#freddie mercury biopic
ano07 · 2 years
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arachred · 3 months
at what point am i considered a queen historian
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randomrichards · 7 months
Buck toothed immigrant
Becomes world’s greatest frontman
Bullshit biopic
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ava0brx · 1 year
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applebees4prez · 6 months
The Freddie Mercury biopic is soooo bad though because it's not accurate 😭 their ( his and the rest of the band's)real life was so much more interesting. But I guess nuance has no place in Hollywood so instead of showing strained relations they outright broke the band in the movie ( also Freddie was the 3rd member to release the solo project irl lmao )
yeah people don't care as much about truth as they do spectacle and well. they got spectacle. i was such a huge fan when the movie first came out but that was because he was one of my first queer icons and i thought it was accurate. also i'm pretty sure that brian may and roger taylor had more control over the movie than most anyone else so of course they wanted to look good. these music biopics all follow the same skeleton in order to catch attention and get people to watch them. execs don't care about creativity or novelty or nuance and certainly don't give a shit about the people that these movies are about. it's about money to them. they would rather take a beloved icon and mess up their life story than come up with something new. i will never stop complaining about hollywood churning out sequels and prequels and remakes and live action retellings and of course, biopics. i understand the desire from a creator to tell the story of someone they admired, but that's not where these are coming from.
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4trackcassette · 11 months
searching for any song on tumblr inevitably brings up some dude named eddie x reader fic i dont even know who eddie IS
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riveroflayne · 7 months
The real question is does everyone need a biopic
hell no 😭 it's like a disease right now
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thedetectivesteve · 2 years
Cold Cases #4 - Bohemian Rhapsody, The Crimes of Grindewald, Mirai
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nerdby · 5 months
I went to the pawn shop today and got these for $5USD. I will definitely be going back. I am so fucking pleased with my purchases. Also it turns out bubble tea is NOT for me because I can't fucking stand tapioca, and I will never drink it again. Just plain iced matcha for me next time, thanks.
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theemptyspacehelmet · 9 months
Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my guilty pleasure movies ngl
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #25
• Some Aquarius mars people tend to not want to have kids if they think the society they live in is corrupt.
• Capricorn/Scorpio mix in the chart can indicate being born left handed! I have a close friend who’s a Capricorn sun & Scorpio stellium and she’s left handed, my mom’s a Scorpio sun/mercury & Capricorn venus and she’s also left handed. Then I’m a 8H Capricorn mars & I was born left handed!
• Capricorn mars with a water sun are dangerous!! I know a few men with these placements that will say “I would never hurt you baby, you know that.” In a sweet tone and then be cheating.
• You might not be specifically attracted to people who have their natal ascendant opposite your sidereal ascendant and there can be a little tension/awkwardness because of that. E.g. If you’re a sidereal Taurus rising you might not be that attracted to tropical Scorpio risings but they might find your personality/looks attractive & tend to develop crushes on you even if they don’t tell you.
• You know those celebrities that you don’t know much about because they didn’t share their personal life much or they had biopics made after their passing to share their story? They probably have Water in their big 3! E.g. Freddie Prinze Sr (Cancer sun/Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Prince (Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Bobby DeBarge (Pisces sun), etc…
• Water suns tend to have fuller cheeks & rounder faces!
• Water in big 3 also tend to have dimples!
• Gemini placements be out here lying for fun lmao.😭
• I think Water moons can also relate to Air moons and some can also be wise because they tend to have their sidereal moon in an air moon. E.g. Pisces moon can relate to Aquarius moon, Cancer moon can relate to Gemini moon & Scorpio moon can relate to Libra moon.
• I’ve also noticed Water moons tend to enter depressions at times..
• I know some Pisces moons who feel like people don’t get them and so they get sorta depressed.
• Leo sun/mercury/venus people are so cool imo.
• They also have great taste in music and are intelligible.
• Cancer suns with Gemini moons and Leo mercuries are really funny, mentally stimulating and caring all in one.
• Air moons are normally collected people but they can spontaneously lash out too.
• Yes fire risings are outgoing, fiery and loud but can we also normalize them being introverted? I know some fire risings especially Sagittarius risings to be introverted and on the other hand I know some water risings especially Scorpio risings who are bold to a certain degree and also outgoing.
