#free Bible study books
Free Books
Hello friends, every few months I’m able to give away free Kindle copies of my books on Amazon. I take advantage of this opportunity to share biblical teaching with as many as want it. Twelve of my digital books are free for five days starting April 11th through April 15th, 2023. The books are available on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B005FSY6XO This posting will be deleted…
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sherlynchopra661 · 8 months
Bible Coloring Book
Bible Coloring Book" – an uplifting collection of 203 pages featuring beautiful illustrations inspired by timeless stories from the Bible. Available for instant digital download in PDF format, this coloring book offers a unique way to engage with biblical themes and characters.
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Each page is carefully designed to capture the essence of beloved Bible stories, making it an enjoyable and enriching experience for both children and adults. Whether you're coloring scenes from Noah's Ark, the parting of the Red Sea, or the miracles of Jesus, you'll find ample opportunity for reflection and creativity.
The convenience of digital download means you can access the coloring book anytime, anywhere, allowing you to dive into the world of biblical artistry whenever inspiration strikes. Plus, with 203 pages to explore, there's no shortage of content to keep you entertained and inspired for hours on end.
To ensure your satisfaction, we offer a risk-free 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're not completely happy with the program within 60 days of purchase, simply let us know, and we'll refund your money in full. We're committed to your satisfaction and want you to embark on this coloring journey with confidence and joy. Experience the beauty of the Bible in a whole new way with the "Bible Coloring Book" today!
Do send me a message to purchase the book or more info.
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facto-verse · 8 months
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anushaarticles · 1 year
What does it mean to be The Virtuous Woman? In this article, we see the characterstics of Virtous woman explained in brief. Stay tuned for more…
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jackdavis90 · 1 year
Parallel Bible Books 102 LANGUAGES & parallel bible free download app - By Jorge Carrasco
Parallel Bible free download
When it comes to studying and understanding the Bible, having access to different translations can greatly enrich our understanding of the scriptures. Thanks to technology, there are now numerous Bible apps available that provide parallel translations in multiple languages. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a parallel Bible and discuss a popular Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco.
Jorge Carrasco
Jorge Carrasco is a renowned developer and creator of the parallel Bible app that offers translations in over 102 languages. His passion for making the Bible accessible to people from different backgrounds and cultures has led to the development of a powerful tool that allows users to explore the scriptures simultaneously in multiple languages. With his app, Jorge Carrasco has revolutionized the way people engage with the Bible.
Bible App
The Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco is a free download and offers an extensive collection of Bible translations in 102 languages. This app provides users with the unique opportunity to read and compare different versions of the Bible side by side. Whether you are studying ancient manuscripts or simply want to understand the nuances of a particular passage, this app is an invaluable resource.
One of the key features of this app is the ability to customize your parallel Bible reading experience. Users can choose which translations they want to compare, allowing them to focus on the languages that are most relevant to their studies. The app also offers powerful search capabilities, making it easy to find specific verses or keywords across multiple translations. This functionality is particularly useful for scholars, researchers, and individuals searching for clarity and deeper understanding.
Moreover, the parallel Bible app by Jorge Carrasco is designed for user convenience. It has a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible for people of all ages and technological backgrounds. The app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring that users can access the parallel Bible translations wherever they go.
Furthermore, the app offers additional features to enhance the study experience. Users can highlight verses, bookmark passages, and even take notes within the app. This allows for easier organization and personalization of the study materials, making it an indispensable tool for personal devotion, academic research, or group discussions.
Jorge Carrasco's parallel Bible app has received widespread acclaim from the global Christian community. It has become a go-to resource for pastors, theologians, students, and everyday believers who desire a deeper understanding of the scriptures. The ability to compare multiple translations side by side is invaluable for grasping the subtle nuances often lost in a single translation.
In conclusion, having access to parallel Bible translations in multiple languages is a great asset for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Jorge Carrasco's Bible app provides a free and convenient way to engage with the Bible across 102 languages. With its customizable features, powerful search capabilities, and user-friendly interface, this app has become an invaluable tool for individuals and communities around the world who are passionate about studying and exploring the Word of God.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri) and DNA Repair🧬 💉🤯
Frankincense, or Boswellia carteri, has been revered for its therapeutic properties across various cultures and religious texts, including the Bible. Its usage dates back thousands of years, cited for its capacity to heal and purify. Interestingly, modern scientific research has begun to uncover that the resin of Frankincense may have properties that contribute to cellular health, including DNA repair.
Properties of Frankincense:
Anti-inflammatory: Boswellic acids, the active compounds in frankincense, are known for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
Antioxidant: Frankincense is rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
DNA Repair:
Recent studies suggest that frankincense may contribute to DNA repair mechanisms. The presence of compounds in frankincense can potentially support the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate by:
Reducing Oxidative Stress:
Antioxidants in frankincense mitigate oxidative stress, which can damage DNA. By reducing such stress, frankincense helps preserve the integrity of genetic material.
Anti-inflammatory Effects:
Chronic inflammation can lead to DNA damage and subsequently, various diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense reduce such risk factors, indirectly supporting DNA repair.
In the biblical narrative, particularly in texts like Genesis and the Book of Enoch, it's mentioned that fallen angels (Nephilim) sought to corrupt mankind's DNA. If seen from this perspective, the concept that frankincense—a substance already revered in biblical times—can contribute to restoring and repairing DNA is compelling and symbolic.
Purification: Frankincense has traditionally been seen as purifying. In the spiritual sense, using frankincense to "repair" DNA could symbolize the restoration of divine order and purity, aligning humanity closer to what some might interpret as the original creation by God.
Spiritual Healing: This idea ties into the broader spiritual and healing properties traditionally ascribed to Frankincense. It represents not just physical, but also metaphysical restoration.
A Fascinating Intersection: The intersection of ancient spiritual beliefs and modern scientific findings presents a fascinating scenario. The idea that a substance mentioned in the Bible as sacred and healing could, in fact, have properties that support DNA repair underscores the timeless nature of traditional wisdom, harmonizing with contemporary science. 🤔
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elenjaxx · 2 years
Freedom (1) Libertad
Chapter 1: The First Day
It happened. Well, it happened the worst it could happen, of course. I'd finally reached my destination… way sooner than I should.
 Picture this: I had to deal with the most complicated of the missions out there… finding the most powerful being on the planet and asking for their help. It was Ekzros, The Enemy, President of Hell, Owner of darkness and any other unimaginable terror. In which sane mind does it occur the awful idea of asking for Their help? Indeed, I needed them in their best shape: powerful and free. But my timing was so wrong.
 They was no more than a kid when I met them. They was mischievous, but happy. They run everywhere, wishing, one day, to actually run and fly. All in all, they had every kid's dream.
But they was not an ordinary kid.
They was so special, right? That's what every citizen said. They talked about that kid's abilities in the shadows, even the walls mumbled about their power and the corners shared some crucial information: nobody could ever imprison that kid.
