#for the record. I'm okay. it's just that jesus fucking christ
mcmissileproof · 1 year
jesus fucking christ the past two months have been insane. if the Things Happening would slow down just slightly that might be cool
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dragonofeternal · 5 months
sorry to ask this (no judgement) but are you into plantcest? you reblogged a post that op tagged as that but you didn't tag it as that so i was just wondering since it came up on my blacklist, i hope you're having a good day!
I'm neutral to positive on it?
I enjoy it, but it's not my "OHHH MAN GOTTA SEE IT" ship to seek out. I might write some eventually? IDK I think that whether you read a romantic/sexual element into it or not, though, Knives has a really fucked up view of Vash (and particularly Vash's bodily autonomy) that lends itself a dynamic that can quickly slip into uncomfy territory. Usually I'm better about tagging ship stuff (esp things I know other people filter for) but I'll be honest and say my brain was a lil fried last night so it slipped my mind.
As a general rule for any folks new to the dragonofeternal space, I'm solidly ship and let ship. I enjoy fucked up ships and nasty gore weirdness with the same breath that I enjoy wholly unshippy and unsexual gen content. I am a creature of many pleasures, lol.
I'm big in people taking active agency in curating their online experience, so if the stuff I like or reblog makes folks uncomfortable, please feel free to unfollow/mute/what have you at any time. I know I have things that are dealbreakers for me bc of squick or even just general dislike/annoyance lol, so please don't worry that I will be offended that you aren't into XYZ or unfollow me.
All that said lemme go add the plantcest tag to that one pic because I uhhh definitely missed that the blades were dripping when I first reblogged it lol
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Somebody tell me. That I can’t quit. And that I have an obligation. And that I made a promise. To do this. And that I can’t just. Not do it because I’m scared. Of public singing. Please tell me. I have to do it. Please.
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ivymarquis · 1 month
Not me vividly hallucinating about a certain scot eating me out until I cry
What you wish for
Pairing| John “Soap The Munch (tm)” MacTavish x F!Reader Rating| E Word Count| ~500 Kinks/Content/Warnings| Cunnilingus, squirting, mentions of safe word, Johnny is A Munch(tm), the author is an American still trying to dial in a Scottish accent
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Date a munch, they said.
It would be fun, they said.
And it is, for the most part- you can admit that with no hardship.
It’s just that occasionally (like now), it becomes obvious that Johnny is eating you out for his pleasure and your own is just a happy by-product.
“Shit, ah! Johnny! I’m gonna- hgn- Johnny I’m gonna cum,” you pant in warning as the Scot buried between your thighs goes to town on you like a man starved.
Every time this man drops to his knees in front of you, it is a guarantee you’re going to see stars.
This time he’s got you pinned on your back on the bed. You seem to be wiggling too much for his taste as he’s banded one forearm across your waist and the other hand grips one thigh to keep your legs spread for him.
No matter how much you cry and moan and buck and cant your hips, he just leans his weight on you to keep you still.
He alternates between broad swipes with the flat of his tongue or more pointedly circling your clit or lapping at the inside of you.
While he’s yet to disappoint, he really seems into it (re: you) today. Like teetering on has-something-to-prove into it.
With that sort of dedication and attention, it’s no wonder he’s got you squirting and squealing in record time as he slips two fingers inside and abuses that spot that has you seeing stars.
Johnny works you through your high, lapping up every drop of it like it’s his last meal. Your legs twitch weakly in his hold as he continues on.
You think that maybe he’s working himself down, that he’ll leave you be in a minute.
He doesn’t.
Less attention is paid directly to your clit, but he’s still honed in between your legs even as you squirm. “Johnny,” his voice is a whine in your throat. “Johnny I came- I already came,” like there was any possibility that he is unaware of that- given how you squirted all over his face.
He pulls off momentarily, eying you with a skeptical look. “The fuck’s that got to do with me, bonnie? Cum or don’t, I'm finished when I'm finished.”
Your brain needs a system reboot at that- you stare at the ceiling dumbly as he gets back to business.
He’s trying to kill you- there’s no other explanation for it.
(Distantly you remember how your ex never went down you- still expected head on a routine basis, of course!- and you swore that the next guy you dated would have to be okay with reciprocation. You certainly got your wish in spades, hadn’t you? Almost like the universe was apologizing in the most mind-melting way possible)
It’s all you can do to lay there and breathe. If it actually gets to be too much- well, that’s what safewords are for. But Jesus fucking Christ the man doesn’t do anything in halves.
It’s only after he’s wrenched your second orgasm from you that he lets up, crawling up the bed to collapse to the side of you.
“Soon as my legs quit twitching, I’m returning the favor,” it takes you a couple tries to stammer out the words. Johnny looks every bit like the cat that caught the canary.
“Oh I’m no done with that sweet cunt o’ yours- ye just looked like ye were gonna pass oot. We’ll give ye a break an then back tae it, hm?”
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stone-stars · 14 days
[Eldermourne Theme fades out] Murph: WEL-come back to Eldermourne, everybody! Emily, Jake, and Caldwell: Eldermourne! Murph: I'm your dungeon master Brian Murphy joined by Jake Hurwitz! Jake: The relationship with my son has gone south because I foot-- I put both feet in my mouth. [Emily cackles. Caldwell joins her.] Murph: And ya did it again! Jake: Henry Hogfish! Emily: Okay, this is, we need to tell them behind the scenes! Jake: No. Emily: We literally-- full disclosure, we-- Jake: No. No. No, don't tell them. Emily: We recorded the intros-- we recorded the intros-- Jake: It's an embarrassing story for me and Caldwell. [Caldwell laughs.] Emily: And-- Murph, edit out Jake protesting. Murph, immediately: Okay. [Emily laughs.] He's been silenced. He's been silenced. Caldwell: I am absolved. This rules. Emily: We were-- (laughing) We were recording the intro, and Caldwell realized that he hadn't been recording, so we had to re-record it. But in the original recording, Jake fucked up his rhyme, and he said "oh, good, now I can get my rhyme right." [Everyone laughs.] Caldwell: Nobody's mad at me anymore! It's so good! Murph: Maybe I'll splice in the recording of Jake fucking up the first time. [Emily and Caldwell giggle.] Jake: Wow, that's perfect. Murph: So let's go ahead-- we're gonna go ahead and cut to Jake's first intro. Jake: Okay. Murph: Let's roll that. [Emily cackles. The Eldermourne Theme fades in.] Jake: Uh-- oh fuck, uh-- Relationship with my son has gone south, because I put both feet in my mouth-- I forgot it for a second. [Theme fades out.] Jake: Yeah, good on ya, Caldwell. [The others laugh.] This is not fair! Caldwell's huge fuck up was just shining a light on mine! That's not right! Murph: That's true. That's true. Caldwell: Jake texted me and said "hey, turn off your recording so that I get another shot at it, and I obliged him. Murph: This is your dad forgetting to pick you up, and then you get mugged. This is Caldwell's mistake, and then you are really really suffering for it. [The others laughing.] Um-- Then, of course, we've got Emily Axford! Emily: Living the dream and looking like Liam! Fia Boginya! Murph: Emily, it's even better the second time, hearin' it. Jake: That's fucked up. Caldwell: Crisp, perfect. Emily: Thank you, I didn't mess it up the first time, it's so good. Actually, why don't you go ahead and use whichever one I am better at, okay? Murph: Okay. Two for two. Two for two. Jake: Jesus christ. Caldwell: Can I say my livin' la vida Liam joke again? Cause I thought that was fun. From the first one? Murph: Sure. Um, y'know, as memorable as it was, I completely forgot it. [The others laugh.] Um, and of course, Caldwell Tanner! Caldwell: Oh, Stella Vervain's special little guy who's getting swept up-- Jake: Don't fuck it up! Don't fuck it up! Don't fuck it up! Caldwell: --in her sweet little lies, Zirk Vervain. Emily: Oh my goodness. [Everyone laughs.] Caldwell: Yee-haw! Flawless dismount! All the judges love it. Jake: Swing, batta batta batta batta! Murph: Wow, two 2/2s and one 0/2. It's-- You'd think there'd be some deviation there, but… wow. Jake: Caldwell didn't really get a 2/2. He didn't record. Caldwell: Jake, you could just turn off your Zoom right now, and then we'd have to start recording again. Jake: I need another shot. Murph: This intro's way better than the other one, guys, I'm just saying! This is good. Maybe we should fuck up the show every time. Emily: I honestly was barely paying attention, and then when Jake messed up again, I… could not stop laughing. Murph, laughing: Why were you barely paying attention?? [Everyone laughs.] Emily: I was looking at my spells! Murph: Okay, alright, alright. Caldwell: She's got a lot of spells! Murph: She's got a lot of spells. Emily: I have to remember what I can do. Murph: Alright guys, let's go ahead and get into the recap.
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sillysillygoofygoose · 9 months
Toji and His Plus-Size Baby
Headcanons!! (NSFW MDNI, mentions of body image issues 💕)
... For my babes with a lil xtra meat on 'em... me too, sweetheart, you fine as hell! 😘🤭)
During his "young and dumb days," Toji almost always dated and slept around with size 0 girls. He never really considered being with a bigger girl, only sweet talking the girls that moved in packs during 'ladies' night' at the bar he would frequent.
Toji just assumed they were what he preferred... why not? They're beautiful and young, but it doesn't really matter their build, as long as he's getting his dick sucked at the end of the night.
He didn't realize how much he loved bigger women until he met you. After spending his younger years fucking and flirting with teensy-tiny girls, he met you.
You're young, beautiful, and smoking fucking hot. Just his type.
Toji doesn't mind the size of your body at all. He doesn't even think twice. He knows you're the most gorgeous girl he's ever seen, and as far as he's concerned, your body only adds to that.
He was so confused the first time he saw you visibly insecure about the way your body looked.
"Doll, you've been gettin' ready for over an hour... just pick any dress, it'll look fine. I'm surprised they haven't given our reservations away." Toji sassed as he cracks open your bedroom door slightly, nosey to see what you're even up to, bending down to peek his head in.
"Aw, Jesus Christ, sweets..." The sight that meets Toji causes him to be slightly taken aback and mildly concerned. Dresses, pants, and shirts alike have been carelessly tossed about, the clutter tarnishing the previously spotless room. In the middle of the mess, the eye of the storm, there you sit on your knees, hand covering your pouty mouth.
"What happened, bub?" Toji sits down next to you, immediately moving to pull you onto his lap.
His muscles tense, heart panging as he feels you push him away, tears cascading down your round cheeks.
"Nothin' -hiccup - nothing looks good on me." You mutter out oh so quietly, embarrassed that a man as stoic and built as Toji is seeing you in one of your most personal fits.
Sharply inhaling, you quickly stand up, aggressively wiping your tears, stalking around your messied room almost maniacally. The anger of not feeling beautiful over takes your body, blood boiling inside your pulsing veins. You pick up and put down shirts, tugging them from their place, before angrily folding them.
"This makes me look fat... this dress gives me the figure of a fucking refrigerator. Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me, none of this shit looks good. Fucking hate it. Hate my body so fucking much." You huff and puff, fist clenching at your sides. You rush around your room, picking articles of clothing up, briefly displaying them to your beefy boyfriend, before throwing them right back on the ground. Speaking through gritted teeth, you're unsure if you're rambling to Toji or yourself.
