#freezing tw
papermccn · 8 months
closed event starter for childe !! @masqce
Characters find this section of the maze to be extremely cold, with frost hanging from all of the corn stalks and the icey ground beneath their feet making the terrain difficult to traverse.
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The shock of the freeze hit the male instantly; his breath catching and being painful through his lungs. "I should've bought a sweater." he laughed ever so slightly, unable to help as he bundled closer to his brother.. "and better shoes." he mused as he found it difficult to walk without a slip in his step; hands grabbing onto his sibling for support.
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kinkajouwof · 1 year
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
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skelecentral · 5 months
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Day 25 of Bad Sansuary (hosted by @owl-bones!): frozen
“I’ll be right back...”
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highly specific asks: 15, 16, 26, 27?
(also im sorry if my asks are bothering you, I'm just really enthusiastic about this sort of stuff)
15. Rank the methods of death: Freezing, burning, drowning
Okay, right off the bat I'm going to say that drowning is the worst. When I was little, I almost drowned. I was "a little too old for floaties" in my opinion (my cousins had swum without them for their entire lives and I was like. seven or eight maybe? Nine? I can't remember) and tried to swim without them. I went under and my cousin had to jump in and save me. For that reason and also another, this is very personal to me. Drowning is a type of panic that I have felt, and the feeling of water filling your lungs, the fighting and the kicking and the push and pull of the water (even in your aunt's pool) is terrifying.
Freezing can go second because it's slower, and there's frostbite and all that. More time to realize what's happening to you.
Burning is faster so I'll say burning can be the least, though it is very scary.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Delicious! I haven't had it in forever, though.
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
I only like spicy things if they have flavor. I'm white so my spice tolerance is... not very good? I don't enjoy eating spicy things just to prove they're "not spicy" or to prove I can handle the spice, which a certain few of my family members do. This being said, I have to have a water with me (and end up drinking it all) if I'm eating hot cheetos. (which I don't eat very often because they're not that great)
I do love eating spicy chinese, korean, and mexican food, though.
27. What's your favorite or go-to outfit?
My favorite outfits generally involve leggings, and I have this green-gray tank top that I really like. I also wear a lot of black leggings and t shirts. I like wearing necklaces and bracelets whenever I go out! I have a few different butterfly necklaces I like to wear and quite a few bracelets.
send me an ask from the specific get to know me ask game
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
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This drawing was originally going to be with my last Mario Power-up post. But the theme of this one was much darker in comparison to the other drawings. So I felt it should have its own post. Lore under the cut! :0
TLDR: If Mario or Luigi have the Ice Flower or Fire Flower Power-up for too long.. It will slowly cook them/freeze them to death. They found this out the scary way..
So, as some of you might know, Mario has been helping the Toad people by experimenting with Power-ups and learning about what they do.
During these tests they have discovered that the Power-ups all have one goal. To find a suitable host to expel all of their power. And they also discovered that they function kind of like a battery. If you have one in your system long enough, you will eventually consume all of its power and return to normal.
The Fire Flowers and ice Flowers though.. they don’t work like that.
Turns out, the Fire Flower and Ice Flower are Power-ups that don’t just. Go away eventually. The only way to consume its power is to use it. If you don’t use it, it will sit idlily in the hosts body and slowly consume them..
Mario was testing an Ice Flower Power-up and didn’t use it all up by the end of their session. He went to bed that night a little chilly. He woke up the next morning and.. he couldn’t feel his legs.
They tried warming his feet in hot water, but after 30 seconds the water would turn to ice. They tried to apply hot water to Mario’s hand’s to remove the ice. But the ice kept growing back..
They began to really panic when ice formed on Mario's chest, and his breathing became labored. They scrambled to find a solution and thankfully they were able to figure out what to do in time. Mario cast the last bit of Ice power he had, officially ridding his system of the ice power. It took a day or two, but eventually he was able to warm back up and thankfully didn’t lose any fingers to frostbite.
They were very lucky that Mario didn’t suffer any permanent damage. And if they didn’t figure out what to do in time.. Mario would have perished.
Luigi still wakes up at night sometimes in a panic. and goes and puts just oooone more blanket on Mario. Mario knows Luigi had a rough night if he wakes up drenched in sweat under a mountain of blankets.
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s1llydr3amscape · 5 days
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Looks like someone failed the captcha test to many times!
Anyways I always wanted to doodle this specific pose from Toyless' animation why because I can :]
Extras under the cut :
This was the specific screenshot I based the pose off I love hands grabbing head!!! :
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The original video ^ (I'll be real with yall I was shocked the original song was poppy playtime because my only experience with it was that all my baby cousins loved that franchise. And they would show me vids off it at family gatherings because I was the babysitter. One of em even debated me abt fnaf like chill out bro you weren't even born when it came out!!!!!)
