#for yourself to donate to or to signal boost
batwynn · 8 months
Ok so since my last post about Palestine on this blog*, which I spent multiple days writing to try to make it as clear as possible where I stand and how I feel about both what is happening and how people are using their couch activism to do nothing but get internet points against other people on the internet, I’ve received a bunch of ‘go girl give us nothing’ kind of anons praising me for ‘not taking a stance’ or yelling at me for ‘not talking a stance’.
Which, for one. No. Just because don’t talk about everything that I do to support important causes does not mean I don’t do anything. I’m not posting my donation receipts online for your approval.
I’m also… I’m genuinely lost as to how that was the message received. I know I’m autistic af, but don’t feel like that’s what I said at all and I can’t figure out why that’s what people got from it.
This will be another long post with basically the same information as the last one, but put more bluntly. If you are still struggling to understand where I stand, I genuinely don’t know how to help you with this anymore and I’m not spending more energy hashing it out for you.
I thought I said, pretty explicitly, that I think colonizing entities and terrorism is bad. That genocide is bad. I thought it was very clear that I don’t support the murder of many thousands of people—tens of thousands of children. I included the USA in this previous statement explicitly because we are backing a genocide, yet again. (If not, you know, directly doing genocide against people ourselves.) I expressed clearly, I thought, that I did not support anyone killing innocent people, as a reminder to the ‘what-about-ers’, who like to say that people who don’t agree with a genocide ‘cheer on’ what the Hamas did to random citizens. I cant 100% say I know enough about the Hamas and their desires to tell you much more of my thoughts about that. It’s been a constant struggle with misinformation, in general, but a lot of it surrounding them and their beliefs/actions.
I thought it was also pretty clear that I am so far removed from this that I’m constantly aware that me saying anything could be based on wrong, outdated, or mistranslated info at any given point. I’m catching up as fast as I can, continuously educating myself, and voiding years of propaganda from growing up in this shitty ass country with its shitty ass education propaganda system. I mean a lifetime of messages directly from the media, our politicians, teachers, etc. to not pay attention because it’s ’not our problem’ as a country and there’s ’always a war there’ so ‘don’t care about it’ and ‘don’t react.’ Which is part of the reason why I made the original post, because I do care and I am reacting, and it does matter.
So, I guess I have to say it again, because as hard as I tried to get the message through last time, it apparently got lost somewhere.
I do not support the ongoing genocide of Palestine. I do not support the crimes against humanity that I have seen happening there. I do not support murder and terrorism. I do not support the country I am forced to live in, and its involvement in this. (USA)
I do love my Jewish and Muslim friends. I do not believe in a bigoted hatred against either religious grouping based on the actions of some people. I support the Jewish people standing up for Palestine. I do want peace. I do want healing. But I am also aware that peace and healing is something heavily owed to Palestine for many years now, and that it can’t be achieved until something massively changes in how the world and Israel treat them.
Now, if this statement is not clear enough or is said the ‘wrong way’ or isn’t ‘right’ or just isn’t what you want to hear. I’m sorry. I always struggle with communication, and I’m genuinely not good at this. I tried so hard with the last post, and I was still told that I was doing nothing and saying nothing. The only thing I can ask is that you give me the smallest amount of kindness and understanding, and assume that I am trying to communicate compassion for people suffering. Give me the benefit of the doubt, if you can, that I just fucking care about people who are being hurt.
And lastly, please keep your ‘what about’ bullshit out of my inbox. I can’t address every single thing, all the time. I can’t know every single thing, all the time. I’m aware of multiple horrific things happening in the world right now and how important it is to pay attention to them. I do share and talk about them on my side blog* that is dedicated to that kind of thing, but this one thing in particular is something people keep coming to me about in my inbox here and I’m addressing it this one last time.
*Again, my main blog here has always been mostly about my art and projects, and after years of people outright screaming at me to keep it that way and to not include any current events, political, or ‘too personal’ posts I’ve long since moved most of that over to my side blog. Many of you already follow me there or know what blog it is. I am not sharing it again because I’m tired of having personal life things I share being used to hurt me. Also, one last reminder that you can’t have it both ways. You either want to know my personal stuff and political stuff, or you don’t and only want to see my art. You don’t get both. And this will be the last time I address this here.
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valcaine · 2 months
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Hello ! one of my friends Forrest has unfortunately lost their house and is having to move states, they have two cats and are in need of a roof and other essentials. with the goal of raising $3,000.
