#forgot to alternate the photos at the end...
poisonous-honey · 3 months
Nahida’s Precious Tailor
The little lord of Sumeru calls upon your aid as she wishes for a wardrobe change.
Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Nahida, Wanderer, Kaveh, and Alhaitham makes a short appearance
Contains: Cursing, SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Alternate Universe), Artist/Tailor Reader, Reader isn’t explicitly shipped with anyone so you can make do however you wish
Note: Inspired by @sunnysolaria. Not their exact ask, I just had fun making this (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ (i.e. this basically word vomit)
Time ticks by as you and Nahida sit in the middle of the Sanctuary of Surasthana. You can vaguely hear the sounds of children singing softly in the background which makes it a bit more eerie to be here, but you push it away to try and focus on the task asked of you. Nahida looks on in wonder as you continue to ponder, not noticing you’ve started to mumble out loud. 
“I knew you liked to waste your own time, but I thought you’d at least be decent enough to spare others from your terrible habits.”
Hearing Wanderer you’re snapped out of your thoughts and turn your eyes away from Nahida to see him arrive. Your mind, still a jumbled mess, can barely recall what he said to make a proper retort. You assume he insulted you so you open your mouth hoping to say any form of comeback.
Of course, you didn’t. 
Nahida quickly spreads her arms wide taking Wanderer’s scrutinizing eyes off your form, allowing you to collect your thoughts better.
“I’ve asked them to be my tailor! They’re helping me think of outfit designs! Some of the ones they’ve already thought of have been fascinating!”
You blank for a sec upon hearing that. You’re happy she liked some of the designs you thought of, but you forgot she could read your mind at all. Trying to shake the thought that she could read your mind whenever she pleases, you turn to Wanderer to shoo him away.
“Yeah I’m actually here for important business, so if you could skedaddle somewhere else for a bit that’d be great.”
He ignores you and keeps his attention focused on Nahida, which has you silently cursing under your breath.
“Why do you even need new clothes? Let alone asking the Player to design and make them for you. Their sense of fashion is atrocious.”
You gasp and put your hand to your chest. You’re about to tell him your clothes were for sure more comfortable than anything he could be wearing, but Nahida cuts you off.
“Before the Player landed in Teyvat, they would sometimes bring up pictures of everyone with different clothes. Some people looked completely different from how they are now.”
Your brow raises as you cock your head. You didn’t think they could see anything outside the game when you were playing. They were too good at hiding everything they were able to do to your device. Or maybe it was just Nahida, that would be better for your peace of mind.
“Oh, so you saw your beta designs? Is that why you asked me specifically?”
Nahida nods her head, “Partly. It’s why I wanted to try something different, but I haven’t actually seen my own alternative designs. I can’t say I’m not still curious to see them.”
Your eyes brighten just a little. “I can still show you if you want me too! It’s all saved to a photo album on my phone. I’d just have to find it.”
She leans in closer to you with curiosity and marvel on her face. You take that as a yes and take-out your phone to start looking for it. During the time it takes you to find the set of pictures Wanderer ends up sitting next to you and staring at all the pictures you pass by. As soon as you find Nahida’s beta designs and hand her your phone, Wanderer starts to come at you.
“Wow, someone’s obsessed.”
Your head whips to his direction, and you look at him with a mix of disdain and embarrassment. The sadistic pleasure is very visible on his face as he continues.
“Over 2000 pictures dedicated to us? And a lot of them seem to be of the same person. I wonder what they’d think if they knew you had sections dedicated to them in your photo gallery.”
Shame shimmers underneath your skin the more he talks. You’re glad he only saw the folder number. You stopped organizing your pictures in folders a long time ago so you can’t imagine how much you have now. If he knew the actual number you’d probably die on the spot. Even so, you don’t want to take shit from this fucking edgelord.
“Oh shut the fuck up! I didn’t know any of you were even real at the time I just liked the game okay.”
He arches his brow and rests his head on his hand, still carrying that shit-eating grin, “The fact you thought we weren’t even sentient just makes this more pathetic.”
Wanderer soon brings up the pictures he saw of himself on your phone which has you combusting on the spot. Nahida continues to stare at her beta designs, ignoring the “argument” going on between you two. She examines them for a bit longer before tapping your shoulder to get your attention and holds out your phone for you to take back.
You quickly take it and hide the source of your shame, giving Wanderer the middle finger while you're at it. You focus as much on Nahida as you can, with him laughing in the background. 
“Did you like any of them?”
Nahida stares at you intently for a moment before saying anything. “Player, would you have preferred it if I looked like one of these designs?”
You’re stunned for a sec before panic quickly sets in. Of course, she was probably reading your mind to see what you thought of them. You thought they were all pretty interesting, but you didn’t want her thinking you thought they were superior. You vaguely hear Wanderer tease you for managing to upset such a forgiving god and Nahida saying that she wasn’t upset, just asking, but it’s in one ear and out the other amidst your frantic state.
“Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no Nahida you got the wrong idea!” You take your phone back out before gesturing to the whole page of beta designs. “Yeah I think these designs are cool, some more than others but that’s beside the point! I like you Nahida even if your dress looks like a shuttlecock-”
“What are you even saying-”
“Stop focusing on the unimportant Wanderer.”
He scoffs at you and rolls his eyes.
“But you’re you. For a lot of these I think they had a different vision of you in mind when drawing these.”
Nahida puts her hands on yours and only then did you realize how much you were fidgeting. She smiles warmly at you, “There’s no need to be so nervous. I was just asking!”
You deflate in relief, “Thank goodness. I guess back to my last question then… Did you like any of them? If you thought one of them was pretty good I could make that for you?”
She thinks on it for a moment and ultimately shakes her head, “I did like a couple, but I’d rather you make me something new! There’s a reason these weren’t chosen, and you said it yourself they don’t make you think of me. I know you put your heart into the clothes you make, so a design made by you, for me, is perfect.”
You smile at her. Her faith in you to make something good for her fills you with pride.
“I’ll do my best for you.”
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Wanderer opening his mouth, probably to talk more shit, so before he can say anything you make a show of stretching and square him straight in his face. He roughly grabs your hand and pushes it away from him, staring at you with the fiercest scowl you’ve seen from him. You merely smirk in his direction.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I forgot you were there. I was just trying to stretch, no hard feelings yeah?”
You put your phone away again and get up to leave, waving goodbye to Nahida and ignoring Wanderer’s pointed gaze as you walk towards the door. Nahida cheerfully waves back and Wanderer silently seethes in his place. 
On your way down to the ground floor of the city you continue to brainstorm multiple ideas to potentially make for Nahida. Dresses, regal robes, bejewelled shirts, and big pants. Should you try to lean into her godhood? Maybe go for a nature theme or add more computer-Esq patterns into the design. Should you give the poor girl shoes? You’re so deep in thought you don’t realize how close you had gotten to the edge of the pathway. A stray tree branch catches your foot, and you trip, snapping out of your mind to see houses and merchant stalls.
Luckily before you could plummet onto some poor person’s roof you’re caught by your arm and roughly pulled away from the ledge and into someone’s chest. You both fall to the ground and a small group of students that witnessed your mishap crowded around you.
“Oh my Archons, are you two okay?” “Do you need any help?” “Can we get you anything?”
“I’m fine thank you, but Player, are you okay?”
You get up and turn around to see it was indeed Kaveh that had saved you from cracking your head open on one of the rooftops below. He’s helped up by one of the others, and he stares at you intently.
“Yes it’s me, but seriously are you okay?”
You hear some of the others murmuring questions, mostly asking if you’re okay. “Yeah I’m fine. Thank you, really.”
You, of course, take this moment to hug him which Kaveh immediately reciprocates. “Gods you need to be more careful. You nearly scared me half to death.”
He peels himself away from you when he notices the others are still worried about you. The few students around ask if you’re sure you’re okay and fawn over you a little before leaving you in Kaveh’s care. As you’re waving bye you feel Kaveh’s hand rest on your shoulder which has you turn to look at him, his gaze still filled with concern.
“Are you sure you-”
“Yes Kaveh. You saved me, I’m fine.”
You grab his hand and hold it in front of you. It looked like he wanted to say a lot more, but he eventually settled and gazed at you softly, tightening his grip on your hand just a bit. “I’m glad. So what’s weighing so heavily on your mind that you can’t look up to notice your surroundings?”
You fidget under his stare for a second, not being able to remember until you see Wanderer flying off somewhere in the distance. It feels like you were hit with a brick as you remember the important task that was given to you. As you turn back to Kaveh to explain, you stop to look at what he’s wearing. It’s his normal outfit, but taking it all in you realize you don’t know what makes Sumeru wear… Sumeru wear. You’re pulled into your thoughts again and about to walk off before Kaveh pulls you back a little, clearly confused.
“Hold on, where are you going??”
Oh yeah, you had forgotten he asked you a question. “Nahida asked me if I could design new clothes for her. I was thinking of ideas earlier, but now I see all of them were lacking. None of them really looked like Sumeru clothes so now I need to do research since,” You look over Kaveh’s outfit again and take a glance at the people around you, “I don’t even know where to start.”
His brows furrow, and his hand moves to his chin. You want to chuckle seeing him do the thinking idle animation, but you don’t want him to start overthinking his existence again over something so trivial. Suddenly, Kaveh grabs you by your shoulders and his face ends up really close to yours.
“I can help you! If you want me to, that is.”
You stare at Kaveh in slight surprise. You guess you should've known he’d want to help with your artistic endeavours.
“You know how to make clothes?”
He falters a bit, but is still as enthusiastic as before, “Well no, but I do know a thing or two about style. I learned more than just how to make a building during my time at the Academia you know.”
He playfully pokes your forehead, and you swat his hand away with a smile. “Yeah I wasn’t thinking. I’d definitely appreciate your help.”
“Perfect! We can start by heading to the Grand Bazaar. Oh, but first I have to drop off my materials. I was on my way to do that before I had to drop everything to keep you from falling.”
You look past him to see a ton of blueprints and rulers and a ton of other materials. Making your way over you start to pick everything up for him, Kaveh soon following suit. You hear him mumbling, hoping nothing broke in his rush. Guilt creeps up your spine seeing him fret over every item he picks up.
“... Sorry.”
His head snaps to your direction hearing you apologize and quickly tries to calm any guilt you currently feel. “Please it’s okay, besides it doesn’t seem like anything’s broken. If you still want to make it up to me then try taking better care of yourself.”
You huff and continue to help him collect his things off the floor. “That’s a tall ask, but I’ll try for you.”
“You better.”
You finish gathering all of Kaveh’s materials and help him carry them on the way to Alhaitham’s despite all his protests saying he could do it himself.
“What are you doing here??”
“This is my house, or did you forget?”
You honestly weren’t expecting to see Alhaitham today. You were pretty sure you caught sight of him in the Academia on your way to the Sanctuary or Surasthana so you assumed he was working. Judging by Kaveh’s reaction, you guess that’s what he was supposed to be doing.
Kaveh scoffs, “Never mind. Player, can you hand me the rest of my things? You can wait here while I put them all away.”
Kaveh carefully brings his materials over to his room, and you decide to sit next to Alhaitham as you wait for him to put them away. He’s currently reading something you have no hope of ever understanding. You’re content to sit here in silence as you wait not wanting to bother him, when he starts talking, not even taking his eyes off the book he’s reading.
“You nearly had quite the fall earlier. You’re quite lucky Kaveh was able to catch you in time.”
It takes you a bit to register what he was referring to, but when it settles you gawk at him, barely believing what he’s insinuating.
“Wait, so you saw me nearly fall to my death, and didn’t even bother to check up on me??”
He closes his book with a snap and turns to look at you. Moments like this make you wish you were able to read him, his passive face making it near impossible to tell what he was thinking. You watch as he reaches for something behind him and pulls out a small heart-shaped gold and green box with a soft glow. He hands it to you without saying a word.
You take it and inspect it for a while, not being able to figure out what it is. You don’t see any clasps or hinges to be able to open it so you’re filled with nothing but questions.
