#fragments of the past
brooklynislandgirl · 9 months
Just as there is a rotation of duties at the hospital, there is also a rotation of obligations as host of events for the Manhattan elite. The pedigree of Stephen’s upbringing grants him the ability to recognize the purpose of hobnobbing; even the old money and deep pockets of the Strange family could not necessarily be counted on to convey him into all the circles he would need to be part of to ensure his success.
His apartment is meticulously designed to be a place where wealthy socialites can gather, be quietly wowed by a tasteful array of pricey possessions and his pristine organization, and weave the invisible, intangible net which makes the high life they live sustainable. Because many of them carry within their cores the secret fear that they will be the next to lose it all. It is an existential dread which leaves the unpurposed soul a little dimmer… clenches a fist more tightly about its cash and credit.
On paper, there could hardly be anybody at this gathering more “high society” than his pupil. The Riley legacy has even deeper pockets than Stephen’s. If Beth wanted to, she could buy the building in which he resides. But that isn’t where she’s interested in applying herself. For reasons Stephen cannot quite fathom, her passion is in helping people who find themselves at their lowest. When they must throw themselves upon the mercy of the medical profession, and place their lives in the hands of strangers whom they must trust to know what’s wrong and how it can be fixed.
She needs not network here. Her trust fund alone would carry her into the next millennium without her needing to lift so much as a finger or read so much as a sentence. But Stephen has seen those hands work themselves to the bone – and when Beth lets herself be still, she often has a book in her hands (and close to her face, at that). She’s a more studied polyglot than he.
As far as Stephen has ever been able to tell, she feels an obligation to apply herself to the healing arts, to connect with others, for nothing more than that restless, inexorable call within her soul that says she should.
The Admiral is not here. Stephen had extended the invitation even knowing he wouldn’t come; his is a face that is rarely seen in the vicinity of Beth’s, and his aspirations exist outside the realm of mingling with crusty New York dilettantes. Besides which… the Admiral seems to not particularly like Stephen. (Then again, does he truly like anybody?) But it is still a necessary gesture from a polite society.
And it allowed Beth to accept the invitation before it had even fully departed his lips.
The television shows what any cursory glance over the balcony would: the throngs of crowds populating the streets, and the countdown taking place over in Rockefeller Plaza. As the final minute approaches, Stephen politely extricates himself from the round-robin of hospital money talk and makes his way towards Beth, who is wearing a dress that speaks to the kind of money she comes from and a mask-like expression of faux interest in the older gentleman talking to at her – a venerable stage actor with increasingly extreme opinions about nothing in particular. A gentle smile to the gentleman and an upheld cell phone are followed with, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I need my protege here, she has a call from an old friend from home.”
It is a kindly assertion of his authority, paired with the subtle code that tells her this is a rescue effort. The gentleman responds with a lifting of both hands in surrender, a pearly smile, and an utterance of concession as he moves away from her – he’d been standing a little too near, and there’s more than a subtle hint of Scotch on his breath as he passes by. Stephen pays the man no further mind as he offers first his phone to Beth to uphold the ruse… and after a sufficient display, he holds out a hand to Beth, inviting her to join him.
The starry look in her eyes and the gleam of the light against the points of her teeth in her atypically unabashed smile seem to carry a language all their own. Stephen wonders if perhaps, one day, he might learn that one, too. At the least, he might have a chance of catching up to her acumen.
He takes her past the serving table populated with champagne flutes, which are already disappearing quickly into the hands of others preparing for the moment. The final seconds are on approach. He plucks a pair of glasses from the table and offers her one.
As people begin to shout the final countdown to ring out the old year, Stephen holds up his glass, a faint smile curling one corner of his mouth as the musings of T.S. Eliot spring to mind, in the wake of his own recent considerations about linguistics. “Last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
Champagne Kisses || -
Originally Beth had planned on staying at home. Tucked up in bed in warm and comfortable pyjamas far and away from the city bustle and all the accidents and assaults waiting to happen on one of the City's biggest party nights. She had a fresh pack of highlighters, brand-new note books, and quite possibly the most riveting set of lectures she has ever managed to collect; Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndromes and Lower Surgical Approaches {Part One}, Chiari Malformations and Syringomyelia, and Neuropatholigic Studies of Epiletogenic Tissue. A dozen different invitations to get out and about, to be seen and to see, to live up the moment and all declined in favour of spending the evening with Stephen. That plan had her floating on air for the gruelling days leading up to New Years, where nothing could seem to dampen her spirit and no amount of the Admiral's general disapproval could get under her skin. At least that had been her hope until Stephen called her into his office, right before her well deserved break, and with the preamble of explaining he hadn't yet received an RSVP to the invitation she had no idea he'd sent. Fortunately for her, the good Doctor has a habit of being fairly straight-forward when he wants something, and whatever sabotage had nearly played out behind her back was uprooted before it could take root. And his reward was that dreamy little smile that bloomed before she expressed that, of course, it would be her absolute pleasure. It didn't even matter if she was to be his guest, a server, or really any other role he might imagine for her. She had arrived early. Statuesque in a one shouldered midnight blue gown with diamond floral accents at the shoulder, and diagonal across her waist. Diamond solitaires glittered at her ears, silver bangles at her wrists but otherwise unadorned. Her make up is exquisite, smokey shades and deep wine on her lips. With her hair spiralling down her back in carefully curated curls and heels high enough she is only a scant few inches shorter than he. She comes bearing gifts; a case of Cristal from her own cellars for his guests, and for the host himself, an exquisite box of salted caramel and dark chocolate truffles she'd had delivered from Swiss chocolatier DeLafée. She knew he'd likely decline consider they'd already exchanged Christmas gifts ~she'd delighted over the fountain pen and specific blend of purple ink he'd said reminded him of her notes and the brushed platinum cuff-links with an oil stain pattern that she'd had made for him~ which is why she didn't say anything until she turned up. It wasn't the excess or expense, not for her and not for Stephen. They existed in a privileged world where the material generosity was merely a formality and it was every bit the thought that mattered, the time spent, and the joy those gifts evoked. Beth is genuinely surprised as other guests begin to arrive that she doesn't seem to spot anyone of Stephen's innumerable admirers and fair weather beauties. Oh there are definitely beautiful women, powerful ones too. The kind he courts for support and for business. It makes sense. Medicine is highly lucrative for someone as skilled and sought after as he is, but it's also a tightrope act without a net and always requires more funding and more renown. Something that she disliked about her chosen occupation and from the sidelines, she doesn't envy him the exhaustion of accruing clients and good-will. Even if she directly benefits from it by having his backing. And so like duck to water, Beth ends up slipping into a role she's been groomed for her entire life, and acts as hostess. She mingles amongst the guests, heading certain ones off at the pass to buy him time, and trying to ensure that the party continues on without a hitch. If only the Admiral could see it all, and the flawlessness with which she plays her part. She's thankful that he isn't, until she gets snared in the net of her own making. She hadn't quite caught his name, but the man ~someone of the Admiral's age and clearly his intellectual and political leanings~ was on and on about something she isn't exactly clear on. She smiles blandly and nods or hms on cue. Occasionally she pats his arm demurely as he makes a witty bon mot. Once in a while her gaze flitters over his shoulders to catch the screen and the way the year is quickly running out between the fingers of time. She does her best not to try to chew her own wrist off that she might be delivered from the current drone that borders on the truly offensive. Just before she can spill his drink with an accidental muscle spasm, Stephen appears like her very own knight, with upraised phone rather than sword. He is the world, and she smiles only because she can't help herself.
