#free-style mountain climbing
skannar · 1 year
Ascending the Face : Minute Fiction
How many minutes in a year? Take one for yourself and read a minute fiction. MINUTE FICTION Sponsored by: If you enjoy this “Minute Fiction” please follow skannar on the social media platform you followed our link from. skannar is funded by advertising, affiliate marketing sales fueled by visitors like you. Your follow is appreciated. Your fingertips grip the rough surface of the sheer rock…
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bixels · 10 months
Portal 2 is still the perfect game to me. I hyperfixated on it like crazy in middle school. Would sing Want You Gone out loud cuz I had ADHD and no social awareness. Would make fan animations and pixel art. Would explain the ending spoilers and fan theories to anyone who'd listen. Would keep up with DeviantArt posts of the cores as humans. Would find and play community-made maps (Gelocity is insanely fun).
I still can't believe this game came out 12 years ago and it looks like THIS.
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Like Mirror's Edge, the timeless art style and economic yet atmospheric lighting means this game will never age. The decision not to include any visible humans (ideas of Doug Rattmann showing up or a human co-op partner were cut) is doing so much legroom too. And the idea to use geometric tileset-like level designs is so smart! I sincerely believe that, by design, no game with a "realistic art style" has looked better than Portal 2.
Do you guys remember when Nvidia released Portal with RTX at it looked like dogshit? Just the most airbrushed crap I've ever seen; completely erased the cold, dry, clinical feel of Aperture.
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So many breathtakingly pit-in-your-stomach moments I still think about too. And it's such a unique feeling; I'd describe at as... architectural existentialism? Experiencing the sublime under the shadow of manmade structures (Look up Giovanni Battista Piranesi's art if you're curious)? That scene where you're running from GLaDOS with Wheatley on a catwalk over a bottomless pit and––out of rage and desperation––GLaDOS silently begins tearing her facility apart and Wheatley cries 'She's bringing the whole place down!' and ENORMOUS apartment building-sized blocks begin groaning towards you on suspended rails and cement pillars crumble and sparks fly and the metal catwalk strains and bends and snaps under your feet. And when you finally make it to the safety of a work lift, you look back and watch the facility close its jaws behind you as it screams.
Or the horror of knowing you're already miles underground, and then Wheatley smashes you down an elevator shaft and you realize it goes deeper. That there's a hell under hell, and it's much, much older.
Or how about the moment when you finally claw your way out of Old Aperture, reaching the peak of this underground mountain, only to look up and discover an endless stone ceiling built above you. There's a service door connected to some stairs ahead, but surrounding you is this array of giant, building-sized springs that hold the entire facility up. They stretch on into the fog. You keep climbing.
I love that the facility itself is treated like an android zooid too, a colony of nano-machines and service cores and sentient panel arms and security cameras and more. And now, after thousands of years of neglect, the facility is festering with decomposition and microbes; deer, raccoons, birds. There are ghosts too. You're never alone, even when it's quiet. I wonder what you'd hear if you put your ear up against a test chamber's walls and listened. (I say that all contemplatively, but that's literally an easter egg in the game. You hear a voice.)
Also, a reminder that GLaDOS and Chell are not related and their relationship is meant to be psychosexual. There was a cut bit where GLaDOS would role-play as Chell's jealous housewife and accuse her of seeing other cores in between chambers. And their shared struggle for freedom and control? GLaDOS realizing, after remembering her past life, that she's become the abuser and deciding that she has the power to stop? That even if she can't be free, she can let Chell go because she hates her. And she loves her. Most people interpret GLaDOS "deleting Caroline in her brain" as an ominous sign, that she's forgetting her human roots and becoming "fully robot." But to me, it's a sign of hope for GLaDOS. She's relieving herself of the baggage that has defined her very existence, she's letting Caroline finally rest, and she's allowing herself to grow beyond what Cave and Aperture and the scientists defined her to be. The fact that GLaDOS still lets you go after deleting Caroline proves this. She doesn't double-back or change her mind like Wheatley did, she sticks to her word because she knows who she is. No one and nothing can influence her because she's in control. GLaDOS proves she's capable of empathy and mercy and change, human or not.
That's my retrospective, I love this game to bits. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
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doumadono · 4 months
𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓢𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓪𝔂
villain!Bakugo with f!reader. I'll leave the plot up to you (I'm confident you'll come up with something nice.) All I'm asking for is our boy being a bad guy, having his verrry rough ways with the reader (including spanking!)
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Warnings: smut with plot, rough smut, pussy fingering, spanking, doggy style & missionary, creampie, fem!reader, villain!Bakugo, mentions of fwb
A/N: this request got the second highest number of votes during the first Sinful Sunday poll I held over a week ago. Thank you to everyone who voted!
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As the convoy rattled along the desolate highway, Bakugo sat shackled in the back of the armored vehicle, his crimson eyes narrowed in frustration. He had been captured, subdued by the heroes, and now they were escorting him to a maximum-security prison. Trapped within the confines of the van, his hands bound by quirk-restraining handcuffs, he seethed with impatience. But Bakugo Katsuki, the menacing Dynamight, was not one to be contained so easily.
There was a minor flaw in handcuffs design that he quickly noticed and exploited to free himself - it was a pair of older handcuffs, made of a weaker metal alloy. It meant they were susceptible to melting under intense heat. 
With his explosive quirk, Bakugo swiftly devised a plan to apply enough heat to his hands and the cuffs to weaken them, allowing him to break free.
Some time later, Bakugo's quirk erupted in a fiery blaze, tearing through the vehicle's structure like paper. Amidst the chaos, Bakugo seized the moment.
Using the intense heat of his explosion, Bakugo focused his quirk on the weak metal of the handcuffs. With a sizzle and a crackle, the metal began to melt under the intense heat, giving way to his freedom. With a triumphant roar, Bakugo tore his hands free from the now-molten restraints.
As he burst out of the van, a surge of fury coursing through his veins, he was met with a grim sight. The guards who had been stationed on the back of the vehicle, caught in the blast of his explosion, lay motionless on the ground, their bodies heavily burnt. The intense heat and force of the blast had been too much for them to withstand. 
The blonde haired man chuckled darkly, basking in the sight. He didn't know why, but they reminded him of beef being roasted on a grill.
The night air was cool against his skin as he sprinted through the darkness, the sounds of pursuit echoing behind him. Of course they wouldn't stop looking for him! He was too dangerous, too unpredictable. He was a threat to society.
Bakugo was quick and cunning, slipping through the shadows like a wraith. He knew he had to find shelter, to lay low until the heat died down. He darted through the forest, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he sought refuge from his pursuers. With each passing moment, the distance between them grew, but Bakugo knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down.
After a while, he noticed he was familiar with his surroundings – he recognized a mountain on the horizon. He used to climb it countless times in the past with his girl friend, back when things were good.
Hours later, weary yet exhilarated from his escape, Bakugo stumbled upon a secluded cabin nestled at the base of the mountain. It was the perfect hiding place, a sanctuary from the prying eyes of the heroes and law enforcement. With a smirk, Bakugo darted towards the cabin, his heart pounding with anticipation.
Bakugo wasted no time in approaching, his senses on high alert as he surveyed the area for any sign of danger. But as he reached the door, he realized that the door was closed - a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.
With a grunt of frustration, Bakugo raised his leg and delivered a powerful kick to the door, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the night. He stepped over the threshold, his keen, crimson eyes scanning the ground floor for any sign of life.
The cabin was eerily silent, the only sound the faint rustle of leaves outside. Bakugo moved cautiously, his heavy footsteps echoing in the empty space as he searched for a place to hide. And then he saw it - a staircase leading up to the upper floor.
Deciding to explore further, Bakugo made his way up the creaking staircase to the upper floor. The air was heavy with the scent of pine and lavender, the faint flicker of candlelight guiding his way.
Bakugo walked quietly through the narrow corridor leading to the room at its end. The flickering candlelight spilled from under the door, casting a dim glow along the walls of the corridor. As he reached the wooden door, he slid it aside. 
Inside, he saw you sleeping peacefully in your bed, oblivious to the chaos unfolding around you.
For a moment, Bakugo's heart skipped a beat as he took in your familiar form. It had been years since he had last seen you, but he would never forget your face. Memories of days gone by flooded his mind - the laughter, the late nights, the stolen moments of passion. You were his old friend, his confidante, his partner in crime. 
It couldn't be a coincidence that he found himself in your cabin. You, the woman who had always helped him, even when he turned to a life of crime.
But as he stood there, watching you sleep, Bakugo knew that things had changed. He was no longer the same person he once was, and neither were you. 
You stirred awake, your eyes fluttering open as you sensed a presence in the room. Fear flashed in your eyes as you took in the sight of a tall man standing in the door leading to your bedroom, his expression unreadable in the dim light cast by a candle.
“Who are you?!” you whispered, noticing how dry your throat had become.
“Y/N,” he uttered your name as if it was the most sacred word in the entire world.
"Bakugo?" you whispered, your voice trembling with disbelief.
He nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling within him as he stepped into the room. "Yeah, it's me," he replied gruffly, his voice rough with emotion. "I didn't mean to intrude, I was just -" He felt foolish, like a complete idiot. He should have left right away, for both your sake and his own, but something in the look on your face stopped him. The fear was replaced by genuine happiness – you were genuinely happy to see him.
"Running from the heroes," you finished the sentence for him, your voice soft but tinged with sadness. "I heard about what happened in the convoy, all of the TV stations had it in their breaking news. Are you okay?"
Bakugo hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before meeting yours once more. Not only were you happy to see him, but you were also concerned about his well-being. You were one of a kind.  "I'm fine," he said brusquely, his words laced with a hint of bitterness. 
You nodded, understanding in your eyes as you reached out a hand towards him. "You can stay here," you offered quietly. "As long as you need to. I bought this hut some time ago. I was ready to leave town, but too many memories held me back.”
Bakugo's expression softened at your words, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it." He cleared his throat awkwardly, adding, “I’m glad you stayed.”
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After being awakened, you guided him downstairs. You prepared a meal for him, making sure to add all of the spicy spices you had. After the meal, you offered him a fresh towel and allowed him to take a shower. Thankfully, you had some male clothes on hand. They belonged to him in the past, left by your place just in case, and you never felt ready to part with them. It seemed that fate had its own plans for the two of you all those years ago.
As you scrubbed the dishes, the warm water running over your hands, your mind wandered to him yet again. It had been so long since you last saw him, yet the moment he was near, your heart fluttered like it used to, and your thoughts raced uncontrollably.
Butterflies danced in your stomach as you cursed yourself for feeling this way. You shouldn't be drawn to him, not after everything. Sure, you had once helped him when he was already a villain, but now... Now he was something else entirely.
A convicted murderer. A dangerous, notorious villain.
You shook your head, trying to push away the memories of your time together. You had to focus on the task at hand, on the present, not dwell on the past! But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the feeling of longing that lingered in your heart, reminding you of the connection you once shared.
