#forgive me 🙏🏼🥺
lockedfighter · 1 month
i cannot cope with miss lockhart in her teen years . a lil brat bub —- when not getting her way ?! like are you kidding me ?! many a rambling ahead ; yeehaw .
it breaks my heart that she used to be so spunky & carefree back when she was younger . her confidence seemed to be showcased a lot more too , she was able to freely communicate what she was feeling without being too much of a closed book . perhaps that could be down to her own naivety also and she certainly was forced to mature at such a young age .
studying her micro expressions forever make me laugh tho !! for example this gif right here ( which is so damn cute 🥺 ) and how she legit STOMPS HER FOOT when she doesn’t get her way ?! like —- are you serious ? it’s really endearing because it shows her adolescence in a more realistic manner . she was like a typical teen , perhaps with a slight attitude problem .. ( didn’t we all have that tho ? lbr . ) and to me , it just adds that little more depth .
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the pout be out too !!
in the nibelheim flashback , we really get to grasp how her character has changed —- not necessarily for better or worse but how the events happening between had a solid effect upon her . mannerisms like clenching her fists ( even when she meets sephiroth for the first time in pure excitement ) and the bright innocence within her eyes really adds that multi dimension yet such is taken away from her with a click of the finger . sweet , you really should not have gone into that reactor . why did you not do as you were told ?!
i cannot stop laughing at her little sassy flares of attitude —- like when she says to memory ! cloud ( zack ) when asking about if mako springs will disappear if they keep using the power & zack asked who told her that . her reply with her hands on her hips —- ❛ my dad . and the mayor , if you must know . ❜ you can really hear the boldness in her tone . esp for a fifteen year old .
another example such as from the gif above when she challenges sephiroth even after he explains calmly that no civilians are allowed in the reactor , she still whines and is like , ❛ come on !! ❜ in this case , i don’t think she’s being disrespectful , just a little cheeky in a childlike manner . not fully understanding the consequences & the dangers of the world yet having lived a fairly content life in a sleepy mountain village . even tries to march through behind zack , only to be stopped and then proceeds to have her mini meltdown and is a little grumbly mumble asking real ! cloud , ❛ you better keep me safe . ❜ with a huff .
this all being said , she’s well loved in the nibelheim community and is very helpful to her peers . in traces of two pasts , it’s narrated that she helps around the village and even teaches classes for the elders ( & whoever else wishes to join ) , she’s a delight to have around and with the help of some of the other women in the village , she is learning to cook and sew . if she was truly ‘ a brat ’ , i don’t believe her neighbours would give her the time of day . she’s just young & playful —- doesn’t have the true weight of the world ‘pon shoulders as of yet . ugh , i just think her development is wonderful .
thank you for coming to my teef talk . 💖
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leclercvsx · 7 months
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Second chances {5} | LN⁴
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user1: no cos charles WOULD be the type of man to do this
user2: my girls gonna get her heartbroken AGAIN
user3: praying she breaks up with him, if the rumours are true, and get back with lando😔
↳ user1: i hope she takes a MUCH needed break and THEN gets back with lando
user4: girlie deserves better
user5: who even is this mila girl??
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liked by landonorris, charles_lectern and 468k others
yourusername: taking a small break from boys and social media! 🤍
to the one i’ve always loved, i’m sorry for everything i put you through and everything that’s happened this last year, i hope you can forgive me🧡
landonorris: i’d always forgive you, it’s my fault too. i’ll be waiting for you, my love❤️
liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc: i’m sorry😪
↳ landonorris: dude, fuck off
liked by yourusername
user1: my y/nlando heart cannot handle this
user2: take all the time you need !! 🫶
user3: the last sentence😭an apology😭to lando😭
danielricciardo: i’m coming to visit soon
↳ yourusername: 🫶
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liked by landonorris, danieleicciardo and 593k others
yourusername: i’m back, WITH A CAT!! 🥺🧡
landonorris: adorable
↳ yourusername: isn’t he just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen😭😭
↳ landonorris: i was talking about you🙄
liked by yourusername
danielricciardo: that cat looks familiar👀
↳ yourusername: 👀👀
user2: orange heart when y/n uses it = lando😭
user3: y/n and lando back together?!?!?! please🙏🏼
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 816k others
landonorris: great race weekend🧡
TAGGED: maxverstappen1 and mclaren
yourusername: congrats on P3! you did amazing!! 🧡
↳ landonorris: just for you❤️
liked by yourusername
↳ user1: and you’re telling me they’re NOT TOGETHER?!?!
user2: wishing y/n was there with him like last year:(
maxverstappen1: maybe one day you’ll beat me😉
↳ landonorris: i will mate, don’t you worry💪
mclaren: 🧡
liked by landonorris
part 6 will be the last part! who should my next social media au be on and what should be the plot?🤔
taglist (people that wanted to be reminded!):
previous | next | masterlist
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whyse7vn · 3 months
[ jung hoseok x reader ]
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HOSEOK ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
hoseok: wyd
y/n: can you talk to me like you love me pls
hoseok: there was sm love in that wyd i don’t what ur talking about actually
y/n: it felt like i was whore number 32
hoseok: ur literally whore 12???
y/n: you barely know 7 people let alone 12
hoseok: you literally said ur whore 32 so clearly i know more than 12 people
y/n: i said that it FELT like i was whore 32 not that i was
hoseok: let’s have sex
y/n: no
i’m listening to butterfly rn
ur interrupting
hoseok: no that’s actually so crazy cuz i wrote that song for you babe
y/n: ???
hoseok: and if you translate it the lyrics into hyroglifics it actually about why we should fuck rn
y/n: that is not true at all
also you did NOT write it according to my spotify
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hoseok: i wrote it in my heart
y/n: ok
hoseok: do you like me
y/n: no not when ur wasting my time like rn
hoseok: maybe i just want to talk to you
y/n: ur boring
hoseok: wait why ur spotify in english ☠️☠️
this bitch can’t speak korean ohmygod 🤣💯😭🤦🏻‍♂️
y/n: and ur trying to fuck???
hoseok: i love you
y/n: i love you more
hoseoki: call me daddy
y/n: NO
hoseok: WHY ☹️
y/n: how many times do we need to go through this
you have thrown up BOTH times i’ve called you it
hoseok: what if i’ve changed
y/n: stop talking to me
hoseok: :p
maybe you need to encourage me more
a hoseokssi fighting~🥺🙏🏼💘
before you say it and i might not throw up
y/n: stop talking about it
hoseok: fine 😒
y/n: btw do you know where my pink hat is
cant find her i’m real upset
hoseok: btw i have not one clue where it is!!!
sorry to hear ur upset
don’t cry pretty
y/n: so ur telling me you don’t have it rn
hoseok: i don’t
y/n: answer the ft then
hoseok: i don’t want to
y/n: what if i’m naked
hoseok: are you?
y/n: no
hoseok: i’m not answering then
y/n: you have my hat hobi
hoseok: that is not true
babe ur like going insane i think
not good
let’s get you to a doctor
y/n: bring my hat home rn
hoseok: what hat?
y/n: i will NOT let you gaslight ur way out of this
hoseok: gaslighting isn’t real ur just insane
telling you we need to see a doctor asap no newjeans
y/n: don’t lose my hat pls
hoseok: why would i lose it
y/n: so you do have it
hoseok: whaaaatttttt
y/n: whatever just don’t lose it
hoseok: ok 😁
y/n: yeah
hoseok: miss you
y/n: is that why you took my hat?