"My hero," she ennobles him. She takes the proffered glass. The world falls away as he recites to her one of her favourite poets and the smile deepens beyond just joy. While not exactly reserved this one is special. Her entire heart is in it as it pulses in her throat, feeling loud enough to drown out the party, the Ball, the dying of the secular year. It is born from the twitch of his lips. An expression she could spend her entire life in, and for a moment, just these few lingering seconds, Beth pretends that this is exactly the life she wants to live, and that she is exactly the only woman Stephen wants to be with. Tomorrow she will be his student again. Right now? She'll be his everything else. "Not known, because not looked for, but heard, half heard, in the stillness, between two waves of the sea. Quick now, here, now, always-" Beth rises on the steps of the poem's closing stanza, not sparing the champagne more than a cursory sip. She rises on the balls of her toes, a scant few inches. She rises and her mouth rests against his in quietude. The crowned knot of fire isn't allowed to become a conflagration. She's content enough for the warmth of embers banked as quick as the turn of the year. She returns to earth. "Happy New Year, Doctor."
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wtf-tfw · 7 months
by the time i find your blog, it is already late for king julien
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enigmaincrimson · 1 year
"Look... I get that you are totally optimistic that I could do anything I put my mind to, but isn't this a bit much?" Evelyn would remark in regard to her Aunt Hilda, who really went seemingly overboard with building an obstacle course in the backyard.
Not a small obstacle course like you'd see in a playground... or a big one like the military uses, but the sort of crazy overkill that someone might admit resembled more of a death trap or something more fit for a video game if you squinted at it just right.
I mean, if it was in regard to an ordinary twelve-year-old girl, it would be ridiculous, but this was Lady Aveline's child... which "Hilda" knew quite well could handle her seemingly crazy ideas more than she knew...
The hard part is giving her just the right push to get her going...
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aseaofelegantmess · 2 years
(Fragments of the past)
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stefisdoingthings · 1 month
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ark aftermath
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feral-ballad · 6 months
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Jeanette Winterson, from Gut Symmetries
[Text ID: “I am trying to untangle my past.”]
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ctrlsht · 11 months
Fragment of the Past 01
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pairing: patient!jungkook x psychiatrist!reader genre: thriller & yandere au
summary: You are a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author. You start treating Jungkook, who suffers from PTSD after surviving an extremely traumatic incident. As you help him confront his traumatic past, he begins to act strangely, and you start uncovering something about him that will change everything.
chapter summary: As you get to know your patient, Jeon Jungkook, you begin to notice that something is wrong with him, until the day he confesses to you what really happened during the night of the incident.
chapter warnings: mention of PTSD and depression, mention of hatred towards the family, mention of murder. This chapter is the only chapter that isn’t too heavy. word count: 8K
note: This fiction will contain multiple mental disorders and psychology facts. I conducted my own research to avoid spreading misinformation, but there may be aspects I've overlooked, so I am open for any corrections.
"Dr. Y/N, your next patient is already waiting outside. Shall I invite him in?" Soyeon asked while holding the doorknob, your office door slightly ajar. You leaned back in your swivel chair, glancing at the clock hanging beside the door. Soyeon stood patiently, awaiting your response.
“It’s still 2:30 and my next session is 3 o’clock. He arrived early?” 
“Yes, he did. In fact, he already arrived at 2. Although he mentioned not informing you since it’s still early.” 
You looked at the clock once again and contemplated your decision. You still have 30 minutes before the new session starts but you’re not going to do anything, anyway. Just like your next patient, you’re just waiting for the clock to strike at 3. 
“Let him in. We’ll just start early.”
After a few moments, the door opened once again and a tall muscular man entered the room. His movements are slow like he has all the time in the world and when he faced you, his eyes sparkled, and he offered a subdued smile without revealing his teeth. He removed his black ball cap and extended his hand, presenting you with a box of cake.
“Good afternoon, doc. I’m sorry I’m too early from the original schedule but I got you a strawberry cake. Heard that you love them.” He said.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. Thank you and it’s nice to see that you’re in a good mood, Jungkook.” You smiled and reached the box of cake that he gave you. He smiled even wider as he removed his leather jacket and you immediately saw his full sleeve tattoo on his right arm. They were beautiful. It perfectly suits him. 
“Thanks, doc. I’m happy that I didn’t dream about ‘that’ nightmare and I believe it’s because of the medicine that you prescribe me. You help me a lot.” He responds, sitting on the white sofa facing your desk.
When he is settled down on the couch in front of your office table, you press the ‘record’ button of your phone. You record your session with your patient for your advantage. It helps you review and recall  the discussion that you had with them, and it’s useful whenever you’re writing a book. Having the recordings allows you to convey your words more precisely.
Of course, you always ask for their consent to record the conversation. However, there are patients who do not agree with it, and in such cases, you still record them. They wouldn't know, would they?
“Well, that’s good to know.” You said and got the folder placed on the side of your table and opened it. It’s the record of him for you to easily navigate his diagnoses. “Are you still visiting the gym like I’ve recommended to you?” 
“Yes I do and it helps me to distract my mind to what happened. Going back to the gym helps me a lot, honestly. It’s hard to push myself to go back at first but as I was in there, it became easier.” His smile is like a pill that can light anyone’s mood. It is so bright and contagious. No one will guess that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. He witnessed how his mother died in front of him exactly six months ago and he suffers a lot. He’s unable to talk for weeks after the incident happened and was advised to attend psychotherapy. 
Right now, he has made significant progress, and you're glad about it. Throughout your sessions with him, you've observed how he copes with his trauma and understands what's going on in his mind. It's a major trauma for him to witness what happened to his mother. According to studies, women are more likely to develop PTSD than men, and you've handled multiple cases with women experiencing PTSD. However, in your years in this career, he is the only man you've treated with this specific diagnosis. It's a new experience for you, especially since it's your first encounter with a male patient with this condition. You've conducted extensive research, but there are still things your patient does that contradict what you've read.
