#free tools list for web development
𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐞 𝐔𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
Having the appropriate tools at your disposal can make the difference between creating a mediocre website and a masterpiece in the dynamic field of web creation. Possessing a strong toolbox is crucial for efficiency, productivity, and producing amazing digital experiences, regardless of expertise level in development. In this article, we'll go into the fundamental tools that every web developer needs to know, which include debugging tools and code editors.
Web development: What is it?
The process of creating and managing websites and web applications is included in web development. Coding, designing, testing, and user experience and performance optimization are just a few of the many tasks involved. Web developers use a variety of tools, frameworks, and computer languages to make their work interactive on the Internet.
Advantages of Using Web Development Tools:
Using web development tools speeds up, improves efficiency, and reduces the error-proneness of the development process. These tools frequently include debugging capabilities, syntax highlighting, and code auto-completion, which help engineers write cleaner code and find and fix problems more quickly. Furthermore, a lot of web development tools have connections with collaboration platforms and version control systems, which makes teamwork and project management easier.
The Top 15 Tools for Web Development:
Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
a code editor that is both lightweight and highly capable. It comes with built-in Git integration, debugging tools, and a large library of extensions to expand its usefulness. It is compatible with a broad variety of programming languages. 
Sublime Text
Known for its simplicity and speed, Sublime Text is an advanced text editor. It is a favourite among developers because it provides a distraction-free writing environment, robust search and replace features, and customisable key bindings. 
​GitHub is an online platform that uses Git for version management. Web developers working on team projects will find it to be a useful resource since it offers capabilities for collaboration, code review, and project management. 
Chrome Developer Tools
Included with the Google Chrome browser are several web development and debugging tools. It enables developers to troubleshoot JavaScript code, examine and modify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in real time, and assess page performance.
A well-liked front-end framework for creating mobile-first and responsive websites is called Bootstrap. It offers a collection of JavaScript and CSS elements, like buttons, grids, and navigation bars, to help with design efficiency and device uniformity.
jQuery is a feature-rich, feature-rich, and speedy JavaScript library that makes client-side scripting chores easier. It provides a large array of tools for event handling, animation, and DOM manipulation, which facilitates the creation of dynamic and interactive web pages.
Facebook developed React.js, a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It is perfect for developing intricate web applications with dynamic user experiences because it enables developers to design reusable user interface components and manage states quickly. 
​Google created this front-end framework, which is based on TypeScript. With capabilities like data binding, dependency injection, and out-of-the-box routing, it offers a complete solution for creating single-page apps. 
Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that adds nested rules, variables and mixes to the CSS framework. It gives developers strong tools for managing stylesheets and structuring code, and it also makes writing CSS code easier and more maintainable.
​Postman is an API development, testing, and documentation collaboration tool. By enabling developers to create, test, and automate API calls, they may simplify the use of APIs and guarantee their dependability and efficiency.
Adobe Photoshop
Web developers commonly use Adobe Photoshop, a visual design program, to generate and edit images, graphics, and user interface elements. It lets developers create visually appealing webpages and web apps with its rich toolbox for image editing, retouching, and composing.
Google built Firebase, a comprehensive platform for developing mobile and online applications. It makes it simple to create and deploy web apps without having to worry about managing infrastructure by offering a number of features like real-time databases, hosting, authentication, and analytics.
npm (Node Package Manager)
The package manager for JavaScript that is used to install, share, and manage dependencies for web development projects is called npm (Node Package Manager). With more than a million reusable code packages hosted on it, developers can take advantage of pre-existing solutions and expedite their work.
JavaScript code patterns can be detected and reported on using ESLint, a static code analysis tool. Cleaner and more dependable code is produced as a result of its ability to help developers enforce coding standards, detect grammatical problems, and find possible bugs early in the development process.
Designed to automate repetitive operations in the web development workflow, Gulp is a task runner built on Node.js. It saves time and effort in the development process by enabling developers to specify and execute specific actions, such as optimizing pictures, minifying JavaScript, and converting Sass to CSS.
In summary
Having the appropriate tools is crucial in the rapidly evolving field of web development. The tools listed in this article can help you improve the quality of your websites and online applications, produce cleaner code, and optimise your workflow, whether you're designing, testing, debugging, or coding. 
These fundamental tools will ensure that you're prepared for every web development project that comes your way. Add them to your toolset.
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newcodesociety · 1 year
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stagkingswife · 7 months
Take Notes Like Stag Part 2: Unrecorded Entity Note Taking Exercise
Part 1: Spirit Encounters Part 3: Spell "Lab Notes" The early stages of developing a relationship with an unrecorded entity can be frustrating and confusing for many people.  The most commonly recommended first steps for getting to know a new entity are research and reading the entities myths and those don’t apply to a completely unrecorded entity and only help so far for an entity whose general type may be recorded in myth and folklore, but not them in specific.  My general advice for getting to know an unrecorded entity of any kind is to take it slow and get to know them the same way you would get to know a new person in your life.  Ask them about themselves every time you communicate with them, and keep track of each encounter using the format in part 1 - pay attention to themes, symbols, imagery, anything that you notice starts to repeat across multiple encounters.  Once you feel like something might be a defining feature or factor of the entity, something fixed that you’re sure of, make note of it and you can then run this exercise.  For this exercise you’ll need a few sheets of paper, a writing implement, the information you’ve been gathering, and a form of divination.  Yes/no forms of divination is fine for this, but something with more nuance is preferred and will give you more detailed answers in later steps. 
Review your existing notes on this entity and find a defining feature of the entity, this can be something that’s been repeated often enough in your notes on your earlier encounters to become a pattern, or something that’s happened less often but was experienced very strongly.  You’re the judge in this step of what is important enough to single out for this exercise, you can always do it again with something else if one iteration of it doesn’t prove fruitful.  
Get your paper and writing tool and write your feature in the center of the page.  Then create a brainstorming web of free associations with anything and everything that comes to mind springing from the starting point. Add as many spokes to the web and layers to each spoke as you can think of and fit.  
