just wanted a bit of downtime with the man you loved, and now you do. But it's only thirty minutes.
"Only thirty minutes, can you believe that? Only thirty minutes of time. The hell are we supposed to do, talk the whole bloody time?" The Doctor openly complained, pacing around the center console while you sat down on a set of stairs. "Thirty minutes, that's thirty minutes of nothing! Time wasted! We could be several galaxies from here by now, did you know that?"
You chuckled a bit to yourself at his antics, as he was always so antsy. Always eager to go to a new place, never very fond of staying in one for too long. You, however, didn't enjoy the idea of going anywhere else at all at the current moment. And you knew that if you didn't do something, he'd probably end up attempting to fly the ship somewhere else in the universe before Rose and Jack could even come back. So, you took it upon yourself to offer him a pleasant distraction.
"Doctor?" You try to catch his attention, but he's still just pacing around, blabbing to himself. "...Doctor?"
He doesn't pause even for a moment. You know that you're going to have to catch his attention in some way or another. You don't really know how to go about that at first, until you finally get an idea. You smirk to yourself, knowing that this always works, every single time.
"Oh, Doctor? It's getting very warm in here." You say cheekily, and you take note of how the Doctor pauses for a second. "Oh goodness, I guess I'll just have to take my shirt off!"
You announce this loudly, making a show of lifting your shirt off of your body, feeling the cold air of the TARDIS start to hit your warm skin. You suppress a shiver, but you feel yourself start to warm up when he finally looks at you. A mere glance at first, but he does a double take and begins to stare at your body, your beautiful skin and the handsome scars on your chest. He takes a deep breath, which makes you grin. You love how you have this much control over him.
"Well...maybe it isn't really a waste of time after all, then." He says firmly, clenching his jaw before a wide grin spreads across his face. "You've been waiting for this, haven't you? Come to think, it has been a while since we've been alone, hasn't it?"
His voice is low as he begins to move toward you with an intense look in his eyes. God, you love when he gets that look. You remember all the times during dangerous situations when he'd get that look in his eyes. And now here he was, stalking towards you with that same look, like a predator stalking his prey. It makes you feel so much warmer.
"You're right, it is pretty warm in here, isn't it? Very stuffy." The Doctor says quietly as he stands right in front of you, still entranced by only your upper half. "I think you might need to take these off as well."
He tugs at your waistband, pulling you against him, beginning to unbutton them. You waste no time, letting them fall to your feet along with your underwear and kicking them away, the only thing you're left wearing is a pair of socks as you had kicked off your shoes a while ago. The Doctor has to suppress a groan at your nude body, realizing just how long it's actually been since the two of you even had a little bit of privacy. He runs his rough hands over your skin, the sensation making you shiver. His left hand grabs your chin and tilts your head upwards as he leans in to kiss you, the two of you unable to help yourselves as you both groan into the kiss, fully entranced by each other by this point.
You grip the sides of his jacket, the worn leather soft under your hands. His mouth quickly goes on its own path away from your lips and to your neck, starting to kiss and bite on the sensitive flesh. You moan loudly as his wandering hands begin to squeeze your soft bits, gripping your ass and thighs with a quiet desperation. He hasn't been like this in a long time, and fuck, do you love it. He begins to guide you down to the floor of the TARDIS, the metal frigid against your nude skin. This time you do shiver, but not only because of the cold chill, but also because the Doctor has begun to strip as well, tossing his jacket and shirt to the side and beginning to unbutton his pants.
Your breathing grows a bit more rapid, and you feel your sex start to pulse in anticipation. The Doctor doesn't take his pants off, instead opting to pull them down slightly, pulling his moderately large cock out from it's restraints. He's VERY hard, as his left hand moves to stroke it up and down. He looks down at you with both a loving and lustful look, admiring you intensely as his right hand creeps down your body until his fingers find the right spot.
You whine as he slowly pushes a finger inside, your sex already wet and aching with a need for something much bigger. Though, he doesn't yield, pushing one more finger into your depths and slowly moving them in and out, your body beginning to writhe at the cruel teasing. His thumb skillfully moves to your clit, moving around in circles in just the right way, your eyes squeezing shut as you take it all in.
"Look at you, I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. Sometimes I forget about how irresistible you are." The Doctor scolded himself as his fingers still move within you, now starting to move at a quicker pace. "That's terrible of me. Have I reminded you of how absolutely gorgeous you are today? Well, you're getting it now."