“What’s this for?”
“Consider it my apology for not checking up on you earlier. Open it later.”
You huff and nod your head. Realizing you're probably not going to get anymore out of him you change the topic, talking to him about whatever you feel like as you wait for Kaveh. You’re in the middle of explaining the task Nahida gave you and the research you’re about to do when Kaveh finally steps out of his room.
“Everything's put away, we can head off now!”
You get up excited and skip to the front door, not realizing Alhaitham getting up as well. Kaveh does though and swiftly starts to question him. 
“Where are you going? Back to work I’d hope.”
That has you turning around right before the door.
“I have some things I need to acquire at the Bazaar. Since you’re also going I thought to simply come along.”
You smile, you appreciate the thought, but feel Kaveh won’t in the slightest.
“Oh no you’re not coming with us! Knowing you, you’d try to but in with your own ‘advice’ when you don’t even understand the first thing about art. The clothes our Player is designing are for Lord Kusanali. Any help that you could provide would only serve to make the design a disaster.”
Your face falls as Kaveh starts an argument with Alhaitham, exactly what you expected. You debate dragging him away, but decide against it, saying you’ll wait for him outside. The only sign that he heard you is the slight turn of his head before you step outside yourself.
As you exit you look at the heart-shaped box Alhaitham gave you. You’re far too impatient to wait until you get home to see what’s inside, but you don’t know how to open it. You fiddle with it for a while when you hear the door open and close. Turning around you see Kaveh step outside and shove the box in his direction. 
“Huh? What’s this?”
“Alhaitham gave this to me, but I have no idea how to open it. Can you maybe, help me?”
He complains under his breath hearing Alhaitham’s name, but does take it from you to inspect it. Barely any time passes when he realizes what it is and presses on the jewel in the centre of the box. You flinch as wings suddenly pop out from its sides. Kaveh hands it back to you, and you stare at it with glee. He gave you a Sumeru styled glider.
“What a coincidence.”
You roll your eyes and try pressing the jewel to get the wings to retract, which it does, and tell Kaveh to shush. 
“Give him the benefit of the doubt just this once. I’ll have to thank him later. Anyway, what was the plan again?”
A smile finally forms on his face, and he goes over the plan he concocted “Yes! First we’ll stop by the Grand Bazaar, the Zubayr Theatre will have plenty of costumes that we can look at. I also know a few market stalls that sell fabric-”
You listen to him go on for a while when your eyes start to wander, and it’s when your eyes land on someone rummaging through their clothes looking for something you remember Kaveh’s and Alhaitham’s shared idle animation. He had them earlier, but just to make sure you decide to ask anyway.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you have your keys right Kaveh?
Kaveh stops and turns to you. You see his face contort multiple times, like he’s struggling to decide whether he should feel offended or not, before sighing.
“Of course I do, they're right… Uhh.”
You cross your arms and stare at him with as much disappointment you could muster. You watch as his face turns red as he continues patting himself down. Soon he gives up and slumps.
“... I think I left them with all of my things.”
You raise an eyebrow. “How did you even-”
“I have no idea. Give me a sec I’ll go get them.”
Nahida twirls around in front of a mirror much larger than her, looking at the clothing you made for her from all angles. Her green mantelet swirls around her, the edge covered in padisarah designs and her bell chiming with every movement. The coat underneath a darker shade filled with swirls and flowing behind her legs. The necklace you gave her thumping against the sleeveless white shirt. In case she wanted some type of sleeves you also made white add-on sleeves with golden cufflets. Where the shirt ends, beads were placed to separate the blue and purple scarf around her waist. It had pale yellow ruffles that flowed over her pants. The pants are fairly puffy, also white and stop right above her ankles. You also decided to make her shoes, white and the same green as her mantelet with gold accents and adorned with green jewels at their tips. 
You fidget in your place behind her and mindlessly twiddle your thumbs. She hasn’t said anything yet, and it was starting to get to you. You spent a long time looking over clothes and books with Kaveh to try and understand Sumeru design, but even after all the studying you were still nervous presenting it to her. You’re at least thankful Wanderer hasn’t said anything to spite you yet.
Not wanting to be stuck in suspense any longer you just decide to ask her directly. “So Nahida… Do you like it? ‘Cause if you don’t I can make something else-”
“No I love it!” She turns and lets you see the massive smile on her face, her arms still spread wide. “I especially like the scarf. I’m not exactly sure why, but it reminds me of something I lost. I appreciate it, thank you!”
You breathe a sigh of relief. The scarf is what you were most worried about since it didn’t match the rest of the colour scheme. Especially since Kaveh had quite a bit to say about it, but you felt it to be integral. 
She then turns her attention to Wanderer, who still hasn’t said anything yet. “What do you think?”
He stares at her outfit for a moment, looking her up and down, before sighing and reluctantly giving his own opinion, “It’s… Alright.”
You elbow him in the arm for that which he barely even reacts to. “Oh come on, surely you have more to say than that.”
His brow twitches, “It’s amazing you managed to make anything presentable.”
You scoff and back away from him, “Never mind I don’t want your opinion anymore.”
Nahida claps her hands and grabs both of your attention, “I’m glad you like it too! Maybe our player can design you some new clothes as well!” 
“As if.” “Fat chance.”
You both end up dismissing the idea at the same time. The thought of working as hard as you did for Nahida on someone like Wanderer makes you want to die. He probably wouldn’t even try it on.
You then remember Kaveh wanted you to tell him everything after once you finished up here. Knowing him he’s been letting this eat away at his thoughts, so you should probably head off now.
You relay this to both of them, Nahida nods in understanding before waving cheerfully and Wanderer just walks off, causing you to roll your eyes. You wave back to Nahida and as you turn around you suddenly trip and fall face-first into the floor.
“Oh, sorry. I was just trying to stretch, you got in my way.”
Looking up you see Wanderer, dead faced as usual, but you can see the mirth in his eyes. Kaveh is instantly forgotten as you feel rage fill you and bubble under your skin. He starts to walk towards the exit, and you hop up to follow him, yelling and cussing him out as you try to catch up. Nahida watches on with a small smile, clutching the scarf in her hands.
Thanks for reading! 
Here’s the sketch I made to try and better describe her clothing. I’m terrible at describing clothing and wish I could just beam the perfect descriptors onto the page lmao.
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I’m not exactly happy with the colour scheme (The cloak/mantelet reminds me too much of Collei’s), but this was the first time I’ve designed anything more complicated than a sweater and hoodie lol. I’m still proud I managed to come up with anything. As to why I gave importance to the scarf, it’s ‘cause I tried to make it look like a Rukkhashava Mushroom. 
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“A fungus that grows in layers upon layers, like a sea of clouds, and which mostly grows on trees deep in the rainforest. Therefore, they are considered by the people of Sumeru to be the holy crystallization of Rukkhadevata's legacy. In Sumeru, those who dwell in the forest have a tradition of offering Rukkhashava Mushrooms to the Akademiya, but no one knows what these offerings are meant to be used for. Word has it that the Akademiya always performs a secret annual ritual at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, during which the sages will consume these mushrooms to commemorate Lord Rukkhadevata's sacrifice.”
And here’s her beta designs from Hoyo if you’re interested
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 6 months
One in Eleven Million (ch.7)
damian wayne x reader x jon kent
(A/N): this is where the real-life experience I took to write this story runs out so please take any and all airplane/airline logistics with a grain of salt. And with that said, enjoy! I want to get the rest of this series out by the end of fall to hopefully have room to post the holiday fics I want to write so look forwards to the coming final chapters. And apologies, this is a short one.
edit: forgot to link the masterlist so here it is!
warnings: airplane travel, turbulence, emergency (not crash) landings, panic
wc: ~750
The next forty five minutes passed in some part conversation and some part Jon showing you dozens of pictures on his phone. He had a few really good ones of Superman (the older one) and some stunning ones overlooking Metropolis. 
“My parents are reporters so they–they know people who take photos like this,” Jon explained to you, crunching on the airplane pretzels he’d reclaimed from Damian.  
You pulled out a few photos of the Gotham skyline to show the boys in turn. Your photos didn’t live up to theirs, but with your not-high-tech phone camera, those were about the best you had. 
A stronger bout of turbulence rocked even you, hands instinctively gripping the hard plastic of the armrests. A quick glance at Damian gave away that he didn’t find it regular either. 
Jon’s “This is weird right?” overlapped with the concerned cries of other passengers. You turned to Damian. 
“It feels more like a train right now than a plane.” 
“I agree. This is irregular at best.” 
You nearly missed the crackle of the loudspeaker from underneath the raised voices of those around you. 
“Ladies and gentleman, there has been a slight issue with one of our regulators. As of now, all passengers and attendants are to remain seated for their safety. Our next step is to make an emergency landing at the Philadelphia airport where there will then be connecting flights to Gotham. If you would rather find an alternate method of transport, let the front desk know as soon as we arrive so any luggage is forwarded to baggage claim.” 
You could barely process the new information over the sudden uproar. 
“This has never happened to you, I assume?” Damian spoke loudly. 
“No, nothing like this. I’d never even had a delay this bad before but this? No it-it’s crazy.” The answer to your question was chiseled into the shaken expression on Damian’s face but you asked anyway. “Either of you?”
Twin shakes of the head confirmed your assumption. 
“It’s not an emergency right? Like I know it’s an emergency landing but not a fall out of the sky kind of emergency right?” Jon’s blue eyes were wide. You shrugged helplessly.
“I want to say they’d tell us if it was but-”
“But they’ve been less than forthcoming so far so why begin now?” Damian finished. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Exactly.” 
Beside your seat, the emergency exit lights lit up. 
“That doesn’t bode well.” Damian pulled the words out of your brain. “But panicking,” he hissed at the woman lamenting in the row behind you, “will not solve anything.” 
You didn’t think Damian realized Jon was clinging to his hand. You didn’t think he knew he was holding yours.  
“Jon, you’re shaking the floor.” The words came out harsher than you intended. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be-I just-it’s-”
“Sorry I just-” Jon switched from tapping his foot to holding Damian’s left hand in his, focus tuned on his fingers. Damian’s gaze was locked on where his right hand was linked with yours. You pulled away as if his gaze burned you. “I’m never flying commercial again,” Jon finished. 
The laughter that bubbled out of your mouth was more hysterical than you intended. 
Another bout of rough turbulence wracked the plane. You kept your hands to yourself his time, arms crossed against your chest to squeeze at your biceps. 
You barely heard Jon’s whispered cursing underneath the panic rising throughout the rest of the plane.
Damian stayed quiet, but the hand that wasn’t held in Jon’s was tightly clenched. If he wasn’t human, you might have expected there to be holes bored into the head of an older man across the aisle. You wanted to quiet the guy yourself; his catastrophic ranting was only adding into your own anxiety. Instead, you spent a couple minutes making sure all of the stuff in your backpack was tucked away. 
“He does know everyone else can hear him, right?” You asked as you sat up. Both boys chuckled. Jon’s fingers tapped rapidly on his thigh. 
“Alright folks,” the pilot’s voice interrupted the catastrophizing. “We’ve begun the landing process. Please be aware that further turbulence is normal. We should be on the ground soon.”
“How much longer can they call turbulence normal?” Damian ground out. You didn’t have an answer for him. 