"Hey, hey, pretty. Calm down okay, let's just take a deep breath." Toji's thick worker hands grab at your shoulders, forcing you to stop your anxious outburst. He rubs up and down your broader shoulders as you feel a nip of embarrassment, and disgust reach your system. Staring at your feet in shame, you let yourself regulate, closing your eyes as you grab onto the soft fabric of Toji's shirt.
"For the record, that dress is beautiful on you. It brings out your curves."
This man and your thighs. Unbreakable bond, let me tell you. His hands are always on the thickest part of your upper thigh. He loves the way his fingers leave small indents in the soft flesh. While you two are laying in bed, he always props one of your legs over his hip, pulling you as close as possible to him .
The extra bit of chub on your hips is something he could eat for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Toji loves doggy and missionary for this exact reason. He loves pulling on your hips, engulfing as much of your side in his hands as humanly possible.
Cuddling. Cuddling. Cuddling. Holy shit, he can't get enough. He thinks you were made for snuggling and being held at night. He loves to squish the fat on your thighs, hips and tummy, praising you when you whine for him to stop.
"C'mere pretty, get on top of me." Toji grabs for you body, rolling his eyes when you put up a fight.
"I'm gonna flatten you." You giggle out, settling on resting your head on his chest.
"Tch, yeah, right... You sayin' I'm not strong? Think I can't handle my girl?"
You sigh moving half of your body to rest on his. Toji's hand immediately flies to the dough of your ass, rubbing circles into the skin.
"Mmm, much better. Fuckin' perfect, sweets."
As much as he loves all of your body, his favorite part is the little pudgy part of your lower stomach. Whenever he's hugging you from behind, his hand's designated spot is your tummy. Thinks you're cutest when you're wearing a little cropped shirt and your tummy is just peaking out... my goodness 🥰
Is a little suspicious when you ask him to take you to the gym with him, but happily obliges. It's so much fun when you take an interest in his likings, but...
"This isn't because of that damn Victoria's Secret Angels comeback, right?" Toji glances at you through his peripheral vision as one of his hands commands the steering wheel, the other resting on your yoga-pant clad thigh.
"Huh?" You snort out, tilting your head in confusion.
"I like ya' goin' to the gym with me, just hope you know what a pretty girl you are. My pretty girl."
This man makes sure you're eating your meals. The two of you have a date night where you stay in and cook a recipe you picked together.
Toji often fantasizes about how your soft body would only get softer while pregnant. Your plump tits swelling up, your belly rounding. So beautiful.
He loves your body, whether you gain or lose weight, because he loves you. Plain and simple.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
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undertheorangetree · 8 months
The Aftermath
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Summary- Near death experiences have a habit of changing relationships.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. DUBCON due to persuasion. Female reader. Arguments. Bigotry/Islamophobia. Discussions of near death experiences/trauma. Dark-ish/toxic Billy. Fingering. P in V sex.
Author's Note- Okay so I've never actually seen the show in its entirety because it's not available in my country so I'm working off the wikia and what I've seen in scenes. Please forgive any mistakes/misinformation, he looked too sad and pathetic not to write for. Full link below :)
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She doesn't bother to knock when she arrives at Billy's flat, storming inside with little regard for his privacy. He had given her a key not long after he moved in, promising that she could come over whenever she wanted, though she isn't sure this is what he had in mind at the time.
She makes her way passed the trash building up at the front door, forcing her way inside and finding him exactly where she expects to, lounging on the couch with some football game playing on the TV. He sits up when he spots her in the doorway, the smile that graces his face when he sees her slowly fading when he catches sight of her expression. She is sure it is a storm, her anger obvious, but she doesn't give him a chance to speak first.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
He looks at her blankly for a moment before a realization seems to come over him. "Lana told you then?"
"Yeah, Lana told me. What the hell were you thinking?"
He rolls his eyes, pushing forward to grab the beer bottle sitting on the coffee table and taking a swig. Her eyes catch the cuts on his knuckles, the opposite hand covered with a bloodied bandage, and watches the skin between his brows crease when the abused skin stretches. "Why does it matter to you? It's not like anyone was there anyway, was there? And you can't tell me they didn't deserve it."
"Why does it- Billy, you're not this stupid."
In all the years she's known him, she has never known him to be cruel. Quiet and insecure, surely, but never vicious. She almost hadn't believed Lana when she had called her, informing her of the one man attack he had pulled at the butcher's. It seemed so entirely out of character from the friend she had always known it nearly scared her, hearing about how he had destroyed the storefront for the crime of being owned by a Muslim family. But more than fear, it made her skin crawl, a disgust for him she had never felt toiling in her gut.
She isn't an idiot. She knows how he has been struggling lately. From his breakup with Becky to his consistent unemployment to his family ragging on him to make something of himself. Nothing has been easy for him as of late but she never would have expected him to let his rage out like this.
"If you only came here to bite my head off about it, save us both the trouble, yeah? Lana already beat you to it."
"So you don't regret it at all? Any of it?"
She wants him to say yes. And not just for the criminal record he has now contracted for it but for the guilt of screwing over innocent people. She wants him to prove that he is still her friend, to believe that he hasn't fallen down this path without so much as a blink.
He does little to assuage her fears. "What do I have to regret about it?"
Her disgust increases tenfold with that- she is grateful for it, as it manages to cover the pain of his confession- and she feels her face contort. "Why would you do it? What was the point?"
"They're the reason the world has gone to shit. It's 'cause of people like them, their whole fucked up religion. They're the animals here, not me."
She physically recoils at that, not bothering to hide her repulsion now. "Jesus Christ, Billy."
"Well I don't expect you to understand it. You're too nice, got a fucking bleeding heart for every poor bastard that walks past ya. It's 'cause of people like you that Nick and I-"
That catches her attention. "Nick? Was someone else with you when you went to the butcher?"
His face drops as if he realizes he has said something wrong but he still shakes his head as nonchalantly as he can manage. It isn't indifferent in the slightest. "Nah. Just my friend."
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Read the rest here
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ikn0wtheend · 1 year
thoroughfare - modern!ellie x reader
summary: you knew ellie once and a road trip back home together complicates things more than it should. 
pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
word count: ~4.5k
c/w: angst, fluff, mutual pining, language, implied sex, hopeful ending? loser lesbians as always.
a/n: um I do not know where this came from seeing as this is quite the diversion from ‘the record’ but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I was just listening to ethel cain’s ‘thoroughfare’ (as a girlie does) and I blacked out and apparently wrote 4k words of whatever this is. spoiler alert: they don’t even make it back home, they drive for like 5 hours. as always let me know what you think and if you’d like me to make this a series (I'm currently on the fence about it). <3
main masterlist & thoroughfare [2]
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It was hot. The kind of hot that doesn’t give you a reprieve no matter how many layers you take off or how hard you fan yourself with your hand. It was sticky and miserable. You want to claw at your skin. 
Sitting on the sidewalk you waited for Dina to arrive, you hadn’t really gotten the full details from her. All she had said was “meet outside your apartment” giving you a specific day at a specific time. But you couldn’t complain, you were the one that had called her in distress, forgetting about timezones when she answered the phone half-awake.
Someone eclipses the sun from their spot next to you. You turn with your hand above your brow to get a better look at them and when you do your face automatically scrunches up. 
“Why the fuck are you here?”
“Why the fuck are you sitting on the sidewalk?” 
You stand up, brushing your pants off. “Oh fuck you, Ellie.” 
“No fuck you.” She retorts.
You were going to punch her. Right here. Right on this very sidewalk. You were going to draw your fist back and punch the freckles on her left cheek off of her face. You clench your fists. “I’m not gonna stand here and argue with you.” 
“You started it.” 
“You’re really gonna play the blame game?”
“Who the fuck calls it a ‘blame game’?”
“Literally everybody you fuckwad.”
“So we’re calling each other names now?” She places both hands on her hips. “You’re such an asshole.”
“I see you’ve lost your touch.” You mirrored her stance. “Asshole isn’t very creative.”
“Neither is fuckwad, you fuckwad.”
You throw your hands up. “Jesus Christ, you’re impossible.”
“No you’re imposs-”
Your phone rang interrupting Ellie from finishing, what you were sure was a very clever rebuttal, Dina’s name flashing on the screen. You quickly turn your back to Ellie and answer.
Dina cuts you off. “Has she shown up yet?”
You sucked in a breath and pinch between your eyes. “Dina, please don’t tell me my ride across the country is Ellie.” You chanced a look at the girl in question, painfully aware of the way she raised her eyebrows to remind you she could still hear you. 
“Um yeah? You said you need a ride and that it was urgent and Ellie was closest.” Dina stated simply. As though she didn’t know that this was bound to create a mess, one you might not recover from. 
“Okay maybe I exaggerated when I said ‘urgent’, I would’ve happily of waited for you or Jesse.” The words rush out of you, eager to get her to understand and to undo this mess. 
“You were literally in tears when you called and like I said Ellie was closest. You’ll be fine.” She said flippantly. As though she wasn’t a first-hand witness to the shit-storm that had happened two years ago. 
“I don’t think we share the same definition of ‘fine’, Dina.” Her name comes out with a bite. 
You hear a long sigh. “Look just trust me on this. And hey maybe this will be good for the both of you, you’ll finally be able to talk about it.” 
“Did it even occur to you that I left because I didn’t want to talk about it?” 
“Fair point.” She concedes. “But listen I can’t come get you until next week, and that's being generous, so just suck it up and come home. I miss you.”
Fuck, you thought. You couldn’t stay here, not for another week, and hearing Dina say she missed you made you press the heel of you palm into your chest to try and calm the ache. It wasn’t the first time she had told you she missed you since you left, you heard it everytime you called. Sometimes when the time stretched thin between the two of you she would send you a text reminding you she was thinking of you. That she hadn’t forgotten. 
“Yeah?” You can hear the concern in her voice now. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” You clear your throat. “I miss you too.” You really did.
She throws out a number of goodbyes and ‘I love you’s’, words you return, before she hangs up. You take a deep breath before turning to look at Ellie again who was standing there with your bags in her arms. She looked silly, you thought. Adorable. You scowl.
“I can carry my own things you know?” 
“Just get your arse across the road and into the car.”
“Sir yes sir.” 
You think you hear a huff of laughter escape her, you think the heat is making you imagine things.
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You’re avoiding looking at Ellie, instead you’re focused on the stretch of road laid out in front of you. The two of you had been stuck at a stand-still for the last couple of hours, neither wanting to be the one to break the silence. Maybe it had less to do with not wanting to and more to do with not knowing what to say. 
You knew her once, could tell anyone that would listen how loud she liked her music, the way she took her tea. You knew which side of the bed she preferred despite her protests that it was childish to have a favourite - it was the left. 
You knew her. You knew her. You knew her. 
You’re not sure if you still do. Her hair is different and her shoes look new - you don’t recognise the brand of air freshener hanging from the mirror. This time when you feel an ache in your chest it feels like something akin to grief. But she still looks like your life two years ago and the thought that you might not look the same makes you slump in your chair. 
It’s another silent hour before you make your first stop at the gas station, even so Ellie still gets out of the car without saying a word. You watch her for a second, eyeing the way she leaned back against the car with her arms crossed over her chest, before unbuckling your seatbelt and heading inside to grab some snacks. 