hoseok: say you miss me back ohmygod
y/n: i miss you back
is that why you took my hat?
hoseok: wait babe ur spitting 🔥🗣️
y/n: i don’t spit
hoseok: no ur right
ur a good girl and swallow
y/n: ok bye
hoseok: ok i’m sorry come back 😢
i just want to fuck
y/n: ur life story at this point
hoseok: not true
there are times i don’t want to fuck
y/n: times like????
hoseok: i don’t have my thinking cap on rn
but if i did
i could name you times i didn’t want to
y/n: sure
hoseok: sure
y/n: sure.
hoseok: shorts tight as hell rn
y/n: shorts???
are you not cold
why are you wearing shorts rn it’s still cold outside
hoseok: my dick just THAT big i fear
y/n: jung hoseok
hoseok: ok i’m sorry this time i’m fr sorry
like actually babe
y/n: i prefer when you don’t lie to me
hoseok: my fault
did you believe i was sorry tho
y/n: no
hoseok: damn fr???
ur saying i’m not built for this kdrama life
y/n: you barely built for this one
hoseok: LMAOOOO
that wasn’t funny
if you thought i laughed ur wrong
don’t say things like that
i’m upset now
y/n: sorry babe
hoseok: it’s ok i forgive you
y/n: thx >_<
hoseok: is this you finally admitting ur in love with me
y/n: only a little
ur ego it’s getting a bit much these days
hoseok: always knew you loved me 💘😍
y/n: loved
hoseok: ?
y/n: past tense
hoseok: love
y/n: i didn’t say to change it
my love you in the past fr fr
hoseok: fr??
y/n: for real man
hoseok: man
y/n: yup
hoseok: remember when we were just friends
y/n: remember when we didn’t even know each other
hoseok: lowkey
take me back 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
y/n: that was my joke
you nasty little thief
hoseok: i’m not joking
y/n: if we breakup one day
ur gonna think back to this moment
and be like man
i was off my head
this was all my fault
why would i say some fucked up shit like this man
hoseok: you were gonna say the same thing tho?
y/n: but i didn’t
hoseok: ok
would you love me as a worm tho
y/n: i don’t even love you as you are rn
hoseok: OK WHAT
you said you love me
y/n: LOVED
get it right
hoseok: ok wtf man
y/n: you wouldn’t love me as a worm
hoseok: who said that???
not me
ask me the question
y/n: would you still love me as a worm?
hoseok: no!!
y/n: kys
hoseok: my sweetheart ❤️
nah someone tell hoseok to let the daddy agenda go omg bf so crazy guys 🤦🏽‍♀️😂‼️
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
just realised joon was supposed to be next my fault LMAO
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
Thanks for answering so quickly!
I've been thinking about a fic.
How about the reader being afraid of getting attached because of the trauma they went through in their childhood (absent parents or emotionally abusive father/mother) and the 141 boys & los vaqueros boys slowly figured out why the reader is always skittish when it comes to emotions.
And they finally get the reader to open up and realize that she/he loves the boys more than herself/himself.
P. S. I'm new to this! If you've already written something like this then please don't kill me. 🙈 🙈
no worries, i don't think i've written anything like this and if i have I'LL WRITE IT AGAIN FOR UUUU <3 but yeah i got you :) thank you for your patience! i know it took me a while to get to this. and i also hope it's okay? if not please forgive me 🥺🙏🏼thank you for this request @ghostslillady (btw i love ur username so much i almost wish i thought of it too lmao)
GN Reader x 141 + Los Vaqueros and How They React to an Emotionally Skittish Person
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It was another successful mission the 141 teamed up with Los Vaqueros for. Everyone was sitting in the breakroom for a meeting while eating some much needed food together.
You sat by yourself, but close enough to your team to make conversation. Like the father figure he is, Price was going around the room, handing out compliments to everyone's efforts as a team. He finally made it to you and as he stood proudly, with his hands on his hip, smiling widely, you froze in place, hesitating to make eye contact.
"Y/N, I'd like to personally thank you for always looking out for your team, having their back 100%. If it wasn't for you, these muppets wouldn't be here right now. You exceed my expectations every time, and I'm proud of you, and we're happy to have you, kid," he complimented as he held out his hand for you to shake.
Still froze in place, your hand shook as it grabbed his, his grip tightened, feeling your sweaty palm against his as you had trouble making eye contact. The combination of the bright overhead lights, everyone's eyes on you, smiling and clapping for you overwhelmed you instantly.
You gulp as you take deep breaths, forcing yourself to remain as professional as possible. "T-thank you, Captain," you managed to mutter out, smiling at him with wide eyes as you forced a smile.
He dismissed everyone shortly after a few more words he had to share, you sigh out a breath of relief as you throw your box of food away and go to your quarters, not minding that the rest of the people stayed put. Whatever floats their boat, you thought. I'm out of here.
You sank into bed, instantly falling asleep given how exhausted you were.
The team definitely took note of how you reacted to the praise, and were concerned for you. They would respect you if you didn't want to talk about it, but it was now their mission to figure out if you were okay, if there was a reason why that happened and if there was anything they could do to help you. They cared for you like they would a close loved one, and it was no doubt that there's no length they wouldn't go to protect you, or help you.
Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost got together in a private meeting to talk about what they should do. It was decided to do a nice dinner, with everyone along with a comfortable environment, comfortable enough where they can try to ask them to open up. They even invited the Los Vaqueros, since they worked with you sometimes and you've worked together well as teammates.
As you woke up the next morning, you were given dozens of small tasks, go here, do this, go do that, etc. A little odd and out of routine, but whatever. They were really doing anything to keep you out of the dining and open areas.
Your work day finally came to a halt, and as you walked back up to the safe house and walked in the door, everyone was gathered around and they were talking. You spotted Alejandro and Rudy and waved hello as you smiled at them, happy they were here but what the hell is going on?
"What's this?" you asked, not specifically to anyone, but you made eye contact with Soap first.
"It's a... family dinner! Join us?" he smiled warmly.
You look around the room, noticing the effort put into this surprise and oblige. "Sure," you laughed, a hint of nervousness in it. For a moment, you thought back to your past and how family dinners never ended up well, but you push it to the back of your mind, reminding yourself this is different.
Price entered the room, gesturing for everyone to start making their plates. You got in line and got your food, sitting down at a corner seat of the table. Usually you'd choose to sit away from people, but in this moment you had no choice. You sat down and stared at your food for a moment, before checking your surroundings.
Everyone made small talk, and you'd admit that the atmosphere soon felt more calm to be in after adjusting a little bit.
"Y/n," Price started as he was finishing a bite of food. "Is the food okay? You feel okay?"
You look up at him and nervously smile. "Y-yeah, it's great! Thanks."
"Good, I'm glad," he smiled, looking around the table proudly.
It wasn't long before that knot of anxiety in your stomach disappeared, and you don't know what hit you, but your mouth moved before your brain could stop it from speaking. "Um... thank you guys for being patient with me..."
Everyone stopped what they were doing, giving you their full attention, all smiles and genuine intentions. They all nodded before Ghost spoke up.
"Of course, kid," he spoke softly.
