#fragaria memories reader
yuus-sentient-teddy · 5 months
"You've been staring at me for a while. What are you thinking?" Chaco turns the rest of his body so that he's now sitting fully facing you.
"I don't trust you," you declare simply. That was you, wasn't it? Not one to beat around the bush and carrying yourself like a school teacher, all proper and head held high. But there was a whimsical air around you that anyone who spent plenty of time with you would notice, and he has spent plenty. Put simply, you were like a character from a dramatic comedy. The seeming straight, no-nonesense friend with a soft and caring heart.
He quirks a brow and leans forward. "Oh? Why is that?"
"You smile too much," you say, folding your hands on the table and also leaning forward. "And your smiles are too perfect. I'm willing to bet that you're hiding something. No one can smile always perfectly."
"But what if that's how I am? Besides, there's always something to smile about. Like our lord."
Unwillingly, your lips pull up into a smile. "Can't argue with that," you concede. "But then, what else are you thinking that makes you smile?"
"Have you always been this curious about me? Can't get me out of your thoughts?" he teases.
"Yes. You're very interesting." Another simple declaration from you, the whimsical, no-beating-around-the-bush you. You even bob your head in a nod!
The almost deadpan delivery makes him want to laugh, but at the same time, he feels his cheeks start to warm. So, to hide the fluster, he lets out that laugh and rests his chin in his palm. "You know, I could say the same for you too. You're not like most of the other skaters here. If anything, you and Tuxedo Sam's Fragaria might get along."
"No offense to him, but no thanks."
That makes him laugh, much harder than before. He actually turns his body so he could double over, which causes him to miss your satisfied smile and small giggle. Once he's done laughing, he says, "The others are going to love hearing that. Say, did you know you can get a special type of ice cream down the street?"
"I knew it! This is banana ice cream!"
Chaco just smiles as he bites into his spoonful.
"You said there was a special type of ice cream sold here, but this flavor is common," you say.
"Take another bite," he says.
You narrow your eyes and stare at him for a second too long before taking another bite. Your eyes then widen. "Oh! There's a frozen banana slice in here."
"And that's what makes this ice cream special. The other parlors in the area don't have this trait, see?"
You mull it over, taking another bite of ice cream, and nod. "Mmyeah."
And that's how things are between the two of you. Whenever he suggests something, you would take his word for it. Of course, it was not without staring at him for a second too long, as though you could parse the truth out of him by searching his grey eyes. Despite "tricking" you many times (always harmless tricks, mind you), you never backed down.
That brings us to now: the two of you sitting on swing sets staring at the dawning sky, after Chaco said he knew of a quiet place with a great view of the sunrise.
"A while ago, you said you didn't trust me," he says. "Do you still not trust me?"
The way the answer is delivered so whimsically serious makes his smile genuine. "But you still hang out with me. Shouldn't you be more wary?"
"Yes, but if I'm too wary, I wouldn't be able to get to the bottom of what exactly is making you untrustworthy."
How paradoxical, he thinks. Not to mention, it was dangerous of you explain your plan so plainly to the very person you wanted to know more of.
The strangeness of you was so amusing just as it made you so endearing.
"So far, I've figured out that you like pulling friendly and clever pranks, and that you're not entirely untrustworthy. As a Fragaria, you would have the want to protect your lord and the kingdom, but even if you weren't, I can't see you as someone who enjoys hurting people. Whenever we hang out, nothing malicious happens."
"But what if the next thing we do does hurt you?"
"You wouldn't want it to happen and you wouldn't let it. That's not you. Besides, I'd be disappointed. I look forward to whatever silly surprise you have for me."
Chaco considers this. "So you hang out with me because you look forward to that?"
"That's half of it. The other half is that it's just very nice hanging out with you, even if we don't do anything exciting." You pause for a moment to admire the changing hue of the sky. "Like now."
The sun is now beginning to peek over the trees. Chaco immediately thinks of how perfect you look smiling under the golden light.
He likes gullible people, but you are a very special and very interesting exception.
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cosmickuneho · 5 months
Yandere! Cielomort
Felt a little silly goofy ♡
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Cielo having a natural charisma that attracts people... Always calm and collected, highly intelligent. He takes his duties very seriously... But then ONE DAY, he sees a stranger standing off in the distance, perhaps a little shy with their head lowered. Everyone in the room is surrounding Cielo, all of them engaged and focused on entirely him. Everyone except you. It's... Intriguing... But he doesn't think much of it. His days continue on like usual. He protects his lord, he performs his duties, he remains calm and steady. However- he now begins to notice you when you're in the room. So distance, so quiet... You must be seriously shy! And since he's from a place known for innocence, friendship, and love, he figures he should approach you and become acquaintances. He's never thought of romance very much before, JUST friendship. As you look up at him and smile, he feels a strange twinge in his chest. It's... Unfamiliar, a teeny-tiny bit nerve wracking. But it doesn't get the best of him. He engages in conversation with you, maybe cracks a charismatic joke or two, then gets your name. His obsession with you would start out very, very slowly. Now when he's out doing his duties, he can't help but wonder if you're around. Are you doing well? Are you feeling lonely? They're only small thoughts, but they're practically the seeds for something much darker yet to grow. Every time he sees you, he's quick to walk up to you and start a chat. You're still a little bit shy- probably because he has such a prestigious reputation. That's what he figures, anyway. But he's determined to make you his friend...! Just his friend. Of course. Cielo slowly starts to fall deeper in love with the way you laugh, your demeanor, your smile, your everything. He doesn't recognize it as love, though.
