#for very different reasons than why kim says it but this is something that could have come directly from my own thoughts
scoutpologist · 7 months
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[ID: A screenshot from Fayde of Disco Elysium dialogue, reading:
You - "Have you ever wanted to change your name, Kim?"
Kim Kitsuragi - "Change? No, not exactly. But I think all of us at some point imagine what our lives might have been had we been something else."
Kim Kitsuragi - "And then we feel trapped by the names we've been given, as symbols of the intentions and expectations of others..." He pulls a long, pensive drag.
Kim Kitsuragi - "Even if I were to change my name now, upon hearing any syllable that sounds like *kim* in the street, I'd turn to see who was calling me." End ID.]
i'm going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life i think
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spade-riddles · 1 month
The album and the Matty Healy of it all; the Allegory and a literary breakdown for you all :)
As an english girly, I am having the most fun dissecting this album. She wrote her entire story into the album. It’s an allegory, each song has two major interpretations, one is the obvious (matty/joe/travis/PATERNITY TEST) whereas the other is her truth. This is a literary device that has been used in writing throughout history since forever. Everything about this album is so intentional, especially the Matty Healy of it all. This album has been planned so meticulously, every move she’s made with the beards has been to directly tie into the songs and the references. She needed a heavily documented example, she wants people to believe it, so when she burns it all down she can say “look at how easy is was to construct a narrative, hide an allegory within it and watch no one get it, it’s happened my whole life”, this is why this album is so much louder to all of us than the rest of them, because we have always seen the second story but now she’s making it more obvious. But they will get it, the story in this album is so strong, she’s coming out and she’s made this so she can send people to look back at her music (lookin’ backwards/might be the only way to move forward- her entire catalogue is the manuscript) screaming “I told you, I laid it all out. You didn’t believe me!” This is the post mortem, every reason why she’s ‘dead’ (the inauthentic version) is laid out in the album.
For example, i’ll break down ‘Fortnight’ since we have the MV imagery too. On the surface is about her fling with MH. If you get down to the next layer it’s about the failed coming out & Karlie. About how she almost had it all “for a fortnight” (just a metaphor for a short time), how her plans got ruined and how she’s doing it over again. She was supposed to be sent away, she was meant to go stay in the asylum (the closet).
“Now you’re in my backyard, turned into good neighbours”.
She has Karlie so close to her, but hidden in her backyard, no one can see her in her backyard.
“Your wife waters flowers, I want to kill her.” There is something that is in the way of them being together, she wants it to end (her public narrative). Could also be a reference to JK, he gets to to be with Karlie, watering flowers in her garden (betty’s garden anyone) while Taylor watches, she wants to kill the perception of him as Karlie’s husband.
The rest of the song moves into Karlie & Taylor getting closer, they’re plotting a way out.
“Now you’re at the mailbox, turned into good neighbours, my husband is cheating, I want to kill him.” Again, Taylor’s husband is her public persona, she wants to kill it.
When you add in the music video, she’s breaking out of the asylum with her twin, then she was put right back in there and her twin is performing experiments on her. I think Post Malone represents both Taylor and Karlie at different points in the MV, because both of their own choices are also part of the reason they’re still closeted, she’s acknowledging this. But then something happens, one of them can’t do it anymore so they run away. This is the release of the album, specifically 2am 04/19 (fresh out the slammer), Taylor’s on top of the box, she’s out; this the endgame for her now, but Karlie is still stuck in the phone box (the closet). But not for long! 😘
Every single song is like this, there’s a very intricate but obvious second story. They’re not all about Karlie, there’s a lot about her childhood, other muses (thank you aimee is not about Kim, it’s about a hometown love), growing up, her fans, the industry, closeting, christianity, masters heist.
I’ll touch base quickly on ‘The Albatross’.
She’s coming to take down SB, i’m not sure 100% how but I think it has to do with the coming out and exposing everything he’s done to her to keep her in the closet for so long (it’s a lot darker than people think).
She is here to destroy him.
“Now you’re persona non grata” he’s not going to be able to work anymore, he’s going to be exiled from the music industry.
There’s always been the iffiness around the masters situation, people saying she was told prior, her insisting she wasn’t. The below is a confession (and a threat).
“Wise men once read fake news
And they believed it
Jackals raised their hackles
You couldn't conceive it
You were sleeping soundly
When they dragged you from your bed
And I tried to warn you about them”
She lied, she knew about the master situation but she said she didn’t. Her fans believed it though and they crucified him, she tried to warn him how powerful they were. She’s already embedded that image of him in their minds, so when the next thing comes out (lol), they’re going to raise absolute hell, his entire career is going to be over.
“thanK you aIMee”, the entire world right now thinks it’s about Kim Kardashian, because she capitalised ‘KIM’ in the title, there’s that line about her kid singing her song (which coincidentally did happen). It’s so obviously about her right! No, it’s another “blue dress on a boat”, something she has done throughout her whole career is splice monumental images of Taylor Swift ™ into her songs, so she can sing about her real life without being questioned. Except this time, she’s trying to make you question it, that’s why it’s so OBVIOUSLY 🙄 about Kim Kardashian. A red herring if you will 😉. It’s meant to point you towards one thing, when it’s really not about that thing at all.
tldr: everything about the album is intentional, she’s layered two narratives together on purpose. one at surface level, one a bit deeper.
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Images are both Taylor’s & Aaron‘s words on the album, about hidden meanings and secrets.
And if you need any further proof, at exactly 4:19 of ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ title track, she says “who’s gonna troll you?”. The entire album is the troll, for the general public, it’s not about the men at all.
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eisforeidolon · 25 days
[Following on from talking about Kim Manners for a while]
Mark: He was just an amazing guy -
Jared: The best.
Mark: He was something else. And look, I've worked with a lot of people, and I've known you since you were a lot younger.
Jared: Hey! Same! Same!
Mark: A lot younger. And the truth is, to - it sounds so corny [mocking voice] 'Oh, this show is a family'. Look, this is a place where we went to work with 150 of our friends for over, y'know, a decade and a half. I did nearly a decade of it. And I think the energy that he instilled upon how to behave on a set was absolutely the reason why anybody could walk on that show and be treated like gold. [Jared nods as he's talking] You could succeed if you came with your A game, you were looked after and you were carried. And if you were crap? You were looked after and you were carried. I swear to God I have seen this, couple people that didn't - I won't ever say what it is, but didn't make it beyond a certain small amount of an arc, they just didn't have the right thing or didn't get it or whatever.
Jared: Yeah, the right attitude. We even had people that recurred and returned, who maybe they weren't as solid of an actor as a Mark Sheppard or a Mark Pellegrino type, but they were good enough and they were kind. And they showed up and they wanted to work and they wanted to laugh and they knew their lines and hit their marks and they showed up on time and there was no bullshit. It was like, okay, we can work with this. And so let's keep on going -
Mark: There was a trust element that was mind-blowing, and I've worked on some amazing sets in my time, but it was special, man. To know that every single person in that crew had my back every single day.
Jared: Amen.
Mark: When we did the end of season 8, when you and I were doing hours [Jared says something here I can't make out] and hours and hours of this stuff. That group, right, so in between shots, right? In between shots, you've gotta move lights, you've gotta move cameras, you've gotta do stuff. And they don't have to be quiet. They're working all day, they've been there three hours before us, they're leaving three hours after us -
Jared: And it was a long trek, it was like an hour away from town. On some, like, beautiful lake that Phil Sgriccia -
Mark: Oh, on the outside when we did - but when we went to the stage, when we came back to do the interiors?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Mark: And we did the interiors in there, they didn't make a sound between takes for two days. Because the boys are being serious, we'll support 'em. And that's how we got through those pages and pages of stuff. Jensen -
Jared: It was a couple of - two or three days or something.
Mark: It was two or three days -
Jared: And then Jensen and Alaina come in.
Mark: It was nuts. It was so - but we, like, you see all the gag reels, right? You see how silly everything gets? The reason why the gag reels are fun is cause we work hard, so one mistake -
Jared: [?] you're done, never forget. I will say this, a lot of y'all know Mark and have known him many times or met him many times, and a lot of y'all know, can agree with me, he doesn't shut the fuck up. Ever.
Mark: [Mark holds his hands up and nods] I talked my way through six heart attacks, trust me.
Jared: Other than the two or three day span where we were in that chapel. And it was so - it was before the AKF campaigns, it was - what Sam was going through, in a very different way, was similar to what Jared kinda had gone through and was going through? And so I went to a weird place, it's the only time in my 480 episodes of television I've ever listened to music during - in between scenes? And Mark is tied up, you know, you're my Marley moose and all that bit? And like, usually when you're tied up during a scene, they call cut and they move the cameras, it takes twenty minutes and you go like, untie me, I'm going to my trailer to pee and have some water? He just stayed there and was quiet the whole time, because I just sat there in the corner, he was just there for me, so kudos to you, Mark Sheppard.
Mark: And kudos to Jensen. Jensen was off-camera for a day and a half. Off-camera, in character, for a day and a half. It's - you suddenly realize that everybody's got your back and it's just the greatest feeling in the world. When you're trying to do - there's never enough time, there's never enough money, there's never enough ability to make the best that you can make of it, you know? We're all trying, but when you know everybody is trying to make the best possible thing for you guys [gestures to audience] that we can make, with all our hearts, with everything that we care about? It's just a fantastic experience. And what I love about, I was talking about the gag reels, what I love about the gag reels is you're seeing the antidote to that.
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark: So when Jensen for the first time in his entire history can't get a line out of his mouth, which is I'd rather be smacked during sex by a girl with a Zorro mask -
Jared: He kept messing it up!
Mark: He messed it one time, and you killed him.
Jared: Oh for sure. For sure.
Mark: We have thirty eight takes of that. He never messed a line up in -
Jared: Worth it. He kept on removing a word or adding a word and I was like [frustrated voice] that's not the word! But it was good. Anyways. Great time, great family, let's get some questions.
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Possession of the Queen II
Female Reader x Kim Doyeon
Length: 3139 words
Tags: submissiveness, lesbian sex, size kink, dom/sub dynamics, people as sex toys, cunilingus, public sex, exhibitionism, clothed pussy, hair pulling, pussy eating but no breathing, emotional stimulation, orgasm, hints of love, sub!reader / dom!Doyeon
TW: very much public sex
Inspiration: "Sweet Juice" by Purple Kiss, @banananutsmuthie and because Doyeon hella gay
Credit: @midnightdancingsol for editing. Thank you!
(A/N: Here we go, finally part two... if anyone actually cares xD. I really like writing these, it's definitely something different from the usual here. I hope you enjoy it too.)
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“If it's that important to you, I won’t make it a problem.”
“Thank you so much!”
You give your boss a quick bow. Your heart still races after uttering your request and getting it accepted. It was likely that he would allow you to take some time off without prior warning, but there is something so wrong about it—sure, you do not know why your queen wants you around, but it’s surely not an acceptable reason to leave your awesome boss hanging, unless being a sex toy is socially accepted now.
“Can I know though,” your boss adds as you try to leave the office quickly, quietly, unsuccessfully, “what their name is?”
He has a big smirk across dark skin. while your skin on the other hand turns bright red, putting signal lights to shame. You don’t have to answer this, it’s  certainly better to go now but you stop yourself. He has it figured out, your lie must have been even worse than you thought. 
Now what? Is there a good response to this? Can you at least hide your lies better this time? Or are you willing to reveal some of this craziness to him?
“I’m sorry,” he says into the hard silence after a few seconds, “you don’t have to ans—”
“She—I mean, they, a-are awesome. Tall, strong, sm-smart and a-all that.”
He smirks again. 
“I see. I hope you have a good time and that things will work out~”
Goddammit, your good-for-nothing mouth—or is it your brain—that has these lapses every time she gets mentioned, only hinted at? 
You dart out of the office and onto the busy street. Humans walk across the sidewalks, from all sides they collide like tidal waves, yet they never hit each other. In this mess, there is you, a small nothing that no one notices. Among people with suits and ties and college students, you are invisible.
Is this your attempt at trying to run away from your embarrassment? 
In all honesty, it might—another reason why you could never be on the same level as Doyeon. 
She would stand her ground and command respect; you on the other hand can barely walk straight without bumping into a stranger. She would get her way, and if anyone disobeys, she would step over him with a death glare; you on the other hand shriek when someone laughs loudly. Doyeon would do whatever she likes; you on the other hand are a flower amidst the waves.
You gasp loudly when you see Doyeon laying in the spot you usually take in when she wants your services. 
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You certainly did not expect her to already await you, but what’s even more surprising is everything else. The way Doyeon swipes disinterestedly on her phone is almost as confusing to you as her outfit. The cool casualness of the all black shirt, shorts and stockings, paired with surprising sexiness does not fit her image of a cruel negotiator and business woman.
“Hi,” she says and looks at you. 
“H-hello, my Queen,” you stutter and bow your head. 