Donate when you can!
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Daniel Penny is the Subway Strangler. This monster killed Jordan Neely in cold blood and the media provided cover for him. Plaster his name and face everywhere until he's arrested.
Whoever exposed him thank you for doing the lords work
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Hey, this is the son of a bitch who killed that poor man Neely on the train in New York. Don't let him walk away from this.
this is where he currently lives at the moment just in case you need to run up to his place and protest there
Update Current address: 108 Milligan Rd West Babylon New York 11704
Number: (631) 661-5952
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alation · 2 months
This is Eman a Biotechnologist from Gaza. Asking for help is not easy. It's not easy at all. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. But when thinking that the price is my family's life, getting out of here safely and achieve my doctoral degree dream, it just pushes me more and more to do this until we reach our goal. I'm here as I try to reach out to more people asking for their help to support our family's campaign so we can survive while all you have to do is literally donating even by just the price of your morning coffee or maybe a simple breakfast, So I think I'm not asking for so much. We're really tired of living under these catastrophic conditions for a whole 10 months. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also remind us that even in our darkest hour, we are not alone. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2 Vetted By 90-ghost
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limielle · 2 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well. ❤️ I'm writing to you with full of hope to help me and my family. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. 😢 Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 in their Master List on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
of course Haya ; u;
here's the gofundme link. as mentioned they've been vetted by operation olive branch so we know it's safe to donate !! \o/
as of posting they have reached 57% of their goal.
pls help however u can ; ;
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ncutii-gatwa · 4 months
seeing fundraisers to help people in gaza hardly get any donations whilst people think blocking celebrities on a social media app is their good deed of the week done
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
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🍉 This is a signal boost for Mohammed Hijazi! 🍉
vetted by 90-ghost here vetted by northgazaupdates here
Folks, this is Mohammed. He is 30 years old, and he is currently displaced in Gaza with his elderly parents. They are trying to promote their fundraiser to evacuate, but they are still very low on funds. To date, they have raised only €2,106 of their €20,000 goal.
In Mohammed's words:
With each step I take, I carry the weight of my lost home and the dreams I once held dear. But I refuse to let despair consume me. I'm fueled by the unwavering belief that there is hope beyond the horizon, a place where I can find safety and sanctuary.
They are relying on the compassion of strangers to see them to safety. Can you be that hope?
I encourage you to read and reblog his posts, as well as follow him at @savemohammedfamily. Your support will mean the world to them -> if you cannot afford to make a donation yourself, your reblog might bring their story to the attention of someone who can.
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Any contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.
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taraljc · 2 months
Frustrated, angry, horrified, and unsure of how to proceed after learning a favourite author is not who you think they were?
You are not without means to help! Fandom gave Neil Gaiman the celebrity that he then weaponised against vulnerable people. We gave it to him; we can help take it away.
Repost articles and transcripts as they appear in the trades and the mainstream press, and tag them with the appropriate trigger warnings and content warnings.
Keep amplifying the voices of the survivors, and showing up with compassion and empathy and support for the untold numbers who have yet to come forward.
Keep talking about the allegations of abuse and sexual assault levelled at Neil Gaiman. Do not let it fade into the background, or be drowned out by vigorous promotion of his upcoming works. Boost the signal, particularly to raise awareness across fandoms so fans can do their best to protect themselves from potential abuse in the future.
Make donations to RAINN and The Survivors Trust, and find out what you can do on a local level to support survivors of sexual assault and abuse.
Do not tag fan works such as fanfic, fan art, quotes, gifsets, and meta discussions about Gaiman's work or live-action adaptations of Gaiman's work with #Neil Gaiman so that you are not doing the expensive PR team's work for them by helping to bury the story of Neil Gaiman's abuse of vulnerable women on social media.
Do not bully Neil Gaiman's peers in the industry, friends and family, or actors currently involved in live action adaptations of his work for not immediately making any kind of public statements.
Do not bully fellow fans. Everyone is working through their very complex feelings and relationships with both the text and the man at their own speed. Please give them the space to grieve that loss, but continue to center the stories of the survivors and express sympathy and empathy for all of the survivors who have yet to come forward.
As others have noted, The Tortoise Media Slow News podcast that initially broke the story is run by a group of well-respected journalists, and Ms Johnson is not a full-time member of the staff but was only given a shared byline on the story because one of the survivors contacted her privately which is what kicked off the year long investigation.