"I... don't really have the easiest time opening up, and definitely have a hard time with emotional... things, thanks to my childhood," you laughed it off. "But you guys make me comfortable, and make me feel like I'm actually a part of something. A family. So thank you."
"Aye, we understand… If you ever need to talk, we're all here for ya," he smiled.
"D'ya mind me asking what about your childhood..." Price lowered his voice to a calmer level. "Makes it hard for you to open up? Is there anything I can do to help you?"
You thought for a moment before saying it out loud. While you spoke about your childhood, your abusive household and how you couldn't open up and if you did there was always a consequence, bad things just always happened as soon as you did open up... A weight finally lifted off your shoulders.
They all comforted you, and a lot of them related, so it only helped. The night ended in laughter, smiles, and lots of jokes. You found a place you felt true comfort at and it was safe to say you loved these boys more than you loved yourself.
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A/N - I hope this is decent! Sorry again for taking a while!
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fa-by · 8 months
Hiiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗. I'm back with a new Q&A post. Those who follow me already know that I haven't been well for quite some time now, and therefore also know that this is the reason for my delays in posting 😭.
Oh and, I apologize again to those Anons of the songs' analysis 😅. They're not even in this post 😅. Please forgive me guys 🙏🏼. Analysis are long and it was a mess to even post this between work and my bad health 😭. I'll make sure to have them ready for the next Q&A though. Sorry again 🙏🏼.
Now let's move on directly to the answers. Enjoy 🙃.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thank you so much 🤗 and yeah, of course you can DM me. I never appear to be online, but you can write to me whenever you want. I'll answer you as soon as I can 😉.
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You can find the answer in the last ask https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/717423115134779392/hi-to-you-too-dear-anon-and-thank-you-very. Have a great day too, Anon.
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I'm slowly getting better, Anon. I hope you're doing well.
Sorry, but the answer hasn't changed. In case you didn't see it in that post: ---please, please, please guys, don’t ask me to tell you the sites because I won’t. I don’t want any problems.
In addition I can only tell you that many sites get shut down or changed (or both) over the years, especially with the too much word-of-mouth. So I'm sorry but you have to find them on your own. Like I said, I don't want any problems.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and I hope you're having a beautiful day too.
As for your question, I'm sorry, my dear 🥺. I'm so so sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking me. I really tried 😅 and forgive me 🙏🏼 but I just didn't understand. Could you please formulate the question better or give me an example?
Again, I'm sorry, I really am 😭.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. My girlfriend and I aren't having much luck with health lately 😅, especially me 😅😅, but I hope you are (healthy) 🙃.
To answer your question, no. All In My Feelings screams Camila in every letter 🤣😜.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. A little better, you?
And nope. I personally disagree with that theory I saw around a long time ago. That is Mila's point of view for me.
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Hey to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thank you so much for your kind words and rest assured that I'll say hi from you to my gf live since she'll be staying here with me for 2 months 🥳.
About your question, I would very much love to help you and solve your doubts, believe me, but I'm sorry I don't know how 😅 because I don't have a specific context. Mila has been to Spain a looot of times, so if you could tell me specifically when and send me the pics of the phrases maybe, just maybe I might be able to help you 😄.
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Good morning to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. This good morning I don't know why I swear but it's so new and refreshing, I love it 😍! Thank you, my dear Anon 🤩.
Anyway, the answer to your question is: on purpose of course 🤣.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm sorry, my dear, but you must have me confused with someone else because I never said anything like that.
I hope you're having a beautiful day too 😄.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and thanks, I'm trying. Short summary on the Camren songs you say? Okay, I'll do as I did with Prelude.
All In My Feelings: 2014
Always Love: 2016
Trust Issues: 2017
The One: 2018
My dear, who said I can't do the analysis?
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm sorry I can't be as present as before, but shouldn't you be happy that, even if not always, I'm here? Focus on the positive 😉.
1) [If, Lauren's new PR is ONLY to cover up camren-] and the songs (old and future ones), and their private life, yes.
[-why would Lauren do it again (she has denied it thousands of times camren)?]
Why would Lauren do it again, what? Why have a PR or why deny Camren? Sorry but I got confused 😅.
In any case, you can find the answer here in the first ask https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/717423115134779392/hi-to-you-too-dear-anon-and-thank-you-very.
2) [How long approximately do you think this PR of Lauren will last?]
I hope they've made a basic contract for at least one year's duration with no possibility of extending it beyond that, but I don't know. It'll depend on whether things go as planned or not.
3) [And how do you imagine the PR to end?]
I honestly don't cause I don't care 🤭🤣. No seriously tho 🤣. I see two possible roads connected to those indirects. **For those who don't know, I saw that there are people who think they broke up because of what they assumed were indirects of a breakup on IG.**
Road n°1: that was all PR bullshit as usual. Sasha's on tour with Madonna again and the two of them (L&S) can't see each other, ergo, they can't be seen together to the public like before. Ergo x2, there are other ways to publicize. People need to learn to remember that PRs feed and thrive on speculation and gossip. So ergo x3, nothing has changed because it was one of the many ways to get people to talk about the PR. The PR is still on.
Road n°2: a merge of everything I said in road n°1 + what I said in point 2). Let me explain better.
If my hope that they've made a basic contract for at least one year's duration with no possibility of extending it beyond that can be the reality, then it means that they're running out of time. Why? Because as I explained in my Laucy 2.O post, Lauren and Sasha supposedly got together on the night of December 18, 2021 (unless we’ll have anniversary posts in the future) but officially, the relationship was announced on February 14, 2023, on Valentine's Day.  February 2024 is not that far away. If that's why, December is right around the corner if they want to go ahead with that 🤣. But anyway. This means that they could've used the indirects both for publicity and to generate speculation as I said in road n°1, and to initiate the future official break-up. They could very well use the distance as an excuse for the breakup.
But again, who knows in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️. This could be an idea 😏.
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Hello to you too, dear @camilalauren0327 👋🏼😄, and thank you.
It can be both, although it's rarer. It's usually the inside people who've worked on it with her in a personal way who are the ones looking for potential buyers. By inside people I mean producers and writers by the way. I'd also remind you tho that this is only possible if Mila is super sure she doesn't want a song anymore. Because if she's attached to it or just wants to reuse it in the future for lyrics or whatever, then the sale isn't even a thought.
You’re welcome, my dear 🤗, anytime.
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Hello again, my dear @camilalauren0327 👋🏼😄. My health is improving a little and I hope yours is waaaay better than mine 😊.
1) Chronologically speaking, no. Neither Lauren nor Camila have ever released songs in order. It's more evident with Mila because we have a lot more of her songs, but they both release songs about different situations that happened even in different years. If they were to release them in chronological order, the lies would be all too obvious even to the general public. Instead, in this way, it's easier to hide the truth and mix it with the narratives and their PRs. It's simply up to us to put the pieces together.
2) In the AMAs interview (Oct 9, 2018) with Chelsea Briggs for Billboard, Laur said she'd written 40 songs. Of those 40 songs, and taking away the ones she'd already released, 5 were chosen for Prelude. In December 2021 in the interview with Zach Sang, she said she still had about 50 songs done. In the interview with People (May 26, 2023) (https://people.com/lauren-jauregui-on-working-with-ex-ty-dolla-amid-new-relationship-exclusive-7504696) she said: “I haven't really written a lot since 2020” and explained that In Between “It’s in between the time of Prelude and the actual official debut album”. And in the one with Galore (Jun 20, 2023) (https://galoremag.com/lauren-jauregui-releases-her-newest-ep-in-between-and-talks-about-new-music-love-whats-next/) she said: “These songs have actually been sitting with me since 2018/2019”.