Cielo doesn’t think that anything is out of the ordinary until, one day, he sees you talking to somebody else. For another person– you’re smiling, giggling, and talking to someone that isnt him-!? Love is something he’s a little unfamiliar with… And jealousy? Jealousy is practically an alien feeling from a distant universe. He has absolutely no idea what he’s feeling– there’s basically not a term for it in Cinnamoroll’s sweet, innocent kingdom. Cielo is not used to losing his composure. He finds himself almost stomping over to your side, asking you “who are you talking to..?” His heart aches, knowing that it’s not just him who gets to talk to you and make you smile.
When he’s on duty, he finds himself thinking about the entire situation over and over again. It practically haunts him. And when he, for the first time, messes up during a situation at work? He finally realizes that something is deeply wrong. But it’s not like he can talk to anyone about it. Nobody would ever understand what he’s feeling–! He shouldn’t be feeling these things at all. So unfamiliar with romance… He doesn’t even know what it means to kiss somebody. He wants to do SOMETHING with you, but he absolutely doesn’t know what exactly he wants. So, during his off hours, he instinctively winds up seeking you out. When he’s alone with you, that’s when his weird feelings and urges start to disappear, and he can go back to being his calm and charismatic self.
Cielo loves it when you stand close to him. It’s so sweet… Without realizing it, he stands super close to you, his hands mere centimeters away from your own. Ah, he also loves leaning his face down close to yours… The feeling of breathing in your air makes him feel… Funny.
He can’t help but wonder: is… Is that what a friendship typically is? Friends don’t normally do this… Do they? Or is this just a different kind of friendship?
Ah, and late at night, he can’t get you off his mind. When he thinks about you, he feels so hot and strange, but he can’t pinpoint what the hell he’s feeling. He’d be in definite denial at first, but after months go by, he’d finally realize that something is definitely wrong.
At some point, he absolutely can’t keep his calm anymore. It’s like a small part of him breaks. He needs… Something… He doesn’t know what. So under the cover of darkness, he would sneak out of his house, down the dainty streets, and right up into your bedroom. And he can’t help but admire just how cute you look…
You’re just as adorable as the day he first laid eyes on you. Cielo finds himself crawling on top of you as you sleep, his eyes admiring your form as he leans in closer and closer. The warmth of your body… He loves the feeling of it. His hands slowly rub up and down your skin, shivers running down his spine. He doesn’t know what he’s doing… He’s just doing whatever his heart tells him to.
Cielo leans in close to your face, and without thinking, he presses his lips to your own. They’re so, so soft. He keeps them there for a few seconds before pulling away.
Part of him feels guilty for what he’s doing, but another part of him tells him that he HAS to do this. He dives in for a second kiss. Then a third. Then a fourth. He does everything in his power to make sure you don’t wake up… He wonders if you would hate him for doing all of this.
What would he even call you? You’re so special to him, he likes you so very much. Would… Would he call you his best friend? Perhaps that’s what it is.
The two of you are Best Friends.
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fragaria-imagines · 7 months
Blue Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
As the young prodigy leader of the Blue Bouquet, Cielomort has a lot on his plate on the week of Valentines. However, before you get disappointed, Cielomort is ever so the workaholic, and would literally move mountains if it meant getting to spend the whole day with you.
And that’s exactly what happened (though not literally), he managed to get all of his work done in time, leaving him to be fully yours for the night!
Cielomort’s plans for Valentines were simple but still romantic. As he is not the type to go to extravagant and dramatic lengths to prove his love.
His plans consisted of taking a walk around the city of the Cloud Kingdom (Blue Continent Castle), and visit all the local shops and restaurants.
While, you obviously have been around and seen the Cloud Kingdom a dozen times, it was still nice to have Cielomort act as your tour guide, explaining the historical and cultural aspects of the kingdom.
The Cloud Kingdom has became a respectable and high valued kingdom, because of Cielomort hard work these past three years, after all.
The kingdom is Cielomort’s pride and joy, and there’s no one he would rather share it with than you.
As for gifts, Cielomort would gift you books, clothes, silverware, and jewelry, all the things a high society royal would need!
Kurode is freaking the fuck out when Valentine’s Day comes, because he’s never done this before, he never thought you would even accept his feelings, let alone date him long enough till Valentines Day.
So yeah, he’s a little bit underprepared, but he’s willing to learn and to try to give you the best damn Valentine’s Day, you’ll ever have!
At first, he tries to go about it by the book, gifting you the typical chocolate, flowers, and teddy bear, and going on very typical romantic Valentine’s date, like going to dinner at a fancy restaurant, breakfast-in-bed, going biking around the town.
Unfortunately, most -if not all— of his plans went haywire and did not go according to plan, at all. First, on the list, was breakfast in bed, all he had to do was wake up on time and make breakfast, what could go wrong?
….He ended up not waking up on time, and by the time he woke up, you were already up, and made breakfast for the two of you.
Alright, so he slept in late, big deal! The breakfast that you made was delicious, and was probably better than anything he could ever make, if he was being honest. However, he still had the rest of the day to make it up to you!
The next thing on his list was to go to a fancy restaurant, which shouldn’t be a problem because he made the reservation beforehand.
However, when it was finally time to go to the dinner date, he realized that he completely forgot to rent a suit, leaving him to go to the restaurant with nothing but his hoodie and ripped jeans, whilst everybody else around him was dressed in suits and dresses, talk about embarrassing….
At this point, Kurode just have had it with his terrible luck, but it was almost the end of the day, and the only thing on his list was to go bike riding. Should be easy enough because, a) he knows how to ride a bike, and b) he knows that he has a bike, so even if everything else was a total bust, at least he knows that he got this one in the bag!
It started raining just as you two were about to leave to go bike riding.
You two spent the rest of the day indoors, watching movies, and whilst Kurode considered the day to be a total disaster, you were feeling quite the opposite! After all, you got to spend the day with the person you love the most, what could be better than that?