Despite never officially being his girlfriend, despite the numerous times he hurt you, shattering your heart into pieces, pushing you away only to come back begging for help when his other relationships fell apart one by one, you still found yourself longing for him. You were always his second choice. Even when he was fucking you, whispering sweet nothings that you knew deep down were only meant to manipulate you, and despite your rational mind warning you, you couldn't help but cling to the hope that maybe, just maybe, he meant it. Eventually, you resigned yourself to the fact that you were nothing more than a side option in his life. And you grew used to things being that way.
Bakugo returned to you wearing only sweatpants. He was shirtless, with his wet bangs adorning his forehead; his toned physique drew your admiring gaze. It was evident he had stayed in great shape over the years.
He noticed your gaze and flashed you a cocky grin. "Enjoying the view, huh?"
You felt a flush creeping up your cheeks as you struggled to look away. "You... look pretty damn good," you confessed, feeling a surge of excitement at the sight of him. “Even after all these years…”
Bakugo closed the distance between you, his presence practically crackling with electricity. "Why don't you come over here and find out just how good I can be?" he nearly purred, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
Heart pounding, you closed the distance between you, unable to resist the magnetic pull between you any longer. You slowly ran your hands up and down his abs, looking up into his fiery eyes. You had always been drawn to him, despite his rough exterior and abrasive personality. Bakugo was the villain of your story, but you couldn't help but be drawn to his raw power and intense energy.
Katsuki sneered at you, his eyes blazing with anger and desire. He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you closer towards him. With his other hand, he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him as he leaned in for a rough, possessive kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth, exploring every inch with a fierce intensity that left you breathless.
You gasped in surprise, but you couldn't deny the spark of desire that ignited within you.
Bakugo's hands began to roam your body, roughly squeezing your breasts and ass, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. It had been a long while since he had a woman in his arms, and he craved the feeling of a female touch more than ever before.
He couldn't resist the urge as his hands harshly squeezed your breasts through the material of the oversized shirt you wore to sleep. Thankfully, you didn’t wear pants but panties, granting him the access he craved so badly.
He pulled your shirt over your head, exposing your nipples to the cool air of the night. He latched onto your nipple with his mouth, sucking and biting until you were writhing beneath him. 
Your hands gripped his ash-blonde hair, pulling him closer as you moaned his name. You moaned in pleasure all the time, your body responding to his touch like it used to do before. 
He pulled away suddenly, leaving you panting and desperate for more. Bakugo's hands moved down to your panties, roughly pulling them off and exposing your pretty pussy. He grinned at you, his eyes dark with lust. "You're wet for me, aren't you?" he growled. His fingers then traveled down to your pussy, teasing your clit. 
You blushed, unable to deny it. 
Katsuki chuckled, his fingers sliding over your clit and making you gasp in pleasure. After slipping his calloused middle finger into you, a wide grin spread across his lips. "Oh, fuck. Of course you are, doll," he murmured, licking a stripe up your neck with the tip of his tongue.
All you could do was to throw your head back, moaning like a whore.
He grabbed your chin and kissed you roughly while fingering your pussy roughly, and squeezing the meat of your ass with his other hand.
After the kiss, he nudged your hip, but you already knew what to do. With a swift motion, you jumped up, and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
He effortlessly held you in the air with just one arm slipped under your butt to secure you as he made out with you, carrying you to the couch by the window in your small living room.
You could easily feel his cock getting hard in his pants, straining the material and pressing against your bare crotch as you still had your legs wrapped around him.
Bakugo tossed you onto the couch like you were a rag doll, paying no mind to the whimper that escaped you. "On your fucking hands and knees," he commanded, his tone filled with pure lust. “Show me that pretty cunt.”
As a good girl you were, you took the position, lowering yourself as much as you could on your hands, sticking your ass out, presenting yourself to him. Was it wrong? Perhaps. Was it exactly what you wanted? Absolutely.
He admired your figure for a moment before delivering a sharp smack to your ass, leaving a red mark in the shape of his palm.
You let out a yelp of surprise, followed by a moan as the sting turned into a pleasurable warmth. 
Bakugo chuckled darkly before spanking you again, harder this time. He continued to alternate between rough caresses and painful smacks, driving you wild with desire. "You like that, don't you?" he growled, smacking you again.
You moaned in response, your body writhing with pleasure. 
Bakugo chuckled again, smacking you again and again until your ass was red and throbbing. He enjoyed seeing the influence his actions had on you - your juices slowly spilling out of your pussy, coating your sweet folds in the essence he craved so much.
Your sweet arousal scent filled his nostrils, making his cock twitch in his pants, already leaking precum and staining the material. All he could do was growl at the sensation and the tight knot building within his abdomen.
Finally, he gave in. Katsuki pulled his sweatpants down enough to free his rock-hard cock. He lined himself up with your entrance before thrusting into you with one swift motion. “Fuuuuuck!” he howled, spanking your ass again. “You feel so fucking good, just like I remembered, doll.”
You cried out in pleasure, your pussy stretching painfully to accommodate his monstrous girth.
He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you towards him, his cock sliding in and out of your wet pussy with ease. 
Bakugo began to thrust into you, rough and hard. 
You could feel every inch of him, filling you up and hitting all the right spots. His name was falling out of your lips like a prayer.
He grunted and groaned above you, his hands gripping either your hips or the meat of your ass tightly, squeezing it to the point he would leave bruises in his wake.
Suddenly, he pulled out, only to scoop some of your juices on his fingers and bring it to his mouth. After tasting your essence, he groaned. “Fuck, you’re gonna be a death of me, doll. You taste so divine.” He slid his cock back into your pussy, his thrusts even rougher than before. Of course he didn’t stop himself from delivering hard spanks to your ass. “Say you missed me. Say it!” he growled.
“Yes, Katsuki, I missed you!” you whined, tears welling up in your eyes.
“That’s it. That’s my bitch,” he praised, spanking your ass again, earning himself a yelp from you.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by your moans and Bakugo's grunts of pleasure. 
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your orgasm building with each powerful thrust of his.
Just as you were about to reach your peak, Bakugo pulled out suddenly. He flipped you over onto your back before positioning himself between your legs. He entered you once again, this time with a slow and deliberate pace.
The truth was he wanted to see your face. He wanted to witness the pure bliss written on your features, accentuated by your watery eyes that used to roll back in the cutest way possible when he used to fuck you all those years ago. He longed to be as close to you as possible. All he wanted and craved was you.
His eyes locked onto yours as he moved inside you, his expression intense and focused. 
You could see the burning desire in his gaze, and it only served to heighten your own pleasure. “Katsuki…”
"Come for me," Bakugo growled, his right hand gripping your waist tightly as his other hand moved up to squeeze your breasts.
He increased his pace, his balls slapping against your ass as he thrust into you, growling like an animal.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and raked your nails down his back, feeling the tip of his cock continuously hitting the sweetest spot deep inside of you.
As you climaxed, your body shuddered, and Bakugo let out a roar of satisfaction, feeling your velvety walls spasming around his dick. He continued to fuck you, drawing out your orgasm until you were spent, gasping for air like a fish pulled out of water.
He came shortly after you, spilling his warm, thick seed inside your abused pussy. He threw his head back, grunting gutturally as he reached his peak. He was a little frustrated that he didn't manage to come at the same time as you did.
When it was over, Bakugo collapsed on top of you, his breathing heavy. Soon, he pulled out slowly, hissing when a cold air enveloped his slick cock, covered in your mixed releases.
You giggled quietly, rolling in the ball so he could fit behind you on the couch, blushing hardly as you felt how soaked you were thanks to his cum, which slowly flowed out of your pussy, staining your inner thighs.
He wrapped his arm around your waist from behind, holding you close as you both reveled in the afterglow of your passionate encounter. His rough fingertips ran up and down the curve of your waist. "You're mine now," he growled, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness as his words echoed in your mind. "You're mine now." He had said it countless times before, but you knew deep down that he never truly meant it. It was just another empty promise, meant to keep you tethered to him. "You don't have to pretend with me. You can lie to your other girls, but not to me. We both know I'm just a friend with benefits to you, Katsuki."
Suddenly, Bakugo's grip on you tightened, his temper flaring instantly at your comment. "What the hell did you just say?!" he snapped, his voice becoming sharp and accusing. "You think I don't mean it, huh? You think I'm just messing around?"
You flinched at the sudden intensity in his tone, but you refused to back down. "I'm just saying what's true," you replied, feeling how his grip on your waist tightened. "You never wanted to be with me. You just used me when it suited you."
Bakugo's expression darkened, his jaw clenched in anger. "That's not true," he growled, his grip on you almost painful now. "I wanted you, damn it. I still do. But it was better that way.”
You rolled to your other side to face him, tears welling in your eyes as you poured out your feelings. "I've always loved you, Katsuki," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion. "No matter what you did or who you are, I've always loved you, and I still do."
His anger faltered as he listened to your words, his expression softening slightly. "I pushed you away to protect you," he admitted, his voice filled with a modicum of remorse. "From my deeds, from myself. I've never been a good man, and I didn't want you to get caught up in that fucking shit, Y/N.”
But you shook your head, reaching out to gently touch his stubbly cheek. "I don't care about any of that," you insisted in a whisper, your love for him shining through despite the pain in your heart. "I love you, Katsuki. I always did, and I always will, no matter what."
For a moment, there was silence between you, the weight of your emotions hanging heavy in the air. 
And then, without a word, he pulled you closer, holding you tightly against his sweaty chest as if he never wanted to let you go. Bakugo's expression was grave as he pulled you close, his voice low and urgent. "There's a manhunt for me, as you know,” he reminded, his words tinged with a mix of sadness and anger. "It's too dangerous for you to be associated with me."
You nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, but determination burned in your eyes. "We'll find a way to navigate it," you assured him, refusing to let fear consume you. “Together, Katsuki.”
There was a long silence between the two of you.
He kissed your nose tenderly, his touch gentle against your naked skin as he caressed your body. "I've always dreamt of something true, something pure," he admitted, his voice tinged with longing. He stared into your eyes with his intense crimson gaze, as if trying to peer into your very soul. "But I was too blind to notice it was always right in front of me.”