Now what do I want to tell you with this? That Prelude and In Between are the same thing. They're part of the same era. Imagine them together as one album and not as two separate projects, also because that was her initial intent. Even the album we'll get will most likely be part of Prelude and In Between as a whole.
3) It may be as it may not be, my dear 💁🏻‍♀️. We're still getting pieces of their story from both of them, and Laur has basically just started, so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I hope I've helped you as you wanted 😉.
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Hi again, my dear K 👋🏼😄.
[Hi faby sorry to hear u were ill again I hope ur feeling better now and are taking care of yourself. Glad u remembered me and I also send a virtual hug back ❤️]
[So the reason I’m not adopting another cat is bc my cat that died Rocky I have her brother still as I adopted them together and he won’t accept another and honestly he’s a little shit 😂]
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 By the way, if I'd known that you have the brother, I'd never have advised you to adopt a new one, especially since he's a little shit and I dare not imagine what he would do to the newcomer 🙈🤣. 
[but I will again I also would love to adopt a dog bur again can’t with him and where I live my landlord don’t allow dogs 🙄]
Let's hope that one day you will also because as a dog lover, I can tell you that having a cat and having a dog are two completely different things 🤣. You'll see hopefully someday 🤞🏼🥰.
[Ur thoughts “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh yeah? And who told them that? Lauren or Camila? Or both of them? Over text, call, or video call? 🤣.” Was exactly my thoughts when I read that theory 🤣🤣 they must of read too many fanfics 😂 then 🙄 this is why we get called delusional 😂]
Yeah, unfortunately 🙄.
[Ur right about fans leaving L she has always been like this just maybe when she was in 5H their team controlled what she posted/says in a way but I am curious as to why she hasn’t changed her image yet and thought she would now being independent she could show more of her true self and stop coming across as a hypocrite but again I never really thought until u mentioned it that’s she comfortable doing what she is and she knows sexualising herself sales. If I’m not mistaken I believe she even posted in her caption b4 how when she posts sexy pics etc it has triple the likes then her music etc does.]
Exactly 😎.
[I also found it hilarious how C’s fans act when she spent all that time in New York getting papped multiple times a day everyday with yoghurt then they split then C disappears from earth and they complain🤣🤣🤣 I don’t understand how they can be so stupid every single time it happens and don’t even get me started on his fans 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ saying C’s the attention seeker and she needs him to be successful 😂 like he wasn’t papped walking shirtless conveniently on a hiking trail completely empty but somehow a pap just so happens to be there🤣🤣🤣🤣 u can’t make this shit up]
Yeah sure, she's so much attention seeker that I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times she's been papped since they ‘broke up’ again 🤦🏻‍♀️. Contrary to mister please give me attention that three people's fingers wouldn't be enough 🤣. But anyway, you said it yourself: people are stupid 💁🏻‍♀️.
[Also have u heard the AI songs of Camren that shit is good-]
I've listened to them since day one and I keep progressively doing so as new versions come out 😍. And yep, you're absolutely right.
[-and makes me wish they would do a song together better yet a whole ass album can u imagine that?]
Wouldn't that be a dream for all of us 🤣?
[Do u think Camren have heard them? I’m also surprised they haven’t done anything about it.]
Heard or not, they can't do anything about it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Exactly like all the other singers this is happening to. It's still publicity if you think about it.
[I am excited for C’s new music and I hope they give her more freedom where she can really show of her writing and don’t know about u but I would love for her to do some rock/edgy songs. Her NBTS is still one of my favs]
Absofuckinglutely! NBTS as well as Shameless which is one of my favorites, although Shameless is more pop punk rock with a darker edge. I'd love it if she continued to do that and also to re-explore other genres. Like, for example, something trap like in OMG, or electropop like in Crown, or even afrobeat, something new that as a former dancer literally knocked me down, like she did in Ku Lo Sa. *Can you tell that I love everything she does? 😅*
And don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE that she’s primarily a pop singer. That's the main reason why I discovered 5H in the first place in the far back March 2016. I'm just saying that along with pop, I hope she continues to explore other genres and not focus solely on Latin songs like she did for the most part with Familia. Again, don't get me wrong. I love and adore her Latin songs as well and I also understand that she wanted to integrate her culture more into the last album, and I loved them all. I'm just saying that I'd like her to continue to integrate and explore genres in a more varied way (including the Latin ones) as she did before Familia. That's all 😄.
[Hope ur having a nice day/night and are feeling better 😘]
Thank you so much, you're always super kind 🤩. I hope you're doing very well and I hope you're having a nice day/night too 😘. Virtual hug 🤗.
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[HIIII Faby!!! 💜💜💜 ​Me again :P I hope u feel much better and healthier since last time .]
HIIII to you too, my dear purple heart Anon 👋🏼😄. I actually do, thanks 🤗. I'm unfortunately still not 100% yet because it's a long healing process, but I'm better 😊.
[1THANK U SO MUCH for exposing Lauren and Sasha's fake relationship like I asked u to!!!! I'm sure you'll have made many people in doubt happy and u made me laugh a lot as always🤣 .]  
1) It's always a pleasure to help you guys when I can 🥰 and I'm happy to have made you laugh as you hoped, my dear 😉.
[2Wha do u think of the Camren AI images? Aren't they the most beautiful thing?]
2) I obviously loooove them 😍🤩😍🤩 and yeah, they're beautiful 😍🤩😍🤩.
[And of course Camila stays silent while Lauren blocks CS 🤣 .]
Well 🤣 that hasn't changed from the past, right? At least it's a great way to get people to talk about them and keep the fandom alive and they both know it 🤭.
[3Did u see Lauren's last zoom cause OMG 🤣 I thought of u! She was talking about divine energies and said "we all have masculine and feminine within us , we all have to balance these energies in order to be in a space of clarity within ourselves". I rememberd that an anon told u the opposite in an ask and I went to look for your answer because I remembered that u proved them wrong and u were right as always🤣 I mean guys Faby said this 2 years ago and Lauren confirmed it now 0.0 .]
3) I did see it, my dear 😁. I'm surprised you remembered that 🤣. You have an excellent memory!
For those who don't know, the purple heart Anon refers to the LimeWire Zoom that occured on Sep 28, 2023, while this is the ask I answered  https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/669510575975546880/hey-babies-and-dear-anons-welcome-to-a-new (third to last ask, the one before the two analyses).
[I don't know how u do it honestly Faby . It looks like u have a special and deep understanding of both Camrens as people and I'm always blown away by how u get it right. That's why I trust u completely :D .]
Thank you so much for trusting me completely, my 💜 Anon. It warms my heart 😍😍. And honestly? I think I have it (the special and deep understanding of both Camren as people). And I'm absolutely not saying this to brag or anything like that, I swear. I like to think that I have it because of my personal experiences, because of how I see life, and especially because I love them and have studied them and have always paid attention (even before Laur said so in that tweet).
[For this I wanna thank u .]
No, my dear, THANK YOU ❤️.
[Thnk u for always being available to answer our asks and for always being kind to us.]
I'll always be (unless someone is disrespectful).