You take your time browsing down the aisles, glad for the chance to stretch your legs for a bit. There was something about gas stations that made you nostalgic, something about you and Ellie at a gas station that made you nostalgic even though she was outside pumping the gas. There were too many times to count when the two of you would make your way to the closest one at all hours of the night to stockpile on chips and candy for movie nights. You would walk through every single aisle and she would follow, not once complaining over the fact that you got the same things everytime and they were two aisles over. She would hold out a hand to carry the food and you would pay, swatting at her whenever she tried to sneak her card to the cashier who looked far too tired to even act amused. Ellie would say ‘thank you’ and you would tell her that it was on her next time although you both knew that was a lie. 
So you allow your mind to wander and your feet to carry you aimlessly. You rely on muscle memory to take you where you need to go because all these gas stations are built the same. You pay and try to leave the memories at the automatic doors.
Ellie is still standing outside the car when you exit with a full bag, arms still crossed. You call her name and chuck a chocolate bar at her a bit more aggressively than you originally planned, because it hits her square in the chest and falls to the ground with a sad splat. Ellie looks at you irritated. 
“What the fuck?” 
You wince, shoulders up by your ears. “Sorry.” You say sheepishly. 
She rolls her eyes as she bends down to grab the bar off of the ground, you see the moment her harden gaze softens and as quick as it was there it was gone again. She rises slowly, flipping the bar around in her hands. 
“I hope they’re still your favourite.” You wring your hands together.
She nods. “Get in the car, we gotta go.” Before you can respond she turns her back to you and retreats to the car. 
You puff out your cheeks before blowing the air out and make your way back to the passenger side, dumping your bag of snacks onto the floor in front of you. You buckle your seatbelt and lift your head to see Ellie already looking at you, she raises an eyebrow in lieu of asking if you’re ready. You nod.
The two of you drive in silence for roughly another 30 minutes before the urge to speak hits you. The last time you were in this car, you and Ellie talked until you couldn’t breathe, saying whatever was on your mind and taking breaks to sing whatever song was playing. You fear that if you don’t say something now you might choke. 
“Do you remember the time Dina was learning to drive and she hit the curb so hard she started crying?” You don’t know why this is the thing your brain conjured up, maybe the combination of recycled air and the smell of Ellie’s cologne was getting to you. 
Ellie snorts in surprise and looks between you and road. “How could I forget. We had to drive home with a flat tire.”
You’re laughing now, “And you had to bribe her back into the car with the promise of burgers.” You throw your head back. 
Ellie’s laughing now too, a far away look on her face. “Yeah I did, didn’t I? Jesus Christ I thought she was gonna stand in the middle of the street all night and someone was gonna run her over, honestly I wouldn’t of blamed them.” One of her hands was off the wheel and gesturing wildly. “I don’t even know why she was standing on the road, the car was halfway up the sidewalk she should’ve stood there.”
Your laughter tapers off but a wistful smile remains on your face, you see Ellie look at you funny out of the corner of your eye. “What?” You ask softly, your eyes now on her profile. Pretty, you think.
“Nothing. Your laugh sounds the same.”
You struggle to maintain your composure. “Is that a bad thing?”
She shakes her head. “No. Just makes me remember.”
You don’t ask what exactly it was she remembers, because you think that it doesn’t really matter. She remembers your laugh and that's enough for you. It has to be, because you know you weren’t in the position to ask for more. 
 Ellie hesitantly calls out your name this time. 
“Why did you leave?”
The question was sobering, you were expecting it the moment you saw her yet it still made you flinch. “I couldn’t stay.” You say. 
You don’t elaborate.
She furrows her brow and you have the urge to smooth it out gently with your thumb and apologise for being the reason that its there. “Why didn’t you come back?” She tries again, voice strained like it hurt her to ask. Maybe it did.
You give her a smile. “I am now aren’t I?” 
“I don’t know, are you?”
Your smile falters. 
“Fuck you.” You snap, smile fully gone and replaced with something harsh. You quickly try and backtrack. “I’m sorry-”
“No it’s okay.” You both know it’s not okay. “I shouldn’t of asked.”
“Do you want to listen to something?” She interjects as she reaches over you to open the glovebox and pull out a stack of CD’s with one hand, you remember buying her some of them, she plops them down in your lap. “Take your pick. That Fleetwood Mac one is in there somewhere if that’s still your thing.” It was still your thing. 
You grab something different instead, something that you couldn’t immediately attach a memory to and put it in the slot and press play. 
You had swapped out the CD playing twice before you finally gathered the courage to speak to Ellie again, still embarrassed you had thrown your words at her face. 
“How have you been?” You wince at your own words.
She turns to look at you incredulously. “Is that really what you’re going with?” 
You huff even though you knew that it was a dumb question. “Fine. Why did you say yes to driving me home?” 
“Dina forced me.” She was quick with her response.
You let the words sink in before asking another question. “You still could’ve said no.” The Ellie you knew was much more stubborn than Dina, could often outlast any insisting from her.
You watch as she shuffles in her seat and sighs. “Yeah I could’ve but then she would’ve annoyed me about it for forever, so it was easier to just say yes right off the bat.”
Silence fills the air once more as you think about it. Something wasn’t right and perhaps the stifling air in the car was making you agitated or perhaps Ellie wasn’t telling you the truth. The sky was so blue out here, you think.
“Not everything has to mean something.” She blurts out in irritation.
You turn your head to find her already looking at you. “What?”
“I can tell you’re sitting there trying to pick apart what I just said.” She bites at you like you did her, eyes darting between you and the road rapidly as her knuckles grow white from where she clenches the steering wheel. “You do it so fucking much that you forget to fucking listen. Not everyone is trying to speak to you in fucking riddles you know? Maybe, just maybe, when someone tells you their favourite colour’s blue they just really fucking love the colour blue. It has nothing to do with the ocean or the sky, it’s just something that is.”
There was a version of you that she knew and probably was expecting, the same version of you that had snapped at her earlier. That was a small lapse, one apparently Ellie managed to bring out of you. But that part of you that resides somewhere in your chest wanted to yell at her, deny everything she had just said and say something back that would hurt her - hurt you too when you see the look on her face. But nowadays you’re mostly just tired. Besides, she wasn’t exactly wrong.
You click your tongue and hold her stare when she looks back at you. “You done?”
Her chest heaves. “Yes.”
“Good.” You look away. “Focus on the road.”
You hum along to the song playing over the sound of her deep breathing as she tries to calm herself down. When some time passes you open up a bag of what used to be her favourite chips, you were unsure if she still liked them, but you still offer them to her first. You hold the bag steady when she huffs and sticks a hand into the bag to grab some. You’re still mad at her and you’re sure that she’s still mad at you, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care when she continues to crunch on the chips like her life depended on them. It was all so familiar.
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Your anger had settled into quiet exhaustion when Ellie pulls into a 24-hour diner. It was iffy-looking but there was something oddly charming about it. You follow her inside and take note of the outdated furniture and the weird smell permeating throughout the room, you like it, you think. 
Ellie slides into a booth and sitting across from her you see her under the fluorescent lights. She looked more gaunt here, eye bags prominent. You still thought she looked good. You pretend to look at the menu when its placed in front of you by a young teenage girl, knowing what you’ll get but wanting to look busy. The waitress, Betty her name tag says, comes by with a pot of coffee in her hand, she fills up your mug first and goes to fill up Ellie’s when you quickly cover the cup with your hand. Betty’s look of initial confusion is replaced with a big grin. 
“So, what can I get ya?” Her voice is chipper. 
You open your mouth the speak but Ellie beats you to the punch.
“She’ll get the pancakes, extra strawberries, and I’ll just get some bacon and eggs please.” Her eyes widen. “Sorry-”
“-No, it’s okay.”
“I must be tired from driving. I wasn’t really thinking-”
“-No really it’s okay.”
The sound of both your voices overlap as Ellie tries to apologise and as you try to tell her that it’s okay. It’s okay that she still knows you. You see Betty out of the corner of your eye watching in amusement, but to be fair the diner was empty so this was probably the most entertainment the place had been in awhile. 
“Is that all?” Betty asks, grin still taking over her face. 
“She’ll get a diet coke.” You say nodding your head in Ellie’s direction. She looks away with rosy cheeks.
“Y’all are cute. I’ll be right back.” You watch as Betty practically skips away. This diner was oddly charming indeed. 
You’re fiddling with the handle of your coffee cup when Ellie’s drink is deposited in front of her. There was an outrageous curly straw swirling from the tall glass and the sheer disbelief on Ellie’s face made you want to laugh. You lift your mug to hide your face behind it. It was decided then that you and Betty would make great friends.
“You think this is funny don’t you?” The defeat in Ellie’s face is endearing. 
You take a loud sip of your coffee, eyes meeting hers over your cup. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
She sighs. 
“It’s a straw Ellie.” You say, unable to hide the teasing in your tone. “If you don’t want to drink from it just drink straight from the glass.”
Ellie looks you dead in the eyes when she takes her first sip and you try to look anywhere but her mouth around that damn straw. She sucks the drink up and you watch the liquid travel around in its various loop-de-loops, Ellie releases the straw between her lips with an exaggerated lip smack. “Refreshing.”
You snort. “You’re making me jealous.”
She takes the opportunity. “Of the straw?” A single eyebrow lifts in question. 
“No you bitch.” You feel yourself begin to fluster. “I obviously meant of you. Because you got a cool straw and I got this chipped mug. I mean look at it-” you gesture wildly towards it, “-its bright pink and has like a million swirly things.” Swirly things? Really? Maybe Betty is better off remaining your waitress and not your best friend. It wouldn’t be too big of a loss, you didn’t know her that well anyway.
Ellie was laughing, very clearly proud of herself. “I’m just fucking with you.” She says. “You know that right?”
You avoid her eyes that were looking for yours, cheeks still warm. “Of course, no harm done.”
There’s a stretch of silence before you hesitantly break it. “Ellie?”
You pointedly make eye contact with her hoping that she sees if for what it is, an apology or an admission, either way you hoped she saw it. “I meant it when I said I couldn’t of stayed. Back in the car.” You hold up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “I know you’re gonna ask me why, but I don’t know if I can you reason.” 
She reaches across the table to grab your hand that had abandoned your mug. She looked feral in a way, eyes wild. “Try.” She begs. “Please.”
You nod and try to clear the lump forming in your throat. “I think I always wanted to leave, think you knew that too, but I wasn’t gonna leave without you and you weren’t gonna stay without me.” Ellie nods and you continue. “And I would’ve been happy, more than happy to continuing the life that I was living with you. You were my best friend. But do you remember when we got into the argument? The one right before I left?”
You watch as Ellie looks down at your intertwined hands and gulps. “Yeah. Yeah I do.”
“Yeah I remember it too.” You give her hand a squeeze. “I called you every name in the book and you told me that it was suffocating being my friend.” 
She grips you tighter as though she was scared you’ll pull away. “I didn’t mean it-”
“I know.” At the time you wished you had read between the lines to find the something in her words, in the same way she had berated you over in the car. Because she did mean it when she said it and you had felt the same way back but hadn’t put it into words. The two of you were suffocated by the love you had for each other that was disguised as being merely platonic. “But Ellie, I left because I was suffocating me too.” 
