#forbidden secrets of the mushroom kingdom
pianokantzart · 8 months
for the ask prompt: ❤️‍🩹🤒
❤️‍🩹 Reunited after a long time apart 🤒 Needing to be looked after
Content warning: Injury and implied torture
Mario had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach long before he came home to find the house trashed and his brother missing, a halfway completed dinner strewn about the dented floor and smashed furniture. Naturally, Bowser was the first suspect, even if Luigi’s disappearance lacked the Koopa King’s usual showmanship. Whenever he stole something or someone he always made a scene, gloating and threatening, making his angle clear. This was the argument Bowser made when Mario fought his way into the heart of The Darklands, demanding his brother back. The King even allowed the plumber to search his dungeon unhindered, so long as he didn’t do any more damage or hurt any more minions. Sure enough, the search came up empty. Not even a scrap of green fabric could be found. A call to Elvin Gadd confirmed that King Boo was still in captivity. He had no guess as to what had happened, or who else Luigi might have made enemies with, but promised to investigate the matter himself. Princess Peach sent out a message to every ally she knew, asking for information regarding Mario’s missing brother. Sarasaland sent out a call of their own, as well as a few search parties, but no matter what reward was promised, or what powerful figures offered their services or support, all leads ultimately went nowhere.
As days passed into months, Mario stopped coming home, even after the horrible mess created amidst his brother’s abduction had been investigated and cleaned up. He stayed as close to The Mushroom Kingdom as necessary to keep Peach protected, but was often found in surrounding territories, peeking into hidden corners and asking questions. He was never inside when night fell, and instead laid sprawled out in open fields searching the skies for shooting stars. He knew the power of wishes. He intended to make as many as possible.
After seven months, Luigi was finally found. Captain Toad and his Treasure Trackers discovered an ancient underground temple hidden deep within mountains of jagged black stone, just outside of The Darklands. Before they realized the location was a secret meeting place for magikoopa rather than a cache of treasure, they found a familiar man in rotted green clothes lying unresponsive in a cell, shackled and barely breathing. At once they went for help while trying with all their might to carry his withered body back to The Mushroom Kingdom.
Once Luigi was safely delivered to the palace into the best care Princess Peach could offer, forces from The Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland alike raided the temple uncovered by Captain Toad. The magikoopa responsible never appeared, likely having heard word that their secret was unearthed, and wisely choosing not to risk their necks by returning to the scene. Bowser immediately went on the defensive, insisting that what happened to Luigi was outside of his jurisdiction. Mario’s brother had been found near The Darklands, not in The Darklands, and though his closest advisor was a magikoopa himself there were many others besides Kamek, who conducted their own business and research far outside of Bowser’s knowledge or control.
Books and journals were gathered and brought to The Mushroom Kingdom for further study. Their pages revealed that Luigi had been the subject of a long, grueling series of experiments, dealing with the darkest and most forbidden forms of magic. The magikoopa were trying to turn him into something– what it was was anyone’s guess, but a theory scrawled between the lines inferred that Luigi had some innate ability to attract dark forces– an ability that they wished to harness. What a joke. The mere idea would’ve been funny, had the results not been so horrible.
“Hey. Breathe, bro. They’re trying to help.” Mario spoke gently as he could, struggling to keep his brother still as the nurse toads changed his bandages. It was difficult for Mario to keep hold of his brother’s hand, only because he feared gripping it too hard would break it. Every bone could be counted through his skin, turned an ugly corpse-like color by the combined efforts of magic and complete seclusion from sunlight. What remaining hair hadn’t fallen out in clumps had turned from dark brown to an ugly grey. The blisters of ingrown restraints and festering incisions shone bright red in the first stages of healing as the bandages were pulled away and replaced with fresh ones, all the while Luigi struggled, the hand that Mario didn’t hold swatting away the intruding toads with a strength only made possible by panic.
It would’ve been easier if Luigi could only see. His sight should’ve returned by now. It was said that his vision would be perfectly restored within three days. The medical examiners couldn’t find any direct physical damage done to his eyes. “Then again, the true extent of the harm will only be understood in time,” a doctor explained somberly, “physical injury combined with magic of this sort could harbor unexpected consequences. All we can do is wait, see what heals, and treat whatever we can as it comes up.”
“Luigi! Calm down!” Mario took both of Luigi’s wrists, and placed his palms against his own face. The initial response was aggressive, blistered fingers with missing nails wrenching to fight back until at long last Luigi recognized the feel of the mustache and soft round cheeks. He shivered, but stopped fighting, tears filling his clouded eyes as the nurses took advantage of the moment of calm to quickly finish their work. “I’m here bro, I’m here.” Mario continued in a broken whisper, struggling not to cry himself. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you while I’m here, got it?”
Luigi didn’t speak. He hadn’t spoken since he had been found, but he nodded. For now, that was more than enough.
Mario wasn’t sure how long it would be until Luigi was deemed well enough to go home. Given what had happened the last time he was home, Mario was unsure if taking him back at all was a good idea.
But that was a problem for another time, and whatever concerns arose there was no doubt the princess would help however she could. When Luigi’s eyes finally developed to the point he could see large splotches of shape and color, Peach had his bed clothes changed from pink to green, and arranged to have some of the more opulent decorations exchanged for more simple, homey wooden furnishing. Every morning, the princess found time to personally bring Luigi’s breakfast, and every morning she asked him questions about his health and wellness, not minding at all if she was met with nothing but silence. She would later take Mario aside and ask similar questions, seeing to it both brothers' needs desires were met to the best of her abilities. That afternoon, the toads delivered boxes filled with books and trinkets that had been gathered from their home. After thanking them, Mario sat on a recliner next to Luigi’s bed and read aloud a hardcover fantasy he knew to be one of his brother’s favorites. Halfway through chapter four, he heard a raspy voice call up from the mound of jade-green cushions. “Hey, Mario?” Mario paused his reading, and bookmarked the page with his thumb. “Yeah, Luigi?” “Am I gonna be okay?” This was the fourth time he asked that today. When Luigi had finally regained his voice it was full of strange rhythmic repetition… statements and questions asked over and over and over again with little regard to the answers he received. Mario didn’t care. He was talking, that was something. He smiled, and answered the way he always did: “Heh, you’re doing better already.”
And that was the truth. The color was coming back to his face, his mustache was fuller, and his body had regained some of its old muscle and fat. Already Luigi was able to stand unattended, though he needed a cane in order to shuffle to his bedroom window and look out.
Luigi nodded and fell silent again. Mario opened the book back up and continued to read, not stopping until he heard a gentle snore of his brother gently drifting off to sleep.
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butterflyinthewell · 2 years
All of my Bowser x Peach fics!
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Back in 2007 I wrote some bangers that threw people for a loop. If you remember these…yeah that was me!
There are naughty ones which are marked so you can avoid them. The others are rated T.
Not a Monster Peach sees an entirely different side of Bowser when a routine kidnapping is interrupted by Junior falling ill.
(CW: hospital setting, medical trauma)
-This fic can be seen as a prequel to the next one, but it also works as a standalone.-
Vicissitude An aging Bowser has stopped menacing the Mushroom kingdom and lives vicariously through the now grown Junior by getting him married to Mario and Peach's daughter...the RIGHT way. But why is Bowser in such a rush to see Junior married off? (Junior x OC along with BxP)
(CW: graphic parent death, gore, some bawdy humor)
🔞(NSFW) The Forbidden Game The game between Peach and Bowser remained so secret that neither the Mushroom Kingdom nor Bowser's own men knew it was going on.
(CW: dubcon that turns consensual, monsterfucking)
🔞(NSFW) The Game Is Still Forbidden Bowser and Peach continue their secret game. (NEW, written in 2023)
(CW: Monsterfucking, light dom/sub/BDSM, consensual noncon, role playing, alcohol. See fic tags on ao3 for full list.)
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virginwetrooster · 1 year
Fried Peaches and Pasta
A Concept :
After many years of invasions, kidnappings, sometimes team-ups, sometimes mess-up, etc, etc...Peach finally agrees to marry Bowser to seal an alliance between their kingdoms.
She puts Conditions, and the negotiations take so long everyone expects Bowser to just snap and get back to the usual cycle, but he sticks to it, and wrestles in some conditions of his own.
She will use her magic and influence with powerful beings to help Bowser’s Kingdom the way she does with the Mushroom Kingdom, but only to help, not to conquer (Bowser grumbles that invading a kingdom or two IS helping the Darklands, especially for morale, but he relents).
Bowser will protect the Mushroom Kingdom like his own, and his son will be considered heir to the MK’s throne.
Many other details include Mario being strictly forbidden to come to the Darklands without Bowser’s express permission and Luigi having to live there as a sort of peace hostage, but Peach ruling and living in her own kingdom as often as she likes.
Most are relieved (”finally we won’t have to face invasions every other week!”), some feel pity (”Poor princess, she has to marry that monster for the good of all”), some are elated (”Bowser was right to persist all this time! She IS in love with him!!”). The wedding is celebrated with most pomp and life goes on, with many little changes but mostly the same as before.
Beneath this arrangement, there are three layers of secrets:
Most people are aware they are not in love but enjoy each other’s company enough to feel content with their alliance. As long as they’re happy, what else is there to see?
First layer : Bowser and Peach are not in love.
Bowser used to fancy her and mistook it as love, then convinced himself his efforts to conquer her heart HAD to lead to something, so he kept calling his obsession “love”. It took time before he came to the realization he felt many things for her -affection, protectiveness, jealousy of her kindness and grace- but romantic love was not one of them. Ironically, accepting this truth made it easier to negotiate a political wedding with Peach, as she felt they could finally address this subject on an equal level, instead of being the recipient of Bowser’s pursuit, and reassuring her for their potential future.
On her side, Peach cares for her people first and foremost -and no matter how you look at it, Bowser is one of the monarchs she knows and trust the most to protect them, and if you are on his side or under his protection, there is little to fear. She has grown to appreciate what he hides under his bluster and pride. He already has an heir (and several potential replacements), so there isn’t the usual pressure expected from such marriages.
So they don’t look much further and miss the...
Some people have guessed the truth behind such dynamics. But monarchs taking lovers isn’t a rare thing, even in the Mushroom world, and either they make sure to remain discreet for their sake, or they know the moment they would try to ruin this arrangement, hell and fire would rain down on them.
Second layer : Peach is in love with Mario. Bowser is in love with Luigi.
Neither can pinpoint the exact moment they fell in love with each of the plumber, but it has grown from a fleeting feeling to a genuine love, which is returned.
It has lead them all to finally stop their endless cycle of battles and try to think of a better way. It has lead to the alliance, and thus the marriage, but all have planned and consented for it.
After all, now it gives them excuses to be near their paramours: Mario is, has always been Peach’s bodyguard and close friend, so no one bats an eye if his chamber is right in front of Peach’s, or if they spend their days together. As for Luigi, if officially he has first been taken as a “hostage” (a position that gives them all a good laugh, given how Bowser pampers the shy human), Bowser has been quick to upgrade him to royal nanny/caretaker of his children, which allows them to spend all the time they need together. And if Junior slips and talks about “Mama Luigi”, well, people assume he’s still looking for a motherly influence in his life, poor thing.
Mario and Luigi don’t mind being “just” lovers of the monarchs instead of their husbands. They’re juste humble plumbers (no matter how many times they’ve been hailed as heroes), what would they do with titles and political power ? They don’t want the attention coming with such titles, as long as they have the heart of their respective monarch.
So they don’t look much further and miss the...
Mario might not come to the Darklands as often as he wishes, but Luigi is allowed to come and go as he pleases, and sometimes Mario whisks away his baby bro on an adventure just between the two of them.
Third layer : Mario and Luigi are respectively in love with Peach and Bowser, yes. But before them, and since their very first breath, they have belonged to each other.
They’re twins. They’re brothers. They’re best friends. They’re each other’s half. They’re a set to not separate. They know each other in every way, emotionally, physically, carnally, spiritually. They don’t look for an explanation, wouldn’t call themselves a couple; “he’s mine, I’m his” is all they would say to explain it to someone (and why would they? What they have belong to the Bros and no one else).
Peach and Bowser know. They are not worried, however ; Mario and Luigi might belong to each other, but they know how to share, and they are able to love more than one person.
Sure, Bowser and Mario might not like each other, but they still have begrudging respect for the other and tolerate “sharing” Luigi (who is both amused and mortified by their regular huffing and posturing over him). And Luigi and Peach are already good friends, and they both want Mario’s happiness : he loves them both, and they love him back, and that’s enough for them.
Only a couple of people know the full truth. They know to keep the secret.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Rivals' Madness Song List
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DISCLAIMER: This is just the general structure of the concept, and will NOT be becoming a mod under any circumstances.
(Unless mentioned otherwise in the list, Benjamin is the playable character in a stated song. Anything in italics is a song idea original to this concept, and anything different to the originals will be linked.)
Prologue (Old Timeline)
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Pico (Middle Area)
Why Not Die (IHY Luigi)
Forbidden Star (Wario Apparition)
Seven Coins (GB)
Caution (MX)
Death Cipher (Victim #1)
Role in the Play (Comedy and Tragedy)
Failure (Pico alone) (Only available after beating Fruitless Stand)
Boyfriend (Top Area)
Fruitless Stand (Rotten Smoothie cover) (Ultra M and GX)
Existence Deal (Non-Existent)
Minus World (Bottom Area)
Minus (??? vs. Pico)
Story Mode
2Torial (Sonic the Hedgehog) (from Sonic Legacy/RodentRap)
Lazy Day (Grace vs. Benjamin)
Week 1: Mushroom Kingdom
It's-A Me (Super Horror Mario)
Starman Slaughter (Super Horror Mario, John Dick, Super Horror Peach and Yoshi.exe)
Week 2: Devil's Wasteland
Marble Heights (Flicky vs. Benjamin) (from Blood Moon)
Tombstone (Sonic.exe/Xenophanes vs. Benjamin) (from Blood Moon)
??? (Xenophanes vs. Grace)
Overworld Zone
(All map asset credits go to Askywalker from The Spriters' Resource)
All bold entries are the area's climax boss encounter. For the Sonic side, you only need to beat 3 foes tops in each area to reach the climax boss.