• Checking the degree of your sidereal ascendant is also essential! E.g. my sidereal rising is at a Leo degree, Leo is in my 3rd natal house and it shows through in the way I express myself! Like when I dance/sing I’m somewhat confident & sassy lol.
• Virgo moons with Aries influence in the chart will start firing shots/getting a aggressive if you don’t listen to them.
• 9H moons 🤝 being unconsciously self-righteous.
• People with venusian Jupiters (Libra/Taurus) tend to get baby fever a lot!
• People with their mercury in a fire house (1, 5, 9) tend to curse a lot, maybe unconsciously so, it doesn’t matter if they have a water mercury either.
• Scorpio moons will be willing to go to the ends of the earth for you if they love you. Don’t take them for grated though.
• Some people with Earth mars have a ‘mami’/‘daddy’ kink. Yes, I’m looking at you specifically Capricorn mars.🌚
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jacquesthepigeon · 3 months
It reminds me of a video essay I watched about the Amy Winehouse biopic and why it’s bad (I don’t even like her music or know much about her, just nosy)
The essayist basically described how the whole thing is a soulless cash grab piggy-backing of an artist’s death without any respect for who she actually was as a person, her wishes, or her loved ones. The movie focuses almost entirely on her love life and literally ends when her husband leaves her as if she did nothing else of note in the years before her death. A far cry from how Bohemian Rhapsody ended years prior to Freddie Mercury’s death for the sake of leaving it off on a high note so the final image of him is glorious.
The crew is basically picking every historical and mythological figure they can think of and divorcing them from who they actually were and what they stood for because they think their shitty little jewelry and character retcon is somehow more interesting and appealing than the original. For fucks sake, they turned a martyr that famously never expressed interest in men into a lovestruck deserter. Abraham Lincoln hunting vampires is more accurate to his legacy than this bull.
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history repeats itself ~ gwilym lee
word count: 2836
request?: yes!
“hey, i saw you wrote for Ben Hardy so I was wondering if you would write for Gwilym Lee? If not ignore this lol. I was thinking something like he meets the reader on set and they immediately hit it off, and the resemblance of her to Brian May’s wife is uncanny (let’s pretend he’s had just the one) and it’s kinda like a history repeats itself thing? idk if that made since. maybe Brian and Roger noticing and just being so amazed seeing that happening in front of them? thank you, and obviously since i have no explanation skills take complete control!”
description: when she gets cast to play the wife of a rock legend, everyone realizes how similar she and her on screen husband look to the originals
pairing: gwilym lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was such a small role, one that didn’t even have any lines. But to me, it was huge. It was a small role in a massive blockbuster movie: the Freddie Mercury biopic. It would be the biggest job of my career. Up until that point, I had only been an extra in a few sitcoms. Having a small, silent role as Brian May’s wife in a Freddie Mercury biopic may seem like a small step up from what I’m used to, but the scale of the movie made it a massive deal for me.
I wasn’t sure if I’d get the role. There were hundreds of other actresses just like me - desperate for even the smallest roles in such a big film - were lined up to meet the director and casting director. It was such a small chance of getting it I thought. Until I walked into the room and both of their eyes widened when they landed on me.
“Holy shit,” the casting director breathed. “She looks just like her.”
I was cast on the spot. I nearly sobbed in happiness. I managed to keep the tears in until I got to my car and could call my parents to give them the news.
A few months later, I was preparing for my day on set. It was a party scene that was taking place at Freddie’s mansion at the height of their career. The other band members - Brian, Roger, and John - were there with their wives/girlfriends. The scene mostly required us to sit by our assigned on-screen husbands while they conversed. It was an easy day, and it was only going to take one day of filming, but I was still nervous. I had already met up with the director and some of the cast involved in the scene, but today I was going to be meeting the main four actors and two members of Queen.
I was just finished with wardrobe and was on my way to hair and makeup when I came across one of the main actors, Gwilym. I had been told about him after being cast, since he was the one playing Brian May, but I hadn’t met him yet. I suddenly felt nervous as I approached the hair and makeup trailer, where Gwilym was stood outside the door also waiting. He looked up as he heard me approach and smiled.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said back. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Gwilym. Nice to meet you.” He reached out and shook my hand. I hoped he couldn’t feel how my hands were shaking. “You’re playing Brian’s wife, right? Well, my wife I guess.”
