#for the time being it will probably stay relatively quiet around here.
hedgehog-moss · 4 hours
hello & good morning/afternoon/night! feel free to ignore this ask if you don't want to or don't know how to answer. i have been following your blog for years now, i think, and i have been accompaning your life through the pictures you post. i always had similar dreams of living in a farm or just in a more "secluded" place in general - hiddem away from big cities, i mean, closest place being a small town or even village, you know - and though i have lived alone for 2 years now i have a lot of fears of living by myself in ambient where there is relatively less people (even if there are neighbors not that far away). yknow, classic fears, of being robbed, my house being broken into, etc etc. once again i know it's a different world and the probability of something like this happening is actually higher in places with a bigger populational number, but have you ever had experiences like this? have you ever felt a similar fear? i'm trying to find out if this is something i really want.
Hi ! I love that I read your message last week right after I fondly reminisced about hearing murder screams in my woods at night. I've been thinking about it and I think regardless of what statistics say, some people feel safer surrounded by people in a town while others feel safer in more secluded places—I mean there's a probably a personal temperament aspect to this... I've always loved going out for walks in the middle of the night but I couldn't fully relax doing that in cities, while here I find it so relaxing. It's so dark and quiet it feels like walking at the bottom of the ocean <3 It's the closest I can get to the peaceful life of the sea cucumber. And since I'm alone in this forest and there's no one for several km around I feel like nothing bad can happen to me. But I have city friends who would never consider going for a walk with me in the woods at night.
Can't recommend having a medium-to-large dog enough! Despite his debonair manner Pandolf is a good guard dog—one time that I got to test this was when someone parked their car on the side of the road maybe 300m from my house, and stayed there for almost a week. It wasn't a camper van, just a normal car, and every time I went to see it during the day it was empty, but I saw lights in there at night. I didn't like it at all! Why park here in the middle of nowhere. Near my house. This isn't a convenient spot to fish or anything, so where are you all day...? I remember the night I noticed the light in the car from my window, and I sat in my bed like, okay, someone's over there, but even if he gets to my door I have 2 other ways to get out of the house, my nearest neighbours are like 40min away by foot through the woods, I know my woods better than this guy, I'll be fine.
It's the only time that I recall feeling a bit antsy at night—and Pandolf was very alert as a result, he could tell I was nervous and when I went to close the chicken coop in the evenings he went patrolling all over the place in a way he doesn't usually do. I have a natural talent for not doing anything about problems and hoping they'll go away on their own, but after a few days I eventually told a distant neighbour about this weird car, and he came the next evening to talk to this person—but the car left that same day. And when my neighbour came to tell me he hadn't found the car, it was already dark and he parked his car in front of my house and at first Pandolf refused to let him get out. Even though he knows this neighbour and the guy had half-opened his door and was like "Hey Pandolf it's me!", Pan just stood there growling continuously like Cujo. It was good to see that although he's a really friendly dog, if I'm freaked out he can get quite intimidating.
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Other than that one weird car story I've never really felt scared being here alone at night, and I didn't worry about that before moving here either, I was impatient to go on nighttime walks in the woods, rather! But having neighbours I'm on friendly terms with that I can call for help if needed, and whose house I can reach by foot, is reassuring; so I think mostly it's a matter of finding the degree of seclusion you're comfortable with. There are all sorts of gradations between living in a big city and living like the first Desert Father :) Is there any way you could try spending some time alone in a more remote area for temporary stays, like holidays, to see if you get used to it and come to appreciate it, or if you feel safer in more populated places?
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selccuth · 2 years
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Me feelin’ horrendous cause I’m so unbelievably sporadic with being here for the 47th time - I’m basically a cryptid in this place at this point. It’s believed that I exist and have written IC before, but no one can really say for certain.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Royal Pain In The Ass
Yandere Male Alpha x Male Omega Reader (CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, INCEST, non-con, male reader, a/b/o, ass eaten like it is groceries, blowjob, marking, biting, knotting, musk, general yandere behavior, necromancy, assassination, minor character death, angst, pain, violent sex, breeding, forced feminization, size difference) Word Count: 2.9k (This is probably the worst thing I have ever written, but I think I covered all the appropriate warnings. Sorry for any mistakes I did proofread, but I did not have this beta read.)
Your father, King Esmer, had been among the wisest and most powerful kings in all the world. He had led decisive victories in war, chosen brilliant advisors, and knew when to rule kindness and when to rule with a bit of a sterner hand. Overall he had been much loved by all the classes and had truly united his kingdom, alphas, betas, and omegas alike. But as he grew older many in the royal court began to fear that your brother, Prince Vairthold, would become a tyrant of a monarch. He had always been a bit of a demanding brat, but as he grew so too did his arrogance and entitlement, and when he presented as an alpha he became an accomplished warrior, his powerful muscles and keen instinct allowing him to become a terror on the field. It did nothing to staunch the growth of his ego. Your father could not see it, as blinded as he was by denial and love for his first born, so he would not hear of it when his advisors wanted him to choose another heir. Perhaps one more malleable and temperate such as you, his younger son, an omega. “He will grow into the role,” he would always say, “I had to learn and change a lot too when I first started. Besides, most lords just would not accept an omega ruler.” And that would be the end of the discussion. But once Esmer had passed his successor wasted no time in changing how things were to be done. They were, in the grand scheme of things, very minor changes at first. Statues built, mundane orders carried out, nothing too unusual or threatening. But within months your older sibling allowed a dark sorcerer in the court in a high advisory position. Dark magic was not something that had been allowed in any capacity previously, but your brother had searched long to create someone to place in this position. When he finally had the magic user that he so desired he became not just arrogant and demanding, but colder and crueler as well. He did not go out slaughtering people, though laws did become more draconian, with several inmates disappearing in the dead quiet of night. He also revoked many of the laws and rights that omegas had previously enjoyed under his predecessors, making them basically under the ownership of their alpha or beta relatives unless they were single and had no family. You, being an omega yourself, were almost never allowed out of your brother’s sight, even being forced to stay in his bedroom. The only time you were not with him was when he was off in the darkness of night consorting with his dark advisor, and even then he left the bulkiest beta knights he could find to guard the door and make sure you had zero chance of escape. Your older sibling had always been far too possessive over you, some people, including your late father, might have mistaken his behavior as merely how a protective alpha is supposed to act around their smaller omega family members. But you knew better, you could tell there was something impure about the way you caught him leering at you, something off about how he had kept away any and all courters, something wicked in the way his expression changed when you were in heat and he caught a whiff of your scent. He had never been particularly mean to you, perhaps a bit of bullying here and there, but ever since he had changed the laws and the status of omegas he had been a lot more gruff with you. Not tolerating any dissent. If you resisted he would not hesitate to slap you across the face, but if you cooperated and did not complain he would often reward you with little gifts for your good behavior. Over time you learned never to complain, and so far nothing terrible had happened, but you did not trust his intentions at all. You dreaded to think what would happen if you had your heat now when he was always so close. He had not just forced you to sleep in his bedroom but to make a nest for yourself there too. You knew what it implied and you did not like it one bit. But a few months into his rule, as he started ignoring his court less and less, right as your heat was starting, he died. He was assassinated in his sleep. You were not involved at all in his murder, how could you be when you were constantly under the watch of him or his guards, but you did not raise a huge fuss over it either. You had been freed. Just in time. But it was only a delay of the inevitable. Soon after you had been crowned all those who had been involved with the assassination died, one by one. It was as if there had been some curse on the act of killing your brother and there was fear and dismay among the court and kingdom as a whole. You had never really been raised to rule, you mostly went by the advice of your council, they may have been using you as a puppet king to talk through, but they were good honest people who had wanted the best for the kingdom. With so few of them left you were buckling under the weight of your responsibility. But it would not be yours for long. After the last traitor of your sibling had been done away with, a few months into your reign and right as your heat was starting again, your brother and his wizard, who had gone missing after your brother’s murder, came sauntering into the castle, right in front of the throne as you were holding publicly addressing the problems of your lower-born subjects. There were whispers and murmurs among the guard and the present nobles. He looked different, blueish grey skin, dark rings around his now violet eyes, and his bright blonde hair had faded a bit, but he was still unmistakable as anyone but Vairthold. The deceased king. You, and everyone else present, were shocked and speechless. Had he faked his death? Why did he look so odd? Terror and hopelessness filled your heart as you knew immediately he had been responsible for the deaths of those involved in the plot against him and you were sure you would be next. He ordered the guards to remove everyone from the room except you. They hesitated briefly but decided that if your brother was not dead, and he seemingly had the ability to kill anyone who had tried to stand against him, then he was still their rightful king and they better be quick about following his orders. Vairthold smirked at you as they did his bidding while slowly approaching you, causing you to slink back against the throne with your arms in front of you protectively. The guards had left along with his magic using companion, so you were alone with him and he could do whatever he wanted with you. He wordlessly plucked the crown from your trembling form and placed it atop his head instead. “Awe, don’t be scared, little prince. I was mad at you for not avenging me, but I know you are just a weakling little omega doing what you were told. I am sorry I left you like I did, you must have been so terrified, but I wanted to become a lich, and I had to get rid of all those who would have stopped me.” You could not bear to meet his gaze, your lip trembled in fear, and your eyes were beginning to fill with tears. A lich was an immortal abomination made of magic that few believed in. If he truly was one then this couldn’t get any worse. Except it could, because under all the fear and anxiety there was another scent that had just graced your brother’s nostrils. Your heat. He began nuzzling his nose at your neck and underarms. In a rare act of defiance, perhaps forgetting exactly what he was for a moment, you tried to push away his head with all your might but he just chuckled and pinned your hands to the side. He had never been this brazen before. “It’s good that you’re feisty sometimes, shows that you’re strong, bet you’ll make us lots of strong heirs. I’ll forgive you for being uncooperative this time, putting you in front of subjects today when you’re in heat is bound to make your head a bit off. I should kill them all.” At his mention of heirs you redoubled your efforts to push him off, to somehow wiggle out of his grip, there was no way you could let this monster put anything inside of you. “N-no, this is my throne n-now! Y-y-you have to stop!” It was a pathetic display really, but a bit surprising coming from you. He smacked you with enough force to sting, but you knew he was not really trying to hurt you, just trying to remind you of your place. “Awe, that’s too cute, if you wanted the throne all you had to do was ask~ I will let you use it later.” He quickly disrobed and ripped off all of your clothing, leaving you bare beneath his hungry gaze. All your squirming and panicked pleas did nothing to stop him bending down and assaulting your neck with sloppy licks and kisses. You could smell the musk practically radiating off of him, it was making you dizzy, his smell had never interested you in the slightest and it still didn’t You could tell by his pheromones that he was a virile and fertile alpha, in any other alpha it may be attractive, but it only made your brother more terrifying. He did not have the same opinion of your scent, it had been driving him wild for years, but now was the first time he could freely indulge himself. He alternated between sniffing and licking your underarms and neck, he had longed for this for years and no one could stop him now. After making sure that you both utterly reeked of one another, he got between your legs on the ground in front of the throne and put your legs over his shoulder. Your mind felt distressed to the core, but your body had different plans, you could not control how it reacted. Especially when under the direct affections of such a powerful alpha during heat. You felt disgusted with yourself when you realized your cock was rock hard and felt slick start to leak out onto the throne beneath you, but your brother was thrilled. The smell emanating from your desperate little virgin hole was divine and he wasted no time at all in pulling your ass close to his face and sliding his tongue right in. The flavor was even better, so full of your pheromones, the taste was so intimately yours and he knew he was the only one that ever had or ever would get the chance to savor it. It was a royal treasure that only he and he alone was worthy enough for. A small involuntary moan escaped your attempt at stifling it and encouraged him to keep going. You really couldn’t help it, you were so grossed out, scared, and overstimulated that you were crying even as you instinctively spread your legs wider for him to get better access. You could feel his warm tongue sliding all around your entrance, stretching and warming it up. He pulled his face away from your ass and sniffed and licked at your precious little nuts, they were so tiny and delicate, unlike his big alpha balls. The scent you had there drove him wild. He started sucking on them before licking up your relatively small shaft and sucking your cock until he felt you buck into his mouth and cum all over his tongue. He moaned softly as he swallowed it all down. “I’m disgusting. That was wrong,” you muttered under your breath as you stared blankly at nothing in particular. “How could someone so sweet and perfect be disgusting? How could you think something that felt so good could possibly be wrong? Don’t worry princess, I know something that will feel so good you won’t even be able to form thoughts like that~” That was enough to jolt you from your post-orgasmic daze and revulsion, as your brother leaned over you, greedy hands busy groping and caressing up and down your sides. “I’m not a princess!!” You shrieked as you rocketed upwards from the throne and headbutt your lustful sibling as hard as you could. The unexpected impact caused even a large alpha such as himself to stumble backwards. You did not waste a fraction of a second to exploit the opening and started to get up past him. But he was no stranger to physical combat and knew how to recover quickly. He grabbed your arm and pulled you over to himself with great force. He sat on the cushioned throne and lifted you easily, forcing you to face him as you straddled his lap. When you felt the force with which he was grabbing you and saw the violence in his eyes as a small trickle of blood flowed from his nose you immediately regret assaulting him. “Let me be VERY clear, I am the king. And you ARE my princess. And when we are married you WILL be my queen. And there is nothing you can do about it.” You instinctively whimpered softly at the anger of the bristling alpha. He ignored it and focused on putting you in your place, submitting to him and impaled on his cock. Vairthold lifted you up and slammed you down on his cock. You screamed loud as it stretched and hurt in ways you had not conceived of. You knew he had stretched you. You knew there would certainly be blood. Even your slick couldn’t make this painless when he was driving into you so forcefully while you were so tense. “This could have been a lot easier on you, but you wanted to play rough!” With his hands gripping your sides painfully he lifted you up and slammed you back down on his dick repeatedly, thrusting upwards into you each time for added force. With each thrust you whimpered and yelped out in pain, your mind breaking a bit by bit. It felt like you were being stabbed. His nails began digging in, bruising your sensitive flesh as he only escalated the force he was using, you thought you were going to pass out, you even began to welcome it. “Puh-plea-ease, p-please. I’m s-s-sorry. I’ s-sorry. I-I’m sorry.” You sniffled and stammered, tears and snot running unattractively down your face, though your “partner” didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. “Say... You’re... My... Princess…” He spat each word through gritted teeth, emphasizing each by painfully pulling you down on his cock. “I-i’m your p-pr-prin-ce-cessss.” You struggled to form the words but once you had the change was immediate. He began slowing down to a much more merciful pace before pulling your trembling form close to him. It was still extremely painful, given the abuse your hole had just endured, but you tried to not focus on it. You could not bear to look at him so you just buried your crying face into his chest instead. Vairthold took this as a sign that you were willingly seeking comfort from him as your alpha so he slowed down a bit more. As he slowly slid his cock in and out of you, a mixture of slick with a bit of blood leaking down his shaft, he licked, kissed, and nuzzled the sensitive scent gland on your neck to try to comfort you. You had hurt him, but you had submitted to your king, so you didn’t deserve anymore pain. “You’re being such a good girl for me, I am gonna put so many babies in that belly.” You sobbed a bit louder but made no movements against him. He stroked your back soothingly as his knot swelled up inside you, tying the both of you together right before his cock spasmed and began filling you up with seed. As he came he bit down on your neck hard, officially marking you as his mate. By the mercy of the gods you finally passed out, sparing you the pain of being conscious while tied to your alpha. King Vairthold licked your neck clean of the blood he had just drawn and cuddled you protectively, his instincts telling him to keep his mate safe at all costs. When his knot finally allowed him to, he slid out of your ass before bundling you up and carrying upstairs to your private chambers. He cleaned you off carefully and laid you in your bed, before sliding in beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist. As he lay there with his princess in his arms he could scarcely wait for the preparations to turn you into a lich to be completed. He was going to keep you with him for all eternity.
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arysbruv · 8 months
Sorry, not sorry
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You were a relatively newer student. You normally kept to yourself but you always dreamt of being friends with the main trio, especially with the infamous Suguru Geto. Yet, he always seemed to hate you, even when you openly showed you felt the opposite.
pairings: suguru geto x f!reader
warnings and whatnots: Mean!Geto, Jealous!Geto. He’s so rude to you. He’s realising his feelings for you!! Slow burn fic and will probably take a while to finish… Not proofread
Chapter 1: Are we still friends? Chapter 2: Can we be friends? Chapter 3: [currently reading] Chapter 4: Green looks good on you. Chapter 5: Runaway. Chapter 6: Burn
That was all you were met with from Suguru throughout the morning. As you got ready. As you ate breakfast. As you got in the car and subsequently stayed in the car.
Silence, silence and silence.
Not a word from him was spoken to you.
You were confused but accepted it with grace. Yet, your thoughts still linger on the fact he wasn’t talking to you. What had you done to garner such treatment from him? Sure, he hated you but you thought his disdain for you had slowly mellowed down.
“What’s up with you and Suguru?” Shoko whispers to you as you both sat in the backseats of the car. Satoru in the passenger seat whilst Suguru drives.
You shrugs you shoulder. Shoko looks at you with a confused expression, looking at Suguru.
“Oi, Suguru!” She calls out, causing Suguru to hum in response, his eyes glancing over to Shoko and you then back to road. “Why are you so quiet lately? What happened with you? I miss your annoying voice.”
“I’m fine, just tired.” He says.
You knew it was a lie, his inflections and the way his eyes darted around showed so. Yet, you kept quiet, deciding not to point it out.
Hours passed in silence as you made your way on the highway, before making a pit stop at a fast food restaurant to take a quick lunch break. As you made your way out of the car, you noticed how Satoru and Shoko exchanged glances amongst themselves. You look at them inquisitively, eyebrow raised at them. They smile at you. They’ve been doing that for the last few hours, as if they’ve been having their own secret conversations that they were shielding from you and Suguru. You look up at Suguru, he looks at you before quickly trailing behind Satoru who headed straight to the restaurant.
Suguru had also noticed it. The knowing glances, the small grins and smiles. They were scheming.
He hates when they schemed. Especially, when he wasn’t apart of it.
He chooses to ignore it as he sits down next to Satoru, directly sitting in front of you much to his regret. He glances at you as you look at the menu from your seat, eyes squinting.
He hated how your eyes looked so beautiful in the sun.
He looks away, feeling heat rush up to his cheeks. How disgusting.
“What do you want, Suguru?” Satoru says, pulling him away from his thoughts. Suguru shrugs, admitting that he could go for anything. Satoru looks at Shoko, before giving her a nod, earning a confused look from Suguru.
“Alright! Shoko and I will go order! You both wait here and keep the table and our belongings safe!” Satoru announces, smiling at the both of you before quickly standing up.
You didn’t even have time to protest before Shoko stands up and smiles at you. “Don’t start a fight!” She says, giving you a small smile.
You sit in your seat, pouting as you watch them walk away, eventually your eyes wander to Suguru who was already staring at you.
Feelings rush you, and a sense of unease fills you. You had a feeling he was going to start berating you. Yet, that never happened. Instead he just… looked at you, without saying anything.
He was an odd man you had to admit.
“Are you mad at me?” You ask, tentatively, breaking the silence. Your eyes trained on him searching for any negative emotions.
Yes. I am furious at you for not giving me the attention I need. The love I need.
“No. I’m not mad. The hell would I be?” Suguru answers, looking at you confused.
You give him an easy smile. “Oh… Then, are you in love with me?”
His eyes widen as blood rushes to his face. His face contorting into a mixture of shock and humiliation. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watch his reaction.
“You’re such an ass! Who in their right mind would like a person the likes of you?” Suguru answers rudely, hoping to illicit a hurt response from you. Yet, a feeling in his stomach and mind immediately caused him to feel regret for airing out such words. What for? You deserved it.
You continue laughing. “I don’t know, you?” You give him a smile that causes him to stumble and stutter upon his words.
He hated you.
“I would never like a girl like you. Get that through your stupid head. You wish I did like you.” He says seriously, his eyes narrowing.
Hurt flashes across your face, but you quickly mask it.
“I know, I just like teasing you!” You say, smiling at him.
He saw the hurt on your face and it caused his heart to burn. He wanted nothing more but to wipe that stupid hurt look off your face.