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joculine · 3 months
>be me >hanging out with cute girl while her parents are out of town >cant tell if shes gay or not but we're hopeful >wrestling in the garden for fun >i end up on top and pin her arms down >realize i was taking it too seriously and blush >she grins "guess you beat me huh" >"guess so" >she puckers her lips >i flinch instinctively and push her away >stupid gay idiot got embarrassed >still want to kiss though. keep eyes shut through the shame >bend down and kiss her >open eyes >mfw i have accidentally dashed her brains against a garden paving stone >pick her up bridal carry style >put her in my car. buckle her in for safety. put sunglasses and ball cap on >get in drivers side. think i hear her wheezing >check pulse. check for breath. nothing. must have been my imagination >drive two hours west to the shenandoah mountains >pay day pass >"have a nice trip you two!" >ranger doesnt know. we're in the clear >stop at empty overlook >take girl out and grab shovel. walk her 20 minutes into the woods >"anon my feet hurt. this is the spot." >put her down and start digging >its raining. get muddy >hole's not super deep but it'll do >try to lower her gently, but slip and lose grip. she falls in and splatters more brain on mud >youfuckedup.jpg >get ready to start burying >"anon" >look down >yep still dead >"anon... one more kiss..." >well if you insist >try to climb in >still muddy >slip and twist my ankle >we're face to face now >she smiles and kisses me >i kiss back >she wraps her arms around me >theyre warm >i hear thunder >try to wriggle loose >rigor mortis has set her joints firm >couldnt get free if i tried >accept fate. mud drips into the hole >buried in the muck with cute girl
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
lover from another nation ~ hcs .
characters !! all the genshin men i could think of rn...
note !! it's been a while since i've written hcs for a lot! aaaah just some thoughts i had today (i had a few culture shocks here and there when i met up with new friends hahahah)
~ m o n d s t a d t ~
grabbing zhongli by the hand to dance and sing in the middle of the square because mondstadters live for the festivities! he quickly learns to freestyle dance along with you, moving with the crowd and cheers and wine. (remember that Tangled scene? yes)
kaveh wasn't sure how to react the day you ordered hard liquor on your first date. sure, your freedom and love for a good drink is one of the things which made him fall for you but wow– are you really gonna down that many glasses on a date? what do you mean you're still sober?
ayato finds himself in love with the way you sing. it doesn't follow the rules of inazuman opera at all; it's much more freeing (much like how his house help sings as he does chores) and you'd tell him stories and the history of your homeland in the form of songs. no mondstadter could ever forget the songs they grew up listening to!
heizou being almost appalled by your rather... robust and reckless nature. you don't have any backup plans whenever a situation goes south, you simply hold his hand, smile, and say "we go where the wind blows!"
~ l i y u e ~
diluc having chopsticks as part of your dining utensils because sometimes, you're more comfortable eating with it (let's not forget often having rice on the table! he must learn the joys of garlic rice with his steak <3)
dainsleif stays by your side as you offer incense and fruits to your ancestors. he whispers quiet prayers, bows when you do, and helps you clean their altars. he finds solace in the familial piety of liyuens– it makes him wish he could honor his ancestors with the same kind of peace as you do.
kazuha getting tongue tied over the language being so similar to inazuman but also so different– why are some of the characters the same? why are the meanings different? there's a bit of miscommunication in the start, but you both find your own ways to understand each other when words fail.
we all know gorou has always wanted to climb the mountains of liyue and you made it possible! meeting him by the docks and touring him around your home nation, you made sure to pick hiking routes with the most scenic spots, even managing to tour him around the jade palace and the floating lone island.
~ i n a z u m a ~
kaeya has no idea how you sit on the floor while being comfortable. you've made him sit with you once while reading a book, after that, his bones ached for days! shaking every time he stood back up!
albedo met you in the irodori festival- he painted you for practice and spark between you started. the long distance was difficult at first, but his long letters always had a little drawing of you and you'd send back the scent of cherry blossoms. klee would also send you letters, asking you to come visit soon!
childe loves a new fighting style; like most sword users in inazuma, you followed the raiden shogun's teachings– swift, efficient, and at one with the sword. he loves how you fight and it's often how you end your dates!
cyno was almost confident that you were playing a prank the day you said you'll make him your specialty and you showed him a platter of raw seafood. it's "sashimi and ngiri" you say, and he waited for you to explain the pun of your joke. it wasn't a joke.
~ s u m e r u ~
thoma is quite used to mondstadters and inazumans, two very different cultures, then he meets you and your sumeru upbringing! you show him how to cook foods that can be eaten with hands, and your menu is often so colorful he can't help but admire it!
itto doesn't really understand the study culture of sumeru, but he totally supports whatever it is you're talking about and tries to add in comments (his comments don't exactly make sense though...)
scaramouche, in his "path of redemption and healing", unwillingly gets involved with you as you show him around the beautiful parts of sumeru! you argue that he needs a different, better outfit with a color scheme that matches his vision. he insists that the hat stays. you tell him he looks like an aranara.
~ s n e z h n a y a ~
al haitham was almost concerned the day you got a heatstroke after being in the desert for no more than a few minutes. snezhnaya has prepared you for harsh weather, but never the heat. soon enough your lover is carrying around heatstroke-first aid packs just for you.
bundling up tighnari's fluffy ears before setting foot in snezhnaya because you just know the cold would practically freeze them off. his tail also gets wrapped and bundled warm in the large coats you wear, protection from the harsh snow. he says he looks like a big lummox.
note !! alright, choose your favorite dynamic! i personally think mondstadters with liyue/inazuma would be interesting maybe because i want to force feed them the joys of rice...
// if i misinterpreted a culture then umm... just know it wasn't intentional and let's consider it a real thing in teyvats culture 🫣😎
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
Preface: This is not an analysis post, and honestly, I don’t want to overanalyse their interactions or everything they said and did—many others are already doing that. My intention with this post is simply to share my thoughts on the episodes, my impressions, and perhaps my conclusions.
I’m writing this as I watch the episodes for the second time.
The intro still feels too generic for a show featuring TWO SINGERS, but oh well. 
Jimin can never stop praising Jungkook for everything, even the most normal and small things Jungkook does—Jimin will praise him for it. 
I also love how Jimin and Jungkook always, not just on the show, make comments that confirm how well they know each other and how aware they are of everything the other does. 
Jimin and Jungkook really complement each other well, in everything. 
Jimin is more into making plans and wanting to go places, but he’s much calmer. Jungkook isn’t one to plan, but he’ll go with the flow. However, once in those moments, he’s super active. He does everything; he just doesn’t plan it. On the other hand, Jimin plans everything, but even though he participates in everything, he’d prefer to stay sleeping or do it more laid-back, hahaha. 
Seeing Jimin and Jungkook hiking reminded me of that episode of RUN BTS, where Jimin says that if he won, he’d make the loser hike a mountain (I can’t remember the name), and he and Jungkook couldn’t stop laughing. I still wonder what that was all about. 
Their conversations always seem so interesting to me and say a lot about their dynamic. They talk about mundane things and things that, without knowing how they are, wouldn’t make sense. The beautiful thing is that they follow each other’s flow perfectly. Another thing I love about them is that when they’re together, there’s a certain innocence about them and the way they’re gentle without being childish is just too lovely. They definitely have a tone of voice just for the two of them. 
Jimin has a great imagination, no wonder he writes such good songs, hahaha. 
Could Jimin really do a cover of Jungkook’s song and vice versa? Thank you. 
I’m just now noticing the difference in their clothing styles. Jimin really said, “I didn’t shave my legs for nothing!” Hahaha. But yes, black and white all the time, basically. 
When Jimin said he was also a member, Jungkook looked at him as if saying, “Babe, I didn’t mean you,” hahaha. 
The conversation about mosquitoes and Jimin’s blood is too funny. 
I had to look up what omakase means because I obviously didn’t understand what they were talking about, and now that I know, it makes sense. Jimin was absolutely right. 
Maybe it’s just that they really laugh at what they say, but seriously, many things they say and how they react to them make you think they mean something else. Like an innuendo that we’re not supposed to catch, hahaha. 
Everyone’s talking about what Jungkook said to Jimin when he grabbed his sweater, but I haven’t seen anyone talk about how Jungkook responded to it! God, that soft and low tone they use when talking to each other kills me every time I hear it. It’s so delicate and so... private. It’s a very good representation of their relationship in general. 
Jungkook actually said he wanted to try Jimin’s blood, and Jimin really said ‘bet,’ hahaha. 
I love how relaxed and slow the first episodes were. They weren’t there to entertain us; they were there to rest and enjoy their days off, with cameras filming them. The yacht trip was really just that, them enjoying a yacht trip. Nothing more. And I love that they enjoyed it so much. 
I LOVE how they kept saying they felt free or relaxed or incredible just being there. That’s all that matters, right? 
What is it with them and Titanic, seriously? 
Jungkook is so used to Jimin climbing onto his back that he doesn’t even flinch, hahaha. 
Okay, I suppose one of the reasons they said this show would be unfiltered is because of all the times they talked about Jimin needing the toilet, hahaha. Poor man. 
Jungkook searching for more mosquito bites on Jimin’s body is so... I’d like to say someone explain that to me, but I know no one can, or you’ll just say it’s Jikook being Jikook. 
Mate, the way they play-fight is so cute. Like, it’s so damn soft. Delicate. I think I mentioned something about this in my reactions to the first episode, but here it’s more obvious. 
Also, the way Jimin ends up on top of Jungkook and Jungkook acts as if nothing’s out of the ordinary? Okay. 
Something I love about all the members, in general, is how considerate they are of their staff. They always make sure their staff is okay, that they’ve eaten, or that they’re just doing well. That has always spoken very well of them.   The fact that they worked so hard before enlisting and left so much work behind was also a way of taking care of their staff and ensuring they still had jobs during this period of inactivity. The fact that Jin immediately started working, along with his/their staff, is also worth highlighting. 
I was so stressed when Jimin was complaining about his stomach one minute or was afraid to go to the bathroom and then the next minute HE WAS EATING GUACAMOLE AND TACOS WITH ALL THE SALSAS?! Like, my son in Christ, that wasn’t going to help you! 
Jimin always says everything Jungkook does is cute, but Jungkook also finds everything Jimin does cute. And it’s sweet how Jungkook always points out how well Jimin eats or how much he’s enjoying the food. 
Jimin and Jungkook knowing they dominate the charts does wonders for my ego as a fan, hahaha. 
I love how in many of their conversations, they speak in satoori. I hope as the show progresses, they speak more in satoori. 
Jimin validating that there’s nothing wrong with not writing your own songs and saying it’s efficient that way is the biggest FU he could give to Jungkook’s haters, and I’m sure it wasn’t even his intention. 
I really appreciate hearing Jungkook talk a bit more about the direction he initially wanted to go with his single, and I suppose with the album too, and not just that, but what he wanted to achieve with it. Jimin and Jungkook are not new to the industry, and I think both wanted to branch out a bit from what they knew. As Jungkook said, the goals were different. And it’s interesting how their experiences contrast with each other. Jimin wasn’t so used to writing his own songs, so it’s something he wanted to do and ended up enjoying. Jungkook, on the other hand, is someone who has experience writing his own songs, so he already knows the process, and he decided to focus on his voice this time. I suppose that’s why he “sacrificed” part of the process, which ended up being opting not to write his own songs and instead focus on his voice and how he could tell the story others wrote with it. At the end of the day, Jungkook just wants to sing, no matter what story he’s telling or who wrote it. And that’s respectable. 