Cosmic Awareness (KiloByte) (secret anti-cheat boss)
Mario World 1 - Irregularity Isle (Mario Memes and Parodies)
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So Cool (Chris Pratt)
Lower Route
Mr. Alopecia (Mark)
SORETRO (Retro Mario)
Upper Route
Nourishing Blood (Grand Dad)
MARIO SING AND GAME RYTHM 9 (Somari vs. Pikafriend)
End Path
0-Star Run (Speedrunner Mario and the Speed Demon) (from FNF: Antiverse - VS Mario)
Secret Levels
Irregular Fighters (Somari vs. Grand Dad) (clear the Toad House)
??? (Water Daniel) (clear the Toad House)
Mario World 2 - Woodland of Lies (Mostly Legacy Creepypastas)
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Main Levels
A Former Conclusion
Alone (Beta Luigi)
Terrors in the Woods
Oh God No (IHY Luigi vs. IHY Mario)
Retaliation (IHY Luigi vs. IHY Mario) (at the same point as OGN)
I Hate You (IHY Luigi)
Repentance (Music Box Mario/Alice vs. Music Box Luigi) (from SMB: Refunked)
Last Course (Turmoil vs. Galoombafriend)
Victims of Pain
Your Hell ("Luigi" vs. Mario) (Mario World pre-remake)
Victimised (Endgame/Inferno's Victim #1) (from MMNM)
Dark Forest (Coronation Day Peach / Forest Demon)
Secret Levels
Move Dem Fingers (Scripulous Fingore) (clear the Toad House)
Apples of Sin (_____ vs. Peach, Yoshi and Luigi) (Super World post-remake) (move off the bridge leading to Dark Forest)
Mario World 3 - Content Cosmos (YouTube Plumbers)
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Main Songs
Left Route (Marios / dudes who are pricks)
Bad Bay (Super Bad Mario) / Ever-Complaining (Mad Mad Mario)
Bloopers (SMG4 Mario) (unlocks Ssenmodnar Square upon completion) / Building Bricks (Engineer)
Day Out (Day Out Mario vs. Boyfriend and Day Out Luigi) / Burger (Mario's Restaurant Luigi vs. MR Mario)
Right Route (Marios who are murderous)
Dictator (Secret History Mario)
Rampage (Berserk Mario) (from FNF: Antiverse - VS Mario)
Race Traitors (Racist Mario)
The Last Path
No Hope (Devil Mario)
Secret Songs
Top Secret (Laser Suit Mario) (Mario Mix) (clear the Toad House)
Mario World 3.3 - Lovely Levels (optional; Level UP)
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Main Songs
Entry Island
Summer-mation (Level UP)
Maze Mayhem (Pac-Man)
Basics (Baldi) (from Baldi's Basics in Funkin')
Arc Welding Island
Mario's Singing Challenge (Level UP Mario)
Friendly Heir (Princess Plum) (Bottom Path)
Vindicta (Mariocraft Magikoopa vs. Benjamin and Wolfie) (Middle Path)
Tumultuary (The Goomba Revolution) (Top Path)
Final Island
Nothing...? (Level UP Luigi / God Mode Luigi)
Planum Descendit (Level DOWN vs. Benjamin, Level UP, Wolfie and Princess Plum)
Secret Songs
Zombified (The Zombies vs. Benjamin, Mario and Toadette) (Move toward the lava pit)
Mario World 3.6 - Ssenmodnar Square (optional; SMG4)
N64 Castle Entrance
Spaghetti Humper (SMG4 Mario Rematch)
Paintings of Plight
Chomp's Out (The Chain Chomp vs. SMG4 and Mario)
Spaghettiria Bite (The FNaF Animatronics vs. Mario)
Fridge Milk (Jeeves vs. Mario, Luigi and Toad)
Trio's Trips (Mario vs. SMG4 vs. Toad) (encapsulates the three main "Trip" videos)
Two Funkin' Friends (X vs. FM)
Splatted Sunset (Meggy vs. Benjamin)
Running (Tari vs. Belle)
Saikosis (Saiko and Kaizo vs. Benjamin)
Arcs of Agony
Rejection Rampage (Waluigi vs. Benjamin, SMG4, Mario and Tari)
Anime Destiny (Meggy (inkling/human) vs. Desti (inkling/angel) vs. Francis)
Creative Control (Mr. Puzzles vs. Benjamin and the SMG4 Gang)
Genesis of Zero (Zero vs. Benjamin and the SMG4 Gang)
Final Revolution (Niles/Zero vs. Benjamin, SMG0 and Melony)
Mario World 4 - Classified Castle (SM64 CLASSIFIED)
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Promotion (Promo Mario / Stanley)
Abandoned (Classified Luigi) (Left Side)
Finished Role (Classified Yoshi) (Right Side)
The End (Costume)
Play Pretend (Promo Luigi vs. Promo Mario vs. Benjamin / Stanley vs. Jim)
Mario World 5 - Ravaged Road (other SM64 content)
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Normal Songs
Apparition (The Wario Apparition)
West Path (SimpleFlips ROM Hacking Competition Entries)
Watching (The Toad Circle from "Regular Pasta")
This Way (Eyeless Peach from "Please Come to the Castle")
Loneliness (King Bob-Omb from "The Picture of Bob-Omb Battlefield)
East Path (other foes and legends)
Near-Impact (Rashay from "SM64: Last Impact")
Better Off (M from "sm64.z64") (from FNF Classified)
Thalassophobia (L Is Real Luigi)
Your Copy (Personalised Mario) (from FNF: Classified)
Focused on Fun (Wario Apparition Rematch) (from SMB: Refunked) (Secret Climax Boss)
Secret Songs
Revolution (128 Marios) (from Super Funkin' Galaxy) (Clear the Toad House in Classified Castle and go bang in the middle of the level)
Mario World 6 - Hellish Heights (Modern-Day Mario Horrors)
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Normal Songs
Golden Land (GB)
West Path (Multi-Console Zone)
Blinked (Dais-eye) (from MMNM)
No Party (DJ Hallyboo)
Paranoia (Mr. Virtual)
East Path (NES/SNES Horrors Zone)
Verdant (Ink Bowser vs. Mario and Peach)
Relictus (Sophie (Left Behind) vs. Tankman)
Overdue (Mr. L vs. Pico and THE FORGIVEN)
North Path (The Power Star Archives; all from Petrifying Plumbers)
Version Control (Buggy Mario)
Overthrown (Peach_AI vs. Luigi_AI)
Lost Innocence Zone
Power Down (MX vs. Benjamin)
Demise (MX vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Final Reality (MX vs. Lucas)
Secret Songs
Systemized (X.nes vs. Pico) (move before the transition after Overdue)
Pasta Partners (Mr. L and X.nes vs. Pico) (beat Systemized)
Annihilation (Nekoamon) (beat Hellish Heights)
Unbeatable (The Commercial Gang) (beat the game)
Sonic Zone 1 - Dangerous Depths (Sonic CD secrets and official SEGA characters)
Secrets of Sonic CD
Endless (Majin Sonic) (Focus ability from Undying Phoenix is unlocked after this song)
Gotta Go (Batman Sonic)
Kickin' It (MC Sonic)
Alternate Hedgehogs
Waterfall (Ashura vs. Tails)
Chaos (Fleetway Super Sonic)
Phantasm (Fleetway Super Sonic vs. Fleetway Sonic)
Penumbra (Terios vs. Benjamin and Sonic)
Schoolhouse (Schoolhouse Sonic) (from Vs. Speed.GIF)
Revival (Extra Life vs. Fleetway Tails)
Peek-a-Boo (Possessed Amy Rose)
Bigger Threats
Barrel'd (The Annoying Barrel vs. Sonic and Tails) (from Vs. Sonic.EXE - Megadrive Mix)
Syndrome (Surge the Tenrec)
Cast into Doubt (Mimic the Octopus)
Memphis (Mephiles the Dark)
Who will ever feel the sunshine?
Sunshine (Tails Doll)
Soulless (Soulless DX version) (Slasher Tails Doll)
Sonic Zone 2 - Nostalgic Necropolis (Classic EXEs/Sonic Creepypastas)
Retro Pastas Zone
Time Attack (Sonic/Sonic.exe (Ordinary Sonic)) (from RERUN)
Freedom (The SONIC (Chinelin) entities vs. Sonic and Benjamin)
Inside the Walls (Sally Anderson vs. Grace)
Acceptance (Cyber/Genocide City Robotnik)
Last Chance (Zalgo (Sonic2.exe Trilogy) vs. Sonic and Tails)
Bitter Ending (Robotnik vs. Sonic (Sonic 2 Friendship) (This song has two endings depending on the miss count)
Deferment (Blue Pendrive Sonic vs. Skid and Pump) (intended for Legacy)
Retro Killers Zone
God's Will (Bratwurst Sonic.exe)
My New Plaything (Woody.exe / Respiro) (from Toys' Madness Friday)
Nightmare Beginning (Exetior) (from FNF.EXE Trilogy)
God Killer (Exeller (SoH)) (from FNF SoH Round 2)
Phantom Annihilation (Phaton and Talrareth (Shifted Reality))
Retribution (Exruby/Moiraio (The Destiny EXE) vs. Sonic and Benjamin)
Petrified (2017 X vs. "Cream")
Assurance (2017 X vs. Benjamin)
Toetality (2017 X vs. "Tails")
Sonic Zone 3 - Safety Savestate (Non-Hostile Characters)
A Zone That Is Fun
Milk (Sunky)
Cereal (Sunky and Silly)
Unusual Rivals
Substantial (X-Terion)
Funni (Sonk vs. Skid and Pump)
REROY (Reroy) (from RERUN)
A Raw Jam (Sonic.RAW)
Friendly Beings
Specialities (Roze)
Quiz'd n' Questioned (Monty the Monitor)
Hedge (Hog)
Warrior (Exester (The Glitch Chaos))
Cutting Room Floor (Unused (Nominal Dingus)) (from Blood Deal)
Make Haste (Hasty)
Sonic Zone 4 - Wacky Whirlwind (New Millennium+ Oddballs and Villains)
Memes and Classics
Personel (Coldsteel)
Too Fest (Sanic) (Executable Entourage version)
Shockwave (XS Sonic) (from Soulless DX: Milk & Cereal DLC)
Sonic Kills You And You Die (Google Maps Sonic.exe) (from RERUN)
Silly Parodies
I AM SEGA (Sonic vs. Tails (Sonic Shorts))
Odd Happenings (Oddshow Sonic)
Chilli Dogs (TerminalMontage Sonic / Chillidogs)
Think Fast (The Hues of Metal)
Adaptational Monsters
Twisted (Secret History Tails vs. Benjamin and SH!Sonic) (from RERUN)
Amnesia (Lost Memory Sonic)
Lost Hero (Miles vs. Sonic) (Where Was My Hero...?)
Unleashed (Nazo)
Strange Twists
Post-Mortem (NES Eggman vs. NES Sonic vs. Vinesauce Joel) (from RERUN UST)
Benjamin's Dilemma (BoomBusterBB Sonic.exe)
Sonic Zone 4.3 - Analog Alpine (Analog Horrors and non-EXE terrors)
Love Crafts Zone
Round-A-Bout (Needlem0use Sarah)
Twin Flames (Speedduo64 Sonics)
Lost Cartridge Zone (@jordangaming101)
Initiation (Goldman)
Ardenti Memorias (Sonath)
Ultima Spe (James/Metal Sonic)
The Grieving Zone
Uh Oh! (Demogri)
Haze (Griatos)
Sonic Zone 4.6 - Legacy Lake (other retro EXEs)
Bloodthirst (Exegod)
Illusion Fusion (Exrath)
Tarlike Screams (Corrupt)
Glitched Trap (Puroto)
(to be expanded)
Sonic Zone 5 - Bloody Base (Modern Terrors)
Normal Threats Zone
Melting (Melthog)
Fatality (Fatal Error)
No Peace (Crimtake)
Spreading Assimilation (The Shifter vs. Darnell) (from SØNIC (UNL))
Below the Depths (Sink)
2sday (Requital vs. Pico) (from Soulless DX: Goalpost DLC)
Impulse (NULL) (from Funkin' is (not) an Option: VS NULL)
Other Threats Zone
Stranger Danger (Stranger vs. Skid and Pump)
Hell Reaper (Outbreak Malware Threat vs. Martha Mearest)
Chromatic (Chromophobiac vs. Senpai)
Intermission (Villains X vs. Nene)
Other non-EXEs Zone
Third Party (Piracy Sonic)
Evergreen (End/Returnal/Green Mountain Sonics)
The False Altar
Blackened Sky (Faker / Black Sun) (Faker/Eclipse)
Deathrun (Eclipse)
Sonic Zone 6 - Harrowing "Home" (SonicPC / Soulless Sonic) (all songs from Lord X Wrath except "Vessel")
The Prelude
Vessel (Lord X vs. Alan)
Castle Exterior
Cycles (Lord X)
Broken (Lord X and Alice)
Torment (Lord X)
Desires v2 (Yokubo, the Guardian of Temptation)
Castle Interior
Gatekeepers (Lord X and the Guardians)
Fate (Lord X and Illusion Grace and Pico)
Trichael (Lord X)
Guardian Arena (bonus area following Lord X's defeat)
Devotion (Kito, Guardian of Prayer)
Resentful (Gekido, Guardian of Anger)
Desperation (Zetsubo, Guardian of Despair)
Joyous (Kofuku, Guardian of Happiness)
Haunting (Kyofu, Guardian of Fear)
Revulsion (Ken’o, Guardian of Disgust)
Sonic Zone 6.5 - Creation Citadel (pre-Sonic.exe horror takes)
Glitcher ("Cyborg" Sonic)
Dark Chains (Darkness Sonic / "2007 X")
Ichor Pilot (Sonic.HTF / "2009 X")
Ego Brawler (Haunted SSBB Sonic)
Countdown (Blue Pendrive Sonic (rematch) vs. Gonzalo)
Ill-Willed (Zodick the Hellhog)
The Grand Finale
Act I: Goalpost in Sight
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Ashes to Ashes (Xenophanes vs. Pico)
Like Old Times (?????.??? and Tails Doll vs. Benjamin) (from FNF.EXE Trilogy)
Multi Rounds (SonicClone, MD-X, GenesiX, Corrupthog and FileName0X vs. Grace)
The "Final" Battle
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All-Stars (Ultra M, Omega, LG, W4R, Y0SH, WA7X and TO4 vs. Benjamin, Grace and Pico)
fakebaby/RealAdult (No More Innocence vs. Daniel Dearest)
Act II: A Second Chance
(The songs here can be played in any order leading to the Final Egg; however, you MUST beat Blind Love and Facing Yourself at the bare minimum to get inside.)
Station Square
Carnage (King_Ruthless vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Vista (Chaotix vs. Benjamin and Pico) (from Illegal Instruction)
Deception (Requital (Rematch) vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Burning (Genesγs vs. Benjamin)
Mystic Ruins
Gamebreaker (DX vs. Pico) (from Breaker Bundle)
Recalcitrant (PDS!Curse vs. Benjamin)
Sinful Prayer (Hyper-Accurate vs. Benjamin and Pico) (from RERUN)
Lost World Pyramid (the only mandatory area pre-Final Egg)
Enemy Within (The Corruption vs. Benjamin)
Blind Love (Girl vs. Benjamin)
Facing Yourself/Silly Billy (Lookalike vs. Benjamin) (beat Blind Love to access)
Final Egg (you can skip straight here if you wish to after finishing Facing Yourself)
Farming Viper (Caffrin the Gamer Girl vs. Pico and Benjamin)
Her World (Luther vs. Benjamin vs. Sarah)
Act III: Benjamin WILL Pass
A Path to Deicide
Tetrabrachial (SL4SH vs. Fatal Error)
Placation (Requital vs. SL4SH and Fatal Error)
Apochronal (Majin Sonic vs. SL4SH and Fatal Error)
The Crystalline Deicide
Omnipresent (Tails Doll, Soul Tails, Exruby/Moiraio, Soul Knuckles, Xenophanes, Soul Eggman, Lord X and Eclipse vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Endgame (Xenophanes, EYX, Devil Tails Doll, Fearful X and Metal.exe vs. Benjamin and Pico (and Grace))
Deicide (Xenophanes and the souls vs. SL4SH, Fatal Error, Requital and Majin Sonic)
Deal... or No MORE Deals?
Cataclysm (Super Horror Mario, Lumpy Touch Mario and Infection Mario vs. Benjamin)
Lost Wonder (Ultra M/Victim #1/Madeline, Comedy, Tragedy and Dolor Luigi vs. Benjamin, Pico, Grace, Caffrin, Skid, Pump, Martha Mearest, Tankman, Darnell and Nene ft. IHY Mario and Beta Luigi)
Act IV: The Final Round
Tua Vera Fata (Xenophanes, IHY Luigi, Scorched and Emperor M vs. Madeline, IHY Mario, Hog and Boyfriend)
Triple Appear V2 (MX, Lord X and Mr. L vs. Benjamin, Grace and Pico)
Final Escape (Xenophanes vs. Benjamin, Madeline and the restored victims)
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Poppy Estrella
Is around 9 years old, having been born in 2025
Very withdrawn and quiet. Never goes looking for trouble and has rarely ever left the Manor.
Is fully aware that her parents are shit due to them being very emotionally distant and always comparing her to Lily.
Talks with "Mister Fishy" (Boopkins) a lot whenever she has the free time. She's asked about Lily once or twice, but she's only ever been told that she looks a lot like Lily. Talking about Lily makes her friend sad, so she's learned not to ask about it anymore.
Inherited being able to breathe underwater following her falling into the moat. She's kept this a secret after Mister Fishy made sure to tell her that her parents couldn't know.
Has met the other Quadrant leaders and she absolutely loathes Lady Rose and Mr L. Everything about them sets off her alarm bells. Meanwhile, she's okay around Bowser.
If she's going out somewhere (like out of the Manor but thats extremely rare), she has to have a Pianta with her. She's allowed to choose her guard, and she often chooses Jim.
She always has a guard by her room whenever she's in there.
Has snuck to the wall dividing Quartz and Dark Lands! She saw over it before deciding to head back.
Her room is directly across from Lily's old room. She's forbidden from going in there.
Encountered Chris and Swag a few times. She feels awful about how her parents treat them. Always makes sure to give them small things like candy to let them know she appreciates them
Very interested in the Mushroom Kingdom before the Fall and always asks whatever questions she's able to get. Never to her parents though. Most answers she gets is from Mister Fishy
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chroniclesofarla · 7 months
interested in reading a fantasy/mythology web serial?
Interested in reading about a select group of people blessed with the powers of gods in a magical world called Arla? Come read my new web serial here: https://chroniclesofarla.wordpress.com
The introduction and first three chapters are already uploaded on my site. Here’s the introduction:
Long ago, a great domino event occurred in the magical land of Arla. Arlans called it Tokuka Shera, The Great Departure, where the fourteen Arlan Gods abandoned their home, leaving Arlans to exist without them. But before their departure, The Ascension took place, where each God chose one individual to be their Incarnate, by infusing a piece of their essence into their flesh, to lead in their absence—until their return. These Ascended Incarnates were given the keys to their kingdoms, and the divine weapons, secrets, and power they came with it. Until the Gods return, one offspring from each generation, normally the oldest, will be chosen by the essence when ready, marking the end of a reign and the beginning of a new one. 
But it’s been 346 years since the Gods left. So what happens when not only ordinary beings, but beings with god-like powers and divine weapons are left alone, unchecked? Disorder and War. 
