#friends say “its okay” but deep down you fear that it is NOT okay
stevie-petey · 1 day
don't be shy, give us a blurb of season 1 where joyce berates jon after his & bug's fight :D
ooooh this is basically a deleted scene in my mind so thank you <3
enjoy !
"i'll go make some breakfast." jonathan needs to leave wills room. he isnt sure how long his mom has been in there staring at the lights, but he hadnt slept last night and hes exhausted and wills room has become a shadow of what it once was.
he misses wills laughter that once filled the room.
now he talks his mom down from panic attacks in wills room after spending a sleepless night wrecked with guilt for what hes said to you.
"jonathan, wait." joyce pulls gently at his arm to stop him from leaving. she wipes her eyes, sniffles. "sweetie, i-i dont want to overstep, but... i heard you last night."
"heard what?" jonathan doesnt understand what his mom is trying to say. is she still manic? is she really losing her mind like the cops all say?
joyce takes a deep breath. "i heard you and y/n last night. i... i heard what you said to her."
jonathans heart stops. he tenses, his body suddenly becomes cold. deep, bone crushing guilt settles harshly upon him.
"you were... awful to her."
he cant breathe air into his lungs. his head pounds. his hands shake.
"jonathan, honey-i know that things are-are difficult right now and i know maybe, i dont know... i know i havent been there for you but y/n has." joyce rubs the palm of her hands on her pants. "you cant push her away. not now."
jonathan needed his mom the day will disappeared. he needed her when the cops showed up at their door with his bike. he needed his mom when he made missing posters for his little brother.
among the guilt crawls the anger. the resentment. why is she doing this?
"im not pushing y/n away-"
"you told her she wasnt family."
"mom, i-can we please, just drop it. okay? lets-lets focus on will and i'll make breakfast and-"
joyce grabs his hand. its the first time shes comforted him since will went missing. he shudders at her touch. her hands are warm, soft, worn from years of taking care of him and his brother all alone. "apologize to her. she'll understand."
"but what if she doesnt?" and there, underneath the guilt and anger and resentment, lies jonathans fear that hes lost his best friend.
"she will, sweetheart. y/n... shes too good. for both of us." jonathan manages a weak laugh, and joyce smiles softly. "ive never seen a friendship like yours."
jonathan knows his mom is right. hes ashamed of himself. the words he said to you last night paint his skin in heavy hues of embarrassment and remorse. you didnt deserve them. he had been lost in his own shame for the photos of nancy.
he doesnt like who hes becoming, with all this anger in him.
"the two of you will figure it out." joyce kisses the top of jonathans head. "you always do."
but things have changed. jonathan now knows what failure feels like. he knows that he cant protect the ones he loves. it burns his skin.
and burns always fester.
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serysem · 2 months
Do you ever feel like you're so damn deep into your hyperfixations and want to talk and rant about it all, but at the same time you're too shy and embarrassed to actually DO THAT and then you're just
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all because you think you're super cringe and annoying?
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oraclekleins · 1 month
hello, can you write Joost Klein x musician!reader where Joost and reader met at a mutual friend's party and they hit it off? And they start to develop feelings after a while of being friends!!!
thank you for the request, anon!
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Good Luck, Babe!
Joost Klein/Musician!Reader
Fluff, Crushes, 1983 era Joost :-) + Reader is BFFs with Appie!
In the warm summer air, you embrace the night; sprawling out your fingers to trace the stars. The soft glow of string lights from above illuminate the beer you’re nursing in your hands, a dull chill spreading through your palms. You listen to the sound of your own breath in the silence, aside from the soft hum of fire from the pit in front of you, slow and a little raspy. The door to Apson’s house swings open and then closes. It was nice of Appie to invite you in the first place - you never could thank him enough for trying to involve you in his friend group. Usually, you’d politely decline the invitation, not quite having made it past the step of hyping yourself up in the mirror, promising it’d be a good night.
You remind yourself that this was practice for the stage. How were you supposed to perform if you couldn’t even manage to go to one of your best friend’s parties? Grimacing at the thought, you roll your shoulders, a sigh passing from your lips. Apson was the first one to have given your music a chance, having been sat on your bed as you wrote your lyrics, pushing your journal towards him after each edit. He would hum any sort of tune to catch your words, give you some sort of inspiration. It’s easy to be around him, it just feels right ; which happens to make the fear of making a good impression around his friends much worse.
A hand finds your shoulder, heavy and welcoming. You can smell his cologne before he speaks, saccharine and earthy. “Need to go get another case of beer, you coming with?” Apson grins, already tugging you along.
“Of course, yeah,” you’re starting to reply, nearly tripping down the porch steps, your arm catching another body in its stagger for balance. 
His face is a bit mousey, grin curious and friendly. “Careful!” He teases, trailing after Apson. He glances back to you - like he’s making sure you’re following, a bit hesitant. You’re well aware of who he is, having seen hundreds of pictures of him and Appie together, flicking through their stories in a muted envy. Joost .
Appie releases you from his grip once you’re tugging at the passenger side door, Joost trailing after you. “Long time no see,” he says, sugary and faint, dying out into a giggle. 
You climb into the car. He’s fumbling between buckling his seatbelt and throwing Appie’s collection of mess from the backseat into the trunk. 
“You were at Appie’s birthday party, right?” You reply, fidgeting with your hands, beer long abandoned on the side of Apson’s porch. 
Joost looks towards you. “Yeaahh,” he drags out the ah , dramatically. You can tell that he’s doing it to make you laugh, searching for your smile after. “I remember you. The singer!” The singer. You can't help but wonder how much you told him, 6 shots deep and in desperation to look like a good, talented friend. The label makes you a little sick, but you nod.
“You as well? I think I saw your album on Instagram - it was good, really good,” the fabric of your shirt is sticking to your chest, cotton-stiff and uncomfortable. You turn to roll down the window, the still heat wavering in the backseat. 
“Appie! AC?” You whine a bit, tapping at the driver’s seat.
Apson pauses from sticking his keys into the ignition, glaring at you through the mirror. "Roll down the window! I gotta start the car, man."
You sigh, giving up as your back hits the carseat.
Joost glances over again, fiddling with his phone case. "Really cool you saw my stuff. Now I gotta hear yours, okay?" He offers you an earbud, wire already stuck into his phone.
You feel a little nauseous.
It hadn't taken long for you and Joost to connect after the party. Embarrassingly enough, when you had gotten his follow request, days passed before you finally accepted it and sent a message. It became a lot easier to speak with him, bonding over being independent artists.
Of course, every glimpse of him on your feed had snuck into your dreams, slipping through them like the moonlight in your window. You're startled awake, chest heaving from the thought of his face. Fingers threading through his blonde strands, tangling them and curling them around your knuckle. The thought feels like praying, knelt at the altar, eager for your next glimpse.
You wondered if he knew.
"You're an up and coming, for serious," he would blurt out after every sneak of music you showed him. The endless praise for your work cycled into daily conversation, asking to see what you were working on- or if he could help with anything.
You couldn't help but wonder how long this dance between you two would go, when every touch became an apology for being too shy. When you could lace your fingers with his, joking about the size of your hands, yet too nervous to nestle your face into the crook of his neck.
You feel homesick when his arm isn't wrapped around your shoulder, peeking over your phone to see what you're doing rather than talking to him. He always knows how to make you look up, smile, giddy just to get a reaction.
When he confesses his 'silly', unripe feelings - it feels like the sky itself had opened up and sang for you.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 months
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GENRE: Continuation of this piece HERE (you dont have to read to read this though)SMUT MINORS DNI, Insta love kinda feel, mafia AU, Chan being a total gentleman with reader, office sex, @meloncremesoda
Cunnilingus, protected sex, excitement of possibly getting caught
PAIRING: Chan x Fem!Reader 
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
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The sun was starting to set and the streets were already dimly lit and cloaked in an ominous stillness that made you feel completely uneasy. The air was thick with tension and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong at any second.
"You just need to relax, once we get to my place you'll be able to do that." Katarina - your best friend of almost seven years now - explained as you nodded a little taking in a deep breath. Somewhere inside of you, you knew she was right and that you were just feeling uneasy because of the shitty day you'd had.
Shitty probably wasn't the best way to describe it since it seemed as though there was a malevolent force that was wreaking havoc on your entire life today. In the span of a single day, you'd been fired - even though you'd been up for a huge promotion but they'd given it to the new hire. Something you'd expressed your disdain for and was quickly slapped with an unemployment notice. Not only that but you'd been making your way home when you'd fallen into the canal after a biker pushed you and rode off. You hadn't even managed to get a proper look at the guy, you'd just heard him laughing manically to himself from the bottom of the bridge.
By the time you'd made it home to your apartment, there was a giant red notice on the door, an eviction letter despite every single bill of yours being paid on time. The universe was out for you and it was playing a dangerous game with you.
"I'll even let you use the hot tub," Kat smirked at you but you giggled, about to say something when you heard the purr of an engine echoing off brick walls making people murmur to one another about the reckless driving.
"You've convinced me," You laughed, stepping onto the road to cross over to the convenience store since the two of you were planning to grab snacks and drinks for your sleepover tonight.
The black SUV tore around the corner, its tires skimming on the wet asphalt as it sped through the city streets. Behind the wheel, Shadow, drove recklessly trying to get his boss to a meeting on time. But as your luck, and the universe's way of fucking you up more, had it, you'd been crossing the road at the same time he ran a red light. Chan watched in awe as you appeared out of nowhere like a ghost in the night, you looked so fragile and delicate and completely unaware of the impending danger you were in.
"Stop the car!" A voice boomed from the back of the vehicle.
The sound of tires screeching made you look up, your eyes widening in a mixture of shock and fear frozen in place as you began to shake. The SUV came to an abrupt halt mere inches away from you as people turned and gasped watching the scene in front of them.
"Are you okay?!" Kat asked as she rushed you over to the other side of the road letting you lean against the wall as you held your hand over your chest. Your heart was racing so much you were afraid it was about to come right out of your chest.
"The universe hates me," Was all you'd managed to get out as you stared down at the floor, your whole body was shaking as you thought back to the whole thing. The light was illuminated for you to cross the street, none of this was your fault but if the car hadn't broken so suddenly you'd be dead right now.
"Listen! Creep! If you're going to yell at her for being on the road maybe you should take an eye exam!" Kat started to yell out and you breathed out heavily turning to see her staring at a man twice her size who was staring down at her. He was almost 6''5 in height, bald and had a giant scar running down the left side of his face. His attention moved from Kat to you, staring you down and making your mouth run dry.
"Don't stare her down! It might work on other people but we're not going to back down!" Kat screamed in his face, hitting his chest with her purse.
"We'll sue you! You were driving over the speed limit and you ran a red light! Matter of fact-" She reached into her purse pulling out her phone.
"I'm calling the police!" She yelled but you put your hand on her arm trying to calm her down.
"Leave it. He didn't hit me, let's just go home." You begged, all you wanted to do was go home and sleep it off like nothing had happened, the sooner the day was over the better and standing in the street arguing with a man who looked like he could snap you in half was not helping.
"I won't leave it! He could have killed you!" She screamed, her yells beginning to draw attention from those around you. You heard another door open and shut and you glanced in the direction of the car.
"And what do you want?!" Kat rang out making a few of the women around you both gasp.
"Do they know who that is?" One woman muttered making you glance behind you to stare at them. Both of them looked terrified as they stared at the second man who had joined you on the streets,
"Obviously not otherwise they wouldn't be yelling," Her friend whimpered before they scurried away into a nearby store.
"Are you okay?" You glanced back around not expecting to see the man inches away. His accent was thick and you suddenly felt as though you couldn't breathe with how handsome he was staring at you, you nodded a little.
"Are you sure? It must have scared you quite a bit." The man stared down into your eyes searching for any signs that you might have been lying to him but you barely even blinked.
"I've told him to drive the speed limit around here but he never listens," It was a lie. When Chan needed to get somewhere he would, he didn't care who was on the roads but after seeing you so scared there was something inside of him that snapped. A deep achiness that urged him to reach out and check on you, to protect you even.
"Y-Yes, fine. Just shook up," You admitted when you realised he was still waiting for you to answer him. Clearing her throat Kat stared at you, narrowing her eyes at the man and then at you before she smirked a little. It was obvious that you were attracted to the man, though it was lost on Kat as to why since his driver had almost hit you.
"She would be better if you took her for some tea, you know, to make up for your driving almost killing her." Your eyes shot in her direction but she refused to look at you, instead, she chose to stare at the man who was apologising to you,
"Kat!" You hissed out, was she out of her mind? One second she was ready to fist fight the person who had almost hit you and now she was attempting to set you up.
"She's right, I should take you for some tea to steady your nerves. It's the least I can do," Chan said as he watched you, his eyes hadn't left your face since the moment he got out of the car and you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat.
"Text me when you're done," Kat winks at you, walking away so that you can't decline the offer of tea and you whimper a little.
"I'm Chan, it's lovely to meet you...?" He stated his name so that it wouldn't feel too weird going to get something to drink with a stranger.
"Yn." You told him as he took your hand in his and gently lifted it to his lips, kissing it gently as you felt your body warm at the whole interaction.
"I know the perfect place. We can walk if you'd like," Chan told you as he slipped your arm through his, your hand clutching onto his forearm as you nodded a little. 
"Thank you." You whispered, noticing people staring in your direction as the two of you made your way down the street.
Heads turned at every point making you feel a little uneasy about this whole thing, maybe they all thought it was insane for you to try and go out with the man who had almost killed you. 
The quaint cafe was nestled in the corner of the city, usually, it would exude warmth and comfort for you but tonight it wasn't. Tonight, the sight of the place made you want to shrivel up and die on the floor.
"The universe hates me." You mumbled as you stopped outside the cafe that Chan had offered to take you to. It was run by your bosses - well, ex-bosses - wife who was glaring at you through the window. Not that she had any reason to glare when her husband was the reason you'd been fired in the first place,
"Sorry?" Chan questioned thinking he'd misheard you.
"I just remembered I need to head home, I'm going to be late for Kat's dinner." You were lying through your teeth but anything was better than going into the cafe tonight and having to deal with your ex-bosses wife,
"She told you to enjoy yourself. Is this Cafe not up to your standards? I can drive us somewhere else." He was open to taking you anywhere you wanted to go, even if it meant getting the jet out and flying you somewhere you'd prefer. If you said the word it would be done in seconds,
"It's lovely it's just...My ex-boss's wife owns it." You admitted, looking down at your hands and then at Chan who was frowning a little.
"Oh. How long ago did you leave?" He questioned, pulling you to the side of the door and watching you closely. He could sense that there was something more going on but you were reluctant to share it with him,
"Leave?" You scoffed a little and shook your head, leaving wasn't the right word since you'd practically been dragged out of that building for speaking facts.