Filter out noise such as kink-shaming, anti-BDSM discourse, and other editorial comments and instead focus on the actual words of survivors recounting their experiences.
Remember that despite using the language of BDSM, what the survivors have recounted is in fact examples of coercive control and abuse cloaked in the language of kink. It's very important to note that BDSM nearly always includes extensive negotiation of consent to specific acts and partners check in with one another constantly, establish safe words, and engage in aftercare. That is absolutely not what was described by the survivors thus far.
Sexual assault is not about sex so much as it is about power. In every instance reported thus far, the common thread has been predatory behaviour toward vulnerable women. In more than one case, women who were employed in Neil Gaiman's households and were reliant on him for their housing and livelihood.
Do not guilt trip or shame people who are attempting to separate the art from the artist. allow people to love what they love about the novels, comics, and media adaptations, value the friendships that they have made because of them, and keep the joy that those projects brought them. Do not let Neil Gaiman's behaviour rob generations of fans of the stories that meant so much to them. he has already taken so much from so many; don't help him take more from yourself or others then he already has.
Do not invite him as a guest speaker to your events, a guest of honour at your conventions, or a guest lecturer at your institutions. without jeopardizing the financial future of your institution or theater, do not book speaking tours, book signings, launch parties, etc. as these events have proved to be a fertile hunting ground and provide ongoing income directly to Neil Gaiman.
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dee-the-red-witch · 11 months
Gah, been trying to avoid this because I'm dealing with so many things already, but...
Yeah, we need help. Trying to get the last of october rent paid off (1k), and yes, I'm fully aware it's november. Also trying to get the 'get Dee's life back together' fund put together except it's pretty much another fucking grand and keeps getting tanked by all the regular daily expenses of kids and food and such.
So yeah, desperately trying to get like two grand in. And anything helps. Especially since that first thousand needs to be paid by the 13th if we want to stay homed.
If you can donate to the cause, I'd really appreciate that. Here's the link: http://paypal.me/tormentedartifacts
If you want to get yourself something awesome in return like all these:
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and you're cool with it not showing up until January because I'm THAT BADLY BACKED UP, there's a link for that too: http://tormentedartifacts.com
And seriously, anything, including just reblogging and signal boosting this anywhere else helps like mad, so yeah, please do. I just... want to get my life back together. Have options instead of having to rally for mutual aid every few weeks, and actually getting crap like the rent paid off and getting a real bank account in my own name will kinda help a LOT.
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fdelopera · 29 days
Oh, by the way, if you interact with my blog, and then I see that you're reblogging the SCAMMERS who are catfishing as Gazan civilians, I will block you and report you.
Every single grifting, catfishing SCAMMER you reblog, you are taking money away from Gazan civilians who actually need help.
If you donate to a gofundme scammer, you are allowing that person to STEAL YOUR MONEY that could go towards helping people in Gaza.
And look. I get it. You want to virtue signal.
You want to virtue signal that you're "Freeing Palestine" ... by reblogging some scammer who is pretending to be a Gazan civilian.
But guess what! There's a simple way to virtue signal AND help Gazan people.
Donate to a verified charity organization, and then post proof of donation (without any identifying details) online.
Anera and Doctors Without Borders are two of the better charity organizations that are on the ground in Gaza. And yes, both of these organizations are in bed with Hamas. Hamas is like the Mafia, and when you're operating in Mafia territory, you're going to be complicit with the Mob. This is the unfortunate reality of any charity organization that operates in Gaza. But they're still better than donating to some scammer larping as a Gazan civilian. And they're better than donating to UNRWA, which is one and the same as Hamas.
Again -- don't doxx yourself. No identifying details. Don't post your name. You don't even have to post the amount you donated. Just a screenshot from the email saying "thank you for your donation" is enough.
Sure, maybe some of you will be tempted to fake this too, because all you care about is lazy virtue signaling, but it's still better than signal boosting these catfishers on Tumblr who are STEALING FROM GAZAN CIVILIANS.
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transexualpirate · 11 months
This is a post for our friend Moise. Moise is Trans. Moise does not know yet if they are male or female, because Moise has not yet been given the opportunity to figure it out for themselves.