You feel her gaze on you a bit longer, before she goes back to watching reels, shorts, tiktoks, whatever. Although Doyeon has never looked at you for this long at a time, you’re still not nearly as interesting as the modern, mindless entertainment videos. 
“You can leave the backpack there,” she adds, not bothering to speak louder than the voice from her phone. “Whatever is in it, you won’t need it for the next forty-eight hours. Just put it down.”
“Yes, Queen.” 
You follow her command. The heavy green backpack was filled with literally everything you could think of, like Spare underwear, a tooth brush, snacks, a razor, spare glasses, even a marker, ropes, and a brand new dildo. You remember the tingling in your stomach when you pressed all these things into the backpack.
“You’re very punctual,” Doyeon says and throws her phone somewhere onto her large bed. She inches closer, off the cushions, until she stands right before you. “It seems to be one of your virtues. I like that.”
“Thank you, my Queen.” You bow again and get on your knees. Like so often, you feel right at home. Whenever you’re here, this is your proper place, with your forehead right at her kneecaps. 
“And you are so obedient. I really like that” Doyeon coos and gently guides your chin up. Her thumb enters your mouth, the smell of her body enters your nostrils. It’s divine, golden, immaculate. You carefully suck her digits and moan an equally careful “thank you” as you do so. 
“Our taxi leaves in one hour. In the bathroom is everything you need. Pick the clothes that you like and the make-up that makes your cute face look even prettier.” Doyeon’s explanation is quick, point after point like bullets fired from a gun. “Only call me if something is urgent. Understood?”
“Yes, Queen.”
Doyeon is constantly breaking all the notions you held about her before. She is so confident and absolutely majestic about it that it makes you doubt your eyes for a second. When you step out of the bathroom in one of the many simple, forgettable, loose outfits that were available, she already waits at the door in black leggings, a tight white crop top, and a huge overcoat draping from her shoulders. An outfit unfitting to your image before this day; she is really changing it up today.
‘Hurry up,’ she says with no urgency or stress, but excitement hidden beneath layers of professionalism. You take quick little steps behind her, down the stairway, across the lobby, into the taxi. Doyeon on the other hand takes strides, slow strides in brand new sneakers, but in your head they sound like clicking high heels. 
The taxi ride is quiet the first few minutes, until Doyeon breaks the silence.
“Why did you choose that outfit?”
You look at her, but she looks out of the window. Something is blocking your throat making your voice sound like a pathetic cheep.
“I thought you would like this, I’m sor—”
“It looks good, better than I thought.”
Then it’s back to silence. As more time passes, you feel yourself getting more relaxed. Even the taxi driver, an uptight professional with flawless driving skill, seems more tense than you. He doesn’t dare to clear his throat, although his face looks cramped. You still can’t point out what changed though. Maybe it’s her compliment, her more approachable manner?
“We arrived. Follow me,” Doyeon says. You open the door on your side of the cab. The two of you climb out of the yellow vehicle. Doyeon throws what looks like at least two thousand dollars in green bills at the driver and tells him to stay put. She then turns to you.
“In the middle.”
Doyeon points towards the wide facade of the building right before you. Hundreds of people walk into and out of the rotating glass doors. Screens with billboards and repetitive ads are plastered everywhere. It seems that it’s even more extreme on the inside. Store after store after restaurant after store, some filled to the brim with people. A vibrant mall in the middle of a bright city. 
“In the middle,” the Queen repeats herself with more assertion this time, “is something like a plaza, with a red floor made of sandstone. Make sure to stay by my side and lift your head while we walk there.”
She leans down to your face and you freeze in place. Your knees almost bend at her hot breath and scary whisper.
“Everyone should see your pretty face.”
The strides, again. Doyeon’s long legs carry her quickly into the crowd. Your glasses almost fall from your sweaty nose when you hastily run behind her. Luckily, the tall woman is easily visible among all those people who dare to not part like the sea before her.
Behind the entrance, the crowd has thinned out a little, making it possible for you to walk beside Doyeon. You won’t lie, it feels odd. Her entire plan is odd. People might get the wrong idea. They shouldn’t get any idea to begin with. For those that notice you to think that you two are equals, acquaintances, lovers even would be utterly false. If they knew you just are her sex toy of course would be very much mortifying.
As your mind makes up one concern after the other, you don’t think about why you are heading to where you are heading. An empty plaza with a red sandstone floor. It fits the color scheme of the rest of the building perfectly. A space without endless amounts of feet trampling on it is massively needed to thin out the packed crowd. 
Suddenly, Doyeon reaches for your hand and entwines her fingers with yours. You yelp and look up.
“Keep your head up like this,” she says coldly, without looking at you. 
You cringe at the sweatiness of your palm compared to the dry coldness of Doyeon’s. They must be perfect for hand shakes during her meetings. She speeds up and drags you behind her for a second until you regain footing. Try to keep your head up, look at the signs above the stores, praising delicious food or sales for cloths or fucking insurances. Who goes to a mall to buy insurance?
“You see it?” Doyeon asks, gradually decreasing her walking speed. Ahead of you is the previously mentioned plaza. Rough-looking tiles spread out into all directions from which people flock to the stores they like to visit. It's impossible to make progress without bumping into them. However this plaza is completely empty and everyone has an unobstructed view of it, especially from the upper floor.
Your heart beats faster every meter you follow Doyeon into the middle. The moment she stops, her hands are on your shoulders and she pulls you in front of her. You didn’t notice that she put on one of those black face masks that not only block you from breathing in smog and viruses but also keep your identity hidden. With just her eyes she stares you down, you can’t help but feel like a tiny, fragile puppy before her. 
“Such a good girl,” Doyeon says and quickly drags a thumb over your glossy, red lips. “You know what to do, right?”
Doyeon unbuttons her overcoat to reveal her slender, athletic figure in tight clothes to you. Her leggings are pulled up just above her navel, the tight crop top makes her breasts look big and—Wait, what?
“Get on your knees.”
Around Doyeon, you always lacked the humane reaction to all her sexual requests: hesitation. She was just so overpoweringly convincing, there is no way you would have resisted her. But today it’s different. There are other people around, and you’re wide in the open for everyone to see. It’s just not the same, how could she expect you to oblige.
You stare up at her. Something about her gaze is off. It’s commanding, sure, but not with the same kind of power she usually possesses. It’s like Doyeon wants you to do it not out of fear or awe, but for a different reason. You try to decipher this reason as your hands instinctively reach for her overcoat for stability, almost having the audacity to touch her slender waist. 
It’d be easier if you could see the rest of her face, those beautiful features, the way they contort at the lack of your reaction. The frown above her eyes, each wrinkle is dishonest and not telling the whole truth. Doyeon’s nails suddenly dig into your biceps, but it’s just another front. She is not saying it, there is no reason, and so you just stand there, neck hurting from staring up.
“Get on your knees, please.”
You gasp. If it weren’t for Doyeon’s hands on your arms, you would have fallen backwards, died on impact. The red sandstone would meet the red of your blood, and if you’re honest, after hearing this, it’s not even half bad. You’re the one getting on your knees, the one who looks weird for bystanders, the one who is on mouth-level with Doyeon’s pussy, yet she falters and loses her power. 
Her hands are in your hair, making a mess of it, which isn’t unusual, however, today she is not pressing you into her core, her awaiting, eager lips. She is not using you, she is waiting for you to put your tongue on it. Even though she gives you all the control, the moment you realize the lack of panties underneath her leggings, you dig in. 
From the beginning, her moans are loud enough to drown out the announcement of a missing child. You lean in further, the hem of your skirt barely covering your butt now. You knew it was short, but it’s scary to think that anyone just needs to tilt their head a bit down to see a damp spot on your light blue panties. 
All because she said please? Throw away perhaps your job, your dignity, your life just for this one word? Judging from the way you find and nibble her clit with delight, it’s a resounding yes. You’re out of your mind—good.
Doyeon hisses and takes a step back. Your mouth instinctively follows and the inside of your thighs gets colder. People can see them, it’s not even a risk, it’s certainty. You hear the first shocked gasps from nearby girls. There are more and more people that slow down and stare. Those shopping stop and stare, those chatting stop and pull out their phones, even those in a hurry can’t help but stop and turn their head.
Flashes of light, the clatter of cameras accompanies your tongue as it presses the black fabric into the wet hole. You might not reach deep, but it’s enough to make Doyeon pull your hair in ecstasy. She goes from gazing up at the tall, glass ceiling, to down at you, the short girl with glassy eyes behind displaced glasses. She gently adjusts them, her sweaty fingers trailing over your equally sweaty cheeks.
Everyone is watching now. It’s eerily quiet, only whispering and the occasional camera can be heard. You know the rest is filming, gawking, getting aroused or infuriated, but your licks don’t stop. You eagerly eat Doyeon, faster than ever before. You dare to hold her thighs steady, as they tremble. Her arousal drenches more of her crotch, then her legs, but most importantly, your mouth. 
You get ready to drink when she finally pulls you in herself. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as clear liquid goes through the expensive fabric and finds a way from Doyeon’s pussy into your mouth. Your nose is in her pelvis too, there is no oxygen, just cum and Doyeon’s feral groans. 
The next thing you notice is her hand on your wrist. Doyeon has the overcoat back on and pulls you up from your feet before sprinting back the same way you entered the mall. The two of you crush into the frozen, flustered crowd like a bowling ball into pins. People tumble and fall to the floor, as do your glasses. No time to look back, Doyeon is going full speed for a reason. 
Outside, unassuming travelers get shoved to the side, cursed out by her sudden regain of dominance, before she literally throws you onto the back row of the same cab as before. “West side, fast” she shouts at the driver and gets in as well.
The tires screech as Doyeon is still on top of you. She finds footing and grabs you by the sides like a child to make you sit up straight. The lack of glasses is not the main reason for your hazy vision. It’s all happening so fast, you forgot how to breathe up until this point. You take rapid, uncontrolled breaths; the strange smell of the taxi, a mixture of sweat, cigarettes and death, is welcomed by your nostrils. 
“Hi, we’ll be there in twenty to thirty minutes,” Doyeon says into a phone on her cheek as she pulls away the black mask. “Yeah, depends on traffic. But feel free to prepare everything. I’ll take blonde. Yes, darker. I don’t think yellow suits me.
“What about you?”
She looks over to you. Your face must speak volumes of your confusion and it gets even worse when Doyeon leans closer to you.
“What color do you want?” she says nonchalantly, as if the last ten minutes were just a fever dream, the imagination of a horny boy walking in a mall and imagining that these two women might be more than friends. 
“Uhm, I-I don’t—”
“Hair color, babe, which one do you want?”
Doyeon is so nonchalantly again, and you cannot deal with it. Her face is so fucking close, her smell suddenly too overwhelming and that word is making you spiral out of control.
“Pick whatever you want, it’s one me,” she adds and puts a finger on your knee. Only now you notice the red imprints and grazes on them and that they actually hurt. Your mind must have blocked out the way the rough sandstone grinded on your skin. 
“Uhm, I, uhm, I take blue?” you say, unsure, unfocused, but Doyeon is satisfied with the answer. 
“Did you hear that, Kellie? Yes, blue. I think a darker tone will suit her. Of course she is. Yes, see you, bye.”
Doyeon slides the phone back into her overcoat and opens it. Her chest is still heaving as well, her abs and navel are entirely exposed now, and her leggings are thoroughly soaked. It’s all you can see, because she is so fucking close. Even after this weird phone call, she still does not back off. Instead, she cups your entire knee and gently rubs it.
“I know you don’t understand any of this yet,” she sweetly says and chuckles. “But I know you trust me, right babe?”
Her eyes have this glow again. The same glow as back in the mall. This is a sincere question, there is real uncertainty behind it. Doyeon knows that she should be right about you trusting her, but you still have to confirm it. 
You nod, flushed, out of breath once more, before putting your answer into words. 
“Yes, Que—”
Doyeon puts a finger on your lips. She goes further in, lips on your earlobe, hot breath down your neck, fingers up your thigh. You are ready, so ready for her to make you melt into the seat. She just needs to bite down, put her fingers on your nub or just say the right word, and you would lose your mind.
“Don’t say it yet,” she whispers.
“Keep it for later, babe.”
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lloydfrontera · 7 months
this is like. so non-important compared to all my other grievances with the webcomic but like. the reasons kim hyunsoo gives for changing javier's hair from silver to mint. lol. lmao even.
they're so,, lazy,,,,
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that sounds like a skill issue my dude :/
i mean the novel illustrations did it perfectly well imo
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'but nali' i hear you say 'those are novel illustrations, where there's only one drawing per chapter. of course it's more difficult to do in a webcomic'
and sure. you're right. it's very different in a webcomic. in fact i am almost certain that no webcomic has ever had a protagonist with silver hair.
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not a single webcomic ever has done that before. truly. a completely unrealistic expectation to have.
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really it's not like silver hair is one of the most popular tropes in manhwa and almost every other webcomic has one of those
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clearly. this was a completely impossible thing to ask of an adaptation. it's not like it's one of the most iconic parts of our protagonist's design. it's not like it's mentioned almost every single time javier is onscreen.
really. what a truly necessary change.
which. speaking of.