[Thank u for always being objective no matter what even when it goes against Camren & their being together and what other CS say .]
I don't lie and I'm pretty realistic as you've perfectly noticed. If something didn't happen, I say so. If something is just a made-up fantasy, I have no problem debunking it. If delusional shit is said just to get attention, I have no trouble telling it like it is.
I don't care. I don't care about any of that. I don't care about the fanfiction imagination that lots of CS unfortunately have of them. I mean, do I want them to be end-game? Hell yeah! But I know there's a chance they might not be. Just as I know that they've both been and that there's a chance that they'll be with other people in the future as has already happened in the past when they broke up.
I just care about the truth, because they're people. They're two flesh-and-blood people with their own lives and their own feelings, and a lot of people still don't understand that. So thank you, my dear. I'm happy that there are people like you who also appreciate my objectivity ❤️.
[Thank u for always being truthful in what u think and always showing proofs of what u say.]
Always ❤️.
[Thank u thank u thank u so much in general I don't know what we'd do without u and your posts. At least me :P .]
And again, no, my dear, THANK YOU ❤️. Thank you for always being kind and polite to me. Thank you for your concern for my health. Thank you for all the ‘HIIII’s I know you write on purpose to distinguish yourself from those you know who don't even greet me before asking. Thank you for all the asks you've been sending me over the years. Thank you for believing in me because, honestly? It's thanks to you and those like you that I'm still here. So THANK YOU in general!❤️
[Have a beautiful day be safe I love u and say hi to your gf. 😘]
Have a beautiful day too 🙃. I'll say hi to my girlfriend when I'll let her read the post live 😄. I love you too, be safe too and take care of yourself 😘.
Aaand I'm done 👅. Thank you all for your asks and I hope I've been helpful this time too 🙃. As usual, I'm always available for those who have questions, so ask away 😄.
Remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗. I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️.
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
Oh.my.GOD THAT WAS THE HOTTEST THING E V E R 🥵🧎🏼‍♀️ the way this whole chapter made me feel things LORD FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED 🧎🏻‍♀️🤌🏻🔥 and with his bleached hair too I- *gunshot* 🥵
And Sunghoon baby … are you really still trying to convince yourself that you beat the fuck out of Jaemin because you feel like it? Like … bffr right now 🤌🏻 we all know that you not just FeLt LiKe iT 🤡 you went BATSHIT CRAZY on him (and I absolutely love you for that sue me) 💀
At least you admit to yourself now that you want more from Y/N ... even if it's just sex for the moment 🤫🥵
I actually can’t wait for the both of them to realize they are in love with each other 🤭 but before that we need to know what the hell happened between them to hate each other that bad 😭
Chapter is fucking amazing as always Zadie 🩵🙏🏼 rest well love 💕
AAH STOP YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME SO SHY 😭😭 thank you so much baby, it rrally means the world to me 🥺🤍
i am affaid i have to disappoint bc the realisation will take a LONG time but it will eventually roll sround I PROMISE 😭
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paddockbunny · 2 years
how have you been?
🥺🥺 Not doing great Ngl. I had a migraine that lasted for nearly 2 days which meant I was pretty much resigned to either bed or the sofa. Then I had all the irl work I missed out on for those two days to catch up on plus work I actually have had on so 🤯😩 I’ve not posted much this week so I’m very sorry about that guys, please forgive me 🙏🏼
I also go on holidays (vacation) this week coming so I will try get some things scheduled to post over the next few weeks.
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montanababe7 · 2 months
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So truly thankful 🥹 that Jesus 🙏🏼🤲🏼✝️💕🥹🥲☺️ has given me His forever fullness of joy🤩. Now and forevermore. Amen 🙏🏼
Wrote this two years ago in 2022: But God. I don’t know any other way to start this post. The articles I posted below are what I could relate to just several a Sundays ago.
I had an encounter with Jesus that still just stops me in my tracks. I don’t expect anyone to read this with a dry eye, nor do I think you’ll be able to.
You see, I thought I was permanently emotionally broken and that was just how things were. I didn’t know that Jesus could completely free me from my cptsd.
Let’s go back to 2008. I had joined an internship that left me emotionally scarred and broken for at least one decade.
Fast forward to 2022-The next moment…is what brings me to my knees in thankfulness to Jesus. Jesus asked me audibly if I wanted to be made whole. He asked me this at least three times…if not more🥺. My first time thought was, ‘yes, of course Jesus. But if you heal me of my cptsd; who will I be?’ He responded back immediately, ‘that’s not what I asked you. I asked you if you wanted to be made whole. It was a command. Not a question. Do you want to be made whole?’
I said, ‘yes, Jesus😭. I’m done being broken and angry on the inside all the time. I just want to stop hurting.’
Seconds later, but I’m sure it was instantaneously, I saw myself back at go ministries international-a part of where my cptsd was stemmed from. I was all alone in the woods….just done with everything. It was during the com m unison game the core leaders had instigated. It was pouring outside. I had found a perfect rock. Jesus spoke to me again, ‘I sent someone right then to stop you from attempting to end your life. The timing could not have been more crucial than you’ll understand. The person I sent over; had no idea they were part of saving your life. I worked through them to rescue you.’
Jesus than showed me another scene. He asked me..’do you remember when you were so depressed and a su icidal when you were sneaking showers so no one would know what you were planning? I sent my guardian and ministering angels to you at that exact moment just as you had the r a z o r poised at your arm and they took those things out of your hands-saving your life. You had simply thought right than that you just changed your mind. Nope, there was a war going on for your destiny. Little did you know just how close you were to end ing your life right than.’ I, of course am bawling my eyes out at that point. I could feel years of pain, heaviness, and heartache melting away. It wasn’t a small trickle of emotions; it was a flood. I wept as I had never wept before.
Jesus spoke something else to my heart. He said to me, ‘My beloved daughter Jessica, you have spent years removing the spiritual grave clothes off of others; revealing a gorgeous gown or tuxedo for others. It’s beyond time that the spiritual grave clothes come off you too. It’s time for you to really live.’ In that moment, I started seeing chains ⛓ being broken in the realms of the spirit.
Jesus asked me another question. He said, ‘it’s time you to stop hating your mom. She was parenting you out of her own brokenness. You must fully forgive her. The pain and hurt that you’ve held onto over the many years-has been destroying you. Let that pain go. Forgive her. Love her from a distance.’
I turn to mike and tell him, ‘I’m not hurting anymore. I don’t feel angry any more. Jesus just now healed my cptsd. Completely. The pain is gone.’
There’s a softness around my eyes that I haven’t seen in quite some time. Ok, it’s been years. I don’t need to keep walls up anymore. I can be free to feel and not shut down.
I’ve been weeping more than I ever have. But, in a good way. I no longer feel the need to hold back my tears or to prevent myself to cry. I’m finally my age at 35 and not as someone who’s ancient. I feel younger in a good way. Jesus has done this. He’s done all of it.
So when I say-but God. I mean every word of it.