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rues-daya · 2 years
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liked by josephquinn , maikamonroe and 778,009 others
yourinstagram: giving rich mom vibes ;)
view all 2,445 comments
y/nfan00 you finally back??
y/nfan98 y/n posting on Instagram? everybody stay calm!
y/nfan88 don’t you dare leave us again by posting a photo than never posting again like you did six months ago… it was very quiet without you on this app 😭
yourinstagram sorry!!! social media and I have a very complicated relationship. right now we are on good terms lmao 
maikamonroe damn!! date me instead 💋
yourinstagram bet!! let’s ditch the joes ;)
jospehfan21 Y/N YOU ONE LUCKY WOMAN!
josephfan00 I need to know her thoughts on the ending of season four like asap
yourinstagram I cried… like a lot! wouldn’t let my boy go all day! 😭
* like by josephquinn
sadiesink_ cutie 🥰
yourinstagram angel 🥺
y/nfan998 that’s my mother y’all
stfan12 am I the only one who just found out that she’s dating Joseph Quinn?
josephfan10 not really, I know they’ve been dating for almost two years but they are also very private when it comes to their relationship
josephquinn 😍♥️
y/nfan09 I have to know if Joseph typed this out or if whoever is running his account did for him 😭
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liked by yourinstagram , gatenm123 and 1,987,999 others
josephquinn: behind the scenes from volume two featuring Gaten.
tagged: gatenm123
view all 4,100 comments
gatenm123 what a good day…. kinda just minus filming that scene
strangerthingstv Dustin and Eddie, our hellfire members
josephfan98 if you know you know
netflix our fav duo
y/nfan87 still not over Eddie being gone
maya_hawke the calm before the storm
y/nfan23 duffer brothers you two better figure out a way to bring Eddie back
josephfan00 bring Eddie back challenge
stfan987 my comfort characters
josephfan12 in an alternative universe Eddie survived
* liked by yourinstragram
yourinstagram herby stating that I have a crush on Eddie Munson
josephfan200 don’t we all! plus ms.girl you are winning, you are legit dating him
yourinstagram also miss you please come home 🥺
y/nfan987 wait stop this is so cute! i forgot joseph is still doing some press for stranger things 😭
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liked by maya_hawke , madelyncline and 802,340 others
yourinstagram: i missed you. welcome home 🥹🤍
tagged: josephquinn
view all 4,009 comments
josephfan123 everyone say thank you y/n for giving us more content ☺️
madelame you two are just the definition of cuties
stfans92 a cutie right before my eyes
gatenm123 disgustingly adorable
y/nfan76 she’s reunited with the love of her life 🥹
* liked by yourinstagram
nattyiceoffcial adorable <33
maikamonroe you two >>> anyone else
y/nfan65 Joseph you one lucky guy
josephfan04 these two are the definition of couple goals… well in my eyes they are
bowerjamie oh hey handsome, long time no see
y/nfan54 she’s never been this happy before so seeing her happy with Joseph makes me smile
josephquinn missed you more than you could ever imagine 🤍
bowerjamie it’s true y/n , he really did
yourinstagram 🥹🥹🥹
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blueoranberryy · 1 month
Harpoon Hybrid - CSM oc
(Edit: Name change, 16/04/24.)
Second oc!! (One of my favs<3)
His name is Botan Kawase!! (Affectionately shortened to Bo!!!) I forgot to put in on the ref but he's 5'4 ft (around 163 cm)
Outfits: Public Safety uniform, Fourth East gakuran and deckhand port cloth.
Tap for more info and a few doodles of him!!
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🎣— Character details!!
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(He/Him pronouns for Botan!!)
⚠️Warning:—Manipulation mentions (Makima), badly drawn blood on the last pic.
Botan is calm, polite and keeps an stoic facade (which Yoshida breaks easily.) most of the time, school and work equally. He's socially awkward and tends to avoid conversations by giving small talk, answering with just a "yes", a nod, a "no" or a head shake. After what happened in his hometown, Yazui, in addition to the fact that he is now in a profession where people could die for just be around him, he is not very interested in making friends, still the harpoon can't help but get attached to certain people around him. Botan is still a teenager (17 or 18 y/o.)
He is the Harpoon Hybrid, he prefers not to talk about how he merged with the devil. But the encounter happened a few months before the Yazui port staff found him,
Botan is currently working for Public Safety, deciding to stay after being freed from Makima's control in the Control Devil Arc; now member of Special Division 7
He used to be a deckhand in Yaizu's city port, Shizuoka prefecture, being hired as a private devil hunter by the port staff and crew when they found him, he had killed the Sea Urchin Devil near the installations in his hybrid form. He was offered a home, water, food and other basic needs in exchange for being, so to speak, security against devils who attacked the port, staff, prevented any process or exit of the boats¿ He formed a bond with most of the tribulation members and saw some of them as father/mother figures and family.
Public Safety learned of his existence through a staff error and immediately took him away, laying off some staff members. Makima being Makima, pulled some strings to have the harpoon hybrid transferred to Tokyo to be a member of Special Division 5 along the rest of the weapons. Botan was easy prey for Makima, he felt extremely guilty for getting some of the crew fired and she offered him comfort through a false façade of a mother figure. (Just as a small clarification, Botan never had romantic feelings towards Makima, he saw her more as a mother and wanted to protect her during his brainwash.)
The Harpoon now with free will really saw no point in trying to return to Yazui, he felt sorry and guilty and it just didn't feel right for him to return. With no better alternative, he stayed at Public Safety and began renting an apartment in Tokyo with his salary; still wears one of the port's hooks as a bracelet along with keeping some photos and shells from his time still in Shizuoka, a few decorate his apartment along other sea themed objects.
Botan was assigned as Yoshida's partner, Denji's bodyguard, and was ordered by his superior to harpoon out the chainsaw hybrid's heart if he at any time disobeyed orders or lost control.
🎣— First meeting!! (oc x canon)
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With a new job and a new mission to protect a certain blonde boy, of course this was not going to be a job just for the Harpoon. Botan was quiet and quite upright with Yoshida at first, he limited himself to only talking about the mission even though Yoshida wanted to know more and was curious about the hybrid. Hirofumi of course insisted in getting to know each other better and ended up dragging reluctantly the harpoon to a Cafe so they could talk more comfortably unlike the PS building which air conditioner probably never goes off in 24/7, they had a few drinks and desserts together and suddenly Botan was starting to think this guy is maybe not that bad as he initially looked.
Botan thought Yoshida was kind of weird at first (and still kind of does) but he has developed admiration towards his professionalism and totally grown a camaraderie like for him.
No, he's not going to elaborate about what he thinks about Yoshida, nothing further than a "He does a good job."
He knows he's pretty you don't need to tell him, man literally sees him daily, no, he's not going to admit he thinks he's pretty.
Botan makes sure to assist Yoshida whenever he gets hurt in missions, even if it's just a small scratch that not even himself had noticed until the hybrid pointed out.
At some point Botan called him Hirofumi instead of Yoshida and apologized quickly but a smile and a "It's fine, you can call me Hirofumi" with a rather warmer tone than usual from the eerie boy was enough for the harpoon to start using his name on him always. No, he didn't get home happy that day, "The pollen in the air tickles my nose." and he was smiling more than usual that day... "Hm? We're not in spring yet? Uh, how strange then." and he shrugged.
🎣— Hybrid form!!
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Botan possesses a small gun trigger on his upper back which he usually covers with his hair which, forgive the redundancy, triggers his hybrid transformation by being pulled. (May change this in the future)
In this appearance his head is replaced by an harpoon gun or canyon that he can shoot along the harpoons attached to his arms by pointing with his index finger, he also can also simply detach the harpoons to throw them in more traditional way or use them in melee combat just like the Spear Hybrid.
The ropes tied to the harpoons are useful for him to make the weapons return to him, the ropes are infinite and don't really have a limit to stop stretching but they can be rip by a blunt weapon or sharp object.
If Botan losses any of his harpoons under any circumstance he can simply generate/create them again to replace the ones he lost, the harpoons are sharp enough to pierce through a Sperm whale and a Blue whale easily.
The harpoon hybrid accuracy allows him to hit targets easily and freely even if they're hundreds of meters away from him.
He possesses as well the other same abilities than the rest of The Weapons have as: Augmented body, healing by blood consumption and nigh-immortality.
Botan tries to perfect his handling of weapons such as: the poleaxe, the fauchard, the glaive and firearms in general to avoid depending from his hybrid form, in a way aspiring to be like Quanxi.
That's all for now!! I'll try to bring more of him and my others ocs soon!! :3
Thanks for reading! —★
🎣—"The seas raised me, a ship cradled me and the seagulls lulled me to sleep."
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sarilolla · 4 months
I am filled with evil so I want to ask, when you finish the main Hanahaki Branch fanfic, would you be up for writing an alternate universe where he took the potion and forgot his brothers? And then they come to see him and he only knows they exist because of old family photos and vaugely remembering that he got a sickness from loving them so much.
How heartbreaking would that be? He had to pick between forgetting them or death and he decided their memories were not worth his life.
If you don't want to write it that's fine, but I wanted to put the idea out there for everyone to enjoy :)
Well, it’s a good thing I’m also filled with evil, because that was planned since the beginning-
I’ve been debated writing three endings, one good and two bad. Cured of Hanahaki and loved, takes the potion and forgetting, or dying. It’s just… if I can add more angst to Branch’s life, I will take it >:)
Hanahaki Branch au (slight spoilers/alternative ending to not finished fic)
And the thing is, Branch would have to push himself to take the potion. His brothers were his hope, his glimmer of joy for YEARS before Poppy seriously stepped in, and Branch also opened himself for more friendships. He adores his blood family, but he has found one for himself now. Plus, it’s been two decades, if his brothers wanted to find him, they would have by now, right?
So he takes the potion. He still has Poppy, he has the Snack Pack, he has Kismet, and he has friends in the other tribes, so he’s not alone. He thinks before he takes it that he can just blame the memory loss on the fact they left when he was two years old, surely that’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to die and leave the other people he loves.
But seeing four strangers a while later, so similar to him and so sure they know him, he’s certain he should feel loss. But he doesn’t. There’s no memories, no feelings, just old Knick-knacks he is sure was important at one point in his life.
And the four strangers who looks like they lost the world when he said he didn’t know them
Anyway, I went on a ramble, that thing will be more filled out and cohesive when that time comes :)
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estrogenism · 1 year
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[plaintext: Selenian Bisexual Flag]
i made a flag for bisexual sapphics upon request, which i've named the selenian bisexual flag. the flag is inspired by both violets, which are used to resemble sapphics, and the moon, which is often used to resemble bisexuals, feminity, and women. this is inclusive of all bi sapphics, please use this flag in good faith.
edit: i forgot about the existence of selenic, a term for bisexual sapphics. you could consider this as an alternate selenic flag, or if you like the term 'selenian bisexual' better, feel free to use that as a term instead. as for the subset of lunarian, this flag is not affiliated with that term or meaning in any way. i won't be changing the name of the flag, because it's ultimately meant to be a flag name like 'morganite transfem,' not a term name.
[photo description 1: a seven striped pride flag. the top two and bottom two stripes are equally sized, and there is three slimmer stripes in the middle. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, white, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. there is an icon of a white flower at the center of the flag. end id.]
[photo description 2: a pride flag with five equally sized horizontal stripes. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. there is an icon of a white flower at the center of the flag. end id.]
[photo description 3: a seven striped pride flag. the top two and bottom two stripes are equally sized, and there is three slimmer stripes in the middle. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, white, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. there is an icon of two white crescent moons pressed against eachother (☽☾) at the center of the flag. end id.]
[photo description 4: a pride flag with five equally sized horizontal stripes. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. there is an icon of two white crescent moons pressed against eachother (☽☾) at the center of the flag. end id.]
[photo description 5: a seven striped pride flag. the top two and bottom two stripes are equally sized, and there is three slimmer stripes in the middle. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, white, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. end id.]
[photo description 6: a pride flag with five equally sized horizontal stripes. the color of the stripes from top to bottom are: dark purple, medium purple, light purple, medium blue, and light blue. end id.]
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heliads · 1 year
Where I Can't Follow
Lewis Hamilton isn't sure that he wants to retire yet, but when the rest of the world seems so sure of the opposite, it's hard not to feel his confidence shrink. In times of stress, then, is it really such a surprise that he would go to Seb for help?
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Lewis Hamilton has been thinking. About a lot, actually, but mostly about expectations. Everyone in this strange alternate shade of reality known affectionately as Formula One have started to shift their expectations for him. It started when he didn’t win a single race in all of 2022. It started when his car suddenly wasn’t crushing everyone else by leagues.