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now, correct me if i'm wrong. but shouldn't your deuteragonist, the very first character your character meets, your second main character's design,,, more important than a secondary character that isn't introduced like,,, more than a hundred episodes later???
like. i don't think we even get told what color lloyd's hair is. but god does the novel mention that habiel has silver hair every five minutes.
i'm sorry i just think that if you're gonna adapt something the very least thing you could do is try to be faithful to one of the very few character descriptions we ever get! especially that of your goddamn main character!
how come a secondary character takes precedence over him?? why not change that character's hair color then???
and even then. if your character design skills suck so much that two characters having the same hair color is enough to make them look too similar perhaps there's a bigger problem here.
i just,,,, i am almost certain i know what character he's speaking of. maybe even two characters. hell maybe even three. but fucking guess what. the webnovel illustrations already did designs for those characters. it gave them all silver hair. and there was No Issue at all because their designs were so distinct from one another that at no point was there any doubt of who was who. because that's what good character design is about.
like. that's such a stupid reason oh my godddd if you're gonna pull that bs then what's your excuse for all those other characters with brown hair. are you not worried they're gonna overlap because their hair color is the same. i mean you made silurian's brown hair darker so now it matches like 90% of your background characters. do their design not overlap like that.
i'm just!! it's such a stupid thing to get mad about!! especially when there's far more egregious changes being made but like!! it just,,, it shows the kind of attitude the people adapting tged into a webcomic have towards the source material
it's not about the hair color. i mean it is but there's more to it. it's about how the artists feel comfortable disregarding parts of the novel and canon because it's more convenient to them. it's about how they prefer to focus on unimportant stuff that gets them a few laughs rather than put a little bit of effort into getting their characters right. it's about how they waste entire panels into making ugly faces and repetitive jokes rather than take a bit of time to get the hair color of their protagonist correctly.
it is,, disappointing i guess :/
and because i'm petty. here.
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that's literally it. that's all kim hyunsoo had to do. it's such a tiny detail and yet. couldn't be bothered to get it right lol
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
Why don't you just stop responding to the sexists who think women can't fight men???
Three reasons.
One is a little self serving, so let's start with that: Those posts do really well.
I'm not kidding; slapping around MRAs consistently land among our more popular posts. This has certainly been true of our recent posts, but it's a long term factor as well. In fact, Women are not Weaker than Men is the blog's most popular post by a huge margin, (it has somewhere around 24k-25k notes.) (Ironically, our most popular at this moment is the Kim Possible post from a couple weeks ago.)
Second, and this might be surprising, but sometimes they meet our criteria. So, I've talked about this before, but when I'm looking in the inbox, I generally evaluate a question based on it's general applicability, educational value, and its potential for entertainment.
With general applicability, I'm asking myself if the answer will be useful to other people. If the answer to this is no, it's very rare that I'll answer that question. The most common questions that run afoul of this are hyper-specific scenarios, questions about very specific fantasy or alien physiology (if you sent us an ask about your six limbed, arboreal, aliens, I'm sorry, that question is probably not happening.) Even in cases like this, I'll sometimes try to find ways to see if I can offer an answer that will be more broadly useful. Sometimes, you'll see questions where I veer off onto a tangent, or try to drag a larger context out of something, and this would usually be why.
With educational value, I'm asking if I can explain something that most people don't know. This will sometimes override applicability. I'll admit that sometimes I'm a bit too harsh on point, especially if it's something we've covered in the past. I don't want to get into a situation where I'm answering the same topics repeatedly, because I don't want to waste your time, though, thinking about it critically, there's probably a few of these where the answer is old enough that most of our audience didn't catch them the first time. The recent hair whip and knives questions are examples where I reasoned that the previous posts were old enough that fresh answers would be useful again.
The entertainment factor is basically self-explanatory. I don't usually set out with the goal of writing jokes, but if I see the opportunity...
Now, with a lot of these MRA posts, there's some real potential for entertainment right off the top. These tend to be poorly considered arguments, and as a result, tend to be really easy to shoot down. That, in turn, means I've got a lot of room to be particularly snarky, or to ramp the interest in some of the background information.
Third, you need to hear this.
Okay, in this case, it might not be you, per se. However, you need to hear this. It is depressingly common to see authors, even women, buy into the MRA's bullshit. Far too many accept the, “women can't fight,” lie as their truth.
This yields shitty writing.
Far too many authors, when writing their female characters, say, “but mine is different, she can fight.” These authors produce weaker characters, because they take painful, artificial, steps to keep their character from offending these misogynists.
When you step back and say, “my character is a girl, and she can fight because she has superpowers,” you are doing a disservice to your readers. You're perpetuating that myth and reinforcing it. For a new generation of girls, you're telling them that they can't fight, because of a lie you took as fact.
There is a purpose to standing up and saying, “this is wrong,” and detailing the multitude of ways that it simply doesn't mesh with objective reality, but here's one reason you should take with you: Participation.
Make no mistake, the goal of those misogynists is to diminish you, to push you to the side, and squelch your voice. Remember when that anon wrote, “One punch could end your life.” That's not an argument about the ability for men or women to function in combat, that is intended to be threatening. Joke's on them, I'm a guy. But, never forget, the people forwarding these arguments want you to sit down, shut up, and wait meekly, while they decide your life for you. And they intend to enforce this with violence, or threats of same.
Do you know what determines an individual's capacity for violence?
As a society, we lie to girls. We tell them they cannot fight. We tell them they shouldn't fight, and if that was applied agnostic of sex, that would be one thing. However, while we are telling girls to submit, we are teaching boys to be more aggressive. To engage in violence. We teach them to fight, and accept it as a legitimate arbiter of disputes (on the playground.)
So, when you see one of these misogynists, what you're really seeing is one of those scared little boys on the preschool playground, who has no way to exert control over their environment except through violence. Their body got larger, but they never grew up.
As an adult, they understand that violence has consequences, so they start with threats, and then transition into force.
So, do you know what determines an individual's capacity for violence?
Because socialization isn't permanent. It shapes how you look at the world, but your socialization is something you can control. This is a power you have over yourself. If you live in a world where you are exclusively told that you cannot fight, that you cannot defend yourself, that you must meekly wait for someone else to take your autonomy from you, you will believe that. So long as the only voices you hear speak that lie, you cannot change.
The difference between being able to fight, or not, is training. It's your willingness to use that training on another human being, versus your opponent's ability to do the same. It doesn't matter if you are a man, or a woman. What matters is, do you know how to reduce your opponent into 200lbs of rapidly decaying meat, and are you willing to do it to protect yourself?
Here's another lie you don't hear countered very often: “strength matters.” Humans, as a general rule, use a fraction of our physical strength. This is true for both men and women. Your muscles are literally strong enough to tear your own body apart. Your brain (not your mind, but your brain) limits how hard you push yourself, specifically to protect you from your own body. One side effect of adrenaline is that it becomes very easy to accidentally hurt yourself because you will override your body's own limiters. In case it's unclear, what I'm saying here is that, when threatened, it is quite possible to temporarily give yourself superhuman strength. Now, it will hurt in the morning, and I may be biased, but I think abused muscles, and even broken bones, are far more appealing than being autopsied.
So, why do I continue to speak out against these misogynists? Because they're full of shit. They can't tell me what to do. They can't tell you what to do. The only power they have over you is what you surrender to them.
I'm telling you: You can fight. It's not easy. It's a skill like any other, and it requires training. Just like any other skill you can have excellent teachers or poor ones. But, you can fight.
Humans are a scary species, and when provoked we are a lot harder to kill, and a lot more dangerous, than we appear. If you think that our sexual dimorphism is significant enough to change that, it's not. It's not even close.
You can fight.
And those misogynists can go fuck themselves.
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assorted-things · 2 months
My thoughts on the ending
This is probably going to be a bit rambling and disconnected, so bear with me...
(This got far longer than I meant it to be...)
Does anyone else feel that the Deserter is a reflection of the person Harry could have been, if he hadn't lost his memory? The bitterness and anger and inability to let go of the past remind me of a lot of things that the Ancient Reptilian Brain and the Limbic System say in the dream sequences... I think that Harry's amnesia is a gift, in a way - it allows Harry to eventually let go of the past and decide what kind of person he wants to be now. One of the first dream sequences shows Harry a vision of himself as the hanged man, and I think in a way the old Harry did die when he lost his memories. One of the reasons the game was so affecting emotionally to me is that you as the player are the one getting Harry to turn his life around, if that's how you choose to play it, because it really makes you feel involved and part of Harry's story. It's one of the reasons why I don't think the game would work well as a TV adaptation - I think it would really lose a lot of its emotional impact without your input. It really moved me that I could get Harry to go from screaming that he "doesn't want to be that kind of animal any more", to telling the Phasmid: "I'm glad to be me - an incredibly sensitive instrument".
I really love how the tone of the game manages to be somehow hopeless and hopeful at the same time. Maybe the world is doomed by the Pale, and the Revolution failed, and maybe Revachol is a shithole, but... you can find that there are things worth loving and saving in this broken world. You're subconscious tries so hard to convince you that it's all terrible and evil and that you should just give up and let the darkness take you, but all of your actions through the game can prove that voice wrong. It tells you you're not helping anyone, but depending on how you play the game, you are: you found Billie's husband, and even though he's dead, at least now she knows and won't have to wait forever for him to come home when he won't; Cuno has someone who actually listens to him and takes what he has to say seriously; you got Plaisance to bring Annette in from the cold; you stopped the mercenaries from killing as many people as they might otherwise have done (it went pretty badly in my playthrough, but I tried), and you gave Kim a friend. I love the message it seems to be trying to put across that even if the world is ultimately doomed, you can and should still try to find the good in it, and make a small part of it a better place. And maybe in the end it won't change anything, but the fact that you had hope enough to try matters. And maybe if enough people thought that way, they could change reality for the better - maybe there was a grain of truth in that infra-materialist stuff all along. Maybe it sounds corny, but I found it very touching.
This is... sort of where the Phasmid comes in for me, because everyone thought the existence of the Insulindan Phasmid was impossible, but because you believed in it enough, you were able to prove it was real. And if the Phasmid is real, then maybe other things that people thought were impossible can happen, too... It makes me feel very satisfied that I chose "SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL IS GOING TO HAPPEN" when I painted that wall. It seems fitting.
I also love the fact that the Deserter being stuck in the past is literally killing him. And... he talks a big game about being the last real Communist or whatever, but in the end, how is he actually helping the working class by clinging to his bitterness and refusing to let go of what could have been, instead of trying to do something to help the people around him? Even though Harry is flawed, and on his own can't change the world, he's made a difference to the people around him, which is better than being consumed by bitterness and doing nothing at all.
In the end, I think for me one of the core themes of the game is faith/belief (not necessarily in a religious sense)... I think that something that really helps is Kim's belief in Harry. He's so kind to Harry, when he could just as easily write him off as a shambling alcoholic. I think Kim's faith in you makes you want to live up to what he thinks of you, so... I'm not sure how coherent I'm being here, but it's a bit like how Harry believing in the Phasmid lets him make it a definite reality - Kim's belief in Harry as a great detective, or someone who could be a great detective, makes Harry a better person, I think. (At least, that's my take on it - I got so attached to Kim as a character that I really wanted to make him proud of my version of Harry!) And in the end, his faith wasn't misplaced. Again, he can't change the world, and he's human and not a saint (much as Harry may think he is), but Kim choosing to be kind did make a difference, even if it was only to one man.
tl;dr This is going to sound unbearably pretentious, but if someone asked me if video games can be art, this is the game I'd point to and say "yes".
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hannahbanana29 · 1 year
Enha- things they enjoy doing with you <3
This isn't gonna be a long post, I don't think. Just some lil headcanons on what Enhypen like doing with their s/o <3
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Lee Heeseung doesn't live with you yet. You both have been going out for possibly a month, but he had been dreaming of sharing a home with you much longer than that. Not necessarily the apartment he lives in right now - especially when he had a roommate named Jake. More so a new home, one that was yours and his to fill. That's why he loved cleaning the house with you. It was therapeutic and he thought it was cute how much you loved blasting music as you did so.
When you two would do chores, they were never boring. He was so grateful when you offered to help clean his apartment, and as you both got on with it, he liked to fantasise as he did the dishes that you were both tidying up your shared home. And the fact you were both dating, finally, meant even more to him.
Park Jongseong. We don't really have to guess what this is. Jay loves two things that he does with you. I mean, don't get me wrong, he loves spending time with you, full stop. But he CHERISHES both sleeping peacefully and cooking with you. Being lazy and domestic.
When you both fall asleep somewhere other than bed, like a couch, he finds it so cute. He loves the lazy kisses he gives you and the automatic, rhythmic strokes you give him in return. When you fall asleep in his arms or on his lap, he can't help but watch you breathe in and out repeatedly.