Admit it.
Admit that you love me so that I can love you. Admit that you want me to take care of you so I can try my best. Admit that I had broken you so I could put you back together.
All those words he wanted to say, all those thoughts. He couldn’t speak, his mouth wouldn’t let him. His body wouldn’t. His body rejected you but his heart was revolting.
Thus, he sat in uncomfortable silence with you, biding his time until Shoko and Satoru return and save the both of you from this pit of despair.
The pair of them eventually came to see the both of you in a state worse than before. You smiled at them trying to convince them you were fine but they could easily see through your deceit.
Lunch was eaten in silence.
Satoru and Shoko went to pay, asking you and Suguru to start up the car. You walk up to the car, Suguru trailing behind you. Your hands were in your pockets, gripping tightly to the inside of your pants.
You look back, seeing Suguru approaching you until he was directly in front of you. You didn’t know what he wanted. To insult you? To hurt you once more like he always does?
“M’sorry.” Suguru mumbles out before walking towards the driver’s side of the car.
You stand there for a second. An apology was not what you had expected. You didn’t know what to do with it. He can apologise all he wants but if he doesn’t change what’s the point? Such empty words won’t help her in the long run.
“y/n! Why are you standing outside the car? You’re gonna get hit!” Satoru says, smiling as he pulls you away from the road, nearer to the car. You smile softly at him, thanking him. He pats your shoulder and ruffles your hair, before quickly telling you something.
Suguru watches it all in the rear view mirror. The way Satoru held you, smiled at you, the way you smiled at him. Did you move on to him?
His hand. The way Satoru’s hand lingered on you. Lingered upon your waist as he pulls you out the road. It should’ve been him. Why Satoru? His teeth grit as he watches Satoru smile and laugh with you. Is that how it would be if he was close with you?
Satoru smiles at you once more before entering the backseat, leaving you with an exasperated look. Suguru wondered what had transpired between the both of you.
The door to the passenger seat opens, you entering the car, and giving a small shy smile to him, almost as if he didn’t just wound you.
“Satoru says that he wants to hang out with Shoko at the back. He says that you’re too boring,” You state, laughing slightly.
Suguru rolls his eyes, looking at the back where Satoru gives him an unapologetic look. He turns to you, the sound of your laugh sending shivers into him. He ignores it, turning to the road and starting to drive.
Everyone had fallen asleep, everyone except Suguru. He was cruising on the road at the an average speed, the road almost empty. He glances over at your sleeping figure.
You looked so peaceful.
You hair covering parts of your face, your small movements and small mumbles that fell out of your mouth as you slept.
He swore he heard you mumble his name out.
“It’s rude to stare.” You say, eyes fluttering open and looking at Suguru.
Suguru felts knots in his stomach as your eyes concentrated on him. He clears his throat and looks in front. Ashamed that he had been called out, especially with a line he had said to you a few days back.
“Where are we?” You ask, yawning as you stretch your arms out.
Suguru’s grip tightens on the steering wheel. “We’re nearing the hotel. We can make a quick stop at the next town to eat early dinner.” Suguru says, plainly.
You keep quiet, earning a glance from Suguru. You frown as you think. You were still half asleep, your eyes blurry and your brain foggy.
“Why do you hate me Sugu?” You ask, the use of the nickname causing him to shiver.
“I…” He didn’t know how to answer such a forward question.
If you had asked him that question months ago, nay two days ago, he could’ve given you a plethora of answers with detailed explanations. Yet, when you asked it right now, he was speechless.
He couldn’t answer.
Why did he hate you?
You weren’t a bad person nor mean. Annoying sure but you’ve quickly grown out of it. Your only sin was that you had fallen for him. You had fallen for a man who couldn’t deal with love.
Did he hate you?
Yes he did, he had to hate you. That’s what made sense.
Yet, why couldn’t he explain why he hated you.
“I… I don’t hate you.” He says softly, turning to you to gauge your response. Yet, what he was met with was the soft snores of you who had already fallen back to sleep.
He clicked his tongue. How annoying.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t like you.
He looks back to the road, his grip tight on the steering wheel as he focuses on driving.
He was tired.
Yes, that was it. He was tired. That’s why he wasn’t thinking straight. He was tired.
He looked upon your sleeping face. The way the setting sun shines upon your face was unexplainably beautiful, the way it lit up your face and put it on a spotlight. The ways your eye flutter slightly as the rays of gold hit your face.
He just needed some rest.
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f1byjessie · 8 months
love is a wild ride, and logan sargeant's sister is about to find this out the hard way.
( oscar piastri x sargeant!reader )
━━ part nine.
Bahrain is just as beautiful as it was the first time. There’s a palpable energy to the streets of the city in the days leading up to the Grand Prix, and you find yourself filled with anticipation and excitement.
A lot has happened in the year it’s been since you were last here━ enough that it almost feels like a lifetime ago━ but the ups and downs have culminated into something pretty great.
The night of your birthday, when you and all of Lando’s friends had crammed yourselves into Lando’s living room and cheered as the clock turned midnight to herald in the new year, Oscar had pulled you in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. It hadn’t gone further than that, perhaps out of respect for your earlier breakdown and the still tentative thing between the two of you, but nonetheless just the feeling of his lips against yours had made you feel alive.
It had reminded you a bit of your first kiss outside the hotel, but instead of awkwardly dancing around it after the fact, you’d woken up the following morning with him wrapped around you, and this time you’d allowed yourself to savor it. He’d woken up to you running your fingers through his hair, and then you’d spent the morning cuddling beneath the sheets and talking things out before Lando had, eventually, burst into the room with his hand over his eyes, demanding the two of you “get decent” so you could all get lunch.
This weekend will mark two months of being together, and it feels surreal.
“You look insane right now,” Logan announces out of the blue from where he sits across from you in the booth. The restaurant you’re in is relatively close to the hotel where you’re staying, but with it still being nearly a week until race day, it’s practically empty so early into the afternoon, which makes his voice seem louder in the quiet peacefulness around you.
“What?” You glance up from your phone and raise an eyebrow. He isn’t even looking at you. He’s looking at his own phone, thumb sweeping across the screen while he picks at the few remains of his food mindlessly with his fork.
“You’re smiling at your phone and it’s making you look insane,” he elaborates nonchalantly, like it’s common sense despite him still not even looking up from whatever video he’s watching.
You scoff, “You aren’t even looking.”
He finally lifts his gaze, but it’s only to make a face at you. His features scrunches up, exaggerating his disgust with twisted lips and narrowed eyes. “I don’t need to. It’s like an aura. I can feel it from here. It’s gross.”
“Whatever,” you say, rolling your eyes. Ever since getting with Oscar, he’s been getting more and more dramatic with his feigned disgust, and now it’s mostly just a bit he thinks is hilarious to pull out every time you’re even mildly entertained by something pertaining to your boyfriend. It would probably still be funny to you if you weren’t almost always texting him, or keeping up with the McLaren Instagram account’s updates of his training, and therefore almost always mildly entertained. “I’m so terribly sorry you have to deal with your sister being happy.”
He rolls his eyes back at you, but there’s a smile pulling at his lips and you know his act is falling apart. “Are you and Oscar gonna meet up later?”
“We’re trying to schedule things,” you answer with a shrug. Oscar’s flight got in late last night, too late for him and his team to get around to the typical obligations expected of him, so he’s spent all of this morning getting caught up and according to your current text chain with him he’s only just been released and given free reign to do as he wishes. “I’m texting him about it right now.”
“That tracks.”
You raise an eyebrow once more, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
It’s Logan’s turn to raise an eyebrow, as if he can’t believe you’re really asking that. “Whenever you text him you get all disgustingly happy.” He scrunches up his face again. “You’re like a real life Hallmark couple. I half expect the two of you to move to some small town with a coincidentally holiday themed name in the middle of nowhere. And there’s a Christmas tree farm, or a reindeer lodge, or something.” He ends his mini tirade with a forced and exagerated shiver.
“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you.”
He deadpans. “Everytime I see you two together I find myself disturbed by the sheer imensity of your joy.”
“Aw,” you coo, “I love you too.”
It’s only Monday, which gives you a few days before things start getting underway at the track. It also means you’ve got a decent amount of time to share between Logan, who’s grown increasingly grumpier at the idea of you potentially switching aliegences to McLaren, and Oscar, who’s just happy to see you whenever he can.
When you’d left Monaco a few days after the party, it had been with the knowledge that this new and still fragile relationship was going to have to withstand the stressors of long distance. You’ve called one another nearly every day since then to try and replicate some semblance of normalcy, but time zone differences often saw one of you getting into bed while the other was getting out of it━ at least, when he was back in Melbourne making the most of the time he had with his family. Things got slightly easier when he was called back to England to start pre-season training and testing, but it also meant lots of meetings and PR events that kept him away from the phone and left him exhausted by the time he was finished.
Needless to say, this is the first chance you have to see him again in person and it feels like torture knowing the only thing keeping you apart is a few city blocks.
“Real talk though, have him around to the hotel,” Logan speaks up again, just as the waitress comes and clears your plates away.
You spare her a smile and a quiet thank you, and then turn back to him. “Why? You and Dalton already gave him the shovel talk over videocall.”
“Just because you two are ‘involved’━” he says it like it’s some sort of bogus conspiracy theory, “━doesn’t mean I can’t still hang out with my friend.”
“I thought you were disturbed by the sheer imensity of our joy when you see us together?”
“Okay and?” He makes another face at you, but it’s less like he’s disgusted by the reminder of you and Oscar’s relationship, and more like he’s annoyed that you’ve used his own words against him. “I’m disturbed by Alex’s taste in music too, but I still put up with it when we’re in the car together.”
The two of you fall into peals of laughter.
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 41,134 others
yourusername he loves me AND my crippling hat addiction
view all 1,342 comments
logansargeant hm, interesting how one is blue and none are orange 🤔
↳ yourusername hm, interesting how i know where you sleep 🤔
mclaren Looks like you’re missing some papaya Y/N! We can fix that 😁🧡
↳ williamsracing Sorry! She’s already ours 😊💙
↳ yourusername omg guysss don’t fight over meee 🫣
user need me a boyf who buys me hats
user guyssss it HAS to be oscar
↳ user what?? no it’s literally lando did you even see the comments between the two of them from a month ago?? she went to monaco with him??
↳ user y’all are crazy fr it’s obvi a nobody and y/n is just milking the drama from ppl thinking it’s a driver bc it means more interactions on her posts and therefore it’s better for her career
↳ user i think it’s max!!
↳ user what.
landonorris crippling indeed
↳ yourusername i’m trying my hardest 😔
↳ landonorris the first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem
oscarpiastri 🧢
↳ yourusername x10
Oscar’s running his hands through your hair and you’re flipping through the channels on the hotel TV when the subject comes up. There’s nothing that’s really catching your interest, and half of it is in languages you don’t know, but just sitting here and enjoying Oscar’s presence is enough to stave off the boredom. Logan's been gone for just over an hour, having left to go meet up with Alex for some Williams promotional content, and you’ve been drifting a bit when your boyfriend speaks up from behind you, asking, “Are you gonna visit McLaren hospitality this weekend?”
You pause your surfing, landing on a cooking show that’s in French. His fingers are still tangled in your hair, but he’s momentarily stopped too.
“Do you want me to come to McLaren hospitality?” You ask, looking up at him from where you’re leaning back against his chest. “Because I will,” you hurriedly add, “if you want me to. But it’ll just add fuel to the fire and further encourage the speculation online about which one of you I’m with.”
“I do think it’s funny to see people go full detective mode in your comments,” Oscar smiles down at you. He looks shy, hesitant almost in the way his eyes flicker across your face. He clears his throat nervously, “But I was kind of thinking that maybe you could visit as my girlfriend. Publicly.”
You sit up immediately and turn to face him, ignoring that his fingers catch on your hair as you move. He looks just as surprised by your sudden movement as you feel by his sudden announcement. “Are you sure?”
“I mean, if you’d rather not━” he starts, uncertain.
“No!” You interrupt, reaching out to take his face in your hands and silencing him. “I would absolutely love that, but are you sure you want the attention this will get you? We’ve been lucky with avoiding the negativity so far, but you know that it’ll come the moment we announce it.”
He brings his hands up and places them on top of where yours rest, and then he interlaces your fingers and pulls your hands away so he can speak again. There’s a soft smile on his face and a gentleness in his eyes that you’ve come to recognize as a look that’s exclusive to you and you alone. “I want the world to know who my heart belongs to.”
A grin tugs at your lips, and then you’re falling into his arms with a laugh.
It feels good knowing you can do this whenever you want. Just last year you hadn’t even realized you’d wanted something like this with Oscar, but then the kiss had happened and you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it━ about wanting more and not being able to have it. It had been torture, honestly, pining after him like a lovesick school girl, too afraid to make the first move and risk the balance of it all.
You’re still embarrassed by what all had needed to happen before things had been cleared up, and part of you still kicks yourself for not just taking that leap and going for it, especially when it would have given you moments like this, wrapped in his arms, so much sooner.
“I know we’ve already talked about it, but I was really worried that you would hate me for kissing you that night,” Oscar murmurs against the top of your head, as if he can read your thoughts. “I thought that you had only kissed me back because you were, like, too drunk to know better. And then, I realized what I’d done, and I pulled away before it could go any further. And then you never mentioned it, and I figured you wanted to just forget about it, so I never mentioned it either.”
You shift just enough to let your arms drape over his shoulders, and then you let your fingers tangle in his hair the same way his had been in yours. You scratch at his head for a moment, letting his words settle before you say, “I thought you’d only kissed me because you got caught up in the emotions of it all, and then when you never mentioned it I thought it’s because you regretted it, or thought it was a mistake, and you just wanted to forget it. I really wish I would’ve just gotten over my fear and talked to you about it.”
You feel his heartbeat against you where you’re leaned up against his chest. It’s strong and steady, and it’s the nicest thing you’ve ever felt.
“It would’ve been nice to celebrate in other ways after I podiumed in Japan,” he adds suggestively, laughing when you pull one of your hands back to swat at his arm.
“Podium again this year and maybe we can celebrate in those other ways,” you whisper against his neck.
He groans, “Well now you’re just being mean.”
You pull away from his grip, an innocent smile on your face. “I have no idea what you mean, babe.”
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 197,053 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri the luckiest guy and the prettiest girl
view all 1,092 comments
yourusername the prettiest* guy and the luckiest* girl
↳ landonorris literally throwing up rn 🤮
↳ yourusername mind your own business 😒
↳ landonorris mInD yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs 😒 you made it my business when you posted that disgustingly sweet comment where i could see
user we literally clocked it from a mile away
↳ user i know damn well you were in the comments saying it was lando don’t even try and pretend otherwise
landonorris so glad ppl can stop thinking i’m with your girlfriend now mate
↳ oscarpiastri it’s the closest you’ll ever get to a gf of your own
↳ landonorris why am i taking shots out of nowhere??
user this is literally my roman empire
mclaren Welcome to the McLaren team, Y/N! Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in some papaya around the paddock 🧡
↳ logansargeant pls she’s all i have left you can’t take her too
user i don’t understand why oscar would be with someone who willingly flirts with other men?? like is that not hoe behavior?? make it make sense ffs
↳ user lando and y/n are friends as this post proves. the fact that you saw friendly banter as flirting says more about you and how you view ppl than it says about either of them, and i think you might need to look inward before you can judge someone else. and even if it had been flirting, we don’t know when y/n and oscar got together, which means it’s entirely possible that she was single when she was “flirting” with lando which wouldn’t be cheating at all.
↳ user they’re just butthurt that oscar would never spare them a glance
user been here from the start and i gotta say this is more euphoric than any award could ever be
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant, and 71,917 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername been waiting for the moment to pull out these bad boys and now i can 🤭 thx babe love you 😘
view all 613 comments
user y/n 🤝 mclaren admin
oscarpiastri so this is a game you want to play
↳ logansargeant i got you mate don’t worry my arsenal is at your disposal
user y/n is THE wag pls she’s gonna be feeding us so well
user wait so like gen who is she gonna root for???
landonorris you’re doing god’s work today y/n
↳ yourusername someone had to give the ppl what they want 🫡
user couple of the century right here folks
━━ tags: @f1-is-lovely-33 @chasing-liberosis @405rry @aquangxl @bellezaycafe @peqch-pie @formulaal @chonkybonky @mess-is-my-aesthetic @flippingmyshit @peachiicherries @spacegirlstuff @myxticmoon @landosgirlxoxo @k-pevensie28 @moonypixel @lewisvinga @81vas @maih23 @thatoneembarrasingmoment
━━ a/n: and there we have it folks! the ending to this lovely story! i will probably do a few little blurbs for them eventually, but in the meantime this is where we leave them. thank you for reading!
548 notes · View notes
drakulana · 11 months
the first spark // trafalgar law x reader
content: sfw, fem! reader, female pronouns, sloooow burn w little resolution, long reader backstory, violence
part 2, part 3
word count: 5.5k
notes: this is my first ever fan fic!!! i’m very proud of it, and i worked on it for a few weeks on and off. i hope you enjoy!!
⋆⭒˚‧₊˚°❀⋆₊⊹ ⋆。𖦹˚. ͟͟͞☆
The Polar Tang had been under the water for about a month now. Never in a million years did (Y/n) think she’d be in the middle of the ocean, let alone underneath the surface in a submarine, 395 meters down. She had joined the Heart Pirates about 6 months ago and was just now getting used to being underwater for such a long amount of time. She had been having continuous headaches she assumed to be due to the pressure of being underwater for such a long time. They would come and go, some days worse than others. Today was one of the worst days. The chores had been done, and all the tasks were complete. Most of the crew decided to lounge around, hanging out with one another. To (Y/n) it seemed as if all corners of the submarine were occupied, and they all had too much noise to focus. Trying to find some peace and quiet, she made her way down to the boiler room, letting the laughter and chatter of her crew fade as she departed. It was not the first time she had done this, in fact this was her little secret. No one liked to come down here unless it was included in the work that they had to do. Pipes lined the walls, and the low hum of engines from a few doors over buzzed through the room. Finally at peace, she took a deep breath and exhaled.
A week ago, (Y/n) had stashed a book and a blanket down here, along with a pillow and a cushion she found in storage. She tucked herself into the corner, and sat down on the box that had placed the cushion on. She pulled out the book she was reading which was just a volume of some medical book Captain Law had in the library. Principles of Neurology. It was not an interesting read in the slightest, but there really was not a wide variety to choose from in the Surgeon of Death’s library.
Her mind started to wander as she flipped page by page trying to follow along the best she could with what she was reading. An entity of “frailty” has been conceived to encompass the sum of breakdown in multiple organ systems… She read the sentence over a few times. She made a mental note to get a book that was relatively interesting on the next island that they stopped on. Letting out a sigh, she continued to try to read but ended up drifting away with her thoughts. She was still relatively new to the crew, she had been with them for 6 months. Long enough to get comfortable with her crewmates, but not so long that they knew everything about her.
(Y/n) joined the Heart Pirates after aiding Law with intel that he needed about someone he was “researching.” During the process of this, she got caught up with the conflicts of whoever Law was looking into, and was taken hostage. While in hostage, the person pressed her for information of who was after them, how she knew all of their info, who was her informant? Despite the pressure, and the fear of looming death, she did not give out any answers. She chose against ratting out the Heart Pirates. At that moment, she was sure she was gonna die either way. If she gave out the information, the Heart Pirates were sure to come after her. If they were to get a hold of her, she’d have to answer to the Surgeon of Death. However, if she didn’t give out the answers, the man who was holding her hostage could kill her. So naturally, she picked the lesser of the two evils. Her mouth was staying shut. Like hell was she going to answer to Trafalgar Law of all people. She sat back and recalled that day.