There are no wrong answers in this step - this isn’t you telling the entity they are associated with any of the things in the web, you’re making a list of things to ask them about.  
(If you’ve never made or heard of a brainstorming web before here’s a link to a template)
Then go through each item on the web with your divination tool for confirmation or denial from the entity of the association. -- Yes/No divination can give you a yay/nay on an association, “Yes, this is associated with me” or “No, this is not associated with me.”  But a more nuanced form of divination can unlock ones you didn’t think of with “no, but…” or “yes, and…” type answers.  For instance if you started with the center word of “harvest” because you had the indication that the entity was associated with the harvest and from there you branched out to “grain.” You used your tarot cards to confirm “grain” and you pull the Three of Cups, which is a very harvest-y card so you could take that as a yes, but the guide book for your deck specifically mentions fruits and vegetables instead of grains.  You can then follow up on fruits and vegetables vs grains to see if the entity strongly favors one over the other.
Record your results in your ongoing notes for this entity.  Remember:
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An example: When I was working on Returning my pantheon of unrecorded entities, The Forgotten Ones, I would get to know an entity organically through divination conversation, dreams, Otherworldly visits, etc. for maybe a few months before I had enough fixed points of data that I thought it was was worth going through this exercise.  Then I would take an afternoon or an evening and run it multiple times for each data point I had, once through for a symbol that had appeared multiple times, once for a theme that the entity consistently used, once for an animal that they had shown a preference for, once for a flower they favored for offerings, etc.  I like to do this exercise in a trance, to add a little oomph to what is basically word association, but that’s not strictly necessary.  My goddess Brona, when I started working on her one of the few things I knew about her was that she was an entity that existed in the in betweens. Because she was so strongly liminal, so intrinsically neither here nor there I had trouble pin down more details on her even as I became very close to her.  So I ran this exercise on the word “liminal” before I had gathered much else for her.  Here is a sample of that map for her, that I just made for this post, so it’s all things that I know are associated with her - I can’t find my original, and at this point it’s hard to think of incorrect examples.
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cloth-fabric · 6 months
runway sources
heres where i find my runway photos, i don't want to gatekeep, feel free to comment and add sources if you like
the impression, used with 12ft paywall bypass, images taken from 'developer tools'
fashion network, not sure why but i use the .jp version
fashionsnap, great for japanese runways
firstview, runways go back to the 90s however they are low quality images
livingly (DEAD) this was my favourite source however it is dead and all their photos are basically gone from the web as far as i can tell
vogue, used it when i was starting out not too much anymore, used to use 12ft to get around paywall however it doesn't work anymore
xiaohongshu, you must have an account to use, i find most of my shanghai fashion week pics here
kendam, used rarely
madame figaro, used rarely
fashion press, used rarely
i'll update the list if i find more sources, sometimes i find things other places but these are my go to sites
love from gumy
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fujocoded · 6 months
Funding FujoCoded: Stretch Goals!
It’s time! With our first goal met (🎉 thank you!), let’s talk about stretch goals. We have quite a few planned, so we're going to go through them one by one and explain what they are and why we chose them!
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Before we go down the list, here's something fun:
Sticker Unlock: At 45 backers, we also unlocked one more sticker!
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The goal of our campaign is to cover business expenses most of all. The unlocked content is an extra token of gratitude for your support that also helps us meet our own targets! 
With that said, let's get to our stretch goals...
$4,000: "That's Why I Ship On Company Time" Ao3 Sticker
At $4,000 we'll unlock one more sticker design that you can add to your collection! 
Our first version of this "shipping" sticker features VSCode and a terminal, but there's more than one type of shipping... here's to the other one!
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$5,000: "Using NPM with Javascript" Article
Next up, we have our first article. Our plan is to add an Articles section to @fujowebdev where we'll collect simple, free guides to help beginners get past the roadblocks we see them encounter!
This first one will cover the basics of NPM, a core element of modern JavaScript!
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"How do I install this JavaScript library? How do I run this open source JavaScript project? How can I get started creating my blog using a tool like @astrodotbuild?" are some of the most common questions we get in our Fandom Coders server. 
Let's give *everyone* the answer!
$6,000: Offering Website Art Prints
Next up, we'll turn the excellent art on our website into prints! These will be (probably) 8x10-sized art prints that will look amazing without breaking the bank. Full specs soon!
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...and speaking of the site, you have tried moving the windows, right?
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$7,000: "Catching Up With Terminal" Article
Next, another common issue for beginner developers: how to start learning how to handle the Terminal.
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This will require some research to determine the major roadblocks, which is how our project operates: active learning from those going through it all!
$8,000: "Crucial Confrontations" Article
And last (for now), something very dear to us: an article extracting some wisdom from the book "Crucial Confrontations": https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Confrontations-Resolving-Promises-Expectations/dp/0071446524
This may seem like an unusual choice, but it highlights how our teaching goals go beyond programming to cover collaboration!
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After years of working within our community, we repeatedly found that developing effective communication and confrontation skills helps our collaborators thrive. Unfortunately, the world doesn't teach us how to effectively (but kindly) hold each other accountable.
Some of our most involved collaborators have read this book and found the tools within it transformative. Given this experience, we deeply believe that making some of this wisdom easily accessible (without having to read the full book) will allow all of us to collaborate better!
If we can reach $8,000, this will enable us to test this hypothesis and learn how teaching soft skills beyond programming influences what we're able to achieve! It's a bold idea, but we're excited to see how it turns out in practice.
Help us make it there!
And that's all...for now!
If you want to hop on Twitch right now, you can join us as we put some extra polish on our shiny new FujoCoded website.
And remember, you can back our campaign here to help us achieve these goals and more:
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manasseh · 1 year
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antheraea · 9 months
Flash Was Killed Because It Was Objectively Dangerous
I get it, I get the Flash nostalgia and the fondness for old Flash games. I was big on Neopets before they decided to ruin the art and make all the pets samey paper dolls to play dressup with (completely ruining the point of the far more expensive "redraw" colors like Mutant and Faerie and Desert). I have fond memories of Newgrounds games and I even managed to take a class for a semester in high school where I could learn flash.