With your encouraging words and declaration of love in mind, Kurode realized that maybe spending the day indoors, cuddling together and watching bad movies, was the better way to spend Valentine’s Day, after all.
If you thought Kurode was freaking the fuck out, just wait till you get a load of this guy!
Willmesh is internally and externally freaking out, he doesn’t know what to do, what to say, where to go, what to buy, what to wear, he is just confused in all aspects of this holiday.
Should he buy you flowers? But what kind of flowers? Maybe he should ask you on what kind of flowers you like? But no! Then that would defeat the purpose of the surprise! But if he doesn’t know what to give you, then how he would he surprise you? And if he doesn’t surprise you, then he is single-handedly ruining Valentine’s for you, and he doesn’t want to ruin Valentine’s Day! Who the hell wants to ruin Valentine’s Day!? Not him!
All of this worrying over Valentine’s Day, and what to give you and where to take you, made him feel ill and sick on the day of Valentine’s Day.
And he feels terrible that he ended up ruining Valentine’s Day, and making you look after him on this special day!
But you were quick to silence his negative thoughts, telling him that Valentine’s Day or not, you were just happy to be in his presence, nor did you feel like he ruined Valentine’s Day or that he was burden to you.
He ended up crying due to your kind words, and for the rest of the day, he let himself be pampered by you, as you nurse him back to health!
He hates Valentines Day.
He thinks it’s a stupid shallow holiday that prioritizes consumerism and money over the actual meaning of Valentines. Also, why is there a specific holiday to celebrate your love, shouldn’t couples be celebrating their love all year around, instead of being restricted to celebrate it one day of the year?
However, once he met you and got into a relationship, he quickly changed his tune! Don’t get him wrong, he’s still not a big fan of the holiday and still thinks it’s dumb, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to celebrate it with you!
He gifted you a cute tiny android/robot, that he spent a good two months making and creating, and the smile on your face when you saw it, was worth every sleepless night he went through to make it.
As for the date, Klarkstella took you stargazing to see the stars, and explained the meaning of every single constellation that was in the sky.
By the end of the day, when it was time to head back, you remember having the best sleep of your night, and that was due to Klarkstella using his astrological powers to give you a good night sleep!
Unlike his brother, Louterstella is more than overjoyed when it comes to Valentines Day!
He’s a bit of a secret romantic and loves love and everything that comes with it, so of course when the day rolls around, he’s more than prepared.
Louterstella ideal date for Valentine’s is to go to a planetarium with you! He loves you, and he loves the stars and the planets, so what better way to combine the best of both worlds than to go to a planetarium!
At the end of your planetarium date, he will take you to another date, this time a library date! You two will spend the rest of the day, browsing through books and huddling together in a corner, reading together.
It may seem boring to most people but you and Louterstella are comfortable enough in each other’s relationship, where you two don’t have to go on extreme and extravagant dates to express your love for each other.
Sometimes, love is about sitting together in a quiet library, reading off the same book, and not saying a word to each other, and that’s enough for the both of you.
While, Louterstella might not be the most skilled when it comes to machines, the same can’t be said when it comes to crocheting!
Louterstella loves making sweaters and clothes for his loved ones (in fact the reason why his and Klarkstella outfits are so similar, is because he hand sewed them), and you are no different. He gifted you a bunch of homemade clothes and sweaters, all of which you have worn ever since!
Myunna, the sweet summer child, just wants to make you happy, and what better way to make you happy than Valentine’s Day!
With the help of Cielomort and Cogimyun, Myunna constructed a day full of fun and whimsy that both of you could enjoy.
The two of you spend the entirety of Valentine’s Day, going to the amusement park and going on fun rides together.
He collected the polaroid photos that you two took together in the photo booth, and added it to his scrap book, which has photos of you, Cogimyun, and all the other members of the Blue Bouquet!
Cielomort helped Myunna bake a cake for you, to which he happily gifted it you, and you of course, happily accepted it, and ate the cake with him.
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changinct · 7 months
FragMem Valentine Prompts
Just a simple HCs, but I'd like to pour my ideas into a post here! Although I couldn't write everyone, only my faves hehe. Pardon me if it's a bit OOC and cringey!
PoV: You are the one who gives them chocolate
Merold: Actually alrd received sooooo many chocolates because he is so popular. However, yours. Yours are the only one he is waiting for. One that could make him excited. "Y/n, where is my chocolate~? Eeh? Aren't you going to give me one? I was waiting for it, you know.." ‎‎‎
Romarriche: Actually also making a chocolate for you. But he is really happy to be the receiver this time, and appreciates your hard work a lot. Whether the taste is delish or questioning, he will savour every bit of it. Because it's you. Because you are the one who made it specially for him. "I couldn't find any better word to express my gratitude for you, however I want you to know that at this moment, I feel like being the happiest person in the world." ‎‎‎
Cielomort: He is so busy and airheaded, he doesn't know today is valentine day. When he receives a nicely packaged chocolate, he goes flustered for a moment before smiling softly to you, holding your hand. "I'm really happy, you took your time to make it for me.. Thank you so much. We should eat it together at break time later." ‎‎‎
Kurode: Doesn't interact with a lot of peeps, so different from his brother, Kurode was really confused when he received a lot of chocolates (he is also popular) and doesn't know how to take care of them, so he ended up giving some of it to you secretly. Knowing that, you almost not giving him the chocolate you have made, but when he knows that you are going to give him one he immediately ask you. "Wait! If it's from you.. then, let me take it..." ‎‎‎
Chaco: Probably alrd getting used to receiving chocolate, he isn't that much different from Merold when responding to those givers. Always thanking them in grateful way. But today, he gazes at you a lot. You could feel it, but he pretending not to. There's no sign of chocolate coming from you... And when he is already lowering his expectation, your sudden gift surprised him, making him kinda lose his cool. "H-Huh!? For me..? Oh well.. Thank you." As he hides his face with his hoodie. ‎‎‎
Arupek: He doesn't know today is valentine. Or maybe he knows, but doesn't care much about that. He doesn't think he is that cool nor popular to receive one, so when you actually give him a chocolate he goes VERY happy with it. "Y/n, thank you so much!! I will treasure it."