Glitchtrap rambling time woohoo let's go!!!!
-I redrew em again because I think I'm almost 100% happy with its design!!!! Like I don't wanna change their face so much because the way his face is shaped is my fave!!! Like they have the same style of muzzle as sonic characters!!!!!! I just made it rounder cuz its their early days before this au lore
-I just wanna achieve the unnaturalness with their design. Like they don't belong here. They want to get out. LET HIM OUT. type vibe basically like that's why it has like those kind off teeth instead off the rabbit ones. They get those later in the au.
-I fucking love Glitchtrap so much you don't understand they're so peak!!!!!! I jokingly hate him because I despise what it did to Vanny.
-I was a fan since day 1 bro is just so unique like woah a non animatronic for a change?!?!? STRAIGHT UP A FURSUIT!??!?! Color me impressed!!! I love zooming on it its model and seeing everyy little detail!!! Like omg bro is crying and drooling on the suit!!!!! There's also a patch of uneven stitching pattern on the top of their head compared to their mostly symmetrical design!!!
-I was so fixated on em like my level of obsession for him was bad bad!!!! Like yeah it was still there when Vanny came around during the curse of Dreadbear DLC but you don't understand it surpassed all my Foxy art!!! The first fnaf character I fixated on!?!?? Like what and yall can ask my IRLS bro had lots n lots of art!!!!! I have so much trad art of glitchy it's embarassing!!! Atleast I improved tbh!!
-I just really really loved the fan animations were bro got to time travel to the older fnaf animations and fuck em up!!!! Causing them all to glitch out like hello PEAK!?!?!?! No im not biased to rabbit characters with whiskers shhhhh... SHHH...
-Because I know all those animations already and it's like omg omg OMG Glitchtrap kinda expanded my music taste imma be fr... Fnaf autism is so bad I omfg I only listened to fnaf songs and the only time I listened to other franchises songs is because someone animated fnaf over it... like yeah I was an animation meme kid but even then I only remember the lyrics and titles to songs if I saw fnaf on them (cringe!!!!) So yeah thank u Glitchtrap <33333
-I think Malhare is the cooler name but the Glitchtrap name is cool too because when the names end in trap like this it makes me think they're like warrior cats adjacent. So in this one they just fluctuate between either Malhare or Glitchtrap
-Also another reason he's my super fave is because my brain predicted it's gloop form!!!!
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-Like no joke literally the same character I dreamt about during the early days before Princess Quest.
-Except mine was a shadow like the shadow animatronics. More wispy than gloopy. I think the reason I dreamt it was because Shadow Toy Chica and fan made shadow animatronics were getting popular!! But legit same character and colors!!!!!!!
-Just a big dark mass with purple eyes surrounding it like literally the same character my brain came up with and I'm just wow <3333 minus the fact my design had really big giant swirly white eyebrows
-However my Shadow Glitchtrap was kinda more wack to say the least. Like heheheh cuz Glitchtraps a fursuit there's no denying that I changed the dream design a bit. In my old Glitchtrap designs they'd have a zipper and so what would happen was they'd unzip and flip their insides into outsides to reveal the Shadow Glitchtrap thing which was hiding inside them.
-Like those plushies that you can unzip to reveal a different plushie design basically!!!!
-TBH I prefer Glooptrap because yeah!!!!! Amalgamation of hate let's go!!!!!! I think with how gloopy he is its just fun to draw I love the fact that the weird Glitchtrap blockers look like that it fits too much with my own preestablished AU lore.
-I feel like Glitchtrap turns into Glooptrap from like the seams of their suit. Like you see that each part the suit got stitched just turn black as black liquid pours out like ohhh that shit haunted!!!! Bursting outta the seams like oh this guy has no one inside they're all just black sludge!!!!
-In this AU specifically (The one with my millions of Vanny designs) is actually a spoof fnaf AU where everyone lives!!! Like I have 3 AUs technically one of them being the fnaf cast in my oc world where they become my ocs basically called Rabbit City. My other one which is my more serious canon adjacent fnaf AU where no silly stuff or shipping happens, and it's just more overall following my own formed understanding of the canonicity and the series of events with me trying to keep the animatronics more game accurate (I dont think ive posted any of that here due to me feeling like my style limits the nit and grit I wanna go with it). And this one I mainly post on here where everything is just silly and bends to my command and everyone lives because I love everyone <333333 Literally playing with my toys type AU where I do what I want which is why a million vanny designs are in this AU specifically. I usually tag it as this 🦭🩷🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐯 because the original name of this au is self indulgent and I'm embarrassed but it's too iconic to change it.