Though, just like any other special kid, nobody believed they was, not even that kid themself. At least, not like their creator expected. Maybe that was their biggest problem, am I right? Expectations. Oh… that could kill any kid, don't you think? Even though it could be so beautiful… you know, expecting big things from someone. See the promise in their eyes. However, too many expectations become too heavy too soon.
I had reached the Palace's Garden when the kid was just… a kid. How awful. Being small, innocent. Having such a wild, free imagination. At that age, you still listen to your parents. They know everything, that is why they are parents.
The other kids of The Garden played to be heroes. Some sticks became powerful swords under the spell of their eyes. That rock? Careful! That's a deathly cliff… Every kid screamed nonsense and laughed non-stop. That was Lux's power. 
Back then, Lux had some funny little red curls, and blue eyes full of love and wonders. They had bruised his knees, but it was no bother. Mischievous kids are not bothered by such issues. Those were memories on their skins about the best of times.
“I hereby free you Maikhán, son of war, of all mum's rebukes!” Lux laughed. His brother was kneeling before him, smiling broadly. Both shared the same eye-color, but not the same hair. Whereas Lux couldn't control those curls, Maikhan's golden waves  were meticulously combed and gathered by a laurel headband, so his hair wouldn't crash into their play.
“That means I don't have training exercises for today?” Maikhán joked. He was so little…, yet Mother had big expectations upon him. She said, one day, he would be History' biggest warrior.
But, at that time, there wasn't even a story to tell.
“Well, no if you don't want to.” Lux crossed his arms and sighted, whereas one of his curls wandered around his sweaty forehead. “You shouldn't beat yourself up for what mum expects from you.”
 “What about you?” he raised an eyebrow: it was a daring contest. None of them dared to disobey mum. There was no need. Mother's plan was way bigger than all the siblings together.
Lux had no time to answer. Mother had arrived to check how the kids were, and they had to behave. She was Gaia, the first and only woman. The most important above all.
 Or so she thought, that egocentric entity.
Gaia came and all of her children hugged her. At the beginning, Gaia was good. Oh, she was so good, and for a very long time, indeed. Gaia kissed dead sand and colorful flowers sprouted at her feet. She sometimes cried, but crying is okay. With her tears, rivers broke hard rocks and started to run free. Gaia also laughed. She laughed everyday but, if you wanted to laugh with her, you had to pay attention. Gaia's laughter was hidden in birdsongs, although you could also hear her when wind made oat's fields dance, or provoked goosebumps in the leaves. From where I came, nobody stopped and listened to Gaia's laughter. And that was our doom.
“Mum, can I ask you something?” said Lux, holding Gaia's hand.
  “Of course, my love. What is troubling you?” she warmly smiled, and from her red cheeks, two new stars were born to illuminate the sky. That was Gaia's curse. She was always creating. The poor entity didn't know that every thing she gave life to, one day, must die. 
 “It's about your plan, mum. I want to be part of it. I want to help you, but…” they played with his feet. “I think I am too young to go where you are going” mumbled
 “Too young? My little darling, everything has just been born. It's not that you are young. That thing running through your bloodstream is the first impatience of all History. You have to go with the flow, and now it's not the time. Now it's time to play, since you are still a kid. It's not fair for you to grow up so fast, my little firefly.”
 “And when will my moment come?”
 “When you learn how to fly, ”she said, and her voice absorbed so many mysteries that no one of her urchins could never recover.
“Would that ever be possible? Could I fly like the birds?”
“Not like the birds. Like butterflies”
 “What does that mean?”
 Gaia sighed, it was the first gale ever.
 “It means that you must wait, my dear firefly.”
 “I don't like waiting,”  they crossed his arms.
 “I know. That is what scares me the most.”
Capítulo 1: El Primer Día
Pasó lo peor que podía pasar. Había llegado, sí. Había llegado demasiado… pronto. 
Imaginad. A mí me tocó la peor de las misiones: pedir ayuda al ser más poderoso del universo: Ekzros, el Enemigo, el rey del Infierno, de la oscuridad, de todos los horrores imaginables. ¿A quién se le ocurre pedir ayuda a semejante bestia? Lo necesitaba en el esplendor de todo su poder, necesitaba toda su fuerza… pero me equivoqué en el tiempo.
Él no era más que un niño cuando lo conocí. Un niño travieso, pero alegre. Correteaba de aquí para allá, deseando, algún día, ser capaz de volar. Vamos, el sueño de cualquier niño.
Solo que él no era un niño cualquiera. 
Él era especial, ¿verdad? Todos en la ciudad lo decían. Hablaban de sus capacidades a escondidas, incluso las paredes murmuraban sobre su poder y, en las esquinas, intercambiaban una información vital: a ese niño no lo podían encerrar.
Claro que, como todos los niños especiales, nadie creía que lo fuera. Ni siquiera él. Al menos, no como lo describía su creadora. Quizá ese era el mayor de sus problemas: las expectativas. Oh, las expectativas… Matan a cualquier niño, ¿verdad? Y mira que es bonito… eso de esperar grandes hazañas de alguien. De ver la promesa en sus ojos. Sin embargo, demasiadas expectativas pesan. Pesan mucho. Pesan demasiado. 
Había llegado a los jardines de palacio cuando el niño todavía era un crío. Qué horror. Ser pequeño, ser inocente. Tener una imaginación desbordante incapaz de controlar. A esa edad, todavía hacías caso a tus papás. Tus papás lo saben todo. Que para algo son tus papás.
Los demás niños jugaban en el jardín a ser grandes héroes. Unos palos se convertían en espadas bajo el poder del brillo de sus ojos. ¿Aquella roca? Un precipicio mortal. Todos los niños gritaban sandeces y se reían sin parar. Ese era el poder de Lux. 
Lux, por aquel entonces, tenía unos graciosísimos rizos pelirrojos, y sus ojos azules estaban llenos de ilusión. Se había raspado las rodillas, pero no importaba. A los niños traviesos no les importa. Son marcas de haberlo pasado muy bien. 
—¡Por la presente yo te libero, Maikhán, hijo de la guerra, de todo castigo de mamá! —Se reía Lux, que tenía a su hermano arrodillado frente a él, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja. Compartía el color de sus ojos, pero no de su pelo. Mientras que Lux era incapaz de controlar esos rizos, los bucles dorados de Maikhán estaban cuidadosamente peinados y recogidos con una diadema de laureles, para que no le molestara el pelo mientras jugaba.
—¿Eso significa que no tengo que ir a entrenar hoy? —Se burló Maikhán. Era muy pequeño, pero mamá solía exigirle más a él. Decía que, algún día, sería el mejor guerrero de la historia. 
Pero, por aquel entonces, ni siquiera tenían una historia que contar.