Jungkook really is Jimin’s chef. Jin wasn’t lying. The fact that Jungkook was always willing to make whatever Jimin wanted to eat is just too cute.
I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I will always side-eye anyone who says they like Twinkies. I haven’t tried many Hostess products, but that is one of the worst, and I’m not going to argue with anyone about it!
Jungkook, I love you, but that’s not how you make authentic carbonara. I’m not Italian, and I still know that. Saying that carbonara requires sugar should be a crime, hahahah.
Jungkook apologising to Jimin for not being able to make the pasta exactly as he wanted is just too sweet.
Watching Jimin eat that pasta – which looked delicious, I won’t lie – was more stressful than it should have been, hahahah.
Jungkook, you were right; WHO ended up being HUGE.
Wait, was Jungkook in the room when Jimin was asking if he should sleep with him and if he did, would he hit him again? Also, I still can’t figure out what Jungkook threw on Jimin’s bed.
Okay, the part where they start “wrestling” while brushing their teeth. Something that stands out about that moment is the silence and their expressions; it’s as if they were holding back from saying something. Yes, I know they had toothbrushes in their mouths, but something similar happened on the yacht. Also, it’s obvious they do those poses we’ve seen before, like when Jungkook carried Jimin during one of their rehearsals – I don’t know if you remember which one I’m talking about. That’s why Jimin looked so comfortable when he climbed onto Jungkook’s shoulders and why Jungkook knew exactly how to lift Jimin, and Jimin knew what to do to make it easier for Jungkook. I’d bet all the money I don’t have that they have a complex of Cirque du Soleil members or something, hahahah.
When Jungkook initially goes to Jimin’s room, he wasn’t wearing a microphone. When he appeared in the kitchen, he initially still didn’t have a microphone on, but after a few seconds, it appeared.
Jungkook really loves eating… junk food, hahahaha. Eating doughnuts in the morning is crazy, hahahaha.
Oh, Jungkook didn’t take off the microphone before getting into Jimin’s bed; he faked putting on the one that was on the bed. So, was that his microphone and did he leave it there the first time he went to Jimin’s room? Or was that Jimin’s microphone and he thought it was his? I’m confused.
I don’t want to analyse that moment, but I think I will analyse that moment in their bed. Bro, the way they did all that in silence, with only grunts heard, was intense. The way Jungkook adjusts Jimin’s leg to snuggle up to it is too much for my cold heart. The way Jimin seemed to want to climb on top of Jungkook or something similar and then they pretended to “wrestle” in bed or whatever that was, is too much.
Jungkook spanking Jimin is… bro. The way Jungkook then buried his face in Jimin’s back, making sure to be as close to him as possible is… oh, my crazy heart.
Saying almost immediately after waking up that they needed to buy a sponge to wash the dishes is perhaps the most domestic thing those two have said. My Latina mother would be proud of them, hahahah.
Oh wait, was that actually Jungkook’s microphone?! Then why was it already on Jimin’s bed when he came in the second time?
I LOVE, LOVE how relaxed Jimin and Jungkook were throughout the episode.
Jimin and Jungkook’s light-hearted bickering during the two episodes was delightful. I love seeing more of that side of their dynamic.
I loved the second episode, maybe even more than the first one.
Here, Jimin and Jungkook were more comfortable. It’s as if, after a few hours or a day, they fell into the comfort of their relationship and everything after that was easy. I think they finally got used to the cameras more than anything else.
So, this second episode was about Jimin and Jungkook being domestic. The episode was about them enjoying the tranquillity of their trip. The domesticity of their trip. The slow pace, basically. And I loved it.
I saw some comments from people saying they didn’t like it and even that the episodes were boring, and look, I respect those opinions, but I do wonder what they were expecting to see. The difference with this show compared to other BTS content we’re used to is that there are only 2 people. In BTS shows, when one isn’t doing something, the other four are either doing something crazy or saying something funny. Obviously, it’s different. Besides, I think this is how Jimin and Jungkook are in their normal lives. This is them being themselves. This is them on holiday, and I think that’s something we, as fans, should appreciate.
Jimin and Jungkook are chaotic but in a different way. They’re not chaotic in the sense of doing a thousand crazy things in different places, but rather doing a thousand things in one place. They’re more homebodies. They’ve said that many times. And I think we’ll see a lot of that.
I think I’ve said this in other posts, this show is Jimin and Jungkook genuinely on holiday, only this time they brought several cameras with them.
The most interesting moments certainly were something. I wonder what was cut in the editing room because there were obvious cuts in those moments.
Jungkook saying they should do many more seasons of this is a good testament to how much he enjoyed it. This was confirmed by the interview given by the show’s director.
I can’t wait to see the rest of the episodes. And I REALLY want to see the behind-the-scenes of these first two episodes.
If you’ve made it this far, I’m sorry and thank you—I just couldn’t stop writing ajajajajaja.
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katsu28 · 11 months
☕️ steve harrington and "you called me your friend." "was i not supposed to say that?" "you really think i'm just your friend? after these last few weeks?"
anna u have singlehandedly pulled me out of my steve slump with this request thank you i love you <3
steve harrington x reader, 1.8k, join the celebration!
“Steve, we’re gonna be late for the movie.” 
“Who cares?” Steve’s voice was muffled from where his face was buried in your neck pressing kisses to it. You gave the hair at the back of his head a gentle tug, making him retreat to meet your gaze. His eyes were darker than usual in the backseat of his car, hair mussed, lips kiss-swollen. You were sure you looked the same. 
“Uh, the ticket taker, probably?” 
Steve huffed overdramatically, licking his lips. “We don’t have to watch the movie, y’know. We could always just stay here, doing what we’ve been doing. Doing some more stuff, preferably with less clothes…” You shot him an unimpressed look and he sighed, letting you climb off his lap and out of the car swiftly. 
He followed rather begrudgingly, straightening out his wrinkled clothes the best he could, taming his hair back into the artfully messy appearance he’d styled it in before your hands had been through it. “Do I look okay?” 
“Cute as usual, but you got a little something right there, pretty boy,” You said fondly, reaching out and swiping a smudge of your lipstick off the corner of his mouth. Steve’s eyes tracked your hand, not realizing he was leaning into your touch until your knuckles brushed against his cheekbone softly. He cleared his throat suddenly and you retreated, dropping your hand back down to your side. “How ‘bout me?” 
“Beautiful as always.” He laced his fingers through yours, bringing you forward to dot a few kisses against your hairline before tugging you into step with him towards the movie theater. 
The smell of popcorn hit you the moment you entered, the thought of a mountain of the buttery snack in a bucket giving you a little extra pep in your step and Steve noticed, because he gave your hand a squeeze. 
A voice calling Steve’s name from behind the two of you made you both turn around. A boy and a girl were making their way towards you hand in hand, the girl’s free hand raised in a wave. 
From beside you, Steve beamed. “Hey guys! Didn’t know you were gonna be here tonight.” 
“Oh, Nance wanted to watch Labyrinth again.” The boy tipped his head towards his movie partner—girlfriend, you assumed. He looked at you, offering you a small but warm smile. “What about you guys?”
“This is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Nance and Jonathan.” He introduced you so nonchalantly you almost scoffed. If Steve still considered you just a friend after all the time you’d been spending with each other and all the things you’d been doing with each other lately, then you’d hate to see what he did with his other friends. “We were just gonna catch that new Matthew Broderick movie, see if it’s any good. You seen it yet?” 
“Not yet, I was gonna see if Will wanted to watch it with me. Seems like something he’d find funny.” Jonathan shrugged. His gaze just so happened to wander down to yours and Steve’s joined hands, but if it surprised him, he kept his composure, opting for a sharp nod. “Well, we won’t hold you. See you Friday, Steve? Hellfire’s meeting at our house this time and my mom’s making pot roast, so you’d better bring your appetite when you come pick up Dustin and the others.” 
“When do I not?” 
“Reliable as ever, Steve.” Nancy joked. “It was nice to see you again, and really nice to meet you, Y/N.”
You smiled at her as best you could, saying a soft goodbye before they made their way past the two of you. 
“You okay? Kinda looks like you just got sucker punched.” Okay, so maybe your poker face wasn’t great. Steve looked genuinely concerned for your well-being, and you hated how it sent your stomach into a whirl. “Are you sick? Fuck, I knew Mike’s nasty cough would rub off on me, that little shit! I can take you home if you want, don’t worry about the movie.”
“I don’t want to go home, Steve.” 
“We can always catch it another day, it’s gonna be here for a month at least, we—” He’d already started to guide you back towards the entrance, but you stopped him with a palm across his chest. 
“Steve, stop. I’m not sick.” 
“Then what’s wrong?” 
You shook your head. “It’s nothing. It’s dumb.” 
“No it's not. Something’s bothering you, c’mere,” He said gently, gesturing for the two of you to step to the side, out of the way so you could talk somewhat in private. “What’s going on?” 
“You called me your friend.” You said quietly, trying to ignore the ugly knot in your stomach. It seemed so stupid now, getting all worked up over something as silly as a single word, but you couldn't lie to yourself. Or Steve for that matter. 
It did feel like you’d gotten sucker punched. 
Steve shot a confused look at you, tilting his head. “Was I not supposed to say that?”  
“You really think I’m just your friend? After these last few weeks?” 
“I thought—hold on, we were on the same page about this, weren’t we? No labels, no defining anything, just you and me.” 
“Well yeah, but that was before you used your stupid charm on me and made me like you and your stupid hair more than I should.” You were more angry at yourself than anything. You should’ve known Steve didn’t feel the same way about you as you did about him, but you’d stupidly given yourself an ounce too much of hope. 
Never mind the days you’d spent together wrapped up in each other’s embrace, talking about anything and everything until the sun set and your eyes grew heavy. Never mind the being on the phone with each other until dawn poked its head above the horizon, the kissing and the holding hands and the sipping coffee silently in the morning until one of you woke up just enough to fold the other into their embrace. 
All of that meant nothing, because you and Steve were just friends. 
“My charm? What are you—what are you talking about, my charm?”
“You seriously don’t know what I mean?” 
“Does it look like I do?” He shot back, then winced. “Sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so sharp.”  
“You got me flowers last week, Steve!” 
“Yeah, ‘cause they were nice and I thought you’d like them!” He exclaimed, gesticulating wildly. You just stared at him, waiting for him to realize your point. When he did, his mouth dropped into a silent ‘oh’. “I—I didn’t mean—” 
This was your worst fear—the reason why you didn’t want to bring it up at all. You had a good thing going with Steve, and now you’d just lost it. “Just forget I said anything, okay?”
“No. No, stay. Please. Talk to me, I wanna talk about this.” He insisted, nodding fiercely. His hands came to plant themselves on your shoulders, then retreated a split second later, like he didn’t know what to do with them anymore. Not even twenty minutes ago, he’d had no problem touching you. 
You hated how things were already changing between the two of you. All because you’d gotten your feelings hurt about something small. 