She was held in a damp, dim, humid room. She wasn’t too sure on how long she had been there, but it was probably half a day. The interrogation started out like all of them did with questions and threats. After the first few hours of not speaking punches began to be thrown, and weapons were soon pulled out. Somebody’s hasty, she thought to herself as the interrogation took turns for the worst faster than she had anticipated. It was clear the man she had sold out was in a hurry. He was scared. How he found out it was her that sold his information, she didn’t know. All she knew was that this guy found out, and now he was mad and had a dagger. He kept questioning, each unanswered question he got a couple cuts in. Midquestion, a commotion outside the door started. Yelling ensued, then things breaking and then a panicked, “Boss, we have visitors.” The man interrogating you paused his mild torture, faltering as he stepped towards the door, like he was weighing his options. Would he stay in this room, or deal with the inevitable of being confronted by the man who seemed out his information, Trafalgar Law. He turned to the girl who was sitting in the chair. Her hands were tied in front of her, and her feet were tied together. “You,” He pointed an accusatory finger, “this is all your fault!” and you know, he was right, it was all her fault. She gave the intel for a very pretty penny, but how was she suppose to know she was going to get kidnapped and interrogated. How did they even know it was her who gave the intel? Questions zoomed through her head as he stormed towards her with the dagger in his hand. He held it to her throat. “I oughta kill you right here, right now. A life for a life.” The cool edge of the shaky blade pressed into her skin, nicking her in the slightest due to his unsteady hands. Then, with a sharp slice, her warm sticky blood poured down her neck. An involuntary gasp ripped from her throat as she felt the blood gather at the neckline of her shirt, soaking it. This is it, she thought, Here’s where I die. But before he could cut any deeper, the door to the room burst open. A warm yellow light illuminated the room from the hall outside. A tall figure stood in the doorway. It stormed over to the man, grabbing him by the back of his collar, turning him around. The warm light from the hallway casted across the face of the figure, it was none other than Trafalgar Law. Law craned down to the man’s height, paying the woman tied to the chair no mind, “I believe you have something I want,” he said in a low gruff voice. The man trembled in his grasp. “Now why don’t we take a little trip to your laboratory,” Trafalgar Law dragged the man out of the room, leaving the woman in there alone. It was a quick few minutes before she realized she was gonna have to free herself, and this was her only chance.
She looked around the room and spotted the dagger that the man had dropped near the doorway. Seeing her chance of escape, she scooted the chair towards the entrance. She grabbed the knife with her feet. Reaching down with her tied hands, she cut the ropes that bound her. Whoever tied her up did a really shitty job. Finally free, she prepared herself to escape. Dagger in hand, the silver of the blade glinting as she gazed upon the object. She couldn’t help but notice the blood on the edge from the man attempting to slit her throat. She tried to pay no mind to the wet sticky pain that was starting to raidiate down her neck and into her collarbones. Pushing the pain aside, she made her way through the place, careful to avoid anyone who might be lurking. Once she made it out, she let out a sigh of relief. Barefoot and bleeding, she decided she should probably take the alleyways home. She would hate to scare oncoming bypassers, or god forbid someone contact the authorities. Slipping into the alley, she started to make her way home before a voice cut through the night, “And where do you think you’re going?” Her head whipped around, gripping the dagger that she held in her hand. That voice was the one of Trafalgar Law. She met the man’s golden eyes. She quickly took in his appearance. When she first gave him the intel she had noticed his height, but she also wasn’t fearing for her life at the time. The weight of impending doom really added a foot or two to his appearance. “I didn’t tell them anything,” she breathed. “I didn’t say a word, I swear.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, and her voice didn’t sound like hers as it bounced off the alleyway walls. He took a step closer to her, “I know, but I still can’t let you go. You’re hurt, let me look at it,” he stepped closer. Her mouth felt as if it were filled with cotton. She took a step back, “I’m fine,” she gritted while taking one more step back, trying to put enough distance between them just so she’d have a chance of running away. She was just interrogated and borderline tortured, if she had known what the intentions were behind the wanted intel, she would’ve denied the offer. Besides, it wasn’t like the intel was collected for malice in the first place. (Y/n) had a goal, and that goal was to collect the most information she could, and write it all down into a book. This extended from histories of islands, pirates, doctors, scientists, government officials. Few people knew about her knowledges of the world and it’s inhabitants. Every now and then she would get someone wanting some information, and if the price was right she’d give it to them. She never thought it would lead to this, cornered in an alleyway by the Surgeon of Death himself. “I’m a doctor,” Law’s voice echoed off the walls as he slowly stepped forward towards her, like he was trying to approach a scared stray, careful not to spook it. His hands were held out in front of him, as if he meant no harm, however the word ‘DEATH’ tattooed across both his hands stated otherwise.
“I know good and well who and what you are.” Unintentional venom laced her words. She knew all about the reputation that seemed to proceed him. She had done her research whenever she came across his wanted poster a year ago. She never thought she would cross paths with him, he was just another name in her book for the longest time.
“Then you know it’s in your best interest if you just come with me.” With that last sentence from him, she falsely dropped her guard, muttering a small okay. She didn’t think this tactic was going to work, but as soon as she saw him relax his stance, she bolted. Running through the alleyway with no shoes seemed to be a difficult task, impeding her usual speed. Trying her best to avoid glass and nails, she darted in between the buildings, and in and out of the alleyways. She had the advantage, she knew this city. The poorly maintained asphalt stung, but she had no other choice but to ignore it if she wanted to get away.
She finally was able to duck behind a building after what felt like an eternity of turning down random streets and alleys. She leaned against the bricks to catch her breath, gripping the dagger in her hand. Her heartbeat was in her ears, she could feel the blood rushing through every vein. She stilled and tried to stay quiet, the only sound leaving her was a shaky exhale. The adrenaline slightly wore off as the silence of the night settled. The events of the night really started to set into her body. Her arms and legs aches, her lungs burned, her throat was on fire. Despite the pain setting in, she thought she had gotten away by some miracle, but a second later the same low voice she was running from bounced around her again. “You really think you could get away from me that easily?” His voice echoed, giving it a more sinister sound than what he had intended. She met his eyes. She didn’t know if it was the adrenaline making her analyze her situation in full detail, or if she was just delusional, but she found herself taking in every detail of his presence. The eyes that held her eye contact were golden. He had a lean figure, and was undoubtedly in shape. The moonlight poured over his figure, casting an intimidating shadow as he now stood in front of her. She noted the yellow button up that was halfway buttoned, showing a glimpse of the tattoo on his chest. He had on jeans that had spots on them, and a white hat that shared those same spots. Draped over his shoulders was a long navy coat. If she wasn’t running from him, she could’ve admitted that he was quite an attractive man, but in her head he was trying to catch her so he could kill her.
Her grip on the handle of the dagger tightened before hurling it in Law’s direction. The blade rotated in the air before hitting Law in the shoulder. The way the dagger was thrown would’ve been deemed as impressive by him if he wasn’t on the receiving end of the throw. He quickly pulled the dagger out of his shoulder, and threw it to the ground before chasing after her, once again. This time she was only able to make it a few blocks before he finally tackled her to the ground against the rough concrete. She felt the skin of her knees and elbows scrape against the asphalt, surely breaking the skin. Heart racing, and body trembling, the woman underneath him had no choice but to accept her fate. “You’ll be coming with me,” he growled at her, bitterness lacing his tone. He pulled her up and off the ground then led her to the dock on the bay. His grip was more than enough of a reminder that there was nowhere she could go.
The walk to the submarine was silent, and the man next to her was not giving off a very welcoming energy considering he was taking her against her will. Blood slightly bled through his shirt where the dagger had hit him. He walked her down the dock, and onto a yellow submarine that had ‘DEATH’ written on the side of it. Well how lovely is that? She thought to herself. His firm grip on her upper arm never faltered as he guided her down the hallways of the submarine. Several of his crew members moved aside to make way for the two of them to walk down the hall. It was like a walk of shame. Once they reached the end of the hall, he opened a door. The sterile smell of rubbing alcohol and latex filled her nose, as the bright white lights poured out of the room. It was an examination room. “Sit,” he pointed to the examination table. Having no other choice, that’s exactly what she did, she sat.
Without another word, he started inspecting her injuries. He lifted her chin to get a better look at her neck. “This will need stitches,” he said flatly. He examined the other scrapes and cuts on her body. The adrenaline wore off long ago, and pain radiated from her toes to her head. He cleaned the area and prepped his needle. The stitching process was painful. She sharply inhaled when he stuck the needle through. “Be still,” he commanded, “It’ll only hurt worse if you move.” She had to force herself not to flinch at the needle stitching up her wound. Finally having her still, and in front of him, Law couldn’t deny that (Y/n) was very attractive. The way her hair framed her face, the way she held herself with such self assurance. Fear still resided in her pretty eyes, as she stayed as still as possible while he stitched. He ended up doing seven stitches, the cut was sure to leave a scar to adorn her pretty neck. He cleaned the other wounds and bandaged them up. It was silent in that exam room, and then finally he broke the silence. “Why did you run away?” He asked her. She looked at him like asked the stupidest question, and in some way he did. Who wouldn’t run away from the Surgeon of Death? His reputation alone was enough to make a grown man fall to his knees, and she had literally just seen a grown man fall to his knees at the hand of him. After weighing her response, she broke the silence, “Dying wasn’t on my agenda once I got out of there,” her voice quiet, but not weak.
“Why would I kill you?” He asked her. Again, another incredulous look was thrown at him. Was he not aware of the grumbling that went along with his name?
“For knowing too much?” She answered, in a duh tone.
“You don’t know anymore than you did whenever I approached you for intel. I had some of my men go through your files, you have some very impressive intel on multiple pirates including the warlords and emperors. Where do you get all that?”
“Verified sources,” she simply answered, not letting onto her process of gathering information. There was another silence before she broke it this time. “Listen, if you’re going to kill me, just go ahead and make it quick. Medical torture really doesn’t sound appealing.”
He chuckled lightly at this, but it was not one of humor, “I’m not gonna kill you, but I’m definitely not letting you go either. I know what you’re working on, and I want your intel. Join my crew.” It wasn’t a question, it was a demand, and by the way he was talking to her that was very obvious.
“What’s in it for me?” She inquired like she had a choice.
“You can do some more of your research, and we could use your intel,” He stated like it was obvious. “Everybody wins.” Unfortunately, he was right. Going island to island would be great for her research, and it would give her an opportunity to get first count perspective about the things she was writing about. For a pirate, the information that she held would be very helpful, they would never go into a situation blind. However, being a pirate was not appealing. If she joined the Heart Pirates, she’d surely be wanted, especially with the information that she had collected over the years. She had been able to keep the things that she knew on the low, only occasionally being visited by certain people who wanted intel, but the intel always came at a price. It was a very hush-hush thing. Putting aside the fact that she knew more than most about what was going on in the world, she was just an ordinary woman with no devil fruit, no haki, how was she supposed to be a wanted woman? After mulling over his words, she finally spoke up, “I don’t think you know what I do. I’m gathering information to add to a book. I am not a pirate. I don’t have any fighting techniques, I would die as soon as we hit the battlefield. I will slow you down, no information is worth dying for, or putting your crew in danger for,” she argued, trying to convince herself if she made herself look like a burden, she would be let go.
“Your knowledge outweighs your weaknesses,” he stated. He wasn’t budging on this matter. “Join my crew, and you’ll get to gain more knowledge about the world. Think about the intel you could get if you were traveling the seas?” Once again, he did make a very good point.
“What if I say no?” She asked, wondering if he’d confirm her suspicions. A pregnant silence fell over the room again. She knew she wasn’t getting out of this one, and this just might be the death of her.
“You don’t want to say no.” He left it at that, and finished cleaning her wounds and patching her up.
That was six months ago. Six months of being on this submarine. Six months ago and she still didn’t feel as if she belonged, still felt as if she served no purpose. Sure after the first month, her crew mates started to adore her with her little jokes and random fun facts, but what was she really doing out on the open ocean? She sat there pondering until a voice ripped her out of her head. “You enjoying the Principles of Neurology?” It was her dear captain. She didn’t know he had been standing there, watching her unmovingly stare at the same page. She looked up at him, and then back down at the page she had been staring at for what felt like forever. “Sure, I’m having a blast learning about…The Neurology of Aging,” she read out the chapter name.
“What are you doing down here?” her captain asked her, curiosity lacing his tone.
“This is my secret hiding place, don’t tell the others,” she mused at him. Their relationship was very professional, and in fact for the first month and a half she was on the Polar Tang, she hardly said a word to him outside of him asking for information about various people and places. It’s not like she had a choice or not to be on the damned submarine. It still didn’t feel quite right to be there, but in the past few months she had started to let her guard down. She always addressed her captain with a professional tone, but every now and then she’d throw in a bit of a playful tone, and most times he would entertain her antics. “What are you doing down here?” she asked. She looked at her captain, taking in his appearance. She couldn’t lie, he was a very attractive man. Whenever she would have thoughts like this she would kick herself. She would remind herself who he was. He was her captain, and that’s all that was.
He looked down at her, discreetly looking her up and down, “I was looking for you. I would like to discuss some information about an island we will be arriving to in the next few days. There is an epidemic there and I will need all the information you have on the island, and the citizens so that we can take the proper precautions upon arrival.” His voice echoed off the metal walls.
“Oh okay, let me go up and grab my notes,” She said as she got up from her box, folding the blanket and placing the Neurology book on top.
“Meet me in my office,” he ordered, as he turned to go up the ladder. She made her way into her bunk and pulled out a notebook and a binder filled with stuff about all the islands she knew about. They were organized by North Blue, South Blue, East Blue, West Blue, Grandline, and New World. She gathered all her things and made her way towards Captain Law’s office.
She entered the Captain’s Quarters with a binder that was bursting at the seams, holding all her notes. As she walked in she took in her surroundings. It wasn’t the first time she had been in the Captain’s Quarters, but everytime she had been in there it was only for a brief period, usually dropping off files and papers from her research. Papers were stacked high on his desk, and there were files and books scattered across the room. It was messy, but it was not dirty. The room smelled like paper, ink, and Law.
She made her way over to his desk and started to flip through her binder. The binder was as full as it could be, and while the different places were organized, the contents of the binder within her neatly divided sections were scrawls of writing and small sketches here and there. “So, where we going?” She asked, beaming. She loved talking about all the things she had researched. She loved gathering information and putting it all together. Her goal was to write a full encyclopedia on the world and maybe one day she could write about the One Piece, if it was ever found. Without looking up, Law answered, “Bronze Island.” She was aware of the location, and she was also very aware of the disease that spread through the island, almost 60% of cases were fatal.
She flipped to the section where the island’s information was found, hesitantly inhaling before stating, “Uhh… I don’t think you want to go there.” Law looked up at her for the first time since she had entered his office, feigning annoyance behind his eyes. “I do think I want to go there,” He countered. She didn’t argue with him, he was the captain after all, but this island was being raided by pestilence.
“This disease has a high mortality rate, and it’s more contagious than the common cold. It’s an airborne disease. It spread mostly through bodily fluids,” she spouted off. “The island has poor air quality which just adds to the mix, making the citizens’ immune systems weaker. The island’s government is riddled with corrupt officials. There have been many uprisings staged, but none of them have aided in the ridding of the corrupt officials,” She set the paper in front of her captain. “If you have any questions, let me know. I’ll leave the rest of these pages to you,” she took a stack of papers out of the binder and laid them on his desk. There must have been at least 20 of them. The pages consisted of information about the epidemic, information on the citizens, as well the island officials. Law looked through the papers, before setting them back down. She used that as her cue to leave, and went towards the door, “Just let me know when you’re done with them.”
“Where are you going?” He asked her as if it were normal for her to stay. He never asked her to stay after giving him her research. He usually just looked at them and returned them. They shared eye contact for a split second before he answered her unasked question of why. “I’m going to need your help on this one.” Without replying, she turned back towards him and sat in a chair that was in front of his desk. The chair was hardly broken in, and it was obvious her captain didn’t really enjoy visitors all that much in his study, unless necessary. A dull sense of pride bubbled up inside of her, hearing that he needed her help. For a second she was able to push aside the feeling of not belonging on this ship. Her captain picked up the pages that she had given him and handed them back to her. “Let’s start with the island officials.” (Y/n) flipped through the papers getting to the officials section of her research, and started spouting off the names and the roles they played within the island’s government. She didn’t know what her captain was planning, nor did she think she wanted to know what he was planning. She was still new to this pirate thing, new to the notion that sometimes some people will get hurt in the crossfire. Hell, she was almost one of those people.
Brushing off her thoughts she skimmed across the paper, coming across some grammatical errors. “Captain Law?” A comfortable softness laced her tone as he caught her eyes. He had never heard her voice sound so sweet, so warm. His heart almost melted. “Could I borrow a pencil?” She asked him, holding his gaze with hers. He mumbled a quick of course before holding the object towards her. She reached out to take it, the tips of her fingers brushing his. When they touched, a jolt of electricity shocked them both. His golden eyes met hers once again, but lingered for a second too long this time. Long enough for her eyes to travel down to his lips, and then back up to his eyes. It felt as if time stood still. It felt like it was the first time she had really taken a good look at her captain since that night 3 months ago. She pulled her attention away, muttering a quick thank you as she took the pencil, hoping the lighting in his office didn’t capture the slight pink dusting her cheeks. She internally kicked herself for letting her eyes travel, for letting herself put him on a pedestal in her mind, even if it was only for a split second. It was wrong in so many ways, she couldn’t let herself think about him in that way. She couldn’t let her guard down. Mutually ignoring their little moment, they both resumed to what they were doing.
After about 2 hours of going through the information about the island and it’s government, as well as its citizens, they wrapped up their work. “Would you like me to leave you these papers?” She asked him. Without looking up from all of the notes that he had taken, he let a single, “Yes,” fall from his lips. She nodded, and put the papers on his desk. “If you have any questions, you know where to find me,” As she was about to make her exit, she heard her name being called. She turned her head to look at her captain, unintentionally savoring the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Thank you for the help,” he said smoothly, hesitating before continuing, “And if you ever need a place to hide, don’t hesitate to come in here to read or to finish your research.” She smiled and nodded her head as the feeling of belonging settled in her core for the second time that night. “Thank you, if you ever need anymore help I’m more than happy to do so,” she replied trying to sound as professional as possible in order to combat the warm feeling that was starting to bubble in her stomach. She turned on her heel and made her way back to her bunk.
That night, against her will, her thoughts were consumed by her captain and the moment they had shared. She felt guilty feeling this way, it wasn’t right to feel borderline giddy as she recalled such minor events. Sure, maybe their fingers touched, and maybe he made her feel like she belonged for once, but it was a moral dilemma just waiting to happen. Internally, she berated herself for even thinking about her captain in that way. Despite her self berating, she let her thoughts drift to her captain as she stared at the metal ceiling. There was a comfortable air around him, one she didn’t like to acknowledge that often. He felt safe, but she knew he could be dangerous. He seemed sane, but she knew he wasn’t. She was aware the longer she stayed with the Heart Pirates the more she let her guard down, and that included Law. She surely was trusted if he was offering to share his quiet space. She thought about how he offered it to her, with softer words than his usual tone. No matter how hard she tried to shake the doctor from her thoughts she couldn’t. That night, she went to sleep with Trafalgar Law taking up the space where her dreams usually lay.
Down the hall, in the captain quarters, Law mulled over what he had said to her before she left the room. It wasn’t like him to just offer someone a place in his study like that. Law worked alone. It was his space. That was the one place he was guaranteed to get some peace and quiet. What was even more strange was that he didn’t even regret offering his space to her. In fact, he was hoping that she would take him up on it and spend her time there instead of in the boiler room. He pushed his thoughts away, rationalizing his offer as just an excuse to gather more of the information she held. If she were to come to the office for peace and quiet, it was inevitable for her to work there too. He told himself that was the real reason he had offered it, rather not acknowledging the warmth he felt when he was around her. He pushed his thoughts away and buried himself in his work for the night, every now and then thinking about his crew member. The feeling that was tugging in his chest would have to be for another day.
⋆⭒˚‧₊˚°❀⋆₊⊹ ⋆。𖦹˚. ͟͟͞☆
@drakulana 2023 // i do not give permission to copy, translate, or repost without my consent
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joeliz99 · 11 days
MET GALA- Joe Keery
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Description: (Y/N) navigates her first MET Gala with Joe by her side. After the glamorous event, they both share a tender moment alone.
Warnings: None, Fluff, Established relationship
Word count: 1314
For the first time ever, (Y/N) was invited to the Met Gala, donning an exquisite creation by Gaurav Gupta. It was the most elaborate and breathtaking outfit she had ever worn.
