#fortress and flame
bra1n-rott · 4 months
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i played tf2 for the first time last night
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tf2incorrectquotes · 8 months
Spy: *calmly over the headset* Oh dear.
Engineer: What is it?
Spy: *calmly* I've spontaneously combusted.
Engineer: What?!
Spy: *calmly* It is quite alright, I've grown tired of living.
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owmyartbones · 2 years
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Oh I was also on a bit of a heavyspy kick for a while too~
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awesomesaurous · 11 months
-rant, please excuse the salt-
I really wish Don’t Starve Together was a different genre of game. I know that’s stupid because the objective “Don’t Starve” is the whole foundation of it, but I kind of just wish I could take the look and the loose story and make it more of an adventure and less of a never-ending survival game. I think in the Hamlet DLC for the base game, the “town” aspects of it scratched that itch a little bit, but I want more. The interface could even look exactly the same. I played the demo of Cult of the Lamb, and that game has a similar top-down 2D look to Don’t Starve, except there are in-game “cutscenes” and you have dialogue options which advance the creepy little narrative. Hollow Knight was good with this too. It’s a metroidvania, so there’s no crafting at all (I don’t consider status upgrades to be crafting), but like most RPGs with a silent protagonist, the story is furthered through exploration and interaction with NPCs. Some people love survival games, and I enjoy them quite a bit, but I like them to have an endpoint. The Flame in the Flood has a brutal difficulty curve, but it does reward you for your persistence, and it’s by no means impossible to beat. The journey takes you further and further along a river which at first seems endless - but it does have an end, and that’s what I want, I guess. Closure.
Hades is one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played, and the main reason was how much you are rewarded, even for failed attempts. You might totally choke on a run, but even so, every time you venture out you’re gaining more darkness/gems/etc that you can invest back into your stats and weapons. As in - there is no wrong way to play the game, you will move forward and improve no matter what. I love that. DST has finally dipped into this territory with Wilson’s skill tree, but I think they ought to give every character a similar mechanic. The skills would be specific to each character, and I think would give players more of an incentive to do repeat runs. At a certain point the whole game gets boring, and depending on my mood I sometimes boot it up, think about all the trees I’m going to have to cut down, and then immediately close the game, because I’m sick of doing virtual chores.
Stardew Valley was so addictive for me that I had to delete the game to get control of my life back. That game is nothing but farming and chores, yet I didn’t get tired of it. I think that’s because if you want to, you can ignore any aspect of the game you don’t care for, and time will pass anyway. You can spend all your time farming, or just mining, or focus on relationships with NPCs. Obviously with Don’t Starve, you can’t ignore food because starvation is an ever-present threat.
I also don’t give a damn about boss fights. I never have, in any game. I’m always eager for them to be over so I can get back to actually enjoying the game again, but nope I have to hit this thing 1000 times without getting permanently killed. Don’t Starve’s fighting system is shit, and it always has been. The hit boxes suck, and the fact that I need to download mods just to see health levels for the enemy is ridiculous.
I’ve had a lot of fun with DST, but I think I enjoy the fandom stuff more than the actual game. Same with TF2. It’s pretty fun to play, but I enjoy watching SFM videos and stuff like that more than playing the actual game. Don’t Starve has such fun characters and such an appealing style that it draws people in, and the animated shorts promise this wider world and a more intriguing story that isn’t in the actual game. Most players won’t even get to the cryptic hints at the story that are in the actual game (the Ruins, etc) due to the difficulty curve.
There’s a lot of creative energy and highly imaginative world-building, but when are we going to see it put to use? If anybody has any thoughts on all this, feel free to leave a reply.
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I’m sure we’ve all seen the “all my transmasc friends want to look like at least one of the TF2 characters” tweet, but I don’t have one AUTISTIC friend who doesn’t ACT at least a little bit like one of the TF2 mercs; this includes me, this is 100% not a diss.
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pybun · 8 months
the game is alive with the sound of f2p pyros~🎶
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dailyrandomdoodles · 1 month
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hhhhh I'm cringe but I'm free I'm cringe but I'm free I'm cringe but I'm free- MAKING A PHGHTING TF2 AU!!!! THE HABIT OF MASHING TWO INTERESTS TOGETHER WILL NEVER DIEEE-
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eosofspades · 11 months
my incredibly controversial fantasy genre take when it comes to writing is that you Do Not Actually Need to use high fantasy language and make up words for stuff, and sometimes it can be better if you don't
like. maybe it's just me but i find it a lot harder to get immersed in a story when the worldbuilding is SO intricate and detailed you need a glossary or have to pour over a thousand years of history in the span of a couple pages. i would MUCH rather read a high fantasy novel where the magic kingdom is just called The Garden or the deserted string of floating islands is just called The Wastelands or magic is just called magic instead of unpronounceable words and terms that have to be memorized.
especially for me, when it comes to writing, my stories are SO grounded in character relationships and dynamics, that trying to dig into the specific lore and structure of the world around just breaks the immersion and takes away from the characters themselves.
i know some writers are gonna insist this is just "being lazy" but i firmly believe that sometimes it is the best writing decision to allow simplicity and ease of understanding in your high fantasy setting, and that it can actually make the character complexities and relationships hit harder, because you're not distracted at all with remembering fantasy terminology.