“I like you, Steve! There it is. I like you, and I don’t know what to do about it because I don’t know what you want from me.” You blurted, voice strained with emotion. You squeezed your eyes shut, digging the heels of your palms against them tightly for a few seconds before refocusing on Steve, who just looked stunned. “Am I just someone you fill your time with because you’re bored, or is this thing between us going somewhere? ‘Cause if it’s not, I’d like to know now. Before I fall for you any more than I already have.” 
As much as you swore to yourself you weren’t going to cry, you could feel the tears welling in your eyes. You bit down hard on your bottom lip to quell them, and Steve noticed. His expression softened like butter and he reached out, rubbing a gentle hand down your arm.  
“Hey, I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way, I swear.” Steve’s voice was soft. Comforting. You could tell what you’d just confessed was really eating away at him. That was another thing you liked about Steve. Whenever you told him something, he always took it seriously. “Guess we do kinda need to talk about the elephant in the room.” 
“By all means, you first.” You muttered, folding your arms over your chest. Steve inhaled a sharp breath, letting it out as a heavy exhale through his mouth. 
“I don’t exactly have the best track record with girls. I’m sure you’ve heard about what I was like in high school. I was a dick, plain and simple. I did things I’m not proud of, and I hurt people, but I swear on my life, I’m not that person anymore. I’m not…him anymore.” He looked almost upset with the way his jaw clenched, brow furrowing deeply at the mention of his past. 
You’d heard plenty about the high and mighty King Steve, and part of you didn’t want to believe it. This was the same Steve who helped old ladies carry their groceries and always played basketball with the neighborhood kids when they needed another player. 
“I guess I just didn’t wanna say the wrong thing and jinx what we’ve got going here, because I…I want this to go somewhere. I really like you too, Y/N. And I know it’s only been a few weeks but I—” Steve cut himself off with a short chuckle, raking a hand through his hair and bunching it at the nape of his neck before letting the strands fall back into place. 
His expression was cynical, like he was positive you were about to reject him and leave him here in this dim parking lot and never talk to him again. You weren’t going to, obviously, but Steve was a worst case scenario kind of guy. “I think I’m already falling in love with you.” 
“You’ve sure got a shitty way of showing it, Harrington.” You huffed, but there was no real anger behind your words. In fact, you were looking at him quite fondly, and the way you bumped your shoulder against his seemed promising. 
“Believe me, I know that already. Workin’ on it everyday, though.” He shook his head with another chuckle. Even you cracked a tiny smile at that, sniffling slightly. “Can we start over?” 
“I’d like that very much.” 
“Yeah?” He perked up, looking pleased. You nodded and he beamed even brighter, sticking his hand out for you to shake. “Hi. I’m Steve, I think you're amazing, and I wanted to know if you’d like to watch a movie with me.” 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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loves4ge · 2 months
Hello, could you possibly write a Megumi x reader fic (or could be gojo x reader, idk, as you prefer), but the reader, in terms of personality and behaviour, is a bit like Megumi? Like rather quiet, serious and reserved, and has trouble expressing their emotions? And could the characters just be asexual please ? Anyway, I really like your work, it's always great and fun! Hope you have a nice day
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"are you sure about this? you know it's bad luck." your mother says, worryingly. it's sweet how she cares but you don't believe in omens like those. these superstitions would get in the way of your comfort. megumi doesn't mind though. and neither do you.
"i'm sure. plenty of couples do private first looks. it'll make us feel better, alright? now, which room did you say he's in?" your mother sighs, a frown still etched on her face. still, she relents and points to a closed, brown door down the end of the hallway.
you kiss her cheek, smooth her eyebrows to erase the frown. you poke the corner of her lips to get to her to smile, turn and start moving.
you feel your heart growing heavier, nerves rattling as you try to calm your breathing. you don't think it's working. you're at the door too quick. would it be weird if you circled the area a couple of times before you came back? probably.
you raise your hand to knock, your knuckles softly knocking against the hard wood twice. there's a muffled "come in" and you twist the doorknob, swallowing your spit and hope your fears went down as well.
you open the door to see megumi turned around, with his back towards you. ah, his suit is a grey charcoal because you were adamant on him not wearing black.
his hair is styled perfectly even from the back and the emotions overwhelm you. though you're sure it doesn't translate across your face; you've always had a little bit of a poker face, almost always unintentionally.
"you can turn now," your voice is soft, steady as you stand behind him, hands clasping rosy-hued flowers. his turn is slow, dramatically so, until his gaze fixes on you.
for a minute, there's silence. you look into his eyes and he looks back. there's not a lot you can say. you want to, but it doesn't come out. you've never been very good at this affirmation thing.
but it's easier with megumi. it always is. he knows you; the thought brings a smile to your face and you set the bouquet on a nearby table.
"you're so gorgeous," he whispers, though his hands stay by his sides and you don't rush to hug him. it's nice to stare at him like this.
"i can't believe i'm going to be upstaged by the groom." he believes this to be wholly untrue, smiling at your words. you wish you could articulate the feeling you have right now.
you feel like you're fifteen again, seeing him for the first time when he did his hair spikier than what he does now. god, you loved his eyes, and they're staring at you right now, swirling with nothing but love and admiration.
your sentences are caught up in your throat, and your voice is scratchy. instead, you step closer, take his palm in your hands. tracing the lines; love, fate, career. you turn his hand gently, and bring it up to your mouth, softly brushing a kiss against his knuckles.
he warms. straightens his back. his free hand snakes across your waist to the small of your back and he pulls you close. the sudden movement makes you jump, dropping his hand.
he touches your forehead with his own; you're both warm.
"i know." you want to ask what he knows but you already know.
i love you. i would break the sun and the moon and the stars for you. i would cross an ocean, climb a mountain, venture a forest for you. my heart, my soul, my love. you are the reason i breathe, the reason i live, the reason i love.
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sentientgolfball · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some Rain/Dew fic, please? Maybe something with Daddy Rain?😈
If you are okay with it ofc!! If not, please feel free to ignore this request.:)
Took me a second to figure out something for this but once I did it hit me like a fucking truck oh boy
Have some soft daddy kink stuff with Raindrop
It’s not often Dew comes to Rain with this request. He usually runs to Aether or Mountain, someone much bigger than him so he can feel small. So that’s why when Dew slipped into his room, tail hanging limply between his legs and fidgeting with his claws, Rain was caught off guard. For a second he thought something had happened, Dew’s never this docile when he comes to Rain’s room. Even when he’s just in the mood for a good cuddle he has more energy than this. When it slipped from Dew’s mouth he had looked up at Rain with timidness, like he’d say no and send him on his way. As if Rain could ever say no to him. 
“Is that what you want? You wanna be my little baby boy?” Rain got up from his desk, stalking over to Dew with a dark look in his eye. 
Dew flinched back as he approached, his hair falling out of place where it was tucked behind a pointed ear to cover his face. Rain stopped in his tracks when he saw it. 
“Not like that. I don’t want that, I need…”
Rain closed the little distance that remained, gently cupping his hand to his cheek and tilting his head up. He tensed at the look in Dew’s eyes trying not to show his surprise. 
“What do you need baby?” 
Dew opens and closes his mouth searching for the words. It’s never been easy for him to ask for this brand of softness. He would never admit how much he craved it, more so than his typical hard and fast style. 
“I wanna…can you just take care of me?” 
Rain hums and smiles before leaning in and planting a soft, chaste kiss on his lips, “Of course I can baby. Daddy’s going to take such good care of you.” 
Dew practically whimpers when the word leaves Rain’s mouth. He leans into the hand still cupping his cheek, nuzzling against his palm before placing a quick kiss to the skin. Rain slowly drags his hand up to the back of his head, gently scratching his scalp with the very tips of his claws. He places his other hand at the side of Dew’s neck. There’s no pressure, no squeeze, just a gentle weight as he rubs his thumb soothingly over his jaw. He does this until all the tension melts from Dew’s body, a contented little purr rumbling through his chest. 
“Just relax, I’ve got you baby boy.” 
Rain slides both of his hands over Dew’s shoulder, down his sides, rubbing small circles into his hips before gently pulling his shirt off. He kisses every inch of newly exposed skin, affirmations of love and devotion dripping from his mouth. Rain slips to his knees as lithe fingers pop the button on Dew’s pants. Once he’s fully undressed, Rain kisses his hips and down his thighs. He smiles when he feels his cock kick next to his face with every honey coated word. 
“Please daddy please I need it.” 
“I know baby boy” Rain places a kiss right under his belly button “go get comfortable and I’ll give it to you.” 
Dew does as he’s told, hopping into Rain’s bed and positioning his nest of pillows and blankets the way he likes. Rain makes quick of underdressing himself. Normally he’d go slow, giving a little show with each piece of clothing he threw to the floor, but not now. Not when Dew needed him. 
He climbed into bed, slotting himself between Dew’s legs. He leans down, capturing him in a deep kiss. It's slow, lazy, as Rain gently molds his mouth to Dew’s and sucks his bottom lip. He parts for only a moment. 
“I love you” Rain whispers against his lips before pressing back together. 
Dew whines and he uses it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. He licks at him gently, pressing their tongues together just to taste him. Dew threads a hand into his hair and holds tight when Rain starts to trail his kisses from the corner of his mouth down to his collarbone. He can feel Dew start to shake when he laves over the scars where his gills used to be. Rain draws soothing circles into his hips as he slides lower. 
“Shhh baby boy I’ve got you. Daddy’s got you.” 
“Daddy please wanna feel you. Need to feel you please.” 
Rain doesn’t waste a second more, sliding his hands down Dew’s body. He lifts one of his legs over his hip before probing the tip of a finger against his hole. He’s not totally shocked to find Dew wet, his leftover water usually making its appearance when his mind is elsewhere. He doesn’t spend much time opening him up, just each to be able to take him without discomfort, both for his and Dew’s benefit. Rain can barely focus with the chorus of little whines falling from Dew’s mouth with every brush of fingertips against his prostate. 
Rain slides up to sit on his knees, staring down at Dew. He can’t help but think about how beautiful he looks like this, flushed pink down to his chest with his blonde hair splayed around him like a halo. The crease in his eyebrows is gone, eyes half lidded and hazy. He only ever looks this relaxed when he’s asleep and Rain’s heart clenches knowing it was him who got Dew like this. 
He reaches between them and jacks himself with his slick covered hand a few times before guiding the head of his cock to Dew’s waiting hole. He leans forward, planting both hands on either side of Dew’s head. He captures him in a deep kiss as he pushes into him. Dew gasps, legs instinctively wrapping around Rain’s hips when he feels the head slip inside. 
“That’s it baby, taking me so well.” 
Once Rain bottoms out he doesn’t move right away, giving the slight ghoul a moment to adjust. When he gives an experimental thrust, Dew’s eyes slip all the way shut as he sighs softly. Rain kisses along his throat and thrusts into him again, setting a steady pace. It’s not hard or fast, a sweet grind of hips that deliciously drags his entire length against his prostate that has Dew babbling. Little cries of please daddy spilling from his lips. Rain’s not entirely sure what he’s asking for and neither does Dew. 