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moonbonanza · 1 year
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ creased between smiles
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featuring: the red bouquet
summary: in fleeting dreams & fantasies; it may be true that a knight's face must always be smiling but asking for them to purse up their lips just for the sake of your curiousity may be a teensy bit greedy, see...
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୨୧ a sincere smile: hallritt is a little perplexed by your strange request to bare all his teeth and grin like his life depends on it. he's familiar with carrying out orders and fulfilling duties but this small plea seems a little different in general. but if a smile is what you want then he'll gladly oblige! it is a lovely smile brimming with amber warmth and moist red that he flashes at you, even bending closer so that you can count all his dimples like stars. you do your best to stifle a giggle at his efforts to please especially when he's always smiling to begin with! oh, hallritt.
୨୧ a beguiling smile: slender fingers hooked underneath his chin and eyes shimmering with delight at the promise of a brand new game, merold pretends to be honoured. his words in response ring ever so soft and polite as always yet you know the searing gaze drumming into your skull is cautious of what is to come. all the same his lips quirk upwards once the realization that no one would ever quite dare to indulge in cat & mouse with him hits. an enchanting smile frigidly strung together by a cupid's bow mouth flits across his cheeks in an all too brief moment. your only complaint is that it seems more of a sneer than a smile but surely you weren't expecting something more without offering anything of your own in return, now were you?
୨୧ a mellow smile: while it may take a few attempts to douse puruth of his lingering daydreams, he is more than happy to listen to whatever you have to say. his features are already painted with laughter, eyes already shaded so crinkly & bright - that the very thing that you had wanted to ask for dies at the tip of your tongue, flying straight out of the window. his manner is innocent as he watches your mouth part and unpart in short quick intervals of trying its best to figure out something else to say, to offer up a plausible excuse of sorts. patience dances at his lips as do yellow sunbeams as he continues to give you the wonderful gift of smile after smile without quite knowing that he has placed exactly what you wanted at your feet.
୨୧ a dainty smile: even fragrant roses pressed against one's teary cheek cannot rival a happy romarriche. a dulcet caress traced across lithe hands and fingers, climbing all the way up to his pretty face is enough for him to flush pink. it's almost impossible for him to deny anything you beg for after that especially when your touch consists of the lightness of rosy peaches and cream. why your wish for a smile- his smile no less- is so adorably precious to him! a delightful curve of his mouth that gradually eases its way across his lips is every bit as alluring as all the flowers you plucked from strangers' gardens in his name. but unlike all those flowers, this one rose was yours to keep; to stroke the petals of over and over again until you fell into a sudden fit of melancholy over the nature of its unattainability.
୨୧ a hungry smile: ever so demanding and prone to noisy tears, rimicha has the makings of a mini spoiled princess. he does not care at all if the praise he keeps getting from you is insincere or even biting, cake crumbs are still cake! so when he pulls onto your sleeve like a bratty little girl and screeches in that insolent tone of his about how you haven't been paying him any attention lately, you resist the urge to pull out your hair follicle by follicle. in your desperation, you practically implore him to smile for once in his ill-will life as a way to shut him up - surprisingly, it works. a stunned cheshire grin stretches his sharp teeth apart as he preens over how much you must like his smile more than anyone else's. a bitter quip finds itself on your tongue but you decide to humour him for once especially if it means you don't have to witness any more flailing dramatics for a while.
୨୧ a dazzling smile: sanah has no shy bone in his entire skeleteon and this trait definitely makes for some interesting conversations. with his hands resting neatly behind his lazing head, some of his curious questions may come across as either awkward to answer or near impossible with your limited amount of knowledge regarding things you have no interest in. and yet his heart and smile is always on raw display to you as it is to everybody else in turn. if you ever happen to be in a terrible mood, his usual smile begins to get bigger and brighter and sunnier until it is amplified to one of the shiniest things you have ever laid eyes on. there's no need to ask, his smile belongs to everyone.
notes: going off of translations here & what little i can infer myself, should have waited until we know more fragmem-wise but couldn't resist writing lol... i'll probably come back to revise this later if i feel like it's rlly inaccurate promise >_<
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amiluc6 · 1 month
doing it... coming out as a selfshipper because i need more yumeship friends!!
okay!! hi yumeblr! im amia auggie or ciel! Pronouns are they/he/xe/it and I'm a minor!! (13-15) so i prefer making friends in that age range! id list my fandoms but yall can just see that from all my yumeships in the list below!
(there are more than on the list but ill just list my mains!! just the /r once and the kins
❤️ not comfy with sharing
✨️ ask to share
🎶 sharing ok!
