saturniandragon · 2 months
Assumption: you have heard of the Pindad PS-01.
Aka the IRL Robocop pistol
The only PS-01 I know is this
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Ok that's a bad joke. But realIy I have never heard of it until you sent me this ask. The only Pindad pistol I knew was just the P1, which looked like an off brand SIG.
After looking up some images it does resemble the robocop pistol.
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Pindad PS-01, which apparently stands for Pistol Serbu 01 (Assault Pistol 01).
And it used a proprietary cartridge I have never heard of either, the 5.56x21. Which looks like someone put 5.56 NATO rounds under a hydraulic press. I'm guessing this is an analogue to the FN 5.7x28.
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Why does it look like 5.56 chode mode
A lot of features are the same including the shotgun-esque rib above the barrel extension and the compensator cuts. Maybe the only real differences are that the trigger guard is not enlarged, the rear sight is different and the grip serration pattern on the slide is also different.
But looks like Pindad made it better by adding a pic rail on the bottom.
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Actual robocop pistol, for comparison.
I don't really keep up with my country's firearm products, except that time they introduced an assault rifle concept a few years ago that really resembled the Remington R5.
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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Famous talk show host and eventually elected President!
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luwupercal · 7 months
@frogblast-the-ventcore replied to your post “i did apparently get crossposted on reddit. scary....”:
https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1b4my38/the_duality_of_disgust_and_hedonism/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1b4n3wz/im_gonna_exclusively_refer_to_the_warp_as_the/ these are the most recent, but I've seen more before
​i see!
I would like to ask for people to please not crosspost my stuff again. it makes me feel Not Good when this happens. i guess if anything had to leave containment I'm glad it was the nurglaanesh post because Nurglaanesh my Beloved but, y'know, i would prefer for this to not happen in the future
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excaliraptor · 7 months
14 for Jenny!
Jenny's first major crush was a fellow cheerleader and that went disastrously. Ultimately leading to her separation from home very young.
Her first love though? Alice. Alice and Jenny's first meeting was unorthodox, Jenny was an accidental interloper on Alice's world. The funny thing was Jenny was a criminology student while Alice was something more akin to a detective in that world.
Alice and Jenny's relationship was explosive, it was like fire. They were drawn to each other like crazy.
Now they still remember them fondly.
I should really write down the whole Jenny lore sometime...
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baldy-wan-kenobi · 7 months
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@frogblast-the-ventcore Brazil is wack.
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obiusperson · 5 months
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@frogblast-the-ventcore IDK how where to find the original, so here is a sceenshot of the entire thing
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nyamadermont · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 49. I have a few options for #50…
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 299,440. Ok, I hadn’t realized I was that close. Now, my answer to #1 might be “a new 560-word drabble.”
3. What fandoms do you write for? I’m nearly exclusively writing for Avatar: Legend of Korra, with a little bit of Last Airbender, where it fits in.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Rainstorm - Su is there for Lin, for once. 2. The Well of Need - My first long-form story, with Lin taking care of Kya. 3. This is My Anchor - A mid-sized Kyalin story where Lin doesn’t make Kya take care of her. 4. I’m Sorry I Need You - An angsty one-shot that fits with a couple others in the “marriage is hard” domain. 5. Walk With Me - A longer-than-intended one-shot variant on a Tumblr joke.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do, as soon as I can. Sometimes, that means getting off work. Sometimes, that means giving a response as meaningful as the comment was to me. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? For complete stand-alone stories, that is likely Something Changed, where the last words are usually joyous. I can’t find the link for the worst-worst ending I have, so just pretend that never happened.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The happiest ending? I like my happy endings, so this is tough. But I think I’ll go for Elemental Changes, because that launched my collaboration with @slowdissolve on Red Jade.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate, exactly. One reader informed me that I had ‘let them down’ on a follow-up story because I didn’t write the story that was in their head. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I’ve done a little, but it hasn’t been a focus for me. And, aside from the polyamory aspect, it’s all as vanilla as it comes.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not unless you count LOK + ATLA a crossover, which I don’t.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to date.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? @slowdissolve and I wrote Moonsigns together, and we published two versions. One is told in first-person language and color coded, on Tumblr. We then followed it up with a more traditional third-person version that does not rely on color, on AO3.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Kyalin is where everything opened up for me. 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I’m taking quite the long view of all of this. I haven’t added to Their Sacred Year in a while, but have the outline for the next installment, so I don’t consider it abandoned.
16. What are your writing strengths? Folks seem to like my dialogue and plotting.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with the final rising action / climax / falling action, to keep the pacing appropriate to the story.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don’t plan on it, given I am uneducated in the languages appropriate to this setting. 
19. First fandom you wrote for? Legend of Korra.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Saving the hardest for last. Naming the favorite child. Ok, fine. In that case, I’ll have to choose <wrestles with self> Elemental Changes (see #7), mostly because it’s a completely off-the-wall idea that I was able to see through and complete. And to have Slowdissolve illustrate the ending was an absolute capstone.
So I get to thank both @krastbannert and @wishingforatypewriter for their invitations!
Now, it's time to throw the floor open to folks like @yell0wsalt, @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids, @linguini17, @frogblast-the-ventcore, @badlucksav, @cdlunee, and of course,
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This is a blog dedicated to Battletech mechs, lore, and shenanigans. Main is @frogblast-the-ventcore.
You can send me a picture of a 'Mech, vehicle, aerospace asset, a planet, a faction, or even a description of a lore event, and I will tell you if it's cool or not.
Note: this is entirely based on visuals, vibes, and lore knowledge, combined with knowledge of some of the various Battletech video games. I do not actually play the tabletop (yet), in either incarnation, so if you're looking for advice, this is not the blog for you!