Relatively new to the public eye and experiencing this level of recognition, (Y/N) was both thrilled and petrified about what the night would bring. After all, being one of the few Latinxs at this exclusive event only added to the significance of the evening.
Joe, who had been on the verge of canceling due to a Heineken promo deal for the F1 races, managed to make it work. She had also been there as his plus one, so they both traveled from Miami to New York on separate days to beat the tight schedule.
While (Y/N) and Joe prepared in different rooms—given the numerous people involved in perfecting (Y/N)’s look—the moment of transformation was nothing short of magical. When she finally saw her reflection, she was left speechless, her heart racing at the sight of her stunning appearance. This transformative moment was captured for later promotional content on social media.
After expressing heartfelt thanks to the designer, Joe knocked on the door. His reaction was probably the highlight of her evening. Overwhelmed with awe, he struggled to find the right words, simply gazing in wonder at all the details of (Y/N)’s look. He hesitated to touch (Y/N), as if afraid to disturb the perfection before him.
“I’m absolutely floored,” Joe finally said, his smile lighting up the room. He took (Y/N)’s hand, his eyes never leaving theirs. “You’re going to be the star of the night, baby. You guys nailed it!”
They shared a few more quiet moments together, savoring the intimacy before heading out. As they approached the Met Gala, the swarm of paparazzi was already buzzing with anticipation.
In the quiet of the car before arriving, (Y/N) leaned in close to Joe. “I feel like I’m going to burst from nerves. Can you feel my heartbeat?” (Y/N) whispered, guiding Joe’s hand to her chest.
“You don’t need to worry about a thing,” Joe replied softly, pressing a reassuring kiss to (Y/N)’s cheek. “Just be yourself and enjoy every moment. Remember, this is your night. I’m right here behind you if you need me. You’ve got this.” (Y/N) nodded, sighing in relief, and gave him a tender peck on the lips. He returned the kiss as the car came to a stop. “Let’s do this,” he said with a grin.
The initial moments at the gala were as overwhelming as expected. With a team directing (Y/N) on where to go, who to talk to, and when to pose, she began to feel more at ease. The girl's charisma started to shine through as she smiled, waved, posed, and engaged in conversations about her projects, taking every opportunity to express gratitude for the chance to be part of such a special night.
Joe, as promised, stayed a few steps behind, allowing (Y/N) to bask in the spotlight while enjoying the evening himself. They did, however, carve out a few moments for themselves amidst the festivities.
In one particularly charming moment, Joe pulled (Y/N) close for a photo. With his arm wrapped securely around (Y/N)’s waist, he leaned in and whispered, “I could spend the entire night just admiring you.” The chemistry between them was palpable in every photo, their connection evident to everyone present. As they approached the final interviews, reporters turned their attention to the couple.
“Let me start by saying, Joeliz, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” (Y/N) replied, her face lighting up with a genuine smile. “I really appreciate that.”
“So, this is your first time attending the gala together, right? How are you feeling?”
“It’s honestly surreal,” Joe said, his hand resting gently on (Y/N)’s waist. “We’re beyond excited to be here and surrounded by such incredible people.”
“Let’s talk about you two,” a reporter said with a grin. “We’re all thrilled to see you together tonight. Is this your first event as a couple?”
“It is, sort of,” (Y/N) chuckled softly. “There’s no one else I’d rather share this moment with than my husband.”
The reporters' eyes widened in surprise at this revelation. The fact that (Y/N) and Joe had been married for two years and had kept their relationship a secret until now was unexpected to many.
After a few more questions, they bid their farewells and headed to the official dinner. The dinner was pleasant but lacked excitement, so after it they decided to make a quick detour to their hotel for a change into more comfortable after-party outfits.
The after-party was in full swing, with upbeat music and lively chatter filling the room. The venue was beautifully decorated, and the crowd was a mix of high-profile artists and industry insiders.
Joe and (Y/N) were on the dance floor, surrounded by a sea of people. Joe, ever the social butterfly, was effortlessly moving through the crowd, introducing (Y/N) to various guests. The atmosphere was electric, but Joe kept glancing over to ensure (Y/N) was comfortable and enjoying herself.
With a mischievous grin, he gently tugged her away from a particularly enthusiastic conversation. “Come dance with me. I think it’s time for a little break from the mingling.”
(Y/N) smiled, allowing Joe to lead her to a quieter corner of the dance floor where the music was softer and more intimate. As they began to sway to the rhythm, (Y/N) rested her head on Joe’s shoulder, savoring the warmth of his embrace.
After a few songs, Joe excused himself to fetch some drinks. He soon returned and, having heard from others that the rooftop area was also available, decided it was the perfect place for a more private escape.
He guided (Y/N) through the bustling party and toward a discreet stairway. They climbed up to the rooftop, where the city lights stretched out below them, and the night sky was clear and serene. The rooftop was a tranquil haven, adorned with cozy seating areas lit by soft, twinkling string lights.
“Welcome to our little escape,” Joe said as he led (Y/N) to a comfortable couch set against the backdrop of the shimmering cityscape. He gestured to the inviting seating area. “I thought we could use a moment away from all the chaos.”
As they settled onto the couch, (Y/N) lay back against Joe’s chest, feeling the strength of his embrace. The quietude of the rooftop was a stark contrast to the party’s energetic buzz, allowing them to fully enjoy the serenity of their private retreat.
“I know it’s been a whirlwind tonight,” Joe murmured, his lips brushing against (Y/N)’s ear. “But I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You’ve been incredible.”
(Y/N) sighed contentedly, resting her head on Joe’s shoulder. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you. Tonight has been magical.”
Turning slightly, (Y/N) faced Joe, their hearts beating faster as their lips met. The kiss was both sweet and passionate, a perfect blend of tenderness and desire. After a moment, Joe pulled back, looking into (Y/N)’s eyes with a warm smile. He reached for the champagne glasses they had brought up, handing one to her. They clinked glasses, enjoying the bubbles and the calm atmosphere.
“Here’s to many more nights like this,” Joe said softly, his gaze warm and loving.
Smiling, (Y/N) snuggled closer. “Here’s to us.”
As the night wore on, they reluctantly left their rooftop retreat, their hearts full and their spirits high. They returned to their hotel, eager to unwind and reflect on the unforgettable evening before heading home the next day.
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ariisheresstuff · 1 year
Hiii i have a Javier Pena request if thats ok?🤍
I was wondering if you could do something where like Javi is a bit dismissive of the reader, but also not mean just ignores them or talks over them and they think he doesnt like them..
then shes on a mission and she gets injured and hes panicking back at the office. Shouting at steve to know where you are etc. then you come into the office like bruised and bloody and he rushes to you, protective. And he takes you to his and cleans you up, eventually leading to fluffy romantic smut and ending with cuddles and admitting his feelings for you
Scared Feelings
Pairings: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Genre: Angsty + Smut
Warnings: Blood, mentions of dying, cuts, wounds etc. MINORS DNI sex, cursing, naked, cum, you know the drill
A/N: Ty for this lovely request! Enjoy! <3
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You have been working with agent Peña and agent Murphy for some time. Ever since you three have been on with this Escobar case. This was probably the most serious and risk taking cases you have been on since you started working as a DEA agent. Murphy was a sweetheart around you, being a gentlemen and making sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Javi on the other hand, let’s just say you guys don’t talk that much. You wouldn’t consider yourself friends. Sure you two greet each other but it’s very awkward and the tension is very sharp for no reason. Steve tried asking you what’s been the issue between you and Javi but you can’t seem to know why he doesn’t like you. You brush it off mostly, not wanting it to effect you so much.
It’s been months since you guys haven’t caught Escobar and everyone was getting frustrated.
“If we don’t find this son of a bitch, we all are going into a shithole.” Steve gritted out through his teeth.
“We tried everything, nothing. His guys are talking, what else is there to do. He’s too smart for us.” You said as you took a drag from your cigarette,
“Then we outta risk it.” Javi said making you and Steve turn to look at him,
“Then what? Have us die and make shit more complicated here?”
Javi scoffed at Steve’s remark, “This is our job Steve, we’re meant to risk our lives.” You said making Steve sigh, he ran a hand through his mess blonde locks as he shook his head. “Fuck it.”
You were assigned a mission downtown where apparently one of Escobar’s closet henchmen was meeting up with someone relative to Escobar. Unfortunately, Steve and Javi were ordered to stay back at the office and signal out radio stations to get any phone call information from Escobar. You assigned with other DEA agents, you just wished you were with Steve and Javi even though Steve was most likely better to be around in these types of situations. “Currently downtown, no signs of any suspicion yet.” You said over the Walkie-Talkie to Steve
“Copy that.”
“You think she can handle this?” Javi asked as he took a drag from his cigarette
“Of course she can, you think she can’t?”
Javi shrugged “Just saying, she’s never done it without us before.”
Steve smirked as he looked at his partner
“You like her, don’t ya?
Javi choked on the smoke from his cigarette “The fuck? What’s your problem?”
Steve just wheezed as Javi was turning red “Aw, come on man, I know you do. Is that why you’re always quiet around her?”
Javi sighed as he leaned back in his chair giving Steve the finger “Shut the fuck up man.” Steve just shrugged as he continued to snicker making Javi grumble.
“He’s on the move.” You said into the Walkie-Talkie as you got out of the vehicle and crouched as you slowly made your way over to the guy, Steve jumped at your voice “Copy that kid, stay hidden.”
“On it.” You signaled the other agents to go in different directions and to follow your lead no matter what. You noticed the guy giving the dude some clear bag with something in it. You couldn’t tell what. “Target in sight.”
“See? Piece of cake for her.” Javi rolled his eyes as him and Steve continued on getting any radio signal but also keeping the lookout for you. You were about to stand up but to only feel someone yank you to the ground. You yelped in surprise as you tried to fight back. Apparently you were tricked. The guy had more of Escobar’s henchmen surrounding the area you were at watching. “I’m down! It’s a trap!” You managed to say in the Walkie-Talkie while confusing to get the guy off of you. Javi’s eyes widened at that as Steve stood up grabbing the Walkie-Talkie. “Y/N! Hey! Kid! What’s going on!” You didn’t have time to answer as you were struggling with some guy on top of you with a gun.
“Perra estúpida, ¿crees que nos engañaste?” Stupid bitch, you think you outsmarted us? The guy said while punching you in the stomach making you yelp in pain, you tried to grab his fist but he was much more stronger than you. You quickly grabbed the Walkie-Talkie trying to respond back to Steve
“Send backup! Send backup!” You yelled as the man grabbed the Walkie-Talkie as started hitting you in the head with it before breaking it.
“Y/N! Hey! Y/N answer me! Shit!” Steve quickly got up to and ran to his and Javi’s office to grab his gun
“The fuck is happening?” Javi asked while also grabbing his gun
“She’s in trouble, it was a trap.”
“Fuck.” Javi said quietly, him and Steve exited the office was about to exit the building when Messina blocked their way
“And where do you think you two are going?”
“Y/N is in trouble boss, she needs backup.”
“I will take care of that, you two aren’t going anywhere.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Messina gave Javi a look
“Yes I am Agent Peña. We need you two signaling in the radio room right now.”
“But Y/N is in serious trouble right now Messina.” Steve said as he was getting frustrated knowing you were in danger.
“I understand that agent Murphy, but we are sending backup right now. I ordered you both a job, correct?”
Javi shook his head as he sighed “Yes Ma’am.” Messina nodded her hand
“Fantastic.” She dismissed them both as they walked back to the radio room.
“Fucking bullshit, she’s in trouble right now and she isn’t doing shit to help her. Fuck!” Javi slammed his gun down on the table harshly as he bounced his leg,
“Javi, calm down. Y/N is a strong one.”
“Anything could happen to her Steve.”
Steve gave Javi this look, “Who Are you and what you have with Javier Peña?”
“Fuck, I don’t have time for this Steve.”
Steve bit down a smile “Knew you liked her man.” He whispered knowing Javi couldn’t hear him.
“Ah!” You yelped as the guy that was broke your Walkie-Talkie slammed you into a wall. Where is Steve? Where is Javi? You kept thinking they weren’t coming. Tears were clouding your vision, you never been in this type of situation before for any mission you were assigned.
“Suéltame pedazo de mierda!” Let go of me you piece of shit! Your nose was bleeding as well as the side of your head from being pushed down in the cement of the sidewalk, you had bruises everywhere. The tears started to fall as you prayed for someone to save you. You jumped at every gunshot that rang around your surroundings, event DEA agent that was working with you was either dead or saving themselves. The guy grabbed you by the throat as he began to block your airway. You gasped for air as you grabbed onto the hand that was around your throat, punching at him to the best of your ability.
“Hora de morir perra DEA.” Time to die DEA bitch his other hand reached down to his gun as he aimed it towards your temple.Your heart was racing as you thought about the last seconds of living, you closed your eyes as the tears began to fall harder “Please…” you gasped out as you felt the coolness of the gun stick harder into your head when all of a sudden a long bang rang through your ears. You body jolted as you felt to ground. Blood splattered all over you as you froze. The guy was laying dead with a gunshot to his head. Your breathing was uneven as you couldn’t process what just happened. You heard the sirens and saw flashing lights appear to view. More DEA agents were sent as they were helping you and the others settle everything. One of them helped you into another car to drive you back to the station. You were shaking the whole and couldn’t even speak with how traumatized you were from the scene.
Javi was pacing around the office while Steve watched him. Javi went through at least two packs of cigarettes in the last few hours. That’s how scared he was for you. He couldn’t even believe he was showing how much he cares about you.
“Dude she’s fine. I’m sure she’s ok-
“How the fuck do you know that Murphy?” Javi snapped at him as his hands started to shake, “it’s been three fucking hours since we heard anything. You call that okay?”
“Javi, the more you think this, the worse it becomes for you.” “I need to know if she’s safe or not or so help me—
he was interrupted by the door opening, he jolted up to see Messina. “We got her.”
Javi and Steve sprinted to the entrance of the office to see you wrapped in a blanket all hurt and scared. You looked up at the two men with tears falling down your face and your bottom lip trembling. “Gosh kid.” Steve muttered as he was the first to pull you into a tight hug and he rubbed your back and shushed your whimpers to calm you down.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know—
“Stop. It’s not your fault. None of this is Y/N.” He gave your shoulders a squeeze as gave you a small smile as you sniffled. You then turned to Javi who had a worried look on his face. Your smile faded as you looked into his brown eyes. He walked up to you slowly before he wrapped his arms around you as he hugged you as well. You body tightened as you froze. Javi never hugged you before.
“I’m glad you’re okay cariño.” He whispered into your ear making sure Steve and the others didn’t hear him. Your body relaxed in his touch as you hid your smile in his chest as you hugged him back. You both pulled away after a few seconds as you gave Javi and Steve a smile making them smile back at you. You all turned towards the entrance as you watched all the men that attacked in handcuffs be sent away into rooms. You felt the heavy weight on your shoulders release knowing that you were safe. Steve was first one to break the silence.
“Well, it’s time for me to head home. Got a wife and kid to deal with.” He said with a snicker making you smile.
“Tell Connie I said hi.”
Steve nodded as he brought you into one last hug for tonight
“If you need anything, you call me. Anything.”
You nodded at Steve as kissed his cheek as a way of saying thank you. Steve smiled as he squeezed your shoulder as a way of saying bye before waving off Javi and telling him about seeing him tomorrow. Now it was just you and Javi. You swayed around as you looked at your fingers. Too shy to start conversation.
“So you heading home or…”
you jumped lightly at his suddenly voice before looking up at him.
“Oh, um I walked here this morning. I’m fine with walking my apartment isn’t far—
“Like hell you’re walking home after what just happened. Come I’ll take you.” You didn’t have a chance to respond as you shrugged before grabbing your things from your desk before walking up to Javi.
“This isn’t my apartment Jav.” You looked out the window to see his and Steve’s apartment, he turn off the car before stepping out and helping you.
“I know, just figured you needed a drink after tonight. Besides I have stuff to help your wounds and shit.”
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks tingle at that face that he wants to help you. You didn’t say anything before walking up to him as he lead the way to his apartment. You both made it to his floor as he got out his door keys before opening up the door. He stepped to the side as he gave you a small smile “Ladies first.” You giggled as you stepped into his dark apartment
“Why thank you kind sir.” You teased back making Javi chuckle a bit. You looked around his apartment. “Nice apartment.”
“It’s nothing.” You sat down on his couch as he went to the kitchen to get you a drink. You winced as you felt your bruises becoming worse. You sort of forgot about them. Javi came back with a glass of whiskey. You thanked him as he set his own drink down before going down the hall. You drank the strong liquor in silence as you enjoyed the strong bitter taste. You licked your lips as you set the cup back down as Javi came back with a first aid kit. “Javi, I’m fine really. You don’t need to do all of this.” He shook his head
“I know, I just feel like it’s best to see you in good hands rather than suffering.” He sat next to you as he grabbed out a few cotton ball and peroxide. You sighed before nodding
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me cariño.”
Something about that name made butterflies appear in your stomach and your cheeks became all red.
You winced as the peroxide was stinging your open wound that was on your cheek. “Sorry.” Javi said as he quickly cleaned up the cut
“It’s okay.”
He set a bandaid on your cheek before giving you a soft smile “You’re all patched up.” You smiled, happy that it was over.
“Wow Javi. Maybe you should be in the medical field instead.” You teased as he shook his head while chuckling. You watched him as he put away the first aid and came back with more whiskey. You watched him fill up both of your cups with golden brown liquid as he took out his cigarette packs. He lit one up as he laid back. You both sat in silence for a while before you spoke up. “Javi?” He hummed in response, you sighed as you felt your heart appear in your throat. “How come you never spoken to me?” Javi felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at you, it caught him off guard. So you did notice it. He thought to himself. He set down his cigarette on the ash tray as he rubbed his hands together.
“Listen. It was nothing about me being against you. No hate towards you or anything like that. It’s just… ever since you came around, I’ve felt nervous being around you.” You gave him a frown making him panic “Not in a bad way, it’s just— fuck— you make me feel these types of things I never experienced before.” Your eyes went wide as you felt your heart tighten,
“W-what do you mean.” Javi sighed as he felt himself getting hot and sweaty. It’s now or never.
“I have these feelings around you. Like deep feelings.” You mouth went dry as you understood what Javi was saying, you swallowed.
“You like me?” Javi looked down as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Yes.” He said quietly but for you to still hear, you froze. “I’m sorry if you felt like I didn’t like you or seemed disrespectful around you. I was just nervous about messing up around you and you thinking I was some dick or something.” You but your lip as you tried to hide the smile appearing on your lips watching him ramble on. “Steve was teasing me about liking you and shit. I’m just a dick for telling you earlier I’m sorr— you cut Javi off as you grabbed the side of his face as smashed your lips on his. It caught Javi off guard as he made a surprised noise and tensing up. He then was brought back down to earth before he relaxed as he wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer. You sighed as your hands traveled to his hair as he cupped your face bringing your face closer and deeper. Javi groaned as you moaned lightly. You both pulled for air but not enough to where your lips were still touching. You both were panting as you both looked into each other’s eyes.
“Was that enough to answer?” You said as Javi chuckled. You leaned your forehead on his as he started to slowly kiss down your neck.
“Hmmm, I don’t know cariño. I think I still don’t understand. Maybe you should show me.” He growled as he started to nip at your neck making you jolt and whine slowly. You crawled into his lap as you started to grind your hips on his already hard cock. Javi groaned as he yanked off his shirt and pants and helping you out of yours. His mouth watered as he stared at your bra. He looked up at you with permission making you nod as you continued to grind on him and moaning.
Javi’s hands were shaking in excitement as he took off your bra with one hand. You looked at him with wide eyes as he smirked at your expression. “Javier you naught menace. How in the hell do you know how to do that?” You nipples hardened at the cool air,
“I may have some experience.” You shook your head as he chuckled lowly. He continued to kiss down your neck before trying to find your sweet spot. You moaned as you rain your fingers through his hair. Hickeys and bite marks scattered all over your neck. Your body jolted as you yelped. “Mmm found it.” You cum right then and there as Javi helped you roll your hips on his hard bulge.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“N-need you.” Javi chuckled
“Oh you need me?” You nodded as you watched him move down to your tits. You moaned a bit louder as he started to squeeze each tit like a stressing hall. “Words baby.” You whined
“Yes, I-I need you Javi.” He smirked as he continued to play with your boobs. He leaned down as he brought a nipple in his mouth “Oh fuck, Javi.” You moaned as he swirled his tongue over the hardening bud.