His thumb moves at a pace that has you seeing stars, your teeth clenching before you moan aloud. You don't see it, but the Doctor is stroking himself at the same pace, watching you and your body intently, making sure that he was doing everything right and making you feel as good as you deserve. He can't help but watch you in awe.
"You're absolutely soaked down here. Are you really enjoying this that much? Do I really make you feel that good?" He comments, beginning to get even more desperate to have you. "Oh, you're such a good boy. Taking it so well for me. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll give you what you want."
He stops, pulling his fingers out from your sex which causes you to whine involuntarily. He tsks at you, before pushing the digits that were inside you into your mouth, making you taste yourself.
"Go on and clean me off, I'll give you what you want after. You'll be a good boy, won't you?" The Doctor speaks lowly, and you groan before beginning to suck on his fingers. "Very good, was that so hard? You're doing so well."
It doesn't take long before his fingers leave your mouth, that hand moving to grip your hip as he positions himself at your entrance. His cock moves in between your folds, pushing it back and forth, teasing you. Finally you can feel him beginning to press against you, and you bite your lip.
"That's it, slowly..." He says quietly, slowly beginning to push himself inside you, and you grit your teeth. "You're alright, don't worry love, just tell me if it's too much, okay? You're doing fantastic."
You let out a shaky breath as he finally sheathes himself completely within you, and your breath gets quicker as you feel a fullness you haven't gotten to experience in a while. He pauses, letting you grow used to his size again, even though it doesn't take you very long. You nod at him, smiling softly. That's all the confirmation he needs before slowly beginning to move, setting a nice, even pace.
Both of you are panting heavily, and the Doctor can't help but start to speed up, having been so deprived of you and your body for so long, he forgot the pleasures of flesh entirely until now. Now he just couldn't stop, pumping himself in and out of you like a well oiled machine, your hands moving to grip his shoulders as he moves to your neck, nuzzling his face into it as he fucks you hard and deep. Your nails start to claw at his back as he goes harder and harder, both of you getting lost in the sensation of your bodies.
The pleasure is intoxicating, so intoxicating in fact that you both completely lose track of time. You both don't even realize that time is even passing until you're screaming into nothing as he groans loudly, filling you to the brim with his cum. He moves to start again, cock still throbbing with a desperate need to continue, to keep going and never stop, the Doctor, he needs you, needs you constantly–
"Doctor! I think we've lost track of time!!" You say suddenly, bringing him back to reality, a look of panic on your face. "How long have we've been at it for–?!?"
The Doctor scrambles up, pants falling to his ankles comically as he runs to the console, checking the time. His eyes widen as he realizes it's been waaaay more than 30 minutes. He swallows. The Doctor swiftly moves to clean the two of you up as fast as possible and look even somewhat presentable before you both go out looking for Jack and Rose.
"I can't believe that happened, dammit, I should have put the TARDIS into stasis, that way this wouldn't have happened– oh I hope they're okay, you think they got lost?" The Doctor speaks to you in a panic, eyes frantic. "You don't think they got attacked, do you?"
"I'm sure they're fine, Doctor. Food was probably late being prepared, that's all." You say, fixing up your clothes. "Look, we're gonna go find them, okay? It's fine! Let's just go and–"
You open the TARDIS doors to see Rose and Jack right by it, sitting on a bench and eating their food, giggling when they see you and the Doctor leave the TARDIS. The Doctor looks at them puzzled, wondering why they're laughing to themselves as your face turns hot, realizing why they're giggling.
"You two have fun in there?" Jack asks, and Rose punches his shoulder before laughing even harder, covering her mouth with her hand. "Sure sounded like it!"
"What are you talking about–?" It takes the Doctor a moment to realize it, seeing you covering your face with your hands, but when he does, he pauses. "Oh! Oh. Oh no."
Even after the two of you get your food and go back into the TARDIS, Rose and Jack can't help but tease the two of you for the next few trips, while also giving you both a bit more privacy. It's embarrassing, but also refreshing, as you and the Doctor get a lot more date nights after that.
Guess thirty minutes wasn't enough.