—Pues si no quieres, no. —Lux se cruzó de brazos, y bufó resentido, al tiempo que uno de sus rizos volaba de un lado para otro en su frente sudada. —Tampoco tienes que machacarte por lo que espere mamá de ti.
—¿Y tú? —Maikhán alzó una ceja, retándolo. Ninguno de los dos se atrevía a desobedecer a mamá. Ni falta que hacía. El plan de mamá era mucho más grande que todos sus hermanos juntos. 
A Lux no le dio tiempo a responder. Mamá había venido a ver qué tal estaba todo, y los niños tenían que comportarse. Ella era Gaia, la primera y verdadera mujer. La más importante.
Pf, o eso creía, la muy egocéntrica.
Gaia llegó y todos sus hijos se acercaron a abrazarla. Al principio, Gaia era buena. Muy buena. Y lo fue, durante muchísimo tiempo. Gaia besaba la tierra árida y de esta crecían flores de todos los colores. Gaia a veces lloraba, haciendo que los ríos rompieran las rocas y brotaran salvajes, a toda velocidad. Gaia también se reía. Se reía mucho pero, para dejarte contagiar por su risa, tendrías que estar muy atento. La risa de Gaia rebotaba en el piar de los pájaros, aunque también la podías escuchar cuando el viento hacía bailar los campos de avena, o daba escalofríos a las hojas de los árboles. De donde yo vengo, nadie se paraba a escuchar la risa de Gaia. Y ese fue nuestro mayor error.
—Mamá, ¿te puedo preguntar una cosa? —decía Lux, agarrado a la mano de Gaia. 
—Claro, cariño. ¿Qué te inquieta? —Sonrió con ternura, y de sus mejillas coloreadas nacieron dos nuevas estrellas para el firmamento. Esa era la maldición de Gaia. Siempre está creando. La pobre no sabía que, todo lo que creaba, algún día, tenía que morir. 
—Es tu plan, mamá. Me gustaría ser parte de él. Quiero ayudarte pero… —El niño jugó con sus pies, mirando al suelo. —Creo que soy demasiado pequeño para ir a donde tú vas —murmuró.
—¿Demasiado pequeño? Mi niño, todo acaba de nacer. No es que seas pequeño, es que corre por tus venas la primera impaciencia de la historia. Tienes que dejarte llevar, aún no es el momento. Ahora es momento de jugar, que para eso eres un niño. No es justo que madures tan pronto, mi pequeña luciérnaga.
—¿Y cuándo será mi momento?
—Cuando aprendas a volar —dijo, y su voz se llenó de enigmas que ninguno de sus hijos sabía descifrar.
—¿Eso será posible? ¿Podré volar como los pájaros?
—Como los pájaros, no. Volarás como las mariposas.
—¿Y eso qué significa?
Gaia suspiró, creando el primer vendaval. 
—Que debes esperar, mi pequeña luciérnaga.
—No me gusta esperar. —Lux se cruzó de brazos.
—Lo sé. Y eso es lo que me asusta.
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germiyahu · 7 months
Actually don't listen to me. I'm an impulse buyer with credit cards. You want a nice looking pitcher and basin to perform the hand washing mitzvot? That's an excellent opportunity to go thrifting! You might even find Judaica there, like a Chanukkiyya perhaps?
You don't want to wait 8 years for Shabbat candles to arrive from Israel? Ask your rabbi! When I asked her if you can reuse a Havdalah candle, she sensed I was worried about the cost of buying all these candles and said her shul has tons of extras.
You absolutely do need a Chumash, a Tanakh, and probably a study Bible too... but Sefaria has all that and more! Especially the Talmud and other Rabbinic sources! It literally blows my mind that this site exists and is free.
But what about all the books on Jewish history and philosophy? What about textbooks for Modern and Biblical Hebrew? See if there are scanned versions online, or go to your local library. Invest in notecards, you're going to want to write down prayers and such, this will especially help if you don't own the books you're studying from.
It's a good idea to have a Siddur, but your shul will most definitely have their own, and as others have told me, you can ask your Rabbi if you can borrow one to take home (make sure to treat it with reverence).
If you want to start baking Challah and are living on your own, or maybe in a dorm room, see if there are community cooking spaces so you don't have to buy your own materials, or just ask your parents if they can gift you some kitchenware because "You want to get into baking."
You literally don't need anything other than a cup that you think is pretty and has meaning to you for the Kiddush. And don't splurge, I've seen hundreds of very attractive Kiddush sets and candle holders and all that for modest prices.
And take it slowly! Don't buy everything at once. We're nowhere near close to Chanukka right now, so don't even put that in your mind. If you want to acquire holiday items, focus on Pesach and worry about other festivals in their due time, let your wallet recover a little. This also goes for Shabbat! You don't need a pristine set of everything all at once, I'm just an idiot. You can slowly build up your perfect beautiful intricate table as the months go by.
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lovedovechels · 2 months
Digital Detox and Self-prioritization
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You`re endlessly doom-scrolling on your phone. Your thumb glides from Facebook to Twitter to Tik Tok then to Instagram and back to Facebook again, all within an hour. You scroll until you're consumed with feelings of anxiety, envy, and fleeting bursts of joy. You scroll until you`re overpowered by the desire to be someone else, doing something else and YOU CAN BE! This desire is easily achievable when you put your phone down, take a break from social media, and start living in the real world! I should know, I was just like you once.
I was the girl with a daily screen-time of over ten hours. My life was sedentary, and I was always plagued by envy and bitterness towards the people on social media who seemed to have their life together and were out being exciting people who did exciting things. 
I remember one evening I was carrying out my normal routine of doom-scrolling when I was bushwhacked by a migraine so crippling that it drew a family member`s attention. After relaying my ache to them, they humorously suggested it was probably because of my phone. 
This was my epiphany. Their joke was right- I was spending too much time on my phone and while trying to ignore my pounding head, I recalled all the hours I spent bent over my phone, bleary-eyed and envious of the life of content creators and micro-influencers. 
I recalled watching gym content and admiring these creators' progress while not having the faintest idea of the last time I worked out. 
I used to dedicate my time to passionately responding to comments in defense of celebs who did not know of my existence. I did not once dedicate this same level of commitment and dedication to my passions. 
I posted pictures of myself and religiously compared the likes, views, and comments I garnered to those of my mutuals. I tried to maintain a curated online image that was disingenuous to who I was- heck, I barely knew who I was without the influence of social media.  
This enlightenment (and my migraine lol) shook me to my core. I had to do something fast. I deleted my Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Since going offline, I`ve had a multitude of free time which I`ve dedicated to self-prioritization and improvement.  
I`ve since fallen into the habit of : 
Creating to-do lists so that my days are productive. 
Picking up new hobbies (blogging via Tumblr, painting, and writing) 
Reconnecting with old hobbies (Reading; so far, I`ve read two books from @kelseytheballerina ‘Digital Minimalism’ reading list). 