“I’m right here baby” Rain places a gentle hand on Dew’s stomach “I’m not going anywhere.” 
He’s practically clinging to Rain at this point. His legs are wrapped around his hips making it nearly impossible for him to pull all the way out. He has his arms wrapped tight around his head and shoulders to keep pressed into his neck. Rain holds him just as tight, arms keeping him held as close as he physically can. Neither of them dare to let the other go. 
When Rain’s hips stutter in their pace Dew whines, “Wanan cum with you, please daddy, touch me.” 
Rain groans and slides his hand between them, wrapping his hand around Dew’s cock. Dew’s grip around his waist loosens and he’s able to pick up the pace just a bit. He jacks him in time with each thrust, twisting his fist over his head before sliding down and squeezing lightly at the base. He can hear Dew’s whines grow higher in pitch and he knows he’s close. He presses their lips together again and whispers. 
“I love you baby, you’re so good to me. So good for daddy.” 
That’s all it takes to get Dew to arch off the bed as much as he can with Rain’s weight on top of him. He spills all over Rain’s hand and up his stomach, clenching hard around his dick. The sweet pressure is enough to send Rain over his own edge, grinding his hips against Dew as he cums deep inside of him. 
The pants into each other's mouths, taking the air that belongs there and replacing it with their own. Neither of them let go, content to stay as close as possible. Rain flips them over so Dew is laying on top of him, pressing sweet kisses into his hair and muttering praise. Dew keeps his nose buried in his neck, drinking in his seafoam and petrichor scent. 
When Rain finally goes soft enough to slip out of him, Dew whines at the loss. Rain squishes him closer to his chest. 
“Wanna get cleaned up baby boy?” 
Dew shakes his head, digging his claws into Rain’s back. 
“Alright” Rain laughs “we’ll stay here as long as you want, love.” 
They end up falling asleep like that, content and as close as they possibly can.
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incandescentsims · 1 year
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Magical Mythical Creatures Legacy Challenge
Play through all the sims 4 occult life states and develop your legacy across seven generations.
Feel free to change anything to fit your own gameplay/storytelling style and above all have fun!
Parts of this challenge were inspired by the Simblr Halloween Challenge created by @spacenez and @daddy-winter 
You can also find the full seven generation legacy challenge HERE (Google Doc).
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Generation 1 - VAMPIRE
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Traits: Music Lover, Erratic, Gloomy
Career: Freelance Artist
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Vampiric Lore
Pipe Organ and/or Violin
Start as a vampire or be turned into a vampire.
Live in Forgotten Hollow.
level up to Rank 5 – Grand Master Vampire.
Grow at least one plasma fruit tree and Sixam mosquito trap.
Earn the Night Owl trait from the reward store.
Marry a vampire. (vampire spouse must be in the Criminal career)
Have an affair with a werewolf from Moonwood Mill.
Have three children, your decision who sired them (vampire or werewolf), but the heir must be sired by the werewolf.
Generations 2-7 are under the cut
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Generation 2 - WEREWOLF
Aspiration: Pick one of the following - Emissary of the Collective, or Wildfang Renegade
Traits: Bookworm, Active, Loyal
Career: Vet Clinic
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Live in Moonwood Mill (move in with your werewolf parent as a teen).
Have at least one pet dog.
Level up to Rank 5 – Apex.
Join one of the wolf packs - Moonwood Collective or Wildfangs.
Explore the underground tunnels in Moonwood Mill.
Read werewolf literature and unlock the Lunar Epiphany ability.
Catch at least one luna fish and display in an aquarium or mounted on the wall.
Marry your fated mate.
Have as many children as you wish, but the heir must be a dormant werewolf.
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Collect all 12 Moonwood relics.
Collect all 12 feathers.
Complete the fish collection.
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Generation 3 - GHOST
Aspiration: Soulmate
Traits: Foodie, Cat lover, Clumsy
Career: Freelance Paranormal Investigator
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Gourmet cooking and/or Baking
Move into a haunted house. (your choice of world)
Have at least one pet cat.
Grow at least one death flower plant.
Earn the Brave trait from the reward store. (purchase after they've lived seven days inside the haunted house)
Have a friendship with a ghost that turns to romance.
Make ambrosia and resurrect your ghost partner from the dead.
Have 5 children.
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Collect all 10 sugar skulls. The Sims 4: How to Complete the Sugar Skull Collection
Collect Paranormal Rewards.
3 specter buddy jars
6 bizzare totems
7 hello dahlia dolls
3 clay hands
3 specter sips
1 ectocake
4 strange overgrowth
12 soul pieces
10 candy jars
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Generation 4 - SPELLCASTER
Aspiration: Pick one of the following - Purveyor of Potions or Spellcraft & Sorcery
Traits: Goofball, Adventurous, Romantic
Career: Social Media
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Rock Climbing
Skiing and/or Snowboarding
Live in Glimmerbrook.
Become a spellcaster and level up to Rank 6 – Virtuoso.
Regularly duel with other Spellcasters.
Holiday in Mt. Komorebi every winter and reach the mountain peak.
Earn the Iceproof trait from the reward store. (purchase after their first holiday in Mt. Komorebi)
Have a new romantic partner each life stage from teen - elder.
Never marry.
Have 2 Children.
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Collect all 25 frogs.
Collect all 26 magical artefacts.
Collect all 12 simmies.
Collect all 5 spirit dolls
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Generation 5 - PLANTSIM
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Unflirty, Loner, Loves Outdoors
Career: Gardener
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Flower Arranging
Nectar Making and/or Juice Fizzing
Move into a Micro Home with a very large garden. Lot sizes must be 30x30 or bigger (your choice of world)
Collect all 7 Magic beans.
Enter the Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree and obtain the Forbidden Fruit.
Regularly eat forbidden fruit to turn into a plantsim.
Grow at least one Forbidden Fruit Tree, Cowplant and Money Tree.
Earn the Super Green Thumb trait from the reward store.
Have no romantic or sexual relationships with any sims.
Have no legitimate children. Once they reach adulthood, either adopt or use the Whispering Wishing Well to wish for a child (this child will be the heir).
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Complete the gardening collection
Create all 13 nectar varieties
Create all 15 scented flower arrangements
**How do I turn my Sim into a PlantSim?
Have your Sim reach level 10 of the gardening skill. With level 10 unlocked, you can buy rare seed packets using the computer, or in Build Mode.
Each rare seed packet contains one magic bean. To plant this, buy the Magic PlantSim Stump in Build Mode.
When you have six magic beans, your Sim can plant them in the Magic PlantSim Stump.
After watering, the Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree will grow from the Stump and your Sim can travel through the portal.
When your Sim returns with the Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSim (they don’t always return with this, it may take multiple tries) they can eat it and turn into a PlantSim.
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Generation 6 - ALIEN
Aspiration: Nerd Brain (*Optional - StrangerVille Mystery)
Traits: Socially Awkward, Genius, Recycle disciple
Career: Engineer
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Live in Oasis Springs (*Optional - Live in StrangerVille and complete the StrangerVille Mystery).
Build all Utili-Bots and a Servo.
Build a rocket ship and travel to Sixam.
Be abducted by aliens at least once.
Marry an alien.
Have as many children as you wish.
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Collect all 20 metals.
Collect all 20 crystals.
Collect all 4 space rocks.
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Generation 7 - MERMAID
Aspiration: Beach Life
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Green Fiend, Outgoing
Career: Conservationist
Skills: reach maximum skill level for each.
Live in Brindleton Bay as a young adult with a mermaid roommate.
Get into a romantic relationship with your roommate only after you become best friends.
Move to Sulani after visiting for a holiday (*Optional - live off the grid).
Become a Mermaid by obtaining and eating Mermaidic Kelp (either from exploring the cave in Mua Pel'am or befriending a dolphin).
Earn the Heatproof trait from the reward store.
Marry a mermaid (can be their roommate or someone else)
Have as many children as you wish.
Collections: optional - complete them all or pick n’ choose.
Collect all 13 seashells..
Collect all 18 buried treasure.
Collect all 10 underwater photos.
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pjblob · 8 months
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OC time! Prolly a bit early considering I made this tumblr alive again like a week ago but yk what i dont care.
Meet my PJ Masks OC Kitsu! To be honest, she was my first OC ever made… back then I was still trying to find a nice art style and I was too shy to make OCs. But yeah I saw other people making OCs so i was like “yo why not try it myself!”, so i made her back in 2017? 2018? Somewhere during season 3 of the show. She has gotten so many redesigns, but i’m pretty chill with this one for now :]
Her personality:
She is cunning and mischievous, always trying to find new ways of entertaining herself. She’s sharp-witted and a quick thinker, but can make very stupid decisions sometimes, especially when she’s full of herself. She normally can’t take criticism and will most likely take it as a joke, if not insult you back. She does love to tease people, trying to push them to their limits for the soul purpose of entertainment. She rarely takes anybody seriously, which is why she sees herself as higher than others. But below that, she’s very loyal and does care for the people she trusts the most.
She doesn’t know what her purpose is in this world, so she tries to just make the best of her experience by doing anything she wants. And the best way to do that is by causing conflict between everyone else. She’s not on anyone’s side really,, She will change sides depending on how fun it’ll be for her. Which does make her quite lonely at times. girly just needs some friends 😭😭💔
So her powers:
Kitsu has shape shifting powers, can take the form of anyone and anything she wants, but won’t inherit the powers of the one who’s trying to mimic. She can hold the form for as long as she likes. Her second power is Agility. She’s quite fast, can climb easily and dodge with no problem.
Now her backstory:
It’s pretty hard to talk about her backstory, because it’s very similar to munki-gu. Again, she was created wayy before him and it just so happened that the writers came up with the same idea. So I was kinda forced to change it 🥲
So in her verse, before mystery mountain was a floating island above the city, it was a part of a different universe. The mountain was on a land, where there was a village protected by 4 mountains, all on different sides of the land. The Dragon mountain of the East, the Vermilion Bird mountain of the South, the White Tiger mountain of the West and the Turtle mountain of the North(yes this is a reference to the four symbols, look it up). In the middle of these mountains was a town, which was protected by these mountains. An Yu lived on the dragon mountain. Since she was born of the “dragon blood”, she would be trained to become the protector of the mountain. (yes i have made designs for the other protectors too >:3)
There were loads of magical creatures living amongst the humans, most of which were harmful to them. So An Yu’s ancestors, having so much power and control, decided it would be best to imprison the creatures to prevent further harm. (hence why Munki-gu was imprisoned too) Kitsune’s were a big harm to society however, that their magical box prisons weren’t enough, considering they could shapeshift. So they decided to exterminate them all. An Yu witnessing all of it, decided to secretly save just one (that being Kitsu).