-Glitchtrap in this AU is just much more goofy and silly infecting people like a zombie virus and possessing them for his own gain. Weird eldritch horror that came out of a fnaf fangame. Anything goes in this AU so if I wanna make Glitchtrap a mind controlling zombie warlock wizard so be it!!!! Sorry I love zombies soo much you will have to take this trope out of my cold dead hands!!!!! I love rot!!!
-That's why it's wrinkly because they too me are like a rotten banana (Even though his associated smell to me is lemongrass). Imagine squeezing a banana still with it's skin on. That's how I imagine bro turns into glooptrap if they didn't open the zipper in time. Also because I love the design trope of rotting and withering sue me. I love when the flesh sags across the body. Wrinkles are great bro theyre so real!!!!! Also because back then people kept drawing him as skinny as a twig??? Even though they have fat??? So I made them fatter mostly because like I love the gloop part of it hiding inside <3333
-They're more green pink and purple because imma be real my fave color combo ever <33333
-I wanna do an xray piece with them soon to show their insides but I'm still uncertain if I have the art prowess to concoct it exactly like how I envision it yet. Like I need to squash and scretch them more. They need to look more decrepit and horrible!!!!! something like the unknown from dbd!!!!
-They can't actually emote properly stuck in a permanent smile
-Glithctrap and Vanny’s dynamic is like Lord Hater and Commander Peepers in this one. There's more character adjacent to the dynamic between them concocted in my head but I wanna draw a comic abt it :]
-Like yeah one second they're besties and the next they're at each other's throats ready to strangle eachother. Vanny reluctantly trying to help him at first like how she was first called.
-Oh also in this specific AU Glitchtrap isn't connected to William in the slightest more just it's own thing!!!!
-He's like an AI that wants to be human. It believes it is human. They've mimicked people too much that they don't know what they are anymore. Or what it wants anymore. What do they want.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 6 months
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It's time to suit up, Gordon.
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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skunkes · 7 months
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not so easy
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
ADHD & Freeze Response
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Future ADHD
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helpfandom · 9 months
Analysis on YANDERE PLATONIC TAS Batman Villains. Pt 1.
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What I am using as the archtypes: https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share YANDERE_AUXILLARY made it!!!!
I find it so curious that people neglect Platonic as a yandere version, {not to say that I am a pioneer, no no no, but rather that people don't write about it as much as romantic.} And so, here is my analysis on various TAS Batman Villains. Of course, this is part one, as there are many TAS villains. I just need to get to them.
Also, side note. Thank you TAS writers for already making Mad Hatter a yandere so now I have less work to do.
Mr Freeze: Now, he is the yandere type of Obsessive, Overprotective, Clingy. He found something else to focus on, and it happened to be you. Reader would be more of the friendly type, more outgoing for Mr. Freeze to have such an obsession with them. He wouldn't stalk you as much, more so just an immediate kidnap the next time he sees you. Most likely catalyst for his yandere swap would be dealing with the loss of his wife. He lost his wife. He won't lose his kid too. Maybe Reader was there to help, or maybe he saw his wife in you. No matter what it was, as soon as there is an obsession, he wants to keep you. You're screwed as soon as it began. He's overprotective, constantly hovering over you. "I've lost too much. I won't lose the last thing of my wife, too!"
Riddler: Hmm... His yandere archetypes for platonic is... Possessive, Delusional, Sadistic, and Self-Indulgent. His egotistical personality, tied with an obsession with a kid who is unafraid to throw hostility back? Not a good pair for Gotham. In his mind, to not be afraid of him, or to throw hostility back at him, must mean that you like him. And with his intelligence, how could you not? His catalyst, well, there isn't really a catalyst per say, more so he was already obsessed with beating Batman and being intelligent, so why wouldn't he be obsessed with someone who can challenge him? He's more of a stalker type, only kidnapping when Batman and Robin get a little too close to you for his comfort. You're just like a little him, well you have to be taught by the best, most intelligent, and that's him. "Well well, my dear child. You seem to have escaped, but I'm sure you know that you won't be out for long..."