Dedicating time and energy towards being more organized and efficient (completing tasks without the temptation to check my phone or the distraction of incoming notifications that require me to update, share, or respond).  
Trying new recipes and cooking more
Gardening (I am currently growing Spinach)
Consistently exercising (working out between 30 minutes to 1 hour) 
Learning a foreign language (Eu falo portugues!) 
Deciding to engage in Bible Study and Quiet Time  
Since deleting social media, I`ve experienced so much personal growth. I feel more self-directed. My life was waiting to be lived and enjoyed just beyond the glare of a screen and I`ve since embraced it and reclaimed my time and made myself a priority. I am finally figuring out who I am, AND YOU SHOULD TOO! 
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 6 months
Marriage of Convenience Chapter 1
Summary:  Y/N’s father is gone, and he leaves it all to her.  But in 1880s Oregon, she can’t own land without a husband.  Under the threat of it all being taken away by a land hungry Sheriff, what’s a girl to do with no prospects?  Maybe one of the cowboys on the farm can help…
Here's chapter 1 of the new cowboy!Bucky story! I hope y'all like it (see what I did there?).
Warnings: smut, slight physical violence
Next chapter
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Her father died on a rainy Tuesday morning.  She was suddenly alone in the world, the last of her family line.  Well, not completely alone.  There were 9 men on the farm that worked for her father, and now worked for her.  The problem was that this was 1880 in the state of Oregon, and therefore her inheriting and owning the land and being able to pay the men was now up for question.
After they buried him under his favorite Juniper tree amongst the others that lined their property, they all gathered together for a family meeting.
“Mis amores (my loves), thank you for your help today in Papa’s burial,” Y/N began, standing at the head of the long dining table in the main house.  The men were stationed in their usual spots, each of them in a state of sadness over the loss.  “I’d like to read his will, if you’ll let me,” she sighed, opening the folded piece of parchment.  
“Mi familia, thank you for all you have done to make this farm a livable and prosperous place on this side of the country.  I’m not a man of many words,” a rumble of laughter spread across the table, “so I won’t waste everyone’s time.  To my daughter, Y/N, I leave most of my money, the land and the main house to do with as she pleases,” Y/N sniffled as she tried to not let herself cry anymore.  One of the men, Bucky, sitting next to her, reached his hand out and rubbed her arm in comfort.  “To Bucky,” she gave him a quick smile and a glance, “I leave my most prized guns.  Y/N knows where they are.  Please keep the farm and my baby safe as you always have,” Bucky squeezed her arm.  “To Jorge, Pedro, and Oscar, I leave my horses Beauty, Wind Dixie and Tramp to do with as they please.  To Joaquin, I leave my Bible and my best hunting knife.  To Diego, Santiago, and Emiliano, I leave the oat field further down south as well as the pear tree farm so that they can have land to bring their family to from Guadalajara.”  The three brothers burst into tears at the generous gift, giving each other hugs then standing and giving Y/N hugs as well before sitting back down.  “To Luis,” Y/N paused as she held her hand out to the man who was like a second father to her on her other side, which he quickly took.  “I leave my cigars and my finest liquor, and thank him for introducing me to tequila all those years ago.  I also leave a collection of my books that have been sectioned off for you in the study.  I hope as Y/N teaches you how to read more that you will find great education and adventure in them.  For all the men, I have created stipend accounts in each of your names with the rest of my money.  You are free to empty them and leave, but I hope you will keep them and stay to help Y/N with the farm or at least until she can replace you.  The account should last you for most of the rest of your lives.  Thank you for your service, for your kindness, for your grace, for your compassion and your love to me and Y/N.  You are greatly loved and I will miss you all dearly.  Yours, Frank.”
Y/N didn’t read the next page out loud because it was just for her to read, which she had done earlier in private, and sat down as she finished reading.  She felt exhausted.  “I understand that in Oregon I do not actually have ownership over my father’s money, land, or the house unless I am married.  Therefore, I am asking something of you all that is wildly strange, but since I have no prospects, I am at a loss.  Would anyone of you, of course for the exception of those married or leaving for Mexico,” she winked at the brothers, “be willing to marry me?”
The men all stared at her with wide eyes.  
“Mija, you can’t be serious?” Luis scoffed.
“I’m deadly serious, Luis,” Y/N said.  “Unless I marry quickly, the local authorities will come down and take it all.  I’ve already been threatened by Sheriff Pierce.”
“What?  When did this happen?” Bucky piped up, his eyebrows furrowing.
“A few weeks ago, when Papa’s health declined suddenly and I went to get the doctor in town,” she sighed, remembering that horrible day.  “He made it very clear where he stands with women having rights around here and how he would love to take this land for his own.  He implied he would force me to marry him or lose everything,” she shuddered.
All the men suddenly were in a ruckus, yelling and swearing about the sheriff and inheritances and the law.  Bucky sat quietly as he thought over the situation, then watched Y/N carefully.  She let the others have their moment of upset.  She sat rigid in her chair, the picture of poise and propriety, the opposite of how she normally would be.  Obviously the entire predicament she found herself in was weighing heavily on her and she didn’t know how else to handle it than to put on a brave face and act like the lady her father always chastised her about being, rather than the farmer she turned out to be.
“Callate!” Luis suddenly yelled, overpowering the others.  They all quickly sat and calmed down.  “Y/N,” he turned to her.  He reached for her hand again, which she gladly gave.  “Are you sure there are no other options?  Anything in the law that could help?”
“I have no options,” Y/N said drearily, her eyes blinking rapidly so as not to let anymore tears fall.  “I am a woman.  What I want doesn’t matter.”
Luis held her hand in both of his, his sad eyes staring at their conjoined hands and nodding his head in understanding.  There were a few moments of silence and then…
“I’ll do it,” Bucky spoke.  Y/N’s head whipped back to him, her eyes wide and her mouth dropping open slightly.  “I’ll do it,” he leaned forward as he looked at her.  “I promised your father to always keep you and this land safe, so that’s what I’ll do.  We’ve all worked too hard and come too far to lose it all now,” the men all agreed.  “And you deserve a better marriage than to an old, awful man like Pierce,” he added.  “I can’t say I’m the perfect man by any means,” Bucky held his hand out to take her other hand, “but I will try to be the best husband, partner, and friend that I can be.”
Y/N’s eyes welled up with tears again, this time she let them fall as she squeezed his hand.  “Thank you,” she whispered.
“This is strange, but I think it’s the best option we have,” Luis agreed, making the others agree as well. 
Y/N grinned, freeing her hands from Luis and Bucky’s grasps to wipe her eyes.  “It’s settled then.  Bucky, we will go into town tomorrow and get that done and make sure everything is in your name before Pierce finds out Papa has passed,” Bucky nodded.  “As for the rest of you, let’s divide up your inheritances.”