✨️ Aoi Kureha (Paradox Live)
❤️ Kai (Ninjago)
❤️ Six-Eared Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid)
❤️ Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die)
✨️An Shiraishi (Project Sekai)
✨️ Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai)
❤️ Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb)
❤️ 707 / Saeyoung Choi (Mystic Messenger)
✨️ Tatsumi Kazehaya (Ensemble Stars)
❤️ Rui Mizuki (Tokyo Debunker)
❤️ Winnie Bosko (Cold Front)
❤️ Mitsuki Koga (TGSWIIWAGAA)
✨️ Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
✨️ Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets)
✨️ Tara Carpenter (Scream)
✨️ Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars)
✨️ Leonardo Hamato (ROTMNT)
✨️ Haruka Kiritani (Project Sekai)
❤️ Shiho Hinomori (Project Sekai)
❤️ Kanade Yoisaki (Project Sekai)
🎶 Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai)
❤️ Sora (Ninjago)
❤️ Shauna Shipman (Yellowjackets)
🎶 Sara Chidouin (YTTD)
✨️ Akarsha (Butterfly Soup)
✨️ Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls)
❤️ Augustine Orlov (Cold Front)
✨️ Rody Lamoree (Dead Plate)
🎶 Protagonist (Elevator Hitch)
❤️ Kei Miyama (Paradox Live)
❤️ Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
✨️ Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
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F for Tuxam, Louter, and Hallritt please🙏
SFW Alphabet Prompt List
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Hallritt is quite simple when it comes to the matters of the heart. He faces everything with sincerity and he believes that shouldn't be any different when it comes to you. He also knows what he wants and he is willing to act upon it, so he wouldn't hesitate to be with you as long as you're also sure that you're in for the long run. There are times when he seems impulsive because of how straightforward he is, but it's nothing to worry about since he adapts quickly depending on where your preferences lie. As for marriage he doesn't mind waiting for a long time, although he wouldn't hesitate if you asked for it. Right from the start he has been ready, he is just going with the flow.
Commitment comes incredibly easy for Louterstella. It's hardwired in him because of growing up with his brother by his side, not to mention their Lords who are joined at the hip. He's content with what he has right now which also means he is deeply unused to change and he has trouble accepting others into his personal bubble. It's not easy to get him to regard you with just as much importance, but the moment it happens, everything else that comes after that is smooth sailing, and the possibility of marriage only comes when he is completely sure that his loved ones are accepting of you.
You have your work cut out for you if you want Tuxam to even consider looking your way for reasons other than to warn you for something you did. He isn't exactly easy to get along with and he knows that. Being uptight about the rules comes with the price of limited personal relations. Give him enough time and show just as much perseverance, and only then will he decide that you're worth the commitment. He has somewhat of a traditional mindset due to carrying himself according to the rules so marriage is still off the table, but that same mindset is also the reason why he has already considered the idea of being married to you before you even get together.
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herwritingartcowboy · 8 months
Hopefully this doesn't come out as weird but what fandoms do you write for?
The list is long but these are all the fandoms I will write for.
Four knights of the apocalypse
Seven deadly sins
Bungou stray dogs
One punch man
Demon slayer
My hero academia
Fire force
Genshin impact
Honkai star rail
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw man
Black clover
One piece
Dragon Ball
Mission: Yozakura family
Twisted Wonderland
Fragaria memories
Oshi no ko
Spy x family
Mashle: magic and muscles
Sakamoto days
Undead unluck
The elusive samurai
Kaiju no.8
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teabunniics · 11 months
If one would be honest, it was quite an eye catch when he does his moves with the skateboard... As he is a knight, he doesn't really have much free time in his life time... So, when he have enough time to spent together with you ─ He will mostly going outside with his skateboard and take you into his small and yet, short adventures... It's nice to see him what he is doing with his skateboard and spending time with him, am I right?
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melted-sweets · 7 months
♡ ── “ VALENTINES DAY . . . ” | 1/?
Alright… If you ever think she will be excited about the day of love, you can tell that she is… Exploding like a star somewhere in the galaxy as she is very excited about this special day with you…
Other than that, this (quite a) mischievous court jester has some… Bunch of plans and revisions of it that it ended being only 2 plans that were made it… Yeah, you can tell that she is absolutely would go to extreme lengths of making this day a fantastic memory to remember!
Without further ado, It is time to reveal the first plan… And is… Baking but this is not an ordinary baking experience but more like… “MAKE MORE, MORE SWEETS!”
And you want to guess what happened next on the baking section? Sweet shenanigans, of course! And why is that? Because Masky Feels decided if it would be funny to join with you guys and it all ended with 50% success and 50% of a mess! What a 50/50 ratio right there!
Now, to the second plan is a bit more normal than whatever that you guys have committed… And that is… Going to a carnival!
She thought that it would be quite a fun time to spent together on Valentine’s Day as carnival dates on Masky Feels’ kingdom is always up to date with the national holidays which makes it a little bit more exciting, fun and unique other than the mini games and so much more (It’s kinda inspired from Penacony from Honkai Star Rail for the major aesthetic of Masky Feel’ kingdom as it’s the kingdom of entertainment)!
From the roller coaster to the mini games, you can tell that she is having fun with it despite her being an adult (in appearance) since these are usually done by families who wants to entertain their children but hey, everyone of all ages can enjoy it, right?
And so… Once the sunset is almost passed and the moon shall be shining, you decided that in order to remember of all these fun times that were refreshing for you and her, a photo shot shall do the trick and kaboom! You get a fantastic photo of you and your silly partner on this romantic day…
After that day had to come to an end, you and her decided to make it being a matching profile picture somewhere in a chatting app and now, you officially got the “silly person x their better half” thingy going around you guys!
Though… As she is a renowned court jester, there would be someone who would have got you and her on a date which is going to be… Something else once you opened the news section on your phone or get yourself a newspaper and see the rumor section… Oh dear!
As she is an alter ego of Felicity, things are going to be very different, seriously.
Like she is just… Straightforward, serious and stoic most of the time but there were those times where she just… Lower her guard a little bit… For you. Yes, you.
And why is that? Because you are her… Darling, honey, dearest and more words that she literally called you and yes, it may sounded cringy but she’s an old lad despite her appearance of a young adult woman on her 20s so of course, she’s going through the “old love” route.