There has been an undercurrent of whispers in the paddock about whether or not Lewis will continue his contract with Mercedes at the end of the 2023 season. It was never in doubt before, or not as much in doubt as this. If there were whispers before, Lewis always made sure no one’s doubt was strong enough to influence him.
This is different, though. Lewis can feel his age in a way he never has before. He thought that time could only ever bring him maturity, knowledge, maybe even that humility people used to encourage him to develop– but he props it up with every step now. Aching bones, twisted back. He is not as young as he once was, and that is both for the best and for the worst.
Fernando was about 37 when he retired for the first time. He returned, of course, but he took a break anyway. Michael Schumacher was 37 too, also had a comeback. Sebastian– Sebastian is 35 and gone somewhere Lewis can’t seem to find him. Lewis would like to see him here again, but useless hopes don’t bring back friends or rivals or the strange sort of both that happened to him and Seb.
So where does that leave Lewis, then? On the outskirts of infirmity? This whole thing is sort of ridiculous– Lewis is 38 now, far from decrepit and elderly, yet everyone’s treating him like he’ll break a bone if he’s pushed down the stairs. Maybe that was why Fernando came back, both boredom and also the hesitance to make it seem like his best years were already behind him.
Lewis supposes he could go and talk to Fernando about the retirement dilemma, but that feels like giving up, in some weird way, so he keeps his mouth shut. There is, of course, the one person that Lewis would really like to speak with, but Sebastian is quite far away from him at the moment.
Sebastian. Of course Lewis is lying awake at night and thinking of Sebastian of all the rivals he’s had over the years. Lewis has had the pleasure and curse of meeting many a young upstart with something to prove, but for some reason Seb is the only one who’s ever stuck around in Lewis’ head long enough to make an impression.
The preference goes both ways, actually. Lewis is the only driver on the grid with Sebastian’s personal phone number, he’s the only one who can show up unannounced and expect Seb to both be there and happy to see him.
The thought of visiting Sebastian out of the blue does something strange to Lewis when it’s actually a possibility. It makes him think of one time last year when Lewis had actually taken Seb up on his offer of an open welcome instead of brushing him off.
It wasn’t as idyllic a trip as Lewis’ nostalgia for the past will let him believe. Lewis had offhandedly mentioned that he was travelling away from his place in Monaco for a bit and Sebastian had offered for him to drop by if he was in the neighbourhood. Lewis wasn’t remotely close, but something in Sebastian’s tone made him switch around a flight or two and then there they were, out on Seb’s back porch like they’d known each other from their cradles to the present day.
Sometimes, Lewis wants them to have been friends for longer, even beyond the tumultuous string tying them together before they got over themselves and started liking each other properly. Lewis lingers over photos of a teenaged Seb taped up on the refrigerator and wonders how he forgot how sharp that grin used to be, too many teeth showing for one smile and all that. The expression has softened on Sebastian now, it fits better in between the skin of his cheeks, but Lewis misses the infuriating adolescent Seb had been anyway.
They’ve known each other for decades now, but Lewis wants more. He cannot help it, the wanting is in his blood:  the need to win a race, the urge to keep his career moving forward, and now, the most recent want of all, this all-consuming desire to keep Seb with him for as long as Lewis can physically manage it. 
Comparing the Polaroid with the genuine article just down the hall, Lewis feels an unruly monologue crash through his head, heavy with wanting and twice as burdensome on his heart. There's a kid that you're supposed to know, I think. He was supposed to have been me. We were meant to grow up together, but if you ended up being born several countries out of reach, that can't be held against you. All the same, I’m certain that it was supposed to work out better than it did.
Then again, maybe it was for the best that Lewis had not known Sebastian as a child. Look what he did to Nico, after all; look how he fucks up the best parts of his life. Still, Lewis gets the feeling that it might have been different had Seb been the snarky boy by his side instead of the junior Rosberg. Did they not survive their rivalry? Did they not survive it all?
Sebastian comes to get him soon enough, chastising Lewis for getting caught up in someone else’s photos (if you want to stalk me, Lewis, there are enough pictures out there on the Internet already, at least have some style) and gesturing for Lewis to join him out back. Lewis watches the sun progress through the sky, and just when his guard is finally lowered, Sebastian slips a knife in between his ribs.
When Lewis first hears Sebastian form the words, he thinks it must be the start of some awful joke. I think I’m going to retire at the end of this season. He almost starts to laugh. See, this is the sort of thing Seb would have done, eyes sparking with malicious humor from underneath a Ferrari cap, maybe even a Red Bull. Lewis would have rolled his eyes and told Sebastian to stop trying to scare him like that. Maybe he would have even threatened to tell the tabloids so Sebastian would have to keep talking about it in press conferences until the beaten horse had long since died.
But they are not young men anymore, and Sebastian is no longer grinning down at him from the top step of a podium, and so Lewis knows with a glum certainty that he is not joking. The truth of it sits lodged at the base of his stomach, heavy and cold and terrible.
Seb looks over at him. “Say something.”
Lewis can’t. Sebastian sighs, and for a brief, fleeting moment, Lewis can imagine exactly how the other man must see him:  stubborn, morose, an old sap unable to accept the terms of his own world grinding on without him. For once, Sebastian would be in agreement with the media, and that breaks Lewis’ heart more than he expected.
And then Seb’s face splits in a self-satisfied smirk, so goddamn Seb-like that Lewis’ throat closes up, and he tells Lewis that he’s glad of it. “That just means that you’re not sick of me yet,” Sebastian says, a touch of self-deprecating humor lancing through the words just sharp enough to startle, “and that’s good news to me, I suppose.”
Lewis had tried to argue this, meant to ask Sebastian to name one instance Lewis had been sick of him (except perhaps Baku, although they are both satisfied with that result by now) but Sebastian had interrupted him, encouraged Lewis to finish his drink before the ice melted, and so he did. After that it was easier. The necessary words did not have to be spoken to be understood.
Lewis had wondered for weeks afterwards if he should have said something after all. If Lewis had known the right thing to tell Sebastian, would it have stopped him from retiring? The rest of the visit had been more than good, but at the end, it had been an excuse for Sebastian to tell him that truth, and they both knew it. Sebastian had still left. Sure, it would have been worse to find out from that depressing Instagram post like everyone else, but Lewis feels no better off with his knowledge. It just meant he had to sit with that sadness for longer. 
Lewis had not understood why Sebastian would want to leave their ring of exactly 20 glorified car jocks for a quiet afterlife, not even after last year, but he thinks he’s starting to get it now. The urge to tear down his legacy like ripping up construction paper keeps flickering through Lewis’ head. They want him gone, don’t they? They have since the start. He might as well give them a show while he’s at it, it’s what they’ve always wanted.
Maybe that’s why he finds himself reaching out to Sebastian again. Seb gave him a warning when he left, Lewis found it right to do the same. Some part of him mainly just wants someone to shake him around the shoulders and tell him to get his head in order. Seb could do that too. Sebastian can do a great many things. The hold he has on Lewis is astonishing. That would explain why Lewis spent so much time last season talking about how Sebastian would most certainly come back. He could not find it within himself to accept the loss otherwise.
I am going to destroy myself, Lewis decides in the middle of the night to an imaginary Sebastian, I am going to destroy myself and all I have created, and I want you there to see my castle burn. You do not have to put the fire out. I just want you to know that it was me who did it and not anyone else. 
The warning would be right, after all. If Sebastian suspected foul play, he would never let it go, and if this retirement is truly what he wants, who is Lewis to take that from him just because he needs an ally? Of course Seb would release a statement or ten if it seemed like Lewis was under fire. He is good like that, good in a way that makes Lewis want to never let him go.
Lewis types out one text message, makes it as inconspicuous as he possibly can. Sebastian responds within the hour, a screenshot of an upcoming flight to Lewis’ location. Lewis wonders if Seb can see through him as plainly as he did with Seb last season.
And then Lewis is opening up the door to his place and Sebastian is grinning at him, making fun of his wallpaper or something gloriously simple like that, and it is like no time has passed at all. Something relaxes in Lewis’ chest, a muscle he hadn’t realized he was contracting. It’s okay. Sebastian still wants him. This. All of it. Even without the forced proximity of the track.
He pours drinks, and they idly talk about small news and whatnot before Lewis poses the question that’s been burning on his tongue, well, for months.
“How did you know, man?” Lewis asks, “How did you know it was time to leave?”
Sebastian tilts his head back, blows out a low breath. “That’s a tricky question. Why?”
Lewis studies the glass in his hand very carefully. “Just. You know. You wonder sometimes.”
Lewis can practically sense Sebastian sitting straighter, the suspicion growing. “You only wonder if you’re thinking about going. I thought you weren’t interested in that.”
Sebastian is wonderful at fighting the world. He'd spit in anyone's eye so long as it was right, and doubly so if it was wrong, too. Lewis doesn't want someone to defend his honor, though. He just wants someone to listen.
That might have been harder at the start, back when they were just a few years past the end of boyhood, but they are older now, more prone to contemplation. Sebastian kicks up his feet on a nearby ottoman (he had the grace to take his shoes off at the door, Seb has learned by now how Lewis gets about stuff like that) and he listens to Lewis’ injustices turn from a well-organized and repeated mantra to rambling complaints.
At last, when Lewis pulls quiet back over himself like a favorite piece of clothing, Sebastian purses his lips thoughtfully and carries on. “Are you going to leave, then?”
Lewis blinks in surprise. He hadn’t thought that Seb would even name that as an option, Lewis had always been so adamant about staying until his eighth world championship win at least. He supposes he had been hinting at it all this time, and of course it is what everyone else is wondering, so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Sebastian wants to know, too.
“I don’t know, really,” he says at last, “I think I want to keep going, but that depends on who’ll have me. Contracts, you know.”
Sebastian, of all people, knows how contracts can go. Lewis still tastes a smattering of anger on his tongue whenever he passes Mattia Binotto in the paddock. Seb taps his finger against his glass like he’s summoning a dinner party to a toast, then sets the vessel down on one of Lewis’ nearby coasters. Recycled wood. He tries when he can.
“Don’t retire,” Sebastian says, “Not quite yet. It won’t be the right time.”
Lewis wants to ask if it was the right time for Sebastian, but he doesn’t know that either of them would be able to come up with an adequate answer.
Instead, he sighs, turns his head towards Seb again. “Do you miss it?”
It’s a ridiculous question, and were it asked by anyone except Lewis at this moment in this place, Sebastian would probably despise him for it. Seb knows Lewis enough to recognize the lack of condescending tone laced within the question, though, so he smiles and gives him a good answer this time.
“Parts. Some of it I’m glad to leave. Others were harder.” Sebastian pauses, then admits it, what they’ve both been wanting to hear. “I missed you most of all.”
An impatient part of Lewis makes itself heard before he can stop himself. “I’m here now, though.”
“I know,” Sebastian says softly, “I know.”
Lewis knows it too. That will make it okay when he has to leave, when they will both be pulled to their respective corners of the earth once more. At some point, he will be able to come back, and they will be the same as always. Nothing has changed. That heals Lewis more than he thought possible.
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy
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vessilin · 4 months
hey guys i have decided that i will now become a TMAGP account. hashtag. love this new podcast!! as soon as my hands stop swelling I WILL be making RedCanary fan art. I cannot express how much i’m loving this series rn
more below the cut! ! (SPOILERS)
OKAY SO!! episode #1 has thoroughly shaken me to the core. thank you so @sunnyspookss for listening to me yap about it over discord. love u suns!! here are my thoughts on the characters :
Sam - I cannot describe how I feel about this creature. I’m loving them and they’re giving me very… main character vibes (obviously but… anything could change who knows). Currently loving the idea that they wear glasses !!! Def a really fleshed out character (even from just the first episode).
I know Sam SAID that they were working here to ‘get back on [my] feet’ but I feel like there might be something more behind it?
Alice - right off the bat !! I’m loving her. she seems so incredibly sweet and i’m HC-ing her as a trans woman. live laugh love Alice !!! She’s so silly and in some ways reminds me of Tim Stoker ? I think it’s really interesting and I can’t wait to see how her character develops!!