"More like fired and today. I was up for a promotion and he gave it to the new girl he's got a thing for." You grumbled, folding your arms across your chest as Chan watched you closely, humming a little to himself.
"Hmm, I see."
"Yeah, I expressed my disdain for it and I was fired on the spot." You mumbled a little, rubbing the back of your neck as you probably sounded like a woman scorned but instead of judging you, Chan took your side.
"Hardly seems fair since you were already up for it."
"Life hates me today." You admitted with a low laugh, shaking your head as Chan opened the cafe door for you. There was no way he was going to let one silly woman ruin the evening he wanted to share with you.
"Trust me, no one will bother you while I'm here," He promised and even though you hadn't known him long you believed him.
As you entered the cafe, the air seemed to shift subtly and everyone turned to stare in your direction and Chan who simply nodded at the owner who hid away in the back room.
"She's not welcome." The woman stated but Chan led you toward a corner table near the large window and he smiled at you warmly.
"She's welcome anywhere," Chan stated as he turned around to face the woman whose face flashed a sign of something unreadable and she nodded, bowing a little to him.
It took almost three seconds for a server to rush over to the table, and take your orders without looking up at either of you. Chan's demeanour remained composed as he stared at you, 
"I'll take a hot chocolate," He spoke to the server but not once did his eyes leave yours as you smiled a little.
"Samr for me please," You said to the server who still hadn't looked at either of you before scurrying off behind the counter. 
Taking in a deep breath you look around the cafe taking in the silence, there was nothing but the soft clink of teaspoons or people whispering to one another,
"Are you famous, or something?" You whispered finally having enough of people staring in your direction and whispering to one another.
Chan was a little shocked, there weren't many people in Seoul who didn't know who he was and he loved that you didn't know, there was something interesting about it. Chan smiled at you and tried to think of something he could say. It wasn't like he could come right out and tell you that he was the towering figure of organised crime in Seoul and he couldn't lie and say he was famous since he wasn't an Idol or actor.
"Something like that," He chuckled as two mugs of hot chocolate were placed down on the table in front of you both and he looked at you. His heart fluttered a little as he watched you slowly take the cup into your hands and blow into the liquid that was obviously too hot but it was cute.
"So why else does the universe hate you? It can't just be because you got fired." Chan stated as he leant forward, he'd cancelled a meeting for this and he didn't want this to be a bust with you.
"Where do I even start?" You whined a little and leaned back on the chair, both of you falling into a conversation about how awful your day had been not noticing that time was getting away from you both.
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By the time you'd both realised what the time was it was dark out and you had missed calls from Kat, along with almost 24 texts asking for details about how it had all gone,
"I'll drive you to Kat's, I'm not letting you walk home. You never know who could be wandering the streets," Chan explained as he carefully took your arm in his and led you to the already waiting car. Chan knew what could be wandering the streets and that the most dangerous thing there right now was him but he helped you into the car and instructed Shadow to start driving.
"Thank you for tonight, I had fun." You admitted with a small laugh,
"Maybe the universe gave you such a shitty day so I could make it better," He winked at you sending tingles up and down your spine. All night your stomach had been in an eruption of butterflies and your heart couldn't stop fluttering,
"Maybe." You whispered unable to shake the tingle-feeling you felt all over your body.
"I'd love to do it again, on a day that hasn't been so bad for you," Chan admitted, one night with you wasn't enough and he selfishly wanted more from you than he was probably allowed.
"I'd love that too," You admitted, staring into his eyes as he smiled at you. Before you, he had been a man of very few words but tonight he'd spoken more than he thought he had in his life. His rough exterior was melting away easily thanks to you,
"I'll call you," He said as the car slowly came to a stop, your heart sinking as you realised it was time to come back to reality and remember all of these shitty things going on in your life.
"Sure," You whispered, sliding out of the car and heading toward the steps of Kat's apartment but you were stopped when a hand carefully took yours.
Without thinking your lips met in a collision of passion and softness, your lips wrapped around the back of his neck as you pulled him closer to you.
The kiss lingered until someone cleared their throat making you break apart and stare at Kat who was smirking down at you, her arms folded on her chest.
"I'll call you soon," Chan whispered before placing a small kiss on the top of your head heading back to the car and speeding off into the night. You were too high from the kiss to remember that you'd never given him your number or even your full name as you headed into the house to tell Kat all about your date. 
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In the span of almost four days, things had turned from the absolute worst to the best that they could have been. The day after your date with Chan you'd been offered your job back with a promotion and even your own office with a giganic pay rise which went along nicely with your new apartment that you'd found. You'd hardly been able to believe the place when you saw it and for the price it was at? It was a steal and you weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth with it. 
Your apartment building had its own doorman that greeted you every time you entered or left the building the place was stunning and your apartment was even better. 
There was a crystal chandelier that hung in the entrance, the whole place was a picture of elegance and sophistication it was incredible to see.
"Miss, Yln, Someone is here to see you." Your new assistant said snapping you from your daydream, you nodded at her and sent her a small smile before straightening yourself out.
"Send them in." She nodded and headed back to the office, you turned to look at your computer for a second to check over some last-minute emails when a news article popped up in the corner.
Body found floating in the Canal: Police believe the man found may be the Seoul Pusher they have been looking for. 
"Is that-" You were about to ask if it was the same man that had pushed you when the door opened and shut.
"I see things are going rather well for you," The voice sent shivers down your spine as you shot up from your chair. Standing there with all of the confidence in the world was Chan, he smirked at you as you took him all in. He was dressed in a tailored suit that showed off his broad shoulders and incredible physique and he looked hot. 
"Nice to see you again, I thought you'd never find me." You teased as he made his way over to your desk, taking a seat on the chair in front of it and smirking at you.
"I wanted to give it a few days, one of my men said a week but I wanted to see you." Chan wasn't afraid of admitting what he wanted and it was you, you had been all he'd thought about for the last four days and how badly he needed to see you again.
"I wanted to see you too," You whispered sitting on the edge of your desk directly in front of him, there was something about him that made you feel more confident whenever he was around you and you never wanted that to go away.
Chan's eyes slowly travelled up your body starting from your legs until he reached your face which was burning hot with how intently he'd been watching you.
"What can I do you for? Mr Bang." You'd found out his name after you'd tried to find his number and it had proven to be damn near impossible since he was one of the most powerful men in the city. Something that should have sent you to the hills screaming but instead it only excited you.
"Well, Miss Yln, I came to see, to kiss you, to take you out and woo you all over again." He stood up, your legs now spread to either side of his lips as he stood mere inches away from your face. Your breath caught on his lips as your heart raced intensely against your chest.
The office was now thick with tension as Chan stared down at you, the door was closed but the risk of the two of you being walked in on hung in the air. Your eyes met, exchanging a heated gaze that spoke volumes of the unspoken desires you'd been suppressing for days now. 
"So then kiss me," You barely had time to finish before Chan's hand gently cupped your face, the touch was tender and yet possessive at the same time. Your lips met together in a passionate kiss, the pent-up frustration you'd been holding onto for four days finally unravelled as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck.
Your fingers found their way into his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, the chance someone could walk in and find you like this only heated things up more.
"I want you," You whispered to him against his lips as you pulled away for air, your hands tangling into his tie and pulling him closer.
"I'll pick you up later," Chan chuckled about to walk away but you shook your head and pulled him back to you by his tie.
"I want you now," You whispered as his cheeks began to flame, Chan was no stranger to a woman's body and he wanted you too, badly.
"But someone could walk in." He teased you, his fingers slowly running between your thighs as he felt your entire body shiver at the small touch.
"Or does that turn you on?" His voice grew deeper and more seductive as his fingers traced further up your leg until they were right next to your throbbing cunt.
"Knowing that someone might walk in and see you getting the best fuck of your life?" He bit down on your neck softly as you let out a small moan,
"P-Please. Four days I've been left needy," Chan's face burnt red as he thought back on it and a smirk began to take over his face.
"Oh? You didn't do anything to help yourself?" 
"Maybe...But nothing was good enough," You admitted before Chan chuckled darkly, his fingers slowly pressing against your clothed pussy and rubbing small circles as you mewled out his name a little too loudly making him freeze.
"If we're going to play this game here, you have to be quiet, little mouse." The nickname made you shiver as he slowly began to sink to his knees in front of you.
"I don't get on my knees for just anyone, Yn," He warns you before hooking his fingers around the band of your underwear and pulling them down. Before you can see what he's doing or ask him his mouth is on you, hot and wet as he wraps your legs around his shoulder trying to get himself closer to you.
"Oh...F-Fuck," You hiss out, your hands struggling to find something to grab onto as you knock some of the things off your desk onto the floor.
"C-Chan," Your voice came out in a whisper as he used his tongue slowly against you building you up as he ate you out like a man starved. How did he know exactly the right spots to hit for you? Your hands slowly moved to his hair as you pushed him deeper into you, grinding against his face a little as you moaned out. His rhythm didn't speed up or change as you moved your hips to meet him, he didn't stop even as his hand moved to thrust a finger into you. It wasn't long until your toes were curling and you were seeing stars as you came around his fingers and on his face.
"S-Shit," You hissed out as he continues to eat you out while you ride out your orgasm. 
Chan smirked as he stood in front of you, his cock prominent in the tight pants he was wearing you bit your lip, reaching out to rub him through his pants.
"Do you want me to fuck you, Yn?" He asks plainly, the corner of his lips tugging into a smirk.
"Yes." You smirked at him, your hands making quick work of the belt he was wearing as you undid it and pushed down the pants he was wearing. He was bigger than you were expecting him to be but you reached between you and took his cock into your hands gently rubbing him up and down as he let out a small groan.
"Do you have a condom?" You whispered to him, you didn't want to kill the mood but there was no way you were about to have unprotected sex with someone you barely knew. 
Chan took out of condom from his wallet and rolled it onto his long, hard and thick cock smirking down at you as you stared at him the whole time.
"You ready for me?" He whispers in your ear, biting down on your lobe as you nod at him, spreading your legs further apart. Chan eases into you slowly your eyes rolling back as you feel him hit the deepest parts of you.
"Oh shit," You moaned out unable to keep your voice down as he smirked at you, slowly pulling out only to slam back into you as you let out a scream of his name. Neither of you cared that people could hear you outside of your office.
"M-More," You begged as he began thrusting into you, harder and faster. Your hands gripped onto his shoulders as he fucked into you at a steady pace. You'd had sex before but this, this was ecstasy every single thrust sending you closer to the edge.
Everyone outside probably knew what you were doing but you didn't give a fuck,
"F-Fuck! Chan," You hissed out as his rhythm picked up your hands gripping onto him as your head fell onto his shoulder biting down on him,
"You're so tight baby, you close already?" He chuckled out through a moan as you clench around him tightly, cumming hard around him at his words. You couldn't hold back the scream anymore as you cried out his name, not even trying to stop yourself anymore.
"I wanna get fucked like she is," Someone said from outside of your office but Chan didn't care, he continued to pound into you as you felt yourself building up. There was no way he was going to make you cum again, not so close together and Chan grunts lowly. 
"So fucking hot, you like people hearing us?" He arches a brow at you as you whimper lowly, your mind already half gone thanks to the two orgasms he'd given you. 
"P-Please," You whispered needing another high from him as you bucked toward his hips, his fingers reaching down and playing with your clit. Chan pumps in and out of you ruthlessly and you cry out as you feel yourself at the edge once again.
"Cum for me, little mouse. I want to feel you cum around my cock," He groans in your ear, thrusting harder until you pushed right off the edge of the cliff cumming loudly around him and gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
Once Chan cleaned you up a little he smirked at you, running his hand gently over your cheek and kissing your lips softly.
"Let me drive you home," He whispered breathlessly, you glanced down at the time and shook your head, you still had a few hours left at work.
"I have to work." You admitted, pouting a little as you thought about going to work instead of going out with him.
"As the owner, I say you can go home," The sentence made you freeze as you turned to stare at Chan.
"Owner?" Your brow arched a little as you waited for him to answer, Chan suddenly felt as though he'd put his foot in his mouth but he nodded.
"Yeah, I've owned this place for years, never really bothered with it until now though."
"You're the reason I got the promotion?" Maybe it should have made you feel like you'd cheated your way out of it but you'd deserved it from the start,
"No. I'm the reason the woman who had it got fired and your sleazy boss. You got the promotion all on your own." He promised you, kissing your forehead softly and smirking as you grabbed your things from behind the desk.
"Does that mean I fucked my boss?" You wiggled your eyebrows at Chan who let out a deep chuckle.
"It was hot though," He winks as you kiss his jawline softly before the two of you head out of your office ignoring the looks you were getting from everyone else on the floor as you made your way to the elevators.
"I have a whole evening planned for you," Chan tells you as he snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him breathing in deeply as he relaxes with you.
"Fun, I'll text Kat and let her know I'll be out late," Kat had moved into the huge apartment with you since you had so much space for only one person.
"No need, she's out with a friend." He winks at you before you head down to the garage floor of your building.
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~Six Months Later~
"Excuse me, I think I remember your driver almost killing me? I don't think it's a romantic meet-cute at all," You teased Chan, he was bragging to his friends about the romantic way the two of you had gotten together and you weren't going to let him bullshit about it.
"Okay fine, but I took you on many romantic dates to make up for it!" He countered, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you down onto his lap, kissing you deeply as his friends around him groaned at the two of you.
"I thought the honeymoon phase would have ended." Kat groaned at you before you threw a pillow in her direction, hitting both her and her date - Minho before going back to kissing your boyfriend.
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littyhoney · 1 year
Right Person,Wrong Time (part 4)
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(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
Summary: Seeing a familiar face but different person. A person you once loved.
Warning: Spoilers for the movie Across the Spider-verse, slight angst
P.s: I don't know how to feel about this chapter,im sorry that the update is slow but i believe in quality over quantity <3 enjoy spiders!
Today have been moving so fast,first you found out how Gwen got here as you follow Miles after he left the party to catch up on Gwen. The only reason you follow him was because you promised mama Rio.
You watch as Miles walk away from the party down to the fire escape stairs standing beside mama Rio. You can sense her restless and worry feeling for her own son as you remembered how much Miles wanted to leave from here,to see somewhere new,spread his wings.
“It’s okay mama Rio,you know how Miles is, he'll be alright”You hold her hand try to reassure her. mama Rio sigh turning her head looking at you with a worry expression.
“I know he is but…I’m scared of him wanting to grow up so fast, you both are just teens my dear”She held both of your shoulder turning you to face her,firm grasp on your shoulders she says “Promise me dear…when me and Jeff are not around…promise me you keep him safe,look out for him”
You put your hand on one of her palm and nod your head “Promise,mama”
(End flashback)
How much are you willing to protect him? Your best friend? Currently you held a strong grip on his arm as you watch this Spider-man…with a name Miguel O'Hara is threatening to keep Miles him here in this spider club house thing. Because he is an anomaly…and Miguel also want to keep you here because you’re supposed…to die.
