#for the people she hurt to forgive her
I so understand why ppl like making content where Jon and Daisy are friends but have you considered the fact that um. They wouldn't be.
#raf's rambles#akdjqjd okay I'm not gonna be mean abt people's fanon (even though I often am whoops)#but. Yeah.#the way people portray Daisy in general is kinda weird#but like. What makes Daisy a good character is the fact that she's not good!!!#what she's done! Unjustifiable! And she knows it!! And instead of wallowing in that. She tries to be better. And she doesn't ask#for the people she hurt to forgive her#she's trying to be better for the sake of being better! Not to be 'redeemed' in the eyes of better. Not to 'make up' for what she's done#not to undo her badness. But to work towards something better bc she wants to be#The thing that makes Jon and Daisy interesting it's that. They are the only two characters in the show that understand what it means#to be part of an entity. That I feel like is why Jon; even if he didn't forgive her; was still civil and willing to help her#because he understands her. And she understands him.#but they aren't friends. He's uncomfortable around her; I think that much is clear#She /scares/ him. He said he never felt more hopeless than when she dragged him to the forest to kill him. She was proud to show off the#new scar she left on him. He wouldn't be friends with her!!!!#and she wouldn't ASK for his friendship either!! She wouldn't expect that from him!!! She wouldn't /want/ that from him#bc she understands that she's hurt him!! And she can't take that back!!! But she can convince him to get out of his office w her and Basira#and she can try to make herself less of a threatening presence. And she can be civil#and yeah idk this is getting away from me but yeah they wouldn't be friends#and honestly!! I don't think they'd be friends in any universe!#not /really/#not unless you entirelyyyyy change Daisy as a character#which ofc ppl have no qualms w doing. Which is fine!!! Have fun#but. Yeah!#my thoughts on that
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sketching-shark · 9 months
Been a couple of years, but I still think fondly of Grace Monroe from Infinity Train for achieving that very rare redemption arc narrative of "the people you hurt are allowed to sever all ties, and you can still become a better, happier person."
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coachbeards · 3 months
I think something that bothers me about how the writers handled Rebecca’s actions was that,,, not only were there no mentions of it afterwards save for like two jokes…but nobody was upset with her after she apologized. everyone moved on? The people who knew, anyways. There weren’t any consequences for her, really. higgins, julie, ted, keeley, they all moved on and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. whereas Jamie’s entire three season arc is consumed by his s1 actions. he had to fight tooth and nail to get back into the team’s good graces, to prove himself to the coaches and keeley and everyone. Even in s3, the coaches are shown to not value his growth and keep thinking of jamie “prick” tartt instead of seeing him as someone capable of being better and different. idk. It just bothers me that in a show about forgiveness and being better, rebecca only had to apologize and everything was forgiven, while Jamie literally could not Not be defined by how he was
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 4 months
So I've been trying to think about how Nimona (Comic Ver.) Would come back to Ballister and when and I think I came up with a cute idea.
First off I think it'd be way longer than movie Nimona, who took ~6mo to a yearish, as the Comic epilogue seems to have a similar time skip length and Nimona is notably not back yet. I typically ballpark it at like 5ish years. And since it is so long, I don't think she'd just pop up on his doorstep like "hey b0ss"
One idea is that she shows back up at the old lair where he no longer lives, and hangs around until he comes back to pay respects or something (similar to the movie) but I had another thought I like better
Ballister and Blitzmeyer get an application for a new lab assistant. She kinda sucks at her job but she does what she's supposed to do so they keep her around and she's kinda quirky and weird like they are. She reminds Ballister a bit of Nimona, but they aren't identical in personality.
She works at the lab for a year or so, during which time she learns about Ballister's life, about his relationship, his work, his friends, she learns whether or not he can be trusted again. And once she decides he can, the two are working late at the lab and he tells her to head on home while he cleans up, and instead of addressing him with "M'Lord" as usual, she smiles and says "Sure thing, Boss."
And he immediately realizes it's her
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
As somebody with severe mommy issues I consider myself to be a Charlotte Pudding apologist because nobody except us understands how bad your mom can fuck up your brain to the point of doing everything she did
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relicsongmel · 1 month
Was doing some thinking today and realized that one of the reasons I'm really drawn to Kieran is because he's a rare example of a character that's shy (and usually good-hearted) but still has some rougher edges to him.