Years later, there was a war between the mountain guardians and ninjas, who wanted to steal their powers (I thought Night ninja and his ninjalinos could be descendants of them). It ended up in the universe getting completely destroyed, with An Yu having to sacrifice herself to save her mountain, getting imprisoned in the gong as a result. An Yu, after getting rescued, still held the burden of her ancestors imprisoning Kitsu’s species, so ashamed of their past actions, that she never tried to set Kitsu free. She was too scared to confront her, since she thought her and other magical creatures would rise against her and blame her for everything.
A few days after the PJ Masks rescue An Yu in the show, one day, they decide to give her a visit. While An Yu was showing the PJs around the pagoda, Catboy becomes a bit too curious and finds the box where Kitsu was imprisoned, accidentally letting her out in the process. When Kitsu was set free, she needed to give herself a new physical form, so she chose to mimic the first person to let her out, that being Catboy. But since she can only mimic the physical appearance of someone and not their powers, her “PJ Mask” suit didn’t include an animal symbol on her chest. Her suit can still light up when using her own powers though. Finally let out, she fled into the city, until she was ready to start causing mischief. After that, An Yu forbid the PJs from entering the mountain for a while, but still blaming herself for letting her guard down and letting Kitsu free.
so that’s what I have so far, the rest will be decided with time since the show is episodic annd literally anything can happen xd
hope u enjoyed reading this paragraph 🫶🫶ndhdhdhjd
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Alex headcanons
Wanted to be a knight when he was a child. Horse and lance, sword and suit of armor. Shiny. Made one out of tinfoil, scraps of Evelyn's fabric, and a broom stick. Neighbor kids made fun of him. He didn't dress up again.
Joined a yoga class on a dare. Well actually because he saw a pretty girl through the window and straight up walked into the glass. The instructor made him take the class. Something about balance and coordination.
Almost thought about joining the army right outta high school. He barely passed and wasn't sure college was for him. But the thought of dying while his grandparents (his only relatives) still lived qnd didnt have anyone to take care of them was too unnerving. He didn't want to leave them all alone. Still likes war movies sometimes.
Conscientious about his scent. Keeps his pit hairs trimmed. Religious about showering after working out. Keeps a spare deodorant in his truck. Leaves a trail of cologne - clean, just-out-of-shower scent, not too weighty, a bit soapy, rainforest mist like.
Has helped Sam out with his community service before because this man weirdly loves digging fence posts.
Also loves carrying things - groceries for his grandma (or the pretty farmer), barrels of ale and whiskey, folding tables from festivals, tools up a ladder, etc. Both arms full. Things normal people can carry on multiple trips. Alex gets it all and doesn't break a sweat. Would carry the farmer too (if she'd let him - and you know he's carrying her bridal style on their wedding night).
Loves a challenging ropes course. Can rappel down a wall or a mountain side. Can complete a obstacle course faster than anyone else. Would give Kent a run for his money at army crawling. Absolutely goes nuts about hiking, bouldering, free climbing too. Would probably do spelunking too if... he wasn't a teeny but afraid of the dark... because...
Kept a nightlight in his room until he was a teenager. It's why he never did sleepovers with the other kids. That and he hit puberty early. Towering over grade schoolers was only cool for like a minute. But you can reach things on the top shelf, I guess.
Occasionally freelances for the Adventurer's Guild. Gives guided hiking tours up into the mountains above the Valley or secret woods for tourists. He would be enthusiastic too - swinging his arms and waving his hands around while telling stories and pointing out cool sights.
His hugs are big, and leave you feeling wrapped up, but in a good way. Like a cozy warm blanket. You feel safe and loved.
He's a cuddler... while you watch TV together, while you read books together (yes, he likes sports magazines and biographies of his heroes), and while you sleep. He's definitely the big spoon and makes you feel cherished. That's until he starts snoring... lightly. You'll have to nudge him to stop. And those arms do get... heavy. And he's definitely elbowed his companion in bed before.
He's a bit of a wimp when it comes to shots. It's why he would never get a tattoo or get his ears pierced. He doesn't like needles. (They might also remind him of his mom and her treatments when he was little).
He once posed for a campaign poster for a lumberjack festival. Lewis had little success. Only a dozen young girls showed up on the bus that day. No actual woodchoppers. Needless to say, Alex kills it in plaid. Think Brawny paper towel guy vibes without the facial hair.
Also did a modeling gig for Pierre once to sell some winter gear. Haley took the photos. Alex is a natural in front of the camera. Again, lots of female visitors... erm... customers to the town for a period of two days. He may or may not have autographed the ad for one of the ladies.
He's shouldered a lot of responsibility from a young age. His dad ran out on them. His mom was sick. His grandparents aren't the healthiest. Alex has picked up odd jobs since he was eight. Recycling bottlecaps. ♻️ Washing cars. Lemonade stand. 🍋
Delivering newspapers was one of his first real paying gigs. Granny gave him one of George's old newsboy caps. Alex wore it with pride. He's got an incredible swing for it. Also led him to be interested in baseball. He played three seasons in Little League as a pitcher before he became fascinated with gridball. 📰
It was actually Grandpa George who got him into gridball. Watching games together on TV, critiquing the players, talking technique. Male bonding stuff. He wants to take George to a pro game one day, proudly wheeling his Gramps into the stadium. 🏈
One of his first jobs as a young adult was at the local hospital. It's how he paid for his first apartment. He wheeled people up from their appointments to get picked up at curbside. Just like with his mom when he was a young teen. It felt like a good way to keep giving back even after she was gone. New moms. Dialysis patients. Kids with broken legs from falling off a skateboard ramp...
That's how he met Sam actually. (I like to think these two would be sort-of friends). Sam talked about music and boarding and surfing. Alex talked about the high school Alma Mater fight song and baseball and weightlifting.
Sam and Alex built an epic sandcastle village on the beach one year at the Luau. Both were bored. Vincent helped too. It was impressive... until high tide came in. Haley snapped a photo first at least.
Inspired by Grandpa George, he took a dance class. That's how he met Haley (when they were late teens). He was her favorite dance partner. He could actually lift her without dropping her. And he didn't step on his toes. He's actually pretty light on his feet. Tried tap dancing too but that wasn't as successful (or cool looking).
Named MVP for his high school gridball team. Would've gone on to play in uni but just didn't have the grades. And he needed to stay close for Granny and George. Still keeps his trophies from every sport he's ever played in his room.
Would challenge anyone to an arm wrestling contest any day. Has actually made some money at the Stardew Valley Fair this way. Out of towners might underestimate him. Amateurs! Shane is the only one who's come close to besting Alex and only then because he was drunk. Sober Shane might have stood a chance.
Bought George a big recliner with his very first paycheck from his adult job. Comfy cushions, high quality leather, great arm rests. George never sits in it because he had his mining accident shortly after and so it sits unused in a storage closest somewhere collecting dust. Still every once in a while, George wheels by and thinks about his grandson's thoughtfulness.
Will carry any of the Farmer's picked produce back to the bins, trekking across the fields, or will personally deliver products to Pierre's. By the armful. Corn, lettuce, bushels of broccoli, squash, grapes, tomatoes. He can carry 3 or 4 buckets at a time. Or by the basket. The big round baskets that the average person can only carry one at a time.
Likes the smell of freshly washed cars. And the air after it rains. New leather on a ball. Granny's freshly baked cookies.
Would literally be your shoulder to cry on. No seriously, people have. His mom before she passed. Evelyn after her frustrations with George. Haley after a boy she liked dumped her. Even Emily after one awkward moment as she was taking out the trash behind the Saloon and felt overwhelmed about a disturbing vision she had. He is always willing to comfort those he cares about.
Doesn't really cook but he can make a mean cheesy macaroni casserole. It's one of the few recipes he learned as a boy that has stuck with him.
Feels strongly about cheating in sports. And popping pills to make someone stronger. Especially because his mom was ill. He knows there are people out there who really need medicines. Illegal drugs are a disgrace to the profession.
Would absolutely spend his days fixing up the farmhouse, repairing the barn, sprucing the greenhouse, patching up the chicken coop while the farmer worked the fields and orchards and took care of livestock. I have this longstanding belief that Alex would make an excellent handyman in the Valley. Maybe it starts out as an apprenticeship with Robin. He's gifted with a sander, a wrench, a saw. And this man looks great in a backward cap, tight jeans, and a tool belt. He likes to feel useful, stay busy, and work with his hands. Painting your bedroom and repairing your shower leak would be his first projects once moving to the farm.
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verana115 · 1 year
Who I am, what I do, and why I do it :)
Hello people of Tumblr!!! My name is Vera and I'm a trans woman who spends her time hiking a trans pride flag up many mountains (here's a list of all of them!!!). Over the last two years, I've done this on over 500 peaks in the Eastern US, and now I've shifted out to the Western US where I plan on doing this many more times over the next few years! This post is kind of an intro to me, and if you have any more questions, feel free to send them my way! Also do be aware that I'm a Reddit refugee who's new to this site, so if you have any helpful advise, please let me know because I'm still figuring things out as I start to transition away from that dumpster fire of a website! :)
Who am I???
My full name is Veronica Ashcroft (she/her), though I usually refer to myself by my nickname, Vera. I am a transgender hiker and aspiring mountaineer from the Northeast who spends a lot of time outside. I recently bought a van and have converted it into a little mobile-living space, and that combined with my recent decision to do seasonal work means that I have a lot of free time on my hands – free time that I intend to spend hiking and peakbagging as much as I can!
What is peakbagging?
Peakbagging is a style of climbing mountains where the goal is to summit a peak. This can take on many different forms, from just generally trying to summit peaks as a goal of climbing/mountaineering, to religiously pursuing lists of mountains grouped together because of their height, significance, etc. The way I personally approach peakbagging is to summit as many peaks as I can within a given timeframe, usually following some list that I either created myself or borrowed from an outside source. Most people who peakbagg do so over the course of months or years, so I'm definitely on one extreme with how much time I put towards my peakbagging projects
Which mountains have I done, which am I working toward, and what will I tackle in the future?
In the summer of 2022, I took a trans pride flag up the Northeast 115 4000fters list, which is a rather descriptive name, given that there are *basically* 115 4000ft mountains in the American Northeast. In the spring of 2023, I bagged the New Southeast 202, which includes the tallest and most prominent peaks in the Southern Appalachians. I spent nearly a year after that grinding through most the New Northeast 131, which comprises a number of the 1000ft prominence peaks in the American Northeast. Although I had to put that project on indefinite pause, I still climbed over 200 peaks as part of it. This fall, I'm road tripping through the American Southwest and will be climbing a number of peaks there - stay tuned for the specifics of those!
Why take a pride flag up mountains?