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smww4ever · 1 year
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In the Fortress of Solitude ✨
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dzamie-oc · 2 years
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Serperior unboxed a Burning Flames Team Captain. It costs four hundred thousand ₱ to fire his Magical Leaf for twelve seconds.
Inspired by a Serperior thread on /vp/.
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tf2shit · 2 years
Favourite foods/drinks go!
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Jonas and Oti are far “sophisticated” to be so close to the rest of em
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joking-hazard · 2 years
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BLU Pyro doodle
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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» @avaere asked: ‘ fuck the idea that there is such a thing as destiny ’ some casual wriothesley-core on a wednesday morning !
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Against all common belief, those who have a cognizance of the broader aspects of the world and the larger scheme can nourish themselves from those who don't— or at least, those who may be aware to some extent of certain aspects but still stray far from knowing everything. Which is the best outcome for most of humanity unless it is necessary to learn from the past in order to not repeat past mistakes bound to happen in the future. Truth is a burden some covet without knowing the treacherous waters they are immersing themselves into —or perhaps they are past the threshold of sanity—, only understood by a few Dáinsleif happens to not share his views with nor he would ever desire to find out otherwise in a conversation he doesn't need.
Color him surprised upon basking in the Duke's blunt opinion about destiny, such a heavily-ingrained factor in this world manipulated by a few and feared by those whom know their schemes the best, followed by a subtle arch of a fair eyebrow out of pure amusement Dáinsleif conceals behind another sip of his cup of tea. ◜I see Your Grace is feeling rather daring to make such a bold declaration.◞ Not that he minds hearing it or be just a simple spectator of a moment where all refinement he envelops himself with in the public's eye is dropped. Irregardless if he cares, he would realize sooner or later that Twilight Sword finds it in his good heart to keep the secret for him, if only for humoring him so about a prospect that more often than not brings headaches and sours his mood.
◜Would you feel any better if I were to confirm that destiny exists indeed, I wonder?◞ Another sip to his tea before he puts the cup down on the plate that rests atop his knee. Whatever veil of amusement he had served its purpose to lighten a touch his mood on this matter as it now fades away in favor of bringing a warning perhaps, or simply a suggestion born from his good will that he may follow or discard completely and feign that it was never uttered— he cares not. ◜Some would argue that the prophecy befallen to Fontaine is destiny and they would be right. Destiny in this world is preordained.◞ As he may already presume granted for how long this prophecy has been widely spread among Fontanian natives, for sure. His actions in restoring Fortuna clearly led to a shred of belief that someday it may happen, no matter if he would live to see the day it does or not.
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◜The right to be masters of our destiny was never on the table to begin with to those who claim to be mighty and holy but needs us the most. So to square with this unilateral exchange, it is only natural that we claim it.◞ Words that denote a declaration of intentions are meant to be more personal musings than something that demands answer, even less from someone who may not understand yet— and better it is to keep it that way. Crystalline blues focus anew on pale ice ones and the Bough Keeper clears his throat to prelude a change of color in the atmosphere— for it has gotten somber enough to not wish to linger. A shrug of his shoulders is offered and a gentle cant of his head, a glint of a smile in the eye that roseate lips long ago have forgotten to draw. ◜From someone whom is versed in what concerns destiny, perhaps you may draw more satisfaction if I said that I subscribe to every word you said about the matter at hand.◞
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katiajewelbox · 1 year
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Today I was talking about Christmas memories with mi Principe Azul and we were reminiscing about toys we wanted from Santa when we were kids. Santa always brought me Playmobil sets, so I looked up what new toys Playmobil has created in the 2020′s. 
To my astonishment, Playmobil has created the Dilandau Dream Home!
It’s a black and red Medieval French castle with flame motifs and flame based weapons. If Dilandau was able to command their own castle, I’m pretty sure it would look something like this. There’s even a strapping galant (he looks more like Van than Miguel) on a fiery steed and actual dragons to slay. The castle design is quite realistic and resembles the floor plan of some real castles in Wales I have visited. 
If I was a kid in 2022, this Burnham Raiders Fortress would have been at the top of my Santa list!
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pyrofromtf2real · 22 days
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This is where it all started...
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artem-land · 8 months
Brest Fortress. Memory of the defenders of the fortress
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