As the day wore on and each man got his gift all that was left was Bucky.  He had been patrolling the perimeter as he normally did, helping with the animals when needed, and upon hearing the bell rode back in for dinner.  Y/N had laid out a spread for the men, a glass of her father’s favorite whiskey at each place setting in his honor.  When they had sat, said grace, and began to eat Y/N had let Bucky finish before pulling him aside.
She led him to her father’s study and closed the door behind them then walked to the wall that had his guns displayed.  “Buck,” she motioned to him to join her.  He walked to the wall, admiring all the different kinds of rifles and handguns he had.  “He wanted you to have these,” she gestured towards the rack along the left side of the display.
“All of these?” he asked incredulously.  “What am I gonna do with this many?”
Y/N laughed, “I don’t know.  Collect them, sell them, I don’t really care.  But he did want you to have something else of a more personal nature,” she walked over to one of the bookshelves, her fingers running along a stack until she found the title she wanted.  She pulled it off the shelf and brought it back to him.  Bucky eyed the book, not recognizing the title.  Y/N opened it, and he saw that it was actually a box made to look like a book to keep treasures safe.  Inside was a woman’s wedding ring, a man’s wedding band and a pocket watch.
“The second page of the will was mostly for me, with a few extra pieces for you,” she said quietly.  “These were my mother’s and father’s rings,” she explained.  “In the will he said how he always considered you to be the son he never got to have.”
Bucky felt a lump in his throat form at her words, his eyes suddenly feeling hot with unshed tears.  He gulped to try and relieve the ache in his chest as he watched Y/N pull the pocket watch out.
“This is for you,” she handed it to him gingerly.  “It’s made of the finest silver and gold that could be found along the East coast at the time when he purchased it.  He wanted you to have it to do with as you please.  He also said that the man to marry me would have his ring, and I would have my mother’s.”  She pulled the man’s wedding band out and held it out to him.  “I know that this is a marriage of convenience, that we may love each other in a sense, but that falling in love may take some time.  I just hope that we can create a happy marriage and maybe someday a happy family together, and work together to keep this land and our familia together as well.”
Bucky smiled softly at her.  You silly woman, he thought.  He had been in love with her for years at this point, almost from the moment he’d first set foot on the farm when her father first hired him as security.  He was a little bit older than her, so he just assumed anything like that would never happen.  But being out in these Oregon forests and farmlands far away from other towns made it hard to find someone worthwhile to court or marry.  Now he had a chance to love her, though he’d still have to be patient for her to catch up to him and his feelings.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he said, taking the ring and trying it on his left ring finger.  “Ah, it fits,” he said gleefully.  
“Oh good, I was worried,” Y/N giggled as she admired the ring on his hand.
“You should try yours,” he suggested, reaching for the ring in the box.  She let him take it out then held out her left hand to him.  He slid the ring onto her ring finger easily.  “Perfect fit,” he smiled, watching her.  Y/N gazed at her mother’s ring on her finger, the diamond shining in the firelight.  “Beautiful,” he breathed.
Y/N smiled and then looked back at him.  “Thank you, Bucky, for agreeing to this.  I know I’m no great beauty but–”
“What?” he asked incredulously.  Y/N looked shocked at his outburst.  “You don’t think you’re beautiful?”
“Oh, well…” she sputtered, unsure of what to say.  “I mean, I’m not ugly, I just–”
“Y/N, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” Bucky said so seriously it made her heart flip.  “Don’t ever think of yourself as anything less.  Yes I agreed to marry you because it will help keep the farm in your family, and keep us employed, but I also did it because I think you’re amazing, beautiful, kind, determined, and if I ever got the privilege to be married I would want it to be with you.”  Y/N let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding at his admission.  “I am honored to be your husband, do you understand me?”
Y/N nodded, her shock still evident on her face.  “I understand.”
“Good,” Bucky said with finality.  
They stared at each other, both of them realizing just how close they’d gotten during the conversation.  Y/N cleared her throat and took a subtle step back.  “Well, um…thank you, again,” she mumbled.  “I’m not very good with my words, but I hope you know that if I have to get married, I’m happy that it’s with you.”
Bucky smirked at her awkwardness.  “Well, I guess I’d better head out then.  Gotta get some sleep, it’s my wedding day tomorrow,” he said wryly.
Y/N snorted at his tone.  “Yes, I suppose I should get some rest as well.  It just so happens to be my wedding day tomorrow.”
Bucky hummed, deciding to try his luck and taking a step towards her.  “Does the groom-to-be get to have a goodnight kiss?”  
Y/N gave him a wide-eyed look as she fought a smile on her lips.  “Isn’t there some kind of bad luck for doing things with the bride-to-be the night before her wedding?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” he stepped closer, making her back up against the desk.
Y/N craned her neck as she stared up at him.  “I’ve never, um…kissed anyone before,” she breathed.
“That’s okay, sweetheart,” Bucky leaned his face closer, nuzzling his nose against her nose.
“Sweetheart?” Y/N questioned him, her hands catching herself against the desk before she lost her balance.
“Can I kiss you…sweetheart?” Bucky ghosted his nose along her cheek.  “Just to hold me over til tomorrow?”
Y/N huffed a laugh against his cheek.  “O-okay,” she stuttered.
Bucky smirked at her again, her nervousness making him feel a strange sense of excitement.  His lips skimmed her cheek until he hovered over her mouth.  Y/N’s eyes were darting from his lips to his eyes and back, her breathing becoming heavier.  Bucky finally pressed his lips against hers gently.  He didn’t push for anything further, keeping his hands to himself, just enjoying the moment that he finally got to do what he had always wanted to do with her.  Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut when his lips met hers, her lips moving softly against his after a moment of her freezing in place.  Bucky pulled away first, still hovering close to her face as her eyes slowly opened.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he whispered, giving her nose a quick peck before he backed away.
Y/N was still holding herself up against the desk, staring at him in disbelief.  “Goodnight, Bucky.”
Bucky smirked at her again then nodded his head as he walked away and out of the study.  He had to get the horses prepped and the wagon ready for tomorrow, then get washed up.  It was his wedding day, after all.
**picture is from Pinterest, A.I. generated, so no known "artist" or "creator"**
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semisgroupie · 11 months
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priest!getou suguru x fem. reader
wc: 2.6k
warnings: HEAVILY sacrilegious, blasphemy, use of a Bible verse during sex, unprotected sex, creampie, piercings (pierced getou makes the brain go brr), light choking, oral sex (m!receiving), spit, mention of having sex in a church
synopsis: who said priests can’t have a little fun? just make sure they repent on sunday
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Maybe everyone was right. Maybe priests were one of the biggest hypocrites of them all.
They’re the people that everyone sees as the closest beings to god, the people that could save you from the fiery depths of hell, the people that could save your soul from eternal damnation and the people that are trusted among all. But maybe, just maybe, that’s not the truth. Maybe we should rip them down from that pedestal they’re atop of, maybe we should expose them for their sins and make them worry about the consequences of their actions.