“Beautiful. The most beautiful tits ever baby. Gosh, you’re so fucking hot.” You felt yourself getting more wet at his praising.
“Oh fuck! Javi!” You yelped as Javi switched positions with you. You were now laying on the couch as Javi hovered over you. He leaned down as he smashed his lips on yours. You both moaned as you both were grinding your hips together.
“Bet that pussy of yours is all wet for me.” You furrowed your eyes-brows as you nodded at him making him smirk. “Bet you want me to fucking eat you out till your screaming my name Hm?” You quickly nodded at him
“Please Javi, I-I want you to eat my pussy. Please baby I’ll do anything.”
“Good girl begging like the good princess you are.” He leaned down to kiss you as he shoved his tongue in your mouth. You moaned as you wrapped your tongue around his. Spit coming out on the sides of your mouth as your teeth were clanking with his form how rough your make out was. Javi released the kiss as he started to kiss down your body. You shivered from his kisses as he praised you with words
“So beautiful, so sexy, you’re all mine cariño. All.Fucking.Mine.” He growled as he got lower, he kissed around your belly making you whimper as he got to your thighs. Your thugs started to shake making Javi hold them as he kissed your inner thighs so slowly making you squirm.
“Javi please, d-don’t tease me.”
“But where’s the fun in that baby?” He continued to tease you for a while before he started to go to where you needed him most. Your body started to shake from excitement. Javi licked his lips as he admired your lacy panties. He dragged a finger over your lips making you jolt, he then slowly started to rub your clot through your underwear.
“Oh! Fuck!” Javi licked his lips
“Gosh you’re so fucking sexy squirmy for me like a pathetic slut aren’t you mi amor?” You felt butterflies coming in your stomach at the nickname. He then leaned down to press the softest kiss to your clit making you cry out. He dove his nose into your slit as he inhaled your scent. He groaned. “Gosh you smell so good and sweet baby. You want me to taste you?” You nodded quickly making him chuckle. “Don’t worry baby, I will be tasting you.” In a split second he ripped off your underwear. You didn’t even care at this point. He didn’t give you a warning before he dove into your pussy. You moaned so loud it echoed around the living room. Your fingers dove into his messy locks as you grinder on his face.
“Oh shit! Oh my god. Javi you’re so good. Oh my god- baby!” Javi hummed into your pussy as he entered in two fingers into your slit. He then started to kiss your clit multiple times before he sucked on it. Hard. You felt yourself get dizzy as you felt your orgasm coming.
“Shit baby, the most wettest, most beautiful pussy. You gonna come cariño?”
“Yes! Fuck yes!” He felt You tightened around his fingers. He started to finger you more faster as he continued to suck on your clit.
“Let go for me baby. Cum all over my face.”
Your legs shook as your fingers yanked into his locks. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you saw white.The coil in your tummy snapped as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Javi helped you ride out your high as he continued to kitten lick your clit and slit. You jolted as he continued to lick your clit. You whimpered as you pulled him from the back of his neck back to your face, you smashed your lips on him making him groan. You whined as you tasted yourself on him, you plunged your tongue into his mouth making him growl as he cupped your face. You both pulled away with a string of spit connecting your lips. Your hands were reaching down to take his cock out of his boxers, he then stopped you as he grabbed your wrist gently before shaking his head as he smiled at you. “Not tonight baby, I need to be inside you.” You whined as you smirked at him before pecking his lips twice. You laid back down only making him shake his again. You gave him a frown. “I want you to ride me baby.” You felt butterflies again at his low tone making you smile before nodding at him. You quickly got on his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You admired how toned and sort of buff he was. You smiled as you started to touch his shoulders and biceps making him chuckle. “You like what you see cariño?” You giggled as you kissed his neck
“Never realized how strong you were Javi.” Javi smirked at you as he aligned his cock to your entrance. His hands were on your hips as you stared into his eyes. Him staring back at you.
“You ready?” He asked quietly as you nodded, he nodded with you as he slowly started to sink into you. Your body jolted at the feeling before you let out a surprised moan. Javi groaned as his grip tightened on your hips. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight mi amor.”
“O-oh, fuck— Javi, you’re so big.” He chuckled as he helped you move your hips slowly.
“Feels good baby?” You nodded as you started to bounce on his cock, “Need words cariño.” You whined
“Y-yes Javi, feels so good. Fuck! Don’t stop.”
“I’ll never stop. Never.” He growled as he kissed and sucked on your neck. Your bouncing got faster as Javi moved your hips. Your fingers tugging onto his hair. You felt hot and sweaty. You’re moaning got louder as so did Javi’s.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fucking cum. Can I cum inside you mi amor?” Javi groaned out. You looked down at him as you started to feel tears form in your eyes from the overstimulation. You nodded your head rapidly.
“Please!please! Please cum inside me Javi! I wanna feel your cum.” Javi smashed his lips on yours hard as he helped you grind harder and faster on his dick. Your moaning picked up as the tears fell down your red cheeks. Javi slapped your ass making you jump.
“Cum with me baby. Fucking cum.” You cried out as your body started to shake. Your mouth was open with no sound coming out. You both paused your movements before you both moaned and groaned together. Your bodies started to shake uncontrollably. Javi groaned loud and deep in your neck as you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him closer.
“Oh shit, mmmm fuck.” You moaned out, Javi panted in your neck as his hands rubbed your back.
“Shit.” Javi muttered out. Your legs felt like jello as you stayed wrapped in his arms with his cock still in you. You kissed Javi’s temple as you ran your fingers through his hair to calm him down. You’re bodies all sticky and hot. Javi then pulled out of you making you whine at the loss of contact and making Javi whimper at the coolness hitting him. He jolted as he calmed his breathing down. He reached over to grab his pack of cigarettes before lighting one up. He laid down with you on his chest. You sighed as you stared up at him, admiring his bare chest and him smoking. You both laid there in silence. You rested your head on his chest as you relaxed at the sound of his heartbeat.
“What’s wrong cariño?” His voice rumbled through his chest making it vibrate. You looked up at him to see him staring back at you. It only made you smile.
“Nothing. Just… does this mean something?” Javi exhaled a fog of smoke as he gave you a smile
“What do you think mi amor?”
“I’m assuming maybe?” You teased making him roll his eyes at you before chuckling. You chuckled back as you sat up to be closer to him. You took the cigarette from his hand as you inhaled, you stared into his eyes as you exhaled. Javi hummed as he cupped your face. You finished the cigarette before placing it on the ashtray.
“You are something, you know that?” You shrugged at him as you played with his hair,
“I’ve been told.” Javi smiled at you before pulling your face closer to his as you both shared a loving, long kiss. You sighed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, him wrapping his around your back. You both continued the kiss as you snuggled into his warm embrace. Slowly falling asleep in each other’s touch.
Tag-List: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25
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windvexer · 10 months
Maybe this is a dumb baby question but, How do you know if a spell works? I’m investigating different practices and all the spells are like… focus, luck, etc, like things that are supposed to either influence my interior state or encourage certain events to occur. But I can’t help but think that if magic was “real” it could do things that are obvious or immediately observable. Have you ever done anything you think was undeniably magic? How did you know?
Not a dumb baby question.
It works if it works! And you can test this.
Broadly speaking we can divide all practical sorcery into two categories: verifiable and unverifiable.
It's really hard to know if an unverifiable spell works. E.g., a spell for focus could often be explainable by the placebo effect. (Or, this lovely Guardian Animal Shielding exercise, which is a fun and relaxing thing to do).
But a verifiable spell is something that you should be able to test and see if your magic did or didn't work.
A good way to find sources of verifiable magic in your life is to observe relatively stable patterns in your own life which have been going on for months, and then cast a spell to directly change it.
An example might be always getting a bad parking spot at work - and then trying to get a very good parking spot.
Either you get to work and have a great place to park even though the whole lot is normally full, or you don't. The spell worked, or it didn't.
Yes, I've worked magic that is obvious and immediately observable. I've worked so much of it and some of it is so miraculous that I don't talk about it publicly because practitioners have a lot of hangups about what kind of magic they think is allowed to exist.
But more importantly I think that while wanting magic to be real, and sorcery to work, are very valid, just chasing that realness alone is probably going to lead you to a path of misery. Here are some of my thoughts on this: On witchcraft as spirituality
Here are some random stories:
At one time there were many arguments in the household due to home renovations (stressful!). I cast a spell to cause one person in the household to be more mindful of the situation. I cast the spell and stepped outside of my practice space. That person was, surprisingly, in the yard and started asking me questions about the exact issue I had just cast on. We ended up having a very long conversation and after that the arguments stopped.
Some years ago the neighbor was causing horrible ruckus and giving my partner awful anxiety, as he could clearly hear it through the old, thin window. I found a bit of thread and "tied up" the neighbor's loud sounds into a knot, and weighted it down with a rock on the windowsill. At this time I wasn't living with my partner, so I came back some weeks later to see the knot. I thought I'd get rid of it, but when I moved the rock my partner stopped me.
"You know what's strange? After you put that there, the neighbor stopped being loud."
I looked at the disrupted rock, which was to "weigh down" the spell, and immediately the neighbor started yelling. I put the rock back, and about 30 minutes later he piped down again and stayed quiet.
Years later, after many calls to the police from many people in the neighborhood with no traction at all, I used the Justice tarot card in a spell and that neighbor was permanently removed from the home within a couple of weeks.
At one time, I was trying to do a distance energy reading for someone. But something was wrong; I couldn't see clearly. In fact it looked like they were consumed by a black void... then presently a lighter blue color was around the blackness, then white, then dark blue. It was no energy I was familiar with and I double-checked with the person that they had no magical protections to stop me from Seeing them.
"Oh, the only ward I didn't take down was my nazar." 🧿🧿🧿🧿
I have Very Silly Tendons, and in the morning I usually have a painful limp for several minutes until my foot stretches out. That is, of course, unless I remember to do a very simple energy exercise the night before. Then my foot is as loose and supple as a bowl of buttered noodles.
Once, I cast a spell using the planetary energies of Mercury in order to secure a good deal on a used van. I put in very specific requirements, and asked that if I tried to buy a van that didn't meet these requirements, that the elementals would stop me and not let the deal go through. Immediately after I cast the spell I found a van which was disqualified from the list, but I reallllly wanted it. I contacted the Craiglist seller, who didn't respond for a couple of days, but the listing stayed up.
The next morning my friend contacts me. She says she had a dream that yellow tornadoes came and told her to give me a message; that I was making a mistake.
Well if you know Mercury, then you know yellow airy energies are really his thing.
I immediately set up the spell again, retracted my requests, and apologized for going against what I said I wanted.
The seller contacted me within the hour, and I got the van.
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prinzrupprecht · 1 month
Susano’o x Shinto goddess!reader
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Took a break from spamming Okita and Anubis oneshots. Time for some Susano’o this time. Reader has similar story as Kushinadahime in lore. Wanted to recreate it.
Synopsis: You’re one of the goddesses of the Land of Izumo and the daughter of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi deities. One day a demon serpent that appeared in the Land of Koshi known as the Yamata no Orochi started wrecking havoc and killed many of your beloved sisters leaving you traumatized and the only surviving daughter. Your father had asked the God of Swords to kill the serpent, however, Susano’o had one request. It was for your hand in marriage.
TW: deaths mentioned
WC: 1131
Your father has been in his room for several hours weeping over the loss of one of your sisters who was killed by the eight-forked serpent. You had grown worried and stayed silent. You have been a quiet person for most of your life and even scared that you could be next to die. As you tiptoed across the wooden temple to get some fresh air you nearly had bumped into someone. Huh?
You looked up and your whole face turned red. You recognized who he was immediately due to his appearance and the sword he was carrying wrapped in a bandage. Susano’o-no-Mikoto?! You’ve heard stories of him being the governor of the lands and small descriptions of him through other relatives. “S-Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going—!” You had squeaked causing him to find your embarrassment amusing. Your cheeks flushed bright red immediately as your body trembled at how powerful his authority seemed to be. You felt like you would be crushed within seconds but his expression softened seeing how nearly terrified you were.
“You’re one of the daughters of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi?” He was holding his bandage sword up on his shoulder while he stared down at you. You quickly nodded as your eyes trailed down his gold-yellow pauldrons that hung off his left shoulder. You also couldn’t help but admire his bluish-white hair and his thick cloud-shaped eyebrows. He looked marvellous to you as you both stared at each other. You were in your own little world while he was observing your reactions. He figured you probably never left the temple and was curious about him. You also seemed terrified of outsiders and trusted very little. He was enthralled by your beauty at first glance. Susano’o was yet again wondering why he was called down to meet the two children of the mountain god; your parents. He also had no idea someone like you would be here and you already captivated his attention.
Before he could speak again, you had already rushed passed him. You were panicking on the inside that you may have insulted the Sword God. Your whole mind felt weak with a lot of things and losing your siblings took a toll on you. Having that being said, you had wondered why he was here.
“This was a difficult decision asking you to come all the way here since you’re normally busy governing the lands of Japan.” Your father sat on his throne seeing that Susano’o had raised his left eyebrow wondering what was so important for him to be here.
“I had thought something must’ve happened if I’m being asked to come here.” Susano’o hummed as he took in the tension in the room. He could read the expressions of others quite well, something terrible had happened. Susano’o thought back on how skittish you were around him.
“Well, a lot has happened actually, one of the demons merged nearby and has devoured eight of my daughters. We’ll pay you a thousand times over if you can kill this demon,” your father stood up from his throne, but what shocked Susano’o was how he lowered himself to his hands and knees begging the Sword God for help to kill the serpent demon. He didn’t have to beg since Susano’o would’ve gladly killed it without him asking. The amount of pain for your family that has been put through a lot of pain by such a demon. Well, Susano’o wanted one thing in return for killing the demon.
You were just behind the door listening in on their conversation. You heard Susano’o speak up, “I would like your only daughter to become my wife as my request.” He was serious about taking your hand? You covered your mouth as you heard Susano’o boldly ask your parents for your hand in marriage. Your heart was beating too fast. No man has ever taken interest in you. It shocked you a lot knowing this strong and fierce god wanted you as a prize.
“It’s a bit too soon for that, wouldn’t you think? Why not some alcohol instead?” You heard your mother poor him a cup of alcohol which is accepted. Your father coughed loudly but your heart was beating loudly in her chest. Your hands began to tremble next to your sides. Susano’o spoke again, “I’ll kill this serpent to ease the trouble on you and the villagers down below, but I still want my request to be fulfilled afterward.” Susano’o had a look of determination in his eyes. That made your father like him even more and no one other than him would have his approval to take your hand.
“Very well, as you do know she’s the only last daughter I have left.” Your father looked at your mother who was also silently agreeing that Susano’o could have your hand in marriage if he manages to kill the serpent.
Your father spoke your name before proceeding, “come in here.” He knew you were listening and you felt bad you turned around the corner with your head hung low.
“I— I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. My apologies, I was curious.” You stood a few feet away while your father didn’t look like he cared whether you had heard anything. Susano’o couldn’t help but want to know more about you. You were mysterious to You were hiding how red your face was, were you growing a slight crush on the Sword God? He did look incredibly handsome to you at least. You never had other gods ask for your hand considering your sisters were incredibly pretty themselves before they were killed by the serpent demon. The thought sent your mind into depression. Your family was torn away and you’d never see your sisters again because of that demon.
“Sometimes, I feel like I’m next…” you trembled where you stood and looked down. You hated how you were the last surviving daughter. You wondered if your life even mattered or not.
“Don’t fret, you’ll be in good hands.” Your father spoke out catching your attention. He was approving of Susano’o-no-Mikoto.
“I’ll not let any harm come to you.” Susano’o grabbed your hands into his. He was determined to make you his which was working. You started to feel safe around him which brought tears to your eyes.
You quickly nodded while shaking your head from the tears ready to fall. Your parents had watched and knew how their last daughter would be treated well by the Sword God. You had to wait for him to return from his task to be wedded to him. You had watched him leave the temple and your mother comforted you how you had found the perfect suitor.
You were excited for the life ahead of you and hope Susano’o returns safely.
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Note: this was slow burn and I’d probably gonna just make another in the future that actually is more romantic and not slow burn. Next will prob be back with Okita or Anubis one shots again.
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rudeflower · 9 months
In Keg Max! Principal Merton tells Jess he has missed 31 days of school. Now that makes him a chronic truant for sure, it means he's missed more than 10% of the school year, the standard school year is 180 days. Let's say there's 10 days left in the school year.
That's a LOT of school to miss. Young people improbably here, do not miss that much school
But relative to what we're being told about Jess, it's a weirdly low number? Jess never goes to school!!!! He's working 10000 hours at Walmart instead of going to school no school never heard of him!
That means that Jess attended school 139 days. Most schools I've worked with define that as a certain number of hours attended, more than half the day. So even if he was skipping that's 139 days he went to more than half the day NOT GOOD AT ALL BUT
Even after he was eighteen (early in the school year) he still laced up his boots and showed up somewhere he hated at saw no point in going to WHY!!????
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First of all this is actually a ridiculously overcommitted young person let's at least acknowledge that.
He works before school at Luke's, and he works in the evenings too, closing up at 11:30 in one episode. Not just filling coffee mugs anymore. By season 3 he's closing alone, keeping tabs on the delivery schedule and capable of (furiously) running the morning rush alone.
AND he's working 45 hours a week at Walmart doing physical work, AND (poorly) maintaining a romantic relationship, AND reading obsessively, AND YES GOING TO SCHOOL! Jess starts working at Walmart in November (if you treat the air date as the canon date with the show roughly does), combined with Luke's it's probably 60-65 hours a week and still went to school 139 days!
He's making ridiculous choices because he is a tiny little fool but also has a trauma soaked brain
Jess chooses to be maxed out every minute of his life because he cannot tolerate being unoccupied, like a lot of people with complex trauma (and ADHD and Autism and more all of which could apply to Jess but rn I am talking about complex trauma)
When someone is used to chaos in their environment they actually feel less safe when things are quiet and still. It leads to someone who needs to have their RAM at 100% every waking AND sleeping moment
So they work 65+ hours, go to school most days, and they
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cannot relax without extreme stimulation AKA needing the music on to sleep
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Walk while reading because walking and looking ahead isn't enough is not occupied enough need more occupied
and starts reading the second he's stops talking to someone or using his hands to do something else. Reading as default in any given second.
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He reads compulsively, no matter how chaotic the environment.
Reading ALSO isn't enough must be annotating and analyzing too passive reading is NOT ENOUGH
So Jess would rather show up at school for 139 days where other people are moving around, where there are fights to get into and classes to move to and from, even after he's an adult and Luke wouldn't find out that he isn't showing up. He'll show up to a test just to be in the classroom, not to take it.
This is not mentioning what I'm too lazy to screencap, that he's always doing something. that especially when he's talking to Luke Jess is constantly and doing things with his hands constantly.
There's really only one time we see Jess sitting still doing almost nothing
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But not really nothing because smoking really is something.
My dude needs to be as occupied as possible from the time he wakes up all the way up to and including when he falls asleep to stay occupied and all that he's got on hand is going to a school that says the pledge of allegiance in six different languages then he will go! It's 100%%% occupation or the horror of possibly relaxing and WHAT WOULD HAPPEN THEN
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shadowreader23 · 23 days
Time Travel Barnes? (Part 4)
It was the familiar voice that caught him at first, and then the familiar face. He was looking over at a man coming his way, two soldiers that he used to know. He knew him Dum-Dum, from the 107th and then he became a Howling Commandos alongside him and Steve. Seeing that actually shocked him, his entire body froze as they got closer and closer, his breathing caught and he stood straight. He made sure that his face stayed the same, the angry expression. And that seemed to catch his attention, making him almost wary. He seemed laid back, but he was on guard.
