#fracture event
my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
My "Fracture" event experience
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The new map looks so beautiful!
¡El nuevo mapa se ve hermoso!
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My opinion:
Well well we have to talk, the event was a bit disappointing, Fortnite gave us more questions than answers.
I did not understand everything that happened at the event, we heard the paradigm practically say goodbye but we never saw her die, everything was so weird. Did the paradigm really sacrifice itself and die?
what happened with the rest of "The Seven" ?
What happened to the rest of the loopers that were chromed?
What happened to the scientists, the visitor and the origin that were captured by the herald's chrome?
I understand that the intention of Fortnite with the "missions" was to give the impression that we helped "build" the new island, but they left many things in the air, they did not explain much to us.
It was kind of sad because we heard the paradigm of how she was going to sacrifice herself to save us, she wasn't sure if she would survive or not, so, she said goodbye to all of us to give us a new home…
ESP: Bien bien tenemos que hablar, el evento fue un poco decepcionante, Fortnite solo nos dio mas preguntas que respuestas.
La verdad no entendi todo lo que paso en el evento, escuchamos a paradigma despedirse pero nunca la vimos morir , todo fue un poco extraño. Paradigma se sacrifico y murió?
¿Qué pasó con el resto de "Los siete"?
¿Qué paso con el resto de trotabucles que fueron hechos cromo?
¿Qué paso con el científico, el visitante y el origen que fueron capturados por el cromo de la Heraldo?
Yo entiendo que la intencion de foernite con las misiones dentro del evento eran darnos la impresion de nosotros ayudamos a construir la nueva isla, pero nos dejaron con muchas dudas, pues, no nos explcaron mucho.
La verdad fue un poco triste porque escuchamos a La Paradigma decir como iba a sacrificarse para salvarnos y ella no estaba segura si sobreviviría o no, así que se despidió de todos nosotros para darnos un nuevo hogar…
The English isn't my native language, if I write something wrong, please leave me a comment, that would help me a lot because I'm still learning. Thanks for your help.
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theresah331 · 1 year
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uarmyhusband · 2 years
My internet temporarily went out in the middle of the Fracture event and now FN Status tweeted about login issues…
At least I got to collect a few fragments and witnessed the Herald factory resetting our shit in the beginning.
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r26yz · 19 days
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new faction coming
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talesoftheraysen · 25 days
Translated by Seine. Proofread by Aera and Scarfy. Video editing by Scarfy.
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bug-slappy · 8 months
what do u think reigen smells like. i think he smells like mens deodorant and tobacco
i think that at work he has a really nice mens cologne that he wears, (not too expensive but not cheap) after all first impressions are very important. he feels professional when he wears it, like someone to be respected. like someone,, serizawa likes it and also feels a little intimidated when reigen walks by and he smells his nice cologne
i think the new office smells a little scentless and bright like spring flowers, and the old office smelled like tobacco and tiger-balm
i think naturally his home and casual clothes smell like a mix of different incense scents. he sort of smells like tiger balm, sea salt and hot pavement on a summer day (sweaty). if you stand near the balcony, it still smells faintly of cigarettes but its not as strong as it was since hes quit (and also scrubbed it clean when 10 year old mob said something "rude to say to grown ups, especially his mentor").
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samarecharm · 3 months
TW for talk of drugs, alcohol, and general phobias and ptsd (HCs about Akira and the effects of the interrogation scene)
Thinkin about Akira having ptsd about the interrogation manifesting as something fairly Mundane, as in, something that doesnt come across as a ‘traditional’ symptom that strangers can clock. Takemi assumes hed be averse to needles or doctors, or perhaps hed become claustrophobic or uneasy in specific areas like courthouses or police departments; shes not a psychiatrist but she IS a confidant, and shed like to believe she knows him Enough to try and be of some help wrt Akira and his mental health (along w his physical health).
I think hed just have an issue w anything that impairs his cognitive function in ANY way. This includes alcohol, recreational drugs (weed), medications that induce drowsiness (allergy meds and pain meds), flu or fever induced hallucinations, and general anesthesia. Lack of awareness of his surroundings, and an inability to recall even basic short term memories will send him into a slight spiral that he tries his best to avoid by any means.
He comes off as just some dude whos just abstinent about alcohol and drugs, and generally people are super chill about it. He goes out to parties and mingles with everyone, he makes sure his friends get home safe, and hes chill about them doing whatever around him as long as they dont hurt themselves. But its absolutely hell for him and others when hes horribly sick. He WONT go to anyone but Takemi, no matter how much she insists shes just a general pcp. He shies away when its suggested he goes to emergency rooms, and he fights when they try to make him go by force. Hes bearable when hes got a minor cold or virus, but he panics when he gets sick enough to forget where he is. It gets better with age, but whoever hes with has to deal w his meltdowns for a very very Very long time.