Warning: I hold many opinions on Battletech, some of which may considered/calculated to annoy Battletech lore purists. To these people, I say, you will never get me to give up my copy of Far Country.
To start off, we'll go for the Mech in my pfp, the Hollander.
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The Hollander is absolutely cool. It's not the most famous "shoulder cannon" mech, but that giant Gauss Rifle sure does make an impression.
Plus in this art, the Hollander is just doing the Success Kid meme, which is always funny to me.
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Another Russian shit shed spotted, this time with satellite TV
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Testudo 2: Return of the Blyatmobile.
I'm not even gonna try to guess what's under this one. Maybe once we get a picture with more than 7 total pixels, I'll give it a crack, but for the time being, it's just another seethe citadel, this time with 50% more corrugated tin off some poor farmer's roof.
@frogblast-the-ventcore, using this one to answer your ask on this, too.
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 6 months
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aaaaaaaaaaaaand its done. AWACS Galaxy for my space marines, providing up to date intel and conveying orders to all imperial forces in AO. gutted of most of its weapons to make room for communications and auspex equipment, but retaining its retaining its wing mounted missiles for a small modicum of defensive firepower. since space marines are meant to operate in small groups, coordination is key, and thats where an AWACS comes in handy.
took longer than i would have liked to finish it but i just kept putting it off cos i hate applying wash to bigger models, i just suck at appying it evenly and get too impatient to let it dry. oh well. thats the last of projecct wingman guys for now, will probably move onto kitbashing ace combat guys for my imperial guards, since lord knows i dont wanna pay forgeworld prices or work with resin to get a couple of lightnings or avengers
@baldy-wan-kenobi @frogblast-the-ventcore
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bacony-cakes · 4 months
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idk if i posted these before but here is a military vehicle i made in spore
@frogblast-the-ventcore what do you think
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drunkenskunk · 4 months
So, this thing I've been working on:
The antagonists of this fake "transcript of a military operation gone horribly wrong" are called Impact Security Services Solutions. They're meant to be a bunch of bloodthirsty jarhead mercenary operator types. You know the sort: Shadow Company from the Calls of Duty, the hundreds of PMCs from the Metal Gear games, the faceless grunts in Trepang2, the Heavy Echo troopers from Bulletstorm... the list of these nameless, faceless operator grunts designed specifically for you to mow down by the hundreds and not feel bad goes on and on forever.
In my ongoing mission to start drawing again, I'm going to attempt - emphasis on attempt, mind you - to sketch out what these assholes are supposed to look like. Both to get a better handle on what their vibe is like and what they're all about beyond "bloodthirsty jarheads," but also because... I'm curious. How am I going to translate the nebulous, indistinct shapes in my head into something solid? What would they look like in the seconds before Tuera turns them all into chunky salsa?
Step one: come up with a list of hardware these mercenaries would potentially use, so I can find some good reference photos.
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I think I may need to call in a professional to help me out here. Hey @frogblast-the-ventcore, are you busy? Can you think of any cursed guns for a bunch of dipshit mercenaries to use?
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The Better Scorpion
I haven't touched a CAD program in years, and it shows in my work. I'm not happy with the results, but short of spending weeks working on this, it's the best I'll get.
Here it is @frogblast-the-ventcore, my redesigned Scorpion.
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The scale is off, the lines are jank, and I only have the side view; but it's here. Let me tell you what I changed.
It's now a Light Tank, not an MBT. Thew UNSC Marines seem to favor mobility over protection in all there other vehicles, so a lot was done to enhance that.
Size, she's much smaller now; 13 feet wide (less than half of the original), 10 feet tall, 25 feet long. Much easier to transport, via pelican or starship.
Crew (green zone), now 2 a driver and a gunner, both fully enclosed in the middle of the tank. Provided with thicker hatches (with an emergency backup release), advanced optics and sensors, and climate control.
Engine (Purple zone), 1000 hp unit in a slide out power pack design.
Weight, lowered to under 20 tons
Armor, similar to the M820 (they were able to shave off HALF the weight from the M808 to the M820 with out compromising on armor, they reduce it by 15 tons on a vehicle less the half the size here)
Main Gun (orange Zone), a 100mm Combustion Light Gas (CLG) gun, gasses in multiple self-sealing canisters with redundant blowout panels. Allows Sabot, Programmable Multi-Purpose (think XM 1147 AMP) and Rocket-propelled Guided rounds to be fired at vastly different velocities for increased effectiveness.
Ammo racks, Sabot held in internal carousel rack, RPG and PMP in rear turret racks with blowout panels
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fleshengine · 2 months
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I've been using this account for one whole month now since I had to vacate the old one and I've already made so many great memories. I've had leagues more interaction in just this month than I had in the entire year I was active on my previous account. I also beat it's follower count and I've made same great friends and met some cute smoochuals in that time. Thank you to everyone who's shown me support and spam reblogged me in that time. You're all absolutely insufferable and I love you for it.
tagging all my smoochuals because you all deserve a big smooch on the forehead for putting up with me.
@baldy-wan-kenobi @teamsieben @virtualgirladvance @apfsds @frogblast-the-ventcore @kullimos-the-despoiler @allyouneedismilk @girlbreeding @doodooass3 @fleshengineer @numbersareimaginary @ace-disgrace-on-the-case @halforchalfsister @godless-of-the-hunt @contemptible-scoundrel @adorablest-mutt @puppygirldick @t4t4t @greychan @faggotyuri and finally @finitestateai
also this is technically like... a day early. I just wanted it to show the one day with no notes and the one with a couple because that was the night I made the account :P
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Tonight, hopefully, I will actually begin Cyberpunk 2077.
Looking forward to this, thank you @baldy-wan-kenobi @frogblast-the-ventcore for bullying me into buying it :P
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baldy-wan-kenobi · 7 months
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