Jesus saved me. It’s that simple. I am here
For a purpose. I’m still learning and discovering what it all means. But. Now, I am
Whole. Jesus can do the impossible in your life, too. I know this to be true…because he’s done it in mine🥺
Love you all,
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derangedthots · 6 months
-reading your latest post about the life changing fic that you’ve stumbled across-
well … you’re not gon share a link with us all 😶 ? I thought we was #family. 🥹
ah wait no anon we are i promise we areee😭😭 but on this One(1) occasion, i'm gonna ask you to pls forgive me and allow your wife to keep her secrets🥺🙏🏼🙏🏼 i very recently found out the fandom is *winces* yikes😬 on this here site in particular and while i trust y'all (i'm fairly certain the ship itself isn't breaking any new ground for anyone who follows me, a blog called 'derangedthots' and whose posts frequently indulge in incest aka section b of the problematique content accords) i'm not currently in the headspace to feel frisky and poke any new hives. maybe some other time tho?? fjsks idk but i promise i still love you all, we're like this🤞🏼🫰🏼🤝🏼💍to me still and probably always💕💕💕
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uwuheeseungie · 1 year
sorry for not being as active! work has been a pain in my butt so i’ll try and write as much as possible when i have some free time 🥺 please forgive me 🙏🏼
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penguinsledder · 1 year
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I posted 813 times in 2022
345 posts created (42%)
468 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 792 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#atarah talks - 169 posts
#claude von riegan - 83 posts
#fe:3h - 75 posts
#personal - 67 posts
#fanart - 47 posts
#fire emblem: three houses - 42 posts
#fire emblem - 38 posts
#byleth eisner - 37 posts
#claudeleth - 33 posts
#atla - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but yes if you can't forgive the political issues that kinda just get called out at the start then get brushed aside then maybe you won't
My Top Posts in 2022:
ATLA fandom, what if we made our no beta AO3 tag "no beta we die like Jet" 🤔
95 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
So I fell into a hole of ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS claudeleth ao3 fics that had me flailing alone in the room
I have to come to realize that the tropes I am garbage for are
Smooth talker Claude being tongue-tied around Byleth
Secretive Claude unable to keep his walls up around Byleth
Golden Deer being absolutely exasperated at the slowburn mutual pining obvious to everyone except their angsty oblivious parents leaders
Hilda the SUPREME WINGWOMAN and #1 SHIPPER (and wedding planner)
Lorenz just being like "Oh just kiss already"
Golden Deer accidentally walking in on them having a moment and being extremely chaotic
Byleth smiling and laughing more easily because of Claude 🥺
Claude's genuine smiles being practically exclusive to Byleth, or at least Byleth being the first to see it (CANON BTW ACCDG TO THE CLAUDE AND HILDA A SUPPORT)
Claude trying to be subtle but being obvious AF instead (which everyone except Byleth sees ... thankfully (?))
Everyone teasing Claude about how hopelessly in love he is with Teach
Claude somehow oscillating between suave and a wreck around Byleth
Being each other's best friend and then more 🥺
Claude "I don't believe in gods but Byleth is basically divine, being around her is a religious experience, and getting to meet her is nothing short of a goddamn miracle" von Riegan
or for short ... Claude "god is a woman" von Riegan
Reaching my dreams with you by my side 🥺
Working power couple that make a great team professionally and platonically and romantically
Like a couple being able to perform their professional duties well. Knowing their duties while having a great relationship is just smth I really respect and I think they got that in the bag
The couple that slays together stays together
Wyvern rides together 💖💖
Every noble simping over Byleth and thus making diplomatic talks easier and Claude just bursting with love and affection and pride at her side
Byleth learning about Claude's dreams and caring so much because she cares about him and she knows it means the world to him
But somehow she's oblivious that Claude now cares about more than that because she also means the world to him now
Claude "THAT'S MY WIFE" von Riegan
Byleth realizing how she feels and being scared and thinking it's hopeless because Claude is attractive af and probs has girls falling all over him
Claude eventually finding out and thinking that her being insecure is the most absurd shit he's ever heard
Golden Deer telling it straight to a shocked Byleth that Claude is absolutely crazy about her
See the full post
127 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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I CAN ALREADY SEE THIS HAPPENING IN THREE HOUSES. Fanartists make it happeennnnn 🥺🙏🏼
Student: Professor, 😳☺️ I-- 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 I think you're amazing and 🥹 --- will you marry me?🫣🥰
Byleth: ... Too weak
Student: 😨😰😱😭
Byleth: ?
192 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
I'm so in love with how Claude pets his wyvern after each successful attack he gets in slkdfl like that's so damn sweet
he goes from "i killed a man" to "who's a good wyvern? yes you are!" in a few seconds and it is everything to me
221 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The "I want you but not like this" trope is severely underrated and I am incredibly soft for it 🥺
Imagine loving someone so much that their well-being becomes your priority over being in a relationship with them. Imagine wanting to be with someone badly and actually being given the chance to do that, but caring enough and having the restraint to let go because you know they're not themselves at the moment and need time to sort things out.
871 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lockedfighter · 4 months
i just wanted to say ; thank you to all of you for being so lovely & welcoming me back into the fandom —- i was out of it for a couple of years as real life simply took over & my motivation to write was at an all time low . 🥺 i wanted to come back for a while as i’ve been struggling with a few things & tifa is always a place of solace so writing her has given me the strength once more and all the hype surrounding the remake has certainly distracted me from irl issues .
but thank you for giving me the chance to create & make friends and also read such wonderful stories on the dash ; i’m still finding my feet & ( forgive me for being a little slow ) but i’m finding reasons to smile . and also all the wonderful tifas 😭🙏🏼 you’re all angels !! i adore watching you guys bringing our girl to life !! & to all my moots for giving me the opportunity to come up with different scenarios and stories .
it’s just soppy hours rn —- don’t @ me !! i just need to gush and express my gratitude . i feel all warm and even though i still owe about 10 starters ( pls love me 🥺 ) i just had to say something . also also also .. before i forget !! all spoilers will be tagged ‘ #rebirth spoilers. ’ —- i will try not to get too ahead of myself but any screenshots of the babie & i can’t promise anything ;; i understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but i just need to sob and use an outlet at how excited i am for this game . that being said .. yes , hi , i love you all ♡
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
So I’m a tad shy and still attempting courage to make requests 🥺… but I figure the worst you’ll say is no so here I go. Gaara request possibly some nsfw ✨ where Gaara and reader have been fighting feelings for each other until one night with friends and someone maybe hits on the reader and he just can’t stand the thought of someone else having you (maybe some angst) but then they spend this epic night together 👀 … I’m not a writer forgive me 🙏🏼❤️✨
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I took quite a bit of liberty and made it a bit soft
No so steamy, I linked on the fic why there’s no smut so in case you didn’t see my original post on why you have access
I hope you like it and I apologize that it’s not quite what you asked for
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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jk: i’m sorry
jk: didn’t mean to make you upset :(
i hope i die
i should get jumped
barely survive
be on life support until i’m 50
and when i wake up die from the most painful heart attack recorded
i hope no one attends my funeral and i’m publicly and privately made fun of even after i’ve passed
hope my parents are ashamed and i hope that whenever the name jungkook is said people feel sick to their stomachs
i’m gonna throw up
gonna choke myself to death
i have the tightest grip on my throat rn
i’m going red
it’s fading to black
i’m sorry i wasn’t being a good boyfriend
tell bam that his dad was an asshole who didn’t deserve any rights
don’t even let him remember me as his father
i don’t deserve that title
i don’t deserve anything
not after what i did
burn all my clothes
delete all my pictures
tear my face off all posters
cross my name off all paperwork
i am not worthy of anything
y/n: shut up
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: i can tell
jk: i didn’t mean it
y/n: i forgive you
jk: really?