I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m getting all dolled up for my one day on set to film my one, dialogue-less scene.”
“Hey, there’s no such thing as small parts remember.”
I made a face at him. “You sound like my old theater teachers.”
Gwilym cringed. “That’s the last thing I’d ever want.”
I laughed. The door to the hair and makeup trailer opened and two other extras came out. The stylist greeted us and told us to come in. I sat in one chair while Gwilym sat in the one next to me. I watched the stylist grab a long, brunette wig and place it next to Gwilym.
“I’m gonna have to do Gwilym’s wig firs since that’ll take the longest,” she told me. “So, sit tight, and try not to mess up your wardrobe too much.”
I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
I watched the process of applying Gwilym’s wig. It really did take a long time. First, a bald cap had to be applied to Gwilym’s head. Then, the wig was placed on his head in a few different ways to figure out the best placement. Once that was figured out, the wig had to be pinned down in a way that made it look natural on his head, and not like a wig.
“So,” Gwilym said, trying his best not to move his head. “Since we’re going to be here a while, and since we’re playing a married couple, I suppose we should get to know one another.”
“Sure,” I said with a laugh. “What do you want to know?”
“Is this your first movie?”
“It is. Until now I was just an extra in a few sitcoms. I had one line once, that’s the extent of my career.”
“Well, extras are important. Without them, a scene would look so stupid if it was just the main characters.”
I shrugged. “I know that, and I know every actor has to start somewhere, but I’ve been doing this for roughly five years. Performing Arts schools are expensive and I sometimes worry I made a mistake persuing acting.”
I saw Gwilym’s eyes quickly look over at me before looking back at the mirror in front of him. “It’s never a mistake to chase your dreams. It just takes time. You have to play the small parts in order to get experience for the big ones.”
“You’re right. It’s just taking so long. But I’m here now, so that’s a step up.” I shook my head. “Anyways, away from my career insecurities. Tell me a bit about you.”
We talked throughout his wig applying process. We exchanged embarrassing childhood stories, talked about how we got into acting, general details about one another. I had forgotten about the fact that I was waiting to have my own hair and makeup done by the time Gwilym stood from his chair.
He looked at himself in the mirror before turning to me. “How do I look?”
I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “Scarily like Brian May.”
He chuckled. “That’s good, then. They won’t fire me anytime soon. I’ll see you on set?”
I nodded and watched him go. I felt a little disappointed by the fact that he was leaving. I had really enjoyed talking to him. The next time I’d see him would be on set for the scene, where we wouldn’t be able to talk, and then once that ended I’d never see him again.
The stylist started going my hair and makeup. She showed me a picture of Brian and his wife in the early 80s, which was when the scene was set, as the inspiration for my look in the scene. It was subtle, but it was clearly 80s. It didn’t take as long as Gwilym’s had, and soon enough, I was on my way again.
I stepped out of the trailer just as Gwilym was walking up again. He was now in his costume, looking so much like a young Brian May that it was scary.
“Right on time,” he said. “I was coming back to walk you to set.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” I said, but I was touched by the offer.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to, so I am.” He offered an arm to me, like a gentleman. I took it and we started walking to set. “Besides, it’s a big scene with a lot of people. It might be nerve wracking to walk on set by yourself with all those people.”
“It is. Especially with meeting the rest of the main cast at the same time.”
“Oh, they’re all a bunch of wankers, you don’t have to worry about meeting them.”
I giggled. “You can’t say that about Brian May and Roger Taylor, though. And they’re going to be on set, too.”
“No, you’re right. But they are very kind. You don’t have to worry about meeting them. I’m sure everyone will like you. Even if they didn’t, who cares? You won’t have to see them again after today.”
He had a point, but it was still sad to hear out loud. I had been preparing for this day for so long, excited for my first big project. And now, within a matter of hours, it would all be over. I’d be sent back home, waiting for the next role to come up, hoping that maybe this movie could help with that role being a bigger one than just an extra. Back to my normal, boring life.