ALSOOO TTHE FACT THAT SHE AND SAM USED TO DATE!??? AUGH. during college too? I feel like this is running a real close parallel to Jon and Georgie.
Gwen <333 - I can totally see some of the Bouchard family line coming in here. At first (a.k.a. the first 10 minutes or so) i didn’t really have any strong opinions and kinda forgot that her last name was bouchard but after the little scene of her and Lena in the office I started to love her even more. The boldness and the gall this woman has makes me want to shake her around like a squeaky toy.
When Lena was like “what do you even want here anyways 😒😒” AND GWEN WENT “your job” I LOST IT. LIKE.
I don’t even know if she and Elias are related but goddamn?!! I’m literally in love.
Lena - She knows something. This woman. this girl. she knows something that I do not know and I do not like it.
Colin - Live Laugh Love Colin!!! He def knows what’s going on!! I have a feeling he’ll be rlly important to the plot and his little end ‘speech’ (more like dialogue but oh well) at the end of the first episode was like??? Major Eye vibes.
RedCanary - I don’t even know where to begin. The insanity? The deleting photo? Canaries should stay above ground? The anger at ArcherK?? The mystery?
I really hope this character comes back but even if they’re a Sarah Baldwin situation that is 110% okay. I love the premise of this person finding something in that box (or maybe just the box in general) that drives them to insanity or drives them to some new information?
Misc. - Ok! Im not sure if the same like… ‘fears’ apply but someone (hi sunny) has said that there might be a new fear system? i think that’s going to be really fun to get into once I listen to the second episode. Secondly !!!! The Magnus Archive being turned into the library of alexandria (not literally but still) is such a cool concept to me. I think it’s very inchresting to think about because
A) as a child i loved researching TLA (the library of alexandria) and B) it makes a whole new timeline- i think?? Or maybe it’s some like alternate dimension or something!!! who knows!! I love it!
The idea of lost knowledge (and that knowledge once being uncovered driving people to insanity) (shoutout redcanary we will remember you!) is such a cool concept in general. the what-ifs and the maybes that can stem from it are so interesting and I can’t wait to see if they expand on that or not!! Either way- i’m loving the podcast so far.
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New Master-Post of my Analyses/Meta Writing about The Sandman
Had to remake this because tumblr broke links BADLY on my old one. Also, as much as I prefer you all getting to see the rebloggable tumblr versions where you could comment, those are ironically the links tumblr broke and won't let me fix, so I'm just adding the google drive ones below, in reading order. Still feel free to comment/message me anyways!:
The following aren't analyses, but they are Sandman-related art projects I made:
Old Master-Post Here, for reference:
First the in-dash version of the page
Then the "external", on-account version
(This is mostly for my future reference in case the links ever work again so I can go back and edit that)
Tagging those who might want to know:
@serenityspiral @duckland @roguelov @notallsandmen @ambercoloredfox @orionsangel86 @academicblorbo
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hollywoodsargeant · 10 months
Could you do a sunglasses ranking please?🙏
YES. okay. so this is considering all of the pairs of sunglasses he wears that i am aware of... if there's more. well. i probably just thought they were one of these (or i forgot about them) but logan is a big sunglasses guy (self-proclaimed) like i don't think there is or ever will be a race where he doesn't wear sunglasses at some point. so ofc i have opinions about all of them
i'll put it under. a read more bc this post is excessive. open for logan sunglasses + thoughts
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these are p1. i think i have mentioned that these sunglasses specifially are my favorite of is... i don't really know why but they're my personal favorite. and he wears them a pretty decent amount so i see this as a win (also that picture of him in monaco in the polo shirt makes me so stupid thought you should know)
i think i like the. idk what the word is. the little strip above his nose. idk. i don't wear sunglasses man i just have a lot of opinions about them
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second place... These. just based on what i've seen i feel like he wears these ones the most. they're the origin of my "i love a man in big ugly sunglasses" bc they are kind of. Large. and for what it's worth i know these are the sunglasses he has in his GQ video where he says he can't live without sunglasses. maybe they are his favorite. who knows
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final step of the podium. whatever the fuck these are. i don't think he ever wore them outside of this specific merch shoot? but i like them. maybe i'm just blinded by the fact that i like this merch shoot... that first pic is in like. every single post i've done where someone asks for my favorite logan pics. good one man. FOR REASONS...
this post is about SUNGLASSES sorry. i like these sunglasses. but i'm not entirely convinced they're real
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fourth is these! if i have ever referred to these as my least favorite i mean they're my least favorite out of the three pairs of sunglasses i feel like he wears the most. (which is my first and second place + these) but i don't think he's worn these ones in a bit? like both of these photos are from F2. i know he wore them in jeddah two years in a row bc i had a whole thing about them
so not the point. even if he hasn't worn them in a while. not my favs. it's still logan so i will still eat it up but. i prefer the other ones
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fifth? fish. i like these pictures. the are definitely a function over fashion thing for once (he has said he like sunglasses bc they're a good fashion statement... like okay... guy who wears the same quarter-zip every race week...) i have only ever seen him wear them when he's on a boat. i doubt he would ever wear these to a race see prior mention of fashion and all his other sunglasses i think are like. expensive. remember when i said i don't wear sunglasses yeah idk
i like the fisherboy in him. happy summer break logan put these sunglasses back on and go fishing thanks
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and last i have. whatever these are. mostly at the bottom bc i don't think he's worn them since prema? but also they're kind of a lot. maybe i'm just crazy but i think he looks better in the darker sunglasses than he does these ones... anyways. i think these ones have been retired since f3. replaced. but they're included on this list bc i found this picture in my camera roll
since i did throw this one on the end. i am SURE... there are older pairs of sunglasses he doesn't wear anymore that i missed. my ranking is mostly of those three (which i put 1-2-4) but even above that mostly the top two. i feel like he alternates between those two. but i get irrationally happy when he wears my favorite ones because. Well. they're my favorite...
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cbk1000 · 1 year
Posting another preview of the vet fic, because I have around 43,000 words written, but I think I’m going to wait till I’m finished to post anything because I want to see exactly how long it’s going to be (estimating in the 60,000 range...that’s a hopeful estimate lmao) so I can break it up appropriately. It wouldn’t be moral to post this one as a one-shot, I don’t think, so I’ll have to split it up into a few parts. lmao
Arthur snatched the phone back. There was a long silence whilst he scrolled, and Merlin packed up his ultrasound machine. “What about this one?” he asked at last, handing back the phone.
“Those are my nostrils. I was faffing about with my phone and accidentally took a picture up my nose and obviously didn’t realise or forgot to delete it. Why would I put that on a dating profile? You can’t even see my face.”
“Seems an obvious advantage over the other photos, then.”
Merlin flicked him in the head. 
“Do you really think women are going to look at these pictures and tinder with you, or whatever you do on these things?”
“That’s not even the right dating app. It’s right in the name, Arthur. But, yeah. Women. Or blokes.”
There was a laden pause. “What do you mean, ‘Or blokes?’” Arthur asked.
And Merlin, bending over the bag of equipment with his heart in his mouth, said, in a voice quite out of rhythm with his pulse, “I mean the literal words that came out of my mouth.”
There was another pause; no longer merely heavy, but corpulent. He went on packing up his kit, waiting as if for the executioner, to see whether the next moment would end or absolve him.
“Are you gay?” Arthur blurted out.
And Merlin looked up, no longer in anticipation, but with that need which is in the human animal, to gawp at what is terrible: though he was looking at stupidity, rather than a car accident. “No,” he said, enunciating very slowly. “I said ‘or’. Or is a conjunction; it’s used to link alternatives. ‘Tea or coffee.’ ‘I’ll cycle, or walk.’ Meaning both are acceptable, possible choices.” 
“Thank you,” Arthur said with such withering sarcasm he very nearly elevated the response to art. “I’m aware what words mean.”
“Then why did I have to explain it slowly and with very careful articulation?”
“Because you talk like you’ve a mouthful of gravel.”
“That’s from you colonising pricks standing your jackboot on my face and forcing it into the ground.”
“You grew up in England.” Arthur looked away, and scratched his nose. “So you’re--bisexual? Pansexual? I don’t know that many of the--of the sexuals.”
There was a weight coming off him. He realised Arthur was going to be stupid, not bigoted, and said, “I don’t really care that much about the label, but bisexual’s what I tell people.”
There was another pause whilst Arthur dithered about, trying to decide where it was appropriate to put one’s hands in front of men who liked men; and stuffing them in his pockets, asked, sounding extraordinarily casual about it, which tone he had achieved with stunning effort, “What kind of men do you like?”
“Well, if you like my sister, I assume your taste in men is similarly atrocious. I was only curious.” He scratched at his nose again.
“Erm, well, I don’t have--a list or anything like that. Fit men, who aren’t total berks.”
“What does that mean?” Arthur demanded. “‘Fit men’ could mean anything. Especially coming from someone with no standards.”
“Fine. Percival. He’s an example of someone I’d climb like a tree.”
“Percival?” Arthur’s hands came out of his pockets, and grabbed the stall door between them, as if he would need it for support, in his time of need. “He’s too big.”
“All right, fine, you’re so good at being attracted to men, pick someone fitter. You think you can be a better gay than me?”
“Well, apparently, it’s not difficult.” Arthur leant his upper body on the stall door, whilst Merlin finished packing up the bag, holding out his hand for it to be passed over to him in the aisle.
“Ok, if you weren’t straight, what kind of guy would you find attractive, then?”
“Well, I haven’t really thought about it, of course, but I’d have to say, someone athletic, good with horses, roots for Manchester U, like a correct person, good-looking. Sophisticated.”
“Blonde? Blue-eyed?” Merlin asked, leaning on the door beside him, so that their elbows nearly touched.
“Can’t go wrong with that.”
“So you’re saying you’d be gay for yourself.”
“I’m only saying anyone with objectively good taste would be.” 
Merlin cupped his chin in his hand, and looked up from under his lashes, which he used as a signal to indicate he was about to flirt, and the other person had better be ready for it. Then, instead of flattery, he delivered a little fine ridicule: “Except you forgot the bit about being a knob. ‘Aryan ideal’ isn’t really much of a selling point.”
“I also said, ‘good with horses, roots for Manchester U, sophisticated, good-looking, athletic.’ Could add ‘funny’--”
“Looking,” Merlin interrupted.
“Funny, good taste in books--”
“That’s the only one I don’t take issue with.”
“Would you stop interrupting me whilst I explain why you’re wrong and should feel bad about it?”
Merlin held up his hands. “Sorry. Do go on. Why exactly am I being bisexual wrong? Could use the enlightenment. I’ve been doing it a while and never knew I was bollixing it.”
Arthur ticked off points on his fingers. “I can cook; I’m actually properly proportioned--”
“You are so jealous of Percival. He could put your head in the crook of his arm, flex, and stove in your fat head, and you hate it. Next to him, you look like you’re seven stone soaking wet.”
“Are you blind? I’m twice the size of you--”
“You’re shorter, and I wrestle cows for a living, office boy.”
“Add ‘delusional’ to your long list of faults. The only reason you’re bisexual, is because you had to expand your options beyond a single gender, or else you’d die alone. You had to add several more million fish to the sea in hopes of finding a single one deranged enough to not flee on sight.”
Merlin dangled his hands over the side of the stall door. “Sounds like projection.”
“I said, ‘Sounds like projection!’” he shouted, as if Arthur were old. “I’ve never had any trouble getting anyone to climb on a dark-haired 6’ manual labourer whose job is to treat sick animals. If you’re having problems, maybe it’s your hair?”
“What’s wrong with my hair?” Arthur demanded.
“Nothing, really, just assume you get prickly when it’s mussed. Can’t imagine women like hearing, ‘For the sake of my hair, it’s missionary, or nothing, you will not touch my hair in the throes of passion, you will not, in the throes of passion, mar my delicate posh boy skin, which I bathe daily in La Mear and caviar--’”
“It’s La Mer.”
“I knew you’d know that.”