y/n: yeah
jk: do you really or are joking?
if ur joking it’s not a funny joke
y/n: you can come back home now
jk: really 🥺?
y/n: don’t ever use that emoji again
jk: sorry
i’m coming
i love you
this is so great
y/n: you’re so dramatic
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: stop apologising
jk: sorry
i mean
love u
y/n: hurry up
jk: 🏃‍♂️
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jin: can you talk to me now
i’m going to kms and it gonna be all your fault if you don’t reply to me
y/n: record it
jin: hey loml 😘😘❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗
THATS SO SICK?/?:£:££.&.&.&&.
y/n: what do you want?
jin: i love you ❤️💓🩷
y/n: bye
jin: WAITTTT :(((((((((((((((
y/n: what
jin: i’m outside 🤭🤗❤️
y/n: stay outside
jin: am i a dog?????
i’ve come to see you princess 😘❤️‍🔥
y/n: gross
go home
jin: i am home 🥺
y/n: ur at MY home
jin: tu casa es mi casa 😚
y/n: that is not how that phrase goes
jin: let me inside pookie it’s cold 😍
y/n: you should have a key if it’s ur house
y/n: it took you 3 minutes
to be an asshole again
jin: :((((
i really tried that time
i can’t help it
this is real this is me
i was born this way
you can’t change me
ur the asshole if we think about it why are you trying to change people?? let the world know you LOSER
y/n: fyi you can stay outside
y/n: “pls” doesn’t really sound like sorry to me…
i love you
this is kinda sadistic if you think about it
didn’t know you was a freak like that bae
it’s okay i kinda like it
how about you let me in now
or do you want me to beg more???
pls oh plsssss let me in 🥺
i’ll never be mean again i promise 😇
pls 😚
fr this isn’t funny
i’m fr sorry
i mean it like genuinely
okay let’s stop now
fuck you
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hobi: this fighting stuff kinda boring now
i’m sorry
y/n: you can’t just walk out the house mid argument
hobi: in my defence u were being mean
y/n: so were you???
hobi: ??
y/n: be honest are you fr gonna just leave like that when things get hard?
hobi: i mean i might
y/n: …
hobi: things were pretty hard
y/n: fuck you don’t come home
hobi: i would never lie to u bae 🙏🏼
and i would never suppress a moment for a woman to feel empowered
y/n: don’t actually fucking speak to me
hobi: ily
cheer up baby cheer up baby
y/n: picked the wrong member
jungkook would of helped me
hobi: omg????????
are you fr?
y/n: would never lie to you bae 🙏🏽
hobi: ….
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y/n: ???
jimin: are you still mad at me?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: do you want to have sex?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: love you
y/n: whatever
jimin: say it back
y/n: i won’t
jimin: you will
y/n: definitely will not
jimin: i’ll sing for you
y/n: no thanks
jimin: no thanks?
y/n: no thanks.
jimin: you say that like i’m bad at singing
y/n: eh
jimin: eh?
y/n: eh.
jimin: i won’t have sex with you
y/n: aw man
jimin: don’t sound too sad
y/n: ok
jimin: you should be
y/n: i’m not
jimin: i go crazy in bed yk?
y/n: that is the ugliest thing you have ever said to me
jimin: if ur not in love with me just say that
y/n: i won’t
jimin: so ur IN love with me is what i’m hearing
y/n: ur not hearing anything cuz we are messaging rn
jimin: can you just tell me you love me like a normal person?
y/n: you don’t deserve it
jimin: okay maybe that’s true
but you should do it just once
pretty pls with a cherry on top 🥺
y/n: i’ll punch you
jimin: maybe i’ll enjoy it
y/n: nasty
jimin: kiss me
y/n: where are you?
jimin: ur really gonna kiss me?
y/n: ur talking long to tell me where you are so ig i’m not
jimin: joon’s studio
y/n: maybe i’m omw
jimin: ur so in love with me it’s kinda gross 🤭
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yoongi: :3
y/n: die tbh
yoongi: :3
y/n: your stupid faces mean nothing to me
yoongi: :3
y/n: …
yoongi: :33333
y/n: i hate you
yoongi: :Ɛ
y/n: ew wtf how did you do that
yoongi: Ɛ:
y/n: stop omg
yoongi: i’m sorry :3
y/n: cool
yoongi: i’m fr :3
y/n: idc :3
yoongi: you used the face :3
ur not mad :3
y/n: ur logic is wrong
yoongi: bring the face back :3
and it’s not logic it’s common sense :3
y/n: ur wrong
yoongi: never been wrong a day in my life :3
y/n: that’s crazy
so when you shouted at me for no reason you weren’t in the wrong?
good to know
yoongi: okay i never said that :3
y/n: but you did
yoongi: ur being annoying :3
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: did i? :3
y/n: you can’t just buy my forgiveness
yoongi: i can’t? :3
y/n: this is not how relationships work yoongi
yoongi: this is how our relationship works :3
y/n: no it’s not
yoongi: :3
y/n: you are still not forgiven leave me alone
yoongi: unforgiven i’m a villain :3
yoongi: ur making me real upset rn :3
y/n: go back to work
yoongi: stop being mad at me :3
y/n: die
yoongi: don’t say that i’m about to get on a plane :3
y/n: now i feel bad
yoongi: say sorry :3
y/n: nvm
yoongi: :(
look you’ve made me change faces hope you feel bad :(
y/n: i don’t
yoongi: ur sick and twisted :(
y/n: cry about it
yoongi: really hope i survive this plane ride :(
y/n: i will not be guilt tripped by you
yoongi: you told me to die knowing i was getting on a plane :(
y/n: bye
yoongi: what if i had a deep deep fear of flying and u made that fear 10x worse rn :(
y/n: you don’t
yoongi: you don’t know a thing :(
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: do you really want ur last words to me be fuck you :(
y/n: fly safe
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y/n: no
tae: hiiiiiiii
wtf how did you know
y/n: blocked
y/n: you have one minute
tae: i am walking alone rn
y/n: ???
tae: on the street
y/n: ok?
tae: alone
y/n: you said that
tae: ALONE
y/n: right
tae: it’s not right actually
do you know what could happen to me rn?
i could literally be snatched up off the street by anyone
y/n: hopefully it’s a rehabilitation centre 🙏🏽
y/n: ur one minute is up
tae: no it’s not
can you pls care for me rn i’m stressed out
y/n: it was pretty stressful when you stood me up yesterday
but i powered through 💪🏽
i’m sure you can do the same!!!
tae: that never happened
pls let’s pretend that never happened
i’m the perfect boyfriend i swear
y/n: get lost
like actually
never come back
tae: 😢
you don’t even mean that
y/n: are you sure?
forgive me
y/n: no
tae: you can have my card
y/n: don’t want it
tae: take my house
i’ll give you my keys rn
y/n: i have ur keys
tae: you do?
you thief omg
give them back
y/n: you left them here???
after YOU stormed out my house after you made ME upset
tae: oh yeah
i’m coming back now
y/n: asshole
tae: let’s put this behind us and move on
that’s a great idea i say
y/n: you are single
tae: don’t say that
y/n: said it
tae: we are actually engaged and expecting our 10th child
y/n: you are single
tae: top 10 singles
made a few of those in my time
i’m funny right
say i’m funny
y/n: it’s painful talking to you
tae: painfully in love with me are you?