But I also remember how terrible it was. And you should too.
Leaving aside all of the issues involving performance and inaccessibility (such as being easily broken by bog-standard browser actions like the back button, and its ability to modify web code AND OS code in real time likely broke a lot of accessibility tech too), Flash was legitimately one of the most dangerous web technologies for the end user. An end-user is you, or more specifically back then, child-you.
According to Wikipedia and its sources, Flash Player has over a thousand vulnerabilities known and listed and over 800 of these lead to arbitrary code execution.
What is arbitrary code execution? That's when someone can just run any commands they want on a machine or program that didn't intend it. A fun way to see this is in this infamous Pokemon tool-assisted speedrun where they manage to get an SNES to show the host's twitch chat in real time. It's not so fun though when it's someone stealing all the files on your computer, grabbing your credentials so they could clean out your Neopets account (yes, really, it was a pretty common concern at the time), and other nefarious works. Also, there was a time where it allowed people to spy on you with your webcam and microphone.
Oh and on top of all of this, Flash had its own "flash cookies", which could not be cleared by ordinary means and thus could be used to track users indefinitely, at least until Adobe slapped a bandaid over it by introducing yet another screen an ordinary person wouldn't know to use. (I assume this is how the infamous neopets "cookie grabbers" worked, so they could get into your account. This is mainly what I remember about using Flash back in the early 2000s lol) So it not only was a "stranger taking over your machine" concern, but a bog-standard privacy concern too, arguably a precursor to our current panopticon internet landscape, where greedy websites would track you because they could and maybe get some money out of it, facilitated by this technology.
When Apple decided to block it, it wasn't out of greed; Steve Jobs cited its abysmal performance and security record, among other issues such as an inherent lack of touchscreen support, and Apple cited specific vulnerability use-cases when blocking specific versions before they nuked it entirely. When Mozilla, who makes Firefox, decided to block it, it's not like they would've gotten money out of doing so, or by offering an alternative; they did so because it is fucking dangerous.
Your ire and nostalgia is misplaced. Flash was not killed by our current shitty web practices that ruin unique spaces and fun games. Flash was killed because both Macromedia (its original developers) and Adobe were incapable of making it safe, if that was even possible, and it was killed after third-parties, in an unprecedented gesture, collectively threw their hands up and said enough.
Well, that and HTML5 being developed and becoming more widespread, being able to do everything Flash can do without being a pox on technology. One could argue that you should bemoan the lack of Flash-to-HTML5 conversion efforts, but that requires asking a lot of effort of people who would have to do that shit for free...and if they have to run Flash to do so, opening themselves up to some of the nastiest exploits on the internet.
Nostalgia is a fucking liar. The games themselves I think are worth having nostalgia over (look, I still find myself pining for that one bullet hell Neopets made and Hannah and the Pirate Caves), but Flash itself deserves none of that, and absolutely deserved to be put in the fucking ground. You're blaming the wrong causes. It was terrible.
(specifics and sources found via its wikipedia page, which has a lot more than is mentioned here. and also my own opinions and experiences back then. lol)
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hayatheauthor · 2 years
Websites And Writing Apps Every Author Needs In 2023
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In today’s day and age, technology is everyone's best friend, and the number one writing tool for authors. Gone are the days when writers would hunch over blocky typewriters and leisurely type out a manuscript. Authors are now evolving, and while typewriters and pretty journals might make for stellar aesthetically pleasing posts, they aren’t as accessible and convenient as the technological advancements that have taken the world by storm.
Modern-day authors have swapped out papers and ink for laptops and AI, allowing us to type out thousands of words without having to worry about our pens drying out.
However, this convenience comes at a cost.
Our app stores are flooded with so many options that it is easy to lose track of the best writing apps. This is why I have taken the initiative to compile a list of the websites and writing apps every author needs in 2023— categorized by different writing stages.
Websites And Writing Apps To Help With Fantasy Worldbuilding
Worldbuilding is possibly one of the most essential pre-writing steps a writer takes. It helps you develop a concrete idea of the story you have come up with and creates the foundation of your book.
Poor worldbuilding and a lack of visualisation can make your ideas get lost in translation and make a concrete fantasy world seem confusing for your readers.
This is why before you jump into telling your story, you must first establish the building blocks of your tale. There are two applications that I believe can help you achieve this. Whether it be generating names, creating fantasy maps or more, here are two websites and web apps to help with worldbuilding.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator is a free web application that generates interactive and highly customizable SVG maps based on Voronoi diagram. Fantasy map generators generally require a lot of time and energy to completely plan out your world, but with Azgaar’s fantasy map generators, you can readily customize any of their free templates.
They offer a plethora of options for writers to explore, from different map colours and themes to worlds created in various environments.
One thing I love about Azgaar is how accessible their templates are. You can easily change the location names, landscape and map settings with a click or two and also experiment with different templates until you create a map that is perfect for your world.
If we’re talking about fantasy map generators every writer should know of, then Azgaar is definitely one of them.
Are you a writer who just got started with their worldbuilding? Do you feel stuck with the overwhelming amount of things you need to do before you can write your story? Don’t worry, all of us have been there. But with Donjon you can readily create almost every aspect of your fantasy world.
From names to maps and demographics, Donjon provides creators with a plethora of services. Unlike most applications, it also helps you create globes and detailed city/area scapes and maps. This is a tool I find particularly useful for when your characters are exploring a new area that you can’t visualise well.
And the best part? It isn’t just for authors! Donjon has different tools for writers, game makers, and more— allowing creators of all kinds to make their worlds that much better.
If you ever feel stuck during your world-building, then definitely give Donjon a try and comment down below the tool you found the most useful.
Websites And Writing Apps To Help With Your Writing
Writing your book is one of the most thrilling stages of creating a novel.