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
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Chuck Taylor x f/Reader (18+)
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Chuck Taylor Masterlist ♡ Alternate Universe Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. If you are a minor, do not read. Virgin reader. Loss of Virginity. Oral (M and F receiving) Creampie.
WC: 5583
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & Photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @dragonairstims 2nd gif @graculuss 3rd @allelitewrestlings 4th & 5th & 6th gifs @tekkers
This is dedicated to the number one Chuck Taylor fan I know @legit9thlunaticwarrior
Summary: f/Reader decided to run away from home after her Father decided that she was going to be married off. She ends up lost & is saved by a Lumberjack who lives alone in the woods.
Dustin - Chuck Taylor ☆ Olivia - Penelope Ford ☆ Simon - Kip Sabian ☆ James - Orange Cassidy
Set in the 1890s
I looked out my bedroom window, hoping for it to be a cloudy night tonight because if not, then I have run out of time, but as I was just about to give up hope, clouds finally came.
I grabbed my hidden satchel from under my bed and my cloak and quickly put it on. I opened the window as gently as I could, trying not to make any sound, but as my foot landed on the ground, I stepped on a twig and I snapped it.
I didn't move as I waited to hear any movement from the room next door, where my parents slept, but no sounds could be heard besides my Father's snoring.
I closed the window and breathed a sigh of relief as stage one of my plan went off without a hitch, now just have to get through the next couple of stages.
I walked as quickly as I could through the property that my family owns, forcing myself not to look back at the home I grew up in. I knew I just had to get as far away as I could.
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It would be hours before they realised I am gone. I just know they will send a search party to find me. Especially him. The man whose hand I have been promised to.
But I couldn't be his wife. I would be his third wife, his other two have both tragically died in some type of mysterious way and I refuse for my life to be cut short by some man.
So I did what I had to do. I had to run away from home and head deep into the woods and work my way across the rugged landscape and try not to succumb to the elements.
The sun was rising and will be overhead soon, but I will be deep into the forest by then, where any sunlight breaks through the peaks of the trees.
I walked and walked until I felt like it was finally safe to take a small break and eat a bit of bread. I pulled out the pocket watch my Father got me for my last birthday and noticed that it was well past noon. If they haven't found me now, they never would, but it is best to keep on moving. I walked for hours until I found a small cave and made camp there.
I made a small fire as it grew darker and tried to sleep, but the sounds of the forest kept startling me awake, but I willed myself to sleep for only a few short hours.
This was my new normal. Walk for a few hours, stop, rest, eat and walk until I couldn't anymore and make camp, but I feel like I am lost.
As I walked past what I assume is the same massive rock three times now. In my haste to leave, I forgot to grab one of the many compasses that my Father keeps in his study and now I am truly lost. Winter is fast approaching and I know I will die due to the harsh winters we have.
But I continued, instead of turning right or left, I just went straight and found a stream and decided to follow it, not knowing where it will take me, but this is better than what I was doing.
As I walked I noticed that there was a path and the foliage was cut back and out of the way. I became almost hopeful at the thought that this may lead me out of the forest.
But I heard a twig snap behind me and the sound of a gun cocking and the sound of a male voice, one that made my heart race as I stopped mid-step.
"Now you turn around. No sudden movement and I want your hands out in front of you." I did as the man asked, trying to cry or show any fear.
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As I was walking back towards my cabin, with my small catch of the day, when I noticed a new set of footprints walking towards it. The footprints were smaller in comparison and I knew they were not mine.
I moved as quietly as I could, not wanting to give myself away when I noticed a woman, who was alone, walking just a bit away from me.
I followed her a bit longer, trying to be quiet and I was doing well until I stepped on a twig. I watched as the woman stopped and I knew this was my time to talk.
I brought my gun up and cocked it, demanding the strange woman to raise their hands and turn around. She did as I asked and I could tell she was trying to put on a brave face.
"Now tell me your name and why you are on my land?" I noticed that she gulped but didn't speak.
"I asked you a question." I wasn't playing around.
"My name is YN and I got lost in the forest. I found this stream and decided to see where it takes me."
"You better not be lying to me." I gruffly said.
"I'm not. I swear I got lost and I was always told to find a stream as I can follow it." One hard stare at her and I knew she was telling the truth.
"Well, you can go now," I said as I lowed my gun.
"Please Sir," I snorted at that. No one calls me Sir.
"I am lost and I need shelter."
"I don't take in strays," I said as I walked past her.
"I don't have much money, but I can cook and clean Sir. It will only be for a short while." I stopped walking and turned to look at the strange woman.
I took in that her dress is ripped and extremely dirty, but she was clutching a pouch to her chest.
I knew I didn't have enough food to feed her but a few days can't hurt, can it?
She tried to leave only after two days but I realised I have missed the human company that I only get in the colder months, where I work as a Lumberjack.
Her eyes seemed to light up when I mentioned I would be leaving soon. "May I come with you?"
"I am sorry YN, but where I will be going is no place for a woman such as yourself."
"But I can not stay here, alone."
"You won't be. I will show you the way to the next town and we will part ways."
"Thank you, Dustin," and we went back to eating the soup YN made.
A few days turned into a few weeks and we had a routine of sorts. I got up and tended to my small parcel of land and YN took care of inside the cabin and even did laundry.
But I started to notice odd things about her, whenever there was a strange noise, she would stop and stare until the noise went away. If I mention running into any other people when I go deeper into the woods, a scared look comes over her face.
I also noticed she refused to leave and go give herself a proper cleaning, even though I showed her where she could go.
I got sick of it and decided to confront her about it. "YN, I am going to be blunt here, you need to go and have a bath and I mean a proper bath, not this whores bath you keep giving yourself."
She was fighting an inner battle with herself and she finally sighed and looked down at her hands that were on her lap. "I haven't been perfectly honest with you. I ran away from home."
"And what would make you do a silly thing like that?"
"My father promised my hand to some man, who is a cruel man to his wives. I would have been his third one. The other two died and I just know he will kill me."
"May I ask what this has to do with bathing?"
"I don't want to be alone because if he finds me, I have no idea what he will do to me."
"Why didn't you ask me YN?"
"And have a man who I have not married see me naked?  I rolled my eyes at that.
"I will not stare and have my back turn as you get undressed."
"Okay, but may I borrow one of your shirts to walk back in as I will wash my clothes there as well."
I felt my cock twitch at the thought of her wearing my shirt. I didn't speak as I nodded my head yes.
The very next day, as the sun was right over us, I found myself with my back turned as YN stripped herself of her clothes.
I heard a slight yelp as she descended into the cool water. I turned myself around, feigning concern that she may have hurt herself. I hid my disappointment as I noticed she was fully submerged in the water.
"Sorry, I am used to my baths being warm."
"Well, I am sorry YN, that is not going to happen out here." I took a step back as I didn't want to fall into the water, but just as my luck would have it, I found a very muddy spot and fell flat on my back and landed in what I am hoping is just smelly mud.
"Dustin, are you okay?"
"Yup," I said as I was still laying on the ground.
"Are you sure? You aren't moving." The concern in her voice went straight to my heart.
"I will need to wash now and I am waiting for you to finish." A small "oh," was all I heard. I felt bad that I may have to rush her now.
"You can come in, I will turn around."
"I don't think that is a good idea YN." I tried to contain the groan that threatened to leave my chest at the thought of being so close to her naked.
"Please Dustin," I lifted my head and looked at her. I saw that her arms were on the side and her head was resting on her crossed arms. I placed my head back on the ground, trying to calm myself down. "The water will make you feel better." She said softly to me. I knew she was right and let out a happy laugh when I stood. I started to take off my clothes and I watched as her eyes widened, she slapped her hand over her eyes and turned around.
"Could of warned me, Dustin." She said as I walked into the water, shivering at the coolness of it. "And what fun would that have been for me?" I laughed.
"Are you sure you are a Lumberjack?" My laughter stopped.
"Yes, I am. Why you asking?"
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When I saw him stripping, I wanted to watch, but all I heard in my head was my Mother screaming at me about looking at a man naked. I could feel him as he got in the water, his body heat making the water feel already better.
"Are you sure you are a Lumberjack? His laughter stopped.
"Yes, I am. Why you asking?"
"With the way how you fell there, I guess I have to worry about you coming back hurt." I didn't notice how his body tensed when I said about him coming back.
I was expecting some type of retort. Some snide comments, but all I got was a big splash to the face. I sputtered and gasped for air as I pushed my hair away from my face. I started to splash him back and he was laughing so hard, he was snorting.
"Okay, that is enough YN." He tried to say but I paid him no mind. I splashed him two more times until I felt his hands wrap around my wrists and pull me flush against his body.
"I said that is enough YN." His voice started as loud and then by the time he said my name, his voice was soft, noticed how close we were. He let go of my wrists and he went to give us some space when I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips against his.
His hands went around me and gripped my thighs and wrapped them around his waist, never once stopping our kissing.
I gasped against his mouth when I felt him poking me. He took that as a sign to start kissing down my neck and leaving his mark.
The sound of an animal brought us back to reality. I pulled away from him and swam to the other side. "YN I am,"
"We shouldn't be out here much longer. I have to prepare dinner and give you lunch." I said as I grabbed the spare shirt he brought for me.
I didn't turn around, even though I wanted to when I heard him get out. Our walk back to the cabin was quiet. The only sounds came from the forest.
Dinner was a quiet affair. I ate by myself as he at outside. I wanted to cry as I know I have messed this all up and I have no idea how to fix this.
The door opened and there he was, having to duck slightly just to get into his open cabin.
"Dustin, can we talk?"
"I have to head to town to grab some little minute supplies. I think it may be best if you come with me and we part ways. My heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces.
"Oh, okay. Yeah." I turned away from him, not wanting him to see the tears as they stream down my face.
Dustin was out cold as I closed the door quietly behind me. I looked back when I was far enough and said goodbye.
I walked in the direction that Dustin told me was where the town was. I walked until I saw the first hint of civilization and I tried to push the man who I have come to grow to love to the back of my mind.
I didn't stay very long in that town until I worked my way to the next one. More of a village and just the place I was looking for. I found work as a barmaid at the local tavern. Not glamorous, but I had an income and a roof over my head.
The married couple who owned it were very kind and didn't need help, but they saw that I was desperate and needed the help. I do whatever I can to help them out.
But the tavern seems to get more and more business these days and I asked Olivia, who owned the tavern with her husband Simon.
"The Lumberjacks are making their way through. Their camp isn't far from here." We were interrupted by a group of men who came in, looking for food and a drink. I quickly got to work, trying to push the image of Dustin out of my mind and how he kissed me that day.
I waited week after week for him to come by just like they all did. I almost gave up hope until I finally heard his laugh.
My head snapped up when I heard him laugh as he walked through the door, my heart rate speeding up at finally seeing him. Not knowing how he will handle seeing me after I left him the way how I did.
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I was talking to James and laughing at something he said as we walked into the tavern. Just glad to be around people again.
"You are being watched, Dustin," James warned me. I looked in the direction he was and I was stunned at the woman who was looking back at me.
No, it couldn't be.
I figured she would have gotten as far away as possible. When I realised she was gone the next morning, I went searching for her, afraid that she got lost or worse, but I couldn't find her.
I figured she left so we didn't have to say goodbye as I told her we were parting ways. I knew I had to get her away from me. I wouldn't be a good match for her. Not when she grew up better than I did. She was smart and did not need me to ruin her life.
"I'll be right back." I gulped down my drink and stood to walk towards YN who was standing behind the bar.
"We need to talk Dustin," She said when I got close enough to her.
"Yes, we do."
"But not know, after we are closed up."
"I will be waiting." I winked at her and went back to my seat, my friends asked me about her, but I just told them she was an old friend.
The night continued and everyone else got drunk except for me. I needed to be as sober as possible to talk to YN.
I could see different men hitting on her but Olivia or Simon were always right there, telling the guys to back off and if they dared to argue, they were thrown out.