Since Tokuka Shera, wars have ravaged the once divine world. Kingdoms have been conquered. Rulers tortured. Beasts slayed. Heroes born. Incarnates killed. 
There was Andelusia’s Conquest. The Great Mushrooming. The Ancestral Clash. The Barren Wars. And recently, the deadliest war in Arlan history, the war that saw the near annihilation of Arla and its people: The Hallow War. But while the war is technically over now, peace is nowhere on the horizon.
Separationists and Reclaimants, two rebellious political factions, are rising in the wake of Arla’s near destruction, calling for liberation and independence.
A beloved Ascended Incarnate Queen finds herself at the center of a forbidden love triangle between an unascended prince and a banished ascended Incarnate, who’ll both do anything to have her all to themselves and the power they crave. 
In the South, a young, cunning Ascended Incarnate with the power to compel stands to do everything to have what she desires, even if it means choosing Lust over Love. Bloodshed over peace. 
Set 45 years after The Hallow War, the Chronicles of Arla tells the interconnecting stories of magical and non magical Arlans who are still reeling from their losses, and desperately trying to pick up the pieces of a once glorious land from the ashes. The stories of murderous, cunning Incarnates and the nightmares (and monsters) that seek to destroy them; The story of a forbidden royal love triangle between an unascended heir who is set to rule a cursed kingdom and a banished ascended Incarnate with no kingdom; and finally, the story of two rebellious political factions rising in power, desperate for revenge, with the help of The Unseen—an immemorial shapeless, faceless being, with its own secrets, agenda, and army.
Tropes/tags: forbidden love triangle, queer representation, dark Royal romance, political fantasy, mythology, supernatural
Link to newsletter: https://chroniclesofarla.wordpress.com/newsletter/
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Alright. It's time! This has taken so long to put together. I can't believe I thought I was going to be able to get it done last week. I'm a fool. Anyway! Here's the Rune Court lore! Enjoy and sorry if it's like way too long- I've tried not to make them too much like novels but I believe I've failed on that front.
The Court lives in an abandoned castle in a field, lost to time. Vines and roses slither up the walls and the grass is high and over grown. The windows are filled with colorful stained glass that shows great battles and prophecies of the old humans. They have their own clan symbol that is on the flags of the castle as well as the leaders throne.
Knights will hunt in the field and are told to kill any butterflies and destroy any mushrooms while hunting or checking borders. The two items are heavily tied to the Kingdom of Star-filled Wings and thus, the Court wishes to not see any of them. Cats of the Court are also told not to step foot in the forest for it's the territory of the kingdom.
The Court will meet in the throne room with the Court in the great hall while the leader sits on their throne overlooking their court. Their mate, if they aren't in the position of deputy, and children will sit on the leaders left side while their deputy will sit on the right side of their leader.
In the medics room, there is a secret passage only the leader, heirs and medics know about. This passage leads to the library. There's a pedestal in the center of grand library that holds a certain book. This book is full of spells that are mostly forbidden by the Court but Medics are taught a spell when first learning the practices. This book also contains a large egg shaped gem stone that shines. This is where the leaders and medics can talk to the Watchers. The only spell that the Court medics may learn is the spell to activate the Watchers power. Cats of the Court aren't taught, or even allowed, to read. Only medics are but sometimes the leader will learn. Valleystar does know how to read and she has chosen to teach Light as well but only certain books.
Onto where the cats sleep and their nests. Valleystar has the royals room, with her nest being the large bed. Light's room is a room that could be labeled as a princess room if human still lived on the island where this takes place. Light sleeps in the large bed that is in the room. Celestialwish, the medic, has her work space in the doctors towers of the castle. She sleeps in another room close to her work place. There is also a storage room for herbs. The medics use the garden for planting herbs they need, especially before winter time. The medic nest are made of a couch. If the medics have one or more squires, they sleep on foot stools that are around the room. Patients who need to stay overnight will sleep in a separate room. Blankets serve as their nests. The deputy and knights sleep in the armory with moss beds laid out on floor. The Squires sleep in the training room of the castle. Moss beds are used as nests here too. The queens, midwives, and kits stay in the castles nursery. Extra warm pillows are used as nests. Toys such as moss balls, feathers, sticks and other human items litter the floor for the kits. Though, midwives will normally let kits out in the garden to play while their parents are resting or eating. The elders room is located in the safest room of the castle. Pillows are used as nests but they also use blankets to help keep them warm.
That's all from me so far, I hope you liked this! If there's more I would like to add, I will in a post on my blog. Like wise, if you have any ideas or thoughts about the lore, let me know! Have a great day.
this sounds really nice!
I honestly don't have anything to add to this tbh
it sounds like you've already got a really good plan in mind and I'm liking the plans you've got going
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 35- Pinnacles of Darkness
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Following their discovery, the hermits descend into the Evernight forest in search of more answers, but are only guided deeper into Dolios’s dark web.
The evernight forest was exactly that- ever and always night. The canopy is so dense, no light can escape to the forest floor. But, as Scar, Doc, and Zed know, the forest is not complete darkness. What the sun cannot provide, nature does. 
“The legends say the evernight forest was a place for the god of life and goddess of the dead to meet. Limal created the forest to be dark and comfortable like Natasiel’s underworld.” Xisuma’s voice is the only noise cutting through the air, apart from the brushing of leaves and ferns from the march of the hermits. Everyone came along- they need every last person. “And she created the bioluminescent moss and fungi to brighten the life with Limal.” 
“It feels like we’re sinking into the abyssal plain of the ocean.” xB notes, jumping as a distant roar permeates the massive forest. Was that a cockatrice, or a dragon? He’s not sure which is worse, or which he’d rather have to meet in the darkness of the forest. The darkness is inescapable, and the surface is long gone. “Of course Dolios would put whatever those crystals are for in here. No one in their right mind would wander this deep into the Evernight.” 
“Scar, how’re we doing on the groundcover?” Cub peeks over his friend’s shoulder, eyes squinting in the darkness. Scar’s the only one who can track the leylines, though both Ren and Joe are working on creating a spell that can follow the dark magic as well.
“It seems to be getting worse, and look- I can see more leyline tracks coming in. We have to be close.” As soon as the words pass across Scar’s lips, he runs headlong into a solid mass. In the darkness of the forest, with only glowing mushrooms and ferns to light their way, no one notices the towering monstrosity nestled between trees. But as Scar bounces off the sheer, smooth surface, sigils illuminate across the material. 
Glowing white, as bright as the sun, an eerie and disarming sight in the depths of the Evernight forest. The hermits turn away from the ebbing light, until the world around them is bathed in the soft glow of bioluminescence once more. Tango looks at the tower. “I think we found it.” 
“Question is, what is it?” BDubs circumambulates the pillar, fingers running across the ebony material, dancing over the sigils. It reminds them of the day they found their first corrupted crystal, what feels like so long ago. How naive they were, believing that the Magistrate was going to give them everything he said. That he wasn’t tricking them. 
But this time is different. They know how to break Dolios’s magic, they know how to handle corruption. It towers over the hermits, disappearing into the dense foliage far above them. Xisuma steps forward. “It’s not crystal. I- I don’t know what this is. And I don’t know what these symbols are.” 
“They look ancient.” Grian blinks, feeling a pull towards the written sigils. He knows angel magic has existed since the time of the ancient ones, are these sigils from that era long gone as well? Grian steps forward, his curiosity getting the better of him, until both Iskall and Mumbo grab him by an arm, pulling him back. White bandages still peek out from beneath his robes, and Mumbo can’t help but notice the scar running across his friend’s throat. Its been a week or so since their last run in with dark magic, but the moment still haunts Mumbo.
“Whatever it is, we have to destroy it. Without this, whatever those crystals are for can’t keep helping that mega-douche Dolios.” Iskall snaps his fingers, bright fluorescent green appearing as his magic scrawls outward. At the crack of Iskall’s radioactive lightning, Impulse jumps in and bombs the ground beneath the obelisk. 
It doesn’t break. They try again, with more magic thrown against the obelisk, but the pinnacle of darkness only absorbs the magic. Scar jumps to the side, watching with shock and horror as the very magic that his friends have thrown against the obelisk goes shooting from beneath his feet. Another leyline. This time a massive highway of dark, corrupted power. 
Behind Scar, Beef’s horns scrape against the blackstone, meeting with TFC’s cautious hand on the rock and bouncing off effortlessly. “It’s immune to all magic. It’s just taking the power and sucking it in.” 
“What the hell does Dolios have a need for this, though?” Mumbo shakes his head. What could a dark mage need from a giant obelisk, taking the magic stolen by the crystals? Are they reservoirs? Implants? Some sort of weird flex? 
“They’re just junctions.” Scar whispers. He grabs at Ren, pulling the imagination mage over by the tail. “Do some kinda spell that’ll show the leylines.” 
“That’s one tall order, but…” Ren cracks his knuckles and rolls his neck, making a display of his stretching. The motions of summoning his magic are more fluid, wagging his arms and clawing his fingers, and the detailed circle appears before him. Ren has to focus on this magic, imaging a whole spell from nothing. He imagines the ground lighting up beneath them, turning a bright red- his favorite color. Like staining the leylines with dye, he draws up a picture in his head. 
When Ren peeks through his eyes, the ground beneath his feet is awash in the color of sunset. In every direction, thin leylines radiate out from the obelisk, straight lines like spokes of a wheel. So many crystals, stealing life and power all over Lairyon. And this is only one of the three hotspots. Are they all like this? Siphoning power from the crystals, and… and doing what with them, exactly? To what purpose does this obelisk have?
One leyline is brighter and larger than other spokes. While the crystal paths are as thin as a Qilin trail, this one could be wide enough for a whole grootslang to meander down. Ren kneels in the dry, crusted ground that this leyline highway runs through. “Can I have the map, brother?” 
TFC passes the scroll to Ren, who rolls it out onto the glowing floor. The dark ink and charcoal appear as shadows against the watercolor map, illuminated from beneath by the red magic radiating from the eerie black obelisk. Ren scoots across the forest floor, until north in real life matches north on the paper, and he begins to draw a line that follows the tangential highway.
He keeps running the line, following through the Evernight forest, across the plains and marshes of central Lairyon. Over rivers, past Milliara and a dozen other small towns. Right into the heart of the magical kingdom. Where is this leading him? Where is all this power going? Whatever this  leads to has to be hidden, much like this obelisk. 
Ren’s pencil stops when light green turns dark, the paint so deep and inky it nearly blots out the light. Over his shoulder, the other hermits groan and gasp. The one place in all of Lairyon, the most dangerous, most powerful, most secretive part in the entire kingdom. Long before recorded history there was this place. Was it always a part of the landscape, a knot of magic that no man nor creature can begin to understand? Was it created by the gods as some sort of hidden land, forbidden for all but the bravest? Or maybe it’s a dumping ground, something that the ancient ones left behind, cursed to protect or keep other people away. No one has ever mapped this place before- no one is stupid enough to go in there. It makes the mysterious dangers of the Ashioll sea look like a cakewalk. 
But if there was anywhere Dolios would hide something, put whatever this power is supplying to, it would be where no one- not even a hermit- would dare go under any circumstance. Somewhere dense and protected by magic, shrouded by secrets and torturous, arcane curses. Somewhere as old as the ancient ones, as mysterious as the long lost civilization that called Lairyon home. 
“The Forest of Memories.”
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n1ghtmaremachine · 3 years
my gender is:
the color red, Bloodborne (2015), no, the human sense of dread, The World Ends With You (2007), blood, guitar, grimm from hollow knight and everything revolving around him, the aesthetic of Emily the Strange, vampires, werewolves, lots of eyes, the general idea of a blood moon, forbidden eldritch knowledge, sunsets, steampunk as a whole, crows and ravens but mainly crows, scythes, ink cap mushroom, centipede, kingdom hearts 1 secret ending cutscenes, goth rock, original xbox, and plague doctor masks.
hope this helps!
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 6
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 6!
< Previous Chapter | Next Chapter > | Masterlist
Summary: “How did you get lost?”
“We just did. It’s not impossible to lose your way in a thick forest, Jan,” Logan shrugged.
Janus crossed his arms and hissed. “Lies.”
Willow sighed again. “They believe you guys ditched us on purpose to make out or something.”
Warning/s: food mention.
Characters: Logan, Virgil, OCs, Roman, Remy, Remus, Patton, Janus.
Tag List: @theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
6 | A Fighting Chance
After taking care of a couple of things, including getting an explanation letter from Dune for Remy written up, the boys were escorted home by Missy and Pranks, the two pixies from before who were very apologetic about the whole accidental kidnapping thing.
It was nearly nightfall, so the forest was dark, yet full of nightlife. Crickets, owls, frogs, and other creatures created a beautiful ambient orchestra all around. Here and there were some bioluminescent mushrooms glowing and a couple of fireflies too every now and again. Their path was mostly illuminated by the moonlight though, which gave their surroundings a colder, more mysterious, bewitching aura.
Missy and Pranks were walking a few steps behind the boys, and whispering to each other. Logan wasn’t sure what about, but from the small snippets he caught, they seemed to be discussing what to have for dinner when they got back. He tried not to think about that too much since he was quite hungry himself.
“Uh, since things are… calmer now, would you mind explaining… everything?”
“Right, well… Where do you want me to begin?”
“I don’t really know. Perhaps with the whole pixies-are-not-extinct thing?”
“Ah, yeah. The whole fae locking themselves away thing happened, except they were not completely wiped out. The fortress where we just were, is the last existing gate between our worlds. The fae race decided it would be best to let everyone believe they had won and wiped them out if only to protect the pixies.
“Pixies are spiritually bound to this world, so they can’t come to the fae realm for protection. Crossing between realms is forbidden, apart from those who have permission from my grandmother, the fae Queen.”
“So then how did your parents meet?”
“Well, there’s an ancient tradition in fae culture, where at the age of eighteen, an individual must go on some kind of grand quest to prove their valour. It’s an out of date practice, but my Papa, Prince Nico, wanted to do it. And for his quest, he wanted to come here to retrieve his great-grandfather’s staff, which had been abandoned during the war.
“Grandmother didn’t like it but eventually gave in to his pleading. He found out the sword was being kept in the castle and got a job there to figure out how he could smuggle it home. That job allowed him to meet my dad, King -then Prince- Thomas.
“After a handful of encounters, they fell head over heels in love with one another. Papa was scared but trusted the secret of his identity to dad. He thought that dad had rejected him when he spent the next day seemingly avoiding him, but it turned out that dad was trying to get the staff for papa so he didn’t have to steal it.”
“That’s quite romantic.”
“Yeah. You know, you’re probably the first person in a decade to learn about this story.”
“Oh. Why all the secrecy though?”
“Revealing the whole truth to the public could cause a panic. They planned on revealing it after their marriage, but dad’s parents weren’t exactly… fae friendly, so they decided to wait till after dad became king. When that happened though, the kingdom was kind of unstable and they worried dad would be overthrown, so they decided to wait till they had everything under control. That included having an heir -me- and after I was born they decided it would be best to raise me away from the scrutiny of the public eye.
“I get to choose when I’m ready to take on the responsibility of a public image, then after that everything is set to be revealed to the kingdom in a way we hope causes the least amount of problems.”
“That’s… really complicated.”
“Yeah… uh, Logan?”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Listening to my explanation. Accepting all of this insanity. Helping me heal my tía. Honestly, I would have failed miserably without you.”
“I sorely doubt that. Everything you did today, you did yourself. I only helped you understand the spell quicker. You’re a hero, Virgil.”
“You still helped me though, so... I guess we’re both heroes.”
The rest of the walk home was comfortably silent. The conversation with Remy was a bit louder but still not terrible since they had the letter to explain everything that had happened. Remy just gave Missy and Pranks a stern scolding, then gave Virgil and Logan dinner before sending them off to bed. The others were already asleep, so they didn’t have to worry about facing their classmates until the morning.
When it was finally morning though, Logan found himself being woken by rapid knocking on his door and loud yet indiscernible whispers coming from the other side. He got up to answer the door, and as he got closer and his mind became clearer, he recognised the whispering voices belonged to Willow and Janus.
“For Valhalla’s sake, let him sleep.”
“He’s slept enough. Come on, aren’t you the least bit curious?”
“You’re only here because of that stupid--”
“It’s not stupid.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Um, did you two need me for something?” Logan asked once he opened the door.
“Finally! Are you a heavy sleeper or what?” Janus huffed.
Willow sighed. “I’m sorry about them, but they’re impossible when their mind is set.”
“It’s alright that you woke me, but why did you wake me?”
“We wanted to know what happened yesterday,” Janus answered.
Logan shrugged. “Virgil and I got lost.”
Janus gave him a flat unimpressed look. “May we come in?”
“I suppose…”
Logan stepped out of the way and allowed Willow and Janus into the room. He closed the door behind them and the trio sat down on his bed.