“Because of you Miles,she was supposed to die!”You were destined to die at the collider…when you’re trying to help your mentor,Peter Parker. At the hand of the Prowler,uncle Aaron.  The canon event for your mentor is to lose his uncle Ben…to lose you,his pupil.  
To know you’re supposed to die is like a punch in the guts… you feel sick in the stomach to know you’re not supposed to survive or even breath another day.
Currently you held Miles behind you shielding him from Miguel as he try to destroy the barrier that have been made from the big spider machine that transport any anomaly back to their original dimension. You stare wide eyes at Miguel who is trying his best to stop you both,to see this man trying to tear apart the barrier. Fear grips around you. Suddenly the machine finish its job making both of you float and transported back to your home…or so you though.  
“Aaahhh!!” you  screamed as you are transported into the portal moving so fast it spit out both spiders out on top of a rooftop,the rain pouring down makes everything slippery as you and Miles rolled and slide through the concrete. You and Miles are slightly injured after getting kicked,slammed and thrown around like a rag doll by other spiders. You prop yourself up on your elbow shaking your head slightly, your ears ringing your visions are double as you try to locate where Miles is. “M-miles…?”your visions focus to see him his mask off breathing heavily trying to slow down his heart as he lean back to the wall,hundreds of thoughts running through his head before he stands up “I need to get back home!”He runs and jump from the rooftop swing himself away.
“Miles! Wait!”You stand up try to catch up to him but the pain on your left leg makes you limping before swing your web following him. Miles keep on swinging as fast as he can to his house,to find his dad,his mom. You follow behind him trying to get his attention from doing anything irrational.
Miles stick outside of the wall of his room opening the window and went inside, his heart racing as he take in deep breaths. You swing towards the window and you yelped as you landed on your injured leg holding yourself up on the wall, just as you climb in you heard the knob to the door turn you reach for anything nearby to cover your suit,a sweater. You grip the sweater together tightly trying your best to cover your suit.
The door to the room open slightly follow by a voice, “Miles?”
 You and Miles look at the door, to see his mom holding a laundry basket in her other hand,she look at her son.Rio look confuse to see her son but Miles desperate voice make her even worried.
“Mom..there is something coming for us,somethin terrible”Miles says
“Miles you’re talking crazy whats going on?”Rio walk closer to her son her eyes keep darting towards you.
Miles continue “His name is Spot…he is our nemesis, and we gonna stop him. I know you know…we been lying to you,it’s because that I knew…you won’t love me the same. You won’t look at (N/N) the same way too. Then I went out there and..now im not afraid of anything”
“What do you wanna tell me?”Rio ask her son.
“You gotta promise nothing’s gonna change mom”
“Papa I will always love you”
“You gotta promise”Miles desperately says
“Always,I don’t care what you said,Tu me tiendes?”Rio walks closer to him and hold one of his hand trying to reasure her son.
Miles pull away from her before he turn to the side readying himself to do this, he sigh “Mom” and pull the zip down turning to his mom. “I'm spider-man”he pull his jacket apart showing his mom his spider suit. “A-and (Y/N) is also the spider-man/spider-woman”
Rio just look at her son in confusion before she ask “W-Who’s Spider-man?”
You frown slightly as you are witnessing everything unfold,surely everyone in Brooklyn knows who you guys are. Every news and thousands of video on YouTube telling the world about the spider duo shoving the information to every.single.person.
“And who is (Y/N)?”she ask again tilting her head slightly looking at her son.
The moment she ask that you are stun,your eyes widened again looking through the window,are you hearing this right?. You blink a few times before, keeping your eyes at the familiar woman in front of you yet something in your gut is telling you she is not the same woman who would give you hug and kiss your forehead.
she let out a chuckle before giving his son a small smile “Miles you been keeping a secret of having a partner from me hm?”she turns to walk out of the room with the laundry basket in her hand.
Your spider sense goes off as you watch this woman who look exactly like your mama Rio,your brows knitted together watching Miles run out of his room following his ‘mom’ to the living room trying his best to explain.
You stuck at your spot,with your thoughts run haywire at what is happening,why she doesn’t remember you?, why she acts like you never met?, why does her aura feel different?
You shake your head,you need to focus. You keep watching as Miles is talking to his ‘mom’ before both of your attention drawn to the sound of a door knob unlocking at the main entrance of the house.
You press yourself closer peeking through the window still confuse while Miles seems to figure out what is happening looking scared at the door.
The door open to reveal, Aaron Davis. Miles supposedly dead uncle “U-uncle Aaron?” Miles mumble looking at the familiar figure walking through the door. Your eyes widen seeing the familiar figure walk infront of the open door, Uncle Aaron?. Your eyes darted to Miles,he look like he is seeing a ghost from the past then it all click in your head. You are in a different place, a place with no Spider-man to protect, a completely different dimension…you’re in a dimension of where the spider that bit Miles originally came from. Earth-42.
“Oh my god…”you mumble to yourself pressing yourself to the wall looking up at the sky mumbling “Shit…shit,shit”
You gulp as the anxious feeling and fear grip your throat like a choke hold. How in the hell you and Miles are going to get out of this? You see Uncle Aaron push Miles away slightly making a comment about him taking out his braids?
Miles turning his head making eye contact,you can see It in his eyes. He is scared. He turn his head to his uncle following him out of the house climbing up the stairs.
You crawl up the wall following them as in your head is screaming something is wrong,everything is. Both of you are in danger. You pull yourself up hiding behind the many scraps and metal on top of the rooftop keeping an eyes on Miles. As you walk further to the front your eyes looking around the place before you discover something even more heart breaking…on the wall Is a graffiti Of Jefferson Davis with a writing of ‘Rest in Power’.
Your heart starting to beat faster fear grips you fully, your head snap towards Miles just to see him got knocked out falling straight to the floor.
“Miles!”you jumped out from where you hide swinging your web to his body to pull him to you, to run. But your web got cut by a flashing purple,whatever it is that thing is fast. You ready yourself shooting out both of your web at it but the thing catches it pulling you to it before your head is punch with something metal. Your body flew back but you got yourself on your knee shaking your head to get rid of the ringing in your ears. You push forward charging at where its standing over Miles but suddenly something stinging comes from the back of your neck you hiss reaching your hand to pull whatever it is. It’s a fucking sleeping dart, shit you though to yourself but you try to walk to Miles body but you starting to see double and everything is swaying from side to side. You fall to your hand and knees fighting the urge to pass out.
The figure came closer to you kneeling down to your level lifting your head by gripping your chin to look at the purple Mask before a distorted voice says “duerme, arañita”your head slips from his hand landing on the floor pass out.
Uncle Aaron walk towards the two limp body before saying “A fierce one ay?”picking up Miles body and moves to the other one.
“No,I’ll take this one”the figure says before move to pick the limp body slinging it over his shoulder and walk towards the hideout. Aaron shrug and follows them inside.
(Timeskip a few hours later)
You blink as you slowly gaining conscious, you try to move your hands but it stop by a chain that is hanging you up on the ceiling making your feet hover a few inches off the ground. You struggle in your bind hopping it to lose or break but of course,it didn’t. You try to press on to your web shooter but to find nothing is on your wrist, shit they take your web shooter.  
“Dont even try, little spider”You snap your head to the figure who is wearing a neon mask that illuminates in the darkness. The figure walks closer to you,he walks slowly around you taking in the details of what you are. You are the same as the other one,a spider.
“What did you do to Miles”you hiss out through your teeth trying to look intimidating at the figure,the figure let out a whistle as he stands infront of you. “Calm down,heh it’s not that you can do anything without your web no?”He reply with a clear smug.
“I can take you down just fine with or without the web”you glare at the mask,the stupid neon mask that is mocking you. “Maybe you open that stupid mask of yours so I can fuck your face up like a pulp”
The guy chuckle before saying “You first little spider”he reaches his hand on top of your head gripping your mask. You try to move away your head but its useless as the figure rip your mask off revealing your face glaring at him.
Him on the other hand,didn’t expect to see such face staring back at him. The fire in your eyes staring right into his soul, it sparks something in him. He take a good look of how your lips are shaped,how your hair framing your face. He is stunned,shame that you,re with ‘him’.
“Open yours,what you’re scared now?”you taunting him when you see him just staring at you. The guy chuckle before he open his mask looking at you with a smirk on his lips.
(To be continued…)
yall can come and start a riot on me
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hyewka · 3 months
Ranaaa sub!jjunie content is so dry plis make a drabble with it tooo :(
warning: free use, degradation, misogyny, brat taming, sub!yeonjun, asshole!yeonjun, oppa use but its once 😭younger reader
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perfect timing because all i can have brainrot over is taming bratty yeonjun like i love obedient subs but jesus christ imagine having an egotistical pompous asshole grovel at your feet.
an au where hes your older brothers best friend whos always been in your life, constantly berating and making unfunny jabs at you in front of your brothers friend group since highschool; you thought oh well, you wouldn’t have to put up with it any longer once they graduate. to your demise, your brother and yeonjun get closer. they even choose to go to the same exact college. then, your brother lets you move in with him with no worry of paying overpriced rent. it feels like a gift from heaven until you come to dooming realization everythings going too well, too good to be true. the nagging instinct proves to be true as not only does yeonjun visit the apartment every day, he even sleeps over at times. its hell.
because now instead of making dumb teenage jokes about girls like he used to, hes turned into some weirdly overprotective guardian. making snarky comments on what you’re wearing whenever you go out, or giving you a scolding about how men “really” are for the tenth time and how oh youre so naive, you’re perfect prey for the kinds of guys in the “real world”. he talks your ear off, and when he gives that up he moves to belittle you and berate. its all hes good at. leech.
its no surprise seeing yeonjun on the couch again, you cant even kick him out because your brother pays like 80% of the rent—thats the con of paying less. you can’t fully treat this apartment like your place.
you also aren’t surprised when he catches you, eyes narrowing as they look you up and down. he sighs. you ignore it, putting on your heels.
“are you really going out like that?”
just ignore.
“i keep telling you its not safe to wear stuff like this but you don’t listen.”
ignore him.
“you know there are men out there who—hey, are you even listening?”
“hey!” he yells, straightening up. you give him a glare this time, fool. you see the beer cans laying around everywhere. he’s a fool. good for nothing, a pretty face wasted on a fucked personality. he slumps back against the couch, tsking. “forget it. i’m just looking out for you while your brother can’t but okay, whatever, dress like a whore all you want. just don’t expect to be treated with-”
the rooms silent. all you feel is the burning numb feeling on your palm and rage snuffed the moment your hand landed across his face. you slapped him so hard, when he looks at you with wide wet eyes and a split lip, you let out a dry laugh. you feel everything rush back to you. all those humiliating memories. “seriously, who do you think you are? you’ve berated me those two years, embarrassed me, treated me like shit in front of people, and now you want to act like some fuckass parent?”
he flounders, you see the fear and confusion in his eyes, the way his lips part to say something only to come out with nothing. you grab his face, gripping it hard. “slut shaming me for what i wear? in this year? god, you must really not have a conscience.”
“i’m not slut shaming you! i’m just protecting-”
“protecting me? is that what you wanted to say? really?” you sneer, putting your knee between his legs, “what are you protecting me from? guys like you? perverted, sleazy, good for nothings?”
his cheeks are deep shade of red, it could be from how rough you’re gripping his face, or how hard you slapped him earlier or it’s him blushing. all those possibilities are amusing to you—you like it in fact. he’s stammering, shaking his head, trying to pull your hand off him. but he fails, which visibly gets him even more haughty and embarrassed. poor guy, he looks like he’s about to sob.
“what the fuck has gotten into you!? you’re speaking to me informally like i’m not your-"
“senior? oppa?” you push your thumb past his lips, and he panics again but you make sure to press on his tongue particularly hard. “you’re not any of those things, stupid mutt.”
you’ve always fantasized about being on top, someone taking charge of one whos always under your control, reacting to every touch or twist, you just didn’t expect to be in a predicament where yeonjun’s the one you’re feeling the burning desire to ruin. all of him, you want to ruin him.
seeing as how his eyes have welled up enough tears that they could spill any moment, it didn’t look too hard. “gosh, with the way you parade around, i’d think you wouldn’t be so easy to break.” you laugh coldly.
“y-you didn’t break me, fucking bitch. i’ll tell your brother-" he sounds like an actual fool talking, you could barely make out what hes saying, but lucky for him you caught on to the gist.
“no, you’re seriously a sleazebag. you go on and on about how men really are, warning me about this and that, but right now you could easily manhandle and overpower me, but you just sit here. and fuck, you pop a boner at me being slightly mean to you? tell me, was it the dress that you’re telling me not to wear out? calling you a stupid mutt? my leg? or god forbid, the slap?” you smirk at seeing his eyes widen looking down, they might really pop. did he really not know he got hard?
“pervert. you really were just warning me about guys like you... perverts.”
you shove two fingers in his mouth, simultaneously choking him and shutting him up, serves him right. “i bet you’ve jerked off this pathetic dick of yours to the thought of me. is that why you feel the need to berate me? to cover for your guilty conscience? stupid mutt.” you’ve having too much fun with this, seeing him not fight back, just sitting there taking it, letting his tears drip down. choi yeonjun…a crybaby. who would’ve thought.
you don’t mean for it to go any further, its just a little scare to get him off your back, a little grinding against his clothed hard on, just a little to have him elicit a whiny moan, just a little to have his senses overwhelmed—a little to have him humiliated with spilling his slimy seed in his pants so quick, sticky cum staining his boxers. leaving him there on the couch, overstimulated and pathetic, breathless, with an arm draped over his face, while you go out to the party you’re a bit too late for.
no jackets to appease him, no change of clothes, it felt freeing. you should do this more often.
then imagine smothering your cunt on his face, pinning the stupid asshole down just frustrated out of your mind and using him to have him shut the fuck up for once. his incessant whining and squirming under you dies down..eventually. then he stops pretending to not like it anymore, and you hear the squelching. he’s jacking off. he’s been so annoying and you’ve been sexually frustrated for the past week— getting a scolding from your professor today was the final straw. luckily for you, yeonjun said something to piss you off again.
he hasn’t stopped since that day, actually you figure him being an asshole only got worse after that incident. he’s more mean, despite humiliating him over and over again. you even positioned him to bend over your lap when your brother was out, spanking him until he shook, cheeks beet red. no matter how much you humiliate and berate him, it doesnt deter him, he only becomes worse outside of sex. “god, you’re super fucking annoying, you know that?” you groan, sliding your cunt back and forth his face, gripping his hair.
you can’t be mad for long when he’s making an effort to actually make you feel good, eagerly opening his mouth, lewd eyes looking up at you through his wet lashes as he eats you out—you find it cute almost. you dispel the thought, and decide to look elsewhere other than his face to keep your mind off. this is for your pleasure, not his, focus on that high building up.
its a weird relationship, you and yeonjun. he lets you use him however you like despite his complaining, he says he doesn’t want it, then he purposefully riles you up—you know that because every time he does it and you take his bait successfully, you find he isn’t in any underwear. bastard.