But nowadays it can be really hard to find good writing tools that are free and help you accomplish your goal with no hitches. I can’t tell you how many times I ended up losing my work as a fanfic writer writing on websites that haven’t been updated in years! This is why it’s so important to write your book on a proper, reputable application.
Let’s be honest, if you’re someone who’s into writing then you’ve probably heard of Grammarly at least a couple of times. However, what many writers don’t realise is just how beneficial it can be!
Most writers use Grammarly as an extension on their writing application so that it can correct their small errors while they write, but they don’t bother to use the Grammarly editor. You might be wondering ‘but Haya, what’s the difference?’
The Grammarly editor provides you with more options and tools to help better your writing. You can set your writing goals, such as your target audience, tone, etc. and even get access to more detailed suggestions that focus on aspects like passive voice, and adverbs.
Even if you choose not to get Grammarly premium, the editor still highlights the premium suggestions which can help you understand where you’re going wrong.
Overall, Grammarly helps you edit your chapters and polish your writing with ease.
Google Docs
If you’re one of the people who doesn’t see the point in paying for Word, then Google Docs is for you. It gives you all the features of a word document online. Docs also allows you to use extensions and add-ons that can help you elevate your manuscript. Some of my favourites are Scribe Writer, highlighter tool, and Spellright.
One thing most people don’t know about Google Docs is that you can use the voice typing tool. If you’re an author like me, then you often think of the perfect pieces of description at random moments in the day and have to scramble to write them down before you forget. The same can be said for dialogue, plot points, etc.
This is why Google Docs is so convenient. It allows you to speak your thoughts and types it out in a document that you can readily edit at your own time.
If you’re looking for a website or writing app to use as your main editor for your manuscript, then you should definitely consider Google Docs.
Websites And Writing Apps To Help With Your Editing
Hemingway Editor
If you’re an author writing for a certain age group, Hemingway Editor is the best website for you. Hemingway Editor shows a grade for your writing and gives you suggestions for ways to improve your manuscript. Just like Grammarly, it gives you various suggestions for your writing.
It also highlights the areas of concern in different colours so that you can easily make your way through your work depending on which aspect you would like to edit (whether that be SPAG, sentence structure, etc.)
If you don’t want to pay for Grammarly’s premium option then you can use Hemingway Editor’s free editorial suggestions.
Don’t want to do your edits by yourself? Hire an editor from Reedsy.
Hiring a professional can be a difficult process, and oftentimes we don’t even know where to start. You can acquire a list of professional editors that work with your genre with one click of your mouse. But how do you know if they have the right experience and credibility?
With Reedsy you can easily get in touch with great editors who have not only worked in your genre but also have a client list of credible authors with books similar to yours. This helps make sure you select an editor that knows what they need to do and how to get it done.
Reedsy also provides authors with professionals who can help them in every step of their writing process, whether that be cover designing, proofreading, or more.
Websites And Writing Apps To Help You Get A Literary Agent
Querying can be a daunting process. I know this from personal experience. But you can make this process a little easier with the right websites and writing apps. I’ve seen tons of different websites promoting tools that will supposedly help you get an agent within one week. I’ve also seen several authors who used said tools and came up empty-handed.
Querying is a very subjective process— what is a perfect fit for one agent might not be the right thing for another. This is why it’s so important to reach out to the right agents so that you don’t end up wasting days chasing after a literary agent who doesn’t even work in your genre.
Listed below are two websites and writing apps that are essential to find a literary agent.
Querytracker is possibly the most important tool for querying authors. It allows you to easily find agents in your genre, research their backgrounds, send out queries, and track your queries all in one page. This cuts down on the time most authors spend creating colour-coded spreadsheets.
I got my first literary agent from Querytracker, and am currently using their services to secure another agent.
Querytracker’s biggest advantage is its reputation. Their database consists of established literary agents who have worked with bestselling authors as well as the top publishers in the literary industry. You can readily access data about these professionals with one click and never have to worry about scams or fraud.
Their newsletter also gives authors updates about agents who have recently reopened their query boxes and resources that can help you better your query.
Found an agent you want to reach out to? You can easily check Querytracker’s success story interviews and take a look at the query letters of authors who signed a deal with your agent.
Manuscript Wishlist
Getting out of an agent’s slush pile is possibly the hardest part of querying. I know many authors who send out dozens of cold queries to agents in their genres, just to end up with a list of form rejections. The reason for this is simple— if you approach an agent as just another name on your list, they will treat you the same way.
This is why it is so important to properly customize your queries. There’s no need to sing praises about their past work and drone on about how perfect they are. The goal is to hook your agent with a compelling introduction to your manuscript and reel them in with a genuine paragraph about why they would be a good fit for you.
But how can you personalise your query letter? With Manuscript Wishlist!
Manuscript Wishlist is a website tool that helps authors target and personalize their queries. It operates as a website (manuscriptwishlist.com) and a hashtag (#MSWL). Agents use MSWL to share topics and story ideas that they would like to see in their query inbox, literary pieces they are fond of, and a brief intro of themselves. This gives authors the insight they need to effectively send out a personalised query.
Getting an agent can be made easy with Querytracker and Manuscript Wishlist.
I hope this list of the best websites and writing apps every author needs will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment your favourite writing tools to help your fellow authors prosper.
Want to learn more about me and my writing journey? Visit my social media pages under the handle @hayatheauthor where I post content about my WIP and life as a teenage author.
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quietmarie · 10 months
Anyone can program (yes, even you)
"Programming is easy"
I saw some variations of this statement shared around the site recently, always in good intentions of course, but it got me thinking.
Is that really true?
Well it certainly isn't hard in the way some developers would want to make you believe. A great skill bestowed only upon the greatest of minds, they're the ones making the world work. You better be thankful.
That is just elitist gibberish. If anyone ever tells you that programmers are "special people" in that way, or tries to sell you on the idea of "real" programmers that are somehow better than the rest, you can safely walk in the other direction. They have nothing of value to tell you.