“During the weekends, I spend all night reading your book, Dr. Y/N and it helps me so much. Plus, it’s good and I love it. I can’t wait for you to release the book that you’re writing right now. When did you plan on releasing them?” He crosses his legs as he looks at you with so much adoration. 
“I haven’t finished writing it so I haven’t planned the date of release.” you replied, turning your attention back to the folder in your hand. “I’m glad that my books help you. Do you think that you’ve already overcome your trauma with the event that happened?” You looked at him and the smile that he had seconds ago was gone. His lips were formed into a straight line and he stared at you. It only happens for seconds and he immediately brings his bright expression once again.
“I’m not quite sure about that, Dr. Y/N. I may be happy right now, but later on, I’ll remember the tragic event once again.” He responded. 
“It’s okay. It really happens. Healing from your trauma doesn’t happen in a short period of time. But eventually, you’ll be okay. It may not be right now nor tomorrow but one day,” you assured him.
“Will you leave me after I completely heal, Doc?” he leaned forward, his gaze intense.  You didn’t respond right away and waited if he’s about to add more with his statement but turns out, he’s also waiting for your response.
“Well, that’s quite the opposite, Jungkook. You’ll be the one to leave me after our final session comes to an end.” You tried to smile. “And as your doctor, I genuinely want you to heal and move on to continue living with your life.” 
“Then I’m not quite sure if I’ll be happy for our final session to come to an end.”
You achieved success as a psychiatrist and book author within just four years of your career. Your excellence in your work is a result of the praises you've received from people. You've built a strong reputation and you're determined to maintain it. While you may be at the top now, you know there's still a long road ahead. You're committed to continuing to excel in what you do and to break numerous records.. 
The day has finally ended and you are still inside your office room as you continue on writing your ongoing book. The paradox of choice. You’ve released three books and this is going to be your fourth one. You’ve been pouring your blood, sweat and tears in every book that you’ve released resulting in its success and you’re confident that this ongoing book will be the same. 
You have nothing else to do except to work 24/7. You’ve been doing this for the past four years already and you have no problem with it. In fact, you love everything you do. But there are people who’s against your life cycle. 
As you type on your laptop, your phone chimes, seeing a notification from your friend, Taehyung. He's been your friend since you were in diapers.
Taehyung: You’re not at home. Where are you?
You: Clinic. Why?
Taehyung: what the. At this hour?
You didn’t respond because you figured out that he doesn’t have anything to do but to disturb you and honestly, you don’t have the time for that. 
Taehyung: Join me for dinner. It’s on me.
You: Can’t you eat by yourself and you have to treat me just for you to have dinner?
Taehyung: You talked as if we’re not friends. Come on, Y/N. I know you love your job but don’t wait until you are the one who becomes a patient.
Taehyung doesn’t understand you. You’re doing what you love and you don’t have a problem with it yet he thought that you were drowning yourself with work. You can choose what you want and you choose to burn yourself from work. You don’t have any problems with it. 
You decide to fix your things and get ready for Taehyung to pick you up. As much as you love your career, you also cherish your friendship with him. He's your only friend, and you don't want to lose him. You've come to consider him as family.
“My father is asking me again if I can now run the business in New York." Taehyung said as he got the pork belly from the grill and placed it in his bowl of rice before he put it together in his mouth. 
“Tell him you haven't decided." You respond subconsciously while wrapping the pork in the lettuce and eat it. 
“What amazing advice coming from a therapist herself.” Taehyung smirked.
"What is your decision then?"
"I don't really know, Y/N." He released a deep breath and continued. "I do want to manage it but I can't. I love what I'm doing right now."
Since his teenage years, Taehyung has been destined to inherit his father's assets, including the family company. However, Taehyung chose a different path and became a successful musician and artist. He's content with his career until his father reminds him of his obligation to take over the family's oil company in New York. He has been wrestling with this difficult situation for years and has yet to find a solution.
“Try to do both.” You suggest while having a mouthful of pork belly. 
“I don’t know if you’re fucking with me or what but damn, Y/N. If you’re my therapist, I’ll immediately leave your clinic and find another one.” Taehyung rolled his eyes and you tried not to laugh. "I can't choose both and you know that!" 
You do want to help your friend to get out of this situation but the only thing you can do is give emotional and moral support because you don't have control over his family. You do feel sorry for him but you can't do much. 
"The conflict between personal desires and altruistic choices has been common in dealing with ethical dilemmas. Choosing a decision between what you want and what your father wants that will be beneficial for the majority is quite a difficult situation and you need to weigh them according to how you see it. Your father has been there for you and in return, he wants you to handle his business not only for the benefit of him but also for you." You pause and take a bite of kimchi before you continue. "But you wanted to keep pursuing the career you have right now. It's a personal gain. It's up to you if you become selfish or selfless." 
Many researchers have presented real-life ethical dilemmas and case studies to understand how people navigate decisions that involve personal desires and the welfare of others. These studies often highlight the complexity and context-dependency of such choices which is what Taehyung is experiencing right now. 
If you were to decide with his situation, you'd choose to continue with his career that he has right now. Life is too short to become selfless. What society makes people believe can result in each and everyone's failure. 
If he chooses to do what his father wants, it won't guarantee success, as he has no clue about running their business. And even if he manages to muster the passion to understand how it works, he might not only fail himself but also disappoint his father.
You ended the night with Taehyung bringing you back to the clinic to get your car. It was nice catching up with him once in a while and hopefully, it won't happen often. Taehyung has known you since forever and he knows that even if you love him, you will still choose your work over him. 
You were about to open the door of the driver seat of your car when you felt something. Or more of someone. 
You don't hear any noise coming from afar or nearby and you're certain that you're the only one who is at the parking lot in front of the clinic but you feel like there is a pair of eyes that's watching you. You're facing the two-story building of the clinic and catch sight of anyone but the only thing you see is a light coming from the entrance and nothing else. 
You slowly turn around to see the surroundings and the only thing you see is a quiet night street illustrated by a few streetlights. There is no one, yet you can still feel that pair of eyes looking at you. 
You weren't sure if it's because of overworking or the alcohol you've consumed tonight but you're certain that one of it is the reason why you are having this kind of imagination. 
“Good morning, Yunjin. You look pale today. What’s wrong?” You looked at your patient that’s seated across the sofa in front of you. Her lips were paper thin and she continuously blinked her eyes. Yunjin is a 25-year old diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder and she's been your patient for a year already. Being diagnosed with depression can cause a lot of factors including imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine. These imbalances can occur in anyone, regardless of their external circumstances. In Yunjin’s situation, it’s caused by her genes and hormones and most likely, she inherited from her family.
Yunjin came from a well known family and her life is what every person dreams to have. She already has everything yet she still suffers with depression. 
Not because a person has a wealthy and happy life doesn’t mean they do not encounter problems. 