“stop jerking off freak.” you grit, shutting your eyes as you get sloppier and quicker, so …close. you can hear he followed your demand, the only sound being your desperate grinding. then you feel his whine, it sends some vibration, like he’s really a mutt begging for you to look at him. you ignore it, you’re good at that. but then he turns his head to your thigh, biting the flesh and you jolt. this indecent brat! you take two fistfuls of his stupid dyed hair, and move just a little more. a little more, and you cum all over his face.
minutes go by after you orgasmed and you’re on your back, on your bed, kicking him out with the lower half of his face glistening, wet with your cum. “leave.” you regard him coldly and he rolls his eyes, frowning, wordlessly shutting your door aggressively. a smile slowly spreads across your face as the realization sets in; he’s probably mad you blue balled him. serves choi yeoniun right.
this is definitely some much needed therapeutic healing.
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lovewitchtarot · 2 months
general tarot reading
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this is a very random reading there's no rhyme or reason to it its just what came up for me when I pulled cards for all the piles some of it is love and relationships and some of it is work and school
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading; take what resonates, leave what doesn't. Never use tarot readings for medical or legal advice, and for the sake of legality, don't act on anything that could potentially hurt you or others because of a tarot reading. Don't take this reading or any others too seriously. Remember, this is for the collective, not just one person.
Pile one
Don't be afraid to embrace who you are; do what makes you happy without fear of what other people may think or say. Engage in hobbies and things that really make you happy. Now would be a good time to explore your shadow self as well, do shadow work, and dig deep into who you are as a person. Self-acceptance is really important for you. Now would be a good time to channel your creativity into a new hobby or project. Try new things with the thought of progress and self-exploration instead of fear of failure. Try to be more fact-based, although it can be hard to get out of your head. Remember to think logically and take other people's thoughts and feelings into perspective before you act or make a decision. Don't think so quickly; take time to understand before you do things. Be kind to yourself; don't let life knock you down. Even when times get tough, remember to be kind to your heart and your soul. Nourish yourself with self-care and self-love. If you are having a hard time in love, remember the saying “don't chase butterflies; instead, build a beautiful garden and wait for the butterflies to come to you. If the butterflies don't come, then you still have a beautiful garden.” Self-love and self-improvement are so important. Even if you aren't going through anything tough, remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. It is time to take a journey that could be school- or work-based, but you are ready for a big change—a positive one. Be prepared to receive a spiritual gift. This gift is going to be vast and incredible. You are going to gain great success and wisdom, or you may already have it, but with this success and wisdom, you are going to become a great leader. You are about to come into a very memorable and incredible time in your life. I'm seeing a new school, maybe college, or a new job. This is the time of your life to make memories and just “go for it." . I'm hearing “you only live once” to describe this energy. You also need to accept the past; you need to learn to trust again; and you need to let go of this stagnant energy. Also, remember that it's okay to make mistakes; it's how we learn, so don't hold onto your past mistakes. Don't forget to balance your professional life and your personal life; keep them separate and balanced. Don't forget to use your intuition. Don't be afraid to live your truth as yourself and wear it with pride. I see a counterpart coming into your life; this could be a friend or a spouse. This person could already be in your life, but this is a divine counterpart. You two are harmonious together, and you have or will have a beautiful relationship, whether it is platonic or romantic. 
Pile two
You are a very talented person. You may not have found your talent, but once you do, you can expect to be able to make a career from it. The career you end up pursuing will be very fun for you, and you'll love work. If you are currently working and you don't feel this way, then don't expect this to be your permanent job. There is about to be a choice or decision that sets a lot of change into motion. This is a positive change that you will greatly benefit from. Again,  this could be a new job throughout this change. Be flexible and go with what life brings, as it's inevitable to fight. Don't be afraid to direct it, though you still have control in many aspects. I see you standing up, maybe for your beliefs or rights. I see you fighting for what's right. I see you stepping into your spirituality; you are a naturally spiritual persona, and I see you learning to channel it into your practices. You may just be starting out on your spiritual journey, or you may have been on it for a while, and you're just now getting ready to level up. Remember to balance spirituality with your everyday life. Stay grounded and don't live in your third-eye energy so much. Remember to stay spiritually protected and cleansed; physically cleansing your space is a great way to invite positive energy in and expel negative energy from your life. If you're going through a slump, try to clean your space both physically and spiritually. Also, indulge in self-care, replenish your soul, and see how things positively change around you. It's time to step into your healing energy and take time to heal from the inside out. Eat more warm foods, as comfort is really being prioritized right now, but don't only feed your body; also feed your soul. Someone is currently thinking of you as a friend, but I see more of a love interest, and I see that this particular relationship is about to level up significantly. Don't neglect your friendships with your partner. Remember that all of your relationships, romantic and platonic, are equally important, so make time for friends and family as well. Be on the lookout for manifestations, as they are about to appear in front of you. This could be a manifestation that has been long in progress, so be prepared for that. There are going to be temptations in your path, but stay focused and patient, as the right outcome for you will soon appear and you will be triumphant. You are really stepping into your spirituality, and it is going to do great things for you. I'm seeing a romantic partner coming, though. Try to pamper yourself, even if you find it hard; it is extremely important. 
pile three
You are going to be traveling soon and setting out on new adventures. You are going to have a completely fresh start as well. This could mean that you are moving or just going on a trip. I see you studying abroad as well. Cycles are going to come to an end. This could also mean graduating either from school or a work position (moving up in the company or to an entirely new job). You will be making a new romantic connection or strengthening an old one. This person is very romantic and sensual. This relationship is going to be or is absolutely wonderful and fulfilling. However, don't overly push things; they will happen when the time comes, and make sure each person is putting in equal amounts of effort and contributing their share. Overcome any fears you may have, as they are holding you back from your full potential. Trust your intuition when it comes to finding out the truth about situations and other people. Don't be afraid to dig deep into things to learn the full truth about them. Keep up your spirits if things go wrong. Don't turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms; ground yourself and try yoga or meditation. You are soon to be recognized for your hard work; this could also include receiving a reward. Remain faithful and loyal to your friends and other relationships, as it is very important. If you need support and encouragement, don't be afraid to seek it out, but also don't be scared to give it in return, as it is the best gift to give someone. Make sure to stay protected both spiritually and physically, but mainly physically. If you end up traveling, be sure to be safe on your adventures. Now would be a good time to dive into your creative side and try different types of art, as I can see you really benefiting from it. Mass abundance is coming your way. This could be physical things or it could be more sentimental things, such as friends or memories. Don't be scared to speak up for what's right. I can see you stepping into a motherly energy that can apply to anyone, whether you want kids or not. You can be motherly to your plants or animals, even just your friends and family.
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leaentries · 6 months
claim | nico hischier
summary: when a girl’s night gone wrong ends with nico’s girl getting a tattoo, he realizes how much he loves claiming her.
warnings: a bit of possessive nico, grinding, marking, fingering, slight breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampie, swearing
wc: 2k+
a/n: posting this at 3am, so enjoy, cause i definitely did.
p.s: nico is so daddy that it hurts
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This was probably stupid. No, scratch that. You knew it was stupid. As it pans out, a bottle of pink whitney and truth or dare during girl's night, never ends well. 
But, as you lay in the chair with that familiar buzzing next to your ear, you contemplated your life choices and how you ended up here in the first place. Cursing your best friend, you hiss as the tattoo gun hits the area behind your ear. 
“Holy shit!” You groan in pain, “You absolutely suck, Bry.” 
She giggles, tossing her raven hair behind her, “Listen, in my defense, you were the one who said we needed to up the anty during girl’s night.” 
If it weren't for the surging pain spreading through your upper body, you’d probably slap her. Bryan was never one to back out of a little competition, which is one of the reasons you guys clicked so well. Only this time, your normal competitiveness was biting you in the ass.
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. What’s Nico gonna say? He’s probably gonna think I’m nuts and break up with me.” 
Bryan scoffed, “Oh please, Nico doesn’t know how to breathe without you by his side. He’s not gonna break up with you.” She glanced over your head as the artist pulled away. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he proposes the second he sees it.” 
After the artist finished cleaning you up, he handed you a mirror so you could see. Gleaming back at you, in all its glory, was a dainty “13” written in black ink. It was small enough to be covered with your hair but big enough to be seen when your hair was up. 
Bryan smirked at you through the small mirror, “Nico is one lucky man, babe.”
Nerves pulsed through your body as the time ticked down. Nico was gonna be home any minute from his team meeting. He sent you a quick text while you were still at the tattoo place, letting you know he’d be home late. You let out a deep breath, staring at your new marking in the bathroom mirror. You played with your hair, indecisive on how you wanted to wear it when Nico arrived. 
Eventually, you decided to keep it down, opting to let Nico discover your body's new addition on his own. You settled yourself in the kitchen, perching yourself on the chair closest to the door. You had made dinner earlier since you knew it was very unlikely that Nico had remembered to eat. Just as you began to take out your phone to check where Nico was, you heard keys jingling against the door. 
Your heart rate picked up with each passing second. Worry plagued your mind in fear he wouldn’t approve of the tattoo.
The door creaked open, as a tired-looking Nico walked in. His eyes immediately found yours and a loving smile took home over his features. 
“Hi, schatzi.” He strode over to you, bending to press a sweet kiss on your head, “Did you have a good girl's night?” 
You nodded, standing so you could wrap your arms around his torso. Leaning up with a pout, Nico chuckled. He planted a quick peck on your lips, drawing a whine from you. 
“Neeks, stop teasing.” 
He sent you a dimpled smile, before kissing your cheek and walking to where you had set out his dinner. Nico was quick to pour himself a glass of wine, turning to bring you one as well. He sat down next to you, taking a sip. You tucked your hair behind your ear, temporarily forgetting about the special ink. 
Your eyes snapped to Nico as he choked on his wine, “Jeez, Nico. You okay?” 
Once he got over his coughing fit, he shook his head no. His eyes darkened as he moved the glass away from the edge. “What was that behind your ear?” 
You smiled sheepishly, looking away from him. 
“Y/n, baby. Look at me,” You let your gaze meet his, “Pull your hair up.” 
The demand was soft, but enough to spread a pleasurable heat through your body. Grabbing the hairband that lives on your wrist, you quickly put your hair back, the ink now on full display for Nico’s hungry eyes. 
“Fuck, schatzi,” Nico mumbled as he inspected the tattoo. Seeing his number permanently on your skin was enough to have his cock straining against the confinements of his sweats. His mind went hazy as he stared at you. 
“Do you like it?” Hearing the hesitation in your voice, he tilted your face towards him. 
It was then you noticed his appearance. Chest heavy with lustful gasps, eyes almost black as he took in your body. Nico was turned on. You confirmed your theory as your eyes wandered down to his painful-looking erection. 
You swallowed thickly. 
“Like it? Christ, baby. I fucking love it.” Nico never realized how much he could love seeing something that represented him on you. Of course, his heart soared every time you wore his jersey and he got to see his name sprawled across your back. But this? This was different. It was more than just a representation, it was a claim.
A claim to the rest of the world that you were his. And boy did his dick like the sound of that. Nico bit his lip as thoughts of claiming you further filled his mind. Unable to control himself any longer, he leaned over pulling your jaw to crash your lips together. A moan escaped your throat at the intensity of the kiss. 
Nico’s hands moved to your thighs, helping you to sit on the table. He settled in between your legs, pulling your aching core to press against his throbbing cock. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking marks into any bit of skin his mouth could touch.
“Gonna mark ya up, baby,” He licked a stripe from the base of your neck all the way to where your tattoo lay, “Gotta make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” 
His hands gripped your thighs harshly, angling his hips upwards to create more friction. You moaned as his bulge dragged deliciously along your clothed clit. Nico continued his assault on your neck, bringing one hand to ghost over where your perked nipples showed through your top. 
He brought his head out of your neck, panting, “Need to feel you, schatzi. Need it so bad.” You eagerly agreed, helping to strip off the little clothing that you wore. Once Nico had removed your panties, his fingers quickly traced circles on your mound. You tilted your head back, the much-needed stimulation spreading ecstasy through your veins. 
“Fuck, Neeks. Feels so good.” You whimpered into the air. 
His desperate gaze drowned in your body. Nico dipped in one finger, before slowly dragging it back out. 
“So wet, f’me,” He brought his finger to his lips, sucking off your juices, “Who makes you this wet, baby?” 
“You, only you, Nico.” You whined. Nico wasted no time before plunging two fingers in your weeping hole, setting a brutal pace. A scream nearly left your mouth as searing pleasure took over your senses. 
“Shit!” Your nails dug into his biceps in an attempt to ground yourself. Nico caught your lips, swallowing the moans and whimpers that escaped. The sweet drag of his fingers had your velvet walls clenching rapidly. You knew you weren’t gonna last much longer, having been worked through already with Nico’s grinding. 
You pulled away, dropping your head onto his shoulder, “M’ not gonna last, Neeks” 
“I know, schatzi. Cum on my fingers, baby. Make a mess.” 
His words were enough to coax your first orgasm, blinding white covering your vision as your body convulsed into Nico’s. His fingers didn’t let up until he worked you completely through your high. You whimpered as overstimulation began to set in.
“Too much,” You cried. 
Nico slowly came to a stop, pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his mouth for a second time. “Mmm.” He hummed at the taste, “Always so sweet f’me, beautiful.” 
Despite having just orgasmed, the sight of his tongue swirling around his fingers, sucking off your arousal had your pussy clenching around nothing. Nico looked down to where his fingers just were, slightly pulling open your cunt with his thumb. 
“Such a pretty pussy, all mine.” He seemed to be muttering more to himself than you, relishing in your body and how you were his. 
Nico looked back to your eyes, helping you off the table and taking you back to the shared bedroom. He plopped you on the bed, shedding his remaining clothes, before crawling to hover above you. 
“Wanna be my good girl?” You nodded, “Open those pretty legs for me.”
You obeyed, welcoming his thick muscled body onto yours. His cock stood proud against his abdomen, the tip red and already leaking precum. You brought a hand to wrap around the top, swiping your thumb along his slit, a line of precum connecting to your digit as you pulled away. 
A deep whine left his throat, “Fuck, schatzi. Too sensitive for that right now, wanna cum inside.” 
“Please, Neeks. Need you in me, please.” Your mind was reduced to nothing but the thought of his cock drilling you into the mattress. 
“Yeah? Want me to fill ya up? Fuck, you’d look so pretty all swollen with my babies.” Nico dragged his cock between your slick folds, “No one would have to ask who you belong to.” 