I feel like all too often shy characters are shoved into being portrayed as either "smol bean who would never hurt anyone and just wants friends uwu" or "brooding loner who snaps at people to cover up the fact they don't actually know how to socialize" with not a lot of wiggle room in between. While I can and do enjoy characters that (arguably) fall into those respective categories, they're a bit reductive in the sense that things are very rarely that black and white in reality. Even the kindest people have a limit to what they can tolerate. They have bad days or respond poorly to events around them that cause them stress. And the same can be said in reverse as well—point being, people are multifaceted and don't always behave as predictably as we'd like to think.
And I think Kieran reflects that dichotomy perfectly. When we first meet him, he's meek, timid, and relies heavily on his more brash and forceful older sister to help him navigate social situations where he would otherwise lose out on something valuable because he's too afraid to come forward and ask for what he wants (like how she has to ask the player to battle him on his behalf). He's often quick to cower whenever she starts to get heated, but he's also not afraid to point out when he thinks she's wrong and sometimes even gets sassy with her himself. He's undeniably sweet and gentle and shows eagerness to make friends with the player, but he becomes much more curt when he notices we're lying to him about Ogerpon. The rest of the Teal Mask storyline shows him fluctuating even further—yelling at Carmine and the player for keeping secrets from him, punching things in fits of anger...then backpedaling and apologizing for the trouble he caused a few scenes later. Spreading the truth about Ogerpon to everyone in the village to help make her happy...then selfishly demanding a battle to see who's worthy of being her Trainer when she has already clearly chosen the player.
After being lied to and suffering repeated losses at our hands (including the Pokemon he's idolized all his life choosing us over him), he leans even more heavily into his bitter side during the Indigo Disk—being cold and ruthless to pretty much everyone around him, but at the end of the day it's primarily overcompensation for what he perceives as his own personal weakness (because he's still just a kid trying to be taken seriously). He's shown to drop the act on multiple occasions—most notably when he's caught off guard by our appearance at Blueberry Academy and at a few points during the Area Zero expedition. He antagonizes the player up until the moment of his defeat and tries to catch and use Terapagos in a last-ditch moment of desperation that ends up going horribly wrong, but after everything resolves he's quick to admit his mistakes and asks the player for forgiveness and if they can still be friends. After the epilogue he's mostly back to his old self, but still seems to get worked up when provoked (e.g. when he yells at Drayton for refusing to stop calling him "ex-Champ" in one of their League Club Room interactions).
And I think this varied and sometimes contradictory behavior is precisely why Kieran is such a cohesive and believable character—because it shows how even kind, well-meaning people may have a hidden darker side that can show itself under the right circumstances. How they might let their insecurities get the better of them. How a shy, timid kid might not have the experience to know how to deal with sudden feelings of frustration and/or jealousy that are far too strong to keep to himself, so he lashes out as a result. How despite all this he remains kind, sensitive and loving at his core and shows willingness to learn from his mistakes. And that is what makes him so compelling to me.
#mel's musings#kieran#pokemon#all this to say i now have brainrot and you all are going to suffer for it#me: *sees any pokemon boy with attitude problems* son? son boy? he my son boy? ;_;#kieran is also. oddly relatable to me in a way#in the sense that i was a neurodivergent kid whose overstimulation issues among other things weren't taken seriously#and it made me really bitter and angry at both the people who caused them & the people that didn't know how to deal with me#i lashed out a lot back then. i yelled and hit and said things i didn't mean and lied so i could stay in control#and while i still think i deserved better than the shit the adults who were responsible for me put me through#i do regret a lot of what i did. and i try to make up for it by being as patient as i can with others#ALSO. oc tangent time. kieran and denise are very similar in this regard#dena felt a lack of control w/ her dad leaving but couldn't blame him bc then she'd have nowhere to vent her anger#but she's also too young and too hurt to blame herself. so she lashes out at her mom instead (granted. jen made some poor choices too)#but after her treasure hunt and her first trip into area zero she sees things in a different light and is able to reconcile with her#and that's the exact reason she's able to forgive kieran so quickly. bc she had been through a similar thing with jen#i am filled with a whole WHIRLWIND of ideas for my au denise and this cast are a match made in HEAVEN#forest for the tree#mel plays scarvi
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 months
i think some of you are too used to genre conventions, you guys forgot to question the worldbuilding that many authors painstakingly made to question the subject of death and life in a more nuanced manner than just "wow resurrection is so romantic!"