They are in a difficult and dangerous situation. Moise is living in a refugee camp with a group of activists who are currently being persecuted and even attacked for their beliefs, about gender and sexuality.
Money is scarce and Moise is struggling to buy food and supplies in the refugee camp currently. They can use any and all help that we can give.
Below is Moise's story in their own words:
"Hello friends,
I am Moisse ,a member and an activist of the LGBTIQ refugees in the community of Kakuma Kenya Refugee camp located in the northern Turkana region, looking for support to help the LGBTIQ family and also children .
We are LGBTIQ also living with kids in the refugee camp starving and passing through the homophobic situation.
Unfortunately the environment of the camp is so hostile for us, we are having regular attacks and injuries inflicted upon us .
We desperately need your help in order to survive and thrive in this situation please.
Me as a transgender I moved from my mother country Uganda because I was facing alot of hatred and for me I wasn't ready to change who I am and our president doesn't allow lgbtiq persons in my country .
In Uganda my family was killed by the community members ,I managed to escape death and I had no other option other than joining a camp in Kenya to seek for asylum .
We shall appreciate any hands that will decide to support us please ."
Anything you give will be highly appreciated. Even $5 helps a ton. Thank you. We will be sending proceeds directly to Moise. If you wish to reach out to Moise yourself to donate, click here for their Tumblr link. Sharing also helps! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Thanks again for anything you can offer!!!! It means a lot!! <3
Thanks for love , kindness and solidarity.
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foxsoulcourt · 8 months
FandomTrumpsHate 2024 anyone?
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Fandom Trumps Hate is a fanworks auction that has, in the past 7 years, collectively raised almost $200k for progressive nonprofits. Why stop now? It's time to continue into 2024! Here are the important dates. Go below for links
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If you create content (fanfic, art, moodboards, podfics, etc):
You can contribute your skills to support these organizations! You get to decide what sort of piece you’re willing to create as a thank you to the bidder who makes the highest donation. This year, creator signups wrap up February 19th.
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Are you saying to yourself, "But I'm not a creator?" GUESS WHAT?! There are other ways to offer your gifts: fan labor. What's that?
also: medical-picking or other kind of expert-knowledge-type reading for accuracy
other kinds of revision guidance that help a writer to revise or improve their story
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What if you prefer to bid on a CUSTOM piece of fic or art?!
Starting on February 29th, you can browse the different contributors who are willing to make a James Bond or 00Q piece and reach out to them about what specific prompts/ideas you’d like to see come to life! If you win the highest bid (bidding opens Tuesday March 5th + ends Saturday March 9th), you make your promised donation to one of the organizations the creator has selected to receive your gift! 🎁
Of course, even if you don’t have the spare change to donate this year, signal-boosting auction posts is a huge help, especially for smaller fandoms.
You can check out @fandomtrumpshate for more information/updates and see the general FAQ here. There’s also a carrd if you’d like to share.
If you're sitting on the fence, here's a reminder why this project is even mOaR important this year:
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Thank you for reblogging to share out with others.
However you participate in this project, thank you!
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Hello, I am Bashaer from Gaza. my husband was muttered in the brutal war. When I was pregnant , after few months I was born my daughter in the war. She is 3 months old now, She become an orphan.
Can you help me ?🙏save my life and my family from the genocidal war and the threat of death that haunts us every minute? Let us survive to safety. If you are able, donate, publish the link, and share with friends
Please donate
Hi, while I am unfortunately unable to donate myself because I'm currently a minor with no disposable income. I will gladly and happily help signal boost and share your post so more people will be able to see this.
Link to donation:
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meerawrites · 1 year
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
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Hi there! Ameera, @deepeagletimetravel lovely name by the way. Fun fact from an almost linguist (Hindi, Latin, French, Sanskrit, & working on music theory and Haitian Creole) and history nerd. Ameera/Amira means "Princess" in Arabic. (source), I wasn't initially sure how to reply to this besides signal boosting and donating what I can (as a broke brown & queer college student). But it's lovely to meet more brown people who also like girls. Since you introduced yourself I'll briefly introduce myself, I am Meera, after the Hindu Bhakti Poet and saint, I use they/them pronouns, I am culturally Hindu and follow some Hindu religious thinking and I am brown, bi, genderqueer, and mostly a writer. I am 20, and I say this most affectionately, I'd be cowardly facing this entire thing. You are incredibly brave for following your girlfriend and sticking to your intentions and love for one another. I know for many it isn't easy, coming was not easy for me and I've come out four times now. Of course, you should never coerce anyone out of the closet, but, we are incredibly brave for loving who we love and not letting our parents and grandparent's generation dictate how we should live. There is a long history of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and brown sapphicism in general. I don't mind helping or encouraging you at all.