You whimpered, “Quit stalling Neeks, need you to fuck me.” You brought your hands to wrap around his back. 
Nico brought his hand down to guide his cock to your entrance, easing in slowly. You both let out a moan as he bottomed out. He sat for a moment, letting you adjust to his size, the stretch always taking you by surprise.
You bucked your hips slightly, signaling that he could move. 
“Give me just a second, saw your tattoo again and almost busted.” Even though he wasn’t trying, his crude words sent fire to your core causing your pussy to convulse around his still dick. 
After a few moments, Nico slowly brought his cock out till just the tip remained. He plunged back in, doing the same motion a few more times. His deep thrusts racked your entire body with tingles. He started to speed up, but still keeping deep inside your cunt. 
“Nico!” You cried as he prodded at your g-spot. 
“That’s right, baby,” He grunted out, “Scream my name, let everyone know who makes you feel this good” 
His thrusts began to quicken as your muscles started to spasm around him. With each glide of his cock, pleasure soared through your body, reaching all the way to your toes. You were completely consumed by Nico. 
He buried his head in your neck, tilting slightly to press a gentle kiss against his number. A sweet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you. Hands gripping at his back, you dragged your nails down the course muscle, leaving angry red trails that he was surely gonna get hell for in the locker room. Nico began to get sloppy as you both neared the peak. His uneven thrusts, paired with the hand that found its way to your clit had you reeling. 
“That’s it, schatzi. I know you got one more in ya, cum f’me baby.” 
Your back arched into him, eyes shutting tightly as the coil in your stomach snapped. Your pussy clamped tightly around Nico, sending him over the edge. He continued to pump his cock in and out, painting the deepest parts of your cunt with hot ropes of cum. Your mouth hung in a silent moan, voice gone from the previous activities. 
When you regained your senses, you noticed Nico’s weight had collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving. You brought a hand up to lazily stoke his hair, “If this is what I get every time I get a tattoo, then I’m gonna be covered.” 
He smiled, placing a kiss on your tattoo, “Only if they’re about me.” 
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astrophileous · 7 months
please give me spencer reid crumbs 🤲 maybe him seeing reader in a fancy dress for the first time 👀 and he’s like 😃 because she’s so pretty 🥴 and he’s been rendered speechless because oh my god that’s his girlfriend????? ARE YOU FEELING ME 😩😩
I FEEL YOU MA'AM!!! AND I GOTCHUUU DON'T WORRYYY 🫶🫶🫶 (y'all better thank avis the loml for sending in this request bcs this turned out better than I expected if I do say so myself 👀)
Warning(s): fem!reader, profanities, spencer being head over heels in love with his gf, kinda suggestive towards the end so pls minors just be mindful
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"Are you laughing at me?"
"No one is laughing!"
"Right. You're saying that wasn't a snort that I just heard?"
"I just think you're being unreasonable."
"Unrea—? I'm not being unreasonable! Don't call me unreasonable!"
Spencer sighed out loud as he turned the car towards a quiet street, his eyes never straying off the road even if 90% of his attention had been domineered by your distressed voice resonating out of his speaker phone for the past fifteen minutes. Something crashed on the other end of the line, and Spencer nearly pressed his right foot all the way down on the brake pedal as he glanced worriedly at the device on the passenger's seat.
"Sweetheart? Everything okay over there?"
"Everything's fine! I'm okay, I'm okay!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm just—fuck. I bumped into some stuff. It's not a big deal."
"(Y/N)—" Spencer called out softly, "—why don't you take a deep breath for me, my love?"
"Just humor me, okay?" There was a lengthy pause before he heard you take several deep breaths through the phone. "Feel better now?"
"Maybe. A little bit. Yeah."
"Good." Spencer smiled, slowing his car down to a stop as he stared at the familiar building outside the window. "Because I'm pulling up to your place right now."
After a full more minute of you cursing the living daylights out of him, Spencer ended the call and grabbed the bouquet of flowers from the backseat before walking all the way up to your apartment on the third floor. The three-piece suit he donned felt stiff against his body. Nevertheless, it was the fanciest thing he owned in his closet, thus uncomfortable as he was, Spencer thought he'd endure it tonight for Rossi's sake.
It was a memorable night in the BAU's history, considering Rossi had just finished the first book he ever wrote after rejoining the team and was throwing a party to celebrate its launch. "It's a whole shindig," Rossi had announced. "Everyone's invited, so dress to impress. Don't forget to bring that lovely girl of yours, Reid."
You had only met the team once by this point—an accidental encounter that barely lasted ten minutes after you and your friends stumbled into the same restaurant where Spencer and his team just happened to be dining in—and Spencer couldn't be more ecstatic at the prospect of you finally getting to know his second family even closer. The invitation was merely an implied gesture that confirmed what Spencer already knew to be true: the team approved of you. They loved you.
Yet, as he extended the invite to you two weeks ago, Spencer was surprised to see you panic instead of the unadulterated joy that he had expected to witness when he went to deliver the news.
"Two weeks, you said? The party is in two weeks? Two weeks? I have nothing to wear!"
You had been freaking out over the party every single day since then. Upon further inspection, Spencer finally realized that this behavior stemmed from your fear of not being accepted by the team, which was illogical since Spencer had stated very clearly about how much they adored you.
"I didn't have the chance to prepare for a good first impression, Spencer. So whatever happens, everything has to be perfect for Rossi's party," you had reasoned.
Hence, Spencer could only watch you from the sideline as you ran around in a frenzy for the past couple of weeks. He listened patiently to each one of your manic ramblings and gave you reassurances whenever you needed it. Before he left for your place that night, he made sure to stop by his usual florist to purchase a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, hoping that the vibrant arrangement could offer some repose to your restlessness.
A couple of minutes later, Spencer found himself coming face to face with the view of a familiar door. His grip around the bouquet tightened as he knocked on the wood three times.
"Coming!" you exclaimed from inside the apartment.
When the door finally swung open, Spencer nearly collapsed as he felt the air being knocked completely out of his lungs.
Spencer realized, then, that in the ten months the two of you had been together, there had never been any special occasion where the two of you were required to dress to the nines. And as lovely as you always looked in Spencer's eyes, nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you standing in a luxurious dress, all dolled-up like the epitome of timeless beauty whose fairness they used to sing about back in the old days.
The material of the dress flowed and hugged your body in all the right places, giving Spencer a calculated peek to the vast skin underneath that he had mapped out countlessly in the past. The dress itself came in a color that complimented the natural gleam of your skintone. You looked radiant as you stood there with the dress and your makeup perfectly in place. Still, as stunning as you were at that moment, Spencer knew that the dress wouldn't be as captivating as it was had it been any other person wearing it instead of you.
"Spencer." The sound of his name in your enthralling voice brought Spencer back out of his stupor. "Can you wait a minute? I need to find my purse. I swear, I put it somewhere around here. And shoes! Shit. I haven't chosen what shoes to wear."
You flew around the apartment with the most anxious elegance Spencer had ever seen in a person. He wordlessly walked into the threshold and kicked the door shut behind him. You reappeared in front of Spencer barely five minutes later, holding a matching purse in your hand and standing four inches taller courtesy to the heels you were wearing.
"Okay, I'm ready!" you announced. "Spencer? Why are you looking at me like that? What, do I have something on my face? Crap, is it my lipstick?!"
Spencer stepped closer as you began rummaging through the tiny purse you were carrying. He gripped your wrist in his hand, stopping your ministrastions until you finally looked up at him.
"You look beautiful," Spencer admitted in a breathless murmur. "So gorgeous."
Without a word of warning, Spencer used his free hand to pull you closer by the waist, connecting his desperate lips with your sweet ones. You yelped against him before melting completely into his embrace, letting his tongue dominate your own as your delight erupted in a series of muffled whimpers. It felt as if hours had passed—your legs threatening to turn into jelly underneath you—when Spencer eventually pulled away, resting his forehead on top of yours as the two you tried to catch your breath.
"You have lipstick on your face." You laughed, wiping the reddish stain around Spencer's lips as your boyfriend chuckled wholeheartedly. "Not that I didn't appreciate the passionate display of affection, darling, but what was that for?"
"Nothing. I just love you so much."
"Uh-huh." You raised a pair of unimpressed eyebrows at him, your lips curving up one degree further when you saw what he was holding in his hand. "Is this for me?"
Spencer grinned as he presented the bouquet in your face. "Who else?"
You offered a quick thank you before rushing towards the kitchen where you relocated the flowers into a vase. Spencer followed closely behind, gaze never straying far from you as you pranced around the space fluidly.
"It's pretty." You hummed appreciatively as you set the vase on the kitchen peninsula. "Thank you, Spencer."
"Anything for you, sweetheart," he replied. Spencer's stare raked over your entire figure for the hundredth time in the last fifteen minutes, a twinkle in his eyes when he finally found your expectant gaze directed at him. "You know, the party venue isn't really far from here."
"Yeah," Spencer whispered, stealthily moving towards you as if he was a predator stalking its prey. "And the party doesn't start for another fifteen minutes anyway, so there's no reason for us to leave right away."
A familiar fire burned brighter behind your eyes with every inch of distance Spencer managed to consume. "Is that so?"
"Absolutely." He was standing in front of you now, fingers dancing up and down your arms calling for goosebumps to rise on their wake. "Besides, I don't think anyone would mind if we arrive a few minutes late, right? After all, it's not our party."
"No, it's not." You gasped when Spencer shoved your body towards him, your chest flush against his to the point where you could feel the thumping of his heart on top of yours. "Fuck, Spencer. Just kiss me."
Groaning, Spencer didn't waste a single second before he claimed your lips in a hungry kiss. Spencer's palms roamed every expanse of flesh he could reach, eager to hear you sing his praises in the form of enraptured moans and gasps that elicited a blazing flame inside his own body.
Needless to say, as much as Spencer loved seeing you in that dress, he didn't think there was any greater sight than watching it thrown haphazardly on the floor.
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pepsiboyy · 16 days
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: where you and your best friend, chris, decide to relax for the night. warnings: smoking weed, cursing, kissingg a/n: hiii i hope this is ok to keep yall FED i feel like i fell off the face of the planet but im here i promise!! very short but i hope its fun<3 love u guys
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chris's tongue poked out from between his lips as he focused on rolling the joint in front of you both.
"chris, that looks like shit," you joked, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips as you did so.
chris shot you a smiling glare as he set it down. "fuck you, you'll still smoke it." he retorted, to which you had no response.
you both were sitting on the porch outside of the triplets' la home, the moonlight particularly bright tonight as you sat and conversed about various topics.
it all started with you talking about life. chris would tune in with some random bullshit he learned on tiktok, and it went back to serious mode. the conversation turned into one relating to relationships and love. something chris wasn't particularly fond of.
"i don't know, it's just weird. like i find it hard to even say i love you to people that i know i love. it's just hard."
you nodded softly. "it's hard throwing such an important word around with such heavy meaning that people think they can lift with no problems."
chris snapped his fingers as if you had just hit the jackpot. "exactly that," he pointed at you and smiled. "that's it. and probably just commitment too. taking the next step into something so much bigger than it needs to be." he muttered the last part.
"rock paper scissors for who hits this first?" chris smiled as he held out a hand, and you quickly did the same.
with your scissors sprawled out on your palm, chris gave you and his rock a defeated look before shrugging it off.
"okay, here." he gently placed the joint between your lips, smiling warmly at you as you took it.
"lighter," you stated, although muffled as you had the joint literally in your mouth.
chris gasped, as if he had forgotten, before going into his pocket and grabbing it. you reached for it, but failed as chris smacked your hand away and leaned forward himself, lighting the joint with a warm smile.
your eyes closed as you took in a deep breath, pulling the paper from your lips and exhaling softly. with the joint between your fingers, you passed it to chris with a soft smile. chris watched you for a few seconds before taking it into his own hands and taking a breath as well.
you both exchanged the joint a few more times before cleared his throat and spoke up.
"dude, i don't know if this is like.. stupid," he stated first and foremost, making you chuckle at him.
"chris, most the shit you say is. get on with it."
chris's jaw dropped dramatically before he giggled. "i don't know, man, i was just thinkin' like... you know all the stuff we said before about like takin' the next step," he mumbled a bit, and you watched him. chris turned to you again, smiling like a dork. "maybe we should?" he stated.
your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. "chris-"
"but like... i know you're gonna say, 'no chris you're just high right now' but like i'm really not.." he rambled, making you chuckle.
"you're not right now?"
"not in the slightest," he defended matter-of-factly, his eyes tinged with a shade of pink as his eyelids struggled to open fully.
"chris, i.." you trailed off, your mind hazy from the drugs. you knew you felt the same, but you didn't want to ruin this moment.
"we don't have to talk about it now," chris stated quickly, or as quickly as he could, before he smiled goofily at you again. "but.. yunno.." he trailed off.
"no, chris, i don't know." you chuckled.
you hadn't even realized how close you two had been sitting, your faces inches apart, until chris had glanced down at your lips.
your cheeks reddened. you wanted this bad, and you felt like chris did. but your biggest fear was waking up in the morning to a regretful chris and a terrible rest of your day.
but all of your doubts left as you felt chris finally press his lips to yours. everything felt hazy, but it felt so right. the slight taste of the weed against his lips only made it feel more surreal, and the joint between your fingers had been long forgotten now.
chris pulled away after a few moments, his blue, lidded eyes fixated on yours before he noticed the joint between your fingers slipping. he quickly took it from you and smiled.
"there's some juice left in here," he smiled.
you looked at him and blinked a few times. "you can have it," you chuckled. "i'm starting to get a bit sleepy."
chris hummed in thought before he took in a soft breath from the joint. his hand moved to your jaw, where he gave you a light squeeze to open your mouth.
with your faces now inches apart, he leaned forward and blew the smoke into your mouth, his hand now gently grazing your jaw as he did so.
you had no idea what feeling you just felt in your stomach but you felt like you needed to go to the fucking hospital.
you breathed in the smoke he provided, smiling softly as you blew it out away from the two of you before planting one last kiss to his lips.
"let's go lay down in my room, yeah?" chris shot you a soft smile as he gently took your hand and intertwined your fingers.
and for the rest of the night, the two of you rested between one another's arms, knowing that neither of you would have any doubts in the morning to come.
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lvdr-haze · 9 days
hii, can you write joost x female reader angst? they argue, he yells/says mean stuff but it ends with fluff? thank youuu 💋💋
here you go love, sorry for the late btw. :))
TW!! : mention of the death of a friend, angst with comfort ending
words : ≈1000
english is not my first language sorry if you can find some mistakes in the ff.
everything is fictional !!
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Lately, Joost and you had been distant because he had a lot of work, and you knew that he didn’t like being disturbed while working, and you respected that.
But today was different. As you were walking home from work after an already bad and long day, you received a call from an unknown number. You usually don’t respond, but this time you felt the urge to pick up the call; you didn’t know why.