“Okay, now what really happened?”
“We honestly just got lost. We thought we saw some beirroot off to the side of the path, but when we got closer it turned out to be weeds. Then when we got back to the path, everyone was already out of sight.”
Logan felt bad lying to his friends like this, but he had agreed to keep what happened yesterday a secret. He and Virgil had talked about what to tell the others as an excuse for their disappearance and decided that this was the best way to explain it. They told Remy the truth of course, but Remy knew Virgil’s secret from the beginning of all this, so they weren’t telling him anything new.
Janus didn’t seem to be believing him though. “You two are the ones who seem most familiar with the forest. How did you get lost?”
“We just did. It’s not impossible to lose your way in a thick forest, Jan,” Logan shrugged.
Janus crossed his arms and hissed. “Lies.”
Willow sighed again. “They believe you guys ditched us on purpose to make out or something.”
“What?” Logan squeaked, his eyes going wide.
“Well, come on, it’s not exactly subtle how you’re always gravitating to one another like a pair of magnets, and your interactions are all soft and considerate towards each other’s feelings,” Janus pointed out. “Even the way you guys just look at each other is obvious pining like your eyeballs are screaming affection.”
Willow nodded in agreement. “We’ve all just been waiting for when you’d confess and get together.”
“Virgil and I aren’t-- wait, who’s we exactly?” Logan asked.
Janus shrugged. “The entire class, plus Everleigh, Remy, and your dad.”
Logan paled. “What?”
Willow nodded again. “Janus even made a bet with Roman about when you guys would get together. Which is why they were banging down your door.”
“I was politely knocking, thank you very much.”
“Guys, I don’t have a crush on Virgil.”
Willow and Janus stared at him blankly.
“Sure, and I’m actually an elf.”
“I am being serious.”
Willow gasped. “He’s still in denial. How are you so deeply in denial?”
“I’m not in denial, I am genuinely aware of my feelings towards Virgil, and they are in no way romantic.”
“So you just want to…” Janus trailed off with a suggestive gesture that made Logan turn redder than Remus’s eyes.
“Okay, you’re definitely lying now. There is no way in Hel that you’re that painfully oblivious and obvious.” Willow declared.
Janus hummed in agreement. “You know you can tell us anything, Lo. We’re your friends and support your feelings towards anyone. As long as they’re decent.”
“I’m telling the truth here!”
Janus and Willow gave him another flat look, and he just groaned in agony.
Breakfast was normal, Roman, Remus, and Patton all asked what happened, and Virgil gave them the same excuse Logan had given Janus and Willow. They seemed to be more accepting of this, but Logan noted that they exchanged a look of mild disbelief.
He tried really hard not to think about it because that would make him think back to what Willow and Janus had said, and then he’d be blushing uncontrollably again. That kept him distracted all the way through breakfast until afterwards when Remy was leading them to class again. Except, today he wasn’t leading them to the classroom, or even outside...
“Wait, are you really going to show us what’s inside of the mystery tower?!” Remus shrieked.
Remy nodded. “Yeah, you guys can finally see what the mystery is.”
“Oh my gosh! I have a few theories and if it isn’t at least one of them I will be massively disappointed.” Patton declared.
“What is it? What is it?” Willow asked, jumping up and down.
“It’s a…” Remy dramatically opened the door. “Staircase!”
Mildly disappointed silence.
“To a secret room?” Roman asked.
“Nope. Just the basement.”
“Is the treasure in the basement?” Janus inquired.
“What? No.” Remy replied, beginning to descend the stairs with the class trailing behind him. “It’s a basement. With specially made equipment for combat training.”
Everyone paused. “Wait, what?”
“That’s what we’re learning today. Combat!” Remy announced as they reached the end of the stairwell.
There was a small room with various weapons and armour lining the two walls to the sides. Longbows, spears, swords, daggers, any weapon you could wish for seemed to be stored here. The wall straight ahead was made entirely out of glass and showed a second, much larger, room where the training most likely took place.
“This is the armoury, where you suit up and pick your weapons. Make sure to choose something you feel comfortable using in battle,” Remy suggested.
“Wait, do we actually get to fight each other?” Remus asked excitedly,
“Yeah, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Everything here, including the entire basement, is covered with special enchantments that make it so you can’t get injured worse than minor bruises. Now pick a weapon so I can show you how to use it.”
“Uh, how do we choose a weapon that works for us?” Patton inquired.
“It’s easy Pat,” Roman answered. “Just try picking something up and if it feels right in your hands then it’s perfect!”
“I doubt it’s that simple, but at least we have somewhere to start,” Janus said.
Everyone began looking around for what ‘felt right in their hands’. Quickly enough, Roman found himself a katana, and Remus got out a morning star, so the two of them were swinging their stuff around in one corner. Virgil got a couple of daggers from somewhere and Janus just went with a large quarterstaff. When Remus commented on it, they simply tripped him over with said staff. Logan, Patton, and Willow were the last to find something and honestly seemed to be out of their element.
“I thought you did combat training with your pack,” Janus commented to Willow.
“Well, yeah, but we just use our natural abilities. Oh, Remy, is it okay if I go without a weapon?”
Remy shrugged. “Sure. just be careful using your claws or whatever.”
“Hey, Patton, what about this?” Remus suggested, showing him a longbow and quiver of arrows. “You could probably do well with range attacks.”
Patton took the items. “Oh, maybe.”
“So, that just leaves you, Logan. Find anything?” Roman asked.
“No. I never considered learning about the art of combat and your suggestion to look for what feels good has not been very helpful.”
“Have you actually picked up anything?”
“Well, what have you tried?” Janus inquired.
“This dagger, that longsword, the spear, the shortsword, and this axe. The spear and axe seem like they would take a lot more arm strength than I have. While the dagger is too short, the longsword too long, and the shortsword too bulky.”
“Try this,” Virgil proposed, handing him a delicate-looking rapier.
Logan held it in his hand a moment and did a slicing motion in the air to test its balance. It felt just right.
“Looks like you’re all ready for your first lesson,” Remy said. “Let’s get started then.”
“Okay, that’s enough for today.”
The students all collapsed to the floor with exhaustion and collectively sighed in relief.
“I regret ever learning what was in that tower,” Remus remarked.
It had been three weeks since the students had started training with weapons, and Remy was not his usual laid back self when it came to this. There was a clear distinction between Remy the relaxed magic teacher and Remy the nightmare fighting instructor. The kids loathed/feared Remy the fighting instructor for the hellish hours they seemed to spend on training in the basement. They couldn’t be seriously injured here, but the constant work made their muscles ache all over by the end of the day.
“Before you all go upstairs for dinner, I have something to tell you.”
“Please don’t make us do more lessons,” Willow groaned.
“Actually, this is about an opportunity to take a break from your lessons.”
All the kids sat up in attention at that, despite the protests of their limbs.
“If you can complete a test tomorrow, then I’ll grant you all a vacation.”
“We get to have a holiday!?” Roman squealed.
“You’ll need to complete the test though,” Remy stressed.
Janus narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What is the test on?”
Remus cursed in elvish and collapsed again onto the floor. “We’re doomed!”
Remy chuckled. “Don’t be so quick to give up. You kids have a chance, even if it’s small.”
“How will the test be administered?” Logan inquired.
“All of you will be going against me. If you defeat me, you win. If you surrender, you fail.”
“We get to work together? Isn’t it kind of unfair going seven against one?” Patton commented.
“It won’t be that easy to take me down, Pat.” Remy confidently stated. “You can prepare battle strategies later though. It’s time for dinner.”
Although Remy had said that in a half-joking way, the teens were very serious afterwards, ate their dinner quickly, and then convened in Willow’s room to discuss their plans. After what they had been through, even Logan was yearning for this opportunity to take a break. So of course they were going to take this seriously and do whatever they could to earn this holiday.
“What if we lock him in his room? Then he can’t even fight us.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “Remus, we need battle strategies, not ways to delay the fight.”
“What if we go at him individually. Tire him out one by one.” Patton suggested.
“He’d defeat us too easily,” Willow replied. “I say we ambush him. Attack full-on from all sides.”
“What if he’s using magic? Then he could just push us all back with a forcefield.” Janus said.
Remus winced. “There’s no way we could win against a forcefield.”
“Wait, what weapon does Remy use?” Logan asked.
Roman scratched his head. “Uh, I think he uses a sword.”
“Nah, he seems like a long-range weapon guy to me. I think he uses a spear.” Remus stated.
“Well, he uses his wrists a lot. Maybe he has a whip?” Willow suggested.
Janus shook his head. “The wrist thing is because he’s gay, Will. I say he’s just going to use magic.”
Patton pouted. “Using magic would be totally unfair though.”
“We could use magic too! We’ll turn his defence into an offence.” Roman declared.
Remus jumped up. “Ooh, yeah, we can crush him with a rock.”
Patton bit his lip. “That might be going too far, Ree. What if we used water to knock him down.”
“He could totally block the water. I say we make a ring of fire around him and keep it lit until he yields.” Janus proposed.
“Why fire, we could just tangle him in vines,” Roman said.
“Shouldn’t we use more targeted spells if we’re going to use magic?” Logan asked.
“Or we can actually use our weapons since that’s the whole core of our combat lessons.” Willow reminded them.
Janus nodded. “Yes, but consider this… we have fire magic!”
Roman scoffed. “Now I see why you want to use fire. Of course, a dragon would resort to roasting their opponents.”
Janus narrowed their eyes. “And of course an elf would suggest strangling them.”
“Actually, I said we should crush him.” Remus pointed out.
“Um, don’t you guys think that’s all a bit much? We’re just meant to defeat Remy. Not unalive him.” Patton winced.
Willow nodded. “Yeah, that’s going too far. We should stick to our weapons.”
The group began to argue loudly over what idea was best, until all that seemed to remain of their serious discussion was… well, the topic. Everyone was just shouting at each other at this point. Everyone except for Virgil.
He had been quietly watching everyone spiral into their current state with a blank stare. Then he left the room and returned with… a bugle horn? He blew the horn loudly enough to shut everyone up and turn their attention towards him. He put the horn aside and crossed his arms with a disapproving expression.
“This is a fight against Remy, not each other. All the shouting about who has the best strategy is getting us nowhere.”
Janus sighed. “Well then, what do you purpose we do, to solve this dilemma?”
“Elect a leader.”
“How will that help?” Remus asked.
“A leader would be in charge of our strategy and make the final decisions on what we do,” Virgil explained. “We need to all vote among ourselves who we trust the most to understand how we can work together and as individuals. They would also need to be able to get us to actually work together well if this ‘discussion’ is an example of our teamwork abilities.”
Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They could do great things together, but sticking together was a bit hard with some things. They really needed to make this work though if they wanted that holiday. And they wanted that holiday.
“Alright then. Let’s vote.”
“Wait, so what happened again?” Everleigh asked a bruised and battered group of students.
“We won a holiday!” Willow said, pumping a fist in the air then immediately wincing.
“By fighting your teacher?”
“It was an assignment,” Logan said. “And a tough one at that.”
“Yeah, if it weren’t for Virgil’s leadership, we may have all just ended up bruised and defeated,” Patton added.
“You all were the ones who actually followed what I said,” Virgil replied. “It was a real team effort.”
Janus scoffed. “Don’t be so modest Vi. Relish your victory!”
“I for one would like to relish a painless nap,” Roman bemoaned, and everyone agreed.
“Uh, don’t you guys have healing magic?” Everleigh asked.
“Yeah, but our MP is too low.” Remus whimpered.
“Why didn’t Remy heal you?”
Silent realisation.
“Who wants to beat up our teacher again?”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 15
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 14. Now get ready for Part 15!:
By the time Poppy and Branch got into the queen’s pod, it was already nighttime. They cleaned themselves up and then get ready for bed.
Not wanting to feel left out and having completed his main objective, Branch wanted to sleep beside Poppy rather than sleeping in isolation on the shelf near the window. She saw him on his bed feeling proud of himself and gently petted his head.
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“Goodnight, Mr. Tickle,” said Poppy. “You’re the best little kitten I’ve ever adopted!”
After kissing Branch’s forehead, she immediately went to sleep. Branch scooted closer to her and snuggled beside her, smiling and somehow enjoying his life as a cat.
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Halfway during his slumber, Branch started to wake up. He cautiously scanned the room and stared at Poppy, who was still sleeping. He knows he couldn’t waste any hour right now and he needs his Show-and-Tell project to be finished before morning.
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Branch stared at Poppy’s clock, trying to figure out what time it is now. Okay, I don’t have much time left, he thought to himself. I have to get to work before sunrise!
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Then he jumped out of the bed and sprinted to the dining table, where a giant red cloth is covering something underneath it.
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Branch carefully pulled out the cloth, revealing his construction equipment he had gathered from his bunker earlier this afternoon.
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Satisfied at his choice of duty, Branch crept under the table to admire his tools he needs to make his project. He was so eager to win the contest tomorrow that he wanted to get started right away.
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“All right!” he said triumphantly, cracking his knuckles and pulling out a neat-detailed blueprint. “In these clear well-written equational documents, I’m gonna know how to construct some stuff!”
Wiggles peeked from behind Branch’s trusty toolbox, holding up an eaten carrot. “How are you gonna do that?” he asked. “You’re just an ordinary tiny kitten!”
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Branch couldn’t believe Wiggles was asking some questions on how a cat can build inventions. He sighed with exasperation and told him “It’s going to be fine, Wiggles. I can really build a great invention of mine that easily. I have four arms, just like Cooper!” He held up a paw, showing five of his pads sticking under it.
Wiggles chomped on his carrot. “But each time you pick up a tool with your teeth, you’re gonna lose some momentum!” he warned.
Branch eventually saw what the tiny rabbit was doing just now. He pointed at the carrot and demanded “What are you even eating?”
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Wiggles stopped nibbling and examined his meal for a moment. It took him some time to remember where did he get it. “I think I just found it in a giant bowl of ‘white flowers’ on your owner’s pantry,” he answered meekly, trying not to be ashamed.
Branch was stunned. He can’t believe that that little bunny was stealing something from Poppy! “No, Wiggles. Those are cauliflowers,” he protested. “And you know where cauliflowers come from?”
“A flower garden?” asked Wiggles absentmindedly.
“Vegetables!” Branch corrected him firmly. “Cauliflowers are vegetables like that carrot you stole!”
“Okay, so what’s the difference between flowers or ‘cotton flowers’?” Wiggles wondered. “I didn’t even think-”
Branch tilted his head down to the floor and groaned with frustration. This rabbit is very dumb and doesn’t seem to know the world of Trolls very well. “Can’t you just get it right, little bunny?!” he insisted. “Don’t you remember the rule of staying here?”
“I did!” Wiggles said with a reassuring nod. “You said I follow exactly what you said!”
“Then why should I bring you here for a reason?” Branch asked, folding his tail between his back legs.
“Then what about your plan for that “so-called” Show-and-Tell party?” Wiggles snapped back. Branch just stepped back quietly. “You’re gonna waste some time when you keep talking to me and comment about my Thanksgiving dinner!” Then he paused for a second, seething. Branch was too startled to reply. The little bunny stared at his half-eaten carrot and shook his head with a sigh. “I shouldn’t be stealing that from Queen Poppy. I’m very sorry.”
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“Uh, that’s alright,” Branch told him, trying not to offend him even more. “She didn’t even eat any carrot like that, and I think you can deserve it.”
Wiggles was grateful for his words. He stared at Branch’s blueprint, and then at the night sky through a window. “It seems like time is flying so fast,” he said.
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Branch immediately knew what Wiggles was trying to tell him. He looked at the same window and realized what that meant. It is getting closer to the next morning. “I think you’re right, man,” he said. “I don’t have much time left before sunrise! I gotta get started!”
Wiggles was shocked. “Yes, but how are you gonna build a good structure like a—?”
But the plan is already happening very quick. Branch whipped out his tools and his wooden planks from his toolbox and got ready to work.
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Surprised that he was carrying a large saw despite his small cat size, Wiggles’ jaw dropped. “Oh….uh, well….that is fine,” he muttered nervously.
In a flash, Branch was already hammering and sawing some wood. He spent a few minutes of using his constructing tools and adjusting to his cat form at the same time. He exhausted himself from carrying his heavy tools for a little while and drank some cups of milk to energize himself...if it’s for the best that he needed some coffee.
Later, Branch put on his hard builder’s hat and began painting the wood. Holding a paintbrush in his mouth, he carefully painted the plank with a neat dark brown color. From a corner during his work, Wiggles nibbled his carrot along the way.
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Branch hammered, painted and drank tons of glasses of milk. He stayed up all night at work long putting the finishing touches to his latest invention. Despite being a cat, he can still think like a Troll. No longer bothered by the sheer excited swaying of his tail, he put on a welding mask and held up a blowtorch in his paw.