Anyways, as for her plan is… Pretty much simple as what it is such as taking a walk on a park on the day as she feels like it would be working just fine… As she would put it and since she lived in the same kingdom as Felicity… Things would be a bit noisy especially since you have entered the world of entertainment where everyone can have their fun and simply enjoy their life while it’s on the blast!
As for going to a park plan, it… Kinda work I supposed… I mean… It did started raining shortly after both of you entered the famous park for its greenery and other stuff… Welp, be glad that Ayama prepared absolutely everything so you can able to protect yourself from the rain by her umbrella.
“Quite unexpected, isn’t it?” She said as her glimmering eyes with those teardrop pupils looked at you, still no smile but there is a light on the both of her eyes… Unlike Felicity.
“Yeah… I’m glad that you bring your umbrella with you because otherwise, we would get wet for good!” You replied, as you and her carefully taking your steps on the park as (almost) everyone is simply minding their business… Except for those who are… A fan of Ayama… Another “uh oh” moment right there!
“Omg, is that her?!”
“Mom, look! It’s the lady that I talked about from a few days ago!”
“Wow… She still looks so elegant… Even on a rainy day like this!”
Ahh, those voices that she always heard every time… How fantastically repetitive it is for her ears.
“Wait a minute… Why is she with another person? Are they dating or something?”
“Ahhh! I wished I can have a nice walk just like Ayama and that lucky person with her~!”
“Wow… I never seen Miss Ayama with someone rather than Miss Felicity so this is new stuff!”
Welp… Here we go again.
“Ugh…” Ayama got annoyed by the fame that she is receiving at this point, it feels like she has stuck in a place where the public eye is watching her every move and she doesn’t want that in the first place but of course, there’s gotta be some people can’t simply listen about someone’s boundaries which makes things just seem so… Shitty.
“Are you alright, Ayama?” You said, hearing her getting more annoyed about the people who is… Watching them at this moment.
“Dear, hold my hand.” She whispered softly, her voice is quite smooth as honey when she said that.
“Sure…” You said as you hold her hand and so, she quickly yet swiftly run away from the crowd as everything is starting to get so… Dizzy to the point that you wanted to pass out but a magic trick have appeared by Ayama that makes both of you run as fast as possible.
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After that fast run, you managed to come back to the kingdom once again but sadly, you passed out as the dizziness has taken over you… Ayama can’t help but sighs as her plan has completely… Failed, miserably.
But hey, at the very least… She can able to spend some time with you on this day as the time shall keep going and everything shall vanished, soon… And she can’t help but will feel the loneliness once again if she ever loses you.
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ritsusakumawife · 7 months
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Kanata Shinkai x GN!Reader
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Summary: A short fic where Kanata reminds you of a dear friend
Mentions of Hangyon from Fragaria Memories
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"Hey Kanata, want to know a random thought I have of you?"
"Hm~? Sure~"
"You're like if Hangyon wasn't a crazy, bizarre person and had short hair, lol."
"Eh? 'Hangyon'?" He tilts his head to the side.
"Who is this 'Hangyon'?"
"My self-proclaimed husband. I mean, uh, friend. My friend."
"I 'see', your 'friend', huh? I'd love to meet that friend of yours."
"Hm. Maybe someday you'll meet him. But definitely not right now. After all, he resides in another world."
"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't 'hear' you."
"It was nothing, just talking to myself."
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roseapov · 1 year
Roseapov Reblog (Reblogs)
Colour Guide: Black - Games, movies, fandoms etc. Pink - reblogs with things from real life @roseapov-reblog my actual account for reblogs
Crowley is Levan Theory
Yan!Vil x Reader x Yan!Rook
Rollo Flamme x Reader with bits of Malleus x Reader
Genshin Man Isekai'd into the creators world
Bye bye bugs
Riddle and Vil bonding art
Fragaria memories meme (Hallritt and Hello Kitty)
Malleus x Yuu x Ace comedy
Sad Idia comic
HSR chars as vampires
Halloween ghosts decoration
Halloween ghosts decoration
Malleus calling Yuu by their name and not Child of man
Fic based on my Twst Self Aware &lt;3
Cheka and Leona wallpaper
Rosebush Sneak-peek
Fragaria Memories Red Bouquet
Yuu snaps and bullies OB gang (most of them) and they like it
Lilia cooking meme
How to win the heart of Vil Shoenheit
How to not kill your computer
Invite quality guide Twst
Rosebush 001 Twst, Riddle Rosehearts
Vitamins cheat sheet
How you mince my heart, Vil Shoenheit
Twst inhuman traits
Vampire Epel fic
Alhaitham and Kaveh in somewhat Fontaine clothes
Shrimp, Jade x Yuu
Great Seven avenue backgrounds
WIP Heartslabyul reincarnation, Riddle Rosehearts
Chosing who to write for
Morning people vs night people
Leona Playful land art
Jack Playful land art
Epel Masquerade art
Rook x reader, Royal AU
OT3 Playful Land Scenarios (Lilia, Reader, Knight of Dawn)
Genshin 4 archons
Loved by a fae
Rosebush additional chapter
Dearest mother additional chapter
OB Vil design art
Malleus and Lilia stickers
Learn French Twst Rook and Epel meme
Pomefiore arts
Rook meme
Twst art that reminds me of mafia au
Dorm Uniform Malleus Card Analysis
Writer!Yuu and yandere
Cater personality problems
Crowley sets up Overblots theory
Dearest mother additional chapter
Dearest mother / Rosebush art
Lilia's revenge on Rollo
Playful land big bro behaviour
Vampire memes
Eggleus and Lilia meme
Genshin sagau
Jade, 'Do be gentle with me' line
Love Potion Leona x reader
Honest Fellow meme
Malleus and Grim superduo
Lilia and Baby Silver headcanon
Trey dad, Vil mama
Jade / Floyd and their S/O headcanon
Jing Yuan
The Great 7 AU Masterlist
Always second 001 Twst Leona Kingscholar
Malleus x Reader, The promises we made
The ghost groom
Azul Octopus headcanon
Sebek heart locket comics
Perfect harmony meme
Vil's deep character analysis
Rollo Flamme memes
Silver and Parent Lilia, killing them will take like 5 minutes
Malleus 3rd spell lines
Vil Playful Land
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plus-i-miss-you · 10 months
"𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑠?"