Cooking is no different. He loves how you both converse what to make. He loves holding you unnecessarily as he guides you into whatever you're handling. He even loves walking up behind you and planting fluttering kisses along your jawline as he holds you by the waist and sways side to side, after you insist on doing the dishes because he helped you with cooking.
Sim Jaeyun, Jake, is excited about hanging out with you, no matter what you guys are doing. But he really likes songwriting with or about you.
Jake, as a trainee, really wanted to write song lyrics about the things he thought he could voice about once he became an idol, whenever that would be. But he focused more on his singing and dancing than songwriting, as that would be done with the other members.
That's just one reason why he loves writing songs with you; because it's between you and him, and it's not for the publicity of fans or critics who speculate what the song was about. It's simple. It was about the love you both shared. Before debut, he didn't write songs about love, but he was so fond of how you'd inspired him with romance.
Park Sunghoon is a bit of a gym bro. Let's be honest. He may not say it all the time, but his physique has visited the gymnasium many a time. It wasn't the gym he liked visiting with you, particularly, but he really enjoyed taking care of you and your health, physically and mentally. I think personally, he's big on taking care of yourself.
But that's pretty vague. More specifically, he enjoyed asking you to list the good parts of your day - those you were grateful for. If you were down and didn't have much to be thankful about, he would remind you all of the miracles you held in your life.
To take care of you physically, he would make you drink up water, he would make sure you were fed and he would really enjoy exercising with you. Not in the gym, but in a more personal place. Albeit your own bedroom or his dorm where there were pieces of exercising equipment, or it could be jogging along a route that you guys loved to walk down every now and again to calm yourselves.
All in all, Sunghoon liked to do healthy things with you. Eating, drinking, exercising, and always remembering there's a time to be thankful.
Kim Sunoo doesn't like to get through the day without doing something productive. He doesn't particularly like shopping, or working out, or things like that. But productive can also mean creating memories, because we all need those.
Also, we're all very conscious that Sunoo likes to take photos. If you're a baby engene, it's true! And he bestows them upon his fans with his beauty. But he loves even more taking you out to do just something other than sitting around all day, to create gorgeous memories, and he will encapsulate those into photographs.
Some of these he will keep to himself. Some of these he will send to you. Some of these, he will post on social media to put the memory everywhere. Sunoo really likes hearing you come up with new poses and captions.
But above all of those, he finds it so precious when he creates memories not through photographs, but in creating collages with them.
You're both kneeling on the floor, with a memory board layed out in front of you. Around it are a load of polaroid pictures and printed photographs, and you'd even printed off some captions you both found really cute. And he loved arranging them all with you, to put on the board and hang up in your room. He loves being productive in that way.
Yang Jungwon is a mature leader. During work days, he is tending to the members, keeping in close touch with the managers and focusing on the choreo and lyrics. On a day off, he would be simply relaxing with his band mates and lounging about.
But then you came into his life.
Days off could NOT be spent without his Y/N being with him to relax him. But when you are both just lying about and not interacting, he doesn't feel like he's spending quality time with you. That's when you both came across arts and crafts.
But if that sounds too old, you both like to watch some bad DIY vids (123 GO... 5-minute crafts... You know the channels) then you both like to laugh as you manage to make useless toys and hacks.
You both go out to the local store to by the bits and bobs required to make a bathbomb or something, and you both try your hardest and laugh as you mess up. And then you sulk together once you look at the misshapen unicorn dropping you ended up making, pouting like children. Damn, Jungwon doesn't look like the mature leader he has to be throughout the week, but you make him younger.
Nishimura Riki, or Ni-ki, is the Maknae of ENHYPEN. He likes to get outside and do something energetic or athletic. If not that, then at least something entertaining. So he absolutely adores playing games with you.
On a rainy day, it's building a fort and either playing video games or watching a movie. If it's windy, you're both making some crappy DIY kites to fly outside. If it's pure sunshine then it's going out to the beach or a field to play catch and paddle about. And in the evening, he would take you to a cinema/movie theatre or he would take you to an arcade.
It really doesn't matter. He'd even enjoy sneaking you to one of the dance rehearsal rooms to dance about with you to some of his songs, as well as other Western music pieces. You two could even make up your OWN choreography. He just likes doing something fun and lighthearted, as if you were both children just there for a good time, not a long time.
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amethystina · 5 months
If you had to put Yohan and Gaon in a parallel universe, what would it be? Bcs I've been thinking about how would they be in a zombie apocalypse scenario (it's definitely very angst)
I can think of several and my brain tends to let the ideas percolate at the back of my mind whether I want them to or not x'D So, at random, it'll present me with fully formed stories complete with a complex plot and everything that's been slowly pieced together while I wasn't looking.
Admittedly, I haven't thought of a Zombie AU, though, probably because I don't like the doom and gloom of it (she says while having written a 100k Zombie AU for another fandom where one of the main characters is a literal zombie x'D ).
ANYWAY. Here are some ideas that have been living in my brain rent-free for a while:
Soulmate AU:
While everybody believes in soulmates, not everyone is lucky enough to dream of their fated other half. Yo Han does, however. They start during his teenage years, as is customary, and he can't say he's surprised when it's Isaac's familiar face he sees. He's quite relieved, in all honesty, since he'd much rather have a platonic soulmate than a romantic one. It's less messy that way.
Fate proves him wrong the day Isaac dies in that godforsaken fire and Yo Han devotes the rest of his life to avenging his soulmate's death. That seems to be the only way to fill the void inside of him.
But then, just as Yo Han is getting ready to set his ten-year plan in motion, everything gets thrown on its head.
He meets Kim Ga On.
Suddenly, Yo Han isn't sure who he's seeing in his dreams. Is it Isaac or this young, idealistic judge — who Yo Han soon realises has been sent to spy on him? And, even if it is Kim Ga On he's dreaming about, does that truly change anything? Everything has already been set in motion and, soulmate or not, Yo Han wants revenge for what happened to his brother.
And what's to say that Kim Ga On — so brilliant and righteous — would even want Yo Han as his soulmate? His despise for Yo Han is evident so, clearly, fate must have made a mistake this time.
Someone that pure could never love a monster like him.
(Ga On dreams, too, and they're always the same. He never sees his soulmate's face, only roaring flames and a crumbling building. Ga On assumes that means his soulmate is dead. Why else would he find himself trapped inside that burning inferno every time he dreams? Surely he would have seen something else by then if the person was still alive?
Not once does it cross his mind that, maybe, his soulmate just needs to find a reason to start living again...)
Black Knight AU:
Joining a group of rebel refugees wasn't so much a choice for Ga On as a necessity. He hates to see the suffering around him, people dying from lack of oxygen and food, their numbers dwindling by the day.
Ga On wants a better future for all of them and he'll fight tooth and nail to get it — even if that means tearing down the old world order and demanding a new one.
Fortunately for the rebels, they have someone on the inside helping them. Ga On has never met this person — known only as the Benefactor — but it's clear that he must be from the core district. Only someone at the very top would have the kind of power and influence that the Benefactor does, providing the rebels with information and supplies through the network of deliverymen and military personnel at his disposal. Ga On doesn't know why someone at the core district would want to bring down the very system that keeps him rich, but Ga On will take whatever help he can get.
And then — as if Ga On doesn't already have enough to deal with — things get complicated the day the rebels intercept what they think is a supply delivery but turns out to be a travel convoy. And the man at its centre is clearly from the core district judging by his pristine suit and flawless appearance. Usually, that would make him a valuable hostage, but there's something different about this man.
Not only does he not seem the least bit afraid to find himself in the midst of a group of armed refugee rebels, but he also fixates on Ga On in a way that's downright unsettling. Ga On doesn't understand why.
Nor does he understand why he keeps feeling an inexplicable and wholly inappropriate pull towards the man. Ga On knows absolutely nothing about him aside from the fact that he's clearly very rich, unnervingly intelligent and, as it soon turns out, incredibly dangerous. How can Ga On be attracted to someone so ruthless and selfish?
The only core district dweller Ga On feels even the slightest bit of respect for is the Benefactor and this Kang Yo Han is the polar opposite. Ga On shouldn't feel drawn to him.
And yet, against better knowledge, he does.
And it feels more like a question of when he'll succumb, rather than if.
(This story has everything! Rebels! Eating of the rich! Delicious identity porn! Explosions! Elijah calling Ga On literal trash that Yo Han dragged in from the gutter!
... it would probably also be pretty long so let's hope I don't succumb to the urge to write it)
Historical Vampire AU:
After Ga On's parents die, he fully expects to end up on the streets and starve to death. Fortunately for him, a local scholar takes him on as an apprentice instead, teaching him how to read and write.
He feels incredibly indebted to Scholar Min and so, many years later, when Ga On is asked to accept a position as assistant to a rich but mysterious lord just outside the city, he of course does so. The position is a mere cover, however. In actuality, Ga On will be spying on Kang Yo Han in hopes of finding out if he's secretly supporting the uprising that's brewing in their region.
More than once, Scholar Min tells Ga On that he must be careful — that the mission is incredibly dangerous. But it's not until he actually arrives at Lord Kang's estate that Ga On understands why Scholar Min kept repeating all those dire warnings.
Not only is Kang Yo Han aloof and deeply unsettling — his gaze filled with something that could only be described as hunger whenever he looks at Ga On — but he doesn't seem to eat, rarely sleeps, and never ventures outside during the day. Only once darkness falls does he leave the estate and, sometimes, he doesn't return until just before dawn.
Before long, Ga On begins to wonder if Kang Yo Han isn't just involved in the uprising, but might also be the cause for the dead bodies that have been found strewn around the city the past couple of months.
And, somehow, Ga On has to find proof to support his theory — preferably without becoming a target himself.
(A.k.a. if you thought Ga On's neck kink in Who Holds the Devil was bad? Think again, bitches)
Aside from these, there are also the two parallel universe stories I have already started: Gravitational Pull which is basically meant to be a series of one-shots that divert from the original canon by changing one small detail in each installment. And then The Devil's Due which is a Different First Meeting AU where they meet when Ga On is still a teenager and that throws everything out of order (because Yo Han accidentally kickstarts Ga On's gay awakening a lot sooner than usual and, after that, all bets are off)
So yeah. I could probably think of several more but let's stop here for now xD
(And don't ask me why I chose to write these ideas as if they're fanfic summaries because they definitely aren't fanfics yet)
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majorbaby · 8 months
i've held up Erin's proxy birthday party as an example of late MASH wheeling in little Korean children as props for the white main cast to interact with while we aww at the screen, but while chatting about it with a friend I realized it's also a good example of very subtle, unconscious racial bias.
i genuinely think the writers had an inkling that something about it was off, which is why they have Margaret and BJ try to convince us that this song and dance is totally for the little girl too, "What better birthday present to get than your own birthday?"
i know MASH knows better because this concept is literally the whole B-plot of an another episode where it's handled differently. in Lend a Hand, BJ tries to throw Hawkeye a fake birthday party and Hawkeye is pissed about it even when BJ explains that it's for a good cause. he's annoyed that BJ didn't use his own birthday if he really wanted to do something for the camp and because when Hawkeye's real birthday comes around, no one will want to celebrate it.
and BJ is upset too when Hawkeye turns the tables on him and spreads a rumour that it's really BJ's anniversary. So upset that BJ hands the party off a third time to a random, frostbitten soldier who complains that the 4077th is partying while he and his platoon are on the frontlines. He is somewhat more reasonably happy to accept the gifts and the singing in BJ's stead, but he still seems confused.
i suppose aside from her being treated as a living prop, you could say that they wouldn't expect her to be upset because she's just a child. but tbh i think we should treat children with more respect than that.
whether or not you agree with that, the fact remains that when BJ and Hawkeye are upset about their real life occasions being "borrowed", the audience is expected to understand that and find their reactions reasonable. but when it happens to "Kim", we're supposed to think it's benevolent and kind because the writers forgot this is a shitty thing to do to a person. each one of these little 'forgettings' delegitimizes the personhood of racialized people, especially when it's done to embellish whatever a white character nearby is experiencing.
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mirisss · 2 years
Never Try and Steal a Wolf’s Mate
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Kim Namjoon x female reader
Wolf AU, werewolf AU, soulmates AU
Wordcount ≈ 4.7k 
Warnings: possessive behavior, violence, age difference (Namjoon is 25 in this & reader is 20), I think that’s it but do let me know if you can find anything else. 
Please reblog! Requests are open! 
Third person POV
Tall. Handsome. Dangerous. Those are three words that perfectly describe Kim Namjoon. Everyone knows that he is someone you don’t want to cross. He’s always had a frightening vibe to him. Yet, every girl in the town would give anything to be with him because he is handsome. Very handsome. 