The night came too close and Simon came over to our table to say that they were closed. "You all have to leave, except for you," He pointed at me.
"I'll see you later," I told them as they left the tavern, very happy with beer and food in their bellies. Now they were probably off to find the local whore house.
"Dustin, I am done. Follow me, if you still want to talk." YN called out and I stood up so fast, the chair tipped backwards.
I followed YN up two flights of stairs to the attic. "Simon and Olivia let me stay here." She said as she lit a few candles.
Being so close to her after all this time, was making it hard on my self-control. I took a few steps forward as I saw her shivering in the candlelight. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me.
"I missed you, Dustin," Now it was my turn to shiver when I heard her say my name.
"You left me," I finally said.
"You told me we were gonna part ways and I don't do well with goodbyes. You know you were my first kiss, the first one to touch me the way how you did," YN said as she pulled away from me and turned around to look at me.
"I know and I should not be the one to take anything more from you."
"And you get to decide that? I wanted you, Dustin. I still do. I dream of you night after night. I dream of you when I pleasure myself."
My mind went numb when she said that. All I got were flashes of YN, her hand between her thighs, moaning my name.
I found myself almost growling as I crashed my lips against hers, lifting her up by her ass and her wrapping her legs around me.
"I need you, Dustin." She whimpered against my lips. "I got you YN," I said to her as I gently placed her on the bed, her legs hanging off the edge as I got down on my knees. I reached up and practically ripped her dress from her body and her gasp went straight to my cock.
Seeing her all laid out for me and only me, made me almost feral. I parted her thighs and licked my lips at how wet she was for me.
"Eyes on me YN," I said to her just before I licked her, getting a taste of her. "Aa Dustin," She whined as her hands gripped the back of my head. I started to eat her out like she is my last meal. Her moans and whines making me go crazy and all I wanted was to slam my cock into her, but I couldn't.
I pushed one finger inside of her and I felt her body get tense. "Relax, I have to stretch you out."
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I did as he asked and I covered my mouth to stop the loud groan from being heard as he started to move his thick finger back and forth.
"Don't you do that YN. Do not quiet yourself. I want, no need to hear you. You understand that?"
I was going to answer but he pushed another finger inside of me and a loud drawn-out moan was all I could manage.
"Just like that YN. Taking my fingers so well," Was all Dustin said before he went back to fingering and eating me out.
I can feel myself getting close. I am crying out his name and just as I was about to cum, he pulled away. I cried out in frustration and glared at him through the tears.
"I need to feel you cum around my cock YN," He said as he stood and took off his clothes. My mouth let out little puffs of air as I saw more and more skin. My eyes trailed down his body until they finally landed on his cock. My eyes widened and I actually gulped.
I watched as he stroked himself a few times and I wanted to taste the liquid that was coming out of the tip. It was like he could read my thoughts as he chuckled as he got into the bed.
"I will teach you to suck my cock another time," He told me as he situated himself against my pillows and the wall.
"Come here YN," He gripped my arms and pulled me into his lap, the both of us moaning as his cock rubbed against my pussy. He gripped my chin in his hand, softly and kissed me. I melted into the kiss, not believing that this giant of a man could be so gentle.
"I need you, Dustin, please," I told him. Not knowing what else I should be doing and letting him take the lead.
"I'll take care of you YN," He said as he rolled us over so he was looking down at me. I watched everything he did. He gripped his cock in his hand and rubbed the tip against my pussy, getting it nice and went.
"Now this may hurt YN, use me if it becomes too much," Dustin said to me just as he slid the head of his cock inside of me. My whole body felt like it was on fire and he slowly sunk into me. I dug my nails into his shoulders and he groaned when I broke the skin. My eyes were squeezed shut, my mouth open as am gulping in some air.
"Are you in?" I asked, stupidly.
"I am barely halfway. Do you want to stop?" I shook my head no. "Then relax, and let me take care of you."
I opened my eyes and looked into his. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his arms were straining and I know he was holding himself back from slamming into me.
Going this slow wasn't helping me relax, so I placed my feet on his butt and pulled him closer to me, making him slam into me.
I cried out in pain, his eyes wide as he realised what the hell I just did. He went to move back but I begged him not to move.
I have no idea how long we stayed in this position, but then the pain went away and I told him it was okay.
He started with a few, shallow thrusts and once I moaned out I was fine, his pace quickened. The bed was slamming into the wall at how hard he was fucking me into the mattress.
He leaned back on his feet and he brought my body up against his chest, hitting me at a different angle, deeper if possible.
I pushed him away from me as I wanted to try another position, that I have seen many people do since working here.
He watched as I got on my hands and knees and he groaned as he ran his hands over my ass and slapped it a few times. I have no idea why he did that, but it made my pussy clench around nothing.
"My naughty girl," Dustin moaned as he sunk back into my pussy. I almost screamed at this new angle. "So deep, so full, feels like your in my stomach."  I cried out as he gripped my hips and fucked me harder and faster.
"So tight, so perfect. All for me and no one else. You're mine YN." Dustin cried out as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back against his chest. His other hand reached down and played with my clit.
"Oh I can feel you getting close. That's it squeeze my cock love. Fuck me." He groaned in my ear and I lost it.
I screamed out his name as I came, clenching his cock as my body shook from my first orgasm brought on by someone else that wasn't my fingers.
I turned my head and he kissed me hard as he groaned against my mouth as he came in me. His grip on me got tighter as he fucked me through his own orgasm.
He pulled out of me and I groaned as our combined juices started to drip down my thighs. The two of us went to sleep now long after that.
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I was having a wonderful dream. YN was there and she was sucking my cock. It felt so real I didn't want to wake up.
"Dustin, come on love, wake up." I looked down at YN, wondering how she can talk with my cock in her mouth when I heard it again.
I sat up, looking around and then I felt something warm and wet on my cock. I looked down and there was YN, with her mouth stretched as far as it could go, her hands jerking off the part that she can't take in her mouth.
"This must be a dream." I groaned as I closed my eyes, not wanting to wake up from this dream. She moaned around my cock and that made my eyes open.
"Am I doing okay?" She looked up at me, her mouth covered in spit. "So well YN, soon you will take me completely down your throat," She smiled and went back to bobbing her head, trying to take another inch down her throat. 
I have no idea how long she was sucking me off that first morning, but I came rather quickly. My poor YN choked on my cock as I came, but she tried to swallow as much as she could.
I ate her out, not wanting to leave her unsatisfied before I had to leave to head back to camp to start another week. I wanted to fuck her again, but I knew I had to give her body some time to heal before I take her again and again.
I made sure to stay behind every Saturday night as YN and the tavern owners closed up. They never said a word as they watched the two of us go upstairs to the attic.
The first time I was back, I barely got my clothes off and YN had pushed me onto my back, pulled my pants down and sank on my cock.
This went on for weeks, every Saturday, the men and I would go to the Tavern and since we had Sundays off, instead of going to church like they wanted us to, I was praising YN as she finally learned to take me all the way down her throat and let me fuck her face.
I watched as she took control, bouncing on my cock, her hands gripping my shoulders, her head flung back as she got herself off using my body.
She looked like an angel as she came, quivering above me and rode me through her orgasm. She collapsed against my chest and I planted my feet on the mattress and pounded up into her, her screaming into my chest as I came with a deep groan.
This was going great until the owner of the camp and my boss came to see how things were going.
"So you see Mr Hager, we are ahead of schedule," James said to Hager Senior. His son was standing not far from him, looking bored as he looked around.
"Good, good. Now I know you men go to the Tavern on Saturday nights, how about a drink on me?" The owner was a good man, but his son was a downright idiot when it came to business and even his old man knows this. That is why he hasn't passed it down to him yet. He knows his son will run all his business into the ground.
The men made it to Tavern, just like we did every week and my eyes tried to find YN, who was usually smiling at me as I walked in, but there was no YN to be found.
Olivia waved me over and told me that YN was running an errand but will be back later. I thanked her and went and joined the men and sipped my drink as I waited for YN to return.
YN returned a few hours later and she smiled when she saw me and waved me over. I got up and ignored the smirks from the guys around me.
"Olivia said you had to run an errand."
"Well, yes I guess it was but I was seeing the midwife," I instantly became concerned.
"Is everything okay?" I asked her as we walked away towards the back.
"I haven't bled in a few months and Olivia said I may be with child, so I went to the midwife and well, I am pregnant Dustin."
The last four words kept repeating in my head.
"We are going to have a baby?" She nodded her head and I turned and looked at everyone who was in the room.
"I am going to be a Father!" I exclaimed. I turned back to YN and lifted her in my arms and kissed her. The celebration ended just as quickly as it started. A drunken voice spoke up.
"So this is where you ran off to? To be a whore for some lumberjack?" Came the voice of Hager junior, Jacob, or as he was known, Jake.
"And I see you must have been the man who she was supposed to marry," it wasn't a question as it was a fact.
I placed YN back on the ground and Olivia quickly came and got her and took her away. Simon stood by, ready to put a stop to any alteration that may happen.
"Now son, you sit down," but Jake ignore his Father as he wobbled over to me. "So was she good? I bet she was. I knew she was a virgin before she got to you," his speech was slurred.
"Sir, if Son doesn't back away, I will be punching him," I called out to his Father, who tried to get his son to back down once more. But he gave up and as he walked away, I thought I heard him mutter that it was about time someone hit his son.
"I spent months looking for that bitch," He didn't get to finish his sentence as my fist connected with his nose. He stumbled back, crying out in pain as his nose bled. Jake came charging at me and I punched him in the stomach, as he fell to his knees in pain as he clutched his stomach.
"That one was for your other two wives."
I took my seat and placed my hand in the cold beer, trying to soothe the pain. His Father was looking at me.
"Am I fired Sir?" Already mentally preparing myself to go and pack.
"No, but a week with no pay sounds fair." I didn't argue, as I was still stunned I had a job.
I got up and walked past the Father and son, as the elder was telling the younger one that he was disowned and has brought enough shame to the family.
I found YN in the back, with Olivia who was ready to fight whomever came through that door but calmed down when she saw it was me.
"I'll be right out there if you need me," She said as she walked past me.
"So a baby huh? Looks like we should get married YN," I said to her as I knelt next to her.
"I believe we should," She smiled as I placed my hand on her stomach. "Next Sunday after church. We will wed and then when the spring rolls around, we will head home to the cabin and I will add to it."
"You are serious about this Dustin?"
"Extremely. When you left the first time, I knew I loved you then. I fell for the stranger who I met all those months ago when I was just out hunting. I love you, YN"
"And I love you too, Dustin. My saver, my Lumberjack."
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @crowleysqueenofhell @legit9thlunaticwarrior @malakaiblacksgirl1989 @nicoleveno14 @blaquekittycat @1rsolideranna
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troubleshade · 1 year
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Cover No. 7: Lost and found
Song: Surfacing by HiFi Rush Originals
(Alternate Song: Hearing by Sleeping at last)
It's funny how the years can pass by so fast. Even if it was way too fast for Chiisai, she thinks with a faint smile back to the previous decade. Her so called brothers Lee, Raphie, Don and Mike were all grown up, heading out into the wide world to find their own way. The goodbyes were for them difficult and quite emotional but it was a part of life. And she knows that.
But it was a big change for her to experience the apartment more quiet and emptier than usual. The next months merciless past over quickly too. But her mind couldn't find peace with all of it after all these days. Sure, they stay in contact, writing some texts and sending pictures here and then but it was not the same as coming together and talk about it in person. The nights on the rooftop felt wrong without Lee rambling about his interests or the shouts of a provoked Raphie who just wanted some peace for once. No Don who needed a few moments to feel at ease in such height or a Mike who tried new stunts and scare the hell out of her with almost falling from the rooftop.
Absently Chiisai stared up to the stars and the bright full moon. She didn't realized her tears until they hit the back of her hand. "I almost forgot how it feels to be truly alone..." When was the last time she felt like that? She knew it all too well: It was on the fateful day she got stranded in this universe. She still wondered how her old family was. Did time passed by like here or did it went slower or even (she hoped not) faster? The turtle didn't count on she would ever be able to find that out. Her hand almost searched mechanically in her jacket pocket something specific: An old photo. The old photo with Chiisai and her two siblings. Like the last days she just focus on this and talk to herself. This night the words wouldn't come out.