But I think the answer is more complicated than a simple "Yes, programming is easy" too. In all honesty, I don't think it's an easy thing to "just pick up" at all. It can be very unintuitive at first to wrap your head around just how to tell a computer to solve certain problems.
One person in the codeblr Discord server likened it to cooking. That's a skill that can be very hard, but it's also something that everyone can learn. Anyone can cook. And anyone can program.
I really mean that. No need to be good at maths, to know what a bit is or whatever it is people told you you need. You're not too old to learn it either, or too young for that matter. If you want to start programming (and you can read this post), you already have everything you need. You can write your first little programs today!
One of the cool things about programming is that you can just fuck around and try lots of stuff, and it's fine. Realistically, the worst thing that can happen is that it doesn't work the way you imagined. But you'll never accidentally trigger the fire alarm or burn your house down, so feel free to just try a bunch of stuff.
"Okay I want to learn programming now, what do I do?"
That's awesome, I love the enthusiasm! As much as I'd love to just give you a resource and tell you to build a thing, you still have to make a choice what you want to learn first. The options I'd recommend are:
Scratch: A visual education tool. The main advantage is that you don't have to worry about the exact words you need to write down, you can just think about the structure of your program. The way it works is that you drag and drop program elements to be executed when they should be. You can relatively quickly learn to make cute little games in it. The downside is that this isn't really a "professional" programming language, so, while learning from Scratch will give you the basics that apply to most languages and will make switching to another language easier, you're still gonna have to switch sooner or later. Start here: https://scratch.mit.edu/
Python: The classic choice. Python is a very widely used, flexible programming language that is suited for beginners. It is what I would recommend if you want to skip right to or move on from Scratch to a more flexible language. https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ is your starting point, but there's also a longer list of resources here if you want to check that out at some point.
HTML/CSS/JavaScript: The web path. HTML and CSS are for creating the look of websites, and JavaScript is for the interactive elements. For example, if you ever played a game in your browser, that was probably written in JS. Since HTML and CSS are just for defining how the website should look, they're different from traditional programming languages, and you won't be able to write programs in them, that's what JS is for. You have to know HTML before you learn CSS, but otherwise the order in which you learn these is up to you. Your JavaScript resource is https://javascript.info/, and for HTML and CSS you can check out https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web.
I put some starting out resources here, but they're really just that - they're for starting out. You don't have to stick to them. If you find another path that suits you better, or if you want to get sidetracked with another resource or project, go for it! Your path doesn't have to be linear at all, and there's no "correct" way to learn things.
One of the most important things you'll want to do is talk to developers when you struggle. The journey is going to be frustrating at times, so search out beginner-friendly coding communities on Discord or wherever you're comfortable. The codeblr community certainly tends to be beginner-friendly and kind. My DMs and asks are also open on here.
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googlekromer · 1 month
you can call me medoh, pronounced like 'meadow' and spelt like the divine beast in botw. i'm a non-binary, aroace lesbian who's also possibly autistic albeit self diagnosed (but i am working to get a formal diagnosis).
i'm a game development student and aside from my fandoms i talk about game development and other computer science related things. my main fandoms include the band rammstein, twitch streamers such as rtgame and jerma985 and some animes like evangelion, dungeon meshi and chainsaw man. this is not an extensive list, i post about anything i like, rammstein being the biggest tag on my blog.
i'm also left leaning, and while i do not talk about politics extensively on this blog aside from a few reblogs here and there you can rest assured that i hope to try my best to help others. i prefer sharing resources to get involved/educate. my go to is sharing fundraisers and ways to bring people together in times of conflict. i support a free ukraine and a free palestine and other causes like these, but also efforts to end the conflicts there and to promote peace. i also try to help people who are marginalised (like me, to an extent) and i try to learn right wing dogwhistles and rhetoric so i can warn others.
i don't really have a byf or a dni, but if you send aggressive/harsh vibes my way or make me feel upset you may get blocked. if i do/say something stupid please tell me as i might not catch it initially. otherwise it's just respect me and i'll respect you :3
you can find me on itch.io as medohxamali and ao3 as spieluhrzeit, i have a few fics on the latter and nothing yet on the former but hope to start releasing some small games :)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
tools i use (all run on my distro, linux mint, either as a program or in a browser):
*i use notion in the web browser to organise all my stuff for what i do, including my uni studies*
game development
godot 4.3
web development/general development
visual studio code
leprd.space (i'm waiting for a domain from there)
libreoffice writer
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amandazoric · 1 year
Capturing the Moment: Six Free Screen Recorders That Leave No Watermark
Screen recording software is an invaluable tool for anyone who frequently presents or shares digital content, from educators and gamers to software developers and marketers. Yet, finding a tool that can capture high-quality videos without slapping a distracting watermark on the final output can be a daunting task. Let's dive into a collection of six free screen recorders, including ScreenRec and others, that promise crisp, watermark-free recordings.
1. ScreenRec
First on our list, ScreenRec sets itself apart with its simple, user-friendly interface and robust capabilities. It offers not just video, but also audio and voice recording. What truly sets ScreenRec apart, however, is its instant private sharing link feature. Once a recording is made, the software automatically generates a link for immediate sharing—a boon for speedy communication.
2. OBS Studio
Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio is another free and open-source screen recording tool. Loved by gamers, OBS Studio provides high performance, real-time video/audio capturing, and mixing. Its comprehensive features allow users to switch seamlessly between unlimited scenes, collected from multiple sources, and arrange them to create a professional-grade broadcast.
3. Free Cam
Free Cam is a Windows-friendly tool well-known for its easy-to-navigate interface. It provides users with a range of capabilities, including voice-over recording, system sounds, and the option to highlight the mouse cursor for instructional content. Free Cam also comes with a built-in audio and video editor, granting users the convenience of basic editing before saving or sharing the final recording.
4. ShareX
ShareX is a robust tool offering not only screen recording but also screen capture capabilities. In addition to creating watermark-free videos, ShareX also allows users to record with a webcam or other capture devices. Its comprehensive suite of post-capture editing tools like annotations, image effects, and watermarking adds to its appeal.
5. Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder
The Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder is a web-based tool, which means there's no need to download any software. It allows users to record from their screen or webcam with audio. Its flexible settings enable users to either capture an entire screen, a selected area, or a single browser tab.
6. ScreenApp.IO
ScreenApp.IO is another handy online tool that requires no downloads or extensions. With just a few clicks, it allows users to record their whole screen, an application window, or a browser tab. ScreenApp.IO shines with its simplicity and ease of use, making it perfect for quick, uncomplicated recordings.
In summary, each of these free screen recording tools—ScreenRec, OBS Studio, Free Cam, ShareX, Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder, and ScreenApp.IO—offer their unique strengths. Whether you need a simple solution for swift communications, a feature-rich tool for professional broadcasts, or a convenient online option, there's a screen recorder in this list that's sure to meet your needs. And the best part? Each one delivers clean, watermark-free videos, ensuring your content is clear, crisp, and free from distracting branding. Happy recording!
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kiranapassionategamer · 2 months
Top Work-from-Home Jobs for Housewives in 2024
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Remote work has become more common because people understand that working from home using the Internet may be convenient. This change offers housewives a range of possibilities for organizing home chores and, at the same time, earning money. 
Here is a list of the best home-based activities housewives can do in 2024.
Best Jobs for Housewives 2024
Some women feel dependent if she not earning even she’s a housewives. However, the Ludo real cash game that offers an opportunity to win Rs10 lakh by playing games, these women feel mentally independent and stress-free. So, apart from paying games, here’s a list of some of the best jobs for housewives in 2024.
1. Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is flexible because one can write in any area of interest or specialization. Whether content writing, blogging, copywriting or technical writing, there is always a great demand for well-written content.
Types of Writing Jobs:
Content Writing: Writing web content such as articles, blog posts, and other types of text on the websites.
Blogging: Specialized in blogging about similar topics and making money through ads and affiliate marketing.
Copywriting: Developing copy for brochures and other forms of promotion.
Technical Writing: Writing manuals, guides and other technical writing work.
Tips for Getting Started:
Building a Portfolio: Gather notes and past works to prove your ability and advertise yourself to the clients.
Joining Freelancing Platforms: Freelance marketplace sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer avail clients to writers seeking to offer a plethora of writing services.
2. Virtual Assistance
Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Their tasks can vary widely depending on the client's needs. 
Common Tasks and Responsibilities:
Email management entails replying to and organizing emails.
Organizing calendars and making appointments is called scheduling.
Taking care of questions and problems from customers is known as customer support.
How to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs:
Job boards: Virtual assistant jobs are listed on websites such as Indeed, FlexJobs, and Remote.co.
VA Agencies: These companies are experts at matching clients with virtual assistants.
Networking: Creating a network on social media and in business associations can help you get employment.
Necessary Skills and Tools Required:
Tech-savvyness, communication, and organizational abilities.
Working knowledge of Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, and project management apps like Asana or Trello.
3. Online Tutoring and Teaching
With the increasing popularity of online learning, the demand for online tutors and teachers has surged. 
Subjects and Skills in High Demand:
Academic Subjects: Math, science, and languages.
Language Teaching: Teaching English or other languages to non-native speakers.
Music Lessons: Offering lessons in instruments or vocal training.
Platforms to Get Started:
VIPKid: Teaching English to students in China.
Chegg Tutors: Offering tutoring in various academic subjects.
Coursera: Teaching specialized courses to a global audience.
4. Social Media Management
Social media managers create and manage content for businesses and influencers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
Managing Social Media Accounts for Businesses and Influencers:
Content Creation: Developing posts, stories, and videos.
Analytics: Tracking engagement and performance metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Interacting with followers and responding to comments.
Essential Skills:
Content Creation: Writing, graphic design, and video editing.
Analytics: Understanding social media metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Knowing how to build and maintain a community.
Steps to Becoming a Social Media Manager:
Courses: Taking courses in social media marketing.
Certifications: Earning certifications from platforms like HubSpot or Hootsuite.
Networking: Joining social media groups and forums.
5. E-commerce and Online Selling
Online selling is one of the best work from home jobs for housewives that make them financially independent. Housewives can start their own online store or sell products on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay.
Popular Products to Sell:
Handmade Crafts: Jewelry, home decor, and personalized gifts.
Vintage Items: Clothing, accessories, and collectibles.
Digital Products: Printables, e-books, and courses.
Basics of Setting Up an Online Store:
Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock and supplies.
Marketing: Promoting products through social media and other channels.
Customer Service: Providing excellent service to retain customers.
6. Graphic Design
Graphic designers create visual content for businesses, including logos, websites, and marketing materials. 
Tools and Software Needed:
Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Canva: A user-friendly design tool.
Tips for Building a Portfolio and Finding Clients:
Portfolio: Showcase your best work on a personal website or portfolio site.
Finding Clients: Use freelancing platforms and networks within the design community.
7. Data Entry and Transcription Jobs
Data entry involves inputting data into systems, while transcription entails converting audio recordings into text. 
Necessary Skills:
Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy in data and transcripts.
Typing Speed: Fast and accurate typing.
Platforms to Find Work:
Upwork: A freelancing platform with data entry and transcription jobs.
Rev: Specializes in transcription services.
TranscribeMe: Offers transcription opportunities for beginners.
8. Online Surveys and Market Research
Participating in online surveys and market research studies can be an easy way to earn extra income.
Reputable Survey Sites and Research Panels:
Swagbucks: Offers surveys and other ways to earn points redeemable for gift cards.
Survey Junkie: Provides paid survey opportunities.
Vindale Research: Pays for participating in surveys and studies.
Tips for Maximizing Earnings and Avoiding Scams:
Maximizing Earnings: Sign up for multiple survey sites.
Avoiding Scams: Stick to reputable sites and never pay to join a survey site.
9. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales made through your referral link.
Choosing a Niche and Promoting Products/Services:
Niche: Select a specific area of interest to focus on.