It seemed as though Betty had impeccable timing because there she was happy as a clam with your two plates of food. You look at Ellie looking at your hands still holding each other and you think Betty was either your saviour or your worst enemy. 
“Here you two go!” You and Ellie break apart. “And here’s your extra strawberries.” Betty gives you a wink and skips back to wherever she appeared from. 
Ellie looks between you and the food. You give her a smile. “Eat. I’ll still be here to talk about it later.” The words you said sounded awfully like a promise.
Betty comes back to grab your empty plates, coffee in hand as she pours you another. “Can I get you another diet coke?” She tempts.
“No I’m okay. Thank you.” Ellie says.
“No problem, holler if you need anything.” There she goes again.
Ellie calls your name this time, you leave your mug untouched. “What did you mean when you said that you were suffocating yourself too?”
“Everytime I looked at you I felt like I was dying.” It wasn’t a full answer, but you weren’t ready to give so much of yourself away. You feel the same way you did two years ago before you left. “Do you understand?” Please understand, you think.
She looks at you with something in her stare that feels holy, like a revelation. “Yeah I think I do.” 
The period of time between you meeting Ellie and now is often remembered in differing stages of hurt. The hurt in your hands when you clenched your fists too tightly that time in class when you saw her staring at a girl you couldn’t even name. The hurt on your hip when the two of you got matching tattoos. The hurt in your heart when you went away and stayed away. 
The waiting hurt and so did the leaving.
And the realisation that it didn’t need to hurt, especially for as long as you did, left you feeling unsettled. The hurt was familiar, almost as familiar as Ellie, and you didn’t know if you could leave it behind too. Didn’t know if you would survive it. But surviving wasn’t living and this hurt could feel different. Because maybe, finally, all this love will have a place to go. 
You stand up to go pay and Ellie doesn’t try to stop you like she used to. You leave Betty a big tip and she gives you a cheesy grin in return with her thanks. Ellie is waiting by the front door with her shoulders slumped and hands fiddling when you turn around. You walk towards her. 
“Let’s stop somewhere for the night, yeah?”
“Yeah-” her voice cracks and she clears her throat, “-yeah sounds good.”
When you arrive to the closest motel it wasn’t nearly half as charming as the diner you had just eaten in. There was also no Betty to greet you at the front desk, instead a ragged man who was staring a bit too hard at you told you there was only one room left available. He looked far too happy when he sensed your discomfort. 
Ellie places a foot right in front of where you’re standing and steps forward, obstructing your view. “We’ll take it.” She pays this time.
The man throws the keys on top of the counter and grumbles to himself. Ellie places a hand on the small of your back when you turn to walk away and you subconsciously lean into it before you feel her nudge you along. The two of you made the walk to your room in silence but you can still feel the heat from her hand radiating up your spine. You shiver.
Ellie taps your hip, a gesture you remember, to get you to move aside. She swings both bags she was carrying on her shoulder higher so she can open the door and you’re immediately met with the sight of a bed, there was other furniture in the room but the bed really stood out. 
There was one bed. 
It’s okay, you thought. You had shared a bed with Ellie multiple times, you practically lived at her house that one summer and all the summers following. 
“Are you coming?”
You don’t trust your words so you nod and step inside. You didn’t realise closing the door would make the room seem infinitely smaller otherwise you might’ve left it open and just dealt with whatever the consequences were. Because there was still only one bed inside of a really small room. You try and play it cool. 
“You’re taking the left.” Smooth.
Ellie agrees easily. “Fine by me.”
You watch as she throws the bags onto the bed and begin rooting through hers, pulling out an old t-shirt that you recognised and a pair of sweatpants. She makes her way to the bathroom without once looking at you. You huff and grab your pyjamas too, changing into them hurriedly and lying down on the right side.
Ellie turns off the light and joins you in bed, the two of you staring at the ceiling. You hear her breathing and it sounds like your childhood. It sounds like your future too, the one you dream but never talk about. 
You both lay there under the covers on your backs and you think about how close she is to you. You didn’t know how to tell her you missed her, there simply weren’t enough words in the English language to express it, so you remained quiet. You think a lifetime has past when she decides to speak. In a way it had because you feel a new you being created in this dirty motel room. 
“I hate you for leaving.” Without me. You hear the unspoken words this time.
“I know.” 
“I hate you.” She states, stance firm.
“No you don’t.”
“No I don’t.”
You don’t know who reaches for who first, all you know is that you turn over and there she was, consuming your senses in a way only she knows how. You think about her lips on yours and the way her tongue traces your bottom lip. You think about her hands gripping your waist tight and the way she sighs into your mouth, you think that you want her to do it again. You think that everything about this road trip was doomed from the start. You think that it’s a problem for tomorrow’s version of you to deal with. 
You stop thinking when she pulls you on top of her and tugs at your shirt. You sigh into her mouth this time. 
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
That 100 different kisses list has me thinking about 80 with Rooster 😵‍💫
PROMPT: 80. crashing your lips together during an argument
thank you for this, Anna, angst with fluff for you xx
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“I just don't fucking get it,” you muttered after Rooster. He pushed open the door, conscious of you behind him, holding the door so it wouldn’t hit you in his frustration, and you followed him out of the bar and he stomped to the car. “I was not flirting with him - I mean, not the way you 'talk to girls at the bar',” you petulantly used the latter part of the sentence in air quotes just to belittle him a bit more and he threw his hands up, frustrated. “I didn't even accept the drink!”
He stopped and spun to look at you, his eyes dark with rage. “He asked for your number.”
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“Again, I didn't give it to him. What did you see that I didn't?” you begged to know. You didn't accept a drink, and you didn't give him your number, it didn't seem deeper than that. Rooster was usually much more comfortable in his own skin and was happy for you to chat with anyone at the bar. “I get to leave with the hottest guy in the bar and you think I'm entertaining the thought of cheating on you... while you're mere meters away?” you were baffled.
He chewed his lip, the cool night air calming a little after the stifling heat in the bar. “He asked for your number while I was standing next to you.”
“And you threatened to put your fist down his throat,” you added.
“And you’re angry at that?” he asked incredulously. “I'm in the wrong here?” he was seething.
“Oh, I get it now. You don't understand why you're the bad guy when you threaten violence to a guy that's hitting on me - and getting nothing, for the record - who walks away like you and I are both batshit crazy?”
He rolled his eyes, digging his keys from his pocket to your car, the Bronco getting the night off. “This is bullshit.”
"No, it's not. You're acting like an asshole and I called you out on it, so you’re having a 34-year-old’s version of a tantrum. I can't even imagine the ramifications if you followed through," you continued. 
“Do you ever fucking stop?” he asked, opening the passenger side, and in grandiose form, pleading you get in the car. “Ma'am, you piece of shit chariot awaits.”
“Fuck's sake, you don't have to take it out on the car, Bradley,” you snipped at him, getting in as he slammed the door behind you. You buckled up just in time for him to slide into the driver's seat and he harshly adjusted the seat and mirrors.
“Jesus Christ,” he started the car, whipping his belt on.
“Oh, my God,” you rolled your eyes, kicking your heels off and putting your feet on the dash. The overreaction was just spectacular. 
“Look,” he pressed the ignition, the car roaring to life. He cursed the music that you were both listening to on the trip here and bashed at the volume mute until it behaved. “I don’t want any guy to feel comfortable around you enough to think that you’re available to them.”
“That is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” you muttered. “Just drive home. I can’t deal with you anymore tonight. I thought this was going okay, but clearly, we’re on two very different pages here. I’m not going to be possessed by you. You don’t own me, or who I talk to, whether you think I’m leading them on or not. This is about you, not me.”
“I’m in love with you, fuck,” he exclaimed. “Can’t you see that? I don’t want whatever this casual thing is, I want us. You flirting with other guys makes me think I’m fucking drowning and you don’t feel the same,” he didn’t look at you. 
You didn’t look at him, but you sure heard him. The silence in the car was deafening. You’d yet to say those words and although you didn’t want to be casual with Bradley at all, this wasn’t exactly the way you wanted him to tell you he was in love with you - mid-argument. “You’re so fucking ridiculous,” you told him.
“I tell you I love you, and I’m ridiculous?” his tone still rough.
“Do you think that telling me you love me while you’re degrading me is fair?” you yelled.
“Well, no,” he admitted, his hands clutching the steering wheel, knuckles white.
“Fuck, I love you too,” you sighed, rubbing your face and finally turning to look at him, looking right back at you, eyes searching your face desperately. And before you could speak again, his hands drew around the back of your neck and brought you to him, kissing you like his life depended on it - like you were his air. He felt your body and sighed as he felt the seatbelt, releasing it and pulling you closer to him. 
“I love you,” he breathed. “I’m so in love with you. Please tell me you feel the same?” he pulled your hair, panting as he rested his forehead against yours. He knew his actions didn’t represent his feelings and realised he may have ruined everything before it even began.
“I love you, Bradley, I do,” you kissed him deeply, the adrenaline waning and he kissed your forehead. “Please don’t act like that again. I don’t like when you’re jealous. It’s not endearing at all.”
“I won’t,” he promised. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
“I love you,” you reaffirmed for him. He sighed and smiled. Your Bradley returning to you. He kissed you again, gentle and loving
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witchinatree · 1 month
magnus protocol episode 15 recap -amble
i think recap is the wrong word for these actually? its more like a live blog situation. i think i'm gonna change that
anywayy i'm so many days late its TIME
oh sam is so smooth with the tickets i adore the two of them
"if only to see your face" WHAT and then alice walks in oh my fucking god. babygirl i love you so much but i really need you to leave
human baby reveal holy shit
"babies are cool" alice honey i am so so sorry for your repeated fumbles but i really think you just need to leave
i thought that was tim for a second i genuinely believed that was tim. i think i am hallucinating him (i miss him).
oh shit.. this is very lesbian of me but she sounds so fucking cool in the scariest way ever
this weirdly reminds me of what happened to daisy but like if she.. died..? you know what i mean??? oh SHIT SHES ACTUALLY IN THE VOICEMAIL OH MY GOD. WHAT? WHAT WAIT SHES IN THE? THATS NOT THE VOICEMAIL THATS THE REAL THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT honey no honey celia run celia book it so fast
and it keeps going. it keeps going. oh is this luke? how did i put this off for so long oh my fucking jesus christ
awe i love that alice and luke are so close
......okay where are we now?? how are there 7 minutes left genuinely what is taking place in this podcast rn
babygirl.. babygirl no youre in a horror podcast never ever ever touch the victim this is this is awful alice no why did it fucking have to be her my babygirl my sweet cheese my good time boy
A TAPE RECORDER. it's so over? it's so over? it's so over?
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connor6sex · 1 month
because apparently i fucking hate myself, i felt a compulsion to try to transcribe some of Minutetech's last stream. Here's the transcript of Minutetech getting Impeached. Idk if it's all fully accurate, these fuckers love crosstalk more than life itself.
Long post, so below cut. Or on Google Docs,
Mapicc: Minutetech and I have made a bet. If I can get 14 people to oust him publicly. He will hold a reelection.
Mapicc: Right now we have 5, Baconnwaffles, Mapicc, Princezam, um, Roshambo and Jepex. THats five. I'm now going to go down the list, unmute people and if you want to say you are ousting Minute, you can now. We'll start with Wemmbu.