When the person on the other end of the telephone line announced the death of one of your dearest friends, your body just stopped moving, your eyes immediately filled with tears, and you felt quite dizzy.
You couldn’t believe it. How was it even possible?
You couldn’t even talk to the person who had called you, your body just moving from your sobs and your hands trembling.
The call ended and you stayed there, incapable of moving, just trembling and sobbing, trying so hard not to fall to your knees. You needed someone to hold you right now, and that someone needed to be Joost. You didn’t want anyone else because you knew that he would exactly understand how you were feeling right now.
You walked home with tears still rolling down your eyes, and after what seemed like an eternity, you finally entered your apartment.
You knew Joost was still working on his song in the room he had transformed into a studio, but you had to see him and you had to feel his arms around you.
You entered the room, but sadly for you, that clearly wasn’t the moment to do that because your boyfriend was so angry. He had just lost one of his songs and couldn’t find it anywhere on his laptop. So when he heard the door opening and felt your presence, he immediately yelled without even looking or checking on you.
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE, Y/N!! Just fucking leave me alone. Why are you pissing me off like this? Stop acting like a fucking child.”
His words were harsh, cold, and hurtful, but you didn’t want to fight. You didn’t have the energy for it. So you just stepped out of the room, crying even more.
You’d never felt so alone in your life.
You hated when people yelled at you, and Joost knew that. So after a little while, he came out of his room just to find you crying really hard on the couch. You couldn’t stop yourself, and your body was aching from sobbing. Joost immediately ran to you and took you in his arms to hold you tightly. He could feel that something else had happened, so he gently said with his calm and deep voice:
“What’s going on, lieverd? You can tell me everything… everything’s okay now…”
You looked at him; he was so comforting at the moment but yet really scary after how he had yelled at you five minutes before.
Joost could see the fear in your eyes, and that broke his heart. He never wanted you to be scared of him, so he held you as long as you needed to open up to him. And you finally did. You explained everything—the bad day at work, the call, the announcement of the death of your friend, the fight you had with him, and how you were feeling so lonely right now.
Joost’s heart ached at the mention of your dead friend. He had lost several people when he was young, and he knew how much it hurts and how hard it is to accept.
He sighed and played with your hair before finally speaking up:
“First of all, I’m really sorry that I reacted like this. I didn’t mean to, and I don’t ever want you to be scared of me. For your friend, you know I understand you perfectly, but the only advice I can give you is to let time do its work. Maybe it will take a while for you to heal, but I’ll be there to support you even when it’s not easy. You are not alone, Y/N… you’ll never be alone as long as I’m with you…”
Your sobbing had calmed down and your head was now resting on Joost’s chest, listening to his heartbeat as he was speaking to you with all the tenderness in the world.
Your eyes were feeling heavy and your body just needed some rest right now.
“Thank you, Joost… I love you…”
Joost kissed your forehead and smiled at the sight of you falling asleep on his torso.
“I love you too, Y/N… I love you so fucking much…”
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puripurin · 4 months
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Idea from @littlekohai77. You are the real G for this. It was altered so that it could fit this story, BUT there will be one where cute yan monster's darling meets his mom. Reader is female.
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— Sometimes, you wish you had the balls to say no to your friends. This was seriously not cool of them... along with the other times. This time, though, you finally had the realization that your friends are shitty people because you are tied up to a tree. In the middle of the forest. For like, 4 hours now.
Darkness was starting to set in, and you were hungry because before this, you only ate granola bars and drank water. You were also in pain from when you decided to escape and tried to break free, but all you got were rope burns that were painful.
You sighed as you knocked your feet with one another out of sheer boredom. There was no way you were going to make it out alive. Even if you tried screaming (which you'd have done and your throat is extremely hoarse), you were deep into the forest, and you haven't seen a single soul pass by you.
Well, that was until you heard the crunch of leaves, and it seemed it was heading towards you! How lucky you were! You made sure to move around a lot and tried to use your weak voice to bring the person over to you. You were happy until you realized the person you were luring to you wasn't exactly a person.
A horned monser stood in the corner of your eyes. If you could scream, you would've, but you looked away and closed your eyes. It was like it instantly burned into your eyes, with its deep red eyes and short black fur.
As you waited for death, it never came with only a wet nose being pressed on your cheek, and it went lower and lower until it reached your crotch which you closed your legs and twisted your lower half away from it. The monster growled lightly before slasch at your bindings and carried you in his arms. You momentarily celebrated before realizing you were going to probably get eaten to death by this monster. You sighed and thought about your family and not your ex-friends, which made you fall asleep in the monster's arms.
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"WOAHHHHH!" The 7 year old boy said in amazement. He was bouncing around in excitement and made you giggle.
"Daddy is super cool! He saved mommy from danger!" This was your son, Aimilios, the child you had with Kaiser, the monster that had saved you. It was a bit too early to put this out there, but Aimilios was too excited and interrupted.
"Okay, okay. Calm down, don't you want to know what happens next?" You reasoned with your child, which made him stop before sitting down close to you in silence and staring like a puppy. You pulled him closer and rubbed his head.
"Now, what happened after...? Oh right!" You chuckled as you reminiscence on the past.
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When you woken up, you were covered in a fur sheet, and there was a fire to the side of you, warming you up. It seemed you were now in an abandoned building. Looking around, everything was worn down, but it was clean.
"You. Awake." A low gruff voice made you jump in fear. The monster appeared with a fraying picnic basket in its teeth. You scrambled behind you, only to hit your head on a broken table leg.
"Fuck... that hurts..." You rubbed the area and brought down your hand only to see blood. Looking back, there was blood on the area that your head it, and it was slightly sharp.
"Human. Hurt. Self?" It spoke once more before dropping the basket near you and going back into the darkness for something.
When the monster came back, there was a scratched up med kit with a dried blood splatter in its mouth. It sat right in front of you and placed down the kit to take out the bandages.
You carefully watched the monster as it slowly wrapped your head in bandages and then used medical grade tape to make sure it wasn't going to come off...
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"And the rest is history. It took a while for me to warm up to your daddy, but when I fell in love, it hit me hard." You kissed his head, but your child had something on his mind.
"But... what about mommy's bad friends?" He looked up at you with his cute little doe eyes.
"Well, it was a couple of months later when you were still in mommy's belly."
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You yawned as you walked through the hallways of the abandoned building you were living in with Kaiser. At this point, your pregnant belly was obvious even with the loose clothes you wore. It was 1 pm, and you had just woken up. Kaiser was out hunting food, and you stayed here cleaning up and making the abandoned building more like home.
What you weren't expecting was a bright flashlight being shined in your face. There were a lot of shocked gasps as you covered your eyes.
"Heh, is that really you, [Y/n]?" Now that was one of your ex-friend's voices. He lowered his flashlight and saw your pissed off face.
"Hooo! You're massive now! Huh, look, guys, the skeleton has turned into a whale now. Who's the bum that impregnated you? Hahahaha!" One of the girls joked and mocked you.
"You guys sure have a lot of balls coming back to the forest where one of your ex-friends could have possibly died, and the first thing you do is mock my body and its father?" You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"Hahaha, you're just a waste of space. Why should we care?" It was almost comical with the way they acted. Were these people humans or cartoon characters?
"Okay, since I don't want to be the one to get blamed when you die, please get the fuck out of this place. Now." You crossed your arms and made your voice firm. Even if they were acting like bitches, you still wanted them to live on with their mistakes.
"Oh? Is this cunt speaking back to us? Guys, should we teach this pregnant cow a lesson." To which all 4 persons agree in unison. The tallest punched you in the face before grabbing you and taking you outside and tied you to a tree. You sighed and shook your head.
"Back to where you were, huh? Not so fiesty now, eh?" One said, and you were contemplating things. Too bad you didn't need to think that far as one of them got thrown to the ground and got badly injured.
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"I won't go into detail of what happened, but the aftermath was bad for me. I wasn't able to leave my room until I gave birth to you, only to find out that I couldn't interact with other people and leave the house to get supplies. Ridiculous, right??" You huffed and puffed out your cheeks to make your son feel angry as well.
"But you never step foot outside because you wanted to! They forced you outside!" He pouted and crossed his arms, making him look extremely cute.
"But, if he wasn't there, I would have never gotten to see your cute face. Now it's time to go to sleep. Mommy will make your favorite food in the morning if you do." Instantly, he hopped into bed and snuggled into the sheets with his eyes closed shut.
"Goodnight, Amy." You kissed his forehead before turning off the light and leaving the room.
As you walked down the hallways, you heard footsteps. You smiled and turned around behind you to run towards Kaiser, only to get hit in the head by a hanging piece of metal. Tears pricked your eyes as you bent down in pain.
"Ah... my clumsy wife hurts herself again. How foolish of her..." You slapped Kaiser's leg as he made fun of you again. "You're such a bully!" You sniffled.
"Oh? But don't you like taking this so-called "bully's" cock?" You face flushed in embarrassment, and as if the pain disappeared, stood up and started hitting him in his chest. "Now you're really making me regret teaching you english!!" You turned away from him and pouted.
"Oh, you regret it now? Let's see if you'll regret when I stuff this thick—"
"AHHHH--- LALALA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" You said as you ran away from him.
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Anyways 🐀,,, for the introduction for his papa, it is tame because this (y/n) was obscuring most of what happened because be realistic here, are you going to tell a child how you saw one of your friends get mauled in front of your eyes. So, there will be the actual intro post for Kaiser without Aimilios being told the story of how they met.
I thought it would be a fun exercise to do because,,, why not? Belehhhh.
Nir proofread.
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kittyball23 · 7 months
How do you think Trolls World Tour would’ve played out if Branch reunited with Floyd who was living with the rock trolls but fled when he heard of Barb’s plan to find help to stop her only to run into Poppy and his little brother all grown up?
I think it perhaps would have played out a little something like this 🙂:
Between a Rock and a Hard Place (a Trolls fanfic)
The scream startled Branch and Poppy, the pair of them taken aback by the sight of their friend, Biggie, frantically scurrying through the crowd of Trolls in the Village’s clearing. The cause of his fear was made apparent when the Trolls noticed a fuzzy, bat-like creature zipping along right behind him, flapping its leathery, black wings persistently, her bugged red eyes fixed unwaveringly on him.
“Help!” Biggie cried out in desperation. “I’m being harangued by a monster!”
Giving up trying to outrun it, the big blue Troll crouched down and put his hands over his head, hoping it would perhaps go away. But, it didn’t. The creature beat its wings against him and made angry hissing sounds.
“Someone stop it!” he whimpered helplessly.
Luckily, as he’d wished, it was right at that moment that a shock of magenta hair whipped out and snatched the creature from the air. Relief passed through the Trolls, until they realized that it was not the Pop Queen who had grabbed the critter. In fact, it was nobody that the village knew.
But - standing there in the clearing donning black shorts with a large belt buckle, and a simple, black, pearl earring - the Troll seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
“Gotcha! Okay, shhh, shh… Now calm down,... who’s a good girl? You’re a good girl…”
The batty creature struggled in the newcomer’s grasp for a second, not appreciating being held steadfast, but quickly was soothed as the Troll rubbed its furry little belly and spoke hushedly. Pretty soon, its flapping had stopped entirely and purred, the vibration rumbling against his teal hand.
Once the others could sense no more imminent danger, they began to gather a little closer, whispering among themselves.
“Who is that?” Legsly asked, pointing at the new Troll. “And what is that thing he’s holding?” she added, referring to the critter.
“It’s creepy!” Cooper shuddered, shielding his eyes from the creature.
“It’s scary!” Satin and Chenille chimed at the same time.
“And… naAaAAasty,” Guy Diamond yelped in his techno-like voice.
“Hold me, Daddy!” Tiny Diamond whimpered in his deep voice, letting his father clutch him close for protection.
Suddenly realizing that all the attention had gone to him, the newcomer shrunk under everybody’s gaze, bashfully tucking his head down between his shoulders and allowing his magenta bangs to fall over his face, so that it shielded his left eye.
Branch’s eyes narrowed at him, though he could feel that his gaze was not as intense as he would’ve liked for it to be. Reason being, there was something strangely familiar about this Troll. What it was, though, he couldn’t pinpoint right away. That hair, that voice… he could’ve sworn he’d seen and heard it, if long ago in his memory.
As it turned out, it wasn’t a much different situation for the new Troll, either. He looked at him curiously, mirroring Branch by slightly tilting his head and narrowing his eyes, as if there too was something he was trying to figure out. It was only when he shifted his gaze down to the leafy green vest Branch was wearing that things clicked. Recognition seemed to flash across his face in an instant, the magenta-haired Troll lifting his eyes to meet Branch’s and looking as though he were about to say something. But before he could…
“‘To Queen Poppy’?” Poppy read aloud from a scroll that the creature had dropped on the ground. She was confused to see her name written on it, and continued to read. “’Barb, Queen of Rock, announces her One Nation of Trolls Under Rock World Tour. Bring your string to the biggest party in the world has ever seen.’” Poppy beamed. “Oh, don’t worry everyone. It’s an invitation!”
The Trolls chattered excitedly. A party? With games and presents and glitter galore? That sounded like fun!
“But why does she need our string?” Cooper questioned.
“And what does ‘Queen of Rock’ mean? Who is she?” Poppy asked aloud.
“You don’t wanna know.”
Poppy whirled around to face the newcomer, his silence having her almost forget entirely that he was even there. “Trust me,” he said again, “you don’t.”
The Pop Queen was startled to hear such a thing. “But… it’s a party!” she exclaimed.
“Not the kind you wanna go to,” the Troll replied without hesitation. “Not with what the Hard Rockers have planned…”
Poppy shook her head. “But who are they?”
“Nobody!” King Peppy shouted, hurrying into the crowd of Trolls, sidling up to his daughter’s side and tearing the invitation from her hand. He proceeded to crumble it in a frenzy, all while crying out hysterically. “Nobody saw anything! Nothing to see here!” He then turned to the magenta-haired Troll and began to shove him away. “Young man, go back to where you came from! Now, please!”
“Whoa, whoa, Dad!” Poppy called, touching her father on the shoulder. He yelped, jolting and looking at her wildly. Popy was baffled. Her Dad was kicking out a Troll? What in the world for? She took his hands in hers in and spoke soothingly to calm him. “Dad, what’s going on?”
King Peppy gazed deeply into her eyes for a moment, peering between her and the new Troll, and then sighed.
“Oh, Poppy,” he moaned, “I’ve long feared this day would come. I was hoping to protect you from this.”
Poppy raised an eyebrow. “Protect me?” she asked. “I’m not a little kid anymore, Dad. I’m the queen now.”
“You’re right,” King Peppy agreed, nodding slowly. “The truth is… we are not alone in this world…”
Mr. Dinkles made a spooky sound to accompany King Peppy’s explanation. Biggie stuck a finger in his pet form’s round mouth.