“It’s happening again. I’ve lost track of my motivation to continue painting.” She speaks hoarsely. “Last week, I’m pouring all my hardwork and energy into what I’m working on but now, I’ve messed up. And I don’t even know why I am doing this because my work is mediocre in the first place.”
“You know that’s not true, Yunjin. Your paintings are amazing. I love them so much, especially the one you gave me.” You said carefully.
“No, you don’t understand. My works are trash compared to others.” Her voice is already trembling—on the verge of crying.
“Everyone has a unique and creative way to express their works. Not because you think that the works of others are more creative means yours are not. Your paintings are a masterpiece, Yunjin and I won’t get tired of reminding you about that.”
Yunjin is one of your patients who is incredibly transparent. She is consistently honest and open about her feelings, and you have played a significant role in nurturing this honesty.  Over your years of being a psychotherapist, you’ve encountered thousands of patients with different problems and diagnosis. You’ve known the ins and outs of them and you’ve mastered the meaning of every action they’ve made and words they’ve said. You also know if they’re telling the truth or not and you can spot it within a single session. 
That’s what you’re known—for being an excellent psychiatrist. 
However, you’re not yet perfect and still working with your skills. You know that you’re already great but there is still room for improvement. 
Not because you’re confident with how you read your patients means that it’s the truth. Sometimes, they deceive you and that’s a case that you have to improve with yourself.
It’s almost five and a few moments from now, you’ll have your last patient for the day. The truth is, you’re already exhausted with all the work you did today and given that it’s friday. Tomorrow, it’s a rest day, therefore, things should be done until today if you want to enjoy the weekend. But in your case, you’ll most probably work with the book you’re currently writing. 
Jeon Jungkook is your last patient for the day and hopefully, after the session, both of you will feel relief. 
“Hello, Dr. Y/N. You look so tired. Are you okay?” Jungkook asked you as he removed his bomber jacket revealing his full sleeve tattoo. He has a taste in fashion and it suits him so well. With his tall and muscular body, he can wear anything and still look stunning. Beside his body build, Jungkook is handsome. With his beautiful doe eyes and perfect smile, he can captivate anyone. And it’s something that you should be cautious about. 
“I’m fine, Jungkook. You don’t have to worry about me.” You slightly smile and insist him to sit on the sofa. “Please take a seat. How are you?” You try to energize your voice to hide your exhaustion. 
"Today was supposed to be great until one of my employees messed around at work. His name is Bryan, and ever since he got hired, he's been getting on my nerves. If it weren't for the fact that he's my uncle's son, I would have fired him right from the beginning," he began, settling into his seat.
“What happened?”
“He lost the memory card of the camera I used from the photoshoot yesterday and now, we had to redo the shoot.” His eyebrows scrunch as he tightens his lips. 
“Your feelings are valid, Jungkook. It’s okay to feel that way. What you can do to control your emotions when you’re in that situation is to leave and take a break where you can breathe.”
“You’re right. But now, I feel okay. Relief even. I just fired him from being incompetent. Someone like him doesn’t belong in my studio, anyway.”
You take a pause to look at him. He looks at you with a blank stare and when he does that, he’s unbothered or doesn’t care. You admit that he’s not easy to read but you’ve learned to master his gesture and there is something about him that feels off. 
“Can you tell me why his action results in you firing him?”
“Because he’s useless and I don’t need useless people in my team.” He responds like the answer is already obvious.
“Don’t you think that he can improve?” His gaze intensifies and after a moment, he smirks.
“My studio is not a training ground, Dr. Y/N. It’s a place where you should already master what you’re doing.” His fingers move in his lips to play with it, eyes still bore at you.
“I’ve established my business from the scratch and I’ve poured my blood sweat and tears just for my business to be in where it is now. Perhaps, I have the right to do anything that's better for my studio. I know what my worth is. Don’t you think, Dr. Y/N?” 
He’s full of himself. But you didn’t say that.
“Well, you have a point, Jungkook. But you’re the one who said it. Your studio is made from scratch and perhaps, you know what being in your lowest point feels like.” You try to smile genuinely. “It’s okay to know your worth and at the same time, look back where you came from.” You looked at his medical records and proceeded. “How’s your condition? Are you still experiencing anxiety?”
“30 minutes ago. When I was traveling to get here.” 
“Why? What’s running in your mind?” He wiggled his ankle and continued to play with his lips, thinking of the answer.
“I was nervous during the ride. I don’t know but sometimes, you make me feel nervous.” He let out a playful chuckle. 
“The fact that you knew everything about me makes me feel something. You’ve known everything about me yet I don’t know a single thing about you.” You don’t understand what's his point so you try to laugh to ease the heavy feeling you feel right now.
“Of course, you knew me, Jungkook. You’ve mentioned that you knew me even before the session started.” You give him a smile and you put down the folder that you are holding right now.
"Yeah, I know you, Doc. Everyone knows you. I'm aware of everything that's public about you. What I want to know is who Dr. Y/N is without her MD and PhD. What do you do during your days off, and what are your hobbies besides helping people with their problems?" He glanced at the wall beside you, where a painting of you hangs. It's a picture of you that people can see in your books, a gift from Yunjin. 
You’ve known Jeon Jungkook with his traumas and all however, you don’t know what he’s up to right now. He entered your clinic being a fragile person with his traumas and right now, it felt like you’re talking to another person. Maybe because this is him without his diagnosis. 
And you don’t know how to feel about it. 
It’s a photoshoot day for a magazine featuring you as a doctor and an author as well. It’s a media organization focusing on psychology and human behavior and you’re delighted to be featured for the upcoming magazine. You’ve already featured in some magazine but this time, it’s different because it’s ‘Psychology Today.’ 
You’re now on your way going to the studio with your team along with your agent, Kim. You seem to look calm and relax but deep down, nervousness is wrapping your insides. It is by far the biggest media organization where you will be featured and it’s another achievement of yours. 
As you get out of your car, you weren’t surprised that the location where the photoshoot is going to be held is this enormous. It’s a four-story building located at the center of the city. You’re not sure if the media organization also owns this but as you looked at the name of the building, it looks like it isn’t.
GCF Studio
As you enter the building, you are greeted by enthusiastic guards and staff, which motivates you even more for this shoot with them. The interior is minimalist, with the entire first floor being plain white. When you walk through the glass door, the first thing you see is the reception desk. To the right, there are couches and a coffee table where people can wait, and to the left, there's a cafeteria. You walk straight ahead toward the elevator, and one of your assistants presses the button for the third floor.
As the elevator door opened, you were greeted by a hallway with various doors, clearly indicating it's a working area where the shoot takes place. You walk a few steps before entering through double doors, where you find a bustling room filled with people busy at work. It resembles a dressing room but on a larger scale, with various outfits hanging, and several vanity mirrors where people can prepare for their shoot. It's fantastic.