“Get back in line, sir. I’d rather not tell you again,” Dugan twitched his gun subtly, as if gesturing that he’d use force if necessary, but he just eyed him, carefully keeping his gaze firmly focused on him. He looked up to his mask a few times, occasionally questioning it.
“Can I check on the old man first?” he asked calmly, gesturing over his shoulder at the scared senior who was frantically glancing between them and looking away to somewhere on his left. James realized after taking a quick glance, that there was an old woman and a younger one with a child there, frantically staring back at the man. It must’ve been his family, the ones he was trying to get to when the jackass soldier saw him move.
“Yeah, make it fast,” the big, red-headed soldier casually waved him off, raising a brow after probably noting down his accent. James didn’t bother hiding that he was American. And that was probably a bad move, because they may ask him questions, they as in any soldier than happened to catch him talking bilingually.
Either way, he swiftly turned and stepped towards the old man, eyeing him carefully.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he? ” he also didn’t bother with cooing the man. He was sure that most of the men here fought in a war, served and lied down their lives, and he knew that being coddled wouldn’t be something they wanted, so his tone was somewhat flat and blunt. And the smile and little laugh he received confirmed what he’d thought.
“I’m fine, boy. I’m fine, thank you, ” he said with a deep, rough and gassy voice. He patted his arm and shoulder a few times, as if to show that he was okay and took a glance to the side, at his family. James did too, eyeing them before turning back to the old man. He seemed calmer, breathing having slowed from its pant. He must’ve been scared from watching what had unfolded in front of him. The soldier that James put on the ground. He must’ve thought that he’d get into trouble for saving him.
He patted the old mans’ shoulder before turning back around, glancing towards Dugan and eyeing him and the other soldier edgily. Luckily, his past self was nowhere in sight, so maybe he was checking around the corner with a few other soldiers. He wasn’t sure on how he’d react to seeing himself and he didn’t particularly want to find out.
“You’re American,” Dugan inevitably pointed out, just a simple statement that James inwardly cursed at. He wanted to avoid all this together, but if he remembered correctly, the man would keep talking until he had an answer for something. If James stayed quiet, there’d be a question after a question, after a question.
“I am,” he replied flatly, staying perfectly still in place with the two soldiers watching him. The one he floored was now standing further back, behind the, soon to be, Howling Commando.
“Where from?” another question came.
“New York,” he didn’t want to give away exactly where. They’d more than likely drag the James from this time into the conversation. There’d be more questions and paragraph upon paragraph of stories of the man or he’d appear at their request and that’d be a bad move. And he could say he was from anywhere else in New York. If his mask came off, there’d be more problems. Though saying that he was originally from Brooklyn, but moved at a very young age, it’d give him a chance to pass himself off as a relative or something if he was caught out.
… None of this sounded sensible or logical at this point, but what did? He was seventy years into the past with a younger version of himself running around. He was currently standing in front of two men he knew and was wearing old clothes that covered an immensely high-tech arm. What made sense anymore…
“Where in New York? The accents familiar,” accent? He’d admit that his Brooklyn twang surfaced every now and again, but it wasn’t that strong to recognize it or even hear it. And if it was, then his idea on saying that he’d moved at a young age was screwed.
“Originally, Brooklyn,” he added and inwardly winced at the realization-widening of their eyes, as if they just registered the place he said. He didn’t like seeing the flash of fondness over the name. They clearly knew something from the one word.
“Our Sergeant’s from Brooklyn,” the red-headed man smiled widely, dropping his firm hold on his weapon and letting it hang there, an arm resting over the top. His guard was lowered too, not seeming so dangerous anymore. He had a carefree smile as the guy he floored lowered his own weapon a few inches, apparently picking up that there wasn’t any danger or threat, even if James dropped the guy on his ass. They were calm, as well as James. He was gradually finding it easier to handle this situation now that he didn’t have guns aimed at him. “Heard of Bucky? James Buchanan Barnes maybe?”
… If he only knew...
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” he eased out the lie, his posture beginning to relax as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned slightly onto one leg. It was glad that the conversation and atmosphere seemed to ease up, because the crowd around them seemed to calm as well. There was more chattering and whispers and less crying and whimpering. The almost comfortable chat between James, the man that saved the town, and these soldiers was calming everyone in the vicinity. A domino effect.
“Huh, well you should meet him. He’s always talkin’ about Brooklyn, maybe meeting another guy from home would bring a smile to his sorry sack ofa face,” he was going to ignore that comment. If he remembered correctly, he got homesick if he was gone for too long. Leaving his family, Steve, the women and friends. He’d easily miss home, but keep it to himself so he would piss anyone off.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, instantly regretting it. He’d basically just agreed to maybe meeting his past self… “But I can’t remember a lot. I left Brooklyn when I was young,” he added, trying to seem put off about it, to maybe get them to reconsider. This obviously didn’t happen.
“S’aright, he’ll tell you what you’ve missed,” his smile just grew and he took long strides towards him, his hand reaching out and slamming down on his shoulder-blade, thankfully it was the right side, though not so thankful from how hard the contact was. He actually felt the faint hot sting on the skin under the shirt. His heart began to hammer in his chest when he was steered away from the crowds and towards more soldiers gathering at the entrance to the town. There were tents being set up, far apart with military vans parking up, scattered around the grass and nearby trees. They were going to camp out for the day, maybe two depending on if they were called out to another town. “So, what’s your name?” this was a question he was asking himself. He’d gone through names the day before, but he wasn’t too sure on which he should pick. There were so many he could choose from. He’d even thought of picking a name close to James, just in case he was found out. And then, as he’d said before, he’d be able to pass himself off as a brother or something. So Jamie was the closest name he’d thought of. And so...
“Jamie,” he muttered more than said, his voice quiet as they headed between a few soldiers just inside the town. For the most part, they were ignored, but there were eyes on him, watching him and questioning him, and the mask. It seemed to attract attention, but he was sure that taking the mask off would attract even more unwanted eyes. A few just said ‘hey’ to Dugan, completely bypassing him.
“You got a nickname, Jay?” the voiced boomed right into his ear as they squeezed passed a few more soldiers crowding around two tents. They were stepping around the field just inside of the town, passing by another barn, a more used and rotting one than the one he’d used to stash the bodies behind.
“I guess I do now,” he wasn’t going to say anything about the ones he currently had, or used to have. He didn’t like Winter, courtesy of Brock Rumlow. He was definitely keeping Bucky to himself. Terminator and Robocop would pass their heads, being references to future movies, according to Hawkeye. He really didn’t get them either. Barton kept calling him the two names on the way to the German airport. Even Ant-man joined him, though a lot more wary and hesitant than the archer.
He really couldn’t think of any other… So, Jay it was, he assumed.
It was like he was staring into a mirror, a younger mirror. James wasn’t that much older, maybe five years at least, if he considered every time he was dragged out of Cryo and the months he’d spent hiding after DC. But ‘ Bucky ’ definitely looked far younger with short hair and those baggy, mud-green trousers and long-sleeved, green shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to about mid-forearm. He did look really young. Now James looked older. So… either he could risk pulling off the older twin, which there was a less chance that they’d believe him, or he could pull off the ‘older brother by a couple of years’ thing. Because James was actually older at this point, and he had thicker stubble than this James, and it was apparently proven that stubble makes you look older. Or that was what he remembered from watching TV adverts.
It’d also make an easier story to say that he grew up in an orphanage. It’d give the impression that Bucky’s parents gave him away and that was why he knew nothing of an older brother, and make it seem like it was vice versa. The only problem would be that their parents were still alive, and Bucky could easily return home and asked them. Though… he didn’t remember returning to his house or his parents between now and when he fell from the train. So maybe this would be the easiest story he could roll with in this situation.
He just needed to act oddly with Bucky, glance at him a few too many times and eventually remove his mask. But he needed the right timing for that. It was all he could really do at this point. He couldn’t leave now, not with Dugan on his shoulder and soldiers surrounding them.
And honestly, he was sure he’d do more than his fair share of staring. So acting this out wouldn’t be too hard. It was just the question of the James of the past believing him. And he recalled being a stubborn basterd back then.
“Serge, got a present for you,” Dugan beamed as they got closer to his… uh… as they got closer to Bucky . The man looked up from where he was sitting on the bumper of one of the trucks, messing with his gun. There was an instant crooked smirk curling his lips and he moved to stand, glancing over him instantly with curious eyes. And much like most of the other soldiers, he paused on his mask, eyeing it for a few seconds before laughing a little.
“A guy wearing a mask?” his voice was almost exactly like his own, minus the roughness from years of lack of speaking and minus the flatness and general exhaustion.
“Not just any guy wearing a mask. A guy wearing a mask who’s from Brooklyn,” as soon as Dugan said it, Bucky’s face snapped to him. He could barely catch the emotions rolling over him because of how many there were. Happiness, relief, warmth, hope, delight. There were a few more, but they seemed to pass by frequently.
“You are? Seriously?” James really couldn’t get over how happy he seemed from just hearing this. Was he always this cheerful?
“Yeah,” his lips twitched under his mask. His past self was talking directly to him, and he was lot more nervous than he thought he’d be. On the inside anyway. On the outside, he was calm, composed, all trained to not match his actual feelings if his inner feelings were compromised. “I… moved away when I was younger. Started travelling around,” It wasn’t technically a lie. He didn’t ‘move’ as such, he was taken. But he did travel, for his missions. He went everywhere, from Europe, to Norway, to Africa, to London, to-... He was pretty sure he’d been almost everywhere.
“So, I take it, you don’t know that there’s a shit-ton of new deli’s and bars everywhere?” Bucky got closer, a fond smile on his face as he stepped up to him. He still glanced at the mask, but said nothing, his attention on the shared Brooklyn experience instead of the odd fashion sense.
“Is Brooklyn just a Deli and bar city now?” he raised a brow with his sarcasm, hearing the other man bark out a laugh. He understood the joke just fine and he was glad that he took his dry-humour in. Truthfully, James couldn’t remember the last time he actually cracked a joke, dry ones included.
“I’d be surprised if my house is still there when I get back,” his humour was just as dry and flat as his own. So, maybe this wouldn’t be as hard as he thought to get closer to his past self.
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Can I have prompts 15, 34, and 69 with early 2000's Edge plss where she is scared to be in love with them because of trust issues but sweet smut unfolds as they let the feelings out between them?
15: “I’m so scared…of you”
34: “shh it’s okay, I’m here now”
69: having your first time in bed with each other
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Word count: 2058
Warnings: mild swearing
Fic type: fluff and smut
Link to masterlist
Reader will be a wrestler, 2001. Will use Adam’s name. Feels silly saying Edge in this context. Christian will just be called Christian as using his real name doesn’t feel right for fics!
Being at large events was always difficult for you. Even if you did know most of the people there. You were still relatively new, only having been there for about three years about the same time as your friends, Adam and Christian. The three of you didn’t go in together. You had met them on your first day actually and hit it off with them immediately. They always had your back both within matches, and backstage. Being quiet made you an easy target for certain wrestlers to pick on you; they’d pull pranks (sometimes cruel ones) on you, be rough with you in the ring. It wasn’t the best time to be a wrestler but you weren’t about to quit. Plus, the two boys would back you up and protect you as much as possible, alongside two other friends, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
The event in question was an after party, following a successful episode of Smackdown. You hung around Adam and Christian who were talking with Kurt Angle and a few others, sticking closely to Adam’s side, while they chatted with other wrestlers. It wasn’t something you admitted to anyone just yet, but you had found yourself with feelings for Adam. There was something about how protective he was over you that just made your heart swoon and your body feel so…safe? Was that the feeling? It was hard to come to terms with how you felt. So many times had you been let down or betrayed by your previous partner that you didn’t know if you could go through with another relationship again. He had broken you in more ways than you’d let on to anyone. The idea of dedicating yourself to someone or letting someone into your heart terrified you.
“We should probably get going!” Adam nudged you, hoping you’d agree. He was enjoying the socialisation but in reality, he felt more comfortable in the idea of heading back to the hotel room you two shared. Saving as much money as possible was at the top of both of your lists so you had agreed to share with him. Tonight would be your first night alone with him, and a big part of you was scared. You nodded, agreeing that it was time.
“I’m going to stay a bit longer,” Christian said, giving you both a quick hug, “but I’ll see you guys later on!”
Exchanging goodbyes with the group, you both headed out to the car park to get a taxi back. Adam left the keys with Christian so he could drive back.
“I think…I might just shower and then sleep when we get back.” You told Adam in the car, sitting a seat away from him in the back, leaving the middle seat free.
“Oh. I was thinking we could watch a film but…yeah sure, if you’re tired, do what you like!” He replied, smiling weakly.
It was a strange response, you had thought. A part of you thought that maybe he was hoping for something more but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. The rest of the ride was quiet, relaxed. Watching him from the corner of your eye, you made a mental note of the outline of his face from the side. There was no denying that he was gorgeous. With the way his long hair framed his face, the little point at the end of his nose. And his body! His arms were strong yet soft to the touch, very welcoming. Perhaps that’s why she always felt so safe? It definitely was his kindness that helped too. You didn’t realise that you had turned your head to get a better look at him, staring with a sparkle in your eyes. He turned to look at you with a smile and pink cheeks, winking slightly. You quickly looked away in embarrassment of being caught staring, hearing him chuckle at your reaction.
After arriving at the hotel, you both made your way up to the room and you rushed in the bathroom to get to the shower to wash away the naughty thoughts that began to cloud your mind. You got undressed with haste and stood under the warm running water, trying to clear your mind. It was getting harder to hide your feelings and anxiety built up in your chest over that fact. You were terrified of a repeat of last time. Deep down you knew he was different but still. What if he secretly was a terrible man? What if he was secretly just as horrible but was fantastic at hiding it? The thought was too horrible to imagine so you tried to ignore it, washing your body and your hair, imagining you were scrubbing that idea away.
Not spending long in there, you dried off and climbed into clothes that you had left folded in there before you left, ready for your evening shower. You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath, calming yourself so Adam wouldn’t ask any questions. You left the bathroom and made your way over to the desk where your hairdryer was ready for you. Except it wasn’t just that there waiting. Adam stood, holding your brush and motioning for you to sit down.
“I know you’re tired but I can…do this for you if you like?” He smiled sheepishly.
Returning the smile, you sat down in front of him. As he began you felt your cheeks and your body become warm with appreciation, the naughty thoughts coming back. He was so concentrated on making sure your hair was fully dry and brushed that he didn’t even notice you staring this time. After about 15 to 20 minutes, he shut the dryer off, just pulling the brush gently through your smooth and shiny hair.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, finally looking up at the mirror to make eye contact with you. Adam noticed the nervous look that suddenly crossed your face, and he took a second to squeeze your shoulder to assure you that it was okay. Swallowing hard, you nodded.
“Um…are we just…friends? Or is there something else that you want to try?” He asked, his voice quiet and soft. You felt your throat run dry as the words settled in your brain. He decided to continue on with something that probably shouldn’t have shocked you all that much but it still did regardless.
“Because I don’t know about you but…I definitely have. Feelings. For you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Well, you did, but you were scared of saying it. Your silence scared Adam as he stood there still looking at you, waiting for you to just say something. Anything.
It felt like an eternity before you opened your mouth to speak to him.
“Adam…I’m not going to lie to you because I appreciate you and…what you do for me.” You started with a deep breath. It wasn’t fair to lie to him on how you felt nor was it fair to not tell him why you were afraid of it.
“I’m so scared…of you-“
“Of me? Why?” He interrupted, the shock breaking his heart in two.
“Let me finish, please.” You begged.
He became silent, placing both hands on your shoulders, letting he brush fall to the floor with a dull thud.
“It’s not…really you. It’s the idea of you, and liking you. I want to let you in but I’m scared of what will happen if I do. The last person I let into my heart treated me terribly. I know you’re not that guy but I don’t know if I can let myself trust someone again. I am so terrified that…it will happen again.”
You felt the tears well up in your eyes, sliding down your cheeks rapidly. Just admitting why you were afraid of love somehow felt worse than keeping it secret. It was the shame of talking about it out loud, and now crying about it. Let alone someone who had just admitted they had feelings for you!
You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders and his cheek rest on the crown of your head, Adam gently whispering ‘shhh’.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, “I-I know I’m a mess right now and this isn’t what you want to see and I’m sorry I-“
“Shh it’s okay, I’m here now.” He muttered, rocking you side to side.
“I don’t know exactly what happened before in your last relationship,” he gently pulled on your arm to turn you around on the chair to face him, “but I am not him, okay? I need you to understand that. I can love you so much more. In the way you deserve. You just need to let me in to do that.”
He cupped your face, wiping tears away with his thumbs. You both stayed there, gazing into each other's eyes for god knows how long before you both leant towards each other to share a kiss. When your lips met in the middle, your body rushed with tingles as the familiar sensation came back. You hadn’t realised how much you missed kissing!
It wasn’t long before you were standing up in his arms as he led you to the bed, lips still interlocked as you both removed each other's clothes. You both mumbled sweet nothings into each other's soft lips as he pulled your legs apart, aligning himself with your wet and ready entrance.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” He asked, stopping to look at you. You nodded, throwing your arms around his neck as he slowly slid in, keeping his eyes on your face the entire time.
“Tell me if it hurts or if it’s too much. We can stop if you need it.” He reassured, kissing your cheek once he was all the way in. Adam stayed unmoving for a moment to allow you to get used to the feeling of him inside you, not wanting you to be in pain. After signalling to him that it was okay, he began to thrust, being slow and gentle. He buried his face in your neck as the pleasure and your warmth took over his body.
“Faster, please!” You called out to him, gripping his shoulders as the feeling of pleasure overtook your body. Adam picked up the pace while still not hitting too hard, groaning against your skin.
“You’re so gorgeous,” He muttered, littering your skin with small wet kisses as his hands caressed your soft body, “God, I’m so glad I told you…how I feel.”
Just hearing him speak those words sent your heart flying. You had completely forgotten what it felt like to be praised in this way. And to have it from Adam just made it that much sweeter. Already you felt yourself getting close to the finish line, him following behind closely. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you moaned out his name as you drew closer and closer.
“Let it out for me, baby.” He whispered, his lips just barely ghosting the skin of your ear. You gasped as your orgasm hit, Adam holding on to you tight as he continued on with whispering encouraging words of love to you while you rode it out. As you came down, he muttered a quick ‘oh fuck’ before pulling out, cumming on your stomach with a grunt. After finishing, he leant down to give you another kiss before getting up to grab tissues to clean you up.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to…you know…do it inside of you.” He smiled sheepishly, his body pink from the afterglow of sex. You smiled and told him that it was okay, you didn’t mind too much. Once he got you cleaned up, he crawled into the bed next to you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know.” He said, turned your head to look at him. It had finally set in that Adam just wanted to love you in every way possible. It was still hard to believe that you could be loved that way after before, but you were willing to let him try. Smiling wider, you both shared another kiss, already becoming obsessed with the way you both tasted.
“Let’s give it a try. See where it goes. I…I think I’m ready for you to show me what it’s like to be appreciated again.”
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
you're losing me part vii -- copia x reader, ex!terzo x reader
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warnings: overhearing gossip, angst, more angst, emotional whiplash, manhandling, brief violence, self-translated italian
taglist: @bitchywitchygardener @copias-juicebox @da-rulah @deetz-ghuleh @fishwithtitz (shout out to hannah for being a massive help with my writer's block!) @ivycasket @water-ghoulette @zombiesnips-blog
word count: 7.1k
Sunlight escaped from the edges of the curtains. Somehow you had managed to fall into a dreamless sleep when your tears began to dry. You tried to jam your eyes shut again, willing yourself to sleep once more, but of course, once you were awake, your mind wouldn’t stop. Then your grumbling stomach started its own protest. 
Quietly, you slipped out of bed to make yourself semi-presentable before you headed down to the cafeteria to get some semblance of a breakfast. It was still early, not yet 7:30, so you’d hope that it would be relatively quiet. Even still, your plan was to just keep your head down, grab your food, and head back. Naturally, this would have been a fool proof plan, except for that fact you had a ghoul flanking you the entire time. 
You let out a heavy breath through your nose, turning around to face the ghoul in the hallway outside of the cafeteria. “Would you mind just… waiting here while I grab food? I’m gonna eat it back in my room.”