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(layout by @/ameyumez!)
hi hi!! welcome to my milgram x reader blog!! ik milgram is probably not the best media for x reader content but eh i'm doing this for fun 👍
🧡 about me:
♡ lina
♡ 21 y/o
♡ demigirl + any pronouns
♡ my other fandoms are twisted wonderland, project sekai, vocaloid, honkai star rail, genshin impact, fragaria memories and many others
♡ my favorite characters are yuno, mahiru and amane + i also like haruka and muu
♡ i prefer to use lowercase letters most of the time because uh.. i hate capitalism
♡ i also have some other blogs you can check out below!
please read this before you request:
🧡 rules:
♡ because of the nature of the project, please remember that literally anything can easily get confirmed or turn out to be wrong, so i can't say that my writing will be 100% in character.
♡ please specify whether you want the reader to be the guard or the prisoner and their gender, otherwise i'll go with gn!reader.
♡ same goes for the setting, if your request doesn't mention it, please specify whether you want it to take place in a prison or a non-prison au/casual setting.
♡ my character limit is four characters per request, but i can write more when it comes to self-indulgent stuff or events (if there will be any djkdlssld).
♡ mentioning whether you want it to be the t1/t2 version of the prisoner would also help a lot!
♡ i'm a system myself, so i'll try my best to write mikosys as accurately as possible, but i'm a newly discovered system, so i can still make some mistakes.
♡ speaking of mikosys, if you're requesting something for them and your request doesn't mention it, please specify if you're asking for mikoto or john/orekoto.
♡ also, i prefer to see john as a part of mikoto, but also a separate character, so if you're requesting something for both mikoto and john, i will count them as two characters, so please keep that in mind when you request something!
🧡 what i will write:
♡ all main project prisoners + es
♡ both romantic and platonic headcanons (everything i write for amane will be strictly platonic)
♡ fluff, angst, comedy, etc
♡ guard!reader and prisoner!reader
♡ both t1 and t2 prisoners (+ maybe some t3 headcanons/theories?..)
♡ gn!reader, male!reader, fem!reader (a note: because of how popular the theory about kazui being gay is and because of the possibility of it being confirmed, i'd prefer to write only gn!reader and male!reader when it comes to him)
♡ both mikoto and john/orekoto
♡ non-prison au
♡ i prefer to write headcanons rather than scenarios simply because headcanons are easier to write jdkldsjssk
♡ i also may post general/non-x reader writing here (like crimeswap au, alternate verdicts au, etc) if y'all are interested :)
🧡 depends on the request:
♡ because of the nature of the project, i'm totally okay with writing dark content, including yandere, but i have a right not to wriite something if it makes me uncomfortable for one reason or another.
♡ as mentioned below, i don't write nsfw, but i'm okay with suggestive stuff, but again, i may be uncomfortable with some of it. also, i will write content like this only for the adult characters, meaning everyone except es, haruka, muu and amane.
🧡 what i won't write:
♡ novel characters (i don't think there's enough canon stuff to write anything about them tbh..)
♡ side characters and victims (as much as i would love to write something for rei, hinako, shidou's wife, etc, again, we know even less when it comes to them)
♡ nsfw (again, suggestive/light nsfw is okay, but only with adult characters)
♡ even though i like the threekoto theory a lot, i won't write for midokoto/greenkoto/doe, since it's not confirmed and there's not much i can do when it comes to his character.
🧡 my other blogs:
@linabirb (my main/personal blog)
@linawritestwst (my twst writing blog)
@linalilia (my old personal blog)
@linawritesocs (my twst ocs blog)
@linagram (my milgram ocs blog)
@008-edits (my edits blog)
🧡 masterlist
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fragaria-imagines · 8 months
Red Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
Hallritt goes all out for every and any holiday, Valentine’s day is no exception!
He would try to surprise you with a homemade cake, but unfortunately, just like every other time Hallritt has tried to bake or cook something, it never ends well.
He ends up accidentally starting a fire on Valentine’s day, much to his —and the rest of his bouquet members— dismay, ruining the surprise.
However, even with his failed baking attempt, you still appreciate the effort and time he put in to it, and suggested that they should bake a cake together instead!
Hallritt was all over the moon for that idea, so you two spend the rest of day, laughing and baking homemade goods together (with supervision of course).
As for gifts, Hallritt lives by the motto, “Go Big or Go Home”, and that’s exactly what he did when buying you gifts.
He is such a gift giver and bought you plenty of gifts, whether it be clothes, toys, plushies, chocolate, flowers, books, jewelry, candles, letters, makeup, video games, and everything you can think of. He even bought you a bird house (doesn’t matter if you don’t have a bird because Hallritt would buy you a bird along with the bird house).
Honestly, his gift giving can be too much and kind of overwhelming at times, and it just gets more over top and extreme over the years, but that’s just his way of expressing his love to you!
Merold is the exact opposite of Hallritt, meaning he likes to play it coy (even though we all know he’s not).
He’s the type to act like Valentine’s is not a big deal but is secretly planning every single way to surprise you.