Wemmbu: Hello Chat, I'd like to oust Minute.
Mapicc: Okay, what does that make, 6/14? I'll unmute you now Minute, just so you can help me keep count while we go.
Minute: hello. So you're going to force them into making a decision before I can disprove the lies in that video? Is that what we're doing here?
Mapicc: I'm pretty sure we're going down the list to oust people. you can make a response afterwards, but that's kinda defeating-
Minute: That's what I just said, that you're trying to make them make a decision before I can disprove the lies in that video or what.
Roshambo: Let's do it by votes. Do you guys want to hear Minute's response or has that been enough proof?
Bacon: Jumperwho and Pentar say yes. Thank you for your input.
Mapicc: I think I'm going to go down the list and unmute people, you can make a response video on your own time, Minute. We're not gonna sit here for 30 minutes and have a debate, that's not the purpose of this vc.
Minute: Alright, I'll make a response video and see if their answers change.
Mapicc: Okay. We'll start with Poafa. Poafa do you oust Minute?
Poafa: I believe that Minutetech is an imposter, just like among us.
Mapicc: Is that a?
Poafa: I oust Minute.
Mapicc: Okay, thank you, Jesus Christ. What is that, 6 now?
Minute: 7
Mapicc: 7/14. We'll go next with Woogie. Hello Woogie, do you oust Minute?
Woogie: I like everything you've done, but I think, without a response I have to say I oust Minute.
Mapicc: 8 out of what? 14. We'll next go with Spoke.
Minute: I have a response, it's just they're not letting me say it, so. Keep that in mind.
Roshambo: Well, if you have a good response-
Spoke: Dog, can I wait till he gives a response?
Mapicc: No.
Minute: Oh! Convenient, convenient! Convenient response from Mapicc.
Zam: You can just choose to not oust him.
Bacon: Fine fine,
Zam: What do you mean? You can just choose to not oust him, I feel like, what?
Minute: He just said can we wait, and Mapicc just yapped no.
Ro?Leo?: Zam, Zam. What if we all say like 'we're not to oust him' and Minute's like 'yeah i'm not going to give a response now' That was our once chance to like, actually get him out of office
Mapicc: Okay. Fine, what would you like to say Minute?
Zam: I thought we had until next weekend?
Minute: You have until next weekend.
Mapicc: I'm allowed to ask people to oust now. But if you would like to respond, you can make a response video.
Minute: Oh, I have a response video, don't worry.
Spoke: I can change my answer?
Ro: Wait, Aren't you going to- Let's hear your response now?
Minute: I can bring up the video, I can go through it, I can bring up old recordings, I can do all that.
Mapicc: I don't want to watch you look through recordings.
Minute: Hey, I got the time, do you have the time?
Mapicc: No. Not everybody has the time, dude.
Spoke: Okay, whip up a video, whip up a video.
Mapicc: Oh my god.
Bacon: We don't have time for him to whip up a video
Mapicc: We don't have time for him to edit a video
Minute: Shall we postpone this?
Spoke: I'm going to oust him now, but like. He can drop a video, I'll just change my answer if it's fire.
Ro: Okay, so let's keep going down the list.
Mapicc: Okay, so you oust him now, right Spoke?
Spoke: Uhuh.
Mapicc: Okay, what is that 10/14?
Minute: 8, wait what? Did we?
Bacon: I'm really glad we unmuted Minute for the counting, because he's way better at this than Mapicc.
Mapicc: Okay, so 9/14. We'll go next for 4C. 4C do you oust Minute?
4CVIT: uh, my mic was muted. This is uh, this is a really interesting discussion. Like meeting, I was not prepared for this today. Um, oh my goodness, I want to hear Minute's response, and I want to talk to Minute. But for now, I'll explain later, I will oust Minute, yes.
Mapicc: And that makes? You do the counting Minute.
Minute: I believe that's 10 now right?
Mapicc: Probably. Alright, we'll go down to Reddoons. Reddoons do you oust Minute?
Reddoons: Well, my friends are saying to oust Minute, so I'm falling to peer pressure. I'm saying oust Minute, this is definitely a gaslit, peer pressure decision, definitely no other ulterior motive. Oust MinuteTech.
Mapicc: Okay, that's 11. Planetlord, do you oust Minute?
Planet: Um, hey, so, Minute, um, you know, you're a great guy and all, I can't- You don't understand this all right now but I'm sorry, I'm going to have to say yes.
Mapicc: So that's 12/14? We'll go to Spepticle. Spepticle do you oust Minute?
Spepticle: Um, hello. I don't think I can oust Minute, yeah. I don't. Yeah, that's all I'm going to say.
Mapicc: I guess I'll unmute Pentar, and I'll unmute Jumper, you guys want to say your piece? You don't oust Minute right?
Jumper: I don't.
Pentar: Would you believe me if I say that I don't oust Minute.
Mapicc: I do believe you, I do believe you. So what are we on right now? 11/14?
Minute: 12 I think.
Mapicc: 12, okay. LeoWook, this is an interesting one, do you oust Minute, LeoWook?
LeoWook: No.
Mapicc: Ok.
LeoWook: What? “this is really interesting”
Mapicc: Okay. So we have what? 11/14 right now Minute?
Minute: 12, 12, 12! Jesus, 12!
Mapicc: Okay, 12.
Mapicc: There's got to be an easier
Zam: I am shocked how many times it was counted wrong, I'm actually in shock. It's been counted wrong so many times dude.
Mapicc: You're mean to me
Zam: Bro, lock the fuck in.
Ro: We're at 12, we're at 12.
Mapicc: Okay, we're at 12. Spoke, do you want to make an announcement for people to react to, that way they can change their thing whenever they want? And the final poll will go down
Spoke: Wanna oust Minute? Reply with a checkmark if so.
Bacon: react with a checkmark
Spoke: He will be kicked and a president will be elected. Okay this is about to be the craziest-
Mapicc: How would this have worked Minute? If I did get 14 people, would we have just hosted a reelection right now or?
Minute: It would have happened at session, and then. Depending if people change their minds
Mapicc: That's interesting. 
[Segment removed by Transcriber due to talking about poop]
Mapicc: I thought it was, Once you hit 14 we host a reelection then.
Minute: I said- hold on hold on hold on
Wemmbu: That aside, that aside, that aside. In your original video Minute, you said before session.
Minute: Didn't I say by session?
Mapicc: I think you said before
Minute: I said if I get 14 people to say that before session, than the next session's policy would be reelection.
Ro: So what are we at right now? 12.
Mapicc: If you just voted to oust Minute, go to the announcement and react positively, you can take your thing off if he convinces you later. But just so we have a count for right now.
Bacon: The X doesn't do anything guys, if your wondering.
Spoke: It's for like, uh,
Bacon: It's for moral support i guess.
Spoke: It's for interactions, engagements.
Mapicc: Who are we missing that hasn't reacted yet. Oh, Zam, Ro.
Ro: Oh sorry.
Poafa: Which ones which?
Mapicc: What the fuck do you mean which ones which?
Bacon: So the checkmark is for if you want him to be ousted, and the X is for. I don't know, if you want to react with an X.
Mapicc: Hold on, we need an extra reaction for the Jepex's of the community. He can just do it later.
Ro: We can just imagine it's plus one for Jepex, right?
Mapicc: Yeah, can we do 12? It counts as 12 right now Minute?
Minute: Uh, yeah. Current count is 12.
Mapicc: Hold on. This is interesting. This is a closer number than you had expected, Minute?
Minute: I figured there was a moment where it might have gotten to this.
Mapicc: Really? You expected it to hit 11?
Zam: 12!
Minute: After you guys said your response I figured some of the votes might get to this.
Mapicc: It's 11 in the reactions.
Minute: It's 12 total though
Zam: Okay, but it's 12 total though.
Mapicc: Yes, it's 12 total, i said 11 cause the thing. What the fuck are you doing Poafa?
Zam: Does our amazing current president want to come on stage and say anything?
Leo: I think Minute should defend himself
Ro: Yeah, why can't we settle this now? You do your response now.
Minute: I can do this now, it's just that I'm eventually going to have to pull up recordings to disprove a lot of what you've done.
Spoke: There's receipts
Zam: That's okay, can you do some-
Minute: I can do a start now. So what was the first part of the video? You said, um, Foundation was some lie or whatever?
Zam: Publicity stunt. It might have not started out as one, but it did become one.
Ro: I said that you, uh. The Abyss Arc, and the Presidency Arc. The presidency Arc was planned before the Abyss, and there's a screenshot.
Minute: When I say Abyss Arc and Foundation created, you know that was like back in January right, not March where you pulled the screenshot from. How can that be possible? Did I time travel?
Ro: There's screenshots from before the abyss arc, no? When was Abyss arc?
Minute: When the Abyss was created, like January.
Jumper: January 13th.
Bacon: It was before the week of Abyss, before like the Foundation-
Ro: A better landmark would be when was Foundation created?
Minute: Back in January, we have recordings Ro, why are we being so oblivious?
Jumper: January 13th
Zam: But we've had plans for an Election Arc far before um.
Minute: It started back in March, like earliest is March.
Zam: No I said further, before January-
Minute: Well after we founded Foundation was already created and we were knee deep in our goals. Right.
Zam: I'm saying before January, are you hearing me or no?
Minute: You're saying presidency was discussed before January?
Zam: It was!
Ro: I do agree with that. I recall talking about it in an airport, and that was probably traveling over winter break.
Bacon: Let's be real here also. The Foundation was not. When the Foundation was started, Minute was not like immediately active. Minute really locked in for the most part, on the Foundation when it got to like the last month. Which is at the time when-
Minute: That's not true at all, I got active on it the day the Foundation was created. Like I have recordings of this. What is this?
Zam: Did Planet and Ro move the elder guardian on the nether roof or...
Minute: I was right there with them! Hello? Oh Clown's on.
Jumper: You know Minute and I had meetings like every other day, right? Like we had so many meetings outside
Zam: You would know Jumper, you would know.
Jumper: Yeah I would, cause I have recordings of it!
Mapicc: I have something interesting. Minute, I'd like you to go to the announcements page of the discord right now.
Minute: Okay, what's going on?
Mapicc: It's currently 12 right now, we need 14 total. If anybody else, who hasn't voted yet would like to click on the react, you may now do so.
Minute: Did we not just go over this? Why are we trying to change the subject once I started disproving things?
Ro: That's 14.
Mapicc: Click on it. I think that's 14 Minute.
Minute: Okay, so by rule, if that number doesn't change or go below 14 then we'll have a reelection
Wemmbu: Nah nah nah nah nah. That is not what you said in the video.
Ro: You said before session.
Minute: If by before session we have 14 people
Wemmbu: You said before session, it's before session
Minute: Okay wait did we not just go over this right now in vc? like people have time to change their vote hello?
Wemmbu: Yes, for the session.
Minute: What are you saying? you just said people might change their minds or not
Wemmbu: Yes, you can change people's minds for when the, the election at the session.
Mapicc: You try and get reelected
Wemmbu: So now you need to do a reelection on Saturday and you can try to win that election.
Minute: If it stays at 14 yeah.
Wemmbu: No, that was not in the original video. We will quote the video
Minute: Okay okay, so did we not just talk about in VC the number could go up or down? now it's changing now you guys magically have 14?