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When he was sure to have almost finished, Branch lifted up his welding mask to admire his work. He smiled with satisfaction, feeling like he was ready for Poppy’s newest party tomorrow.
I can totally win this! he thought. Those Trolls out there will think I will be the best hero when they see what I make! Hopefully I’ll earn a medal and be on first place!
“Tomorrow is another day,” Branch told himself.
The next day, Poppy’s Show-and-Tell Festival has already begun. Trolls everywhere gathered around the giant mushroom stage, where Poppy is addressing everyone else who were invited for the party. DJ Suki, the village’s resident disk jockey, played some thumping music that got everyone grooving, dancing and celebrating the occasion.
The Show-and-Tell festival was jam-packed with fun activities. Some Trolls who signed up to show their projects on stage proudly present them to Poppy, who is observing every single one of them. The party was a great success. The Trolls finished it off with a banquet filled with cupcakes, berries, flavored punch and cookies and a special oversized scrapbook they made together to remember the occasion.
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Poppy proudly went up on stage, holding a pink glittery microphone in one hand. She held up her arms wide and greeted her fellow crowd of excited Trolls. “Hello, Troll Village!” she proclaimed. “Ready to set your brains aflame?! Then I hope you are all as excited as I am! Welcome to my party of Show-and-Tell, where you’ll be able to show your opinions and tell us about them in order to get promoted as future leaders of the kingdom!”
“YAAAAAAAAAY!!!” all the Trolls cheered. “Hurray for Show-and-Tell Day!”
“And just you wait, there are some of the best contestants that will bring us a load of Troll-riffic inventions that they come up with!” Poppy added. “Sit back and relax as they will come up on stage to present their creativity to the rest of the world!”
Then Poppy jumped out of the stage to check on her best friends, who have their brilliant Show-and-Tell inventions ready to be submitted.
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“Okay, guys,” she reminded them proudly. “I hope you’re ready. Got your thingamabobs needed for this special day?”
The rest of the Trolls agreed with her reassuring words.
Deep down, Biggie was feeling scared. “I’m so nervous I felt so many Mr. Dinkleses in my stomach,” he said, his voice quaking with fear.
Guy Diamond put his arm to the big Troll’s shoulder to comfort him. “It’s alright, big fella,” he told him in his shimmery voice. “Y’all won’t be so jealous ‘cause my masterpiece will be a great hiiiiit!” He nodded to his shining glitter globe that was required to present to the rest of the crowd.
Cooper kicked his colorful ball with his front legs enthusiastically. “I’m SOOOO excited to show my favorite ball to everyone!” he exclaimed with utter excitement. “I’ll make a great king!”
Smidge was not sure of this idea. Not all Trolls wanted to be declared as winners because Poppy needs to select one Troll with the best invention. “I think you’ll be the king someday,” she said.
“Oh, come on, Smidge!” said Cooper. “I wonder what an actual king can do?”
“You’ll have to wait, Cooper,” Poppy told him. “When a Troll has the best project ever built, they would soon earn a medal.” Humming to herself, she went off to find Satin and Chenille, whose presentation about shampoo and hair conditioner were coming to fruition.
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When Poppy saw them, she greeted them happily “Hey, girls! You’re gonna be fine! Just present your projects and I’ll qualify each of them as top prize!”
“Yes, Queen Poppy,” Satin answered politely. “We’ll do our best. No arguing!”
“Sis, keep it together! We use the shampoo first!” Chenille protested.
Meanwhile, Branch was watching the festivities coming on. He knew the big celebration had begun. A tiny, secret part of him was to be still in Poppy’s contestant list despite still stuck in cat form. He jumped off the big mushroom that he, Poppy and the twins were standing on and ran over to his brand new creation, covered with a red tarp.
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Wiggles hopped closer to him, admiring his fantastic work. “Ooooh, now I wonder what you come up for this party?” he asked happily. “How well you are doing?”
“I’ll do great progress!” Branch said enthusiastically. “Besides, I worked so hard on this baby.”
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He pulled off the red tarp. Underneath it was a wooden machine that looked like an old-fashioned coffee grinder.
Branch introduced his latest invention. “Behold...my homemade Berry-Presser!”
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Wiggles was impressed. “Whoa, dude! It looks totally awesome!” he cooed. “But...what does it really do?”
Branch had spent lots of time all night inventing this mechanical grinder. He enthusiastically bounded back and forth in front of his invention and pulled out another basket of berries he had harvested yesterday as he explained the purpose of how it works. If Branch could get the rest of the Trolls to agree to this brilliant idea, it would ensure that he is able to be declared first prize.
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“Based on my precise calculation, I built this thing to ensure proper nutrition for the Trolls,” Branch explained. “It’s very simple. Harvest a berry or more, compress them inside and turn them into healthy drinks; the perfect combination of integrity and a touch of love!”
“Cool! What a great combo!” Wiggles cheered, hopping up and down. “Everyone will love your berry-making gizmo when they see it in action!”
“Yep!” said Branch. “When I come out on stage, Poppy is going to qualify me as a new leader. Isn’t it great? It’s like I’m going to rule with her!”
Wiggles gave a serious look on his face that said “Are you kidding me?”
“Time for me to hit the spotlight!” Branch said proudly. He started to leave with his Berry-Presser, but Wiggles grabbed his tail and pulled him back. Branch yelped in pain upon having his tail bitten by the rabbit’s teeth. “Ouch! What is your problem?” he asked.
“Before you go, one BIG problem…you’re just a cat, not a Troll,” Wiggles reminded him. “The entire village won’t notice or accept you and your project! You know what I mean? Animals don’t get qualified by Trolls!”
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Branch chuckled and pressed down Wiggles’ forehead with his paw, forming a frown on the bunny’s face. “Awww, Wigs. Don’t be so pessimistic,” he told him, smiling proudly. “You'll give yourself worry lines with all that nagging. They’ll know I made this little toy and Poppy will definitely promote me for sure!”
But Wiggles was getting worried that Branch’s plan is going to fail. He knew if he showed up on stage, Poppy and the Trolls will never understand him when he was about to present his invention. He tried to stop him before he can move on. “I’m being serious here! I told you Queen Poppy never recognizes you as a small animal!”
It was too late. Branch pushed his Berry-Presser and made his way to the backstage with the rest of Poppy’s friends.
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“Ugh, he’s gonna take low price,” Wiggles said sarcastically, exasperated as he watched Branch go into the party anyway.
A few minutes later, the Show-and-Tell presentation has finally begun. Poppy introduced Biggie and Mr. Dinkles on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Biggie and Mr. Dinkles’ performance of the world’s most powerful “Mew” of the universe!”
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The crowd cheered as Biggie and his pet worm arrived on the stage. Mr. Dinkles was sitting on a chair, ready to play a piano. Biggie acted like a conductor and he waved his baton to cue his worm to start singing. While pressing the piano keys, Mr. Dinkles sang in a big, operatic voice as the rest of the Trolls watched the performance in awe.
“Now that’s what I call the world’s most powerful ‘Mew!’“ Biggie clarified, admiring at his beloved pet’s extraordinary talent.
When the performance finished, the Trolls cheered and Mr. Dinkles took a bow before hopping into Biggie’s arms. The big blue Troll hugged his worm tightly and bowed before the crowd as well before he left the stage.
Next, Guy Diamond appeared on stage with a poof of glitter showering all over the audience. Poppy made his introduction. “Brace yourself for the world’s most glittery Troll in the whole wide world! Guy Diamond!”
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When Guy landed gracefully on stage, he pulled out his glitter globe and shook it. Glitter showered around the plastic unicorn inside. “This wonderfully-glittertastic snowglobe SHIIIIIINES like a DIAMOND!!!” Guy explained with his iconic shimmering tone. “With this, you can SHIIIIIINE your whole world with LOTS OF GLIIIIIIITER!!!” 
The entire crowd cooed, impressed at the glitter Troll’s brilliant work. “Ooooooooooh!!!”
“I wish I can keep that! It’s got a tiny unicorn in it!” a Troll child said excitedly, pointing at the glitter globe.
“That’s some good stuff, Guy!” Poppy said as the glittery Troll left the stage, carrying his globe. “Next up, we have Cooper and his fantastic rainbow bouncy ball!”
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Cooper waddled his way to the stage, with his ball balancing on his head. “Hey, guys!” he said enthusiastically. “Let me show you my favorite super duper bouncy-douncy ball! Look what it can do!”
Then he started doing some tricks while playing with his soccer ball. Almost as fast as Cooper moved his four legs each time while getting the ball to balance on his back, all of the Trolls were amazed.
After ending his trick with a big finale, Cooper bowed at the cheering audience and gracefully danced away from the stage.
“This is gonna be a cinch. Two sisters, one mind,” Poppy announced on stage. “Put your hair together for the fashion sisters and their hair gel experiment!”
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Satin and Chenille appeared on the stage, pulling out their whiteboard depicting the shampoo and hair conditioner pictures. They held up two bottles of hair lotion as they challenged the Trolls to a quiz about where the shampoo originated in and how different is the hair conditioner, just like how they challenged Poppy to the same quiz yesterday.
“I know these answers,” Poppy whispered to Biggie, watching from the backstage.
Finally, the fashion twins come to the conclusion of their explanation. “In direct conclusion, we know that both shampoo and conditioner...” Satin began.
“...count like good HAIR GEL!!!” the girls said the last sentence in unison.
The Trolls roared with thousands of applause, and the twins bowed. “Thank you for seeing our presentation!” Chenille squealed. “Have a hair-tastic day!”
Later, during Smidge’s turn on presenting her Muscle Spirit treadmill on the stage, Branch curled up in a corner, watching the other contestants perform. Soon it will be his turn to be on stage, he will present his berry grinder invention to everyone, and finally he’ll be awarded first place. He can feel his destiny coming towards him.
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Branch looked at his invention and then at the stage, feeling quite ready to embrace his inner Troll. “Oh yeah,” he said with determination. “I’m ready to rule the world with you, Poppy.”
After Smidge completed her presentation, Poppy announced to her people “And for our very last contestant of the season, you may know him as the former village grump...let’s hear it for BRANCH!!!”
“Oh, that’s me!” Almost immediately, Branch can hear the loud cheering. He couldn’t believe it. All of the Trolls were now cheering for him, and now it is the time for him to show his face to everyone. He smiled with confidence as he pushed the berry grinder to the stage.
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“Come on up there, Branch!” Poppy said, just as Branch and his berry grinder finally showed up on the stage. Once he stopped pushing his invention, he greeted the audience. “Meow!”
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Instead of cheering for Branch, the crowd gasped. Even Poppy gasped as well. “Mr. Tickle, what are you doing here?” she asked, staring at Branch.
Everyone stared at the blue-haired cat in confusion. Then they all started talking at once.
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“Wait a minute. It’s just a cat,” a glitter Troll said, scratching his head.
“Who’d put a cat on stage?” a Troll asked, looking genuinely confused.
“Where is Branch? He’s supposed to be here!”
“Yeah, where is he?”
“Where is the last Troll?”
“We need him!”
“Branch! Branch!”
Branch looked at the confused crowd. Is it working? he thought. Am I getting through them? Am I gonna win first place? He hadn’t much luck getting their attention lately. But his face fell when he realized what is going on. “What’s happening?” he asked himself. “I thought they all liked my invention!”
Poppy tried to shoo him away from the stage. “Get back in the backstage. You’re not supposed to be here,” she told the cat. “I need Branch to show up and present his project.”
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“Meeeow! Meow! Meow!” Branch insisted, attempting to tell her that he is here to show his berry grinder to the crowd. “Meeeeeoooowww!!”
But it didn’t seem to work. This made Poppy think Branch is absent. She looked around while he tried getting her attention. “Where’s Branch?” she asked. “I swore that he should’ve arrived on time! Branch!” Then she fled off the stage and ran to search for him. Branch helplessly watched her leave.
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Behind Poppy, her friends watched her running away from the party. Biggie asked her “Poppy, what’s wrong?”
“We’re calling this party a hiatus!” she announced before disappearing into the distance. “There’s been a serious mistake here!” 
“What mistake?” Guy asked, not until the rest of the Snack Pack saw Branch on stage, meowing for Poppy to come back.
“Awwwww!” Cooper cooed. “Cute kitty!”
Branch felt hurt and defeated. Why didn’t Poppy recognize him, and what is wrong with being a cat? He glanced at the audience, who were still murmuring questions about him.
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“What should we do about this cat?” a Troll demanded.
“I wish Queen Poppy would cancel him off from the list in the first place!”
“I can’t believe she halted the party with a hiatus because of his absence!”
Branch watched in horror as the Trolls continued ranting about the disaster. He couldn’t watch this anymore, so he sprinted after Poppy.
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“Poppy, come back!” he yelled, jumping off the stage and making a run for it to follow her, leaving the Trolls surprised at his departure.
From backstage, Wiggles watched him go after Poppy, finally knowing that Branch’s attempt to show his project had failed.
                                              To Be Continued...
                                          Stay tuned for Part 16!
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
Compiling a list of “yup, that was me” fics you may recognize…
I dropped some nuclear “feels” bombs on various sites in the 2000s and 2010s, so here’s a list of my “wait, that was YOU?!” fanfics.
Yup, that was me. If this is your first time seeing this, hi! 😇
Fandoms: Transformers, Mario Brothers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Animorphs, Godzilla.
All links go to AO3
⚠️ Fics that contain smut will be marked 🔞NSFW. If you ignore the warnings and click anyway, that’s on you. ⚠️
(the universes and ships will be specified.)
🔞NSFW Ambrosia (UnicronxStarscream)
TW: rape, abuse, gaslighting, restraints, violence, robot gore
What happens when you fall for your liberator?
🔞NSFW Duobus (OptimusxMegatron)
TW: violence, body horror, robot gore, death, apocalypse scenario
Peace is the war that never happened.
🔞NSFW Thirty Days In A Second (ArceexStarscream)
TW: robot gore
You never know what the future holds. Sometimes, it falls apart, and sometimes, it changes you.
Danceverse series (OptimusxMikaela) Has some 🔞NSFW so mind the ratings, warnings and tags within.
An unusual love story that started when Mikaela’s prom night went awry. (The smut can be classified as monsterfucking because Optimus uses a human sized hologram of his bot self.)
Lightverse series (ProwlxJazz) Has some 🔞NSFW so mind the ratings, warnings and tags within.
Major running TW for ableism and eugenics talk.
This series needs only two words: blind Prowl.
Mario Brothers
🔞NSFW The Forbidden Game (BowserxPeach)
TW: dubcon that turns consensual
The game between Peach and Bowser remained so secret that neither the Mushroom Kingdom nor Bowser’s own men knew it was going on. (This is shameless monsterfuck smut!)
Not A Monster (BowserxPeach, one-sided)
TW: hospital setting, illness, Bowser being gross
Peach sees an entirely different side of Bowser when a routine kidnapping is interrupted by Junior falling ill.
Vicissitude (Bowser JrxOFC, BowserxPeach -sorta-)
TW: Graphic parent death, gore, Bowser being a dirty old fart
Bowser’s health is failing and he is trying to get Junior married off to Mario and Peach’s daughter, Cherry, the right way. (Note: Junior and Cherry are adults in this fic!)
Weightless (MertilxGafinilan)
TW: Terminal illness, needles, death
Mertil helps Gafinilan through his last days.
Map of a Dream (ElfangorxOFC)
TW: graphic violence, gore, family loss, death, bullying
Semeir always wanted to be a warrior. Nobody thought she could do it. Then she met Elfangor…
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Peacemaker (OCxOC, TommyxKimberly)
TW: graphic violence, body horror, death
Long ago, on a planet trembling on the edge of destruction, a wizard named Nikodai created a beautiful saber in his own image. He gave it life and named it Saba...
(the universes and ships will be specified.)
(Heisei era)
Shezilla: The Cloning Project (GodzillaxOFC)
TW: Violence, death. (Note: They mate in the story because that’s what animals do, but it’s not very graphic.)
It’s never wise to play God when you don’t understand what you’re playing with. (I wrote this in 1997 when I was 17 and it shows.)
(Millennium/Heisei era crossover)
Beauty and the Beast (Miki SaegusaxGMK Godzilla)
TW: Body horror, kidnapping, vomit, pregnancy, illness, death
Close your eyes. Look with your heart. A modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast with Miki as Beauty and GMK Godzilla as the Beast. (Also known as the “anthro Godzilla sings with Josh Groban’s voice” fic lol)
(Showa 1954)
Metamorphosis (no pairing)
TW: body horror, gore
Just where does Godzilla’s rage at humanity come from?
Song of the Tiny Ones (no pairing)
TW: Body horror, death
Time caused the Tiny Ones to forget. (This fic got noticed by Mike Dougherty, the director of KOTM, he loved it!)