To say that Namjoon is dangerous might be an understatement though. There is a reason why his aura is so strong that even the guys in school who were taller and more built than him would back away from him. The reason is that he’s a shifter. A wolf - some people may call it a Werewolf. However, he is more than just a wolf. He’s an alpha - a born alpha. His father sometimes struggled to raise his son as Namjoon’s alpha side surfaced from a young age. Namjoon would often lash out at anyone who got in his way or disagreed with him. His father who was the alpha at the time tried to keep Namjoon in check but his attempts did not do much. Namjoon’s alpha was strong and he wouldn’t bow down to anyone, not even his own father. As he grew up Namjoon learned to control that side of him; however even while holding back it was clear that he would win any fight that he joined. Namjoon had mastered the ability to control his temper so that he would not lash out and kill someone for nothing. Though, there is one thing that makes his blood boil more than anything. The idea of someone messing with his mate. His girlfriend. Especially since she is human. Thus, she can’t fight in the same way that he and his pack can. So if you want to see Namjoon angry, just approach his mate with the wrong look in your eyes. I promise you, you’ll face a very pissed-off Namjoon but I can’t promise that you’ll survive the experience.
So to summarize: 
Name - Kim Namjoon
Age - 25
Creature - Shifter, aka wolf, aka werewolf
Position - Alpha
Tall, handsome, dangerous, very strong, and a little (more like extremely) possessive.
Now let’s meet his mate.
Short. Beautiful. Smart. Three words, of many, that describe (L/n) (Y/n). The girl that every boy in town has or has had a crush on. She’s always been top of her class in almost everything - every subject except for PE. There is one more thing, (Y/n)’s always been a little weak - no matter how much she tries she just can’t get strong, she can’t run longer than a few meters before she’s exhausted, these things have always been a struggle for her. 
(Y/n) was aware that shifters and such creatures excited long before she met Namjoon, though she never knew she lived in the same town as a whole pack of them. (Y/n) was just visiting the university the day that she met Namjoon, which was also one of his last days in that very school.
So to summarize: 
Name - (L/n) (Y/n)
Age - 20
Creature - Human
Position - Nerd, good girl, or smart girl (I guess)
Short, beautiful, smart, weak. 
Let’s go back to how they met.
The day that the two met for the first time was quite an eventful day for both of them. 
(Y/n) had for a week been planning to visit Hybe University - aka, HU. It was her dream university, it has a great reputation and it was located in her hometown.  She had won a competition by writing an essay on intelligence which allowed her to visit the school during an ordinary school day - something they usually don’t allow. However, that very morning (Y/n) ended up oversleeping so she didn’t have time to really dress up rather she just threw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie before running out of the door. Though, she could only keep that pace for a few steps before she felt like she would suffocate from not being able to breathe. She realized that her only option for making it in time was to take a taxi. Luckily, many taxis passed the street she lived on even while they weren’t driving anyone already. As soon as she was inside the car and the driver knew where to take her she realized that her hair was a catastrophe. (Y/n) tried taming it with her hand but it was a futile attempt. She ended up making a low ponytail as it looked the most okay out of all the hairstyles she could think of.
While our dear (Y/n) was fighting with time, Namjoon had other things to deal with making his morning quite eventful.
Namjoon’s POV
Growls. All I felt were the vibrations in my chest formed by my growling. My body grew hotter as my anger rose. My fangs protruded out of my lips, my claws grew longer, and the wolf side of me was trying to come out - the alpha trying to take control. Why? Because two of my closest friends, who also happen to be my betas (second in commands), were fighting at 6 am… “This would have never happened if I had been in charge of the patrol all the time. You know, I’ve never messed it up. My teams always have full control over everything,” “Well, if you’re so great then how come Namjoon made me a beta after you? because he saw that you couldn’t actually handle it so he needed someone to do what you couldn’t,” “But he still chose me first,” “SHUT UP!” I said loudly in my alpha tone. My eyes had grown red, as red as fresh blood. The two betas shut their mouths and turned to me. My breathing was hard, that isn’t a good sign - it means I am struggling to hold back. “First of all. It is 6 am, why the hell are you in my house screaming at each other, at 6 fucking am?” “We’re sorry, alpha. But, this morning a rouge entered our territory. Only briefly though, we quickly found him, and then he ran off, so I came to report this as I was in charge of patrols this night,” I strained my eyes at him. “A rouge entered MY territory and I only find out about it now? Why didn’t you mind-link me when it happened, Hoseok?” “It only happened 15 minutes ago and I forgot to link you as I chased after him…” He lowered his head in submission as he felt how I let my alpha aura grow more protruding. “And you, Seokjin, why are you here?” As soon as his name left my lips, panic filled his eyes as the tone I used wasn’t a friendly one. “I happened to be awake as I heard a commotion by my house, as I looked outside I saw Hoseok chasing after the rouge just as it left the territory. I went outside to see what had happened only to find out that Hoseok had been slacking off and wasn’t patrolling as he should, so I came here to make sure you knew about it,” “It never crossed your mind that perhaps you should have contacted me at the scene?” “No alpha, sorry alpha. It slipped my mind,” I sighed. “You both may be two of my closest friends but frankly, I made you betas because I thought you were best suited for it - yes both of you as you both balance each other out but now I am starting to regret my decision and I am thinking that maybe Yoongi would have been a better choice even if he has a more hostile personality sometimes. If you two want to keep your titles then you both better start taking this seriously and work as a team, because that’s what you are. A team. Right now you’re acting like children, and I am getting tired of it. One more chance, either of you fuck up again and you both lose the title. Now get out of here, I need to get ready for school, even if I should have been able to sleep for another hour. Take care of the breach problem together, if it isn’t fixed by the time I am back from school - it will be bye-bye to the beta position…” “YES ALPHA!” Seokjin and Hoseok said in unison before they ran outside.
I went to my home gym where I keep a boxing bag. I approached the boxing bag and hit it repeatedly while adding more strength with each punch until the bag flung off the hanger from the roof. “ARGH!!!” My breathing was erratic, my sight was blurry, and the frustration kept pumping adrenalin through my body. With a couple more screams and growls, I finally managed to tame the anger and calm down. Having this power is often a good thing, few other packs try to attack us - they know it’s no use - even rouges stay far away, well most of them at least. However, this power is a pain as well. The tiniest thing can make me lash out and even one hit from me can kill someone, it’s hard to stay in control. It would be easier with a mate, an anchor, someone that would be able to calm the wolf - my alpha side - it would only cave for my mate. Unfortunately, I have not been lucky enough to find my mate yet. Most shifters find their mate when they’re around 16, I’m 23 and have yet to find them. Which is only agitating my alpha, he wants his mate and he wants them now - and honestly, I agree. 
After my rampage in the gym room, I went to shower, eat some breakfast, and then went to school. Just a few more days and then I would be finished.  Third person POV 
Namjoon arrived at the same time he usually does, he found his younger packmates Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook before walking inside. The younger ones were joking around while Namjoon was thinking about a presentation he was to hold this afternoon when his enhanced hearing caught the sound of what seemed to be a fight. Worried that one of his packmates was involved he hurried over to the commotion. 
The commotion was: (Y/n) and a bunch of people she didn’t know. 
The taxi pulled up 2 minutes before (Y/n) needed to be at the entrance to meet her guide for the day. She quickly paid before she got out, she speed walked to the entrance which made her breathing a little erratic. As (Y/n) opened the door, the clock stroke 8 am which was when she was told to meet the guide. She looked around but didn’t know who she was looking for, she had only been given the name of the guide so she had no idea who to look for. The guide had her picture though, so they should be able to recognize her. Everyone inside was staring at her, she wasn’t surprised though - she looked as lost as someone expecting a wedding but ending up at a funeral. “Hey there pretty girl, what are you doing here?” Some guy walked up to her and frankly, he walked up way too close to her. Her breathing was still erratic, her nerves weren’t helping either. (Y/n) hoped that if she didn’t look at him he would back away. “I, uh, I’m here to visit. I’m waiting for a guide,” The guy was annoyed by her avoiding eye contact so he decided to fix that, by putting his hand on her chin and moving her head up. Though, just as he was about to touch her someone spoke up. “Ya! Minhyuck, back off. You’re just being disgusting acting like this,” It was a girl, she was tall - well taller than the average female. “Don’t but in Han Sora,” (Y/n) jerked her head to the female, Han Sora - that was the name of her guide. A crowd formed around them, Sora walked up to the guy, and (Y/n), as she stood in front of them Sora grabbed ahold of (Y/n)’s arm and pulled her to her side. (Y/n) was immediately thinking that she would have a bruise on her arm within an hour, she always bruised very easily as well. The guy just wouldn’t back down no matter what Sora said. 
Namjoon turned a corner and he was now close enough to hear the actual words being said and not just noise. It was Minhyuck causing trouble with some girl again. Fortunately, Minhyuck wasn’t a shifter however Sora was. Thus, making this a problem for him. If someone from his pack is involved in a fight he has to make sure they don’t kill whoever they are fighting. His alpha was pushing inside his head the closer they got, he didn’t understand why, this wasn’t bad enough for Namjoon to need to go full alpha. Namjoon didn’t understand until he saw the commotion, until he saw the girl being protected by Sora. As soon as his eyes landed on that girl, his inner wolf loudly roared mate. Sora, step back. I got this. Yes, alpha. Sora turned around to face (Y/n), “Hey, let’s go over here,” Namjoon was about to lash out at Sora for touching his mate when Minhyuck decided he had the opportunity to do something to Sora. His body language clearly showed that he had the intention of pushing Sora which would result in her falling on top of Namjoon’s mate. Right before Minhyuck’s hands could come in contact with Sora’s back Namjoon caught them in a tight grip which allowed Sora to pull (Y/n) with her to the side. Minhyuck was frozen as he looked up at Namjoon with a terrified face, the senior seemed to be ready to kill him. This was not Namjoon’s first time lecturing Minhyuck, though this time was probably the one time Namjoon shouldn’t have been the one to stand before Minhyuck. The reason for that is, for the first time in many years, Namjoon had almost no control over his wolf - so the possibility och him killing Minhyuck was very big. Sora could feel her alpha’s anger growing, she knew that she needed to find some way to bring the human side of Namjoon to the surface. Sora herself wouldn’t be enough to come in contact with him, but (Y/n) would definitely do the trick. 
“(Y/n), I need you to do something for me” Sora whispered, “What?” (Y/n) answered with a low tone, but it was enough to catch Namjoon’s attention. Sora noticed that as soon as (Y/n) said ‘what’ Namjoon tilted his head so that he could see the two of them in his peripheral vision. “I need you to scream Namjoon, and I need you to do it like now. Or something really bad is going to happen,” (Y/n) gave Sora a confused look, after thinking about it for a few seconds she nodded. 
While Sora spoke with (Y/n), Namjoon had cornered Minhyck against a wall. He was breathing heavily, his eyes shifting between his usual warm brown and his blood-red, his claws and fangs were on the verge of protruding.  The only thought in his mind was to kill the one who tried to steal his mate. Namjoon himself was fighting his wolf on this matter, Namjoon knew that he shouldn’t kill Minhyuck no matter how much he actually wanted to. But eventually, his wolf won. He raised his fist, a low growl rumbling from deep within his chest, his eyes were no longer shifting between his human and wolf eyes - they were now staying as the blood-red glowing eyes. Namjoon pulled his fist back a little before he shot it forward. 
Right before his fist came in contact with Minhuck’s face he stopped. The human side is back in control. Namjoon pushed Minhyuck aside, “Don’t ever try something like this again. Okay?” “Yeah,” Namjoon turned to see Sora holding the girl who was shaking like a leaf. Sora, bring her with you to our section room. I’ll meet you there, I just need to calm down a little more first. Sora nodded before Namjoon left. 
“Hey, (Y/n). Come with me, I’ll take you to a room where you can rest a little and then we can begin the tour. Or we can fix a new day for you to have a look around if today has been too much for you,” “Okay,” Sora lead the way to the section room that belonged to the club of Lycans - which too many people were a club for the strong, popular, and inhumanly attractive people but in reality, it was for the shifters in school. As soon as (Y/n) read the name of the club on the door, she knew what had happened. That was when she understood who and what Namjoon was. 
Namjoon was a wolf shifter. And (Y/n), was his mate. 