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drysdaleknieslee · 6 months
Only Exception - Cam York
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@pocketsizedq my certified Cam girl I hope you like this and any other Cam lovers out there (including me, this had me blushing all the way through). Intented for Mature Audiences
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Themes including oral (male receiving, swallowing involved), angst (throwing objects) and just angry Cam
In which Cam let's out some steam after a bad loss and he takes it out on his partner in the most loving way possible.
You were at home watching the Flyers game hoping and praying that this game would end their losing streak.
They were currently down two in the third half and the guys were giving it all they could. Especially Cam. You always try to warn him about using his body when blocking as it takes a toll on him especially when he comes home sore or with bruises.
There was a good 13 minutes left and you figured this was gonna be another hard loss so you get the idea to make Cam dinner to at least have something nice to come home to. You gather your curls into a make shift bun on your head and start working on a late dinner.
When your halfway through with the meal you hear the announcer say the other team has scored, eliciting a sigh from you. He's not gonna be happy when he gets home.
The game ends and the flyers leave again disappointed in not being able to capitalize this game. It's gonna take Cam a while to get back as he has to shower, undress, listen to Torts and drive in the traffic.
After a while and you pull the pork roast out of the oven you can hear the front door click open followed by a slam that nearly made you drop the hot pan.
Cam angrily drops his hockey bag near the door and storm past the kitchen, not even noticing. His hair is ruffled and his neck and face is blazing red. He just plops on the couch and haphazardly throws this shoes and socks near a nearby chair.
Cam's been frustrated after games but this is pure anger. He still hasn't even noticed you yet. You slowly place the pan on the stove and stalk slowly into the living room.
His head is now in his hands and he's muttering to himself.
"No matter what nothing works."
"I have to be better, no other option."
"Why can't we just be consistent?"
You make your way directly behind the couch where Cam is sitting and even in the dark, you can see the tense muscles of his back through his dress shirt. "Cam?"
His head turns towards the sound of your voice and he looks at you with startled eyes. This is the first time he's noticed you since he stormed in and his face starts to soften at your worried expression.
"I'm sorry...I didn't see you when I came in. It's just-" and he cuts himself off. The frustrated look returns to his face remembering the events that took place earlier.
"It's ok. It's hard being in a slump but I know you guys will get out of it." you say rubbing his shoulders before snaking your arms around his front to place a kiss on his cheek.
This brightens his mood a little and he finally turns to get a proper look at you when you move towards the kitchen.
Your wearing the stadium series flyers jersey with his name on it and a pair of pajama shorts. Except these happen to be shorter than the usual pair. Either your clothes are shrinking or your ass is getting bigger but either way, Cam was not complaining.
"I made dinner for you because I figured you'd be a little heated after the game. And your probably hungry." you say motioning the food laid out on the dining room table.
"We've got tupperware right?"
You look up confused. "Cameron York I know you are not telling me to put all this food up after I made it specifically for you." you sassed putting your hands on your hips. He smirks at this before answering.
"I appreciate it hunny. There's just something else I'm in the mood for eating right now and I'll be full afterwards."
He gives you that standard smirk and his pupils started to dialate.
"I like to savor my food."
Double Oh.
He starts to stalk towards you in the kitchen and with each step forward, you take a step back before your back hits the counter. He's now in your proximity staring down at you wondering how someone can make a jersey look so sexy.
"Jump." he said tapping your thigh and helping lift you onto the countertop.
His hands start massaging your thighs and making their way to the area that needs his attention the most but he glides over that part, leaving you to let out a frustrated moan before both hands cup your breasts beneath his jersey. Your mind goes hazy as his lips connect with that sensitive area behind your ear, making your jaw go slack.
"Cam" you manage to let out.
"What is it hunny? What do you want me to do?"
He freezes for a split second and just stares at you. Is she teasing me?
"Turn the stove off Cam." you say giggling at his reaction. He rolls his eyes before turning to the right to cut the stove off.
"Done," he says before resuming his other activities, "now what would you like me to do?"
"Take me to the room and let me make you feel better."
He chuckles and pecks your lips before lifting you up to take you upstairs. "I already feel good babe," he says while kissing your neck softly. "You cooked dinner," kiss, "put my jersey on," kiss, "i'm all good."
He kicks the door open with one foot and closes it with the other before making his way to your shared bed. He sits with you on his lap, admiring the slight tint on your bronzed skin. You shy away at his gaze before he pulls your face back to face his.