“Shhh!” Biggie said to his little friend.
“You see, there are other kinds of Trolls,” King Peppy told everyone. The Trolls around him were silent for a moment, taking this in. Other Trolls? What did King Peppy mean?”
“Wow, really?” Poppy said enthusiastically. “Dad, that’s great! The more Trolls, the merrier!”
The newcomer scoffed. “If only it were that easy,” he mumbled.
King Peppy cut his eyes to him, frowning. “Young man, this conversation does not involve you. I’ve asked you to leave once… don’t make me have to call security!” He jerked a thumb over to where Smidge was standing, the little Troll cracking her knuckles in anticipation of a potential scuffle.
The Troll gulped at the sight, and quickly stammered an explanation. “N-no! Please, I’m not here to cause trouble. I came here to help you guys.”
But when Peppy did not relax, and Poppy began to show signs of discomfort at the confrontation, Branch stepped in to enforce the matter.
“You heard him,” he stated simply, but with a hardness to his voice that spoke more volumes alongside the clenched fists at his side.
“I know,” he replied. “But I can’t just leave you guys in danger, Branch.”
“We’re more than capable of taking care of our - Wait, what?” Branch blinked, surprised to hear this stranger call him by name. How did he know who he was?
The Troll offered a gentle smile. “It’s been a while, bro.”
The blue Troll gasped, realizing exactly who this was and being unable to believe it. All the years he waited and waited, until he couldn't anymore, and now he was back? He could almost feel tears pooling in his eyes as a mix of conflicting emotions assaulted him.
Poppy saw the strong reaction coming from her friend, and cautiously spoke to the newcomer.
“I’m sorry... Who did you say you were, again?”
The newcomer let out a breath he was holding, tucked the bat creature under one arm and extended his other to Poppy to properly introduce himself.
“Forgive me for not doing this sooner. My name is Floyd,” he said, “and I’m Branch’s brother.”
With the manner in which the Trolls in the clearing had erupted into a cacophony of noise - a mix of questions about the Troll-turned-sibling, panic-stricken worries over the idea of the existence of other strange Trolls, and even outright screaming - it came as no surprise that Peppy had ordered for them to break into a smaller group, to allow for a little more privacy.
It was here in the beautiful secluded grotto in the company of just Floyd, Poppy,  Branch, and the Snack Pack that King Peppy wove a tale unlike any other that had been heard. A story of six Tribes of Trolls, each uniquely defined by their special taste in music - Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Rock, and Pop - and how harmony had been created as a result of it. The harmony, however, was not meant to last. Intolerance sprouted like weeds, leading to discord, leading to the ultimate separation of each tribe. But perhaps the most striking part of the tale was the revelation of their own string - the Pop string, a gorgeous pink in color and producing an equally gorgeous sound, housing the very lifeforce that made them them - the toe-tapping, finger-snapping, rump-shaking Trolls they were.
“Ohh, I get it,” Poppy murmured, “Queen Barb wants to reunite the strings so that the Trolls Kingdom can be one big party again!” The Pop Queen grinned a little. She liked the sound of that!
But Floyd shook his head. “Um, no,” he disagreed gently. “Barb has no interest whatsoever in uniting the world. She wants to destroy it. And she’s going to do it one tribe at a time until there’s none left!” He picked up the invite from where it lay (a little wrinkled, but still legible) next to the ancient scroll that King Peppy had used to depict the tale. “These invitations were just the first step. A deception. And anyone who doesn’t give up their string is going to have it taken by force.” He looked at the bat critter in his hands and sighed. “I tried to stop the invite from even reaching you guys, but I guess I wasn’t fast enough to keep up with Debbie here…”
Poppy was stunned. “B-but… why would another queen use her power for evil? Didn’t anyone try to stop her?”
“The Hard Rockers are all on board,” Floyd explained. “She managed to convince everyone that this was the best thing to do for her people. They all believed her. Well, um… except for me. But then again, I was never a true Rock Troll from the start…”
Poppy snapped her fingers. “That’s riiiight… and that’s something else I’m not understanding…” She turned on her friend. “Branch! How come you never told me you have a secret brother?!”
The blue Troll frowned. “What’s there to tell? I have no brothers.”
Floyd was confused. “Branch, what are you talking about? Just take a look at us…”
It was true. Even by sight, there was a very distinct similarity between the two of them, from their teal skin, purple noses, round face shapes, and even slight downward curve of their ears.
But Branch crossed his arms defiantly. “I have no brothers,” he said again, emphasizing each syllable, “because the day you walked out on me, you lost the chance to ever call me that again.” 
“Branch, please, believe me, I was going to come back, it’s just - “
“Just what?” Branch cut in, scoffing. “You’re a liar. You never followed through with your promise.”
Floyd fiddled with his fingers. “Well, um, I mean, I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“Uh-huh… twenty years TOO LATE!” Branch turned to the others in the grotto. “Why should we believe someone like this? For all we know, he could be a spy for these ‘Hard Rock’ Trolls!” He searched his friends’ faces. Silently taking it all in, Biggie, Smidge, Cooper, Guy Diamond, and Legsly were a mixture of uncertainty and concern, not sure what to make of it.
King Peppy spoke up for them. “Branch,” he said gently, “I certainly see where you’re coming from. But… are you willing to put our tribe in danger because of it?” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but it’s a risk I’m not willing to take.” He then waved to the Trolls. “Hurry now! We must prepare before Barb arrives! We’ve got no time to lose!”
“Dad, wait!” Poppy cried, trying to stop her him and her friends as they shuffled off. “Guys, come on! Just because they’re different doesn’t mean that the solution is fighting! Branch, help me out here, say something!”
Branch marched right by her. “Wait for me!” he called out. But as he scurried by, he was grabbed by the arm.
“Branch, wait,” Floyd pleaded. Then he turned to Poppy. “Could you, uh… give us a minute?” he asked politely.
Branch wanted to protest, but he groaned, and did not put up a fight. “I’ll meet you in a second, Poppy,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
“Oh! Um, okay…” She trudged off, sparing one last glance at them before heading off in the direction her father had gone. The two boys were left there in an awkward, tense silence.
Floyd broke it first, clearing his throat. “Wow… you’ve really grown into that vest of mine. You’re… a man now.”
Branch kept his back turned to him as he answered tersely. “Just goes to show how long it’s been.”
Floyd sighed. “Look, Branch, I know that nothing I can say is a valid enough excuse for what happened. I guess I just got so caught up with my solo career once the Rock Trolls took me in. But I swear that there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about you.” He chuckled for a second. “Remember how we used to make up songs and dances? It was a lot of fun.”
It was, Branch recalled, almost wanting to smile, but he composed himself. “That’s all in the past,” he said coldly, turning to look him right in the eye. “And besides, actions speak louder than words. And the fact is that you never came back.”
Branch felt a tug at his heart when Floyd winced, hurt by his words. But then again, they were words of truth.
“You’re right,” Floyd said, “Actions do speak louder than words. And here I am now, trying to save my little brother from something that I know for sure is going to harm him. Because I want him to be safe. It was a mistake to leave him the first time. And I don’t want to lose him again.”
Branch felt himself loosening. He wanted to keep up the wall of ice he built around himself should any of his brothers try to come back into his life. But not even those walls were immune to the warmth of Floyd’s kindness. “I really want to believe you, Floyd,” he whispered, “I just don’t know if I can…”
“Then let's just take things one step at a time, okay?” And when Branch nodded, Floyd took the opportunity to extend his arms out, allowing Branch to decide whether he wanted to make a move or not.
It didn’t take long to come to that decision, though. Branch embraced Floyd in a replica of that very same night that he had left him. He squeezed tightly, wanting to confirm his physical presence, and afraid to let go should he have been a mirage this entire time.
The pair broke apart, finding Poppy cooing at the scene. She grinned sheepishly upon realizing she’d intruded on the private moment.
“Oh! I’m sorry…”
“It’s all right, Poppy,” Branch assured. “We’re just about done here.”
“Oh, good,” she breathed in relief. “Well, I mean, because, I wanted to talk to you guys about Barb. We’ve gotta stop her!”
“Can’t say I disagree with the endgoal here, but the trouble comes in the ‘how,’” Floyd pointed out.
“Well, we can think about it as we get everyone safely hidden away in the bunker,” Branch said, waving them to follow.
“Bunker?” Floyd asked, coming up alongside his brother.
“Oh, it’s the coolest thing ever!” Poppy gushed. “It’s underground, and it’s got all these tunnels and rooms, and trapdoors, and… and so much cool stuff!”
Floyd beamed. “Wow, so you built the hideout, huh? I’m proud of you, Branch.”
“Hideout?” The Pop Queen echoed, curious.
There was a hint of a bashful blush in the blue Troll’s cheeks as he shrugged in reply. “Heh, well, it’s not that big of a deal…”
“Of course it is,” Floyd countered, bumping his elbow against his. “Did you even add the ten-story waterslide?”
Poppy gasped. “A waterslide in the bunker? That sounds amazing!”
But Branch shook his head. “Nah.”
“But then, how do you shower?”
Branch answered his brother’s teasing question with a little smirk. “I bathe.”
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ftrcountry · 8 months
The One With The Test
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I just want to say rip to a one of a kind actor, Matthew Perry. I still can't believe it :( May he finally rest in peace.
Summary: I watched Fools Rush In Today and this sparked the idea for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
It was New Year's Eve in New York City. People were out partying and hanging out with their family and friends. Snow was slowly falling down in the cold crisp air. This was yet another New Years eve party without a date. You weren't particularly upset as you grown used to this. You were currently standing outside on the balcony watching the snowflakes fall all around. "somebody kiss me at midnight!" You heard Chandler go around asking each one of your friends in the apartment. You let out a small laugh. Oh sweet Chandler. You haven't told no one but you were starting to develop feelings for your best friend. You were just afraid to say anything in fear it might ruin the relationship the two of you have. You bit your lip, an idea popping into your mind. You had a lot to drink tonight so you had more courage than usual. You were going to catch Chandler off guard and kiss him at midnight.
Everyone was gathered around the tv counting down from ten. 10 9 Rachel was with Ross. Phoebe with Mike. 8 7 Monica with Richard Joey with one of his flings. 6 5 You took a deep breath as you walked up to Chandler. 4 3 You grabbed a fist full of Chandler's shirt. 2 1 Cheers erupted, people clapped at the start of the New Year as you pulled Chandler close and pressed your lips to his. Chandler tensed for a moment before you felt his lips kissing you back. His hand fell to your waist. "You wanted someone to kiss you at midnight." You whispered breathlessly as you pulled apart from him. You were flustered as Chandler pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. "You have no idea how long I wanted this." Chandler finally spoke, giving you one of his charming smiles.
After the party, you ended up at Chandler and Joey's. Both you and Chandler were a little more than tipsy. After a hot, passionate round of the best sex you ever had, you were cuddled up to Chandler's side. "Wow." was the only words to escape your and Chandler's mouth.
Three Months Later Since that night on New Year's, you and Chandler decided to make it official. Everything was wonderful and you were so happy until three months later you were sitting on the bathroom tiled floor holding a positive pregnancy test. You've never been this scared in your life. You knew this would freak Chandler out and run him off. This would most likely be the end of the relationship and you might be a single mom. Before you could think about the future, there was a knock on the bathroom. "Y|N, you okay?" It was Chandler. With a shaky breath, you stood up with the positive pregnancy test. With trembling hands, you opened the door revealing Chandler. Concern was written on his face as you were in the bathroom for quite a while. His eyes flickered down to the test in your hands. His eyes widen and he jumped back. "Y|N. Please don't tell me that-" He stopped speaking. A tear slipped down your face as you nodded. You couldn't look at him. "I used a condom. Lot's of them." "Well, one didn't work." "But that's its job! It's whole purpose in life is... to work!!" Chandler was freaking out at this point. He ran his hand through his hair, pacing back and worth. He went into the kitchen got a glass of water and chugged it down. You started playing with the test in your hands out of nervousness. "I'm keeping the baby" You stammered. Chandler's eyes flew up to yours. "What?" He questioned. He was not ready to be a father. You knew he was expecting the other options that you were going to do. Keeping the baby was not one of them. He looked upset and this was where the relationship would end. You dropped the test on the counter, tears falling down your face. "Goodbye Chandler." You whispered before running out of the apartment.
Rain droplets fell into the night in New York City. You were currently at Monica's, sitting on the couch with a leg pulled up to your chest. Monica, Rachel and Phoebe were all sitting around trying to comfort you. It's been a little over twenty four hours since you and Chandler had the falling out regarding the baby. "I'm sure it's a simple misunderstanding. You guys are having a baby! Chandler would never leave you alone to deal with this. He's probably just scared." Monica said, rubbing your back. "You should've seen the look on his face. It was full of fear, concern and he was just upset. He didn't have words." You cried, wiping your eyes with a tissue. Before anyone could say anything, the door opened and Chandler walked in. You looked down at your hands in your lap. He had one hand in his pocket and the other scratching the back of his neck. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel got the queue and grabbed their things and left. "Hey." Chandler spoke softly, walking over. "Hi." You sniffled. Chandler came around and sat on the coffee table right in front of you. "I'm sorry Y|N. I panicked and didn't have the words to comfort you and to be there when you needed me. This is big news." Chandler spoke up. "If you don't want to be in the baby's life, that's fine. I can do this on my own." At this point you still couldn't look at Chandler. You felt sick to your stomach, whether that was morning sickness or your nerves you weren't sure. "Just wait a minute. Look at me, Y|N." Chandler spoke, taking your hands in his. You finally looked up into his eyes. He was staring with so much adoration in his eyes at you. "This afternoon, I couldn't decide between a Texas burger and a tuna melt, but my life made sense, you know? And now I know exactly want I want, and my life doesn't make any sense. And I was doing fine this afternoon. I was doing great. That was me. It was me then. And now I'm with you and I don't know what happened between the tuna melt and the Texas burger but I WANT this with you Y|N. I never thought about my future before until we happened. I want this with our baby." By the time Chandler finished his speech, you had tears rolling down your face. Chandler slid over to the couch right next to you and pulled you close. You buried your face into his chest as he rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head. "Everything is going to be okay, Y|N. I love you so much and I already love this baby."
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 months
BTS Reaction || Sharing A Bed With Their Crush
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
Jin's heart raced as he lay next to you, his longtime crush, in a cosy cabin tucked away in the mountains. You'd been friends for years, but tonight was different. Tonight, you were sharing a bed, and every nerve in his body tingled with anticipation.
You shifted slightly, your breath warm against Jin's cheek. His mind raced with a million thoughts and emotions, but he struggled to find the courage to speak. He stole glances at you, admiring the gentle curve of your profile in the soft moonlight filtering through the window.