Clayface: He is... Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive, and slightly Sadistic. He would be obsessed likely with a theatre kid, or someone who enjoys the fine arts {So an Art Kid, Band Kid, Choir Kid, etc.} He would see that and miss the days when he could do that, when he could act or enjoy the arts. Because he can transform his shape into anybody, he transforms himself into people close to you, of course he stalks them ahead of time so that he can properly assume their character, but he quickly kills them off so he can assume that role in your life. If it was a friend who had a crush on you, he enjoys watching the life leave their eyes. How dare they try to ruin your potential with their desires? He uses someone in a position of power, too. Likely a teacher, or if you have a director? Boom, suddenly you have the main role, or a solo, or you won the first place in an art competition. Who knows what kind of a catalyst would be there, all I can tell you is that BOOM! You're being kidnapped by someone you trusted deeply. You watch your former mentor's skin droop off of this, this person, who's kidnapping you, revealing a rocky, clay texture. Clayface. "Heya kid, you already slipped up and called your teacher Dad, so I know you can for me too. Here, would looking like them help?"
Poison Ivy: Her yandere archetypes are Overprotective, Clingy, and attempts to be Manipulative. Delusional, but yet Lucid; She has delusions about Reader, but not in the 'ah, yes. Reader loves me too.' She would be a little apprehensive at an uncaring Reader, after all, if you're not for plants, you must be against plants. For an uncaring Reader to work, Reader must be a plant lover. Poison Ivy would see this, and suddenly everything makes sense. She assumes that Reader puts up a fake persona so that Reader can care for plants in their free time, so that no one knows that Reader loves plants. She loves that about Reader, and that's why she gets obsessed. She wants to keep the only other plant lover in Gotham and protect them against the cold, cruel world. She would originally try a sporeling, but she misses the real you so that plan fails and that's why she would kidnap you. "Come here my Rosebud, the world is cruel. Let me be your mother, like Mother Earth."
Mad Hatter: His characteristics are Delusional, Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, and Clingy. Who truly knows why he started to care for you? Perhaps you reminded him of someone a little too much... Nevertheless, not what we are here to focus on. He would not be a stalkerish type, but he would delude himself into believing you love him like a father. He would not be afraid to use his mind control on you. As soon as he manages to get you under his control, you're screwed. You're gone from Gotham forever. He has been shown to be willing to do it before, with Alice. I think he would be willing to do it until he gets you to the safe house which looks a lot like one of the sets for Alice in Wonderland... He would be overprotective, scared that Batman would take away his kid, take away the few things in life he loves. "NO NO NO! Batman simply cannot take away my child too!"
Catwoman: She is Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive. She has been shown to be someone with a ton of money, {Paying $10,000 dollars for a charity that she loves, a lot of money, period, but also for 1992} So I feel that she would be willing to use that against her kiddo, saying that it's okay for Reader to use her money, and then guilt tripping Reader {who, realistically, wouldn't give a shit, but I digress.} Into staying with her to pay off the debt. Her clingy and Impulsiveness is because of when she was involuntarily transformed into an animal, some things stayed the same, and now that she found her cub? Even Batman can't fight a wild animal for her kid. "Lioncub, why are you worried? Mommy's got enough money for the both of us."
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frenchiepal · 8 months
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16.10.23 🍎 gloomy challenge
i'm back home!! the air is cold and it's windy and wonderfully autumn-y :D
mood: 9/10 yippee
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omg-snakes · 9 months
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My leucistic Texas rat snake, Dilbert, was so excited for dinner that he came flying out at it when I opened his enclosure and missed by about a mile. I tried to move his food to intercept his path and he ended up grazing me and catching two teeth in my thumb. Thankfully it was the side of my thumb, not the pad.
It didn't phase him at all, and he most likely didn't even notice.
I tried to be stoic but I did utter some choice words. I managed to get his meal into his mouth and him back into his cage before extracting these two snake thorns. Thankfully they're very smooth and came out easily.
Then not even ten minutes later Dextro the corn snake, who it turns out is starting a shed cycle and has reduced vision, jumped past the meal held by my feeding tongs and grabbed my finger and thumb together in a huge bite. He wrapped my entire hand and my tongs, so I couldn't reach his head to tap him or help him disconnect. My middle finger and thumb were pinched together and pierced by two rows of tiny, very sharp needles. He realized his mistake and voluntarily let go after an excruciating 15-20 seconds of me trying to hold very still. At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. He then went back in his enclosure and poked his actual dinner with his nose very thoroughly all over to make sure it was really food and not still my hand before eating it.
My point is that it doesn't matter how much we trust these animals or how well socialized they are. Accidents happen. It's not their fault and I can't be mad at them or even at myself. Anyone who keeps a snake shouldn't ask whether they'll be bitten, but when.
It's just a part of snake keeping!
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poisonousquinzel · 5 months
ngl real missed opportunity by DC to let Harley and Mr. Freeze become friends during her primary villain arc (btas or other) cause tbh I can't imagine he'd enjoy sitting in his cell listening to Joker brag about all the ways he's cruel, abusive and uncaring towards Harley, a woman who loves him, while Victor's entire goal is to save his wife who he loves dearly ya know ???? and it's not like all of them haven't been locked up together, the other rogues Know. Joker's not like most abusers who try to keep it behind closed doors, he's very public with his abuse.