Saying goodbye to Gwilym.
I had managed to shock myself with that thought. I had only known Gwilym for maybe an hour and a half, but the thought of only having this day with him brought on a bit of sadness. He was so kind, and he seemed so genuine. I had never been on a set where the main actors even acknowledged that the extras existed, let alone be nice enough to walk one to set after talking to her for some time.
Not to mention he was extremely handsome. Especially when he smiled, like he was smiling at me now.
God, don’t develop a crush on the guy you’ll never see again after today.
My heart rate jumped the second we walked on to set. Gwilym wasn’t lying when he said there was going to be a lot of people in the scene. The mansion set was packed with people, so full that there was just barely enough room to move around. I was hoping this was the only amount of extras that were set to be in the scene, or else I think my nerves would go into over drive.
The director spotted Gwilym and I almost immediately and led us over to where we were set to be for the scene. Rami, Joseph, and Ben were already sat around having a laugh as we walked up. They happily greeted Gwilym, and he then introduced me to the lot of them. They were very nice and welcomed me in almost immediately, but it was still pretty surreal to be there with them. Especially Joseph, who I had seen in Jurassic Park when I was just a kid. I almost felt out of place there, but I could tell I wasn’t alone. I introduced myself to the other girls who were playing Ben and Joseph’s on screen love interests, who also looked just as out of place as I felt.
We were all sat around together when the buzz in the room suddenly turned into a hush. It wasn’t hard to know what had just happened: they had arrived.
Brian May and Roger Taylor themselves.
Rock and roll royalty.
I looked over and my heart leapt into my throat at the sight of them. It was hard to believe that they were actually real. I had been listening to Queen’s music all my life, but it wasn’t until this moment that I truly realized that these legends were actual real people.
Actual real people who were walking towards us.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over to see that it was Gwilym’s hand. When I looked at him, he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back, the nervousness in my stomach being replaced with butterflies. His hand moved down my arm and squeezed my own. I squeezed his hand back.
“My God.”
I looked up to see Brian and Roger stood over us. I tried to put on my best smile, hoping it wasn’t as obvious as I felt it was that I was shaking. Brian was looking between Gwilym and I, a look in his eye that I couldn’t quite place. Reminiscent, maybe?
“They did a spot on job casting for this movie,” Brian commented. “It feels like I’m looking into a mirror with you two.”
“If there mirror were about 50 years younger,” Roger teased.
“You speak from experience, don’t you old man?” Brian retorted. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their banter. Years of friendship and knowing one another, and they were still cracking jokes and poking fun. I hoped to be like them with my friends when I got older. “What’s your name, love?”
It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. In fact, there was nothing going on in my head at all. It was like I had completely forgotten every little thing I had ever learned in my life. How does one continue to function after Brian May calls them “love”?
“This is (Y/N),” Gwilym said, saving me from my colossal choke.
“Yes,” I finally managed. “Sorry, my name is (Y/N). I’m a little nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, darling,” Brian said. “You already have the look of my wife down. And it seems you and young Gwilym here have already gotten quite acquainted.”
I didn’t realize that Gwilym and I were still holding hands. I expected him to let go at that moment, as if he were just realizing as well, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept hold of my hand, giving it another reassuring squeeze. I wondered if the blush on my face was noticeable under the makeup.
The director called for places, so Brian and Roger took their places off set. I let out a sigh of relief after they were gone and moved into place with Gwilym.
“See?” he whispered to me as we were passed glasses of fake champagne. “They’re not that bad.”
“Their presence alone is a little terrifying,” I whispered back.
“But you got through it. Seems Brian’s taken a liking to you. Although, that’s not surprisingly considering how lovely you are.”
I was convinced this was all some sort of very long, very detailed dream. I was going to wake up at any given moment.
The scene went by very smoothly. It wasn’t hard to just look between the boys as they spoke, smiling when I was supposed to smile, offering a sour look when Rami arrived, acting as a rather rude Freddie. It felt like Gwilym was moving closer to me with each take that we did. First we started off sitting in separate chairs, until the director asked if we would switch and sit in the couch that Joseph and his lady friend had been sat in. Gwilym had moved towards me at the start of that take, and by the final take of the day our bodies were touching and his arm was around me. I was glad I didn’t have any lines, or else I would’ve likely forgotten every single one of them.