Mapicc: Oh my God.
Zam: Minute loves twisting narratives afterwards. This is so interesting.
Ro: Minute, listen to me, listen to me. Minute, Minute, Minute, if you're arguing that it shouldn't change then why should it change from what you said in the video?
Wemmbu: Exactly.
Minute: Okay what do you say? Okay wait hold on, I didn't hear you okay what you said-
Ro: And what you said in the video is if I get 14 votes before the session on Saturday.
Minute: Look at the number now what does that mean! What? Oh now it's 15 okay fuck.
Bacon: Okay wait, I have a question, I have a question who added those extra votes? cuz it seemed like it was pretty-
Mapicc: It seemed like it was like-
Zam: Mid Mystic one as well wow,
Mapicc: I'm curious Minute, who added those votes?
Minute: Okay so now so now okay so now you cross the threshold we're going to ignore the whole conversation we just had in vc where you said the number could go up or down?
Leo: I want to say I added my vote because I think it would be kind of cool.
Minute: Oh okay.
Clown: I'm sorry, Minute. I'm not for peace. Ever. So it's just it's just a matter of disagreeing.
Ro: Oh Minute-
Mapicc: Minute, I think we should host a re-election right now. I think you said in the video, before the session-
Minute: That's not, that's not how this thing was supposed to go.
Bacon: You know we can have reelection at the-
Wemmbu: -Saturday. But we're gonna have to have-
RO: -Fine
Mapicc: Minute are you a man of democracy like you stated in all of your pitches, all of your videos? how about we take a vote on whether we should re-elect right now?
Zam: (giggly)Oh
Wemmbu: That's a really good question.
Mapicc: -That do you think of that Minute?
Minute: Can you do a server ping Spoke?
Spoke: Yeah what am I-?
Mapicc: Spoke do a server ping.
Spoke: What am I doing? Hello-
Mapicc: Just ping everyone and be like are you down to revote right now? React yes or no.
Minute: I don't know, it's just-
Wemmbu: We get a majority vote.
Minute: -this, this does feel a little hypocritical Mapicc, I have to, to say this.
Ro: How come? How so?
Mapicc: How come?
Minute: The other- I think it was yesterday, you and I had a, you and I had a, a little chat yesterday Mapicc, you said you said the presidency that I won was unfair because I had a lot of people online that I convinced that was the good guy is this not the same thing but on your end?
Mapicc: Um what if I told you I wasn't running for president.
Minute: You aren't running?
Mapicc: I'm not running.
Ro: He's not running.
Minute: Is someone on your team running?
Mapicc: Everybody react.
Ro: No I'm not running, Zam's not running.
Zam: I'm- I have no plans of running, yeah, uh, no.
Mapicc: Who punched me? That's not cool.
Poafa?: Spepticle.
Leo: I'm gonna run for President!
Mapicc: Uhoh! LeoWook's going to run for president. If you haven't reacted go check announcements now and react.
Leo: One time on my brother's SMP I ran for president and didn't get elected so this, like this, would be like Vengeance for them.
Clown: Oh Redemption, yes.
Leo: Yeah, Redemption.
Zam: Like the LeoWook.
Leo: Yeah.
Mapicc: And, that's that's that's not- that's a ClownPierce drawing okay
Clown: ClownPierce! Sorry, I love that drawing.
Mapicc: If you haven't reacted- There's more than 13 people in the VC so either react yeah or no please. Just so we like, know everybody is like locked in. okay.
Wemmbu: Oh
Mapicc: So Minute it's hit a majority.
Minute: So be it. It's a democracy.
Leo: Oh boy, Minute's no longer President.
Ro: It's time for a reelection
Mapicc: It's time for a reelection.
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th0rns-n-r0ses · 5 months
raving about hot men [you dont have to read this]
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Hi. I'm just gonna rave about Axl for God knows how long. dude I'm genuinely in love I love every little thing, like seriously, blushing and kicking my feet and giggling. I'm the most dominant and overpowering motherfucker you're gonna meet (not really but that's for perspective) and this man has me on my knees, I seriously just need him like what. Okay so his hair looks so soft and fluffy and I wanna bury my face in it and breathe in and smell it and run my hands in it. I would brush it and wash it for him like no joke I would give him the best hair care you've ever fuckin' seen. As for eyes, oh my God, those eyes are so pretty and perfect, I just find myself lost in them. Sometimes in lil clips and recordings I see, his eyes just sparkle and shine and ohmygod it's so pretty I can't even. His nose, I don't have much to say on, but Jesus fucking Christ it's perfect. Shape, size, everything I'm so jealous. I hate my nose and his is so perfect, I just wanna steal it (that sounds so weird help). HIS SMILE IS SO CUTE I ALWAYS LOSE MY MIND OVER IT I'M NOT JOKING AARRGGGHHHHHHH IT'S SO INFECTIOUS LIKE I SMILE SO HARD WHEN I SEE THAT SMILE I'M JUST WHYS HE SO YES DUDE WHY WHY WHY THIS ISN'T FAIIIIRRRRRR. And his build. Oh. My. Fucking. God. I want him to just overpower me like I'm I'm only 2 inches shorter than him but he can overpower me whenever he wants to. He's so strong looking and I feel like his thighs would be such a nice pillow. Oh my God literally imagine, laying your head on his lap while he smiles down at you and plays with your hair!? I would lose my MIND. I would be a damned puddle if that happened, I'd be red as strawberries. And oh my god his laugh. I'm. I'm. I'm. His voice is so warm and cute and I just want to kiss his lips and on the tip of his nose and give him a huge hug and give him the love and care he deserves (fuck you Stephanie Seymour). anyway sorry if you read that im ugh i need his arms around me so bad dude
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intosnarkness · 9 months
I was raised in a very Christian household, used to get on this website for teenagers and young people to mingle among other people in the faith and I had a friend who was what she called a Messianic Jew. From memory I can’t really remember the differences, I’m strictly just curious. It always fascinates me how different being raised in Jewish household can be compared to Christianity, a lot of similarities but a lottttt more big differences.
I'm not sure what your exact question is here, but I'm going to answer "what is a messianic jew?". If that's not what you meant, please let me know.
Messianic Jews are people who call themselves Jewish while believing that Christ is the Messiah.
And here's why I have a problem with that:
The first thing we have to do is define "jew", which is a lot harder than you think. Jews are an ethnoreligious group. Very simply, that means that to be "Jewish" is both an ethnicity and a religion.
My family is ethnically Ashkenazi Jewish; when we entered the diaspora we went to the Holy Roman Empire, then Germany, and finally settled in Eastern Europe. When my mom did a DNA test, she got "96% Ashkenazi Jewish" on her results. It is a group that can be traced through DNA as well as culture and location. (More about Jewish Ethnic divisions.) You cannot become an Ashkenazi Jew unless you are born as one, just like you cannot become Hispanic or Latino unless you are born as one.
Now, my family is also religiously Jewish, meaning I grew up in Jewish traditions. I went to Hebrew school, I became Bat Mitzvah when I was 13, and I hold Jewish values and a Jewish outlook. Anyone can become a religious Jew through conversion. It's not easy, but it can be done and is done all the time. Once you convert, you are considered no different from people who grew up in the faith, and I was raised that it is forbidden to ever ask if a person is a convert.
So, a religiously Jewish person can be of any ethnicity and an ethnically Jewish person can be any religion. Therefore, it is possible to have a Christian Jew- that is, an ethnically Jewish person who has converted to Christianity. There are actually a lot of these, in no small part due to things like the Spanish Inquisition, which allowed conversion as an alternative to death or exile. It's why people like Madeline Albright are possible; she was raised Roman Catholic and didn't know she was ethnically Jewish until she read about it in the Washington Post.
Okay, so that's our definition of terms. A Jew is someone of the Jewish ethnic group, a person who practices Judaism, or someone who is both.
Now, we have to ask ourselves, what is a Messiah? Messiah, or Moshiach, is a Hebrew word for King. And depending on what kind of Jew you ask, he may or may not be coming. Remember, if you have 5 Jews, you have 6 opinions. We don't agree on much. And for the record, I was taught that it is every Jew's job to make the world as good as possible and get us as close as possible to the Messianic age, because Moshiach will only come when he is no longer needed. This is part of what Tikkun Olam is, literally "repairing the world". But the general thrust is that, if he is coming, Moshiach will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and usher in an era of peace and prosperity for Jews.
Because Jesus did neither of those things, he does not fit the Jewish requirement to be Moshiach. So Judaism believes that Jesus was a false messiah. He said some good shit, but he wasn't The Guy.
So, a person who believes that Jesus is Moshiach cannot be religiously Jewish. It just doesn't jibe with the rest of it. They can be ethnically Jewish, but that's not in general what Messianic Jews mean.
Now, I also have a knee-jerk "oh fuck that" reaction to messianic Judaism, specifically Jews for Jesus, because they have run themselves for years as a covert conversion front. Cause Jesus is only going to come back when the Jews are all either in Israel, dead, or Christians. So convert 'em. It's deeply unsettling to me. I don't want to call it genocidal, but it does seem to hinge on the destruction of groups of people, so.
IDK if that answers your question, but that's what I've got for now.
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estsmutxx · 2 months
Plot:Colson gets dropped by his record label and y/n has to comfort him
warnings/tags:kinda fluffy,kinda angsty,stress,yelling,talking about drug use,overwhelmed,cursing,etc
*no smut*
(Colsons pov)
"Jesus fucking christ! You're dropping me from the label because I couldn't release something that wasn't fucking ready?" I screamed,everyone in the room stared at me. "I don't know what you want me to do,man. I told you that you had a week to finish it and you didn't get it done."  Diddy said. "Do you realize that i'm an actual person? I can't just do all these projects back to back with no break!" I screamed again. "That's what being an artist is." Diddy responded,shrugging at me. It's like he didn't even fucking care.
I scoffed,running my hand through my hair. "I can't fucking believe this." I was getting angrier by the second,watching him sit there without a care in the world. "Call Y/n." Rook said from behind me. "On it." Slim responded. I stormed out of the room,lighting a blunt outside of the back of the building. "This fucking idiot." I muttered to myself.
(Y/n's pov)
When you got to the studio Colson was in Diddy's face,yelling at him. He was saying something along the lines of "You don't give a shit about me."You let him yell until he was getting visibly more angry. You walked up to him,pulling him away from Diddy. "Col,it's okay baby."You whispered. He didn't pay any attention to you until you put you arms around him. "Hey,it's okay. Breathe." You told him. He shook his head,walking away from diddy. He leaned against the wall and wrapped his arms around you. "He fucking dropped me." He said. You could feel his rapid heart beat against your chest.
He stared down Diddy as he walked away.
You ran my fingers through his hair,watching as he slowly calmed down in front of you. "It's okay Col. I'm sure we can talk to him about to once you calm down."You spoke. He took a deep breath then kissed your lips. "Can we go home?" He asked. "Yeah,let me get the boys."You responded.
(Time skip,Y/n’s pov)
You were laying on your bed watching tv,waiting for Colson to get out of the shower. His phone buzzed on the bed so you picked it up and unlocked it.
Colson: Yo,can I stop by? I need some.
Rocky (Dealer): yeah. gimmie 10 then u can come through.