As the minutes ticked by, his nerves began to settle, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. He marvelled at the warmth radiating from your body, feeling a connection he had never experienced before.
With a gentle touch, you reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt a surge of courage wash over him. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face you, your eyes locking in a silent exchange of emotions. The two of you didn't need to say anything to understand what this meant to each other, you simply cuddled closer to his chest, placing a soft and small kiss on his cheek as you relaxed for the night.
The storm raged outside, its fury echoing through the walls as Yoongi lay in his bed, wide awake. Thunder crashed overhead, shaking the very foundation of his house, he hated storms not because he was scared but because he knew what they did to you. He could already tell you were going to be in your room shaking like a leaf. He'd texted you not long ago to ask if you were okay but you'd not read it, which worried him, he was about to get out of bed until a timid knock on the bedroom door shattered his calm.
"Yoongi?" Your voice was barely a whisper, but it cut through the chaos of the storm like a beacon in the night. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. 
"Yn? Come in," The door creaked open, and you peeked inside, your eyes wide with fear. 
"Can... can I come in? I-I'm scared." Without hesitation, Yoongi pushed aside the covers and scooted over to make room for you. 
"Of course, come here." You hurried into the room, your steps quick and tentative. You climbed into bed beside Yoongi, your body trembling with each clap of thunder. Yoongi instinctively wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
"It's okay, Yn. I've got you." you buried her face in his chest, seeking comfort from the storm raging outside. Yoongi could feel the rapid beat of your heart against his own, matching the rhythm of his own racing pulse. As lightning illuminated the room, he felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him. He stroked your hair gently, murmuring words of reassurance as you weathered the storm together.
"It's just a storm, Yn. We're safe here," He whispered, his voice a soothing balm against your fears. You nodded, your grip on Yoongi tightening as another peal of thunder rolled through the house. 
"Thank you, Yoongi. I don't know what I'd do without you." You admitted, snuggling closer to him, Yoongi smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
"You'll never have to find out. I'll always be here for you." He whispered as you cuddled into his chest, enjoying the closeness of him.
The anticipation hung heavy in the air as you and Hoseok settled into the small guest room of your friend's house. With only one bed available, you exchanged nervous glances, both acutely aware of the awkwardness of the situation. Hoseok cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence. 
"Uh, I can take the floor if you want. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He suggested, putting his bags down in the corner of the room as your cheeks heated up, shaking your head at him.
"No, it's okay. I don't mind sharing." You assured him, Hoseok's heart fluttered at your words, but his worries persisted, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. 
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything." You offered him a reassuring smile, you loved him for this. 
"I'm sure, Hobi. We're both adults, right? We can handle this." Reluctantly, Hoseok nodded, though the apprehension still gnawed at him. As you settled into bed, he kept his movements carefully controlled, afraid to encroach on your personal space.
But as the minutes ticked by, he couldn't help but steal glances at you, and you at him. Maybe it was the sudden darkness but it gave you the confidence to admit to him that you liked him,
"Hey," You whispered, your voice barely audible in the quiet room. Hoseok turned to look at you, his heart racing. 
"Yeah?" You hesitated for a moment, your cheeks burning up once again. 
"I, um... I've kinda had a crush on you for a while now." His breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling with disbelief. 
"You have?" You nodded, your gaze fixed on the tangled sheets between you. 
"Yeah. And I just... I wanted you to know." A rush of emotion surged through Hoseok, overwhelming him with a flood of relief and joy. 
"Yn, I... I feel the same way." Your eyes met in a silent exchange of understanding, the tension between you finally breaking like a dam bursting free. With a shy smile, Hoseok reached out and gently brushed his fingertips against your cheek.
"I'm glad we're finally being honest with each other," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. Your smile widened, her eyes sparkling with unspoken promise. 
"Me too." And as you drifted off to sleep, hand in hand, Hoseok couldn't help but feel grateful for getting this time with you.
The small inn was bustling with activity as you and Namjoon checked in for the weekend getaway. Excited chatter filled the air as you received your room key and made your way down the narrow hallway. The two of you had been looking forward to this break for a long time now and it was finally here.
But as you reached your designated room, your excitement faltered. There, in the cosy space, sat a single queen-sized bed. Namjoon was sure he'd asked for two singles, his heart sank as he glanced at you, his crush since high school. 
"Uh, looks like there's only one bed left," he muttered, trying to mask his disappointment. Your cheeks were burning as you nodded. doing your best to avoid his gaze.
"Yeah, seems that way." The two of you stood in awkward silence, neither willing to address the elephant in the room. Namjoon's mind raced with a million thoughts, each more panicked than the last. Finally, you cleared your throat, breaking the tension. 
"Well, I guess we'll have to make do. Unless... unless you want me to sleep on the floor?" You didn't mind, the last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable. Namjoon's heart leapt at the suggestion, but he quickly shook his head, there was no way he would let you do that. 
"No, no, it's fine. We can share. It's not a big deal." You nodded, a relieved smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
"Okay, good."
You busied yourself unpacking your bags, both of you acutely aware of the close proximity forced upon you by the single bed. Namjoon tried to focus on folding his clothes neatly, but every time he glanced at you, his heart skipped a beat.
As you settled into bed later that night, he couldn't shake the nervous energy coursing through his veins. He lay stiffly on his side of the bed, acutely aware of your presence just inches away.
"Hey," You whispered, your voice barely audible in the darkness, Namjoon bit down on his lip before replying,
"Yeah?" He replied, his voice betraying his nerves.
"Thanks for not making this weird," you said softly. Namjoon felt a rush of warmth flood his chest. 
"Of course, Yn. We're friends, right?" That question hung in the air for a few seconds, neither of you saying anything as you bit down on your tongue.
"Right," You echoed, your tone filled with gratitude.
The tent was enveloped in darkness as you and Jimin settled into your sleeping bags for the night. The only source of light came from the faint glow of the stars peeking through the window of the tent. But despite the peaceful surroundings, your unease was palpable. Jimin could sense your tension as he lay beside you, the silence broken only by the occasional rustle of the wind outside. 
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on your arm. You let out a shaky breath, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"I'm just... I'm scared of the dark." You admit you'd only come onto the trip with him because you wanted to spend time with him but you never would have imagined being in the dark completely. Jimin's heart went out to you, his own fears momentarily forgotten. 
"It's okay, Yn. I'm right here with you." But even as he spoke the words, he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness washing over him. He had never been good at comforting others, especially someone as special to him as you. As the minutes ticked by, your breathing grew more erratic, your distress becoming more pronounced with each passing moment. Jimin racked his brain for something, anything, that could ease your fears. And then, an idea struck him. 
"Hey, do you mind if I turn on a light?" he asked tentatively. Your eyes widened in surprise. 
"You don't have to do that, Jimin." You whisper back to him, but Jimin shakes his head, determined to help you feel safe. 
"I want to. It's no trouble at all." With a soft click, Jimin switched on the camping lamp, bathing the tent in a warm, comforting glow. You let out a sigh of relief, your tense muscles finally relaxing.
"Thank you, Jimin," You whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. Jimin smiled, his heart swelling with pride. 
"Anything for you, Yn." As you settled back into your sleeping bags, bathed in the gentle light of the lamp, Jimin knew that he would do anything to protect you from the darkness, both inside and out. 
As the moon cast a soft glow through the window, Taehyung lay awake beside you, his heart pounding with nerves. The two of you had been friends for years, but tonight was different. Tonight, you found yourselves sharing a bed in a cosy mountain cabin, and Tae couldn't shake the feeling that this was his chance to finally tell you how he felt.
Your breathing was steady and even, indicating that you'd drifted off to sleep. With a deep breath, Taehyung mustered up the courage to speak, though he knew you couldn't hear him.
"I've liked you for so long, Yn," he whispered into the darkness, his words barely more than a breath. 
"I've never had the courage to say it, but... I love you." The weight of his confession hung heavy in the air as he waited for a response that would never come. Even though he'd admitted it to you in your sleep he felt a sense of peace now that he'd done it out loud.  But to his surprise, you shifted beside him, your hand finding his in the darkness.
"I love you too, Tae," You murmured, your voice shakey as you smiled to yourself. Tae's heart skipped a beat as he turned to look at you, his eyes wide with surprise.
"You heard that?" You nodded, a shy smile playing at the corners of your lips. 
"I've known for a while, but I was too afraid to say anything." You admit to him, your heart thumping rapidly. Tears welled up in Tae's eyes as he reached out to cup your cheek, his fingers trembling with emotion. 
"I'm so glad you feel the same way." The two of you lay together in the quiet of the night, your hearts intertwined in a bond stronger than ever before.
The cabin was quiet, save for the soft rustling of blankets as Jungkook lay stiffly beside you, his crush since forever, god, when he'd agreed to go on this trip with you and his friends he hadn't thought the two of you would be sharing a bed. His heart hammered against his ribcage, threatening to burst out of his chest. You had talked and laughed throughout the evening, but now, with just the two of you sharing a bed, Jungkook's nerves were on edge.
"Um, Yn," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He wasn't usually this nervous around you but sharing a bed was something neither of you had done before.
"Yeah?" Your voice was gentle, and comforting, like a warm hug around him as you slowly turned to face him. A lump formed in his throat as he tried to remember what it was he was going to say to you.
"I, uh... I just want to say... sorry if I'm taking up too much space or anything." He looked at you and you laughed softly, he was right on the edge of the bed taking up hardly any space at all.
"You're fine. Relax. You can come closer," You urged him but Jungkook let out a nervous laugh, but his muscles remained tense. He couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place, of crossing some invisible line between friendship and something more.
"Are you okay?" You finally asked, your tone filled with concern with your friend who seemed on edge.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," He replied quickly, too quickly. He mentally cursed himself for sounding so awkward. Silence settled between you, broken only by the soft hum of the heater. Jungkook's mind raced, desperately searching for something to say, some way to break the tension.
"You know," he began tentatively, "I've never really done this before. Shared a bed, I mean." You turned to look at him, his face lit by the small light on the bedside table, your expression softening.
"Me neither." The admission eased some of his anxiety, knowing that you were both in uncharted territory. Emboldened, he reached out and tentatively brushed his fingertips against yours.
"Sorry," he muttered, pulling his hand away quickly. "I shouldn't—" But before he could finish his sentence, you intertwined your fingers with his, squeezing gently. His breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding in his ears.
"It's okay," You whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet room, you pulled him closer to you, wanting nothing more than to be close to him. 
@chiisaiblog@sw33tnight@kaitieskidmore97@laylasbunbunny@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@katnisspeetaprim@acciocriativity@choisoorin@heyjiminnie@btsiguess-kpop@halesandy@gothic4under4lord@soulphoenix1618@aerastus@jin-from-the-block@lenfilms@elizaschuyler18@piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey@delulu18@xyahrinx@katsukis1wife@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@blairscott@4-chan-inpadella@swga-ficrecs@niktwazny303@armystay89@myyouthdonut@xakx@kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy@kpopmenace143@loveforred@b1nn1e-1s-cut3@elissasimp @royallyjjk @parkjennykim @piercedddriver
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rivalriotrenegade · 11 months
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
About this fic: This is technically supposed to be a Monster Simon x reader but can also be read as just human Simon. The monster type isn't specified so you can read it with whatever monster you have in mind! This is also inspired by @ghouljams Fae!Ghost AU. So if you like this I HIGHLY recommend checking out some of their stuff. Its amazing!
Word count: 719
Warnings: GN reader, small references to kinks and slight NSFW so if you ain't 18 this ain't for you :) Sorry not sorry. I also can't figure out the :readmore: so that's my bad guys.
You sit on Simon’s lap quietly reading as his face rests between your shoulder and neck, completely unaware of the inner turmoil that he’s currently going through. The longer you sit there, the more the edges of his mind begin to fray as he takes in your scent. 
It calls to him. Reawakens parts of himself he thought he had long since buried. A forgotten instinct that he had tucked away deep within the darkest corners of his mind. Slowly, he feels it coming back to life, the darker, more possessive parts of himself.
The parts that make him want to snarl and snap at anyone who gets too close, at anyone who would dare take you away. Friend or foe, it doesn’t matter. He wants to stay like this forever, everyone else be damned. 
He toys with the thought of sinking his fangs into you, of permanently marking you as his. His mouth waters at the thought. Simon Riley was never one to make a show of things, but the idea of everyone knowing who you belong to fills his head with plenty of dark fantasies. 
His instincts scream at him to do it. “Now! Before someone else comes and takes them away!” They cry. If he was thinking logically he’d know that you would never leave him for anyone else, but he’s not thinking logically. All he knows is that you’re his and he needs everyone else to know it too. “Mine. Mine. MINE!” 
Unconsciously he digs his fingers into you, pulling your body impossibly closer to him, determined to keep you there. Your flesh fills his hands perfectly, so soft and supple and all his. 
The things he’d do for you, the things he’d do to keep you safe are outweighed only by the things he wants to do to you. All the nasty, horrible things. Things that’d make you scream and cry and beg for mercy… or maybe you’d beg for more? He doesn’t know which sounds better. 
He wants you under him, filled to the brim with everything he has to offer! He wants to bring you to the brink of sanity and push you over it again and again. It doesn’t really matter how, though he might have some preferences. 
Tied up and blindfolded or lost and hunted? Either would do. Humans are always so scared of the unknown, but he’d make sure you had nothing to fear. Nothing but him, that is. Pain and pleasure can be interchangeable or are they one in the same? 
He doesn’t know anymore. Blame the war or the torture he’s endured or even his fucked up childhood. All he knows is that whatever it is it feels good. He’s never cared for anyone else’s pleasure but his own, but he wants, no he needs for you to feel good too. 
But you're so different from him. Would you be able to handle all the vile things he’d do to you? Could you handle being held down and marked up? Could you handle being manhandled, bent to his every whim and desire as he slammed into you? Could you even take his—
“Are you okay? You’re breathing kind of heavy.” You ask him sweetly and just like that he snaps out of it. Carefully he shakes his head dismissing the intrusive thoughts. “I’m fine love, just go back to reading, yeah?” You look at him, tilting your head inquisitively. “Are you sure?” You ask. His heart hammers inside his chest, like a caged animal trying to break free. “Yeah lovie, I’m sure.” 
Your eyes soften and you smile at him in a way that gets his blood racing. “I love you.” You say, so gently that it’s hard to even fathom that you’re talking to him. A man so messed up and broken. He swallows thickly. He can hardly believe that someone like you, so kind and caring, gentle to a fault, would choose to love a monster like him. If you knew what really went on inside his head, would you still love him? 
He has to remind himself that you don’t know what goes on inside his head. You're so far away from the monster that he knows himself to be. So for now he’ll keep on indulging in you. “I love you too.” 
That's all guys! I hope you enjoyed it and I also really hope it wasn't too cringe. If you have thoughts on it please let me know. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated. Have a lovely day!
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