#like yeah i do love romanticizing horror tropes at times#but there's a reason why it is a horror trope and not a common romance plot#necromancy... especially mixing an individual's soul with that of another species is something that can be disturbing#doesn't matter if the one who's doing the resurrecting or the one get resurrected is in love#think about how falin feels knowing that even though marcille and laios loved her they ended up taking a decision#that not only hurts her physically but also emotionally#being stripped of control from your own body... not being able to do anything but follow your master's command...#falin did not asked to be the chimera#but that's what makes her decision to take the red dragon with her before she wakes up so cathartic in some ways#she also acknowledged that the red dragon did not ask for this to happen... just like how she forgives the lil guy she also#forgives her brother and marcille for taking this very... bad decision because she understands they're just as desperate#as she is when she tried to save them before she died#it circles back to the theme of accepting death and how resurrection magic ended up making people too comfortable#with the act of mindless killing of other living creatures#but yeah sadly people only see the surface level stuff but don't actively tried to understand the significance behind the plot#i can't really blame anime-only but people who read the manga tho...#if you only understand it as a romance trope and be like 'oh everyone else is just stupid' maybe you need to reread the manga#at least once a month#to understand ryoko kui's writing better#tmi tag
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xanas-eye · 2 days
Earth did nothing wrong.
That's it. That's the post.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hi love bug! It’s me for the 4766463 time😝 can I request a farah with reader who it vary vary forgiving like no matter what someone does to them they are quick to forgive which often gets them hurt 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(Sorry if this doesn’t make sense btw😭😭)
Welcome back! Sure you can, I hope what I wrote is alright! She definitely won't be gentle with you forever on this one, though, since you do need to learn to take care of yourself as well!
Farah with a Forgiving!Reader
Depending on how someone has wronged you, Farah might get very pissed about you being very forgiving. You’re a goddamn treasure, act like it. If it’s just something small, such as someone simply bumping into you, then she won’t get mad, it can happen to anyone. If someone had to postpone your meeting because something came in between, then she won’t get mad either. But if someone seriously hurts you, then she’ll be pissed about it to no end. She’s not afraid to snap at the person hurting you, she’ll give them a piece of her mind in a very vulgar and honest way. You deserve far better than that. You’re lovely, you really shouldn’t be treated like trash. But Farah definitely won’t stand by idly as you’re being walked all over for no other reason than you being too forgiving. She’ll pull you aside and give you a piece of her mind as well. Although it may seem harsh since she won’t be sugarcoating her words this time, she means well. Realize your worth, she already has a long time ago. If she has to intervene between you and someone taking advantage of your forgiving nature, then she will, but she won’t let it slide forever. She will make you be vengeful eventually, even if it goes against your nature. Farah will convince you that you don’t have to be nice to everyone around you all the time, you really won’t get too far in life like that. That’s something she had to learn the hard way, and she’ll teach you such in a slightly more gentle way than how she had to learn it. People will compensate you for causing you trouble. While she may seem relentless about it, which she is, she just wants you to not be a doormat for everyone. Because even if you lie down on the ground for people to walk all over you, they’ll still complain that you’re not flat enough. You will hold grudges, you won’t forgive as quickly at some point, she’ll make sure of that, because not forgiving some people is a form of self care in and of itself. You’ll come to realize that eventually. But until you get there, Farah will be there for you and speak up for you if you need it.
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clandestine-j · 1 month
jesus fucking christ, i go to the buck/tommy/eddie tag for some fucking poly fun and ya'll are using that to shit on tommy and buck's relationship.
like fucking hell.
legit just saw a post that's like WHY are ya'll trying to convince everyone bucktommy is endgame? well, the hell the won't YA'LL let us enjoy buck's and tommy's relationship without calling him a plot device. people aren't even allowed to enjoy buck's first queer relationship without getting told were racist or ya'll comparing a 6 year (?) relationship to a new one.
and can WE PLEASE let go of the NAME.
his parents (y'know, the people he doesn't have a great relationship) didn't get to call him evan....because of the shit relationship.
ali called him evan, he didn't take on the nick-name buck because he had some deep trauma related to being called evan. he says it in his begin episode, there were other evans in his class so he started to go by buck and his it stuck.
ya'll the answer of buck doesn't have an issue with it because it's a simple answer and it destroys that ya'll have attached to the name. EVAN (tommy's voice) has never blown up at anyone but his parents when it came to using his name. and there is a clear reason for it.
like, bucktommy shippers didn't come for buddie fans first. people got excited about the relationship and then we were told we no longer care about buddie or tommy was quickly reduced to being called a plot device. oh, he's gonna bow out of the way for eddie, he's gonna tell buck that he's actually invested in eddie. oh, we'll ignore the fact that buck didn't care about basketball until tommy was around, we'll ignore the fact that buck rambled on about tommy just as much as he did about eddie. oh, tommy was just courting eddie.
it's tired. tommy can call buck, evan because buck does not care. buck is smitten and wants to be with tommy. let us enjoy that.
and let us poly-ship fans enjoy the tag without you shitting on one of the characters. there is a WHOLE anti tommy kinard tag for you to folic in. fucking hell, when you type in tommy's name in the tag, it's the first thing that comes up
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
Nina and I are unfortunately like dynamite and gunpowder. something happens and we’re just like oh yeah? You wanna go? Let’s go! Meet me in the ring bitch!