On the day of Valentine’s Day, he would go as far as pretending to not know what day it was, going about it as it was any other day, which kind of stings.
However, your momentary sadness about your boyfriend forgetting Valentine’s, was quickly nipped in the bud, once you entered the Strawberry Castle and saw how overly decorated it was.
And of course, there was no one but Merold, standing in the middle of the room, wearing a suit and holding a red rose for you.
You two danced the night away, the sounds of laughter never seemed to fade when you two were together. Cheesy, yes, but you couldn’t have been more happier, and wouldn’t want it any other way.
When it comes to giving gifts, Merold loves to spoil you rotten, so he goes just as crazy —if not more— as Hallritt, when it comes to buying you gifts.
He especially likes to buy you very expensive and luxurious gifts, like a car, a Chanel bag, a spa treatment, jewelry, clothing, because you deserve the best of the best!
With how much Puruth travels, you honestly didn’t think he would be with you for Valentines, so it was a pleasant surprise when he was!
Rather than going to an extravagant dinner date or buy a bunch of gifts, you two decided to keep it low-key, and have a dinner date at a local café, to enjoy each other’s company.
Puruth didn’t do any of the typical dramatics or over the top romantic gestures, instead he confessed his love for you, very simple and straightforward, with the same golden retriever smile that you have grown to love.
He decided to buy you a gift that had meaning instead of opting to buying the most expensive item.
He gifted you trinkets and memorabilia from his traveling, like a pocket watch for when he needed to look at the time, or an old book that he read during his travels, or a feather from an exotic animal.
It might have been seen as weird or lazy gift giving by most people, but you knew how much time and love Puruth put into those gifts, and you appreciate it because he’s gifting you a part of him that you don’t get to see much of due to his traveling.
This way, you two will always be together, regardless if you’re far away from each other not, and you couldn’t have had it any other way.
Not surprising to anyone, but Romarriche is a romantic gentleman at heart! Though his way of being romantic is a lot more tone-down and low-key than that of Hallritt’s and Merold’s.
When you wake up on Valentine’s Day, you are met with a thousand budding red roses, all which are delivered by no one other than yours truly, Romarriche.
Romarriche would also take it upon himself to cook for you, and since he knows how to cook, this Valentines meal would not result in the fire department being called!
It’s never just Valentines “Day”, being the romantic that he is, Romarriche will always book a vacation months in advance, making Valentines Day more into Valentines Week.
By the end of your romantic getaway vacation, Romarriche would take you to a field of flowers to watch the sunset, as you embrace another day of your love together.
Romarriche loves spoiling you with gifts, but is also aware that too much gifts can cause you to be overwhelmed, so he always makes it a point to take down a peg or two when it comes to gift giving.
He would gift you practical things that you need in your day to day life, like a sewing machine, an air fryer, a new dishwasher, socks, and china.
Valentines Day or not, this man expects to be spoiled 24/7 regardless.
He would attempt to be romantic and have a romantic night out with you, but those plans were quickly thrown out the window, due to his short fuse.
The day ends up with you two spending the day playing video games together, eating overcooked meatloaf.
As for gifts, he would buy you a cheap video game, that he ends up taking it for himself, and a batch of roses!
Out of everybody on this list, Sanah is THE biggest love bug of them all!
He is already an affectionate person, but his affection is ten folds on Valentine’s Day.
Valentines Day is actually his favorite holiday because there’s nothing that he loves more than spending the day with his loved ones!
His ideal date for Valentine centers more around extracurricular activities like watching a movie, going to the beach, going on a hike, going bowling, stargazing, than simply going on a coffee date or eating dinner.
By the time, you two are done with your tiring list of activities, you both are tired and ready to go to bed but there’s still gifts to be exchanged!
Sanah is not the best gift giver out of the bunch, but what he lacks in tact, he’ll make it up in heart! It’s the thought that counts after all.
He would gift you all the usual romantic Valentine gifts, like toys, plushie, flowers, chocolate, but with a twist of his own like, a beach ball, or a hat, stickers, candles, a ukulele!
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lanshappycorner · 11 months
You know although I'm not sure what media Fragaria Memories will come in (I highly doubt it will be a game tbh :/), I do think there will be some sort of joseimuke element to it, seeing as the characters do refer directly to you as the listener in their voicelines
I'm assuming there will be some type of plot and the person they are speaking to is like a reader insert (maybe like an ambassador for every country or smth idk💀 or you got isekaied im calling it now)
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purpee · 9 months
Anything fanfic + Fanart !!
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Request are allowed and open! It gets my brain juices flowing
I write for: pjsekai, twst, genshin, blue lock, fragaria memories, danganronpa, raincode, and vtubers (throw in some manga and manhwa!)
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Alexander Hamilton could never
Sugar, I developed a taste for you now. Malleus/Reader: you help him with his now dead tamagotchi.
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Works in progress
While you sway me, disarray me with a kiss. Lilia Vanrouge / Reader
When your wonder, and my hunger coalesce. Lilia Vanrouge / Reader
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Soon enough I’ll be on tumblr long enough to have thought of these
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Pew pew (kokichi oma !! This was for my Twitter header but I wanted more people to see it 🙇‍♀️)
Mal mal !! My mootie on TWT @/epelpom gave me the suggestion!!
kokoko 🎀 again, my mootie on TWT @/vixvap0rrub gave me the suggestion!!
history has its eyes on you. Vox !! My mutual on twt @/v0xcest asked for vox art and this is what I thot of🔥
Camera work! Vox but… human !! Same moot on TWT asked for human vox too 🙇‍♀️
collie!! A moot on TWT @/mizukikini3 asked for collei 😊
Lilia vanrouge !!! TY @/crukgo_69 (TWT moot)🙏🙏🙏!
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