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pricryo · 4 years
Axel 👉👈
Ⲷ KINTYPE AND EMOJI - axel (kingdom hearts) 🔥 SIGHT ⲷ a sunrise after a long, long night 🔥 ⲷ perfectly stacked papers ⲷ a long, spiderweb-like crack in a mirror 🔥 ⲷ ripples across a once-still pond ⲷ flickering streetlights in the dead of night ⲷ intensely saturated neon signs ⲷ an ocean of grass rolling in the wind ⲷ the facets of a newly polished gemstone ⲷ stormclouds gathering on the horizon ⲷ something unreal in your periphery vision 🔥 ⲷ the grandeur of old architecture ⲷ rust building on old machines ⲷ dirt and mud tracked through a building ⲷ a long road stretching into the distance ⲷ the sun glinting off metal 🔥
COLORS ⲷ wine red, rose gold, & aqua green 🔥? ⲷ terracotta orange, puce, & tan yellow ⲷ chocolate brown, blush pink, & white ⲷ apricot, royal purple, & desaturated red 🔥 ⲷ seafoam green, navy blue, & silver ⲷ gunmetal, bronze, & rust red ⲷ pastel pink, baby blue, & cloud white ⲷ military green, dirt brown, & mustard ⲷ eggplant purple, peach, & warm blue ⲷ flamingo, bright yellow, & electric blue ⲷ mint green, burgundy, & royal yellow ⲷ sepia brown, abalone, & mink grey ⲷ amethyst, emerald, & sapphire ⲷ bubblegum pink, salmon, & tiger orange ⲷ scarlet red, mahogany, & ebony black 🔥
HEARING ⲷ birdsong in the pre-dawn morning ⲷ the scrape of a knife across metal ⲷ the gentle rustle of sheets in the morning ⲷ voices raised in song ⲷ the crunch of footsteps on the forest floor ⲷ the rising tone of emergency sirens ⲷ utterly contagious laughter 🔥 ⲷ rainfall hitting a tin roof ⲷ gunshots piercing a perfect silence ⲷ many people talking at once ⲷ the crash of sea waves against the shore ⲷ ringing in your ears after a loud noise 🔥 ⲷ something shattering into pieces 🔥 ⲷ the thump of something hitting the carpet ⲷ a scream cutting through the air
MUSIC GENRE ⲷ classical, opera, & acoustic music ⲷ electronic, lo-fi, & downtempo music 🔥 ⲷ rock, prog, & industrial music 🔥 ⲷ disco, funk, & soul music ⲷ jazz, ragtime, & swing music ⲷ pop, indie pop, & worldbeat music ⲷ hip-hop, trap, & rap music ⲷ metal, nu metal, & thrash music ⲷ folk, country, & skiffle music ⲷ experimental, acousmatic, & noise music
TASTE ⲷ the taste of something honey sweet 🔥 ⲷ the aftertaste of something bitter 🔥 ⲷ the taste of something extremely sour ⲷ the taste of something very salty 🔥 ⲷ the taste of something intensely spicy  ⲷ the taste of something dry & bland ⲷ the taste of many strong seasonings ⲷ the taste of something gilled & smoky ⲷ the taste of something juicy & flavourful ⲷ the taste of something rank & rotted ⲷ the taste of something extremely bitter ⲷ the taste of something clean and fresh ⲷ the taste of coppery blood ⲷ the taste of dirt or clay ⲷ the taste of tobacco
FOODS ⲷ a meal of lobster, risotto, & scallops ⲷ a meal of a burger, fries, & a milkshake 🔥 ⲷ a meal of bread, cheese, & water ⲷ a meal of steak, potatoes, & mushrooms ⲷ a meal of a beef bowl, rice, & an egg ⲷ a meal of scrambled eggs & orange juice ⲷ a meal of tamales & grilled corn ⲷ a meal of fresh salad, & grilled kale ⲷ a meal of spaghetti, garlic bread & salad ⲷ a meal of various cakes & candies 🔥 ⲷ a meal of grilled cheese & tomato soup ⲷ a meal of grilled fish, quinoa, & veggies ⲷ a meal of curry, flatbread, & samosas ⲷ a meal of lentil stew & challah bread ⲷ a meal of whatever you can put together 🔥
SMELL ⲷ the scent of the first rain of the season ⲷ the scent of a strong perfume ⲷ the scent of engine oil and dirt ⲷ the scent of wet fur ⲷ the scent of something burning 🔥 ⲷ the scent of something old uncovered ⲷ the scent of rot and dead things ⲷ the scent of newly poured pavement ⲷ the scent of freshly picked fruits ⲷ the scent of the salty ocean spray 🔥 ⲷ the scent of spilled alcohol ⲷ the scent of bleach and cleaning solution ⲷ the scent of sweat lingering in the air 🔥 ⲷ the scent of newly opened paints ⲷ the scent of fresh coffee
EMOTIONS ⲷ an all-consuming rage 🔥 ⲷ hesitantly bubbling happiness 🔥 ⲷ jealousy you can’t ignore ⲷ an emptiness where emotion should be 🔥 ⲷ anxiety that you can’t get rid of ⲷ a deep sadness that you can’t hide 🔥 ⲷ a feeling of disgust and superiority ⲷ unending boredom ⲷ anticipation for the future ⲷ love and adoration that feels like home 🔥 ⲷ unwavering devotion 🔥 ⲷ happiness that’s practically contagious ⲷ deepfelt remorse and guilt 🔥 ⲷ simmering resentment over the past ⲷ overwhelming terror
TOUCH ⲷ water crashing against your body ⲷ a hand running through your hair 🔥 ⲷ the bite of a brisk wind ⲷ fire scorching your skin 🔥 ⲷ the tenderness of new bruises 🔥 ⲷ a pounding headache that won’t go away ⲷ an old, scratchy blanket ⲷ jewelry bouncing against your body ⲷ a hand heavy in your own 🔥 ⲷ a numb tingling across your limbs 🔥 ⲷ the sting and ache of a fresh injury 🔥 ⲷ something squeezing you tight as a vice ⲷ a tense grinding of your teeth 🔥 ⲷ static zapping your skin ⲷ running your hand over a bumpy wall
TEXTURES ⲷ something that feels gooey & messy ⲷ something that feels rough & abrasive ⲷ something that feels granular & coarse ⲷ something that feels fluffy & soft 🔥 ⲷ something that feels squishy & plush ⲷ something that feels smooth & silky ⲷ something that feels bumpy & unusual ⲷ something that feels wet & slippery ⲷ something that feels stiff & leathery 🔥 ⲷ something that feels sharp & painful 🔥
LOCATIONS ⲷ a home you’ll never get to see again 🔥 ⲷ somewhere out of this world ⲷ a forest older than man itself ⲷ the back alleys of a towering city 🔥 ⲷ the penthouse of an expensive hotel  ⲷ a club with pulsing lights and loud music ⲷ your own space, away from everything 🔥 ⲷ a dune in a scorching hot desert ⲷ a cliff alongside a rocky beach ⲷ the peak of a high mountain ⲷ an under-personalized office space 🔥 ⲷ a library full to the brim with rare books ⲷ an abandoned and forbidden place 🔥 ⲷ the fields of an isolated farm ⲷ a bridge overlooking a city view
CONCEPTS ⲷ history that repeats over and over again ⲷ hurting someone in a way you can’t fix 🔥 ⲷ breaking free from your inner demons 🔥 ⲷ learning to accept the world as it is ⲷ the haze of something you’ve forgotten 🔥 ⲷ questioning a deep set morality ⲷ joining technology and nature into one ⲷ the nature of fate and consciousness ⲷ the inescapable inevitability of death 🔥 ⲷ the existence of some higher being ⲷ the simplicity if minimalism ⲷ acting on base instincts 🔥 ⲷ the idea of the philosophical zombie ⲷ the world as one interconnected system ⲷ the tenuous concept of family
ACTIONS ⲷ slicing into flesh with something sharp 🔥 ⲷ walking faster than everyone around you ⲷ dancing with no inhibitions ⲷ pressing down on the trigger of a gun ⲷ shaking someone’s hand for the first time 🔥 ⲷ working without taking a break ⲷ breaking something beautiful ⲷ toying with a glass of wine ⲷ running away from something dangerous 🔥 ⲷ digging a deep hole ⲷ banging against a door ⲷ creating art or playing music ⲷ laying down after a long day 🔥 ⲷ tapping against an electronic screen ⲷ bouncing on the balls of your feet
TIME ⲷ the clock striking midnight ⲷ the witching hour ⲷ the first minutes of dawn ⲷ stolen moments during a busy day ⲷ the start of solar noon 🔥 ⲷ the long hours of the day ⲷ the early hours of the evening ⲷ the last moments of dusk 🔥 ⲷ time set aside for a good meal ⲷ the time we lose to sleep
VOCABULARY ⲷ the words love, ineffable, & ethereal 🔥 ⲷ the words verdict, authority, & ensnared ⲷ the words aerie, melody, & serendipity ⲷ the words epoch, epiphany, & solitude 🔥 ⲷ the words oblivion, death, & ephemeral 🔥 ⲷ the words harbinger, pyrrhic, & penumbra ⲷ the words leisure, halcyon, & cosmic ⲷ the words opulent, wine, & coquette ⲷ the words carnage, ire, & basalt 🔥 ⲷ the words denouement, furtive, & labyrinth ⲷ the words sin, debasement, & iconoclast ⲷ the words liminal, solander, & sonder ⲷ the words petrichor, numinous, & fjord ⲷ the words apotheosis, metanoia, & divine ⲷ the words moist, smear, & secrete
send me one of my kintypes and i’ll fill out what their aesthetic is!
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birusabi · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons/ideas for your AU that you'd like to share?
Hello, anon! I don’t have a super specific plot or anything, but I do have some general things + details for each of the characters! 
The general idea is that Ouma is a somewhat notorious thief who’s wanted for causing havoc around the kingdom(s), and Kiibo is a knight who unwillingly gets caught up in his mischief. The two end up traveling together and come across different lands, people (the other V3 characters), and varying degrees of trouble while on their adventures.
I have headcanons for where the other V3 characters would fit in + class ideas too, but there’s spoilers for the game (and it’s long) so I’ll put it under the cut.
(Also if you ever want to talk to me about DR or my AU or anything like that, please do! I enjoy it and I’m super happy that someone finds it interesting!)
*Heavy spoilers for DRV3 within, read at your own risk
Ouma: Thief. Very good at lock-picking and getting into things that he really shouldn’t be getting into. DICE probably exists in this AU too, but I imagine he got separated from them somehow, so in the meantime he explores the world on his own, getting into trouble. No one really knows where he came from but most people will recognize who he is (and not be too happy about it).
Kiibo: Knight. Probably lived a pretty normal life before he met Ouma. Starts off very annoyed and unwilling to cooperate, since being involved with Ouma gets him into trouble too, so Ouma pulls him along for a while. But he eventually learns to enjoy the adventure and the new company. Very level-headed and tries to be prepared for anything that could potentially go wrong (which is a lot of things).
Amami: Traveler, based off his backstory in the game. Has been to a lot of remote/mysterious places and is the most knowledgeable about the world. I like to think that he’d travel with the main duo sometimes, since they’d run into him in different places, but he’d always leave to explore on his own at some point. You never know when/where he’s going to pop up, but he’ll always have some new and exciting story to share.
Akamatsu: A traveling bard. She knows a variety of different instruments (mostly because you can’t have a portable piano in a fantasy setting), but she typically carries around some variation of lute. Other than traveling and seeing the world, she likes to perform for small villages or people in need because she sees how her music can raise people’s spirits. Usually never seen too far away from Saihara, who travels with her.
Saihara: Archer! Based off the fact that as the protag he uses truth bullets, but there are no guns in this AU, so arrows are the next best thing. He travels with Akamatsu, as both a companion and a bodyguard, though she ends up protecting him just as much as he protects her. He’s an extremely good shot and spends a lot of his free time listening to Akamatsu’s music.
Angie: Priest/Shaman. Most likely lives in a small, remote village that has a long history of communicating with the gods. No one knows if there’s any truth to this, but Angie is pretty highly respected since she’s so capable with magic. Her knowledge of the world and “proper ritual practices” are questionable at best, but she has good healing magic and has maybe performed a small miracle or two.
Tenko: Monk/Fighter, which is pretty self-explanatory. Probably set off on her own journey out of a desire to “find herself and hone her senses” (or maybe she was instructed to do so). Somewhere along the line, she ran into Himiko, got super attached, and hasn’t left her side since. She might get underestimated as a female fighter, but she definitely has more wins under her belt than losses.
Himiko: (sorry if I switch between first and last names btw) Mage. Which is probably obvious. More of a fledgling mage than an experienced one (not that she’ll admit it), but she has a lot of potential. Spends a lot of time in libraries or other places where magic-users are known to gather in order to study. Tenko never leaves her side (not that she really minds).
Momota: Astronomer (not sure if that counts as a class, but it’s the closest he can get to astronaut). I like to imagine that he has his own little observatory, filled with star charts and books and various equipment (it’s probably a complete mess in there). He spends all of his time studying the stars, but occasionally goes into town to buy food or to see if the traveling merchants have anything new to share. Likes to brag about being the town scholar, although that’s debatable.
Harukawa: Assassin… based on the fact that she’s the ultimate assassin. Her backstory is probably pretty similar to what it is in-game, orphanage and shady training and all. She wanders around working as a blade for hire. I think she’d probably run into Momota at some point while staying in his hometown, he’d strike up a friendship with her, and she’d find it increasingly difficult to hide the unsavory details of her work from him.
Gonta: Druid. He basically lives in the forest, is skilled with nature-related magic, and can probably talk to animals/bugs. Talking to bugs also means he can probably control them which is not great news for Ouma. I imagine he spends a lot of time on his own though, so he probably gets lonely and would appreciate the occasional human company. He also knows a lot about herbs, medicines, and what mushrooms are safe to eat.
Iruma: Blacksmith. The closest she can get to inventor. Very, very talented and has developed somewhat of a renown across the kingdom(s) for her skill in crafting anything from armor to weapons to everyday household items. Many people have come to try and work as an apprentice under her, but she turns them down every time. If I ever decide to add characters from SDR2 or DR1 to this AU though, I’d love to have her work with Souda and maybe Chihiro!
Kirumi: Knight like Kiibo. I contemplated making her a maid again, but I’m a huge fan of her argument armament segment, where she’s designed as a knight, and I think it fits her character perfectly! She likely serves some type of lord and may even be part of a small army (which is what’s more expected of a knight) whereas Kiibo has deviated from that and gone off on his own. I feel like she’d have many admirers, both for her appearance and for her combat abilities. 
Hoshi: Also an archer like Saihara. Because I think that’s the closest he can get to firing tennis balls at people. I imagine him as kind of a jaded mercenary, wandering the lands and taking on small jobs that no one else wants in order to get by. He never sticks around for too long though because he “doesn’t want to form any attachments.” Very worldly. 
Shinguji: Dark mage/Alchemist. Basically the type of shady magic-user who has probably dabbled in something forbidden. I’m not a big fan of the whole plot twist with his sister though, so in my AU I like to imagine that she’s alive, just very sickly. And while Shinguji does get into some questionable things (that don’t involve murder), he does it to find a cure for her, even if he has to research long-forgotten magic to do so.
Shirogane: Last but not least. Sorceress/Illusionist, which felt the most fitting to her cosplay talent and her mastermind role. I like to think that she holds some position of power in the kingdom, though I’m not sure if she’d be as high as a queen. But she’s very good at disguising herself (and maybe can shapeshift thanks to magic), so she spends her time secretly moving among the normal folks, looking into all of the dark secrets that the kingdom has to offer.
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kngboo · 2 years
long  prosperous  nights  had  since  brought  any  new  revelations  to  his  work .   bandaged  hands  from  calloused  work  and  open  blisters  scoured  no  results  in  the  prime  of  his  field  research .   red  mushroom  salve  is  once  again  reapplied  to  wounds  as  he  changes  his  dirtied  wrappings ,  glaring  ice  cold  daggers  at  his  life ’ s  work .   glistening  gem  sat  upon  maple  carved  desk ,  of  stand  alone  alchemist ‘ s  hut  out  yonder  from  mushroom  village ,  from  the  bare  standing  start  of  kingdom ’ s  beginnings .   young  as  he  may  be  in  his  early  forties ,  booregard  saw  no  intention  of  giving  into  such  dire  warnings  of  gem ’ s  complicit  bearings . 