Promotion: Use a blog, social media, or a YouTube channel to promote products.
Creating a Blog or Website for Affiliate Marketing:
Blog: Write content related to your niche and include affiliate links.
Website: Build a dedicated site to promote affiliate products.
10. Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives handle inquiries and issues from customers via phone, email, or chat.
Common Industries Hiring for Remote Customer Service:
Retail: Handling orders and returns.
Tech Support: Assisting with technical issues.
Finance: Managing account-related inquiries.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Communication: Clear and effective communication skills.
Problem-Solving: Ability to resolve customer issues efficiently.
Platforms to Find Customer Service Jobs:
Indeed: Lists various remote customer service positions.
Remote.co: Specializes in remote job listings.
FlexJobs: Offers a wide range of remote job opportunities.
Working from home offers housewives the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives while earning an income. Whether through freelancing, virtual assistance, online tutoring, or any of the other opportunities listed, there are numerous ways to embark on a rewarding work-from-home career. With dedication and the right skills, housewives can find fulfilling jobs that fit seamlessly into their daily routines.
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vanesa · 2 months
I want to formally write up my digital note-taking system as someone with autism and ADHD at some point, complete with screenshots. I've always been trying to reduce it and simplify it but I've accepted that it's always going to be difficult for other people to implement because I'm obsessed with organization and have been refining the system over years.
I've been reading Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte and have loosely adapted the PARA concept (Projects, Areas, Resource, Archives). I think it's brilliant to make notes more actionable. I want to organize such that it's easier to access notes most useful to me, and less-relevant-and-immediately-actionable notes like resources and finished projects are kept but neatly put away for later use and not cluttering up the space.
Basically, most of my personal and reference notes are in Notion. There I keep a list of things like my goals, my spending, my project planning, and reference materials I've collected over the years related to things like health, career development, recipes, etc.
However, Notion is a clunky experience on mobile. There is also no offline support - well, not proper offline support, anyway. That's because it's fundamentally a web application.
For quick notes I take on the go, reminders, and shopping lists, I use Google Keep. I can't understate how I haven't found a better app for this. Imagine a dynamic sticky notes board that syncs across devices and is easy to add and remove from. I can send notes to myself in the future in less than a minute and it basically runs my life. Every so often, I copy down important notes from Google Keep into Notion. I think basically everyone should use Google Keep, but especially for people with ADHD. Often we think of things in the moment, but they aren't relevant. I always jot down something I remember and send a reminder to myself when I can take action with it.
Finally, as much as I think Notion is great for note-taking, I actually use Obsidian for any deeper knowledge databases. I'm going to experiment and use Obsidian as my main school notes hub when I go back to school. I have a personal Obsidian wiki for programming. Obsidian is essentially offline Notion with less emphasis on databases. The linking between pages and seeing a map of how concepts are related to one another is extremely powerful.
And although I don't use it as often, I really like Notability on my iPad with an Apple Pencil. I use it for making digitized diagrams and as a study tool. The act of writing over typing codifies things in my memory.
I used to use Microsoft OneNote a lot. I miss when it was free. I appreciated how flexible it was. I used a tablet to write directly on the pages. However, I found that I hated formatting in it over time, and I preferred using Markdown as it's more universal. (Even my resume is written in LaTeX. I used to code every assignment in HTML/CSS because I wanted perfect formatting.) Overall, OneNote was clunky and difficult to keep consistently formatted.
On top of my digital system, I have a physical bullet journal and whiteboards. I think having multiple spaces that remind of of my tasks and ideas and to jot them down, and then moving them around helps me remember them. I could streamline the process a bit, but I really don't like compromising physical note-taking. I'm a firm believer in physical and non-cloud backups of information. I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket and rely on Internet infrastructure. I also want to feel grounded. There are some hybrid digital/physical notebooks I might look into to keep the process simple, but I've been working with this system fine.
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This day in history
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On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
On September 14, I'm hosting the EFF Awards in San Francisco.
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#15yrsago Canadian man changes name to beat no-fly list https://web.archive.org/web/20080917202919/https://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2008/09/11/nofly-name.html
#15yrsago Michigan GOP attacks right-to-vote for the recently foreclosed https://web.archive.org/web/20080911193036/https://michiganmessenger.com/4076/lose-your-house-lose-your-vote
#15yrsago North Texas house burns because local authorities switched off hydrants “to fight terrorism” https://web.archive.org/web/20080913150058/https://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa/latestnews/stories/wfaa080827_lj_hawes.1983f2d0.html
#15yrsago Terror cops hunt down ornamental castor bean plant https://web.archive.org/web/20080914224719/http://www.abc4.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=f2396fa3-c730-457d-825c-257c263a831c
#15yrsago Seaweed: Lush, hilarious oversized indie graphic novel https://memex.craphound.com/2008/09/11/seaweed-lush-hilarious-oversized-indie-graphic-novel/
#10yrsago NSA reveals that it illegally gathered thousands of phone records, to the appalled astonishment of FISA court judge https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/10/nsa-violated-court-rules-data-documents
#10yrsago Revisiting Milgram’s obedience experiment: what did he actually prove? https://psmag.com/social-justice/electric-schlock-65377
#10yrsago This is the crypto standard that the NSA sabotaged https://archive.nytimes.com/bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/10/government-announces-steps-to-restore-confidence-on-encryption-standards/
#10yrsago How the feds asked Microsoft to backdoor BitLocker, their full-disk encryption tool https://mashable.com/archive/fbi-microsoft-bitlocker-backdoor
#5yrsago California Farm Bureau sells out farmers, hands John Deere a monopoly over tractor repair https://www.vice.com/en/article/kz5qgw/california-farm-bureau-john-deere-tractor-hacking-right-to-repair
#5yrsago 2018’s Blue Wave needs to take down Trump, and the right-wing establishment of the Democratic Party https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/10/trump-neoliberal-democratic-party-america