With a sigh she stood up and climbed down through her window in her apartment. Just as her feet touched the floor a bright light in the absolute darkness blinded her. Annoyed she hold her hand in front of her eyes, which idiot thinks it would be a bright idea to flash her with a li- A familiar blue swirling, quietly buzzing and forming a circle. Her head screamed one word: Portal. Her eyes welled up again with tears as she run towards it. With a last movement before she went through Chiisai untied her mask, clenching the fabric hard in her fist.
She blinked several times because of the even brighter light before the pancake turtle recognize her surroundings. And the familiar faces she longed for since she lost them a decade ago. Just as before she got almost tackled and tight hugged from her sister Chiisai thought one thing: I'm finally back home again.
This would be the end in the timeline. Good-bye I now proceed to listen to Hearing...again and lay down for it on the ground Mentioned AU Universe boys belong to @xxlea-nardoxx
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First Cover
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grokebaby · 8 months
Just wanted to pass by and ask: Where are Mewmew's kits now ? They musta grown quite a bit since that photo, so I'm kinda curious myself :33 How's their relationship with m too ? Is it good ? Do they know Bout Evie in the house ?
Hiiiii you can read more on tha kittens here and here :3
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Here's also some art I done of them!
[Two slight updates on the kittens' (adult) names but Goop is now Goog, and Turbotuho goes by just Turbo! Other than that there's not too much new.]
•Googy (Mew Jr.), as mentioned somewhere in the fuzzy past, is a housecat for good. Yes, they're on the same level mentally as Mewmew and everyone else, and also has the option to choose to develop some kind of alternative mecha mode. But they completely choose not to, and so remain in cat mode indefinitely. Mew Jr. Is fully content to live as a normal pet cat until the end of time (or until their.. Humans pass away from old age..) Junior is a laidback personality who envied normal cats in their kittenhood and thus made the decision to become one as much as possible. Cannot be convinced to adopt some alt form and is rarely in contact with their siblings. However Turbo misses them sometimes, and Goog has the ability to use a phone (opposable thumbs you see), so they call sometimes. Mewmew is completely accepting of this lifestyle choice, if not very distant to Mew Jr...
•Captain Tiramisu and Turbo are living a space opera/cheesy scifi drama somewhere in the far off cosmos, and they're very close! They're each other's emotional support, even if they're perpetually bickering. Similarly to Mew Jr., they both chose the kind of external mode that they personally found the absolute coolest, and live in robot mode almost exclusively. Turbo is more keen to kitty around every so often tho, for comfort reasons. Turbo is the sweet optimist of the two, and loves breaking stuff. An absolute biting fiend as a cat. Love language is biting (Cap'n Tiramisu also bites but not lovingly).
There's no nicer way to say this but Tiramisu is an egotistical, petty brat. While Turbo is more of a follower personality, they do also blatantly and stubbornly make their own choices and turns along the way. Many people often wonder how these two can stand each other, but Turbo often comforts Tiramisu when things don't go their way and occasionally enables their bombastic revenge plots, and Tiramisu will violently explode you if you're mean to their baby sibling. Turbo likes to test Captain's patience (making them a better person by pettily not leaving them any other choice sometimes), and Captain "Mom friend anxiety hack"s* their way to helping Turbo take care of, or stand up for themself more. *(aka. Oh no I'm too nervous to do this thing. Oh, you're also too nervous to do this thing? I'll fucking do it double for you then!!!)
Both are neurodivergent so they also assist each other in whatever the other can't do. Despite having many petty and childish traits to them, these two make it work.
•Relationship with Mewmew can be summed up with:
Captain Tiramisu - Geez mom/dad, you're embarrassing meeeeee.... Ugh... Fine. I love you.. Yeah yeah I'll send you a post card from the milkyway association's holiday hotel.. Yeah of course I won't get into trouble (gets into trouble as soon as they depart)
Turbo - Oh weee yuppeee It's mom/dad ^~^ so here's everything I've been up to since we last saw (talks for three hours), sorry I didn't call you I forgot, wow you're so cool I love you, and Tiramisu and Mew Jr. Love you too. Okay bye, I wanna go do something now! I'll call you (forgets to call.)
Admittedly they've gotten distant with adulthood.
•To address the.. Evie in the room, I will just say that none of the kittens know of Mewmews life during the galactic alliance, they only know Mewmew "did something in the military but quit to pursue a peaceful life". The kits were born after quitting. They do know of Evilicus, as that scary dark lord that was defeated long ago, and they actually do community service sometimes for planets that Evie's reign has left scarred and ravaged. They however definitely haven't been in touch with Mewmew recently enough to know Evie is roommates now lolol
Thank you for the ask!!! ^w^
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Ficbinding - Ghost
As promised in my previous ficbinding post, I have finished another book! Yay me! This time, it’s an Assassin’s Creed fic about Desmond surviving past the events of AC 3... At least, in a way. It explores the concept of what makes a person, how would you deal with grief, the way how you can still end up with a crush even when saving the world, and how to deal with Juno.
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This fic was written by the wonderful @yobotica​, and can be found here!
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And here it is! Honestly the dust jacket was very fun to make. It’s a (minor spoiler) supposed to be the case with a computer that Desmond gets carried around in, highlighted with blue because, well... A lot of the Temple in AC 3 was blue and it felt fitting. Not seen very well in the photo is the small zeroes and ones behind the fic’s title to sort of reinforce that computer feel, at least a little bit!
(More pictures and rants under the cut!)
As you can see, the dust jacket is slightly off centre, which I realised only when I was done. Even if I had it printed at a shop, I kind of forgot? To account for the margins of printing? Which, uh, not a good idea, because they were slightly different on each side and the end result is this :’D But it works out well enough in spite of that and I like it so much!
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Here’s the book itself! It was originally supposed to be painted blue but... When I tell you it fought me... 1) the white foundation (because of course the only blue fabric paint we had was for light fabrics) came out patchy. 2) The blue paint peeled off? Somehow??? Can you tell I didn’t hold any fabric paints in two years? 3) I was quite done after trying to fix it that I just decided “Fuck it, Isu technology is also golden, I can just foil it with gold and see how that goes.”
And look. It might not be the neatest, but it’s covered way better than my first attempt and looks actually pretty in my opinion, so I get to be proud of this one. It’s my mess, damnit, and I love it.
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Here’s the endpapers! Much like in the previous case, I found some random not patterned paper online and then fucked around with the colour balance until I felt like it fit the story. Also, as you can see, I did not notice my brush was Way Too Wet when I started applying glue and the paper warped a bit around the tapes... But it’s still pretty in my very biased opinion :)
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Here’s the spine! In an ideal world, the computer case would have been similar, but sadly... At least the letters worked out! Also, they might look a little wonky, but that’s because I was trying to make them embossed! It went surprisingly well? I mean, I did have limited resources and just... Made the letters out of window paint and then stuck them to the cardstock I use to cover the spine. But it worked! Yay!
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And here’s some examples of the text! I chose to specificalyl highlight the Clippy joke because it’s great, and because I like the choice to make it alternate with small caps. It makes it slightly more readable for me, and it also embodies the spirit of Desmond trying to type as best as he can <3 (Also the blue bookmark ribbon!)
The fic is typeset in Bell MT size 11.5 (I was trying out various fonts and seeing how I like them, can you tell xD), with title page, chapter titles and Desmond’s texts in High Tower Text (size 22 for chapters and 11.5 for Desmond’s texts). It came out to 360 pages, size A5, so approaching chonky!
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4th-make-quail · 4 months
Asks for a Fic Writer!
Tagged by @eemamminy-art and @nateharmonica thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 138! Which is weird cos it feels like only 2 minutes ago I was excited about hitting 100 lol
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 401,149 total
3. what fandoms do you write for? My top 5 written for fandoms are FFXIV (27), Resident Evil (26), FFXII (15), inFamous (13) and FFXV (13)! But I have a load of others as well - atm it's Baldur's Gate 3, alternated with my perennial beloved FFXII
4. what are your top five fics by kudos? Point of No Return - Resident Evil, Chris/Wesker, time travel fix-it fic Aphrodisiac - Overwatch, Reaper/Soldier 76, collaring and gloves kink Like a Drug - Resident Evil, Chris/Wesker, STARS era drug bust Filters - FFXV, Prompto/Ignis, 5 things fic about Prompto's photo taking Between Death and Ascension - Magnus Archives, Jon/Gerry, post season 3 fix it that got immediately jossed upon s4 releasing lol. Honestly I'm amazed this one is here, considering Jon/Gerry is a bit of a rarepair. Or at least, it was back then!! I have no idea of the current state of TMA fandom (and don't wanna know, ugh lmao)
5. do you respond to comments? Always as a rule, but usually quite a long time after I get them lksgfg
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Has to be From the Flames of the Fire, I Feel You, part 4 of my Sartauvoir/Basch series, because it's the fic where Basch dies at the end, and it finishes off with a notice from Noah about the death and funeral arrangements. I cried on my lunch break at work writing this fucker lmao
8. do you get hate on fics? I've not had anything since my ffn days, where I got a very mean comment about OOC. I mean, it was true, but MAN.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? It's very rare that I don't write smut! I think the yuletide fic I wrote was the first time in years lol. Either way, I like to write kinky porn with feelings and character study shit
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? Not any more, but the craziest crossover with the most specific-ass audience was a British Comedy RPF crossed with FFX, where David Mitchell is a summoner and Charlie Brooker and Robert Webb are his guardians. It's called Spira Infinita, and I never did end up finishing it lmao. Oops. Either way, I had a blast writing it and I still think it was fucking good, all 9 kudos of it!! God... this just made me remember I also wrote a brooker/mitchell crossover with mgs. I was on some shit back then I tell you what
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! I'm not big enough for that, I think
12. have you ever had a fic translated? I thiiiink someone once asked me, but I forgot which fic it was tbh!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!! I co-wrote one of my fave Ashe/Basch/Vossler fics with my friend when we got assigned each other for an ff_land exchange - Five Moments of Desire. It was really fun, we had a great time!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship? GOD this is hard!!! I think Nero/Credo tbh, I never get tired of thinking about them, even as sadly underrated as they are. Also Sartauvoir/Basch is highly up there, I've never been seized with such an insane streak of inspiration for a ship. They got me in their clutches and no mistake!!
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't actually have much in the way of wips, but I do have 5k of a Sart/Basch AU where Sart channels his fenex summoning to bring Basch back to life, but it stalled a little due to a combo of scheduling for other things, other ships taking over my brain for a bit, and honestly the general lack of fandom for them? I have a few close friends I met because of the ship, but getting such low response to things is really demoralising and makes it hard to continue. I DO want to finish it for sure, but atm I am too gripped by other ships so idk if it'll happen.
16. what are your writing strengths? I think dialogue for sure, and characterisation.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes x_x Which is annoying, because I love them and have a lot of sparring/fighting related kinks!!! I persevere, but I hate every moment of writing them lol
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Uhh nothing I've ever done! I think it'd be fine if you're fluent in that language OR if you have a trusted friend who is, who can give you actual sense-making sentences, but otherwise, do not!
19. first fandom you wrote for? Baby's first fandom was handwritten Redwall/Discworld crossover in reporter's notebooks as a very young child, but my first fandom-fandom was ffvii, where I wrote a frankly terrible Reno/Vincent fic! And idek why cos I don't ship it at all? I think I just had a boner for both of them and wanted to get it out. It is still on ffn alas, but eugh.
20. favourite fic you've written? Honestly I think it's my SartBasch series, Body Politics. It caters directly to my own id, and I think it's really good! I actually planned it out as a cohesive series AND actually finished writing it! Proud of myself lol. And I just.... *clenches fist* love those old men.....
----- tagging people, if u wanna do this, then consider urself tagged!!
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