#part of our power is the insane SPEED and then reconciliation of our fights#we forgive and communicate as fast as we fight#but there is no one in the world who makes me just SAY the shit I shouldn’t say than her#like she just. she herself is so fast and so blunt and so ruthless and so bullying and so LOUD#that it fires me right up and it’s like okay well FINE the gloves are off#but then it makes me anxious after like. did I say something TOO hurtful#Nina and I always joke we have the RANGE#because for all of my we’re the struggling married couple of sisters#we also have times where the fun and exchange of ideas is flowing#and this ability to say and hear things to/from each other that most people don’t/can’t?#like. the level of rock-solid trust is SO high. but equally high is our wildly differing personalities and worldview#so there isn’t anything quite like it and it can be confusing from the outside#like I HAVE to meet her in the parking lot because she’ll be being the WORST#but also she thinks I am being the worst#but anyway I do hate when a fight seems like NEW territory#and then I always worry that I have done irreversible damage#I can hear Nina in my head mocking that very idea because she is so tough#and mocking the anxiety of me being like nothing can ever be okay again#but life and certain subjects have been traumatizing in the past year#so idk what is safe exactly right now#I am FULLY rambling and having a million thoughts at once#but yeah#SORRY FOR SWEARING#twice
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Now this might be because I have issues but is it just me or does Slay The Princess feel like an allegory for a relationship?
#like i dont even mean the actual textual stuff like the two gods loving each other i mean like#while the narrator himself does say that he is not the protagonist at all the voices do in fact count him as one of them and#both the narrator and the voices are described as shattered glass pieces on the floor#and im saying that just to contextualise what im about to say because i feel like the narrator is an echo of someone who was in#a relationship with another person and is trying to 'slay' the memory of this person and defeat death not only literally but#on a metaphorical level (as in the death of a relationship). if you do slay her you destroy her memory and in that way you do not know her#at all nor do you care to#and the routes would be the perspectives held by different parts of you. shes literally a being that changes based on who perceives her#but metaphorically thats just how people work isnt it? relationships are complicated and there is a part of you who sees someone as a razor#and there is a part of you who sees them as a damsel and another who sees them as a god etc etc#its like youre a person who is trying to make sense of the situation and; which is why the construct of the princess is made up of#several vessels called perspectives. you understand the whole of what you think only when you take apart all your perspectives;#and theres a you who isnt you anymore who doesnt want to do this. hes telling you to just destroy it. it was wholly wretched and wholly bad#and it changed which is a crime in itself. theres an echo of you. and theres you; built by this echo because thats how the self works#we are each our own god and we build ourselves. the different voices are like different parts of you#much like the vessels are the equivalent of the voices. theyre the finite confined perspectives; aspects of a whole person#and slaying her in this context would obviously mean literally just destroying the memory and deciding that change and all it brings#is an awful thing. though im not yet sure what the difference between leaving with the whole and between separating yourself#and leaving with just an aspect would be.#thats probably like the only thing thats kinda ruining this interpretation lol#oh and obviously a lot of the routes have like very strong relationship symbolism. specifically a lot of them feel like#scenes from a relationship that is falling apart. for example in the adversary and then the fury when you run away the dialogue#basically mimics a partner running away from a conflict and the other one destroying themselves because of it#witch and the thorn are both heavily Esop-coded and the text itself says that its about two people hurting each other even though they love#each other but both are afraid of the other one and of being vulnerable. thorn is about finding forgiveness in one another#and deciding to be better and love each other despite the hurt youve caused each other due to your problems#etc etc#like am i insane am i mental am i projecting?
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falled-over · 7 months
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meredithbeckham · 9 months
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(hanna really went all out.) when she loves somebody, she doesn't hold back. when you're hanna's friend, she forgives a lot.
pll + guts
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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ardeidaze · 1 year
people who act like the writers had it out for marcy are probably some of my least favorite people to deal with. bad things happen to characters sometimes for the plot deal w it. or do you think that whoever wrote the lion king thought mufasa deserved death too
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