Or maybe, we should let them continue to sin. At the end of the day, they are still going to church on Sunday, they are still repenting for their sins. Continue to let them be sinners especially when you benefit from it the most.
You have never been the sweet church girl your parents tried to raise you to be. Being innocent and complacent never appealed to you but when you were under your parents roof, you followed whatever rule book they laid out for you. There were moments where you disobeyed but only with minor things, sneaking out once they were asleep, coming back home past curfew reeking of alcohol and weed, making out with your boyfriend at the time in the church’s parking lot during Bible study.
Then once you moved out to college you were free to do whatever you wanted, and you did whatever your heart desired. Even to this day you still do as your heart desires. Which has led you to your current relationship, fuck buddy situationship, with the priest at your local church.
Suguru had joined the church almost a year ago due to the former priest falling ill. He immediately caught your attention and you immediately caught his. During his sermons, his eyes would scan the crowd until he could see you. Whenever you would visit him after mass for extra guidance, he was never able to hide the way his hungry eyes roamed your body, drinking in all of your curves like they were the last thing he would see.
After a month of being at the church, he couldn’t take it anymore. His fist was no longer satisfactory, he needed to feel your flesh against his, he needed his cock to delve into the warmth of your mouth and cunt, he needed you to be his salvation. So one Sunday morning, as he was picking up and organizing the Bible’s for morning mass he saw you standing at the entrance. A warm smile hiding devious intent graced his face as it did yours. You begged him for a quick confession, you needed to absolve yourself of the sins that plagued your mind and soul. He obliged, of course, what kind of priest would he be if he didn’t? He listened to your confession with open ears and by the time you were done, his cock ached and throbbed underneath his cassock. He couldn’t let you go away without doing something so he did something completely unorthodox and confessed to you, confessed how you’ve plagued his mind every night while he pumped his cock, how he so desperately wanted to bend you over one of the pews and fuck you senseless until you cried out his name like a prayer.
You took his words as some twisted sign from God. Then after mass you stood behind to fulfill both of your desires. He pulled you into the confessional booth and made you ride him while you recited some of the Bible verses he brought up during mass. The whole experience made you both crave more so you established a plan and schedule for regular hookups.
Today was the day that you two were supposed to meet up. You sat on the queen sized bed of the motel you two frequently went to and awaited his arrival. That’s how it would always go since today he had to conduct Bible study. Some time passed and you finally saw the door knob turn, he opened it and looked at you with a soft smile. “You look as beautiful as always, dear.” Your eyes scanned his body, he was wearing black slacks with a black button up and right at his neck was his clerical collar, you rolled your eyes at the sight of it as he closed the door and moved closer to you.
“If you keep wearing that to our little meetings then word will spread, Father. Imagine how bad it’ll be, the young priest that everyone has grown to love is the biggest sinner of them all.” You both knew nothing would happen. The motel was a few miles away from town and was just used as a rest stop for anyone on a road trip or truckers that needed somewhere to sleep for the night. Even the woman at the front desk didn’t care, as long as money would enter her pocket, she could care less about what happened behind the closed doors of her motel rooms. He chuckled at your words as he moved closer to you and took your chin between his thumb and index finger, “then I’ll just tell them you’re a temptress. You and I both know they’ll believe anything I say, my word is as good as God’s.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes again so instead you drop your head a little to take his thumb into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it before releasing it with a soft pop.
He groaned and felt his cock throb in his pants and leaned down to press his lips against yours in a lust-filled kiss. You lifted your hands to grab at his shirt as his tongue slipped into your mouth, the cool metal that decorated his tongue grazed against yours and made you moan against his lips. When you first found out about his many piercings, you were surprised to say the least. He was able to cover the ear piercings with his hair and somehow hid his tongue piercing from everyone and the piercings that surprised you the most were the four barbells that were tucked away in his pants.
His hands moved underneath your top and pulled it off of you rather roughly. You decided not to wear a bra and he immediately dove down to take your sensitive nipples into his mouth, he groaned as the taste of your skin hit his tongue and looked up at you as you began to thread your fingers through his dark locks. He released the bud from his mouth and dragged his tongue to the other before latching onto it to give it the same treatment. His cock throbbed and ached for release and soon he would grant himself the serenity, he just wanted to hear more beautiful sounds fall from your lips. You moaned his name and after a few moments he released your nipple and stood up.
“You have such a beautiful mouth, makes the most beautiful sounds. Now I want you to put it to work, okay?” He undressed himself, first his shirt, then his pants and briefs until you could finally see his rock hard cock.
It sprung out of its confines and slapped against his toned stomach and the silver piercings caught your eye. You licked your lips at the sight before sticking your tongue out to run it along the underside of his cock, feeling the metal that decorated it. Once you reached the head of his cock you wrapped your lips around it, suckling on it for a few moments before opening your mouth to take more of his cock in your mouth. He groaned and rolled his head back, “God granted me the gift of your sinful mouth and body. Oh how lucky am I.” He placed one hand on top of your head to guide your movements, moving you along his cock and trying to restrain himself from forcing you to take him entirely down your throat. Patience was a virtue he held dear, until he met you. He let you continue to take your time for a few more moments before shoving his cock down your throat, using both of his hands to keep you in place.
“That’s much better, a mouth like yours needs to be purged forcefully. Taking my time won’t do you any justice.” You felt his piercings along your tongue as he started thrusting into your mouth. The tip of his cock nestled in the back of your throat and his balls slapped against your chin with each thrust. You felt the burning ache between your thighs and you had to satiate yourself before you grow mad. So, you snaked one hand down and started to rub your clit, your moans vibrated along his cock and it made him twitch in your mouth. He bit his lip as he pulled out of your mouth completely, only a few strings of saliva connect you to the tip of his cock. He shuddered as the cold air hit his cock, since it was no longer basked in the warmth of your mouth and it craved more, he craved more.
“So, what are your plans now? Want to watch me pant and pleasure myself like a heathen? Or do you finally want to fuck me?” You bit your lip as your hand continued to rub quick circles along the swollen bundle of nerves, a low moan left your lips and his cock twitched again. He leaned down and hooked his hand under your arm, tugging you up from your position and pushing you on the bed so you’re bent over it. His hands moved along your plush thighs and moved up to push your flimsy skirt up, giving him a better view of your soaked panties. “You drive me crazy when you wear these little skirts to mass, always distracting me whenever you cross your legs. I remember the first time you surprised me by not wearing panties underneath, I almost choked on my spit when I saw this needy cunt, glistening under the lord’s light.” He hooked his lithe fingers underneath the waistband of your panties and pulled them down, tossing them to the side since they were no longer needed.