When the director called cut and said it was a wrap on the scene, I tried not to let my sadness show. The extras started to file out of the room, going to get read for a different scene that they were filling for. Not me, though. I was going to wardrobe to get my outfit taken back, and then I was going home. If I was lucky, I would be invited to the premiere, otherwise I would never see any of these people again.
I wouldn’t see Gwilym again.
Ben, Joseph, and Rami were kind enough to give me a hug and tell me they were happy to have met me. I told them likewise and started my way back to the wardrobe trailer.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
I turned to see Gwilym rushing up towards me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your next scene?” I asked him.
“Yes, but I wanted to talk to you before you left,” he said. “Look, I know this is a bit presumptive to ask because we only really spoke to one another for that time in hair and makeup, and I have no idea if you’re even single so maybe I’m about to make an ass out of myself, but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go out this evening once I’ve finished on set.”
Everything in my brain? Gone.
Every last bit of it.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. It had to be a dream, right? There was no way it was real. I would’ve pinched myself if it wouldn’t have made me look like a total idiot in front of Gwilym.
“Yes,” I said. “ I mean, yeah, sure, I - I would love that.”
His face lit up. “Yeah? Okay. Here, let me give you my number.”
We both realized we didn’t have our phones, so we had to do it the old fashioned way - Gwilym found a pen and paper, and wrote down his number for me. I took the paper and shoved it into my pocket.
“I’ll text you once I’m no longer part of the 80s,” I said, gesturing towards my outfit.
He chuckled. “And I’ll do the same.”
We both stood, just looking at each other for a moment. It wasn’t until Gwilym was called back to set that we finally, reluctantly, broke away to go out separate ways. I put my hand in my pocket and closed it around the piece of paper containing Gwilym’s number. I smiled to myself, having to restrain myself from skipping happily towards wardrobe.
I guess history really does repeat itself, I thought with a laugh.
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I think there's an important distinction between Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocket Man that isn't taken into consideration when they're compared and criticized.
Bohemian Rhapsody is often criticized for sugarcoating Freddie Mercury's life. The viewer is left wondering who the real Freddie Mercury is.
However, Rocket Man is praised for being a very personal and intimate look at who Elton John is.
But the difference is that Elton John is alive.
Freddie Mercury is not.
Elton can tell us what he wants us to know.
Freddie doesn't have that luxury. He has to depend on those who knew him to tell his story.
Brian and Roger want to protect Freddie, even now. They were very careful with the parts of Freddie exposed in Bohemian Rhapsody.
I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, especially when we have exploitative biopics like Blonde or Pam and Tommy. I do wish we had gotten more from Bohemian Rhapsody. But I can't help but wonder if anyone ever really knew Freddie.
He was so guarded with his personal life, and his true friends were few and far between. He was a persona, a character, and an enigma.
I'm not sure what Bohemian Rhapsody would have been like if he'd been alive. I'm not sure if Freddie would have ever gotten to a point in his life where he was comfortable with "telling all."
I highly doubt that Elton John told all with Rocket Man. I think he told a lot, but I'm sure there's plenty he kept to himself.
All that to say, yes, Bohemian Rhapsody is perhaps not a great look at who Freddie really was. But he's dead. He has no say in what he wants us to know. Instead, Brian and Roger are in charge, and they loved, love Freddie. Of course, they want to protect his memory.
Wouldn't you do the same?
When we lose someone, we love, we have a tendency of overlooking their flaws. We have a tendency of remembering them differently in death than in life. We want to share the very best of the person we lost.
Perhaps, Ed Sheeran said it best, "And everyone I love will know exactly who you are."
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ava0brx · 1 year
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applebees4prez · 7 months
every musical artist’s biopic is like,, you were put on this earth to make music this is who you are you’re gonna hit it BIG!! oh you hit it big!! YAY!! you’re in love!! YAY!! oh what’s this? oh no stop making bad decisions because you have a big head now! oh no stop cheating on your significant other! oh good you’ve learned a valuable lesson and now you’re an icon.
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