The simple answer is because I was already going to do these mountains anyway, and taking a pride flag up them allows me to promote trans visibility in the outdoors and spread some positivity in the process. And we trans people need some positivity in the world right now. Politicized transphobia is on the rise, and trans people have become one of the key targets of right-wingers. It was already bad a few years ago and it has gotten worse - I invite you to look at the news if you wanna see what I'm talking out. Obviously taking a flag up some mountains isn't in the same league whatsoever as these political assaults from the right, but we really do need some positivity to stay sane and hopeful in these times. And I'm certainly not going to single-handedly do that - I'm neither that arrogant nor ambitious to claim something like that. But even if my projects positively impact only a small group of people for a brief period, that will be good enough for me
Why take a trans pride flag though?
I'm trans, and I'm also a lesbian and sometimes gender nonconforming - I like to joke that I'm a couple different flavors of queer. Intersectionality is important, and when I started these projects last year, I choose to emphasize my trans identity by taking a trans flag up because that was the part of my identity most under-assault. Truth be told, I was originally planning on using a rainbow flag for my current work for the reason of trying to have my projects appeal to a wider queer audience. But then, the onslaught of anti-trans laws intensified last year, and I was being reminded daily that a lot of people really do hate me for who I am, and I know that those people would already be angry to see a queer person taking a rainbow flag up mountains - but they'd be livid to see a trans woman doing the same with a trans pride flag. Or to put it another way, on a personal level, my trans identity is the target for most of the bigotry I face, and so that's the part of my identity that I want to push back with the most
Why am I not doing something more useful with my life?
With the onslaught of bigotry showing no signs of relenting, I see queer people all over wondering what we can do to fight back. And to be entirely honest, hiking a pride flag up a bunch of mountains definitely isn't the most efficient use of my time and energy right now in that political context. It would probably be a much better idea for me to join one of the many political groups and organizations fighting back against this onslaught of bigotry, rather than doing projects like these. And I know for a fact that some people will look at my project and be disappointed that I'm choosing not to do that. But honestly, hiking makes me really happy, and I've spent the majority of my life profoundly unhappy dealing with issues of depression and gender dysphoria. And now that I'm in a position where I can actually do something like this, I'm gonna, because for most of my life I couldn't even imagine myself having agency over my own life. And, although I'm well aware that the scope of my project is ultimately quite small, I've had enough people both online and irl come up to me and tell me that my projects helped inspire them, or at least just brought some trans positivity in an era that is increasingly frightening for queer people - and, to me, that makes it worth my time
What can you do to help?
If you enjoy my project, please reblog and share it with other people - the more people who view/follow what I do, the more effective I'll be in getting the message across!!!
Is there anywhere else you can follow me?
Yes! I also have a reddit and an insta that I post to, along with an account on peakbagger detailing the nitty gritty of my hikes. Additionally, I have a personal website where I put detailed trip reports and lots of photos, so be sure to check those out!!!
What if you have any other questions?
Reach out! I love it when people message me! Do be aware, I do spend most of my time in mountains with spotty reception, so I might take a few days to get your message!!!
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totaleclipse573 · 7 months
I adore how chaotic boom!brothers is. Especially to someone with zero context
Like yes, this is the au where, in no particular order :
Shadow and Eclipse went into debt
Eclipse got turned into a baby
Starline is overly jealous of Shadow
Eclipse has a chip in his brain
Eclipse was at one point convinced he was an assistant to Starline
Starline actively cheats death
Shadow sells his free will to a random stranger in the mountains to get a climbing wall for Eclipse on Christmas
Eclipse goes insane learning how to knit a sweater
Eclipse learns that if he dresses a certain way its legal to break into houses on Christmas
Sticks had once captured Eclipse for the sole purpose of learning his alien secrets (they had tea afterwards)
Eclipse turned giant
Eclipse turned tiny
Rouge turned tiny
Tails turned tiny
Sonic gets Silver style quills
Shadow can see the multiverse
Eclipse had an emotional breakdown
Eclipse threw Starline across the island
Shadow got turned into a baby
Eclipse breaks his ankle running out the door
And I'm probably forgetting to add so. SO MUCH. (+The list is long enough 😭)
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determinate-negation · 11 months
The logic of cultural assimilation and the desire to climb the ladder of prestige led the Jewish bourgeoisie to send its sons to the University, especially towards the end of the nineteenth century:
“Just like the majority of German businessmen, Jews wanted to climb socially… They wanted their sons and sons-in-law to be more valued than they were. A career as an officer or as a high-ranking government official, which were the goals of a young Christian man, was closed to Jews … only university studies were open to him.”
As a result, in 1895 Jews comprised 10% of the student body in German universities, which was ten times the percentage of Jews in the overall population (1.05%). This massive presence of bourgeois Jewish youth in higher education quickly led to the formation of a new social category: the Jewish intelligentsia. Jewish intellectuals of German culture had, of course, existed since the late eighteenth century (Moses Mendelssohn), but it was only at the end of the nineteenth century that the phenomenon became so widespread as to constitute a new social fact. These Jewish intellectuals, déclassé, unstable and free of any precise social attachment, were a typical example of the sozialfreischwebende Intelligenz that Mannheim spoke of. Their condition was eminently contradictory: deeply assimilated yet largely marginalized; linked to German culture yet cosmopolitan; uprooted and at odds with their business and bourgeois milieu of origin; rejected by the traditional rural aristocracy yet excluded in career terms within their natural sphere of acceptance (the university). In a state of ideological availability, they were soon attracted to the two principal poles of German cultural life, which could be named after the famous characters from Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain: ‘Settembrini’, the liberal, democratic and republican philanthropist, and ‘Naphta’, the conservative/revolutionary romantic.
For many young Jewish intellectuals, rationalism, progressive evolutionism, Aufklärung and neo-Kantian philosophy became the primary reference, in some cases combined with a Judaism that was diluted or reduced to monotheist ethics (Hermann Cohen). From this world-view several political options were available, ranging from moderate liberalism (the ideology of the Jewish bourgeoisie itself), to social democracy (Eduard Bernstein), Marxism (Max Adler, Otto Bauer and the Austrian Marxists) and even Communism (Paul Levi, Ruth Fischer, Paul Frölich, August Thalheimer).
Nevertheless, at the turn of the century, anti-capitalist romanticism was the dominant movement within the culture of Mitteleuropa. Sociologically speaking, it was inevitable that a significant portion of the new university-trained Jewish intelligentsia would be attracted by the romantic critique of industrial civilization: ‘Naphta!’ The intelligentsia eagerly discovered the nostalgic and anti-bourgeois Weltanschauung predominant in academia – notably in the Geisteswissenschaften (Humanities), where the majority of Jewish students enrolled. These students subsequently rejected their fathers’ business careers, revolted against their bourgeois family milieu and aspired intensely to an ‘intellectual life style’. This generational break, which many Jewish intellectuals speak of in their autobiographies, opposed the anti-bourgeois youth – passionately interested in Kultur, spirituality, religion and art – to their entrepreneurial parents – merchants or bankers, moderate liberals and good German patriots, indifferent to religious matters. In a recent autobiographical interview, Leo Löwenthal, the Frankfurt School sociologist of literature, summarized the feeling that was common among many intellectuals of his generation: ‘My family household, as it were, was the symbol of everything I did not want – shoddy liberalism, shoddy Aufklärung, and double standards.’
Redemption and Utopia: Jewish Libertarian Thought in Central Europe, Michael Löwy
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
Dingo’s dialogue on base:
Well, you may be good, but the best ranger in this Rescue Corps will always be Dingo! (Did I say that with enough confidence? It’ll be OK now. I’m still number one.)
You’ve improved substantially with my guidance, which just proves how great I really am. (They investigated every area of a planet? Even I haven’t done that.)
You know the comms guy, Collin? He’s pretty handy to have around. Very detail oriented. He’s not one for physical labor, but his project-management skills are legit. And his eyes light up when he sees a machine.
I joined the corps before Shepherd was the captain. At the time, she was still an officer in training like me. I was undefeated in everything back home, but then she absolutely crushed me at martial arts and cross-country. The cool part was how modest she was about it. She never tried to rub it in my face. I’d never met anyone else like her…
I don’t mess around when I’m in a fight. When I move, it’s at lighting speed. Too fast to track! I don’t need anyone’s help. I don’t want anyone’s directions. Yeah, that’s how you handle things Dingo-style!
The Rescue Corps has many excellent officers like the captain and me, but our budget is barely enough. You know why? Because the captain loves dogs. The food bill for the pack of mutts the corps maintains is just…ugh.
You’ve probably met the science guy, Russ. The captain is always singing his praises. He’s decent at what he does, I guess. It’s just…whenever he opens his mouth, a bunch of science gibberish spews out. Makes my head hurt.
There are some things I just can’t do, not even on the captain’s orders. Like taking a mutt along on a rescue. I’ll leave that up to you. (I just don’t get the whole dog thing.)
When I was a kid, there was this mountain near our house. I mustered up the courage to climb it one day. The higher I climbed, the more lost I got. Then it started to snow, and suddenly it became a life-or-death situation! The prior captain rescued me. I still recall how cool he looked standing heroically there in the snow. I knew right then that j was going to be a ranger someday.
The science guy’s family runs a prominent megacorporation on Giya. I hear he joined the Rescue Corps out of sheer curiosity. They throw a huge party for him every time he comes back from a deployment. Can you believe that?
The comms guy is a… Whaddaya call it? Oh yeah! He’s a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. He’s willing to take on anything you throw his way. Problem is, others tend to take advantage of him. (I suppose “others” includes me too, heh.)
The gear that the science guy makes is definitely impressive…but always too complicated! Not the way I’d do it. Instructions should be like, “Do this, do that, and bam, boom, done!” Anything longer, and everyone starts zoning out.
When I joined the Rescue Corps, I trained hard, sunup to sundown. Every single day. You though…Must be nice it have it so easy. You got dropped into the action and just started cranking out achievements.
The captain is top-notch in pretty much every way, but there’s just one thing…Why does she have to love those fuzzy mongrels so much?! Every time she takes a break, she heads out to the dog run with some Rescue Pups. Every. Single. Time.
The comms guy sounds all his free time fiddling with machines. He says it’s the mental equivalent of working out. Like how if you don’t use your body, it gets weak. Supposedly your brain works the same way. I’m not sure I buy it.
That dog you go everywhere with seems capable enough. But I don’t need any mutts running around! That’s all I have to say about it. (It’s not that I’m afraid. I just don’t trust ‘em.)
If you think about it, the comms guy really is our lifeline here. With our his navigation, rescues would take at least twice as long. We literally couldn’t do this without him.
You remember the reason I decided to be a ranger? Stranded on a snowy mountain, rescued by the prior captain? Ring a bell? So, I had collapsed. When I came to, there was this open mouth right in my face. All sharp teeth and drool…I ran like a wild thing, trying to escape, but no matter how fast I went. The beat hounded me! I couldn’t get away! The captain finally brought the mutt to heel, so nothing bad happened, but every time I see a dog now, I remember that day.
also this very important image I made
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