y/n: it’s like i’m taking to a brick wall
you have like selective hearing
tae: what i’m hearing is you want to kiss me on the lips?
y/n: call an ambulance
tae: feeling so much love for me ur throwing up?
maybe i do deserve this
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y/n: would you now like to explain why the hell you sent halsey flowers on MY birthday??
namjoon: it wasn’t just on ur birthday i’ve been sending them all week for like a month now
y/n: namjoon what the fuck??
namjoon: i’m confused
y/n: UR confused????
do you like her or something?
namjoon: ofc i like her!
y/n: so ur cheating?
namjoon: what
y/n: ur cheating on me and you have no shame???
what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
namjoon: i’m not cheating?
y/n: for a month now you’ve been sending another girl that you like flowers
namjoon: every friday
y/n: fuck you
namjoon: i’m confused how that’s cheating when you told me to do that?
namjoon: you literally said you loved how halsey’s bf gave her flowers every week and that you wished i did that?
y/n: ….
there is no way
oh my god
kim fucking namjoon
namjoon: what??? i’m so confused pls tell me what i did wrong
i would never cheat on you
ur freaking me out
y/n: think about it
why would i wish you sent halsey flowers?
like really think
namjoon: IDK i was confused as hell but you seemed like you really wanted me to
so i did
y/n: i meant i wanted you to buy ME flowers you idiot omg
namjoon: oh
that makes a lot more sense
y/n: yeah
you are the dumbest smart man i’ve ever met
namjoon: my fault
i get confused sometimes 😞
y/n: i love you
namjoon: i love you too
ur not mad anymore?
y/n: could never be mad at you silly
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
i love it when you have southside shrouds thoughts 🙏🏼
yo anon, me too! 🖤🥺✨ & please forgive me for not responding sooner! i went to a panel event for a new tv show that bill macy was speaking on (not why i went, but also 😵💫) & i just sat there the whole time like... i definitely don’t think about your other tv show all day every day or anything...
ANYWAY. southside shrouds™️ our beloved! i really do think that i'm gonna take a breaky break from ficlet fridays to get this down on paper. it's time, yeah?
in the meantime, please have this [opening paragraph? thing i’ll scrap in full when i actually start writing?] that's been floating around in my brain space:
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Mickey has been meaning to fix the latch on the front door of the shop since he leased the place almost two years ago. Fuck, two whole years. Wild how time flies, even on the proverbial straight and narrow. And speaking of time, it's not like he doesn't have it—things around the joint aren't usually very busy on weekday afternoons, and if Mickey's hand can draw some pansy ass graphic for a fucking t-shirt, they sure as hell should be able to fix a goddamn door.
But instead, he spends the time staring at the thing, the thin strip of metal that could connect the door to the frame when closed except that Mickey’s too bored by the entire notion of a job and a schedule and keeping fucking hours to get up and do anything about it. Even if it is his store and his products and his door. So, instead, he just stares and grumbles.
Straight and narrow.
Hardly Mickey’s style in any sense of those words.
- - - -
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meximorrita · 3 years
Spicy headcanons for my fave underrated boys 
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↳Characters: Michinari Akagi, Ren Omimi, Kourai Hoshiumi, Hayato Yamagata, Reon Ohira, Nobuyuki Kai.
↳ Rating: +18
↳ A/n. Okay, tumblr, you're gonna make me do it, huh? You are going to make me write content for my underated boys, huh? Being honest, i’ts my fault for having a crush on characters with less than 10 lines u.u. 
Give these angels more love 2021
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Michinari Akagi
⇥A switch leaning to dom.
⇥Tends to put your pleasure first.
"What about me?" He repeats your question. "Don't worry about me, baby." Behind his words there's a painful erection.
⇥He could spend hours between your legs.
"You taste so good!"
⇥He is messy and eager. Likes to spit.
⇥Poor man, can't keep his hands to himself.
⇥He denies his praise kink but he can't hide the spark in his eyes when you tell him how good he makes you feel.
⇥He has a thing for sport leggings. He would like to rip some pairs but he wouldn't want you to get mad.
Kourai Hoshiumi
⇥He loves fucking you while you are wearing his Jersey.
⇥It doesn't matter if you moan, grunt, scream or if you babble sentences, he loves to hear your pretty sounds. It boosts his ego.
"Come on, baby. Louder. Let them hear that I am making you feel this good"
⇥Needless to say: SayHisName
⇥Mostly a dom. But he would let you take the reins every once and then. When you are feeling extra confident he is pouty in your hands.
⇥Sessions with him are overwhelming. His pace is fast and rough and he is not so good at aftercare. You'll have to tell him what to do the first times.
Ren Omimi
⇥Shit, he is so big. I am in love.
⇥Ofc his hands are big as well. Although he is not pretty skilled with them their size does it.
⇥Pretty serious in bed. But sometimes he would crack a low chuckle at the sight of you turning into a mess.
⇥Not a big talker but he makes the hottest sounds with that low voice of his. He tries to keep them down but you just won't let it happen, trying your best to get them out of him.
⇥Pretty vainilla. When he is feeling specially kinky he may add blindfolds and some ropes.
⇥Pls suck him off 🙏🏼💕 He may not say it all the time but he is so mesmerized by the sight of your lips around his cock.
Hayato Yamagata
⇥This man's stamina! 💕👌🏼
⇥He is always trying new positions. Worry not, he likes to do all the work!
⇥He is rough. The kind of rough that leaves bruises where his fingers were.
⇥He grunts a lot. Forgive him. He is just too lost in pleasure to form a coherent sentence. Plus, he is putting that much effort 🥺💕
⇥He has a weakness for facials but he doesn't know how to bring it up. When he finally tells you (And you happily oblige) he makes sure to take pictures of your beautiful face covered in his cum 😌💕
⇥He has no shame showing the marks you give him...well, a little bit, he just forgets they're there until some else brings it up.
Reon Ohira
⇥Best partner ever!
⇥He is such a considerate lover. Loves to hold you close and kiss your body.
⇥ On the other hand, he allows himself to be selfish with his pace. He takes his sweet time. He adores the feeling of being inside you, so you're in for painfully slow trusts deep deep inside.
"Please, Reon, go faster. Please"
"Just a little more, love...I could stay inside you forever. So damn tight"
⇥Omg! I headcanon that sometimes he says "There we go" after cumming. PLS STOP, LOVE.
⇥You know it already, but I will still say it: aftercare master. He cleans you up carefully and brings you everything you need.
Nobuyuki Kai
⇥He can get rough but he'd always make you feel appreciated telling you how much of a "pretty thing" you are.
⇥He loves to see you in cute outfits and taking you in them.
⇥Kind of a sadist tbh.
⇥This tease. He would give you the loveliest smile while he overstimulates you.
⇥The kind of man that would remind you of your manners mid-fucking:
"Shit, Nobu, so good. More." you cry and he pulls out abruptly.
"No! No! No! No! Why-?!" Your glassy eyes meet his.
"Y/N, you know better than that. I can't let my baby get away with those dirty words."
⇥The amount of begging and promises you'll have to do in order to be stuffed again.
⇥Again: AFTERCARE KING. He would make sure you're okay and bring some snacks and play your comfort movie as he holds you.
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