Your heart dropped,he’s been sober for months. It’s clear that the fight with Diddy definitely triggered him.You sighed to yourself,shutting his phone off then putting it back where it was. A few minutes went by and Colson came out of the shower. “Col.”You said as he sat down and dried his hair with a towel. “Mhm?” He asked. “Why’d you text your dealer,baby?” You asked calmly.
“He texted back?” He said,immediately reaching for his phone. “No,Col come on.” You said,carefully but quickly taking the phone out of his hand. “Don’t immediately turn to drugs,Colson. You’ve been doing so good. You just need to process this.” You told him. He sighed and laid back,turning to face you. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He said. You shook your head, “Nothing’s wrong with you,you’re just stressed. Come here.” You responded. He laid closer to you,laying his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his curls.
“You’re okay,i’m right here.” You said,kissing his forehead. “I feel bad for making you comfort me like this.” He said. “You’re not making me do anything. I love you,I want to comfort you over and over again.” You responded,placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I love you.” He replied. It wasn’t long until he fell asleep on your chest as you were humming his songs to him. You didn’t move for the rest of the night,letting him sleep on you.
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bonnielunkas · 6 months
okay hear me out, hurricane paranormal society dashboard simulator
actually that's a dumb idea forget i said anything
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🎮 gamerswag39
jesus fucking christ i'm so upset rn. literally got a call over NOTHING. so what if the animatonics are moving at night that doesn't mean shit man. they move at night at my location. they move at night at the pizzaplex. they moved at night in the 80's and 90's. they just do that. and then they had the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to deal with it? like? just get a technician to deal with it if it's that big of a problem?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmao didn't they like. kill night guards in the 80's/90's
🎮 gamerswag39
yeah? jake our boss's husband literally got assaulted by mangle?
📞 phone-a-dude
yeah i remember him talking about that lmao
📞 phone-a-dude
just checked some company records my dad almost got killed by chica back in like 93 lol
🎮 gamerswag39
didn't your dad literally kill those kids?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmfao yeah
💙 stanleyblogs
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238 notes
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⚙ exo-gurl
Alright, today's the day guys, gonna be showing off the exosuit in my robotics class. (Made it with a bit of help from @ history-with-shelly but no one in my class needs to know that. Thanks btw Shelly, you're a real one.)
⚙ exo-gurl
⚙ exo-gurl
🖥 coding-and-cats
you're welcome 👍
⚙ exo-gurl
749 notes
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🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Me and my gf are going on a date later hopefully nothing weird or paranormal happens!
🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Hey what the fuck is Faz-goo and why is this random kid I don't know warning me about it.
1,253 notes
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🔧 cob-rulez
not to name names, but istg i'm this close to dropping one of my friends. he literally went like, 50 in a school zone, almost ran over tobes' boyfriend, and he didn't even fucking apologize? he just kept driving like that didn't happen? like? wtf?
(pete when you see this i'm really sorry my friend almost hit you)
🏈 absolutely-footballin
🔧 cob-rulez
yes unfortunately.
💛 aimees-corner
And this is why I've been telling you to drop him for the last few years.
🔧 cob-rulez
in my defense i haven't been in a truck with him before i thought everyone was just like, exaggerating when they said he's a terrible driver
💛 aimees-corner
Need we forget all the times he's ended up on the news? Enough to where there's a whole post about it?
🛻 trucks-n-shit
gang i'm like, RIGHT HERE.
🌐 certified-hurricane-moment
Certified Hurricane Moments in history
🔧 cob-rulez
13,572 notes
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🧃 applesauceboy
Okay so I kinda always figured? I was adopted? Since me and my parents don't look alike at all. But WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER I JUST NEVER KNEW ABOUT? I'm hanging out with him right now and like? How did we just never know?
🧃 applesauceboy
His name is Devon btw if like, any of you guys know him.
📓 kaiju-fanboy
I work with him, I guess? He joined the paranormal team I'm in because he accidentally killed a classmate once.
🧃 applesauceboy
👾 gregorygaming
oh yeah I know him too lol. apparently he went to that abandoned freddy's out in the woods with his friend and said classmate and the classmate put on a springlock suit and bled out? but then devon went back a week later and his classmate was there and they were fine and then everyone just moved on like nothing happened.
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
136 notes
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🦊 yargfoxyforever
hey guys what does it mean if my cousin has blue eyes and his name is freddy and he's really nice
💖 m4rl3y
Alec please stop borderline shit-talking my younger brother I really don't see what the issue is
🦊 yargfoxyforever
chat, Does She Know?
💖 m4rl3y
Alec what does that mean
💖 m4rl3y
14 notes
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🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Hey guys, Mandy here with some exciting news!!!! I'm gonna be visiting Utah next week to see my friends!!!! I'll let you guys know if I can learn any cool info on this trip!!! See you guys in a week!!!! ^v^
🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Guys I think I'm being haunted.
102 notes
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🧢 thegreendemon
🧢 thegreendemon
@ kaiju-fanboy @ gregorygaming YOU TWO.
46 notes
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🌹 heather-the-musical
This close to kicking this random blonde dude out of Film Club, he's annoying when it comes to directing and he can't use a camera to save his life.
🌹 heather-the-musical
No fucking way he just showed me literal footage of a Freddy's just to prove he's a good camera man. What the fuck.
🌹 heather-the-musical
263 notes
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💀 tomb-and-gloom
like this post if you love yuri
5,048 notes
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🍀 sir-gee-oh
stuck on a phone call with matt. ignoring him isn't enough i need to kill this guy.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
Summary: Back in 1986, Y/n broke Eddie's trust and heart. He's on top of the world now, his dreams are coming true, and yet he can't help but wish things had been slightly different. A letter serves him as an excuse to aim for a second chance.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Genre: mostly angst
Requested by: @attinaadellaalana @eddiemunsonsluvrrr
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @comfort-reads
Warnings: language, alcohol, let me know if i miss anything
A/N: indulging y'all AND myself so I can write Rockstar!Eddie bc that's what he deserves. Part 2 to the awfully angsty fic I wrote because my best friend made me fix it. Lots of pov jumps but it's necessary bc you need to see BOTH SIDES. Next part will be *spicy* so beware. Okay that's all, enjoy <3
Prequel: Liar. Traitor. Backstabber.
Sequel: but years pass and I love you the same (II/II)
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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October 10, 1990, NYC
"Oh, Jesus Christ—" a gutural, tortured groan escaped my lungs at the piercing sound of someone knocking on the hotel suite's door, both my hands instinctively pressing the pillow to my ears in an attempt to muffle the piercing noise. "Gareth, get the fucking door!"
"You get the fucking door!" The drummer snapped back from somewhere on the bathroom floor.
Ding-dong! Ding-dong!
"I'm coming! Hold up! Goddamnit..." After untangling myself from both ridiculously expensive bedsheets and the limbs of some random groupie that ended up joining us after our last show, I made my way to the entrance.
The corridor's light was too bright for my hungover state, I thought after opening the door, shielding my eyes with my forearm.
"Mr. Munson—"
"Shit no, nonono." I waved a hand at our manager's assistant at the sight of an envelope. "No fan mail the morning after the concert, man. Can't think straight, let alone read."
"It's not fan mail, it's— it's from Hawkins, Indiana." It took my lethargic brain a moment too long to process the words. "Marla said you'd like to—"
Sobered up in a matter of seconds, I snatched the letter away from the assistant's unsure hands. My feet carried my tuned out self back into the suite while I ripped it open, my palm searching in the dark behind me to switch on the lights —to everyone's dismay— so I could read it.
I felt my heart sinking with discontent once my eyes skimmed the text.
'Dear Edward Munson,
Congratulations on your first World Tour. I write to you in hopes that you and your band may be able to revisit your hometown and play at Hawkins High School's football field on the 27th of October. All the money will be donated to blah blah blah...'
It was hilarious. Hawkins's mayor asking us to come back and help that damn town. A part of me wanted to go for shits and giggles. Definitely not because I missed the girl that ruined me.
Yeah, shits and giggles. That's what pushed me to postpone the last two concerts of the tour.
October 20, 1990, Hawkins
"Soooo did you hear?"
I sighed, not bothering to peel off my furrowed gaze from the filing cabinet full of students' records I had just finished reorganizing to stare at the hyperenergized Robin that had just burst into my office.
'Did you hear?'; if only I had a penny for every time I had, in fact, heard that week...
"I don't know, Robin. Probably just like ten fucking times today." I retorted with venomous sarcasm as I spun around to grab my bag from my chair.
"Way to talk to the woman who's kindly driving you home." She quipped, toying with her car keys while we exited the room.
"Sorry, okay? I just..." I pursed my lips, taking a moment while I locked the office to think. "I'm glad he's back. I'm glad you guys get to see him. I just don't wanna hear anything about it." I adjusted the strap of my back on my shoulder, following Robin's lead to the parking lot. "It's bad enough having to partake in the welcoming committee bullshit."
"What exactly happened between you two anyway?" She questioned, electric blue eyes squinted at me. "Like, was it thaaat bad? It's been four years and you're still pressed."
"Told you it was a bad break up— Listen," I halted my steps to turn to Robin with pleading eyes. "can we not talk about it?" After a moment of hesitation, she gave me a quick nod. "With any luck, I'll just meet him before the concert and then we'll part ways again."
With any luck. Ha. As if a part of me didn't ache to see him again, to talk to him, to touch him, to feel him; as if my heart hadn't momentarily stopped beating when Hawkins High staff was informed that they would have to be preparing the football field for a Corroded Coffin fundraising show.
October 26, 1990, Hawkins
"Okay— Y'know what? Just fucking drop me here." I scowled, flinging the van's door open before our chauffeur got the chance to pump the breaks.
"Eddie, c'mon! Really?" Jeff called in disbelief, though he didn't bother on trying to stop me when I jumped off the vehicle and shut its door.
The road to our hometown hadn't been the best time for the band; constant arguing and clapbacks were commonplace since our plane had landed in Indianapolis. The closer we were to Hawkins, the worse it got.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
I lit myself a cigarette while my feet carried me through the forest, shortening the route to Hawkins.
First thing I passed by was the cemetery.
Before boarding the plane, I made a mental note of the people I wanted to visit after the show —given that we would stay three days—, but I was already there. I found myself walking to Chrissy's grave even before I fully decided on it.
Seeing the sweet cheerleader's headstone was what it took for me to realize how much of a mistake coming back had been.
Fuck this town, they don't deserve you.
It almost sounded like Y/n. Almost, because it had been a bit too long since I heard her voice.
As soon as I had walked into the graveyard, I was out, absentmindedly resuming my walk to the trailer park —except, I didn't really go to the trailer park. No, I took the long way, which forced me to cross a thankfully not very crowded Hawkins High parking lot. Due to the time of the day, only the staff's cars remained parked, and even them were beginning to drive away.
I wasn't ready to see her —not yet—, but the universe had always had a funny way of twisting my wishes, so there she was, crossing the highschool doorway with a ginger I recognized as Robin's girl.
God, I hated her. I hated the way my heart raced at the mere sight of her. I hated how she made my breath hitch and my feet freeze because she looked as breathtaking as ever, even when her small smile was feigned and her shoulders were slightly slumped.
She was sad. Good.