“Good morning Dr. Y/N. Before we proceed with the shoot, I’d like to discuss with you what look you’ll be having for today. You also have full control of what you would like to look at and we’re here to assist you.” You are greeted by a young male with full of feminine energy. He’s tall and petite wearing a white blouse and a sweater that is hanging on his shoulder. He leads the way and you smile before you follow him. 
You’ve thought that this photoshoot will only take an hour of your time but you’re wrong because an hour just passed and they were still dressing you up. You didn’t feel uncomfortable because everyone is approachable and enthusiastic. They made you feel that you’re indeed their client. 
After an hour and a half of preparation, you finally entered the photoshoot studio, and once again, you found many people inside. You're not entirely sure about each person's specific role here, but everyone is clearly occupied. 
But the atmosphere immediately changed when the door swung open. It was chaotic seconds ago and right now, everyone is silent looking at the person who just entered. 
You saw a familiar figure. His tall and muscular figure is very familiar to you. He’s wearing a black slacks and a casual long sleeve polo that’s folded up until his elbow where you can clearly see half of his tattoo while his hair is pulled back. 
Jeon Jungkook is undeniably handsome and he knows it. 
“What’s this chaos? I told you that once I’ve entered the studio, everything should be ready.” His voice was threatening as he spoke with authority. A side of him that you’re not surprised to see. 
What surprised you is the fact that he’s inside of the studio. 
What is he doing here?
Everyone works silently as if they were being oppressed in their workplace. They were enthusiastic and approachable seconds ago and it all changed when he entered inside. 
“Good morning, Dr. Y/N. It wasn’t obvious how you look surprised to see me here, aren’t you?” Jungkook gave you a boastful smile like he doesn’t look threatening a few moments ago. 
A sign of bipolar disorder.
“Welcome to GCF Studio where there is no room for failure.”
You will be working with one of your patients and you’re not even aware of that.
Ethically, there is nothing wrong with working with your patients outside the session but you aren’t fond of that. The idea of working with your patient outside the session doesn’t suit you and particularly with the patient that is in front of you right now. 
You haven’t thought of the reason why but you just don’t. 
Everything is already set up, and you are now behind the backdrop while Jungkook is holding the camera, ready to capture everything. You're confident in the outcome of this shoot, but at this moment, it feels like everything is crashing down at your feet. Everyone is looking at you with high hopes for the result of this photoshoot, and you wouldn't want to ruin it.
“Smile for me, Y/N.”
You don’t know how you manage to end the photoshoot smoothly knowing that Jungkook is making you uncomfortable. You were mad at yourself because you don’t know why you felt that way. He isn’t doing anything but to do his job in taking a photo of you. 
Now that you're home, you don't have anything to be distressed about when thinking about what happened during the shoot.
You have to admit that there is something wrong with his words and actions. There are signs that he’s becoming manipulative and a sudden change of mood. He's self-absorbed and lacks remorse for others. You’ve been thinking that there are other diagnoses with his actions and behaviors however, you cannot suddenly show up and tell what other illness he has. You still have to observe your sessions with him. 
You have now freshen up and are ready to rest but you decide to visit your office to check your schedule for tomorrow and the following days. You only have one patient for tomorrow and most of your schedules are meetings. Before you log out, you glance at the folder of Jungkook in your patient list and you click it subconsciously. 
Jeon Jungkook, 31-year old male who suffers from PTSD, after surviving an extremely traumatic incident.
He witnessed his mother die in front of him and aside from that, he was also shot in his left thighs twice. And it happens in the comfort of their home. 
The suspect? A loan shark who’s coming for his mother. 
There are a lot of questionable things that happened during the incident and one of them is how come that he always claimed to have a successful business while his mother is buried in debt? He also claimed that he doesn’t know about the debt of his mother. There are several inconsistencies in his story but the bottom line is, the loan shark surrendered and is now in maximum security prison for murdering his mother.
You transfer the recordings you made over the following days to your computer and listen to one of them, specifically the conversations you had with Jungkook.
You have 12 sessions in total with him and you have 5 more sessions left before it finally comes to an end. You don’t count the remaining number of sessions with your patient until now.
You love to read books during your free time, However, it most likely does not happen due to your busy schedule. But right now, you take a break from everything and decide to go on a date with yourself. You don’t normally take a break but you’re becoming busier than usual and you don’t want to risk your health because you know that there are a lot of people that need you. 
You’re not a fan of going out and you prefer to stay at home and rest but getting out of your comfort zone won’t hurt you. You decided to visit your favorite cafe and do your thing there. You dislike rowdy places, that’s why you went early in the morning where people are still in the comfort of their bed.
You underestimate the morning and how you’re used to people getting up mostly before lunch yet there are people who also like you—waking up at 6 in the morning to get a morning coffee in their favorite cafe. 
“Dr. Y/N! You’re here!” You lift your head to see Jeon Jungkook standing in front of you with his bright smile while holding a cup of coffee. 
Among all the people you could meet here, you don't understand why it had to be him.
“Jungkook. I didn’t know you’re here.” You try to return the smile and you almost fail when he sits in front of you. 
He’s wearing a casual polo shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Unlike the last time you saw him, every strand of his hair is falling into a harmonious arrangement. It looks so soft and suits him well. He looked effortlessly handsome as usual. 
“Just grab a coffee and then, I saw you.” He smiles sweetly before he gazes down at the book you’re reading. “I don’t know why I am surprised that you like reading books even for the fact that you’re an author.” 
"I read when I have time," you respond. "How are you?" you add, trying to steer the conversation away from yourself.
“I’m doing amazing. I’m continuing to write in my journal like what you suggest. It does help me a lot, Dr. Y/N.” He takes a sip from his coffee as he gets comfortable in his seat. He’s not leaving any moment now.
“That’s good. Journaling really works.” You just said whatever is in your mind because you’re thinking of an excuse to leave. 
“That’s right. But we’re not in the session right now, Doc. We don’t always have to talk about me.” He leans backward as he glances at your book once again. “The four agreements. I’ve read that book before. It’s good. You’re really into self-help books, aren’t you? You like to write and read about them.”
“Yes. It does help me to improve my writing. How about you? I didn’t know that you also read nonfiction books.”
“I started to read because of your books, Doc.” He looks at your eyes filled with tenderness, traced the curves of your face as if he's memorizing it.
He’s been looking at you like that lately as if he wants you to drown with the way he stares. The way he looks at you carries an underlying tone, and truthfully, that's one of the reasons why you've become uncomfortable around him.
“I’m glad that I’ve encouraged you to read books.” You answer while looking at your wrist watch hoping that he understands that you wanted to leave already. 
“Your photos from the last time were amazing. Our team has already sent you the soft copy. Did you receive it?” You do but you didn’t tell him.
“I haven’t seen it but I’ll check it out later.” You looked at your wrist watch once again.