(Y/n)’s POV
Sora opened the door and let me walk in first, I immediately localized a couch and sat down on it. “You okay?” “Sora, are you a shifter?” “What? How did you know?” “I’ve sort of always known that these mythological creatures existed but I didn’t know that some lived in the same town as me.” “Well, yeah. You’re right, I’m a wolf shifter,” “And so is Namjoon, right? In fact, he’s the alpha isn’t he?” Just as I asked that the door opened again, and in walked Namjoon. “Yes, that is correct. I am the alpha,” Although he spoke with such confidence I could see his eyes shaking with uncertainty, the uncertainty of how I would respond to all of this. He walked over and sat down beside me while still keeping some space between us. “I think I’ll leave now and give the two of you some space if that is alright with everyone?” Sora began walking towards the door. Namjoon looked at me to see what I would answer, he was alright with being alone with me but the question was if I was alright with being alone with him. “Yeah, that’s okay,” I heard Namjoon letting out a relieved breath as Sora waved goodbye before she left the room. I slightly turned my body so that I was facing Namjoon instead of facing away from him, Namjoon did the same thing. “So… you’re a wolf shifter and an alpha…” “Yeah…” He awkwardly scratched at his neck, avoiding my eyes. Surely, he was nervous about telling me I was his mate. “Did you react that way because Sora was involved or was it because of me?” “It was because of you, Sora can handle herself, she’s never a problem for me. But I almost lost control out there, I only came back to it because you shouted my name. It only happened because you’re my mate and someone was threatening you,” “So, I am your mate? What does that mean?” “It basically means that we are soulmates. That you are the only one who can keep me calm, who I will listen to, the only one I would bow down to. The only one I could ever truly be in love with. Though, it’s different for you. As you’re not a shifter, you’re not as affected by this. I have no choice but to be with you, but you can choose if you want me or not,” “What would happen if I said no?” “I would go through excruciating pain for the rest of my life and I would become a monster because I wouldn’t be able to hold back my wolf so I would kill anyone who stood in my way, but I want you to know that if you don’t want me then that is okay. I’ll find a way to manage everything, I don’t want to pressure you into this.” “When do I have to answer?” “Before the next full moon or my wolf will end up seeking you once the moon has risen in the sky. If he ends up finding you, he will mark you meaning you have no choice but to accept me,” “Okay, the full moon is in 2 weeks, right?” “yeah,” “How about we try and get to know each other during these two weeks and then I’ll give you my answer?” “That sounds great,” Namjoon gave me a big smile that revealed adorable dimples. Cute. I gave him a smile in return. “This might be a bit weird, but would it be alright if I hugged you, for a few seconds?” “Um, why?” “Just to calm my wolf, he’s still worried that something happened to you but if we could hold you we would both calm down,” “Okay, just a few seconds though,” Namjoon nodded before he moved his arms so they were wrapped around me and then he pulled me forward into his chest. He was warm, I could feel how strong he was, even though I knew that this man could turn into a beast and kill me within a second I felt strangely safe within his embrace. He smelled of burned cedar wood, it was a nice scent for him. He held his promise and let go of the hug after 7 seconds, just a few seconds he had said. For some reason, I was a little disappointed over the hug ending but I knew more chances would come. “Hey, you came here to check out the school, right?” “Yeah, I did. Sora was supposed to be my guide but she said we could schedule another day if I didn’t want to do it today.” “How about I show you around? No one will mess with you and we can spend some time together and get to know one another” “That sounds nice,” “Great, come on!” During the tour I found out that Namjoon was a senior meaning this was one of his last days here, it also meant that he was 5 years older than me. I was a little worried about what my parents would think but then I remembered that they too already knew of shifters so I wouldn’t have to explain much to them. 
Third Person POV
And that was how the two met for the first time. Fast forward two weeks from that day and (Y/n) told Namjoon that she accepted to be his mate - which made him very happy and resulted in him marking her right then. Now, let us go to the couple celebrating their 2-year anniversary.
Namjoon’s POV
I had, with the help of Seokjin and Yoongi, prepared a fancy meal for my date with (Y/n). We would be eating at home but I didn’t want her to cook or for us to order food so I said I would cook. However, I happen to be a terrible chef, thus I asked two of my betas - yes I ended up making Yoongi a beta as well because Seokjin and Hoseok just kept arguing over stupid things so Yoongi is the beta in charge of the betas - who are excellent chefs to help me out, which honestly means that they did everything and I watched from afar. 
It’s our two-year anniversary since we became a couple and mates. I really wanted to do something special, since our first year anniversary wasn’t celebrated the way I had preferred… My heat, or rut, ended up coming at that time because it had been a year since I marked (Y/n) but we hadn’t engaged in any spicy activities because we wanted to wait. However, my heat had other plans. (Y/n) was very willing to help me out so it worked out nicely, however my vision for our first anniversary had not been to be a sex-crazed beast for 3 days straight… Therefore, our second anniversary was very important to me. It had to be perfect to make up for last year and to show her how much I love her. 
~ A few minutes after Seokjin and Yoongi left ~ 
I was anxiously waiting for (Y/n) to arrive, I didn’t like being away from her. She is just so precious to me and I would hate for something bad to happen to her. During these two years, I have gotten to know her very well. We really do complement each other, (Y/n) is quite weak while I am very strong physically speaking, however, when it comes to mentality she is far stronger than me. 
(Y/n) had been at the university before she would come here, and she said that she would get ready there. I told her to dress fancy, which also made me worry about her getting ready at school… All those people who were interested in her would surely try to steal her away if they saw her in one of her fancy outfits. I mean, she looks good in anything but there’s just something about her fancy outfits, the vibe of them, and just how confident she is when she wears them. 
A rhythmic knock landed on the front door. I walked over and opened it. “Hello, my love,” “Hello to you too, Namjoon,” I looked her over, wow. She really did dress fancy, though the thing that made me the happiest was to see her smile and her eyes that were full of adoration and love. Although, the fact that her shoulders were uncovered, showing off the mating mark was a close contender for first place. I let her in and we walked over to the table. “This is wonderful, but I guess you had some help, didn’t you?” I scratched my neck like I usually do when I am embarrassed or nervous. “Yeah, Soekjin and Yoongi helped me cook and prepare pretty much everything,” “I didn’t expect anything else, I actually prefer knowing they helped out so that I can safely eat the food. I love you Kim Namjoon, but cooking is not for you,” “Ya ya, I know. I love you too, my (Y/n)” We then sat down and ate the food while conversing about everything and nothing. 
“You know, I guess we have Minhyuck to thank for our relationship,” “What do you mean? Why would we thank that asshole? He tried to hit on you…” “Yeah, but if he hadn’t caused a commotion, you wouldn’t have met me that day. So, if it wasn’t for him being an asshole and you almost killing him, we wouldn’t have met… At least, not that day,” “I guess you’re right, I still regret not hitting him. It would have taught him to never try and steal a wolf’s mate. Especially my mate,” (Y/n) burst out in a laughing fit. “Oh Namjoon, believe me. He knows he shouldn’t have done that. And he never tried anything again. Even though he had an entire year without you in the school when he could have done something, he didn’t. In fact, every time he saw me approaching he would turn and run the other way while looking around him. He was terrified that you would show up and beat him up for only being in the same room as me,” “To be honest, had I been there, I definitely would have done that,” “I know, you’re overprotective and everything but trust me. No one at school dares try anything like that with me because everyone knows I’m dating the very scary CEO of Kim Corporations and some know that I am even dating an alpha,” I stood up and walked over to her, pulling her up from her chair and close to me. “I love you, (Y/n). I’m so happy that you are my mate and that you accepted me as yours,” “I love you too, Namjoon. I wouldn’t want anyone else, not when I can have you,” I leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss that she instantly reciprocated. The rest of the night was, well.. let’s just say it was heated, but neither of us would have wanted it any other way.
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agent-bash · 1 month
Have we ever found out Hailey's age? I've a few different answers out there and now I'm just confused.
I think I've broken this down before, but I'm too lazy to find it.
To my recollection, they've never given Hailey or anyone else on the team a specific date of birth other than Erin and Kim.
For Erin, we know they were preparing to celebrate her 30th Birthday in 2x20, which aired in late April 2015. Ergo, Erin was born in April-ish 1985.
Kim, they gave a glimpse of her medical/personnel file or something in an episode in season 4(? I think), which gave her birth year 1988 (and I also believe gave her middle name as Rebecca). But that's it. We got nothing on anyone else.
The only thing to keep in mind when trying to figure out her age on the show is that Hailey could not have become a cop before she turned 21. The minimum age requirement to enter the Police Academy is 21. You can sit the pre-required testing at 20, but you can't start anything else until you are 21.
Under the cut because this got long.
For me—always, but especially after 9x13—Hailey having a birthday later than extremely early 1991 is impossible. And even 1991 honestly is a stretch to me. I tend to go with 1990 as her DOB, I think it just fits all the info that we've been given over the years the best.
Here's my evidence
4x21: We have a firm date here, February 9, 2003. That's when Hailey's family's restaurant got robbed, and that's when she met Trudy; Trudy is why she became a cop. Great! I think this date is what gets retconned later; more on that in a bit.
Chicago Med 5x04 the Infections crossover: When Hailey is in quarantine with Amanda, she talks about the robbery and Trudy being her inspiration for being a cop. She says she was 12 years old when the restaurant was robbed. Since, up to this point, we know this occurred in Feb 2003, 1990 is likely and early 1991 is reasonable but not as probable. Again, we know this age gets retconned later; hold tight on it for a second.
Until 8x11, these things were canon and solidly put Hailey's birthday falling between February 10, 1990, and February 9, 1991 (how much would it have sucked if the robbery was on her birthday?!?). Statistically, it favours her being born in 1990.
From here, we enter retcon territory.
8x11: This episode aired in 2021 and screws up the previous canon. Here, Hailey said she's been a cop for 12 years. This makes a 1990 or later birthday impossible. Because 2021-12+2009. Meaning the latest she could have been born was late March/very early April 1989, and assumes she became a cop right when she was 21 years old. Making 1988 (or earlier) more probable.
However, 9x13 both corrected 8x11 and then screwed more things up. BUT! Because how long Hailey had been on the job is now a plot point in the episode, it's a lot safer from being retconned, and what has to inform her age because we a specific age she has to have been at the start of her career.
9x13: They celebrate Hailey's 10 years of being a cop. This episode aired in 2022. To be a cop for 10 years when this episode aired in late Feb 2022, Hailey can be born no later than late Feb 1991 and again favours 1990 (or earlier) as her year of birth.
9x13 is also where the robbery comes back into play. She told Kevin she was 10 when it happened. Given everything else we get in this episode that firms up that a DOB no later than Feb 1991 is possible one of two things happened with the robbery date:
1) She misspoke (unlikely IMO given how imprinted that event likely is on her.) You can apply the same logic to 8x11 if you want.
2) They've retconned when the robbery happened shifting it earlier (2000/2001 ish). Given that February 2003 hasn't been mentioned again since 4x21 and really wasn't the main point of that scene, this is more likely.
So, if you're looking to give Hailey's age for something that is in line with the current canon of the show, She's 33 to 34 years old. You could go for a couple years older as well fairly easily, but anything younger than 33 doesn't fit the info they've given us.
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elliemarchetti · 1 year
My aCoTaR fancast nobody asked for
Beware, this is a really long ride but I worked hard for it and spent more time than I want to admit doing my research so if you want to chat about my choices it would be appreciated
The Archerons
Abigail Cowen as Feyre Archeron
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She’s talented, she’s good looking and she’s familiar with fantasy stuff, do I need to add more?
Age: 25 (March 18, 1998)
Height: 167 cm (5′6″)
Notable role(s): Dorcas in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018), Bloom in Fate: The Winx Saga (2021) and Angel in Redeeming Love (2022)
Madelyn Cline as Elain Archeron
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Her face is so sweeeet 🥰
Age: 25 (December 21, 1997)
Height: 167 cm (5′6″)
Notable role(s): Sarah Cameron in Outer Banks (2020)
Thea Sofie Loch Næss as Nesta Archeron
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She’s like the perfect older sister 🤷🏼‍♀️
Age: 26 (November 26, 1996)
Height: 169 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Skade in The Last Kingdom (2018)
The Spring Court
Calahan Skogman as Tamlin
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I’m not taking criticism on this
Age: 29 (May 13, 1993)
Height: 193 (6′4″)
Notable role(s): Matthias Helvar in Shadow and Bones (2021)
Jan Luis Castellanos as Lucien Vanserra
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If LoA+Helion is the way the show wants to go too, he’s the right choice.
Age: 27 (September 11, 1995)
Height: 175 cm (5′9″)
Notable role(s): Diego Torres in 13 Reasons Why (2020)
Anne Winters as Ianthe
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Just look at her, please
Age: 28 (June 3, 1994)
Height: 160 cm (5′3″)
Notable role(s): Chloe Rice in 13 Reasons Why (2018)
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Alis
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Everything she stars in tends to be a success, so call it superstition but I want her to play the best maid Feyre could wish for (and which I hope to see again in the next books) 
Age: 40 (April 21, 1983)
Height: 162 (5′4″)
Notable role(s): Talia in Larry Crowne (2011), Dido Elizabeth Belle in Belle (2013), Noni in Beyond the Lights (2014), Prema Mutiso in Concussion (2015),  Esme Manucharian in Miss Sloane (2016), Janelle Brady in The Whole Truth (2016), Ava Hamilton in The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), Dr. Kate Murry in A Wrinkle in Time (2018) and Ravonna Renslayer in Loki (2021)
The Night Court
The Inner Circle
Staz Nair as Rhysand
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If you all take my suggestion seriously before starting to rant, you will see it too. I know the age difference between him and Abigail Cowen is kind of huge, but she’s tough and I think she can handle it
Age: 31 (June 17, 1991)
Height: 185 (5′11”)
Notable role(s): Qhono in Game of Thrones (2016)
Chuku Modu as Cassian
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Give him long hair and a hint of beard and we’re good.
(No, I don’t want to hear you say Can Yaman is better.