‘ those  who  wield  its  power  come  with  a  price ;   the  darkness  only  yields  death  to  overuse ,  proceed  with  wisdom  against  all  pride  and  sin . ’   so  said  the  elder  responsible  for  its  upkeep  within  collection  treasury .   tasked  with  undergoing  the  transitions  of  being  bared  to  its  presence  and  influence ,  boofurd  idly  hummed  in  amusement  to  such  a  preposterous  thought .   what  were  the  secrets  behind  this  cursed  relic ,  why  had  it  been  locked  away  within  a  room  of  pure  lighting ?   nothing  made  sense  to  him ,  and  yet  he  was  destined  for  greatness  -  so  he  imagined .   this  would  be  his  marveling  breakthrough ,  his  chance  to  grasp  nobility  and  reputable  standing  amongst  the  rich  of  the  villa .
broken  skin  shifts  against  bandages  that  tighten  as  fingers  flex ,  touch  reaching  out  to  coax  forbidden  touch  along  the  outskirt  edges  of  gemstone .   jewel  in  all  its  glory  held  no  possible  vice  upon  him ,  or  so  he  thinks .   pure  elegance  shines  in  its  moonlit  beauty ,  something  that  catches  in  the  gleam  of  candlelit  eyes .   dare  he  utter  a  word  to  this  complicit  artifact ?   it  could  not  retain  thought ,  let  alone  be  sentient .  .  .   could  it ?     “  what  treasures  do  you  store  within ,  sacred  one ?   how  do  you  hide  my  mind ’ s  depths  within .  .  .   how  do  you  lock  away  those  whose  brilliance  has  yet  to  shine  through ?  ”
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troubled  by  the  silence  that  follows  his  lunacy  at  latest  hour  of  nightfall ,  the  alchemist  sits  back  in  his  stool ,  dumbfounded  by  his  own  line  of  thought .   how  odd ,  the  glimmer  that  flickered  just  then  in  gemstone ’ s  reflection  almost  seemed  to  speak  to  him  in  passing ,  as  if  to  answer  his  questions .   could  it  be  that  this  artifact .  .  .  had  chosen  him  instead  of  the  other  way  around ? 
0 notes
thatboomerkid · 7 years
Welcome to Ustalav: the Quick-&-Dirty Carrion Crown Player‘s Packet
Welcome to Ustalav: the Quick-&-Dirty Carrion Crown Player‘s Packet
Within this text, you’ll find everything (most of the stuff, we certainly hope!) you need in order to play in the upcoming Carrion Crown game, setting our grand stage for a proper Session Zero & character creation.
If you have any additional questions, send them to me and I’ll happily edit this document to answer them!
Soundtrack here.
This project made possible by the fine folks of my Patreon.
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image from here
Seven Bits of Folk-Wisdom (AKA stuff that everyone knows):
Magic is most-certainly known to exist, but is barely understood even by academics & university-educated scholars (of whom there are terrifyingly few). Amongst those with the gift of spellcraft, superstition and secrecy are the law. Although the practice of sorcery is not illegal, technically -- and is not strictly forbidden by any major religion -- most small towns still will not abide a witch to sleep within the confines of their city. 
True miracles are all-but-unknown in much of the world, and the average member of the priesthood in Ustalav possesses no real faith: the great power of the Church of Aroden is in their special protection from the law, as any clergyman may ask for their trial to be conducted by Church court. Average people are left terrified at even a hint of true deific power, and those rare few souls with the ability to channel holy -- or unholy -- power are not immediately associated with religious organizations.
The common trade-language of the world is Taldane; it is the primary tongue spoken in Ustalav (see The Seven Ethnicities, below). The economy is based on the strength of the Taldan gold-crown, a coin that you can think of as worth approximately $100 USD, divisible into ten silver crowns ($10) or one hundred copper ($1). Ten gold is also worth a single platinum coin ... although most citizens will go their entire lives without seeing such a rare and valuable object. Common folk spend about 3 gold ($300) a month to eat, clothe themselves & maintain their homes, while skilled laborers might spend 10 gold ($1,000) a month.
The average citizen of Ustalav (over 80% of the population) makes about 1 silver to half-a-gold a day at a mundane & menial job like farming, fishing, a subsistence-level trade or any common Dark Ages craft. About 1% of the population are blooded & landed aristocracy: they control 60-70% wealth in the country. Wealthy nobles typically spend 100 gold per month to maintain their lifestyles, while royalty and the extravagantly rich customarily spend 1,000 gold or more per month to fund their courts & cotillions, banquets & balls. Nobles (and, by extension, royals) also live under a separate set of laws, by benefit of their station: for example, any member of the nobility may demand exile to her own homeland and may further request trial by combat ... before naming a champion.
Humans are the most common race, making up more than 95% of the population. Sentient non-humans are known to exist, certainly, but they are deeply feared, little-understood, and rare in the extreme; the people of Ustalav possess what can perhaps best be described as a certain horrified fascination with non-humans, although this morbid curiosity takes on a somewhat romantic air regarding elves (and, by extension, half-elves). The mysterious elven pantheon, about which quite little is known, is of particular interest to Ustalavic poets and artists; of their ranks, only one deity is spoken-of amongst humankind and other outsiders: Calistria, ancient goddess of wasps, jealousy, sensuality, seduction and revenge. No laws of the land protect non-humans, and no known members of the aristocracy are inhuman ... or, if they are, this is kept as a carefully-guarded family secret.
Every city, by law, must contain a church dedicated to Aroden; since the events of 4606 AR (see below), many such churches have found new use as temples to Iomedae the Inheritor ... or to Razmir. In addition, every city by law must be adjacent to a graveyard dedicated to Pharasma; most also contain at least a single building -- or a small roadside shrine, if nothing else -- dedicated to Desna, to Erastil, or to both. All courtrooms and stages for public execution are dedicated to Achaekek, as are most prisons and counting-houses owned by the crown. Most other religions are either poorly tolerated or are outright illegal.
Wondrous machines -- up-to and including late-1800s technology such as electrical lighting, revolvers, steam engines, printing presses and zeppelins -- can be found scattered throughout the thirteen counties of Ustalav, although the average peasant farmer still tills his field by hand and eats his evening meal by dim candlelight. While the cities hold strong to the trappings of civilization and offer safety to the masses, outside the cities -- in the dark & quiet of the deep moonlit night -- various creatures, monsters, ancient horrors and far less tangible dangers lurk.
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image from here
The Roll of Years: a Brief Timeline of Ustalav
???: Varisia is established as a far-eastern colony of ancient Azlant.
???: Elves depart our world (and their homeland of Kyonin).
-5293 AR: Earthfall; the shattering of the continent of Azlant to the west and the onset of the thousand-year Age of Darkness.
-5102 AR: Orcs first emerge from beneath the world, slaughtering all that they encounter and establishing dominance in many places.
-4363 AR: The so-called ‘Rain of Stars’ falls upon Numeria, bringing the shattered and burning remnants of another world to our own.
-4292 AR: The Age of Anguish begins as humanity restarts from zero.
-3923 AR: Festering Ulunat, the Unholy First, Herald of the Rough Beast Rovagug, emerges from the west to prey upon the lands of Garund.
-3729 AR: The horror of Ulunat falls upon the realm that will come to be known in later centuries as Osirion.
-3708 AR: Orcs claim total control over the Hold of Belkzen.
-3470 AR: The Age of Destiny begins as true civilization emerges once more, establishing the first true kingdoms and cities. Ulunat is slain by the First Pharaoh, Azghaad the All-Seeing. The nation of Osirion, Land of Pharaohs -- far to the south -- is founded. The grand city of Sothis, the Stormhaven of Osirion, is built around the remains of Ulunat.
-3116 AR: An unknown chieftain in the Felldales of Numeria triggers a catastrophic explosion while exploring wreckage from the Rain of Stars. This blast destroys his tribe, sending a mushroom cloud and shaft of light into the sky, poisoning the region for miles in every direction. Now fearful of such technological wonders, most Kellid tribesmen (even to this very day) subsequently bury or destroy any new discoveries.
(circa -3000 AR): Ruled by a succession of self-proclaimed god-kings, Osirion achieves its first Golden Age.
-2764 AR: Osirion destroys the last of its major rivals on the continent, ruling-over most of what is now known as Garund.
-1768 AR: With the imprisonment of a Pharaoh, the murder of his regent by unknown agents and the subsequent disappearance of that regent’s unfinished tomb, Osirion falls into rapid decline.
-1498 AR: The Four Pharaohs of Ascension become joint rules of Osirion, ushering-in the Second Golden Age of that nation.
-1439 AR: The rule of the Four Pharaohs comes to an end; Osirion falls into slow decline once more.
-1281 AR: Taldor is founded by remnants of Azlant in the south-east.
-632 AR: The great Armageddon Engine, Herald of the Rough Beast Rovagug, tears open the Porthmos Gap in the World's Edge Mountains, entering Taldor and laying waste to the capital city of Oppara.
???: The Armageddon Engine vanishes and is presumed defeated.
-447 AR: Pharaoh Ahabaris I of Osirion is torn-apart by a frenzied mob after a short rule marked by inhuman decadence and cruelty.
-212 AR: The bloodthirsty Queen Yazanova consolidates her dominion over the Hold of Belkzen from her citadel in the Tusk Mountains. During her final bid to assassinate her own demonic master and take his throne, the Queen and her armies are slain en masse by Achaekek.
-21 AR: The Pharaoh known as Kamaria the Brazen ascends to the throne of Osirion. She is the only known ruler of that land to openly worship Rovagug, dedicating her people & her lands to the service of the Rough Beast and his cult.
1 AR: the return of Aroden, the Last Azlanti, to Golarion and his founding of the city of Absalom; the calendar of the civilized world -- and the Age of Enthronement -- begins.
159 AR: Kamaria the Brazen is personally slain by Aroden; her dark reign is finally ended and she is laid to rest in an empty black pyramid.
??? AR: Lady Arazni, the Red Crusader -- formerly a Taldan commoner -- ascends to godhood and service as the Herald of Aroden.
499 AR: Taldor fully explores all of the lands from their modern borders to the Hold of Belkzen, including Lake Encarthan and modern Ustalav.
???: The Whispering Tyrant, then still a mortal necromancer, consolidates his rule over Northern Avistan.
896 AR: Aroden personally slays the Whispering Tyrant at Gallowspire.
???: Varisian families first immigrate east into Avistan, crossing the Hold of Belkzen to settle upon the untamed shores of Lake Encarthan.
1532 AR: Osirion collapses to civil war, natural disasters and other turmoil; the nation is reborn as a grand colony under the rule of Taldor.
(circa 2200 AR): Intermittent religious wars trouble the nation of Osirion, a situation which continues for several millenia.
2361 AR: The grand nation of Ustalav is founded as Soividia Ustav unites his people into a single glorious kingdom, swiftly becoming both the most advanced & the most prosperous nation in the world.
2397 AR: The first Varisian settlers take up residence near the former Kellid holy-site called ‘Carrion Hill’.
2497 AR: The demon-lord Treerazer emerges from the Abyss and gains dominion over long-abandoned Kyonin.
2499 AR: A cult of Urgathoa in Osirion spreads the so-called ‘Plague of Madness’ as a direct attack on Taldor’s rule; an estimated 60% of the population of the grand trade-city of Wati dies from the disease.
2632 AR: Elves return to our world, sealing Treerazer in the Tanglebriar and reclaiming their ancestral homeland.
2862 AR: To prevent a civil war, King Kaldemov splits the nation of Ustalav into sixteen counties, dividing up the land and assigning each parcel in perpetuity to a noble family. Each count and viscount gains significant autonomy, but each -- in turn -- owes their allegiance to the monarch (descended from Soividia Ustav). This leads to an Ustalavic golden age of growth and prosperity for several centuries thereafter.
2953 AR: Servants of Pharasma -- drawn from Ustalav, Taldor and from native regions -- establish a major temple to their goddess in Wati to honor all those who died during the Plague of Madness.
3007 AR: Cheliax is founded as a far-south-western colony of Taldor.
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3203 AR: The Whispering Tyrant returns from the grave as an unliving witch-king, amassing an army of orcs, demonic monstrosities, ancient unclean spirits and the walking dead. It is said that many of the horrors he awoke in his rise still stalk the countryside at night.
3204 AR: Prince Ardurras II, son of King Ardurras Virholt, rides to face the Whispering Tyrant and is slain. The family’s blessed blade Corpselight is lost in the battle.
3205 AR: All of the armies of Ustalav, aided by holy warriors from the Church of Aroden, launch a single concentrated assault upon the Whispering Tyrant. Named as a “bishop” by the Cult of Pharasma, Prince Adamondias Virholt leads the charge to Gallowspire bearing the mace Raven’s Head. All are slain by the undead archmage. The bastard son of the King, Prince Andriadus Virholt, is royally recognized by the crown but flees his responsibility to face the Tyrant.
3206 AR: King Ardurras, the Last King of Ustalav, is slain at the Battle of Dawnmarsh. Reanimated as a crude undead beast called the ‘Shrieking Sovereign,’ the fallen king precedes the Whispering Tyrant’s legions into Ardis and hangs himself from the Palace Tower. Ustalav falls utterly to the Whispering Tyrant.
3754 AR: Taldor launches the Shining Crusade.
3801 AR: The Shining Crusade establishes a beachhead within Ustalav in the city of Vauntil.
3818 AR: The Knights of Ozem, vanguard of the Shining Crusade, call for the direct aid of their patron goddess: Arazni, Herald of Aroden.
3823 AR: Arazni is humiliated, defeated and captured by the Whispering Tyrant. Later in the same year, the mutilated body of the goddess is flung at her worshipers during the Battle of Three Sorrows. The Cult of the Red Mantis officially joins the Shining Crusade in-force.
3827 AR: The Whispering Tyrant is finally defeated by the forces of the Shining Crusade, led by the then-mortal goddess Iomedae. The nation of Lastwall is founded as a Taldan province from the remains of several lost Ustalavic counties. The body of Arazni is interred by the Knights of Ozem in their new citadel in the capital city of Vigil.
3832 AR: Iomedae ascends to full godhood, becoming Aroden’s new herald. Ilmhost Vheist, the acting regent of Ustalav, initiates a nationwide census with the aid of the Cult of the Red Mantis to search for surviving noble -- and royal -- bloodlines.
3834 AR: The census ends with the discovery of heirs to the Ordranti and Caliphvaso bloodlines. Andredos Ordranti ascends to the throne as the first Prince of the newly-restored nation.
3859 AR: Orcs and other monstrosities of the Hold begin regular raids upon western Ustalav.
3890 AR: The body of Arazni is stolen from her honored sepulcher by agents of the Whispering Way.
3898 AR: The city of Lepidstadt is founded, as is its University.
3985 AR: Count Aldus Canter of Vieland, famed explorer and gentleman adventurer, disappears while on safari in Osirion. He is given up for lost when a pyramid-plundering expedition vanishes during a sandstorm.
3985 AR: The missing Count reappears in Lepidstadt, claiming ancient knowledge of lost angelic rites and founding the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye: a private mystic society of young, power-hungry nobles.
3999 AR: Public sentiment turns against the Order; the Count is forced to abdicate his title to a distant cousin and retreat from polite society.
4028 AR: The Esoteric Order officially disbands with the mysterious death -- or disappearance -- of the former Count Aldus Canter; popular legend holds that the society closed ranks and grew more secretive, now set to rule over Ustalav and lands beyond from the shadows.
(Circa 4040) AR: Orcish raids -- originating from the Hold of Belkzen -- upon the county of Canterwall (then called Tamrivena) escalate in both frequency and in intensity.
4042 AR: The mercenary warlord Kazavon comes to the aide of Count Andachi of Tamrivena, reorganizing the Count’s small militia into a brutal fighting-force and pushing the fight back across the border.
4043 AR: The orc menace has been fully driven off of Tamrivenan soil, with all inhuman warriors retreating into the foothills of the Kodar Mountains. Kazavon builds a stronghold at Castle Scarwall and gathers greater forces. Diplomats bearing tributes and words of congratulations arrive from Lastwall, only to be tortured, mutilated and executed.
4051 AR: Count Andachi turns against his general, raising an army and marching against Castle Scarwall. The Count is easily defeated and publicly executed; his officers are impaled alive on a massive thorn tree at a site now known as the Battle of Screaming Tree.
4058: Kazavon is personally defeated by the hero Mandraivus of Lastwall.
4081 AR: Cheliax peacefully secedes from declining, war-ravaged Taldor in the Even-Tongued Conquest, establishing a new empire. The Church of Aroden relocates the center of the faith from Oppara to Westcrown in Cheliax. Lastwall formally declares its independence from both Taldor and Cheliax, refocusing upon the Hold of Belkzen.
4137 AR: Cheliax begins the Ever-War, claiming dominion over much of Avistan (including Varisia and the Hold of Belkzen). During this time, Ustalav serves as a favored trading-partner with that expanding empire and the two cultures exchange a great deal of wealth & influence.
4410 AR: The Ever-War finally draws to a close; the modern borders of Cheliax are set, and their time of expansion ends.
4433 AR: Aroden personally arrives at the haunted Northmounds in Sarkoris, driving the Cult of Lamashtu into the Lake of Mists & Veils.
4568 AR: Dr. Leupahn Quolorum of the Sincomakti School of Sciences launches an expedition into the deepest Parched Dunes of Osirion, which vanishes without a trace.