“It’s just… I have orders to keep a close eye on you…” he said shyly.
“I mean, it’s a big open room. I’m sure you can see the whole time if you just wait by the doorway or something,” you grumbled.
“Okay, that could work,” the ghoul said very quietly. His shoulders slumped as he awkwardly leaned against the door frame. 
“Look… wait, I’m sorry, you’re new I think? I mean, you look familiar, but what should I call you?”
“Rain. They call me Rain.” He started to perk up at your willingness to take even this slight effort to get to know him.
“Okay. Look, Rain, this isn’t personal. I just… There's been a lot going on and I just don’t know how many people are going to be there. I don’t know what they’ve heard, because you know how fast word spreads around here. The less attention I draw the better and having a ghoul at my heels would probably turn some heads. As long as you can see me, you’re still following orders, right?” He happily nodded. “I’ll just be a minute.”
You took a deep breath before you went in. The room was sparse with people, but enough were scattered about for you to feel your anxiety start to bubble. You could feel every eye in the room on you, even if it was for the briefest of moments. Conversations hushed as you went by and then resumed with frantic whispers. 
Just as you planned, you made a beeline towards the growing line to get your food and get out. You had grabbed a to-go bag to fill, but your attention drifted to the conversation of the group of sisters in front of you. 
“You still haven’t told us why you decided to join us. You’re never up this early when you stay the night with him!” one girl prompted. Easily, you could have skirted around them, but curiosity (and being a glutton for punishment) got the better of you.
You could tell another rolled her eyes by the way her head tilted back slightly. “Ugh, because there was no point in staying! He kept waking me up, because he kept saying her name in his sleep. Over and over. So it got to the point I tried to wake him up, and you know, distract him, and I don’t know if he just wasn’t into it or what, but he, like… He couldn’t get it up.”
“Are you serious?” the third girl asked, dumbfounded.
“Why would I make something up like this about Papa!” she hissed.
You stood perfectly still. Not daring to make any movements to draw attention to yourself. It took every ounce of your self control to stay calm. This was par the course for Terzo, you knew this more than anyone. Clearly he was burying his issues in someone else. You didn’t let the tension rise up in your body until the girl went on to gossip about you.
“Like, I get it, she dumped him and he seemed a little sad about it last night, but I mean, he invited me over and seemed like he really wanted to not think about her. But he woke up, like, a completely different person.”
“Maybe she did a spell or something?”
“Good for her if she did! I would have done the same thing.”
“You would have waited ‘til after you lost count how many times he cheated on you?” Your ex’s groupie dryly laughed. “Come on. She would have done a spell or two ages ago.”
“Well, did you hear what Mary and Agatha saw the other day?” Two of the girls shook their heads. “She bolted out of his office looking crazed. Like she was possessed or something, which I thought was a myth? Anyway, her eyes were all black and she looked like she wanted to kill them.”
“Okay, but Agatha exaggerates everything. I don’t believe a word she says. They probably just had another fight or something stupid and she was just super pissed. Plus she left him for that awkward cardinal. Like, ew? Talk about a downgrade! Just because she fucked up doesn’t mean she needs to go and ruin it for the rest of us.”
Rain started shifting in your peripheral, inching closer along the room’s perimeter. He could sense your blood was starting to boil as you listened to what this one group of siblings was saying about, well, everything happening in your life at the moment. You could only imagine how fast word would spread and what it could turn into. Despite wanting to bash this girl’s head into the counter, you knew enough not to cause a scene. As they waited at the omelet station, you finally breezed past them, having had enough. You needed to get out of there before you acted on your simmering anger.
You threw two premade cups of fruit salad into the bag, a couple cinnamon rolls, and some prepared breakfast burritos. A loud gasp escaped one of the girl’s lips. You didn’t have to hear the whispers to know they were asking each other if it was really you in front of them and if you heard them. Shooting them an icy glare, they froze in their tracks. Feeling your heart rate increase, you could tell the darkness was starting to flow into your eyes. With a shake of your head to dispel your eyes from turning fully and a sigh of disgust, you made your leave. You hoped in vain that tiny little show would be enough to scare them into shutting up, but a part of you knew better. Maybe it was subtle enough that they didn’t notice.
Rain scurried behind you at your heels to keep up. “Are… are you okay?” Rain asked quietly. “Your Eminence?” he nervously added, attempting to appease you with the formality.
“I’m fine. I just need to get back to the room. And stay there. Probably for the rest of my life.”
“Were they mean to you? I knew you were upset, but I didn’t want to get too close and make it worse...”
“I’m just the center of this week’s hot gossip. No one knows what the hell is going on, so I get that they’re taking whatever they’re hearing and running with it, but to actually overhear it… It literally took all my strength to stay calm.” You let out an exasperated breath of air as your hand was on the doorknob of your safe haven.
“I think you did a fine job,” he said with a little pat on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but smile at his attempt to cheer you up.
“Well, thank you, Rain.”
Just before you went inside, he spoke up again, “Maybe next time… I can go for you. So you don’t have to deal with idiots.”
You laughed. “I will take you up on that. I’ll let you know if I need anything, okay?” He nodded as he resumed his watchful position outside your door.
Once inside, you took a seat at the countertop that divided the kitchen and living room area and set the bag in front of you. You rung your hands through your hair. Too lost in your own thoughts of the rumors being telephoned around the abbey, you jumped at the sound of Copia’s voice.
“Everything alright, amore?” he asked cautiously.
Without looking at him you just gave him a single thumbs-up with a monotone “Fan-fucking-tastic.” 
His eyes widened nervously at your sarcasm. He’d never seen you this constantly snappy, not unless there was something major you were avoiding dealing with. Cannoli squeaked, letting his human know he was ready for breakfast, which pulled Copia out of his frozen state.
Every movement felt like you were trudging through mud as you forced yourself to take the food out of the bag. You opened the fruit salad and picked away at it one piece at a time. 
“You went to get food?”
“Yeah. Shoulda just sent Rain.”
“The ghoul on watch.”
“Oh… eh… what happened?”
“What do you think happened?” you barked with a dismissive wave of your hand. “These girls were talking shit. Terzo wouldn’t fuck one of them, because apparently he was too busy whining about me in his sleep. And the jury’s still out on what the hell they think is wrong with me. Am I possessed? Was I just really pissed off at Terzo? Only good thing is that no one trusts one of the sisters that saw me, so no one knows what’s going on. Not that that’s gonna stop everyone from talking about it.” 
Copia nodded thoughtfully as he nibbled on one of the cinnamon rolls. You let out a scoff before you continued, “We really make quite the pair now. The ‘awkward cardinal’ and the freak.” As you made air quotes around how the girl referred to him, you missed how the crease between his eyebrows deepened and he pressed his lips together. “I really don’t know how I can show my face anywhere around here again.”
He knew what you meant. He knew you were referring to the awakening, to all the crazy events that had happened to you, to all the shit the siblings already talked about him. There was a part of him, albeit a small part, that still felt the sting of your inclusion of him. Just because he had you now didn’t mean he always would. “It gets easier to ignore,” he mumbled.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sure I’ll be able to ignore all the shit they’ll be saying about me when they realize I’m turning into a half-demon and suddenly outrank a majority of the senior clergy. Yeah, that’ll be so easy to ignore. Especially when they start handing out the pitchforks.” He sighed, before attempting a better explanation, but you cut him off. “You don’t get it, Copia. You don’t know how close I was to literally bashing this girl’s head in. I had to fight it with every fiber of my being. It– it was barbaric.”
“No. It was infernal,” he simply stated. He noted how the shame took over you as you sunk back in the chair, how your shoulders drooped, how you stared at your hands in your lap, probably picking at a fingernail. Even still, your tone contradicted your demeanor. He saw right through the front you were attempting to put up. He couldn’t understand why you were being so standoffish about what you were going through. Sure, sometimes it took a bit of coaxing to get things out of you, but it was him you had always confided in. He couldn’t figure out how to get through to you, let alone help you, which caused his frustration to grow. “And you’re right,” he continued, his voice now sharp. “I don’t get it, because I don’t know anything about what’s happening to you. How can I when this is as much as I’ve been able to get out of you in days?”
Your eyes shot up to his as they turned to slits. “Oh, I am so sorry for not being an openbook as I’m trying to process everything that’s been happening to me. I’m sorry I was left completely in the dark by everyone. So, excuse me, for not being able to express everything immediately.”
“Amore, you’re missing the point–”
“No, I think you are.” 
Copia shook his head with an exasperated eyeroll of his own as he threw his hands in the air. “Then why don’t I just leave you to it, hm? Process what happened and figure out how you can let someone besides yourself help you for once. I’ll be in my office if you decide you want to talk instead of taking this shit out on me.”
You could feel the darkness cloud your eyes as you watched him leave. Your breaths increased and your hands twitched by your sides as you fought the urge to put him in a similar position as you had in Sister Imperator’s office. When the door shut, and he was gone, you deflated. The anger dissipated as quickly as it appeared and you were left with the weight of the exchanged words pressing down on you. Tears welled in your eyes and yet again you found yourself sobbing.
There was no choice but to have your defenses up. You had to for Copia’s sake. It was better to fight with him than to have him know the truth, than to have him know the real monster you were and what you had done, than to have him gone.
As this crying session ran its course, you managed to drag yourself to bed. Exhaustion finally hit you like a freight train and you wanted nothing more than to sleep. To forget about everything that happened and was going to happen. 
When you finally woke up, you opened your eyes to see your phone perched softly on the pillow next to you, which was nothing more than a black mirror. You knew you hadn’t received a single notification, but you still kept checking all your apps in case you might have missed something. By this time, it was late afternoon, almost evening, and still no sign of Copia. He was the least of your concerns at this point. A text from him wasn’t what you were anxiously expecting. There was no way Terzo had forgotten about you going to his office today. Especially not after knowing how much you had clearly weighed on his mind last night.
You ended up pacing around the living room, drowning in anxiety over what could happen if you didn’t go see him in between bouts of replaying yesterday’s events and bathing in self-loathing. Contemplating the “what ifs” seemed worse than just going to his office and getting it over with. 
You knew you could protect yourself. You knew what happened before could never happen again. In all actuality, he should be terrified of you. The power was yours, not his, and yet he was still puppeting you. You couldn’t stop thinking, stop worrying. What would he do? Would he retaliate again? Coerce you into who the hell knows what? He was still in control and you wanted to take it back. Face to face. Shoving your phone in your pocket, you strode out of the apartment.
Do not follow me. I don’t care what orders you have. You thought harshly to whatever ghoul was currently on guard as you breezed by them.
You kept your head down as you made your way through the abbey. The last thing you needed to deal with was more fearful stares from the siblings of sin who crossed paths with you. You were still you despite what they had heard. Well, that made you realize maybe they had a point to be cautious of you. The more you thought about it, the more the realization sunk in that you really didn’t know who you were at this point. Everything you thought you knew about yourself and your relationships seemed to have imploded.  
At least every ghoul you came across gave you a respectful nod with a muted “Your Eminence,” as you passed by them. You couldn’t fault the fear that spread through the siblings. This was unknown to literally everyone. You barely knew what was going on with your life, never mind knowing what could possibly be said to assuage their mounting fears. 
Pulling yourself from your thoughts, you finally found yourself outside this dreadful door yet again. You stood there, unable to decide if you should just barge right in or be polite and knock. The fact that this was your Papa was now lost on you. Never again would you treat him with that respect. He was nothing more than a figurehead. You answered to those actually on the Infernal Court, not some weak excuse of a human substitute. With that, you opened the door and then knocked. 
Terzo had his head over his desk, his hands in his hair, gripping it like he was seconds away from ripping it out. He snapped his head up to your direction once he heard the door open. Initially, his expression was painful. Eyes watery as if he could cry at any moment. He relaxed into a soft smile when he saw it was you approaching his desk. “Cara mia, che sorpresa (my dear, what a surprise).” 
“Sorpresa?” you repeated with a suppressed laugh. “You literally texted me yesterday I had to come see you.”
He furrowed his brows and reached for his phone with a defeated sigh. Taking a moment to find what you were talking about, he scrolled through his messages before a smirk overtook his features. “Come potrei dimenticare (How could I forget)?” he murmured to himself with a breathy chuckle. Looking up at you through his lashes, his expression darkened as his pupils started to dilate from his lust. He gave you a crooked smile as he opened a drawer, tossing a small ball of red fabric at you.
You caught it in disgust. Barely holding it between your index finger and thumb, the red thong dangled delicately. A cold laugh escaped your lips and you threw it back at him. “Coglione fottuto (You fucking idiot)! These aren’t even mine,” you sneered as you hurled it back at him. His mouth hung open as he stared at them in his hands. He flicked his eyes back at you incredulously. “I wore the black ones? Ring any bells?”
He shook his head in disbelief at his own mistake as he tossed the red ones back in the draw. He ruffled around for a moment, before he held out a lacy black thong. “This one?” he asked dismally.
“Wow! You did it! You can keep them as your prize, because there’s no way in Hell I want those back,” you praised sarcastically.
He didn’t even hit you with a witty comeback. The only thing he could do was let out a fatigued breath as he pushed his chair back slightly, leaning his head back with his eyes closed. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying this. “Aw, someone having a bad day?” you purred, your sickly sweet voice feigning affection. His white eye shot open to glare at you before he went back to his resting state. 
You knew you should just leave his office to go about the rest of your day with a mild sense of peace, maybe go and find Copia to apologize for your outbursts. A part of you wanted to egg Terzo on. You wanted to fight with him. You wanted – and you hated to admit it – to see how far you could push him before he tried something again. You were trying to seek more punishment because of what had happened, even though it was no fault of your own. You wanted to see how far either of you had to go before lines were crossed.
There were times you admired and revered your own caring personality; however, this was not one of those times. You rolled your eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh of your own before you stomped over to him. “Seriously? Not even a snappy response? Are you feeling okay?” you asked as you put the back of your hand to his forehead. 
Eyes still closed, his hand shot up, his thumb stroked small circles on your wrist, while still having a tight hold on you. When he finally opened his mismatched eyes, they searched yours, almost pleading with you to understand something you couldn’t quite place. “I’ve barely slept. Not since… There were nightmares,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed by this confession. You didn’t react, just waited for him to continue. “I’ve– They were so real…” he said, barely audible, eyes unfocused as he recalled them. He shook his head and met your eyes again. “I… I’m… So I’ve been here for, I don’t know how long now. I’ve tried everything to distract myself. I started to draft sermons. Hell, I even tried to get the tedious paperwork done. I can’t focus. On anything. Nothing makes sense. It’s like… like everything is so… How you say? Muddled. Everything is muddled.” At some point during his confession, his hand moved from your wrist to take your hand in his. You let him lace his fingers with yours as you belatedly put two and two together. You had to try to hide the smug satisfaction that your hex had almost instantaneous effects. 
He now held your hand in both of his. When he looked up at you again, his eyes were glassy from tears. “I couldn’t stop thinking a-about… what I-I’ve done… about what I did to you…”
You let your mouth hang open. Letting go of his pride was something of a rarity when it came to Terzo. But then you remembered. You yanked your hand from his. Your shock turned into an icy glare. “What the fuck are you getting at?” you snapped.
“I’m not getting at anything! I’m just telling you…”
“What? That you’re sorry? Do you want me to forgive you? Do you even think I can after everything?”
“No! Sathanas, no. You shouldn’t.” He looked up at the ceiling, shaking his head slightly, like he was fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. “Non mi lo merito (I don’t deserve it)...” he mumbled, barely moving his lips.
You leaned back on his desk. Sighing again as you crossed your arms. “So what happens now?”
“Do you love him?” he asked you suddenly.
“Excuse me, what?”
“Copia. Do you love him?”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“It’s a simple question, tesoro. Do you love him or not?”
“This is ridiculous. We are so not having this conversation.” You pushed off the desk as you scoffed, shaking your head. You weren’t enraged by his question, more so shocked by it. You still couldn’t bring yourself to storm out of his office. The part of you that wanted to stay kept you in that room, so you just began pacing.
“Why won’t you just answer the question?”
“Because we don’t have this kind of relationship anymore? Sweet Lucifer! You… You know what you are?”
“Waiting for you to answer a sì o no question?”
“You are rude, uncouth, and presumptuous. The only reason I’m even here is because I was practically having a panic attack over what you would do to me if I didn’t show up! Clearly you’re too busying brooding to even think about fucking me over. So, I’m leaving now. Wonderful talk. Let’s not do it again sometime,” you said as you began to step away from behind his desk. You didn’t get very far when you felt him grab your hand. His grip was firm, but not in a menacing way.
“I– I want you to be sure you are making the right choice… Please, don’t go, dolcezza. Per favore,” he pleaded with you.
That was all it took for him to piss you off.
“Making the right choice? Making the right choice?” you repeated through your clenched jaw. Ripping your hand from his, your body moved before you could even register what it was doing. You shoved him so he was pressing against the back of his oversized chair, before you climbed into the chair, straddling him. You took a fistful of his hair in your hand, pulling his head back so he was looking up at you. Your other hand flew up to wrap around his throat, fingers digging into his jugular. You could feel his pulse quicken under your fingertips and you would have been lying if you said it didn’t delight you. “What makes you think after you went behind my back, fucking ruined me, and fucking manipulated me… You tore my heart out only to put it back together to just break it again. Over. And over. And over. What makes you think I would ever choose you?”
“Allora puniscimi (Then punish me),” he croaked.
You lit the fire, but this time it felt different. When it was sparked from wrath you felt it consume your entire body. This time you felt its spark begin in your chest and radiate outward. Its epicenter stemming from your core. You refused to even acknowledge the fact lust was the probable cause this time. 
Further tightening your grip in his hair, he watched your eyes flood with inky darkness. Any other time, your dominance over him would have turned him to putty. He stayed there, rigid, under your hold. His heartbeat quickened even faster from fear. Arousal was nowhere to be found.
Your hand continued to constrict around his throat. Then you pressed your knees to his sides like you were trying to squeeze the life out of him painfully and slowly. You felt nothing beneath you. No bulge. No twitch. Nothing. All you heard was his strained breathing and near whimpers. Too riled up, you ignored the crushing disappointment. You were like a predator that had been promised a chase with its prey, only to be met with finding its leg already stuck in a trap. Forcefully, you tossed his head to the side as you got off him, a sound of disgust rushed past your lips. He only coughed and rubbed his throat. 
You should have been gloating. Your spell made him fold, made him suffer. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t satisfying. You wanted to feel him break under your hands. With an exhale, the fire was smothered and that left you questioning if your revenge quest was even worth it.
“You really are that fucked up over this that you can’t even get it up?” you said as you returned to your prior stance, leaning against his desk.
He glared at you. “Or it was the fact I was fearing for my life.”
“Don’t even try that with me. Don’t act like now, suddenly, you’re trying to actually deal with your feelings instead of fucking them away.”
He shot up and stood a handbreadth away from you. “People can change, dolcezza.” He planted his hands on either side of you, caging you in. The desk dug into your back as you tried to recoil from him. “If I wasn’t doing that, what do you think we’d be doing right now, hm?” He moved his hand up like he was about to brush the fallen hair out of your face.
You sucked in your lip as your eyes turned to slits. No other muscles dared to move. Your mind was struggling between the choice to shove him away from you or pull him as close as you could to you. Could your spell have brought out the Terzo you thought you knew – the one you had loved – at the price of his impotence? 
He didn’t allow you to make that choice as his hand quickly fell and he pushed off the desk, walked around his chair, and began to pace with his hands folded behind his back. “In my dream, my nightmare, I had to watch you die. Over and over again. Because of me. No matter what I did, I lost you. Naturalmente, when I woke up, I realized… that already happened.” He paused to cast a forlorn glance at you. The second your eyes met his, he resumed his pacing and his monologue. “From then, I tortured myself thinking of every single thing I did to you. It was like I could feel. I could feel your heart shattering… every single time. Then I remembered the first time I saw you. Your awestruck look as you looked around the chapel. The electricity when your eyes met mine, before you shyly looked away. I remembered every moment that made me fall in love with you.” 