“Yeah, you should. They were amazing. You’re stunning as always.” His eyes twinkled but you didn’t notice that.
“I want to thank you and your team for working hard on this shoot. I do appreciate it so much.” you smile and look at your wrist watch for the last time. “I’m afraid that I have to leave you right now. I already have to go home.”
“That fast? We haven’t talked a lot, Doc.” He fixed you with a steadfast gaze and you were caught off-guard. You’re thinking of what to respond but you were out of words. After a few seconds, he chuckles. “I was just kidding, Doc. I know how busy you are and I understand that.”
You let out a nervous laugh. “I apologize, Jungkook. There are a lot of things that I have to do. But I’ll see you on tuesday.” 
“You don’t have to apologize because I understand. Yes, I’ll see you on Tuesday, Dr. Y/N.”
Tuesday came and you just woke up yet you already wanted to end this day. It’s strange that you haven’t properly started your day but you already feel heavy to move forward. Yesterday was exhausting for all the work you’ve done and you didn’t get home until 10pm, however, it doesn’t justify your heavy feeling right now. You’ve experienced worse so you don’t understand why you feel this way.
As you make your way to the clinic, you receive numerous work-related calls, and you're already feeling tired from answering them. However, you have no choice but to attend to them.
“Good morning, Dr. Y/N. Your first patient has already arrived. Do you want me to let him wait inside your office or here in the lobby?” The receptionist spoke on the other line. 
“You can let him in. I’m almost there.” When the traffic light turns green, you already move. “Is it Mr. Park?” You asked.
“No. It’s Mr. Jeon, Doc.” 
Damn. That’s why the morning feels heavy.
As you arrive inside your office, you spot Jungkook in the corner looking at the frames that are standing in the chest drawers. The air conditioner is already on–Soyeon the receptionist must have turned it on. He immediately turned his head towards you when you opened the door and greeted you with his charming smile. 
“Good morning, Dr. Y/N. I thought you'd take longer to arrive because the receptionist already let me in.” He greeted and walked his way towards the sofa–where your patient normally sits. 
“I was stuck in the traffic. You know, morning rush hour.” You responded as you placed your things on your office table. 
Jungkook is a punctual person. He may arrive early or on time but he is never late. If you count the things that you like about him, you’re counting nothing because that’s the only thing you like about him.
“How are you?” Is the first thing you asked him when you get comfortable with your seat. You press the record button on your phone that's hidden from him.
“Bad. I met my father last night and I wish I didn’t.” He brushed his hair back and slouched on his seat. 
It's the first time he mentioned his father at the beginning of a conversation because he never does unless you ask about it. From his descriptions, his father seems like a terrible person. He never fulfilled his role as a father, often creating conflicts with his mother. His family life seems chaotic, and you believe it might be one of the reasons he's become the person he is today.
“Why did you meet him?” 
“He just showed up to my house without permission to talk about bullshit. My life is already at peace and he’s ruining it.” His jaw tightened.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Your eyes locked into him as you try reading his mind. You know that every patient that walks into your office has different problems in life and they are sometimes hard to predict but this man in front of you is something else. There is something in him that you couldn’t understand. 
“No. He’s a waste of time. He’s really… Okay, I’ll talk about him briefly. He’s a horrible person and he doesn’t deserve to be a father to me. I never got to experience the love from a father because the only thing that he gave me is hatred. He always gets drunk and gamble and he cheated with my mom multiple times. I’m not going to be surprised when I find out that I have other siblings from different mothers. He’s the worst person I’ve known.”
You find his explanation vague but you didn’t think much about it and you let him continue.
“Do you have other instances where you see the different side of your father? Something that makes him a person to you?” You asked.
“None. Even during childhood. Especially now that he only wants money from me. He and mother are very similar to each other. Maybe that’s why they end up together. They both pissed me off and even though my mother is not here anymore, I can remember her because of my shitty father.”
You were taken aback with what he just said. He never badmouthed his mother until now. When he discussed his mother, there is nothing else he said rather than how he misses her and how she’s a great mother to him. 
But you didn’t say anything about it and let him elaborate what he just said. 
“Do you think that your parents do the same thing?” You asked–hoping that he doesn’t suspect your question.
“Yeah. They may be doing it in different ways of being a shitty person but they are the same for being useless parents.” He puts his index finger on his lips and slowly rubs it while resting his elbow on the arm rest, looking at you with intensity. 
You’re finding a word to say but you found nothing. You wanted to look away but it would indicate that he caught you off-guard. 
You saw a glimpse of his demonic character for a second. His eyes that had once been warm and inviting, now bore into you with an unnerving intensity as if trying to peer into your soul.
He spoke once again and his voice took on a low, whispery, and the words that slipped from his lips sent chills down your spine.
"Maybe that's why she died. Now, I wonder when my father will be next."
You're standing on the side of the street embracing the subtle chill in the air as the city lights painted the night with different colors. People are walking by and snippets of hushed conversations drifted on the breeze while the flow of traffic added to the scene with vehicles weaving through the crowd.
You don’t know why Taehyung is taking so long to arrive. You’ve been waiting for him on the sidewalk for 10 minutes already when in fact, he should have been here 30 minutes ago. You’re going to come with him on his event show because he’s been annoying you for the whole week to come with him and for him to stop, you just agreed.
What pisses you off more is that he's running late, and your stomach is growling. You haven't had dinner because Taehyung assured you that he'd swing by the drive-thru to grab something for you to eat.
You're waiting for Taehyung, but someone else showed up in front of you.
“Dr. Y/N, hi!” You met Jeon Jungkook’s eyes with his bright and warm smile. He’s wearing a gray hoodie and skinny jeans that fit him perfectly. You looked in the surroundings of him if he's with someone and it seems that there’s none. 
“Hello, Jungkook. You’re heading somewhere?” You gave him a warm smile that hopefully, doesn’t look like it’s forced.
“Yeah. I’m going out for dinner. I was actually in that building,” He pointed out the building behind you and it looked like a law firm office. “I already saw you when I entered there but I didn’t have the chance to greet you because I’m in a hurry and now, you’re still here.” He glances at the road and returns his eyes to you. “You’re waiting for someone?” 
“Uhm, yeah. I am.” You looked at your phone to see if Taehyung had a message but there’s none.
“You’ve been here for a couple of minutes already. Are you sure that they are still going to make it here?” 
“Yeah. Maybe they—
You were taken aback when your stomach started to growl and heck, it’s so loud that you want the grounds to eat you alive. You were sure that your face was burning red and you couldn’t bear to make eye-contact with him as your gaze fixed elsewhere.
 You glance at him as a soft chuckle rumbles in his throat. “I already hate the person that keeps you waiting in hunger. You know what, I’d love to treat you for dinner with me and drive you to your destination afterwards. Or we can just go to a drive-thru.” If he’s someone else, maybe you will consider his offer. 