No, I don’t want 37 yo Roman Reigns to star next to 25 yo Abigail Cowen and make sexual jokes nearly half of the time.
Yes, I’m aware he’s just five years younger than the aforementioned wrestler but five years sometimes are a big deal and they are now.)
Age: 32 (July 19,1990)
Height: 193 cm (6′4″)
Notable role(s): Aggo in Game of Thrones (2016) and Dr. Jared Kalu in The Good Doctor (2017)
Drew Ray Tanner as Azriel Shadowsinger
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I know he’s cute but I bet he can make the tormented look work
Age: 31 (February 12, 1992)
Height: 178 (5′1′”)
Notable role(s): Fangs Fogarty in Riverdale (2017)
Halston Sage as The Morrigan
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I don’t know if I want to be her or kiss her. Either way, what a bliss.
Age: 29 (May 3, 1993)
Height: 166 cm (5′5″)
Notable role(s): Lacey Pemberton in Paper Towns (2015)
Park So-Dam as Amren
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The likelihood that she won't accept is very high, but if she were to, it would be wonderful
Age: 31 (September 8, 1991)
Height: 162 (5′4″)
Notable role(s): Kim Ki-jung in Parasite (2019)
The Valkyrie
Kirby Johnson as Gwyneth Berdara
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If you have some influence in the matter, please help this girl to be casted in something different than a horror. 
Age: 27 (February 12, 1996)
Height: 173 cm (5′8″)
Notable role(s): Hannah Grace in The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
Ella Balinska as Emerie
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All hail our Illyrian queen, badass fighter, former netball player and part-time model
Age: 26 (October 4, 1996)
Height: 181 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jane Kano in Charlie’s Angels (2019)
Keeping Up with the Vanserras
I’m not going to cast the dead brothers, but if you have someone you feel like would fit in, I might add them to fill the void
Trevor Stines as Vanserra Brother n.1
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I know he’s younger than Jan Luis Castellanos and taller than Ruairi O’Connor, but I want him to be a Vanserra so bad I have to put him here
Age: 26 (July 15, 1996)
Height: 185 cm (6′1″)
Notable role(s): Brett in The Amityville Terror (2016) and Jason Blossom in Riverdale (2017)
Dacre Montgomery as Vanserra Brother n.2
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I think he’s good at playing the bad guy so he should be casted, period
Age: 28 (November 22, 1994)
Height: 176 cm (5′9″)
Notable role(s):  Jason Scott / Red Ranger in Power Rangers (2017), Billy Hargrove in Stranger Things (2017) and Steve Binder in Elvis (2022)
Cameron Monaghan as Vanserra Brother n.3
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IDK, I think he would like to play the deranged dude again, at least for a while
Age: 29 (August 16, 1993)
Height: 179 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Ian Gallagher in Shameless (2011), Mason Ashford in Vampire Academy (2014), Asher in The Giver (2014), Jerome Valeska in Gotham (2015) and James Walker in Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
Ruairi O’Connor as Eris Vanserra
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I just want to see this man more, I’m not even sorry for it
Age: 31 (July 9, 1991)
Height: 178 (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Henry VIII in The Spanish Princess (2019) and Arne Cheyenne Johnson in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)
Kristofer Hivju as Beron Vanserra
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☑️ red hair
☑️ good beard
☑️ evil dilf vibe
Age: 44 (December 7, 1978)
Height: 183 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jonas in The Thing (2011), Tormund Giantsbane in Game of Thrones (2011), Connor Rhodes in The Fate of the Furious (2017) and Kristoffer in Cocainebear (2023)
Gemma Arterton as Lady of Autumn
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By mortal standards she'd be a little too young to play Lucien and Eris' mother, but as the Fae age differently (and in a poorly explained way) in this universe, I'd appreciate her resemblance to Jan Luis Castellanos being exploited
Age: 37 (February 2, 1986)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Strawberry Fields in Quantum of Solace (2008), Io in Clash of the Titans (2010), Tamina in Prince of Persia (2010) and Gretel in Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Ismael Cruz Cordova as Helion
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I know he’s light skinned but if we want to make the retcons and the plot twist work in the show he needs to be
Age: 36 (April 7, 1987)
Height: 178 (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Davide Rizzio in Mary Queen of Scots (2018) and Arondir in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022)
Hybern (and the possible prequel about the war)
Katharine McPhee as Amarantha
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I have to be honest, I choose the actress for Clythia first but I think they kind of look alike so, why not?
Age: 39 (March 25, 1984)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Harmony in The House Bunny (2008) and Beth in Shark Night (2011)
Eleanor Tomlinson as Clythia
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I don’t know about you but I want something more than a couple flashbacks of the war and since a TV show is not a first person POV, I want to go deeper into what happened at the time and for that, we need to cast the right girl
Age: 30 (May 19, 1992)
Height: 171 (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Isabel Neville in The White Queen (2013), Georgiana Darcy in Death Comes to Pemberley (2013),  Demelza Carne Poldark in Poldark (2015),  Georgie Raoul-Duval in Colette (2018) and Amy in The Wars of the World (2019)
Matt Smith as The King of Hybern
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For my peace of mind, he needs to play someone who couldn’t be seen as an heartthrob
Age: 40 (October 28, 1882)
Height: 181 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): The Doctor in Doctor Who (2010), Thomas in Womb (2010), Alex/Skynet in Terminator Genisys (2015), Mr Collins in Pride + Prejudice + Zombies (2016), Prince Philip in The Crown (2016), Morgan in Patient Zero (2018), Jack in Last Night in Soho (2021), Richard Galloway in The Forgiven (2021), Milo/Lucien in Morbius (2022) and Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon (2022)
Dylan O’Brien as Jurian
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Just watch his filmography and tell me he wouldn’t be the perfect Jurian 
Age: 31 (August 26, 1991)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s):  Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf (2011), Stuart Twombly in The Internship (2013), Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014), Mitch Rapp in American Assassin (2017) and Joel Dawson in Love and Monsters (2020)
The High Lords and their Courts
The Winter Court
Luke Baines as Kallias
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He can be the James Marsters of our time
Age: 32 (June 8, 1990)
Height: 179 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jonathan Morgenstern in Shadowhunters (2019)
Sasha Luss as Viviane
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Before I found out the Samos siblings are half asian, I wanted her to play Evangeline in the Red Queen adaptation. Now is my time to shine
Age: 30 (June 6, 1992)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Princess Lihio-Minaa in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) and Anna Poliatova in Anna (2019)
The Summer Court
Micheal Ward as Tarquin
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I'm starting to think I should have put the fanart that inspired me because in this case the resemblance is uncanny
Age: 25 (November 18, 1997)
Height: 175 (5′9″)
Notable role(s): Brendan in The A List (2018)
Coco Jones as Cresseida
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Disney Channel mistreated her, I won't
Age: 25 (January 4, 1998)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Roxanne “Roxie” Andrews in Let It Shine (2012) and Hilary Banks in Bel-Air (2022)
Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Varian
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Can he have white dreads instead of just white hair?
Age: 28 (July 23, 1994)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Mason in Assassination Nation (2018) and B.B. King in Elvis (2022)
The Dawn Court 
Evan Evagora as Thesan
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Aaaaaand... you made it to the end. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my silly comments and please don’t start a war in the comments, this is just for fun
Age: 26 (August 10, 1996)
Height: 186 cm (6′1″)
Notable role(s): Elnor in Star Trek: Picard (2020)
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beenbaanbuun · 2 years
Intertwined - Kim Namjoon
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Words: 2.6k
Genre: pure, sickening fluff
Warnings: none as far as I’m aware
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“It’s a…” you stated at the sculpture, lost for words for a second or two. Namjoon had brought it home from one of the exhibitions he’s visited and placed it proudly on his dining table. You didn’t ask how much it cost, knowing that the answer would more than likely make you physically nauseous. “Well, it’s something.”
“It’s the one I told you about, Princess,” He wrapped his arms around your waist, a soft smile on his face as he watched you study the object in front of you. Your brows were furrowed and the prominent frown on your face told him you were confused. Cute, he thought to himself. “It represents love.”
That only made you more confused. The twists and turns of the two pieces of metal, one rusted and one shiny, flowing through one another seemed completely random, as if no thought had been put into it whatsoever. You struggled to see how someone could look at the object and take any meaning from it, least of all ‘love’. 
“Is it going to stay there?” Namjoon hummed into your ear. It was deep and warm and soft; everything that Namjoon represented. 
“I don’t see why not. It is my home after all,” Anyone else wouldn’t have picked up on that last comment, but you noticed the hidden hint in his words. “You could have a say in where it goes if you were to move in with me.”
It may have been a joke, but you could feel the seriousness behind his comment. As much as he respected your decision to keep your own space, he still desperately wanted you to be a permanent fixture in his home. Sometimes coming home to an empty house felt so cold and lonely; so different to when he came home to you in his bed. To have you always in his arms would be perfect. 
And while he knew why you didn’t want to move in with him, he thought it was a ridiculous reason. Sure, being in your house stressed him out a little with how messy it was, but he didn’t mind cleaning up after you. A few clothes weren’t so difficult to pick up from the floor, and putting plates back into the cupboard was as easy as can be. He didn’t exactly enjoy cleaning up after you, but he’d clean up anything he had to if it meant you’d always be there when he got back from the studio. 
“Very funny, Joon,” you turned your head to place a soft kiss on his cheek, “you have too many expensive things in here. If I moved in, I’d live in constant fear of breaking something that costs more than I can afford to replace.”
Namjoon just smiled. You were a little clumsy, but then again so was he. The number of times the two of you had fallen out of bed whilst being intimate or knocked everything off of a shelf in a shop was too many to count. Maybe having both of you living under one roof with all this priceless stuff would be a little dangerous. 
“Most of the things I have can’t be replaced. This one’s one of a kind.” He pointed at the twisted metal… thing that sat on his table. 
“You’re not doing a great job of convincing me to move in, Namjoon.” You felt his large hands rest on your hips before he spun you around to face him. You appreciated this view more than the previous one. He was more beautiful to you than any piece of art he could collect. 
With his black hair framing his face, and his soft gaze focussed on you, you managed to convince yourself that he was the most perfect thing on earth. It wasn’t hard when he looked like that. Like a God living amongst men.
You couldn’t help the smile that rose to your face as he pulled you into him once more, this time with your face safely tucked under his chin. You knew very well that that was his favourite position to hold you in. You were there, pressed against him in a way that made him feel so protective. He knew you weren't a damsel in distress that needed a strong man to look after you, but he couldn’t help his own instincts to keep you safe in his arms. It helped soothe him.
“I’ll do it one day, you know,” His hand carded through your hair gently, almost as if he was trying to soothe you. You couldn’t possibly know why; in his arms, you felt as comfortable as you possibly could be. “Even if I have to sell every piece of art in this place, I will make room for you. Just say the word and I’ll do it.”
“You know I’d never ask you to do that.”
“I know.”
Namjoon had gone to bed, kissing you deeply before making you promise that you wouldn’t be long. With a childish grin, you locked pinkies with him and promised. He returned the smile as you wished him goodnight. 
And then you were alone, sat at the dining table with the statue in front of you. You weren’t sure why it bothered you so much, but it did. The twisted pieces of metal seemed to taunt you, begging for you to untangle them and find the meaning within. A meaning that seemed so clear as day to your boyfriend, and yet seemed to escape you. 
That’s just the way it was, though. You were Namjoon’s polar opposite. He was tidy, you were messy. He liked subjective art, whereas you preferred the meaning of a piece to be so blatantly obvious that it was child’s play to understand. In other words, you liked a pretty picture. Namjoon liked what that pretty picture truly meant. 
Usually, the pieces in Namjoon’s house weren’t formally introduced to you like this one was. He’d usually let you notice it yourself, offering a few quick comments here and there if you asked. He knew you never really understood the art he kept, so he never went into too much depth about his collection. That was your first clue that this one was different. 
He’d led you over to it the second he opened the door to let you in. All the while you were studying it, you felt his eyes watching you, gauging your reaction. And when you left him an open opportunity to explain the meaning of it to you, all he said was that it represented love. It was like he expected you to understand what that mean, and yet you didn't. In a weird way, your lack of artistic intelligence always made you feel like you were letting your boyfriend down, especially when it came to this piece.
The room was dark. Since you’d promised Namjoon you wouldn’t be long, he turned the lights off. It left you, and the sculpture, bathed in moonlight. You stared at it with pleading eyes, begging for it to open up and tell you all of its secrets. Of course, it didn’t, staying completely still and silent just like any other object would. You scowled at it, hoping it knew just how upset you were. 
Although the more you watched it, the more you noticed how the way it bounced off of the shiny piece of metal was beautiful. It gleamed, capturing all of your attention. The other piece of metal that coiled around it seemed to support it in a way, taking nothing away from the beauty until you focussed on it a little more. It wasn’t as if it was ugly, but it seemed so against the other piece. It was there for support, you decided, not for beauty. 