And then she bid the redhead goodbye to join a slim man with a sunny disposition, and her fake smile grew into more of a content beam while the two walked to a shared car, laughing. He placed his hand on the small of her back and I felt the urge to look away.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned heel and left. A part of me expected her to... What? Wait for me? but why? I had been the one to cut contact for good, I had been the one to leave her —us— behind, and yet I had hoped for Y/n to welcome me with open arms. I had always been fucking stupid when it came to her.
Naturally, after leaving the parking lot, I came across Motel 6. The memories I had there didn't help the ache of my still broken heart.
Why did I have to miss her so much?
Tears prickled my eyes at the memory of our last night together, leaning in silence on that rusty railing while we prorogued our final goodbye.
The chilly Autumn Sun had set behind Hawkins' treetops by the time I arrived at the trailer park. It felt odd to be back.
It felt even odder when my uncle, who I anticipated to be working at the plant on a Friday evening, opened the our trailer's door and engulfed me in a hug.
The little 'Welcome home, Eddie' he whispered into the embrace was what pushed me over the edge; without warning, I was crying on his shoulder, cradling his flannel shirt like I was a lost twelve year old kid all over again.
October 27, 1990, Hawkins
Friday had been torture. Saturday was a blur —at least until the principal walked the empty highschool halls with mayor Phillips, a brunette woman in her early forties, a couple of bodyguards, and the members of the band.
Although years hadn't changed them, they seemed different; stylish, successful, important. Eddie led the group, chitchatting with both their manager and the mayor, one of his hands gesticulating animatedly while the other remained on the guitar strap crossing his chest.
Fuck, he looked good. He looked so good.
"—And this is the kind personnel that will show you around." The principal's voice mentioning our names to the band brought me back to reality. "This is Marla Hammerstein, Corroded Coffin's manager."
There was a round of polite 'nice to meet you's while Marla shook everyone's hands that didn't quite reach my ears, and those big brown eyes were to blame —those deep dark irises, flooded with sadness and something more, that found my own like magnets.
Soon enough, the band members were being led to the football field, as if they hadn't spent their school years wandering those same halls.
"—Yup, right there," Vikkie animatedly bobbed her head at Marla, pointing at the bathroom we had set for the performers before making us all come to a stop in front of what was the drama club, unlatching the door to show our guests the inside. "and we improvised a little greenroom in here because—"
"Wait, here?" My breath got caught up in my throat when I felt Eddie's chest against my back, his ring clad hand coming to rest at the doorframe, right by my face. "Huh."
"Yup, why?"
I felt his ribs thrum with an amused laugh, as he subtly bent forward into me. "Nothing, I just think everything 'bout this is fucking hilarious. Right, Ms. Y/l/n?" I gulped at his bitter inquiry, muttering a quiet 'right' as a reply. "Alright, let's get this over with, shall we?" He breathed out near my ear, pushing himself back with the help of his supporting palm, triggering an involuntary whine out of me at the lost of touch.
Something told me Eddie was purposefully torturing me —that something being how he stayed glued to my back, constantly hovering over my form while spitting scathing remarks that could be easily masked as dry humor. It was as if he himself didn't know how to feel about having me around again.
A part of me was genuinely happy when the show began, because that meant I was allowed to leave.
Had things been slightly different, I would be standing in the front row, headbanging to Corroded Coffin's agressive music led by Eddie's beautiful voice, but that's just not how it was, so instead of screaming the lyrics in the crowd, I found myself driving home. Then, maybe, I would walk to a bar in hopes of drinking my pain away.
For better or for worse, I didn't give much thought to which would be the bar in particular.
Saying I was sharp-tempered after the show would be an understatement. I myself could barely put up with my behavior, so hanging out with the band would have been selfish at the very least.
That's why, for the first time in forever, I didn't stick with them after a gig, choosing to fly on my own and search for a quiet place to have a drink.
And what could be quieter and more fitting for my visit than the least frequented bar in Hawkins —the same bar where we had started playing?
The Hideout wasn't what it used to be. It was surprisingly crowded, and had a refreshed, more expensive vibe to it; Guns N' Roses was playing in the background while people danced in the middle of the establishment. As I got closer to the bar counter, I saw a framed picture of us hanging on the wall with a little inscription below; 'where Corroded Coffin was born'.
"Pffft." I snorted, propping my forearms on the wooden surface. "That's cute. Hey Al!" I called for the bartender with a cheeky grin, enjoying his shock at the sight of me. "Would you be so kind to get me a good ol' beer?"
"Anything for you, Eddie."
"Put it on my tab, Al." My blood ran cold at Y/n's listless voice coming from my left.
After a very much needed minute to compose myself and not look like a fucking deer caught in headlights, I turned my head to the girl, who gave me a small, almost timid wave. I nodded in her direction as a response before returning my attention to the bartender, who was currently serving me the drink.
"How was the show?"
"You didn't stay?" I tried not to sound upset about it, but given Y/n's sorry eyes, I didn't do a very good job.
"Thought you wouldn't want me there." She was half lying, I could see it in the way she averted her eyes from me to stare at her glass, almost empty, sitting in front of her.
"It was okay, I think." I chose to respond to her question, rather than delve into her last sentence. "Very surreal, though. You know, playing in Hawkins, it's just- it's just awkward? I mean,"
Oh no. I felt something coming that hadn't happened to me in years; anxiety fueled word vomit.
"Half of them were chasing me with pitchforks and torches just a couple of years ago. You know Andy? Andy from basketball team? Andy the fucking asshole who tried to beat me up with a crowbar? He came after the show to tell me our songs rocked." I breathed out a nervous laugh, riping a half smile from Y/n, one that my eyes could barely catch due to her temple resting on her right knuckles.
"That's one bizarre experience." She commented, twirling her drink.
"Speaking of bizarre," I scooted to the left, telling myself it was to avoid nosey ears and not to be closer to her. "how's... work?"
Y/n clicked her tongue. "Can't tell you."
"So you're still active." The girl subtly nodded, finally dropping her right hand and allowing me to see her gaze, mildly illuminated by the neon lights in the establishment. "I see you kept your job at the counseling department."
"Ms Kelley was transferred, so I actually got promoted." She clarified, taking a sip of her drink.
"That's great." I stated, searching for a topic to hold onto. Counseling. Highschool. Highschoolers. Got it. "I saw, uhh, Max Mayfield yesterday. She's so grown, what the fuck."
Y/n snorted. "Have you seen Dustin and the others?"
"Not yet."
"They're like... Little men. Not so little." Y/n scrunched her nose, gaze fixed on the bottles displayed before us while she probably pictured the party. "They make me feel old."
I couldn't help but snicker at the dramatism of the statement. "They make you feel old, at the blooming age of 24—"
"25." She corrected me, finally meeting my eyes with a tight-lipped smile.
I stayed silent for a hot second, time hitting me like a heavy rock. "25. Forgot your birthday was last week."
"I wasn't expecting you to remember." Although she tried to mask it as a joke, I caught on the sincerity of her words. "Rockstar duties and all, must be hard to keep track of mundane things."
"Nothing 'bout you is mundane." I blurted out before my mind could stop my mouth. Catching her gaze was a losing game, I found out, so I moved a bit closer until our thighs were brushing and nudged her. "Except your taste in music."
"Ouch! That's a low blow." She complained, taking a hand to her chest before looking up at me once more. "You love Blondie thanks to me."
"I never said I loved Blondie."
"Yes you did!"
"Well I only said I loved Blondie 'cause I lov—"
Stop. The open smile that had so beautifully graced her face for a few seconds was substituted by the same scared expression that twisted mine.
I gulped, choosing to look away and take a long swig of my beer.
"Are you seeing someone?" I couldn't find it in me to meet her furrowed visage after asking the question. "I'm just asking 'cause yesterday I spotted you at the parking lot. Kinda wanted to go say hi but, uhm, you weren't alone."
"Meh." Y/n, whose upper body had leant over the counter in hopes to face me, retreated to her original position. "His name's Carl."
"Okay." Okay. I lost my chance. Great.
"He's from work."
"From which work?"
"The boring one." She joked, trying to defuse the renewed tension among us. "He's a stand-in science teacher in middle school."
"So he's just a boooring nerd." I let waved my fingers before our eyes, trying and failing to make my comment sound funny and not resentful.
"Not everyone can date a rockstar." She chuckled, and for some reason that fueled my rancour.
"You could've, but you had to fuck it up."
Silence. She stared at me for a long second with unreadable eyes that made me internally squirm.
"Okay. I'm just..." Gonna go. Instead of completing the sentence, she grabbed her wallet and slid a couple of bills to Al before standing up.
"Wait!" Spinning around fast enough to give myself whiplash, I took a hold of the hem of Y/n's jacket. "Wait. I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I just—" I huffed, letting go of her bomber to run my fingers through my locks. "It's a lot."
"What's a lot?"
"You. This. I don't know!" My voice turned high pitched, hands raised in surrender.
There was a silence between us, filled with the sound of intoxicated people laughing and some Iron Maiden song.
"You shouldn't have come back, Eddie. You seem lost here." There was pain in her voice and a sad gloss on her eyes. "I'm going home now."
My fingers immediately wrapped around her wrist, not quite enclosing it. "Let me drive you?" She pondered her options with pursed lips, averting her gaze when I took a step closer and leaned on. "Please."
Her palm came up to rest on my chest and by God I died. "I don't wanna ruin your night."
"Yeah, cause I was having a blast until now." I managed to joke, trying my best keep at bay the need to kiss her. "I'll just drop you off and leave."
"Alright." A sigh of defeat escaped her parted lips, eyes fixed on her fingers, toying with a loose thread belonging to my vest. "C'mon, rockstar." She whispered, dragging her digits down my chest to my upper abdomen to interlace them with my own, her eyes flickering at my face through her lashes before leading me out.
The ride was quiet, yes, but not at all comfortable. I was constantly shifting on the passenger's seat, doing anything and everything to avoid looking at Eddie, who gripped the steering wheel in an attempt to ground himself.
"Here." I broke the stifling silence when we were about to drive past my house, just in time for Eddie to pull up right before it.
"So you're a true Hawkins citizen now." Eddie commented at the sight of my new home. "Suburban house and all."
"Gotta play and look the part."
"Right. Uhm—"
"Thanks for the ride." I cursed myself for cutting him off, but there was little I could do to stop my mouth from running loose out of anxiety.
"Yeah, no worries."
Just get out of the car, I ordered myself. Don't look at him, just get out.
But I looked at him. I looked at the way his body fell on the backrest, eyes fixed on the boring road and tongue trapped between his lips; one of his hands still held onto the steering wheel for dear life while the other's fingertips drummed on his thigh, shaky due to the anxious tapping of his foot.
The scene looked very reminiscing of that first night he had driven me to the motel, back in December of '86. We had stayed still in his beat up van for what felt like an eternity, waiting in an anticipating silence begging to be broken until I had invited him into the room.
That moment was all too familiar —too tempting. And he looked way too beautiful after way too much time apart from each other. Seeing him in TV shredding his guitar, shouting the lyrics of his songs, had nothing on sitting by his side again.
His cautious eyes hesitated for a split second before daring to meet mine. I knew then that Eddie wouldn't be driving off, not that night.
"Wanna..." I cleared my throat, pointing at the front door of my new house. "Wanna come in?"
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