Your need grew with each passing second and you could feel yourself clench around nothing. You let out a low wanton whine, you were waiting for this all week and now that he was finally behind you, you couldn’t wait any longer. “Suguru, please — fuck!” Your whines were quickly replaced with a loud moan, he pushed himself into you so suddenly, your legs shook and your hands flew to the sheets, gripping them tightly in your fists. “No need to whine or complain, I was giving you what you wanted. I need this just as bad as you do, my sweet temptress.” He gripped your hips tight enough to bruise the skin and started to thrust, each drag of his cock along your walls was beyond blissful. His piercings rubbing along your walls made your toes curl. He first started off with slow thrusts despite his abrupt entrance inside you then began to thrust faster and harder.
Low grunts and groans left his lips while whines, mewls and cries left yours. It felt like angels were singing in his ears each time you cried out his name. He moved one hand up from your hips and brought it to your neck. He wrapped his hand around it and brought you up, making his cock hit even deeper. His mouth was pressed right against the shell of your ear, his breath fanning your skin before he started to speak. “You know, this reminds me of one of the verses we went over today in Bible study. Mind if I recite it to you?” You nodded dumbly at his words and he knew you couldn’t comprehend whatever he told you. “It's from the epistle of James, ‘But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.’ We have been tempted by each other and now engage in a constant ritual of sin, if God were to strike us dead right now, I’d die the most blissful death known to man. I think it's pretty ironic, I am a man who has devoted himself to God and I have planned to live a life free of sin, yet here I am, committing some of the worst sins known to man. I should be leading you away from temptation yet here I am, pushing you headfirst into the fiery depths.”
He snaps his hips into yours harder, almost animalistically and drags his tongue along the side of your neck. You bring one of your hands up and wrap it around his wrist, holding onto him as best as you can as he continues to fuck you senseless. Choked out gasps and moans leave you and you grip his wrist tighter and you edge closer and closer to an orgasm. “Gonna cum!” You gasped out and he moved his hand from the front of your throat to the back of your neck to push you down against the bed. Your cheek pressed against the soft fabric as he drills into you mercilessly. “Oh god! Oh fuck!” You babble out and tremble underneath him more, making him chuckle. “You should never use the Lord’s name in vain, especially during a time like this. But, I’ll just make sure you repent later during your confession. I think 10 hail mary’s while I’m edging you will do just fine, I’ll make sure you don’t cum until you say your last one. But for now, cum. Make a mess all over my cock and I’ll give you my own blessing and coat your insides in cum.”
He snaked his other hand down to rub your clit, finally sending you over the edge into your own paradise. A cry of his name paired with thank you’s left your lips as he fucked you through your orgasm. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and threatened to spill and with a few more heavy thrusts from him, they finally ran. He continued to snap his hips into yours, greedily chasing his own release until he finally came inside of you. His cock twitched as heavy spurts of cum flooded your cunt. If you weren’t on birth control then you were sure that you would’ve been bearing his child. He released his grip on the back of your neck and leaned down to pepper kisses along your spine and shoulder blades as he came down from his high.
Heavy breaths left the both of you and he slowly pulled out to drop on the bed beside you. He opened his arms to let you cuddle close to him and he wrapped his arms around you. You both basked in the comfortable silence before he finally spoke, “I know it’ll sound cheesy but I am thankful that God put us in each other’s paths. You’ve made priesthood much more enjoyable.” You smile at his words and press a few kisses along his chest before lifting yourself up to press your lips against his. “It is cheesy but I am thankful as well. It’s not everyday where you get the chance to fuck the hot priest.” You laughed as he shook his head and pinched your side. You swatted his hand away and rested your chin on his chest, taking a strand of his hair between your fingers to twirl it. He watched you with a smile on his face while his fingers danced along your skin.
You were both convinced that in some twisted way, you were meant to be together like this, you were both meant to indulge in sin and then use prayers to cleanse your souls. It was in your nature to sin and why go against nature and God’s wishes?
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taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @hellsingalucard18 @suyacho @cherrykamado @satmitsuplanet @benkeibear @watyousayin
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ornii · 9 months
Do you still do requests?
Can you please do Wednesday Addams X reader who has abilities, powers, and a backstory similar to John Constantine? Thank you.
Black Rum
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A little short and sweet.
Nevermore really didn’t change much after the attack, and overall some things never truly did change. But what did was the relationship between (Y/n) and Wednesday, she was cold and standoffish towards him in the beginning. Slowly he melted her icy demeanor and made himself home in her heart. Whether she wanted to admit it or not; she loved him. While continuing their studies, the two participate in… extracurricular activities together.
(Y/n) stood in an old Church, dark magic swirling around him as a magic pentagram was drawn around him. He stood calmly in the tornado of darkness as from that black mist, a demon made purely of shadows reaches out, calling his name with his ethereal voice. “(Y/n)… your soul, is mine…” the ethereal voice called out to him, its arm elongated and askew of humanity. Its bony fingers ready to tear his soul apart.
“Any time now love..” he grumbled, ready for a fight to the death. Standing upon the scaffolding of the interior. Wednesday drew an arrow, dipped in Silver. Her eye focused on the demon, ready to reveal itself. Its body began to open up like a cage of bones, darkness emitting like smoke. What was there was a black heart, beating so callously.
“Dammit Wednesday..” was his final thoughts, until the arrow let loose. It flew though the air and it struck true. Nailing the monster right in the heart, Wednesday began to descend the scaffolding, the beast reels in pain. Screaming as the silver sears his heart and thematically seals him to this world temporarily. The monster collapsed down, writhing in pain. (Y/n) sighs with relief, as the monster spirals in pain. Wednesday stands next to (Y/n) as they look over the monsters body.
“I..I will have my revenge!” It calls out, (Y/n) raises his hand.
“Sure lad, you try that, back to where you came from.” He said, the monster growls.
“W-wait! Fine, perhaps we can, strike a bargain?” He said.. (Y/n) scoffs and shook his head.
“Heard that Wednesday?” He said.
“A god begging for mercy.. pitiful.” She said, the demon reaches out but (Y/n) raised his hands to seal his spell.
“Attiuaiasis Qutendo Beneesta Sulpus Accuule!” He chanted, the spell holding the demon in this world was shattered. And once more he was dragged back to the pits of hell. The two stand there and (Y/n) kicks some of the salt, breaking the spell circle and putting an end to it all. Their peace was interrupted by a priest slowly opening the door, he peers in to see the two standing there. (Y/n) casually motions the priest to follow, the middle aged man looked around to see books everywhere, paper, and the unnerving sense of evil.
“Alright Bishop, your Church is free of the vicar curse.” He said, The priest blesses them.
“May god bless you both a thousand times over. We had no way to deal with this dark energy alone.” He explains, and Wednesday wasn’t the one for chit chat.
“We take our payment in cash and check.” She said flatly. (Y/n) glares at her, before the priest nods and hands them said check.
“Of course, like the Bible says; ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages.’” He said, Wednesday takes it and departs, (Y/n) sighs and shakes the priests hand.