You couldn’t watch him any longer. Your eyes tried to burn a hole in the floor in front of you. It’s a trick, it’s a trick, it’s a trick… you repeated to yourself. So lost in your mantra, you didn’t even realize he was standing before you until you felt a finger gently lift up your chin to turn your gaze towards his two toned one. 
“I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I don’t deserve you. And I never did. But there’s nothing I couldn’t give you. There’s nothing I’d deny you.” He let go of your chin to reach past you to get something off his desk. Your bodies flush against each other for a brief moment. You cursed the shockwave it sent up your body. He held a small black box out to you. Your eyebrows immediately pulled down in anger as he held up one hand as if to slow you down. “I need you to know I had every intention…” He let out a breath before he briefly shut his eyes, almost wincing. “I already had this before I– before the first time I–” his voice faltered. He swallowed hard to regain his composure. “You were it for me. I wanted you by my side. Only you. But every time I looked at this, every time I thought of giving this to you… Cazzo (fuck)!” he hissed the expletive. 
Rapidly, he blinked as he looked up to the ceiling, desperately trying to stop tears from spilling. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth before he continued again. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I knew you deserved better. And I knew I couldn’t have someone as wonderful as you. At least not for much longer. True happiness… true love… Those are things that don’t… ever find me. And if they do, well, they are taken away from me as fast as they appear. So maybe, if I ruined it, it wouldn’t hurt as bad.” He let out a humorless laugh through his nose. “Then I found out about your mark… about your destiny… I wanted you to hate me. In that I have succeeded, but… I don’t think I can live another day in a world where you despise me.” He took your hand and put the box in it. 
You gasped when you opened it. Inside was a black gold ring. Twelve diamonds looked as if they were braided around it. In the center, a cushion cut ruby of heirloom quality that was almost the size of your pinky nail. You flicked your eyes between the ring and Terzo. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but the sound stayed trapped in your throat.
“I know how I hurt you. I see how wrong, how cruel, how… evil I was. I can change. I am changing. I can be a better man.” He took the ring box from your hand, placing it behind you. His hands held your gaze to his as he gently took your head between his hands, thumbs caressing your cheeks twice. You couldn’t even detect any lust in his eyes. All you found was love. And that terrified you more than anything. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. If you’d just… open your heart again to me, amore.”
You were too stunned, by him, by his confession, by his honesty, by everything. Like a deer in headlights, you stood still as he leaned in, his lips almost brushing yours when a hammering sound hit his office door. Quickly he turned his head away from you, hands sliding down to your arms. With a heavy sigh, his voice boomed in comparison to the moment before, “Who is it?”
“Eh, sono io, fratello (it’s me, brother).” Both pairs of eyes already in Terzo’s office widened at the sound of the familiar voice on the other side of the door. Your stomach dropped as panic swirled inside you. 
Terzo started to fold you, urging you to hide under his desk, which luckily had a front that went all the way to the floor. As you curled up in the corner, Terzo pulled his chair in, sat down, and tossed the ring box in a drawer. “I can, uh, come back some other time…”
“No, no. Come in.”
Hesitantly, Copia stuck his head in, unsure of what he’d find. When he saw his disheveled brother sitting alone at his desk, he entered the room, closing the door behind him. Biting your finger to keep quiet, you braced yourself for the potential of everything you built to come crashing down around you.
 “Can’t say I expected a visit from you. I think I would be the last person you’d want to see,” Terzo spoke first, breaking the awkward silence.
Copia cleared his throat. “Yes, well… Eh, even if you’re an absolute dickhead, you’re still my brother, eh? I just want to talk to you, as brothers. I think we both owe each other that.”
“And what is it that you think you owe me?” 
“An explanation?” Copia made it sound like a question. He knew he didn’t have to explain himself, but he hated how strained his relationship had become with this brother and, if he was being completely honest, with his whole family. Between the duties they all dumped on him and his constant need for their approval, all he wanted was to try to break through to Terzo and stop him from destroying himself. 
Terzo rolled his eyes as he scoffed. “An explanation for what? Sweeping the only person I ever truly loved off her feet?” You so wanted to kick Terzo in the shin for that sardonic comment. “You don’t owe me an explanation. I know I fucked up everything.”
“But why? If you love her like you say you do, why’d you even allow that to happen?”
Terzo tilted his head as he squinted at his brother, his expression nothing short of a warning. “What do you think I allowed to happen?”     
��You allowed her heart to shatter into pieces.” You had to firmly shut your eyes at Copia’s comment. It never ceased to amaze you how observant he was. Then again, he was always the one you ran to when Terzo fucked up. A sharp pang hit your chest as you recalled your fight with him from the morning.
“Do you think I’m not painfully aware of that?” Terzo pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You could have told her what you were up to. You didn’t. You left her broken and pushed her away. Why?”
A pained expression took over his features. “Because there wasn’t another way,” he practically whined. “I couldn’t tell her, because that’s not how the awakening happens. It just… does. From pain. From anger.”
“No, no, no,” the cardinal said as he crossed his arms and waved them away in front of him. “I refuse to believe that. You could have protected her, warned her without telling her… exactly or something. Anything! You could have done it without indulging–”
Terzo shot up and slammed his fists on the table. Both you and Copia jumped at the brusque movement and sound. “Do you really think I wanted to do that to her?!” he boomed. “Do you think I got enjoyment out of it? Why do you think I pushed her away?! Because I couldn’t stand to see the pain in her eyes knowing it was because of me. Knowing I had to be the one to cause it so she could awaken and be her true self. So, no, I couldn’t tell her. Because they didn’t want me to.” He clenched his fists and sat down again. He took a deep breath to steady himself. “Believe me, I’m paying for it now. I have nothing– I am nothing without her. So, enjoy your time with her while you can,” he spat. 
Copia sat there, staring at Terzo in stunned silence. “Wh-what is that supposed to mean?”
Terzo’s eyes darkened mischievously as he got up and sauntered over to lean against the front of his desk. Nonchalantly he inspected his gloved hand, adjusting it as he said, “Don’t you know the very end of the prophecy? Didn’t anyone tell you?” Your eyes widened. You knew it. You knew he was still hiding something. He could play up the “boohoo poor me” act until he won an Oscar, but you knew. There was only one thing that he truly cared about and that was himself. Using all the restraint you could, you stayed as still and silent as possible. “‘And from the flames of wrath she is born. By her side remains only one of the halves from the sacred consanguineous line. Together, they bring forth a new age.’” 
Baphomet’s words from your vision rang through your head: “To balance shadow with light, the halfling will be what reminds you of your humanity. While there is someone to bring out the beast, there is also someone to tame it. The halfling will be the sole survivor. Together, you will lead the next chapter. Together, you will continue to spread our message.” The Infernals made it sound like there was only one halfling. You had been certain they had been referring to Copia. He was the one who brought you back from the pits of your darkness; Terzo was the one to push you into it. Could it have been a mistranslation? Or did you always have a choice between them?
“How do you know this? The goddamn seers?” Copia interrogated, his jaw clenched as he understood the implications of the prophecy. The leather of his gloves crinkled as his hands balled into taut fists. 
Terzo shrugged. “I’ve simply done my research.”
“Why are you telling me this now?!” demanded Copia.
Anger flamed in Terzo’s eyes at the disobedient tone from his brother. “Sei fortunato che ti sto dicendo adesso (You’re lucky that I am telling you now)!” he snarled. “You aren’t the only half brother. This involves me just as much as it does you.”
Copia bolted out of the chair, getting in Terzo’s face. “And it should be up to her who she chooses. Not you,” he growled. 
Terzo turned his mouth upward into a half crooked smile. “Did I say I was going to make her choice for her?” Copia’s mouth twitched into a sneer. “But I don’t see how the odds look good for you… The Infernals have shown themselves to me.” He dropped his voice low, to just above a whisper, still loud enough for you to make out what he was saying. “And I do believe they are very pleased with my work so far. Besides, what use would someone like you even be to them? You’re nothing but a weak excuse, a mousey knock off of an Emeritus.”
Any restraint Copia had snapped like a string pulled too tight. You could hear the dull thump just before you felt the desk shake as Terzo fell back into it. His soft chuckle filled your ears. “Who knew il rattolino could throw a punch, eh? So much for our… brotherly talk.”
Copia grabbed him by his jacket, yanking him close to his face. “Non ti sceglierà mai (She will never choose you).”
“She might… when she realizes she needs a Papa by her side and not a pathetic cardinal.”
Your eyes shut for a moment. When you opened them again, you knew they had turned as dark as a forest on the night of a new moon. 
“She has more power than you will ever know, bastardo patetico (you pathetic bastard).”
“Oh, how your words wound me,” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
Copia gruffly tugged on Terzo’s jacket again, forcing his gaze back on him. “You really think you can stand to share the spotlight, hm? Is that really why you could never ask her to marry you?”
In a fury, Terzo broke away from Copia’s grip, while shoving him backwards. He stumbled into the chair, bracing himself on it to save his balance. He then grabbed Copia roughly by his cassock. “Do you know how quickly I could send you back to Italia? Hm? Do you?”
“She’d never forgive you.”
“I don’t need her forgiveness as long as I am the one by her side.”
“You’ll regret it when she makes your life a living hell.”
“And I’d expect nothing less from her.” Terzo pursed his lips together in a failed attempt to hide his spiteful smile. He knocked twice on his desk, right above you, with his knuckles before he let out a brief laugh through his nose. “Then again, I know her. I know what to do to… tame the beast inside her. I know exactly what buttons to push. And where,” he smirked, eyes flicking up devilishly at his brother who was almost as red as his cassock. 
Copia was trembling in his rage. His mouth opened and closed like it was held together with loose thread. Words failed him now, there was nothing he could say. There was nothing he could do. He needed to find you. He needed answers. Between how out of character you had been acting, he knew there was a piece of this story he was missing and he was done with being kept in the dark. So, he swiftly turned to make a hasty exit.
“Leaving so soon, fratello?”
“I’m going to find her,” he growled without looking back.
“Ah, yes,” Terzo simply laughed as Copia stormed out.  “Good luck with that.” He sauntered over to shut the door his brother had left wide open.
When he turned around, he was met with the glare of your deathly eyes. His blood ran cold.
part vi | part viii
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mysticmellowlove · 1 year
yan streamer being delusional
a/n - bro i need someone to pick me up, tell me why i had three back to back assignments and it's the end of the semester. STOP PUTTING ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER!!! also I'm getting there with the requests! swear to god I'll put more stuff out soon, i want to leave these stupid lab reports behind and get back to fucking submissive men.
warnings; gn reader pronouns, yandere behaviour, yandere streamer, yandere male, sub yandere, kinda a joke but not really, not edited at all
word count; 1544
If fifteen year old you were to look into the future you probably wouldn't have liked what you saw. As a freshly graduated student with a bachelor's degree the whole world expected you to be some professional business partner but here you were... modding for a popular twitch streamer.
In all honesty it wasn't that bad, and the environment around job hiring was insane at the moment anyway. You wouldn't have been able to find a job even if you tried. The streamer paid well enough, especially considering all you had to do was flag underhanded and inappropriate comments. It was lucrative... for someone who didn't have a home loan to pay off.
A sigh left your mouth as you watched the chat scroll by. You had been watching this guy before you even got a job underneath him, sometimes background noise was good while you were studying. His content had taken a turn from those quiet streams where he talked about daily life to what he was doing now though. Now he was much more popular and he played only the newest games.
Did you wish sometimes he would go back and check up on his old game profiles? Yes. Did you care enough to suggest that to him? No. Life moves on.
Your eyes trained on a particular comment, distasteful as usual, and you got rid of it. Flagging and banning the commenter so your streamer could look into it later.
"Thank you Sugar." Your lips pursed. The job pated well, the content was interesting and you didn't have to leave your home. The chat filled up with heart emojis and kissy face emojis. Some of them were even customised to look like your discord profile picture (designed by the other person who had seen it; the streamer himself).
There was just one downside, both the streamer and his chat were weirdly into you. Or you as a mod you guessed. Still, you didn't mind it, at least not usually. Human interaction was good, even if it was through a screen.
The rest of his stream went well, thanks to the effort of you and the other mods. As soon as the screen had closed you pushed your chair make and groaned as your stretched your muscles out. It was pretty late and you were kinda hungry. There was a little restaurant that stayed open later than usual on the ground floor of the apartment building you lived in but the quality was questionable.
After deciding that your stomach was going to eat itself you threw on a jacket and grabbed your wallet before leaving the apartment. It would be nice to get some furniture soon. University debt couldn't last forever right?
As soon as you left your apartment the sound of someone coming down the stairs made you turn your head. The exact second you looked at them though your head snapped back to your door. Eyes wide, mouth open... that was the streamer! Your mind ticked, did he live here! In this shoddy building with the rates too high for what it was? But he was... relatively well off. His room was decked out in those fancy led lights and he had a really comfy-looking chair. His PC set up was apparently wild from the small glimpses you had gotten and yet he lived here. In the same building as you did.
It was in that moment that something clicked in your mind, people had lives outside of the internet. A resolute nod made you finally leave your doorway and join him on the trek downstairs. Half the time on the way down you wondered in he thought you were trailing him, the other half was spent wondering if he was hungry too.
There was no way he knew it was you though. You were faceless online and even though you knew him there was no way anyone would peel that information from you.
"Hey, I like your sweater." Your face went white as you saw him stop at the bottom of the stairs, a boyish smile on his face. Your sweater... his merch. Your lips pressed into a thin line, the world was playing with you today. You cracked your knuckles, this could go two ways.
"Yeah, haha... nice stream tonight boss man." His eyes widened. Tonight was just supposed to be you getting off from work and then grabbing some food. You had an interview tomorrow and yet here you were revealing yourself to your employer.
"You're one of my mods! It's nice to meet you in person, I can't believe I live in the same building as one. You getting food as well?" You guessed it wasn't all bad. Talking with him like this reminded you of his old streams, when he had only a couple hundred viewers.
"Yeah, crazy right." You commented as the two of you made your way to the restaurant. Since it was so late at night there wasn't a line to get take away so you made it through in record time. In the restaurant and even on the way up you chatted with the streamer until he basically dropped you at your door.
Before you went inside he asked you one more question, which one of his mods were you. After you have him the answer and watched him walk away you went inside and began to eat. Today wasn't as bad as you thought after all.
His door slid shut with an audible click as he gently rested his food on the counter. What were the chances that he'd meet his favourite person of all time tonight? His beloved mod, Sugar. A short wheeze left his mouth as his smile spread into a wide grin.
He didn't know what it was about you but just getting to know you before he hired you made him feel giddy. You two were a match made in heaven. You had wit, jokes and a kind side as well. Basically you were everything he had ever wanted and more.
And you lived in the same building as he did.
Now he had an excuse to talk to you outside of the work you did for him, he'd be able to get to know you better. Maybe he'd even manage to make you fall in love with him just as he had for you. Just thinking about it made his heart flutter and his blood run hot. His cheeks grew warm as he forgot all about his late night dinner. Instead, he wobbled over to his couch and fell onto it.
Your profile picture had been of a stereotypical soft edit, a practical joke from your friends that you hadn't bothered to change. He was ashamed to admit that he had jerked off to the picture before, sometimes he even took your chats out of context and used them to fuel his fantasies.
But, you looked nothing like how he thought you would. He was expecting some sort of catfish who went onto discord to try and get middle-aged men to give them money (he hadn't minded that fantasy either, there was something so hot about not being able to freely do anything without your partner's permission.) but you were completely different.
You were a burnt-out graduate just like he was.
Soon he found his hand resting on the outside of his underwear, pretending it was your hand. Would you be soft and embody your online persona or would you be so pent up that you used him to your content? His hand tightened in response to his thoughts, sending a wave of pleasure right to his stomach.
A short groan left him as he closed his eyes and stroked. He pulled his clothes down and circled his tip, trying to keep his hips still as he envisioned you sitting before him.
He finally had a face to the name and now his imagination was running wild. Was your skin unblemished? Did you have tattoos, what was the colour of your underwear. His heart beat faster as he realised he'd finally be able to find all these things about you out. You lived on the floor below him, he could sneak in anytime he wanted!
Maybe he'd take some of your clothes, dress himself up in them and pretend that you were making him parade around as some sort of doll. Did you own any toys? He'd take those two and revel at the closeness. You had used them on yourself...
He swallowed, it was getting harder to breathe. His hand worked furiously on his cock, the sensation more punishing than pleasurable. Surely that was what you would do if you found out about all the dirty things he had thought of you doing to him.
As soon as he had started he found himself cumming. His mouth dropped open in a silent scream as the pleasure rocked through his whole body while he came down from his high. As soon as he was able to calm himself down he shut his eyes and grinned.
This was going to be fun.
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Cat Lover
WC: 852
Pairing: San x reader
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Honestly, if San was ever asked who he saw in his life in 5 years time he’d say his family first, they support and loved him throughout his life and got him to where he is today, then he’d say his friends, he doubted they’d let him escape their chaos even if he wanted to, Wooyoung would track him down anywhere. Third? His lover, his compassionate lover who cares more about him than anyone had ever expressed, all of his likes and dislikes were engraved in their brain, along with all of his ticks and habits. 
His love for cats was almost always noted, dates to cat cafes, feeding strays, cat plushies. Honestly their shared adoration for the animals was what made him fall for them. Especially when two injured kittens were brought into their home and nursed back to health with the gentlest of touches, given the most love they had probably ever felt in their lives. And so their family grew, two became three, all of the kittens having a disability that shattered San’s heart, but it was repaired as the two humans showered their babies in all of the love. 
That wasn’t the point of this story though, coming home to an empty house had him spooked, not even the sound of the cat's claws pattering across the floor was heard. He pulled out his phone in a panic, dialling his partner’s number quickly. Only to panic further when the call went to voicemail.
It wasn’t on purpose, they hadn’t  heard the phone ring over the sound of the pounding hammer, so when they were getting ready to go home and saw the calls they immediately called him back in a flurry of panic, was he okay?
“Sannie, are you okay?” they said immediately as the call got answered.
“Where are you?”
“I was working on something, are you okay?”
“You took the cats with you to work?”
“No, it was a personal project.”
“What project?”
“Well that isn’t something I can tell you yet.”
“It’s a surprise Sannie.”
“For what?”
“Just for you, I’ll show you this weekend, okay? I’m almost done.”
And so they did, that Saturday, the lovers were in the car by 8 AM, driving an hour away to get to their destination. San had been quiet since the call, anxious really, so the atmosphere was a bit odd, his eyes glancing down at his lover's hands often, watching them clench around the steering wheel or armrest tightly, their nerves obviously eating them up as well. 
After the awkward hour long ride the two arrived at a house making San confused, why would his surprise be in a house? They turned off the ignition and turned to face San who was looking at them in confusion, “My uncle passed, and since I was his closest relative bsides his brother he left the property to me, along with some special guests to take care of. I’d like you to meet them.” was all they said before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door quickly, and as soon as he followed the two walked through the house and into the fenced in backyard, but that wasn’t what caught his attention of course, no it was the cozy shed that was once deteriorating  and decaying. It was rebuilt beautifully, the wood stained a golden brown and had multiple exit points far too small for a human.
“You did this?” San asked, confused, watching as his lover walked over to the human sized door and opened it, gesturing him to go in, and when he did? Man he swore he was in heaven. Cats were everywher cuddled up or playing with some toys.
“My uncle fed strays so much they came to stay, he couldn’t provide much but they all fell in love with the shed, despite it being rundown, so I slowly changed it, avoiding abrupt changes that may spook them off, I had someone come to feed them since I couldn’t leave often without drawing much attention, but these were his babies, most of them came from bad pasts, were super skittish the first few times they had met me but they came around fast, I brought our three here after making sure they were all healthy and flea free, and they all immediately fell for them too.” They explained softly, watching their boyfriend’s eyes wander the area slowly in awe.
“You made them a home and took care of them all alone? Babe, I would've helped.”
“I know but you had work and I wanted to do this for him.”
“Okay, that’s okay. So what’s the plan? We can’t drive an hour everyday to get here and feed them.”
“Well your job is only 30 minutes away, and mine can be transferred to online, I was thinking we could move in here, it would be cheaper than where we live now, and there’s more space.”
It didn’t take too much convincing San was more than okay with this life, and with his lover? He’d be insane to want anything else.
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