“No, it’s okay Jungkook. You don’t have to do that.” You glance at your phone to pretend that someone messages you. “My friend is already on his way. You can go.” 
“Your friend of yours is really something else. What kind of man is he for making you wait for so long on the street with your stomach empty?” His voice took on a sharp edge as his eyebrows knitted together.
“I’m really fine. You don’t have to think about me.” You force a smile as you bite the inside of your cheeks.
“I insist, Dr. Y/N. I really want to treat you for being there for me during my worst days. You help me a lot and I want to get you something to show my appreciation. It’s nothing big and I will be guilty if I just leave you here.” 
“I really appreciate your gesture, Jungkook, but I have other plans. Maybe next time?” You smile hoping that he understands that you don’t really want to go with him.
“With the same guy that made you wait in the cold air? Oh come on, Doc. You know better.” He spoke in a pompous tone, as if he proved that Taehyung is a horrible guy.
“You can make up to me some other time. I’m really–
You haven’t finished your sentence when Taehyung’s audi arrives beside you and he instantly gets out to meet your gaze.
“Y/N! I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. The traffic is so heavy.” He didn’t notice Jungkook until he opened the passenger’s seat and slowly glanced beside you. Jungkook released a sarcastic laugh and glared at Taehyung.
“What a surprise that Kim Taehyung–a famous musician and artist let a lady wait in the cold breeze with an empty stomach. I didn’t know that you’re such a gentleman, Taehyung.” He spoke in a mocking tone as Taehyung looked at him in confusion. 
“I’m sorry, who are you?” 
“You wouldn’t want to know.” He arched a brow before he returned his gaze to you. “If you really insist on being with this guy, then I’ll leave you already. I just hope that he won’t completely ruin your precious night.” He said before he finally turned around and walked away–placing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. When he’s already out of sight, you turn your head to Taehyung and glare at him.
“What?” You suddenly smack his chest before you hopped in the car.
“Damn you.”
It didn't take long before Jungkook was back, sitting on the couch in front of you. You’ve realized that your day always feels heavy every Tuesday of the week and that is whenever you’re going to have a session with him. 
You've tried to shake off the discomfort you feel when he's in front of you because you regret thinking of him differently from your other patients, but every time you try, he makes it worse.
“Are you taking your medicines I’ve prescribed you?” You scan his record file that you’re holding. 
“Yeah. I consistently take them, Doc.” He responded as he smugly looked at you and before you think of negative thoughts of him, you already returned your gaze back to the folder.
“Are you still having nightmares during your sleep?” He didn’t instantly respond like he’s thinking about the question carefully.
“I do. I still do, Dr. Y/N. But it wasn’t worse, unlike what I have for the last months.” 
“Then it’s a good sign. You’re now improving. Are you still thinking about the incident?” You give him a genuine smile while he slowly crosses his legs and places both of his arms on the arm rest.
“Yes, but not as frequently as before. I love my mother so much but I’ve learned to let her go and accept the fate she has. Afterall, it was her fault.” He was looking at the painting that Yunjin had given you as he answered. He doesn’t have much of a reaction but his last sentence caught your attention.
“Why do you think that it’s her fault?” You ask in your soft voice.
“You see, my mother isn’t the perfect mother and she has her mistakes and sometimes, she doesn’t learn from them. She keeps doing the same thing until she has to pay for it and that costs her life.” He responded.
“Do you want to talk about the mistakes that your mother made?” He smiled and played with his lips once again. You’ve noticed that he’s doing that if he finds something funny or there are things that he knows and you don’t.
“But we will take forever if we discuss it right now, Dr. Y/N. But if you’re really interested, we can talk about it over dinner. You promised me last time that you’ll come with me for dinner.” You mentally rolled your eyes with his statement. Here he goes again.
“Not right now. I still have a lot of things to do but we can talk about other things like how great your mother is.” You said and he laughed—as if your statement is absurd. You try to not raise your brows with his action and behavior. 
“Let's not talk about that, either.”
You were doing your best to understand his actions and statements but there is something in him that you haven’t seen. Something that will answer everything
“But I will tell you how I see my mother during the incident.” He leaned forward and intertwined his fingers “When my mother is kneeling and begging for her life, I was thinking that ‘damn. It’s really happening, isn't it?’. And when the trigger was pulled, the world stopped. And after a few moments, I felt a sense of relief and before I knew it, I was shot as well.” His voice was soft and light as if he’s confessing something that he should have confessed before. 
You felt a shiver down your spine as the creeping horror crawled along your arms, raising goosebumps. You held unflinching eye contact, determined to keep your composure and hide the discomfort and fear you felt.
“Where were you when your mom was being shot?” You asked as you held your breath.
This question is already asked during the investigation. ‘I’m in the living room, 10 feet away from her. When I saw her  position and situation, I immediately ran towards her but it was too late because before I even reached her, she was already shot in the chest. It didn’t take 10 seconds of my life before I was shot as well’.
But you still ask him once again. Away from the detectives.
“I was there, I told you.” 
“Yes, but in what position?” Your hands are already trembling. 
“I was standing,” He took a deep breath before he continued. His next sentence didn’t surprise you because it was something you already expect but trying to deny it to yourself, and it terrifies you, so much that you thought that this may be your last day.
“After I was shot, I collapsed, along with the gun I was holding.” 
a/n: I'm almost done with the whole series so I've decided to post the first part. I hope you'll like this new fic because I enjoy writing it! I am open for comments to further improve my works. Have a nice day everyone!
taglist: @iloverubberduckiez-blog @kingofbodyrolls @fangirl-death-rose @looneybleus @softie00
794 notes · View notes
fairydrowning · 1 year
And if you missed a day, there was always the next,
and if you missed a year, it didn’t matter,
the hills weren’t going anywhere,
the thyme and rosemary kept coming back,
the sun kept rising, the bushes kept bearing fruit—
– Sunrise, by Louise Glück
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aw-shit-my-ulna · 10 months
the urge to rewatch torchwood is battling with the pain of actually rewatching torchwood
332 notes · View notes
mournfulroses · 9 months
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Lázaro Santana, translated by Constance Sullivan, from a poem titled "The Past,"
216 notes · View notes
sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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an incredibly rough comic. i think star fragments would taste like a scintillating phantasmagoria of light, a severe electric shock, a newfound gambling addiction, and a hint of the nastiest artificial grape flavour you’ve ever tasted. sonic is imbued with the power of slot machines now
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pmd-etu · 7 months
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Exploration Team Ultra - Updated Ref Sheet!