One of his biggest fears is falling unconscious, and waking up with a gap in his memory so wide, he forgets who his friends and family are Again. The hands on his person and needles sticking him this way and that are nothing to him when he thinks of the extreme physical duress the metaverse put on him and his team. But it didnt take his memories away, the one thing that made his year in Tokyo worth it, and the threat of having it taken Again always overrides the logical part of his brain that tells him that the circumstances that led to it happening in the first place will never happen again.
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me when i have to figure out how to structure a fic
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czcreation · 4 months
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Tubulars RADICAL FURSONA headcannon design
Extra doodle down there
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Pride is so cool
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my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
OMG they stay alive !
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it's them right?
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I saw a gold peely too
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catlokis-blog · 2 years
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍'𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃 was a medium sized wooden block. one that he was slowly whittling away at to form a wooden boat just large enough to hold a small bouquet and some burial ornaments. he was working on a third of these such wooden vessels. the rest were placed soundly on the grey pebble-sand beside him. on their starboard and port sides were asgardian runes.
ᚢᚦᛁᚾ . ᚠᚱᛁᚴ .
one for father . one for mother . one for asgard .
amity celebration / open !
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gotyouanyway · 10 months
hell bent is making me SICK. of all the times to NOT bring up charley. i need to get out of here
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talesoftheraysen · 18 days
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Login bonus dialogue for Happy Happening Wedding.
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hi anna, happy STS!
for Fractured Stars Falling, what's your favourite location you've come up with? What's the best detail about it that makes it special (to you or to a character) (--@space-writes)
Happy STS, Space! EEEE I LOVE THIS QUESTION! I love all of the worldbuilding for Eltya, but I do have one absolute favorite that I keep coming back to: The Under. If you don't already know, The Under is the afterlife/underworld of Eltya where mortal souls go when they die- and it's not a fun time for anybody, everything there is trying to kill you, and it's a miserable place :D
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It doesn't matter what you were like in your mortal life or what morals you kept or didn't keep- everyone gets the same fate. It's run a little bit like the security area of an airport, where all the souls are sorted by their cause of death, and then sent to a barren area where they wait to rot away until there's no memory of their mortal self and they turn into one of the demons that guards or runs the place. All the souls in an enclosed area (enclosed with a line of short rocks like a fence), are at varying stages of decay, and it could take an entire mortal lifetime to rot away completely into a demon.
Undral is the King of the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld, and he's a sour, no-nonsense businessman that thinks mortals are annoying and whiny little shits. He hates when a few brave ones come to him asking for a second chance at life- he turns them away if he's feeling nice, or locks them in one of his castle's many dungeons where they sit and rot for eternity or are tortured if he feels like it.
His castle is a huge, dark, sharp and spiky looking thing, that sits on the edge of The Under and has a strange orange glow like lava coming from behind it. The castle is guarded by a few of his elite demon soldiers, but mainly guarded by vulture sentinels that love to feast on mortals and scratch their eyes out or eat their organs. Gross :).
The terrain of the entire underworld is like an underground cave with huge stalagmites and stalactites that look like the huge teeth of a monstrous leviathan of some myth as big as the world itself. My main inspirations for it were the Goblin Valley state park in Utah and the huge underground salt caves in New Mexico. The Under is all red rock and orange dirt as far as your eye can see, and what few trees there are, are all dry as a bone and their brittle branches reach out for you like skeleton hands.
If you venture out into the badlands, there are a few crevices and caves to hide in, but the area is filled with shadow monsters that would make anyone terrified.
Also! Mortal souls in the under can get injured or experience thirst and hunger- but they can't die. They'll still experience all of the things that could've killed them in the mortal world, but it won't kill them. It'll be painful and uncomfortable and slow them down, but none of that can kill them. That part is very fun to write, this whole thing is fun to write, but that especially :).
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If you're asking why? Death doesn't have to be that way. And I say: well, yes. But first of all, my story my rules. Second, the reason I'm writing it this way might have something to do with my religious trauma (and the weird and fucked up afterlife stuff I was taught to believe), but I'm not gonna think about that too hard to save myself the embarrassment :)))). i mean, that would explain why everyone gets the same fate reguardless of how 'good' or 'bad' they were during their mortal existence.
If you would like to know more- Please please ask me, I would love to ramble more about this miserable little afterlife.
Thanks @space-writes !
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tastycitrus · 1 year
"Gotham War will break the Bat-Family apart"
Everyone previously just chilling, minding their own business: 😐 Everyone except Bruce and Damian, sighing as they go around packing up their things: See you in like six months, I guess.
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