"Don't hide from me. I see you as beautiful no matter what." You both smile at each other before initiating a slow yet passionate kiss. Nothing but love is all you feel and all he makes you feel. Is loved.
You disconnect the kiss and make your way down Cam's lap to come face to face with his erection. You unbuckle his belt slowly and teasingly try to remove his pants. He lifts his hips for better access but your taking your time on purpose.
"Unless you want me to cum in my underwear I need you to go faster."
You look at him innocently like you don't know what he means before resuming you escapades.
You finally get his pants off and start removing his briefs. When you do, his erection stands at attention, making you literally salivate. You put some spit on you hand as lube before you get to work.
You start to pump him slowly and running your thumb over the head, illiciting a strangled groan from the back of Cam's throat. His hand goes straight to your hair when you finally take him in your mouth and you start working him in inch by inch.
He's touching the back of your throat at this point and start to hollow out your cheeks each time you come up.
"oh my god your amazing" he chokes and he starts to buck his hips. Saliva now dripping down your chin and your eyes red from the tears.
"I'm gonna cum, and I need you to swallow, ok?"
You look up at him through your lashes, admiring the man above you before modding. Cam's entire face was red and flushed, eyes blown to where you can't see his irises, but there was a mixture of lust and care in them.
His thrust became uneven before he let our one long groan before emptying into your mouth. His grip on your hair loosening and his jaw slack. You take as much as you can before pulling off of him. You open your mouth to show that you followed his instructions.
"Good girl." he panted. He helps you off of your knees and begins to take off the rest of his clothes and yours. He starts to remove his jersey, but you stop him halfway and he looks at you confused.
You struggled with your image a bit. You didn't have a flat stomach, you had wide hips, and you struggled in almost every pair of jeans thanks to your butt and thighs. And your stretch marks aren't the prettiest.
"This is about you Cam, not me...."
He grabs your hands and stared you deep in your eyes. The lust was still there but he was more serious than ever.
"I love these stretch marks," motioning the ones on your stomach and thighs, "I love your stomach, I love your thighs," he spun you around to face away from him before landing a swift smack on your behind causing you to yelp and giggle a bit, "and I especially love this lovely ass of yours."
He spun you around again and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Let me make you feel beautiful, ok?"
You nod reluctantly before finally removing his jersey and tossing it somewhere in the room. He did a full scan of your body and the desire returned back to his eyes and his signature smile returned
"I'm so fucking lucky."
He picks you up again and places you on the bed and starts kissing all the places he valued most.
"I almost forgot these." he said nipping and sucking each boob, giving both equal attention. He places his mouth on your right breast while twisting your left nipple making your back arch off the bed. After a few minutes he switches.
"I could stay right here all day if I could."
"That's nice Cam," you say literally having to pry him from your chest, "but I need you. Like, right now"
He smirks and starts to rub his thumb against your clit lazily. "Be more specific."
It takes all the energy left in you to answer his question. "I need you to fuck me Cam."
"With pleasure."
With that, he takes both of my hands, laces our fingers above my head and enters himself into you slowly. Every inch is a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Look at me ok? Your doing great." he said panting softly.
You open your eyes to meet his blue ones and he bottoms out and you nearly climax then and there. He starts a slow but strong pace, knocking the wind out of you each time.
"Go faster Cam."
You sure?"
"Yes, I'll be ok."
He let's go on your hands but doesn't break eye contact, and grabs both of your legs and fold them to where your knees are nearly touching your chest. He then starts to move faster and this new position has you seeing starts.
"Oh my- Cam!"
"I know, you look so pretty like this. Your doing so well and you always take me so well."
Your eyes are starting to roll in the back of your head which each thrust feeling like he's touching your cervix. The only sounds filling the room are his praises, the bed shaking and hitting the wall, and his balls hitting your ass.
"I'm close Cam." He grabs your hands again and your legs starts to tremble. "Let's come together ok?"
His hips start to sputter and he does one final thrust to end them all, so strong you actually gasp for air and it helps you reach your climax and the clinch from you helps him reach his.
You finally stop shaking and he lays his head on your shoulder and slowly relaxes his body.
"Hey Cam?'
He turns his head slightly to face you. "Yeah?"
"Thank you for making me feel beautiful."
He smiles before pecking your shoulder and then your lips before adding, "I'd be glad to do it again. Thanks for being my comfort."
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