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calistozom · 14 days
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A nostalgia post. It's been a long time since I've drawn Meteora, and for much longer I've had an old idea related to her, namely, a decoration for tails. A long time ago, I often came across "chapters in the book of spells" that various authors did on behalf of their OCs in the SVTFOE au’s. I wanted to try it too, but nothing really worked. The title picture, poem, spells and wands did not give me much in terms of inspiration and only when I came across the idea of a diary and monsters’ tails did I strike gold.
Sadly, in another fit of self-criticism, I abandoned this project half-way through and only recently found the strength to return to it again.
Anyway, here I have several pages of Meteora's diary, in which she showcases various types of jewelry for different types of tails. I think some of the enthusiasm in the description that I have tried to convey here must belong to the ghost of Heinous (the part of her that she has been suppressing for so long). Of course, most of the decorations here would hardly work as intended (the laws of physics and high mobility of the limb will obviously be a big obstacle), but no one pretends to be realistic here.
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... and at the end there is also a small gif with a ghost appearance (even two – because I still haven't decided which transition turned out better) >w<
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40 notes · View notes
Malroth: Remember kids! Be yourself, stay healthy, commit arson, steal from the government, and eat the ri-
Builder, cutting him off: okay i think that’s enough!
83 notes · View notes
artheresy · 8 months
I can’t stay quiet about this, I need to scream it to SOMEBODY ANYBODYYY
Dan Heng and Blade were Dan Feng and Yingxing. “Dh and Bld are Df and Yx!” Nope, their current selves aren’t them, that lacks nuance. “Dh and Bld aren’t Df and Yx!” THAT ALSO LACKS NUANCEE they are still connected and fundamentally shaped by their past identities, they aren’t entirely separate from them while also still being separate in a way. The best way I can describe it is like a venn diagram, there is overlap, but there also are still areas where they don’t.
To expand more, I wanna talk about the way they foil each other a bit in this sense. For Dan Heng, even if he is a botched rebirth, simply a “de-aged Dan Feng” not fully reborn, he is still not Dan Feng. While Dan Feng has made up the basis of his personality and he accepts him as his past, I think we forget that Dan Heng had his own entire childhood after the molting rebirth was completed. One he spent imprisoned by the Ten Lords Commission, and then he was exiled when he was old enough leading to his whole journey until he became apart of the Astral Express crew etc etc. Dan Heng is made up of a basis of Dan Feng + All of his own memories and experiences. While he shares traits with Dan Feng such as personality aspects like his stubbornness, his technique with a spear, and being able to connect with his old items, he also is very much himself with his own outlook and traits shaped by what he’s learned rather than what he has been born with. To treat him as if he is Dan Feng exactly is a disservice to both of their characters and the greater narrative that they apart of. He may still carry the burdens and karma of Dan Feng, but Dan Heng is still making his own future.
Now, Blade. Blade similarly is not Yingxing, not completely. Though he accepts Yingxing’s sin as his own and is intent of repaying the sin of Dan Feng and Yingxing (and getting Dan Heng to repay it too), there still are distinctions between him and Yingxing. In fact, I’d argue there are more things separating them. I could talk for so long again about the layered use of craftsmanship to connect, or rather disconnect, the two identities of Blade and Yingxing, but there’s more than that. “Now, ██ had died. His first — and only — death.” “From this moment on, that body will be the one and only "Blade."” Although Blade was Yingxing, a disconnect exists between them through the death of Yingxing. He awoke with no memories of his past, no even his name, until Jingliu came along, instilled in him her ideologies, made him remember, not only his past sins but the feeling of death so that he might inflict it onto others. As she said, he was reborn and had even given himself a name…
I want to add that the specific ways in which their current identities exist in proximity to their past ones foil each other. As I said, Dan Heng, in part as his sabotaged rebirth, is built upon the foundation of Dan Feng and all of his own experiences and memories. He has the capacity to gain back more memories of Dan Feng as his DH IL character stories outline, and though he is still himself and still moves forward, we see him accept his relation to Dan Feng eventually. Though that past life of his is clouded by fog and mist, he may eventually be able to push away the clouds that block him and understand more, about Dan Feng and in turn about himself. With Blade, it is so heavily emphasized in game from his relic lore to the very sword he uses that his mind is essentially broken, due both in part to the trauma of Jingliu’s “teachings” and the mara that was brought on by those lessons. He can’t fully remember everything about Yingxing, in fact actively remembering such or seeing familiar things is harmful to him. Like his shard sword, he is made of broken pieces, put together in a way that can never erase the cracks, and continuously shattering before being glued together again. His life is shaped by Yingxing’s past, the trauma he has endured is directly caused by his past actions. Unlike Dan Heng, he hasn’t had this whole life to build up and live. Though he’s experienced new things, they don’t shape him and change him in the way that Dan Heng’s built his identity up.
Where Dan Heng basically has supplements to Dan Feng’s identity that make him who he is, Blade is the broken shards and pieces of Yingxing that weren’t lost to the waves, making him who he is. Dan Heng is a next chance, finally free from the Preceptors’ control and of the role that stripped his past selves of their individuality, meanwhile Blade is the husk left behind of Yingxing’s regrets, broken by trauma caused due to Yingxing’s past actions, forever tormented by his past until he inevitably is able to die. If Dan Heng is more than just Dan Feng which is why he is separate but intertwined with him, than Blade is less than Yingxing, in a way that has caused such a severe disconnect that has caused Blade to have his own identity still shaped. And looking at this, not to again bring up my craftsmanship post about Blade, Dan Heng can connect to Dan Feng. He can clear the fog, remembering his memories through dreams even if he can’t fully connect emotionally to him, and he finds sentiment in many of items that once were his, smth not many Vidyadhara actually are capable of doing. To contrast, Blade is forever separated from connecting completely to Yingxing’s identity. His memories will always be fragmented, his own path entirely changed. He can’t connect to Yingxing’s past goals and passions, seen through the distinct decision made in his character stories to talk about how he can no longer use his hands to forge weapons (something that completely defined Yingxing’s life and legacy, tied to his childhood trauma and hatred of the Abundance, something that became his genuine passion), and how none of that mattered to Blade.
All of this, the ways they foil each other and the separation between their past selves and current, just makes me love their dynamic and their lore a lot. Makes me want to cry most days of my life if I’m honest. And it’s part of why I do take issue with the way nuance has completely left this argument, only having two extremes of “Dan Heng is Dan Feng!” Or “Dan Heng isn’t Dan Heng!” Again… Dan Heng WAS Dan Feng, he wouldn’t be Dan Heng without Dan Feng, but he is still himself. That’s part of the tragedy between them. They are still fundamentally defined and shaped by their past selves, similarities able to be spotted if they can be remembered, but they’ve also experienced so much that has changed them, and they can never truly go back to being Dan Feng and Yingxing. It would never be fully the same again.
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tls12lessthan3 · 2 months
wait im curious. if an orv style apocalypse were to happen what do yall think your skills would be.
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