“If you require any other services or know anyone who does, give us a ring.” He said and catches up to Wednesday. She looks at the check but it’s suddenly pulled away from her and flies back, she watches it fall into the hand of (Y/n). The two begin to walk together along a barren plain like trail.
“You could at least say goodbye to the old man.” He says.
“Because we’re in Kansas and I highly doubt we’ll come back. Plus clientele.”
“I don’t see the point of pleasantries, we came to do a job, simple as that.” She says, (Y/n) shakes his head and they reach a building, but they didn’t need the building just the wall. Reaching into his pocket the reveals chalk, he draws a door on it.
“Point is love, we want this “Black Rum: Occult Detectives” thing to work out, we have to actually be like able.. well I have to be. You just be cute dark and broody.” He said, he then turns to the chalk drawing and spoke. “Ecrumis Queeyela Various.” He then blangs on the wall and it crumbled and behind the chalk outline was a door. (Y/n) walks on as Wednesday grumbles “I’m not Broody.” She said, they walk in and suddenly appear back at Nevermores Quad, (Y/n) closes the door and it crumbed to dust.
“So, why don’t we cash this in and ..Spend some quality time together?” He said raising an eyebrow.
“Fine, I suppose your company wouldn’t be an entire bore.” She walks off as the Magician follows. Chucking to himself.
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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (+ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫)
Hi! I really wanted to write some LiS stuff, because I didn't write awhile of this fandom. 😅
I still love them very much! 🥺😭💕
Btw I will definitely do this with LiS 2 as well-
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff!, everybody is kind, no assholes, really, just fluff, petnames, no pronouns used for Y/N (The Reader), the reader can be in a relationship with them!
Fandom: Life is Strange 1
Character(s): Max Caulfield, Mark Jefferson, Chloe Price, Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Rachel Amber, Frank Bowers, Y/N|The Reader, Pompidou (mentioned)
Ship(s): Y/N | The Reader x the characters
Type: Headcanons
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(The gifs, pictures are not mine! Credit to the original creator!)
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: by your side by flatsound
“Counting weeks
Getting more familiar with how you speak
While you're away from me
But I don't want to say goodbye
Because it's safer when I'm by your side”
Max Caulfield
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Physical Touch
• she saw that something bothers you
• you are frustrated
• you opening to her with tears in your eyes
• she will definitely give you a tight hug and little kisses to comfort you
• and won't let you go until you are finally feel comforted
Rachel Amber
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Quality Time
• chatting, playing on a train what nobody knows where it goes
• dancing in the sunlight
• going out in the middle of the night
• sneak into cinemas to watch free movies
• hiding and listening songs on the junkyard
• drinking and shooting ✨😌
• just feeling free with Rachel Dawn Amber
Chloe Price
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Acts of Service
• if somebody hurts you
• she will definitely fuck that person up
• or at least threat them
• when you are feeling down, she will bring you to your favourite snack to cheer you up
• she even does the dishes as well 😳
Nathan Prescott
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Physical Touch
• i know
• he doesn't seems that type of touchy people
• but trust me
• hugging each other as tightly as you two can
• it will definitely give both of them some comfort
• you guys won't need any words
• you just need each other close
Victoria Chase
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Receiving Gifts
• almost everyday she surprises you with something
• some netro but cute pencilcase you saw and liked? No problemo
• want to wear matching outfits with your bestie but it's over 300 dollars? Where's the problem?
• You are really appreciate it
• but you often say that she don't have to do this
• but she just shrugs because she knows that you are happy from it
• and she loves it when you are happy
Mark Jefferson
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Acts of Service
(i would give him the reveiving gift as well, but no sugar daddy mark yet-)
• he doesn't have that much time because he is a teacher ofc
• and there's the dark room as well
• but even if he is tired he does the dishes
• cooks you breakfast when he wakes up earlier than you
• (with a soft kiss!)
• when you are tired or sick he take cares of you
• makes your bed
• when you are tired he carries you to the bedroom
• helping you with the school projects
• (plus: kisses and sleeping together while watching a movie)
Warren Graham
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Physical Touch
• I belive that this guy is the BEST at the comforting!
• will hold your hand to give you some motivation and strenght
• and will squeeze it to show that he is here with you
• for comfort he hugs, kiss and holds you
• "You are not alone Y/N. I'm here for you."
Kate Marsh
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Quality Time
• study together
• drawing doodles on class when the teacher is not looking
• and giggling of them
• watching a movie or sleeping together after a long day
• listening stories from her of the Bible (even if you don't care, you just know that it makes her happy)
• helping her with the book writing
• writing cute messages on class for each other• bunny petting time
• just talking peacefully in her room about some random things
Frank Bowers
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Words of Affirmation
• "You are too good for me, Dear."
• will hug you for comfort while whispering sweet and encouraging words in your ear softly
• he will listen you quietly
• will use Pompidou for the comfort and for the cuddles
• saying "I love you!" multiple times on a day
• "I love you, hon!"
• or
• "You look stunning as always, honey!"
• petnames all the time
• sweety, honey, babe and etc.
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bambiauroraa · 2 days
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gᥱ𝗍𝗍іᥒg ᥆ᥙ𝗍 ᥆𝖿 ᥲ sᥣᥙm⍴ || 23/09/2024
🎀 logging in..
🫶🏻 i was meant to post this yest evening, but i couldn’t, so i’m posting this a day late.
🫶🏻 yesterday started a little better! still didn’t do everything i would’ve wanted, but it’s more than monday. one step at a time!
🫶🏻 i was hanging out with my friends in the evening, so i went to sleep later than i planned, but i don’t actually mind it at all. it’s pretty hard for me to socialise sometimes because i’m an introvert, so i let that slide!
i studied
i wrote into my diary
i did workouts for 70 minutes in total
i read a book
i continued my school presentation
workouts i did today:
no love handles - yuuka sagawa
15 min pilates & cardio workout - shirlyn kim
slim thighs - hinafit
newjeans hanni abs workout (easy ver.) - hinafit
le sserafim workout (easy ver.) - hinafit
toned & slim thighs - april han
my own 20 min low impact full body workout
╰  → porridge, bread, orange juice
╰  → chicken sausage, smashed potatoes, bread, salad, milk
╰  → broccoli soup, bread, milk, pineapple quard (i’m not sure about the word, pls correct me if it’s not right!)
snacks (throughout the day)
╰  → kisel, bread, yougurt, banana, milkshake, pastry, two cookies
habit tracker:
get up at 5:00 am
bible study in the morning and in the evening ✔︎
do all your planned workouts ✔︎
walk for 45 minutes ✔︎
reduce screen time
study ✔︎
read / draw ✔︎
write ✔︎
go to sleep before 9:45pm
so thankful for all the notes i got for the first day! again, feel free to send any asks or comments 🧁💬 (pedos ofc dni!)
🎀 logging out..
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