Below are some flags I think you'd appreciate. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend, have an excellent timezone.
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South Asia’s ancient queer history.
brown wlw playlist.
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unabashedlyinlove · 1 year
About Jai, Goob and other fandom grifters
I have been off tumblr for a while, but keeping up with things happening on Twitter. This is a post I made there and want to share here too:
Its time for people to actually walk the fucking walk. "Oh I didnt know Jai&co were so bad". In which world do live you dint notice it before? But now that you know what they do, cancel your subscription to their Patreon, leave their discord servers, unfollow their Twitters/tik toks/ Tumblrs, stop buying their merchandise.
Stop signal boosting or donating to their GFM. Like cant you see youre being grifted? "Oh I need pay rent & bills". No. Theyre using your hard earned money to go to Conventions. If not going to conventions, they use it to sit at home every day making videos and posts with the malicious intent of playing with people's emotions, worsening their mental healthy issues, smearing innocent people's reputation and even suicide-bait!
Take away their engagement and means of making money with stalking/ bullying/misinforming /trying to doxx/sending death thread to actors and people in fandom.
By stopping all of this, youre actually making fandom safe, not only for yourself but for others too! Its time for us to make a stand against them, make them understand all that hurt and pain they caused people and that it all has consequences.
Theyre not going to die of hunger or go homeless because of it. This is MANIPULATIVE tactic to keep people as paying customers. Without your financial support, Theyll have to go back to real world and get themselves jobs and live a healthy life instead of keeping on this full of hatred existence.
Please, STOP amplifying their voices. reblog this to reach more people and educate the fandom friends that still believe them.
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aria-ashryver · 1 month
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This is a signal boost for Bashaer and her baby girl! 💜
verified as #231 on el-shab-hussein's list vetted by nabulsi here vetted by northgazaupdates here
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Meet Bashaer: a young mother in mourning, holding on to hope for her precious baby girl, Ayla.
Ayla is only three months old; born amidst war and horrific violence, Ayla's birth came after the passing of her father. Omar, Bashaer's husband, was killed while he was gathering desperately needed supplies for his family. This sweet little one never got the chance to meet her father -> please help her have a chance at a life of health, safety, and happiness.
So far, Bashaer has been able to raise $13,523 USD of the $40,000 her family needs to evacuate to Egypt. Can you support them in their time of need?
✅ [CLICK HERE to make a donation!!] ✅
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I want to take a moment to honour Omar. Even just a glance at Bashaer's posts will tell you just how much she cherished, loved, and respected this wonderful man. Omar worked in the medical field, and that Ayla will never know him is nothing short of a tragedy.
Please follow her at @bshaeromars-blog and hear her story for yourself. In Bashaer's words:
Omar was not just a doctor, but he was an angel of his mercy to heal his patients with a smile and sweet word. He was a loving and loving husband. He waited for the birth of his daughter Ayla, but he was martyred before he saw her.
Some of you may also know my friends, Safaa 💜 Safaa ( @safaabed8 ) is Bashaer's sister! Myself and several of my mutuals have made posts in support of her own GFM campaign. Safaa asked me to make this post on Bashaer's behalf, so she might come to know the support and love of others in the wider Tumblr community, as she has.
I say this because I want to highlight ideas of community, connection, solidarity, and support.
Many of the Palestinian GFMs you will come across are interconnected: brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, neighbours. These aren't just faces and numbers on your dash. These are people, these are families, with real, heartfelt, genuine connections. I want to emphasize that in one corner of the world, here's me, lifting up the voice of Bashaer; Bashaer, who is blessed to call Safaa her sister; Safaa, who is friends with one of my mutuals; this mutual, who is in turn friends with me!
This whole thing? Its a circle.
And all of us are a part of it, including you.
This is community. This is life; this is humanity. Friends calling to friends; voices calling to voices, people being heard in their time of need, being lifted up, people coming together.
I am asking you not to turn away. Please step up and be a part of this. Bashaer needs your donation, your your reblog, your follow, your compassion. Please donate if you are able. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference 💜
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