4594 AR: Harrowstone Prison is built, and the city of Ravengro founded, in the county of Tamrivena. It soon becomes the nation’s most notorious jail, as criminals from across Ustalav are transferred twice a year to the maximum security penitentiary.
4606 AR: The prophesied return of Aroden to Cheliax does not occur. Storms wrack the continent for weeks and many of the spiritually-gifted go mad or die. The Worldwound opens in Sarkoris and the long-awaited ‘Age of Glory’ fails to manifest. The Age of Lost Omens begins: the gods — always distant & mysterious — become ever more-incomprehensible, their miracles fading to rare, whispered legend.
4609 AR: Osirion finally overthrows the foreign rule of Taldor, establishing Pharaoh Khemet I as the first native Osiriani ruler in over three thousand years. Thus begins the Third Golden Age of that nation.
4639 AR: With the rise of House Thrune, Cheliax falls to corruption.
4661 AR: Razmir claims the former Arch-Duchy of Melcat (a large swath of the ever-shifting River Kingdoms) as his own, founding Razmiran. That same year, Harrowstone Prison is partially destroyed in a massive fire and left abandoned by the county government to crumble.
4662 AR: The worship of Razmir is forbidden in Ustalav.
4669 AR: The worship of Razmir becomes legal once more when Count Tiriac of Varno cedes hundreds of acres of land to Razmiri missionaries along the southern border, although immigration is limited.
4670 AR: Ustalav is fractured as three north-western counties overthrow their hereditary governments, becoming the Palatinates.
4674 AR: Prince Valislav Ordranti moves the Ustalavic capital from Ardis to Caliphas and dies shortly thereafter.
4675 AR: The current Monarch of Ustalav, Prince Aduard Ordranti III, ascends to the throne under the shadow of a rival claim from Reneis Ordranti (who was born the same year).
4687 AR–4693 AR: A civil war, known as the War Without Rivals, rages in the east leading to the formation of the wasteland called the Furrows.
4707 AR: Khemet III, the Ruby Prince of Osirion, opens the mysterious lands of his nation to foreign explorers and re-establishing trade-routes.
4710 AR: King Noleski Surtova of Brevoy in the far north sends a group of foreign mercenaries south to explore -- and ultimately settle -- the so-called “Stolen Lands” of the northeastern River Kingdoms.
4711 AR: The twin baronies of Khalseraag (in the north, ruled by the Garundi sword-mage Ransom Dayne) and Wolf-Pit (in the south, ruled by the mad Taldan witch Alexandre du'Colere ) arise in the eastern Stolen Lands, swiftly becoming the two largest of the many River Kingdoms.
4714 AR: The expansionist kingdom of Khalseraag violently lays claim to the conquered lands of Pitax to the west, installing their own brutal High General -- a cruel Numerian-born Kellid-blood worshiper of Rovagug -- as a puppet leader after publicly executing the former king. The nation of Wolf-Pit seals its borders, allowing no further entry or exit.
4717 AR: The great necropolis of Wati, the Half-Dead City, is opened to foreign explorers, archeologists and tomb-raiders.
4720 AR: the current year.
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The Seven Neighboring Nations
The Worldwound: As of just over a century ago, the lands directly north of Ustalav were a surreal forest wilderness ruled-over by backwood Kellid spirit-binders: a place of madness, savages and wonder. With the death of Aroden, however, the ancient thin-spots in reality there have torn open completely, turning the nation into a blazing pit of supernatural horror held back from further spread by holy relics of Aroden’s church.
Numeria: To the northeast, the barbarian badlands of Numeria are ruled-over by warring clans of Kellid berzerkers, unified only in their hated of the Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul and their fear of ancient alien technology. Cities are rare ramshackle affairs, closer to prospector tents and a few clapboard out-buildings surrounding a semi-stable rural crossroads than any modern Ustalavic metropolitan center. The vast majority of the items scrounged from the millennia-old wreckage are beyond useless, and most do not function outside the borders of Numeria
The River Kingdoms: Across the surging West Sellen River, more than twenty independent kingdoms, settlements, city-states, fortresses and lawless baronies vie for power, prestige & gold among themselves in a swampland of poorly-explored criminal wilderness. The blood-feuds of the various pirate River Kings are legendary for their cruelty, although the people of Ustalav do little to follow the shifting politics of the region.
Razmiran: What was once a large and prosperous -- although famously unstable -- River Kingdom became something very different about sixty years ago. The nation of Razmiran is now claimed as the holy land of a living god, run with military precision by his all-powerful Church. Although the cult is poorly-tolerated in the more rural & remote sections of Ustalav, members are highly in-favor among the noble courts.
Kyonin (south of Razmiran): Although the land of Kyonin shares no true border with Ustalav, strange tales of this wondrous place have enchanted the imaginations of the Principality for centuries. It is here that elves rule supreme, although they comprise less than 3% of the sparse population. It is said that none may enter -- or depart -- the forest without their leave, so stories brought out of the misty woodland are rare & coveted.
Lastwall: In Lastwall, there is but one faith: in Iomedae, she who bound the undying Whispering Tyrant to his restless grave at Gallowspire. From the remains of that monster’s unholy empire, the nation of Taldor forged a new nation, devoted to the single task of rooting-out and destroying evil wherever it may be discovered. In recent centuries, Lastwall has focused on establishing & maintaining the Hordeline: a fortified border separating the Hold of Belkzen from the civilized world.
The Hold of Belkzen: West of Ustalav stretches an eternity of barren, windswept wasteland, home to countless orcs, goblins, ogres, giants and nameless, titanic & misshapen beasts of the pit. The soulless horrors here are united by a hunger for the flesh of humanity, marching beneath ash-stained and blood-caked banners. It is only by the combined military might of Lastwall & the Crown of Ustalav that this menace is kept at-bay.
Across the civilized nations of Avistan, criminals found guilty of non-capital offenses may petition for their sentences to be commuted to service at the Worldwound (or in Lastwall); additionally, offenders of various types may be sentenced directly to such service.
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The Seven Classes:
As an aside, our campaign will use the Feat Tax-Reduction system & the Variant Multiclassing rules; ability scores will be determined by d100.
Fighter: Rough and tumble, build for war, versed in every weapon & in every style of armor. This is the most common class of castle-trained soldiers, crusaders, bodyguards and knights.
Oracle: Although the vast majority of people worship a god, even their most pious servants cannot perform true miracles. You, however, are favored (or cursed): chosen to directly manifest the power of a deity.
Rogue: Snipers and con-artists, smugglers and cut-purses, thugs and thieves, certainly. Pickpockets, burglars and assassins, as well. But also musicians and aristocrats, circus-folk and treasure hunters.
Slayer: Combining the fighting prowess of the fighter with the swiftness and subtly of the rogue, while adding-in a great deal of skill at tracking, the slayer is a expert survivor, hunter and wilderness-guide.
Sorcerer: The power is in your blood. You were born with magic flowing through your veins and greatness -- at your command -- waiting only to be grasped. If the witch is Doctor Strange, the sorcerer is Harry Potter.
Unchained Barbarian: There is power in rage, even blind and mindless. The unchained barbarian fights without discipline or fear, unencumbered by armor, doubt or those dusty laws which guide civilized warfare.
Witch: A witch is not chosen by any god, nor is she born to some kind of inherent mystical potency. Instead, each witch is self-made: through a combination of study, discipline & communion with entities far beyond our reality or comprehension -- neither demons nor angels -- the witch is a genius of self-transformation who claims the universe for her own.
Note that The Witch is the most mechanically-complex class.
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The Seven Races: Although humans account for 90+% of the population, there are other sentient creatures living secretly in the long shadows of Ustalav. For their own sake, most have learned to hide their ancestry.
Constructed: A combination of mad alchemical genius & blackest magic has brought some of these scientific marvels to strange life, rising from the slab and assembled from severed parts of the dead. Some religions even claim that such misshapen creatures are still “human” -- a view not shared by the crown -- which leaves such monsters little family.
Dhampir: Although they are hunted by every church, the ancient undead still dwell in Ustalav, hiding amongst the nobility and slaking their dark thirsts upon the innocent. Children infected by their bloodline are rare but are not unknown, and are usually treated with superstitious awe.
Half-Elf: True elves are inhuman, unnerving and alien. When, on isolated occasion, they deign to leave the forest palaces of Kyonin, some choose to take a partner for their own inscrutable reasons. The results of such a union are universally beautiful in the extreme and are often granted the unofficial status of humanity within more progressive communities.
Half-Orc: Orcs are monsters from beneath the earth; they do not breed and they do not have souls. Rising full-grown from infected pits made profane in the name of Lamashtu or of Rovagug, orcs kill only for the joy of slaughter and to take what they can hold. Half-orcs, however -- their sad, bastard spawn -- do have souls and are capable of breeding true in small and often desperately impoverished communities. 
Human: 90+% of the inhabitants of Ustalav are human, and are the only recognized citizens under protection of the crown.
Skinwalker: Born primarily amongst those of Low Varisian stock, there are also rumors of the loup garou breeding with noble Taldan families and amongst the wild Kellid clans. These creatures, more than any others, are gifted at passing for human and -- as such -- the keen eyes of werewolf hunters are always peeled for evidence of their shifting kinfolk.
Tiefling: There are no bloodlines more strange or damnable than those which intermingle with literal fiends of the Outer Darkness; those born with the mark of demonic or diabolical heritage are feared, hated and hunted throughout the thirteen counties of Ustalav by members of every sane and legal religion.
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The Seven Faiths: The gods are distant and unknowable. However, there are some who may draw forth miracles and blessings in their name ... and nearly every king & killer lays claim that they serve of one god or another.
Aroden (Lawful Neutral) & Iomedae (Lawful Good): The disappearance and presumed death of Aroden -- god of humanity, culture, prophecy, destiny and wizardry -- shook the world, certainly, but Ustalav has most assuredly endured greater hardships than these. In modern times, the faith has largely re-focused upon Iomedae, Light of the Sword, and little has changed for members of the Church within the last half-century.
Achaekek (Lawful Evil): Ancient god of assassins, bodyguards and royal executioners, the dark cult of He Who Walks in Blood is insular, cruel and exclusionary: conversion to the cause is rare, and outsiders comprehend little of the faith except that ordained members of the priesthood are often the only ones allowed to bear weapons in court, for a true follower of Achaekek may never allow a single drop of royal blood to be spilled.
Desna (Chaotic Good) & Erastil (Lawful Good): These are the old gods of the pre-human world, worshiped in antiquity by the first Varisians and by their unknowable Azlanti fore-bearers; many modern Kellid share these intertwined faiths, whispering prayers to the Song of the Spheres for safe travel and to Old Dead-Eye for good luck upon the hunt. Temples to the faiths are rare, but dedicated standing-stones are not; while the informal “priesthood” of this faith is disorganized, certain worshipers may conduct legally-binding weddings, funerals, blessings and baptisms.
Lamashtu & Rovagug (both Chaotic Evil): Very little attempt is made by most serious scholars to draw any real line of distinction between these two bizarre, obscene and illegal “religions,” as each is concerned only with the performance of acts that might best be described as monstrous in the extreme. However, there apparently exists some enormous enmity between the warring worshipers of Grandmother Nightmare and of The Rough Beast, with each faith attempting to utterly annihilate the other. 
Pharasma (True Neutral): A cosmic entity personifying the finality of death, the mystery of birth and the orderly procession of both the soul and the seasons, the Lady of Graves is not so much worshiped as she is recognized, feared and placated to whatever degree that prayer might sway her infinite power. Because her will is utterly incomprehensible to most mortals, those rare few who have been chosen to channel her power are feared and revered in equal measure, often living quiet lives far from polite society: secluded in dim libraries, crypts and forest shrines.
Razmir (Lawful Evil): Less than a half-century ago, the God Who Lives was well-known across multiple nations as perhaps the most potent living witch in all of Avistan. Today, his church loudly attests that Razmir has achieved full divinity; as yet, none have successfully disproved this grand claim. Although his faith is small, it is wealthy and ambitious in the extreme, establishing new temples wherever it can & charging ludicrous sums for the working of “miracles” in Razmir’s name.
Urgathoa and Her Four Horsemen (Neutral Evil): In life, some untold millennia ago, the Pallid Princess was mortal: an Azlanti noblewoman of unearthly beauty, hideous willpower, dark cunning, exceptional brilliance and breathtakingly obscene tastes, said to have committed uncountable atrocities in her bid for immortality, binding the cosmic spirits of Death, War, Pestilence & Famine permanently to her own twisted service. Not long after she was buried by her worshipful followers, Urgathoa re-emerged from the grave as the first undead: goddess of hunger, power, sadism and disease. Although her faith is illegal in Ustalav, many are said to whisper prayers to her in their darkest hour ... and her “chosen” are rumored to be legion.
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The Seven Ethnicities:
High Varisian: These are the founding folk of Ustalav, descended from the conquering hero Soividia Ustav and his armies; those of High Varisian blood comprise approximately 70% of the population in Ustalav, and they regard themselves, one and all -- from the lordliest Prince to the lowliest pig-farmer -- as noble, strong and cunning.
Low Varisian: These “people of the road” comprise approximately 20% of the population of Ustalav and the majority of the unemployed, under-employed or criminal lower-class; they remain true to the wandering spirit of their west-born forefathers, refusing to settle or work the land they now occupy. These scatted people still speak Varisian, hold to the ways of the old country, and often interbreed with other ethnicities; folk with mixed Kellid blood are referred to as ‘Low Varisian” by those who wish to condescend more politely to their inferiors.
Taldan: At one time, the nation of Taldor to the south and east was the most powerful empire in the world; today, it is slow decline. However, much of their culture still influences Ustalav, and many noble families are proud to name cousins and associates of pure Taldan blood. Amongst those of High Varisian ancestry, Taldan culture has a certain romantic flair and is often aped or mimicked at bacchanals & festivals.
Kellid: The lowest of the low, barbarians and savages, the Kellid people were the original inhabitants of the cold, nameless hills and deep echoing forests which have become modern Ustalav, and these hardy folk remain the majority population in Numeria and throughout much of the River Kingdoms. Thousands of Kellid refugees streamed into Ustalav after the opening of the Worldwound in the north just over a century ago, a most unwelcome influx: the newest immigrants still speak Hallit.
Chelaxian: There are two kinds of Chelaxians: those who arrived before the rise of House Thrune and those who arrived after. Old and powerful merchant families with Chelaxian roots who settled during the Ever-War, although not noble, control many of the eastern counties in Ustalav; in the wake of House Thrune’s ascendance, however, most modern travelers from Cheliax are powerful witches loyal to the Infernal Majestrix ... or are refugees fleeing from the persecution of her dread Hellknights.
Garundi: Avistan is not the only civilized continent upon the Inner Sea, and ancient empires stretch far south of Taldor, beyond even the fabled city of Absalom. The mysterious folk of these strange places share many of the same gods as the people of Ustalav, but their ways are curious and foreign, unwelcome in all but the most progressive of urban enclaves.
Far-Lander: Rarest of all, there are some who journey to Ustalav from Vudra, Tian Xia and further continents beyond. Regarded with as much superstition and fear as any inhuman monster of the night, very few Far-Landers travel openly or without protection.
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Random PC Background Generator (roll d20):
Most people in Ustalav are impoverished, uneducated farmers or day-laborers of pure human stock and High Varisian ancestry who make halfhearted prayers to Aroden each Sunday and worry over taxes, weather and war.
Of course, most of the people in the Harry Potter universe are boring mundane muggles, almost no one in the Song of Ice & Fire saga owns dragons or rises from the dead, and fewer than one in perhaps a billion might survive multiple consecutive Hunger Games.
The people in stories are special. You are special. A hero or villain born, yet to ascend to the fullness of your own legend.
You are empowered by an evil god, although you are not evil
You are empowered by Pharasma herself
You are empowered by Iomedae, Erastil or Desna
You are a witch, passing as a scholar of history & medicine
You are a criminal, wanted for hanging in the River Kingdoms
You are “made” within the Sczarni
You are an ordained priest of Achaekek
You are an ordained priest of Aroden
You are an “ordained priest” of Desna, of Erastil or of both
You are an ordained priest of Pharasma
You are a trained warrior of Lastwall or have personally faced the demons of the Worldwound
You are a Kellid, with family native to Numeria or the Worldwound
You are full-blooded Chelaxian
You are full-blooded Taldan
You are a Garundi or a Far-Lander (your choice)
You are a seventh child born into a lesser noble house and are thus technically a member of the aristocracy
You are a half-elf, beautiful in the extreme
You are a member of an inhuman race, capable of passing for human even upon close inspection
You are a member of an inhuman race, capable of passing for human at least when cloaked and in dim lighting
Roll 3d6 twice, taking both results; you may choose to re-roll any one of these two rolls
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