And just that feeling of like "I am doing everything I can to save my wife, I have become a criminal and have done awful things in the name of love and I just want nothing more than to have her back and You Have Someone Who Loves You That Much, That Much To Become A Criminal As Well And You Repay That Love By ABUSING HER."
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statusexile · 7 months
You Know What I Deserve? Dessert!
Summary: It’s your birthday and Ghost have agreed to become your dessert for the night.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
Warnings: pwp, gender neutral reader, dom!Ghost, degradation, dirty talking, food play, mask kink, fellatio, nasty-slash-messy-slash-fun stuff in general.
Word count: 741 words
a/n: The title is an excerpt from Dessert by HYO and now I’ve ruined that song forever. I apologize in advance if you like that song lmao. As always, feedback and suggestions are always appreciated, along with reblogs and likes. Thank you for reading! ❤️
This is a corresponding story to You Know What He Deserves? Dessert!
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It’s your birthday and the only thing that you want on your special day is Ghost, naked, wearing nothing but his balaclava and dog tags. So, he did what you asked him to do.
Now he’s sitting fully naked on the loveseat in the bedroom that both of you share, sprawling in all his glory. You have the privilege of indulging in the exquisite allure of his tall, tanned and muscular body, complete with refined thighs and impeccably sculpted abs. All yours to devour for the night. You could see the tip of his cock already leaking with precum, made it look more delicious to you.
You went to the kitchen to get a bottle of whipped cream and chocolate syrup for a bit. You grab them with excitement, the promise of a delicious dessert made your mouth waters, and you make your way back to the bedroom, a sense of anticipation building within you. You’re going to devour this man tonight like he’s the most delicious thing on this earth.
You take a seat on the floor, facing his throbbing, rock hard member. The sight of them sends a shiver of excitement throughout your body. As you put a swirl of whipped cream on the tip of his cock, then drizzling it with chocolate syrup, you could see it drips down to the rest of this shaft. Your eyes fixate upon them as if it’s the most delectable dessert about to grace your palate.
You lick the base of his cock first, using your tongue to play with his balls. The taste of the salt of his skin mixed with the sweet chocolate syrup made you even more turned on. Slowly grazing your tongue upward, licking his thick, veiny shaft like a candy. Ghost let out a guttural, aggressive groan to the act as you finally start licking the tip of his cock very slowly, tasting the whipped cream on top of it. Ghost throws his head back as the intense sensation coursing through his body.
You finally finished lapping the entire condiments clean from his cock, but that’s not enough for you, so you put even more whipped cream and chocolate syrup on his shaft, basically drenching it with condiments at this point. “Happy fucking birthday to me” you muttered to yourself and engulfing his entire length in one go, nearly choking on it because of how gargantuan the size of his cock was.
You slowly bobbing your head as you suck his cock, the whipped cream and chocolate syrup dripping all over your clothing and your lap, smearing your entire lips and jaw with them. Ghost suddenly gripped your hair, pushing his cock even deeper inside your mouth. The sudden action made you almost choke again as he keeps deepthroating you over and over again like you are his personal little fuck toy.
“Enjoying your birthday so far, you nasty little fuck?” he said with a venomous tone in between his groans and moans that’s echoing throughout the room. You could only nod to his words as he keeps slamming the back of your throat continously. You could feel tears start streaming down your cheeks.
His thrusts start to become more erratic and sloppier. You could feel his orgasm is so close. It only takes a few more thrusts as he finally cum on the inside of your mouth, mixing his thick white warm cum with the now melted whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
“Swallow it all up” he said in a commanding tone, you tried to swallow it all up but it was too much as you accidentally spit some of it out because you don’t want to choke on it.
“You ungrateful little slut, you better lick it all up, you fucking bitch” he snarls as he suddenly grabbed your hair again, forcefully pressing your face to the floor. His grip is so strong that you have no choice but to obey him, licking the floor that's covered with the mixed liquid until it’s squeaky clean. You stick your tongue out to him as a prove you swallowed it all up.
He suddenly stands up from the sofa, pulling you up from the floor as he dragged and pushed you to bed, taking the whipped cream and chocolate syrup from your hands.
“Take your clothes off. Ass up, face down” he said as he unscrews the cap of each bottle.
“Now it’s my turn to enjoy my dessert.”
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ghosted-jazz · 2 years
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But honestly, no one is calling your name
Alternate versions
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