Then you noticed the way they were coiled around each other. You followed one around the other and then switched. It took you a few seconds before you realised that the two pieces couldn’t be removed from each other. If you wanted one piece on its own, you wouldn’t be able to do so without ruining the other piece. It felt claustrophobic in one way, but poetic in another. It’s as if the two of them couldn’t survive unless they were together. If they weren’t, one would be broken. 
Support, beauty, entanglement. To you, that’s what love was. You supported Namjoon in his music career, just like he supported you with whatever was going on in your life. It was a certainty that you’d continue to do that until he no longer wanted you to, or ‘til death do you part. But he was everything to you, and more. You were wrapped up in his existence, and if he were to cut you free, you were sure that you’d break. Spending an entire life with him felt natural.
“Figured it out yet, Princess?” The deep voice of your boyfriend made you jump and turn to face the direction it came from. The bedroom door was wide open and Namjoon stood just outside of it, clad in a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms and nothing else. He’d laughed when you bought them for him, but it was all he ever really slept in anymore.
You didn’t reply, instead waiting for him on your chair as he made his way over to you. The slippers on his feet made his footsteps sound soft. You weren't sure why but it made your heart pound as you fell deeper and deeper in love with him. It was just so domestic. A world away from the rapper that made a whole legion of people fall in love with him every time he stepped on stage.
It was a different type of love though. They worshipped his every step, just as you did, but they never got to see this side of him. The side of him that pouted at you each morning when you tried to slip out of his arms to go to work. The side of him that buys plushies for his own bed, just because he knows you’ll like them. The side of him that spends an unfathomable amount on a sculpture about love.
You heard the other dining chair scrape against the floor as he pulled it out to sit on it. It was an unpleasant sound, but not bad enough to break you out of the trance you found yourself in. In fact, you were unsure if anything would ever be able to break you out of it. What you were feeling was love in its purest form, you were sure of it. It was the type of love that never left, no matter what.
“So?” He asked, prompting you to answer his initial question.
��I think so,” you didn’t elaborate until Namjoon prompted you to, nudging your bare arm with his finger. “So the bits of metal are supporting each other. You’re the silver one and I’m the rusty one because you’re a world-famous superstar and I’m just me.”
Namjoon cut you off with a tut and an eye roll. He hated when you put yourself down or compared yourself to him, especially when all he saw was perfection whenever he looked in your direction.
“But I support you, and you support me,” you continued, “we’re all tangled up too, look.” You pointed at the object, following one of the pieces of metal with your finger. Namjoon followed along too. He couldn’t hide the smile on his face as you tried to describe your thoughts about the statue to him.
They were unique. Completely different to his own thoughts about the piece, which he was eager to tell you once you’d finished speaking. He wasn’t going to interrupt you, though. He could never. He enjoyed hearing you fumble around too much, getting lost in your words as you desperately tried to find the right ones. It was the complete opposite to him, since making speeches was part of his job, but he loved the contrast of you against him. 
“Do you want to know my thoughts?” He asked once you’d once again turned quiet. You nodded because of course you did. You’d never get tired of listening to Namjoon talk. “I see you as the silver one, and I’m the rusty one. To me, you are perfect, whereas I find myself a little rough around the edges. We’re complete opposites, and yet we’ve found ourselves wrapped up in one another, unable to let go.”
He was right about everything other than him being the rusty piece of metal. He was too kind to be rusty. Too pretty too.
“But it also means that love is complicated. Two people coming together is bound to end in some confusion, right?” You nodded. As much as you wanted to claim that you and Namjoon were always on the same page, it was fairly common for the two of you to get your wires crossed.
There was a moment or two of peaceful silence, the only sound coming from your soft breaths that mingled with one another in the cool night time air. It felt like the perfect backing track to the sculpture; the lives of two people in love intertwining with one other, diffusing in the atmosphere until there's no evidence left that they were two separate lives in the first place.
You felt happy. It was like you belonged in that moment, and you were sure that when you died, this is what you’d see if you went to heaven. You’d gladly relive it for the rest of eternity, sitting side by side with the love of your life in a moonlit room. Although it was the sculpture that brought the two of you together, it didn't matter to you. All that mattered was him.
The sculpture may have been a representation of love, but why would you ever need that when you lived in a perfect example of what true love was. It was like the fairytales you used to read as a child, each of them depicting a love that you thought to be impossible. For a second you thought of Alice in Wonderland; ‘sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’ Well, you didn’t have to imagine anymore. 
“Move in with me,” Namjoon asked again for the second time that day. This time around, you didn’t laugh. This time around, it wasn’tt a joke. Although you suspected that he never really was joking about it, they all had an element of unseriousness about them. It was as if he was protecting himself for when you said no. Not this time, thought. It was raw and meaningful, and for the first time, you were genuinely considering it, “I promise I’ll be good to you. I’ll take care of you, and I’ll never get angry if you mess the house up. I’ll do everything in my power to make this feel like a real home to you, Y/N.”
His words were as sincere as humanly possible, and you felt your eyes welling with tears. Not tears of sadness, but of joy. The confession, filled with emotion and promises of a happy future made your heart skip a few beats. You weren’t sure if it was possible for you to fall deeper in love, but it appeared that Namjoon had a way of making impossible things become a reality. 
“Yes,” you whispered as the first tear rolled down your face. You didn’t even try to catch it, knowing Namjoon would get there first. He held your face so gently in his hand and waited until you leaned the weight of your head onto it. And when you did, he leant forwards and placed the ghost of a kiss against your lips. 
“I love you so much,” he spoke against your lips, breath brushing against them. You leaned in to capture his lips in a deeper kiss, this time around. It only lasted for a few seconds before you pulled away, but it was long enough. 
“And I love you too, Namjoon.”
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astrae4 · 4 months
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warnings — mentions of prayer, anxiety, tears, cringe pick up lines
IT WAS FINALLY THE DAY. The long-awaited DDPA (Deobi Dance Performing Arts) competition finals. The sole reason Juyeon and I reunited once more. He had gone early long before I woke up to catch up on last minute practice. This was a milestone for him, and winning this would also mean that his chances of getting in DEOBI ENT. would be easier than drinking water. Nervous as I may be for him, I tried not to show it as I texted him my last goodlucks, saying that he’d definitely win the competition. (Though I wasn’t so sure about him being able to read that since his device was probably confiscated already.)
It had taken me an hour to get ready. And another 20 minutes to get to the venue. I was lucky to have decided to go two hours earlier, as even then the line for the competition was extensive.
I managed to get the third row in the middle area after a while. Now, I sit with a fresh bouquet of pink, plump peonies laying on my lap while my legs contradict the pretty flowers as it taps the floor restlessly.
After another thirty minutes of waiting did the lights dim, and my goodness, did the people’s screams shock me. The MC entered, giving out an introduction which fueled the onlookers’ anticipation. He then introduced the unbelievable line-up of judges which was brought before me. Even as someone who didn’t really know so much about dance anymore (yeah, I kind of stopped paying attention to it after I broke up with Juyeon the first time), I could still recognize some of the judges.
I might have attended a dozen or more competitions back in highschool, but none had been as crazy and grand as this competition. You could imagine how it felt performing if even me as an onlooker felt intimidated.
About two dozen people had performed so far, all of them different and impressive in their own way. (I would be lying if I didn’t pray that they’d all make a mistake so my boy would get a better chance) Now I am just wondering why it is taking so long for him to come out,
“Next to perform is….LEE JUYEON!”
I swear I’ve never screamed as hard as I have today.
Now, I already know he’s good. I mean, I accompanied most of his competitions back then, but the moment the first note dropped and he started, it was just…mesmerizing. This was totally different from back then. His moves were smoother, agility faster, and the body control he has now is insane. It captured me completely, as if I were trapped in a siren’s trance. I couldn’t say anything the whole performance, even when time seemed to speed up and he finished performing. Even when everyone stood to clap.
I only broke out in my trance when his eyes searched the room and met mine. He gave me a smile, and I smiled back. Gosh, I think I fell in love again. Is this man even real?
It took five more performances before all the participants finished their dances. One by one, the judges started giving out scores starting with the lowest. My goodness was it brutal…some of them left crying. (I would too if I placed last..) And finally, hope seemed to shine as only two participants were left for first place. Juyeon and another talented individual named Ji Changmin, whose dance contrasted Juyeon’s smooth moves with edge-cutting ones.
By this point, I was already very much nervous, hands folded as I prayed hard that Juyeon’s name would be called out in the first place.
“And the winner of DDPA with a whopping 97.2 score average by the judges is…”
Please, please, please, please, please—
The crowd cheers, the tears spill.
It takes me a while before I can reach Juyeon backstage, seeing how surrounded he was by people. By the time I could see his hair, he was beside what I assume to be Eric Sohn and Kim Sunwoo. It seems that the man has a sixth sense for me though, as his eyes immediately drifted to mine, lighting up.
He seemed to say something to them to make them leave, before he approached me with a big and excited wave.
”Sora!” He exclaimed adorably, reminding me of a golden retriever.
“Juyeon!” I exclaimed back, giving him the bouquet, “You did so good, congrats!”
“Thank you!” He exclaimed, “for the flowers and for coming.”
”Of course, I love watching your performances!”
”Really?” He asked in a teasing tone, “Does that mean I can anticipate your presence in my future performances?”
This man is going to drive me crazy, but in no way was I going to back down now. Take the risk, you know?
”Of course I will. Who wouldn’t want to watch handsome men perform?”
”Oh..” He squeaked out, flustered.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?”
I laughed at his cute reaction. It seemed that I pushed him too much, as he seemed to break down (and by that I don’t mean dancing lol) in front of me.
“Haha~ I’m sorry, you can forget about that.”
“No! No I uh—Sora..” He let out, fumbling his words.
“Yeah?” I asked, “What is it?”
He scratched his neck, as if embarrassed about his next few words. I waited, though impatiently as he struggled to let out his next few words.
“I uh…Affogato tell Yuu something…”
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© astrae4 2024 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
what if og! Lloyd actually grew a backbone and decide to simply leave/runaway from the Frontera estate when he has this 'i dont wanna stay in this little estate anymore' and ignoring the restoration of fate for this guy, but still following the plot, estate in debt, suicide from fronteras and all that, will javier still be loyal to this lloyd if he ever cross paths with this guy as javier travels? No kim suho though just og lloyd
ooohhhhh that's such a fun scenario. absolutely brutal but very fun.
i wanna say yes. yes he would still be loyal to this lloyd. because, and this is something i will never forgive the webcomic for skipping, arcos knows exactly what it is to want to run away from home and he would absolutely have understood lloyd's decision and never lost hope of one day seeing him again. and he would have asked javier to keep an eye out for lloyd and to take care of him if he ever saw him.
arcos,,, also kinda hated living in the barony when he was younger. he was frustrated, bored and sick of it. he felt like he was locked up, doomed to live as a small noble in the middle of nowhere. so he ran away. he took his father's horse and left in the middle of the night.
he would've absolutely understood lloyd if he had decided to leave their home.
and just like his father rushed to his aid when he needed it, arcos would've done anything to help his child, even if the only thing he could do at that point was ask his knight to keep him safe if he found him again.
and javier, the loyal puppy he is, would've followed his request no matter how much he hated the idea of protecting someone who abandoned the home and family he loved so much. there would even another layer of hatred in his heart against og lloyd as now part of javier would always wonder if arcos would've fallen for the scam had lloyd been there. we know he would've but javier would have no way of knowing.
(there's something... really sad about arcos falling for that scam that doesn't really come across in the adaptation despite it giving more attention to tordes than the novel did. tordes didn't just... offer arcos a lucrative business. he completely fooled him into liking him. he showed up as a passionate, discreet young man with a lot of initiative. someone who shared the same interests and passions, with whom he could talk about his favorite topics, someone he was very compatible with. I thought he and I just clicked. And that's why I trusted him.
arcos who never could quite connect with his oldest son, who was constantly disappointed by his terrible actions and his lack of decency, who had come to despise his child despite how much he still loved him... of course he fell for tordes' scam. he was the perfect target for someone like him.)
at the same time i do think that maybe javier's dislike of him would've been tempered by time and distance. depending on when og lloyd left home perhaps javier's main reason to dislike him would just be very bad childhood memories of him, not the constant acts of violence and harassment he dealt with in canon. mind you, he would still despise him but it would be less of a "you're an active threat to the people around you and a constant disappointment to the people i regard as parents" and more of a "you were a bastard to me when i was a child and you leaving made the family i loved more than anything very sad", which is different if only because javier wouldn't have a reason to actively mistrust him beyond what could be considered childish bullying that happened years ago.
also. i do believe experiencing new places and actually getting a taste of what life is to someone without all the privileges he was born into would've actually done og lloyd some good and he would be less of an asshole in general. still a douche but not as much as a dick as he could be lol
i don't really think javier and him could ever really vibe with each other but at least they wouldn't actively hate each other like they do in canon
so in summary yes! i do think javier would still be loyal to this version of og lloyd and would protect him for as long as he was able to
that's just. the kind of guy javier is. loyal to the very end.
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