lockedfighter · 1 month
i cannot cope with miss lockhart in her teen years . a lil brat bub —- when not getting her way ?! like are you kidding me ?! many a rambling ahead ; yeehaw .
it breaks my heart that she used to be so spunky & carefree back when she was younger . her confidence seemed to be showcased a lot more too , she was able to freely communicate what she was feeling without being too much of a closed book . perhaps that could be down to her own naivety also and she certainly was forced to mature at such a young age .
studying her micro expressions forever make me laugh tho !! for example this gif right here ( which is so damn cute 🥺 ) and how she legit STOMPS HER FOOT when she doesn’t get her way ?! like —- are you serious ? it’s really endearing because it shows her adolescence in a more realistic manner . she was like a typical teen , perhaps with a slight attitude problem .. ( didn’t we all have that tho ? lbr . ) and to me , it just adds that little more depth .
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the pout be out too !!
in the nibelheim flashback , we really get to grasp how her character has changed —- not necessarily for better or worse but how the events happening between had a solid effect upon her . mannerisms like clenching her fists ( even when she meets sephiroth for the first time in pure excitement ) and the bright innocence within her eyes really adds that multi dimension yet such is taken away from her with a click of the finger . sweet , you really should not have gone into that reactor . why did you not do as you were told ?!
i cannot stop laughing at her little sassy flares of attitude —- like when she says to memory ! cloud ( zack ) when asking about if mako springs will disappear if they keep using the power & zack asked who told her that . her reply with her hands on her hips —- ❛ my dad . and the mayor , if you must know . ❜ you can really hear the boldness in her tone . esp for a fifteen year old .
another example such as from the gif above when she challenges sephiroth even after he explains calmly that no civilians are allowed in the reactor , she still whines and is like , ❛ come on !! ❜ in this case , i don’t think she’s being disrespectful , just a little cheeky in a childlike manner . not fully understanding the consequences & the dangers of the world yet having lived a fairly content life in a sleepy mountain village . even tries to march through behind zack , only to be stopped and then proceeds to have her mini meltdown and is a little grumbly mumble asking real ! cloud , ❛ you better keep me safe . ❜ with a huff .
this all being said , she’s well loved in the nibelheim community and is very helpful to her peers . in traces of two pasts , it’s narrated that she helps around the village and even teaches classes for the elders ( & whoever else wishes to join ) , she’s a delight to have around and with the help of some of the other women in the village , she is learning to cook and sew . if she was truly ‘ a brat ’ , i don’t believe her neighbours would give her the time of day . she’s just young & playful —- doesn’t have the true weight of the world ‘pon shoulders as of yet . ugh , i just think her development is wonderful .
thank you for coming to my teef talk . 💖
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tempestforged · 8 months
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4.1 spoilers and general theory crafting lies within.
So out of interest I ended up reading through A.lbedo's character stories again, and one thing stuck out to me, the heart of Naberius. For context, most of the archons take their "true" name from the Ars Goetia and the name Naberius is no exception. EXCEPT the name Naberius has something else associated with it, Cerberus. Cerberus, in mythology is the guard dog of the underworld, which gets very very interesting when you consider the fact Wriothesley's constellation is Cerberus
We know that when C.hilde fell into the Abyss he first saw the Whale, hence his constellation of Monoceros Caeli - Celestial Narwhal. In 4.1 we see the Monoceros Caeli in the Primordial Sea that Wriothesley has been closely monitoring his entire time as Duke of the Fortress of M.eropide. This implies that the primordial sea and the abyss are intricately linked because it wasn't long after R.hinedottir found the heart of Naberius that Rifthounds, Durin and Elynas spilled forth onto T.eyvat.
N.euvillette's voiceline about W.riothesley is very explicit in stating the importance of W.riothesley's role as Duke, going as far as to say that it's of great importance that he keep it. During the AQ we see that Wriothesley is the first line of defence against the primordial sea, if we take Naberius to have been an archon at some stage, why then does Naberius also have a constellation that has been passed onto an apparent mortal who's effectively acting as a guard dog for the primordial sea and potentially the Abyss?
Of course I'm not saying that C.hilde and W.riothesley have the same level of importance, but it's interesting that those two seem to have the biggest actual (C.hilde) and implied (W.riothesley + Naberius/Cerberus) connections to the Sea and Abyss.
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muserender · 1 year
Back bent against the driving snow, Cabal dragged a tarp-covered sledge through the darkness.
(was there a body on that sledge? what are you, a snitch?)
Only the light of his green-glass lantern lights the snowy road.
It's Time
There's something nearly otherworldly about seeing a figure hunched in the pelting snowfall. He--Nina could only assume this was a man, as likely only a man would be so foolish as to tempt fate and test his luck in this storm--seemed decidedly out of place. A black figure of death against the unending white.
Yes. Death. Not only was it increasingly impossible to escape, but it...it called to her. The form bundled on that sledge might as well have been whispering directly in her ear, content to battle the wind for her attention. If she was a smart woman--and Nina considered herself a least that--she would simply walk away. Leave the odd grim figure to his work, whatever that might be.
Unfortunately, her feet had other ideas.
"You'll catch your death, here." Nina called in Fjerdan, then again in Kerch. "Surely your business could wait out the blizzard?"
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linktoo-doodles · 4 months
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resurrection is sort of romantic, isnt it
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse + text posts
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ashoss · 3 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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decapod-appreciator · 3 months
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might be heaven and it might be hell
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suiheisen · 2 months
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studio trigger understood the assignment. i would let her wreck me.
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wayward-delver · 2 months
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Beastkin Lore and Trans-Coded Werewolf compilation cause I am too impatient to wait for the anime.
Also, Laios being Laios called out for it.
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cubicpeebles · 3 months
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What a fun and whimsical show! I sure do hope nothing bad happens-
[ID: fanart from Dungeon Meshi episode eleven in blue and red tones. The viewer looks through the eye sockets of Falin's skull, which are aligned with Laios's eyes. He looks at her skull in terror. End ID]
(ID courtesy of @teatual)
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tuckurd · 4 months
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Spoilers I guess team BUT I LOVE DUNGEON MESHI
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tempestforged · 8 months
Wrio Verse: The Emmisary
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(4.1 Spoilers within)
The Emissary of Solitary Injustice, he who bears witness to the lone true injustice of the world, who bears the weight of the first sinners. The price of his, of their, transgressions is a seal upon memory. His is the role of the loyal hound, sworn to unending loyalty to those who sit upon the throne of stars.
The seal of false gods upon his mind is shattered amidst the surging of the primordial, ancient blessings reawakening to allow him to hold the tides at bay once more, the fractured psyche of present and the dreamer of rifthounds reforged by weight of responsibility to they who he'd sworn undying oath to.
Now he waits for the striking of the clock, when Sovereigns take to the skies to pull usurper from stolen throne. At night he listens to the howls of hunting hounds with fur as black as night and armor made of bones, a sign royalty had seen fit to arise from the starry abyss in hunt of she who bore that heart, that key.
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st4rlex · 9 months
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crying she and cake did not gaf that he lost his fiance when they saw that video
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also little shitpost comic i made based on this theory/speculation
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caliburn-the-sword · 5 months
"hur hur gabe wasn't as abusive as he was in the books" people can all shut up. percy's jaw TREMBLED when ares yelled at him, which had nothing at all to do with his god status - percy backtalks gods just fine. he had trauma response to ares yelling. ares didn't so much as lift a finger. that goes to speak volumes about what percy was experiencing at home
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ngatwa · 10 days
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ayo-edebiri · 7 months
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Doctor who - The Star Beast (2023) + text posts
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