#5yrsago History’s solutions to runaway inequality: warfare, revolution, state collapse and plague https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/09/10/can-inequality-only-be-fixed-by-war-revolution-or-plague
#5yrsago The EU’s copyright plans will let anyone mass-censor the internet https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/09/how-eus-copyright-filters-will-make-it-trivial-anyone-censor-internet
#5yrsago Wanting It Badly Is Not Enough: Real Problems For Creators Deserve Real Solutions https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/09/wanting-it-badly-not-enough-real-problems-creators-deserve-real-solutions
#5yrsago Woman World: the hilarious man-free apocalypse we’ve all been waiting for https://memex.craphound.com/2018/09/11/woman-world-the-hilarious-man-free-apocalypse-weve-all-been-waiting-for/
#5yrsago What developers need to do to save the internet from the EU’s looming copyright disaster https://github.blog/2018-09-10-how-developers-can-defend-open-source-from-the-eu-copyright-proposal/
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hostpyters · 3 months
AppSumo is a popular platform that offers lifetime deals on software, tools, and services for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses. It aims to provide users with significant savings on products that can enhance productivity, marketing, management, and various other business operations. Below is a detailed review of AppSumo's features and functionalities:
Key Features Lifetime Deals:
Discounted Software: AppSumo provides exclusive lifetime deals on a wide range of software products, often at a fraction of the regular price. This allows businesses to access premium tools without recurring costs. Variety of Categories: Deals span multiple categories, including marketing, sales, productivity, web development, design, and more. Curated Selection:
Expert Vetting: AppSumo’s team carefully curates and vets each deal to ensure quality and relevance for its user base. This helps users trust that the products offered are valuable and reliable. User Reviews and Ratings: Each product listing includes user reviews and ratings, providing insights from other entrepreneurs who have used the tools. Sumo-lings Community:
Active Community: Users, known as Sumo-lings, can engage with each other through comments, forums, and social media, sharing tips and experiences about the deals and tools they use. Feedback Mechanism: The community feedback helps AppSumo and product creators improve their offerings and address any issues promptly. Educational Resources:
Webinars and Tutorials: AppSumo often hosts webinars, tutorials, and live demos with product creators, helping users understand how to get the most out of the tools they purchase. Blog and Guides: The platform’s blog offers valuable content on entrepreneurship, growth strategies, and best practices for using various software tools. Refund Policy:
Generous Refunds: AppSumo offers a 60-day refund policy on most deals, allowing users to try out products with minimal risk. If the tool doesn��t meet their needs, they can get a full refund within this period.
AppSumo Plus Membership:
Exclusive Benefits: For a yearly fee, AppSumo Plus members get additional discounts, early access to deals, and other exclusive benefits, enhancing the overall value of the platform. Partner Program:
Affiliate Opportunities: Users can earn commissions by promoting AppSumo deals through its partner program, providing an additional income stream for entrepreneurs and influencers.
Pros Significant Savings: The primary advantage of AppSumo is the potential for significant savings on high-quality software, making premium tools accessible to small businesses and startups. Wide Range of Tools: The platform offers deals across various categories, catering to diverse business needs and helping users find tools for multiple aspects of their operations. Risk-Free Trials: The 60-day refund policy ensures that users can test products without the fear of losing money if the tools don’t work out for them. Community and Support: An active community and comprehensive educational resources help users make informed decisions and maximize the value of their purchases. Curated Quality: The expert vetting process ensures that only valuable and reliable products are featured, reducing the risk associated with purchasing lesser-known software.
Cons Limited Availability: Deals are often available for a limited time, which means users need to act quickly to take advantage of them. This can sometimes lead to impulsive buying decisions. Variable Product Quality: While AppSumo vets its deals, the quality and usefulness of products can still vary, and some tools may not meet every user’s expectations. Subscription Costs: Although the deals are discounted, some users might find the cost of the AppSumo Plus membership and the deals themselves to be a significant upfront investment.
AppSumo is a valuable platform for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses looking to access premium software tools at discounted prices. Its curated selection, significant savings, and supportive community make it a go-to resource for finding and utilizing business software. While there are considerations regarding the limited availability of deals and variable product quality, the overall benefits, including the risk-free trial period and wide range of tools, make AppSumo a highly beneficial platform for business growth and efficiency.
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With the continuance of the KOSA situation, I would like to bring up some alternatives to the modern web (below break). They're decentralized or don't really show up in search engines because they don't follow SEO that well. I've also included some Linux stuff.
If you have Linux, I know some great packages for you. I also recommend getting a Raspberry Pi since they are small, can run Linux, run on decently low power, are fairly cheap (but still more expensive than they usually are), and just as effective as a normal computer (just a bit slower). They're perfect for raspap and apache2.
apache2 - Host webpages on whatever network the server is on. Go to the hostname or local IP of the device to view the page. (Make the IP static so it doesn't change)
httrack - Download webpages. Be very careful to not download the entire Internet though! (just check your syntax)
raspap - Turn a Pi into a router. It is a bit hard to set up, but it can forward internet from other WiFi networks or run LAN. Go to raspap.com for install instructions.
xbomb & freesweep - Minesweeper. Freesweep can also run over SSH and in a terminal.
shred -fuzn <times to shred> <files> - This command is usually installed by default, but great for removing files when you don't want them to be recovered. 3-7 shreds works great.
apropos <search term> - Again, this command is usually installed by default, but it's helpful for searching command descriptions. For files, use find * | grep <search-term>.
Also get ProtonMail, @the-one-and-only-duckduckgo and/or @firefox-official (yes I tagged them because why not), and Linux (as it's much less Big Tech than other OSs). Seriously look into it. It's great.
From here on out, I ramble. Feel free to scroll past now.
In case FF or DDG are curious, I use FF on most devices (DDG for search) and DDG on my phone. I avoid chromium unless I can't, in which case I now try to use the portable FF (windows only) by copying the exe from a USB and running it from the music folder (because that's where important things go).
If anyone wants to share these tools, go ahead. I just compiled some so they're findable (stumbled upon by accident btw).
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